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Zora Weidkuhn (c) HSLU
Zora Weidkuhn

Teppichinseln als Zufluchtsorte vom Alltag

Zora Weidkuhns Teppiche erinnern an tropische Inseln und kommen mit einer Flaschenpost daher. Die Studentin gewann mit ihren Entwürfen einen Wettbewerb des Bachelor Textildesign der Hochschule Luzern und der Firma Kramis Teppich Design AG.

Auf den ersten Blick könnte man Zora Weidkuhns Teppiche mit Luftaufnahmen tropischer Inseln verwechseln: Da wuchert der Urwald, dort lädt der Strand zum Bad ein, und in der Mitte lockt ein Felsen mit Panoramablick. Der Name der Entwurfsserie lautet entsprechend "Ile mobile", die mobile Insel. "Meine Teppiche laden die Menschen zum Träumen ein. Sie dienen als Zufluchtsort vom Alltag, als 'safe space'", sagt die Baslerin, die an der HSLU im zweiten Jahr im Bachelor Textildesign studiert.

Zora Weidkuhns Teppiche erinnern an tropische Inseln und kommen mit einer Flaschenpost daher. Die Studentin gewann mit ihren Entwürfen einen Wettbewerb des Bachelor Textildesign der Hochschule Luzern und der Firma Kramis Teppich Design AG.

Auf den ersten Blick könnte man Zora Weidkuhns Teppiche mit Luftaufnahmen tropischer Inseln verwechseln: Da wuchert der Urwald, dort lädt der Strand zum Bad ein, und in der Mitte lockt ein Felsen mit Panoramablick. Der Name der Entwurfsserie lautet entsprechend "Ile mobile", die mobile Insel. "Meine Teppiche laden die Menschen zum Träumen ein. Sie dienen als Zufluchtsort vom Alltag, als 'safe space'", sagt die Baslerin, die an der HSLU im zweiten Jahr im Bachelor Textildesign studiert.

"Ile Mobile" entstand in einem gemeinsamen Projekt der Hochschule Luzern und der Kramis Teppich Design AG aus dem Luzernischen Altbüron. Zwölf Textildesign-Studierende der HSLU arbeiteten im Auftrag des Unternehmens zwei Monate lang an Entwürfen für eine Teppich-Kollektion. Ziel des Unterrichtsmoduls war es, ein möglichst langlebiges Produkt zu kreieren. Dieses soll die Käuferin oder den Käufer über viele Jahre hinweg begleiten; vom Kinderzimmer über die WG bis zur eigenen Wohnung.

Flaschenpost für die Kundschaft
Ende April führten Kramis und die HSLU einen Gestaltungswettbewerb durch, den "Ile Mobile" gewann. Jurymitglied Tim Kramis lobt indes alle Entwürfe. "Uns fiel die Wahl schwer", so der Leiter Sales & Marketing beim Teppichhersteller. Zora Weidkuhns Entwurfsserie entschied den Wettbewrb für sich, weil die Studentin neben der Gestaltung auch den Verkauf bedacht hatte.

Ihre Ideen:
- Ein "Ile Mobile"-Teppich besteht jeweils aus ovalen Elementen. Kundinnen und Kunden ordnen diese individuell an und kreiren so ihre eigene Insel. Alternativ wählen sie ein vorgegebenes Muster.

- Der Teppich wird zusammen mit einer Flaschenpost verkauft. Die Nachricht in der Flasche liefert Vorschläge für kleine Alltagsrituale; beispielweise einen kurzen morgendlichen Spaziergang über die Teppich-Insel.

Tim Kramis: "Beide Aspekte erhöhen die emotionale Bindung der Kundinnen und Kunden zu ihrem Teppich – und damit auch dessen Langlebigkeit."

Teppiche kommen in den Handel
Unternehmen im Textilbereich arbeiten regelmässig mit Textildesign-Studierenden der HSLU zusammen. "Es hat sich herumgesprochen, dass sie hochkarätige Ideen liefern und den Firmen helfen, eine junge Zielgruppe zu erschliessen", erläutert Dozentin und Projektleiterin Brigitt Egloff. Die beteiligten Studentinnen und Studenten wiederum unterzögen ihr Können einem Reality Check. "Sie stellen ihre Ideen dem Unternehmen in einem Pitch vor und besprechen deren Umsetzbarkeit auf dem Markt – ein ideales Training fürs spätere Berufsleben", so Egloff.

Die Kramis Teppich Design AG plant, Zora Weidkuhns Teppiche demnächst in den Handel zu bringen. "Wir präsentieren die Entwürfe derzeit unseren Verkaufspartnern", sagt Tim Kramis. Im Verlaufe des Sommers 2023 soll "Ile Mobile" in der Unternehmenszentrale in Altbüron ausgestellt werden.

(c) VeriVide

BTMA: VeriVide’s new UltraView booth

At ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14, BTMA member VeriVide will introduce UltraView – its first all-LED light booth for achieving a new level of consistent and standardised colour assessment.

The company’s light booths and lighting cabinets are specified by major global retailers around the world, who rely on them for establishing and maintaining visual quality standards across their supply chains.

This is no easy feat, given the textile industry’s complex structure and the many process stages each individual garment undertakes from the designer’s desk to the finished garment on the retail shelf – often criss-crossing several continents during the journey.

UltraView brings a range of sustainable new benefits to designers, mills and brands, and combined with VeriVide’s successful DigiEye system for non-contact colour measurement and digital imaging, can have a positive impact on a company’s bottom line, bringing savings in time, money and CO2 emissions.

At ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14, BTMA member VeriVide will introduce UltraView – its first all-LED light booth for achieving a new level of consistent and standardised colour assessment.

The company’s light booths and lighting cabinets are specified by major global retailers around the world, who rely on them for establishing and maintaining visual quality standards across their supply chains.

This is no easy feat, given the textile industry’s complex structure and the many process stages each individual garment undertakes from the designer’s desk to the finished garment on the retail shelf – often criss-crossing several continents during the journey.

UltraView brings a range of sustainable new benefits to designers, mills and brands, and combined with VeriVide’s successful DigiEye system for non-contact colour measurement and digital imaging, can have a positive impact on a company’s bottom line, bringing savings in time, money and CO2 emissions.

The new all-LED light booth meets all relevant international lighting and colour assessment standards. The UltraView incorporates the company’s A rated CIE D65 and CIE D50 artificial daylight light sources and includes multiple pre-set point of sale light sources while being fully tuneable for recalibration to the individual requirements of each customer. In the past, individual light booths have had to be dedicated to the stipulated settings of each specific customer’s switch sets. The rapid flexibility of UltraView, however, makes the need for multiple light booths a thing of the past.

It also eliminates the need for the regular bulb changes that were necessary with fluorescents, to provide significant energy savings.

As supply chains continue to move towards digitisation away from time-consuming and expensive physical sampling, a version of the UltraView, VisionView, is available with an internal monitor to enable physical samples to be compared with their digital versions, if required.

For non-contact colour measurement and digital imaging, VeriVide’s DigiEye collects and processes data that can be communicated and shared instantly, enabling manufacturers, producers and processors to speed up quality control, sustain product integrity and reduce waste.

DigiEye also overcomes the limitations of spectrophotometers, which are limited to products with a solid colour appearance and can only measure ‘average’ colour, assessing the limited area of the product exposed in the instrument’s aperture.

These limitations are further compounded if the product has any form of multi-coloured characteristics or appearance, an uneven or inconsistent surface, a colour area too small to be captured by the instrument or any sort of surface effect, such as carpet pile and the sheen of satin and silk.

(c) INDA

INDA releases North American Nonwoven Materials Annual Study

INDA, the Association of the Nonwovens Fabrics Industry, announces the publication of a new study, North American Nonwoven Materials Annual Study 2022.

Based on actual surveys and interviews with producers, enhancing the accuracy and relevance, this study tracks machine additions, closures, and productivity improvements. This study is the industry benchmark for capacity and production information for North America and provides an estimate of operating rates, based on nameplate machine capacity, through the year 2022. The 72-page study contains 43 figures and 11 tables.

Findings from this year’s study include:

INDA, the Association of the Nonwovens Fabrics Industry, announces the publication of a new study, North American Nonwoven Materials Annual Study 2022.

Based on actual surveys and interviews with producers, enhancing the accuracy and relevance, this study tracks machine additions, closures, and productivity improvements. This study is the industry benchmark for capacity and production information for North America and provides an estimate of operating rates, based on nameplate machine capacity, through the year 2022. The 72-page study contains 43 figures and 11 tables.

Findings from this year’s study include:

  • North American capacity continues to increase with investments being made across all the processes and for a variety of end-uses. The industry’s nameplate capacity utilization has increased year-over-year, for the fifth consecutive year.
  • In 2022, capacity of nonwovens in North America reached 5.565 million tonnes, an increase from the previous year of 2.4% (net growth of 128,700 tonnes) and an improvement over the previous year’s growth rate of 1.8%.
  • North American imports, in tonnage, decreased 24.3% in 2022 and exports decreased 16.3% due to market stabilization after COVID. Nonwoven production tends to stay within the region, so the net trade balance (imports less exports) accounted for less than 5.5% of the region’s capacity.
More information:
INDA nonwovens North America study



Renewcell receives Drapers Sustainable Textile Innovation Award

Renewcell was announced winner of the Sustainable Textile Innovation category of the annual Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards in London. Drapers, the influential British fashion industry magazine, highlighted that CIRCULOSE® is already in use by global fashion brands, and will continue to a solution for the textile to textile recycling within the fashion industry.

“It is an honor to receive the Sustainable Textile Innovation award from such a prestigious fashion industry publication. Drapers clearly supports the development of solutions the fashion industry so desperately needs, as well as connecting the textile and apparel industry. CIRCULOSE® makes fashion circular by producing a dissolving pulp using 100% textile waste providing the same level of handfeel and quality as virgin materials with no compromise to make fashion circular,” says Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell.

Renewcell was announced winner of the Sustainable Textile Innovation category of the annual Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards in London. Drapers, the influential British fashion industry magazine, highlighted that CIRCULOSE® is already in use by global fashion brands, and will continue to a solution for the textile to textile recycling within the fashion industry.

“It is an honor to receive the Sustainable Textile Innovation award from such a prestigious fashion industry publication. Drapers clearly supports the development of solutions the fashion industry so desperately needs, as well as connecting the textile and apparel industry. CIRCULOSE® makes fashion circular by producing a dissolving pulp using 100% textile waste providing the same level of handfeel and quality as virgin materials with no compromise to make fashion circular,” says Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell.

In November 2022, Renewcell opened the first industrial scale recycling facility in Sundsvall, Sweden with production of CIRCULOSE®. In partnership with leading global brands like H&M, Inditex, PVH, Levi’s, and others, Renewcell plans to grow its capacity to 360,000 metric tonnes of annual production by 2030.


Re:NewCell AB

(c) Epson

Epson: Neuer Drucker für komplexe Designs auf Textilien

Epson hat auf der diesjährigen Fespa an seinem Stand seinen neuen DTG-Drucker SureColor SC-F2200 vorgestellt. Der neue SureColor SC-F2200 wurde speziell für die Bedürfnisse von Start-ups und Unternehmen mit bis zu mittelgroßen Auflagen entworfen, die für ihre Produktionslinien Flexibilität sowie hohe Präzision bei niedrigen Durchlaufzeiten erwarten.

Der SureColor SC-F2200 wurde speziell für den Druck komplexer Designs auf vielen Textilien entwickelt. Seine Epson PrecisionCore MicroTFP Druckköpfe sorgen für eine hohe Druckgeschwindigkeit, was sich in einer Produktivitätssteigerung von bis zu 25 Prozent  gegenüber seinem Vorgängermodell SC-F2100 niederschlägt. Dabei wird die ohnehin schon gute Druckqualität des F2100 noch verbessert.

Sein kompaktes Design und flache Oberseite ermöglichen seinen Aufbau auch in beengten Umgebungen. Im Lieferumfang enthalten ist Software Epson GarmentCreator Version 2, die zusätzliche Designmöglichkeiten eröffnet. So erlaubt sie nicht nur die Wahl zwischen DTG- und DTF-Film-Druck, sondern verbessert auch die Wiedergabe feiner Linien und kleiner Schriften.

Epson hat auf der diesjährigen Fespa an seinem Stand seinen neuen DTG-Drucker SureColor SC-F2200 vorgestellt. Der neue SureColor SC-F2200 wurde speziell für die Bedürfnisse von Start-ups und Unternehmen mit bis zu mittelgroßen Auflagen entworfen, die für ihre Produktionslinien Flexibilität sowie hohe Präzision bei niedrigen Durchlaufzeiten erwarten.

Der SureColor SC-F2200 wurde speziell für den Druck komplexer Designs auf vielen Textilien entwickelt. Seine Epson PrecisionCore MicroTFP Druckköpfe sorgen für eine hohe Druckgeschwindigkeit, was sich in einer Produktivitätssteigerung von bis zu 25 Prozent  gegenüber seinem Vorgängermodell SC-F2100 niederschlägt. Dabei wird die ohnehin schon gute Druckqualität des F2100 noch verbessert.

Sein kompaktes Design und flache Oberseite ermöglichen seinen Aufbau auch in beengten Umgebungen. Im Lieferumfang enthalten ist Software Epson GarmentCreator Version 2, die zusätzliche Designmöglichkeiten eröffnet. So erlaubt sie nicht nur die Wahl zwischen DTG- und DTF-Film-Druck, sondern verbessert auch die Wiedergabe feiner Linien und kleiner Schriften.

Der SC-F2200 bietet eine Reihe weiterer Funktionen für eine einfache Bedienung. Dies ermöglicht es Unternehmen, auch ohne spezialisiertes Personal ein hohes Produktions- und Qualitätsniveau zu erzielen. Der Status eines Druckauftrages kann mithilfe des transparenten Deckels sowie der integrierten Beleuchtung jederzeit und unkompliziert kontrolliert werden. Das Gerät lässt sich über einen 4,3 Zoll (10,9 cm) großen Touchscreen intuitiv bedienen. Dank der automatischen Höhenverstellung des Druckbereiches arbeitet der SC-F2200 bei nur minimalen Eingriffen des Benutzers zuverlässig. Selbst der Bedruck dicker Kleidungsstücke wird auf diese Weise schnell und einfach erreicht, weil sich die Höhe der Druckfläche auch von Hand verstellen lässt.


Epson Deutschland GmbH

(c) Hologenix

CELLIANT® with REPREVE® wins third Consecutive Award

CELLIANT® with REPREVE®, introduced by Hologenix with global textile solutions provider UNIFI®, makers of REPREVE®, has been awarded a Top 5 Selection in the Accelerated Eco category of the Spring/Summer ISPO Textrends 2025 Awards.

Last fall CELLIANT with REPREVE was also awarded a Selection in the Fibers & Insulation Category of the ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2024/2025. In addition, in the spring the fiber was shortlisted in the Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2023 Awards in the Sustainable Textile Innovation category.

Twice a year, ISPO recognizes innovative fibers, fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. Both companies are excited that this innovation, whereby CELLIANT infrared (IR) technology is embedded into REPREVE, a brand of recycled fiber, has achieved these honors. CELLIANT with REPREVE is a performance fiber made from recycled materials that have been enhanced with IR technology to provide wellness benefits to the consumer.  

CELLIANT® with REPREVE®, introduced by Hologenix with global textile solutions provider UNIFI®, makers of REPREVE®, has been awarded a Top 5 Selection in the Accelerated Eco category of the Spring/Summer ISPO Textrends 2025 Awards.

Last fall CELLIANT with REPREVE was also awarded a Selection in the Fibers & Insulation Category of the ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2024/2025. In addition, in the spring the fiber was shortlisted in the Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2023 Awards in the Sustainable Textile Innovation category.

Twice a year, ISPO recognizes innovative fibers, fabrics and components that are used to manufacture sports apparel. Both companies are excited that this innovation, whereby CELLIANT infrared (IR) technology is embedded into REPREVE, a brand of recycled fiber, has achieved these honors. CELLIANT with REPREVE is a performance fiber made from recycled materials that have been enhanced with IR technology to provide wellness benefits to the consumer.  

CELLIANT is a natural blend of IR-generating bioceramic minerals, which, when embedded into textiles, allows them to convert body heat into infrared energy, returning it to the body and temporarily increasing local circulation and cellular oxygenation. This aids in muscle recovery, increases endurance, and improves overall performance in healthy individuals, among other benefits.
REPREVE recycled performance fiber consists of high-quality fibers made from 100% recycled materials, including post-consumer plastic bottles and pre-consumer waste. It is also certified and traceable with UNIFI’s U TRUST® verification and FiberPrint™ technology, which provide assurance that the product comes from recycled materials. Compared to virgin fiber, REPREVE helps to offset the use of petroleum, conserving water and energy and emitting fewer greenhouse gasses.

This award marks the third year in a row that Hologenix has had its CELLIANT technology recognized in the ISPO Textrends Awards. CELLIANT in pure white was a Top Ten Winner in 2022. The prior year, CELLIANT Viscose was a Selection Winner as well. 


Hologenix, LLC

(c) Hohenstein
In May 2023, Markus Tiemann, Hohenstein Global Head of Retail, had the pleasure of handing over the first quality certificate of its kind to Bernd Brunssen, pictured here on the right, Head of Quality Assurance at Carstensen Import Export Handelsgesellschaft mbH.

First Hohenstein Quality Label Tested Pet Supplies awarded

To ensure that our four-legged pets are looked after in terms of product safety, quality and durability of their cuddly blankets, cushions or favorite toys, the testing service provider Hohenstein has established its quality label Tested Pet Supplies. In May 2023, Markus Tiemann, Hohenstein Global Head of Retail, had the pleasure of handing over the first quality certificate of its kind to Bernd Brunssen, Head of Quality Assurance at Carstensen Import Export Handelsgesellschaft mbH, located near Hamburg.

The bar for quality products is set high at the globally networked importer and distributor, and the company accordingly commissioned product-testing with Hohenstein testing laboratory from its existing range of dog cushions, toys for dogs and cats, pet transport boxes and food balls for dogs and cats.

To ensure that our four-legged pets are looked after in terms of product safety, quality and durability of their cuddly blankets, cushions or favorite toys, the testing service provider Hohenstein has established its quality label Tested Pet Supplies. In May 2023, Markus Tiemann, Hohenstein Global Head of Retail, had the pleasure of handing over the first quality certificate of its kind to Bernd Brunssen, Head of Quality Assurance at Carstensen Import Export Handelsgesellschaft mbH, located near Hamburg.

The bar for quality products is set high at the globally networked importer and distributor, and the company accordingly commissioned product-testing with Hohenstein testing laboratory from its existing range of dog cushions, toys for dogs and cats, pet transport boxes and food balls for dogs and cats.

The label is designed for the entire range in pet supplies, from chew toys to pet beds, with special attention to the high requirements for textiles. It provides consumers with clear product information on product safety, quality and durability, and also offers pets and their owners security against unwanted residues of chemical substances. Markus Tiemann adds, "To ensure that our four-legged darlings feel completely at ease, we can, depending on the intended use also include additional tests for example chew resistance, scratch resistance, outdoor suitability, water repellency, waterproofness or air permeability and include these in the claim, alongside standard tests."



Photo: Munich Fabric Start


The fully booked international denim trade show BLUEZONE will celebrate its anniversary. More than 100 denim and sportswear specialists will transform Munich's Zenith area into a blue hotspot on this summer's early July date, which has been repositioned for the first time. Parallel to MUNICH FABRIC START and THE SOURCE and with a supporting program that is as full to the brim as it is relevant, the area on Munich's Lilienthalallee will become the hub of the international fashion community.

2023 is not only BLUEZONE's anniversary year: this summer marks the 150th anniversary of the patenting of jeans, Orta celebrates its 70th birthday in 2023 and denim icon Ruedi Karrer celebrates the 50th of his "The Jeans Museum" in Zurich. Vicunha is celebrating its 55th birthday. BLUEZONE therefore pays tribute to denim in all its facets. CONNEXXION is the appropriate leitmotif of the upcoming event.

The fully booked international denim trade show BLUEZONE will celebrate its anniversary. More than 100 denim and sportswear specialists will transform Munich's Zenith area into a blue hotspot on this summer's early July date, which has been repositioned for the first time. Parallel to MUNICH FABRIC START and THE SOURCE and with a supporting program that is as full to the brim as it is relevant, the area on Munich's Lilienthalallee will become the hub of the international fashion community.

2023 is not only BLUEZONE's anniversary year: this summer marks the 150th anniversary of the patenting of jeans, Orta celebrates its 70th birthday in 2023 and denim icon Ruedi Karrer celebrates the 50th of his "The Jeans Museum" in Zurich. Vicunha is celebrating its 55th birthday. BLUEZONE therefore pays tribute to denim in all its facets. CONNEXXION is the appropriate leitmotif of the upcoming event.

"We have a line-up that will almost break the two days: in addition to internationally relevant and well-known exhibitors such as Calik, Denim Authority, Isko, Kurabo, Naveena Denim, NDL, Orta, Royo, Saitex and Sharabati among many others, we will have a 360° degree denim experience park in the completely booked Zenith Area", says Frank Junker, Creative Director & Partner, Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH. What visitors can expect here, among other things: two seminar sessions by the Transformers Foundation as well as panels and talks with Women in Denim, Mohsin Sajid and The 5 Denim Senses by AMD Düsseldorf, plus installations such as the photo exhibition "The World's best Denim Fades" by Bryan Szabo, founder of the Indigo Invitational, the exhibition by designer Ksenia Schnaider and a special presentation by "The Jeans Museum" Zurich, through which Ruedi Karrer himself will give guided tours.

For the first time, BLUEZONE will take place this summer on the new, earlier dates of July 18 and 19 and not at the end of August / beginning of September as in the past. With this step forward in terms of dates, MUNICH FABRIC START and BLUEZONE are reacting to changed order and collection rhythms and will position themselves in the future at the beginning of the purchasing and sourcing phase.

To this end, the exclusive VIEW Premium Selection, also organized by Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH, will move to the previous MFS date and on September 13 and 14 - then for the first time also on the Zenith grounds - will offer the market an additional, later ordering opportunity as RE:VIEW.


Munich Fabric Start

Photo: AVK

AVK: Successful Flame Retardancy Conference in Berlin

  • Flame Retardancy for Composites Applications in the Transport Sector

On 10-11 May 2023, the AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. in cooperation with the FGK - Forschungsgesellschaft Kunststoffe e.V. in Berlin organised for the first time an international, English-language conference on flame retardancy.

In 18 compact lectures, more than 20 experts informed nearly 80 participants about new developments, requirements and innovations regarding specific flame retardant properties of components made of fibre-reinforced plastics/composites for the transport sector.

Among others, there were presentations by industry representatives from Saertex, BÜFA, Clariant, Diehl Aviation and Airbus, but also from institutes such as the Fraunhofer Institutes or the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. Presentations on the topics of standardisation, raw materials, automotive or recycling were on the agenda, but also flame retardants for connectors and battery housings for electric vehicles or fire-retardant systems for rail vehicles or fire-retardant CFRP made from recycled CF nonwoven were presented.

  • Flame Retardancy for Composites Applications in the Transport Sector

On 10-11 May 2023, the AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. in cooperation with the FGK - Forschungsgesellschaft Kunststoffe e.V. in Berlin organised for the first time an international, English-language conference on flame retardancy.

In 18 compact lectures, more than 20 experts informed nearly 80 participants about new developments, requirements and innovations regarding specific flame retardant properties of components made of fibre-reinforced plastics/composites for the transport sector.

Among others, there were presentations by industry representatives from Saertex, BÜFA, Clariant, Diehl Aviation and Airbus, but also from institutes such as the Fraunhofer Institutes or the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. Presentations on the topics of standardisation, raw materials, automotive or recycling were on the agenda, but also flame retardants for connectors and battery housings for electric vehicles or fire-retardant systems for rail vehicles or fire-retardant CFRP made from recycled CF nonwoven were presented.

More information:
AVK Composites flame retardant


Photo: CHT

BEZAKTIV ONE: New Reactive dyes range by CHT

  • Reactive dyes for water and energy saving dye processes with significantly shortened process time

BEZAKTIV ONE covers a broad color spectrum with tinctorial very strong dyes. This enables a cost-efficient dye process with significantly less dye and salt. The excellent wash-off behavior allows short rinse cycles at lower temperatures and therefore offers further ecological and economic advantages. The dyes are particularly suitable for durable textiles due to their good multiple wash fastness.

Cellulosic fibers are often dyed with reactive dyes, as these are commercially available in a wide range of colors that result in dyeings with high wash fastness. However, reactive dyeings require a lot of water due to the necessary rinsing processes. Due to increased ecological requirements, the development of energy and water saving processes is not just a trend, but rather a core prerequisite for new dyes.

A minimal number of rinsing baths and generally lower temperatures for dye exhaust, rinsing and soaping contribute to an overall efficient water and energy saving dyeing processes.

  • Reactive dyes for water and energy saving dye processes with significantly shortened process time

BEZAKTIV ONE covers a broad color spectrum with tinctorial very strong dyes. This enables a cost-efficient dye process with significantly less dye and salt. The excellent wash-off behavior allows short rinse cycles at lower temperatures and therefore offers further ecological and economic advantages. The dyes are particularly suitable for durable textiles due to their good multiple wash fastness.

Cellulosic fibers are often dyed with reactive dyes, as these are commercially available in a wide range of colors that result in dyeings with high wash fastness. However, reactive dyeings require a lot of water due to the necessary rinsing processes. Due to increased ecological requirements, the development of energy and water saving processes is not just a trend, but rather a core prerequisite for new dyes.

A minimal number of rinsing baths and generally lower temperatures for dye exhaust, rinsing and soaping contribute to an overall efficient water and energy saving dyeing processes.

BEZAKTIV ONE dyes can be dyed, rinsed and soaped between 40 and 60 °C. Therefore, the BEZAKTIV ONE exhaust dyeing process is significantly shorter compared to conventional reactive dyeing processes, where temperatures between 60 and 98 °C are required. This advantage means savings in process time and higher productivity for the textile dyer.

The advantages become particularly clear when dyeing medium to dark shades with the BEZAKTIV ONE process. Due to the high fixation level in combination with good color build-up dark shades can be matched with lower dye concentrations of BEZAKTIV ONE than with conventional bifunctional reactive dyes. The addition of the auxiliary COTOBLANC SEL in the second soap bath has an additional positive effect, so that a washing process with low water and energy consumption generates excellent wet fastness properties on the textile.


INDA releases new North American Nonwoven Materials Annual Study

INDA, the Association of the Nonwovens Fabrics Industry, announces the publication of a new study, North American Nonwoven Materials Annual Study 2022.

Based on actual surveys and interviews with producers, enhancing the accuracy and relevance, this study tracks machine additions, closures, and productivity improvements. This study is the industry benchmark for capacity and production information for North America and the only publication that provides an estimate of operating rates, based on nameplate machine capacity, through the year 2022. The 72-page study contains 43 figures and 11 tables.

“An element of INDA’s mission is to provide credible statistics to the nonwovens and engineered materials industry,” said Tony Fragnito, INDA President. “Our objective is to continually improve the quality of data and industry information. We feel the industry will greatly benefit from this in-depth resource for strategic planning and investment purposes,” Fragnito added.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwovens Fabrics Industry, announces the publication of a new study, North American Nonwoven Materials Annual Study 2022.

Based on actual surveys and interviews with producers, enhancing the accuracy and relevance, this study tracks machine additions, closures, and productivity improvements. This study is the industry benchmark for capacity and production information for North America and the only publication that provides an estimate of operating rates, based on nameplate machine capacity, through the year 2022. The 72-page study contains 43 figures and 11 tables.

“An element of INDA’s mission is to provide credible statistics to the nonwovens and engineered materials industry,” said Tony Fragnito, INDA President. “Our objective is to continually improve the quality of data and industry information. We feel the industry will greatly benefit from this in-depth resource for strategic planning and investment purposes,” Fragnito added.

The complete study is provided to producers who supplied key metrics. The Executive Summary, an overview of the findings and implications, will be offered to current INDA members on a complimentary basis.

The detailed study is available for purchase, with members receiving a discount.

Findings from this year’s study include:

  • North American capacity continues to increase with investments being made across all the processes and for a variety of end-uses. The industry’s nameplate capacity utilization has increased year-over-year, for the fifth consecutive year.
  • In 2022, capacity of nonwovens in North America reached 5.565 million tonnes, an increase from the previous year of 2.4% (net growth of 128,700 tonnes) and an improvement over the previous year’s growth rate of 1.8%.
  • North American imports, in tonnage, decreased 24.3% in 2022 and exports decreased 16.3% due to market stabilization after COVID. Nonwoven production tends to stay within the region, so the net trade balance (imports less exports) accounted for less than 5.5% of the region’s capacity.

“2022 was a period of economic adjustment and stabilization,” said Mark Snider, Chief Market & Industry Analyst. “We’re seeing a controlled and consistent transition back to pre-pandemic levels of nonwoven growth.”

More information:
INDA nonwovens study

INDA, Association of the Nonwovens Fabrics Industry


BEZAKTIV ONE: Neues Reaktivfarbstoff-Sortiment von CHT

  • Reaktivfarbstoffe für wasser- und energiesparende Färbeprozesse mit stark verkürzten Prozesszeiten

BEZAKTIV ONE deckt ein breites Spektrum an außergewöhnlich starken Farbstoffen ab. Dies ermöglicht kosteneffiziente Färbeprozesse mit weniger Farbstoff und Salz. Das ausgezeichnete Auswaschverhalten ermöglicht kurze Spülprozesse bei tiefer Temperatur und bietet dadurch einen weiteren ökonomischen und ökologischen Vorteil. Die Farbstoffe eignen sich durch ihre gute Mehrfachwaschechtheit besonders für langlebige Textilien.

Zellulosefasern werden häufig mit Reaktivfarbstoffen gefärbt, da diese in einer Vielzahl von Farben kommerziell erhältlich sind und Färbungen mit hoher Waschechtheit ergeben. Reaktivfärbungen benötigen durch die notwendigen Spülprozesse jedoch viel Wasser. Aufgrund der gestiegenen ökologischen Anforderungen ist die Entwicklung energie- und wassersparender Verfahren eine Kernanforderung an neue Farbstoffe.

Eine minimale Anzahl von Spülbädern und generell niedrigere Temperaturen der Färbe-, Spül- und Seifbäder tragen zu effizienten wasser- und energiesparenden Färbeprozessen bei.

  • Reaktivfarbstoffe für wasser- und energiesparende Färbeprozesse mit stark verkürzten Prozesszeiten

BEZAKTIV ONE deckt ein breites Spektrum an außergewöhnlich starken Farbstoffen ab. Dies ermöglicht kosteneffiziente Färbeprozesse mit weniger Farbstoff und Salz. Das ausgezeichnete Auswaschverhalten ermöglicht kurze Spülprozesse bei tiefer Temperatur und bietet dadurch einen weiteren ökonomischen und ökologischen Vorteil. Die Farbstoffe eignen sich durch ihre gute Mehrfachwaschechtheit besonders für langlebige Textilien.

Zellulosefasern werden häufig mit Reaktivfarbstoffen gefärbt, da diese in einer Vielzahl von Farben kommerziell erhältlich sind und Färbungen mit hoher Waschechtheit ergeben. Reaktivfärbungen benötigen durch die notwendigen Spülprozesse jedoch viel Wasser. Aufgrund der gestiegenen ökologischen Anforderungen ist die Entwicklung energie- und wassersparender Verfahren eine Kernanforderung an neue Farbstoffe.

Eine minimale Anzahl von Spülbädern und generell niedrigere Temperaturen der Färbe-, Spül- und Seifbäder tragen zu effizienten wasser- und energiesparenden Färbeprozessen bei.

BEZAKTIV ONE Farbstoffe können zwischen 40 und 60 °C gefärbt, gespült und geseift werden. Daher ist der Ausziehfärbeprozess im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Reaktivfärbeverfahren, bei denen Temperaturen zwischen 60 und 98 °C erforderlich sind, deutlich kürzer. Dieser Vorteil bedeutet für den Textilfärber Einsparungen bei der Prozesszeit und eine höhere Produktivität.

Besonders deutlich werden die Vorteile des Verfahrens bei mittleren bis dunklen Farbtönen. Durch die Kombination von hohem Fixiergrad und gutem Farbaufbau können insbesondere dunkle Nuancen mit geringeren Farbstoff-Einsatzmengen als mit herkömmlichen bifunktionellen Reaktivfarbstoffen erreicht werden. Durch die Zugabe des Hilfsmittels COTOBLANC SEL im zweiten Seifbad ergibt sich ein zusätzlicher positiver Effekt, so dass ein Waschprozess mit geringem Wasser- und Energieaufwand zu hervorragenden Nassechtheiten auf dem Textil führt.



bluezone Foto: Munich Fabric Start


Am 18. und 19. Juli 2023 feiert die ausgebuchte, internationale Denim Trade Show BLUEZONE runden Geburtstag. Über 100 Denim- und Sportswear-Spezialisten verwandeln an dem neu positionierten, frühen Juli-Termin die Münchener Zenith- Area in einen blauen Hotspot. Parallel zu MUNICH FABRIC START und THE SOURCE und mit einem umfangreichen Rahmenprogramm wird das Gelände an der Münchener Lilienthalallee zum Treffpunkt der internationalen Fashion Community.

2023 ist nicht nur das Jubiläumsjahr der BLUEZONE: Die Patentierung der Jeans jährt sich zum 150. Mal, Orta feiert 2023 seinen 70. Geburtstag und Denim-Ikone Ruedi Karrer begeht den 50. seines The Jeans Museum in Zürich. Vicunha feiert den 55. Geburtstag. Die BLUEZONE würdigt deshalb Denim in allen Facetten. CONNEXXION lautet deshalb das Leitmotiv der kommenden Veranstaltung.

Am 18. und 19. Juli 2023 feiert die ausgebuchte, internationale Denim Trade Show BLUEZONE runden Geburtstag. Über 100 Denim- und Sportswear-Spezialisten verwandeln an dem neu positionierten, frühen Juli-Termin die Münchener Zenith- Area in einen blauen Hotspot. Parallel zu MUNICH FABRIC START und THE SOURCE und mit einem umfangreichen Rahmenprogramm wird das Gelände an der Münchener Lilienthalallee zum Treffpunkt der internationalen Fashion Community.

2023 ist nicht nur das Jubiläumsjahr der BLUEZONE: Die Patentierung der Jeans jährt sich zum 150. Mal, Orta feiert 2023 seinen 70. Geburtstag und Denim-Ikone Ruedi Karrer begeht den 50. seines The Jeans Museum in Zürich. Vicunha feiert den 55. Geburtstag. Die BLUEZONE würdigt deshalb Denim in allen Facetten. CONNEXXION lautet deshalb das Leitmotiv der kommenden Veranstaltung.

„Wir haben ein Line-Up, das die zwei Tage fast sprengt: Neben international relevanten und namenhaften Ausstellern wie Calik, Denim Authority, Isko, Kurabo, Naveena Denim, NDL, Orta, Royo, Saitex und Sharabati werden wir in der komplett ausgebuchten Zenith-Area einen 360° Grad Denim-Erlebnispark haben,“ so Frank Junker, Creative Director & Partner, Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH. Was die Besucher hier unter anderem erwartet: zwei Seminarsessions der Transformers Foundation sowie Panels und Talks mit Women in Denim, Mohsin Sajid und The 5 Denim Senses der AMD Düsseldorf, zusätzlich Installationen wie die Fotoausstellung „The World‘s best Denim Fades“ von Bryan Szabo, Gründer der Indigo Invitational, die Ausstellung der Designerin Ksenia Schnaider und eine Sonderpräsentation des „The Jeans Museum“ Zürich, durch die Ruedi Karrer Führungen geben wird.

Erstmals wird die BLUEZONE in diesem Sommer zu einem früheren Daten am 18. und 19. Juli stattfinden und nicht wie in der Vergangenheit Ende August / Anfang September. Mit diesem terminlichen Schritt reagieren MUNICH FABRIC START und BLUEZONE auf veränderte Order- und Kollektionsrhythmen und positionieren sich zukünftig zu Beginn der Einkaufs- und Sourcingphase.

Dafür rückt die ebenfalls von der Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH veranstaltete, exklusive VIEW Premium Selection auf den bisherigen MFS-Termin und wird am 13. und 14. September – dann erstmals ebenfalls auf dem Zenith-Gelände – dem Markt als RE:VIEW eine zusätzliche, spätere Ordermöglichkeit anbieten.


Munich Fabric Start

Capsule collection using recycled materials and kinder wash processes Photo ISKO

By Urban Outfitters & ISKO Denim: Capsule collection using recycled materials and kinder wash processes

BDG [By Urban Outfitters] and the denim mill, ISKO have come together to develop a 10-piece collection made up of workwear-inspired denim pieces with finishing designs by British Artist, Dwayne Coleman.

Partnering with ISKO, Urban Outfitters has developed more sustainable denim pieces for this collaboration, utilizing recycled cotton yarns made from cutting waste. All pieces are washed using innovative technology to reduce the chemical, water, and energy footprint so that each item has a low environmental impact score. The development of these washes were done with the help of ISKO’s Creative Room London. The collection features an innovative style that uses no virgin cotton, and yet the authenticity and durability remains the same.

BDG [By Urban Outfitters] and the denim mill, ISKO have come together to develop a 10-piece collection made up of workwear-inspired denim pieces with finishing designs by British Artist, Dwayne Coleman.

Partnering with ISKO, Urban Outfitters has developed more sustainable denim pieces for this collaboration, utilizing recycled cotton yarns made from cutting waste. All pieces are washed using innovative technology to reduce the chemical, water, and energy footprint so that each item has a low environmental impact score. The development of these washes were done with the help of ISKO’s Creative Room London. The collection features an innovative style that uses no virgin cotton, and yet the authenticity and durability remains the same.

The collaboration incorporates the principles of circular design, including minimal wash processing, recycled cotton content, minimal metal trims and removable shank buttons. The styles are designed to last, and after many wears they will be readily recyclable for their next life. Urban Outfitters are members of Better Cotton whose mission is to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment as part of the brand's wider sustainability initiatives.


Menabo for ISKO



SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, will be participating in the International Textile Machinery Association exhibition (ITMA 2023) in Milan, Italy this June.

The Next-Generation group of machines is represented by the letter ‘R,’ first used in the SWG-XR WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine launched last year in time for SHIMA SEIKI's 60th Anniversary event. The SWG-XR name is based on the original SWG-X four-needlebed WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine which debuted at the Milan ITMA in 1995. As ITMA returns to Milan, SWG-XR refers to its origin as a pioneering invention that launched a new genre of seam-free knits produced in one entire piece. At the same time it represents a renewal of SHIMA SEIKI's commitment to its customers, the industry and the environment, as all aspects of the machine were re-evaluated in terms of its purpose, the way it is manufactured, how it is used and how it impacts the environment. The same renewal has been applied to the rest of the company's product lineup, and it is this renewal that becomes the core of SHIMA SEIKI's exhibition concept for ITMA 2023: "Reborn."

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, will be participating in the International Textile Machinery Association exhibition (ITMA 2023) in Milan, Italy this June.

The Next-Generation group of machines is represented by the letter ‘R,’ first used in the SWG-XR WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine launched last year in time for SHIMA SEIKI's 60th Anniversary event. The SWG-XR name is based on the original SWG-X four-needlebed WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machine which debuted at the Milan ITMA in 1995. As ITMA returns to Milan, SWG-XR refers to its origin as a pioneering invention that launched a new genre of seam-free knits produced in one entire piece. At the same time it represents a renewal of SHIMA SEIKI's commitment to its customers, the industry and the environment, as all aspects of the machine were re-evaluated in terms of its purpose, the way it is manufactured, how it is used and how it impacts the environment. The same renewal has been applied to the rest of the company's product lineup, and it is this renewal that becomes the core of SHIMA SEIKI's exhibition concept for ITMA 2023: "Reborn."

Of the 9 knitting machines SHIMA SEIKI is exhibiting, 8 machines will be part of the Next-Generation lineup, ranging from WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machines and computerized flat knitting machines to glove knitting machines. More than 300 items will be on display as proposals for knitted applications in various fields ranging from fashion, sports, shoes, bags and accessories to medical, safety, automotive, aeronautical and other wearable and industrial textile applications.

In addition to machine technology, SHIMA SEIKI's SDS-ONE APEX series computer graphic design system and software will be shown with their latest software upgrades that feature significant improvements in knit programming, 3D functions and speed. Demonstrations will be available for a comprehensive fashion tech solutions package based on realistic virtual sampling and supported by various digital solutions and web services.

More information:
Shima Seiki ITMA 2023 ITMA


(c) BVMed

BVMed: 5-Punkte-Plan zum Medizintechnik-Standort Deutschland

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) fordert in einem 5-Punkte-Plan Maßnahmen für die im Koalitionsvertrag vorgesehene Stärkung des Medizintechnik-Standorts Deutschlands. Zu den Forderungen des deutschen Medizintechnik-Verbandes gehören eine beauftragte Person der Bundesregierung für die industrielle Gesundheitswirtschaft, eine Stärkung der Resilienz und der Lieferketten, ein Belastungsmoratorium und Entbürokratisierungs-Offensive für die KMU-geprägte Branche, Fast-Track-Verfahren für Innovationen mit klaren Fristen sowie einfache Anerkennungsverfahren für benötigte Fachkräfte.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) fordert in einem 5-Punkte-Plan Maßnahmen für die im Koalitionsvertrag vorgesehene Stärkung des Medizintechnik-Standorts Deutschlands. Zu den Forderungen des deutschen Medizintechnik-Verbandes gehören eine beauftragte Person der Bundesregierung für die industrielle Gesundheitswirtschaft, eine Stärkung der Resilienz und der Lieferketten, ein Belastungsmoratorium und Entbürokratisierungs-Offensive für die KMU-geprägte Branche, Fast-Track-Verfahren für Innovationen mit klaren Fristen sowie einfache Anerkennungsverfahren für benötigte Fachkräfte.

Der BVMed-Vorstandsvorsitzende Dr. Meinrad Lugan bezeichnete die Medizintechnik-Branche als „Aushängeschild für die deutsche Wirtschaft“: „Wir sind Innovationstreiber. Wir sind Jobmotor. Wir haben Hidden Champions und sind Exportweltmeister. Wir haben 93 Prozent Mittelstand. Für Deutschland steht viel auf dem Spiel. Denn: Der Medizintechnik-Standort Deutschland ist stark gefährdet.“ Das liege neben den massiv gestiegenen Kosten für Energie, Rohstoffe und Logistik sowie Inflation und steigende Löhne vor allem an „hausgemachten Problemen“: Sehr kompliziertes regulatorisches System für Medizinprodukte, überbordende Bürokratisierung und Regulierungswut sowie schleppende Digitalisierung im Gesundheitssystem und mangelnde Datennutzung. „Wir senden damit keine Signale für einen innovationsfreundlichen Standort aus“, so Lugan. Er fordert: „Um Top-Talente im Land zu halten und Innovationen hier zu entwickeln, brauchen wir bessere Rahmenbedingungen!“.

Der 5-Punkte-Plan des BVMed sieht unter anderem vor:

1. Beauftragte Person der Bundesregierung für die industrielle Gesundheitswirtschaft
Für eine gut koordinierte MedTech-Branchenstrategie „aus einem Guss“, muss die ressortübergreifende Zusammenarbeit verbessert werden. Der BVMed fordert daher die Benennung einer beauftragten Person der Bundesregierung für die industrielle Gesundheitswirtschaft sowie die Stärkung der Abteilung Gesundheitswirtschaft im Bundeswirtschaftsministerium.

2. Resilienz und Lieferketten stärken
Der BVMed spricht sich für einen „systemischen und strategischen Ansatz“ aus, um die Resilienz des deutschen Gesundheitssystems und die Lieferketten zu stärken. Dazu gehören eine bessere Einbeziehung der MedTech-Branche in die Erarbeitung von Lösungen, die Unterstützung des Aufbaus von Produktionskapazitäten in Deutschland in Produktbereichen, in denen eine strategische Unabhängigkeit erreicht werden soll, sowie die Einrichtung einer digitalen Bestandsplattform versorgungskritischer Medizinprodukte, um Transparenz in Echtzeit zu erreichen.

3. Belastungsmoratorium und Entbürokratisierungs-Offensive
Der BVMed fordert eine Entbürokratisierungs-Offensive, die den deutschen Mittelstand im Blick hat, konsequent Überregulierungen abbaut sowie in Brüssel für standortfreundliche Regulierungen kämpft. Dazu gehört, dass die Verantwortung für Lieferketten auf die unmittelbaren Zulieferer beschränkt bleibt. Der BVMed fordert zudem einen einheitlichen ermäßigten Mehrwertsteuersatz auf Medizinprodukte sowie mehr Geschwindigkeit und bessere Förderung von klinischen Studien. Wichtig seien zudem adäquate Mechanismen, die die ambulante Hilfsmittelversorgung auch im derzeitig starren Vertragskonstrukt sicherstellt.

4. Fast-Track für Innovationen mit klaren Fristen
Der BVMed setzt sich für flexiblere und schnellere Bewertungsverfahren mit klaren Fristenregelungen beim Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss (G-BA) und beim Bewertungsausschuss ein. Forschende Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen benötigen zudem einen besseren Datenzugang und ein Antragsrecht beim Forschungsdatenzentrum. Außerdem sollte sich Deutschland dafür einsetzen, dass die EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) strategisch weiterentwickelt wird und „mehr Berechenbarkeit und Schnelligkeit“ beim Marktzugang von Medizinprodukten bietet. So spricht sich der BVMed unter anderem für Fast-Track-Verfahren für innovative Medizinprodukte aus, die den Stand der Technik erheblich verbessern oder einen bislang ungedeckten medizinischen Bedarf betreffen. Hier gebe es bereits etablierte Regelungen zu FDA-Programmen oder Arzneimittel-Verfahren.

5. Fachkräfte gewinnen
Um dringend benötigte internationale Fachkräfte für die Medizintechnik-Branche zu gewinnen, fordert der BVMed einfache Anerkennungsverfahren, Integrationsangebote und Internationalisierung der Verwaltungsverfahren. Außerdem sollten die Arbeitsbedingungen insbesondere in der Pflege verbessert werden, beispielsweise durch den geförderten Einsatz von digitalen Lösungen und pflegeunterstützenden Technologien.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


SGL Carbon SE: Annual General Meeting 2023

The shareholders of SGL Carbon SE approved all agenda items at the Annual General Meeting on May 9, 2023. The Annual General Meeting, which was held virtually, was attended by up to 114 electronically connected shareholders who, together with the postal votes submitted, represented 64.64% of the share capital.

CEO Dr. Torsten Derr began his speech with a review of SGL Carbon's two-year transformation phase. "In two years, we have been able to increase our sales by 23.5% and adjusted EBITDA by as much as 86.2%. In parallel, we reduced our debt by 40.4%," Dr. Derr elaborated. He also reported on the past financial year and the expectations for the future economic development of the company. In doing so, he also addressed SGL Carbon's growth markets in detail. "Over the past two years, we have made SGL fit for the future. With our products, we serve industries that significantly reflect the trends for the future: climate-friendly mobility, renewable energies and digitalization," he explained.

The shareholders of SGL Carbon SE approved all agenda items at the Annual General Meeting on May 9, 2023. The Annual General Meeting, which was held virtually, was attended by up to 114 electronically connected shareholders who, together with the postal votes submitted, represented 64.64% of the share capital.

CEO Dr. Torsten Derr began his speech with a review of SGL Carbon's two-year transformation phase. "In two years, we have been able to increase our sales by 23.5% and adjusted EBITDA by as much as 86.2%. In parallel, we reduced our debt by 40.4%," Dr. Derr elaborated. He also reported on the past financial year and the expectations for the future economic development of the company. In doing so, he also addressed SGL Carbon's growth markets in detail. "Over the past two years, we have made SGL fit for the future. With our products, we serve industries that significantly reflect the trends for the future: climate-friendly mobility, renewable energies and digitalization," he explained.

After 14 years on the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon, this was Dr. h.c. Susanne Klatten's last Annual General Meeting as Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board. She had already informed the Company on February 14, 2023, that she would be leaving the Board at the end of this Annual General Meeting. As the largest shareholder, Dr. h.c. Klatten will remain associated with SGL Carbon through SKion GmbH.

As proposed, the Annual General Meeting elected Prof. Dr. Frank Richter as a shareholder representative on the Supervisory Board to succeed Dr. h.c. Susanne Klatten. Following the Annual General Meeting, the constituent meeting of the Supervisory Board elected Prof. Dr. Richter as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Prof. Dr. Richter is Managing Director of SKion GmbH, Bad Homburg, which holds a stake of approximately 28.55% in SGL Carbon SE. Furthermore, Ingeborg Neumann, Managing Partner of Peppermint Holding GmbH, Berlin, was elected to the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon SE for a further term of office.


SGL Carbon SE

(c) Martin Diepold
Ahmet Mercan (CEO AlphaTauri) und Antje Hundhausen (Telekom)

AlphaTauri “Heatable Capsule Collection 2.0” ausgezeichnet mit German Innovation Award 2023

AlphaTauri und Deutscher Telekom ist am Dienstag, den 23. Mai der German Innovation Award 2023 für die Heatable Capsule Collection 2.0 (HCC 2.0) verliehen worden. Die beheizbare Smart Fashion Reihe erhielt die Auszeichnung „Winner in Excellence in Business to Consumer - Fashion“.

Kennzeichnend für die Styles der Heatable Capsule Collection (HCC) sind beheizbare Zonen, die sich per Knopfdruck, via App oder via Apple Watch aktivieren und auf eine Wunschtemperatur einstellen lassen. Die Bereiche befinden sich in den beiden vorderen Taschen sowie rechts und links am Rücken. Sie können neben den verschiedenen Heizmodi „Pulse“, „Intense“ und „Swap“ überdies auf eine bestimmte Zieltemperatur eingestellt werden, die dann automatisch gehalten und auch gespeichert werden kann. Mit Strom versorgt werden die Jacken per Power Bank, die in einer separaten Tasche am Rücken angeschlossen und verstaut wird. Die Deutsche Telekom bietet dafür ein spezielles Modell an.

AlphaTauri und Deutscher Telekom ist am Dienstag, den 23. Mai der German Innovation Award 2023 für die Heatable Capsule Collection 2.0 (HCC 2.0) verliehen worden. Die beheizbare Smart Fashion Reihe erhielt die Auszeichnung „Winner in Excellence in Business to Consumer - Fashion“.

Kennzeichnend für die Styles der Heatable Capsule Collection (HCC) sind beheizbare Zonen, die sich per Knopfdruck, via App oder via Apple Watch aktivieren und auf eine Wunschtemperatur einstellen lassen. Die Bereiche befinden sich in den beiden vorderen Taschen sowie rechts und links am Rücken. Sie können neben den verschiedenen Heizmodi „Pulse“, „Intense“ und „Swap“ überdies auf eine bestimmte Zieltemperatur eingestellt werden, die dann automatisch gehalten und auch gespeichert werden kann. Mit Strom versorgt werden die Jacken per Power Bank, die in einer separaten Tasche am Rücken angeschlossen und verstaut wird. Die Deutsche Telekom bietet dafür ein spezielles Modell an.

Nach gelungener Etablierung der beiden vorangegangenen Kapselkollektionen in den Jahren 2020 und 2022 launchen AlphaTauri und die Deutsche Telekom diesen Herbst die Heatable Capsule Collection 3.0 (HCC 3.0) und führen das branchenübergreifende, kooperative Projekt fort.


Way2ITMA: Recycling technologies offered by VDMA members

In the run-up to ITMA, VDMA is presenting an overview of the textile recycling technologies offered by member companies exhibiting at ITMA. VDMA and its members are committed to a responsible use of all resources used in textile production. VDMA members create the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials.

In the spirit of the circular economy, VDMA companies offer solutions for the entire processing and production chain. The production programme and services include equipment and technologies for recycling textile production waste, textiles, textile auxiliaries or waste heat and for processing recycled materials into textiles.

An overview of the available technologies is provided here: Way2ITMA-Recycling
The short descriptions of the solutions offered by the member companies are structured according to the following headings:

  • Recycling of textile production waste and textiles
  • Recycling of caustic soda and waste heat
  • Processing of recycled materials

In the run-up to ITMA, VDMA is presenting an overview of the textile recycling technologies offered by member companies exhibiting at ITMA. VDMA and its members are committed to a responsible use of all resources used in textile production. VDMA members create the technical prerequisites for the efficient reuse and recycling of textile raw materials.

In the spirit of the circular economy, VDMA companies offer solutions for the entire processing and production chain. The production programme and services include equipment and technologies for recycling textile production waste, textiles, textile auxiliaries or waste heat and for processing recycled materials into textiles.

An overview of the available technologies is provided here: Way2ITMA-Recycling
The short descriptions of the solutions offered by the member companies are structured according to the following headings:

  • Recycling of textile production waste and textiles
  • Recycling of caustic soda and waste heat
  • Processing of recycled materials


(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg: “Material Health” certification for comfortemp® product series

The thermal insulation in the product series comfortemp® soft HO 80x from Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) has achieved Gold status in the Material Health category of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 3.1.

The soft thermal insulation of the HO 80x soft series (HO 803, HO 804, HO 805, HO 806) is made from polyamide 6 wadding and is multiple recyclable in terms of a sustainable circular economy. The wadding is also characterized by high wearing comfort, making it suitable for sustainable applications in the luxury, sportswear and outdoor sectors. Thanks to its construction as roll goods, the wadding does not clump and can endure multiple wash cycles at 40°C.

Certifications by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute are based on testing for hazardous materials in products and processes. Plus, the impact of chemical substances is assessed on the three product life cycle phases: final manufacture, use and end of use. Freudenberg will continue optimizing its products to ensure material safety and quality for future use and cycling.

The thermal insulation in the product series comfortemp® soft HO 80x from Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) has achieved Gold status in the Material Health category of the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard Version 3.1.

The soft thermal insulation of the HO 80x soft series (HO 803, HO 804, HO 805, HO 806) is made from polyamide 6 wadding and is multiple recyclable in terms of a sustainable circular economy. The wadding is also characterized by high wearing comfort, making it suitable for sustainable applications in the luxury, sportswear and outdoor sectors. Thanks to its construction as roll goods, the wadding does not clump and can endure multiple wash cycles at 40°C.

Certifications by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute are based on testing for hazardous materials in products and processes. Plus, the impact of chemical substances is assessed on the three product life cycle phases: final manufacture, use and end of use. Freudenberg will continue optimizing its products to ensure material safety and quality for future use and cycling.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH