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Logo Paper Converting Machine Company
Logo Paper Converting Machine Company

PCMC Signature Series (380V-s) wide-web press installed at J.J. Collins Printers

Modernized press eases digital printing conversion, signals new era for PCMC and RDP Marathon

Modernized press eases digital printing conversion, signals new era for PCMC and RDP Marathon

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC)—part of the Barry-Wehmiller Converting Solutions Platform announced the recent installation of the new Signature Series (380V-s) wide-web, high-speed offset  press at J.J. Collins Printers in Charleston, Illinois.
The 380V-s is the first in the series that is replacing the 380V press series, long highly regarded by printers in the longrun documents and high-end promotional graphics markets. The new design incorporates the latest in internet connectivity and touchscreen technology, and allows for easy integration with full or hybrid digital printing.
Designed by RDP Marathon, a recent acquisition of PCMC, the 380V-s represents PCMC’s expansion into providing equipment and services to the offset printing industry. Backed by PCMC’s global sales, manufacturing and service support, RDP Marathon will continue to maintain a sharp  focus on innovation. J.J. Collins Printers—already using an RDP Marathon model 260P blanket-to-blanket, heat-set press for its high-end commercial products—has been providing innovative print solutions  since 1878. Its commitment to using state-of-theart pre-press, press and bindery equipment has ensured the company's position as a leader in the print manufacturing industry.
In addition to the 380V-s, PCMC continues to develop new technologies and applications for a variety of print markets.


Paper Converting Machine Company


Lenzing’s performance impacted by historically difficult market environment

  • Fiber prices and demand under pressure due to COVID-19 crisis
  • Measures to maintain operations and to protect employees, customers and suppliers implemented successfully
  • Hygiene competence center established to produce personal protective equipment in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic
  • Strategic investment projects in Brazil and Thailand progressing according to plan
  • Management Board proposes not to distribute a dividend for 2019 – AGM rescheduled for June 18, 2020

In a historically difficult market environment with increased pressure on prices and volumes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, the Lenzing Group held its ground well in the first quarter of 2020. Thanks to a diversified business model and its global footprint on the one hand, and the disciplined implementation of the sCore TEN corporate strategy on the other, the effect on the revenue and earnings development was partially offset.

  • Fiber prices and demand under pressure due to COVID-19 crisis
  • Measures to maintain operations and to protect employees, customers and suppliers implemented successfully
  • Hygiene competence center established to produce personal protective equipment in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic
  • Strategic investment projects in Brazil and Thailand progressing according to plan
  • Management Board proposes not to distribute a dividend for 2019 – AGM rescheduled for June 18, 2020

In a historically difficult market environment with increased pressure on prices and volumes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, the Lenzing Group held its ground well in the first quarter of 2020. Thanks to a diversified business model and its global footprint on the one hand, and the disciplined implementation of the sCore TEN corporate strategy on the other, the effect on the revenue and earnings development was partially offset.

In the first quarter of 2020, revenue declined by 16.7 percent in comparison with the prior-year quarter and amounted to EUR 466.3 mn. The main reason was the development of prices for standard viscose (due to significant overcapacity in the market) and other standard fibers. The impact of the COVID-19 crisis further increased pressure on prices and volumes. The prices for standard viscose dropped to a new all-time low of 9,150 RMB/ton by March 31 – up to 33 percent lower than in the prior-year quarter. The comparatively positive development of the specialty fiber business and slightly higher demand for fibers in the medical and hygiene segments partially offset the decline in revenue. The share of specialty fibers increased from 47.3 percent in the first quarter of the previous year to 60.9 percent. The earnings development reflects the decline in revenue: EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) decreased by 24.3 percent to EUR 69.6 mn. The EBITDA margin declined from 16.4 percent to 14.9 percent. Net profit for the period was down 58.6 percent to EUR 17.7 mn. Earnings per share amounted to EUR 0.84 compared with EUR 1.65 in the first quarter of the previous year.

More information:
Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG

CHIC zum ersten Mal digital (c) CHIC ONLINE

CHIC zum ersten Mal digital

  • CHIC ONLINE vom 22. bis 24. April 2020
  • Erfolgreiche Premiere der digitalen Ausgabe der CHIC vom 22.-24. April 2020
  • Mehr als 1.350 Austeller nahmen an den über 100 Online-Aktivitäten der Messe teil
  • Alle Vertriebskanäle des chinesischen Handels waren auf der Plattform vertreten
  • Im Fokus der Kunden: innovatives, kreatives Design und hochwertige Produkte

1.350 teilnehmende Aussteller, über 100 Online-Aktivitäten, über 60 Live-Medienberichte, bis zu 157.403 Besuche verzeichnete die erste CHIC ONLINE vom 22. bis 24. April 2020.

Die aktuell weltweit schwierige wirtschaftliche Situation durch die Corona-Pandemie läßt die Unternehmen nach neuen Lösungsansätzen für ihre Geschäftsmöglichkeiten suchen.
CHIC, China International Fashion Fair, hat mit CHIC ONLINE, ihrer ersten digitalen Messe, an drei Tagen die Möglichkeit geboten, sich mit Entscheidern des chinesischen Modehandels zu vernetzen, sich auszutauschen und Ressourcen zu bündeln.

  • CHIC ONLINE vom 22. bis 24. April 2020
  • Erfolgreiche Premiere der digitalen Ausgabe der CHIC vom 22.-24. April 2020
  • Mehr als 1.350 Austeller nahmen an den über 100 Online-Aktivitäten der Messe teil
  • Alle Vertriebskanäle des chinesischen Handels waren auf der Plattform vertreten
  • Im Fokus der Kunden: innovatives, kreatives Design und hochwertige Produkte

1.350 teilnehmende Aussteller, über 100 Online-Aktivitäten, über 60 Live-Medienberichte, bis zu 157.403 Besuche verzeichnete die erste CHIC ONLINE vom 22. bis 24. April 2020.

Die aktuell weltweit schwierige wirtschaftliche Situation durch die Corona-Pandemie läßt die Unternehmen nach neuen Lösungsansätzen für ihre Geschäftsmöglichkeiten suchen.
CHIC, China International Fashion Fair, hat mit CHIC ONLINE, ihrer ersten digitalen Messe, an drei Tagen die Möglichkeit geboten, sich mit Entscheidern des chinesischen Modehandels zu vernetzen, sich auszutauschen und Ressourcen zu bündeln.

„Der Start der CHIC ONLINE ist ein historischer Tag für CHIC, die nach ihrer Gründung vor 28 Jahren hiermit zum ersten Mal online gegangen ist.“ Chen Dapeng, Präsident der China National Garment Association und CHIC, Vizepräsident der China Textile Industry Federation.

Mehr als 1.350 Hersteller haben ihre Angebote in die Online-Meeting-Räume von Tencent Meeting und Ding Talk hochgeladen und an den über 100 Online-Meeting-Aktivitäten von CHIC ONLINE teilgenommen. Die über Jahrzehnte gesammelten Ressourcen der CHIC, ihr Netzwerk und ihre Erfahrungen beim Informationsaustausch sind bei dem Event zum Tragen gekommen. CHIC ONLINE ist ein positiver Ansatz für die digitale Transformation der Messe und gleichzeitig ein pragmatischer Schritt die Geschäftskanäle und Ressourcen miteinander zu verknüpfen.

In dieser speziellen Zeit ist CHIC ONLINE für die gesamte chinesische Bekleidungsindustrie und ihre internationalen Teilnehmer kostenfrei geöffnet gewesen, als Unterstützungsmaßnahme der CHIC für Chinas Mode- und Lifestyle-Industrie.

Die Online-Messehalle unterteilte sich in die Segmente Men, Women, Impulses (Designer), KIDZ, Winter (Leder und Pelz, Daunen), CHIC YOUNG BLOOD (Streetwear), Tailoring (Bespoke), Accessoires, Taschen und Schuhe, Fashion Journey (internationale Marken) und Sourcing. Die Meeting-Räume waren klar nach Angebot und Nachfrage strukturiert, eine direkte Brücke für die Kommunikation in Echtzeit.
Alle Kanäle des chinesischen Handels waren bei CHIC ONLINE vertreten: E-Commerce Plattformen wie Tmall, Jingdong, VIP Shop, oder NetEase Yeaton (Chinas "Muji"), eine der beliebtesten Online-Plattformen in China und Biyao Shop - ursprünglich gegründet als Verkaufsplattform für Luxusprodukte direkt vom Hersteller zu günstigeren Preisen - mit mittlerweile 20 Millionen Abonnenten, über 80.000 Bestellungen täglich.

Department Stores wie die Wangfujing-Gruppe, Weifang Department Store Group, LiQun Gruppe nutzten CHIC ONLINE für die Suche nach neuen Marken genauso wie zahlreiche Multi-brand Boutiquen darunter HANATEBAKO Designer Brand Collection Store aus Qingdao, dessen Direktor Jiang Shixiang in der Angebotsvielfalt und Diversifikation der Kategorien die Zukunft der Offline-Stores im chinesischen Markt sieht. Besonders die Segmente Accessoires und Schuhe seien für die Boutiquen wichtige Themen.

Auch internationale Einkäufer nutzten die Messe für die Suche nach Produzenten, wie Social Cloud Co., Dont Give Up Co., und WHYNOTCo. aus Italien.

Kollektionen mit starkem Design, innovative und individuelle Produkte standen im Fokus der Kunden. Ein grundlegender Trend sind gestiegene Qualitätsanforderungen für alle Produktsegmente, auch für die Basisprodukte. Der Konsument wünscht sich qualitativ hochwertige Ware, Qualität vor Quantität. Das ist während der CHIC ONLINE von den Marktteilnehmern hervorgehoben worden.

Chen Dapeng resümiert: „Die digitale Premiere der CHIC ist bei allen Teilnehmern auf positive Resonanz gestoßen. Als verläßlicher Partner der Branche ist es CHICs Absicht und Zweck der Industrie und dem Handel pragmatische Unterstützung zu bieten. Wir sind überzeugt, dass Chinas Modeindustrie neu gestartet ist.“


NCTO: Buy American Policy for Personal Protective Equipment

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement, urging the government to institute Buy American policy changes to help bolster U.S. manufacturers producing personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic.

“If the government is sincere about reconstituting a U.S. production chain for medical personal protective equipment (PPE) to resolve the drastic shortages we are experiencing during the current pandemic, it is going to have to make key policy changes to help incentivize domestic production. A strong Buy American mandate for these vital healthcare materials needs to be instituted for all federal agencies, coupled with other reasonable production incentives, to help ensure a strong U.S.  manufacturing base for these essential products.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement, urging the government to institute Buy American policy changes to help bolster U.S. manufacturers producing personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic.

“If the government is sincere about reconstituting a U.S. production chain for medical personal protective equipment (PPE) to resolve the drastic shortages we are experiencing during the current pandemic, it is going to have to make key policy changes to help incentivize domestic production. A strong Buy American mandate for these vital healthcare materials needs to be instituted for all federal agencies, coupled with other reasonable production incentives, to help ensure a strong U.S.  manufacturing base for these essential products.

Our government already has an existing example of such a mandate that serves as an excellent model. The U.S. Department of Defense operates under a fiber-to-finished product Buy American rule for military textiles. This rule ensures that the vital textile materials our U.S. warfighters depend upon, come from a secure domestic production chain that cannot be severed during a military emergency by offshore entities.

There is a bipartisan call for action as members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have begun to acknowledge the need for these types of reasonable and essential policy changes.

Anything short of fully instituting domestic purchase requirements through Executive Order and other legislative initiatives will ensure that PPE production through U.S. supply chains that have been created overnight don’t evaporate as soon as this crisis is over.  

In the midst of the crisis, our failure to confront this challenge will allow for a repeat of the sins of the past that allowed sourcing agents to offshore the entire production of medical PPE in search of lucrative profits. While chasing the lowest cost import may have seemed cost effective at the time, these past few months have demonstrated that we paid a deadly price through this approach by jeopardizing the very lives of frontline medical personnel that are fighting the pandemic.   

This is a national security issue. It’s also a vital healthcare issue and it is decision time for U.S. policymakers. If our country is to be prepared for future deadly pandemics such as the one it is now facing, reasonable policy changes need to be implemented to ensure that we strengthen our domestic supply chain to address America’s security, safety and healthcare requirements.”

NCTO is a Washington, DC-based trade association that represents domestic textile manufacturers, including artificial and synthetic filament and fiber producers. 



ndré Rehn, Head of Sales for Trade Fairs & Congresses at C³ GmbH (c) C³ GmbH
ndré Rehn, Head of Sales for Trade Fairs & Congresses at C³ GmbH

2020 “mtex+” cancelled because of the corona crisis

  • The “Newcomer Award” will still be presented at the 8th Convention & Fair for Hightech Textiles
  • Chemnitz organisers considering forward-looking forums using the “mtex+” brand

The 8th mtex+ Convention & Fair for Hightech Textiles, which was scheduled to be held on 9-10 June 2020, will not take place because of the corona crisis. “We’ve made this decision following in-depth consultations with the members of the advisory board who are working in the textile sector; they were also opposed to moving the date to the autumn because of the unforeseeable consequences arising from the crisis,” says  André Rehn, Head of Sales for Trade Fairs & Congresses at the organiser, C³ GmbH, Chemnitz.

  • The “Newcomer Award” will still be presented at the 8th Convention & Fair for Hightech Textiles
  • Chemnitz organisers considering forward-looking forums using the “mtex+” brand

The 8th mtex+ Convention & Fair for Hightech Textiles, which was scheduled to be held on 9-10 June 2020, will not take place because of the corona crisis. “We’ve made this decision following in-depth consultations with the members of the advisory board who are working in the textile sector; they were also opposed to moving the date to the autumn because of the unforeseeable consequences arising from the crisis,” says  André Rehn, Head of Sales for Trade Fairs & Congresses at the organiser, C³ GmbH, Chemnitz.

“Cancelling the event is a particularly severe blow for us, as the “mtex+” was supposed to be held with a modernised concept and a very attractive programme at our new Carlowitz Congresscenter at the heart of Chemnitz for the first time. The considerable economic loss associated with this is naturally painful for us too. However, we will be presenting our “mtex+” “Newcomer Award” to the prize-winners at the next possible, suitable opportunity. 15 students and graduates from all over Germany have taken part in the young people’s competition with creative ideas for recycling, upcycling and downcycling textiles. We’re also now considering special events, which could operate using our well-known “mtex+” brand in future. Sustainability in the textile value-added chain as well as health and protective textiles made by the domestic market are obvious, forward-looking topics in this field.”

More information:

C³ GmbH


PCMC launches Smart TOUCH HMI

  • New human-machine interface brings smart features to tissue operations

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has launched Smart TOUCH HMI, a new human-machine interface available on Forte tissue converting lines.

Following high-performance design principles, PCMC’s Smart TOUCH HMI offers users a clean, modern interface and enhanced help features. The smart analytic capabilities are aimed at providing customer insights to improve overall equipment effectiveness. The Smart TOUCH HMI works much like today’s mobile devices with swipe functionality, enabling a short learning curve and increased productivity.

“We designed our new HMI with operators in mind,” said Jason Hilsberg, PCMC Tissue Sales Director. “PCMC is always working to improve the capabilities and features of our machines for our customers, and more specifically, to enhance the experience of the operators. With simplified controls and navigation, robust help functions and easy recipe management, this new design will provide operators with a more efficient process to keep tissue operations running quickly and smoothly.”

  • New human-machine interface brings smart features to tissue operations

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has launched Smart TOUCH HMI, a new human-machine interface available on Forte tissue converting lines.

Following high-performance design principles, PCMC’s Smart TOUCH HMI offers users a clean, modern interface and enhanced help features. The smart analytic capabilities are aimed at providing customer insights to improve overall equipment effectiveness. The Smart TOUCH HMI works much like today’s mobile devices with swipe functionality, enabling a short learning curve and increased productivity.

“We designed our new HMI with operators in mind,” said Jason Hilsberg, PCMC Tissue Sales Director. “PCMC is always working to improve the capabilities and features of our machines for our customers, and more specifically, to enhance the experience of the operators. With simplified controls and navigation, robust help functions and easy recipe management, this new design will provide operators with a more efficient process to keep tissue operations running quickly and smoothly.”


Paper Converting Machine Company


Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG found Hygiene Austria LP GmbH

Center of competence for hygiene established in Wiener Neudorf to support Austria and the EU in the Covid-19 crisis for the industrial production of high-quality protective masks with a monthly capacity of 12 million pieces.

Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG found “Hygiene Austria LP GmbH”, in which Lenzing AG holds 50.1% and Palmers Textil AG 49.9%. The newly founded company will start producing and selling protective masks for the domestic and European markets from May 2020.

Over the past few weeks, Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG have invested several million euros in a modern production infrastructure at the Wiener Neudorf location and secured the corresponding raw materials for protective masks production. In a first step, the company produces so-called mouth-nose protective masks (MNS) and surgical protective masks of class EN14683. Hygiene Austria LP GmbH plans to increase its capacities to over 25 million masks per month over the next few weeks and to expand this business geographically as well.

Center of competence for hygiene established in Wiener Neudorf to support Austria and the EU in the Covid-19 crisis for the industrial production of high-quality protective masks with a monthly capacity of 12 million pieces.

Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG found “Hygiene Austria LP GmbH”, in which Lenzing AG holds 50.1% and Palmers Textil AG 49.9%. The newly founded company will start producing and selling protective masks for the domestic and European markets from May 2020.

Over the past few weeks, Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG have invested several million euros in a modern production infrastructure at the Wiener Neudorf location and secured the corresponding raw materials for protective masks production. In a first step, the company produces so-called mouth-nose protective masks (MNS) and surgical protective masks of class EN14683. Hygiene Austria LP GmbH plans to increase its capacities to over 25 million masks per month over the next few weeks and to expand this business geographically as well.

The demand for high-quality MNS and respiratory masks for medical personnel is increasing rapidly, and there is real competition on the international market for these products. In order to sustainably secure domestic supply now and in the future and to strengthen the business location, the two companies Lenzing AG and Palmers Textil AG have now set a milestone with their own competence center for hygiene based in Austria.

Hygiene Austria LP GmbH thus makes a significant contribution to combating the Covid-19 pandemic and ensures the long-term supply of these critical goods in Austria in high quality.


Lenzing AG

(c) BMW Group

SGL Carbon receives contract for battery enclosure from BMW Group

  • New composite e-Mobility application
  • Multi-year substantial contract

After prototypes for a Chinese automotive manufacturer, a major order from a North American automaker, and yet another order for a European sports car manufacturer, SGL Carbon has now been nominated by BMW Group to produce a cover component for battery enclosures in series. This substantial multi-year order will include the production of an innovative glass-fiber-based cover plate for the battery housing for usage in a future plug-in hybrid model of BMW Group.

  • New composite e-Mobility application
  • Multi-year substantial contract

After prototypes for a Chinese automotive manufacturer, a major order from a North American automaker, and yet another order for a European sports car manufacturer, SGL Carbon has now been nominated by BMW Group to produce a cover component for battery enclosures in series. This substantial multi-year order will include the production of an innovative glass-fiber-based cover plate for the battery housing for usage in a future plug-in hybrid model of BMW Group.

Materials made of composites are suited for battery enclosures for different reasons: Besides their light weight, which enhances the electric vehicle’s range, fiber-reinforced plastics offer high stiffness. In addition, they meet high requirements for water and gas tightness and feature excellent fire protection properties. Composite materials can also help to achieve improved structural stiffness of the underbody, e.g. to protect against penetration, as well as an optimized thermal management. Carbon fibers are ideal for especially stressed structures or load-bearing elements, such as the underbody panels and side frames. For components subjected to less stress, such as battery box covers, glass fibers or a fiber mix may suffice.

In addition to the new application for the hybrid model battery enclosure, SGL Carbon will continue producing the usual components made of carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic for the BMW i3 and delivering materials for the Carbon Core body of the BMW 7 series, and has been nominated as the supplier for all carbon materials - fibers, textiles, stacks - for the BMW iNEXT, set to be launched in 2021.



Oerlikon Logo
Oerlikon Logo
16.04.2020 : service portal and e-commerce platform in one

Within the context of a globally-networked textile industry, online services have become essential for maintenance, modernization and original parts procurement processes for machines and systems.
Here, the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment optimized the service portal for the products and services of its Oerlikon Barmag, Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven brands, making it more userfriendly. It allows customers to now access tailored services in nine different languages and around the clock.

Each and every machine park usually has numerous associated documents, ranging from manuals, circuit diagrams and 3D drawing-supported original parts catalogs, all the way through to operating instructions and final documents. bundles this information, while also providing users with additional communications on potential machine modernizations and upgrades and on special offers tailored to the respective production system.

Within the context of a globally-networked textile industry, online services have become essential for maintenance, modernization and original parts procurement processes for machines and systems.
Here, the Oerlikon Manmade Fibers segment optimized the service portal for the products and services of its Oerlikon Barmag, Oerlikon Neumag and Oerlikon Nonwoven brands, making it more userfriendly. It allows customers to now access tailored services in nine different languages and around the clock.

Each and every machine park usually has numerous associated documents, ranging from manuals, circuit diagrams and 3D drawing-supported original parts catalogs, all the way through to operating instructions and final documents. bundles this information, while also providing users with additional communications on potential machine modernizations and upgrades and on special offers tailored to the respective production system.

Real security during virtual shopping
At the same time, users can access the e-commerce platform, which operates in parallel.
Customers can not only place orders here, they can also send online inquiries to Oerlikon, view prices and warehouse stocks and track inquiries,
quotations and orders already made or placed, among many other things. As a result of online access to original parts catalogs for the respective customer machines and systems, erroneous orders can be avoided.
Log-in is secure for users, as are all transactions carried out using the platform. With this, Oerlikon is implementing real security for all virtual purchases. All data exchanged is fundamentally
encrypted and hence protected against unauthorized access.



Marketing, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs

Die CHIC Messe wird aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie verschoben (c) CHIC
CHIC Messe

Nachholtermin CHIC Shanghai, März 2020

Die Märzveranstaltung der CHIC Shanghai wird im Juli in Shenzhen stattfinden. Aufgrund der globalen Corona Epidemie konnte die Mode- und Lifestyle Messe CHIC Shanghai nicht wie geplant vom 11. bis 13. März 2020 in Shanghai veranstaltet werden.

Die weiter anhaltende weltweite epidemische Situation lässt nicht zu, dass Chinas Kontroll- und Präventionsmaßnahmen gelockert werden. Es ist aus logistischen Gründen nicht möglich, den Nachholtermin der Frühjahrsveranstaltung der CHIC März noch vor der Herbstveranstaltung der CHIC Shanghai im September in Shanghai stattfinden zu lassen.

Die ursprünglich geplante Veranstaltungsfläche für die Premiere der CHIC Shenzhen vom 15. bis 17. Juli 2020 wird um 10.000 Quadratmeter auf 40.000 Quadratmeter erweitert.Das Konzept, ein Ort - ein Datum - vier Shows, das sich in Shanghai seit Jahren bewährt hat, wird hier fortgesetzt.

Die Märzveranstaltung der CHIC Shanghai wird im Juli in Shenzhen stattfinden. Aufgrund der globalen Corona Epidemie konnte die Mode- und Lifestyle Messe CHIC Shanghai nicht wie geplant vom 11. bis 13. März 2020 in Shanghai veranstaltet werden.

Die weiter anhaltende weltweite epidemische Situation lässt nicht zu, dass Chinas Kontroll- und Präventionsmaßnahmen gelockert werden. Es ist aus logistischen Gründen nicht möglich, den Nachholtermin der Frühjahrsveranstaltung der CHIC März noch vor der Herbstveranstaltung der CHIC Shanghai im September in Shanghai stattfinden zu lassen.

Die ursprünglich geplante Veranstaltungsfläche für die Premiere der CHIC Shenzhen vom 15. bis 17. Juli 2020 wird um 10.000 Quadratmeter auf 40.000 Quadratmeter erweitert.Das Konzept, ein Ort - ein Datum - vier Shows, das sich in Shanghai seit Jahren bewährt hat, wird hier fortgesetzt.

Die "Greater Bay Textile & Apparel Expo" des China National Textile and Apparel Council wird insgesamt vier Trade Shows kombinieren:
China International Fashion Fair 2020 in Shenzhen (CHIC SHENZHEN), Intertextile SHENZHEN Apparel Fabrics, PH Value (Shenzhen) und Greater Bay Area International Trade Fair for Fibres and Yarns.

CHIC ist eng mit den Mode- und Textilindustrieclustern der Pearl River Delta-Region verbunden und bietet insbesondere Marktmöglichkeiten für die Regionen Guangdong - Hongkong - Macao - Greater Bay.

In den Hallen 9 und 11 des Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Centers sind alle Produktbereiche der CHIC geplant: CHIC Tailoring, Urban View (Menswear), New Look (Womenswear), Impulses (Designerbereich), CHIC Kidz, CHIC-Young Blood, CHIC Worldwide (internationale Beteiligungen) in Halle 9 und Denim World, Secret Stars (Accessoires), Bags & Shoes, Heritage (Leder, Pelz und Daunen), ODM in Halle 11.
CHIC SHOWS und CHIC TALK werden ebenfalls in Shenzhen präsentiert. Parallel bietet CHIC die Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme an der CHIC Online vom 22. bis 24. April 2020 an. Hierfür werden alle Ressourcen und Netzwerke der CHIC für ein Business-Matching der Teilnehmer genutzt.

Der Termin der Herbstveranstaltung der CHIC in Shanghai ist für den 23. bis 25. September 2020 geplant. Veranstalter sind die China National Garment Association, Sub-Council of Textile Industry CCPIT und China World Trade Center Co. Ltd.




Corona treibt Digitalisierung voran

Textil vernetzt gibt Hilfestellung

Im Kampf um ihre Existenz durch die Corona-Pandemie gehen viele Unternehmen der deutschen Textilindustrie verstärkt digitale Wege. Anja Merker, Geschäftsführerin von Textil vernetzt: „Durch den Shutdown des öffentlichen Lebens und den dramatischen Folgen der Corona-Krise sind auch unsere Unternehmen gezwungen, über neue Vertriebswege oder neue betriebsinterne Abläufe, aber auch über neue Geschäftsmodelle nachzudenken. Dabei gibt es eine Vielzahl von digitalen Möglichkeiten. Hier setzt unsere Arbeit an, die wir seit zweieinhalb Jahren erfolgreich anbieten. Wo immer Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter jetzt Kapazitäten haben, können Sie sich bei zahlreichen Digitalisierungs-Angeboten Hilfe holen.“

Textil vernetzt gibt Hilfestellung

Im Kampf um ihre Existenz durch die Corona-Pandemie gehen viele Unternehmen der deutschen Textilindustrie verstärkt digitale Wege. Anja Merker, Geschäftsführerin von Textil vernetzt: „Durch den Shutdown des öffentlichen Lebens und den dramatischen Folgen der Corona-Krise sind auch unsere Unternehmen gezwungen, über neue Vertriebswege oder neue betriebsinterne Abläufe, aber auch über neue Geschäftsmodelle nachzudenken. Dabei gibt es eine Vielzahl von digitalen Möglichkeiten. Hier setzt unsere Arbeit an, die wir seit zweieinhalb Jahren erfolgreich anbieten. Wo immer Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter jetzt Kapazitäten haben, können Sie sich bei zahlreichen Digitalisierungs-Angeboten Hilfe holen.“

 Wichtiger denn je seien dabei Online-Vertriebswege. Durch den Zusammenbruch der globalen Lieferketten fänden sich auf digitalen Plattformen neue Player zusammen und bauten neue Lieferketten, etwa für die Produktion von Schutzausrüstung. Viele Mitarbeiter seien schon auf Kurzarbeit oder arbeiteten aus dem Home Office. Prozesse müssten neu gelernt und digital vernetzt werden.
Hier knüpft das Netzwerk von Mittelstand-Digital an, das beispielsweise regionale Anbieter auf einer Vernetzungs-Plattform zusammenbringt. Einzelhändler aus dem Textil- oder Modebereich nutzen so auch verstärkt Social Media-Kanäle oder WhatsApp, um ihre Produkte zu vertreiben.


Coronakrise:Verbände sehen Fashion-Branche vor dem Kollaps

In einer gemeinsamen Pressemitteilung äußern sich die Verbände BTE und GermanFashion zur aktuellen Situation der Modebranche:

Alle Textil- und Schuhgeschäfte sind geschlossen, der Umsatz ist auf Null gesunken. Das Coronavirus hat die Fashion-Branche genauso heftig getroffen wie Gastronomie und Kultureinrichtungen. Tausende Boutiquen, Schuhgeschäfte und Modehäuser und damit ihre Lieferanten stehen vor dem Aus.

Die Fashion-Branche leidet aufgrund ihrer saisonalen Produkte extrem stark unter den Auswirkungen der Coronakrise. Nahrungsmittel sind lebensnotwendig, andere Anschaffungen können aufgeschoben werden. „Hosen oder Schuhe aus der Frühjahrskollektion kann der Modehandel aber im Sommer kaum noch verkaufen“, schildert BTE-Präsident Steffen Jost. „Insofern kann man Mode gut als ‚verderbliche Ware‘ bezeichnen.“

In einer gemeinsamen Pressemitteilung äußern sich die Verbände BTE und GermanFashion zur aktuellen Situation der Modebranche:

Alle Textil- und Schuhgeschäfte sind geschlossen, der Umsatz ist auf Null gesunken. Das Coronavirus hat die Fashion-Branche genauso heftig getroffen wie Gastronomie und Kultureinrichtungen. Tausende Boutiquen, Schuhgeschäfte und Modehäuser und damit ihre Lieferanten stehen vor dem Aus.

Die Fashion-Branche leidet aufgrund ihrer saisonalen Produkte extrem stark unter den Auswirkungen der Coronakrise. Nahrungsmittel sind lebensnotwendig, andere Anschaffungen können aufgeschoben werden. „Hosen oder Schuhe aus der Frühjahrskollektion kann der Modehandel aber im Sommer kaum noch verkaufen“, schildert BTE-Präsident Steffen Jost. „Insofern kann man Mode gut als ‚verderbliche Ware‘ bezeichnen.“

Ein großes Problem der Fashionbranche ist zudem die lange, internationale Lieferkette. Selbst während der erzwungenen Ladenschließung wird neue Ware angeliefert, die bereits vor Monaten bei den Lieferanten bestellt wurde und trotz fehlender Einnahmen angenommen und bezahlt werden muss. Eine Aussetzung der Belieferung ist schwierig, da die Industrie bei ihren Vorlieferanten in der gleichen Situation ist.

Partnerschaftliche Lösungen werden zwar diskutiert, sie verschieben das Problem aber lediglich. „Die Produzenten stehen vor großen Herausforderungen, weil bereits die Beschaffung für die Herbstmode läuft und kostenintensive Verpflichtungen bestehen“, erklärt Gerd Oliver Seidensticker, Präsident des deutschen Modeverbandes GermanFashion.

Aufgrund dieser speziellen Situation steht eine ganze Branche mit Hunderttausenden von Arbeitsplätzen in Handel und Industrie vor dem Aus. Bereits die beschlossenen Öffnungsverbote bis Ende April werden zu zahlreichen Insolvenzen führen. „Wenn nicht spätestens im Mai die Geschäfte wieder öffnen, droht eine noch nie dagewesene Insolvenzwelle speziell von mittelständischen Händlern und Lieferanten“, warnen Jost und Seidensticker.

Dramatisch werden die Folgen für die Innenstädte und Shoppinglagen. Wenn neben der Gastronomie Boutiquen, Schuhgeschäfte und Modehäuser für immer ihre Türen schließen, werden die Lebensqualität und das Gewerbesteueraufkommen in den Städten und Gemeinden massiv sinken. „Der Internethandel kann diese Lücke nicht einmal in Ansätzen schließen“, mahnt Jost.

Die Verbände BTE und GermanFashion fordern daher rasche Hilfen von der Politik. Ein finanzieller Schutzschirm wäre die beste Lösung. Nach Ende der erzwungenen Ladenschließung wären ebenso neue unbürokratische Möglichkeiten für Sonntagsöffnungen eine echte Hilfe. „Der stationäre Handel braucht jede sich bietende Gelegenheit zum Verkauf seiner Produkte, damit er auch künftig noch am Standort bestehen und Arbeitsplätze in Handel und Industrie sichern kann!“, fordert der BTE-Präsident. Die Verbände werden mit einem konkreten Maßnahmenkatalog auf die Politik zugehen.


BTE e.V. und GermanFashion Modeverband Deutschland e.V.

Robusto Softener (c) Kornit Presto
Robusto Softener

Introducing NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener Solution for Kornit Presto​

Join this webinar session with Kornit CEO Ronen Samuel and CMO Omer Kulka that will take place on Monday, 23rd March 2020 at 2:00 PM CET. To learn more about what the Softener is, how it works, and why it presents a great many opportunities for making the fashion industry more eco-friendly, more reactive to emerging demands, and more conducive to efficient and versatile business models.

We'll be presenting you with:

Join this webinar session with Kornit CEO Ronen Samuel and CMO Omer Kulka that will take place on Monday, 23rd March 2020 at 2:00 PM CET. To learn more about what the Softener is, how it works, and why it presents a great many opportunities for making the fashion industry more eco-friendly, more reactive to emerging demands, and more conducive to efficient and versatile business models.

We'll be presenting you with:

  • our new NeoPigment™ Robusto Softener solution for Presto, the company’s system for digital, pigment-based roll-to-roll direct-to-fabric decoration. Kornit’s pigment-based print process can help companies achieve their sustainability goals. Traditional rotary reactive ink six-color printers use 60-80 liters of water per linear meter, and digital reactive ink for fashion designs use 14-40 liters; Kornit’s award-winning* NeoPigment™ Robusto ink set, which is both GOTS and ECO PASSPORT by OEKO-TEX® certified, is waterless.
  • the Presto - Kornit’s Presto solution eliminates the need for pre- and post-treatment of fabric and allows for high-quality printing on an extraordinarily broad variety of fabric types and applications.

Please register for our webinar Here 


More information:
Kornit Presto


ISKO logo
ISKOs shared its R-TWO Platform

ISKO shared R-TWO™ at Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum

ISKO presented its 100% responsible platform, R-TWO™.

The denim ingredient brand hosted a special panel to discuss some of the advancements in technology that are making the fashion industry more responsible: from R-TWO™ to automated laser technology.

With the fashion industry being considered one of the world’s most polluting businesses-sectors, collaborating and knowledge sharing are key in finding solutions for a better future. Fully aware of this scenario, ISKO was the headline sponsor at The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum brings together responsible players to discuss what can be done to tackle the industry’s environmental and social issues through innovation and creativity.

ISKO presented its 100% responsible platform, R-TWO™.

The denim ingredient brand hosted a special panel to discuss some of the advancements in technology that are making the fashion industry more responsible: from R-TWO™ to automated laser technology.

With the fashion industry being considered one of the world’s most polluting businesses-sectors, collaborating and knowledge sharing are key in finding solutions for a better future. Fully aware of this scenario, ISKO was the headline sponsor at The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum brings together responsible players to discuss what can be done to tackle the industry’s environmental and social issues through innovation and creativity.

Sharing knowledge, collaborating for change.
As evidence of its Responsible Innovation™ approach, ISKO presented the R-TWO™ program, its latest
responsible achievement. Stemming from the mill’s holistic vision, R-TWO™ represents a great example of how reducing, reusing, and recycling strategies can be implemented in a textile business to improve its  environmental performance.
The R-TWO™ reduces the amount of raw material sourced by using a blend of reused cotton and recycled polyester – both certified –, improving sourcing efficiency throughout the entire field-to-fabric production.
Reused cotton is certified with the Content Claim Standard – or CCS – from the Textile Exchange. As for recycled polyester, it can be either Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) or Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified, depending on the content percentages. Together with this cutting-edge and fully responsible program, ISKO also uses automated laser
technology developed in partnership with Jeanologia.

“How technology can help make the fashion industry more sustainable”:
On March 11th, ISKO hosted a discussion about ways, to make the fashion industry more responsible
The panel was moderated by David Shah, consultant on design and marketing development, Publisher and CEO at Metropolitan Publishing BV and Associate Professor at ARTez (Arnhem, the Netherlands) and Associate Professor at Renmin University, (Beijing, China). The talk involved Keith O’Brien, ISKO Marketing & Business Development Manager, Victoria Soto, Jeanologia Custom Technology Consultant and Filippo Ricci, Fashion Open Studio Program & Partnership Manager.



Menabò Group, Global Press and PR Support

Autoneum (c) autoneum

Autoneum: Report on financial year 2019

Net result impacted by operating losses and high impairments in North America

In 2019, Autoneum grew organically by 2.5% and has thereby significantly outperformed the declining market. In Swiss francs, revenue rose slightly to CHF 2 297.4 million. However, as previously communicated, operational inefficiencies in North America and impairments on fixed assets in that region had a particularly strong impact on profitability and led to a net loss of CHF –77.7 million. The Board of Directors therefore proposes that no dividend bedistributed for the 2019 financial year. Based on the new turnaround program launched in North America at the beginning of this year, significant profitability increases are expected for 2020.

Net result impacted by operating losses and high impairments in North America

In 2019, Autoneum grew organically by 2.5% and has thereby significantly outperformed the declining market. In Swiss francs, revenue rose slightly to CHF 2 297.4 million. However, as previously communicated, operational inefficiencies in North America and impairments on fixed assets in that region had a particularly strong impact on profitability and led to a net loss of CHF –77.7 million. The Board of Directors therefore proposes that no dividend bedistributed for the 2019 financial year. Based on the new turnaround program launched in North America at the beginning of this year, significant profitability increases are expected for 2020.

2019 was an extremely challenging year for the automobile industry. The continuing weakness of the global economy, ongoing trade disputes and the increasing regulation of mobility impacted vehicle demand negatively. But 2019 was also a year of change for Autoneum internally. An in-depth analysis carried out by the new Group Management in the fall showed a need to reevaluate the Group’s performance over the short- to medium-term. In Business Group North America, the operational and commercial problems have proven more extensive than originally assumed. As a result, the turnaround program launched in spring 2019 was replaced at the beginning of 2020 with a dedicated and far more comprehensive program for the North American sites.

Revenue growth despite a shrinking global market
As a result of weak demand, the number of light vehicles produced worldwide fell again sharply in 2019 compared to the previous year; whereby the decline of almost –6% was much steeper than in 2018. Thanks to numerous production ramp-ups and a favorable model portfolio, Autoneum generated organic revenue growth1 of 2.5%, despite the global market cooling. Revenue consolidated in Swiss francs rose by 0.7% from CHF 2 281.5 million to CHF 2 297.4 million.

Profitability2 impacted by operational inefficiencies and impairments
Operational inefficiencies in North America and impairments on fixed assets in this region were the main reason for the – first-ever – negative net result in 2019. In addition, the sharp drop in automobile production in Europe and China as well as associated lower utilization of production capacities in the affected Business Groups also burdened the Group’s profitability. EBITDA excluding IFRS 16 effects decreased to CHF 126.0 million (2018: CHF 197.2 million), which corresponds to an EBITDA margin of 5.5% (2018: 8.6%). One-time charges from impairments in the amount of CHF –68.0 million had a negative impact on EBIT, reducing it to CHF –32.9 million (2018: CHF 114.1 million). Without these one-time charges, EBIT amounted to CHF 35.0 million. The EBIT margin 1 Change in revenue in local currencies, adjusted for hyperinflation. 2 The figures for the 2019 financial year include IFRS 16 effects. Autoneum Management Ltd . Media Release . March 4, 2020 Page 2/5 excluding impairments was at 1.5% in 2019, and taking those into account the margin decreased to –1.4% (2018: 5.0%).


More information:


Trevira CS sample wall in the special exhibition "Textile Future by Trevira CS“ (c) Trevira
Trevira CS sample wall in the special exhibition "Textile Future by Trevira CS“

Trevira at BCFA Open Berlin

Trevira will be joining the first BCFA Open Berlin pop-up exhibition, which will be held at the British Embassy on 6 May at the same time of Berlin Design Week (4 – 10 May 2020). The one-day fair is being organised by the British Contract Furnishing Association (BCFA), and members of the association will have the opportunity to display their products in the atrium of the post-modern embassy building.  

At the exhibition, specially invited interior designers and furnishers, along with purchasers from the contract market, will be able to find out more about the collections and products of high-end British manufacturers and textile houses, and attend interesting talks by two top specialists of the sector.

Trevira will be joining the first BCFA Open Berlin pop-up exhibition, which will be held at the British Embassy on 6 May at the same time of Berlin Design Week (4 – 10 May 2020). The one-day fair is being organised by the British Contract Furnishing Association (BCFA), and members of the association will have the opportunity to display their products in the atrium of the post-modern embassy building.  

At the exhibition, specially invited interior designers and furnishers, along with purchasers from the contract market, will be able to find out more about the collections and products of high-end British manufacturers and textile houses, and attend interesting talks by two top specialists of the sector.

Trevira will be showing a selection of Trevira CS fabrics which were on display earlier this year at the Heimtextil 2020, where they featured in the special exhibition ‘Textile Future by Trevira CS’. These fabrics are permanently flame retardant and can be deployed in a wide range of applications, as Berlin design company studio aisslinger impressively showed in the exhibition at the Trevira stand. For the Heimtextil fair, the prestigious studio aisslinger design team worked together with Trevira, creating a concept that revealed just how attractive and playful Trevira CS fabrics can be in a variety of settings on the contract market, including hospitality, healthcare, workspaces, public spaces and transport.

Designers and architects who are interested in taking part in the event are welcome to register their details with Trevira.


More information:
Trevira BCFA


SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference Photo: Weser-Kurier
SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference

SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference

The conference on sustainability in production, trade and consumption will take a second round: On March 24, 2020, the Weser-Kurier’s conference SUSTAIN will take place in the run-up to the International Cotton Conference once more. The Bremen Cotton Exchange is again cooperating partner of this event. The theme “City and Change – the Future of the Textile Retail Trade” is on focus this year.

Shirt and trpousers or blouse and skirt – clothing is an instrument of expression, a social must and a major factor of consumption. Internet and debates on climate change have changed the indicators. On the one hand, textile online trade is booming, while local stores have come under pressure to an increasing degree and cities are on the search for new ideas. On the other hand, consumers increasingly ask for products considering aspects of fairness and ecology during production. Manufacturers and stores have to react. These subjects are on focus during the Sustain that takes place on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 in Bremen in the Glocke.

The conference on sustainability in production, trade and consumption will take a second round: On March 24, 2020, the Weser-Kurier’s conference SUSTAIN will take place in the run-up to the International Cotton Conference once more. The Bremen Cotton Exchange is again cooperating partner of this event. The theme “City and Change – the Future of the Textile Retail Trade” is on focus this year.

Shirt and trpousers or blouse and skirt – clothing is an instrument of expression, a social must and a major factor of consumption. Internet and debates on climate change have changed the indicators. On the one hand, textile online trade is booming, while local stores have come under pressure to an increasing degree and cities are on the search for new ideas. On the other hand, consumers increasingly ask for products considering aspects of fairness and ecology during production. Manufacturers and stores have to react. These subjects are on focus during the Sustain that takes place on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 in Bremen in the Glocke.

Exciting keynote speakers and panel guest from fashion, science and the textile industry
Sustain will feature outstanding speakers from the economy, politics and society discussing for instance the possibilities of new techniques in stationary retail trade, the compatibility of fair production with business interests of manufacturers as well as the question whether consumers are willing to pay the additional costs of sustainability. These are themes that influence the vitality of the cities just as the purchase decisions of the consumers.

Prof. Dr Niko Paech, Professor of Economics, Wolfgang Krogmann, Advisory Director Primark, Urs-Stefan Kinting, Managing Partner of the Zero Group, Model & TV Presenter Alena Gerber, Rolf Heimann, CEO Hessnatur Stiftung, Kai Falk, Managing Director Communication of the German retail association Handelsverband Deutschland and many others confirmed their participation.


Bremer Baumwollbörse

Hexcel’s Complete Composite Solutions for Marine at JEC World 2020 (c) Hexcel
Hexcel’s Complete Composite Solutions for Marine at JEC World 2020

Hexcel’s Complete Composite Solutions for Marine at JEC World 2020

At JEC World 2020, Hexcel will display components and models from marine composite specialists Gunboat and a leading U.K. superyacht builder, as well as showcase a new low-temperature adhesive film.

Hexcel offers a comprehensive range of DNV GL approved multiaxial fabrics, woven reinforcements, and prepregs aimed at builders of high-performance racing yachts and luxury yachts. Hexcel materials are used for hull and deck structures and for masts and appendages on the most advanced composite marine structures, including racing yachts for the America’s Cup and IMOCA class.

Innovations on display include:

  • Hexcel’s HiMax™ Carbon Multiaxials and PrimeTex® Woven Carbon Fabrics for Gunboat 68.
  • New HexBondTM Low-Temperature Adhesive Film.
  • HexPly® M79 Prepregs for Short Cycle Times.
  • HexPly® XF2 Surfacing Prepreg and HexPly® SuperFIT™ Prepregs.
  • HexTow® HM54 Carbon Fiber.

Hexcel’s marine innovations will be on display on the Hexcel booth at JEC World 2020, Hall 5, Booth J41.

At JEC World 2020, Hexcel will display components and models from marine composite specialists Gunboat and a leading U.K. superyacht builder, as well as showcase a new low-temperature adhesive film.

Hexcel offers a comprehensive range of DNV GL approved multiaxial fabrics, woven reinforcements, and prepregs aimed at builders of high-performance racing yachts and luxury yachts. Hexcel materials are used for hull and deck structures and for masts and appendages on the most advanced composite marine structures, including racing yachts for the America’s Cup and IMOCA class.

Innovations on display include:

  • Hexcel’s HiMax™ Carbon Multiaxials and PrimeTex® Woven Carbon Fabrics for Gunboat 68.
  • New HexBondTM Low-Temperature Adhesive Film.
  • HexPly® M79 Prepregs for Short Cycle Times.
  • HexPly® XF2 Surfacing Prepreg and HexPly® SuperFIT™ Prepregs.
  • HexTow® HM54 Carbon Fiber.

Hexcel’s marine innovations will be on display on the Hexcel booth at JEC World 2020, Hall 5, Booth J41.

More information:
Hexcel JEC


RIRI and COEURDOR join forces
RIRI and COEURDOR join forces

RIRI and COEURDOR join forces

Riri and Coeurdor announce that they are creating the largest metal accessories group dedicated to the high-end luxury brands. The combination of the two companies will result in a unique value proposition, offering the full range of metal trims. This will allow luxury brands to simplify their supply-chain and benefit from unique innovation capabilities, including new technology like 3D printing and stainless steel. They will also rely on a production network that spans from France, Italy, Switzerland to Portugal, offering maximum flexibility and security of supply adapted to the fashion market requirements.

Founded in 1951 and headquartered in Maîche (France), Coeurdor is a manufacturer of metal accessories for the luxury industry. The company is specialized in surface finishings and manufacture of metal products for Luxury leather goods, with production facilities in France and Portugal. The company is well-known for the quality of its products, its innovation capabilities and strong customer relationships.

Riri and Coeurdor announce that they are creating the largest metal accessories group dedicated to the high-end luxury brands. The combination of the two companies will result in a unique value proposition, offering the full range of metal trims. This will allow luxury brands to simplify their supply-chain and benefit from unique innovation capabilities, including new technology like 3D printing and stainless steel. They will also rely on a production network that spans from France, Italy, Switzerland to Portugal, offering maximum flexibility and security of supply adapted to the fashion market requirements.

Founded in 1951 and headquartered in Maîche (France), Coeurdor is a manufacturer of metal accessories for the luxury industry. The company is specialized in surface finishings and manufacture of metal products for Luxury leather goods, with production facilities in France and Portugal. The company is well-known for the quality of its products, its innovation capabilities and strong customer relationships.

Founded in 1936 and headquartered in Mendrisio (Switzerland), Riri is a well-known brand, producing zippers and buttons, through Riri and Cobrax brands, mostly for the high-end luxury market. Riri is the privileged choice of many brands in light of high quality of the creations released season after season, ever-ending effort in terms of innovation, personalization of details and high service levels. The company has a world commercial presence, with commercial offices in Paris, New York City, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and Shanghai and four manufacturing sites across Switzerland and Italy.

Robert Jeambrun, Chairman of Coeurdor said: “We are very excited to open this new chapter of our history together with Riri. We believe the two organizations share the same values, including a focus on innovation and dedication to high service levels for our customers. Crossing our path with Riri will enable us to continue our growth story and increase our financial means, becoming the supplier of choice of high-end luxury brands.”

Renato Usoni, CEO of Riri Group said: “We are welcoming the Coeurdor family. The alliance of the two groups will create a new leader in the market with a unique business model and industrial means capable of supplying all metal pieces needed by our clients, from zippers to buttons and metal trims, all at once. The combined offering will be highly synergetic and will allow our clients to better industrialize their supply chains and benefit from unique innovation capabilities.”

More information:
Riri Group coeurdor


Rieter Holding Ltd.
Rieter Holding Ltd.

Rieter signed additional contracts at the Swiss-Egyptian Investment Forum

At the Swiss-Egyptian Investment Forum which took place on February 3 in Cairo (Egypt), the Cotton & Textiles Holding Company and Rieter signed additional contracts related to the modernization program for the Egyptian textile industry.

Further Orders from Egypt:

  • Contracts for additional projects signed in Cairo
  • Order volume is around 30 million Swiss francs
  • Order intake in the first half year of 2020 expected

The total volume of the contracts sums up to around 210 million Swiss Francs, including the contracts which had been signed at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona and which represent a volume of around 180 million Swiss Francs.

Rieter expects the full amount of orders to be booked as order intake in the first half year of 2020. So far, 165 million Swiss Francs have been booked.


At the Swiss-Egyptian Investment Forum which took place on February 3 in Cairo (Egypt), the Cotton & Textiles Holding Company and Rieter signed additional contracts related to the modernization program for the Egyptian textile industry.

Further Orders from Egypt:

  • Contracts for additional projects signed in Cairo
  • Order volume is around 30 million Swiss francs
  • Order intake in the first half year of 2020 expected

The total volume of the contracts sums up to around 210 million Swiss Francs, including the contracts which had been signed at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona and which represent a volume of around 180 million Swiss Francs.

Rieter expects the full amount of orders to be booked as order intake in the first half year of 2020. So far, 165 million Swiss Francs have been booked.



Rieter Holding Ltd.