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(c) Perstorp

Perstorp: Reduction targets for water and waste

Sustainable solutions provider Perstorp has added new corporate sustainability targets, for water and waste, to its sustainability strategy. Its long-term sustainability ambition is to become Finite Material Neutral, which involves water and waste, along with raw materials, energy and catalysts. In 2021 the company set its first 2030 targets, for greenhouse gas emissions (using approved science-based targets) and (eco) toxic impact. Now Perstorp has added new sustainability targets that will address its long-term ambition.

These new 2030 corporate targets (all measured using 2019 as the base year) are:

Sustainable solutions provider Perstorp has added new corporate sustainability targets, for water and waste, to its sustainability strategy. Its long-term sustainability ambition is to become Finite Material Neutral, which involves water and waste, along with raw materials, energy and catalysts. In 2021 the company set its first 2030 targets, for greenhouse gas emissions (using approved science-based targets) and (eco) toxic impact. Now Perstorp has added new sustainability targets that will address its long-term ambition.

These new 2030 corporate targets (all measured using 2019 as the base year) are:

  • 30% absolute reduction of freshwater consumption
  • 30% absolute reduction of hazardous waste directed to disposal
  • 30% absolute reduction of non-hazardous waste directed to disposal

"Fresh water consumption and waste are two areas of big importance in reducing our environmental impact and working toward increased circularity," says Anna Berggren, Vice President Sustainability at Perstorp Group. "Fresh water scarcity is already a fact around the world, and we have a responsibility to reduce our consumption and utilize alternative water sources. We must also minimize waste generation and find new circular solutions of reusing and recycling the waste streams into new products, either ourselves or so that a third party can use them as raw material. We have set ambitious and absolute sustainability targets, that are to be achieved regardless of production growth. To be able to reach these targets we have several large projects planned that will contribute significantly."

All Perstorp production plants use water for multiple purposes, including, for example: for cooling, as a solvent for chemical reactions, as a carrier for products, and as a heat-transfer medium. One way to reduce fresh water consumption is to purify and recycle wastewater. Perstorp sees this as an important core technology and is planning to invest in wastewater recycling projects at several of its production sites.

A key to reducing waste directed to disposal is to develop circular solutions that use waste streams as raw materials for new products. One example is Project Air, in which captured carbon dioxide together with residue streams from Perstorp's production plant in Stenungsund, Sweden, will serve as raw material for production of sustainable methanol that will replace all the virgin fossil methanol used by Perstorp in Europe.

(c) Marketmedia24

Branchen-REPORT Outdoor 2023: Langfristig Rückkehr zum Wachstumstrend

Der Outdoor-Markt befindet sich schon seit über zehn Jahren auf solidem Wachstumskurs und ist in den Corona-Jahren sogar noch stärker gewachsen. Doch während die Corona-bedingten Auswirkungen abnehmen, belasten der Ukraine-Krieg und damit neue Krisen die Zukunftsperspektiven der deutsche Wirtschaft - eine Rezession scheint 2023 unausweichlich. So geht das Marketmedia24-Team davon aus, dass sich die Pandemiegewinne für den Outdoor-Markt zunächst nicht fortsetzen werden. Wie stark die Beeinträchtigung ausfallen und wie sich dabei der Outdoor-Konsum entwickeln wird, zeigt der neue „Branchen-REPORT Outdoor 2023“. Dabei wird im Best-Case-Szenario erwartet, dass die Outdoor-Umsätze in diesem Jahr stabil bleiben und dass sie ab 2026 dem langjährigen Wachstumstrend aus der Vor-Corona-Zeit (plus 1,4 Prozent pro Jahr) folgen werden.

Der Outdoor-Markt befindet sich schon seit über zehn Jahren auf solidem Wachstumskurs und ist in den Corona-Jahren sogar noch stärker gewachsen. Doch während die Corona-bedingten Auswirkungen abnehmen, belasten der Ukraine-Krieg und damit neue Krisen die Zukunftsperspektiven der deutsche Wirtschaft - eine Rezession scheint 2023 unausweichlich. So geht das Marketmedia24-Team davon aus, dass sich die Pandemiegewinne für den Outdoor-Markt zunächst nicht fortsetzen werden. Wie stark die Beeinträchtigung ausfallen und wie sich dabei der Outdoor-Konsum entwickeln wird, zeigt der neue „Branchen-REPORT Outdoor 2023“. Dabei wird im Best-Case-Szenario erwartet, dass die Outdoor-Umsätze in diesem Jahr stabil bleiben und dass sie ab 2026 dem langjährigen Wachstumstrend aus der Vor-Corona-Zeit (plus 1,4 Prozent pro Jahr) folgen werden.

Dem deutschen Outdoor-Markt ging es selbst während der Corona-Jahre gut. Denn während in dieser Zeit die Konsumausgaben der Privaten Haushalte sanken, legte der Outdoor-Umsatz 2020 um 8 Prozent und 2021 noch einmal um über 4 Prozent zu. Dabei verlief die Entwicklung der einzelnen Outdoor-Warengruppen (Bekleidung, Schuhe, Ausrüstung, Zelte, Schlafsäcke) recht ähnlich. Wobei Zelte und Schlafsäcke 2021 sogar mehr als doppelt so stark zulegten. Wesentlich geringer – zum Teil sogar negativ – entwickelten sich die Outdoor-Umsätze dagegen 2022. In Summe beläuft sich der Rückgang des Gesamtmarktes auf minus 1,2 Prozent. Wenig Hoffnung gibt es für 2023, denn unter anderem Inflation und Preissteigerungen beschränken die Konsumspielräume, so dass weniger Geld für Outdoor-Einkäufe übrigbleibt.

Das hat zwangsläufig Auswirkungen auf die Umsatzchancen des Handels. Wie in den meisten Märkten war auch die Outdoor-Branche von der verstärkten Verlagerung vom stationären zum Online-Handel geprägt. Auch hier galt, dass in erster Linie der Distanzhandel von den Corona-Beschränkungen profitiert. Dessen Umsatz stieg von 2019 bis 2021 um 40,7 Prozent und der Marktanteil um 3,9 Prozentpunkte. Selbst wenn der Sportfachhandel gleichzeitig an Marktbedeutung verlor, bleiben die stationären Spezialisten mit über 46 Prozent Marktanteil (2022) an der Spitze der Distributionsliste. Der Distanzhandel bewegt sich mit gut 22 Prozent Marktanteil stabil auf dem zweiten Platz. Allerdings zeigte das Jahr 2022 dem Online-Erfolgsformat mit einem Umsatzminus von 1,7 Prozent, dass es mit der Markteroberung nicht zwangsläufig kontinuierlich weitergehen muss.

Vor allem mit der im letzten Jahr wiedergewonnenen Möglichkeiten der haptischen Prüfung, persönlichen Beratung und körperlichen Anprobe fiel beim Einkauf im Sportfachhandel das allgemeine Umsatzminus sogar geringer aus als bei den Onlinern. Zum einen, weil stationäres Shoppen Spaß macht und zum anderen vielleicht auch ganz bewusst, um die „Wiederbelebung“ der Innenstädte zu unterstützen, die durch das Zusammenwirken von Corona und dem Trend zum Online-Kauf überall an Attraktivität verloren haben.

Dennoch erwartet Marketmedia24 für die längerfristige Zukunft keine Trendumkehr in der Vertriebslandschaft. Vielmehr werden sich die Tendenzen bis zum Jahr 2030 sogar noch etwas weiter in die allgemein vorherrschende Richtung vom stationären zum Online-Handel verlagern. Danach wird der Marktanteil der Distanzhändler – bei abschwächender Marktdynamik – in etwa fünf Jahren kurz vor der 30 Prozentmarke stehen. Verlierer werden sämtliche stationäre Handelsformate sein, wobei jedoch der Sportfachhandel seine Marktführerschaft behaupten wird.




Spendenaufruf der MedTech-und Pharma-Verbände für Erdbebenopfer

Die Medizinprodukte- und Pharma-Verbände BAH, BPI, vfa, Pro Generika, der PHAGRO, BVMed, SPECTARIS und eurocom unterstützen das Hilfswerk Medeor in der türkischen und syrischen Erdbebenregion. Gemeinsam rufen die Verbände zu Spenden auf. Neben gespendeten medizinischen Hilfsgütern sind insbesondere Geldspenden sehr willkommen. Mit ihnen können die Mitarbeiter von medeor gezielt die benötigten Produkte bedarfsgerecht in den betroffenen Gebieten bereitstellen.

Das Erdbeben in der Region rund um die türkisch-syrische Grenze ist nun gut eine Woche her. Viele Helfer und Helferinnen haben vor Ort bereits mit angepackt. Auch das Medikamenten-Hilfswerk Action medeor ist mit seinen Partnern bereits vor Ort, hat die letzten Tage aber auch genutzt, um alle Wege für medizinische Hilfe in der Region zu ebnen.

Deutschland leistet humanitäre staatliche Hilfe in dieser Notsituation, um den Betroffenen zu helfen. Die Türkei meldet nunmehr Bedarfe zuverlässig über den EU-Krisenmechanismus (UCPM).

Die Medizinprodukte- und Pharma-Verbände BAH, BPI, vfa, Pro Generika, der PHAGRO, BVMed, SPECTARIS und eurocom unterstützen das Hilfswerk Medeor in der türkischen und syrischen Erdbebenregion. Gemeinsam rufen die Verbände zu Spenden auf. Neben gespendeten medizinischen Hilfsgütern sind insbesondere Geldspenden sehr willkommen. Mit ihnen können die Mitarbeiter von medeor gezielt die benötigten Produkte bedarfsgerecht in den betroffenen Gebieten bereitstellen.

Das Erdbeben in der Region rund um die türkisch-syrische Grenze ist nun gut eine Woche her. Viele Helfer und Helferinnen haben vor Ort bereits mit angepackt. Auch das Medikamenten-Hilfswerk Action medeor ist mit seinen Partnern bereits vor Ort, hat die letzten Tage aber auch genutzt, um alle Wege für medizinische Hilfe in der Region zu ebnen.

Deutschland leistet humanitäre staatliche Hilfe in dieser Notsituation, um den Betroffenen zu helfen. Die Türkei meldet nunmehr Bedarfe zuverlässig über den EU-Krisenmechanismus (UCPM).

Neben gespendeten medizinischen Hilfsgütern sind insbesondere Geldspenden sehr willkommen. Mit ihnen können die Mitarbeiter von medeor gezielt die benötigten Produkte bedarfsgerecht in den betroffenen Gebieten bereitstellen. Als Notapotheke der Welt kauft und sammelt action medeor Arzneimittel und andere medizinische Produkte und versendet diese über qualifizierte Partner an Verteilerstationen, Krankenhäuser, Pflegestationen oder Ärzte in von Krisen betroffenen Ländern.

Wenn Sie mit Produktspenden helfen wollen, wenden Sie sich bitte mit Ihren Angeboten an


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


CELLIANT cleared to market in 50+ countries

  • Registered in majority as a class 1 medical device  

CELLIANT -  a performance textile that converts body heat into infrared energy - is designated as a Class 1 Medical Device in Australia, Canada, the EU and European Economic Area (EEA), Japan, New Zealand, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States. CELLIANT is cleared to market in China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, with more countries and regions to follow.

  • Registered in majority as a class 1 medical device  

CELLIANT -  a performance textile that converts body heat into infrared energy - is designated as a Class 1 Medical Device in Australia, Canada, the EU and European Economic Area (EEA), Japan, New Zealand, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States. CELLIANT is cleared to market in China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, with more countries and regions to follow.

In 2017, the FDA determined that products containing CELLIANT are medical devices as defined in section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and are general wellness products because they are intended to temporarily increase blood flow and local circulation at the site of the application in healthy individuals.
At Hologenix®, whose CELLIANT® infrared technology is an ingredient in world-class brands across many categories, science matters. The company has a distinguished Science Advisory Board composed of experts in the fields of photobiology, nanotechnology, sleep medicine, diabetes and wound care. The Science Advisory Board has overseen nine peer-reviewed published studies that collectively demonstrate CELLIANT’s effectiveness and the benefits of infrared energy. This claim set provides the basis for products containing CELLIANT to be designated as a Class 1 Medical Device in 38 countries and cleared to market in 15, with more countries and regions to follow. This elevated status in 53 countries translates to CELLIANT being an ideal partner for global companies who are seeking innovation in textiles to distinguish their products.   

“We have laid the groundwork for our partner brands to capitalize on the benefits of our infrared technology and to enhance their ability to do business,” said Seth Casden, Hologenix co-founder and CEO.  “We firmly believe that regulatory status matters and that is why we have grown the number of countries we have such relationships with by over a third in the last three years. It is definitely a competitive advantage of our company and CELLIANT.”

“Globally, the awareness of the benefits of infrared textiles, which absorb body heat and reflect it back as therapeutic infrared energy, has grown exponentially over the last 10 years,” continued Casden. “And in the United States infrared is gaining a strong foothold.”



Photo CHIC Shanghai

CHIC Shanghai postponed by three weeks to March 28-30, 2023

CHIC - China International Fashion Fair starts the new year with a new date and fresh ideas. The unrestricted entry to China is possible again and CHIC March will be postponed by three weeks to facilitate visa applications.

From March 28 to 30, 2023 around 1,600 exhibitors will meet on 117,200 sqm at CHIC at the National Exhibition & Convention Center (NECC) in Shanghai.

In 5 halls the fair presents itself in clearly structured segments with the big players and young, up-and-coming designers as well as exciting niche brands in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, bags and accessories, young fashion, sportswear, designer brands and overseas brands.

CHIC - China International Fashion Fair starts the new year with a new date and fresh ideas. The unrestricted entry to China is possible again and CHIC March will be postponed by three weeks to facilitate visa applications.

From March 28 to 30, 2023 around 1,600 exhibitors will meet on 117,200 sqm at CHIC at the National Exhibition & Convention Center (NECC) in Shanghai.

In 5 halls the fair presents itself in clearly structured segments with the big players and young, up-and-coming designers as well as exciting niche brands in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, bags and accessories, young fashion, sportswear, designer brands and overseas brands.

Around 120,000 trade visitors are expected at the upcoming CHIC, serving all major distribution channels in China such as large shopping malls and department stores, agents, distributors, buyers from multi-brand and concept stores, live stream providers, etc. The CHIC organizers invest in intensive visitor marketing measures. CHIC Matching, the successful networking system of CHIC, brings exhibitors and visitors together efficiently and individually. New contacts can be made and cooperation opportunities explored. Comprehensive marketing activities via all relevant channels such as the CHIC WeChat Public Account (> 200,000 subscriptions), the CNGA WeChat mini program (> 100,000 subscriptions) and TikTok ensure visibility.

New: CHIC Showroom, the innovative young showroom concept in Beijing, which is to be expanded and will enable international brands to enter the Chinese market in the medium term.

More information:
CHIC Shanghai


(c) Messe Frankfurt HK, Ltd.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles confirms August 2023

With many trade fairs restarting their event schedules worldwide, and China notably relaxing border restrictions for travellers entering the country, global industry players are looking forward to the return of the Asian home textile show.

The Autumn Edition, which is more targeted towards international participants, will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 16 – 18 August 2023. Due to easing travel restrictions and the promising home textiles market, the organisers expect to welcome more overseas exhibitors and visitors to the upcoming show.  

With China’s reopened borders the latest step in the global home textiles industry getting back on track, international suppliers have been actively seeking ways to reinvigorate business growth stunted by the pandemic, and participating in reputable trade fairs is a common choice.

With many trade fairs restarting their event schedules worldwide, and China notably relaxing border restrictions for travellers entering the country, global industry players are looking forward to the return of the Asian home textile show.

The Autumn Edition, which is more targeted towards international participants, will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 16 – 18 August 2023. Due to easing travel restrictions and the promising home textiles market, the organisers expect to welcome more overseas exhibitors and visitors to the upcoming show.  

With China’s reopened borders the latest step in the global home textiles industry getting back on track, international suppliers have been actively seeking ways to reinvigorate business growth stunted by the pandemic, and participating in reputable trade fairs is a common choice.

According to TexPro, the global home textiles market is expected to grow at an annual rate of 3.5% between 2020 and 2025, with the market size to reach over USD 151 billion by the end of the forecast period. Regionally, China is expected to remain the world’s largest home textiles market with a share of over 28%.

As an important sector for the home textiles industry and the global economy in general, China has announced several policies to facilitate business and trading activities that involve foreign companies. One of the most important is the ease of the travel regulations when entering the country.

735 exhibitors and over 20,000 buyers joined the previous edition, and participants can expect a comprehensive platform in autumn. The fair will comprise a wide range of home textile products, including bedding & towelling, rugs, table & kitchen linen, upholstery & curtain fabrics, editors, home textile technologies and textile design. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).


Messe Frankfurt HK, Ltd.

(c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG

Freudenberg Performance Materials presents range of solutions for the composites industry at JEC 2023

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will present surfacing veils and core materials for lightweight fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) parts at JEC in Paris, France. Freudenberg will also be showcasing Enka® Solutions flow media and spacers for efficient vacuum infusion, resin transfer and foam injection molding processes for applications in the composites industry, etc. at the international composites show.
Freudenberg’s solutions for the FRP industry include a variety of glass, PAN and PET nonwovens, as well as core materials for the production of lightweight fiber reinforced plastic parts. These products are designed for anti-corrosion coatings in piping and tank construction, smooth UV resistant surfaces for facade panels, and other applications for a diverse range of end products. Products made from fiber reinforced plastics must be equipped with surfacing veils to provide abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, smooth surfaces and mechanical strength. Freudenberg offers high-tech nonwovens that can meet these challenges.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will present surfacing veils and core materials for lightweight fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) parts at JEC in Paris, France. Freudenberg will also be showcasing Enka® Solutions flow media and spacers for efficient vacuum infusion, resin transfer and foam injection molding processes for applications in the composites industry, etc. at the international composites show.
Freudenberg’s solutions for the FRP industry include a variety of glass, PAN and PET nonwovens, as well as core materials for the production of lightweight fiber reinforced plastic parts. These products are designed for anti-corrosion coatings in piping and tank construction, smooth UV resistant surfaces for facade panels, and other applications for a diverse range of end products. Products made from fiber reinforced plastics must be equipped with surfacing veils to provide abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, smooth surfaces and mechanical strength. Freudenberg offers high-tech nonwovens that can meet these challenges.
Enka® Solutions products are characterized by their typical 3D entangled polymeric filament structures. Thanks to this structure, they are exceptionally suitable as flow media and spacers when producing composite materials.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG

(c) Löffler
The EC300-S collarette cutter

TMAS: Svegea installs Collarette Cutter at Löffler

Svegea of Sweden – a member of TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association – has recently installed an EC300-S collarette cutter for the high speed production of tubular apparel components as well as an FA350 automatic roll slitter at the plant of Löffler, in Ried im Innkreis, Austria.

The EC 300-S collarette cutter is equipped with the computer-controlled True-Drive II and high pre-feed device, which is used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements. It operates at speeds of up to 20,000 metres per hour. The integrated, fully automatic FA350 roll slitter FA500 roll slitter is equipped with three separately adjustable settings enabling three different band widths to be cut within the same cutting cycle. Automatic tube sewing units are provided for sewn tubes in optional rolled or flat folded forms, depending on customer preference.

Svegea of Sweden – a member of TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association – has recently installed an EC300-S collarette cutter for the high speed production of tubular apparel components as well as an FA350 automatic roll slitter at the plant of Löffler, in Ried im Innkreis, Austria.

The EC 300-S collarette cutter is equipped with the computer-controlled True-Drive II and high pre-feed device, which is used by garment manufacturers around the world for the production of tubular apparel components such as cuff and neck tapes and other seam reinforcements. It operates at speeds of up to 20,000 metres per hour. The integrated, fully automatic FA350 roll slitter FA500 roll slitter is equipped with three separately adjustable settings enabling three different band widths to be cut within the same cutting cycle. Automatic tube sewing units are provided for sewn tubes in optional rolled or flat folded forms, depending on customer preference.

Sports and knitwear specialist Löffler is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2023. Its plant in Ried houses 25 circular knitting machines and three seamless knitting machines with an annual output of around 905,000 square metres of fabric, and in addition to product development, design, cutting and some sewing are all carried out in-house.

Löffler is known for its transtex under garments, which ushered in the two-layer principle of structures combining hydrophobic polypropylene and other fibres like cotton, Modal, Tencel or merino wool.

Before transtex, endurance athletes usually wore pure cotton underwear next to their skin, which became wet over time and cooled the body down. Löffler’s two-layer fabric prevented this, since the polypropylene does not absorb moisture and instead wicks it to the outside, where it can evaporate to keep the skin dry.

Innovation has been ongoing ever since, and in December, Löffler received an ISPO Award 2022 for transtex Retr’x – its latest functional underwear made from recycled polypropylene from textile waste and a combination of recycled and GOTS-certified organic cotton. Transtex Retr’x is neither dyed or bleached and is Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex as well as Made In Green by Oeko-Tex approved.

In addition to its own branded products, the plant makes sports garments for sister company Fischer, which is also based in Ried, and is at the same time involved in significant government tender projects, including the supply of polo shirts for the Austrian Red Cross and for the German and Austrian police forces. Combined, Löffler and Fischer employ approximately 700 people in the region of Upper Austria.


TMAS by AWOL Media


NCTO: US Vice President Kamala Harris announces investments for industry

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of the U.S. textile industry from fibers through finished sewn products, welcomed Vice President Kamala Harris’ announcement of $585 million in new textile and apparel investments and sourcing commitments in Central America.

“Over the past year, well over $1 billion of new textile and apparel investments have been announced in Central America and the United States,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas.  “The $585 million of investments and sourcing commitments announced today in the region will continue to build on the strong momentum of growth of nearshoring and onshoring these critical supply chains.”

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of the U.S. textile industry from fibers through finished sewn products, welcomed Vice President Kamala Harris’ announcement of $585 million in new textile and apparel investments and sourcing commitments in Central America.

“Over the past year, well over $1 billion of new textile and apparel investments have been announced in Central America and the United States,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas.  “The $585 million of investments and sourcing commitments announced today in the region will continue to build on the strong momentum of growth of nearshoring and onshoring these critical supply chains.”

“The investments and sourcing commitments announced today continue to build on the robust textile and apparel co-production chain between the U.S. and Central America,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas. “We sincerely appreciate the administration’s commitment to this critical manufacturing sector that has contributed to the backbone of economic development in Central America and the United States. And we look forward to working with our retail and brand partners to continue to expand our vital manufacturing sector.”

Over the last year, substantial investments have been flowing into Central America, predicated on the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) and the co-production chain that facilitates $15.1 billion in two-way textile and apparel trade and supports more than one million workers in the U.S. and the region.

“We saw apparel imports largely containing U.S. textile inputs from the CAFTA-DR region jump 24 percent according to the latest government trade data and we have seen well over $1 billion in investments in the region,” Glas said.

Several NCTO members previously joined the Vice President last year to announce their investments and sourcing commitments, including Parkdale Mills, Unifi, and SanMar.

“These are just a few of the key investments in the region, which illustrates how this co-production chain is continuing to make sustainable investments that strengthen supply chain resilience, create job opportunities and investment in the U.S. and the region, and ensure transparency in our supply chains, as momentum grows for onshoring and nearshoring textile and apparel production,” Glas said. “That is a win-win for our industry and the region.”

(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Cinte Techtextil China 2023 set for September

With China easing its pandemic restrictions, foreign exhibitors and buyers can look forward to quarantine-free travel when participating at this year’s industry showcase in Shanghai. The technical textile and nonwovens fair is scheduled to take place from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, amid positive market forecasts for both sectors. The organisers are anticipating a strong showing and the conclusion of an inconsistent period for in-person textile business.

“The industry has demonstrated incredible patience and resilience over the course of the pandemic,” said Ms Wilmet Shea, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “With both markets growing and China opening its borders, we are excited at the prospect of providing participants with an international, business-friendly platform and expect to welcome a healthy number of exhibitors later this year.”

With China easing its pandemic restrictions, foreign exhibitors and buyers can look forward to quarantine-free travel when participating at this year’s industry showcase in Shanghai. The technical textile and nonwovens fair is scheduled to take place from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, amid positive market forecasts for both sectors. The organisers are anticipating a strong showing and the conclusion of an inconsistent period for in-person textile business.

“The industry has demonstrated incredible patience and resilience over the course of the pandemic,” said Ms Wilmet Shea, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “With both markets growing and China opening its borders, we are excited at the prospect of providing participants with an international, business-friendly platform and expect to welcome a healthy number of exhibitors later this year.”

The global technical textile and nonwovens markets are both set to perform strongly over the next few years. According to Grand View Research, the technical textile market is forecast to expand at a CAGR of 4.7% from 2022 to 2030[1]. The nonwoven fabrics market is anticipated to display an even stronger CAGR of 5.6% during the same period[2], with Asia-Pacific to maintain its position as the biggest regional market.

As one of Asia’s leading trade fairs for the abovementioned sectors, Cinte Techtextil China is the preferred platform for multiple industry players. Speaking at the previous edition in 2021, Mr Seven Shen, Sales Manager at Libero Trading (Shanghai) Co Ltd, China, said: “We have been exhibiting at this fair for years, and know we will meet our target customers at every edition. The buyers here are all highly specialised.”

During his interview at the same edition, Mr Eric Ni, Senior Manager, China Supply Chain Marketing for Cotton Council International, USA, commented: “We hope to use this platform to meet more companies and brands in the nonwovens industry who are interested in US cotton, and to meet up with old friends to discuss the current situation and industry trends. The fair’s buyers are quality, and we have found some new potential clients at this edition.”

Many buyers at the previous edition also gave positive appraisals. “As a professional trade fair for technical textile and nonwoven products, Cinte Techtextil China is not only a platform to gather qualified industry players, but also the best place to showcase new products and innovations,” said Mr Lin Bin, Technical Director at Zhejiang Xinna Medical Device Technology Co Ltd, China. “Specific and high quality products enhance sourcing efficiency for buyers, and exposure to new trends and market developments ensures my company visits here regularly.”

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

[1] “Technical Textile Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report 2022-2030”, 2022, Grand View Research,, (Retrieved: January 2023)
[2] “Nonwoven Fabrics Market Size”, 7 September 2022, GlobeNewswire,, (Retrieved: January 2023)


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Sustainable Apparel Coalition partners with Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), an independent and impact-creating organization that brings together around half of the apparel industry to enable positive social and environmental impact at scale, announces its strategic partnership with the Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) for its fourth edition of the Sustainable Apparel Forum. The event aims to bring together stakeholders to discuss and exchange ideas on how to advance sustainability within the textile and apparel industry.

Taking place on March 15 and 16, 2023, this year’s Sustainable Apparel Forum will focus on five key subject areas of the apparel and textile supply chain: circular economy, climate impact & action, renewable energy & green funding, skill development and green job prospects & challenges. Delegates in attendance will include, garment manufacturers, brands and retailers, development partners, foreign missions and embassies in Bangladesh, impact creating organizations, apparel and textile associations, industry leaders, government officials, secretariats and ministers.

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), an independent and impact-creating organization that brings together around half of the apparel industry to enable positive social and environmental impact at scale, announces its strategic partnership with the Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) for its fourth edition of the Sustainable Apparel Forum. The event aims to bring together stakeholders to discuss and exchange ideas on how to advance sustainability within the textile and apparel industry.

Taking place on March 15 and 16, 2023, this year’s Sustainable Apparel Forum will focus on five key subject areas of the apparel and textile supply chain: circular economy, climate impact & action, renewable energy & green funding, skill development and green job prospects & challenges. Delegates in attendance will include, garment manufacturers, brands and retailers, development partners, foreign missions and embassies in Bangladesh, impact creating organizations, apparel and textile associations, industry leaders, government officials, secretariats and ministers.

The first day of the forum will be geared towards roundtable discussions and workshop sessions on circularity, while day two, the main conference day of the event, will feature panel discussions, presentations & keynote speeches along with strategic guidelines from government officials and industry leaders.

Vidhura Rapanawe, Board Director, Andrew Martin, VP, Membership and Stakeholder Engagement, and Joyce Tsoi, Director of Collective Action Programs, along with other team members, will represent the SAC, including participation in a discussion on decarbonization and what it will take for the industry to achieve the necessary reduction of carbon emissions. The SAC will also actively participate and organize a special workshop for manufacturers as part of their continued stakeholder engagement efforts.


Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE)

Multi-purpose TWF-NC roller card

Trützschler: Technical nonwovens line for WPT Nonwovens

The American company WPT Nonwovens invests in a new thermobonding line for filter media. Trützschler Nonwovens teamed up with Schott & Meissner to deliver a state-of-the-art, high-capacity line including the T-BLEND fiber preparation system, two TWF-NC roller cards and Schott&Meissner’s high-speed “Speedliner” belt oven.

Air conditioning systems are not only an integral part of many buildings all over the world. They are vital components in cars, trucks, planes and other. Home and Vehicle Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems often rely on thermo- or through-air bonded nonwovens for air filtering.

WPT Nonwovens is a specialist not only for filtration media but also for nonwovens used in the medical, hygiene and industrial sectors. The US-based company started its business in 2008 and quickly became a trusted supplier of spunbonded, needle-punched, wet-laid and carded nonwovens.

To enable further growth, WPT Nonwovens now decided to invest in a new through-air bonding line. The Trützschler machinery has been selected to ensure reliable fiber preparation and web forming processes for various special, technically demanding filtration media.

The American company WPT Nonwovens invests in a new thermobonding line for filter media. Trützschler Nonwovens teamed up with Schott & Meissner to deliver a state-of-the-art, high-capacity line including the T-BLEND fiber preparation system, two TWF-NC roller cards and Schott&Meissner’s high-speed “Speedliner” belt oven.

Air conditioning systems are not only an integral part of many buildings all over the world. They are vital components in cars, trucks, planes and other. Home and Vehicle Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems often rely on thermo- or through-air bonded nonwovens for air filtering.

WPT Nonwovens is a specialist not only for filtration media but also for nonwovens used in the medical, hygiene and industrial sectors. The US-based company started its business in 2008 and quickly became a trusted supplier of spunbonded, needle-punched, wet-laid and carded nonwovens.

To enable further growth, WPT Nonwovens now decided to invest in a new through-air bonding line. The Trützschler machinery has been selected to ensure reliable fiber preparation and web forming processes for various special, technically demanding filtration media.

The start-up of the through-air bonding line is planned for the 3rd quarter 2023.



Trützschler Nonwovens & Man-Made Fibers GmbH


Carbios appoints new Executive Committee Members

Carbios has strengthened its leadership team with the appointment of Martine Brisset as Senior Vice President from 1 January 2023. Martine will manage the Biodegradation Division and supervise the Human Resources, Legal, Regulatory, Project Management, Quality Health and Safety departments. Martine Brisset joins the Group’s Executive Committee, as does Delphine Denoizé, who remains Innovation Programs Funding, Regulation and LCA Director with an expanding team.

Carbios has strengthened its leadership team with the appointment of Martine Brisset as Senior Vice President from 1 January 2023. Martine will manage the Biodegradation Division and supervise the Human Resources, Legal, Regulatory, Project Management, Quality Health and Safety departments. Martine Brisset joins the Group’s Executive Committee, as does Delphine Denoizé, who remains Innovation Programs Funding, Regulation and LCA Director with an expanding team.

Martine Brisset has over 30 years of General Management experience in international groups within the plastic and paper packaging industry, most notably at Amcor, Huhtamaki, Linpac and Klockner Pentaplast.  Since 2021, she has held the position of General Manager of Carbiolice in order to integrate this high-potential subsidiary dedicated to biodegradation within the Carbios Group. In her new position as Senior Vice President of Carbios, her main mission will be to successfully deploy the biodegradation technology, facilitate the international expansion of Carbios’ activities, organise the recruitment and training of the Group’s employees. With numerous recruitments planned throughout the company in 2023, building Carbios’ attractivity will be a strategic topic.

After several years working in innovation within the agricultural industry, Delphine Denoizé joined the Carbios in 2016 and was one of its first twenty employees. Initially in charge of Innovation Funding and Regulation, then Project Management for PET biorecycling, she now oversees all the Group’s projects. Her responsibilities include French and European public funding for innovation, regulatory compliance of processes and products around the world, and assessment of their environmental impact through specific tools such as Life Cycle Assessment.

More information:
Carbios Recycling plastics


(c) INDA

FiltXPO™ 2023 taking place in October

Global leading companies from more than 15 countries in the filtration and separation industry will connect with some 1,500 industry professionals and launch their innovations at FiltXPO™ 2023, Oct. 10-12, at Navy Pier in Chicago, Illinois.

FiltXPO™, an exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively to filtration and separation, is now being held on an 18-month cycle, making it a valuable opportunity to generate new business and grow global relationships with unique exposure to the North American market, according to INDA.

FiltXPO™ will draw senior-level professionals from around the world in major market segments involved in the design, manufacture, sales, and use of filtration/separation products and services.

A feature of the event will be the technical conference – Summit for Global Change. Five panels of global industry experts will debate filtration and separation’s most compelling challenges such as indoor air quality, filtration sustainability, standards and technologies. FiltXPO™ will also offer a one-and-a-half day intensive training course on the development, testing and application of filtration and separation media.

Global leading companies from more than 15 countries in the filtration and separation industry will connect with some 1,500 industry professionals and launch their innovations at FiltXPO™ 2023, Oct. 10-12, at Navy Pier in Chicago, Illinois.

FiltXPO™, an exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively to filtration and separation, is now being held on an 18-month cycle, making it a valuable opportunity to generate new business and grow global relationships with unique exposure to the North American market, according to INDA.

FiltXPO™ will draw senior-level professionals from around the world in major market segments involved in the design, manufacture, sales, and use of filtration/separation products and services.

A feature of the event will be the technical conference – Summit for Global Change. Five panels of global industry experts will debate filtration and separation’s most compelling challenges such as indoor air quality, filtration sustainability, standards and technologies. FiltXPO™ will also offer a one-and-a-half day intensive training course on the development, testing and application of filtration and separation media.

(c) Hohenstein

OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON - New label for organic cotton

From April 2023, OEKO-TEX® will officially launch its new ORGANIC COTTON label. Two initial pilot customers have already been certified by the testing service provider Hohenstein: the Indian textile supplier Milan Group and the Turkish cotton producer Akasya.

The new organic label ensures that all requirements for labeling as organic cotton are met. In addition to testing in accordance with OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, it ensures that the cotton contains less than ten percent genetically modified material, complies with pesticide limits and guarantees its organic origin.

Textile companies whose products have been certified with the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 can now have their certificates extended to an ORGANIC COTTON certificate after ensuring ecological production.

"A combination with OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN is ideal," explains Ivonne Schramm, Head of OEKO-TEX® at Hohenstein. "This ensures environmental friendliness, transparency and socially responsible conditions in a single certification."

From April 2023, OEKO-TEX® will officially launch its new ORGANIC COTTON label. Two initial pilot customers have already been certified by the testing service provider Hohenstein: the Indian textile supplier Milan Group and the Turkish cotton producer Akasya.

The new organic label ensures that all requirements for labeling as organic cotton are met. In addition to testing in accordance with OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, it ensures that the cotton contains less than ten percent genetically modified material, complies with pesticide limits and guarantees its organic origin.

Textile companies whose products have been certified with the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 can now have their certificates extended to an ORGANIC COTTON certificate after ensuring ecological production.

"A combination with OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN is ideal," explains Ivonne Schramm, Head of OEKO-TEX® at Hohenstein. "This ensures environmental friendliness, transparency and socially responsible conditions in a single certification."

The certificate can be used for ready-made articles (e.g. T-shirt, bedspread, etc.) as well as for textile intermediate products (e.g. intermediate products such as raw fibers, yarns, etc.). Mixtures of organic and conventional cultivation are not permitted.




BVMed-Datenbank: Medizintechnik-Methodenbewertung

In der im Frühjahr 2022 gestarteten Datenbank „BVData“ des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed) sind mittlerweile über 400 Bewertungsverfahren für über 200 innovative Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden mit Medizintechnologien abgebildet. Die BVMed-Datenbank bereitet aus der Medizintechnik-Perspektive die Methodenbewertungs-Verfahren des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses (G-BA) und weiterer beteiligter Organisationen strukturiert auf.

Die Anforderungen an die sichere und leistungsfähige Behandlung von Patient:innen mit Medizinprodukten wachsen stetig. Mit geeigneten Datenquellen können wichtige Erkenntnisse aus dem Versorgungsalltag gewonnen werden, um die Behandlungsqualität zu verbessern. Ein wichtiges Instrument für Medizintechnik-Hersteller, um den Nutzen von Medizinprodukten zu belegen, sind Verfahren der Methodenbewertung, beispielsweise die Erprobungsverfahren.

In der im Frühjahr 2022 gestarteten Datenbank „BVData“ des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed) sind mittlerweile über 400 Bewertungsverfahren für über 200 innovative Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden mit Medizintechnologien abgebildet. Die BVMed-Datenbank bereitet aus der Medizintechnik-Perspektive die Methodenbewertungs-Verfahren des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses (G-BA) und weiterer beteiligter Organisationen strukturiert auf.

Die Anforderungen an die sichere und leistungsfähige Behandlung von Patient:innen mit Medizinprodukten wachsen stetig. Mit geeigneten Datenquellen können wichtige Erkenntnisse aus dem Versorgungsalltag gewonnen werden, um die Behandlungsqualität zu verbessern. Ein wichtiges Instrument für Medizintechnik-Hersteller, um den Nutzen von Medizinprodukten zu belegen, sind Verfahren der Methodenbewertung, beispielsweise die Erprobungsverfahren.

Ein Methodenverfahren erfordert die Teilnahme vieler unabhängiger Institute. Hier ist allerdings die Kommunikation der Untersuchungsergebnisse und Beschlüsse nicht einheitlich geregelt. Einen vollständigen Überblick über die Methodenbewertung und Analysen gibt die herstellerorientierte digitale Bewertungsverfahren-Datenbank „BVData“ des BVMed. Dort werden Verfahren von der Eröffnung bis zur abschließenden Bewertung strukturiert hinterlegt. Mit den vollständig recherchierbaren Datensätzen zur Erprobung und Bewertung von Medizinprodukten können Medizintechnik-Unternehmen alle Daten schnell und aussagekräftig analysieren.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


SMCCREATE 2023: Call for Speakers

The AVK Working Group SMC/BMC and the European Alliance for SMC BMC are jointly organising SMCCreate 2023 - a conference on designing with SMC and BMC composites. The event, which offers insights into the entire product design process from idea to part manufacture, is aimed at both experienced designers and those new to the use of these materials.

Around 60 participants from all over Europe attended the first SMCCreate design conference, which took place in Antwerp in June 2022. SMCCREATE 2023 will take place in Prague (Czech Republic) on 7-8 November 2023 at the Vienna House by Wyndham Diplomat Prague; conference language is English. After a successful launch, AVK and the European Alliance for SMC BMC are looking forward to the second edition of the event and invite speakers to apply with their presentation proposals by 27 February. (Mail address:

The AVK Working Group SMC/BMC and the European Alliance for SMC BMC are jointly organising SMCCreate 2023 - a conference on designing with SMC and BMC composites. The event, which offers insights into the entire product design process from idea to part manufacture, is aimed at both experienced designers and those new to the use of these materials.

Around 60 participants from all over Europe attended the first SMCCreate design conference, which took place in Antwerp in June 2022. SMCCREATE 2023 will take place in Prague (Czech Republic) on 7-8 November 2023 at the Vienna House by Wyndham Diplomat Prague; conference language is English. After a successful launch, AVK and the European Alliance for SMC BMC are looking forward to the second edition of the event and invite speakers to apply with their presentation proposals by 27 February. (Mail address:

The aim of the conference is to help designers and engineers choose the best material solution for their applications. Presentations will focus on best practices and industrial solutions, SMC and BMC component manufacturing, material selection and product development throughout the product life cycle, from design to sustainability.

(Mail address:


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.


Ministry of Textiles again supports Techtextil India

Techtextil India is scheduled to take place between 12 – 14 September, 2023 in Mumbai. The continued support from the Ministry of Textiles demonstrates the huge emphasis laid for this key sector in boosting the economy of the country given the enormous scope to grow rapidly apart from the remarkable opportunities present to do business in India.
Techtextil India is the country’s leading trade fair on technical textiles, non-wovens, fibres, yarns and machinery. With almost eight months to go, the three-day business event has received an overwhelming response from various companies who will be seen showcasing their latest solutions and products for key application areas.

Techtextil India is scheduled to take place between 12 – 14 September, 2023 in Mumbai. The continued support from the Ministry of Textiles demonstrates the huge emphasis laid for this key sector in boosting the economy of the country given the enormous scope to grow rapidly apart from the remarkable opportunities present to do business in India.
Techtextil India is the country’s leading trade fair on technical textiles, non-wovens, fibres, yarns and machinery. With almost eight months to go, the three-day business event has received an overwhelming response from various companies who will be seen showcasing their latest solutions and products for key application areas.
Commenting on the developments, Mr Raj Manek, Executive Director and Board Member, Messe Frankfurt Asia Holdings Ltd, shared: “We are elated to have received the support from the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India and believe that it will bring in strong value to the technical textiles segment of our trade fair while opening doors to lucrative business engagements for the industry. We are optimistic that it will gain for us a wider reach and increase our credibility among the industry.”
The last edition of Techtextil India in November 2021 emerged as a crucial meeting place for the technical textile players. Even though the show happened to be the first post lockdown edition it garnered an attendance of 4,087 visitors due to live demonstration of latest products and technologies from over 150 technical textile brands.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Limited

(c) nova-Institut GmbH

Six nominees for„Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2023“

For the third time, nova-Institute awards the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” award in the frame of the “Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023” (8-9 March 2023). The conference advisory board nominated six remarkable products, including cellulose fibres from textile waste, banana production waste and bacterial pulp, a novel technology for producing lyocell yarns and a hygiene product. The innovations will be put to the vote of the conference audience on the first day of the event, with the awards ceremony taking place in the evening. The innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2023” is sponsored by GIG Karasek (AT).

For the third time, nova-Institute awards the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” award in the frame of the “Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023” (8-9 March 2023). The conference advisory board nominated six remarkable products, including cellulose fibres from textile waste, banana production waste and bacterial pulp, a novel technology for producing lyocell yarns and a hygiene product. The innovations will be put to the vote of the conference audience on the first day of the event, with the awards ceremony taking place in the evening. The innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2023” is sponsored by GIG Karasek (AT).

Here are the six nominees
Vybrana – The new generation banana fibre – GenCrest Bioproducts (India)

Vybrana is a Gencrest’s Sustainable Cellulosic Fibre upcycled from agrowaste. Raw fibres are extracted from the Banana Pseudo stem at the end of the plant lifecycle. The biomass waste is then treated by the Gencrest patented Fiberzyme technology. Here, cocktail enzyme formulations remove the high lignin content and other impurities and help fibre fibrillation. The company's proprietary cottonisation process provides fine, spinnable cellulose staple fibres suitable for blending with other staple fibres and can be spun on any conventional spinning systems giving yarns sustainable apparel. Vybrana is produced without the use of heavy chemicals and minimized water consumption and in a waste-free process where balance biomass is converted to bio stimulants Agrosatva and Bio Fertilizers & organic manure.

HeiQ AeoniQ™ – technology for more sustainability of textiles – HeiQ (Austria)
HeiQ AeoniQ™ is the disruptive technology and key initiative from HeiQ with the potential to change the sustainability of textiles. It is the first climate-positive continuous cellulose filament yarn, made in a proprietary manufacturing process and the first to reproduce the properties of polyester and nylon yarns in a cellulosic, biodegradable, and endlessly recyclable fibre.
HeiQ AeoniQ™ can be manufactured from different cellulosic raw materials such as pre- and post-consumer textile waste, biotech cellulose, and non-valorized agricultural waste, such as ground coffee waste or banana peels. It naturally degrades after only 12 weeks in the soil. Each ton of HeiQ AeoniQ™ saves 5 tons of CO2 emissions. The first garments made with this innovative cellulosic filament fiber were commercially launched in January 2023.

TENCEL™ LUXE – lyocell filament yarn – Lenzing (Austria)
TENCEL™ LUXE is LENZING’s new versatile lyocell yarn that offers an urgently needed sustainable filament solution for the textile and fashion industry. A possible botanical alternative for silk, long-staple cotton, and petrol-based synthetic filaments, is derived from wood grown in renewable, sustainably managed forests, and produced in an environmentally sound, closed-loop process that recycles water and reuses more than 99 % of organic solvent. Certified by The Vegan Society, it is suitable for a wide range of applications and fabric developments, from finer high fashion propositions to denim constructions, seamless and activewear innovations, and even agricultural and technical solutions.

Nullarbor™ – Nanollose & Birla Cellulose (Australia/India)
In 2020, Nanollose & Birla Cellulose started a journey to develop and commercialize tree-free lyocell from bacterial cellulose, called Nullarbor™. The name derives from the Latin “nulla arbor” which means “no trees”. Initial lab research at both ends led to a joint patent application with the patent “production of high-tenacity lyocell fibres made from bacterial cellulose”.
Nullarbor is significantly stronger than lyocell made from wood-based pulp; even adding small amounts of bacterial cellulose to wood pulp increases the fibre toughness. In 2022, the first pilot batch of 260kg was produced with 20 % bacterial pulp share. Several high-quality fabrics and garments were produced with this fibre. The collaboration between Nanollose & Birla Cellulose now focuses on increasing the production scale and amount of bacterial pulp in the fibre.

Circulose® – makes fashion circular – Renewcell (Sweden)
Circulose® made by Renewcell is a branded dissolving pulp made from 100 % textile waste, like worn-out clothes and production scraps. It provides a unique material for fashion that is 100 % recycled, recyclable, biodegradable, and of virgin-equivalent quality. It is used by fibre producers to make staple fibre or filaments like viscose, lyocell, modal, acetate or other types of man-made cellulosic fibres. In 2022, Renewcell, opened the world’s first textile-to-textile chemical recycling plant in Sundsvall, Sweden – Renewcell 1. The plant will eventually reach 120,000 tons of annual capacity.

Sparkle sustainable sanitary pads – Sparkle Innovations (United States)
Globally, around 300 billion period products are discarded every year, resulting in millions of tons of non-biodegradable waste. Since most conventional sanitary pads contain up to 90 % plastics, they do not biodegrade for around 600 years. Sparkle has designed sustainable, plastic-free, biodegradable and compostable Sparkle sanitary pads. From product to packaging, they are made up of around 90 % cellulose-based materials with top sheet, absorbent core, release paper, wrapping paper and packaging made of cellulose-based fibres. Whether Sparkle pads end up in a compost pit, are incinerated or end up in a landfill, they are a more sustainable alternative compared to conventional pads that contain large amounts of plastics, complex petro-chemical based ingredients and artificial fragrances. When tested according to ISO 14855-1 by a leading independent lab in Europe, Sparkle pads reached over 90 % absolute biodegradation within 90 days in commercial composting conditions.

Photo: Texhibition Istanbul

Third edition of TEXHIBITION Istanbul Fabric, Yarn and Textile Accessories Fair

  • Third edition of Texhibition Istanbul will take place from 8-10 March 2023 at the Istanbul Expo Center
  • Organizers focus on growth: more than 25,000 international visitors are targeted for March 2023
  • More than 400 exhibitors show fabrics, yarns and accessories at the Istanbul Expo Center
  • Trend seminars and trend area with special focus on sustainability presents the trends for spring/summer 2024

The third edition of Texhibition Istanbul Fabric, Yarn and Textile Accessories Fair, 8-10 March 2023 builds on the successful editions of the fair last year. The fair is organized by the Istanbul Textile Exporters' Association (ITHIB) and with the support of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC).

More than 400 exhibitors from the areas of knitwear, woven fabrics, denim, yarns and accessories will present their 2024 spring-summer collections on 15,000 square meters in the Istanbul Expo Center. These include well-known names such as Kipaş, Bossa, Yünsa, Btd, Çalık, Hefa, İskur, Universal, Gülle, and Migiboy.

  • Third edition of Texhibition Istanbul will take place from 8-10 March 2023 at the Istanbul Expo Center
  • Organizers focus on growth: more than 25,000 international visitors are targeted for March 2023
  • More than 400 exhibitors show fabrics, yarns and accessories at the Istanbul Expo Center
  • Trend seminars and trend area with special focus on sustainability presents the trends for spring/summer 2024

The third edition of Texhibition Istanbul Fabric, Yarn and Textile Accessories Fair, 8-10 March 2023 builds on the successful editions of the fair last year. The fair is organized by the Istanbul Textile Exporters' Association (ITHIB) and with the support of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC).

More than 400 exhibitors from the areas of knitwear, woven fabrics, denim, yarns and accessories will present their 2024 spring-summer collections on 15,000 square meters in the Istanbul Expo Center. These include well-known names such as Kipaş, Bossa, Yünsa, Btd, Çalık, Hefa, İskur, Universal, Gülle, and Migiboy.

At the last event in September 2022, a total of 20,606 visitors took the opportunity to start business discussions and place orders. Among them international visitors from 97 countries, including the EU, UK, USA, North Africa and the Middle East. Over 25,000 visitors are expected at the upcoming Texhibition in March 2023 such as large clothing manufacturers, purchasing managers of international chain stores and department stores, managers of international brands and chains with their own brand collections, managers of online sales platforms, importers, wholesalers, distributors, designers, etc.

The trend area at Texhibition will show the spring-summer 2024 trends with a focus on sustainable aspects.

Texhibition Istanbul completes the IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection, which takes place from 8.-11. February 2023, also for the third time at the Istanbul Expo Center.


Texhibition Istanbul / JANDALI