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ROICA™ Infused Eco-Smart Technology into High Performance Stretch at EUROBIKE

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, included ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers discovered ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ joined this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? was held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel led the way, as they shared their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, included ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers discovered ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ joined this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? was held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel led the way, as they shared their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

Uwe Schmidt, Asahi Kasei’s ROICA™, Managing Director introduces cycle enthusiasts, brands, retailers and manufacturers to the world’s first premium sustainable stretch yarn: ROICA™ Eco-Smart and the ROICA™ Feel Good family dedicated to well-being.
Laura Gambarini, marketing and communication manager at M.I.T.I. S.p.A.: M.I.T.I. Since 1931, M.I.T.I. develops and creates premium and innovative stretch warp knitted fabrics for all the high performance sports. Cycling brands recognize M.I.T.I. as the market leader for the outstanding features of their innovative fabrics. Green soul is their ultimate creation, the first fully sustainable stretch warp knitted range of fabrics in the world, created with ROICA™ Eco-Smart family for the new generation sustainable performance garments.
Sven Koehler, Head of production Maloja Clothing GmbH: Maloja, an outdoor specialty brand with its roots in nature and wellbeing have developed new amazing biking sets constructed of M.I.T.I. SpA fabrics using certified yarns belonging to ROICA™ Eco-Smart family.
Sergio Alibrandi, Executive Marketing Director Sitip S.p.A.: SITIP creates high-tech innovative sports fabrics that are made in Italy and optimize the latest technology. Committed to smart innovation, learn how they developed their ground-breaking multi-panel thermal bib tights able to generate heat for riders that want to conquer cold winter training. Made from BeHOT fabric constructed with ROICA™ StretchEnergy™, the next level of well-being providing a new dimension to active performance.  The audience will learn how leading international cycling brand Santini is using BeHOT with ROICA™ on select products to generate additional heat – up to 2 degrees C as the cyclist moves their body, thanks to ground-breaking heat generating technology as certified by CeRism, Outdoor Sport Research Centre at Verona University.
 Witness ROICA™ partners as leaders in high-tech performance fabrics for the world of sports for riders that want to stand out. The unbeatable collection of well-constructed fabrics that revolutionize the premium stretch market at the following EUROBIKE Exhibitors:

  • M.I.T.I. SpA (IT)
  • Maglificio Ripa (IT)
  • Piave Maitex (IT)
  • SITIP SpA (IT)
  • Sportwear Argentona S.A. (ES)
More information:

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PrimaLoft unterstützt Schulprojekt für aktive Kids (c) PrimaLoft

PrimaLoft unterstützt Schulprojekt für aktive Kids

  • Der Spezialist für Komfortlösungen zeigt im Rahmen der #itsgreatoutthere Kampagne soziale Verantwortung und ermöglicht Schulklasse aus Stuttgart Fahrradtour durch Holland

MÜNCHEN: Verantwortliches Handeln ist für PrimaLoft nicht nur bei der Herstellung seiner Produkte wichtig. Deshalb bringt sich der amerikanische Spezialist für Isolationsmaterialien und Funktionstextilien aktiv in die Kampagne #itsgreatoutthere ein, die von der European Outdoor Group (EOG) ins Leben gerufen wurde und deren Gründungsmitglied PrimaLoft ist. Zusammen mit zahlreichen führenden Outdoor-Marken und gleichgesinnten Interessengruppen will die Ingredient Brand Menschen dazu inspirieren und es ihnen ermöglichen, die Natur zu entdecken. Mit der finanziellen Unterstützung von PrimaLoft und der „It’s Great Out There Coalition“ konnte nun eine Schulklasse aus Stuttgart eine zweiwöchige Fahrradtour durch Holland realisieren.

  • Der Spezialist für Komfortlösungen zeigt im Rahmen der #itsgreatoutthere Kampagne soziale Verantwortung und ermöglicht Schulklasse aus Stuttgart Fahrradtour durch Holland

MÜNCHEN: Verantwortliches Handeln ist für PrimaLoft nicht nur bei der Herstellung seiner Produkte wichtig. Deshalb bringt sich der amerikanische Spezialist für Isolationsmaterialien und Funktionstextilien aktiv in die Kampagne #itsgreatoutthere ein, die von der European Outdoor Group (EOG) ins Leben gerufen wurde und deren Gründungsmitglied PrimaLoft ist. Zusammen mit zahlreichen führenden Outdoor-Marken und gleichgesinnten Interessengruppen will die Ingredient Brand Menschen dazu inspirieren und es ihnen ermöglichen, die Natur zu entdecken. Mit der finanziellen Unterstützung von PrimaLoft und der „It’s Great Out There Coalition“ konnte nun eine Schulklasse aus Stuttgart eine zweiwöchige Fahrradtour durch Holland realisieren.

Mitte Juni 2018 unternahmen insgesamt 37 Schüler der Klasse 7b aus der Freien Waldorfschule am Kräherwald zusammen mit ihren Lehrern eine zwei Wochen lange Tour durch Holland. Die Strecke führte die Gruppe von Emmerich am Rhein über Arnheim, Soest und Amsterdam bis nach Bergen. Übernachten durften die Mädchen und Jungen in Zelten. Ziel der Exkursion war es unter anderem, den Entdeckergeist der Kinder zu wecken, sie für die Bewegung in der Natur zu begeistern und ein Gruppenerlebnis mit Teamspirit zu schaffen. Die nachhaltigen Erinnerungen an die Radtour sollen so zu weiteren Abenteuern in der Natur motivieren. Einen Teil der Reise finanzierten sich die Kinder beispielweise durch Kuchenverkauf oder Konzerte selbst. Der Rest wurde unter anderem durch die finanzielle Unterstützung von PrimaLoft und der „It’s Great Out There Coalition“ ermöglicht. Unterstützt wurde die Aktion außerdem vom Outdoor-Ausrüster Vaude, der die Kinder und Lehrer mit multifunktionellen Schlauchtüchern aus PrimaLoft® Performance Garn ausstattete und ihnen Zelte zur Verfügung stellte.

Bereits 2017 verhalf PrimaLoft einer Schulklasse aus der Region Hamburg zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis auf einer Alpenüberquerung zu Fuß. Jochen Lagemann, Managing Director Europe & Asia von PrimaLoft ist überzeugt: „Mit unser Unterstützung wollen wir einen kleinen Beitrag dazu leisten, dass Kinder und Jugendliche mehr Spaß an der Bewegung in der Natur bekommen und hoffentlich auch später diesen aktiven Lebensstil beibehalten. Die Zusammenarbeit mit der ,It’s Great Out There Coalition‘ geht außerdem Hand in Hand mit unserem Leitgedanken „Relentlessly Responsible“, nach dem wir als Unternehmen Verantwortung für unsere Umwelt und die Menschen darin übernehmen. Das setzen wir auch in der Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden und deren Kollektionen um.“

Weiter Informationen zur gibt es unter:


#SheMovesMountains: The North Face und SportScheck bestärken Frauen in ihrem Abenteuergeist (c) The North Face
Magdalena Mittersteiner, Südtirol

#SheMovesMountains: The North Face und SportScheck bestärken Frauen in ihrem Abenteuergeist

  • Gemeinsame Influencer-Kampagne und Content-Produktion

München / Stabio (Schweiz) – Im Rahmen der „Move Mountains“-Kampagne von The North Face haben sich die Marke und der Sportfachhändler SportScheck erstmals zu einer gemeinsamen Influencer-Kampagne und Content Produktion zusammengeschlossen. #SheMovesMountains teilt die Geschichten abenteuerlustiger und mutiger Frauen und will dadurch eine neue Generation von leidenschaftlichen, selbstbewussten Abenteuerinnen fördern.

  • Gemeinsame Influencer-Kampagne und Content-Produktion

München / Stabio (Schweiz) – Im Rahmen der „Move Mountains“-Kampagne von The North Face haben sich die Marke und der Sportfachhändler SportScheck erstmals zu einer gemeinsamen Influencer-Kampagne und Content Produktion zusammengeschlossen. #SheMovesMountains teilt die Geschichten abenteuerlustiger und mutiger Frauen und will dadurch eine neue Generation von leidenschaftlichen, selbstbewussten Abenteuerinnen fördern.

"Move Mountains" ist die erste weltweite Initiative von The North Face, die sich speziell an Frauen richtet. Die Kampagne startete Anfang April mit dem Grundgedanken, Erlebnissen und Abenteuern von Frauen eine größere Plattform zu bieten, um so die nächste Generation von Entdeckerinnen zu aktivieren. Als Grundgerüst von "Move Mountains" dienen Geschichten von Frauen, die in ihrem täglichen Leben Grenzen verschieben. Diesen Ansatz der gemeinsamen Erlebnisse in der Natur haben die Outdoor- und Lifestylemarke und SportScheck in einer gemeinsamen Kampagne fortgeführt und den Fokus auf die Kernsportarten Wandern, Trailrunning und Klettern gelegt. Zum Auftakt der Aktion luden SportScheck und The North Face-Athletin Tamara Lunger (@tamaralunger) drei Kundinnen auf eine stimmungsvolle Wanderung in den Wilden Kaiser in Tirol ein. Zusätzlich wurden drei Influencerinnen ausgewählt, die den #MoveMountains-Gedanken in ihrer jeweiligen Community aufgriffen und je zwei Followerinnen auf einen gemeinsamen Tag am Berg einluden. Die Südtirolerin Magdalena Mittersteiner (@magdalenamst) zeigte bei dieser Gelegenheit die Gipfel ihrer Kindheit hoch über dem Südtiroler Etschtal. Trailrunnerin und Ultraläuferin Sandra Mastropietro (@running.sandra) sowie die Kletterin Michaela Koller (@michaklr) zog es auf ihre Hausberge in den bayerischen Alpen. Im Vordergrund: Das gemeinsame, authentische Erleben, die Inspiration und Motivation.

Begleitet wurden die Gruppen dabei von einem Fotografen- und Kamerateam. Produziert wurden fünf kurze Filme (1:45 Minuten) sowie entsprechende Kurzversionen für die Social Media Nutzung, allen voran Instagram. Gespielt wird der Content über die eigenen Kanäle von The North Face (@thenorthfacede) und SportScheck (@sportscheckwomen) sowie über Paid Social Media. Kathy Hines (Vice President Marketing, The North Face EMEA) erzählt: „Die Content-Produktion in Zusammenarbeit mit Influencern war eine Premiere zwischen The North Face und SportScheck.“ Sabine Schneider (Campaign Manager Outdoor, SportScheck) ergänzt: „Die Einbindung von Online-Communities und Kundinnen war ein voller Erfolg, was auch die Qualität der Bilder widerspiegelt.“


ILUNA Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei

In line with the powerful global trend towards smarter fashion solutions, Iluna Group launches its Embroidery Division. Specialists in lace since 1985, the new Embroidery Division offers a complete and innovative product match in line with the modern expectations of brands and retailers. Staying true to Iluna’s DNA, the introduction of embroidery and guipure are all produced with only recycled materials.
IIn addition to the launch of the Embroidery Division, this season novelties include:

1. Of major interest today, the launch of velvet lace entirely made of sustainable materials including ROICA™ Eco-Smart family.

2. Within the Black Label collection, the Ultralight series is enriched with new multicolor floral galloons: here Iluna changes the color of the thread not only in the background, but also in the design, the same article reinvents itself in a variety of great visual impact.

In line with the powerful global trend towards smarter fashion solutions, Iluna Group launches its Embroidery Division. Specialists in lace since 1985, the new Embroidery Division offers a complete and innovative product match in line with the modern expectations of brands and retailers. Staying true to Iluna’s DNA, the introduction of embroidery and guipure are all produced with only recycled materials.
IIn addition to the launch of the Embroidery Division, this season novelties include:

1. Of major interest today, the launch of velvet lace entirely made of sustainable materials including ROICA™ Eco-Smart family.

2. Within the Black Label collection, the Ultralight series is enriched with new multicolor floral galloons: here Iluna changes the color of the thread not only in the background, but also in the design, the same article reinvents itself in a variety of great visual impact.

3. Green Label collection, the Iluna dedicated range featuring a new responsible approach in respect of the planet and people, able to deliver innovation, beauty and quality, at 360°. In addition to the all over, jacquard, double jacquard and mesh offer, the line is also featuring new stretch Galloon laces fully made with GRS certified recycled materials, including the stretch thanks to the introduction of the unique ROICA™ sustainable yarn part of the ROICA™ Eco-Smart family.

4. ILUNA has strategically included in all their stretch laces only ROICA™ Eco-Smart family of sustainable yarns since some time.

5. ILUNA can also boast its new STeP (Sustainable Textile Production) certification by Oeko-Tex, a certification that clarifies and communicates the company’s sustainable production commitment. In addition to this, all products are Oeko-Tex 100 certified.

6. ILUNA has created the new e-shop offering its exclusive materials to smaller companies looking for added values as: creativity, innovation, made in Italy and responsibility.

7. The whole collection is also visible online at its web site, previous registration, and orders can be done directly online always aiming to customers care.




ROICA™ Infuses Eco-Smart Technology into High Performance Stretch at EUROBIKE on July 9th 2018

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, will include ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers will discover ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ will go the distance as they join this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? will be held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel will lead the way, as they share their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, will include ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers will discover ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

ROICA™ will go the distance as they join this year’s EUROBIKE Academy line-up and host an interactive panel focused on sustainability as an added value for the cycling market. Whether an expert or newcomer, the must attend panel titled; What is Smart Innovation in the Biking Market? will be held on Monday, July 9th from 12:00-12:45 in Conference Center East, Room London. Moderated by Giusy Bettoni, CEO, C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy), a Milan based company generating global strategies and identifying new values essential for today’s knowledgeable conscious consumer. The panel will lead the way, as they share their expertise and discuss what they are doing to push the boundaries of innovation. They will highlight responsible dimensions and processes currently available. The all-star lineup includes:

Uwe Schmidt, Asahi Kasei’s ROICA™, Managing Director introduces cycle enthusiasts, brands, retailers and manufacturers to the world’s first premium sustainable stretch yarn: ROICA™ Eco-Smart and the ROICA™ Feel Good family dedicated to well-being.
Laura Gambarini, marketing and communication manager at M.I.T.I. S.p.A.: M.I.T.I. Since 1931, M.I.T.I. develops and creates premium and innovative stretch warp knitted fabrics for all the high performance sports. Cycling brands recognize M.I.T.I. as the market leader for the outstanding features of their innovative fabrics. Green soul is their ultimate creation, the first fully sustainable stretch warp knitted range of fabrics in the world, created with ROICA™ Eco-Smart family for the new generation sustainable performance garments.
Sven Koehler, Head of production Maloja Clothing GmbH: Maloja, an outdoor specialty brand with its roots in nature and wellbeing have developed new amazing biking sets constructed of M.I.T.I. SpA fabrics using certified yarns belonging to ROICA™ Eco-Smart family.
Sergio Alibrandi, Executive Marketing Director Sitip S.p.A.: SITIP creates high-tech innovative sports fabrics that are made in Italy and optimize the latest technology. Committed to smart innovation, learn how they developed their ground-breaking multi-panel thermal bib tights able to generate heat for riders that want to conquer cold winter training. Made from BeHOT fabric constructed with ROICA™ StretchEnergy™, the next level of well-being providing a new dimension to active performance.  The audience will learn how leading international cycling brand Santini is using BeHOT with ROICA™ on select products to generate additional heat – up to 2 degrees C as the cyclist moves their body, thanks to ground-breaking heat generating technology as certified by CeRism, Outdoor Sport Research Centre at Verona University.
Spearheading the premium stretch market, ROICA™ partners’ materials elevate new standards for high-tech performance that can enhance cycling products to compete responsibly. ROICA™ partners excite you as they show a fantastic range of stretch essentials for cycling clothing, gear, and apparel that offer solid performance perks. Most importantly, visit ROICA™ partners at EUROBIKE to learn about their ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity.

More information:
EUROBIKE cycling industry ROICA™

GB Network


Filpucci @ PITTI Filati- The journey of responsible innovation continues

FILPUCCI GROUP proceeds along the path of commitment towards an ever more responsible innovation. The group takes part in the 83rd edition of Pitti Filati (June 27-29, 2018) with unique products, high-end knitwear and creative yarns, all resulting from the authentic Smart Innovation the company has been long committed to.
Research, style and fashion are key words for the world-renown Tuscan company, which unveils an always more responsible approach both at a corporate level and in terms of offer.
Here are some key elements to prove Filpucci’s relentless commitment:

FILPUCCI GROUP proceeds along the path of commitment towards an ever more responsible innovation. The group takes part in the 83rd edition of Pitti Filati (June 27-29, 2018) with unique products, high-end knitwear and creative yarns, all resulting from the authentic Smart Innovation the company has been long committed to.
Research, style and fashion are key words for the world-renown Tuscan company, which unveils an always more responsible approach both at a corporate level and in terms of offer.
Here are some key elements to prove Filpucci’s relentless commitment:

  • The GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and OCS (Organic Content Standard) certifications obtained by the Filpucci dyeing plant add to the Clear to Wear (CTW) standard developed by Inditex Group and achieved in 2014 and to the Detox commitment, which was signed in February, 2016.
  • Not only the best raw materials, but also an established knowhow in the fields of dyeing and finishing, always under the key concept of Responsible Innovation. This concept extends to each and every FILPUCCI collection and their ever-increasing offer, the roughly twenty innovative new items, the Woolen line of carded yarns and the real spearhead of premium fashion, the Collection. Among this season’s new offer: Baby Camel Re.Verso™, RWS- certified merino organic wool, Re.Verso™ cashmere, organic silks and FSC-certified viscose.
  • The achievement of further certifications such as the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) for viscose shows the care and respect towards the ecosystem as a whole, guaranteeing a product derived from a forest or a plantation forest in the respect of strict environmental, social and economic standards. The RWS (Responsible Wool Standard) finally guarantees the use of wool coming from livestock managed under rigorous criteria oriented towards the wellbeing of animals and the reduction of environmental impact.
  • Filpucci Group is all about a constant vocation towards new generation values and a reliable, traceable and transparent manufacturing process, as shown by the Re.Verso™ circular economy supply chain, of which the group is a unique ambassador in the field of high-end/low-impact knitwear yarns.

With absolute quality always in mind, FILPUCCI GROUP represents a corporate model that has made of sustainability a real mission, embarking on complex paths that have brought great results with fashionable textile solutions lead by ethnical and sustainable values. Thanks to this, Filpucci’s products have become part of Patagonia Collections, an important acknowledging from the brand’s part, whose managers stated: “We are always on the hunt for the highest performing, lowest impact materials. We were thrilled to find Re.Verso ™ (95/5 transformed) Cashmere yarn from Filpucci. It allowed us to create a range of products with the insulative and soft properties of cashmere while adhering to our mission statement; build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm.”
FILPUCCI GROUP’s commitment is evident and it moves forward thanks to the passion towards responsible and innovative paths that contribute to turning the group into a reliable partner, symbol of quality and excellence.

Filpucci is also a C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle And Sustainable Synergy) partner.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

Distec ermöglicht mit dem intelligenten TFT-Controller ArtistaGUI-II das einfache Erstellen von Bedienoberflächen

Intuitive Bedienoberflächen einfach erstellen mit ArtistaGUI-II

  • Distec ermöglicht die smarte Kommunikation mit der Maschinensteuerung über Netzwerke oder RS-232

Die Distec GmbH – führender deutscher Spezialist für TFT-Flachbildschirme und Systemlösungen für industrielle und multimediale Applikationen – präsentiert den intelligenten TFT-Controller ArtistaGUI-II zum einfachen Erstellen von individuellen, intuitiven Bedienoberflächen. Die Multifunktions-Bedieneinheit bietet eine objektbasierte Darstellung und kommuniziert beispielsweise über Netzwerke oder RS-232. Im Handumdrehen können Anwender unterschiedlichste Bildschirmlayouts und Bedienoberflächen für diverse Anwendungen erstellen. "Moderne TFT-Displays ziehen in Verkaufsautomaten und Infoterminals die Blicke auf sich und geben vielen Geräten eine hochwertige Optik", erläutert Matthias Keller, Vertriebs- und Marketingleiter Komponenten der Distec GmbH.

  • Distec ermöglicht die smarte Kommunikation mit der Maschinensteuerung über Netzwerke oder RS-232

Die Distec GmbH – führender deutscher Spezialist für TFT-Flachbildschirme und Systemlösungen für industrielle und multimediale Applikationen – präsentiert den intelligenten TFT-Controller ArtistaGUI-II zum einfachen Erstellen von individuellen, intuitiven Bedienoberflächen. Die Multifunktions-Bedieneinheit bietet eine objektbasierte Darstellung und kommuniziert beispielsweise über Netzwerke oder RS-232. Im Handumdrehen können Anwender unterschiedlichste Bildschirmlayouts und Bedienoberflächen für diverse Anwendungen erstellen. "Moderne TFT-Displays ziehen in Verkaufsautomaten und Infoterminals die Blicke auf sich und geben vielen Geräten eine hochwertige Optik", erläutert Matthias Keller, Vertriebs- und Marketingleiter Komponenten der Distec GmbH. "Auch in der Medizintechnik und in der Industrie vereinfachen TFT-Displays das Bedienen von Geräten. Dabei ist vor allem eine klare und übersichtliche Bedienoberfläche wichtig, damit Nutzer das Gerät darüber einfach und intuitiv handhaben können."


Voller Funktionsumfang für intuitives Bedienen

Die ArtistaGUI-II basiert auf dem Raspberry Pi (4 Core, 1,2 GHz) und enthält 4 GB eMMC unter anderem zum Speichern von Makros, Bildern, Texten, Schriftarten und Videos. Das Speichervolumen lässt sich über eine SD-Karte beliebig erweitern. Die Controllerkarte bietet volle Grafikfähigkeit für TFT-Displays bis zu einer Auflösung von 1920x1200 Bildpunkten und in Größen von aktuell 5 (12,7 cm) bis 65 Zoll (165,1 cm). Den PCAP-Touchscreen steuert die ArtistaGUI-II direkt über die I²C- oder USB-Schnittstelle an und sorgt für eine einfache, interaktive Bedienbarkeit über Gesten. Der weite Betriebstemperaturbereich von -20 bis +70°C ermöglicht auch einen Außeneinsatz des intelligenten TFT-Controllers.


Gestalten leichtgemacht
Die Embedded Wizard Software von TARA Systems ist ideal, um mit der ArtistaGUI-II individuelle Benutzeroberflächen und Bildschirmlayouts zu gestalten. Die kostengünstige und leicht zu bedienende Software stellt verschiedene graphisch hochwertige Objekte zur Auswahl, die Anwender im Editor nach eigenem Bedarf per Drag-and-Drop kombinieren, anpassen, verschieben, drehen oder zoomen können. Aktionen, beispielsweise für Touch-Tasten, lassen sich einfach erstellen. Die ArtistaGUI-II unterstützt ebenfalls die QT 5.x-Software mit umfangreichen Funktionen zur Internationalisierung sowie Datenbankfunktionen und XML-Unterstützung. Als Dienstleistung für Kunden erstellt Distec zudem komplett individuelle Bedienoberflächen.

Fresh Relevance and Contactlab Connect the Dots Between In-Store and Online Shopping Behaviour

Fresh Relevance and Contactlab Connect the Dots Between In-Store and Online Shopping Behaviour

Partnership Provides Retail Brands with Omni-Channel Personalisation Platform

Partnership Provides Retail Brands with Omni-Channel Personalisation Platform

Fresh Relevance, the real-time personalisation platform for email, mobile and web, today announced its partnership with Contactlab, the leading engagement marketing platform for commerce-focused companies and fashion & luxury brands. The partnership provides retail brands with true omni-channel marketing by allowing to fully integrate insights from online and in-store customer behaviour.
Retailers now not only benefit from the rich insights regarding the online behaviour of a customer whilst on the website (what pages they looked at, the products they placed in the cart and the items purchased) and whilst engaging with marketing emails, but also when and how often they visited a store and the purchases they made whilst there. This is made possible by the close integration of the Fresh Relevance real-time personalisation platform and Contactlab’s engagement marketing cloud platform.

Eddy Swindell, co-founder and CRO at Fresh Relevance, states: “The ability to accurately join the dots of the customer journey as they move between offline and online has been the missing piece in the retail puzzle. Retailers using Fresh Relevance fully integrated with Contactlab can harness this valuable insight in real-time, to improve how they engage with every customer across all touch points.”
How Fresh Relevance and Contactlab deliver true omni-channel marketing:

  • Personalise the web experience using both online and offline transactional data.
  • Engage with in-store shoppers by sending them well-timed personalised emails that include the products they were interested in as well as relevant product recommendations.
  • Drive customers in-store or online with personalised incentives and promotions based on the shopper’s behaviour.

Swindell adds: “True omni-channel marketing in this way not only improves overall sales. It enables you to better understand the journey your customers take, and in doing so engage them with personalised 1-2-1 communications and improve their experience of shopping with your brand.”

Stefano Lena, Chief Strategy Officer and VP Business Development at Contactlab comments: “This partnership is the coming together of two powerful real-time platforms that enable every retailer to have a clear and up-to-date view of how people are interacting and transacting with their brand online and in-store. The breadth of data capabilities makes it one of the most compelling propositions available on the market today.”

Fresh Relevance is sponsoring Contactlab's Conference”, which takes place in Milan, Italy, on June 19, where the company will exhibit its real-time personalisation platform and Eddy Swindell will present "Personalisation in an omni-channel world".

About Fresh Relevance
Fresh Relevance is the real-time personalization platform for email, mobile and web. We increase sales with personalized customer experiences and real-time marketing tactics across email, mobile and web. Our marketing hub unifies siloed systems without the need for an integration project. We deliver full control of real-time marketing tactics such as triggered emails and cross-channel personalization. Organizations using Fresh Relevance include: Rip Curl, Homebase, M&M Direct, Harvey Nichols, Thorntons, and White Stuff.



Graham Thatcher           



From 3-5 July BRIGHT welcomes big names, young talents and influential media from the skateboarding community, to share old tales and tell exciting new stories. From b2b2c: the whole skate universe is invited to explore the latest streetwear, hero brands, entertaining skate action and the energy of a big 3-day celebration – all for the love of skateboarding. Here‘s a round-up:

To celebrate the blending of culture and community, this summer adidas Skateboarding and Skatedeluxe are joining forces. At BRIGHT the collaboration will be celebrated on a specifically designed street course open to the public! The whole community is invited to experience the latest product release surrounded by special activities such as skate sessions at the skate course, art installations and brand experiences.

BRIGHT is more than happy to welcome LLSB with an incredible exhibition from Southbank‘s five decades of history, with pieces of art donated to the campaign by the likes of the Gonz, Ed Templeton, Pontus and many more expected.

From 3-5 July BRIGHT welcomes big names, young talents and influential media from the skateboarding community, to share old tales and tell exciting new stories. From b2b2c: the whole skate universe is invited to explore the latest streetwear, hero brands, entertaining skate action and the energy of a big 3-day celebration – all for the love of skateboarding. Here‘s a round-up:

To celebrate the blending of culture and community, this summer adidas Skateboarding and Skatedeluxe are joining forces. At BRIGHT the collaboration will be celebrated on a specifically designed street course open to the public! The whole community is invited to experience the latest product release surrounded by special activities such as skate sessions at the skate course, art installations and brand experiences.

BRIGHT is more than happy to welcome LLSB with an incredible exhibition from Southbank‘s five decades of history, with pieces of art donated to the campaign by the likes of the Gonz, Ed Templeton, Pontus and many more expected.

LLSB is a community group set up to campaign for the world-famous Southbank Skate Spot in the centre of London, UK. Having saved the space from destruction in 2014, LLSB is now fundraising €900,000 to restore legendary sections of the space special to skateboarders around the world.

Contemporary culture cannot exist solely through the sharing go digital “lifestyles”: in collaboration with Berlin-based photographer Johannes Böttge‘s own project NATIVE TEENAGE and contributors from the art, music and photography scene, NATIVE TEENAGE STUDIO showcases an all-day workshop format (3-5 July) at BRIGHT’s b2c area. While it focuses on transforming a broad spectrum of visual stimulation, information and communication into physical space, it aims to bridge gaps in generations and groups, translating them into curiosities.

Meet Clara Knör & Laura Kaczmarek who will exhibit their latest work at BRIGHT!

DC Shoes proudly presents BRIGHT´s official Opening Party at Wilde Renate. Including highly entertaining skate action by global heads and local top dogs. Supported by notorious hip-hop DJs, a sizzling BBQ, cold beers and drinks, bright sunshine and – of course – the guests themselves, who are in town during Berlin Fashion Week – you and your friends are invited! 3 JULY | 5:30 PM | WILDE RENATE

The winner takes it all with a juicy cash reward, at the contest for the highest wallride brought to you by Berlin‘s own IRIEDAILY. Free booze and fun for free minds.

CPH Open is taking the show on the road – to Berlin! CPH-BER is going down this August, and to heat the city up a bit, CPH Open is spreading the vibes at BRIGHT – you’re invited!

More information:
BRIGHT Skateboard-Kultur Berlin CPH

PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

Very well-received VDMA conference and B2B in Mumbai

VDMA members successfully met Indian Textiles and Nonwovens: German textile machinery ranks first

India is a very important market for the German textile machinery industry, with an export of more than €255 million (+ 8 %) in 2017. Many German machinery builders have longstanding relations with Indian customers and quite a number of them also provide production plants and training centres in India. Not surprisingly, about 370 decision-makers and experts from the textile and nonwoven related industry attended the VDMA conference and B2B event called “German Technology meets Indian Textiles and Nonwovens” in Mumbai on 15-16 May 2018 (

India is a very important market for the German textile machinery industry, with an export of more than €255 million (+ 8 %) in 2017. Many German machinery builders have longstanding relations with Indian customers and quite a number of them also provide production plants and training centres in India. Not surprisingly, about 370 decision-makers and experts from the textile and nonwoven related industry attended the VDMA conference and B2B event called “German Technology meets Indian Textiles and Nonwovens” in Mumbai on 15-16 May 2018 (

According to a survey, both the event and German textile machinery engineering received the highest marks among the visitors. About 57 % of the visitors stated very good and 38 % good experience with machines and components from German suppliers. The performance and service promise as well as the high-quality standards have made German machine suppliers as most reliable partners in India and other countries. This positive result has by far not been reached by any other manufacturing nation from Europe or Asia. Asked for future processes, investments in technical textiles and/or nonwoven production seem to be the most favorite sectors in India. Around 74 % of the visitors plan to expand their production capacities with new machines and components whereas 26 % intend to replace old machinery by new machines and components. High productivity, after-sales service, end-product quality, low operating and acquisition costs are the decisive machine procurement criteria in this order. The investments plans are based on a positive business and investment outlook in India. 45 % of the visitors surveyed plan to invest more than 10 % within the next 12 months and 30 % up to 10 %. 25 % of the visitors expect a sales increase by more than 10 % for the next 12 months and 60 % anticipate a sales growth of up to 10%.

Considering this positive business climate and the high interest from the Indian industry, the 32 well-known VDMA members participated in the conference have good chances to offer the right technologies and to place new orders. The presented technology topics along the entire textile value chain will help the Indian industry to fulfill their expansion plans and to meet the challenges such as rising salary costs and shortage of labor in industrial regions. The major cutting-edge topics of the conference program were as follows:

•    Higher profits throughout the entire textile value chain
•    Energy, material, water and dyestuff savings for an environmentally friendly production
•    New applications such as technical textiles, nonwovens (e. g. hygiene products) or home textiles (e. g. terry towels)
•    Automation, industry 4.0, digital communication and smart factory solutions
•    Quality improvements e. g. with measurement and control systems
•    Lower investment costs in spinning preparation with integrated draw frames
•    New technologies to combine spinning and knitting
•    Smart textiles and added value products e. g. with embroidery machines

Whereas the event on 15-16 May 2018 focused on customers, a training session at the prestigious Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute VJTI in Mumbai on 17 May 2018 was addressed to future engineers. More than 220 textile manufacturing and mechanical engineering students followed the technical presentations. The VDMA's contribution to improve the education of future customers and partners was very much appreciated.

Der nächste Meilenstein – 100% recycelt, 100% Performance

Der nächste Meilenstein – 100% recycelt, 100% Performance

  • PrimaLoft entwickelt erste Isolationen, die komplett aus recycelten PET Flaschen hergestellt werden, ohne Abstriche in der Leistung zu machen

Die Outdoor-Industrie ist umtriebig, es wird nach immer nachhaltigeren Lösungen gesucht. Im PrimaLoft Entwicklungsteam wurde viel darüber diskutiert, wie man es schafft, eine Isolation ausschließlich aus wiederverwerteten Materialien (PCR / post-consumer recycled) herzustellen, die trotzdem alle gewohnten PrimaLoft Eigenschaften zu 100% erfüllt. Nach vielen Experimenten mit diversen Produktionsverfahren und etlichen Tests ist den Materialexperten nun der Durchbruch gelungen.

  • PrimaLoft entwickelt erste Isolationen, die komplett aus recycelten PET Flaschen hergestellt werden, ohne Abstriche in der Leistung zu machen

Die Outdoor-Industrie ist umtriebig, es wird nach immer nachhaltigeren Lösungen gesucht. Im PrimaLoft Entwicklungsteam wurde viel darüber diskutiert, wie man es schafft, eine Isolation ausschließlich aus wiederverwerteten Materialien (PCR / post-consumer recycled) herzustellen, die trotzdem alle gewohnten PrimaLoft Eigenschaften zu 100% erfüllt. Nach vielen Experimenten mit diversen Produktionsverfahren und etlichen Tests ist den Materialexperten nun der Durchbruch gelungen. Auf der diesjährigen OutDoor in Friedrichshafen (Halle A1/500) präsentiert der Spezialist für Isolationsmaterialien und Funktionstextilien nun die Ergebnisse der intensiven Forschung: mit PrimaLoft® Silver Insulation - 100% PCR, PrimaLoft® Black Insulation - 100% PCR sowie PrimaLoft® Gold Insulation Luxe™ werden drei Isolationen vorgestellt, die rein aus recycelten Materialien entwickelt wurden.

PrimaLoft ist bekannt dafür, sich selbst immer wieder vor neue Herausforderungen zu stellen und mit seinen Innovationen bisherige Grenzen zu erweitern. Bis dato war es nicht möglich, eine Hochleistungsisolation in Mikrofasergröße komplett aus recyceltem Material herzustellen. Denn die Schmelzpunkte gesammelter PET-Flaschen sind unterschiedlich, was die Produktion einer stabilen Isolationsfaser erschwert.

Dank spezieller Recycling- und Produktionsverfahren ist es PrimaLoft jedoch gelungen, extrem leistungsfähige Fasern herzustellen, die feiner und weicher als Kaschmir sind und über eine hohe Bauschkraft sowie unübertroffener Wärmeleistung verfügen. Selbstverständlich besitzen die Isolationen die gewohnten PrimaLoft-Eigenschaften wie geringes Gewicht, gute Komprimierbarkeit sowie eine wasserabweisende Charakteristik. So entsteht beispielsweise aus rund neun handelsüblichen PET Flaschen am Ende die Isolationsschicht für eine Jacke (Stärke 40g/m2).

Jochen Lagemann, Managing Director PrimaLoft Europe and Asia, betont: „Mit den 100%- PCR Isolationen bieten wir unseren Kunden das perfekte Produkt, das Leistung, Komfort und Umweltschutz vereint. Und die Resonanz von Seiten der Markenpartner ist bisher überwältigend. Diese Innovation ist außerdem ein weiterer wichtiger Schritt, um unsere eigenen Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu erreichen.“ Bis 2020 will PrimaLoft 90% seiner Isolationsprodukte mit einem Anteil von mindestens 50% recycelten Fasern ausstatten. Zuletzt hatte die Ingredient Brand schon die Pinnacle-Produkte PrimaLoft® Gold Insulation sowie PrimaLoft® Gold Insulation Active+ mit 55% recyceltem Material versehen.

Vaude einer der ersten Markenpartner
Es ist nicht verwunderlich, dass der Outdoor-Spezialist Vaude eines der ersten Unternehmen ist, das die nachhaltigste synthetische Isolation auf dem Markt für seine Produkte nutzt. Beginnend zu Wintersaison 2018/19 wird Vaude bis zur Sommer-Saison 2019 alle Produkte, die bisher mit PrimaLoft® Silver und Black Insulation ausgestattet waren, auf die 100% PCR-Versionen umstellen. Aaron Bittner, Head of Apparel bei Vaude sagt: „Eines unserer wichtigsten Ziele ist es, den Einsatz von fossilen Rohstoffen in unseren Produkten zu verringern und geschlossene Kreisläufe zu schaffen. PrimaLoft begleitet uns mit innovativen Lösungen auf diesem Weg, weg vom Öl‘. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir dank unserem langjährigen Ingredient Partner nun erstmals leistungsfähige Isolationen aus 100% Recycling-Material einsetzen können.“

Lectra: “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology (c) Lectra

Lectra: “Fashion Goes Digital”

  • “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology
  • Customers get Industry 4.0-ready as Lectra unveiled latest product offerings and shared insights at annual fashion VIP event

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, put theory into practice at its recent fashion event by unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room to more than 100 privileged industry professionals.

“Fashion Goes Digital” drew industry stakeholders and market experts from 20 countries, who gathered at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, to examine the real-life application of digitalization in fashion.

  • “Fashion Goes Digital” takes the Lead in Fashion Technology
  • Customers get Industry 4.0-ready as Lectra unveiled latest product offerings and shared insights at annual fashion VIP event

Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, put theory into practice at its recent fashion event by unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room to more than 100 privileged industry professionals.

“Fashion Goes Digital” drew industry stakeholders and market experts from 20 countries, who gathered at Lectra’s International Advanced Technology Center (IATC) in Bordeaux-Cestas, France, to examine the real-life application of digitalization in fashion.

While the topic of digitalization served as a backdrop for the event, there was a recurring theme at the forefront: fashion companies need Industry 4.0 technology and support in order to be more precise in meeting the evolving needs of their digitally savvy consumers.
Nick Chiarelli, Client Partner of Foresight Factory, shed light on new business opportunities for fashion, Nora Kühner, founder of Nora Kühner Fashion Design Consulting, used her designer perspective to decode the digital future of product development, and Fabrizio Fantini, founder of Evo Pricing, showed participants how machine learning could help fashion companies predict consumer demand and avoid waste.

“While speaking about the future challenges and trends in fashion and luxury, the trend now is to use analytics to drive the entire production process,” highlighted Stephen Taylor, Principal Director of Kurt Salmon.

Waruna Tennakoon, General Manager of Group Cutting, Brandix, and Ajith Perera General Manager of Mathliya Plant, MAS Kreeda, also shared their Lectra customer experience. Based in Sri Lanka, both companies have established themselves as the country’s largest apparel exporters, with Brandix specializing in producing intimate and activewear, and MAS Kreeda in sportswear.

“Thanks to the digital revolution, consumers are now more specific in their demands. This will cause a shift in mass manufacturing where there will be smaller-volume orders coming in at a faster rate. As a result, manufacturing models have to be more agile in the immediate future,” explained Ajith Perera, “I am happy to see that Lectra is already spearheading this change by providing us with the necessary technology to help us meet market demand.”

There was no better time to put digitalization into context than during “Fashion Goes Digital”.
VIP guests got a sneak preview of the brand new, fully automated cutting room solution for fashion and apparel. Lectra’s Cutting Room 4.0 is an embodiment of Lectra’s commitment to empowering its customers with the best solutions to thrive in this new digital era. This avant-garde technology leverages industry 4.0 principles to provide greater agility, throughput, cost efficiency and in particular scalability in order to respond seamlessly to small batches orders and shorter lead times.

Jean-Yves Collet, CEO of Treize Roches Couture, a high-end French womenswear manufacturer, provided a testimonial on why his company chose to be one of the first to adopt this new solution. He explained how Lectra’s latest technology would help Treize Roches speed up their artisanal production process to bring products faster to market.

“When we discussed the possibility of a made-to-order production project, we could really foresee the benefits both in terms of quality and productivity. Industry 4.0 solutions do not yet exist in garment manufacturing. This is why we have decided to develop an Industry 4.0 cutting room. This will allow us, in the preparatory stages to automate the processes as much as possible and improve quality, productivity and training time.”

“We have unveiled our strategy last year where we have identified Industry 4.0 and digitalization as our key drivers. Our goal for this event is to show that we are, indeed, living and breathing Industry 4.0 and we do have what it takes to help our customers succeed in this era. Our latest cutting room 4.0 shows that we are not just talking about the future of fashion anymore, we are living in it right now as we speak,” concluded Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lectra.

More information:
Industry 4.0 Lectra



Hoftex Group AG-Tochter Tenowo GmbH verkauft Minderheitsbeteiligung an indischer Supreme Nonwoven Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Die Tenowo GmbH, eine 100%-ige Tochtergesellschaft der Hoftex Group AG, hat am 20.04.2018 eine Vereinbarung zum Verkauf ihrer 49%-igen Beteiligung an der Supreme Nonwoven Industries Pvt. Ltd. an die indischen Mitgesellschafter geschlossen.

Die Supreme Nonwoven Industries Pvt. Sitz in Mumbai ist im Bereich der Vliesstoffherstellung tätig. Der Verkauf der Beteiligung ist eine Folge der weiteren strategischen Fokussierung der Tenowo GmbH. Über den Kaufpreis haben die Parteien Stillschweigen vereinbart. Mit dem Verkauf sind keine wesentlichen Auswirkungen auf das bilanzielle Eigenkapital der Hoftex Group AG verbunden. Der Vollzug der Transaktion soll binnen 24 Monaten nach Abschluss des Kaufvertrags stattfinden. Der Kaufvertrag steht noch unter dem Vorbehalt der Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats der Hoftex Group AG.

Die Tenowo GmbH, eine 100%-ige Tochtergesellschaft der Hoftex Group AG, hat am 20.04.2018 eine Vereinbarung zum Verkauf ihrer 49%-igen Beteiligung an der Supreme Nonwoven Industries Pvt. Ltd. an die indischen Mitgesellschafter geschlossen.

Die Supreme Nonwoven Industries Pvt. Sitz in Mumbai ist im Bereich der Vliesstoffherstellung tätig. Der Verkauf der Beteiligung ist eine Folge der weiteren strategischen Fokussierung der Tenowo GmbH. Über den Kaufpreis haben die Parteien Stillschweigen vereinbart. Mit dem Verkauf sind keine wesentlichen Auswirkungen auf das bilanzielle Eigenkapital der Hoftex Group AG verbunden. Der Vollzug der Transaktion soll binnen 24 Monaten nach Abschluss des Kaufvertrags stattfinden. Der Kaufvertrag steht noch unter dem Vorbehalt der Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats der Hoftex Group AG.

More information:
Vliesstoffe Hoftex Tenowo

Charles Barker Corporate Communications GmbH

Oerlikon: AC-Automation Acquisition (c) Oerlikon
Georg Stausberg, CEO of Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment, Rolf Gänz, Managing Director of AC-Automation, and Ralf Schilken, CFO of Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Segment (from left, first row).

Oerlikon: AC-Automation Acquisition

  • Oerlikon integrates automation solutions for largescale plants in technology portfolio

Remscheid, Germany / Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Switzerland - Oerlikon announced today that it has acquired Germany-based AC-Automation GmbH & Co. KG, an engineering company specializing in large-scale plant automation solutions for the textile and packaging industries. The two companies have been partnering since the early 1980s. The integration of AC-Automation in Oerlikon expands the market-leading technology portfolio of its Manmade Fibers Segment. It also marks a milestone in Oerlikon’s ongoing quest to offer innovative, fully automated and digitally networked Industry solutions in the manmade fiber industry.

  • Oerlikon integrates automation solutions for largescale plants in technology portfolio

Remscheid, Germany / Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Switzerland - Oerlikon announced today that it has acquired Germany-based AC-Automation GmbH & Co. KG, an engineering company specializing in large-scale plant automation solutions for the textile and packaging industries. The two companies have been partnering since the early 1980s. The integration of AC-Automation in Oerlikon expands the market-leading technology portfolio of its Manmade Fibers Segment. It also marks a milestone in Oerlikon’s ongoing quest to offer innovative, fully automated and digitally networked Industry solutions in the manmade fiber industry.

The 60 employees at AC-Automation’s Bernkastel-Kues and Augsburg locations will become part of Oerlikon’s Manmade Fibers Segment, which includes the leading brands Oerlikon Barmag and Oerlikon Neumag. The move will expand the Segment’s business model, adding another key core component to its current offering of production plants and technology solutions from melt to yarn, fibers, andnonwovens. Ultimately, Oerlikon will be able to offer customers a total solution from a single source, including automation logistics for packaging, high-bay storage, and other areas, which complement its current market-leading spinning and process technologies for the textile industry.

"We see our expanded overall offering as an Industry solution, reflecting the future of an even more efficient, digitized and profitable chemical fiber industry, especially for large-scale plants with daily production capacity of several hundred tons of polyester, nylon, polypropylene, or other manmade fibers,” explains Georg Stausberg, CEO of the Manmade Fibers Segment. Manmade fiber producers from China — the world’s most important market, generating more than 70 % of worldwide manmade fiber production — as well as companies from other fast-growing markets such as India, Turkey and the USA are also relying on automated and networked Industry total solutions.

"The acquisition and integration of AC-Automation’s automation solutions will provide new opportunities for our manmade fiber business. It enables the Segment to increasingly position itself as an Industry solution provider in combination with our own digitization solutions,” says Oerlikon Group CEO Dr. Roland Fischer. “As a leading provider of advanced materials, surface solutions and materials processing including the engineering and production of polymer plants, this acquisition marks another milestone in Oerlikon’s strategy to strengthen its businesses and thus sustain profitable growth.”

"After such a long partnership, we are excited to be able to benefit even more in the future as part of a global player in the textile industry. Our market access will further improve with the help of the Oerlikon
Group's sales and service network. For my employees, I am very pleased to be able to bring them into an international Group, in which there would be new opportunities and perspectives for them personally,”
said Rolf Gänz, AC-Automation’s Managing Director.

More information:
Oerlikon Automation

Oerlikon - Corporate Communications
and Public Affairs (Segment Manmade Fibers)

Simon Whitmarsh-Knight neuer Marketing Director EMEA bei Hyosung (c) Hyosung
Simon Whitmarsh-Knight

Simon Whitmarsh-Knight neuer Marketing Director EMEA bei Hyosung

  • Der Brite Simon Whitmarsh-Knight tritt Posten als Marketing Director EMEA an
  • Whitmarsh-Knight bringt 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Textilindustrie mit
  • Seine Kernaufgabe: Hyosung-Spezialfasern wie creora® pushen sowie Entwicklungen fördern

Simon Whitmarsh-Knight (45) bringt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung im B2B-Vertrieb und Marketing in der Textil-, Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelindustrie mit, darunter in den Bereichen: wasserdichte und atmungsaktive Membrane, Hackett Herrenbekleidung, wasserdichte Accessoires von Sealskinz, Mitre Sports und Invista.

Bei Hyosung wird Whitmarsh-Knight für den Ausbau des Marketing-Teams und für die Promotion von Hyosung-Spezialfasern und -Geweben, darunter creora® spandex und Mipan® nylon, verantwortlich sein. In seiner Funktion leitet er gemeinsame Entwicklungs- und Förderprogramme mit wichtigen Industriepartnern und arbeitet an wesentlichen Branchenthemen wie z.B. nachhaltigen Innovationen.

  • Der Brite Simon Whitmarsh-Knight tritt Posten als Marketing Director EMEA an
  • Whitmarsh-Knight bringt 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Textilindustrie mit
  • Seine Kernaufgabe: Hyosung-Spezialfasern wie creora® pushen sowie Entwicklungen fördern

Simon Whitmarsh-Knight (45) bringt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung im B2B-Vertrieb und Marketing in der Textil-, Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelindustrie mit, darunter in den Bereichen: wasserdichte und atmungsaktive Membrane, Hackett Herrenbekleidung, wasserdichte Accessoires von Sealskinz, Mitre Sports und Invista.

Bei Hyosung wird Whitmarsh-Knight für den Ausbau des Marketing-Teams und für die Promotion von Hyosung-Spezialfasern und -Geweben, darunter creora® spandex und Mipan® nylon, verantwortlich sein. In seiner Funktion leitet er gemeinsame Entwicklungs- und Förderprogramme mit wichtigen Industriepartnern und arbeitet an wesentlichen Branchenthemen wie z.B. nachhaltigen Innovationen.

Simon Whitmarsh-Knight: „Es ist der perfekte Zeitpunkt, bei diesem führenden Anbieter einzusteigen, und ich freue mich darauf, das Team zu erweitern und unsere innovativen Fasertechnologien zu Marken und Händlern nach Europa zu bringen.“

More information:
Hyosung creora

eastside communications

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines (IFFC) receives Textile Industry Award © Beaulieu International Group
Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines (IFFC) receives Textile Industry Award

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines (IFFC) receives Textile Industry Award

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines received the Textile Industry Award during the award ceremony of the “Trophées de l’Industrie des Hauts-de-France” (Trophies of the Industries of Hauts-de-France) which is hosted each year by the Société Industrielle du Nord. These trophies reward companies who are selected by trade and pooling associations based on their exemplary performance, innovations and achievements in an area of specialty which is different each year.

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines (IFFC), a subsidiary of the Belgian Beaulieu International Group of companies, announced today that it was awarded the Textile Industry Award, which is one of the Trophies of the Industries of Hauts-de-France. The award ceremony took place on the 29th of March of this year at the Cité des Échanges of Marcq en Baroeul, France. Michiel Leys, Manufacturing Manager for Europe and General Manager of the production site, and Loïc Derôme, Operations Manager at IFCC, attended the ceremony and received the prize in person.

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines received the Textile Industry Award during the award ceremony of the “Trophées de l’Industrie des Hauts-de-France” (Trophies of the Industries of Hauts-de-France) which is hosted each year by the Société Industrielle du Nord. These trophies reward companies who are selected by trade and pooling associations based on their exemplary performance, innovations and achievements in an area of specialty which is different each year.

Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines (IFFC), a subsidiary of the Belgian Beaulieu International Group of companies, announced today that it was awarded the Textile Industry Award, which is one of the Trophies of the Industries of Hauts-de-France. The award ceremony took place on the 29th of March of this year at the Cité des Échanges of Marcq en Baroeul, France. Michiel Leys, Manufacturing Manager for Europe and General Manager of the production site, and Loïc Derôme, Operations Manager at IFCC, attended the ceremony and received the prize in person.

As part of the Industry Week, the ceremony is each year a time of exchange, optimism and encouragement to flagship companies of the industrial trades.
Idéal Fibres & Fabrics Comines’ production site has been based in the North since 1993 and manufactures high quality polypropylene and polyamid based textured yarns for applications in the automotive, and commercial and residential building sectors. “We regularly invest in technology on the one hand, and in safety, security and working conditions on the other”, says Loïc Derôme, Operations Manager at IFCC. “For the past two years, we have invested around for million euros and, this year, we are in the on-going process of further developing our manufacturing resources to meet the technical needs of the market and to increase the safety of our site.”

“We have selected IFCC because of its significant surface, but also because it is a French company belonging to a Belgian group, who decided to build on France as a country”, adds Eric Mezin, Délégué Général UIT Nord. Such attributes as open-mindedness, strong focus on sustainable development and effective communication efforts in view of attracting new talents, including among older, more experienced people, are but a few of the multiple aspects that accounts for the election of IFFC as an award-winner.

Move Mountains (c) The North Face
Move Mountains

„Berge versetzen“ - The North Face startet weltweite Kampagne für neue Wahrnehmung in Sachen „Exploration“

The North Face startete am 03.04.2018 offiziell seine weltweite “Move Mountains”-Kampagne mit dem Ziel, die Wahrnehmung rund um den Begriff „Exploration“ neu zu definieren. Die Kampagne feiert und teilt dabei die Geschichten abenteuerlustiger und mutiger Entdeckerinnen und will dadurch eine neue Generation von leidenschaftlichen, selbstbewussten Frauen fördern.

"Move Mountains" ist die erste globale Initiative von The North Face, die sich speziell an Frauen richtet. Der Grundgedanke liegt darin, den Geschichten und Abenteuern von weiblichen Entdeckern eine größere Plattform zu bieten, um so die nächste Generation von Entdeckerinnen zu aktivieren. Auch unternehmerisch geht The North Face diesen Weg auf ganzer Linie von Marketingkampagnen bis hin zu Investitionen und Neuheiten im Produktdesign.

The North Face startete am 03.04.2018 offiziell seine weltweite “Move Mountains”-Kampagne mit dem Ziel, die Wahrnehmung rund um den Begriff „Exploration“ neu zu definieren. Die Kampagne feiert und teilt dabei die Geschichten abenteuerlustiger und mutiger Entdeckerinnen und will dadurch eine neue Generation von leidenschaftlichen, selbstbewussten Frauen fördern.

"Move Mountains" ist die erste globale Initiative von The North Face, die sich speziell an Frauen richtet. Der Grundgedanke liegt darin, den Geschichten und Abenteuern von weiblichen Entdeckern eine größere Plattform zu bieten, um so die nächste Generation von Entdeckerinnen zu aktivieren. Auch unternehmerisch geht The North Face diesen Weg auf ganzer Linie von Marketingkampagnen bis hin zu Investitionen und Neuheiten im Produktdesign.

Als Grundgerüst von "Move Mountains" dienen Geschichten von Frauen, die durch ihr tägliches Leben Grenzen verschieben. Unter ihnen sind auch The North Face-Athletinnen wie die Alpinistin Hilaree Nelson, die beiden Kletter-Ausnahmetalente Ashima Shiraishi und Margo Hayes oder die Ultraläuferin Fernanda Maciel. Alle Frauen werden in einer Reihe von Kurzfilmen vorgestellt – aus Sicht derer, die sie für ihre Taten und Aktionen tagtäglich bewundern. The North Face zeigt zudem auch Frauen, die Vorbilder jenseits von sportlichen Aktivitäten sind, wie die Frauenrecht-Anwältin America Ferrera, die NASA-Wissenschaftlerin Tierra Guinn Fletcher und die Musikerin und Aktivistin Madame Gandhi.

"Seit Jahrzehnten haben wir Frauen in unserem Athleten-Team, die Erstbesteigungen geschafft und 100-km-Läufe gewonnen haben. Wer, wenn nicht wir, weiß also, dass es so viele Frauen gibt, die jeden Tag herausragende und inspirierende Dinge meistern. Dennoch sehen sich Frauen und Mädchen nicht als ‚Entdeckerinnen‘ ", sagt Tom Herbst, Global Vice President of Marketing bei The North Face. "Der Kampagne liegt ein einfacher Gedanke zu Grunde: Wenn Frauen und Mädchen bewusst mehr Entdeckerinnen und Vorbilder wahrnehmen, werden wir auch in Zukunft mehr weibliche Abenteurer in nachfolgenden Generationen sehen. Daher verpflichten wir uns dazu, mit unserer Storytelling-Plattform Geschichten von Frauen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die mit ihrem jeweiligen Leben, ihrem Beruf, ihrer Leidenschaft und ihren Ideen Grenzen verschieben und andere dazu ermutigen sowie inspirieren, dasselbe zu tun."

In dem Bestreben, weltweit Entdeckerinnen, Künstlerinnen, Athletinnen, Pädagoginnen und Wissenschaftlerinnen auf dieselbe Ebene zu stellen, setzt The North Face ab sofort in allen Bereichen der Werbung, der sozialen Medien und in allen Inhalten auf gleichgestellte Präsenz. Zudem möchte The North Face mit dem Hashtag #SheMovesMountains in den sozialen Medien eine Möglichkeit schaffen, auch andere Geschichten von beeindruckenden Frauen zu teilen. Zusätzlich werden diese auf gesammelt und diesen Sommer in New York und London auf Ausstellungen in den Stores der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert.

Um weltweit eine neue Generation abenteuerlustiger und mutiger Mädchen zu fördern, arbeitet The North Face mit verschiedenen Organisationen zusammen: In Großbritannien arbeiten The Outward Bound Trust und The North Face gemeinsam mit rund 1.600 jungen Frauen aus einem urbanem Umfeld, um ihnen Outdoor Aktivitäten und Abenteuer in der Natur zu ermöglichen. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von den Mitgliedern der NeverStop Community von The North Face in London.

"Während wir innerhalb unserer eigenen Wände bei The North Face Veränderungen vornehmen, um ein gleichgestelltes Team zu fördern und den individuellen Input - insbesondere von Frauen - in Bezug auf Produkte und Erfahrungen zu nutzen, soll „Move Mountains" Frauen die Möglichkeit geben, mehr von sich selbst in unserer Marke zu sehen, und dazu inspirieren, mehr Ziele zu erreichen", sagt Keryn Francisco, Kreativdirektor von The North Face für Run + Train.

Das Unternehmen erweitert sein Produktangebot für Frauen, beginnend mit Hosen, die die Marke durch Kompression, Core Support und Vision Science neu designt. Neue Styles und Schnitte sind diesen Monat im Laden und online verfügbar. Zu den Highlights gehören unter anderem die ‘Perfect Core High-Rise Tight‘, die ‚Contoured Tech High-Rise Tight‘ und der ‚Beyond the Wall Free Motion BH‘.
Außerdem wird The North Face 2018 zwei frauenspezifische Stores eröffnen, der erste setzt in Edina in Minnesota (USA) einem Fokus auf Lauf- und Trainingsbekleidung. Der zweite Store wird in San Francisco, Kalifornien (USA) eröffnet und führt alle Produktlinien für Frauen, einschließlich Lauf- und Trainingsausrüstung, Berg- und urbane Produkte. In der Regent Street in London (UK) wird der europäische Flagship Store eine Ebene in eine reine Frauen-Fläche verwandeln, mit eigenem Outdoor-Styling-Bereich, speziellem Fachpersonal für Frauen, individualisierbaren Taschen und maßgeschneiderten Produktlinien.
Weitere Informationen zu „Move Mountains“ gibt es auf oder unter #SheMovesMountains



crystal communications GmbH

Hyosung-Vorstandsvorsitzender Hyun Joon Cho gibt Initialzündung für neues Spandex-Werk in Indien (c) Hyosung
Hyosung Chairman Hyun Joon Cho

Hyosung-Vorstandsvorsitzender Hyun Joon Cho gibt Initialzündung für neues Spandex-Werk in Indien

Mit der neuen Produktionsstätte stärkt creora® seine Marktstellung auf dem Subkontinent

  • Hyun Joon Cho diskutiert Expansionspläne mit dem indischen Premierminister Modi
  • Bau der ersten Spandex-Anlage von Hyosung im Bundesstaat Maharashtra angekündigt
  • Fertigstellung im Jahr 2019 geplant, Investitionssumme zunächst 100 Millionen US-Dollar
  • Hyosung Vorsitzender Cho setzt auf zweistelliges Wachstum mit der indischen Wirtschaft

Seoul, Korea, März 2018 - Hyosung, der größte und am schnellsten wachsende Spandex-Anbieter der Welt, verkündet stolz Pläne zum Bau der ersten Spandex-Produktion im indischen Bundesstaat Maharashtra. Mit einer Erstinvestition von 100 Millionen US-Dollar wächst Hyosungs Marktanteil ihrer Marke creora am indischen Spandex-Markt auf 70 Prozent.

Hohe Wachstumsraten der indischen Textilindustrie

Mit der neuen Produktionsstätte stärkt creora® seine Marktstellung auf dem Subkontinent

  • Hyun Joon Cho diskutiert Expansionspläne mit dem indischen Premierminister Modi
  • Bau der ersten Spandex-Anlage von Hyosung im Bundesstaat Maharashtra angekündigt
  • Fertigstellung im Jahr 2019 geplant, Investitionssumme zunächst 100 Millionen US-Dollar
  • Hyosung Vorsitzender Cho setzt auf zweistelliges Wachstum mit der indischen Wirtschaft

Seoul, Korea, März 2018 - Hyosung, der größte und am schnellsten wachsende Spandex-Anbieter der Welt, verkündet stolz Pläne zum Bau der ersten Spandex-Produktion im indischen Bundesstaat Maharashtra. Mit einer Erstinvestition von 100 Millionen US-Dollar wächst Hyosungs Marktanteil ihrer Marke creora am indischen Spandex-Markt auf 70 Prozent.

Hohe Wachstumsraten der indischen Textilindustrie

Der indische Markt für Spandex wuchs von 2012 bis 2017 mit einer durchschnittlichen jährlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von über 16 Prozent; für 2020 wird ein Wachstum von 12 Prozent prognostiziert. Der Bundesstaat Maharashtra im Westen Indiens, wo Hyosung sein Werk errichten wird, ist eine Schlüsselregion für die Textilproduktion des Landes. Das neue Werk schafft Arbeitsplätze und kurbelt die regionale Wirtschaft und die Entwicklung von Unternehmen an, die auf Weben, Stricken und Nähen spezialisiert sind.

Analoges Wachstum zur indischen Wirtschaft erwartet

Vorsitzender Cho: „Hyosung erwartet ein analoges, zweistelliges Wachstum mit der indischen Wirtschaft.“ Bei seinem Treffen mit dem indischen P.M. Modi sagte Cho: „Indien ist einer der größten Textilmärkte der Welt und wir erwarten ein bemerkenswertes Wachstum im indischen Verbrauchermarkt. Mit der vollen Unterstützung der indischen Regierung für unser neues Werk hoffe ich auf Wachstum, gleichermaßen von Hyosung und der indischen Wirtschaft.“

More information:
Indien Spandex Hyosung creora

eastside communications

Color Analysis – The Color Trend Magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019 (c) DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd

CSI launches Color Analysis – The Color Trend Magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar® Group, is launching their Color Analysis magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019. This trend forecasting magazine provides high-level global color information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. The magazine includes a seasonal color palette selected from a wide range of approximately 3,700 CSI ColorWall™ colors.

Based on most recent customer feedback, the newest edition of Color Analysis was adjusted to be more valuable for the design and palette creation process. This new edition contains 54 trend and validated colors, additional color data, and color evolution & direction by hue. Furthermore, the color trend palettes are displayed by product category: Women’s, Active, Intimates, Men’s, Kids and Home. Similar to the previous editions, Color Analysis also includes our proprietary Relative Color Popularity report (RCP), offering color predictions with validation of performing colors.

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar® Group, is launching their Color Analysis magazine for Autumn/Winter 2019. This trend forecasting magazine provides high-level global color information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. The magazine includes a seasonal color palette selected from a wide range of approximately 3,700 CSI ColorWall™ colors.

Based on most recent customer feedback, the newest edition of Color Analysis was adjusted to be more valuable for the design and palette creation process. This new edition contains 54 trend and validated colors, additional color data, and color evolution & direction by hue. Furthermore, the color trend palettes are displayed by product category: Women’s, Active, Intimates, Men’s, Kids and Home. Similar to the previous editions, Color Analysis also includes our proprietary Relative Color Popularity report (RCP), offering color predictions with validation of performing colors.

“As the Color and Trend Director at Color Solutions, it is my goal to provide relevant seasonal color data collected through consumer insights and market analysis. We are able to look further out for trends that are affected by world views, mindset and cultural influences,” said Heather Sandwall, CSI Color and Trend Director

The CSI and DyStar team of experts work together and assist their customers in color development and communication as well as in the dyeing and quality inspection process to achieve best possible results and sustainable fashion. All CSI products are produced with high-quality, eco-friendly DyStar colorants.

Ternua Group chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 (c) Tenua Group

Ternua Group chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

  • Spanish outdoor and sportswear market leader expands international presence thanks to Lectra’s latest product lifecycle management solution

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that the Ternua Group, a world-renowned Spanish outdoor clothing and sportswear group, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to increase their geographical presence by improving global teamwork.

Founded in 1994, the Ternua Group has achieved worldwide success by promoting adventure through respect for nature, producing sustainable technical clothing for outdoor sports enthusiasts worldwide. The group’s strong commitment to the environment is shown through their R&D that focuses on developing their own fabric by using eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton and recycled down.

Today, the group’s portfolio includes three brands Ternua, Astore and Lorpen, currently exporting to more than 50 countries, with operations in Europe, America and Asia. Compounding this global success, the ambitious group plans to penetrate more markets across the globe.

  • Spanish outdoor and sportswear market leader expands international presence thanks to Lectra’s latest product lifecycle management solution

Ismaning/Paris – Lectra, the technological partner for companies using fabrics and leather, is pleased to announce that the Ternua Group, a world-renowned Spanish outdoor clothing and sportswear group, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to increase their geographical presence by improving global teamwork.

Founded in 1994, the Ternua Group has achieved worldwide success by promoting adventure through respect for nature, producing sustainable technical clothing for outdoor sports enthusiasts worldwide. The group’s strong commitment to the environment is shown through their R&D that focuses on developing their own fabric by using eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton and recycled down.

Today, the group’s portfolio includes three brands Ternua, Astore and Lorpen, currently exporting to more than 50 countries, with operations in Europe, America and Asia. Compounding this global success, the ambitious group plans to penetrate more markets across the globe.

The group is implementing Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 into their entire production process. Specifically developed to help fashion companies navigate the digital era, this modular and user-friendly solution will help the Ternua Group centralize and store information coming from their brands by digitalizing their supply chain. This will connect all teams involved in the design-to-production process, regardless of geographic location. Team members will also be able to comm unicate better with external suppliers, access accurate information and keep track of every collection’s development progress. The group can hence speed up the entire production process and help their brands deliver their collections to markets all over the world on time.

“We manage our design and product development processes in-house but outsource our production in Europe, north of Africa and Asia. For our business to expand globally, we need to go fully digital. By having a system that consolidates and standardizes data coming from all supply chain actors across the world, we can respond faster to consumer demand,” explains Aitor Barinaga, Chief Operations Officer, Ternua Group. “We have assessed all other vendors—and Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 is clearly the winner. It has the ability to fully integrate all processes and improve communication and teamwork across all departments through sound data management. We are more than happy to have a trusted partner as Lectra for such an ambitious project.”

“Ternua Group is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. This is shown through their desire to help customers achieve their personal best by providing them with high-performance technical wear that is also environmentally friendly. We are thrilled to embark on this new journey with the Ternua Group, and we are confident that our solution and expertise will help them get their collections out to new markets on time,” says Rodrigo Siza, Managing Director, Spain and Portugal, Lectra.

