From the Sector

1475 results

Carbios: Scientific publication on enzymatic degradation of plastics

Carbios announces the publication of an article entitled “Enzymes’ power for plastics degradation” in Chemical Reviews. The article is a comprehensive and critical review of research published to date on the enzymatic degradation of all types of plastics (PET, PLA, polyolefins, polyurethanes, polyamides) and includes almost 700 references. Co-authored by biotechnology researchers from Carbios and its academic partner Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI), as well as two eminent professors in polymer science from the University of Bordeaux, the work brings together expertise in the fields of enzymology, polymer science and industry in order to accelerate the transition to a circular economy for plastic.

Beyond the comprehensive bibliographical study, the authors analyzed the data to discuss the scope, limitations, challenges and opportunities of enzymatic plastic recycling with a view to developing innovations and industrial processes. The article’s standpoint and added value with regard to issues surrounding plastic pollution is its critical view on technology transfer and industrial scalability.

Carbios announces the publication of an article entitled “Enzymes’ power for plastics degradation” in Chemical Reviews. The article is a comprehensive and critical review of research published to date on the enzymatic degradation of all types of plastics (PET, PLA, polyolefins, polyurethanes, polyamides) and includes almost 700 references. Co-authored by biotechnology researchers from Carbios and its academic partner Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI), as well as two eminent professors in polymer science from the University of Bordeaux, the work brings together expertise in the fields of enzymology, polymer science and industry in order to accelerate the transition to a circular economy for plastic.

Beyond the comprehensive bibliographical study, the authors analyzed the data to discuss the scope, limitations, challenges and opportunities of enzymatic plastic recycling with a view to developing innovations and industrial processes. The article’s standpoint and added value with regard to issues surrounding plastic pollution is its critical view on technology transfer and industrial scalability.

To read the article in Chemical Reviews, click here.



Foto Pixabay

Autoneum veröffentlicht Corporate Responsibility Report 2022

Autoneum erzielte 2022 weitere messbare Fortschritte in den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales, Governance und Compliance. Das Unternehmen verpflichtete sich zu wissenschaftlich fundierten Zielen, die im Januar 2023 von der «Science Based Targets»- Initiative (SBTi) validiert wurden. Die Ziele stehen im Einklang mit denen des Pariser Abkommens, die globale Erwärmung auf deutlich unter 2°C zu begrenzen, und unterstützen die bereits in der «Advance Sustainability»-Strategy verankerten Umweltziele von Autoneum. Im Berichtsjahr wurden die Treibhausgasemissionen weiter reduziert und die Recyclingkapazitäten global ausgebaut.

Trotz der zahlreichen Herausforderungen, mit denen die Automobilindustrie auch im vergangenen Jahr konfrontiert war, konnte das Unternehmen, seine gesamten Treibhausgasemissionen im Vergleich zum Basisjahr 2019 relativ um 14.8% und absolut um 33% zu senken. In 37 Autoneum-Werken weltweit wurden 214 Ökoeffizienz-Projekte zur Reduzierung von Abfällen sowie des Energie- und Wasserverbrauchs durchgeführt, womit sich die Anzahl solcher Projekte im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren fast verdreifachte.

Autoneum erzielte 2022 weitere messbare Fortschritte in den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales, Governance und Compliance. Das Unternehmen verpflichtete sich zu wissenschaftlich fundierten Zielen, die im Januar 2023 von der «Science Based Targets»- Initiative (SBTi) validiert wurden. Die Ziele stehen im Einklang mit denen des Pariser Abkommens, die globale Erwärmung auf deutlich unter 2°C zu begrenzen, und unterstützen die bereits in der «Advance Sustainability»-Strategy verankerten Umweltziele von Autoneum. Im Berichtsjahr wurden die Treibhausgasemissionen weiter reduziert und die Recyclingkapazitäten global ausgebaut.

Trotz der zahlreichen Herausforderungen, mit denen die Automobilindustrie auch im vergangenen Jahr konfrontiert war, konnte das Unternehmen, seine gesamten Treibhausgasemissionen im Vergleich zum Basisjahr 2019 relativ um 14.8% und absolut um 33% zu senken. In 37 Autoneum-Werken weltweit wurden 214 Ökoeffizienz-Projekte zur Reduzierung von Abfällen sowie des Energie- und Wasserverbrauchs durchgeführt, womit sich die Anzahl solcher Projekte im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren fast verdreifachte.

Das Unternehmen konnte mit der Einführung seiner vollständig rezyklierbaren Teppichsysteme aus 100% Polyester, die auf bestehenden und besonders umweltfreundlichen Pure-Technologien aufbauen, seine Position als Markt- und Technologieführer im nachhaltigen Akustik- und Wärmemanagement für Fahrzeuge weiter ausbauen. Für die innovativen Tuftingteppichsysteme hat Autoneum erste Kundenaufträge erhalten. Auch für E-Motor-Kapselungen auf Basis seiner patentierten, lärmreduzierenden Pure-Technologie Hybrid-Acoustics PET wurden weitere Aufträge gewonnen.

Autoneum hat 2022 das erste unternehmensweite Frauennetzwerk ins Leben gerufen. Ziel des Netzwerks ist es, die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und eine Kultur der Vielfalt und Inklusion bei Autoneum zu fördern und Mitarbeitenden einen regionen- und funktionsübergreifenden Austausch zu Themen wie Karriereentwicklung, Führung und Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie zu ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus haben Mitarbeitende von Autoneum 2022 weltweit 67 Projekte zur Förderung des gesellschaftlichen Engagements durchgeführt.

Im Berichtsjahr legte Autoneum zudem einen besonderen Fokus auf den Ausbau der Corporate-Responsibility-Organisation im gesamten Unternehmen. Darüber hinaus wurde der Verwaltungsrat stärker in die entsprechenden Prozesse eingebunden. Mit der Aufnahme von Zielkriterien aus den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales und Governance («Environmental, Social, Governance» – ESG) in den Executive Bonus Plan der Gruppe ab dem Geschäftsjahr 2022 wird das Thema Nachhaltigkeit für Autoneum in Zukunft noch mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen.


Autoneum Management AG


RadiciGroup: Zeta Polimeri becomes Radici EcoMaterials Srl

A little over three years have passed since RadiciGroup announced the acquisition of Zeta Polimeri, an Italian company headquartered in Buronzo (VC) with over 30 years' experience in the recovery of pre- and post-consumer synthetic fibres and thermoplastic materials. Today, the company has become a full member of the Group with its new name Radici EcoMaterials Srl.

The new company’s long-standing know-how, combined with RadiciGroup’s as a whole, will create a virtuous production system that recovers worn-out materials (fabric, yarn and granules), or otherwise unusable materials, and processes them into raw materials available for other production cycles by taking advantage of industrial synergy.

A little over three years have passed since RadiciGroup announced the acquisition of Zeta Polimeri, an Italian company headquartered in Buronzo (VC) with over 30 years' experience in the recovery of pre- and post-consumer synthetic fibres and thermoplastic materials. Today, the company has become a full member of the Group with its new name Radici EcoMaterials Srl.

The new company’s long-standing know-how, combined with RadiciGroup’s as a whole, will create a virtuous production system that recovers worn-out materials (fabric, yarn and granules), or otherwise unusable materials, and processes them into raw materials available for other production cycles by taking advantage of industrial synergy.

Radici EcoMaterials is a strategic production site because it handles all the preliminary recovery stages: the sorting, processing and pre-treatment of materials, including those used for the production of post-consumer yarns and engineering polymers. In this sense, Radici EcoMaterials is in line with the most recent European policies on sustainable textiles, which address minimizing the share of materials destined for disposal sites, favouring instead more structured recycling solutions.

Radici EcoMaterials is also GRS certified. GRS certification ensures the complete traceability of its materials, which are made in a safe plant that meets the highest environmental and social certification standards.

The company is also equipped with a photovoltaic system and, for the portion of its energy needs not covered by the photovoltaic source, it partially relies on renewable energy. The goal is to use 100% green energy in the next few years, in accord with RadiciGroup's goals.




Haelixa added to the Denim Deal

The steering committee for the Denim Deal has announced that Haelixa, the Swiss standard in physical traceability, is approved as a new signature. The Denim Deal is an international collaboration of more than 50 private and public sector companies united in the commitment to produce denim more circularly.

The Denim Deal aims to close the loop and achieve change in the value chain. Based in Amsterdam, the group is working towards a circular economy where textile waste no longer exists. The brand and manufacturing members pledge to work towards using 5% recycled post-consumer cotton in all future denim collections and produce 3 million denim jeans made with 20% recycled post-consumer cotton.

The steering committee for the Denim Deal has announced that Haelixa, the Swiss standard in physical traceability, is approved as a new signature. The Denim Deal is an international collaboration of more than 50 private and public sector companies united in the commitment to produce denim more circularly.

The Denim Deal aims to close the loop and achieve change in the value chain. Based in Amsterdam, the group is working towards a circular economy where textile waste no longer exists. The brand and manufacturing members pledge to work towards using 5% recycled post-consumer cotton in all future denim collections and produce 3 million denim jeans made with 20% recycled post-consumer cotton.

Coordination of the Denim Deal is led by Roosmarie Ruigrok, where the objective is to unite potential allies who have made the journey to circularity a priority. She has been working to improve sustainability in textiles for more than two decades and is an expert on enrolling the correct stakeholders to instigate change. Ruigrok states, "a circular supply chain in the textile industry is like a well-prepared machine - it ensures that every part of the production process runs smoothly, from sourcing post-consumer materials to delivering well-made finished products to customers. It not only drives efficiency and profitability but also builds trust among stakeholders and fosters sustainable practices - we welcome Haelixa who offers a trustful traceability solution."

Over the last few years, the demand for the technology in recycled denim has grown as brands are asked to validate their recycling claims. Haelixa’s unique DNA solution marks and traces fibers from the source to retail. Using DNA to mark the recycled post-consumer cotton, Haelixa substantiates claims by testing the final garment to validate that the marked waste is present.

The Denim Deal is pushing to lead the change in how denim is made. Changing the standards of operation is always challenging, and traceability is a key to authenticating recycled claims. “We are committed to promoting the use of recycled fibers through traceability and thrilled to align with this group,” said Holly Berger, Haelixa’s Marketing Director. “The goals of the Denim Deal support our vision for a circular economy.”


Haelixa AG

(c) Fashion for Good

Fashion for Good welcomes start-ups to its Global Platform

Fashion for Good welcomes twelve new start-ups to its Global Platform. The selected Innovators will participate in a nine-month innovation programme with bespoke support to validate their technologies in preparation for implementation across the fashion value chain.

The selected innovators represent technologies across Raw Materials, Processing, Traceability & Transparency, Circular Business Models and End of Use.

The selected innovators joining the Fashion for Good 2023 Innovation Programme are: Virent, Inc., ZimoChem Inc, Polybion, Saltico Ltd, Lamoral Coatings B.V., CleanKore LLC, RESPONSIBLE, Qingdao Amino Material Technology Co., Ltd.,Protein Evolution, Inc., DePoly, Ioncell Oy, and SATMA CE.


Fashion for Good welcomes twelve new start-ups to its Global Platform. The selected Innovators will participate in a nine-month innovation programme with bespoke support to validate their technologies in preparation for implementation across the fashion value chain.

The selected innovators represent technologies across Raw Materials, Processing, Traceability & Transparency, Circular Business Models and End of Use.

The selected innovators joining the Fashion for Good 2023 Innovation Programme are: Virent, Inc., ZimoChem Inc, Polybion, Saltico Ltd, Lamoral Coatings B.V., CleanKore LLC, RESPONSIBLE, Qingdao Amino Material Technology Co., Ltd.,Protein Evolution, Inc., DePoly, Ioncell Oy, and SATMA CE.



Fashion for Good


ChemSec’s PFAs Movement: Brands want the EU to ban PFAS chemicals

  • Harmful PFAS chemicals, used in thousands of consumer products, are shaping up to be the big environmental and health threat of our time. The EU is now the first in the world to propose a broad ban on these chemicals.
  • Consumer brands worth more than €130 billion support the ban on PFAS.  
  • Investors with assets in PFAS-producing companies are calling for an end to production.

Many companies are taking a stand against PFAS chemicals as the EU invites the public to give its opinions on the proposed ban on these harmful chemicals.

  • Harmful PFAS chemicals, used in thousands of consumer products, are shaping up to be the big environmental and health threat of our time. The EU is now the first in the world to propose a broad ban on these chemicals.
  • Consumer brands worth more than €130 billion support the ban on PFAS.  
  • Investors with assets in PFAS-producing companies are calling for an end to production.

Many companies are taking a stand against PFAS chemicals as the EU invites the public to give its opinions on the proposed ban on these harmful chemicals.

108 companies dedicated to phasing out PFAS chemicals from products and processes have joined the PFAS Movement, an advocacy campaign initiated by environmental NGO ChemSec that calls for comprehensive regulation of PFAS in the EU. The members comprise many well-known brands, such as Inditex, Urbanears and the Cookware Company, representing various industries— fashion, home goods, food, and personal care. The members are worth more than €130 billion in total revenue.

“A European ban on PFAS chemicals will have huge repercussions for all manufacturing industries and require much work for companies in the global supply chain. However, some parts of the industry oppose this ban, claiming that the change is too big to be justified. That’s why the support for a ban from such influential consumer brands as those in the PFAS Movement is so important. It’s a strong sign that businesses want to eliminate PFAS chemicals in products and processes”, says Anne-Sofie Bäckar, Executive Director at ChemSec.

A Hollywood Helping Hand
ChemSec’s PFAS Movement is not only supported by the brands but also by Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo who became a PFAS activist after his involvement in the film Dark Waters. The film depicts the real-life events following the massive uncovering of PFAS contamination in the USA. As a result, several PFAS producers in the USA are now involved in multimillion-dollar lawsuits.

The health and environmental threats of PFAS, along with all the lawsuits, have also created attention among another influential group: institutional investors. Last year, 47 institutional investors with US$8 trillion in assets sent a letter to 54 chemical companies named by ChemSec, calling for them to halt the production of persistent “forever chemicals”.

The EU ban on PFAS
The proposed EU ban on PFAS is extensive and the first of its kind worldwide. The idea was initially initiated by Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway, who have spent almost three years mapping the implications of a ban on PFAS chemicals in a dossier that expands over nearly 2000 pages. The proposal shows, among other things, that the emissions of PFAS were 75 000 tonnes in 2020. If this continues, the emissions are expected to sit at 4.4 million tonnes in 30 years. The emissions originate from the production and use of the many products that contain PFAS; furniture, cosmetics, electronics and many more.

More information:
ChemSec PFAS chemicals



ECHA seeks input on proposed PFAS restriction

The European Chemicals Agency invites interested parties to send in scientific and technical information on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by 25 September 2023.

The six-month consultation on the restriction proposal, prepared by the Danish, German, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish authorities, opens on 22 March 2023 and closes on 25 September 2023 (23:59 Helsinki time).

The consultation is to give anyone with information on PFAS the opportunity to have their say. Of particular interest is information relevant to the risks, socio-economic aspects and alternative substances.

ECHA’s scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) will use the consultation input to evaluate the proposed restriction and form an opinion on it.

The European Chemicals Agency invites interested parties to send in scientific and technical information on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by 25 September 2023.

The six-month consultation on the restriction proposal, prepared by the Danish, German, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish authorities, opens on 22 March 2023 and closes on 25 September 2023 (23:59 Helsinki time).

The consultation is to give anyone with information on PFAS the opportunity to have their say. Of particular interest is information relevant to the risks, socio-economic aspects and alternative substances.

ECHA’s scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) will use the consultation input to evaluate the proposed restriction and form an opinion on it.

An online information session will be held on 5 April. During the session, experts from ECHA and the five national authorities will explain the restriction process, the content of the proposal and how to participate in the consultation. They will also respond to questions from the participants.

The five national authorities submitted the universal proposal to restrict PFAS to ECHA on 13 January. The European Commission, together with the EU Member States, will eventually decide on the potential restriction based on the proposal and the committees’ opinion.

More information:


(c) RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup: 100% naturally sourced yarn made from castor oil

RadiciGroup presented Biofeel® Eleven, a yarn of natural origin, at the Performance Days trade fair (from March 15-16 in Munich). Biofeel® Eleven is sourced from castor oil and is suitable for obtaining bio-polymer. It can be used for fabrics and fine garments in many sectors, from fashion to sports, from automotive to home textiles.

Today, 80% of the world's castor-oil plantations are in India, particularly in the Gujarat region, due to its favourable climatic conditions. In this area, local people can earn an additional income by cultivating semi-arid land that does not compete with food production, and by applying the skills they have acquired over time to this work. Over the years, thanks to research, development and innovation in the value chain, the seeds from which the oil is produced have been selected and certified to ensure the finest quality, also in terms of end uses.

Castor beans contain around 45% oil, rich in ricinolein, from which the bio-polymer polyamide 11 is derived. This is the polymer RadiciGroup uses for its Biofeel® Eleven yarn. What remains after the first pressing is a highly effective bio-fertiliser that is returned to the soil.

RadiciGroup presented Biofeel® Eleven, a yarn of natural origin, at the Performance Days trade fair (from March 15-16 in Munich). Biofeel® Eleven is sourced from castor oil and is suitable for obtaining bio-polymer. It can be used for fabrics and fine garments in many sectors, from fashion to sports, from automotive to home textiles.

Today, 80% of the world's castor-oil plantations are in India, particularly in the Gujarat region, due to its favourable climatic conditions. In this area, local people can earn an additional income by cultivating semi-arid land that does not compete with food production, and by applying the skills they have acquired over time to this work. Over the years, thanks to research, development and innovation in the value chain, the seeds from which the oil is produced have been selected and certified to ensure the finest quality, also in terms of end uses.

Castor beans contain around 45% oil, rich in ricinolein, from which the bio-polymer polyamide 11 is derived. This is the polymer RadiciGroup uses for its Biofeel® Eleven yarn. What remains after the first pressing is a highly effective bio-fertiliser that is returned to the soil.

Biofeel® Eleven can also be solution dyed, i.e. dyed at the yarn production stage, saving a great deal of water and energy and also providing greater colour stability.



© Aid by Trade Foundation

The GoodTextiles Foundation and Cotton made in Africa join forces again

  • Precious water for villages that are running on dry land

The GoodTextiles Foundation has worked to improve drinking water supplies in sub-Saharan Africa in another joint project with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In three villages in Togo particularly affected by climate change, the partners built wells and trained people in the use of water. The curriculum included the topics of disease prevention, hygiene and health care.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella (Bocholt) established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry. Now the foundation has once again supported a project in sub-Saharan Africa initiated by Cotton made in Africa (Hamburg). Funding is being provided for three villages in Togo that, according to a needs assessment by CmiA's local partner, the cotton company Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT), have no direct access to drinking water.

  • Precious water for villages that are running on dry land

The GoodTextiles Foundation has worked to improve drinking water supplies in sub-Saharan Africa in another joint project with Cotton made in Africa (CmiA). In three villages in Togo particularly affected by climate change, the partners built wells and trained people in the use of water. The curriculum included the topics of disease prevention, hygiene and health care.

In 2016, the textile company Dibella (Bocholt) established the GoodTextiles Foundation with the aim of making textile value chains more sustainable. It raises funds and implements its own support projects to benefit people at all stages of the textile industry. Now the foundation has once again supported a project in sub-Saharan Africa initiated by Cotton made in Africa (Hamburg). Funding is being provided for three villages in Togo that, according to a needs assessment by CmiA's local partner, the cotton company Nouvelle Société Cotonnière du Togo (NSCT), have no direct access to drinking water.

Difficult water procurement
The areas where CmiA's drought-resistant cotton is grown include the north and interior of Togo, where cotton farmers are particularly affected by the effects of climate change due to prolonged periods of drought. Many village communities lack access to clean drinking water, and people draw contaminated water from more distant rivers or waterholes and carry the heavy load back with difficulty.

Guide to clean water
As part of a joint project between the GoodTextiles Foundation, Aid by Trade Foundation (holder of the CmiA standard) and NSCT, three drought-affected villages - Namare/Puob-n-kpaad, Tchokoroko and Aloba - will now receive their own water supply.

The funds - 11,756 euros will be provided by the GoodTextiles Foundation, and 4,419 euros will come from the Cotton Society - will be used to construct a well operated by hand pumps in each village. The construction work is to be completed by March 2023 and the 2,300 inhabitants will be taught the basics of water handling, disease prevention and hygiene measures in so-called WASH training courses.

Driving force: UN SDGs
For years, we have aligned our company with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals for Sustainable Development). Through the sponsorship project, we are not only contributing to SDG 6 "Clean water and sanitation", but also to gender equality (SDG 5). In the African countries from which we source CmiA cotton, the physically strenuous task of procuring water is still the responsibility of women. The construction of the wells now leads to a significant improvement of their living situation," reports Ralf Hellmann, managing director of Dibella and chairman of the foundation.

Continued under their own responsibility
Once the wells have been handed over to the village communities, "water committees" will take over their management and maintenance, as well as responsibility for further hygiene training for the residents. The operation of the wells will be financed on the basis of a fund made up of small contributions from the beneficiary communities.


The GoodTextiles Foundation


AFRY project partner in TreeToTextile

  • TreeToTextile sustainable textile fibre demo plant in Sweden

TreeToTextile, owned by H&M Group, Inter IKEA Group, Stora Enso, and LSCS Invest, invested €35 million in constructing a textile fiber process technology demonstration plant in Sweden. AFRY supported TreeToTextile throughout the project in the development and implementation phases from 2016-2022. The demonstration plant is now in the start-up phase.

TreeToTextile is offering a new technology to produce bio-based textile fibers with a low environmental footprint and aims to make sustainable textile fibers available to all. The new fiber is a regenerated cellulosic fiber, produced from renewable and sustainably sourced raw materials from forests. TreeToTextile has invested €35 million in developing and constructing a new demonstration plant in Nymölla, Sweden. This investment is a crucial step prior to the scale-up and commercialization of this technology.

  • TreeToTextile sustainable textile fibre demo plant in Sweden

TreeToTextile, owned by H&M Group, Inter IKEA Group, Stora Enso, and LSCS Invest, invested €35 million in constructing a textile fiber process technology demonstration plant in Sweden. AFRY supported TreeToTextile throughout the project in the development and implementation phases from 2016-2022. The demonstration plant is now in the start-up phase.

TreeToTextile is offering a new technology to produce bio-based textile fibers with a low environmental footprint and aims to make sustainable textile fibers available to all. The new fiber is a regenerated cellulosic fiber, produced from renewable and sustainably sourced raw materials from forests. TreeToTextile has invested €35 million in developing and constructing a new demonstration plant in Nymölla, Sweden. This investment is a crucial step prior to the scale-up and commercialization of this technology.

AFRY has been the leading consultant and engineering partner of TreeToTextile from its early stages of project development in 2016, continuing onto demo plant implementation engineering from 2020-2022 In the project development phase, AFRY’s assignment included several pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, process design, up-scaling evaluations, and supplier pilot runs planning. In the demo plant implementation phase, AFRY was responsible for the engineering, project management and site services, also providing many additional services like permit and procurement support as well as machine and IT solutions.

“AFRY and TreeToTextile have a long-lasting, mutually developing relationship that we hope to continue. Together with AFRY, we have overcome the challenges through close collaboration, flexibility, broad competence and most important of all, mutual commitment”, says Olli Ylä-Jarkko, CTO at TreeToTextile.

The commissioning of the demonstration plant started in the summer of 2022, and the project was handed over to TreeToTextile for start-up and further optimization of the process.

“I’m proud of the deep and long-lasting cooperation with TreeToTextile. This project shows AFRY’s ability and wide competence to meet various demands of customer investment projects – from early phase development to implementation. AFRY’s long experience with bio-based materials, combined with our extensive process industry and project execution experience, makes us a unique partner for industrial clients in accelerating their bio-based fibers to scalable commercial production”, says Lisa Vedin, Head of Process Industries Sweden at AFRY.

More information:
TreeToTextile AFRY bio-based


(c) Digital Capability Center

ITA Supports SMEs in Digitisation and Sustainability

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, as part of the Mittelstandzentrum 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt, has supported numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to digitalisation over the last five years. At the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, for example, SMEs were able to experience digitised production from yarn to smart bracelets and thus test the feasibility of Industry 4.0 solutions in their working environment.

New supply chain laws and social sustainability now pose current challenges for SMEs. In the follow-up project Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe (SME Digital Centre Smart Cycles), ITA will be supporting SMEs from 1 March in implementing ideas for digitalisation and sustainability in concrete terms.

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University, as part of the Mittelstandzentrum 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt, has supported numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their way to digitalisation over the last five years. At the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, for example, SMEs were able to experience digitised production from yarn to smart bracelets and thus test the feasibility of Industry 4.0 solutions in their working environment.

New supply chain laws and social sustainability now pose current challenges for SMEs. In the follow-up project Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe (SME Digital Centre Smart Cycles), ITA will be supporting SMEs from 1 March in implementing ideas for digitalisation and sustainability in concrete terms.

This means finding sustainable solutions and processes for the circular economy together with companies and developing new digital business models. The ITA's solutions cover the areas of awareness-raising, qualification, implementation and networking. These offers are free of charge for SMEs - follow-up projects often lead to the funding programme "Central Innovation Programme for SMEs - ZIM" of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) or to research and development projects.

Questions concerning the funding conditions can be sent to the following e-mail address:


Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University


GOTS Version 7.0 released

The Global Organic Textile Standard is pleased to announce the release of GOTS Version 7.0, which features an expanded scope of environmental and social criteria while maintaining a standard that is practicable for industrial production and appropriate for a wide range of products. During the regular year-long revision process, international stakeholders with expertise in organic production, textile processing, textile chemistry, human rights and social criteria, as well as representatives from industry, NGOs and civil society organisations, contributed to the new Version 7.0 through multiple consultation rounds. Final decisions were made by the multistakeholder GOTS Standard Revision Committee.

The Global Organic Textile Standard is pleased to announce the release of GOTS Version 7.0, which features an expanded scope of environmental and social criteria while maintaining a standard that is practicable for industrial production and appropriate for a wide range of products. During the regular year-long revision process, international stakeholders with expertise in organic production, textile processing, textile chemistry, human rights and social criteria, as well as representatives from industry, NGOs and civil society organisations, contributed to the new Version 7.0 through multiple consultation rounds. Final decisions were made by the multistakeholder GOTS Standard Revision Committee.

GOTS Version 7.0 provides a comprehensive solution for companies who want to produce organic textiles ensuring compliance with environmental and human rights due diligence along the entire supply chain, from field to finished product. With full traceability from origin to destination, GOTS certification provides an efficient means of verifying genuine sustainability efforts. GOTS 7.0 introduces new requirements to conduct risk-based due diligence of Certified Entities’ own operations and their supply chains based on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the OECD guidelines. The Social Criteria section was substantially revised to include a broader human rights-focused approach. GOTS 7.0 now allows recycled organic fibres as additional materials. Key requirements, such as certified organic fibre content, a general ban on toxic and harmful chemicals such as PFAS, conventional cotton and virgin polyester restrictions, and social compliance management, are maintained in GOTS Version 7.0.

Some of the changes in Version 7.0 include:

  • GOTS and the Manual for the Implementation of GOTS were restructured, and sections were grouped to reflect the standard’s scope.
  • New due diligence criteria ensures that Certified Entities address their actual and potential negative impacts on human rights and the environment.
  • GOTS Environmental Criteria, Product Stewardship, and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) requirements will also apply to the subcontractors of chemical formulators.
  • Criteria for the incoming organic material have been made stricter.
  • Quinoline is included among the prohibited substances and some existing restrictions have been made tighter such as of “aniline, free”, residue limit is decreased to 20 mg/kg from 100 mk/kg.
  • GOTS 7.0 reduces the permissible quantity of recycled synthetic (polymer) fibres in its certified products, taking into account the disadvantages associated with recycled synthetics, such as microplastics and poor quality.
  • In the pursuit of circularity, GOTS will allow use of recycled GOTS Goods waste as an additional fibre in its certified products.
  • GOTS Human Rights and Social Criteria will now require Certified Entities to respect internationally recognised human rights protocols, including the International Bill of Human Rights and other international human rights treaties.
  • Criteria concerning Discrimination, Violence and Harassment were revised to make them more comprehensive and include the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Violence and Harassment Convention (C190).
  • Certified Entities are now required to develop a plan to cover the living wage gap.
  • GOTS Occupational Health and Safety criteria were revised to consider best international practices and recommendations from the ILO.

For more information, see the following documents:




ITMF-Webinar series on “Digital Workflow" and the “Circular Textile Economy"

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.


Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University



ISKO’s Ctrl+Z material science now bluesign® APPROVED

Ctrl+Z is ISKO’s latest innovation employing no virgin cotton, only recycled, and regenerated fibers: more durable, stronger, and now bluesign® APPROVED.

The leading denim ingredient brand and the full-service solutions system with a focus on sustainable chemistry have teamed up in a concerted effort to strengthen their partnership while promoting more sustainable textile production. ISKO has achieved the bluesign® APPROVED label for Ctrl+Z recycled denim fabrics containing no virgin cotton and only recycled and regenerated fibers that are made to be fully recyclable with the newest recycling technologies, enabling a fully circular system.

It is a credential that Bluesign grants only to bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNERs, including manufacturers, that meet the strict safety and environmental requirements of the bluesign® CRITERIA such as ensuring production sites are safe for workers, reducing CO2 emissions and water consumption, as well as avoiding hazardous substances in production among many others.

Ctrl+Z is ISKO’s latest innovation employing no virgin cotton, only recycled, and regenerated fibers: more durable, stronger, and now bluesign® APPROVED.

The leading denim ingredient brand and the full-service solutions system with a focus on sustainable chemistry have teamed up in a concerted effort to strengthen their partnership while promoting more sustainable textile production. ISKO has achieved the bluesign® APPROVED label for Ctrl+Z recycled denim fabrics containing no virgin cotton and only recycled and regenerated fibers that are made to be fully recyclable with the newest recycling technologies, enabling a fully circular system.

It is a credential that Bluesign grants only to bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNERs, including manufacturers, that meet the strict safety and environmental requirements of the bluesign® CRITERIA such as ensuring production sites are safe for workers, reducing CO2 emissions and water consumption, as well as avoiding hazardous substances in production among many others.

Specifically, Ctrl+Z is material science that hits “undo” on post-industrial waste delivering fabrics made from recycled and regenerated content that look and feel identical to their former compositions with increased strength and durability.

More information:
Isko bluesign® Denim


(c) Schoeller Textil AG

Schoeller Textil with new recycled textile collection at PERFORMANCE DAYS in Munich

Textile performance inspired by nature - Swiss textile manufacturer Schoeller Textil AG launches the sustainable textile collection RE-SOURCE as part of its brand sustainability strategy. All textile innovations in the collection are made from bio-based, post- as well as pre-consumer materials such as recycled polyester and spandex. These are further enhanced with Schoeller textile technologies to provide the wearer with breathability, thermal regulation and wind and water repellency.

Two textile innovations in the collection have been lined on the inside with natural NATIVA Merino wool, produced under the highest sustainability standards. The manufacturing process of NATIVA Merino wool is 100% transparent and traceable for consumers through blockchain technology. NATIVA farms worldwide meet strict social and environmental requirements for animal welfare (ban on mulesing), land management and ethical labour guidelines.

Textile performance inspired by nature - Swiss textile manufacturer Schoeller Textil AG launches the sustainable textile collection RE-SOURCE as part of its brand sustainability strategy. All textile innovations in the collection are made from bio-based, post- as well as pre-consumer materials such as recycled polyester and spandex. These are further enhanced with Schoeller textile technologies to provide the wearer with breathability, thermal regulation and wind and water repellency.

Two textile innovations in the collection have been lined on the inside with natural NATIVA Merino wool, produced under the highest sustainability standards. The manufacturing process of NATIVA Merino wool is 100% transparent and traceable for consumers through blockchain technology. NATIVA farms worldwide meet strict social and environmental requirements for animal welfare (ban on mulesing), land management and ethical labour guidelines.

Schoeller is committed to the CODE OF CONDUCT, which guarantees transparent production chains, environmental protection and fair working conditions. All RE-SOURCE textile innovations are bluesign approved - the international standard for responsible and sustainable textile manufacturing.

"The special Q-cycle process was used for RE-SOURCE. The resistant and durable Q-cycle polyamide is obtained by pyrolysis of used tyres and thus saves Co2 emissions compared to the combustion process. In this way, we are helping to protect the climate with Q-cycle," says Hans Kohn, COO, Schoeller Technologies AG.

The new recycled textile collection will be presented at the PERFORMANCE DAYS textile trade fair in Munich from 15-16 March 2023.


Schoeller Textil AG

(c) Mountain Equipment / Silvan Metz

Globetrotter startet DOWN CYCLE-Projekt mit Mountain Equipment

Ab sofort nimmt der Outdoor-Ausrüster Globetrotter in seinen bundesweit 22 Filialen alle ausgedienten, mit Daune gefütterten Produkte an - gleichgültig ob Schlafsack oder Winterjacke, Bettdecke oder Kopfkissen. Gesammelt werden diese bis Januar 2024. In Zusammenarbeit mit der englischen Outdoor-Marke Mountain Equipment entsteht anschließend eine Jacke aus 100 Prozent recycelter Daune, die voraussichtlich ab Herbst 2024 exklusiv bei Globetrotter erhältlich sein wird.

Für die Aktion stehen in allen Globetrotter-Filialen Sammelbehälter bereit. Alternativ können die Kund:innen ihre gebrauchten Daunenprodukte auch per Post versenden. „Mit dem DOWN CYCLE-Projekt gehen wir gemeinsam mit Mountain Equipment neue Wege in Richtung Kreislaufwirtschaft und Ressourcenschonung,“ so Projektmanager Andreas Krüger. „Gerade die Weiternutzung alter Daunen macht Sinn, denn durch das Recycling dieses langlebigen Naturproduktes können große Mengen an Wasser eingespart werden.“

Ab sofort nimmt der Outdoor-Ausrüster Globetrotter in seinen bundesweit 22 Filialen alle ausgedienten, mit Daune gefütterten Produkte an - gleichgültig ob Schlafsack oder Winterjacke, Bettdecke oder Kopfkissen. Gesammelt werden diese bis Januar 2024. In Zusammenarbeit mit der englischen Outdoor-Marke Mountain Equipment entsteht anschließend eine Jacke aus 100 Prozent recycelter Daune, die voraussichtlich ab Herbst 2024 exklusiv bei Globetrotter erhältlich sein wird.

Für die Aktion stehen in allen Globetrotter-Filialen Sammelbehälter bereit. Alternativ können die Kund:innen ihre gebrauchten Daunenprodukte auch per Post versenden. „Mit dem DOWN CYCLE-Projekt gehen wir gemeinsam mit Mountain Equipment neue Wege in Richtung Kreislaufwirtschaft und Ressourcenschonung,“ so Projektmanager Andreas Krüger. „Gerade die Weiternutzung alter Daunen macht Sinn, denn durch das Recycling dieses langlebigen Naturproduktes können große Mengen an Wasser eingespart werden.“

Konkret spart die Aufbereitung alter Daunen im Vergleich zur Nutzung neuer Daunen rund 70 Prozent Wasser ein, denn die Aufzucht von Gänsen und Enten sowie die Verarbeitung der Daunen verbraucht viel Trinkwasser. Auch mit Blick auf das Tierwohl macht eine Weiteraufbereitung Sinn. Bis zu 95 % eines Daunenprodukts können wiederverwendet werden. „Daune ist eine wertvolle Ressource, für die wir eine Infrastruktur zur Wiederverwendung etablieren wollen. Das gemeinsame Projekt mit Mountain Equipment stellt einen ersten Schritt in diese Richtung dar,“ so Krüger.

Nach Abschluss der Sammelaktion wird Mountain Equipment das Recycling der Daunen übernehmen. Zunächst werden die Daunen dafür von anderen Stoffen und Materialien getrennt. Anschließend werden sie gewaschen, sterilisiert und getrocknet. Erst nach diesem Schritt entscheidet sich, wie die Jacke aussehen wird. Denn Farbe, Funktion und Schnitt sind davon abhängig, wie viele und welche Art Daunen bei der Sammelaktion zusammengekommen sind. Rund 800 Jacken sollen den gesammelten Daunen entstehen.

Das gemeinsame DOWN CYCLE Projekt zwischen Globetrotter und Mountain Equipment ist nicht das erste seiner Art: Bereits für das Globetrotter-Jubiläum im Jahr 2019 erstellte die Marke eine exklusive Sonderedition aus recycelter Daune. Dafür wurde der Klassiker „Lightline Jacket“ neu aufgelegt.



(c) STFI HiPeR_Integral RTM rib

STFI mit textilem Leichtbau und Textilrecycling auf der JEC

Vom 25. bis zum 27. April 2023 findet die diesjährige JEC WORLD, die international führende Leichtbaumesse, in Paris statt. Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) wird seine jüngsten Innovationen aus dem textilen Leichtbau und dem Textilrecycling auf dem Stand der sächsischen Wirtschaftsförderung präsentieren. Das STFI fokussiert seinen Messeauftritt in Paris dieses Jahr vor allem auf erfolgreiche Beispiele aus Industriekooperationen, die zur Nachhaltigkeit des Herstellungsprozesses beitragen.

Im Forschungsvorhaben „optiformTEX“ innerhalb des BMBF-Förderprogramms „Zwanzig20 – futureTEX“ wurde eine neue Technologie für flächige Naturfaser (NF)-Halbzeuge mit belastungsgerechter topologischen Fasermasseverteilung entwickelt. Dies lässt eine signifikante Gewichtsreduzierung von bis zu 30 % bei Leichtbauteilen vor allem im automobilen Interieur zu.

Vom 25. bis zum 27. April 2023 findet die diesjährige JEC WORLD, die international führende Leichtbaumesse, in Paris statt. Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) wird seine jüngsten Innovationen aus dem textilen Leichtbau und dem Textilrecycling auf dem Stand der sächsischen Wirtschaftsförderung präsentieren. Das STFI fokussiert seinen Messeauftritt in Paris dieses Jahr vor allem auf erfolgreiche Beispiele aus Industriekooperationen, die zur Nachhaltigkeit des Herstellungsprozesses beitragen.

Im Forschungsvorhaben „optiformTEX“ innerhalb des BMBF-Förderprogramms „Zwanzig20 – futureTEX“ wurde eine neue Technologie für flächige Naturfaser (NF)-Halbzeuge mit belastungsgerechter topologischen Fasermasseverteilung entwickelt. Dies lässt eine signifikante Gewichtsreduzierung von bis zu 30 % bei Leichtbauteilen vor allem im automobilen Interieur zu.

Es entstand das Modul „3D-Lofter“ zur lokalen Verstärkung von Vliesstoffen mittels definierter Faseranhäufungen; entwickelt und gebaut durch den Projektpartner Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik KG, Eberbach. Ein Exemplar des Moduls wurde in eine Labornadelvliesstoffanlage im Technikum des STFI integriert und steht für Kundenversuche sowie nachfolgende Forschungsvorhaben zur Verfügung.

Im Ergebnis des internationalen BMBF-Vorhabens „HiPeR – Orientierte Carbonfaserstrukturen aus Luftfahrt-Produktionsabfällen zum Wiedereinsatz im Flugzeug“ entstand ein Strukturbauteil für die Luftfahrt aus Recycling-Carbon. Dafür wurden am STFI rCF-Tapes sowohl aus recoverten, mechanisch aufbereiteten Abfällen als auch aus pyrolysierten Fasern entwickelt. Die rCF-Tapes werden auf dem STFI-Stand, das Bauteil selbst am CU-Messestand/CTC präsentiert.


Carbios joins Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Carbios announces its membership of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network. Carbios shares the Foundation’s commitment to accelerate the transition to a circular economy, especially in the areas of plastics and fashion. By joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network, Carbios will connect with other leaders within the Foundation’s leading circular economy network of businesses, policymakers, academia, innovators, and thought leaders worldwide.

Carbios fully adheres to Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s vision for a circular economy for plastic. Its biorecycling and biodegradation technologies already match the actions defined by the Foundation:

Carbios announces its membership of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network. Carbios shares the Foundation’s commitment to accelerate the transition to a circular economy, especially in the areas of plastics and fashion. By joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network, Carbios will connect with other leaders within the Foundation’s leading circular economy network of businesses, policymakers, academia, innovators, and thought leaders worldwide.

Carbios fully adheres to Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s vision for a circular economy for plastic. Its biorecycling and biodegradation technologies already match the actions defined by the Foundation:

  • Eliminate all problematic and unnecessary plastic items
  • Innovate to ensure that the plastics we do need are reusable, recyclable, or compostable
  • Circulate all the plastic items we use to keep them in the economy and out of the environment

Through ambitious collaborative projects, plastics and fashion are two topic areas for the Foundation and are also at the heart of Carbios’ activities. Providing actionable solutions to support brands’ ambitious commitments for sustainable packaging and textile industries, Carbios has founded two consortiums: one in the packaging industry established with L’Oréal in 2019, which has since been joined by Nestlé Waters, PepsiCo and Suntory Beverage & Food Europe; another created in 2022 in the textile industry with apparel and fashion brands On, Patagonia, PUMA, PVH Corp. and Salomon. Together, the consortium members develop solutions promoting the recyclability and circularity of their products.

Joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network takes Carbios’ circular economy actions one step further. Carbios recently underscored its commitment to circularity and environmental responsibilities by publishing its first Sustainability Report at the end of 2022[1]. In 2019, Carbios’ biorecycling and biodegradable solutions were among the first innovations to be labelled “Efficient Solution” by the Solar Impulse Foundation[2].

[1] Cf. press release dated 15 December 2022
[2] The Solar Impulse Foundation has identified over a thousand clean and profitable solutions that are economically viable and can be implemented on a large scale.



(c) Hologenix, LLC

Hologenix: CELLIANT with REPREVE shortlisted for Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards

Hologenix announces that CELLIANT® with REPREVE®, a performance fiber made from recycled materials and enhanced with IR technology, has been shortlisted for the Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2023 Awards. Introduced with global textile solutions provider UNIFI® makers of REPREVE®, CELLIANT with REPREVE is honored in the Sustainable Textile Innovation Category of the awards.

The Drapers Awards recognize the strides that are being made in reducing the industry’s environmental impact and creating fairer working conditions across the supply chain. According to Drapers the quality and quantity of entries were higher than ever this year. Judging was underpinned by the UN-backed Sustainable Development Goals. Winners will be announced at a ceremony on May 25, 2023 at The Brewery in London.

This recognition is the second award for CELLIANT with REPREVE since its launch in the fall of 2022 – it was previously named a Selection in the Fibers & Insulation Category of ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2024/25. This is also the second year in a row that a Hologenix innovation has been shortlisted for the Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards.

Hologenix announces that CELLIANT® with REPREVE®, a performance fiber made from recycled materials and enhanced with IR technology, has been shortlisted for the Drapers Sustainable Fashion 2023 Awards. Introduced with global textile solutions provider UNIFI® makers of REPREVE®, CELLIANT with REPREVE is honored in the Sustainable Textile Innovation Category of the awards.

The Drapers Awards recognize the strides that are being made in reducing the industry’s environmental impact and creating fairer working conditions across the supply chain. According to Drapers the quality and quantity of entries were higher than ever this year. Judging was underpinned by the UN-backed Sustainable Development Goals. Winners will be announced at a ceremony on May 25, 2023 at The Brewery in London.

This recognition is the second award for CELLIANT with REPREVE since its launch in the fall of 2022 – it was previously named a Selection in the Fibers & Insulation Category of ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2024/25. This is also the second year in a row that a Hologenix innovation has been shortlisted for the Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards.

CELLIANT is a natural blend of IR-generating bioceramic minerals, which, when embedded into textiles, allows them to convert body heat into infrared energy, returning it to the body and temporarily increasing local circulation and cellular oxygenation. This aids significantly in muscle recovery, increases endurance and improves overall performance in healthy individuals, among other benefits.

REPREVE recycled performance fiber consists of high-quality fibers made from 100% recycled materials, including post-consumer plastic bottles and pre-consumer waste. It is also certified and traceable with UNIFI’s U TRUST® verification and FiberPrint™ technology, which provide assurance that the product comes from recycled materials. Compared to virgin fiber, REPREVE helps to offset the use of petroleum, conserving water and energy and emitting fewer greenhouse gasses.


Trenddesign und akustische Lösungen mit Nadelvlies

  • FINDEISEN auf der BAU 2023

Auf der BAU erwartet die Besucher auf dem FINDEISEN-Stand in diesem Jahr ein „Tropical Paradise“. Unter diesem Motto präsentiert Das Unternehmen aus Ettlingen neben den aktuellen Nadelvlies-Kollektionen das neue Trenddesign FINETT VARIO sowie akustische Lösungen mit Nadelvlies.

FINETT VARIO -Trenddesign
Bei dem als Bahnenware und Module verfügbaren Nadelvlies-Bodenbelag bilden verschiedene Farbeinstreuungen einen starken Kontrast zum einheitlich schwarzen Grundton. Die sechs Farbvarianten sind untereinander und mit den Trendfarben der Kollektion FINETT DIMENSION kombinierbar.

In beiden Fällen werden für die Nutzschicht biobasierte Polyamid-Fasern verarbeitet, der textile Rücken besteht aus Recyclingmaterial. Mit einem Gewicht von 1.300 Gramm pro Quadratmeter ist FINETT VARIO knapp ein Drittel so schwer wie vergleichbare Textilfliesen, was eine Ressourceneinsparung von 70% bereits bei der Produktion und in der Folge auch beim Transport mit sich bringt sowie das Handling auf der Baustelle wesentlich vereinfacht.

  • FINDEISEN auf der BAU 2023

Auf der BAU erwartet die Besucher auf dem FINDEISEN-Stand in diesem Jahr ein „Tropical Paradise“. Unter diesem Motto präsentiert Das Unternehmen aus Ettlingen neben den aktuellen Nadelvlies-Kollektionen das neue Trenddesign FINETT VARIO sowie akustische Lösungen mit Nadelvlies.

FINETT VARIO -Trenddesign
Bei dem als Bahnenware und Module verfügbaren Nadelvlies-Bodenbelag bilden verschiedene Farbeinstreuungen einen starken Kontrast zum einheitlich schwarzen Grundton. Die sechs Farbvarianten sind untereinander und mit den Trendfarben der Kollektion FINETT DIMENSION kombinierbar.

In beiden Fällen werden für die Nutzschicht biobasierte Polyamid-Fasern verarbeitet, der textile Rücken besteht aus Recyclingmaterial. Mit einem Gewicht von 1.300 Gramm pro Quadratmeter ist FINETT VARIO knapp ein Drittel so schwer wie vergleichbare Textilfliesen, was eine Ressourceneinsparung von 70% bereits bei der Produktion und in der Folge auch beim Transport mit sich bringt sowie das Handling auf der Baustelle wesentlich vereinfacht.

Dank des patentierten Aufbaus ist FINETT VARIO ebenso wie FINETT DIMENSION extrem maßstabil. Die Fliesen und Planken kommen deshalb ohne bedenkliche Schwerbeschichtung aus und werden ebenso wie die Bahnenware wiederaufnehmbar verlegt. Einzelne Module oder ganze Flächen können so einfach und schnell ausgetauscht werden. Neben den funktionellen Vorteilen ist die Easy-Fix-Verlegung aber auch deutlich nachhaltiger und kostengünstiger als die feste Verklebung: Für die Haftfixierung wird nur rund ein Drittel der Klebermenge benötigt und da dieser beim Austausch auf dem Untergrund zurückbleibt und nicht wie sonst üblich beschädigt wird, ist das Recycling des Nadelvlies-Bodenbelags deutlich einfacher und die kosten- und materialintensive Wiederaufbereitung des Untergrundes entfällt.

FINETT VARIO ist u. a. mit dem Blauen Engel sowie dem Green Label Plus ausgezeichnet. Die eingesetzten Rohstoffe erfüllen die Kriterien von Cradle to Cradle® für Materialgesundheit.

FINETT ACOUSTICS - akustische Lösungen mit Nadelvlies
Nadelvlies wird zunehmend für die Verbesserung der Raumakustik eingesetzt. In Kooperation mit der SUAM Akustikmanufaktur bietet FINDEISEN akustische Lösungen mit Nadelvlies in Form von Wandelemente sowie Pin- und Trennwänden.

Sie sind leistungsfähige Breitbandabsorber bei denen die Schallabsorption des Nadelvlies durch das darunterliegende, spezielle Absorbervlies zusätzlich verstärkt wird. Dabei stehen diverse Leistungsklassen (Schallabsorptionsklasse A + B) und verschiedene Verarbeitungsvarianten zur Befestigung an der Wand oder freistehend als Trenn- und Pinnwand zur Verfügung. Neben den als Intarsien umgesetzten Standardmotiven aus den Serien „art“ und „nature“ sind individuelle Umsetzungen jeglicher Art und Größe möglich. Zur Auswahl stehen dabei über 100 Farbtöne aus den Top-Nadelvlies-Kollektionen von FINDEISEN.
