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Videos with country focus: Source partners with RETAIL 100

Europe’s responsible sourcing shows Source Home & Gift and Source Fashion have announced an Intelligence Series partnership with Retail 100 to provide guidance and insights into international sourcing.

Recorded in partnership with Retail 100 in the Source studios, the ‘Intelligence Series’ is designed to provide valuable insights and practical tips to help navigate the dynamic world of home and gift sourcing.

With over 100 years of retail experience, Retail 100 provides international expertise and knowledge ranging across the retail sector including fashion, homeware, gifting, toys, seasonal, garden, and beauty. The strategic and collaborative partnership across the Source portfolio of shows, kicks off with a beginner’s guide to sourcing followed by a series of videos covering eight key sourcing regions.

Europe’s responsible sourcing shows Source Home & Gift and Source Fashion have announced an Intelligence Series partnership with Retail 100 to provide guidance and insights into international sourcing.

Recorded in partnership with Retail 100 in the Source studios, the ‘Intelligence Series’ is designed to provide valuable insights and practical tips to help navigate the dynamic world of home and gift sourcing.

With over 100 years of retail experience, Retail 100 provides international expertise and knowledge ranging across the retail sector including fashion, homeware, gifting, toys, seasonal, garden, and beauty. The strategic and collaborative partnership across the Source portfolio of shows, kicks off with a beginner’s guide to sourcing followed by a series of videos covering eight key sourcing regions.

In the first video, ‘A Beginners Guide to Sourcing’ join ex-John Lewis buyers Anna Berry and Sara Allbright from Retail 100 for an in-depth dive into sourcing including where to start, how to plan your sourcing routes, how to create a critical path, as well as country choice, navigating shipping, sustainable and responsible sourcing, visas and travel tips.

The ‘Sourcing Intelligence - Country Focus’ videos explore the unique aspects of sourcing home and gift materials from around the globe. Each video highlights the distinct characteristics, challenges, and opportunities of sourcing in different countries including Turkey, India, Africa, Bangladesh, China Pakistan and Portugal offering valuable insights and expert knowledge to make informed and strategic sourcing decisions.



Foto Hannes Edinger auf Pixabay

BTE schätzt, Shein, Temu & Co haben 2023 eine Mrd. Modeartikel und Schuhe in Deutschland verkauft

Der BTE schätzt, dass die Verbraucher in Deutschland im letzten Jahr rund eine Milliarde Bekleidungsstücke und Schuhe bei außereuropäischen Anbietern und Plattformen wie Shein und Temu gekauft haben. Das hat eine Analyse der vorläufigen Außenhandelsstatistik ergeben, wonach die Inlandsmenge (Import minus Export) von Bekleidung und Schuhen 2023 gegenüber dem Vorjahr dramatisch gesunken ist.  Dies ist für den BTE nur mit einer hohen Zahl von Direktimporten der Verbraucher aus Asien erklärbar, die nicht in der Außenhandelsstatistik berücksichtigt werden.
So lag im Jahr 2023 das amtlich ermittelte Inlandsangebot bei 3.514 Millionen Bekleidungsartikeln und 266 Millionen Schuhpaaren. 2022 waren es noch 4.457 Millionen Bekleidungsstücke und 413 Millionen Paar Schuhe. Rein statistisch ist das entsprechende Angebot für die Verbraucher binnen eines Jahres also um 1.090 Millionen Artikel oder 22,4 Prozent gefallen. Die geringe inländische Produktion blieb dabei unberücksichtigt.

Der BTE schätzt, dass die Verbraucher in Deutschland im letzten Jahr rund eine Milliarde Bekleidungsstücke und Schuhe bei außereuropäischen Anbietern und Plattformen wie Shein und Temu gekauft haben. Das hat eine Analyse der vorläufigen Außenhandelsstatistik ergeben, wonach die Inlandsmenge (Import minus Export) von Bekleidung und Schuhen 2023 gegenüber dem Vorjahr dramatisch gesunken ist.  Dies ist für den BTE nur mit einer hohen Zahl von Direktimporten der Verbraucher aus Asien erklärbar, die nicht in der Außenhandelsstatistik berücksichtigt werden.
So lag im Jahr 2023 das amtlich ermittelte Inlandsangebot bei 3.514 Millionen Bekleidungsartikeln und 266 Millionen Schuhpaaren. 2022 waren es noch 4.457 Millionen Bekleidungsstücke und 413 Millionen Paar Schuhe. Rein statistisch ist das entsprechende Angebot für die Verbraucher binnen eines Jahres also um 1.090 Millionen Artikel oder 22,4 Prozent gefallen. Die geringe inländische Produktion blieb dabei unberücksichtigt.
Diese Zahlen stehen allerdings in deutlicher Diskrepanz zum Verbraucherverhalten. So lag die Zahl der gekauften Bekleidungsstücke gemäß repräsentativem Consumer Panel Services GfK nur leicht unter dem Wert von 2022. Theoretisch wäre diese Differenz zwar über eine Auflösung vorher aufgebauter Lager bzw. Überproduktionen erklärbar, in diesem Ausmaß erscheint das aber unrealistisch.
Der BTE nimmt vielmehr an, dass die Angebotslücke primär auf in der Außenhandelsstatistik nicht berücksichtigte Direkt-Importe der Endverbraucher bei stark expandierenden Anbietern wie Shein und Temu zurückzuführen ist. Beide Unternehmen sollen zusammen täglich rund 400.000 Pakete nach Deutschland schicken.
Der BTE schätzt daher, dass die tatsächliche in Deutschland angebotene bzw. gekaufte Menge von Mode und Schuhen im letzten Jahr wegen der stark steigenden Zahl unkontrollierter Importe aus Fernost kaum gesunken ist. Diese entsprechen nach BTE-Erkenntnissen vielfach nicht den in der EU geltenden Vorgaben und sind mitunter sogar gesundheitsgefährdend für die Konsumenten. Der BTE fordert hier zusammen mit dem Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) eine wirksame Kontrolle der Importe aus Drittstaaten, damit die Kunden geschützt werden und wieder ein fairer Wettbewerb für alle Akteure innerhalb der EU gewährleistet werde.

More information:
ecommerce China Online-Marktplatz

BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren

China in-store 2024 with Special Areas (c) China in-store

China in-store 2024 with Special Areas

China in-store, which was established under the name C-Star as an official satellite of EuroShop in Shanghai in 2015, will be held in Hall N1 of the Shanghai New International Expo Center from 3 to 5 September 2024. In consumer-friendly and tech-savvy China innovative store design plays a prominent role, which is why the trade fair specifically focuses on instore design and high-end solutions for brands. On display will be solutions for store design, fittings, but also retail technologies that help to selectively shape stores as spaces for interacting with shoppers as well as stage their brand messages.

China in-store, which was established under the name C-Star as an official satellite of EuroShop in Shanghai in 2015, will be held in Hall N1 of the Shanghai New International Expo Center from 3 to 5 September 2024. In consumer-friendly and tech-savvy China innovative store design plays a prominent role, which is why the trade fair specifically focuses on instore design and high-end solutions for brands. On display will be solutions for store design, fittings, but also retail technologies that help to selectively shape stores as spaces for interacting with shoppers as well as stage their brand messages.

After the success of last year’s event attracting over 100 exhibitors and almost 14,000 trade visitors, China in-store 2024 will offer over 200 providers of retail design and retail-relevant solutions the opportunity to showcase their latest instore design, retail technology and retail solutions while inviting industry professionals to explore, learn and network. The exhibited products and solutions for shopfitting and the retail industry will include store design, materials as well as surfaces and furnishings for shops – ranging from displays fixtures and mannequins to visual merchandising services and omnichannel technologies.

Since personalisation in retail is increasing in importance, the Designer Village will present design companies with trail-blazing stand designs and visual merchandising solutions. The special area will inspire visitors with innovative store concepts that improve both the brand image and customer journey. At the Retail Technology Village the latest advances in AI, VR and data analytics will be presented. These technologies enable an omnichannel experience for shoppers and convert physical stores into third places. On the Retail Stage and the Design Stage experts, retailers and brands will present the latest retail trends, shopfitting strategies and innovations that drive the retail market. A themed exhibition is dedicated to changing trends in retail area design.  

Once again proving a highlight of China in-store will be the presentation of the ERDA China (EuroShop RetailDesign Award China) on 4 September 2024; this award recognises store designs and extraordinary store concepts from the Chinese market. This year the categories were extended. 

More information:
China in-store China Shanghai Retail

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Conclusion of China in-store 2023 (c) Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai)

Conclusion of China in-store 2023

China in-store 2023, an official satellite of EuroShop, has drawn to a successful close at the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC) on 1 December. Over three days 103 exhibitors presented innovative store design and retail solutions attracting almost 14,000 professional visitors.

This year the trade fair focused on high-quality in-store solutions for the first time, offering many inspiring solutions and store-fitting concepts targeted specifically at retailers intending to open premium stores in China or overseas. The Designer Village showcased concepts by leading designers revolving around Visual Merchandising and storefront design solutions. At the “Retail Forum” and “Design Forum” 46 industry experts presented the latest retail and store design trends such as lightweight construction of commercial spaces. The renowned ERDA China Award recognised outstanding store design concepts.

China in-store 2023, an official satellite of EuroShop, has drawn to a successful close at the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC) on 1 December. Over three days 103 exhibitors presented innovative store design and retail solutions attracting almost 14,000 professional visitors.

This year the trade fair focused on high-quality in-store solutions for the first time, offering many inspiring solutions and store-fitting concepts targeted specifically at retailers intending to open premium stores in China or overseas. The Designer Village showcased concepts by leading designers revolving around Visual Merchandising and storefront design solutions. At the “Retail Forum” and “Design Forum” 46 industry experts presented the latest retail and store design trends such as lightweight construction of commercial spaces. The renowned ERDA China Award recognised outstanding store design concepts.

The latest retail technologies on display at China in‑store 2023 included amongst others digital display mannequins, virtual dressers, dynamic lighting systems with shopper identification and AI-based smart shelving and ESL. All of these solutions help retailers improve the in-store user experience, above all of the younger generation.

The next China in-store will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 3 to 5 September 2024.


Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


NCTO and USINFI tell Biden Administration Penalty Tariffs counteract China’s Unfair Trade Advantage

The Biden administration’s Section 301 penalty tariffs on finished textiles and apparel counteract China’s unfair trade advantages and give U.S. manufactures a chance to compete, two key American textile manufacturing groups told the Biden administration. Removing tariffs, the associations said, would reward China, put U.S. manufacturers at a competitive disadvantage and do nothing to reduce inflation.

In a formal submission to the U.S. Trade Representative’s (USTR) office, which is conducting a four-year statutory review of the tariffs, the associations, representing the entirety of the U.S. textile production chain, expressed strong support for the continuation of current Section 301 penalty tariffs on finished textiles and apparel imports from China and outlined the effectiveness of U.S. tariff actions.

The Biden administration’s Section 301 penalty tariffs on finished textiles and apparel counteract China’s unfair trade advantages and give U.S. manufactures a chance to compete, two key American textile manufacturing groups told the Biden administration. Removing tariffs, the associations said, would reward China, put U.S. manufacturers at a competitive disadvantage and do nothing to reduce inflation.

In a formal submission to the U.S. Trade Representative’s (USTR) office, which is conducting a four-year statutory review of the tariffs, the associations, representing the entirety of the U.S. textile production chain, expressed strong support for the continuation of current Section 301 penalty tariffs on finished textiles and apparel imports from China and outlined the effectiveness of U.S. tariff actions.

“In some cases, such as on finished apparel, the tariffs have worked to partially offset and counteract China’s unfair trade advantages,” the groups said. “The tariffs on finished textile and apparel items are giving U.S. manufacturers the chance to compete, and we are seeing encouraging investment and growth in moving some production and souring from China back to the Western Hemisphere.”

“The CAFTA-DR [Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement] region has seen more than $1 billion in new textile and apparel investment this year, for example, which is historic and due to the textile and apparel rules negotiated under the agreement and sourcing shifts from China,” they added. “This investment and growing U.S. imports from the Western Hemisphere is attributable in part to the 301 tariffs on finished apparel.  The tariffs on finished items in our sector are broadly supported by textile/apparel producers in the hemispheric co-production chain, and it is essential that they remain in place, absent China reforming its practices.”

The submission was filed by the National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) and the U.S. Industrial and Narrow Fabrics Institute (USINFI), a division of the Advanced Textiles Association (AFA).

The groups have long advocated for a fair, transparent process to remove tariffs on textile machinery, certain chemicals and dyes and limited textile inputs that cannot be sourced domestically to help U.S. manufacturers compete against China.

They also stressed that lifting the tariffs on finished textiles and apparel products from China “will solidify their global dominance in this sector for generations to come and reward their abusive behaviors, exacerbate the migration crisis, hurt domestic manufacturers and workers, undermine our ability to recalibrate essential PPE supply chains, and blunt the positive supply chains shifts and investments in the Western Hemisphere that are happening.” They added it would “do nothing to solve the inflation crisis facing U.S. consumers and manufacturers right now.”

See the full submission here.


National Council of Textile Organizations

(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Cinte Techtextil China to address personal hygiene and sustainability demands

With global consumers becoming more conscious about personal hygiene and environmental protection, exhibitors at Cinte Techtexil China will spotlight materials and technologies for products that respond to these trends. The fair will probe into the associated growth opportunities as the country is one of the leading markets for nonwovens and technical textiles. The event will be held from 6 – 8 September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

The technical textiles and nonwovens industries, the latter notably, are significantly expanding amid the pandemic. A recent forecast[1] predicts that the global polypropylene nonwoven fabric market will continue to rise at a CAGR of 6.7%, reaching USD 39.23 billion by 2028. The anticipated growth is bolstered by demands in end-use industries such as sanitation, medical, automotive and more. In 2020, Asia Pacific was named the largest regional market in the world and is expected to grow significantly over the forecasted period.

With global consumers becoming more conscious about personal hygiene and environmental protection, exhibitors at Cinte Techtexil China will spotlight materials and technologies for products that respond to these trends. The fair will probe into the associated growth opportunities as the country is one of the leading markets for nonwovens and technical textiles. The event will be held from 6 – 8 September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

The technical textiles and nonwovens industries, the latter notably, are significantly expanding amid the pandemic. A recent forecast[1] predicts that the global polypropylene nonwoven fabric market will continue to rise at a CAGR of 6.7%, reaching USD 39.23 billion by 2028. The anticipated growth is bolstered by demands in end-use industries such as sanitation, medical, automotive and more. In 2020, Asia Pacific was named the largest regional market in the world and is expected to grow significantly over the forecasted period.

The prediction reaffirms the growth prospects of nonwovens. In this regard, industry players expressed much optimism about associated future opportunities during Cinte Techtextil China last year. “The field of nonwovens is poised for a positive growth as the awareness of personal hygiene and pandemic prevention sustains in the domestic market,” commented Mr James Gao, Head of Marketing and Textile Technologies, Uster Technologies (China) Co Ltd. He added: “We decided to join the fair and showcase our new launches as we remain confident in the future development of the industry, especially since China is dominating the global scene.”

Going green is the way forward
Turning to yarns and fibres, the sector is shifting to greener and smarter production that echoes the trend towards sustainability that is gaining considerable traction across the globe. Meanwhile in China, this movement was observed by many exhibitors at the 2021 edition, including Mr Roberto Galante, Plant Manager of FMMG Technical Textiles (Suzhou) Co Ltd, the Chinese subsidiary of the Fil Man Made Group. He mentioned: “The market is paying more attention to environmental protection, and we receive enquiries about special yarns for this every day. We focus on technical yarns for filtration as well as anti-bacterial properties, which are very important for the environment. The potential here in China is incredible and this is a big opportunity for everybody.”

Cinte Techtextil China’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span across a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw material providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.


adidas grows double-digit in Western markets in Q1 2022

  • Currency-neutral sales down 3% as supply constraints reduce top-line by € 400 million
  • Western markets continue to show strong momentum with combined currency-neutral sales growing 13% across North America (+13%), EMEA (+9%) and Latin America (+38%)  
  • Gross margin down 1.9pp to 49.9% driven by significantly higher supply chain costs
  • Operating margin of 8.2% reflecting additional investments into brand, DTC, and digital
  • Net income from continuing operations reaches € 310 million
  • FY 2022 outlook for revenue and net income confirmed at the lower end due to the impact from covid-19-related lockdowns in Greater China

“In the first quarter, consumer demand for our brand and products was strong in all Western markets. Our combined sales in North America, EMEA and Latin America grew at a double-digit rate.

  • Currency-neutral sales down 3% as supply constraints reduce top-line by € 400 million
  • Western markets continue to show strong momentum with combined currency-neutral sales growing 13% across North America (+13%), EMEA (+9%) and Latin America (+38%)  
  • Gross margin down 1.9pp to 49.9% driven by significantly higher supply chain costs
  • Operating margin of 8.2% reflecting additional investments into brand, DTC, and digital
  • Net income from continuing operations reaches € 310 million
  • FY 2022 outlook for revenue and net income confirmed at the lower end due to the impact from covid-19-related lockdowns in Greater China

“In the first quarter, consumer demand for our brand and products was strong in all Western markets. Our combined sales in North America, EMEA and Latin America grew at a double-digit rate. Backed by an exceptionally strong wholesale order book and relentless focus on driving growth in our own DTC channels, we expect this positive development to continue for the rest of the year,” said adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted. “In the East, we will return to growth in Asia-Pacific in the second quarter, while we expect the challenging market environment in Greater China to continue. With strong double-digit growth in the vast majority of our markets, representing more than 80% of our business, we are well positioned for success in 2022. “

For the full press release, see attached document.


adidas AG


NCTO: Coalition are urging Support for De Minimis Provision in House America COMPETES Act

A broad coalition of industry and labor groups has sent a letter to House and Senate leadership urging support for the Import Security and Fairness Act (included in the broader House America COMPETES Act), which aims to stop China from exploiting the de minimis threshold that allows imports valued under $800 to come into the United States without paying duties and taxes, bypassing U.S. Customs inspections and providing a backdoor to Chinese goods produced with forced labor.

The coalition sent the letter to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), urging the leaders to strongly support and prioritize the provision in the underlying China bill.

The letter was signed by the following organizations:

A broad coalition of industry and labor groups has sent a letter to House and Senate leadership urging support for the Import Security and Fairness Act (included in the broader House America COMPETES Act), which aims to stop China from exploiting the de minimis threshold that allows imports valued under $800 to come into the United States without paying duties and taxes, bypassing U.S. Customs inspections and providing a backdoor to Chinese goods produced with forced labor.

The coalition sent the letter to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), urging the leaders to strongly support and prioritize the provision in the underlying China bill.

The letter was signed by the following organizations:

  • Alliance for American Manufacturing
  • Coalition for a Prosperous America
  • International Brotherhood of Teamsters
  • Narrow Fabrics Institute
  • National Council of Textile Organizations
  • Service Employees International Union
  • U.S. Footwear Manufacturers Association
  • U.S. Industrial Fabrics Institute
  • United Steelworkers
  • Workers United/SEIU

See the full letter here.

More information:
NCTO U.S. textile industry Import


(c) CHIC

Postponement of CHIC SPRING Shanghai

Asia's largest fashion fair, CHIC SPRING SHANGHAI, will postpone the event planned for March to April 14-16, 2022. The latest worldwide pandemic developments due to the new virus variant Omicron prompted the CHIC organizers to take this step.

With this relocation, the organizers are also taking into account the interests of international exhibitors and visitors. In addition to various international joint stands, Germany will also be represented with a GERMAN PAVILION. The trade fair team is working on innovations at the trade fair with the highest priorities and will now focus the entire marketing on the new date.

CHIC SPRING is the showcase for the latest trend developments in fashion and offers trade visitors a concentrated overview. CHIC SPRING as a fashion and lifestyle fair shows the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes and bags, accessories, designers and streetwear in clear segments at the National Convention & Exhibition Center in Shanghai.

Asia's largest fashion fair, CHIC SPRING SHANGHAI, will postpone the event planned for March to April 14-16, 2022. The latest worldwide pandemic developments due to the new virus variant Omicron prompted the CHIC organizers to take this step.

With this relocation, the organizers are also taking into account the interests of international exhibitors and visitors. In addition to various international joint stands, Germany will also be represented with a GERMAN PAVILION. The trade fair team is working on innovations at the trade fair with the highest priorities and will now focus the entire marketing on the new date.

CHIC SPRING is the showcase for the latest trend developments in fashion and offers trade visitors a concentrated overview. CHIC SPRING as a fashion and lifestyle fair shows the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes and bags, accessories, designers and streetwear in clear segments at the National Convention & Exhibition Center in Shanghai.

CHIC is organized by Beijing Fashion Expo Co. Ltd. and China World Exhibitions, supported by the China National Garment Association, the China World Trade Center and the Sub-Council of the Textile Industry (CCPIT).

More information:
CHIC Fair CHIC Shanghai



NCTO President & CEO Kim Glas testified on Supporting U.S. Industry

NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas testified at a hearing on “Supporting U.S. Workers, Businesses, and the Environment in the Face of Unfair Chinese Trade Practices” before the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee.

In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas outlines China’s rise to dominance of global textile and apparel production and its adverse impact on the U.S. textile industry, details ways to strengthen onshoring and nearshoring of supply chains, and provides recommendations on the critical policies needed to address these illegal trade practices and rectify inequities.

“China holds the dubious distinction of being the world’s leading purveyor of illegal trade practices that are designed to unfairly bolster a blatantly export-oriented economy,” NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas says. “These predatory practices take many forms, from macroeconomic policies that grant across-the-board advantages to their manufacturers, to industry specific programs intended to dominate global markets in targeted areas. The U.S. textile industry has been a longstanding victim of China’s predatory export practices.”

NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas testified at a hearing on “Supporting U.S. Workers, Businesses, and the Environment in the Face of Unfair Chinese Trade Practices” before the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee.

In written testimony submitted to the committee, Glas outlines China’s rise to dominance of global textile and apparel production and its adverse impact on the U.S. textile industry, details ways to strengthen onshoring and nearshoring of supply chains, and provides recommendations on the critical policies needed to address these illegal trade practices and rectify inequities.

“China holds the dubious distinction of being the world’s leading purveyor of illegal trade practices that are designed to unfairly bolster a blatantly export-oriented economy,” NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas says. “These predatory practices take many forms, from macroeconomic policies that grant across-the-board advantages to their manufacturers, to industry specific programs intended to dominate global markets in targeted areas. The U.S. textile industry has been a longstanding victim of China’s predatory export practices.”

“China’s virtually unlimited and unrealistic pricing power coupled with its subsidies and lack of enforceable labor and environmental standards strips benefits and undermines policy objectives throughout the U.S. free trade and preference program structure,” Glas further notes.

“A program of maximum pressure must be developed and fully enforced to reconfigure textile and apparel sourcing patterns that currently place an unhealthy and heavily weighted dependance on China,” Glas adds. “With a strong trade policy holding China accountable, the opportunities are ripe to unlock further domestic and regional investment to bolster this critical textile and apparel production chain because of the important rules of origin for this sector.  We can nearshore more production, help address the migration crisis, and assist in addressing the urgent issue of climate change and create a win-win-win for workers in the United States, workers in the region, and consumers.”

Glas outlines key policy recommendations to the committee, including:

  • Enact tax incentives and other targeted critical investments to strengthen Western Hemisphere trade relationships and re-shore manufacturing
  • Close the Section 321 De Minimis Tariff Loophole
  • Step up enforcement of forced labor of Uyghurs and others in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR)
  • Firmly maintain Section 301 penalty duties on China for finished textiles and apparel products
  • Immediately pass the MTB to help manufacturers with a limited list of critical inputs not made in the U.S. and review/close the mechanism in the MTB renewal which allows for finished products
  • Strengthen buy-American practices for PPE and other essential products
  • Block expansion of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) to include textile and apparel products
  • Use trade enforcement in free trade agreements to mitigate transshipment schemes by unscrupulous importers seeking to illegally circumvent duties

CHIC Shanghai in October instead of August 2021

Instead of taking place from August 25-27 as originally planned, Asia's leading trade fair for fashion and lifestyle will now be held from October 9-11, 2021 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. The fair has been taking place physically again since July 2020, always in compliance with strict safety and hygiene regulations. Various digital platforms are being set up in parallel.

The around 500 brands registered for CHIC (August) will now present themselves to the trade visitors in autumn on 62,000 sqm, including important industry players such as JINTIANSHI (menswear), VINI Bespoke (menswear), Zaijiu (womenswear), Jiebeidi (womenswear), COFNA (childrenswear), Laura Vita (shoes), Hattershub (headwear), MANNYLONQ (CHIC-Young Blood) and Dragon Heart (CHIC-Young Blood) and exciting up-and-coming designers such as KIMUSSO, Yujiantian and Wuma.

Instead of taking place from August 25-27 as originally planned, Asia's leading trade fair for fashion and lifestyle will now be held from October 9-11, 2021 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. The fair has been taking place physically again since July 2020, always in compliance with strict safety and hygiene regulations. Various digital platforms are being set up in parallel.

The around 500 brands registered for CHIC (August) will now present themselves to the trade visitors in autumn on 62,000 sqm, including important industry players such as JINTIANSHI (menswear), VINI Bespoke (menswear), Zaijiu (womenswear), Jiebeidi (womenswear), COFNA (childrenswear), Laura Vita (shoes), Hattershub (headwear), MANNYLONQ (CHIC-Young Blood) and Dragon Heart (CHIC-Young Blood) and exciting up-and-coming designers such as KIMUSSO, Yujiantian and Wuma.

The expected 60,000 visitors are also able to attend seminars and workshops on current topics such as Recognition and new opportunities of new retail in AI Fashion or 2021 Maker of Silk Road & Innovation of Design Infinity -- The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition of China Textile & Apparel SME.

Next events:
CHIC Shenzhen | 3rd-5th November 2021 | Shenzhen
CHIC March 22 | 9-11 March 2022 | Shanghai




Sateri to Acquire Funing Aoyang’s Viscose Fibre Business

Sateri has entered into agreement with Funing Aoyang Technology Co., Ltd. (Funing Aoyang) to acquire its viscose fibre business. The acquisition is part of Sateri’s growth strategy which will bring Sateri’s total number of viscose mills in China to six and total annual production capacity to more than 1.8 million tonnes.

Funing Aoyang is a subsidiary of listed company Jiangsu Aoyang Health Industry Co., Ltd. Its 330,000-tonne per annum mill that will be acquired by Sateri under the agreement, is located in Aoyang Industrial Park, Funing County, Jiangsu Province. Sateri is a member of the RGE group of companies; RGE manages a group of resource-based manufacturing companies with global operations spanning Indonesia, China, Brazil, Spain and Canada.

Sateri has entered into agreement with Funing Aoyang Technology Co., Ltd. (Funing Aoyang) to acquire its viscose fibre business. The acquisition is part of Sateri’s growth strategy which will bring Sateri’s total number of viscose mills in China to six and total annual production capacity to more than 1.8 million tonnes.

Funing Aoyang is a subsidiary of listed company Jiangsu Aoyang Health Industry Co., Ltd. Its 330,000-tonne per annum mill that will be acquired by Sateri under the agreement, is located in Aoyang Industrial Park, Funing County, Jiangsu Province. Sateri is a member of the RGE group of companies; RGE manages a group of resource-based manufacturing companies with global operations spanning Indonesia, China, Brazil, Spain and Canada.

Allen Zhang, Sateri’s President, said: “This acquisition will boost Sateri’s market footprint and further strengthen our ability to serve customers in eastern and northern China. We will invest in advanced technologies to upgrade the mill so as to enhance its process technology, safety and environmental performance. Through better management and operational excellence, we hope to make a positive impact to the local economy and accelerate the sustainable development of the industry.”

The closing of the acquisition is subject to procedural approvals by relevant authorities.


Omnicom Public Relations Group


NCTO requests Agency to grant Approval for Collection of China 301 Duties

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas sent a letter to Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Robert Fairweather, requesting the agency reconsider and approve a proposal to direct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to collect Section 301 penalty duties on billions of dollars of Chinese goods currently shipped duty free under Section 321 de minimis waivers.

“There has been an exponential growth of shipments to the United States in recent years that qualify for Section 321 duty-free treatment,” Glas said in the letter. “U.S. manufacturers of textiles, apparel and other consumer goods that routinely sell for less than the $800 de minimis threshold increasingly find their markets and workforce threatened by this tariff avoidance scheme.”

The letter details how the current Section 321 provision is now being coupled with e-commerce to provide billions in duty avoidance on these imported products, including:

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas sent a letter to Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Robert Fairweather, requesting the agency reconsider and approve a proposal to direct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to collect Section 301 penalty duties on billions of dollars of Chinese goods currently shipped duty free under Section 321 de minimis waivers.

“There has been an exponential growth of shipments to the United States in recent years that qualify for Section 321 duty-free treatment,” Glas said in the letter. “U.S. manufacturers of textiles, apparel and other consumer goods that routinely sell for less than the $800 de minimis threshold increasingly find their markets and workforce threatened by this tariff avoidance scheme.”

The letter details how the current Section 321 provision is now being coupled with e-commerce to provide billions in duty avoidance on these imported products, including:

  • Increased import price pressure on domestic manufacturers of various types of consumer items that routinely sell for less than $800 such as – apparel, footwear, home furnishings, toys, consumer electronics, flatware, auto parts, etc.
  • An inability to properly identify and block the importation of adulterated products posing a health and safety risk to consumers.
  • An inability to properly identify and block imports of counterfeit products that violate intellectual property laws.
  • Enhanced ability of countries like China to access the U.S. market, despite their failure to provide reciprocal access to their markets and their persistent illegal and unfair trading practices.

“Imported merchandise from China that enters under a Section 321 waiver is exempt from all normal tariffs and any penalty duties assessed under the current 301 case. This unreasonable and unnecessary duty exemption severely undermines the purpose and value of the existing Section 301 determination against China as an effort to address its longstanding predatory trade practices,” Glas stated.

“The Biden administration should undertake an exhaustive review of this problem to develop the policy changes needed to mitigate the damaging impact of Section 321 waivers on U.S. workers and manufacturers,” Glas added. “In the interim, it is critical that the OMB and CBP take reasonable steps, such as denying Section 321 benefits to goods covered under the existing China 301 determination [tariffs]. Doing so would be a valuable first step toward limiting the dangerous and growing exploitation of this tariff waiver mechanism.”

See the full letter here.

Oerlikon: Three staple fiber bicomponent systems successfully commissioned in Asia (c) Oerlikon Neumag
Oerlikon Neumag staple fiber plants stand for highest product quality and absolute reliability.

Oerlikon: Three staple fiber bicomponent systems successfully commissioned in Asia

Neumünster – Oerlikon Neumag has successfully commissioned three staple fiber bicomponent systems in China. With capacities of 50 tons per day each, the systems are being used to manufacture coresheath bicomponent fibers made from PP/PE or PET/PE at two long-standing Oerlikon Manmade Fibers customers. These fibers are used to make hygiene products.

Oerlikon Neumag staple fiber technology still in demand

Despite coronavirus-related restrictions, the three new systems were installed within three and five months, all without any problems. They have meanwhile been operating under stable production conditions with optimum fiber quality of the very highest standards for several weeks now.

Many years of experience in bi-component spinning

Neumünster – Oerlikon Neumag has successfully commissioned three staple fiber bicomponent systems in China. With capacities of 50 tons per day each, the systems are being used to manufacture coresheath bicomponent fibers made from PP/PE or PET/PE at two long-standing Oerlikon Manmade Fibers customers. These fibers are used to make hygiene products.

Oerlikon Neumag staple fiber technology still in demand

Despite coronavirus-related restrictions, the three new systems were installed within three and five months, all without any problems. They have meanwhile been operating under stable production conditions with optimum fiber quality of the very highest standards for several weeks now.

Many years of experience in bi-component spinning

Oerlikon Neumag looks back on many years of experience in constructing bicomponent staple fiber systems. The first system for this fiber type was commissioned as far back as 1995. Oerlikon Neumag offers solutions for the most varied cross-sections, ranging from sheath/core’, ‘side-by-side’, ‘island in the sea’, ‘orange type’ as well as ‘trilobal’. The applications are diverse: from self-crimping fibers, bonding fibers, super-microfibers all the way through to hollow fibers.

The Oerlikon Neumag bicomponent technology is particularly characterized by the extremely robust spin packs that have no expensive wear parts, which considerably reduces the costs here. The reconditioning costs when cleaning the spin packs are kept to an absolute minimum. Add to this the separate temperature transfer option in the spinning beam for the two polymers. As a result, the quality and the viscosity of the polymers can be accurately adjusted in accordance with the respective process requirements.


Oerlikon Neumag


Nach Corona-Ausbruch: Chinas Einzelhandel gewinnt bereits wieder an Vitalität

  • C-star Shanghai vom 02. bis 04. September 2020: Hoher Zuspruch von Ausstellerseite
  • BMWI fördert erneut Teilnahme deutscher Unternehmen
  • Premiere: EuroShop Retail Design Award China

Der jüngstes Weltwirtschaftsausblick des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) prognostiziert angesichts der aktuellen Coronakrise für das globale Wachstum im Jahr 2020 voraussichtlich einen Rückgang um 3 Prozent, in der EU sogar um rund 7 Prozent. Nicht so für China, wo trotz Covid-19  ein positives Wirtschaftswachstum liegt von 1 Prozent erwartet wird.

  • C-star Shanghai vom 02. bis 04. September 2020: Hoher Zuspruch von Ausstellerseite
  • BMWI fördert erneut Teilnahme deutscher Unternehmen
  • Premiere: EuroShop Retail Design Award China

Der jüngstes Weltwirtschaftsausblick des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) prognostiziert angesichts der aktuellen Coronakrise für das globale Wachstum im Jahr 2020 voraussichtlich einen Rückgang um 3 Prozent, in der EU sogar um rund 7 Prozent. Nicht so für China, wo trotz Covid-19  ein positives Wirtschaftswachstum liegt von 1 Prozent erwartet wird.

Chinas Einzelhandel gewinnt bereits wieder an Vitalität. Laut einer aktuellen Umfrage des chinesischen Handelsverbandes für allgemeine Waren (CCAGM) haben bis zum 13. April 96 Prozent der befragten Unternehmen ihre normale Arbeit wieder aufgenommen, und 46 Prozent von ihnen haben 60-70 Prozent ihrer normalen Verkäufe wieder erreicht. Mehrere chinesische Städte starteten bereits Anfang März Gutschein-Kampagnen, um die Kauflust zu steigern und so den Konsum anzukurbeln. Bemerkenswert ist, dass die Erholung der Einzelhandelsumsätze deutlich schneller als die des Personenverkehrs verläuft.

Diese positive Entwicklung  spiegelt auch die C-star, Shanghai' s International Trade Fair for Solutions and Trends all about Retail, wider, die vom 02. bis 04. September 2020 im Shanghai New International Expo Centre stattfindet. Bis jetzt sind schon 95 Prozent der Stände belegt. Die C-star umfasst folgende fünf Dimensionen: Shopfittings & Shop Furnishings, Store Design & Visual Merchandising, Smart Retail Technology, Lighting, Catering und Hospitality Equipment & Refrigeration Systems. Es wird mit 200 Ausstellern gerechnet, die maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und Produkte speziell für den Handel präsentieren werden. Namhafte Unternehmen wie Futuristic, Changhong, Longsun, Yongcheng, Epson, Shangyoung, Sunmi, Cloud Pick, Lvsunny, Self, Candex, Ganter oder Xovis sind mit an Bord. Spezialisierte Dienstleister, wie Xovis, Koscar, Sunmi, Cloud Pick, DB Scale, Keewin, T-Scale, Kiton, TSD, Adelante und CCL Tech,  konzentrieren sich auf hochmoderne intelligente Einzelhandelstechnologie, um dem Handel innovative Lösungen für die Online- und Offline-Integration anzubieten.

Das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium (BMWi) wird sich auf der C-star erneut mit einem offiziellen deutschen Pavillon beteiligen. Aufgrund der derzeitigen Corona-Situation bietet das BMWi den beteiligten Unternehmen flexiblere Konditionen, d.h. zum Beispiel, wenn es zu Einreisebeschränkungen für Reisende aus Deutschland kommen sollte oder zu einer Verschiebung der Messe, können Aussteller kostenlos zurücktreten. Auch die Anmeldefrist wurde verlängert und zwar bis zum 05. Juni 2020. Interessierte deutsche Unternehmen können sich beim BMWi an Frau Ute AWynhoff wenden:

Premiere auf der C-star 2020 feiert der EuroShop Retail Design Award China (ERDA China). Das große Vorbild, der EuroShop Retail Design Award wird seit 2008 von der Messe Düsseldorf und dem EHI Retail Institute verliehen, um die weltweit besten Ladenkonzepte auszuzeichnen. Da die chinesische Einzelhandelsbranche gerade in den letzten Jahren ganz eigene chinesische Charakteristika und Designs ausgebildet hat, rufen Messe und EHI nun einen eigenen Award   ins Leben, der die einzigartigen Bedürfnisse der chinesischen Einzelhandelsbranche berücksichtigt. In der Jury sind sowohl internationale als auch nationale Experten vertreten.

Fachbesucher können sich bereits jetzt für die C-star 2020 online registrieren:


NCTO Responds to China Commission’s Report on Forced Labor in China to Produce Global Products

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued the following statement today in response to the Congressional-Executive Commission on China’s staff report on the forced labor of Uyghurs and other minorities in China to produce consumer products for global companies.

We share the concerns of the bipartisan China commission regarding forced labor in China that is used to produce goods for global companies. We agree with the findings and the commission’s recommendations to the administration and Congress to take action against the systemic abuse of forced labor.

As the commission’s report details, Chinese apparel exporters have clearly profited from the virtual enslavement of this minority population, and we call for continued scrutiny and the end to this exploitation of a repressed people. The commission has served a fair warning to U.S. businesses and consumers to not be complicit in these forced labor practices.

NCTO is a Washington, DC-based trade association that represents domestic textile manufacturers, including artificial and synthetic filament and fiber producers. 

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued the following statement today in response to the Congressional-Executive Commission on China’s staff report on the forced labor of Uyghurs and other minorities in China to produce consumer products for global companies.

We share the concerns of the bipartisan China commission regarding forced labor in China that is used to produce goods for global companies. We agree with the findings and the commission’s recommendations to the administration and Congress to take action against the systemic abuse of forced labor.

As the commission’s report details, Chinese apparel exporters have clearly profited from the virtual enslavement of this minority population, and we call for continued scrutiny and the end to this exploitation of a repressed people. The commission has served a fair warning to U.S. businesses and consumers to not be complicit in these forced labor practices.

NCTO is a Washington, DC-based trade association that represents domestic textile manufacturers, including artificial and synthetic filament and fiber producers. 

  • U.S. employment in the textile supply chain was 594,147 in 2018. 
  • The value of shipments for U.S. textiles and apparel was $76.8 billion in 2018. 
  • U.S. exports of fiber, textiles and apparel were $30.1 billion in 2018. 
  • Capital expenditures for textile and apparel production totaled $2.0 billion in 2017, the last year for which data is available
More information:



NCTO Statement on Signing of Phase One Deal on 301 Tariffs

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) released the following statement on the Phase One Deal on 301 tariffs signed today by the U.S. and China.

“While we are still studying the details of the deal signed today, we applaud the administration for finally pressing China for a more rational and equal trade relationship,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas. “Our industry has been severely damaged by China’s predatory practices over the past 30 years and we are anxious to see a new era of sound trade principles and balanced trade.

At the same time, we question the last-in, first-out approach to the tariff reductions.  In our sector, this means that the penalty 301 tariffs on finished apparel and sewn products--the areas where tariffs have the most potential to effect reforms in China while bolstering the Western Hemisphere supply chain-- are cut in half while U.S. manufacturers continue to face full tariffs on certain inputs and equipment not available domestically.”


The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) released the following statement on the Phase One Deal on 301 tariffs signed today by the U.S. and China.

“While we are still studying the details of the deal signed today, we applaud the administration for finally pressing China for a more rational and equal trade relationship,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas. “Our industry has been severely damaged by China’s predatory practices over the past 30 years and we are anxious to see a new era of sound trade principles and balanced trade.

At the same time, we question the last-in, first-out approach to the tariff reductions.  In our sector, this means that the penalty 301 tariffs on finished apparel and sewn products--the areas where tariffs have the most potential to effect reforms in China while bolstering the Western Hemisphere supply chain-- are cut in half while U.S. manufacturers continue to face full tariffs on certain inputs and equipment not available domestically.”


More information:



NCTO supports President Trump’s announced plan to impose a 10% tariff on $300B of Chinese imports

The National Council of Textile Organizations welcomes President Trump’s announcement that he will impose a 10% tariff on the remaining $300 billion of imports from China on September 1.

The U.S. textile industry has long supported the administration’s efforts to crack down on China’s abuse of intellectual property rights through the use of the Section 301 mechanism, while also calling on the administration to include finished apparel and home furnishings in any retaliatory tariffs against China.

Chinese imports of finished goods into the U.S. market, which have had the most significant impact and disruption on domestic textile and apparel production, investment and jobs, will finally be included in the administration’s retaliatory tariffs.


The National Council of Textile Organizations welcomes President Trump’s announcement that he will impose a 10% tariff on the remaining $300 billion of imports from China on September 1.

The U.S. textile industry has long supported the administration’s efforts to crack down on China’s abuse of intellectual property rights through the use of the Section 301 mechanism, while also calling on the administration to include finished apparel and home furnishings in any retaliatory tariffs against China.

Chinese imports of finished goods into the U.S. market, which have had the most significant impact and disruption on domestic textile and apparel production, investment and jobs, will finally be included in the administration’s retaliatory tariffs.


More information:


Final report Heimtextil 2019 (c) Messe Frankfurt

Heimtextil 2019: A lively start to the new furnishing season gives hope for a good business year ahead

The international home textiles industry has enjoyed a promising start at Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main, which finished Friday, 11 January. The challenging economic situation and uncertainty in the retail sector were countered by a positive and confident mood at the world’s leading trade fair.

The international home textiles industry has enjoyed a promising start at Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main, which finished Friday, 11 January. The challenging economic situation and uncertainty in the retail sector were countered by a positive and confident mood at the world’s leading trade fair.

3025 exhibitors from 65 countries* took the international trade fair for home and contract textiles to a 15-year high: ‘Exhibitors and visitors accepted the new trade fair concept with great enthusiasm and confirmed the trade fair’s position as the world’s most important meeting place for the industry. The quality of the decision-makers impressed the exhibitors, as did the number of new business contacts from 156 countries, especially international ones – thus enabling Heimtextil to set a new benchmark’, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Around 67,500 visitors* ensured that there was a busy atmosphere in the halls, despite a slight decline due to various reasons, such as difficult travel conditions on account of the storms in the alpine region and airport strikes in Germany’. [*For comparison, 2018: 2,975 exhibitors from 64 countries; 68,584 visitors from 135 countries, FKM-tested)]

3025 exhibitors from 65 countries* took the international trade fair for home and contract textiles to a 15-year high: ‘Exhibitors and visitors accepted the new trade fair concept with great enthusiasm and confirmed the trade fair’s position as the world’s most important meeting place for the industry. The quality of the decision-makers impressed the exhibitors, as did the number of new business contacts from 156 countries, especially international ones – thus enabling Heimtextil to set a new benchmark’, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Around 67,500 visitors* ensured that there was a busy atmosphere in the halls, despite a slight decline due to various reasons, such as difficult travel conditions on account of the storms in the alpine region and airport strikes in Germany’.

One topic that occupied both exhibitors and visitors was the current and future economic situation. A further challenge is the increasingly evident changes that are happening in trade. Increasing revenues and revenue shares in online retailing stand in the way of the efforts made by the stationary retail trade to maintain their inner-city businesses. ‘The small business specialist trade, but also department stores and multibrand stores, and thus the heart of our visitor target groups, are under pressure from the constantly increasing levels of e-commerce. With Heimtextil and our consumer goods fairs in general, we offer these retailers in particular clear perspectives and diverse inspiration in an ambiguous world’, continues Braun.

Heimtextil made it easier for its visitors to access valuable inspiration and business momentum thanks to an optimised trade fair concept and the associated new hall structure. ‘The new concept brought more visitors to the stand’, was the feedback from Andreas Klenk, Managing Director of Saum & Viebahn from Kulmbach in Franconia about hall 8.0 which offered textiles editeurs and manufacturers of curtain and sun protection systems a common platform for the first time. ‘It was the right decision to merge the different segments. We had high quality discussions with respect to both export and domestic business, and are satisfied with the trade fair’.

As part of the new concept, Heimtextil expanded its unique product range across the entire exhibition site and also included the new hall 12, which has been an additional architectural highlight on the Frankfurt exhibition grounds since September.

Top international companies from the Bed & Bath Fashion segment presented their wares here. For the company Curt Bauer from Aue in Saxony, the première of the new hall was a successful one. ‘We're very enthusiastic about the new hall 12. The product range there was very well received. We are very satisfied with the quality of visitors to our stand. In addition to a good frequency of German visitors, we are particularly pleased about growth from China and Russia’, says Managing Director Michael Bauer.

Natural materials, PET and ocean plastics 
Heimtextil set a standard in terms of sustainability: after the first global climate protection agreement for the textile industry was signed by 40 leading fashion companies, organisations and associations at the World Climate Conference in Katowice last December, the focus in Frankfurt was also on environmental progress in the textile industry. Numerous exhibitors presented progressive solutions, for example in the recycling of PET bottles and ocean plastic as well as in the use of certified natural materials. ‘Sustainability was the theme for us at this year’s Heimtextil. Major media players visited us and the 'Green Tour’ guided tour stopped by. We presented many things, including our first vegan duvet and fair silk products, all 100 per cent produced in Austria’, says Denise Hartmann, Marketing Manager at Hefel Textil. The topics of water consumption in the textile industry and microplastics also increasingly came to the fore. The exhibitor directory ‘Green Directory’ alone contained around 150 progressive companies listing sustainably produced textiles. The offer was supplemented by its own lecture series as well as theme-specific tours, which provided valuable impetus and
underpinned the pioneering green position of the trade fair.

Sleep becomes new lifestyle theme
Heimtextil also focused on sleep as one of the upcoming lifestyle trends. While a balanced diet and sufficient exercise are now a natural part of a healthy lifestyle, restorative sleep is still neglected* although it is one of the most important building blocks for long-term physical and mental well-being. At Heimtextil, a number of new products and aspects came to the fore that help people become sensitised to and analyse their sleep behaviour and promote healthy sleep. Around the redesigned hall 11.0 and in the adjoining lecture area ‘Sleep! The Future Forum’, representatives from the national and international bed industry enjoyed attractive product presentations and superb speeches on the topics of sustainability, hospitality, sport and digital.

In addition to the renowned trend show, the trade fair also focused on contract business, particularly in the hotel and hospitality sector, as well as decorative and upholstery fabrics, digital printing solutions and wallpapers.

The next Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main – its 50th edition – will take place from 7 to 10 January 2020.

*According to a forsa investigation commissioned by the Techniker Krankenkasse

More information:

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

CHIC 2018

CHIC Shanghai 2018

Die 3. Edition der jüngeren Schwester der größten Modemesse Asiens CHIC ist zu Ende gegangen. Insgesamt wurden 58.400 Besucher registriert, die sich aus allen Sparten des Handels bis zu den großen Einkaufscentern zusammensetzen. Die Besucherzahl entspricht nahezu der des Vorjahres, obwohl der Messetermin zwischen maßgeblichen Feiertagen wie dem Mondfest und der Golden Week lag.

Die 3. Edition der jüngeren Schwester der größten Modemesse Asiens CHIC ist zu Ende gegangen. Insgesamt wurden 58.400 Besucher registriert, die sich aus allen Sparten des Handels bis zu den großen Einkaufscentern zusammensetzen. Die Besucherzahl entspricht nahezu der des Vorjahres, obwohl der Messetermin zwischen maßgeblichen Feiertagen wie dem Mondfest und der Golden Week lag.

"Die Bedeutung von "Made in China" hat sich verändert!" äußerte sich Chen Dapeng, President CHIC Shanghai und Executive Vice President CNGA. "Der Fokus der chinesischen Bekleidungsindustrie hat sich von Quantität auf Qualität verschoben, "Innovation" und "Upgrading" sind Schlüsselfaktoren für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Fashion Brands als Antwort auf die Marktveränderungen."

In diesem Zusammenhang spielt das Thema "Sustainability" eine ausschlaggebende Rolle," Unterstrichen wurde die Bedeutung, die die CHIC Shanghai dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit beimisst, durch die Fortsetzung der Sustainable Development Zone auf der CHIC in deren Rahmen Li Ning, Chinas berühmteste Sportswearmarke, auftrat. Die Brand wurde von Li Ning gegründet und nach ihm benannt, dem ehemaligen Olympioniken und 6fachen Goldmedaillengewinner im Kunstturnen. Li Ning beeindruckte mit seiner Modenschau, einer Kombination aus seinen kürzlich in Paris und New York gezeigten Schauen, die schon dort für Furore sorgten. Li Ning ist der erste Bekleidungshersteller Chinas, der der Gruppe für Chemical Control im Rahmen des ZDHC (zero discharge of hazardous chemicals) beigetreten ist und sich intensiv dafür einsetzt.

825 Modemarken auf der CHIC Shanghai
719 Aussteller mit 825 Marken aus 14 Ländern und Regionen präsentierten ihre neuen Kollektionen FS 2019 sowie als neues Topic Fast Fashion für die laufende Saison. Zunehmend wird die Kontaktplattform CHIC auch für Orderplatzierungen genutzt.

CHIC Shanghai präsentierte zehn klar strukturierte Messesegmente, die die gesamte Bandbreite von Fashion und Lifestyle abbildeten: URBAN VIEW, NEW LOOK, IMPULSES, FASHION JOURNEY, HERITAGE, SECRET STARS, BAGS & SHOES, CHIC YOUNG BLOOD, SUPERIOR FACTORY und FUTURE LINK.

Die Umsatzzahlen im Womenswear-Bereich in China sind in 2017 im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 5,7% auf 116,93 Mrd. EUR gestiegen. Bis 2021 wird laut Euromonitor der Marktwert in diesem Bereich auf 139 Mrd. EUR ansteigen.

Einen Wachstumsbereich stellt auch der Bekleidungsmarkt für Herrenmode dar. Hier wurde ein Umsatzanstieg von zuletzt 4,4 % p.a. mit insgesamt 67,7 Mrd.EUR festgestellt. Bemerkenswert ist der Wandel von klassischer Businesswear zu Smart Fashion. Dabei spielen Denimkollektionen eine besondere Rolle. Ein weiteres Geschäftselement ist der Bespoke-Service. Der perfekt sitzende Anzug im italienischen Stil wird maßgeschneidert angeboten, so wie z. B. von James Kingdom.

Outdoor Casual orientiert sich zunehmend an Lifestyle-Konzepten der Konsumenten, so präsentierte Supin auf der CHIC eine Kollektion für den Globetrotter, bequeme Casualwear kombiniert mit Reisegadgets wie Nackenkissen und Teekannen. Über 60 Aussteller stellten im Bereich URBAN VIEW aus.

Im KID'S PARADISE präsentieren sich führende Brands wie eton kidd, mit Fokus auf Schuluniformen mit u.a. anitbakterieller, wasserabweisender, anti-allergischer Funktion, xtep-kids, die viele chinesische Elemente in ihrer Kidswear-Kollektion eingearbeitet haben. Dem Thema Kidswear wird auf der CHIC im März nächsten Jahres besondere Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet, CHIC KIDZ wird eine Show-in-Show um die wachsende Nachfrage nach Kinderbekleidung zu bedienen. Im letzten Jahr waren 247 Millionen Kinder in China unter 15 Jahre alt (China National Bureau of Statistics) und 17,23 Millionen Babies wurden geboren. Der Kinderbekleidungsmarkt betrug 2017 22,7 Milliarden EUR mit einem jährlichen Wachstum von 14,3%. Gesundheitsverträgliche Materialien und Sicherheitsaspekte spielen hier eine ausschlaggebende Rolle für die Konsumenten.

Neben der koreanischen Show-in-Show PREVIEW IN CHINA, die über 50 koreanische Brands auf der CHIC zeigte, präsentierten sich die Firmen und Brands aus Italien, Frankreich, Norwegen, der UK, Polen, Australien etc. im internationalen Bereich FASHION JOURNEY. Italien stellte erneut die größte europäische Gruppenbeteiligung mit 10 Marken von Herren- und Damenaccessoires. Hiermit zeigt Italien, welche Bedeutung es dem Export in den immer stärker wachsenden chinesischen Markt und seinen Möglichkeiten beimisst. Im Chic März 2019 wird Italien mit dem Pavillon "La Moda Italiana" vertreten sein, unterstützt von ITA Italian Trade Agency und EMI Ente Moda Italia. Der französische Pavillon "Paris Forever" wird neben der Fédération Francaise du Prêt-à-Porter Féminin neu zusätzlich von der Fédération Francaise du Prêt-à-Porter Masculin unterstützt. Die deutsche Gemeinschaftsbeteiligung "Made in Germany" wird ebenfalls zur Märzveranstaltung organisiert.

Aufmerksamkeit erzielten auch die erstmals auf der CHIC ausstellende norwegische Schuhmarke SWIM mit Loafers, Regenschuhen, Regenschirmen und Taschen oder die englische Marke UKPiers mit handgenähten klassischen Herrenschuhen. Buenos aus Australien begeisterte mit exklusiven Damenschuhen im feinsten Lammleder, die in der Türkei gefertigt werden.

Besonders zufrieden äußerten sich die Aussteller der Accessoires-Bereiche SECRET STAR und BAGS & SHOES. Mehr als 120 Marken nutzten die CHIC als Netzwerk- und Verkaufsplattform.

FUTURE LINK präsentiert Lösungsansätze für eine effiziente und nachhaltige Bekleidungsproduktion, federführend auf der CHIC waren die Aussteller SUNTOLE, ANOK und HIKARI, die intelligente Systeme für die Produktionskontrolle der Firmen angeboten haben.

Den kompletten Artikel finden Sie in der PDF.