From the Sector

1596 results

U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol begrüßt Ralph Lauren als neues Mitglied

Das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol freut sich, die Ralph Lauren Corporation als neues Mitglied begrüßen zu dürfen und sie in ihren Bemühungen sowie Nachhaltigkeitspraktiken zu unterstützen.

Basierend auf dem Konzept zeitloser Mode hat Ralph Lauren in seiner Global Citizenship and Sustainability strategy, Timeless by Design, das Engagement des Unternehmens für dauerhafte positive Auswirkungen auf den Planeten und seine verschiedenen Interessensgruppen in drei Säulen dargelegt: einen bewussten Kreationsprozess, Umweltschutz sowie die Förderung besserer Lebensbedingungen. In Orientierung an Timeless by Design arbeitet Ralph Lauren daran, die Bodengesundheit zu erhöhen – durch Programme, die regenerative Praktiken sowie eine genaue Messung der jeweiligen Auswirkungen fördern.

Das U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol freut sich, die Ralph Lauren Corporation als neues Mitglied begrüßen zu dürfen und sie in ihren Bemühungen sowie Nachhaltigkeitspraktiken zu unterstützen.

Basierend auf dem Konzept zeitloser Mode hat Ralph Lauren in seiner Global Citizenship and Sustainability strategy, Timeless by Design, das Engagement des Unternehmens für dauerhafte positive Auswirkungen auf den Planeten und seine verschiedenen Interessensgruppen in drei Säulen dargelegt: einen bewussten Kreationsprozess, Umweltschutz sowie die Förderung besserer Lebensbedingungen. In Orientierung an Timeless by Design arbeitet Ralph Lauren daran, die Bodengesundheit zu erhöhen – durch Programme, die regenerative Praktiken sowie eine genaue Messung der jeweiligen Auswirkungen fördern.

„Baumwolle macht mehr als drei Viertel unseres gesamten Materialverbrauchs aus, und wir haben uns verpflichtet, bis 2025 sicherzustellen, dass diese zentrale Faser in unserem Portfolio vollständig aus nachhaltigen Quellen stammt. Dieses ehrgeizige Ziel erfordert die Zusammenarbeit und Partnerschaft mit Organisationen wie dem Trust Protocol, mit dem wir daran arbeiten, nachhaltige Baumwolle weiter voranzutreiben – in unserem Unternehmen sowie in der gesamten Branche“, sagt Katie Ioanilli, Chief Global Impact & Communications Officer bei Ralph Lauren.

Das Trust Protocol setzt sich als Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative für eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung in sechs Nachhaltigkeitsbereichen ein: Landnutzung, Bodenkohlenstoff, Wassermanagement, Bodenverlust, Treibhausgasemissionen und Energieeffizienz. Das Trust Protocol integriert diese Nachhaltigkeitskriterien aus der Fieldprint®-Plattform von Field to Market und ermöglicht registrierten Landwirten, die Umweltauswirkungen ihres Betriebs zu messen und Möglichkeiten für kontinuierliche Verbesserungen zu erkennen. Gleichzeitig bekommen Marken und Einzelhändler die Möglichkeit, über aggregierte, von Control Union Certifications geprüfte Daten zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit zu berichten.


U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol / Hill+Knowlton Strategies GmbH 

(c) LFDY

Streetwear Label LFDY eröffnet Store in Hamburg

Am 22. Oktober 2022 öffnet das Streetwear Label Live Fast Die Young – kurz LFDY – die Türen seines ersten Stores in Hamburg. Im neuen Standort auf der Einkaufsstraße Hohe Bleichen trifft Premium-Lage auf ein innovatives Store-Konzept, ausgewählte Design-Möblierung und urbane Fotografie.

Nach München, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Köln und Amsterdam ist das Streetwear Label Live Fast Die Young nun auch in Hamburg vertreten. Der neue LFDY-Store erstreckt sich über zwei Etagen und umfasst insgesamt 265 m². Während im Erdgeschoss des modernen Gebäudes Verkaufsflächen, Showroom und ein Umkleidebereich liegen, erwartet die Kunden im Obergeschoss eine großzügige Lounge sowie ein offenes Lager. Erweiternd kann die Etage als Private Shopping Area genutzt werden.

Für den neuen Store arbeitete die Streetwear Brand erneut mit den Architekten von Schwitzke & Partner zusammen, die das bewährte LFDY-Showroom-Konzept auf die Hamburger Fläche übertrugen.
Eine weitere Besonderheit: Neben Laden- und Eventfläche bietet der LFDY-Store Raum für Kunst. Zu den Ausstellungsstücken zählen urbane Fotografien des Künstlers Paul Hutchinson und Spiegelkunst von Victor Bonato.

Am 22. Oktober 2022 öffnet das Streetwear Label Live Fast Die Young – kurz LFDY – die Türen seines ersten Stores in Hamburg. Im neuen Standort auf der Einkaufsstraße Hohe Bleichen trifft Premium-Lage auf ein innovatives Store-Konzept, ausgewählte Design-Möblierung und urbane Fotografie.

Nach München, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Köln und Amsterdam ist das Streetwear Label Live Fast Die Young nun auch in Hamburg vertreten. Der neue LFDY-Store erstreckt sich über zwei Etagen und umfasst insgesamt 265 m². Während im Erdgeschoss des modernen Gebäudes Verkaufsflächen, Showroom und ein Umkleidebereich liegen, erwartet die Kunden im Obergeschoss eine großzügige Lounge sowie ein offenes Lager. Erweiternd kann die Etage als Private Shopping Area genutzt werden.

Für den neuen Store arbeitete die Streetwear Brand erneut mit den Architekten von Schwitzke & Partner zusammen, die das bewährte LFDY-Showroom-Konzept auf die Hamburger Fläche übertrugen.
Eine weitere Besonderheit: Neben Laden- und Eventfläche bietet der LFDY-Store Raum für Kunst. Zu den Ausstellungsstücken zählen urbane Fotografien des Künstlers Paul Hutchinson und Spiegelkunst von Victor Bonato.


LFDY / PR + Presseagentur textschwester

Photo: FET
FET-103 Monofilament meltspinning system

RHEON LABS: Fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive characteristics

RHEON LABS, a fast-growing materials technology company based in Battersea, London, has completed an extensive 6 month trial with FET, a world leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment. Backed by a £173,000 grant from Innovate UK for feasibility studies, RHEON LABS has further developed its RHEON™ technology, a reactive polymer that dynamically stiffens when subjected to force. The technology can control energy of any amplitude or frequency, from small vibrations to forces at ballistic-speeds and therefore has a wide range of applications.
This Innovate UK Smart Grant-backed project aims to develop a hyper viscoelastic fibre from RHEON™ which displays high strain-rate sensitive properties. Creating a fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive properties will be a world first. It will enable the creation of a 'breakthrough-generation' of stretch textiles that can actively absorb, dampen and control energy during movement, rather than simply acting as a spring.

RHEON LABS, a fast-growing materials technology company based in Battersea, London, has completed an extensive 6 month trial with FET, a world leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment. Backed by a £173,000 grant from Innovate UK for feasibility studies, RHEON LABS has further developed its RHEON™ technology, a reactive polymer that dynamically stiffens when subjected to force. The technology can control energy of any amplitude or frequency, from small vibrations to forces at ballistic-speeds and therefore has a wide range of applications.
This Innovate UK Smart Grant-backed project aims to develop a hyper viscoelastic fibre from RHEON™ which displays high strain-rate sensitive properties. Creating a fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive properties will be a world first. It will enable the creation of a 'breakthrough-generation' of stretch textiles that can actively absorb, dampen and control energy during movement, rather than simply acting as a spring.

For close-fitting activewear and sports bras, the ability to actively control muscle mass or soft tissue movement during exercise will be a game-changing advancement. It will allow brands to engineer garments that relax during everyday use but actively stiffen during exercise for improved support and performance.
The Innovate UK grant was awarded under the category of Hyper-Viscoelastic Fibre Extrusion for Textile Manufacture. Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET) enabled the customer trials at its bespoke Fibre Development Centre in Leeds, England using its in-house FET-103 Monofilament meltspinning facilities, in harness with RHEON and FET technical operatives. The next phase will be to upscale the trials of preferred materials on RHEON’s own new FET-103 meltspinning line, with FET’s continued support and expertise on hand.
Creating a fibre with unique strain-rate sensitive characteristics could be as radical a change in the market as the initial introduction of stretch fibre with the launch of Lycra™. The textiles would have a multitude of beneficial properties and would provide significantly less compression in the garment than conventional materials, substantially improving user comfort, support and performance.



(c) BRANDS Fashion

Erstes Grüner Knopf-zertifiziertes Poloshirt mit Industriewäsche-Eignung

  • BRANDS Fashion: Vertriebspartnerschaft mit Green Workwear

BRANDS Fashion, Anbieter für nachhaltige Workwear und Fashion Merchandise, bietet als erstes Unternehmen ein nachhaltiges Poloshirt an, das Industriewäsche-tauglich ist. Dazu kooperiert Unternehmen im Vertrieb mit Green Workwear. Unter dieser Marke wird vor allem Berufsbekleidung für das Gesundheitswesen angeboten, die aus nachhaltigen Geweben gefertigt nach hohen Öko- sowie Sozialstandards produziert wird und industriell wiederaufbereitet werden kann.

Das Poloshirt besteht aus GOTS-zertifizierter Bio-Baumwolle mit 30 % recyceltem Polyester und ist für die Industriewäsche nach ISO 15797 geeignet. Auch einem desinfizierenden Waschverfahren nach RKI hält das Polo stand. Die Produktionsstätte befindet sich in Indien – BRANDS Fashion gewährt allen Interessierten gern Einblick in die komplette Lieferkette.

Aktuell ist das Shirt in drei Farben in weiß, navy-blau und schwarz beziehbar, jeweils als Damenshirt und in einer Unisex-Variante mit Brusttasche. Sonderanfertigungen in anderen Farben sowie Individualisierungen wie nachträgliche Bestickung mit eigenem Logo sind möglich.

  • BRANDS Fashion: Vertriebspartnerschaft mit Green Workwear

BRANDS Fashion, Anbieter für nachhaltige Workwear und Fashion Merchandise, bietet als erstes Unternehmen ein nachhaltiges Poloshirt an, das Industriewäsche-tauglich ist. Dazu kooperiert Unternehmen im Vertrieb mit Green Workwear. Unter dieser Marke wird vor allem Berufsbekleidung für das Gesundheitswesen angeboten, die aus nachhaltigen Geweben gefertigt nach hohen Öko- sowie Sozialstandards produziert wird und industriell wiederaufbereitet werden kann.

Das Poloshirt besteht aus GOTS-zertifizierter Bio-Baumwolle mit 30 % recyceltem Polyester und ist für die Industriewäsche nach ISO 15797 geeignet. Auch einem desinfizierenden Waschverfahren nach RKI hält das Polo stand. Die Produktionsstätte befindet sich in Indien – BRANDS Fashion gewährt allen Interessierten gern Einblick in die komplette Lieferkette.

Aktuell ist das Shirt in drei Farben in weiß, navy-blau und schwarz beziehbar, jeweils als Damenshirt und in einer Unisex-Variante mit Brusttasche. Sonderanfertigungen in anderen Farben sowie Individualisierungen wie nachträgliche Bestickung mit eigenem Logo sind möglich.


BRANDS Fashion

Foto: Hochschule Niederrhein. Preisträgerin Joline Kaumanns (l.) und Professorin Marina-Elena Wachs auf der eMove360° in Berlin
Preisträgerin Joline Kaumanns (l.) und Professorin Marina-Elena Wachs auf der eMove360° in Berlin

Textil-Design-Studentin gewinnt Materialica-Award in Berlin

Die Master-Studentin Joline Kaumanns am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein hat den Materialica Award 2022 in der Kategorie „Student“ gewonnen. Ihre Arbeit „S-Polarskin - Abundance of Light – Impulses of Sustainable Lightning“ wurde für das herausragende Design und die hohe Technologiekompetenz auf der eMove 360°-Messe in Berlin ausgezeichnet. Begleitet wurde die Arbeit von Professorin Marina-Elena Wachs.

Abundance of Light bedeutet Lichtfülle und impliziert damit differenzierte, sich ergänzende Materialeigenschaften. Materialien, wie Wolle, Papiergarn und recyceltes Zellophan werden unter dem Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit verwendet. Diese Komponenten sind in einem Gewebe- und Gestrick-Gefüge als Sandwich-Material miteinander auf innovative Art verbunden. Die einzelnen Teile der Fläche greifen visuell ineinander.

Die Master-Studentin Joline Kaumanns am Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein hat den Materialica Award 2022 in der Kategorie „Student“ gewonnen. Ihre Arbeit „S-Polarskin - Abundance of Light – Impulses of Sustainable Lightning“ wurde für das herausragende Design und die hohe Technologiekompetenz auf der eMove 360°-Messe in Berlin ausgezeichnet. Begleitet wurde die Arbeit von Professorin Marina-Elena Wachs.

Abundance of Light bedeutet Lichtfülle und impliziert damit differenzierte, sich ergänzende Materialeigenschaften. Materialien, wie Wolle, Papiergarn und recyceltes Zellophan werden unter dem Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit verwendet. Diese Komponenten sind in einem Gewebe- und Gestrick-Gefüge als Sandwich-Material miteinander auf innovative Art verbunden. Die einzelnen Teile der Fläche greifen visuell ineinander.

Die locker gestrickte Ab-Seite verleiht dem Material eine voluminöse Haptik und sorgt für Lufteinschlüsse. Durch Lanolin ist es besonders wasserabweisend und erhält mit Dill, dem schwedischen Nationalgewürz, weitere multisinnliche Eigenschaften. Vorausgegangen war eine Forschungsstudie zu interkulturellen Design-Einflüssen aus Schweden.

Das Material lässt sich multifunktional und nachhaltigkeitsorientiert dem natürlichen Kreislauf zurückführen. Das Design – und die Designerin – hat den Anspruch an eine holistisch nachhaltige Lösung und wird sowohl für die Anwendung im Fashion als auch im Automotive Interior Design weitergedacht.

Der Materialica-Award wird im Rahmen der Messe eMove360° Europe vergeben. Sie ist die weltweit größte Fachmesse für die Mobilität 4.0. Die eMove360° Europe präsentiert die komplette Bandbreite zukunftsorientierter und nachhaltiger Mobilitätslösungen, von urbanem & mobilem Design, Material und Prozesslösungen, über automatisiertes Fahren und Elektronik bis hin zu Infotainment.

(c) CSR Europe

Epson at EUROPEAN SDG ROUNDTABLE about Sustainable Fashion

The fashion industry currently produces 20% of global wastewater and 10% of global carbon emissions. Improvements can be made for example localizing fashion, using more on-demand digital printing (it can save up to 4kg of CO2 per item) and digital textile printers (they reduce water use by up to 90% and energy use by up to 30%). Increasing the use of sustainable materials is vital and extending the lifecycle of use would make a serious difference.

Together with designers, producers, retailers, and customers, Paolo Crespi, Sales & Marketing Director Printing Technologies at Epson, will discuss how each stage of the fashion production can be made more sustainable, and how circularity and longevity can be build into the lifecycle of fashion.

The panel will take place on Tuesday, 11 October 2022 at 09:30-11:00 am CET.

Click here for more information.

The fashion industry currently produces 20% of global wastewater and 10% of global carbon emissions. Improvements can be made for example localizing fashion, using more on-demand digital printing (it can save up to 4kg of CO2 per item) and digital textile printers (they reduce water use by up to 90% and energy use by up to 30%). Increasing the use of sustainable materials is vital and extending the lifecycle of use would make a serious difference.

Together with designers, producers, retailers, and customers, Paolo Crespi, Sales & Marketing Director Printing Technologies at Epson, will discuss how each stage of the fashion production can be made more sustainable, and how circularity and longevity can be build into the lifecycle of fashion.

The panel will take place on Tuesday, 11 October 2022 at 09:30-11:00 am CET.

Click here for more information.


Epson and CSR Europe

(c) adidas AG

adidas Originals and Pharrell Williams drop new Collection

Just ahead of the fall season, adidas Originals and Pharrell Williams return to launch an array of new colors of their gender-neutral Humanrace Premium Basics Collection. The FW22 drop features a premium, heavyweight jersey crafted from cotton from Better Cotton, which supports more sustainable cotton farming. Designs are punctuated with the signature puff-print logo execution and large ‘Humanrace’ chest branding on select pieces.

The collection comprises the PW Basics Tee, PW Basics Short, PW Basics Hoodie, PW Basics Pant, PW Basics Crew , and PW Basics Long Sleeve Tee. Each item is available in sizes ranging from 3XS-2XL and in seven colors chosen by Pharrell, including Night Grey, Alumina, Light  Grey Heather, Linen Green, Halo Blue, Almost Pink, and Almost Yellow.

Just ahead of the fall season, adidas Originals and Pharrell Williams return to launch an array of new colors of their gender-neutral Humanrace Premium Basics Collection. The FW22 drop features a premium, heavyweight jersey crafted from cotton from Better Cotton, which supports more sustainable cotton farming. Designs are punctuated with the signature puff-print logo execution and large ‘Humanrace’ chest branding on select pieces.

The collection comprises the PW Basics Tee, PW Basics Short, PW Basics Hoodie, PW Basics Pant, PW Basics Crew , and PW Basics Long Sleeve Tee. Each item is available in sizes ranging from 3XS-2XL and in seven colors chosen by Pharrell, including Night Grey, Alumina, Light  Grey Heather, Linen Green, Halo Blue, Almost Pink, and Almost Yellow.

More information:
adidas adidas Originals clothing

adidas AG

TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux Photo TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux
TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux

Coisne et Lambert: Acquisition of TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux

Coisne et Lambert, the group composed of the two companies TDV Industries and Klopman International, a leader in the production and marketing of technical fabrics for the professional clothing and PPE sector, announced the acquisition of TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux.

TAD is specialized in the dyeing and finishing of knitted fabrics and has been in the market for over 30 years. Based in Le Coteau (France), the company has a production site of 9,000 m² and is a major player in the civil and administrative markets for technical textiles for professional clothing, medical, sport and apparel.

With a well equipped R&D laboratory, responsive and innovative sampling and production processes, TAD is ISO 14001 certified to manage its environmental performance.

TAD will extend the group's textile know-how adding expertise in knitwear finishing (dyeing, finishing and functionalities). The complimentary nature of their skillsets will allow the three companies to develop synergies for the benefit of their common and specific markets.

Coisne et Lambert, the group composed of the two companies TDV Industries and Klopman International, a leader in the production and marketing of technical fabrics for the professional clothing and PPE sector, announced the acquisition of TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux.

TAD is specialized in the dyeing and finishing of knitted fabrics and has been in the market for over 30 years. Based in Le Coteau (France), the company has a production site of 9,000 m² and is a major player in the civil and administrative markets for technical textiles for professional clothing, medical, sport and apparel.

With a well equipped R&D laboratory, responsive and innovative sampling and production processes, TAD is ISO 14001 certified to manage its environmental performance.

TAD will extend the group's textile know-how adding expertise in knitwear finishing (dyeing, finishing and functionalities). The complimentary nature of their skillsets will allow the three companies to develop synergies for the benefit of their common and specific markets.

This integration will enable TAD to strengthen its specific business model and its services as a French finishing company over the long term, for the benefit of its historical and future customers.

The group, which is made up of the two companies TDV Industries and Klopman International, achieved a turnover of 185 million euros for the 2021-2022 financial year and employs more than 600 people. It also intends to expand its presence in new markets and geographical areas. Klopman International and TDV Industries want to offer markets more complete, flexible and competitive solutions for professional, civil and military clothing.

(c) Willy Bogner GmbH & Co. KGaA

BOGNER and James Bond celebrate anniversaries and partnership

BOGNER and James Bond – a perfect symbiosis of action, entertainment and athluxury lifestyle. The partnership started over 50 years ago when Willy Bogner Junior filmed the ski scenes for On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969). Building on the success of the collaboration, Willy went on to work on three more James Bond productions. In 2022, both partners celebrate an anniversary: 90 years of BOGNER and 60 years of the James Bond film franchise. To mark the long-standing partnership as well as the two anniversaries, a limited capsule collection is released, consisting of two complete ski outfits for men and women, ski hardware and accessories.

BOGNER and James Bond – a perfect symbiosis of action, entertainment and athluxury lifestyle. The partnership started over 50 years ago when Willy Bogner Junior filmed the ski scenes for On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969). Building on the success of the collaboration, Willy went on to work on three more James Bond productions. In 2022, both partners celebrate an anniversary: 90 years of BOGNER and 60 years of the James Bond film franchise. To mark the long-standing partnership as well as the two anniversaries, a limited capsule collection is released, consisting of two complete ski outfits for men and women, ski hardware and accessories.


Willy Bogner GmbH & Co. KGaA

Photo: Unsplash

Karl Lagerfeld at The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Exhibition: Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty
May 5 – July 16, 2023

The Costume Institute’s spring 2023 exhibition will examine the work of Karl Lagerfeld (1933–2019). Focusing on the designer’s stylistic vocabulary as expressed in aesthetic themes that appear time and again in his fashions from the 1950s to his final collection in 2019, the show will spotlight the German-born designer’s unique working methodology.

Most of the approximately 150 pieces on display will be accompanied by Lagerfeld’s sketches, which underscore his complex creative process and the collaborative relationships with his premières, or head seamstresses. Lagerfeld’s fluid lines united his designs for Balmain, Patou, Chloé, Fendi, Chanel, and his eponymous label, Karl Lagerfeld, creating a diverse and prolific body of work unparalleled in the history of fashion.

Exhibition: Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty
May 5 – July 16, 2023

The Costume Institute’s spring 2023 exhibition will examine the work of Karl Lagerfeld (1933–2019). Focusing on the designer’s stylistic vocabulary as expressed in aesthetic themes that appear time and again in his fashions from the 1950s to his final collection in 2019, the show will spotlight the German-born designer’s unique working methodology.

Most of the approximately 150 pieces on display will be accompanied by Lagerfeld’s sketches, which underscore his complex creative process and the collaborative relationships with his premières, or head seamstresses. Lagerfeld’s fluid lines united his designs for Balmain, Patou, Chloé, Fendi, Chanel, and his eponymous label, Karl Lagerfeld, creating a diverse and prolific body of work unparalleled in the history of fashion.


The Metropolitan Museum of Art

(c) CHIC

CHIC GBA 2022 postponed to 2023

Due to rising Covid-19 cases in Shenzhen, CHIC GBA (Greater Bay Area), scheduled from November 2-4, 2022, will be postponed to 2023 for pandemic control and integrated into CHIC Shanghai in spring.

CHIC Shanghai will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center from March 8-10, 2023.

Due to rising Covid-19 cases in Shenzhen, CHIC GBA (Greater Bay Area), scheduled from November 2-4, 2022, will be postponed to 2023 for pandemic control and integrated into CHIC Shanghai in spring.

CHIC Shanghai will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center from March 8-10, 2023.




CISUTAC: New European innovation project on circular & sustainable textiles

Launched this September, the new Horizon Europe project CISUTAC will support the transition to a circular and sustainable textile sector. As part of a consortium of 27 partners working on the project, TEXAID will among others support the project with sorting, disassembly and repair trials.

The production and consumption of textile products continue to grow, together with their impact on the environment, due to a lack of reuse, repair and recycling of materials. Quality, durability, and recyclability are often not being set as priorities in the design and manufacturing of clothing (EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles, March 2022).  

CISUTAC aims to remove current bottlenecks in order to increase textile circularity in Europe. The objective is to minimise the sector’s total environmental impact by developing sustainable, novel, and inclusive large-scale European value chains.  

Launched this September, the new Horizon Europe project CISUTAC will support the transition to a circular and sustainable textile sector. As part of a consortium of 27 partners working on the project, TEXAID will among others support the project with sorting, disassembly and repair trials.

The production and consumption of textile products continue to grow, together with their impact on the environment, due to a lack of reuse, repair and recycling of materials. Quality, durability, and recyclability are often not being set as priorities in the design and manufacturing of clothing (EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles, March 2022).  

CISUTAC aims to remove current bottlenecks in order to increase textile circularity in Europe. The objective is to minimise the sector’s total environmental impact by developing sustainable, novel, and inclusive large-scale European value chains.  

The project will cover most parts of the textile sector by working on two material groups representing almost 90% of all textile fibre materials (polyester, and cotton/cellulosic fibres), and focusing on products from three sub-sectors experiencing varying circularity bottlenecks (fashion garments, sports and outdoor goods, and workwear).  

CISUTAC will follow a holistic approach covering the technical, sectoral and socio-economic aspects, and will perform three pilots to demonstrate the feasibility and value of:

  • Repair and disassembly
  • Sorting (for reuse and recycling)
  • Circular garments through fibre-to-fibre recycling and design for circularity

To realise these pilots, the consortium partners will:

  • Develop semi-automated workstations
  • Analyse the infrastructure and material flows
  • Digitally enhance sorting operations (for reuse and recycling)
  • Raise awareness among the consumers and the textile industry

As part of the CISUTAC consortium, TEXAID, will conduct different trials of sorting, repair, and disassembly, and be active in the LCA and Standardisation work packages.


TEXAID Textilverwertungs-AG

Photo: Haelixa AG

Haelixa: Egyptian cotton products traceable thanks to DNA marker

Within the scope of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) initiative “The Sustainability Pledge”, to improve transparency and traceability for sustainable garment and footwear supply chains, the Swiss company Haelixa traces Egyptian cotton from the source up to premium shirts.

The UNECE and United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) has been developing over the period 2019-2022 policy recommendations, implementation guidelines, a call to action, and a traceability toolbox including blockchain and DNA tracing solutions, which has been implemented in few different textile supply chains. Haelixa is part of the group of experts that develops such policy recommendations and conducts projects with key industry players to set traceability benchmarks and later develop them into standards.

Within the scope of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) initiative “The Sustainability Pledge”, to improve transparency and traceability for sustainable garment and footwear supply chains, the Swiss company Haelixa traces Egyptian cotton from the source up to premium shirts.

The UNECE and United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) has been developing over the period 2019-2022 policy recommendations, implementation guidelines, a call to action, and a traceability toolbox including blockchain and DNA tracing solutions, which has been implemented in few different textile supply chains. Haelixa is part of the group of experts that develops such policy recommendations and conducts projects with key industry players to set traceability benchmarks and later develop them into standards.

Fashion brands are often responsible for complex global value chains and traceability is the needed tool to enable trust, transparency and credible sustainability. The magnitude of the supply chain traceability challenge can be overwhelming for brands, but the UNECE initiative framework facilitates the alignment with suppliers, provides the necessary guidance and the needed tools, with Haelixa as physical traceability provider.

To make the premium shirts traceable, Haelixa has developed a DNA marker to label the raw material, premium Egyptian cotton. The DNA marker has been applied as fine spray to GIZA 96 lint cotton in Borg Al Arab, Egypt and used to produce the finest fabric by Swiss manufacturer Weba. Once applied to the fibers, Haelixa’s DNA markers stay safely embedded into the material and withstand the industrial processing, ensuring traceability from the source until the finished garment. Samples of lint cotton, yarn, and fabric at different steps were verified with a test based on PCR, and the correct DNA marker was detected, thereby enabling the identification of the premium product, of its origin and the specific supply chain. The forensic data obtained were recorded on a blockchain system provided by UNECE. The marked fabric was used to make Hugo Boss cotton dress shirts. As one of the leading premium fashion brands and partner to the UNECE project, Hugo Boss is responsible for a complex global value chain and strives for high sustainability standards and is looking at traceability options.

“In cases like this one, where the material is of the highest quality and the product is shipped from one facility to another for premium processing, adding physical traceability is critical to ensure that the origin, quality and processing claims can be backed up" says Gediminas Mikutis, CTO and co-founder at Haelixa.

Maria Teresa Pisani, Economic Affairs Officer and Project Lead at UNECE, emphasized: “Traceability and transparency are crucial elements to protect environmental, social, and human rights along global value chains. At UNECE, we aim to enhance traceability approaches by exploring new and innovative solutions that help identify and address negative impacts in the fashion industry.”

(c) WEITBLICK® GmbH & Co. KG

Weitblick: Arbeitsschuhe neu im Sortiment für Gastro- und Lebensmittelbereich

Ergänzend zu den Workwear-Linien für den Gastro- und Lebensmittelbereich hat Weitblick künftig auch moderne und hochqualitative Arbeitsschuhe des Herstellers Shoes For Crews im Portfolio. Dieser steht seit 1984 als Produzent für rutschhemmendes, robustes und gleichzeitig stilvolles Schuhwerk für verschiedenste Arbeitsbereiche und teilt dieselben Ansprüche wie der Workwear und Corporate Fashion Anbieter in Kleinostheim: Halt, Komfort und hochwertige Verarbeitung, „Safety – Fashion – Comfort“.

Weitblick startet zunächst mit einem ausgewählten Sortiment an Schuhen – abgestimmt auf die Gastrowear-Linien: von Clogs bis hin zu Schuhen mit Zehenkappen, um besondere Sicherheitsbedürfnisse abzudecken. Die Schuhe verfügen über eine Schutzmembran als Spritzwasserschutz und sind dank Schaumverbundstoff besonders leicht. Mit einer stetigen Weiterentwicklung im Hinblick auf nachhaltige Produktion und steigende Recyclinganteile hat Shoes For Crews ein umfassendes Nachhaltigkeitskonzept für Arbeits- und Sicherheitsschuhe entwickelt. Mehrere Modelle sind vegan gefertigt.

Ergänzend zu den Workwear-Linien für den Gastro- und Lebensmittelbereich hat Weitblick künftig auch moderne und hochqualitative Arbeitsschuhe des Herstellers Shoes For Crews im Portfolio. Dieser steht seit 1984 als Produzent für rutschhemmendes, robustes und gleichzeitig stilvolles Schuhwerk für verschiedenste Arbeitsbereiche und teilt dieselben Ansprüche wie der Workwear und Corporate Fashion Anbieter in Kleinostheim: Halt, Komfort und hochwertige Verarbeitung, „Safety – Fashion – Comfort“.

Weitblick startet zunächst mit einem ausgewählten Sortiment an Schuhen – abgestimmt auf die Gastrowear-Linien: von Clogs bis hin zu Schuhen mit Zehenkappen, um besondere Sicherheitsbedürfnisse abzudecken. Die Schuhe verfügen über eine Schutzmembran als Spritzwasserschutz und sind dank Schaumverbundstoff besonders leicht. Mit einer stetigen Weiterentwicklung im Hinblick auf nachhaltige Produktion und steigende Recyclinganteile hat Shoes For Crews ein umfassendes Nachhaltigkeitskonzept für Arbeits- und Sicherheitsschuhe entwickelt. Mehrere Modelle sind vegan gefertigt.



Photo: Pincroft

Pincroft: New camouflage pattern for Dutch soldiers

Pincroft, UK’s largest textile dyer, printer and finisher, developed a new camouflage pattern for the Dutch Ministry of Defence as part of their Defensie Materieel Organisatie’s (DMO) ‘STRONG’ programme that aims to supply combat clothing and equipment to all military personnel part of the Royal Netherlands Navy, Army, Air Force and Marechaussee.

The new fabric and camouflage pattern boast the new Netherlands Fractal Pattern and will be used in at least 480,000 sets of uniforms for soldiers worldwide. The camouflage pattern is being manufactured in a green or woodland style for the Army, Air Force, Marechaussee and Marines, while the Navy receives a blue or marine style design. Pincroft followed the guidelines of the new Netherlands Fractal Pattern (NFP) to create an eight-colour camouflage design that provides high levels of disruption to give soldiers better concealment when needed.

Pincroft, UK’s largest textile dyer, printer and finisher, developed a new camouflage pattern for the Dutch Ministry of Defence as part of their Defensie Materieel Organisatie’s (DMO) ‘STRONG’ programme that aims to supply combat clothing and equipment to all military personnel part of the Royal Netherlands Navy, Army, Air Force and Marechaussee.

The new fabric and camouflage pattern boast the new Netherlands Fractal Pattern and will be used in at least 480,000 sets of uniforms for soldiers worldwide. The camouflage pattern is being manufactured in a green or woodland style for the Army, Air Force, Marechaussee and Marines, while the Navy receives a blue or marine style design. Pincroft followed the guidelines of the new Netherlands Fractal Pattern (NFP) to create an eight-colour camouflage design that provides high levels of disruption to give soldiers better concealment when needed.

The fabric was created by global workwear textile manufacturer, Carrington Textiles, specifically following the Dutch MoD’s requirements on comfort and protection. The result is a lightweight yet durable textile of 210gsm with a composition of 50% cotton, 50% high tenacity nylon and Ripstop for added strength.

The high cotton content of the fabric creates a uniform that’s comfortable to wear due to its softness to the touch, and breathability, as well as providing moisture wicking properties, key elements for the tough conditions soldiers work in. The addition of high tenacity nylon to the fabric, provides added strength and durability, with the Ripstop properties of the fabric offering tear resistance.

Around 480,000 trousers and jackets will be delivered to officers from the Royal Netherlands Navy, Army, Air Force and Marechaussee, during a uniform roll out part of the Dutch MoD’s ‘STRONG’ programme that aims to equip the armed forces in the next 18 months with versatile uniforms and equipment that are adjustable according to the assignment. The pack also includes a raincoat, combat shirt and baseball cap.

(c) adidas

adidas by Stella McCartney: Industry-First, with Viscose Sportswear

The garment is part of the New Cotton Project, an EU Consortium of key players united to demonstrate the potential of circular garment production
adidas by Stella McCartney presented a first of its kind sportswear garment designed to demonstrate the potential of a circular fashion ecosystem. Joining forces with leading names and innovators in the fashion industry to create, test, and innovate, the tracksuit forms the pinnacle expression of the brand’s pilot circularity program, Made to Be Remade. A take-back scheme where consumers can wear it down and then return it by scanning a QR code via the product so it can be remade. Moving adidas closer to its goal to help end plastic waste.

The garment is part of the New Cotton Project, an EU Consortium of key players united to demonstrate the potential of circular garment production
adidas by Stella McCartney presented a first of its kind sportswear garment designed to demonstrate the potential of a circular fashion ecosystem. Joining forces with leading names and innovators in the fashion industry to create, test, and innovate, the tracksuit forms the pinnacle expression of the brand’s pilot circularity program, Made to Be Remade. A take-back scheme where consumers can wear it down and then return it by scanning a QR code via the product so it can be remade. Moving adidas closer to its goal to help end plastic waste.

It’s currently estimated that just under 1% of all textiles worldwide are recycled into new textiles, so it’s vital the textile industry comes together to learn and knowledge-share. Scheduled across a three-year period, the consortium which includes partners such as Frankenhuis have collected and sorted post-consumer end-of-life textiles, which using pioneering Infinited Fiber technology have been regenerated into a new man-made cellulosic fiber called Infinna™ - which looks and feels just like virgin cotton. This is then turned into a yarn blended with organic cotton, for garment production.

Designing the tracksuit, made using viscose (60% viscose, 40% organic cotton) as a consortium member took the process from a linear to a circular model , as the apparel’s function and style were of equal focus to the garment’s end of life existence.

At the end of the project, consortium partner Aalto University, a Finnish multidisciplinary community specialising in science, art, technology , and design, will distribute learnings with the industry and bring this potential circular design solution to the ever-eco-conscious consumer.




Virtual Samples: SHIMA SEIKI and KDDI launch XR Mannequin for APEXFiz

SHIMA SEIKI announces a sales promotion package for the apparel industry together with KDDI, Linking 3D fashion design with cross-reality― realizing digital catalogs, VR showrooms and new customer experience allowing 360-degree viewing without actual samples

Leading fashion technologist SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan together with telecommunications company KDDI Corporation of Tokyo, Japan launched "XR Mannequin for APEXFiz," a sales promotion package that links SHIMA SEIKI's APEXFiz design software for the apparel industry with KDDI's XR (cross-reality) technology.

SHIMA SEIKI announces a sales promotion package for the apparel industry together with KDDI, Linking 3D fashion design with cross-reality― realizing digital catalogs, VR showrooms and new customer experience allowing 360-degree viewing without actual samples

Leading fashion technologist SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan together with telecommunications company KDDI Corporation of Tokyo, Japan launched "XR Mannequin for APEXFiz," a sales promotion package that links SHIMA SEIKI's APEXFiz design software for the apparel industry with KDDI's XR (cross-reality) technology.

XR Mannequin for APEXFiz will be offered to the apparel industry. Using an XR Mannequin that enables viewers to check product images from any angle in 360 degrees on various devices, XR Mannequin for APEXFiz enables digital catalogues with 3D virtual sample image data of garments designed on APEXFiz design software, 360-degree VR showrooms, as well as digitally extended stores. It also realizes virtual proposals at exhibitions, showroom-style stores with no inventory, and user-friendly purchase experience on e-commerce sites, and more. It also allows users to reduce excess stock at stores and create new sales opportunities.

Eventually, by adding movement to models wearing Virtual Samples and rendering them on a cloud server, customers will be able to view high-resolution virtual fashion shows on their smartphones and other devices.

 Until now, the apparel industry has been making actual product samples in each of the planning and design stages of production. This process not only takes an enormous amount of time and cost, but generates waste of raw materials including fabric that require disposal. At the retail stage, stores also needed to have various sizes and colors in stock to address a wide range of customer preferences, resulting in excess inventory.

With SHIMA SEIKI's APEXFiz, designs can be evaluated without making actual samples, minimizing resources spent on sample production as well as lead time, enabling environmentally-friendly manufacturing.

In May 2022, KDDI developed a high-resolution XR mannequin for apparel sales, with support from Google Cloud. It enables various devices such as store signages and smartphones to check products from any angle in 360 degrees, enabling stores to sell products without maintaining inventory.

SHIMA SEIKI and KDDI combines APEXFiz and XR Mannequin to start providing XR Mannequin for APEXFiz. This brings DX solutions to all stages in the supply chain for the apparel industry, from planning and design to sample making, production, distribution, and retail sales. SHIMA SEIKI and KDDI will continue to create services together that link each other's products, to bring about a sustainable society by reducing excess stock, and providing a customer experience that gives peace of mind when purchasing products.



(c) C.L.A.S.S.

WHITE and C.L.A.S.S. are back to “Unveiling the Fashion Backstage”

C.L.A.S.S. continues its path of "strategic sustainable synergies" with the aim of sharing its message of responsible innovation, and returns for the second time to Milan Fashion Week with WSM White Sustainable Milano. The objective is to represent a selected and smart path of the production chain related to materials, technologies, production, customization, finishing processes and dyes that are increasingly less impactful on the environment.
After debuting last February, “Unveiling the Fashion Backstage”, the educational and narrative journey of WSM | White Sustainable Milano developed in synergy with Giusy Bettoni, founder and CEO of C.L.A.S.S., returns to the VISCONTI HALL and grows in terms of attendance and thematic areas.

The exhibiting copmpanies are: Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, Maeba International, Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale SB, Edmos, Toyoshima, Iluna Group and YKK.

C.L.A.S.S. continues its path of "strategic sustainable synergies" with the aim of sharing its message of responsible innovation, and returns for the second time to Milan Fashion Week with WSM White Sustainable Milano. The objective is to represent a selected and smart path of the production chain related to materials, technologies, production, customization, finishing processes and dyes that are increasingly less impactful on the environment.
After debuting last February, “Unveiling the Fashion Backstage”, the educational and narrative journey of WSM | White Sustainable Milano developed in synergy with Giusy Bettoni, founder and CEO of C.L.A.S.S., returns to the VISCONTI HALL and grows in terms of attendance and thematic areas.

The exhibiting copmpanies are: Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, Maeba International, Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale SB, Edmos, Toyoshima, Iluna Group and YKK.

Photo: AWOL

Halley Stevensons: Unique waxed cotton finishing with new Monforts line

Monforts has installed and commissioned a new Montex finishing range at the Baltic Works of Halley Stevensons in Dundee, Scotland, to further boost the weatherproofing specialist’s highly flexible operations.

The range, with a working width of two metres, was built at the Montex assembly plant in Austria and consists of a Montex®Coat coating unit in knife execution for paste and foam coating and a Montex 8500 6F stenter.

Founded in 1864, Halley Stevensons has amassed unique technical know-how and manufacturing experience in the art of waxed cotton for weatherproofed fabrics and is able to provide international orders in custom colours and finishes to very low minimum quantities where required. The company exports worldwide and its premium brand customers include Belstaff, Barbours, Filson and J.Crew.

The range has replaced one of the company’s older stenter/coating lines and has already enabled Halley Stevensons to recreate various products with lower coating applications at higher speeds than was previously possible.

Monforts has installed and commissioned a new Montex finishing range at the Baltic Works of Halley Stevensons in Dundee, Scotland, to further boost the weatherproofing specialist’s highly flexible operations.

The range, with a working width of two metres, was built at the Montex assembly plant in Austria and consists of a Montex®Coat coating unit in knife execution for paste and foam coating and a Montex 8500 6F stenter.

Founded in 1864, Halley Stevensons has amassed unique technical know-how and manufacturing experience in the art of waxed cotton for weatherproofed fabrics and is able to provide international orders in custom colours and finishes to very low minimum quantities where required. The company exports worldwide and its premium brand customers include Belstaff, Barbours, Filson and J.Crew.

The range has replaced one of the company’s older stenter/coating lines and has already enabled Halley Stevensons to recreate various products with lower coating applications at higher speeds than was previously possible.

Waxed cotton was originally developed by sailors in the early 15th century when Scottish North Sea herring fleets began treating flax sailcloth with fish oils and grease in an attempt to waterproof their sails. Remnants of these sails were used by the sailors as capes to withstand the high winds and sea spray.

By the mid 1850s, sailcloth was being treated with linseed oil, but while initially highly effective, it would yellow and stiffen through weathering over time and eventually lose its waterproofing qualities.

In the years that followed, various treatments were applied to cottons in an attempt to find the most effective weatherproofing solution, and the combination of densely-woven cotton impregnated with a paraffin waxed coating proved most successful. For over 150 years, Halley Stevensons created many different variations of both woven constructions and finishing treatments and now supplies thousands of metres of waxed cotton every year, with each roll produced to custom specifications.

“The beauty of waxed cotton is its durability and longevity,” says Managing Director James Campbell. “The fabrics are breathable, with the wax adjusting to ambient temperatures to be softer and more breathable in warm weather and stiffer and more wind proof in cold conditions.”
While traditional waxes are petroleum or paraffin based, Halley Stevensons has always been comfortable about using a waste product from industry and reusing it to make products that last a lifetime.  

“We are always exploring different finishing techniques and one of our most popular finishes is our hybrid aero – an emulsified blend of waxes,” Campbell says. “This fabric is water repellent but has little wax in the mixture so the handle is much drier to touch than the traditional wet waxes.”

The company has also recently launched a new 100% plant-based wax – Ever Wax Olive – consisting of a blend of olive oil, rape seed and castor bean with comparable water repellence to petroleum and a far better rating than other natural waxes which have come before it.

“The high tradition of skills and fabric innovation imposed by our original guildsmen is still our benchmark standard of honest workmanship today,” Managing Director James Campbell concludes “We use responsibly sourced cotton fabrics and processes that are gentle to the product and low impact to the environment. Our dyeing methods use very low levels of water and our waxes are simply heated up for application and cooled down to store when not in use, meaning no waste discharges. Now, with this new Monforts line, we are also achieving running speeds two-to-three times faster than with the older stenter, combined with less gas usage. It’s proved a great partnership.”



  • First product development centre in Germany

ISKO has opened its second product development centre, based in Stade, Lower Saxony, following the success of the Creative Room London in the UK which had its opening earlier this year.

Creative Room Germany is a innovative space and the first of its kind in Germany. It is the latest initiative of Creative Room Services (CRS), a division of ISKO devoted to offering streamlined and simplified solutions for all denim requirements – from fabric to finished garment.

With a focus on sustainable washing and finishing techniques, customers of Creative Room Germany will be able to work in parallel with ISKO’s experts to achieve their desired denim looks. Together with machine technology partner Jeanologia, they have been able to develop innovative washing and finishing techniques that meet the highest quality and sustainability standards with a significantly lower environmental impact. Creative Room Germany will also be the central point for its customers full product development, ensuring the whole process is agile and more efficient.

  • First product development centre in Germany

ISKO has opened its second product development centre, based in Stade, Lower Saxony, following the success of the Creative Room London in the UK which had its opening earlier this year.

Creative Room Germany is a innovative space and the first of its kind in Germany. It is the latest initiative of Creative Room Services (CRS), a division of ISKO devoted to offering streamlined and simplified solutions for all denim requirements – from fabric to finished garment.

With a focus on sustainable washing and finishing techniques, customers of Creative Room Germany will be able to work in parallel with ISKO’s experts to achieve their desired denim looks. Together with machine technology partner Jeanologia, they have been able to develop innovative washing and finishing techniques that meet the highest quality and sustainability standards with a significantly lower environmental impact. Creative Room Germany will also be the central point for its customers full product development, ensuring the whole process is agile and more efficient.

By utilising ISKO’s patented recycling technology, they are now able to develop brand new garments by using fibres from post-consumer denim, finally closing the loop and giving a new and cutting-edge circular supply solution for their customers. As well as a hub for its customers, Creative Room Germany will also act as a platform for the wider denim community to share knowledge, create new and innovative ideas and to bring them to life.

“Building on from the success of our London facility, our goal will be to offer tailor made garment supply solutions for customers in the DACH, Benelux and Nordic markets and this facility will be the focal point of that offering. With a collaborative approach, we will fulfil our vision of bringing a new circular supply solution to the market.”
Pau Bruguera, Executive Director @ ISKO

More information:
Isko denim finishing Creative Room