From the Sector

335 results

NCTO: Importance of the U.S. Textile Industry to Lifesaving PPE & the Economy

National Council of Textiles Organization (NCTO) member Parkdale Mills hosted Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) at the company’s Magnolia Manufacturing plant in Hillsville, Va. today to showcase the critical role the company and the industry has played in producing lifesaving personal protective equipment (PPE) to aid frontline health-care workers and the country during the pandemic.

Parkdale’s facility in Hillsville, Va. is a key yarn spinning hub contributing to a major face mask initiative bringing together several U.S. companies and more than 5,000 workers as part of the Biden administration’s pledge to provide 25 million reusable face masks to communities hit hard by the pandemic.

National Council of Textiles Organization (NCTO) member Parkdale Mills hosted Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) at the company’s Magnolia Manufacturing plant in Hillsville, Va. today to showcase the critical role the company and the industry has played in producing lifesaving personal protective equipment (PPE) to aid frontline health-care workers and the country during the pandemic.

Parkdale’s facility in Hillsville, Va. is a key yarn spinning hub contributing to a major face mask initiative bringing together several U.S. companies and more than 5,000 workers as part of the Biden administration’s pledge to provide 25 million reusable face masks to communities hit hard by the pandemic.

“Parkdale Mills thanks Senator Kaine for his leadership on policies that help bolster our company and the entire textile industry. We are proud to be part of an initiative that is bringing together American companies to produce 100% American-made masks for community health centers, soup kitchens and food banks across the country,” said Davis Warlick of Parkdale Mills. “With the support of our government and leaders like Senator Kaine, our industry is demonstrating its ability and capacity to make critical items here for the long term.”

Kim Glas, President and CEO of NCTO said: “We want to sincerely thank Senator Kaine for his leadership in supporting American manufacturers, which have played a vital role in our economy as well as the nationwide effort to produce critical PPE and medical textiles for a nation in crisis. We are grateful to the senator and the Biden administration for prioritizing domestic manufacturers and the U.S. workforce. The U.S. textile industry is a vital contributor to the U.S economy and policies that Senator Kaine supports help bolster the onshoring of PPE and critical items, which in turn spurs employment and investment in the American manufacturing base.”


NCTO: Biden Administration awards Contracts for American-Made Face Masks

The Biden Administration has awarded two contracts to National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) members Parkdale Mills and Ferrara Manufacturing Inc., following through on the President’s pledge to procure millions of fully Made in America face masks for community health centers, food pantries and soup kitchens across the country.  A third contract is expected to be awarded to a small business early next week.

North Carolina headquartered Parkdale Mills, the nation’s largest cotton yarn spinner, has partnered with Ferrara Manufacturing, a tailored clothing company based in New York City’s garment center whose workforce is union represented by Workers United/SEIU, to manufacture over 17 million reusable masks. The government said it could purchase up to a maximum of 22.2 million masks under the two contracts announced today. The masks will be Berry compliant and thus 100% U.S.-made.

The Biden Administration has awarded two contracts to National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) members Parkdale Mills and Ferrara Manufacturing Inc., following through on the President’s pledge to procure millions of fully Made in America face masks for community health centers, food pantries and soup kitchens across the country.  A third contract is expected to be awarded to a small business early next week.

North Carolina headquartered Parkdale Mills, the nation’s largest cotton yarn spinner, has partnered with Ferrara Manufacturing, a tailored clothing company based in New York City’s garment center whose workforce is union represented by Workers United/SEIU, to manufacture over 17 million reusable masks. The government said it could purchase up to a maximum of 22.2 million masks under the two contracts announced today. The masks will be Berry compliant and thus 100% U.S.-made.

Ferrara Manufacturing and Parkdale Mills will contract with additional U.S. companies across the manufacturing supply chain, employing nearly 5,000 American workers as a result of these awards.  Parkdale will be utilizing yarn from their facilities in NC, VA, and GA and Ferrara will deploy their cut and sew operations in New York City.

The U.S. textile industry has produced over a billion lifesaving PPE and other medical products over the last year.  Since the spring of 2020, both Ferrara and Parkdale have retooled their production chains to help produce millions of masks and gowns to help workers on the frontlines. 


NCTO: State of the U.S. Textile Industry Address

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) Chairman David Roberts, who was re-elected for the 2020-2021 term, delivered the trade association’s State of the U.S. textile industry overview at NCTO’s 17th Annual Meeting on March 24.

Mr. Roberts’s speech outlined (1) the U.S. textile industry’s heroic efforts producing PPE in the face of a once-in-a-generation pandemic (2) U.S. textile supply chain, economic, trade data, and (3) NCTO’s 2020 policy priorities for domestic textile manufacturers.

A link of his remarks as prepared for delivery are included in this press statement along with a link to a data infographic prepared by NCTO illustrating the current economic status of the U.S. textile industry.

Mr. Roberts is CEO of Cap Yarns, Inc., a South Carolina specialty yarn manufacturer and a leader in developing unique yarns for the knitting and weaving industry.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) Chairman David Roberts, who was re-elected for the 2020-2021 term, delivered the trade association’s State of the U.S. textile industry overview at NCTO’s 17th Annual Meeting on March 24.

Mr. Roberts’s speech outlined (1) the U.S. textile industry’s heroic efforts producing PPE in the face of a once-in-a-generation pandemic (2) U.S. textile supply chain, economic, trade data, and (3) NCTO’s 2020 policy priorities for domestic textile manufacturers.

A link of his remarks as prepared for delivery are included in this press statement along with a link to a data infographic prepared by NCTO illustrating the current economic status of the U.S. textile industry.

Mr. Roberts is CEO of Cap Yarns, Inc., a South Carolina specialty yarn manufacturer and a leader in developing unique yarns for the knitting and weaving industry.

NCTO’s annual meeting was held virtually March 23-24.


NCTO elects Chairman, Council Chairs and Board Members

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of U.S. textiles from fiber through finished sewn products, held its officer elections for fiscal year 2021 today.

NCTO has re-elected David Roberts, CEO of Cap Yarns, as Chairman and David Poston, President of Palmetto Synthetics, as Vice Chairman.

In addition to the appointment of a new chairman and vice chairman, NCTO elected chairs for each of its four councils. NCTO is comprised of four councils to ensure a broad representation of the industry supply chain. Each council has an allotted number of members who are elected to the association’s Board of Directors, in addition to the Executive Committee.*

“This is a critical juncture for our industry, which answered the call of the nation to produce lifesaving personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim. “We will continue to engage with all stakeholders to press for policies that support the industry overall, help onshore PPE production and create a permanent domestic supply chain.”


The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum of U.S. textiles from fiber through finished sewn products, held its officer elections for fiscal year 2021 today.

NCTO has re-elected David Roberts, CEO of Cap Yarns, as Chairman and David Poston, President of Palmetto Synthetics, as Vice Chairman.

In addition to the appointment of a new chairman and vice chairman, NCTO elected chairs for each of its four councils. NCTO is comprised of four councils to ensure a broad representation of the industry supply chain. Each council has an allotted number of members who are elected to the association’s Board of Directors, in addition to the Executive Committee.*

“This is a critical juncture for our industry, which answered the call of the nation to produce lifesaving personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim. “We will continue to engage with all stakeholders to press for policies that support the industry overall, help onshore PPE production and create a permanent domestic supply chain.”


*See attached document for more information.

35. Internationale Baumwolltagung Bremen – The Hybrid Edition © Bremer Baumwollbörse

35. Internationale Baumwolltagung Bremen – The Hybrid Edition

  • Passion for Cotton!
  • So funktioniert fortschrittlicher Baumwollanbau: Gentechnik heute - Roboter- und Satellitentechnik in der Anwendung - Landwirtschaft pur: Saatenzucht, Anbau, Entkörnung

Bremen: Am 17. und 18. März öffnen sich die Tore für die Internationale Baumwolltagung Bremen – The Hybrid Edition. Der Treffpunkt der globalen Baumwoll- und Textilwelt ist dieses Mal vornehmlich virtuell.
Transparenz für die gesamte Lieferkette wird gefordert, wohin man blickt. Heute sind Kenntnisse über Baumwolle und den Baumwollanbau nicht nur für Rohstoffproduzenten und den Textilsektor, sondern vermehrt auch für den Einzelhandel als Schlüssel zum Endverbraucher von Bedeutung. Hier hat die Tagung im Rahmen von zwei Sessions am Nachmittag des 17. März einiges zu bieten.

  • Passion for Cotton!
  • So funktioniert fortschrittlicher Baumwollanbau: Gentechnik heute - Roboter- und Satellitentechnik in der Anwendung - Landwirtschaft pur: Saatenzucht, Anbau, Entkörnung

Bremen: Am 17. und 18. März öffnen sich die Tore für die Internationale Baumwolltagung Bremen – The Hybrid Edition. Der Treffpunkt der globalen Baumwoll- und Textilwelt ist dieses Mal vornehmlich virtuell.
Transparenz für die gesamte Lieferkette wird gefordert, wohin man blickt. Heute sind Kenntnisse über Baumwolle und den Baumwollanbau nicht nur für Rohstoffproduzenten und den Textilsektor, sondern vermehrt auch für den Einzelhandel als Schlüssel zum Endverbraucher von Bedeutung. Hier hat die Tagung im Rahmen von zwei Sessions am Nachmittag des 17. März einiges zu bieten.

Roboter- und Satellitentechnik im Baumwollanbau
Gaylon Morgan, Direktor für Agrar- und Umweltforschung bei Cotton Incorporated, Cary, North Carolina, USA, leitet als Spezialist für die Weiterentwicklung von Baumwollanbaumethoden die Konferenzsitzungen `Cotton Breeding and Production`. Sie bieten einen Überblick über Entwicklungen im Bereich Saatzucht, den Einsatz von Roboter- und Satellitentechnik im Baumwollanbau sowie die Verbesserung von Entkörnungsprozessen. Dabei stehen Aspekte ökologischer sowie wirtschaftlicher Nachhaltigkeit im Mittelpunkt.

Langzeitstudie GMO
David Albers, Product Development Manager für Bayer Crop Science in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, informiert über Ergebnisse einer Langzeitstudie zum Einsatz von transgenem Saatgut. Dabei werden Ertrags- und Qualitätsresultate aus den achtziger Jahren, also diejenigen direkt vor Einführung von transgenem Saatgut, mit denen der letzten vier Jahrzehnte bis heute gegenübergestellt.

Status Quo afrikanischer Saatzuchtsysteme
Marc Giband, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter beim landwirtschaftlichen Forschungszentrum für internationale Entwicklung (CIRAD), in Montpellier, Frankreich, nahm an Saatzucht-Projekten in West- und Zentralafrika teil. Zusammen mit weiteren afrikanischen und europäischen Wissenschaftlern führte er umfangreiche Analysen zum Stand der Saatzuchtentwicklung in Afrika durch. Noch immer liegen die Erträge im Baumwollanbau auf dem Kontinent weit unter dem Weltdurchschnitt - hier liegen noch große Potentiale brach.

Robotertechnik verändert moderne Landwirtschaft
J. Alex Thomasson ist Professor und Leiter der Abteilung Agrar- und Biotechnologie an der Mississippi State University, Starkville, Mississippi, USA. In seinem Vortrag „Robotertechnik für die Baumwollernte“ stellt er Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Robotern vor, die den Ernteprozess produktiver machen und den CO2-Ausstoß durch geringeren Einsatz großer Maschinen reduzieren. Zudem können Ernteroboter mehrfach Erntevorgänge innerhalb der Anbausaison durchführen, bei denen sie ausschließlich auf die reifen, geöffneten Baumwollknospen zugreifen. Dies verringert Ernteverluste und sorgt für bessere Faserqualität.

Parallel zu diesem Vortrag lenkt eine Posterpräsentation von Cotton Incorporated den Blick auf Roboter, die beim gezielten Jäten von Unkräutern im Baumwollfeld Einsatz finden, was Einfluss auf den Einsatz von Herbiziden haben kann.

Satellitenaufnahmen machen Probleme beim Pflanzenwachstum deutlich
Die Physikerin Sabrina Melchionna ist Inhaberin des Unternehmens Remote Sensing, Bremen, Deutschland. Sie berät Firmen bei der Erdbeobachtung durch Satelliten und der Datenerfassung. Auf Basis von Satellitendaten entstehen digitale Landkarten, die ökologische Zustandsbilder liefern. In ihrem Vortrag wird sie beispielhaft Erdbeobachtungsbilder von Baumwollfeldern vorstellen, die Aufschlüsse über Pflanzengesundheit und -wachstum liefern. Die Informationen aus den Satellitendaten können Landwirten helfen, ressourcenoptimiert zu arbeiten und qualitativ hochwertigere Feldfrüchte anzubieten.

Entkörnungsprozesse optimieren
Im Entkörnungsprozess werden nach der Ernte Baumwollfasern von Saatkörnern maschinell getrennt. Greg Holt leitet die Forschungsabteilung Baumwollproduktion und -produktionsprozesse beim US-Landwirtschaftsministerium, Lubbock, Texas, USA. Er zeigt in seinem Vortrag, dass Verunreinigungen durch in Plastik verpackte Baumwolle von auf dem Feld nach der Maschinenernte abgelagerten Rundmodulen zurückzuführen sind. Verbleiben kleinste Plastikpartikel in der Baumwolle, führt dies zu Mängeln beim Färben von Garnen und Geweben und so zu Beanstandungen im Warenausfall.
Carlos B. Amijo, Wissenschaftler beim landwirtschaftlichen Forschungsservice des US-Landwirtschaftsministeriums in Mesilla Park, New Mexiko, USA, informiert über die Entwicklung von Entkörnungstechniken. Diese tragen dazu bei, dass der erzielte Faserlängen-Gleichmäßigkeitsindex den Erfordernissen neuerer und effizienterer Spinnereitechnologie gerecht wird. Dadurch würde die Textilindustrie mit längeren und gleichmäßigeren Fasern versorgt, was die Herstellung von Garnen effizienter macht.

Über die weiteren Inhalte der Baumwolltagung und des Rahmenprogramms in ihrem Umfeld berichten wir fortlaufend in weiteren Pressemeldungen. Auch auf der Internetseite der Tagung sind die aktuellen Tagungsnews und Programmdetails einzusehen.


VDMA continues technology webtalks

  • Webtalk on material efficiency and recycling for the manmade fiber industry

The next VDMA technology webtalk is scheduled for 9th February 2021 (2-4 pm CET). The focus will be on "Material efficiency & recycling technologies for the manmade fiber industry".

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

  • Webtalk on material efficiency and recycling for the manmade fiber industry

The next VDMA technology webtalk is scheduled for 9th February 2021 (2-4 pm CET). The focus will be on "Material efficiency & recycling technologies for the manmade fiber industry".

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

  • Manfred Dobersberger, PureLoop and Wolfgang Hermann, EREMA Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen will present an integrated shredder extrusion technology for fibrous, textiles scraps, multilayers, films, trays, straps, foam, trays but also polymer mix materials from textiles and even classical thermoplastic composite materials.
  • Axel Hannemann, company Gneuss, offers recycling solutions which enable the fibre manufacturer to use their otherwise worthless fibre waste to substitute virgin material in the manufacture of high-quality fibres.
  • Markus Reichwein, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers: “We at Oerlikon Manmade Fibers describe a cascaded approach into new technologies as well as different material sources outlining your need for versatile solutions.”

After the presentations, the experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. Registration is possible.


VDMA e.V. Textilmaschinen


NCTO: Statement on "Made in America" executive order

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today on the White House announcement that President Biden will sign an executive order today, “ensuring the future of America is Made in America by all of America’s workers.”  Further, NCTO launched a new industry video campaign today that outlines steps the Biden administration and Congress must take to re-shore the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the entire supply chain for critical products. The video can be found here: MakeAmericanPPE.

National Council of Textile Organizations President and CEO Kim Glas said:
“We commend President Biden for taking action in his first days in office to strengthen our domestic supply chain and manufacturing base with a “Made in America” executive order directing the federal government to spend taxpayer dollars on American-made goods produced by American workers using American-made components.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today on the White House announcement that President Biden will sign an executive order today, “ensuring the future of America is Made in America by all of America’s workers.”  Further, NCTO launched a new industry video campaign today that outlines steps the Biden administration and Congress must take to re-shore the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the entire supply chain for critical products. The video can be found here: MakeAmericanPPE.

National Council of Textile Organizations President and CEO Kim Glas said:
“We commend President Biden for taking action in his first days in office to strengthen our domestic supply chain and manufacturing base with a “Made in America” executive order directing the federal government to spend taxpayer dollars on American-made goods produced by American workers using American-made components.

Increasing the domestic procurement threshold and the price preferences for domestic goods under the current Buy American law will bolster domestic production and stimulate more investment in U.S. manufacturing.

We believe it is critical that taxpayer dollars are used to invest in American manufacturing and our workforce. It is essential that we close loopholes in our Buy America laws, expand application and product coverage of domestic content rules, and close unnecessary contract waivers that undermine American manufacturing and its workforce.
We look forward to working with the Biden administration and Congress on immediately strengthening our domestic procurement laws. The COVID-19 crisis was exacerbated when foreign supply chains broke down leaving our frontline workers vulnerable, underscoring the vital need for America to manufacture essential medical products at home. We look forward to working with the Biden administration on implementing this Executive Order, and with members of Congress to push critical bipartisan legislation to help ensure this onshoring effort is fully realized.

We also sincerely thank Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Representative Kathy Manning (D-NC) for their leadership in sending a recent letter to President Biden, requesting the president prioritize “Made in America” personal protective equipment (PPE) purchases and outlining key steps the administration can take to produce and procure quality American-made PPE for frontline workers.”


National Council of Textile Organizations


NCTO: Letter to President Biden to prioritize American manufactors

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and U.S. Representative Kathy Manning (D-NC) wrote to President Biden calling on the Administration to prioritize purchasing fully made in America Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The lawmakers outline four steps the Administration can take now to ensure our frontline workers have products needed to effectively carryout their critical responsibilities and to support domestic manufacturers who are ready to scale up production and help keep workers healthy and safe.

In their letter, Brown and Manning call on President Biden, through Executive Order and legislative efforts, to:

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and U.S. Representative Kathy Manning (D-NC) wrote to President Biden calling on the Administration to prioritize purchasing fully made in America Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The lawmakers outline four steps the Administration can take now to ensure our frontline workers have products needed to effectively carryout their critical responsibilities and to support domestic manufacturers who are ready to scale up production and help keep workers healthy and safe.

In their letter, Brown and Manning call on President Biden, through Executive Order and legislative efforts, to:

  1. Prioritize the purchase of fully made in America PPE “Berry compliant” to help continue bolstering the U.S. supply chain regardless of purchasing agency;
  2. Issue long-term contracts directly to domestic manufacturers when possible to help bolster the domestic supply chains;
  3. Adopt a contracting purchase methodology that uses “Best Value” criteria versus “Lowest Price Technically Acceptable” criteria; and
  4. Designate a point person in charge of coordinating the government’s efforts to procure PPE and other medical equipment who is responsible for meeting regularly with key domestic manufacturing stakeholders.

A full copy of Brown and Manning’s letter can be found here.


National Council of Textile Organizations


NCTO welcomes President Biden’s action plan and Covid-19 Response

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today welcoming President Biden’s action plan and COVID-19 response, accompanied by a series of executive orders, including an order signed today to strengthen U.S. supply chains by directing federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act (DPA) to address shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and related vaccine supplies.

“We are closely reviewing President Biden’s national strategic plan to confront the pandemic and welcome the executive order signed today to strengthen our supply chains by directing all federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act to address shortages of personal protective equipment, vaccine supplies and essential products. These are important steps that will help ramp up critical manufacturing of these essential PPE products and other critically needed supplies like tests and vaccines.”

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement today welcoming President Biden’s action plan and COVID-19 response, accompanied by a series of executive orders, including an order signed today to strengthen U.S. supply chains by directing federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act (DPA) to address shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) and related vaccine supplies.

“We are closely reviewing President Biden’s national strategic plan to confront the pandemic and welcome the executive order signed today to strengthen our supply chains by directing all federal agencies to use the Defense Production Act to address shortages of personal protective equipment, vaccine supplies and essential products. These are important steps that will help ramp up critical manufacturing of these essential PPE products and other critically needed supplies like tests and vaccines.”

American manufacturers have been at the forefront of the effort to build a domestic PPE supply chain since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. textile industry retooled production and operations virtually overnight, producing millions of face masks, isolation gowns, testing swabs and other critical medical textiles.

The industry is dedicated to making significant investments in automated equipment for PPE, but the industry needs long-term, multiyear contracts to help realize that investment.

The deployment of DPA is one of the critical tools that will help incentivize investment in equipment, propel the hiring of U.S. workers and expand these critical production chains.

Since its inception, the DPA has been utilized by the Department of Defense to make critical investments in domestic textile manufacturing infrastructure and capacity, creating private-public partnerships through the government’s capital investments under the DPA and guaranteeing purchases through long-term contracts.  

NCTO applaud President Biden’s action and anticipate further steps including a reported order that will seek to strengthen government procurement of U.S. products in the coming days. NCTO appreciate President Biden outlining the “National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness” a series of actions and steps the administration will undertake to deploy and manufacture the vaccine and other essential products.


National Council of Textile Organizations

Fashion Net: Düsseldorf Fashion Days 2021 können stattfinden (c) Fashion Net Düsseldorf e.V.

Fashion Net: Düsseldorf Fashion Days 2021 können stattfinden

Mit dem Inkrafttreten der aktuellen Coronaschutzverordnung des Landes NRW steht jetzt fest: Düsseldorf Fashion Days (DFD) können wie bisher geplant im Zeitraum vom 27. Januar bis zum 3. Februar stattfinden. Das Fachpublikum kann in der Orderwoche zum Monatswechsel nach Terminvergabe-System und unter strenger Einhaltung sämtlicher Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen die Order in den über 600 Showrooms durchführen. Die Gallery FASHION & Shoes findet ausschließlich als digitales Format statt – mit verlängerter Laufzeit vom 28. Januar bis zum 15. Februar. The Supreme Group geht mit temporären Showrooms in der gewohnten Location B1 für Hersteller und Agenturen sowie für den Handel an den Start.

Zum Hintergrund: Laut der aktuellen Verordnung bleibt der Betrieb von Einrichtungen des Großhandels für Großhandelskunden zulässig. Das Ordergeschäft, insbesondere im Rahmen der DFD, kann in den Showrooms stattfinden. Wie bereits im vergangenen Jahr ist die Beachtung strenger Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen die Voraussetzung für eine ordnungsgemäße Durchführung der Order. Showrooms sind verpflichtet, die Verordnung in Eigenverantwortung umzusetzen.

Mit dem Inkrafttreten der aktuellen Coronaschutzverordnung des Landes NRW steht jetzt fest: Düsseldorf Fashion Days (DFD) können wie bisher geplant im Zeitraum vom 27. Januar bis zum 3. Februar stattfinden. Das Fachpublikum kann in der Orderwoche zum Monatswechsel nach Terminvergabe-System und unter strenger Einhaltung sämtlicher Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen die Order in den über 600 Showrooms durchführen. Die Gallery FASHION & Shoes findet ausschließlich als digitales Format statt – mit verlängerter Laufzeit vom 28. Januar bis zum 15. Februar. The Supreme Group geht mit temporären Showrooms in der gewohnten Location B1 für Hersteller und Agenturen sowie für den Handel an den Start.

Zum Hintergrund: Laut der aktuellen Verordnung bleibt der Betrieb von Einrichtungen des Großhandels für Großhandelskunden zulässig. Das Ordergeschäft, insbesondere im Rahmen der DFD, kann in den Showrooms stattfinden. Wie bereits im vergangenen Jahr ist die Beachtung strenger Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen die Voraussetzung für eine ordnungsgemäße Durchführung der Order. Showrooms sind verpflichtet, die Verordnung in Eigenverantwortung umzusetzen.

Aufgrund des harten Lockdowns bis Ende Januar entfallen die Fashion Net Shuttles in Rotation, welche Einkäufer sonst im Rahmen der DFD zur innerstädtischen Fortbewe-gung zu den Orderzentren und Messen nutzen konnten. Stattdessen findet das Fachpublikum auf der Fashion Net Website sowie in der kürzlich neu gelaunchten Fashion Net App alle Informationen zur DFD inklusive dem aktuellen Leitfaden für Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen, Showrooms, Marken sowie eine Reihe von digitalen Informations- und Service-Angeboten.


PR + Presseagentur textschwester


JEC Summit Sports & Health - Connect 8-10th December

Starting on December 8, professionals from the whole composites value chain across the globe will be able to meet online, network, and build long-lasting relationships thanks to the JEC Summit Sport & Health. The goal of this event is to allow decision-makers to learn about the current challenges and opportunities of the sports and medical fields, this thanks to the three-day program integrating keynote speeches, industry sessions, workshops, startups, and business meetings.


Please read attached document for more information about the program.

Starting on December 8, professionals from the whole composites value chain across the globe will be able to meet online, network, and build long-lasting relationships thanks to the JEC Summit Sport & Health. The goal of this event is to allow decision-makers to learn about the current challenges and opportunities of the sports and medical fields, this thanks to the three-day program integrating keynote speeches, industry sessions, workshops, startups, and business meetings.


Please read attached document for more information about the program.

VDMA: Young talents honoured online (c) VDMA
The winners 2020 (from top left to bottom right): Dr. Frederik Cloppenburg, Philippa Böhnke, Juan Carlos Arañó Romero, Dr. Annett Schmieder, Maximilian Speiser, Harry Lucas jun.

VDMA: Young talents honoured online

In early December, the chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier presented awards to six successful young engineers. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the award ceremony took place as a web conference for the first time.

Philippa Böhnke, ITM Dresden, and Juan Carlos Arañó Romero, ITA Aachen, were honoured with creativity awards for the cleverest bachelor or project work. The prizes are endowed with 3,000 euros each. Ms. Böhnke’s project dealt with composite implants for the repair and regeneration of bone defects. In his bachelor thesis, Mr. Arañó Romero has developed a spinning machine able to produce yarn with material from the moon. By this, the transport effort in space travel can be minimised, because insulating material for example necessary for a moon base can be produced on the moon directly.

In early December, the chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier presented awards to six successful young engineers. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the award ceremony took place as a web conference for the first time.

Philippa Böhnke, ITM Dresden, and Juan Carlos Arañó Romero, ITA Aachen, were honoured with creativity awards for the cleverest bachelor or project work. The prizes are endowed with 3,000 euros each. Ms. Böhnke’s project dealt with composite implants for the repair and regeneration of bone defects. In his bachelor thesis, Mr. Arañó Romero has developed a spinning machine able to produce yarn with material from the moon. By this, the transport effort in space travel can be minimised, because insulating material for example necessary for a moon base can be produced on the moon directly.

Harry Lucas, TU Chemnitz, and Maximilian Speiser, Reutlingen University, were awarded two promotion prizes in the category master thesis with prize money of 3,500 euros each. The master thesis of Mr. Lucas deals with the development of a new knitting head for jacquard knitted fabrics, enabling a large variety of colours e.g. in the production of fan scarfs. Mr. Speiser showed in his master thesis a solution for increasing energy efficiency in the nonwovens process.

This year, two promotion prizes of the German Textile Machinery Industry in the dissertation category were awarded to Dr. Frederik Cloppenburg, ITA Aachen, and Dr. Annett Schmieder, TU Chemnitz. In his dissertation Mr. Cloppenburg developed a model for the optimisation of roller cards in the nonwovens process. Ms. Schmieder introduced in her dissertation a damage analysis system for fibre ropes. The system detects when a rope must be replaced e.g. in transport applications.

The award ceremony 2021 shall take place with physical presence again. It is scheduled for early May at the fair Techtextil in Frankfurt.




VDMA continues technology webtalks

  • Technology webtalk on sustainable denim production

The next VDMA technology webtalk is scheduled for 12th November 2020 (2 pm - 4 pm CET). The topic will be “Sustainable denim production: latest finishing technologies”.

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

Volker Kunzmann, FONG’S EUROPE, will present highly efficient and innovative wet finishing solutions for denim by combining modular systems adapted to the product and customer’s and local specifications.

Hans Wroblowski, A. Monforts Textilmaschinen, will speak about advanced denim finishing technologies with a focus on ecological and economical energy consumption. Furthermore, a new yarn dyeing process will be presented.

Dr. Jürgen Thoms, PLEVA, will present online measuring and control devices for sustainable and cost-effective denim finishing. Latest technologies in straightening, preskewing, moisture management and quality reporting are shown.

After the presentations, the three experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. Free registration is still possible.

  • Technology webtalk on sustainable denim production

The next VDMA technology webtalk is scheduled for 12th November 2020 (2 pm - 4 pm CET). The topic will be “Sustainable denim production: latest finishing technologies”.

The presenters and their topics at a glance:

Volker Kunzmann, FONG’S EUROPE, will present highly efficient and innovative wet finishing solutions for denim by combining modular systems adapted to the product and customer’s and local specifications.

Hans Wroblowski, A. Monforts Textilmaschinen, will speak about advanced denim finishing technologies with a focus on ecological and economical energy consumption. Furthermore, a new yarn dyeing process will be presented.

Dr. Jürgen Thoms, PLEVA, will present online measuring and control devices for sustainable and cost-effective denim finishing. Latest technologies in straightening, preskewing, moisture management and quality reporting are shown.

After the presentations, the three experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. Free registration is still possible.

World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy (c) pixabay

October, 7th: World Cotton Day

  • World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy

Bremen - Stemming from a 2019 initiative of the African Cotton-4 countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali, World Cotton Day will take place this year on 7 October. The event is organised by the Geneva-based World Trade Organisation (WTO) and is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Cotton Secretariat (ICAC). The Bremen Cotton Exchange is also involved.

“Cotton is often underestimated because it is so natural. Behind it are millions of people, for example many farmers, field workers, employees in ginning factories, logistics providers and traders. We want to honour their achievements,” said the President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, Stephanie Silber.

  • World Cotton Day on 7 October Highlights the Importance of Cotton for Development Policy

Bremen - Stemming from a 2019 initiative of the African Cotton-4 countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali, World Cotton Day will take place this year on 7 October. The event is organised by the Geneva-based World Trade Organisation (WTO) and is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Cotton Secretariat (ICAC). The Bremen Cotton Exchange is also involved.

“Cotton is often underestimated because it is so natural. Behind it are millions of people, for example many farmers, field workers, employees in ginning factories, logistics providers and traders. We want to honour their achievements,” said the President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, Stephanie Silber.

According to the WTO, the aim of World Cotton Day is to highlight the global economic importance of cotton and to raise awareness of the raw material by recognising the work of everyone involved in its cultivation, processing and trade. At the same time, within the framework of international cooperation, it is hoped that supporters and investors can be found to aid with technological and economic progress within the cotton value chain.

This time, the entire world cotton community will be involved in World Cotton Day on Wednesday, 7 October 2020. A wide variety of campaigns and events are taking place everywhere to draw attention to the importance of cotton and its possible uses.

Cotton is one of the most relevant agricultural raw materials in the world. Around 26 million tonnes of it are harvested annually. Approximately 150 million people in almost 80 countries around the world live from the cultivation of the natural fibre. A large number of these live in developing countries, where cotton cultivation is of particular importance as a cash crop.

Cotton is known as an agricultural product that is turned into a textile. The raw material is indispensable in fashion and clothing – and has been for thousands of years. But the use of cotton now goes far beyond textiles. For example, cosmetic products such as hand creams and hair shampoo are made from the oil of cotton seeds. The raw material is also used in the manufacture of banknotes, furniture and technical textiles, as well as in medical technology.

Against the background of the current discussion on sustainability and sustainable consumption, the role of natural fibres is becoming even more important. Cotton is biodegradable and a renewable resource. It can be grown again and again in agriculture through cultivation in crop rotation. This secures incomes and enables efficient value creation within the global production and processing chain.

The Bremen Cotton Exchange will actively support World Cotton Day with cross-media coverage. In addition, in time for World Cotton Day, three thematically different, emotionally appealing short films about cotton will be launched. They are aimed at consumers as customers of the textile and clothing trade and provide information about the benefits and properties of cotton and answer questions about its sustainability. In keeping with the times, they will be published via virtual media.

Martin Dulig (rechts), Sächsischer Staatsminister für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr, bei der Übergabe des Zuwendungsbescheides für den Aufbau des Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Beratungszentrums für Schutzausrüstungen gegen Infektionserreger an den Geschäftsführenden Kaufmännischen Direktor des Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitutes e. V. (STFI), Andreas Berthel. Foto: SMWA/Jungmann.

Beratungszentrum für Schutzausrüstungen erhält Förderung vom Freistaat Sachsen

Die Maskenpflicht hilft während der Corona-Pandemie, die Ausbreitung der Viren einzudämmen. Viele Schutzfunktionen von Atemschutzmasken sind materialseitig vorgegeben und werden bereits am Ausgangsmaterial oder an den Materialverbunden ermittelt. Ist dies erfolgt, besteht für die nachfolgende Stufe der Konfektion einer Maske die berechtigte Möglichkeit einer auch am Endprodukt vorhandenen Schutzfunktion. Diese muss jedoch unabdingbar am gesamten Schutzsystem (z. B. der Atemschutzmaske) nachgewiesen, d. h. geprüft und nachfolgend zertifiziert sein. Daher müssen für Forschung und Entwicklung von Spinnvlies- oder Meltblown-Vliesstoffen bzw. deren Verbünde Möglichkeiten geschaffen werden, die eine über alle Prozessstufen vom Material bis zum Endprodukt reichende Bewertung der Schutzfunktion verlässlich erlauben.

Die Maskenpflicht hilft während der Corona-Pandemie, die Ausbreitung der Viren einzudämmen. Viele Schutzfunktionen von Atemschutzmasken sind materialseitig vorgegeben und werden bereits am Ausgangsmaterial oder an den Materialverbunden ermittelt. Ist dies erfolgt, besteht für die nachfolgende Stufe der Konfektion einer Maske die berechtigte Möglichkeit einer auch am Endprodukt vorhandenen Schutzfunktion. Diese muss jedoch unabdingbar am gesamten Schutzsystem (z. B. der Atemschutzmaske) nachgewiesen, d. h. geprüft und nachfolgend zertifiziert sein. Daher müssen für Forschung und Entwicklung von Spinnvlies- oder Meltblown-Vliesstoffen bzw. deren Verbünde Möglichkeiten geschaffen werden, die eine über alle Prozessstufen vom Material bis zum Endprodukt reichende Bewertung der Schutzfunktion verlässlich erlauben.

Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e. V. (STFI) verfügt über verschiedene Prüfmethoden und -geräte zur Materialklassifizierung hinsichtlich Staubpartikel-Filtrationsleistung (Druckdifferenz, Abscheidegrad fester Partikel, Porengrößenanalyse) sowie ausgewählte Anzug- und Flächenprüfungen zum Chemikalienschutz. Technik für eine anforderungsgerechte Prüfung der für Atemschutz erforderlichen Einsatzmaterialien ist gegenwärtig aber weder in Sachsen noch im Institut verfügbar.

„Das ist ein Zustand, der sich in Zukunft ändern muss.“ so Andreas Berthel, Geschäftsführender Kaufmännischer Direktor des STFI. „Daher haben wir beim Sächsischen Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr (SMWA) den Antrag zum Aufbau eines Forschungs- Entwicklungs- sowie Beratungszentrums für Schutzausrüstung gegen Infektionserreger gestellt.“

Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der Aufbau eines Prüfstandes für Atemschutzmasken und sonstiger medizinischer Schutzausrüstung. Damit wird auch dem Wunsch des Bundes entsprochen, dass die Bundesländer Möglichkeiten zur Überprüfung von Atemschutzmasken, auch über jetzige Krisensituationen hinaus, schaffen.

Zur Jahresmitgliederversammlung des Verbandes der Nord- Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V. (vti) am 24.09.2020 wurde der Grundstein für das Projekt gelegt. Martin Dulig, sächsischer Staatsminister für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr überreichte Andreas Berthel einen Förderbescheid vom SMWA. Mit Mitteln der Landestechnologieförderung und mit einem GRW-Investitionszuschuss wird das Vorhaben des Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitutes unterstützt, um die dringend benötigten Prüfkapazitäten zur Zertifizierung von FFP-Masken zur Bewältigung der Corona-Pandemie zu schaffen.


More information:
STFI Masken Atemschutzmasken

Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)


Energy efficiency in textile dyeing and finishing - VDMA continues technology webtalks

  • Energy efficiency will be the topic of VDMA’s next edition of Textile Machinery Webtalks on 27 August 2020 (2 pm - 4 pm CEST).  

Efficient energy management is of increasing importance in textile dyeing and finishing. Innovative machine designs with minimal water and energy consumption as well as the recovery and use of the heat energy produced in the processes represent valuable potential savings for any modern company.

The presenters at a glance:

  • Energy efficiency will be the topic of VDMA’s next edition of Textile Machinery Webtalks on 27 August 2020 (2 pm - 4 pm CEST).  

Efficient energy management is of increasing importance in textile dyeing and finishing. Innovative machine designs with minimal water and energy consumption as well as the recovery and use of the heat energy produced in the processes represent valuable potential savings for any modern company.

The presenters at a glance:

  • Ludger Sommer, Thies, will show how to manage heat energy in wetprocessing.
  • Benjamin Schnabel, Brückner Textilmaschinen is going to demonstrate how to make one of the most energy consuming processes in textile manufacturing more sustainable, eco-friendly and cost effective.
  • Fabian Buckenmayer, PLEVA Sensors and Controls will inform about the specific opportunities for an energy-efficient textile production via measuring and controlling process parameters.  

After the presentations, the experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. The webtalk series is very well received by the textile industry. During the first three webtalks, VDMA welcomed almost 900 registered participants from more than 50 countries. Registration is still possible.


VDMA e. V. Textilmaschinen


(C) IVC e.V.

Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V. wählt neuen Vorstand

  • Marktdaten 2019

Am 24. Juli 2020 fand die Jahresmitgliederversammlung der Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e. V. (IVC) mit Vorstandswahlen und der Bekanntgabe der Zahlen zum abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr 2019 statt.

Turnusgemäß erfolgten die Neuwahlen des Vorsitzenden, des stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden sowie des Schatzmeisters der IVC. Stefan Braun (Dralon GmbH) stand nach zwei Amtsperioden als IVC-Vorsitzender nicht mehr zur Verfügung, als neuer Vorsitzender wurde Klaus Holz (Trevira GmbH) gewählt, der zuvor bereits stellvertretender Vorsitzender war. Zum Stellvertreter wählte die IVC-Mitgliederversammlung Wolfram Daubek-Puza (Lenzing AG). Der bisherige Schatzmeister der IVC, Dr. Till  Boldt (ENKA International GmbH & Co. KG), wurde in seinem Amt bestätigt.
Spezielle Marktdaten: Rückblick auf 2019
Die weltweite Produktion an Chemiefasern erlebt trotz verschärfter Diskussionen in der Umweltpolitik seit nunmehr fünf Jahren in Folge ein stetiges Wachstum, was vor allem auf synthetische Chemiefasern zurückzuführen ist, während die Baumwoll- und die Wollproduktion stagnierten.

  • Marktdaten 2019

Am 24. Juli 2020 fand die Jahresmitgliederversammlung der Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e. V. (IVC) mit Vorstandswahlen und der Bekanntgabe der Zahlen zum abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr 2019 statt.

Turnusgemäß erfolgten die Neuwahlen des Vorsitzenden, des stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden sowie des Schatzmeisters der IVC. Stefan Braun (Dralon GmbH) stand nach zwei Amtsperioden als IVC-Vorsitzender nicht mehr zur Verfügung, als neuer Vorsitzender wurde Klaus Holz (Trevira GmbH) gewählt, der zuvor bereits stellvertretender Vorsitzender war. Zum Stellvertreter wählte die IVC-Mitgliederversammlung Wolfram Daubek-Puza (Lenzing AG). Der bisherige Schatzmeister der IVC, Dr. Till  Boldt (ENKA International GmbH & Co. KG), wurde in seinem Amt bestätigt.
Spezielle Marktdaten: Rückblick auf 2019
Die weltweite Produktion an Chemiefasern erlebt trotz verschärfter Diskussionen in der Umweltpolitik seit nunmehr fünf Jahren in Folge ein stetiges Wachstum, was vor allem auf synthetische Chemiefasern zurückzuführen ist, während die Baumwoll- und die Wollproduktion stagnierten.

China baute seinen Weltmarktanteil an der Chemiefaserproduktion im Jahr 2019 weiter aus: 70 % aller weltweit produzierten Chemiefasern stammen von dort. Marktanteile verloren die europäischen und indischen Chemiefaserhersteller. Die Auswirkungen der Konzentration auf chinesische Produktionsstätten zeigte sich zu Beginn der von China ausgehenden Sars-CoV-2-Pandemie, indem Mund-Nasen-Schutzmasken und die zu deren Herstellung notwendigen Chemiefasern in Europa nicht mehr in der ausreichenden Menge zur Verfügung standen.

Zahlenmäßig musste die deutsche Chemiefaserproduktion im Jahr 2019 im Mittel  aller Chemiefaserarten einen Rückgang um – 14,1 % hinnehmen. Hier machte sich immer noch der zeitweise Ausfall einer Produktionsstätte aus dem Bereich cellulosischer Chemiefasern bemerkbar (- 22,7 %).

Nicht nur die Produktion, sondern auch die Importe an Chemiefasern waren im Jahr 2019 rückläufig (- 5,6 %), dies betraf primär die synthetischen Chemiefasern.
Die geringere Produktion und der gesunkene Import gehen einher mit einem Rückgang in der Verarbeitung von Fasern in Deutschland (- 11,3 %). Dieses traf die Faserarten Chemie, Baumwolle und Wolle nahezu

Die Aufteilung der verarbeiteten Chemiefasern auf die Bereiche Bekleidung, Heimtextilien und technisch-medizinisch-hygienische Anwendungen blieb im Vergleich zum Vorjahr unverändert. In der Bekleidungs- und Heimtextilherstellung erhöhte sich der Anteil der Chemiefasern leicht zu Lasten von Wolle bzw. Baumwolle.

Weitere Informationen und Zahlenmaterial enthält die „IVC-Jahresbroschüre 2019/2020 unter

VDMA: Mask production: Nothing runs without textile machinery (c) VDMA Textilmaschinen

VDMA: Mask production: Nothing runs without textile machinery

  • Protective masks, everyday masks, disinfecting wipes and surgical gowns are goods in demand in times of corona.
  • In their manufacture, textile machines are at the beginning of the production chain.

The production of the textile raw material is the first step of the usually multi-stage production processes. Members of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association are at the beginning of this technological chain.

The production of protective masks starts with the manufacture of the filter material, which for surgical masks as well as FFP2 and FFP3 respirator masks consists of fine-pored nonwoven fabric to intercept coronaviruses. In addition to the systems, machines and components used for this purpose, measurement and control technology ensures the highest quality of important parameters such as basis weight and air permeability. Nonwovens used for respiratory masks have to meet the same high-quality requirements as the masks – to ensure the protection of the mask wearer.

  • Protective masks, everyday masks, disinfecting wipes and surgical gowns are goods in demand in times of corona.
  • In their manufacture, textile machines are at the beginning of the production chain.

The production of the textile raw material is the first step of the usually multi-stage production processes. Members of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association are at the beginning of this technological chain.

The production of protective masks starts with the manufacture of the filter material, which for surgical masks as well as FFP2 and FFP3 respirator masks consists of fine-pored nonwoven fabric to intercept coronaviruses. In addition to the systems, machines and components used for this purpose, measurement and control technology ensures the highest quality of important parameters such as basis weight and air permeability. Nonwovens used for respiratory masks have to meet the same high-quality requirements as the masks – to ensure the protection of the mask wearer.

Members of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association have reacted to the new market requirements in a very short time and developed new technologies for knitted, warp knitted as well as woven mouth and nose masks that can be produced without the need for sewing. For surgical masks, FFP2 respirators and social distancing masks, a wide variety of other materials and combinations of materials are used (nonwovens, woven fabrics, knitted or warp knitted fabrics and laminates thereof). Elastic bands are required to wear the masks and several association members provide technologies for their production.

Materials for masks can be treated with textile chemicals to make them antiviral and antibacterial. For this purpose, the VDMA member companies offer application systems which apply the corresponding chemicals to fabric webs. As already mentioned, quality assurance is extremely important for medical products. For this purpose, member companies of the VDMA offer software systems with which each mask can be traced through the entire production process.

VDMA members also offer solutions for the assembly of respirator masks, some of which were developed at short notice. These solutions enable respirators to be produced that meet the relevant standards and the highest quality requirements of customers and market surveillance. This applies to systems for the production of surgical masks and FFP respirators. At the end of the production chain, machines are used to pack masks in single or multiple packs.

In pandemic times, the demand for protective gowns (so-called surgical gowns) also increases. The same applies to disinfecting wipes. For these textile products, too, VDMA members manufacture tailor-made machines for production through to packaging. The quality of the products is ensured by means of measurement and control technology.

In the wake of the corona crisis, VDMA Textile Machinery has launched a new series of web events called "Textile Machinery Webtalk". Here, experts from up to four VDMA member companies present their innovative technologies on a specific topic in a maximum of 90 minutes and are available to answer questions from participants. The presentations are held in English. Participation in the web events is free of charge.
Topics of the first two webtalks were:
"Technologies for the production of melt-blown nonwovens for respiratory protection masks (FFP masks and surgical masks)."
"Technologies for the production of respiratory protection masks (FFP masks and surgical masks)."

The format is well received. Around 180 people from more than 30 countries took part in the first two webtalks. With this format, the VDMA reaches both textile and nonwovens manufacturers who already manufacture these products and companies that want to invest in new business areas.

The next webtalk will take place on 23 July 2020 from 14.00 to 16.00 (CEST) on the current topic "Technology solutions to produce fully-fashioned community face masks." Experts from KARL MAYER, STOLL by KARL MAYER and Jakob Müller will be presenting their technologies for producing everyday textile masks to an international expert audience. Interested parties can register here.


VDMA Textilmaschinen

Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung awards ITA graduate and a project at ITA with sponsorship prizes (c) Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung
Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung sponsorship award winner picture 2020 (Ricarda Wissel: row 1, first from right, Simon Kammler, row 4, first from right)

Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung awards ITA graduate and a project at ITA with sponsorship prizes

Carbon dioxide-based fibre for climate protection and interdisciplinary training with novel Smart Textiles test rig

The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, honours a project of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, and awards a sponsorship prize to the ITA graduate Ricarda Wissel on 25 June 2020. She is awarded for her outstanding bachelor thesis " Implementation of elastic yarns made from carbon dioxide based thermoplastic polyurethane in socks " with funding for a subject-specific continuation of her education. The ITA receives the project sponsorship prize for the project "Smart Textiles - an interdisciplinary training course to promote young scientists in future technologies", which was submitted to the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung by ITA´s PhD candidate Simon Kammler.

Carbon dioxide-based fibre from industrial waste contributes to climate protection

Carbon dioxide-based fibre for climate protection and interdisciplinary training with novel Smart Textiles test rig

The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, honours a project of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, and awards a sponsorship prize to the ITA graduate Ricarda Wissel on 25 June 2020. She is awarded for her outstanding bachelor thesis " Implementation of elastic yarns made from carbon dioxide based thermoplastic polyurethane in socks " with funding for a subject-specific continuation of her education. The ITA receives the project sponsorship prize for the project "Smart Textiles - an interdisciplinary training course to promote young scientists in future technologies", which was submitted to the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung by ITA´s PhD candidate Simon Kammler.

Carbon dioxide-based fibre from industrial waste contributes to climate protection

ITA scientist Dr.-Ing. Pavan Manvi has developed a melt spinning process at ITA for the production of elastic yarn from thermoplastic polyurethane, in which carbon dioxide is used as one of the raw materials. In her bachelor thesis, Ricarda Wissel successfully developed a process chain for the CO2-based yarn in a textile end product for the first time. In cooperation with the company FALKE and Dr Manvi, who supervised Ms. Wissel's work, the yarn was used to produce a sock (see figure "FALKE sock with carbon dioxide filaments").

By reusing carbon dioxide from industrial waste as a raw material for textile and clothing products, the carbon dioxide balance can be improved and thus contributes directly to climate protection. The sponsorship prize of the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung is endowed with 6,000 € for the specialist further training of Ms. Wissel.

Interdisciplinary training with development of a new type of measuring stand for the future-oriented research field "Smart Textiles

The development of textiles with additional digital functions, so-called "Smart Textiles", is considered a future-oriented field of research. In his project submission, ITA´s doctoral candidate Simon Kammler presented a concept for a lecture series on Smart Textiles at ITA and develops a new type of measuring stand for measuring the capacity and conductivity of fibres. The project is funded by the Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung with a prize money of 10,000 Euro.

Smart Textiles enable the textile to interact with the environment and the human user. Today they are therefore in demand in many areas of everyday life such as sport, health, living, life and mobility and offer completely new practical solutions. In combination with digital networked services, Smart Textiles promise support and innovation in almost all situations of daily life.

With the conception of a new lecture series, Mr. Simon Kammler is supporting ITA in its goal of providing the best possible training for young scientists. The focus is on imparting far-reaching interdisciplinary skills in order to master the challenges of current fields of research.


The Wilhelm-Lorch-Stiftung supports particularly talented young people from all areas of the textile industry. Its purpose is the promotion of subject-specific education and further education as well as the promotion of projects at universities, academic schools and vocational schools, which are characterised by the sustainable communication of innovative learning content in science and research. In total, thirteen sponsorship prizes were awarded in 2020. Due to the Corona crisis, the forum of TextilWirtschaft, which is normally the venue for the awards ceremony, unfortunately had to be cancelled in 2020.

Photo: Shutterstock

VDMA starts technology webtalks for the textile industry

On June 22, the VDMA starts a series of Textile Machinery Webtalks. In the first edition experts from the companies Oerlikon Manmade Fibers, Mahlo and Nanoval will present technologies for the production of melt-blown nonwovens for respiratory protection masks (FFP masks and surgical masks). After the presentations, the experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. The webtalk will run from 2 – 4 pm (German time). Participation is free of charge. Interested persons can register here

Further technology webtalks on other topics are in preparation. Please check for updates.

On June 22, the VDMA starts a series of Textile Machinery Webtalks. In the first edition experts from the companies Oerlikon Manmade Fibers, Mahlo and Nanoval will present technologies for the production of melt-blown nonwovens for respiratory protection masks (FFP masks and surgical masks). After the presentations, the experts will be available to answer the participants' questions. The webtalk will run from 2 – 4 pm (German time). Participation is free of charge. Interested persons can register here

Further technology webtalks on other topics are in preparation. Please check for updates.

More information:

Textile Machinery