From the Sector

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Spring 2025 collections of Citizens of Humanity and AGOLDE with Pili biobased indigo Photo (c) Citizens of Humanity Group
Spring 2025 collections of Citizens of Humanity and AGOLDE with Pili biobased indigo

Pili partners with Citizens of Humanity and Orta

Pili, a French pioneer in biobased dyes and pigments, partners with Orta, the Turkish denim mill and Citizens of Humanity, a California-based high-end denim brand known for its commitment to quality and sustainability.

They are beginning a transformative shift in the denim industry with the commercial launch of the first products dyed with Pili’s biobased indigo. The first products will debut in January in the Spring 2025 collections of Citizens of Humanity and AGOLDE.

A New Ecological Standard for the Denim Industry
In 2024, Pili achieved a major milestone by producing its first tons of biobased indigo, enabling the creation of sustainable denim articles, a turning point in the company's efforts to decarbonize the textile industry especially denim.

Pili, a French pioneer in biobased dyes and pigments, partners with Orta, the Turkish denim mill and Citizens of Humanity, a California-based high-end denim brand known for its commitment to quality and sustainability.

They are beginning a transformative shift in the denim industry with the commercial launch of the first products dyed with Pili’s biobased indigo. The first products will debut in January in the Spring 2025 collections of Citizens of Humanity and AGOLDE.

A New Ecological Standard for the Denim Industry
In 2024, Pili achieved a major milestone by producing its first tons of biobased indigo, enabling the creation of sustainable denim articles, a turning point in the company's efforts to decarbonize the textile industry especially denim.

Pili has developed unique processes combining fermentation and organic chemistry to offer a high-performance, eco-friendly alternative to petrochemical dyes. Their ecological alternative significantly reduces the use of toxic chemicals and fossil resources, while aiming to cut CO2 emissions up to 50%. It meets the same performance as petrochemical indigo while seamlessly integrating into existing dyeing processes without requiring additional investment in commercial dyeing equipment.

Pili’s colors development is based on standardized Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs), ensuring a rigorous process to measure and minimize their environmental impact.

A Partnership Driving Sustainable Transformation in the Industry
Fiber and dye are the two main components of denim products and also the ones with the greatest impact on their production. The partnership between Citizens of Humanity, Pili, and Orta establishes one of the highest ecological standards in the market with the use of regenerative cotton and biobased indigo.

Pili biobased indigo will make its debut in Citizens of Humanity and AGOLDE’s Spring 2025 collections. This long-term partnership between Citizens of Humanity, Orta, and Pili will continue to expand in future collections. The launch will be exclusive on NET-A-PORTER on January 6, 2025, before being extended to,, and other global retailers.

A Key Step Towards the Decarbonization of the Color Industry
Building on this first success, Pili is accelerating the development of coloring solutions for various industrial applications, particularly in the inks, paints, and polymers sectors. The aim is to decarbonize everyday products using high-performance biobased pigments, with the first applicative tests set to begin this year. Pili continues its mission to decarbonize the color industry, paving the way for a sustainable revolution.

Photo: Archroma

Archroma, Kipaş Denim and Jeanologia collaborate for new finishing process

Archroma, specialist in chemicals towards sustainable solutions, Kipaş Denim, a Turkish company with a focus on integrated textile production, and Jeanologia, a sustainable textile solutions company, are collaborating to pioneer a new denim finishing process for enhanced aesthetic appeal and greater sustainability.

Combining their advanced technologies, the three textile innovators are behind the launch of Kipaş Denim’s new Contra Denim concept – a breakthrough in denim dyeing and finishing that enables brands to create stunning and long-lasting distressed looks and designs effects, including intricate patterns, whiskering and fades, through cleaner processes that save water and energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Denim has traditionally been challenging to produce, especially for black and indigo fabric with a worn or distressed look, requiring significant water usage, harmful chemicals and intensive manual labor. The Contra Denim collection is laser- and laundry-friendly, with colors that are deep and durable. Stunning wash-down vintage effects and high contrasts are achieved via washing or laser techniques.

Archroma, specialist in chemicals towards sustainable solutions, Kipaş Denim, a Turkish company with a focus on integrated textile production, and Jeanologia, a sustainable textile solutions company, are collaborating to pioneer a new denim finishing process for enhanced aesthetic appeal and greater sustainability.

Combining their advanced technologies, the three textile innovators are behind the launch of Kipaş Denim’s new Contra Denim concept – a breakthrough in denim dyeing and finishing that enables brands to create stunning and long-lasting distressed looks and designs effects, including intricate patterns, whiskering and fades, through cleaner processes that save water and energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Denim has traditionally been challenging to produce, especially for black and indigo fabric with a worn or distressed look, requiring significant water usage, harmful chemicals and intensive manual labor. The Contra Denim collection is laser- and laundry-friendly, with colors that are deep and durable. Stunning wash-down vintage effects and high contrasts are achieved via washing or laser techniques.

Contra Denim is based on Archroma’s DENIM HALO, a new approach to denim production that incorporates resource-saving pretreatment that includes DIRSOL® RD and dyeing processes to produce easy-wash laser-friendly denim. It delivers a substantially reduced environmental footprint compared to the industry-standard denim finishing process while reducing yarn shrinkage and improving garment tensile strength.

The Contra Denim’s vintage looks are achieved with advanced laser marking technology from Jeanologia. Thanks to the combination of Archroma and Jeanologia technologies, manual hand scraping or potassium permanganate spraying harmful for workers and the environment are completely eliminated.

Fernando Cardona, Brain Box Team Manager, Jeanologia, said: “As a purpose-driven textile technology company, we take pride in working with partners to accompany them through their transformational processes. We are delighted to work with industry leaders such as Archroma and Kipaş Denim, who are at the forefront of responsible denim production.”

Initially producing a ContraBlack Denim collection, Kipaş Denim has now extended the Contra line to classic indigo and other colors from the DIRESUL® RDT range.

The ContraBlack collection earned a Jeanologia Environmental Impact Measurement (EIM) score of 11 on stone wash versus the ring dyeing market standard score of 67. This confirms the low impact of the ContraBlack range in both water and energy consumption, chemical impact and workers’ health.




DyStar publishes Integrated Sustainability Report for FY2023/24

DyStar has published its Integrated Sustainability Report for FY2023/24. For the past 14 years, DyStar has formally reported on its sustainability performance in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. This report also adopts the Integrated Reporting <IR> framework, which outlines the company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices through the lens of six major capitals.

DyStar has demonstrated the effectiveness of its strategy in the latest report. For instance, their efforts in implementing energy-efficient initiatives across its operations have started to yield credible results. DyStar’s Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions totaled 42,084 tCO2e, representing a 67% decrease from 2011’s baseline year and a 26% decrease compared to FY2022. Scope 3 accounted for 8.2% of DyStar’s total emissions profile, with over 80% primarily stemming from the transportation of goods and services.

In terms of energy management, the Group has increased its use of renewable energy by 20%. Additionally, several energy conservation initiatives have been implemented as part of a concerted effort to reduce energy consumption globally.

DyStar has published its Integrated Sustainability Report for FY2023/24. For the past 14 years, DyStar has formally reported on its sustainability performance in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. This report also adopts the Integrated Reporting <IR> framework, which outlines the company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices through the lens of six major capitals.

DyStar has demonstrated the effectiveness of its strategy in the latest report. For instance, their efforts in implementing energy-efficient initiatives across its operations have started to yield credible results. DyStar’s Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions totaled 42,084 tCO2e, representing a 67% decrease from 2011’s baseline year and a 26% decrease compared to FY2022. Scope 3 accounted for 8.2% of DyStar’s total emissions profile, with over 80% primarily stemming from the transportation of goods and services.

In terms of energy management, the Group has increased its use of renewable energy by 20%. Additionally, several energy conservation initiatives have been implemented as part of a concerted effort to reduce energy consumption globally.

Operationally, there have been several improvements to procedures aimed at boosting water efficiency and achieving cost savings at all manufacturing sites.

Wastewater discharge was reduced by 37%, improving the intensity level to 8.04 m³ per ton of production compared to 8.71 m³ per ton the previous year. This improvement is also partially due to some of their sites operating under a “Zero Liquid Discharge Scheme” mandated by local authorities.

Key highlights of FY2023 include:

  • Participated at ITMA Milan, where DyStar introduced a new range of bio-based DyStar products, dyes and auxiliaries containing renewable feedstock, as well as the Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing process.
  • Recognition by the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE), achieving second place on IPE’s Green Supply Chain Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI).
  • Celebrating diversity and inclusivity through global campaigns.
More information:
DyStar Sustainability Report

DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd


Archroma: “Planet Conscious+” at FEBRATEX 2024

Archroma is bringing its latest “Planet Conscious+” innovations to FEBRATEX 2024 in Brazil with the aim to empower the region’s textile mills and brands to lead the industry shift to sustainability.

SUPER SYSTEMS+ are end-to-end systems that combine fiber-specific processing solutions and intelligent effects. Drawing on the industry’s broadest product portfolio, the SUPER SYSTEMS+ suite encompasses wet processing solutions that deliver measurable environmental impact from sizing to finishing; durable colors and functional effects that add value and longevity to the end product; and cleaner chemistries that eliminate harmful or regulated substances.

Archroma is bringing its latest “Planet Conscious+” innovations to FEBRATEX 2024 in Brazil with the aim to empower the region’s textile mills and brands to lead the industry shift to sustainability.

SUPER SYSTEMS+ are end-to-end systems that combine fiber-specific processing solutions and intelligent effects. Drawing on the industry’s broadest product portfolio, the SUPER SYSTEMS+ suite encompasses wet processing solutions that deliver measurable environmental impact from sizing to finishing; durable colors and functional effects that add value and longevity to the end product; and cleaner chemistries that eliminate harmful or regulated substances.

Textile industry professionals will be able to explore Archroma’s “PLANET CONSCIOUS+” vision at FEBRATEX 2024 and discover SUPER SYSTEMS+ technologies such as Archroma’s DENIM HALO, a newly launched concept for denim production that is both eco-friendly and simple, aniline-free* DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 LIQ pre-reduced indigo, and the patented EarthColors® technology that creates high-performance bio waste-based dyes from non-edible food and agricultural waste. Archroma is also showcasing ULTRATEX® STS-U, a compatible hydrophilic silicone softener for cotton and cotton blended knits with great running stability, Siligen® EH1, a biomass-based silicone softener that has great moisture management and delivers a smooth soft touch, AVITERA® SE GENERATION NEXT for cellulosic fibers and blends that enables significant resource savings, chlorine fastness and improved cost-to-performance ratio for dark and extra-dark shades, and ERIOPON® E3-SAVE all-in-one auxiliary.



KARL MAYER erhält Preis für nachhaltiges Indigofärben  (c) Thomas Ecke / DISQ / ntv / DUP UNTERNEHMER
: ntv-Moderator Torsten Knippertz (links im Bild) im Interview mit Arno Gärtner, CEO der KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER erhält Preis für nachhaltiges Indigofärben

KARL MAYER erhält für seine Lösung zum nachhaltigen Indigofärben den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024.

In der Bertelsmann-Repräsentanz in Berlin erhielt das Unternehmen am 11. Juni 2024 den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024 in der Kategorie „Produktion“ und landete hier zudem auf Platz 1 unter den insgesamt vier Preisträgern.

Der Preis wird vom Deutschen Institut für Service-Qualität, dem DUP-Unternehmer-Magazin und dem Nachrichtensender ntv verliehen. Schirmherrin ist die ehemalige Justiz- und Wirtschaftsministerin Brigitte Zypris, die zugleich zum Jury-Team gehört. Das hochkarätig besetzte Entscheidungsgremium sondiert Projekte aus allen Wirtschaftsbereichen, die Nachhaltigkeit vorbildhaft umsetzen – in diesem Jahr 70 Unternehmen aus insgesamt 342 Nominierungen.

KARL MAYER erhält für seine Lösung zum nachhaltigen Indigofärben den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024.

In der Bertelsmann-Repräsentanz in Berlin erhielt das Unternehmen am 11. Juni 2024 den Deutschen Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2024 in der Kategorie „Produktion“ und landete hier zudem auf Platz 1 unter den insgesamt vier Preisträgern.

Der Preis wird vom Deutschen Institut für Service-Qualität, dem DUP-Unternehmer-Magazin und dem Nachrichtensender ntv verliehen. Schirmherrin ist die ehemalige Justiz- und Wirtschaftsministerin Brigitte Zypris, die zugleich zum Jury-Team gehört. Das hochkarätig besetzte Entscheidungsgremium sondiert Projekte aus allen Wirtschaftsbereichen, die Nachhaltigkeit vorbildhaft umsetzen – in diesem Jahr 70 Unternehmen aus insgesamt 342 Nominierungen.

Die KARL MAYER GROUP überzeugte durch die Entwicklung von BLUEDYE, einer Lösung zur umweltschonenden Denim-Produktion. Die Jury lobte das Projekt als gute Lösung, die alle Ziele einer Produktionsverbesserung bedienen kann, u. a. Optimierungen bei Qualität und Umweltschutz sowie Reduzierung der Kosten. Dem Projekt wird eine hohe Relevanz für die nachhaltige Produktion von Jeans zugesprochen.

BLUEDYE ist eine Alternative zu den umweltbelastenden Verfahren der heutigen Denim-Produktion. Sie zahlt auf gleich vier Ziele der Sustainable Development Goals für Unternehmen der Vereinten Nationen ein.

Durch die stickstoffbasierte Färbetechnologie minimiert BLUEDYE die erheblichen Mengen an Wasser und Chemikalien, die herkömmlicherweise beim Denim-Färbeprozess verbraucht werden. Der Bedarf an den Hauptschadstoffen Hydrosulfit und Natronlauge kann um mehr als 60 % und die benötigte Wassermenge um mindestens 50 % reduziert werden. Zusätzlich entsteht weniger Garnabfall. Damit trägt BLUEDYE zu einer nachhaltigen Produktion bei (Ziel 12).

Weniger Chemikalieneinsatz bedeutet zugleich weniger Wasserverschmutzung – ein Vorteil, der im Verbund mit der erheblichen Wassereinsparung für sauberes Wasser und damit für die Erfüllung von Ziel 6 sorgt. Zudem führen weniger Schadstoffe im Produktionsprozess zu einem gesünderen, menschenwürdigeren Arbeitsumfeld, wie es beim Ziel 8 gefordert wird.

Gemäß dem Ziel 9 fördert BLUEDYE Innovation durch die Einführung modernster Technologien. 2018 hat KARL MAYER Patente für eine fortschrittliche Denim-Färbetechnologie erworben und auf der Grundlage seines umfassenden Textilmaschinen-Know-hows eine marktfähige Anlage mit höchstem Kundennutzen entwickelt.

Mit BLUEDYE können die Unternehmen der Denim-Branche ihre Produktionsprozesse effizienter und umweltfreundlicher gestalten und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit verbessern: Die positiven Effekte durch BLUEDYE wurden durch Vergleichsmessungen an einer Pilotanlage bei einem Feldtestkunden evaluiert. Referenzwerte bei der Gegenüberstellung waren die Verbrauchsdaten einer bereits seit Längerem im Betrieb befindlichen Produktionsanlage.

Mit BLUEDYE lassen sich die Betriebskosten um bis zu 20 % senken und zugleich die hohen Käuferanforderungen an die Farbqualität der Stoffe und die Farbdurchdringung der Garne von Jeans erfüllen.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG


Archroma at Bangladesh Denim Expo 2024

Archroma is bringing a comprehensive suite of denim solutions to the Bangladesh Denim Expo 2024 at the International Convention Center (ICCB) in Dhaka on May 6 to 7, 2024.

The demand for denim wear is on the rise, accompanied by consumers' heightened expectations for sustainability. Brands looking to meet this demand must not only deliver functional and stylish denim but also minimize environmental impact.

Archroma is presenting a range of planet conscious solutions at the expo, including DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30, DIRESUL® EVOLUTION BLACK, EARTHCOLORS®, as well as their latest SUPER SYSTEMS+ for Denim and the recently launched DENIM HALO concepts.

Archroma is bringing a comprehensive suite of denim solutions to the Bangladesh Denim Expo 2024 at the International Convention Center (ICCB) in Dhaka on May 6 to 7, 2024.

The demand for denim wear is on the rise, accompanied by consumers' heightened expectations for sustainability. Brands looking to meet this demand must not only deliver functional and stylish denim but also minimize environmental impact.

Archroma is presenting a range of planet conscious solutions at the expo, including DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30, DIRESUL® EVOLUTION BLACK, EARTHCOLORS®, as well as their latest SUPER SYSTEMS+ for Denim and the recently launched DENIM HALO concepts.



EASYNDIGO Photo Officina39

Officina39: With indigo garment dyeing at Kingpins Amsterdam

The Italian chemical company presents its solution for indigo garment dyeing EASYNDIGO in Amsterdam. The promise is to make indigo easy to obtain in just a few simple steps. The technology, based on the Pull&Push Mechanism, uses specific agents to enhance the two-phase dyeing process of raw garments with indigo.

1st step: The pull mechanism
The Pull mechanism works on raw garments to pull indigo onto the fibers, using a special wetting and leveling agent called DETERWET EASYNDIGO, which acts as a solubilizer, ensures reproducibility and low-foaming, reducing dye migration during drying. It also involves the dispersing agent DISPERSOLO EASYNDIGO, effective for its diffusion-accelerating properties, which allows for a reduction in time and temperature of the dyeing process without compromising lightfastness.

The Italian chemical company presents its solution for indigo garment dyeing EASYNDIGO in Amsterdam. The promise is to make indigo easy to obtain in just a few simple steps. The technology, based on the Pull&Push Mechanism, uses specific agents to enhance the two-phase dyeing process of raw garments with indigo.

1st step: The pull mechanism
The Pull mechanism works on raw garments to pull indigo onto the fibers, using a special wetting and leveling agent called DETERWET EASYNDIGO, which acts as a solubilizer, ensures reproducibility and low-foaming, reducing dye migration during drying. It also involves the dispersing agent DISPERSOLO EASYNDIGO, effective for its diffusion-accelerating properties, which allows for a reduction in time and temperature of the dyeing process without compromising lightfastness.

2nd step: The push mechanism
The Push mechanism works on dye bath to push the indigo into the fibers using an innovative compound named BASE EASYNDIGO and pre-reduced indigo DenimBlu30 by BluConnection. This method achieves a bright and deep indigo color, improves wash and rubbing fastness, enhances levelness, and is formaldehyde-free.

3rd step
This extra phase is completely dedicated to creativity: with EASYNDIGO is easy to unleash it and get an authentic indigo garment, while reducing the consumption of water, energy and resources. Around these core concepts Officina39 continues to develop innovative solutions that make denim production increasingly responsible.

This innovative chemical package reaches its deepest effectiveness and gets power in combination with Tonello’s DyeMate technology: two Italian companies have combined their efforts to develop an innovative chemical and technological dyeing process.



Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim promote cleaner denim production Photo: Advance Denim

Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim promote cleaner denim production

With the aim to help the denim industry reduce the environmental impact of its wastewater and move towards circularity, Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim have renewed their joint commitment to the production of aniline-free denim apparel based on Archroma’s DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30.

Their joint aim is to produce high-quality denim in authentic blue shades without the aniline impurity carried through from the synthesis of standard synthetic indigo. In traditional denim production, this aniline remains bound with the indigo pigment on the fabric; the remaining aniline is discharged during the dyeing and washing process. This can be a problem because aniline is toxic to aquatic life and two-thirds of aniline waste currently ends up in wastewater discharge where it could potentially pollute waterways and the ocean.

Archroma developed DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 to answer this key challenge. A 30% pre-reduced indigo solution, DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 makes it possible to produce indigo-dyed denim without aniline impurities throughout the process.

With the aim to help the denim industry reduce the environmental impact of its wastewater and move towards circularity, Archroma, G-Star RAW and Advance Denim have renewed their joint commitment to the production of aniline-free denim apparel based on Archroma’s DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30.

Their joint aim is to produce high-quality denim in authentic blue shades without the aniline impurity carried through from the synthesis of standard synthetic indigo. In traditional denim production, this aniline remains bound with the indigo pigment on the fabric; the remaining aniline is discharged during the dyeing and washing process. This can be a problem because aniline is toxic to aquatic life and two-thirds of aniline waste currently ends up in wastewater discharge where it could potentially pollute waterways and the ocean.

Archroma developed DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 to answer this key challenge. A 30% pre-reduced indigo solution, DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 makes it possible to produce indigo-dyed denim without aniline impurities throughout the process.

Easy to use with automated dosing, DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 reduces the water needed for preparation, washing and wastewater treatment compared to indigo grains. It also reduces hazardous chemical consumption while allowing high reproducibility and creating the authentic and iconic deep indigo shades traditionally associated with denim.

G-Star RAW is working towards making 20% of its entire collection from Cradle to Cradle Certified® fabrics by 2025. Its partnership with Archroma and Advance Denim contributes to this goal, since the aniline-free DENISOL® holds a Gold Level Material Health Certificate from the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 is also compliant with other eco-standards and the requirements of leading retailers and brands.

Advance Denim, G-Star RAW and Archroma have previously collaborated to launch collections based on Archroma’s EarthColors® technology, which upcycles plant waste from the herbal industry to create sustainable colorways.




KARL MAYER GROUP at SaigonTex 2024

At the upcoming SaigonTex, taking place from April 10th to 13th in Ho Chi Minh City, the KARL MAYER GROUP will present its innovations.

DThe KARL MAYER exhibition for warp preparation is entirely dedicated to sustainability. With BLUEDYE, an innovative machine is introduced, which ensures more sustainability and lower costs in the process of indigo dyeing. Thanks to innovative technological solutions, the amounts of water and chemicals used are significantly reduced. Additionally, less yarn waste is generated. Another innovation for more sustainability is CASCADE, a steam and condensation system that requires significantly less steam in the drying process of sizing and indigo dyeing plants by using a solution for energy recycling that is protected against imitation.

For the warp knitting sector, the group of companies presents its latest technological developments. Highlights include a digital solution from KM.ON for optimizing production management (DPM), innovations for enhancing performance in the HKS segment, and a double raschel machine that enables unique creative multi-color designs in spacer textiles with more colour and new Jacquard techniques.

At the upcoming SaigonTex, taking place from April 10th to 13th in Ho Chi Minh City, the KARL MAYER GROUP will present its innovations.

DThe KARL MAYER exhibition for warp preparation is entirely dedicated to sustainability. With BLUEDYE, an innovative machine is introduced, which ensures more sustainability and lower costs in the process of indigo dyeing. Thanks to innovative technological solutions, the amounts of water and chemicals used are significantly reduced. Additionally, less yarn waste is generated. Another innovation for more sustainability is CASCADE, a steam and condensation system that requires significantly less steam in the drying process of sizing and indigo dyeing plants by using a solution for energy recycling that is protected against imitation.

For the warp knitting sector, the group of companies presents its latest technological developments. Highlights include a digital solution from KM.ON for optimizing production management (DPM), innovations for enhancing performance in the HKS segment, and a double raschel machine that enables unique creative multi-color designs in spacer textiles with more colour and new Jacquard techniques.

"Vietnam is a growing market for textile production, which is gaining importance especially for major international sports brands," says Eddy Ho, Senior Sales Manager at KARL MAYER.
The sales professional expects a large number of visitors, especially from Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and South Korea. SaigonTex is one of the most important textile machinery exhibitions in East Asia, located in close proximity to production centres. Vietnam is, in turn, the second most important market for the KARL MAYER GROUP after China. It benefits from increasing foreign direct investments in textile production from China, Taiwan, and South Korea.



Advance Denim launches collection with Lenzing's matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers (c) Advance Denim

Advance Denim launches collection with Lenzing's matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers

Lenzing Group announced the collaboration with China’s internationally recognized denim mill, Advance Denim, to use matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers for their latest Denim Collection.

The TENCEL™ brand offers innovative and planet-friendly fiber solutions1 that strive to enhance the adoption of responsible production2 within the textile industry. Leveraging resource-saving, closed-loop production process3, TENCEL™ fibers are naturally soft and smooth to the touch and support a natural dry feeling through moisture control. The rollout of matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers in 2021 provided denim manufacturers with a solution that enabled them to enjoy the ample tactile and environmental benefits of TENCEL™ fibers, while also maintaining a matte finish on the end product.

Lenzing Group announced the collaboration with China’s internationally recognized denim mill, Advance Denim, to use matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers for their latest Denim Collection.

The TENCEL™ brand offers innovative and planet-friendly fiber solutions1 that strive to enhance the adoption of responsible production2 within the textile industry. Leveraging resource-saving, closed-loop production process3, TENCEL™ fibers are naturally soft and smooth to the touch and support a natural dry feeling through moisture control. The rollout of matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers in 2021 provided denim manufacturers with a solution that enabled them to enjoy the ample tactile and environmental benefits of TENCEL™ fibers, while also maintaining a matte finish on the end product.

“Matte TENCEL™ fibers are an extremely important innovation for the denim sector as they address the need for responsible denim made with less shine for a more vintage look. Many brands are currently looking for styles that meet this criterion while also providing softness and drapability for wide-leg jeans. Matte TENCEL™ fibers create the perfect mixture of performance and sustainability without sacrificing that true vintage indigo look,” said Amy Wang, General Manager of Advance Denim. “The matte denim in the ‘Denim Collection’, achieved by using matte TENCEL™ fibers, not only has exceptional softness to the touch, but its fiber properties also make the denim more like traditional cotton jeans after washing. This will enable the final garments to retain the intended retro style of the fabric.”


1 TENCEL™ Lyocell and Modal fibers are certified with the EU Ecolabel for textile products (license no. AT/016/001) for environmental excellence.
2 The responsible production of TENCEL™ Lyocell and Modal fibers uses at least 50% less water and emits at least 50% less CO2 compared to generic lyocell and modal fibers, according to Higg MSI, thereby saving precious resources for future generations. Results based on LCA standards (ISO 14040/44) and available via Higg MSI (Version 3.7).
3 Savings consider solvent recovery.


Lenzing Group

Archroma showcases Super Systems+ at Colombiatex 2024 Photo: Archroma

Archroma showcases Super Systems+ at Colombiatex 2024

Archroma is showcasing its planet conscious innovations and solution systems at this year’s Colombiatex de Las Américas, being held from January 23 to 25, 2024.

Archroma is using its attendance at Colombiatex 2024 to introduce a new concept that promises to help the region’s brands and mills optimize their productivity, add value to their products and create a positive impact on the environment: Super Systems+.

The Super Systems+ solutions offer great performance, including end-product durability, while meeting sustainability targets with cleaner chemistries that comply with current and anticipated industry regulations or deliver resource savings, or both. Solutions are currently available for popular end-use segments, from denim to cotton and poly-cotton knits.

Archroma is showcasing its planet conscious innovations and solution systems at this year’s Colombiatex de Las Américas, being held from January 23 to 25, 2024.

Archroma is using its attendance at Colombiatex 2024 to introduce a new concept that promises to help the region’s brands and mills optimize their productivity, add value to their products and create a positive impact on the environment: Super Systems+.

The Super Systems+ solutions offer great performance, including end-product durability, while meeting sustainability targets with cleaner chemistries that comply with current and anticipated industry regulations or deliver resource savings, or both. Solutions are currently available for popular end-use segments, from denim to cotton and poly-cotton knits.

For black denim with a cleaner environmental footprint, brands and mills can choose DIRESUL® EVOLUTION BLACK to create unique shade and wash-down effects with an overall impact reduction of 57% compared to standard Sulfur Black 1 liquid.* For authentic blue denim, Archroma’s aniline-free** pre-reduced DENISOL® PURE INDIGO 30 LIQ produces coveted indigo colors with the same performance and efficiency as conventional indigo dye, but in a more planet-friendly way.

To embrace circularity and create natural shades on cellulosic-based fibers including cotton, kapok, linen and viscose, brand owners can now turn to Archroma’s patented EarthColors® technology. It makes high-performance biosynthetic dyes from non-edible natural waste, such as almond shells, bitter orange residues and cotton production byproducts, helping conserve natural resources. For next-generation processing of polyester and its blends, Archroma’s ERIOPON® E3-SAVE all-in-one auxiliary combines pre-scouring, dyeing and reduction clearing in a single bath to achieve substantial savings of water, energy and time.

For weather protection and stain resistance that is both economically and environmentally sustainable, Archroma Super Systems+ draw on an extensive portfolio of fluorine-free durable water repellents.

* Ecotarrae lifecycle analysis
** Below limits of detection according to industry standard test methods




Tonello at Kingpins with new technologies

Once again Tonello will be present their technologies and partnerships at Kingpins from October 18-19.

DyeMate, the ozone, THE Laser
DyeMate is Tonello's new "patent-pending" technology that reinterprets the traditional indigo garment dyeing process, by making it automatic and repeatable, efficient and sustainable: carried out in a nitrogen atmosphere, without oxygen, with controlled reduction and oxidation, to achieve results that are perfectly comparable, in terms of authenticity and "aesthetic flavor," to those of denim that fades and becomes vintage with the passage of time.

Tonello will present a collection of garments with super bleach effects. With OBleach, EGO and O-Zone triad redefined the garment bleaching process, including no harmful chemicals such as chlorine and permanganate, in favor of sustainable and healthy production.

The entire collection will be embellished and finished with aesthetic solutions and details: the natural overdyeing of Wake, the ultra-thin graphics made with THE Laser Lab, the reproducible breakages of THE Laser T and TM.

Once again Tonello will be present their technologies and partnerships at Kingpins from October 18-19.

DyeMate, the ozone, THE Laser
DyeMate is Tonello's new "patent-pending" technology that reinterprets the traditional indigo garment dyeing process, by making it automatic and repeatable, efficient and sustainable: carried out in a nitrogen atmosphere, without oxygen, with controlled reduction and oxidation, to achieve results that are perfectly comparable, in terms of authenticity and "aesthetic flavor," to those of denim that fades and becomes vintage with the passage of time.

Tonello will present a collection of garments with super bleach effects. With OBleach, EGO and O-Zone triad redefined the garment bleaching process, including no harmful chemicals such as chlorine and permanganate, in favor of sustainable and healthy production.

The entire collection will be embellished and finished with aesthetic solutions and details: the natural overdyeing of Wake, the ultra-thin graphics made with THE Laser Lab, the reproducible breakages of THE Laser T and TM.

Collections, design, collaborations
The MSP - Most Sustainable Product - collection, developed together with Kingpins and Denim House, designed by Piero Turk and Serena Conti, and processed in Tonello's Research and Development Center with the latest responsible finishing technologies, returns this year.

Tonello will also present another project: ONE Denim. A collection that aims to combat resource waste in the denim industry by demonstrating concretely how many new denim garments could be made from a single fabric by optimizing processes and choosing appropriate technologies and production methods. The fabrics chosen are from Sharabati Denim, the design is by Piero Turk, and the collection is processed by Tonello.

This project was born out of a dialogue between Tonello's technology and the creativity of British designers Sadia Rafique and Kelly Harrington, who produced as many as 70 artworks that are partly physically present at Kingpins and partly published in a book-zine that tells the philosophy and logic of this unique and original work. A work that combines technology, expressive research and all new forms of image generation, across the boundary between natural and artificial, but still totally human.




Textil Santanderina launches black denim collection with Archroma’s sulfur dyestuff

Textil Santanderina, a manufacturer of quality fabrics with controlled traceability, launched its Advanced Black denim collection in collaboration with Archroma.

The Advanced Black collection by Textil Santanderina uses Archroma’s new DIRESUL® EVOLUTION BLACK LIQ dyestuff to produce on-trend authentic black denim apparel with sustainability and resource savings. In addition to allowing fashion and apparel brands to choose eco-friendlier alternatives that demonstrate their commitment to protecting people and planet, Textil Santanderina’s new Advanced Black denim range also offers unique shade and wash-down effects.

Textil Santanderina, a manufacturer of quality fabrics with controlled traceability, launched its Advanced Black denim collection in collaboration with Archroma.

The Advanced Black collection by Textil Santanderina uses Archroma’s new DIRESUL® EVOLUTION BLACK LIQ dyestuff to produce on-trend authentic black denim apparel with sustainability and resource savings. In addition to allowing fashion and apparel brands to choose eco-friendlier alternatives that demonstrate their commitment to protecting people and planet, Textil Santanderina’s new Advanced Black denim range also offers unique shade and wash-down effects.

Based on synthesis technology developed by Archroma, DIRESUL EVOLUTION BLACK LIQ delivers an overall impact reduction to 57%*, measuring its effect on human health, ecosystems and resources compared to standard Sulfur Black 1 liquid. Unlike traditional synthesis processes, it does not produce any ammonia, sodium salts waste or liquid effluents, and water consumption in the synthesis process is reduced by 73% for massive savings. The new DIRESUL dyestuff, when adopted with the full Archroma coloration system, delivers a new black color with on-tone wash-down effect and cleaner effluent at the mill.

Textil Santanderina and Archroma previously collaborated to produce Textil Santanderina’s aniline-free** indigo denim collection with the use of DENISOL® PURE INDIGO.

*As determined by Ecoterrae, a leading Spain-based sustainability consulting firm, through a Life Cycle Analysis (UNE-EN ISO 14044:2006) at the synthesis stage, using the ReCiPe 2016 Impact calculation methodology.
**Below limits of detection according to industry standard test methods.

Foreign Minister of Switzerland H.E. Mr. Ignazio Cassis felicitating Mr. Mujtaba Rahim at the inauguration of "Archroma Wall of Pride". Photo: Archroma
Foreign Minister of Switzerland H.E. Mr. Ignazio Cassis felicitating Mr. Mujtaba Rahim at the inauguration of "Archroma Wall of Pride".

Foreign minister of Switzerland visits Archroma in Pakistan

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, was highlighted for its advanced sustainable practices and innovation in Pakistan by the Swiss Embassy. Foreign Minister of Switzerland, Mr. Ignazio Cassis who was on an official state visit to Pakistan visited Archroma Center of Excellence at Karachi on 9 July 2023 along with high-level officials and three Members of Swiss Parliament.

Mr. Ignazio Cassis was greeted by Archroma employees at the Archroma Center of Excellence. He inaugurated the company’s "Wall of Pride", an impressive collection of recognitions, accolades and honors earned by Archroma in Pakistan since the company’s inception in October 2013.

Mr. Cassis visited the Research & Technology (R&T), Application, Analytical Laboratories & Training Academy spread on three floors at the Archroma Center of Excellence and saw the developmental work in progress. He was shown printing of multi-colored fabrics along with research based developmental analysis in the laboratories.

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, was highlighted for its advanced sustainable practices and innovation in Pakistan by the Swiss Embassy. Foreign Minister of Switzerland, Mr. Ignazio Cassis who was on an official state visit to Pakistan visited Archroma Center of Excellence at Karachi on 9 July 2023 along with high-level officials and three Members of Swiss Parliament.

Mr. Ignazio Cassis was greeted by Archroma employees at the Archroma Center of Excellence. He inaugurated the company’s "Wall of Pride", an impressive collection of recognitions, accolades and honors earned by Archroma in Pakistan since the company’s inception in October 2013.

Mr. Cassis visited the Research & Technology (R&T), Application, Analytical Laboratories & Training Academy spread on three floors at the Archroma Center of Excellence and saw the developmental work in progress. He was shown printing of multi-colored fabrics along with research based developmental analysis in the laboratories.

The globally acclaimed ‘Zero Liquid Discharge Sustainable Effluent Treatment Plant’ and the aniline-free* indigo produced at Jamshoro were the two of the main highlights showcased as best-in-class sustainable practices in the industry. Presentations and discussions were held on continued enhancement of these landmarks with the local industry.

More information:
Pakistan Archroma



DyStar launches Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing

DyStar, a specialty chemical company, announces its latest innovation, Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing.

The launch of DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing aims to reduce water usage by up to 90% and energy consumption by up to 30% during the production process. The new DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing is applicable in the Indigo traditional dyeing process, for Sulphur dyes, and colored Denim. The technique of sustainable indigo dyeing has already been proven to reduce substantially the effluent load in Denim production.

DyStar’s eco-friendly indigo dyeing process is recognized for helping customers deliver better consistency in quality while achieving less wastewater treatment in the effluent.

DyStar, a specialty chemical company, announces its latest innovation, Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing.

The launch of DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing aims to reduce water usage by up to 90% and energy consumption by up to 30% during the production process. The new DyStar’s Eco-Advanced Indigo Dyeing is applicable in the Indigo traditional dyeing process, for Sulphur dyes, and colored Denim. The technique of sustainable indigo dyeing has already been proven to reduce substantially the effluent load in Denim production.

DyStar’s eco-friendly indigo dyeing process is recognized for helping customers deliver better consistency in quality while achieving less wastewater treatment in the effluent.


DyStar to exhibit at ITMA 2023

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, will be exhibiting and presenting at ITMA, from June 8 to 14, 2023.

Mr. Eric Hopmann, Chief Commercial Officer of DyStar Group said it is great that members of the global supply chain can finally meet to exchange ideas at ITMA post-pandemic.
“The energy crisis, inflation, and climate impact have accelerated the pace of the textile supply chain’s transformation. DyStar’s innovations will help global manufacturers and producers, Brands and Retailers continue creating value-added confidence and assurance, while keeping up with transformational needs to deliver quality products without compromising sustainability.” Eric said.

DyStar’s product innovations are backed by their commitment to sustainability, and their expertise in reducing the environmental impact of the products. Their econfidence® program creates fundamental value for their customers. At ITMA, DyStar will be featuring a suite of product and process innovations which include Cadira®, Dianix®, Evo®, Indigo, Jettex®, Levafix®, Procion®, Remazol® and more.

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, will be exhibiting and presenting at ITMA, from June 8 to 14, 2023.

Mr. Eric Hopmann, Chief Commercial Officer of DyStar Group said it is great that members of the global supply chain can finally meet to exchange ideas at ITMA post-pandemic.
“The energy crisis, inflation, and climate impact have accelerated the pace of the textile supply chain’s transformation. DyStar’s innovations will help global manufacturers and producers, Brands and Retailers continue creating value-added confidence and assurance, while keeping up with transformational needs to deliver quality products without compromising sustainability.” Eric said.

DyStar’s product innovations are backed by their commitment to sustainability, and their expertise in reducing the environmental impact of the products. Their econfidence® program creates fundamental value for their customers. At ITMA, DyStar will be featuring a suite of product and process innovations which include Cadira®, Dianix®, Evo®, Indigo, Jettex®, Levafix®, Procion®, Remazol® and more.




DyStar announces Restructuring Plan for Ludwigshafen Plant Facility

DyStar announces the plan to restructure its Ludwigshafen facility located in Germany. The strategic decision is made by the company in response to changing business conditions and market shifts.

Mr. Xu Yalin, Managing Director, and President of DyStar Group said, “This is an important strategic move for DyStar. We will focus on developing key emerging markets, which have been shifting over a decade. In the wake of higher energy costs and inflation, DyStar is determined to further improve cost efficiency and drive sustainable productivity as we continue to deliver the highest quality of innovative products that support the global supply chain.”

Mr. Eric Hopmann, Chief Commercial Officer of DyStar Group said, “The restructuring of this facility will be carried out in a phased manner. DyStar will diversify the production activity out of Europe and start with the reduction of manpower as a consequence. DyStar’s customers can be further assured of undisrupted supply, hence their production should not be affected as we will work closely to meet their specific requirements.”

DyStar announces the plan to restructure its Ludwigshafen facility located in Germany. The strategic decision is made by the company in response to changing business conditions and market shifts.

Mr. Xu Yalin, Managing Director, and President of DyStar Group said, “This is an important strategic move for DyStar. We will focus on developing key emerging markets, which have been shifting over a decade. In the wake of higher energy costs and inflation, DyStar is determined to further improve cost efficiency and drive sustainable productivity as we continue to deliver the highest quality of innovative products that support the global supply chain.”

Mr. Eric Hopmann, Chief Commercial Officer of DyStar Group said, “The restructuring of this facility will be carried out in a phased manner. DyStar will diversify the production activity out of Europe and start with the reduction of manpower as a consequence. DyStar’s customers can be further assured of undisrupted supply, hence their production should not be affected as we will work closely to meet their specific requirements.”

The facility has been an integral part of DyStar’s global network. DyStar inherited this facility from their founders who started the Indigo research and manufacturing more than 125 years ago.

Photo PCMC

PCMC names Windell McGill as Product Launch Manager

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC)—which specializes in the design and manufacture of high-performance converting machinery for the tissue, nonwovens, package-printing and bag-converting industries worldwide—announced that Windell McGill has joined the organization as the Product Launch Manager for its print business segment.

Bringing more than 25 years of print industry experience to PCMC, McGill will oversee product management, product launch and brand expansion for all PCMC print products and services.

Prior to joining PCMC, McGill was Managing Partner of ePac Atlanta, a provider of custom, high-quality flexible packaging solutions and digital printing services. Before that, he served as Business Segment Manager for flexible packaging at HP Indigo. McGill’s extensive experience also includes more than 15 years with Advanced Vision Technology, a provider of camera-based inspection equipment for the packaging market, where he held a variety of sales roles before being named President-Americas.

McGill will operate from his office in Atlanta.

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC)—which specializes in the design and manufacture of high-performance converting machinery for the tissue, nonwovens, package-printing and bag-converting industries worldwide—announced that Windell McGill has joined the organization as the Product Launch Manager for its print business segment.

Bringing more than 25 years of print industry experience to PCMC, McGill will oversee product management, product launch and brand expansion for all PCMC print products and services.

Prior to joining PCMC, McGill was Managing Partner of ePac Atlanta, a provider of custom, high-quality flexible packaging solutions and digital printing services. Before that, he served as Business Segment Manager for flexible packaging at HP Indigo. McGill’s extensive experience also includes more than 15 years with Advanced Vision Technology, a provider of camera-based inspection equipment for the packaging market, where he held a variety of sales roles before being named President-Americas.

McGill will operate from his office in Atlanta.




Third edition of the project "CirculART"

Art meets sustainable fashion in the third edition of the project "CirculART", the initiative that sees companies, artists and fashion designers working together with Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto, showing how new balanced forms of production, design and sharing can be explored through a careful choice of materials and of sustainable supply chains. Three key concepts underpin the circularity of sustainable fashion and therefore this project: Reduce - reducing the consumption of raw materials, Reuse - reuse of raw materials, Recycling - regeneration.

The project CirculART is conceived and developed in collaboration between Fashion B.E.S.T. and UNIDEE Residency Programs, and led by the Foundation's team of curators.

Art meets sustainable fashion in the third edition of the project "CirculART", the initiative that sees companies, artists and fashion designers working together with Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto, showing how new balanced forms of production, design and sharing can be explored through a careful choice of materials and of sustainable supply chains. Three key concepts underpin the circularity of sustainable fashion and therefore this project: Reduce - reducing the consumption of raw materials, Reuse - reuse of raw materials, Recycling - regeneration.

The project CirculART is conceived and developed in collaboration between Fashion B.E.S.T. and UNIDEE Residency Programs, and led by the Foundation's team of curators.

Fashion B.E.S.T. - Better Ethical Sustainable Think-Tank, Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto’ sustainable fashion office, was created by artist Michelangelo Pistoletto and Franca Sozzani. Since 2009, B.E.S.T. has been working on the development of sustainability in the textile sector, to lead to a contamination between art, which assumes social responsibility, and the world of fashion, which is looking to define a new ethical and sustainable model.

CirculART proposes a new link between fashion and art, engaging both in a conscious and innovative combination of sustainability, sensitivity, beauty and union. The project links territory and production factories, bringing together actors from the different sectors making up the textile supply chain that work on the basis of a circular economy with companies that have chosen to embrace the ideal of sustainability and develop an innovative business model.

The protagonists of this year’s edition are two international artists and two international fashion designers, selected through an open call launched by Cittadellarte: Augustina Bottoni, Lucia Chain, Huge Sillytoe and Rebecca Sforzani, young talents called upon to create a work with fabrics produced by partner companies, focusing on dialogue and on the enhancement of the textile industry production chain.

In early 2023, the programme will give the four selected artists the opportunity to visit and work actively with the partner companies that have joined the initiative.
These are: Achille Pinto S.p.a, manufacturer of textiles and textile accessories for the main international fashion brands; Albini Group, Europe's largest manufacturer of cotton fabrics for shirts; Erica Industria Tessile, a leading company in the creation of textile prints, original and customised designs; Filatura Astro, eco-sustainable regenerated yarns; G2B S.r.l., a chemical and environmental analysis laboratory working with vertical cultivation from which indigo is obtained; Lampo by Ditta Giovanni Lanfranchi S.p.A., leader in the creation and production of zips for fashion; Lanificio Fratelli Cerruti, a Biella-based weaver for haute couture; Lenzing, world leader in the production of fabrics made from fibres derived from renewable wood raw material; Milior, a producer of high quality fabrics; Officina +39 – Chemistry plus creativity, a chemical company with thirty years' experience dedicated to research and chemical application in textiles; Tessuti di Sondrio, a factory inspired by the century-old local textile tradition of processing cotton, linen, hemp and wool; Tintoria Emiliana, garment-dyed production and sustainable practices; Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia, a manufacturer of 100% Made in Italy fine combed and carded yarns.



Officina +39 / Menabò Group srl

Photo Pure Denim

PureDenim & Bemberg ™: “Blue di Cupro” collection at Pitti Uomo

In occasion of the next edition of Pitti Uomo, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei – the unique fiber with a circular economy footprint obtained from cotton linters through a closed-loop process ensuring certified sustainability credentials through its transparent and traceable approach- reveals a very special Bemberg™ fabrics smart range dedicated to premium denimwear.

In occasion of the next edition of Pitti Uomo, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei – the unique fiber with a circular economy footprint obtained from cotton linters through a closed-loop process ensuring certified sustainability credentials through its transparent and traceable approach- reveals a very special Bemberg™ fabrics smart range dedicated to premium denimwear.

This has been made possible thanks to the partnership with PureDenim, a leading Italian company whose strategy since 10 years is based on an entire re-design of the production system, inspired by circular economy principles that combines technology and innovative materials in order to offer the highest levels of design, innovation and real responsible values derived from an holistic approach to sustainability.
The “Blue di Cupro” collection is made with seven fabrics made with Bemberg™, either 100% Bemberg™ or in blend with cotton, wool, and it applies the most advanced Pure Denim Technologies. The Blue di cupro fabrics made with Bemberg™ will also be dyed with “Smart Indigo” an indigo dye technology internally produced by PureDenim, through a chemical-free production. The only elements involved are: water, indigo pigments, and electricity. In terms of finishing, fabrics’ looks and performances are enhanced by the “Eco Sonic” ultrasounds finishing technology which brings significant reduction of water used, increased aesthetic features and controlled discoloration. And last but not least every yarn used at PureDenim is protected by NaturalReco® a 100% natural product that completely SUBSTITUTE the use of plastic films that are one of the key causes of microplastic emission for denim application.

“Blue” seems to be the new colour of Bemberg™, in fact, the company in early November 2022 announced, at the Blue Friday initiative by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), the achievement of the OK biodegradable MARINE certification, which guarantees the biodegradability of its products even in the marine environment, as certified by TÜV AUSTRIA, meaning a lot in the context of microplastics in water issue solutions. This Bemberg™ certification’s achievement comes on top of other key ones such as the INNOVHUB report that confirms Bemberg™ biodegradability in soil without releasing hazardous substances, the RCS by Textile Exchange, and the Oeko-Tex Standard 100 and ISO 14001 corporate certifications.

