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Trevira CS: Rückblick 2022 anlässlich der Heimtextil

Das zurückliegende Jahr war von Krisen gekennzeichnet: Die anhaltende Corona Pandemie, gestörte Lieferketten sowie die durch den Ukrainekrieg ausgelöste Energiekrise prägten die weltwirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Auch das Geschäft mit flammhemmenden Trevira Fasern und Filamentgarnen geriet unter diesen Einflüssen unter Druck, insbesondere aufgrund der rasant ansteigenden Energie- und Rohstoffkosten. Polyesterprodukte sind hier in besonderem Maße betroffen, da sie zum einen in energieintensiven Herstellungsverfahren produziert und zum anderen aus Erdölderivaten hergestellt werden.

Insgesamt war 2022 für den Bereich der schwer entflammbaren Trevira Fasern und Filamentgarne ein anspruchsvolles Jahr. Aufgrund der massiv ansteigenden Energiekosten und der davon getriebenen Inflation war es unvermeidbar, Preisanpassungen vorzunehmen. Die generell vorherrschende große Verunsicherung im Markt führte auch auf dem europäischen Objektmarkt zu einer Kaufzurückhaltung, die im 4. Quartal ihren Höhepunkt erreichte. Insgesamt ist das Unternehmen für 2023 leicht optimistisch gestimmt, erwartet aber eine Erholung des Marktes erst wieder im 2. – 3. Quartal.

Das zurückliegende Jahr war von Krisen gekennzeichnet: Die anhaltende Corona Pandemie, gestörte Lieferketten sowie die durch den Ukrainekrieg ausgelöste Energiekrise prägten die weltwirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Auch das Geschäft mit flammhemmenden Trevira Fasern und Filamentgarnen geriet unter diesen Einflüssen unter Druck, insbesondere aufgrund der rasant ansteigenden Energie- und Rohstoffkosten. Polyesterprodukte sind hier in besonderem Maße betroffen, da sie zum einen in energieintensiven Herstellungsverfahren produziert und zum anderen aus Erdölderivaten hergestellt werden.

Insgesamt war 2022 für den Bereich der schwer entflammbaren Trevira Fasern und Filamentgarne ein anspruchsvolles Jahr. Aufgrund der massiv ansteigenden Energiekosten und der davon getriebenen Inflation war es unvermeidbar, Preisanpassungen vorzunehmen. Die generell vorherrschende große Verunsicherung im Markt führte auch auf dem europäischen Objektmarkt zu einer Kaufzurückhaltung, die im 4. Quartal ihren Höhepunkt erreichte. Insgesamt ist das Unternehmen für 2023 leicht optimistisch gestimmt, erwartet aber eine Erholung des Marktes erst wieder im 2. – 3. Quartal.

Im Bereich der flammhemmenden Stapelfasern wird 2022 mengenmäßig in etwa auf Vorjahresniveau abgeschlossen. Dabei lag das Unternehmen nach den ersten 9 Monaten noch gut 10 % über der Vorjahresmenge, was aber durch einen deutlichen Nachfragerückgang im vierten Quartal relativiert wurde.

Hervorzuheben ist die starke Nachfrage nach recycelten Fasern (pre-consumer) für den Einsatz in Trevira CS eco Textilien. Aufgrund von Verzögerungen konnten in der Anlaufphase die nachgefragten Mengen nicht vollumfänglich bedient werden. Für 2023 werden deutliche Wachstumspotentiale gesehen. Die Investition in einen neuen Schmelzefilter für eine der Spinnanlagen wird durch die hiermit verbundene Prozessoptimierung dazu beitragen, die steigenden Nachfrage besser erfüllen zu können. Als besonders robust hat sich unser Geschäft in Italien und in der Türkei erwiesen, wo wir die uns gesetzten Ziele für 2022 erreicht haben.

Auch im Bereich der flammhemmenden Filamentgarne wurden die Ziele für 2022 mengenmäßig mit ca. 4 % unter Plan leicht unterschritten. Das Trevira CS Geschäft hat seinen Fokus nach wie vor auf Europa, mit den wichtigsten Märkten Italien, Deutschland und Skandinavien. Eine starke Nachfrage ist im Office-Bereich zu verzeichnen, wo Garne mit hohen Scheuerbeständigkeiten zum Einsatz kommen.   

Für 2023 formuliert Trevira CS bei flammhemmenden Filamentgarnen ein Wachstumsziel von 5 %. Generiert werden soll dieses durch neue Produktentwicklungen und die Verstärkung der Aktivitäten im Schifffahrtsbereich und im türkischen Markt.


Trevira GmbH


HeiQ and BekaertDeslee: Exclusive Supply Agreement for HeiQ Allergen* Tech

HeiQ Allergen* Tech will power a new and improved generation of Purotex, a BekaertDeslee product through its exclusive application to mattress ticking aiming to provide end-users with a good night’s sleep.

HeiQ Materials AG  has signed an Exclusive Supply Agreement with BekaertDeslee, a specialist in the development and manufacturing of mattress textiles, mattress covers, and on-trend sleep solutions, for the supply of HeiQ’s recently launched HeiQ Allergen* Tech.  

Under this agreement, BekaertDeslee will have exclusive worldwide rights to apply HeiQ Allergen* Tech to mattress ticking, which is used to cover mattresses. HeiQ Allergen* Tech, which was launched in October 2022, is a 100% biobased, naturally derived technology that reduces exposure to inanimate allergens such as house dust mite matter, and pet allergens with the help of active probiotics.

HeiQ Allergen* Tech will power a new and improved generation of Purotex, a BekaertDeslee product through its exclusive application to mattress ticking aiming to provide end-users with a good night’s sleep.

HeiQ Materials AG  has signed an Exclusive Supply Agreement with BekaertDeslee, a specialist in the development and manufacturing of mattress textiles, mattress covers, and on-trend sleep solutions, for the supply of HeiQ’s recently launched HeiQ Allergen* Tech.  

Under this agreement, BekaertDeslee will have exclusive worldwide rights to apply HeiQ Allergen* Tech to mattress ticking, which is used to cover mattresses. HeiQ Allergen* Tech, which was launched in October 2022, is a 100% biobased, naturally derived technology that reduces exposure to inanimate allergens such as house dust mite matter, and pet allergens with the help of active probiotics.

It has been granted the Allergy UK Seal of Approval by The British Allergy Foundation following a review and assessment of the technology. Additionally, an independent certification has shown that HeiQ Allergen* Tech successfully reduces 83,6% of cat (hair) allergen, 76,5% of dog (hair) allergen, and 96,6% of house dust mite matter allergen.

* Inanimate allergens such as house dust mite matter & pet allergens.


HeiQ Materials AG

Bild Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e. V.

Doppeltes Jubiläum für Sachgemäße Wäschepflege

2023 ist ein besonderes Jubiläumsjahr für die Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e. V.: Sie blickt auf 70 Jahre ihres Bestehens als Trägerin der RAL Gütezeichen zurück. Diese feiern parallel ihren 85sten Geburtstag. Beide Jubilare zusammen waren von Beginn an im Einsatz für die Güte- und Qualitätssicherung in der gewerblichen Wäschepflege.

2023 ist ein besonderes Jubiläumsjahr für die Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e. V.: Sie blickt auf 70 Jahre ihres Bestehens als Trägerin der RAL Gütezeichen zurück. Diese feiern parallel ihren 85sten Geburtstag. Beide Jubilare zusammen waren von Beginn an im Einsatz für die Güte- und Qualitätssicherung in der gewerblichen Wäschepflege.

„Der Gedanke, eine besondere Qualität auszuzeichnen, ist nichts Neues und war schon 1938 aktuell“, betont Dr. Timo Hammer, Geschäftsführer der Gütegemeinschaft. Damals wurde das Gütezeichen für sachgemäßes Waschen offiziell ins Leben gerufen. Hintergrund war eine Initiative für ein Gütezeichen „für sachgemäßes Waschen“, die drei Jahre zuvor von dem Wäschereibetreiber Willy Löcher aus Köln ausging. Doch anfangs gefiel nicht jedem die neue Idee, ein Gütezeichen für eine Dienstleistung zu schaffen. Bis dahin gab es nur Gütezeichen für Waren. Willy Löcher kämpfte für seine Ideale und warb auf Vorträgen und bei Tagungen für das neue Gütezeichen, schließlich stellten sich die Wäschereibetreiber mehrheitlich hinter seine Idee. „Von da an stand das RAL Gütezeichen für Sachgemäße Wäschepflege für besondere Qualität, Gütesicherung und Verbraucherschutz“, resümiert Timo Hammer, „und das tut es bis heute.“

„Nach den Vorkriegs- und Kriegswirren erreichten die gewerblichen Wäschereien in Deutschland relativ rasch wieder einen hohen technischen Stand“, erläutert Timo Hammer, „auch die Zulieferindustrie konnte dann wieder innovative Produkte in gleichbleibender Qualität liefern.“ So war im Jahr 1953 der Weg geebnet für die Gründung einer neuen Gütezeichengemeinschaft für sachgemäßes Waschen, für die wiederum Willy Löcher die Initiative ergriffen hat. Am 24. Februar 1953 ist das „Gütezeichen für sachgemäßes Waschen“ vom „RAL -Ausschuss für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung beim Deutschen Normenausschuss“ offiziell anerkannt worden.

Die Idee eines eigenen Gütezeichens stieß bei den Wäschereibesitzern auf großes Interesse, so dass Ende 1953 40 Wäschereien das Gütezeichen führen durfte. Timo Hammer: „Heute sind es über 400 Mitgliedsbetriebe, die ihren Kunden eine gleichbleibend hohe Wäschequalität, ein Hygienemanagement auf höchstem Niveau, einen textilen Werterhalt sowie einen schonenden und nachhaltigen Umgang mit Ressourcen gewährleisten. Dabei unterstützen wir sie als Gemeinschaft im heutigen herausfordernden Marktumfeld bestmöglich. In diesem Zusammenhang möchten wir aber keinesfalls für eine Art „Hygiene-Polizei“ gehalten werden, sondern wir setzen die Erfordernisse an Qualität und Hygiene konsequent um. Auch deshalb entwickeln wir das Gütezeichen stetig weiter und passen es den jeweils neuen Marktbedürfnissen an. In den kommenden Jahren dürfen wir auf einige neue Entwicklungen gespannt sein.“

Im Auftrag der Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e.V. ist der Prüfdienstleister Hohenstein für die Qualitätssicherung der Mitgliedsbetriebe weltweit zuständig. Die Hohenstein Experten beurteilen auch direkt vor Ort sowohl technische als auch hygienische Prozesse. Die Hohenstein Academy bietet speziell für Textilpflegebetriebe ein breites Spektrum an modernen Aus- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen, damit Mitarbeiter von Wäschereien den täglichen Anforderungen ihrer Arbeit noch besser gewachsen sind.

Obwohl die Gütezeichen für sachgemäße Wäschepflege zunächst nur für deutsche Wäschereibetriebe gedacht waren, haben sie sich in der Zwischenzeit auch in anderen Ländern etabliert. So dürfen heute zahlreiche gewerbliche Wäschereien in der Schweiz, Österreich, Frankreich, Belgien, Luxemburg, Polen, Slowenien, Slowakei, Tschechien, Kasachstan, Japan, China und Griechenland Gütezeichen führen. Die externen Kontrollen werden in den genannten Ländern dabei nach den gleichen Kriterien durchgeführt wie in Deutschland.


Gütegemeinschaft sachgemäße Wäschepflege e. V.

Graphik Freudenberg Performance Materials

Freudenberg: Technical packaging textiles with less CO2 emissions

By using a high share of recycled content in its Evolon® materials, Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) offers technical packaging textiles with a carbon footprint decreased by 35%. An independent LCA study showed additional benefits such as energy resource savings and lower water use. Furthermore, Evolon® fabrics provide sustainability benefits over the packaging entire life cycle thanks to high end performance and durability.

By replacing virgin PET with recycled PET, the cradle-to-gate carbon footprint of Evolon® packaging textile materials decreased by 35%. This is the result of a study by an independent LCA and eco-design consultancy firm, which made a Cradle-to-Gate assessment of several Evolon® products using virgin PET or recycled PET. The study was finalized in 2022 and conducted according to the principles of ISO 14040/ ISO 14044 standards, following the recommendations of the Product Environmental Footprint and the Circular Footprint Formula.

By using a high share of recycled content in its Evolon® materials, Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) offers technical packaging textiles with a carbon footprint decreased by 35%. An independent LCA study showed additional benefits such as energy resource savings and lower water use. Furthermore, Evolon® fabrics provide sustainability benefits over the packaging entire life cycle thanks to high end performance and durability.

By replacing virgin PET with recycled PET, the cradle-to-gate carbon footprint of Evolon® packaging textile materials decreased by 35%. This is the result of a study by an independent LCA and eco-design consultancy firm, which made a Cradle-to-Gate assessment of several Evolon® products using virgin PET or recycled PET. The study was finalized in 2022 and conducted according to the principles of ISO 14040/ ISO 14044 standards, following the recommendations of the Product Environmental Footprint and the Circular Footprint Formula.

Evolon® microfilament textiles have a small carbon footprint because their manufacturing process uses low CO2 energy sources. The fabrics are lightweight and can be reused throughout entire production programs, e.g. of a car model when it is about the automotive industry. Furthermore, the new Evolon® RE fabrics contain up to 85% of recycled PET which is produced in-house out of post-consumer PET bottles.

Evolon® textiles are suitable for reusable technical packaging, which eliminate the use of thousands of disposable packaging materials. Evolon® fabrics offer scratch-free, lint-free, high-end surface protection for molded plastic parts, painted parts and other sensitive industrial and automotive parts during transport. This contributes to lower the scrap rate of parts and provide both financial and ecological benefits. By using Evolon® reusable packaging to transport highly-sensitive parts, customers can increase their efficiency and save resources.


Freudenberg Performance Materials


Shelton Vision AI: Tailored machine learning solutions for the textiles industry

Over the past three years, a dedicated AI development team at BTMA member Shelton Vision has been developing tailored machine learning solutions for the textiles industry.

The aim has been to elevate the detection process and the accuracy of naming and grading subtle defects in textiles, in real time within production environments.

“Big Data ‘off-the-shelf’ systems such as those behind technolgies like facial recognition and Google Maps involve reading many thousands of single images each second and simply take too long to accumulate sufficient data for what’s required in this specific case,” says Shelton Vision CEO and Managing Director Mark Shelton. “A feature of the textile industry is that in many sectors, the product range changes several times within a year and it is not uncommon to have to inspect hundreds, if not thousands of different styles in a year based on precise settings.”

In terms of defect types, he adds, there may typically be over 100 that need to be accurately detected, classified (named) and graded in real time.

Over the past three years, a dedicated AI development team at BTMA member Shelton Vision has been developing tailored machine learning solutions for the textiles industry.

The aim has been to elevate the detection process and the accuracy of naming and grading subtle defects in textiles, in real time within production environments.

“Big Data ‘off-the-shelf’ systems such as those behind technolgies like facial recognition and Google Maps involve reading many thousands of single images each second and simply take too long to accumulate sufficient data for what’s required in this specific case,” says Shelton Vision CEO and Managing Director Mark Shelton. “A feature of the textile industry is that in many sectors, the product range changes several times within a year and it is not uncommon to have to inspect hundreds, if not thousands of different styles in a year based on precise settings.”

In terms of defect types, he adds, there may typically be over 100 that need to be accurately detected, classified (named) and graded in real time.

“Added to this is the need to ‘filter out’ the random occurrence of ‘non defects’, such as loose threads, lint and dust on the surface – the number of which can be higher than actual defects – and it is clear that a bespoke system is required.”
The development team has consequently established metadata for identifying defect properties, enabling the successful identification of faults from a much smaller number of images.

“The system employs a unique combination of machine learning for automated style training and novel algorithms for defect detection, to provide high quality images for the AI real time defect classification and grading software,” Shelton explains. “Due to the inherent variation in fabric features – raw materials, construction, texture, colour and finishes, as well as the differing product quality standards in value chains and the regional variations in what defects are called – our AI engine uses models built for each individual company or group of companies, or product value chain.”

The AI models are constructed so that the user operatives can populate them with their own data produced by the vision system or by obtaining defect images from another imaging source (eg a mobile phone camera).  

The occurrence of defects is sporadic and many defect types occur infrequently, although when they do, they can have severe consequences. These scenarios re-enforce the need for the AI engine to be quickly set up and able to operate accurately with limited data sets of typically between 30 and 50 good quality images per defect type.

A further feature is a tool enabling the user to periodically ‘clean up’ the AI data during the set up phase. This is used to resolve conflicting data and to correct mis-named images.

Generally, the highest cost component of fabric production is the raw material and in addition to finished product inspection, a cost effective use for vision systems is in process operation.

Generally, the highest cost component of fabric production is the raw material and in addition to finished product inspection, a cost effective use for vision systems is in process operation.

“There is a need for the real time detection of defects that are being created in separate processes, such as printing or coating and for real time automated systems that can accurately determine the defects and their severity and provide a reliable signal for an operative to rectify the issue, This can result in considerable savings.

Prior to Shelton introducing powerful customised machine vision and real time defect classification, the only systems available were those that required manual sifting through vast numbers of images, which included both real defects and ‘non defect’ images. The task was very often overwhelming and did not provide much benefit beyond manual fabric inspection.

More information:
Shelton Vision fabric inspection

AWOL for British Textile Machinery Association (BTMA)


Autoneum takes over automotive business of Borgers Group

January, 6 Autoneum signed an agreement to acquire the automotive business of Borgers. The transaction is expected to close in April 2023 following antitrust clearance. The enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

Borgers specializes in textile acoustics protection, insulation and trim for automobiles. The product and customer range of Borgers is to a great extent complementary to the product and customer portfolio of Autoneum. Borgers’ wheel arch liner and trunk liner product lines as well as their truck business optimally complement the product range of Autoneum. Especially in the field of textile wheel arch liners, Borgers is the market leader in Europe. In addition, Borgers’ product range is distinguished by sustainable and fully recyclable products. In fiscal year 2021, the Borgers Automo-tive Group generated revenue of EUR 610 million with around 4 700 employees. Thanks to Autoneum’s global presence, the Borgers product portfolio adds to the sales potential for profitable growth in the medium term outside Europe.

January, 6 Autoneum signed an agreement to acquire the automotive business of Borgers. The transaction is expected to close in April 2023 following antitrust clearance. The enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

Borgers specializes in textile acoustics protection, insulation and trim for automobiles. The product and customer range of Borgers is to a great extent complementary to the product and customer portfolio of Autoneum. Borgers’ wheel arch liner and trunk liner product lines as well as their truck business optimally complement the product range of Autoneum. Especially in the field of textile wheel arch liners, Borgers is the market leader in Europe. In addition, Borgers’ product range is distinguished by sustainable and fully recyclable products. In fiscal year 2021, the Borgers Automo-tive Group generated revenue of EUR 610 million with around 4 700 employees. Thanks to Autoneum’s global presence, the Borgers product portfolio adds to the sales potential for profitable growth in the medium term outside Europe.

Autoneum is acquiring Borgers from insolvency and has agreed new pricing and delivery terms with its customers. These will ensure sustained profitability and the further development of product and process technologies in both the short and long term.

The transaction will initially be financed through a new credit facility which is available in addition to the syndicated loan of CHF 350 million renewed in October 2022. A capital increase in the amount of approximately CHF 100 million is planned for the long-term refinancing of the acquisition. Autoneum’s two largest shareholders, Artemis Beteiligungen I AG and PCS Holding AG, have agreed to participate in the capital increase in proportion to their current shareholdings. Even taking into account the aforementioned capital increase, the transaction will generate a positive earn-ings per share contribution from the outset.


Autoneum Management AG

(c) Fraunhofer ICT

Fraunhofer CPM develop programmable material for ergonomic lying position

Many people across the world are bedridden – be it due to illness, an accident or old age. Because those affected often cannot move or turn over by themselves, they often end up with very painful bedsores. In the future, it should be possible to avoid bedsores with the help of materials that can be programmed to entirely adapt their form and mechanical properties. For example, the body support of mattresses made from programmable materials can be adjusted in any given area at the push of a button. Furthermore, the support layer is formed in such a way that strong pressure on one point can be distributed across a wider area. Areas of the bed where pressure is placed are automatically made softer and more elastic. Caregivers can also adjust the ergonomic lying position to best fit their patient.

Many people across the world are bedridden – be it due to illness, an accident or old age. Because those affected often cannot move or turn over by themselves, they often end up with very painful bedsores. In the future, it should be possible to avoid bedsores with the help of materials that can be programmed to entirely adapt their form and mechanical properties. For example, the body support of mattresses made from programmable materials can be adjusted in any given area at the push of a button. Furthermore, the support layer is formed in such a way that strong pressure on one point can be distributed across a wider area. Areas of the bed where pressure is placed are automatically made softer and more elastic. Caregivers can also adjust the ergonomic lying position to best fit their patient.

Materials and microstructuring
Materials for applications requiring specific changes to stiffness or shape are being developed by researchers from Fraunhofer CPM, which is formed of six core institutes with the aim of designing and producing programmable materials. So, how can we program materials? “Essentially, there are two key areas where adjustments can be made: the base material – thermoplastic polymers in the case of mattresses and metallic alloys for other applications, including shape memory alloys – and, more specifically, the microstructure,” explains Dr. Heiko Andrä, spokesperson on the topic at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, one of the Fraunhofer CPM core institutes. “The microstructure of these metamaterials is made up of unit cells that consist of structural elements such as small beams and thin shells.” While the size of each unit cell and its structural elements in conventional cellular materials, like foams, vary randomly, the cells in the programmable materials are also variable – but can be precisely defined, i.e., programmed. This programming can be made, for example, in such a way that pressure on a particular position will result in specific changes at other regions of the mattress, i.e., increase the size of the contact surface and provide optimal support to certain areas of the body.

Materials can also react to temperature or humidity
The change in shape that the material should exhibit and the stimuli to which it reacts - mechanical stress, heat, moisture or even an electric or magnetic field - can be determined by the choice of material and its microstructure.

The journey to application
A single piece of material can take the place of entire systems of sensors, regulators and actuators. The goal of Fraunhofer CPM is to reduce the complexity of systems by integrating their functionalities into the material and reducing material diversity. We always have industrial products in mind when developing the programmable materials. As such, we take mass production processes and material fatigue into account, among other things,” says Franziska Wenz, deputy spokesperson on the topic at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM, another core institute of Fraunhofer CPM. The initial pilot projects with industry partners are also already underway. The research team expects that initially, programmable materials will act as replacements for components in existing systems or be used in special applications such as medical mattresses, comfortable chairs, variable damping shoe soles and protective clothing. “Gradually, the proportion of programmable materials used will increase,” says Andrä. Ultimately, they can be used everywhere – from medicine and sporting goods to soft robotics and even space research.


Fraunhofer ITWM

(c) Oeko-Tex GmbH

OEKO-TEX®: New Branding for 30th anniversary

In its 30th year of dedication to safer textiles and leather, OEKO-TEX® has created a new brand identity. The global certifier of textile and leather products and production worked with branding agency Schwitzke ID to build the clear and unified OEKO-TEX® World.

Based on scientific principles, OEKO-TEX® has been promoting transparency in the textile and leather industry for three decades. Transparency is essential for enabling companies and consumers to make responsible decisions. “The new branding reflects the active, solution-oriented and positive approach. With our independent test institutes, we certify to clear, globally uniform criteria, which we communicate openly," says Inga Bleyer, Global Head of Marketing. "Our new look is clear, consistent and transparent."

In its 30th year of dedication to safer textiles and leather, OEKO-TEX® has created a new brand identity. The global certifier of textile and leather products and production worked with branding agency Schwitzke ID to build the clear and unified OEKO-TEX® World.

Based on scientific principles, OEKO-TEX® has been promoting transparency in the textile and leather industry for three decades. Transparency is essential for enabling companies and consumers to make responsible decisions. “The new branding reflects the active, solution-oriented and positive approach. With our independent test institutes, we certify to clear, globally uniform criteria, which we communicate openly," says Inga Bleyer, Global Head of Marketing. "Our new look is clear, consistent and transparent."

The most visible change is the new OEKO-TEX® logo, based on a geometric square and an organic circle, which reflect the scientific approach of OEKO-TEX® and the nature it aims to protect. The logo typo is supported by a stylized, organic form reminiscent of natural structures, such as leaves, drops or textile loops. The reduced colour palette highlights the umbrella brand with a new OEKO-TEX® Green plus black and white. A related colour palette supplements communication about OEKO-TEX® products. The product logos are subordinate to the umbrella brand, creating a unified hierarchy.

The lengthy transition period through 2024 considers sustainability. Customers should start the conversion now and may use any existing labels through the end of 2024.


Oeko-Tex GmbH


Zyler: Virtual try-on in fashion stores

  • Digital display experience platform, Raydiant, partners with Zyler to offer virtual try-on to fashion retailers in-store.

Digital display experience platform, Raydiant, is now offering an exciting new virtual try-on solution to their fashion retail customers. Virtual try-on is brought to stores by Zyler, fashion technology that allows customers to see themselves in any outfit without having to physically try them on.

This means that retail spaces can be transformed, maximizing space and making use of the latest innovations in fashion. When customers see themselves in items before purchase, they are more excited about the products, their confidence is boosted, and the brand becomes more inclusive. Customers shop and buy more, and are less likely to return the products they purchase. Raydiant presents this new virtual try-on offering in combination with their digital signage solutions.

  • Digital display experience platform, Raydiant, partners with Zyler to offer virtual try-on to fashion retailers in-store.

Digital display experience platform, Raydiant, is now offering an exciting new virtual try-on solution to their fashion retail customers. Virtual try-on is brought to stores by Zyler, fashion technology that allows customers to see themselves in any outfit without having to physically try them on.

This means that retail spaces can be transformed, maximizing space and making use of the latest innovations in fashion. When customers see themselves in items before purchase, they are more excited about the products, their confidence is boosted, and the brand becomes more inclusive. Customers shop and buy more, and are less likely to return the products they purchase. Raydiant presents this new virtual try-on offering in combination with their digital signage solutions.


Anthropics Technology

(c) Haelixa

Damteks and Haelixa collaborate: Tracing recycled acrylic fiber

Haelixa, the Swiss traceability company and Damteks Textiles have announced a collaboration to mark and trace recycled acrylic fiber. Damteks is offering their recycled yarn to customers whereby they are able to place an order with the unique Haelixa DNA already attached.

The Haelixa solution is DNA markers which are solved in liquid and applied to fibers as a fine spray. Spot checks are completed after spraying to determine the presence of DNA and identify the product. The test is based on PCR technology that is 100% reliable and has forensic validity.

Damteks saw an increase in demand for blended yarn in the last year. The request is most often a composition of 30% recycled fiber with 70% standard fiber. Brands are looking for options to be more sustainable and Damteks proactively sought out an answer. They are offering the yarn with Haelixa DNA to validate the recycled acrylic in the mix.

Haelixa, the Swiss traceability company and Damteks Textiles have announced a collaboration to mark and trace recycled acrylic fiber. Damteks is offering their recycled yarn to customers whereby they are able to place an order with the unique Haelixa DNA already attached.

The Haelixa solution is DNA markers which are solved in liquid and applied to fibers as a fine spray. Spot checks are completed after spraying to determine the presence of DNA and identify the product. The test is based on PCR technology that is 100% reliable and has forensic validity.

Damteks saw an increase in demand for blended yarn in the last year. The request is most often a composition of 30% recycled fiber with 70% standard fiber. Brands are looking for options to be more sustainable and Damteks proactively sought out an answer. They are offering the yarn with Haelixa DNA to validate the recycled acrylic in the mix.

The haelixa team visited the Damteks recycling facility in Istanbul to kick off the partnership that will continue throughout 2023. The traceability program has the DNA sprayed on the recycled fibers before spinning. The project also saw the use of a tailored Haelixa liquid sprayer designed by the team based in Switzerland. When manufacturers do not have built-in moisturizing systems, Haelixa provides them with a custom unit to shower the DNA liquid onto the fibers. This sprayer is engineered to match the mechanical processing of the customer.

Damteks is a family-owned business that pride itself in carefully selecting environmentally responsible options for its production processes. On top of the certifications they have obtained including - GRS, RCS, GOTS, OCS - Damteks decided to have their products "Marked and Traced by Haelixa" to add additional credibility and reliability. Damteks plans to offer marked and traced by Haelixa yarn in different dyes as their offering to brands.

More information:
DNA marker acrylic fiber


Grafik BVMed

Lieferketten-Sorgfaltspflichtengesetz: BVMed gibt MedTech-Unternehmen Orientierungshilfe

Am 1. Januar 2023 ist das Lieferketten-Sorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) in Kraft getreten. Die Unternehmen werden damit verpflichtet, Menschenrechte und Umweltbelange entlang ihrer globalen Lieferkette zu wahren. Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) unterstützt die Medizintechnik-Branche bei der praktischen Umsetzung der neuen LkSG-Pflichten mit einer kostenlosen Handreichung. Die Orientierungshilfe besteht aus insgesamt sechs Modulen, von denen nun auch Modul 3 „Ausgestaltung des Beschwerdemechanismus“ und Modul 5 „Jährliche Berichterstattung“ online gegangen sind. Zuvor waren bereits Module zum Anwendungsbereich, zur Compliance-Dokumentation und zur Ausgestaltung der Governance vom BVMed veröffentlicht worden. Die Module können unter heruntergeladen werden.

Am 1. Januar 2023 ist das Lieferketten-Sorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) in Kraft getreten. Die Unternehmen werden damit verpflichtet, Menschenrechte und Umweltbelange entlang ihrer globalen Lieferkette zu wahren. Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) unterstützt die Medizintechnik-Branche bei der praktischen Umsetzung der neuen LkSG-Pflichten mit einer kostenlosen Handreichung. Die Orientierungshilfe besteht aus insgesamt sechs Modulen, von denen nun auch Modul 3 „Ausgestaltung des Beschwerdemechanismus“ und Modul 5 „Jährliche Berichterstattung“ online gegangen sind. Zuvor waren bereits Module zum Anwendungsbereich, zur Compliance-Dokumentation und zur Ausgestaltung der Governance vom BVMed veröffentlicht worden. Die Module können unter heruntergeladen werden.

Das Gesetz gilt für alle Unternehmen, die in Deutschland mehr als 3.000 Mitarbeitende beschäftigen. Ab dem 1. Januar 2024 gilt es ab 1.000 Beschäftigte. Auch kleine und mittelständische Medizinprodukte-Hersteller und -Zulieferer können mittelbar betroffen sein. Dabei gilt das LkSG für sämtliche Wirtschaftsbereiche, also auch für das Gesundheitswesen einschließlich des Medizintechnik-Sektors.

„Unser Ziel ist es, mit den Publikationen zu einem einheitlichen Branchenstandard für die Implementierung des LkSG in Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen beizutragen. Damit erreichen wir Harmonisierung, Rechtssicherheit und Effizienz. Moderne Medizintechnologien dienen den Menschen und ihrer Gesundheitsversorgung. Hierbei müssen die Lebensgrundlagen der Menschen im Blick behalten werden. Menschenrechte müssen umfassend geachtet und sichergestellt werden. Dies muss ein zentrales Anliegen in einer globalisierten Welt mit komplexen Liefer- und Warenströmen sein“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll. Die Module wurden vom BVMed gemeinsam mit der Kanzlei Clifford Chance und der Produktkanzlei entwickelt.

Beschwerdemechanismus und jährliche Berichtserstattung
Die neu veröffentlichten Module 3 und 5 beleuchten die Ausgestaltung des Beschwerdemechanismus und die jährliche Berichtserstattung.

  • Nach § 8 LkSG sind die Unternehmen verpflichtet, ein angemessenes und unternehmensinternes Beschwerdeverfahren einzurichten, welches es Personen ermöglicht, auf menschenrechtliche und umweltbezogene Risiken sowie auf Verletzungen menschenrechts- und umweltbezogener Pflichten hinzuweisen. Das dritte Modul enthält Vorschläge für die Ausgestaltung des Beschwerdemechanismus.
  • Das fünfte Modul gibt eine Übersicht über die Mindestangaben, welche die Unternehmen im Rahmen ihrer jährlichen öffentlichen Berichterstattung nach § 10 Abs. 2 LkSG sowohl gegenüber der zuständigen Behörde, d. h. dem Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle („BAFA“), als auch gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit offenlegen müssen.
  • Modul 4 zur Risikoanalyse, -priorisierung, -prävention und -abhilfe folgt bis Ende Januar 2023.

„Das LkSG begründet umfangreiche Sorgfaltspflichten zum Schutz von menschenrechtlichen und umweltbezogenen Belangen entlang der gesamtem Lieferkette“, erläutern BVMed-Nachhaltigkeitsexpertin Clara Allonge sowie BVMed-Rechtsexpertin Dr. Katja Marx. Die Pflichten umfassen unter anderem die Risikoermittlung, -vermeidung und -beseitigung, die Einrichtung einer Überwachungsfunktion – in der Regel durch eine:n Menschenrechtsbeauftragte:n – und eines Beschwerdemechanismus, das Erstellen oder Ergänzen von Compliance-Dokumenten sowie die regelmäßige Berichterstattung. Die BVMed-Handreichung enthält zur Unterstützung der MedTech-Unternehmen praktische Umsetzungshilfen in Form von Beispielen, Musterformulierungen und Checklisten.

In Workshops des BVMed und der BVMed-Akademie werden die Pflichten vertieft erläutert und die Möglichkeit für Rückfragen gegeben.

Die kostenlose BVMed-Handreichung für Medizintechnik-Unternehmen besteht insgesamt aus den folgenden sechs Modulen:

  • Modul 0: Anwendungsbereich
  • Modul 1: (Compliance-)Dokumentation
  • Modul 2: Ausgestaltung der Governance
  • Modul 3: Ausgestaltung des Beschwerdemechanismus
  • Modul 4: Risikoanalyse, -priorisierung, -prävention und -abhilfe
  • Modul 5: Jährliche Berichterstattung

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

Photo Pure Denim

PureDenim & Bemberg ™: “Blue di Cupro” collection at Pitti Uomo

In occasion of the next edition of Pitti Uomo, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei – the unique fiber with a circular economy footprint obtained from cotton linters through a closed-loop process ensuring certified sustainability credentials through its transparent and traceable approach- reveals a very special Bemberg™ fabrics smart range dedicated to premium denimwear.

In occasion of the next edition of Pitti Uomo, Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei – the unique fiber with a circular economy footprint obtained from cotton linters through a closed-loop process ensuring certified sustainability credentials through its transparent and traceable approach- reveals a very special Bemberg™ fabrics smart range dedicated to premium denimwear.

This has been made possible thanks to the partnership with PureDenim, a leading Italian company whose strategy since 10 years is based on an entire re-design of the production system, inspired by circular economy principles that combines technology and innovative materials in order to offer the highest levels of design, innovation and real responsible values derived from an holistic approach to sustainability.
The “Blue di Cupro” collection is made with seven fabrics made with Bemberg™, either 100% Bemberg™ or in blend with cotton, wool, and it applies the most advanced Pure Denim Technologies. The Blue di cupro fabrics made with Bemberg™ will also be dyed with “Smart Indigo” an indigo dye technology internally produced by PureDenim, through a chemical-free production. The only elements involved are: water, indigo pigments, and electricity. In terms of finishing, fabrics’ looks and performances are enhanced by the “Eco Sonic” ultrasounds finishing technology which brings significant reduction of water used, increased aesthetic features and controlled discoloration. And last but not least every yarn used at PureDenim is protected by NaturalReco® a 100% natural product that completely SUBSTITUTE the use of plastic films that are one of the key causes of microplastic emission for denim application.

“Blue” seems to be the new colour of Bemberg™, in fact, the company in early November 2022 announced, at the Blue Friday initiative by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), the achievement of the OK biodegradable MARINE certification, which guarantees the biodegradability of its products even in the marine environment, as certified by TÜV AUSTRIA, meaning a lot in the context of microplastics in water issue solutions. This Bemberg™ certification’s achievement comes on top of other key ones such as the INNOVHUB report that confirms Bemberg™ biodegradability in soil without releasing hazardous substances, the RCS by Textile Exchange, and the Oeko-Tex Standard 100 and ISO 14001 corporate certifications.



(c) Devan Chemicals NV

Devan launches new allergen control technology at Heimtextil

Belgian textile innovator Devan Chemicals will launch Purissimo® NTL, a biobased and readily biodegradable allergen control technology, at the upcoming Heimtextil trade show in Frankfurt (January 10-13, 2023). It is based on probiotic encapsulation technology and can be applied to textiles during the finishing stage of the textile manufacturing process. Purissimo® NTL cleans up pet dander, pollen and house dust mite allergens in textiles throughout the home.

Purissimo® NTL is based on Devan’s already well-established probiotics, incorporated into a new microcapsule shell. The shell is based on a natural crosslinked biobased polymer, which results in microcapsules that are up to 97% biobased and readily biodegradable (OECD 301B).

Belgian textile innovator Devan Chemicals will launch Purissimo® NTL, a biobased and readily biodegradable allergen control technology, at the upcoming Heimtextil trade show in Frankfurt (January 10-13, 2023). It is based on probiotic encapsulation technology and can be applied to textiles during the finishing stage of the textile manufacturing process. Purissimo® NTL cleans up pet dander, pollen and house dust mite allergens in textiles throughout the home.

Purissimo® NTL is based on Devan’s already well-established probiotics, incorporated into a new microcapsule shell. The shell is based on a natural crosslinked biobased polymer, which results in microcapsules that are up to 97% biobased and readily biodegradable (OECD 301B).

Firstly, dormant probiotic bacteria (spores) are encapsulated. The microcapsule product is then integrated into textiles. Friction opens the capsules and releases the spores. The spores absorb humidity, self-activate and start to multiply. The probiotic bacteria start to consume the allergens that cause allergic reactions and asthma. Due to lower allergen concentration, individuals with respiratory allergies such as house dust mite matter, pet allergens and pollen allergens will have milder to no symptoms and hence a better well-being feeling.

Purissimo® NTL can be used on a wide range of textiles such as mattresses, pillows, bedcovers, blankets but also upholstered furniture, carpets, curtains and public transportation and pet items, such as bedding. It is Oeko-tex® compliant, has a long-lasting effect and a wash durability up to 30 washes is achievable.


Devan Chemicals NV


Renewcell starts deliveries of Circulose® pulp from Renewcell 1

December 29, Renewcell dispatched the first shipment of Circulose® dissolving pulp produced at its Renewcell 1 plant in Sundsvall to a customer. This sale is the latest step in the ramp-up of Renewcell 1 to its initial capacity of 60,000 tonnes per year.

Founded by innovators from Stockholm’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2012, Re:NewCell AB (publ) (‘Renewcell’) is a multi-award-winning sustaintech company based in Sweden. The company’s vision is to make fashion circular. Through its patented process, Renewcell is able to recycle cellulosic textile waste, such as worn-out cotton clothes and production scraps, transforming it into a pristine new material called Circulose®.

December 29, Renewcell dispatched the first shipment of Circulose® dissolving pulp produced at its Renewcell 1 plant in Sundsvall to a customer. This sale is the latest step in the ramp-up of Renewcell 1 to its initial capacity of 60,000 tonnes per year.

Founded by innovators from Stockholm’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2012, Re:NewCell AB (publ) (‘Renewcell’) is a multi-award-winning sustaintech company based in Sweden. The company’s vision is to make fashion circular. Through its patented process, Renewcell is able to recycle cellulosic textile waste, such as worn-out cotton clothes and production scraps, transforming it into a pristine new material called Circulose®.



(c) Recover™

Tillys partners with Recover™

California born and bred, Tillys is one of fashion’s leading specialty casualwear retailers. And now, thanks to its collaboration with Recover™ , their premium denim brand RSQ, it is set to become a leader of sustainable fashion.

The three brands – Tillys, Recover™ and RSQ – have come together to create a sustainable capsule collection. The new collection includes classic-inspired denim, a tee, and an on-trend chore jacket, all of which contain a minimum of 20% of Recover’s low-impact recycled cotton fiber. To shop the exclusive Recover™ pieces in the RSQ collection, go to or visit one of Tillys stores across 33 states.

To bring this collaboration to life, textile waste has been salvaged that would otherwise end up in a landfill to create high-quality recycled fiber that Tillys used to produce its premium-quality RSQ collection. Using recycled fiber significantly reduces the carbon and water footprint compared to apparel made with virgin fiber. This collaboration models how post-industrial textile waste can be integrated back into the system creating a more sustainable production model.

California born and bred, Tillys is one of fashion’s leading specialty casualwear retailers. And now, thanks to its collaboration with Recover™ , their premium denim brand RSQ, it is set to become a leader of sustainable fashion.

The three brands – Tillys, Recover™ and RSQ – have come together to create a sustainable capsule collection. The new collection includes classic-inspired denim, a tee, and an on-trend chore jacket, all of which contain a minimum of 20% of Recover’s low-impact recycled cotton fiber. To shop the exclusive Recover™ pieces in the RSQ collection, go to or visit one of Tillys stores across 33 states.

To bring this collaboration to life, textile waste has been salvaged that would otherwise end up in a landfill to create high-quality recycled fiber that Tillys used to produce its premium-quality RSQ collection. Using recycled fiber significantly reduces the carbon and water footprint compared to apparel made with virgin fiber. This collaboration models how post-industrial textile waste can be integrated back into the system creating a more sustainable production model.

“We are delighted to celebrate this new partnership with Tillys, helping to reduce the environmental impacts created by the fashion industry and pave the way towards a more sustainable future.”
– Alfredo Ferre, CEO Recover™



(c) Trützschler

Trützschler and Valérius 360 start collaborative project for recycled yarn

Valérius 360 wanted to make a sustainable, circular approach possible in the fashion industry. Working together with Trützschler, a collaborative project has now achieved high-quality recycled yarn – opening up massive potential to drive measurable progress toward a circular and sustainable textile industry.

Testing at the Trützschler Technical Center
The team from Valérius 360 wanted to find ways of improving the processes for yarns made from 50 % recycled and 50 % virgin cotton (Ne30). In particular, it was seeking ways to reduce thick and thin spots, which disturb the appearance of the textile surface.

At the Trützschler Technical Center in Mönchengladbach, they conducted special trials that showed that using a direct spinning process for this application delivers much better results than a process with a draw frame passage for rotor yarns.

In direct spinning, the sliver from the card is directly drawn in the draw frame which is integrated in the can stock. This involves one less process step than using an autoleveller draw frame, while also saving space and giving staff more time for other operations.

Valérius 360 wanted to make a sustainable, circular approach possible in the fashion industry. Working together with Trützschler, a collaborative project has now achieved high-quality recycled yarn – opening up massive potential to drive measurable progress toward a circular and sustainable textile industry.

Testing at the Trützschler Technical Center
The team from Valérius 360 wanted to find ways of improving the processes for yarns made from 50 % recycled and 50 % virgin cotton (Ne30). In particular, it was seeking ways to reduce thick and thin spots, which disturb the appearance of the textile surface.

At the Trützschler Technical Center in Mönchengladbach, they conducted special trials that showed that using a direct spinning process for this application delivers much better results than a process with a draw frame passage for rotor yarns.

In direct spinning, the sliver from the card is directly drawn in the draw frame which is integrated in the can stock. This involves one less process step than using an autoleveller draw frame, while also saving space and giving staff more time for other operations.

On-site support from Trützschler Customer Service
The team from Valérius 360 also received in-house training from the Trützschler Customer Service department. Together, they analyzed and significantly improved the process at the Valérius 360 production site. This helped to bring yarns made from recycled raw materials up to the required level of the 50% Usterstatistics. This is the reference level for yarns made from virgin raw materials. Accordingly, 50 % of all yarn producers with raw cotton for rotor yarns and comparable yarn counts produce a poorer quality.


Trützschler Group SE

(c) Speidel

Speidel: Neue Wäscheserie mit TENCEL™ Lyocellfasern

Die neue Serie „simply“ aus 93% CO2-neutraler TENCEL™ Lyocellfaser und 7% Elasthan LYCRA® ist für den Wäschehersteller Speidel eine weitere Produktinnovation ganz im Sinne der Speidel Firmenphilosophie mit klimaneutralem Headquarter.

Mit CO2-neutraler TENCEL™ Lyocellfaser ergänzt Speidel sein bereits bestehendes nachhaltiges Basic Sortiment. Denn die Fasern sind gemäß der Richtlinie des CP-Protokolls als klimaneutrale Produkte für die Textilindustrie zertifiziert. Und sie können noch mehr: Die Wasseraufnahmefähigkeit der Fasern ist 50 Prozent höher als die von Baumwolle. So wird Feuchtigkeit zuverlässig vom Körper weggeleitet, sodass Bakterien und unangenehme Gerüche keine Chance haben. Auf diese Weise verleihen die Wäschestücke der brandneuen Serie der Haut ein kühles und trockenes Gefühl.

Die neue Serie „simply“ aus 93% CO2-neutraler TENCEL™ Lyocellfaser und 7% Elasthan LYCRA® ist für den Wäschehersteller Speidel eine weitere Produktinnovation ganz im Sinne der Speidel Firmenphilosophie mit klimaneutralem Headquarter.

Mit CO2-neutraler TENCEL™ Lyocellfaser ergänzt Speidel sein bereits bestehendes nachhaltiges Basic Sortiment. Denn die Fasern sind gemäß der Richtlinie des CP-Protokolls als klimaneutrale Produkte für die Textilindustrie zertifiziert. Und sie können noch mehr: Die Wasseraufnahmefähigkeit der Fasern ist 50 Prozent höher als die von Baumwolle. So wird Feuchtigkeit zuverlässig vom Körper weggeleitet, sodass Bakterien und unangenehme Gerüche keine Chance haben. Auf diese Weise verleihen die Wäschestücke der brandneuen Serie der Haut ein kühles und trockenes Gefühl.

Zur neuen Serie „simply“ gehören drei moderne Slipformen: Minislip, Midislip und Pant. Sie werden ergänzt durch Soft BH und Schalen BH Triangle (verfügbar bis Cup D), sowie ein Achselhemd. Alle Teile bestehen aus 93% Lyocell TENCEL™ und 7% Elasthan LYCRA®. Slips und Hemdchen begleiten dank flacher Verarbeitung und ohne störende Seitennähte bequem durch den Tag. Die Serie erscheint sowohl in klassischem Schwarz und Weiß als auch in modernem Frappé und Lapis, und ab Juni 2023 erhältlich.


Speidel GmbH


Avgol® announces new line investment at US facility

Avgol® has announced a significant investment in a new high-speed, high-capacity flexible multiple beam production line at its facility in Mocksville, USA.

Avgol, an Indorama Ventures Limited company, is a leader in the hygiene market with a comprehensive range of ultra-lightweight spun-melt nonwoven fabrics. This new, sixth line at the company’s facility in Mocksville will see Avgol investing in new Reicofil 5 (RF5) technology and underlines the company’s commitment to the region as a domestic supplier. The investment will deliver biocomponent and corresponding high-loft capabilities, with the line producing materials for applications that meet the needs of upper tier products for Hygiene customers.

As part of the investment, Avgol is also introducing extra capacity for meltblown production, ensuring a continuous supply of this critical material for both the region and customers worldwide.

Another aspect of the investment includes the addition of cutting-edge lamination capabilities, which enables Avgol to offer enhanced performance products into the existing markets the company serves, as well as to explore new opportunities in other markets.

Avgol® has announced a significant investment in a new high-speed, high-capacity flexible multiple beam production line at its facility in Mocksville, USA.

Avgol, an Indorama Ventures Limited company, is a leader in the hygiene market with a comprehensive range of ultra-lightweight spun-melt nonwoven fabrics. This new, sixth line at the company’s facility in Mocksville will see Avgol investing in new Reicofil 5 (RF5) technology and underlines the company’s commitment to the region as a domestic supplier. The investment will deliver biocomponent and corresponding high-loft capabilities, with the line producing materials for applications that meet the needs of upper tier products for Hygiene customers.

As part of the investment, Avgol is also introducing extra capacity for meltblown production, ensuring a continuous supply of this critical material for both the region and customers worldwide.

Another aspect of the investment includes the addition of cutting-edge lamination capabilities, which enables Avgol to offer enhanced performance products into the existing markets the company serves, as well as to explore new opportunities in other markets.



Avgol by Indorama Ventures Limited / PHD Marketing Ltd

Foto: Mondi, PR233

Mondi veröffentlicht Verbrauchertrendumfrage zu eCommerce-Verpackungen

Mondi, ein führendes Unternehmen für nachhaltige Verpackungen und Papier, veröffentlicht seine jährliche Verbrauchertrendumfrage, die einen tiefen Einblick in das Online-Einkaufsverhalten und die Einstellung der Verbraucher zu Verpackungen bietet. Die von RetailX durchgeführte Umfrage ist die bisher umfassendste Studie mit jeweils 1.000 Verbrauchern in Frankreich, Deutschland, Polen, Schweden und der Türkei. Erstmals beinhaltet sie auch eine Analyse von Generationenunterschieden im Online-Shopping-Verhalten.

Da drei Viertel der Kunden in den fünf Märkten mindestens einmal im Monat online einkaufen und durchschnittlich 12 bis 120 € pro Monat ausgeben, ist es wichtig zu wissen, warum sie sich für einen Online-Einkauf entscheiden, ebenso wie das Verständnis der eCommerce-Funktionen, die sie am meisten schätzen. Mode ist das stärkste Produktsegment, gefolgt von Haushaltswaren, Unterhaltungselektronik und Schönheitsprodukten. Die Umfrage bestätigt, dass die Haupttreiber für Online-Shopping über Generationen und Länder hinweg niedrigere Preise und Bequemlichkeit sind, insbesondere Zeitersparnis und Direktlieferung nach Hause.

Mondi, ein führendes Unternehmen für nachhaltige Verpackungen und Papier, veröffentlicht seine jährliche Verbrauchertrendumfrage, die einen tiefen Einblick in das Online-Einkaufsverhalten und die Einstellung der Verbraucher zu Verpackungen bietet. Die von RetailX durchgeführte Umfrage ist die bisher umfassendste Studie mit jeweils 1.000 Verbrauchern in Frankreich, Deutschland, Polen, Schweden und der Türkei. Erstmals beinhaltet sie auch eine Analyse von Generationenunterschieden im Online-Shopping-Verhalten.

Da drei Viertel der Kunden in den fünf Märkten mindestens einmal im Monat online einkaufen und durchschnittlich 12 bis 120 € pro Monat ausgeben, ist es wichtig zu wissen, warum sie sich für einen Online-Einkauf entscheiden, ebenso wie das Verständnis der eCommerce-Funktionen, die sie am meisten schätzen. Mode ist das stärkste Produktsegment, gefolgt von Haushaltswaren, Unterhaltungselektronik und Schönheitsprodukten. Die Umfrage bestätigt, dass die Haupttreiber für Online-Shopping über Generationen und Länder hinweg niedrigere Preise und Bequemlichkeit sind, insbesondere Zeitersparnis und Direktlieferung nach Hause.

Die fünf wichtigsten Trends sind:

Trend Nr. 1: Warenschutz und Umwelterwägungen sind nach wie vor zwei der stärksten Kundenanforderungen
94% der Verbraucher nennen den Schutz von Waren als ihren wichtigsten Faktor, insbesondere wenn es sich um Wertprodukte handelt. Es folgt die Leichtigkeit des Abschlusses für Rücksendungen, die von 74% im Jahr 2019 auf 88% in diesem Jahr gestiegen ist.

Trend Nr. 2: Zu große Transportverpackung kostet mehr als erwartet
Übergroße Verpackungen ärgern 86% der Verbraucher, gegenüber 79% im Jahr 2021, und übermäßige Innenverpackungen ärgern 78% der Kunden. Tatsächlich gaben mehr als zwei Drittel (67%) der Befragten in den fünf Ländern an, dass eine Überverpackung Kunden davon abhalten würde, bei der Marke zu kaufen.

Trend Nr. 3: Der Moment des Auspackens zählt
Beim Verpacken geht es nicht nur um Funktionalität; es geht um die Gesamterfahrung. Diese Umfrage ergab, dass das Bewusstsein für „Unboxing“ in vielen Märkten steigt. In Polen zum Beispiel hatten 2019 32% der Verbraucher von „Unboxing“ gehört, verglichen mit 66% in diesem Jahr. Im Jahr 2021 gaben 46% der Befragten an, dass ein einzigartiges Auspackerlebnis, das von herausragenden Produktverpackungen inspiriert ist, sie davon überzeugen würde, erneut bei demselben Einzelhändler zu bestellen. In diesem Jahr ist dieser Anteil auf 78% gestiegen.

Trend Nr. 4: Verbraucher sind zunehmend bereit, für eine bedarfsgerechte Verpackung einen kleinen Aufpreis zu zahlen
Verbraucher geben an, dass sie zunehmend bereit sind, etwa 1 € mehr für eine Verpackung zu zahlen, die ihren Bedürfnissen am besten entspricht. Die Zahlungsbereitschaft für Best-Fit-Verpackungen stieg von 48% in Polen im Jahr 2021 auf 81% in diesem Jahr und von 56% im Jahr 2021 in Deutschland auf 70% im Jahr 2022. Insgesamt sind in den fünf Märkten 72% der Verbraucher bereit, dafür zu zahlen Verpackung, wobei Generation Z (80%) und Millennials (74%) am ehesten zustimmen.

Trend Nr. 5: Das Verhalten und die Trends der Millennials bestimmen den Markt
Dies sind Kunden, die am häufigsten online einkaufen und am ehesten mindestens einmal am Tag (8%) und mehr als einmal pro Woche (37%) online einkaufen. Sie geben auch sektorübergreifend viel aus. Ihre Ansichten gehören auch zu den stärksten, wobei Millennials die verschiedenen Verpackungsmerkmale im Vergleich zu anderen Generationen am ehesten als entscheidend für sie einstufen. Sie sind auch die Generation mit der größten Zahlungsbereitschaft für eine bedarfsgerechte Verpackung.

(c) Dent Instrumentation

BTMA: Sensor specialist becomes employee owned

BTMA member Dent Instrumentation – a specialist in contactless yarn sensors – has become an employee-owned business following the formation of a new Employee Ownership Trust (EOT).

The company, based in Colne, Lancashire, has been family owned since its founder Geoffrey Dent secured a patent for the very first contactless yarn sensor in the 1960s. It has been successfully run by his son Andrew and the family for many years.
“This deal ensures a smooth succession as well as the preservation of the company’s core family values and the Dent Instrumentation name,” said Managing Director Colin Hull. “The EOT structure will maintain the integrity of the business for years to come.”

The liability of Dent sensors makes them integral to the yarn spinning and winding processes and they have become a standard throughout the textile industry, recognised for their quality, performance and value. They are used by major manufacturers of textiles and textile machinery under either Dent or OEM machine builder brands.

BTMA member Dent Instrumentation – a specialist in contactless yarn sensors – has become an employee-owned business following the formation of a new Employee Ownership Trust (EOT).

The company, based in Colne, Lancashire, has been family owned since its founder Geoffrey Dent secured a patent for the very first contactless yarn sensor in the 1960s. It has been successfully run by his son Andrew and the family for many years.
“This deal ensures a smooth succession as well as the preservation of the company’s core family values and the Dent Instrumentation name,” said Managing Director Colin Hull. “The EOT structure will maintain the integrity of the business for years to come.”

The liability of Dent sensors makes them integral to the yarn spinning and winding processes and they have become a standard throughout the textile industry, recognised for their quality, performance and value. They are used by major manufacturers of textiles and textile machinery under either Dent or OEM machine builder brands.