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CRAFT: Joggen für weniger Müll (c) CRAFT
CRAFT startet „Plogging Challenge“

CRAFT: Joggen für weniger Müll

  • CRAFT startet „Plogging Challenge“ mit ausgewählten Händlern

Zur Vorstellung seiner neuen Schuhkollektion startet der schwedische Funktionsbekleidungsspezialist CRAFT zusammen mit dem Handel eine Test-Event-Reihe der nachhaltigen Art. Bei der „CRAFT-Plogging-Challenge“ geht es nicht nur ums Laufen, sondern gleichzeitig darum, Müll zu sammeln. Die Idee haben die Schweden aus ihrer Heimat und bringen sie nun auf die deutschen Laufpfade.

Plogging setzt sich aus dem schwedischen Wort „plocka“, das ins Deutsche übersetzt soviel wie „sammeln“ heißt, und Jogging zusammen. Entwickelt wurde Plogging 2016 vom Schweden Erik Ahlström. Er war von herumliegendem Müll auf seiner Laufrunden so genervt, dass er eine ganz einfache Lösung dafür fand. Er sammelte den Müll einfach während des Joggens ein, schuf ganz nebenbei einen Trend und eine neue Art von Ganzkörper-Workout – denn das Müllsammeln lässt sich einwandfrei mit Kniebeugen oder Burpees verbinden.

  • CRAFT startet „Plogging Challenge“ mit ausgewählten Händlern

Zur Vorstellung seiner neuen Schuhkollektion startet der schwedische Funktionsbekleidungsspezialist CRAFT zusammen mit dem Handel eine Test-Event-Reihe der nachhaltigen Art. Bei der „CRAFT-Plogging-Challenge“ geht es nicht nur ums Laufen, sondern gleichzeitig darum, Müll zu sammeln. Die Idee haben die Schweden aus ihrer Heimat und bringen sie nun auf die deutschen Laufpfade.

Plogging setzt sich aus dem schwedischen Wort „plocka“, das ins Deutsche übersetzt soviel wie „sammeln“ heißt, und Jogging zusammen. Entwickelt wurde Plogging 2016 vom Schweden Erik Ahlström. Er war von herumliegendem Müll auf seiner Laufrunden so genervt, dass er eine ganz einfache Lösung dafür fand. Er sammelte den Müll einfach während des Joggens ein, schuf ganz nebenbei einen Trend und eine neue Art von Ganzkörper-Workout – denn das Müllsammeln lässt sich einwandfrei mit Kniebeugen oder Burpees verbinden.

Die Schweden von CRAFT ließen sich von ihrem Landsmann inspirieren und bringen Plogging nun mit ausgewählten Händlern auch auf die deutschen Laufwege. Die „CRAFT-Plogging-Challenge“ ist ein Laufschuhtest der nachhaltigen Art. Dabei haben interessierte Endverbraucher die Möglichkeit, die neuesten Laufschuhe von CRAFT zu testen und dabei auch noch etwas für die Umwelt zu tun. Die Event-Reihe findet in zahlreichen Städten statt und wird von der Kampagne #CraftPloggingChallenge auf den sozialen Medien flankiert. Dabei können begeisterte Plogger Bilder von sich mit ihrem gesammelten Müll posten, mit dem Hashtag #CraftPloggingChallenge markieren und Preise der Marke CRAFT gewinnen.

CRAFT Deutschland-Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann ist begeistert vom Trend und der Idee des „sauberen Laufens“: „Plogging ist eine so einfache wie geniale Sache. Wir alle überlegen uns aktuell, wie wir die  Sportindustrie und den Sport sauberer und nachhaltiger gestalten können. Gleichzeitig kennen wir alle das Problem von Müll auf unseren Park-, Wald- und Laufwegen. Mit Plogging kann jeder einen kleinen Teil beitragen. Wenn wir alle nur ein kleines Bisschen Müll beim Joggen aufheben, dann kann das im Zusammenspiel einen gewaltigen Unterschied machen. Ich bin gespannt und freue mich sehr auf die Events.“

Die „CRAFT-Plogging-Challenge“ wird in insgesamt sieben Orten stattfinden:

• Marburg – Svens Laufladen // tbd.
• Wuppertal – Laufsport Bunert // 22. Oktober, 18:30 Uhr
• Lennestadt – Sport Schneider // 23. Oktober, 18 Uhr
• Neuss – Laufsport Bunert // 28. Oktober, 18 Uhr
• Bochum – SkiBo Tours & Sports GmbH // 30. Oktober, 17 Uhr
• Köln – Muskelkater Sport // 4. November, 17 Uhr
• Köln – Dauerlauf // 5. November, 15 Uhr
• Rheine – Shop // 13. November, 18 Uhr


CRAFT / NEW WAVE GmbH KGK – Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation

Tiger Drone (c) COBRA International / HG Robotics

COBRA delivers first 100 composite fuselage covers for cutting-edge drones

COBRA International is collaborating with HG Robotics, a leading drone manufacturer that specializes in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the agricultural market, on a composite fuselage cover for the cutting-edge Tiger Drones.

Undertaking a full range of services with HG Robotics and having been involved from the outset: from the design and engineering through to the prototyping of the composite drone fuselage cover, COBRA has now delivered nearly 100 sets and will produce approximately 500 units throughout 2019.

COBRA International is collaborating with HG Robotics, a leading drone manufacturer that specializes in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the agricultural market, on a composite fuselage cover for the cutting-edge Tiger Drones.

Undertaking a full range of services with HG Robotics and having been involved from the outset: from the design and engineering through to the prototyping of the composite drone fuselage cover, COBRA has now delivered nearly 100 sets and will produce approximately 500 units throughout 2019.

The multi-rotor Tiger Drones typically carry spraying equipment and can also carry high definition cameras that provide a wide range of field information. Farmers can measure land profiles, identify any problem plants or areas and manage their cultivation in the most efficient way. The 420 mm square shaped fuselage cover protects the drone’s electronic controls and forms an aerodynamic fairing between the central fuselage and the craft’s 4 rotor arms.
The COBRA Design and Development team selected a composite laminate of glass fibre reinforcements for the cover – which don’t interfere with GPS signals used by the drone - and combined these with epoxy laminating resins in a hand laminated, vacuum bag consolidated production process.

COBRA also designed all of the mould tools for the project. The 2-piece aluminium mould was produced by one of COBRA’s long-term tooling partners. This metallic tooling provides an excellent surface finish to the part with absolutely minimal trimming and finishing required.   Moulded parts can go swiftly through a painting and clear coating process before final inspection and delivery to the client.

Danu Chotikapanich, CEO of COBRA International comments: “Our collaboration with HG Robotics is going well, and we are hoping to collaborate further with them on other multi-rotor and fixed wing VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) drone models in the future. These are COBRA’s first parts for the agricultural industry, and they provide an exciting vision as to just a few of the possibilities for lightweight composites in this area and also in the wider commercial UAV market as a whole.”

More information:
glass fibers COBRA

COBRA International Ltd,

Farrow & Ball kooperiert mit dem Natural History Museum in London (c) Farrow & Ball
Farrow & Ball kooperiert mit dem Natural History Museum in London

Farrow & Ball kooperiert mit dem Natural History Museum in London

16 neue Farbtöne ergänzen ab September die Farbpalette
Premiere! Farrow & Ball kooperiert mit der weltweit berühmten Institution, dem Natural History Museum in London. Zum allerersten Mal in der Geschichte der Manufaktur wurden mit einem international bekannten Partner 16 neue Farbtöne entwickelt. Die Farbpalette „Colour by Nature“ ist ab dem 19. September erhältlich.

Farrow & Ball hat sich mit dem Natural History Museum in London zusammengetan, in dessen Archiv sich ein Exemplar der weltbekannten „Nomenklatur der Farben“ nach Abraham Werner befindet, um den Einsatz original naturgetreuer Farben im eigenen Zuhause zu ermöglichen. Colour by Nature ist daher nicht nur Ausdruck der gemeinsamen Faszination für Farben, sondern zeugt gleichzeitig von der Neugierde und dem Respekt gegenüber der Natur. 

16 neue Farbtöne ergänzen ab September die Farbpalette
Premiere! Farrow & Ball kooperiert mit der weltweit berühmten Institution, dem Natural History Museum in London. Zum allerersten Mal in der Geschichte der Manufaktur wurden mit einem international bekannten Partner 16 neue Farbtöne entwickelt. Die Farbpalette „Colour by Nature“ ist ab dem 19. September erhältlich.

Farrow & Ball hat sich mit dem Natural History Museum in London zusammengetan, in dessen Archiv sich ein Exemplar der weltbekannten „Nomenklatur der Farben“ nach Abraham Werner befindet, um den Einsatz original naturgetreuer Farben im eigenen Zuhause zu ermöglichen. Colour by Nature ist daher nicht nur Ausdruck der gemeinsamen Faszination für Farben, sondern zeugt gleichzeitig von der Neugierde und dem Respekt gegenüber der Natur. 


segmenta communications GmbH

When innovation meets passion: Canclini 1925 weaves Italian excellence through quality, style and service. (c) Canclini

When innovation meets passion: Canclini 1925 weaves Italian excellence through quality, style and service.

Artisan craft, experience and high eco-technological specialization: the great tradition of fabrics for shirts which styles the future.

Search for quality, the ability to interpret elegance and a product inspired by tradition, though always trendy: these are the distinctive traits which define the vocation of Canclini 1925, a point of reference worldwide for shirt fabric manufacturing. This expertise is implemented through dynamic creativity and 100% Made in Italy artisan  craft. These are the foundations which make the history and capability of Canclini 1925 unique, as standard bearer for everlasting style.

All this results from an authentic family tradition which, for three generations, has been the driving force of the company, shaping each collection. This passion is at the service of tireless search in terms of style and technology which underlies the whole Canclini 1925 innovative approach. The goal is to offer, through its fabrics, an inimitable experience, “creating wellbeing” and emotion through touch alone, respecting the environment and humans.

Artisan craft, experience and high eco-technological specialization: the great tradition of fabrics for shirts which styles the future.

Search for quality, the ability to interpret elegance and a product inspired by tradition, though always trendy: these are the distinctive traits which define the vocation of Canclini 1925, a point of reference worldwide for shirt fabric manufacturing. This expertise is implemented through dynamic creativity and 100% Made in Italy artisan  craft. These are the foundations which make the history and capability of Canclini 1925 unique, as standard bearer for everlasting style.

All this results from an authentic family tradition which, for three generations, has been the driving force of the company, shaping each collection. This passion is at the service of tireless search in terms of style and technology which underlies the whole Canclini 1925 innovative approach. The goal is to offer, through its fabrics, an inimitable experience, “creating wellbeing” and emotion through touch alone, respecting the environment and humans.

Founded in 1925, Canclini has always been a company able to combine extraordinary creativity and product care, established as a silk factory in the Como region. This tradition was renewed in the 1960s with the shift to the cotton sector, aiming more and more at customer service, developing a partnership and trust relation. Working with Canclini 1925 means reaching into the tradition of a family which has always been passionate about its work, dynamic, creative and focused on continuous innovation.

These are distinctive and qualifying elements in the Canclini 1925 approach. An approach which, in line with the research and development pathway on which the company has always invested substantial resources, also involves considerable attention the topic of environmental and social accountability. This commitment is confirmed by numerous and prestigious certifications in the company portfolio, starting from the careful selection of raw materials to its social commitment. More specifically, Canclini 1925 has been awarded the GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), SUPIMA COTTON (the Pima “Gossypium Barbadense” cotton, classified as Extra-long Staple) certifications, following the Standard 100 by OECO-TEX®, BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) and GRS (Global Recycle Standard). A comprehensive range of tools which, combined with its in-house know-how and expertise capital, enhances the portfolio of Canclini 1925 branded innovations.

This accountability approach also encompasses the social area with the association “Un sorriso in più” (“One extra smile”). Founded and managed by the company, it is a non-profit organisation engaged in projects which include assistance in nursing homes to elderly persons without family ties, as well as in the support to children living difficult and disadvantaged family situations, focusing its activity on “human life quality”. The uniqueness generated by this meeting between tradition and innovation is the driving force behind corporate research, as well as the truly distinctive reason for its style and technology development. The high-performance looms and technologies used make the company strong and flexible enough for contemporary market requirements. The trademark passion of the Canclini family completes the picture within which the company operates, true to an approach which is at the same time artisan and high-tech, a point of reference in Italy and worldwide.

Thanks to its substantial manufacturing capacity, Canclini today is present on all of the most influential shirt markets worldwide, and – with its new Blue 1925 line - also in the denim world. In this way the company has succeeded in positioning itself among major players in textile manufacturing, authentically Italian because of its farsighted  business vision, care for details and production flexibility. It is the approach which – over the years - has allowed the group to take over important enterprises in the sector, for example Hausmann-Moos and Profilo Tessile, Maglificio Mida and Grandi & Rubinelli.
According to Simone Canclini, CEO of Canclini 1925: “What characterises the Canclini 1925 spirit is first and foremost genuine passion driven by our inspiring principles: quality, style and service. These elements have allowed us to become and remain a point of reference worldwide, to rediscover the everyday – basic and exciting – emotion of choosing a special shirt”.


Hexcel to Exhibit at CAMX 2019

STAMFORD, Conn. – At this year’s CAMX conference, taking place on September 24-26 in Anaheim, CA (Booth L42), Hexcel will promote its broad portfolio of composite innovations for aerospace and industrial applications.

On display at the Hexcel booth, visitors will see an integrated wing panel demonstrator made with HiMax™ non-crimp reinforcements that were specially developed to complement a new generation of infusion resin systems. Visitors will also see a wing box demonstrator made from HiTape® dry carbon reinforcements. Both parts were injected with Hexcel’s RTM6 infusion resin and incorporate a toughening veil to enhance mechanical properties to meet the structural requirements for aerospace parts.

STAMFORD, Conn. – At this year’s CAMX conference, taking place on September 24-26 in Anaheim, CA (Booth L42), Hexcel will promote its broad portfolio of composite innovations for aerospace and industrial applications.

On display at the Hexcel booth, visitors will see an integrated wing panel demonstrator made with HiMax™ non-crimp reinforcements that were specially developed to complement a new generation of infusion resin systems. Visitors will also see a wing box demonstrator made from HiTape® dry carbon reinforcements. Both parts were injected with Hexcel’s RTM6 infusion resin and incorporate a toughening veil to enhance mechanical properties to meet the structural requirements for aerospace parts.

With 50 years of experience and the most qualified carbon fiber positions on aerospace programs in the industry with its comprehensive range of high-strength, high-strain PAN-based carbon fibers, Hexcel continues to innovate and is introducing a new fiber to its portfolio. HexTow® HM54 combines high modulus and high tensile strength, which allows structural designers to achieve higher safety margins for both stiffness and strength-critical applications. HexTow® carbon fibers are excellent not only for aerospace applications but also industrial and recreational applications. HexTow® carbon fibers are excellent not only for aerospace applications but also industrial and recreational applications, examples of golfing applications will be on display.

Additive manufacturing is on the forefront of innovation for composite technologies, and Hexcel is leading the way with its HexAM® additive manufacturing process. HexAM® additive manufacturing combines high performance PEKK thermoplastics with carbon fiber to produce flight-ready 3D printed HexPEKK® parts. HexPEKK® structures offer significant weight, cost and time-to-market reductions, replacing traditional cast or machined metallic parts in highly demanding aerospace, satellite and defense applications.

HexPly® M77 snap-cure prepregs are yet another example of Hexcel technology leading the way. HexPly® M77HF, the latest member of this quick-curing prepreg family, is revolutionizing the world of composites for high-performance sporting goods with its faster production times and excellent surface quality. It will be featured in the Hexcel booth in two products – a carbon fiber Goode water ski which is setting records in the competitive world with its precision and durability, and in a HED cycling wheel noted for its aerodynamics and light weight.

Among Hexcel’s latest technologies are the RF Interference Control materials made by ARC Technologies, a Hexcel company. A selection of these industry-leading custom RF / EMI and microwave absorbing composite materials for military, aerospace and industrial applications will be on display at the Hexcel booth.

HexForce® bias weave woven reinforcements are a patented solution to optimize material usage. These bias weave reinforcements are continuous rolls of carbon fiber fabric in which the warp and weft yarns are oriented on the bias at +/- 45° which can reduce prepreg waste up to 60%. Visitors at CAMX will be able to see this new woven reinforcement and learn more.



Mit hoher Schweißnahtfestigkeit und Langzeit-Temperaturbeständigkeit bis 230°C bietet Vydyne® XHT die richtigen Leistungseigenschaften für Bauteile im Motorraum, wie integrierte Lufteinlassverteiler. (c) Ascend Performance Materials APMPR038
Mit hoher Schweißnahtfestigkeit und Langzeit-Temperaturbeständigkeit bis 230°C bietet Vydyne® XHT die richtigen Leistungseigenschaften für Bauteile im Motorraum, wie integrierte Lufteinlassverteiler.

Ascend stellt seine neuen Produkte Vydyne® XHT, LCPA und HTPA auf der K 2019 vor

HOUSTON – Ascend Performance Materials kündigte heute die Markteinführung mehrerer neuer Spezial-Polyamide auf der K 2019 an, um den wachsenden Anforderungen seiner Kunden zu begegnen. Unter den neuen Produkten befinden sich langkettigen Polyamide, Vydyne® XHT und neue hochtemperatur Polyamide.

Vydyne XHT, ein neues Portfolio aus hitzestabilisiertem Polyamid 66 und Copolymeren, ist widerstandsfähig gegenüber Langzeittemperaturen von bis zu 230°C. Durch eine Kombination aus speziellen Polymerverbindungen und einer mehrstufigen Wärmestabilisierungstechnologie erweitern XHT-Produkte die Grenzen der Temperaturbeständigkeit – ohne Einbußen bei der Verarbeitbarkeit, Beständigkeit und den mechanischen Eigenschaften, für die PA66 bekannt ist.

„Bei Motoren mit unterschiedlichen Leistungen und Drehmomenten, sind konstante Werte bei hohen Temperaturen für Anwendungen unter der Motorhaube unverzichtbar“, so Vikram Gopal, Senior Vice President für Technologie bei Ascend. „Vydyne XHT wurde von uns entwickelt, um unseren Kunden, die sich heute mit unzureichender Leistung in einem engen Betriebsbereich begnügen müssen, eine Alternative zu bieten.“

HOUSTON – Ascend Performance Materials kündigte heute die Markteinführung mehrerer neuer Spezial-Polyamide auf der K 2019 an, um den wachsenden Anforderungen seiner Kunden zu begegnen. Unter den neuen Produkten befinden sich langkettigen Polyamide, Vydyne® XHT und neue hochtemperatur Polyamide.

Vydyne XHT, ein neues Portfolio aus hitzestabilisiertem Polyamid 66 und Copolymeren, ist widerstandsfähig gegenüber Langzeittemperaturen von bis zu 230°C. Durch eine Kombination aus speziellen Polymerverbindungen und einer mehrstufigen Wärmestabilisierungstechnologie erweitern XHT-Produkte die Grenzen der Temperaturbeständigkeit – ohne Einbußen bei der Verarbeitbarkeit, Beständigkeit und den mechanischen Eigenschaften, für die PA66 bekannt ist.

„Bei Motoren mit unterschiedlichen Leistungen und Drehmomenten, sind konstante Werte bei hohen Temperaturen für Anwendungen unter der Motorhaube unverzichtbar“, so Vikram Gopal, Senior Vice President für Technologie bei Ascend. „Vydyne XHT wurde von uns entwickelt, um unseren Kunden, die sich heute mit unzureichender Leistung in einem engen Betriebsbereich begnügen müssen, eine Alternative zu bieten.“

Das Portfolio von Vydyne XHT umfasst vier glasgefüllte Typen, die sich optimal für anspruchsvolle Anwendungen im Automobilbereich wie Ladeluftkühler, Luftansaugkrümmer, Abgasrückführung und Resonatoren eignen. Alle XHT-Typen bieten ein ausgezeichnetes Fließverhalten und eignen sich als Regranulat, wodurch überschüssiges Material wiederaufbereitet und die Produktionseffizienz gesteigert werden kann.

Ascend stellt außerdem ein neues Produktportfolio aus den langkettigen Polyamiden PA610 und PA612 vor. Mit ihrer geringen Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme und einer hohen Beständigkeit gegenüber Chemikalien und UV-Strahlung eignen sich die langkettigen Polyamiden für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen, darunter Monofilamente, Batterieabdichtungen, Kabelbinder, Automobilkühlsysteme, Kraftstoffanschlüsse sowie Sportartikel.

„Unsere Kunden sind Innovationstreiber und sehen steigende Anforderungen in ihren jeweiligen Branchen“, so Phil McDivitt, Präsident und Vorstandsvorsitzender bei Ascend. „Für größte Zuverlässigkeit, Funktionalität und Flexibilität bauen wir unsere vertikale Integration und starke Stellung im Bereich PA66 aus, um diese Innovationen zu ermöglichen“.

Zusätzlich werden die Aktivitäten des Unternehmens im Bereich der Hochtemperatur-Polyamide ausgebaut. Die neuen Produkte des HTPA-Portfolios von Ascend bieten als Metallersatz und für Hochtemperaturanwendungen im Automobilbereich höhere Festigkeit, Steifigkeit und Temperatur- und Chemikalienbeständigkeit.

Auf der vom 16. bis 23. Oktober in Düsseldorf stattfindenden K 2019 werden Vertriebs, als auch technische Expertern am Stand von Ascend (6A07) anwesend sein.

Reda Flexo recycled carded stretch flannel with ROICA™ V550 (c) ROICA

ROICA™ V550 premium yarn powers up Reda Flexo merino wool

ROICA™, premium stretch fiber for the modern wardrobe by leading material innovator Asahi Kasei and world’s leading wool manufacturer Reda have teamed up to elevate premium merino wool to a highest level of sustainability. At Première Vision, the companies present Reda Flexo, the new Reda Group smart stretch fabrics line interwoven with the cutting-edge ROICA™ V550, the new generation of stretch fiber.

As part of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, ROICA™ V550 is the world first range of responsible premium yarn: a non-toxic, veritable revolution in terms of sustainable elastic fibers, matching the need for elasticity and comfort with the request for sustainability and respect for the environment.

“Reda Flexo represents an innovative and technologically advanced alternative, allowing to widen business horizons, addressing Made to Measure, performing suits for both women and men as well as contemporary solutions which are ideal for a younger target.” Explain at Reda. “Reda Flexo is a Smart Stretch fabric able to cover different fashion market segments thanks to its technologically sustainable and high-performing nature.”

ROICA™, premium stretch fiber for the modern wardrobe by leading material innovator Asahi Kasei and world’s leading wool manufacturer Reda have teamed up to elevate premium merino wool to a highest level of sustainability. At Première Vision, the companies present Reda Flexo, the new Reda Group smart stretch fabrics line interwoven with the cutting-edge ROICA™ V550, the new generation of stretch fiber.

As part of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, ROICA™ V550 is the world first range of responsible premium yarn: a non-toxic, veritable revolution in terms of sustainable elastic fibers, matching the need for elasticity and comfort with the request for sustainability and respect for the environment.

“Reda Flexo represents an innovative and technologically advanced alternative, allowing to widen business horizons, addressing Made to Measure, performing suits for both women and men as well as contemporary solutions which are ideal for a younger target.” Explain at Reda. “Reda Flexo is a Smart Stretch fabric able to cover different fashion market segments thanks to its technologically sustainable and high-performing nature.”

More information:

GB Network

Hyosung präsentiert aktualisierte nachhaltige Kollektion sowie creora® Color+ (c) Hyosung

Hyosung präsentiert aktualisierte nachhaltige Kollektion sowie creora® Color+

  • INTERTEXTILE SHANGHAI-NEWS: Update der nachhaltigen Kollektion sowie creora® Color+
  • HYOSUNG auf der INTERTEXTILE SHANGHAI 25th-27th September 2019

Auf der kommenden Intertextile in Shanghai stellt Hyosung eine aktualisierte Kollektion seiner recycelten Nylon- und Polyesterfasern vor. Alle recycelten Garne von Hyosung bieten die gleichen Leistungsmerkmale wie die Standardprodukte und bieten Marken und Händlern die Möglichkeit, die steigende Nachfrage der Verbraucher nach nachhaltiger und umweltbewusster Kleidung zu befriedigen.

"Bei Hyosung gehen wir von einer sich ändernden Marktdynamik aus und entwickeln weiterhin führende nachhaltige Lösungen, wie creora® eco-soft Spandex, das nicht nur zur Energieeinsparung für Nachhaltigkeit mit geringen thermofixierenden Eigenschaften beiträgt, sondern auch eine stabile Produktion von 4-Wege-Stretchgeweben ermöglicht. Wir zeigen die ersten Innovationen bei recyceltem Spandex mit creora® regen," fasst Mike Simko, Global Marketing Director bei Hyosung, die Entwicklung zusammen.

  • INTERTEXTILE SHANGHAI-NEWS: Update der nachhaltigen Kollektion sowie creora® Color+
  • HYOSUNG auf der INTERTEXTILE SHANGHAI 25th-27th September 2019

Auf der kommenden Intertextile in Shanghai stellt Hyosung eine aktualisierte Kollektion seiner recycelten Nylon- und Polyesterfasern vor. Alle recycelten Garne von Hyosung bieten die gleichen Leistungsmerkmale wie die Standardprodukte und bieten Marken und Händlern die Möglichkeit, die steigende Nachfrage der Verbraucher nach nachhaltiger und umweltbewusster Kleidung zu befriedigen.

"Bei Hyosung gehen wir von einer sich ändernden Marktdynamik aus und entwickeln weiterhin führende nachhaltige Lösungen, wie creora® eco-soft Spandex, das nicht nur zur Energieeinsparung für Nachhaltigkeit mit geringen thermofixierenden Eigenschaften beiträgt, sondern auch eine stabile Produktion von 4-Wege-Stretchgeweben ermöglicht. Wir zeigen die ersten Innovationen bei recyceltem Spandex mit creora® regen," fasst Mike Simko, Global Marketing Director bei Hyosung, die Entwicklung zusammen.

MIPAN regen aqua X Nylon und regen askin™ Polyester sind Kühlfasern, die Frische mit einem coolen Touch-Effekt für Mode- und Sportbekleidungsstoffe liefern. Die cotna™-Faser von Hyosung ist ein natürlicher Touch-Polyester mit ausgezeichneter Pilling-Performance sowie guten Wicking- und Formbeständigkeitseigenschaften.

"regen aerolight polyester ist für alle Jahreszeiten geeignet und kombiniert die Vorteile von Kunst- und Naturfasern", sagt Mike Simko. "Mit einem C-förmigen Querschnitt bietet es ein ausgezeichnetes Feuchtigkeitsmanagement und weist zudem einen weicheren, natürlicheren Griff als herkömmliches Polyester auf."

Auf der Intertextile Shanghai konzentriert sich Hyosung auch auf creora® Color+, ein Spandex, das außergewöhnliche Farben liefert; satte und lebendige Farben für Nylon. Gewebe aus creora® Color+ geben dem Gewebe den gleichen Qualitätsstandard zurück und bieten unterschiedliche Leistungsstufen für alle Bekleidungsanwendungen.


eastside communications


Fashion on Demand by LECTRA and Balsan

  • Customer Story
  • Technology takes uniform making to the next level
  • To meet new challenges in the professional garment market and preserve over a century of savoir-faire, Balsan chose Lectra to modernize its production tools.

The challenge

A Groupe Marck company, Balsan designs and manufactures corporate and ceremonial clothing, tailored and customized uniforms, and personal protective equipment and clothing for the public and private sector which comply with international standards. The biggest challenge is to meet the new expectations of customers who seek increasing levels of customization with ever-shorter time-to-market deadlines.
The professional garment sector is subject to the same pressures as prêt-à-porter, and Balsan’s challenge was to produce customized clothing more quickly using intelligent manufacturing methods.


  • Customer Story
  • Technology takes uniform making to the next level
  • To meet new challenges in the professional garment market and preserve over a century of savoir-faire, Balsan chose Lectra to modernize its production tools.

The challenge

A Groupe Marck company, Balsan designs and manufactures corporate and ceremonial clothing, tailored and customized uniforms, and personal protective equipment and clothing for the public and private sector which comply with international standards. The biggest challenge is to meet the new expectations of customers who seek increasing levels of customization with ever-shorter time-to-market deadlines.
The professional garment sector is subject to the same pressures as prêt-à-porter, and Balsan’s challenge was to produce customized clothing more quickly using intelligent manufacturing methods.


Balsan was a pilot partner for the Fashion On Demand by Lectra solution. This alliance allowed Groupe Marck to take a new approach, involving not only the use of Fashion On Demand by Lectra’s connected cutter, but upstream software solutions as well, which are configured based on the company’s needs to best match its work methods while updating and accelerating the production process. “Using a measurement chart, Fashion On Demand by Lectra allowed us to generate well-adapted and customized patterns with which to produce our garments. The solution also provides extensive flexibility: we can send the model to the cutter, select the cutting orders and  even group them by fabric, and detect defects and launch re-cuts when necessary. This improves overall performance and delivers estimated productivity gains of 7%”. Stéphane Quiniou, Industrial and Quality Director, Groupe Marck

Lectra's response

Balsan was a pilot partner for the Fashion On Demand by Lectra solution. This alliance allowed Groupe Marck to take a new approach, involving not only the use of Fashion On Demand by Lectra’s connected cutter, but upstream software solutions as well, which are configured based on the company’s needs to best match its work methods while updating and accelerating the production process.



Light on the Land - the new ISKO x Miles Johnson responsible collection (c) ISKO & Miles Johnson

Light on the Land - the new ISKO x Miles Johnson responsible collection

Miles Johnson and Creative Room™ designed a capsule collection “Light on the Land”, for men and women to showcase ISKO™’s R- TWO™ program.

As the world’s leading ingredient denim brand, ISKO™ is at the forefront of the sustainable and responsible fashion movement. ISKO™, who loves to partner with likeminded designers, brands and retailers in the  industry that have a passion for Responsible Innovation™, is proud to announce its partnership with renowned British fashion designer Miles Johnson. Together they have created a visionary collection that will be launched at a private showing event on September 12th, at the Fremin Gallery in New York City.

Miles Johnson and Creative Room™ designed a capsule collection “Light on the Land”, for men and women to showcase ISKO™’s R- TWO™ program.

As the world’s leading ingredient denim brand, ISKO™ is at the forefront of the sustainable and responsible fashion movement. ISKO™, who loves to partner with likeminded designers, brands and retailers in the  industry that have a passion for Responsible Innovation™, is proud to announce its partnership with renowned British fashion designer Miles Johnson. Together they have created a visionary collection that will be launched at a private showing event on September 12th, at the Fremin Gallery in New York City.

For those who love denim and cherish the planet, this partnership is a perfect match as  Miles is known for prioritizing sustainability and responsibility in his work. Miles has held leadership positions such as Design Director at Levi Strauss & Co. and Senior Creative Director of Product Design and Development at Patagonia, Inc., where he served as a pioneer in creating clothing using sustainably sourced materials. For this capsule collection, Miles worked side by side with ISKO™’s Research & Development team utilizing the ISKO R-TWO™ program which combines a mix of reused and recycled materials. The reused cotton comes from ISKO™’s own production loss, which they continuously track and trace. This has the CCS (Content Claim Standard) certification. They combine this reused cotton with recycled polyester derived from PET bottles. Depending on the content, fabrics can have the RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) certification or GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certification.

The creative direction for the collection takes form with “Light on the Land” and the whole collection is made using low impact materials and responsible finishing techniques. Miles and the ISKO™ team carefully crafted 34 designs at the Creative Room™ in Italy. The styles incorporate responsible design principles which include:

  • Minimal washing;
  • Removable trims made of eco-metal;
  • Natural based buttons and labels;
  • Green bar tacks;
  • Embroidered rivets.

Environmental messages are embroidered on six of the pieces, by the artist Giulio Miglietta. The garments are built to last and the more you wear these pieces, the more beautiful they become.

sappi (c) Sappi Europe

sappi: Setting trends with sustainable and innovative solutions

At PRINTING United in Dallas (Texas), Sappi presents its high-quality speciality papers to meet the highest demands

To be close to the market and to anticipate customers’ needs: this is what Sappi, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative sublimation, printing and speciality papers, is known for. At this year’s PRINTING United tradeshow in Dallas, Texas (USA), Sappi is going to present its new Transjet Drive dye sublimation paper at booth 5123 from 23 to 25 October as well as different papers for large format inkjet printing. In addition, Sappi’s Ultracast casting and release papers will be shown. These products deliver superior textures with 100% replication for a wide range of aesthetic and functional applications.

“Dawn of a new era” is the promising title of the PRINTING United pre-announcement, as this year all relevant technologies and manufacturers will be present in one place for the first time. For Sappi, this tradeshow is the perfect platform to showcase its ground-breaking portfolio of high-quality speciality papers.

At PRINTING United in Dallas (Texas), Sappi presents its high-quality speciality papers to meet the highest demands

To be close to the market and to anticipate customers’ needs: this is what Sappi, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative sublimation, printing and speciality papers, is known for. At this year’s PRINTING United tradeshow in Dallas, Texas (USA), Sappi is going to present its new Transjet Drive dye sublimation paper at booth 5123 from 23 to 25 October as well as different papers for large format inkjet printing. In addition, Sappi’s Ultracast casting and release papers will be shown. These products deliver superior textures with 100% replication for a wide range of aesthetic and functional applications.

“Dawn of a new era” is the promising title of the PRINTING United pre-announcement, as this year all relevant technologies and manufacturers will be present in one place for the first time. For Sappi, this tradeshow is the perfect platform to showcase its ground-breaking portfolio of high-quality speciality papers.

More information:



Premium group partners with wholesale platform JOOR

PREMIUM GROUP announces a strategic partnership with JOOR – the world’s largest wholesale platform based in the US.

The organiser of the PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows as well as the #FASHIONTECH BERLIN conference had been looking for a strong digital platform and a partner to facilitate the step into the US market for its exhibitors for quite some time.

“With JOOR we have now found the perfect match and digital complement to support our network in entering the US market and growing sales,” explains Jörg Arntz, Managing Director of the PREMIUM GROUP. “Both our companies share the philosophy of being more impactful in joining forces and thinking beyond the boundaries. Strong networks, both online and offline, have never been as crucial as in these times of serious market transformation.”


PREMIUM GROUP announces a strategic partnership with JOOR – the world’s largest wholesale platform based in the US.

The organiser of the PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows as well as the #FASHIONTECH BERLIN conference had been looking for a strong digital platform and a partner to facilitate the step into the US market for its exhibitors for quite some time.

“With JOOR we have now found the perfect match and digital complement to support our network in entering the US market and growing sales,” explains Jörg Arntz, Managing Director of the PREMIUM GROUP. “Both our companies share the philosophy of being more impactful in joining forces and thinking beyond the boundaries. Strong networks, both online and offline, have never been as crucial as in these times of serious market transformation.”


More information:

Premium Exhibitions GmbH


Schoeller Introduces PROEARTH™ Biodegradable Textiles

Schoeller, the global textile solutions manufacturer dedicated to sustainability and innovation for more than 150 years, introduces its new PROEARTH™ collection of biodegradable textiles. The new collection, comprised of bluesign® approved fabrics with biodegradable polyester, will debut as part of its Schoeller FTC (SFTC) line, a joint venture between Schoeller Textil AG and the Taiwanese Formosa Taffeta Co. Ltd., at Premiere Vision Paris, September 17-19, Hall 6, Stand 6J18.

As the founding developer of the bluesign® system, the first activewear and leisurewear manufacturer to receive Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification, and one of the first companies to sign the UN’s Paris Agreement for climate change, Schoeller continues to be on the cutting edge of sustainable practices, bringing one of the first collections of biodegradable synthetic fabrics to the market. Its most recent development, PROEARTH was created to help offset the more than 16 million tons of textile waste produced in the US alone each year.

Schoeller, the global textile solutions manufacturer dedicated to sustainability and innovation for more than 150 years, introduces its new PROEARTH™ collection of biodegradable textiles. The new collection, comprised of bluesign® approved fabrics with biodegradable polyester, will debut as part of its Schoeller FTC (SFTC) line, a joint venture between Schoeller Textil AG and the Taiwanese Formosa Taffeta Co. Ltd., at Premiere Vision Paris, September 17-19, Hall 6, Stand 6J18.

As the founding developer of the bluesign® system, the first activewear and leisurewear manufacturer to receive Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification, and one of the first companies to sign the UN’s Paris Agreement for climate change, Schoeller continues to be on the cutting edge of sustainable practices, bringing one of the first collections of biodegradable synthetic fabrics to the market. Its most recent development, PROEARTH was created to help offset the more than 16 million tons of textile waste produced in the US alone each year.

Jacket, pant and lining fabrics
The SFTC PROEARTH collection will launch with five, bluesign®-approved fabrics designed for lifestyle, fashion and outdoor categories. Made with virgin polyester that has been optimized for biodegradation and has tested to biodegrade at faster and better rates than competitive offerings, the initial PROEARTH articles available this fall include jacket, pant and lining material qualities with various colour options.

More information:
Schoeller Textil AG Schoeller

Schoeller Textil AG


GENESIS: M&J GROUP back at the Kingpins China tour

The Group leading facility GENESIS, to drive a new path: when responsible quality means social development

The third time at the Kingpins China Tour (Guangzhou – Hangzhou I September 4 & 6), has been the chance to present the new strategic path undertaken by GENESIS:M&J GROUP. The Group’s leading facility GENESIS aims to explore new business possibilities in the Chinese market through innovative and sustainable developments, showing the interconnections between quality production and a truly responsible approach, one that must also become socially conscious.

GENESIS:M&J GROUP obtained two prestigious LEED Platinum certifications in recent years, and June 2019 saw them being granted the LEED Earth for the Genesis Washing Ltd. facility, confirming its ability to stay at the forefront of quality apparel manufacturing, providing reliability and top-notch services. For the new edition of the Kingpins China Tour, the company has undertaken new developments in terms of responsibility, intended on a double track: improving the eco-conscious production processes while taking significant initiatives in terms of social responsibility.

The Group leading facility GENESIS, to drive a new path: when responsible quality means social development

The third time at the Kingpins China Tour (Guangzhou – Hangzhou I September 4 & 6), has been the chance to present the new strategic path undertaken by GENESIS:M&J GROUP. The Group’s leading facility GENESIS aims to explore new business possibilities in the Chinese market through innovative and sustainable developments, showing the interconnections between quality production and a truly responsible approach, one that must also become socially conscious.

GENESIS:M&J GROUP obtained two prestigious LEED Platinum certifications in recent years, and June 2019 saw them being granted the LEED Earth for the Genesis Washing Ltd. facility, confirming its ability to stay at the forefront of quality apparel manufacturing, providing reliability and top-notch services. For the new edition of the Kingpins China Tour, the company has undertaken new developments in terms of responsibility, intended on a double track: improving the eco-conscious production processes while taking significant initiatives in terms of social responsibility.

(c) Re.VerSo™

Re.VerSo™ at Première Vision Paris

Re.VerSo™ will be on hand at Première Vision to present refined and innovative materials that inspire creativity and infuse technology. Worth to highlight, the fact that, at the beginning of 2019, Re.VerSo™ has been selected as one of the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking project of the Museo Salvatore Ferragamo, thanks to the value it bears in the field of responsible innovation. Representing excellence as the result of a culture of Made in Italy traditions, combined with a new vision of Smart Innovation, Re.VerSo™, the advanced supply chain, integrated, transparent and traceable, 100% Made in Italy, covers the woven textiles market through the unique offer of A. Stelloni Collection by Mapel.

For next season, A.Stelloni Collection by Mapel offers even more Re.VerSo™ solutions with strong focus on noble fibres such as Re.VerSo™ Baby Camel and Re.VerSo™ Cashmere for coats and jackets. New finishes, draps, streaks, velours and, mostly, Re.VerSo™ Baby Camel developments, as the company is becoming leader for the sustainable Camel market.

Re.VerSo™ will be on hand at Première Vision to present refined and innovative materials that inspire creativity and infuse technology. Worth to highlight, the fact that, at the beginning of 2019, Re.VerSo™ has been selected as one of the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking project of the Museo Salvatore Ferragamo, thanks to the value it bears in the field of responsible innovation. Representing excellence as the result of a culture of Made in Italy traditions, combined with a new vision of Smart Innovation, Re.VerSo™, the advanced supply chain, integrated, transparent and traceable, 100% Made in Italy, covers the woven textiles market through the unique offer of A. Stelloni Collection by Mapel.

For next season, A.Stelloni Collection by Mapel offers even more Re.VerSo™ solutions with strong focus on noble fibres such as Re.VerSo™ Baby Camel and Re.VerSo™ Cashmere for coats and jackets. New finishes, draps, streaks, velours and, mostly, Re.VerSo™ Baby Camel developments, as the company is becoming leader for the sustainable Camel market.

More information:
The Re.Verso™ product

GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) Rieter Holding AG

Rieter Completes Real Estate Sale in Ingolstadt

  • Transaction completed in Ingolstadt
  • Extraordinary profit contribution after tax of EUR 60 million expected
  • Board of Directors approves submission of building application for Rieter CAMPUS in Winterthur
  • Project volume of around CHF 80 million expected

Rieter completed the real estate sale in Ingolstadt (Germany) to GERCHGROUP AG of Düsseldorf (Germany) on September 13, 2019. As reported in December last year, Rieter expects an extraordinary profit contribution after tax of around EUR 60 million from this transaction.

The employees in Ingolstadt will move into a new building in the second half of 2021. Rieter will thus create a modern working environment for innovative research and development work and the respective support functions.

  • Transaction completed in Ingolstadt
  • Extraordinary profit contribution after tax of EUR 60 million expected
  • Board of Directors approves submission of building application for Rieter CAMPUS in Winterthur
  • Project volume of around CHF 80 million expected

Rieter completed the real estate sale in Ingolstadt (Germany) to GERCHGROUP AG of Düsseldorf (Germany) on September 13, 2019. As reported in December last year, Rieter expects an extraordinary profit contribution after tax of around EUR 60 million from this transaction.

The employees in Ingolstadt will move into a new building in the second half of 2021. Rieter will thus create a modern working environment for innovative research and development work and the respective support functions.

On September 13, 2019, the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding Ltd. has made the decisions required for the building application regarding the Rieter CAMPUS project to be submitted in good time. The Rieter CAMPUS in Winterthur will consolidate customer center, product and technology development and administration. Rieter expects to implement the project with a project volume of around CHF 80 million. Archaeological excavations and the demolition of the building “Werkhalle 40” are currently underway.

The Rieter CAMPUS will make an important contribution to the implementation of the innovation strategy and thus to the successful further development of the company. Approval of the building application is expected in spring of 2020.


More information:
Rieter Holding Ltd.

Rieter Holding AG

(c) C.L.A.S.S.

C.L.A.S.S. brings forward the state of the art of smart fashion in Paris

The new generation of smart - and water saving! – cotton, an innovative brand-new collaborative business model bringing companies together to create smart and sustainable collections for the wardrobe, a textile ‘bank’ to inspire and empower creatives committed to design responsible fashion and more…

C.L.A.S.S. – the acronym for Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy - is the global resource for smart material innovation, education, marketing and communication. Founded by Giusy Bettoni - entrepreneur, innovator as well as Première Vision’s sustainability consultant - the platform has become an influential player supporting leading textile and fashion companies to develop, establish and narrate their true sustainable commitment. In Paris, C.L.A.S.S. will bring forward its vision and strategy with a set of initiatives, talks and projects.

“For the third time, we will join Première Vision’s SMART CREATION district with a triple mission: providing all strategic tools to trigger change, raising awareness on sustainability and bringing companies and professionals together to share the ultimate smart innovation.” Explains Giusy Bettoni.

The new generation of smart - and water saving! – cotton, an innovative brand-new collaborative business model bringing companies together to create smart and sustainable collections for the wardrobe, a textile ‘bank’ to inspire and empower creatives committed to design responsible fashion and more…

C.L.A.S.S. – the acronym for Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Synergy - is the global resource for smart material innovation, education, marketing and communication. Founded by Giusy Bettoni - entrepreneur, innovator as well as Première Vision’s sustainability consultant - the platform has become an influential player supporting leading textile and fashion companies to develop, establish and narrate their true sustainable commitment. In Paris, C.L.A.S.S. will bring forward its vision and strategy with a set of initiatives, talks and projects.

“For the third time, we will join Première Vision’s SMART CREATION district with a triple mission: providing all strategic tools to trigger change, raising awareness on sustainability and bringing companies and professionals together to share the ultimate smart innovation.” Explains Giusy Bettoni.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) C.L.A.S.S.

C.L.A.S.S: CO.LAB unveils its 1st smart collection

“CO.LAB was created as a prompt answer responding to the very end-users increasing demand for responsible and sustainable products.” Explains C.L.A.S.S. founder GiusyBettoni. “From here, we realised it was fundamental to create an innovation wardrobe and smart platform open to companies willing to make a difference in the textile and fashion business. We teamed up with TINTEX, the leading manufacturer of ‘naturally advanced’ jersey fabrics, and other leading  garment manufacturers such as Becri, Confetil and Pedrosa & Rodriguesto create a multileveled set of skills ranging from fabrics making to style development, production as well as marketing and communication. All in name of design driven by sustainability.”

“CO.LAB was created as a prompt answer responding to the very end-users increasing demand for responsible and sustainable products.” Explains C.L.A.S.S. founder GiusyBettoni. “From here, we realised it was fundamental to create an innovation wardrobe and smart platform open to companies willing to make a difference in the textile and fashion business. We teamed up with TINTEX, the leading manufacturer of ‘naturally advanced’ jersey fabrics, and other leading  garment manufacturers such as Becri, Confetil and Pedrosa & Rodriguesto create a multileveled set of skills ranging from fabrics making to style development, production as well as marketing and communication. All in name of design driven by sustainability.”


GB Network

Iluna Group (c) Iluna Group

ILUNA Group’s precious sustainable innovation

Able to offer an alchemy of design and sustainable features, Iluna Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei join the latest edition of Première Vision with a range of developments capable of combining innovation, aesthetics and quality. "Ethical" lace and stockings, where quality standards go hand in hand with fashion content, respecting both the environment and humans, an offer already selected among the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking Exhibition of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, for its value in the field of responsible innovation.

Visitors will discover the unique Black Label range: new Ultralight multicolor laces including Jacquardtronic, Textronic and raschels up to 12 colors with a 3D effect. The match between expectations of brands and retailers are met always keeping as a priority the contemporary design, that is integrated to unique strategy committed to responsibility both at corporate and product level.

Able to offer an alchemy of design and sustainable features, Iluna Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei join the latest edition of Première Vision with a range of developments capable of combining innovation, aesthetics and quality. "Ethical" lace and stockings, where quality standards go hand in hand with fashion content, respecting both the environment and humans, an offer already selected among the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking Exhibition of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, for its value in the field of responsible innovation.

Visitors will discover the unique Black Label range: new Ultralight multicolor laces including Jacquardtronic, Textronic and raschels up to 12 colors with a 3D effect. The match between expectations of brands and retailers are met always keeping as a priority the contemporary design, that is integrated to unique strategy committed to responsibility both at corporate and product level.

More information:

GB Network


Lenzing contracts Wood to deliver world´s largest lyocell plant

partner confirms start-up date of the project in Thailand

With the recently announced plans to establish a lyocell production facility in Thailand, the Lenzing Group is taking an important step in meeting the strong demand for lyocell fibers and is further strengthening the company´s position as an industry leader in the specialty cellulosic fibers market. The proposed plant will be the largest lyocell plant in the world, with an annual capacity of 100,000 tons. The total investment volume for the first production line, including infrastructure and site development, amounts to approximately EUR 400 million. Up to four such lines can be potentially integrated and operated on the site. The project is of great importance to Lenzing as it is the first step in bringing lyocell production to Asia, featuring the largest markets, the most important customers and the most extensive growth potential in specialty fiber production.

partner confirms start-up date of the project in Thailand

With the recently announced plans to establish a lyocell production facility in Thailand, the Lenzing Group is taking an important step in meeting the strong demand for lyocell fibers and is further strengthening the company´s position as an industry leader in the specialty cellulosic fibers market. The proposed plant will be the largest lyocell plant in the world, with an annual capacity of 100,000 tons. The total investment volume for the first production line, including infrastructure and site development, amounts to approximately EUR 400 million. Up to four such lines can be potentially integrated and operated on the site. The project is of great importance to Lenzing as it is the first step in bringing lyocell production to Asia, featuring the largest markets, the most important customers and the most extensive growth potential in specialty fiber production.

More information:
Lenzing AG

Lenzing AG