From the Sector

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Stefan Doboczky reappointed CEO of Lenzing AG © Lenzing AG

Stefan Doboczky reappointed CEO of Lenzing AG

At its meeting on December 13, the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG decided to reappoint Stefan Doboczky as Chief Executive Officer of the Management Board. Stefan Doboczky’s new contract will begin on June 1, 2018 and runs until the end of 2022.

At its meeting on December 13, the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG decided to reappoint Stefan Doboczky as Chief Executive Officer of the Management Board. Stefan Doboczky’s new contract will begin on June 1, 2018 and runs until the end of 2022.

“In recent years, Stefan Doboczky and his colleagues on the Management Board have been able to make excellent use of the favourable market conditions on the basis of the previous restructuring in order to transform an Austrian company with foreign investments into a truly global player with strong Austrian roots. This has created the basis for consistently pursuing the growth strategy we have embarked on with the entire team, even under difficult conditions, and thus securing the long-term future of the Lenzing Group. We are very pleased that Stefan Doboczky will continue to dedicate himself to these tasks over the next five years”, said Hanno Bästlein, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG on the occasion of Doboczky’s reappointment.
In addition to Stefan Doboczky, the Management Board of Lenzing AG consists of Chief Commercial Officer Robert van de Kerkhof, Chief Financial Officer Thomas Obendrauf and Chief Technology Officer Heiko Arnold.

More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG

Airbus Helicopters unveils third H160 prototype with striking carbon livery © Hexcel Corporation

Hexcel Corporation: Airbus Helicopters unveils third H160 prototype

Hexcel Corporation is proud to announce the unveiling of the third H160 prototype from Airbus Helicopters, featuring a striking carbon-inspired livery that represents the composite materials Hexcel supplies for the helicopter.

Hexcel Corporation is proud to announce the unveiling of the third H160 prototype from Airbus Helicopters, featuring a striking carbon-inspired livery that represents the composite materials Hexcel supplies for the helicopter.

This gesture follows Hexcel’s announcement in June that its reinforcements, prepregs, adhesives and honeycomb materials had been selected for the H160’s composite fuselage structures and main rotor blades. The H160 was designed by Airbus Helicopters to create added-value for customers in terms of performance, economic competitiveness, safety and comfort. The use of Hexcel’s composite materials throughout the structure contributes to the lightweight fuel-saving design and performance optimization.
Airbus Helicopters decided to promote the H160 program and its high carbon fiber content in a way that recalls the livery previously used for the A350 XWB. The A350 XWB has a structure that is 53% composites and Hexcel supplies the carbon fiber prepreg for all of the aircraft’s composite primary structures.
The newly unveiled H160 prototype is a fitting tribute to the 40-year partnership between Hexcel and Airbus Helicopters.

Evolution of fashion professions at heart of Lectra’s 8th education congress © Lectra
Industry experts and fashion schools discussing at Lectra's 8th education congress

Lectra: Evolution of fashion professions at heart of Lectra’s 8th education congress

Lectra brings together partnership schools and industry experts to discuss how changing professions
in fashion are impacting training programs

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather,
technical textiles and composite materials, recently welcomed partners from the world of
education to the company’s Bordeaux-Cestas campus for its eighth education congress. The
event was dedicated to the mega trends shaping the fashion industry and impacting
professions from design to production.

Over fifty representatives from among the most important fashion schools in Germany, Canada, China,
USA, France, Hong Kong, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden, participated
in this biannual meeting between industry experts and teaching professionals.

Lectra brings together partnership schools and industry experts to discuss how changing professions
in fashion are impacting training programs

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather,
technical textiles and composite materials, recently welcomed partners from the world of
education to the company’s Bordeaux-Cestas campus for its eighth education congress. The
event was dedicated to the mega trends shaping the fashion industry and impacting
professions from design to production.

Over fifty representatives from among the most important fashion schools in Germany, Canada, China,
USA, France, Hong Kong, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden, participated
in this biannual meeting between industry experts and teaching professionals.

Fashion professions are evolving as companies make their first steps towards Industry 4.0, adopting 3D
and rationalizing the lifecycle management for their collections thanks to PLM. Lectra’s congress enabled
schools to discuss the developing role of designers and patternmakers, and the new elements to be
integrated into training programs.

Lectra illustrated future changes through presentations on design, patternmaking, 3D prototyping, and PLM.
“It is fundamental to bring innovation experts in the industry together with fashion schools, because
students will drive the evolution of this industry,” stated Pascal Denizart, Managing Director of the Centre
européen des textiles innovants (CETI).

Working with schools to design courses which meet the needs of fashion companies has always been at
the heart of Lectra’s education program. During the event, the company presented collaborative
experiences between partner schools and fashion brands, such as the competitions organised by Lectra
with Missoni, Balenciaga, and Armani in Italy, as well as Peacebird in China and JC Penney in the United

In the United Kingdom, Lectra collaborated with COS (H&M group) and the Arts University Bournemouth
(AUB) for a competition centred on the design of a collection with zero waste.
“The process was totally digital, from design to the creation of a virtual prototype in 3D. Our students learnt
to optimize each stage of the process. By leveraging the use of Kaledo®, Modaris® and Diamino®, the
collaborative work between AUB, COS and Lectra is exactly the type of project that enormously motivates
our students. Live briefs developed with leading fashion brands and Lectra offer excellent opportunities
which directly inform industry currency and student employability,” explained Penny Norman, a lecturer at

The event also shone the spotlight on China and its major role in the evolution of the fashion industry.
Li Min, Vice-Dean of the fashion and design faculty at Donghua university in Shanghai spoke of the event,
organized by Lectra, which brought together major Chinese companies, experts, and representatives from
the biggest schools in China.

“Exchanges on the impact of the Made in China 2025 plan on the fashion industry can better prepare
students for tomorrow’s professions, where digital and automation will occupy a far more central position
than today,” testified Li Min.

"The fashion industry is evolving so fast that sharing insights and best practices with experts and other
fashion schools has become vital to ensure we offer the best learning experience and technology tools to
our students", said Dr. Trevor J. Little, Professor of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management in
the College of Textiles at NC State University.

“Lectra’s eighth education congress confirms the company’s commitment to our partner schools. We
shared our analysis of the market, the digitalization of the eco-system, and how Industry 4.0 principles can
be applied to the fashion industry. We also discussed mass customization and the role of PLM. While these
are key subjects for our customers, many schools are only now approaching them. We are preparing
tomorrow, today: Lectra is supporting our customers, and schools to play an essential role,” concludes
Céline Choussy Bedouet, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Lectra.


© Lectra

Seidensticker: die „1919“ Collection Autumn/Winter ©Seidensticker Group
„1919“ Collection Autumn/Winter

Seidensticker: die „1919“ Collection Autumn/Winter

  • Schlichte Eleganz, harmonische Farbgebungen und ein Hauch modischer Diskretion dominieren die „1919“ Collection Autumn/Winter.


Globales Denken und lokale Wurzeln, Business und Privatheit, Tradition und Modernität: Gegensätze wie diese bilden keinen Widerspruch mehr, sie sind vielmehr Spiegel einer modernen Haltung, in der starre Regeln aufgehoben werden und unterschiedliche Stilwelten gleichberechtigt nebeneinander stehen oder sich wechselseitig inspirieren. Geschmack, Qualitätsbewusstsein und Stilempfinden werden nicht ausschließlich mit Mode gleichgesetzt, sondern als Ausdruck eines individuellen Lifestyles betrachtet.

  • Schlichte Eleganz, harmonische Farbgebungen und ein Hauch modischer Diskretion dominieren die „1919“ Collection Autumn/Winter.


Globales Denken und lokale Wurzeln, Business und Privatheit, Tradition und Modernität: Gegensätze wie diese bilden keinen Widerspruch mehr, sie sind vielmehr Spiegel einer modernen Haltung, in der starre Regeln aufgehoben werden und unterschiedliche Stilwelten gleichberechtigt nebeneinander stehen oder sich wechselseitig inspirieren. Geschmack, Qualitätsbewusstsein und Stilempfinden werden nicht ausschließlich mit Mode gleichgesetzt, sondern als Ausdruck eines individuellen Lifestyles betrachtet.

Die Leitidee der Kollektion basiert auf drei Stilmentalitäten, die eine starke visuelle Identität ausstrahlen und damit alle wichtigen Facetten einer sich global immer mehr etablierenden Geschmackskultur abbilden. Die erste Grundhaltung bringt Modernität mit Traditionsbewusstsein in Einklang und steht für einen eher formellen Look, in dem sartoriale Aspekte und perfekte Proportionen eine herausgehobene Stellung besitzen. Das zweite Mentalitätsmuster zeigt eine besondere Offenheit gegenüber unterschiedlichen Einflüssen, changiert gekonnt zwischen unterschiedlichen Stilen und mixt klassische Aspekte mit legeren Elementen. In der dritten Grundeinstellung liegt der Fokus auf dem Nebeneinander von Authentizität und informierter Sportlichkeit.

Diese Mentalitäten bilden das Grundgerüst für die Kollektionsstruktur, sind in allen fünf Kernthemen spürbar und werden über den gesamten Lieferrhythmus gespielt. Sie funktionieren sowohl in sich geschlossen als auch übergreifend und spannungsreich miteinander korrespondierend. Allen gemeinsam ist ein durchdachtes, perfekt arrangiertes Styling.


Die Essentials liefern den Unterbau für die gesamte Kollektion und zeigen vor allem Klassiker wie Popeline, Oxford, Filà-Fil und Chambray. Entsprechend decken die Dessinierungen ein Spektrum von Unis, feinen Streifen, diskreten Checks bis hin zu Micro-Motiven ab. Diese modernen Basics werden in Bezug auf Farb- und Materialeinsatz auf die Thematik der jeweiligen Liefertermine abgestimmt.


Den Businessbereich von starren Regeln zu entbinden und größere Freiräume für individuelle Interpretationen zu schaffen, liefert die Leitidee für diese Thematik. Qualitäten wie Oxfords, Denim Varianten, Twill und Flanell definieren den Businessaspekt neu und zeichnen ein durch mehr Softness und Dreidimensionalität charakterisiertes Bild. Zusätzlich unterstreichen Kragenformen wie neue Kent-Typen, Button-Down oder Under-Button-Down den Mix aus Anspruch und Entspanntheit.


Der Einsatz anspruchsvoller Hemdenqualitäten, deren Spektrum von extremer Feinheit bis hin zu haptisch wertvoller Dreidimensionalität reicht, steht bei diesem Thema im Vordergrund. Der Fokus liegt auf klassischen, in feinen Rapportgrößen aufgemachten Dessinierungen, die aus der Tradition extrahiert und in eine moderne Optik übersetzt werden. Gleichzeitig bildet dieses Konzept die Basis für eine exklusive Themenkapsel, die gemeinsam mit einem italienischen Traditionsweber entwickelt wurde.


Groß gezogene „Mountain Checks“ mit leicht nostalgischem Unterton kreieren eine authentische und trotzdem smarte Kernaussage. Auf dieser Grundlage wurde auch hier mit einem italienischen Traditionsweber kooperiert und eine individuelle Capsule-Kollektion generiert, die durch markant gestaltete Karos und höchste Warenqualitäten dem Business-Segment einen neuen Impuls gibt.

Der Grundgedanke der Kollektion basiert auf der Idee einer Kleiderstange mit Lieblingsteilen für jeden Tragemoment: vom Business Outfit bis hin zur After Work Party oder einem City Trip. Egal, ob cool, relaxed, verspielt oder elegant. Das Eine sein und das Andere am liebsten noch dazu. Was spricht dagegen? Mode ist Kommunikation und das perfekte Medium, um mit dem eigenen Stil Fashion-Statements zu setzen und seinen individuellen Look zu kreieren.

Die beiden ästhetischen Elemente Progressiv und Feminin ziehen sich durch die zwei Liefertermine der Kollektion und stehen trotz und auch gerade wegen der Stilbrüche harmonisch nebeneinander: Kernige Jeansqualitäten, Babycord, casual gewaschener Cotton mit Papertouch, aber auch hauchige, florale Drucke, Samt und Denim. Eine wichtige Basisqualität ist ein edler Seidensatin Stretch, dessen breite Farbkarte durch einen Sand wash Effekt sehr edel und pudrig ist. Ausbrenner, eine fließende Lyocell Qualität sowie Samt und Cord runden die Palette an interessanten Haptiken stilvoll ab.

Die „1919“ Kollektion steht insbesondere für naturgetreue Farbnuancen, verbunden mit klassischen, natürlichen Silhouetten: Tadellos geschnittene, zeitlose bis progressive Blusen, verzierte Kleider und exquisite Seidenhemden werden gepaart mit luxuriösen Details wie Stickereien oder Strickbündchen mit dezentem Lurex.

Die Basisqualitäten der Kollektion - Papertouch Cotton, Lyocell, Seidensatin Stretch und Samt - werden durch Farbkapseln ergänzt. Die beiden fließenden Qualitäten Seide und Lyocell bieten dabei breite, sehr modische Farbkarten.

Zu den Highlight Prints zählen botanische Wasserschlangen Prints, Samt- Ausbrenner, asiatisch inspirierte Drucke sowie zarte Conversational Prints auf glänzender Viskose und auf samtigen Jerseys.
Einen schönen Kontrast dazu bilden Maskuline Dessinierungen wie Glencheck Karos und Streifen mit dezentem Lurex sowie kernige indigo Jeans und soft gewaschene bestickte Karo Flanellshirts.

Die Seidensticker Herbst-/Winterkollektion bietet von modernen, businesstauglichen Blusen über feminine, eher verspielte Styles bis hin zu progressiven, cleanen Modellen eine stilistische Vielfalt, die sich optimal ergänzt und und für jeden Tragemoment das perfekte Styling bietet.

More information:
Seidensticker Group Fashion

Textilkontor Walter Seidensticker GmbH & Co. KG


Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel ©Lectra
Nathalie Brunel

Lectra appoints Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

  • Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s global teams in the roll-out of its new strategy to customers

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Brunel to the role of Vice-President Sales, Fashion & Apparel. Based at Lectra’s headquarter’s in Paris, Nathalie reports to Edouard Macquin, Chief Sales Officer, Lectra and a member of the executive committee.

Nathalie Brunel’s role is to support Lectra’s subsidiaries as they conduct the Group’s strategic roadmap through the deployment of an offer—integrating the PLM and the cutting room of the future—which is rooted in customer experience. Nathalie will notably work with six countries: United States, China, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.

“The fashion and apparel industry, a historic market for Lectra, is the pillar of our international presence. Our customers expect a high level of expertise and advice to meet the challenges they face due to the digitalization of their professions. Nathalie Brunel’s experience in transforming organizations and developing business for complex solutions within large groups is a valuable asset for both Lectra and our customers,” states Edouard Macquin.

“The fashion and apparel ecosystem is clearly entering the digital era. I aim to bring Lectra’s value proposition to our customers, facilitating their adoption of Industry 4.0 principles. I am proud to contribute to the integration of new technologies in their processes, from design to the finished product. It is crucial to meet the needs of companies facing a complex and fragmented market that is generating both local, and global, pressures,” underlines Nathalie Brunel.

Nathalie Brunel has over 20 years of experience in managing large accounts and management responsibility. In 1996, she joined the Altran group where she successively held the roles of Development Director, Director of a business unit, Associate Director, and Executive Director of large accounts. In 2011, Orange Business Services recruited Nathalie Brunel as Vice-President, Business Operations and Support, then Vice-President Large Accounts, Manufacturing and IT. Prior to joining Lectra, Nathalie Brunel held the position of CEO and shareholder of Okavango Energy, a consulting and industrial energy performance company.

Nathalie has a diploma from the Institut supérieur de commerce de Paris.



Devan launches new antimicrobial brand line ©Devan Chemicals NV

Devan launches new antimicrobial brand line

RONSE - Devan Chemicals, a Belgian-headquartered provider of finishing technologies, recently launched a new multifunctional antimicrobial brand line. The brand line consists of their well-known, but recently rebranded quat-silane antimicrobial solution, combined with extra features. This enables textile manufacturers to apply multiple functionalities via one single treatment.

BI-OME®, Devan’s recently rebranded antimicrobial solution, has been launched with interesting extra features. The speciality chemical provider has combined its antimicrobial technology with other functional finishes in its product range and now offers a variety of combinations:

RONSE - Devan Chemicals, a Belgian-headquartered provider of finishing technologies, recently launched a new multifunctional antimicrobial brand line. The brand line consists of their well-known, but recently rebranded quat-silane antimicrobial solution, combined with extra features. This enables textile manufacturers to apply multiple functionalities via one single treatment.

BI-OME®, Devan’s recently rebranded antimicrobial solution, has been launched with interesting extra features. The speciality chemical provider has combined its antimicrobial technology with other functional finishes in its product range and now offers a variety of combinations:

  • BI-OME® Quick dry combines the antimicrobial properties (for odour control) with advanced moisture management properties to promote efficient and faster evaporation to aid cooling and comfort.
  • BI-OME® Stretch combines the antimicrobial solution with stretch recovery properties for better fit.
  • A more revolutionary variation is BI-OME® AV, which has an antiviral activity in addition to its antimicrobial properties.
  • Of course, BI-OME®, the antimicrobial solution without any extra features, remains available.

Devan’s experience with antimicrobial technology goes back a long time. More than 25 years of research led to the creation of the BI-OME® product range. Thanks to the combination of a cross-border support package (mill training, quality control, etc.) and unique product excellence (non-migrating, no use of silver), Devan’s antimicrobial technology is widely chosen across the globe.

BI-OME® is fully BPR and EPA compliant, Oekotex and Bluesign registered, can be delivered worldwide and is applicable for apparel, home textiles, bedding, transport & mobility, etc.


Defining Textile Sustainability

What Keeps Consumers Up at Night?

Climate change appears to be a bigger concern for consumers than recent media reports may have indicated. In the ground-breaking, global, quantitative consumer survey, “The Key to Confidence: Consumers and Textile Sustainability—Attitudes, Changing Behaviors, and Outlooks”, commissioned by the OEKO-TEX® Association in commemoration of its 25th Anniversary, climate change ranked third on a list of sixteen modern day worries on the minds of today’s consumers.

“The Key to Confidence” online study was conducted earlier this year with a worldwide sample of more than 11,000 clothing and home textile consumers. Designed and administered by global brand and sustainability research expert, Ellen Karp of Anerca International, the extensive study explored a broad assortment of consumer attitudes about textile sustainability including harmful substances, the industry’s environmental impact, and the social welfare of textile workers.

What Keeps Consumers Up at Night?

Climate change appears to be a bigger concern for consumers than recent media reports may have indicated. In the ground-breaking, global, quantitative consumer survey, “The Key to Confidence: Consumers and Textile Sustainability—Attitudes, Changing Behaviors, and Outlooks”, commissioned by the OEKO-TEX® Association in commemoration of its 25th Anniversary, climate change ranked third on a list of sixteen modern day worries on the minds of today’s consumers.

“The Key to Confidence” online study was conducted earlier this year with a worldwide sample of more than 11,000 clothing and home textile consumers. Designed and administered by global brand and sustainability research expert, Ellen Karp of Anerca International, the extensive study explored a broad assortment of consumer attitudes about textile sustainability including harmful substances, the industry’s environmental impact, and the social welfare of textile workers.

Prior to answering questions about clothing and home textiles in particular, consumers responded to several queries to gauge their attitudes about sustainability in general. To understand the relative importance of climate change, consumers were asked to pick the top five issues that worry them most from a list of sixteen political, economic, personal, and global problems. “Terrorism” ranked first with 49% of consumers listing it in their top 5, “illness and disease” was second with 42%, and “climate change” rated third with 41%. “My personal finances” came in fourth at 37%. “Opportunities for my children in the future” and “the political leadership in my country” tied for fifth with 31% each.

“Climate change has become a significant issue for consumers,” Karp concludes. “Erratic weather patterns, mounting scientific data, escalating political debate, and first-hand experience with environmental degradation combine to make climate change more of an immediate threat than people considered it to be just a decade ago.”

“For twenty-five years, OEKO-TEX® has helped reduce the use of harmful chemicals and increase sustainable manufacturing practices in the global textile supply chain,” says Anna Czerwinska, Head of Marketing and Communication at OEKO-TEX®. “Our certified clients are industry leaders in the production of compliant, high quality textiles that are tested for harmful substances and responsibly made with respect for the environment and employees. They will be well positioned to capitalize on the growing consumer demands for sustainable textile products.”

A webinar with Ellen Karp presenting the research findings can be viewed at To learn more about “The Key to Confidence: Consumers and Textile Sustainability—Attitudes, Changing Behaviors, and Outlooks”, please contact Trish Martin at or Anna Czerwinska at Read more about the OEKO-TEX® portfolio of testing, certification, and label products at:


More information:
OEKO TEX Sustainability

OEKO-TEX® Service GmbH

Famab Award: Golden Apple for Trevira fair stand © Trevira GmbH

Famab Award: Golden Apple for Trevira fair stand

At the Famab award ceremony in Ludwigsburg on 23 November, the Trevira City fair stand – shown at Orgatec 2016 in Cologne last year – won the Golden Apple in the architecture category – Best Stand M. The Famab Award is a hugely prestigious accolade for integrated brand experiences. It honours major international projects in the fields of architecture (temporary or permanent) and interpersonal communication.

Trevira´s CEO, Klaus Holz, said, “We are delighted that our Trevira City has been awarded the Golden Apple. We would like to thank interior designers raumkontor for coming up with such a fantastic idea for our stand, and we´d also like to say a big thank you to the organisers for making the award ceremony at the Forum am Schlosspark in Ludwigsburg such an enjoyable experience.”

At the Famab award ceremony in Ludwigsburg on 23 November, the Trevira City fair stand – shown at Orgatec 2016 in Cologne last year – won the Golden Apple in the architecture category – Best Stand M. The Famab Award is a hugely prestigious accolade for integrated brand experiences. It honours major international projects in the fields of architecture (temporary or permanent) and interpersonal communication.

Trevira´s CEO, Klaus Holz, said, “We are delighted that our Trevira City has been awarded the Golden Apple. We would like to thank interior designers raumkontor for coming up with such a fantastic idea for our stand, and we´d also like to say a big thank you to the organisers for making the award ceremony at the Forum am Schlosspark in Ludwigsburg such an enjoyable experience.”

The Trevira City, which was developed by the interior designers at raumkontor and realised by Buchhold and Glindemann GmbH, took up the fair’s theme: “New Visions of Work”. Trevira City, which comprised eight houses made of fabric, showed textile solutions for modern work environments. It offered a new perspective on modern work environments where the borders between working and living become blurred, thereby demanding new approaches to design. In between the houses, an open space was created that stands for the central themes of efficient work processes: communication, creativity, inspiration, networking, and motion.

The fibre manufacturer, who was a first time exhibitor at Orgatec, presented its stand in collaboration with six fabric partners who showcased their products in one of each of the houses: Baumann Dekor, Casalegno Tendaggi, Fidivi, Hohmann, Müller Zell, Pugi. The various facets of the exhibition display the huge range of possibilities created by the participating manufacturers with their Trevira CS products.

Other fabric suppliers also contributed to the textile furnishings of the fair stand. Création Baumann, JAB Anstoetz, Mattes & Ammann, and Silent Gliss were the sponsors for the textile decorations in the two Trevira houses.


More information:
Trevira GmbH Famab Award

© Trevira GmbH


AZL is building on the success of the study on Composites in Buildings & Infrastructure

The AZL will continue its collaboration on composites in buildings and infrastructure after completing an initial market and technology study which identified new potentials for composite technologies in buildings and infrastructure markets. The aim of the new AZL Workgroup which will meet for the first time on January 25th, 2018 is to jointly develop new applications and to support the business development for composites in these two growing markets. The meeting is open to interested companies from the composite industry as well as the building and infrastructure markets.

The aim of the initial workgroup meeting will be to turn insights from the study into a long-term workgroup collaboration and to define topics and initiatives for the joint cooperation in the field of process and manufacturing technologies, fire safety regulations, materials as well as standards and norms. Industrial keynote presentations will introduce these action fields and will provide an insight into building and infrastructure applications for composites. The meeting will furthermore provide a platform to network with companies along the entire composite value chain.

The AZL will continue its collaboration on composites in buildings and infrastructure after completing an initial market and technology study which identified new potentials for composite technologies in buildings and infrastructure markets. The aim of the new AZL Workgroup which will meet for the first time on January 25th, 2018 is to jointly develop new applications and to support the business development for composites in these two growing markets. The meeting is open to interested companies from the composite industry as well as the building and infrastructure markets.

The aim of the initial workgroup meeting will be to turn insights from the study into a long-term workgroup collaboration and to define topics and initiatives for the joint cooperation in the field of process and manufacturing technologies, fire safety regulations, materials as well as standards and norms. Industrial keynote presentations will introduce these action fields and will provide an insight into building and infrastructure applications for composites. The meeting will furthermore provide a platform to network with companies along the entire composite value chain.

Dr. Amer Affan, CEO and founder of AFFAN Innovative Structures based in Dubai is in charge of various composite projects for buildings such as the Museum of the Future in Dubai: “We have been utilizing structural composites in construction since 2010. Composites is a truly high-tech material compared with the traditional building materials (steel, concrete, timber and aluminum) but it is still to be recognized as such in the conservative and price-sensitive building industry. AZL, particularly its location at the RWTH Aachen University and its partner companies, offers a good platform to progress the use of composites in construction.”

AZL together with more than 25 companies just completed the Joint Market and Technology Study on “New Potentials for Composite Technologies in Buildings and Infrastructure” establishing a broad knowledge on business opportunities for composite technologies in these two growing markets. In a structured approach, the study determined the key segments as well as the technologies/applications with the highest market and technological potential. Analyses of 20 market segments, investigation of 438 applications, technology analyses of 25 highlight components and 11 detailed business cases were elaborated throughout the study. Additional to requirement analyses for materials and production technologies, new concepts for efficient profitable production technologies and cost engineering analysis were developed. With the workgroup, the AZL will take this initiative a step further with the aim to build a long-term cooperation platform for composites in buildings and infrastructure markets.

Justin Jin, CEO of the Korean company AXIA Materials participated in the study and is part of the AZL Partner Network: “As producer of large thermoplastic composite sheets and composite SIP (Structural Insulated Panel), we are eager to drive composites in B&I applications with the best efficient way. The AZL study on Buildings and Infrastructure provided us a great networking with key players in this business field and opportunities to strengthen our products with the key elements from partners. The study also gave us a proper market understanding including market size/volume in numbers to prove the value of this technology to building industry. We are looking forward to following up on these first insights and to realize applications with the AZL and its partners.”

Besides the networking options, the meeting will offer the opportunity to get an insight into the activities of the AZL Network consisting of nine research institutes at the RWTH Aachen Campus and more than 80 companies from 21 countries. During an optional guided tour, participants will visit selected institutes at the RWTH Aachen Campus. The meeting is open to all interested companies and free of charge.

More Information on Meeting and the Study
Information on AZL activities in the field of buildings and infrastructure:
Details and registration to first Workgroup Meeting on January 25th, 2018:


Customer data heralds new opportunities for fashion industry © Lectra
Lectra ESCP Europe Round Table

Customer data heralds new opportunities for fashion industry

  • Amazon, EasySize, Evo Pricing and Lectra explored diverse uses for customer data during a round table event organized by the ESCP Europe - Lectra ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair Paris

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair examined the multiple ways the fashion industry’s ecosystem can use customer data, during a recent round table event at the start of the fifth Fashion Tech Week in Paris.

Elise Beuriot, senior category leader, EU Luggage, Amazon, Olivier Dancot, VP of data, Lectra, Fabrizio Fantini, founder and CEO, Evo Pricing, and Gulnaz Khusainova, founder and CEO, Easysize, agreed straight away on one key point: the analysis of customer data lends itself to limitless applications along the entire fashion value chain. Its impact is immense, whether in terms of customer satisfaction, competitiveness, revenues or waste limitation.

  • Amazon, EasySize, Evo Pricing and Lectra explored diverse uses for customer data during a round table event organized by the ESCP Europe - Lectra ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair Paris

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, the French business school ESCP Europe and their joint ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair examined the multiple ways the fashion industry’s ecosystem can use customer data, during a recent round table event at the start of the fifth Fashion Tech Week in Paris.

Elise Beuriot, senior category leader, EU Luggage, Amazon, Olivier Dancot, VP of data, Lectra, Fabrizio Fantini, founder and CEO, Evo Pricing, and Gulnaz Khusainova, founder and CEO, Easysize, agreed straight away on one key point: the analysis of customer data lends itself to limitless applications along the entire fashion value chain. Its impact is immense, whether in terms of customer satisfaction, competitiveness, revenues or waste limitation.

As early as the design phase, a wealth of data offers many sources of inspiration for stylists. For teams in charge of collections, “complex models allow the analysis of data like online traffic and purchase history in order to design and offer the products that consumers expect, which is a priority for a company obsessed by the customer, like Amazon,” stated Elise Beuriot. For sales, “decisions based on data trigger millions of orders. The impact on the inventory is enormous,” she added.

“Fashion is an industry where unsold items generate a lot of waste. Algorithms and big data analysis can reduce left-overs by anticipating demand several weeks ahead in order to optimize the price and replenishment,” observed Fabrizio Fantini. “Fashion companies who exploit data to inform their decisions become more efficient. They are better armed to protect their margins, but can also sell for less, and potentially reach a larger number of consumers.”

Other IT models aggregate customer data in real time ‘to determine, among hundreds of factors, those which have the biggest influence on buying decisions. Value doesn’t necessarily lie in the volume of data but in the depth of the analyses,’ claimed Gulnaz Khusainova. Easysize is careful that collected data is anonymous, she underlined, because ‘consumers need to keep control of their data, and know how it is used’.
For editors of software dedicated to fashion businesses, and suppliers of cutting machines designed for the clothing industry, “analyzing usage data from our solutions enables the offer to evolve, making each step in the value chain more efficient and perfectly adapted to the needs of the brands, retailers and manufacturers. What is at stake is better quality products, placed on the market as quickly as possible and at a reduced cost,” explained Olivier Dancot.

“It is easy to collect data, but difficult to extract actionable information. Everything hinges on data analysis,” concluded Céline Abecassis-Moedas, professor and co-scientific director of the ‘Fashion & Technology’ Chair and moderator of the round table. “Due to its emotional dimension—from the stylist’s inspiration to the consumer’s desire to buy—fashion is not an industry like others. However, all the components that make up its ecosystem can truly benefit from the judicious exploitation of customer data. Examples discussed this evening illustrate the diversity of what is possible.

More information:


Lenzing Group with substantial earnings increase in the first nine months of 2017 ©The Lenzing Group
Lenzing Group Vorstand

Lenzing Group with substantial earnings increase in the first nine months of 2017

  • Revenue up 9.4 percent to EUR 1,726.6 mn
  • EBITDA improvement of 23.9 percent to EUR 397.1 mn
  • Retail bond of EUR 120 mn redeemed – Lenzing with net liquidity as at end of September
  • State-of-the-art application innovation center opened in Hong Kong

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group generated a substantial increase in revenue and earnings in the first nine months of the 2017 financial year compared to the prior-year period. The company is continuing the implementation of its Group strategy sCore TEN in order to further expand the offering of specialty fibers and be even closer to its customers and business partners.

  • Revenue up 9.4 percent to EUR 1,726.6 mn
  • EBITDA improvement of 23.9 percent to EUR 397.1 mn
  • Retail bond of EUR 120 mn redeemed – Lenzing with net liquidity as at end of September
  • State-of-the-art application innovation center opened in Hong Kong

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group generated a substantial increase in revenue and earnings in the first nine months of the 2017 financial year compared to the prior-year period. The company is continuing the implementation of its Group strategy sCore TEN in order to further expand the offering of specialty fibers and be even closer to its customers and business partners.

Consolidated revenue climbed 9.4 percent year-on-year to EUR 1,726.6 mn. This increase is mainly attributable to higher prices for all three fiber generations. Consolidated earnings before tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) rose 23.9 percent to EUR 397.1 mn, corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 23 percent, up from 20.3 percent in the prior-year period. Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) increased by 34.6 percent to EUR 298.4 mn, resulting in a higher EBIT margin of 17.3 percent (Q1-3 2016: 14 percent). The profit for the period improved by 35.3 percent to EUR 219.3 mn, and earnings per share rose 36 percent to EUR 8.12 per share. In September Lenzing redeemed the retail bond of EUR 120 mn. At the end of the reporting period the Group had net liquidity of EUR 16.9 mn.

“In the first three quarters of 2017, we successfully captured value in a very positive market environment and we continue to implement the sCore TEN strategy with great discipline. The opening of our new application innovation center in Hong Kong is an important step to boost our regional innovation capabilities. We were particularly proud to launch TENCELTM Luxe as a sign of Lenzing’s ongoing commitment to innovation and sustainability”, states Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group. “After three excellent quarters we are confident to deliver substantially better operating results in 2017 compared to 2016, but at the same time we do expect more headwinds in 2018.”

Focus on customer intimacy

In September 2017, the Lenzing Group opened a new application innovation center (AIC) in Hong Kong, thus setting a further milestone in strengthening its innovation offering to all partners along the value chain. New applications for Lenzing fibers will be developed and tested at the new facility, among them applications for recent innovations such as the TENCELTM Luxe branded lyocell filament, the RefibraTM branded lyocell fiber and the EcoVeroTM branded viscose fiber.

Furthermore, new sales and marketing offices were opened in Turkey and South Korea in the first half of 2017. The direct contact to customers and well-equipped showrooms featuring products made of LenzingTM fibers serve as the basis for providing even better customer support.

Investment program in progress

The Lenzing Group aims to increase the share of specialty fibers as a percentage of revenue to 50 percent by 2020. Following the capacity expansion initiatives in Heiligenkreuz (Austria) and Mobile, Alabama (USA) which are both underway, Lenzing announced its intention to construct the next plant to produce TENCEL® fibers in Thailand.

A new era of sustainable production

In October 2017, the Lenzing Group presented a new product, TENCELTM Luxe, at an exclusive event held in Paris. The TENCELTM Luxe branded filament yarn represents Lenzing’s entry in the filament market. This fiber will support the Lenzing Group’s path towards becoming a true specialty player in the market for botanic materials derived from the sustainable raw material wood.

The launch volumes of TENCELTM Luxe are being produced at the Lenzing site. The basic engineering for a commercial scale plant was commenced.

Demand development on the global fiber market remains positive within the context of a generally friendly macroeconomic environment. Lenzing expects wood-based cellulose fibers to grow at an even higher rate than the overall fiber market. After three excellent quarters, the Lenzing Group will achieve an operating result in 2017 that is significantly better than 2016.

For 2018, Lenzing sees a number of somewhat opposing factors that limit visibility regarding fiber price developments. Overall market demand is expected to remain high. However, the Group expects a substantial increase on the supply side, especially for viscose but also for cotton. Price trends for selected key raw materials, especially caustic soda, are difficult to predict. Against this background the Lenzing Group expects a much more challenging market environment for standard viscose during the upcoming quarters.

The above-mentioned development reassures the Lenzing Group in its chosen corporate strategy sCore TEN. The Group initiated its transformation from a volume-oriented viscose player to a value-oriented specialty fiber player at the end of 2015, and will continue the disciplined implementation of its business strategy.

Key Group indicators (IFRS) in EUR mn











Schoeller’s heated e-soft–shell wins Design Preis Schweiz © Schoeller Textil AG
Design Preis Schweiz for Schoeller

Schoeller’s heated e-soft–shell wins Design Preis Schweiz

A shining example of how technology and design work interact: On 3 November, 2017, Schoeller Textil AG wins the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18 in the textile category. E-soft-shell is a heated fabric which can be cut to size without affecting the embedded technology and is primarily suited to clothing for outdoor activities and motorcycling.

The innovative company Schoeller Textil AG from the Rhine valley is the proud winner of the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18, picking up the award for Excellent Swiss Design in the textile category on 3 November, 2017 in Langenthal.

Together with the whole Schoeller team, the Schoeller delegation – consisting of Roland Lottenbach (Head of Research and Development, left), Dagmar Signer (Marketing, centre) and Ruedi Kühne (CFO, right) - takes enormous delight in this recognition for the many years of intensive work. The company received the award for the heated fabric, E-soft-shell. Among others, the evaluation criteria were: technologies, material combinations, zeitgeist and innovation.

E-soft-shell by the meter

A shining example of how technology and design work interact: On 3 November, 2017, Schoeller Textil AG wins the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18 in the textile category. E-soft-shell is a heated fabric which can be cut to size without affecting the embedded technology and is primarily suited to clothing for outdoor activities and motorcycling.

The innovative company Schoeller Textil AG from the Rhine valley is the proud winner of the Design Preis Schweiz 2017/18, picking up the award for Excellent Swiss Design in the textile category on 3 November, 2017 in Langenthal.

Together with the whole Schoeller team, the Schoeller delegation – consisting of Roland Lottenbach (Head of Research and Development, left), Dagmar Signer (Marketing, centre) and Ruedi Kühne (CFO, right) - takes enormous delight in this recognition for the many years of intensive work. The company received the award for the heated fabric, E-soft-shell. Among others, the evaluation criteria were: technologies, material combinations, zeitgeist and innovation.

E-soft-shell by the meter

The Design Preis jury commented as follows on the Schoeller development: Electrically heated clothing which makes it possible for us to stay pleasantly warm in winter has long been a dream of the textiles industry. Projects in this field have hardly made it beyond the development and trial phase hitherto. But now Schoeller Textil has created E-soft-shell, a material that makes this utopia a reality. E-soft-shell is a laminate consisting of bi-elastic tissue, machined lining and a functional corkshell coating. The heating technology is integrated with the fabric in a diamond-shaped geometrical pattern. It is based on metallic yarns, making it possible for the material to be evenly heated at standard voltages. The fabric is designed to be sold off the roll, and can be cut up without affecting the embedded technology. It is suitable above all as clothing for outdoor activities or motor cycling – but applications in the fashion or wellness worlds could also come into consideration.

Beaulieu Yarns received the Highly Protected Risk (HPR) Award at a ceremony on November 7, 2017 attended by all staff, and representatives of B.I.G. Management, Beaulieu Yarns Management and FM Global Management. © Beaulieu International Group
Beaulieu Yarns receives HPR Award

Beaulieu Yarns awarded prestigious FM Global “Highly Protected Risk” (HPR) status for French production site

  • HPR is the highest status a plant can achieve for fire risk prevention and protection
  • The site Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines is the second in the Beaulieu International Group to reach HPR status
  • Underlines Group’s commitment to risk prevention at B.I.G. sites & to reinforcing our strong business contingency plan

Wielsbeke, Belgium – Beaulieu Yarns, the global supplier of high-quality polyamide and polypropylene yarns, is pleased to announce the achievement of Highly Protected Risk (HPR) status for its French production site, Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines. Awarded by FM Global, HPR designation means a facility meets the highest industry standards for property protection.

  • HPR is the highest status a plant can achieve for fire risk prevention and protection
  • The site Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines is the second in the Beaulieu International Group to reach HPR status
  • Underlines Group’s commitment to risk prevention at B.I.G. sites & to reinforcing our strong business contingency plan

Wielsbeke, Belgium – Beaulieu Yarns, the global supplier of high-quality polyamide and polypropylene yarns, is pleased to announce the achievement of Highly Protected Risk (HPR) status for its French production site, Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines. Awarded by FM Global, HPR designation means a facility meets the highest industry standards for property protection.

FM Global, Beaulieu International Group’s (B.I.G.) industrial property and business interruption insurer for the past two years, offers a unique concept that supports the Group in reducing its exposure to loss and increases its business resilience. A dedicated worldwide team of engineers focuses on providing assistance and protection of its assets, helping the Group to achieve a higher level of risk protection.

The Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines site produces high quality yarns for a large variety of application and market segments including the automotive industry. It scored exceptionally well in its FM Global assessment which focused on aspects including fire protection, protection against natural hazard, mechanical breakdown of machinery and also cyber risks.

Its overall risk mark of 76 ranks it within the top 25% of its industry for fire risk prevention and protection.

Commenting on the Award, Emmanuel Colchen, Global Sales Director Yarns within BU Beaulieu Engineered Products, said: “This HPR yarn production site reinforces strongly our supply chain security and demonstrates our engagement towards our customers and partners. Our contingency planning and risk management are essential, well-considered elements within our long-term business strategy to demanding sectors such as Automotive and Commercial & Residential floor covering contracts.”

Ideal Fibres & Fabrics Comines is the second facility in the Group to attain HPR status, and the very first in Europe. Pinnacle Polymers LLC in the USA also achieved the HPR as a chemical plant, which is a rare achievement within the chemical business. Fire risk prevention is part of the Group’s broader risk management activities. B.I.G. is investing in increasing the level of protection at all B.I.G. plants in order to protect its business continuity.

The divisions of B.I.G. are also implementing a number of safety programmes to raise awareness of workplace safety and to maintain strong safety records.

Karena Cancilleri, Vice President BU Beaulieu Engineered Products, commented: “I am proud of Beaulieu Yarns for achieving the highly-regarded FM Global HPR Award and setting an example for the whole Beaulieu International Group. This positive step reflects the strong commitment of the Engineered Products division and the rest of the Group to improving safety and protecting our workplaces and our production facilities.”

Beaulieu Yarns received the HPR Award at a ceremony on November 7, 2017 attended by all staff, and representatives of B.I.G. Management, Beaulieu Yarns Management and FM Global Management.

Jinfa Labi chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 © Lectra
Jinfa Labi chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

Jinfa Labi chooses Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

  • Lectra’s latest PLM solution selected by Jinfa Labi to improve its product development process through supply chain digitization

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce that Jinfa Labi, one of the first publicly listed maternity and infant clothing companies in China, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to help digitally transform their supply chain, making it more efficient, integrated and connected.

  • Lectra’s latest PLM solution selected by Jinfa Labi to improve its product development process through supply chain digitization

Paris – Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, is pleased to announce that Jinfa Labi, one of the first publicly listed maternity and infant clothing companies in China, has chosen Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 to help digitally transform their supply chain, making it more efficient, integrated and connected.

Spurred by the continued growth of the Chinese economy, young Chinese parents are now demanding maternity and baby products that are more personalized and sophisticated in terms of material and design. To meet these new market needs, Jinfa Labi has chosen to implement Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 after researching on all PLM vendors in the market. With the help of this solution, the company aims to further improve their product development process by digitizing their entire supply chain, from design to production, enhancing business agility and collaboration. By embracing digitalization, the company hopes to make progress in adopting the government initiative “Made in China 2025”.

Lectra’s ultimate collaborative platform—Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0—gives fashion and apparel companies the extra speed and agility they need to tackle the challenges of Industry 4.0 head on. With the widest functional scope on the market, this technology serves as the intelligent backbone for the digital supply chain, facilitating the entire design-to-production process. This ensures a consistent flow of error-free data between process, technology and people, thus enabling organizations to quickly adapt to different business models and keep pace with the latest trends.

“As one of the first domestic companies to engage in R&D, design, production and distribution of baby clothing, Jinfa Labi is now growing exponentially. We are looking for a partner with a worldwide perspective and in-depth knowledge on the industry’s best practices,” said Lin Ruowen, General Manager, Jinfa Labi. “And Lectra fits the bill. Their latest PLM solution connects CAD, industry-standard software, company IT systems and external suppliers together, allowing us to fully digitize our supply chain by covering all production stages. We can then focus on improving our core competencies.”

“We are confident that Lectra will help Jinfa Labi make their mark for “Made in China 2025”. This Industry 4.0-based initiative will not only revolutionize the way in which manufacturers operate but also change the way in which the brands and retailers run their businesses. Lectra is committed to providing the technology and support that our customers need to thrive in this new digital era,” said Andreas A. Kim, Managing Director, Lectra, Greater China. “Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 is the only PLM solution purpose-designed for the fashion industry that covers the entire value chain. We hope to leverage our 44 years of experience in the fashion industry to help Jinfa Labi succeed through operational excellence.”

Kathmandu selects Archroma´s Earthcolors for Capsule Collection of its Signature Hoodies © Archroma
Archroma Earthcolors

Kathmandu selects Archroma´s Earthcolors for Capsule Collection of its Signature Hoodies

Reinach, Switzerland, 30 October 2017 - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, today announced its first-ever collaboration with Kathmandu, the well-known New-Zealand born and based outdoor brand. Kathmandu selected Archroma and its EarthColors range of plant-based dyes to create a new capsule collection of the brand’s signature hoodie.

Archroma’s EarthColors range recently came to public attention for being the Gold Winner of the OutDoor Industry Award 2017, Sustainable Innovations category, where Kathmandu also presented their first hoodies just off of the production line. Archroma’s EarthColors is a line of patented plant-based dyes, sourced from up to 100 percent renewable resources. Archroma developed EarthColors using non-edible waste products, from agriculture and herbal industries, to replace petroleum derived raw materials; which are the conventional raw materials used to synthesize dyes currently. This gives brands an alternative when looking for more natural ways of dyeing garments.

Archroma and Kathmandu teamed up to create an exclusive “vintage casual” look.

Reinach, Switzerland, 30 October 2017 - Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, today announced its first-ever collaboration with Kathmandu, the well-known New-Zealand born and based outdoor brand. Kathmandu selected Archroma and its EarthColors range of plant-based dyes to create a new capsule collection of the brand’s signature hoodie.

Archroma’s EarthColors range recently came to public attention for being the Gold Winner of the OutDoor Industry Award 2017, Sustainable Innovations category, where Kathmandu also presented their first hoodies just off of the production line. Archroma’s EarthColors is a line of patented plant-based dyes, sourced from up to 100 percent renewable resources. Archroma developed EarthColors using non-edible waste products, from agriculture and herbal industries, to replace petroleum derived raw materials; which are the conventional raw materials used to synthesize dyes currently. This gives brands an alternative when looking for more natural ways of dyeing garments.

Archroma and Kathmandu teamed up to create an exclusive “vintage casual” look.

The colors available in the capsule collection: slate blue, burnt olive and burlwood rose, are made from the non-edible parts of nutshells, almond shells, rosemary, saw palmetto, bitter orange and beetroot, left over from agriculture industry or herbal extraction. The collection is available online at

“We are very proud and grateful that Kathmandu selected Archroma’s EarthColors for their first incursion into the world of nature-based colors,” comments Paul Cowell, Head of Brand Marketing in Archroma’s Brand & Performance Textile Specialties business. “Kathmandu will surely inspire other brands and retailers to explore and adopt eco - advanced innovations. With the help of Kathmandu, Archroma is again showing the apparel industry the way to go, one collection at a time. Because it’s our nature!” “We have been using recycled materials for over 20 years and we are constantly looking for new technologies to develop more sustainable outdoor gear, adds Manu Rastogi, Textile R&D and Responsible Materials Manager for Kathmandu. “Dyeing techniques using plants have been around for centuries, but they require adding huge amounts of mordants* and fixatives**, which could lead to water pollution.

They also tend to have poor light and wash fastness which is undesirable for the consumer and does not promote article longevity. So when we heard about Archroma’s EarthColors, we were immediately excited by what is probably the first technology allowing colors to be synthesized from plants rather than petroleum while keeping similar performance.” Kathmandu selected Archroma and its EarthColors range of plant-based dyes to create a new capsule collection of the brand’s signature hoodie. (Photographs: Kathmandu) Archroma’s EarthColors is a line of patent-pending plant-based dyes, sourced from up to 100 percent renewable resources. (Photo: Archroma)

Kathmandu® Registered trademark
*alum, iron, copper, tin, chrome
** salt, tannings, vinegar

CHOMARAT receives a JEC Innovation Award in Seoul with C-PLY™ ©CHOMARAT

CHOMARAT receives a JEC Innovation Award in Seoul with C-PLY™

At JEC Asia 2017 (1-3 November), the international textile group CHOMARAT will receive a JEC Innovation Award in the Sports & Leisure category for its C-PLY™ Hexagonal with visual & structural stitching. “CHOMARAT provided NEILPRYDE and COBRA with its C-PLY™ Non-Crimp Fabric (NCF) technology to help them manufacture an innovative windfoil board, and we are very proud to be rewarded with our partners”, says Pascal JOUBERT DES OUCHES, Sports Equipment Market Director at CHOMARAT.


At JEC Asia 2017 (1-3 November), the international textile group CHOMARAT will receive a JEC Innovation Award in the Sports & Leisure category for its C-PLY™ Hexagonal with visual & structural stitching. “CHOMARAT provided NEILPRYDE and COBRA with its C-PLY™ Non-Crimp Fabric (NCF) technology to help them manufacture an innovative windfoil board, and we are very proud to be rewarded with our partners”, says Pascal JOUBERT DES OUCHES, Sports Equipment Market Director at CHOMARAT.


The unusual stitching of this carbon multiaxial NCF reinforcement combines visual appeal and mechanical performance. C-PLY™ Hexagonal is an innovative carbon NCF with a unique stitching yarn designed to be visible within the resin and to capture resin colour pigments. The stitching yarn also improves fracture toughness compared to standard NCF.
“We researched the right stitching yarn among multiple options before coming up with a tailor-made yarn solution. C-PLY™ Hexagonal provides a unique honeycomb carbon design that appeals to end users”, adds Philippe SANIAL, R&T Director at CHOMARAT.


Originally dedicated to the design of aerospace and automotive parts, the concept is now successfully applied to the sports & leisure sector. In this innovative windfoil board construction, tows are spread to create thin plies, which are then stitched with precise ±45° angles. The C-PLY™ NCF structure respects the fibre alignment and is optimized in terms of fibre angles and ply weights, thanks to unique spreading technology. The result is a leading-edge carbon NCF reinforcement allowing structural design benefits, premium surface quality and overall parts cost savings. “Bringing a new carbon visual signature for our high-performance C-PLY™ range of NCF is a key to boost retail sales in the whole sports & consumers product industry”, concludes Pascal JOUBERT DES OUCHES.

More information:


drapilux article 235 03 gives the room a relaxed, feel-good ambience thanks to its natural, cherry blossom pattern. The design is available in two colour schemes ©drapilux
drapilux - Article 235 03

German Design Award 2018 goes to drapilux

Emsdetten, Germany -  Award for the drapilux 235 03 article from the Boutique collection: the international expert judging panel for the German Design Award 2018 named the material the winner of the Home Textiles and Home Accessories category due to its outstanding design quality.

drapilux is one of the major textile manufacturers in Europe and a pioneer of intelligent functions. The German Design Award is recognition of the success achieved by drapilux in setting new benchmarks in design.

New fabric quality and stylish design

With the flame-retardant, opaque article, 235 03, drapilux – the commercial property furnishers which specialise in hospitality, healthcare and maritime – have brought a product to the market this year that can be used in hotels and care facilities, on ships or at home. New hotels, furnished in a themed and aspirational manner, are particularly fond of the modern pattern as it gives their properties a unique character.

Emsdetten, Germany -  Award for the drapilux 235 03 article from the Boutique collection: the international expert judging panel for the German Design Award 2018 named the material the winner of the Home Textiles and Home Accessories category due to its outstanding design quality.

drapilux is one of the major textile manufacturers in Europe and a pioneer of intelligent functions. The German Design Award is recognition of the success achieved by drapilux in setting new benchmarks in design.

New fabric quality and stylish design

With the flame-retardant, opaque article, 235 03, drapilux – the commercial property furnishers which specialise in hospitality, healthcare and maritime – have brought a product to the market this year that can be used in hotels and care facilities, on ships or at home. New hotels, furnished in a themed and aspirational manner, are particularly fond of the modern pattern as it gives their properties a unique character.

The special feature of the drapilux 235 product series from the Boutique collection is the new quality of the materials used: “The coarse yarn provides the textiles with firm grip and is therefore well suited for bedspreads and upholstery”, explained Kirstin Herrmann, Head of drapilux Design Studio. ”The design of Article 235 from series no. 3 is reminiscent of cherry blossoms and has a natural and delicate appearance. The bright colours, however, are used sparingly to give the product a modern and trendy touch” she continued.

The fabric features drapilux akustik, a function which has a positive effect on the acoustics of a room. When ordering above a certain amount, all textiles can be delivered with intelligent finishes: drapilux air and drapilux bioaktiv actively improve the indoor climate and fight against germs and bacteria on the textile.

More information:
German Design Award drapilux

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gesellschaft für public relations und marketing mbh

 5. Textiler Outdoor Award / Kunstwanderweg III © Atelier Silke Bosbach & M. Lange, 2017
Wettbewerbsarbeit A. Siegburg / Pilze

5. Textiler Outdoor Award / Kunstwanderweg III

  • Für Handarbeitstalente
  • Jetzt bewerben für den 5. TEXTILEN OUTDOOR AWARD

Für kreative Köpfe ist der TEXTILE OUTDOOR AWARD eine Institution. Ob Stricken, Häkeln, Patchen, Nähen, Weben, Filzen oder Mixed Media: Jeder, der in Handarbeit eigene fantasievolle Kreativideen im Textilbereich umsetzt, kann sich bis einschließlich 30. Januar 2018 mit bis zu drei Fotos seines Designs für den traditionsreichen Award zum diesjährigen Thema „Wald – Artenvielfalt“ bewerben. Aus den eingereichten Fotos werden großformatige Bilderplatten mit Begleittexten angefertigt, die 2018 im Rahmen einer Wanderausstellung In- & Outdoor präsentiert werden. Es werden keine Originalarbeiten für die Ausstellungen eingefordert, da der Schwerpunkt auf „Textilkunst & Fotografie“ in seiner Jubiläumsausschreibung liegt.

  • Für Handarbeitstalente
  • Jetzt bewerben für den 5. TEXTILEN OUTDOOR AWARD

Für kreative Köpfe ist der TEXTILE OUTDOOR AWARD eine Institution. Ob Stricken, Häkeln, Patchen, Nähen, Weben, Filzen oder Mixed Media: Jeder, der in Handarbeit eigene fantasievolle Kreativideen im Textilbereich umsetzt, kann sich bis einschließlich 30. Januar 2018 mit bis zu drei Fotos seines Designs für den traditionsreichen Award zum diesjährigen Thema „Wald – Artenvielfalt“ bewerben. Aus den eingereichten Fotos werden großformatige Bilderplatten mit Begleittexten angefertigt, die 2018 im Rahmen einer Wanderausstellung In- & Outdoor präsentiert werden. Es werden keine Originalarbeiten für die Ausstellungen eingefordert, da der Schwerpunkt auf „Textilkunst & Fotografie“ in seiner Jubiläumsausschreibung liegt.

Es dürfen klein- bis großformatige dreidimensionale Arbeiten, Installationen, als auch Wand und Hängeobjekte gestaltet werden. Tragbare Objekte (wie Bekleidung, Schmuck & Accessoires), als auch gerahmte Arbeiten werden nicht zugelassen. Die teilnehmenden Gestalter für die Bereiche Erwachsene und Nachwuchs erwarten hochwertige Sachpreise von über 30 renommierten Kooperationspartnern der Hobby- und Handarbeitsbranche.

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Viyellatex Group Extends Collaboration Agreement with Huntsman for Another Two Years © Huntsman
Huntsman Viyellatex Signing Ceremony

Viyellatex Group Extends Collaboration Agreement with Huntsman for Another Two Years

  • Huntsman continues to inject its leading edge innovation in bangladesh to support textile industry with sustainable practices

Singapore - In a signing ceremony, Huntsman Textile Effects announced that it has extended the partnership and collaboration agreement with Viyellatex Group for another two years. The agreement will see the Viyellatex Group continuing to use Huntsman as its preferred and sole supplier for industry leading dyes, chemicals and dying auxiliaries. This partnership, now in its 17th year reinforces the recognition of Huntsman as a trusted and preferred supplier for the Viyellatex Group. Under this agreement, Huntsman will support Viyellatex’s Group of mills to streamline operations and optimize processes, train technical staff, and make recommendations to help improve yield and productivity. This strategic cooperation will enable Viyellatex Group to continue to achieve operational excellence.

  • Huntsman continues to inject its leading edge innovation in bangladesh to support textile industry with sustainable practices

Singapore - In a signing ceremony, Huntsman Textile Effects announced that it has extended the partnership and collaboration agreement with Viyellatex Group for another two years. The agreement will see the Viyellatex Group continuing to use Huntsman as its preferred and sole supplier for industry leading dyes, chemicals and dying auxiliaries. This partnership, now in its 17th year reinforces the recognition of Huntsman as a trusted and preferred supplier for the Viyellatex Group. Under this agreement, Huntsman will support Viyellatex’s Group of mills to streamline operations and optimize processes, train technical staff, and make recommendations to help improve yield and productivity. This strategic cooperation will enable Viyellatex Group to continue to achieve operational excellence.

“We are extremely pleased and proud of this continuing partnership with the Viyellatex Group. As a global leader in the transition to a more sustainable textiles sector, we are pleased to join hands with one of the country’s leading exporter of ready-made garments (RMG) and a supplier to leading international brands, commented Chuck Hirsch, Vice President, Sales and Technical Resources, Huntsman Textile Effects. “This cooperation agreement will also help Viyellatex Group to maintain its leading edge in the textile industry by leveraging on Huntsman’s R&D capabilities, innovation and focus on sustainability, while continuing to comply with the stringent requirements of its export customers around the world,” continued Mr Hirsh.

Speaking on the occasion Mr. David Hasanat, Chairman of Viyellatex Group said, “Viyellatex Group is the leading company in the area of sustainable apparel in Bangladesh. This continuing support and technical expertise from Huntsman will help us be more competitive in this increasingly challenging market. It will help us to comply with the stringent product demands from our global customers and better equip us to face challenges from the operational and environmental aspects.” He continues, “Viyellatex Group places strong emphasis on sustainability by minimizing energy usage, adopting waste and water recycling, and using only organic materials and environmentally compliant chemicals and dyes and Huntsman is the perfect partner in this regard as they share this vision.” “We are pleased to be conferred Preferred Supplier Status from Viyellatex Group, partnering with one of the leading apparel groups in Bangladesh” , said Mr. Dheeraj Talreja, Commercial Director - South Asia, Middle East & Africa of Huntsman Textile Effects. “This partnership is a great testament of our customers’ trust and confidence in Huntsman’s quality, proven expertise, products and service delivery,” he continued.

In conjunction with this signing ceremony and as an active supporter of Bangladesh’s textile industry, today Mr Hirsch also hosted a customer seminar for more than 500 customers and prospects in the country’s capital, to provide them with leading edge technologies to help them be more sustainable with competitive value-add to customers.

Huntsman Textile Effects holds regular seminars and workshops and also collaborates with textile mills and apparel manufacturers to adopt new technologies and processes that conserve resources, reduce waste and improve productivity.

Bangladesh’s textile industry is the nation’s largest export sector. The ready-made garment (RMG) sector is worth US$28.14* billion in 2016-2017, with more than 4,300 garment factories employing about 4 million people and accounting for 80.7% of the country’s total exports. To remain internationally competitive, local textile mills and RMG factories increasingly have to demonstrate that they operate in a socially and environmentally sustainable way.

More information:
Huntsman Viyellatex Grouo


Externer Doktorand des ITM mit dem handling award 2017 ausgezeichnet © Daimler AG
Betriebsmittelmodulbaukasten FibreTEC3D

Externer Doktorand des ITM mit dem handling award 2017 ausgezeichnet

M. Sc. Niklas Minsch von der Daimler AG und externer Doktorand am Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden wurde für seine Entwicklungen zum Thema "Ultra-Leichtbau-Betriebsmittel aus generischen Faserverbundstrukturen - FibreTEC3D" am 10. Oktober 2017 mit dem handling award 2017 in der Kategorie "Handhabung und Montage" (1. Preisträger) im Rahmen der Messe "Motek" in Stuttgart ausgezeichnet.

Mit FibreTEC3D stellt Herr Niklas Minsch einen Greifer-/Betriebsmittelmodulbaukasten vor und errang in der Kategorie „Handhabung und Montage“ den ersten Platz. FibreTEC3D ist ein komplett neu entwickeltes Herstellungsverfahren für Kohlefaserkunststoffverbunde.

Essenziell dafür ist die dreidimensionale kernlose Wickeltechnik, welche in der Tec-Fabrik von Daimler in Kooperation mit dem ITM der TU Dresden im Rahmen der Promotion von Herrn Minsch entwickelt wurde. Dieses generative Fertigungsverfahren ermöglicht eine werkzeugfreie, flexible Ablage von Kohlefasersträngen im Raum, wodurch ein maximaler Leichtbaugrad bei minimalen Kosten und höchster Flexibilität erreicht werden kann.

M. Sc. Niklas Minsch von der Daimler AG und externer Doktorand am Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden wurde für seine Entwicklungen zum Thema "Ultra-Leichtbau-Betriebsmittel aus generischen Faserverbundstrukturen - FibreTEC3D" am 10. Oktober 2017 mit dem handling award 2017 in der Kategorie "Handhabung und Montage" (1. Preisträger) im Rahmen der Messe "Motek" in Stuttgart ausgezeichnet.

Mit FibreTEC3D stellt Herr Niklas Minsch einen Greifer-/Betriebsmittelmodulbaukasten vor und errang in der Kategorie „Handhabung und Montage“ den ersten Platz. FibreTEC3D ist ein komplett neu entwickeltes Herstellungsverfahren für Kohlefaserkunststoffverbunde.

Essenziell dafür ist die dreidimensionale kernlose Wickeltechnik, welche in der Tec-Fabrik von Daimler in Kooperation mit dem ITM der TU Dresden im Rahmen der Promotion von Herrn Minsch entwickelt wurde. Dieses generative Fertigungsverfahren ermöglicht eine werkzeugfreie, flexible Ablage von Kohlefasersträngen im Raum, wodurch ein maximaler Leichtbaugrad bei minimalen Kosten und höchster Flexibilität erreicht werden kann.

Mit dem handling award wurden herausragende Produkte und Systemlösungen im Bereich der Fertigungs- und Montageautomatisierung sowie Neuerungen in den Fachgebieten Handhabungstechnik, Robotik, Materialfluss- und Fördertechnik prämiert. Während der Feierstunde übergab Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Franke vom Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Produktionssystematik der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg sowie Vorstandsmitglied der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Montage, Handhabung und Industrierobotik (MHI) als Laudator die Preise gemeinsam mit Herrn René Khestel, Geschäftsführer der WEKA BUSINESS MEDIEN GmbH, Herausgeber der Fachzeitschrift handling.


Technische Universität Dresden