From the Sector

3128 results
Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt. (c) Devan Chemicals NV
Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt.

Devan präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu Moov&Cool

Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt. Die patentierte Polymertechnologie wurde erstmals auf der Performance Days im April 2018 vorgestellt.

Moov&Cool ist eine patentierte Polymertechnologie, deren dauerhafte Wärmeaufnahmekapazität und Wärmeleitfähigkeit in Kombination mit einem außergewöhnlichen, ausgewogenen Feuchtetransfersystem für ein angenehm kühles Empfinden sorgt. Neben schneller Schweißaufnahme unterstützt die Technologie auf ausgewogene Weise auch die kontrollierte Schweißverdunstung. Als hochaktuelle Lösung zur Behandlung von Textilien wurde sie gezielt entwickelt, um die Leistungsfähigkeit von Profisportlern zu steigern und den Komfort von Breitensportartikeln zu verbessern.

Devan Chemicals, Innovator für Textilveredelung, präsentiert weitere Ergebnisse zu seiner ‚Kühlkomfort‘-Technologie Moov&Cool® für den Bekleidungs- und Sportartikelmarkt. Die patentierte Polymertechnologie wurde erstmals auf der Performance Days im April 2018 vorgestellt.

Moov&Cool ist eine patentierte Polymertechnologie, deren dauerhafte Wärmeaufnahmekapazität und Wärmeleitfähigkeit in Kombination mit einem außergewöhnlichen, ausgewogenen Feuchtetransfersystem für ein angenehm kühles Empfinden sorgt. Neben schneller Schweißaufnahme unterstützt die Technologie auf ausgewogene Weise auch die kontrollierte Schweißverdunstung. Als hochaktuelle Lösung zur Behandlung von Textilien wurde sie gezielt entwickelt, um die Leistungsfähigkeit von Profisportlern zu steigern und den Komfort von Breitensportartikeln zu verbessern.

Wahrhaft einzigartig
Devan erhebt den Anspruch der absoluten Einzigartigkeit seiner Technologie. „Wo andere Lösungen beim Verdunsten von Schweiß auf den Wind vertrauen, um ein kühles Hautgefühl zu erreichen, nutzt Moov&Cool die bei sportlichen Aktivitäten erzeugte, überschüssige Wärme, um die Körperkerntemperatur zu senken“, betont Dr. Vanessa Daelman, Business Unit Manager Performance bei Devan. „Das Prinzip wirkt auch bei reduzierter Windgeschwindigkeit, wie beispielsweise in Sporthallen.“

Darüber hinaus ist die Technologie nicht nur von Nutzen in heißen Klimazonen, sondern isoliert auch gegen Kälte. „Wenn Moov&Cool kälteren Temperaturen ausgesetzt wird, verengen sich die Poren der polymeren Schicht, sodass die Wärme zwischen dem Körper und dem Gewebe zurückgehalten wird“, so Dr. Daelman weiter.
Devan hat ein spezielles System entwickelt, um Sportartikelhersteller zur bestgeeigneten Nutzung der Technologie zu führen. Ziel des Systems ist die spezifische Dimensionierung von Moov&Cool für den vorgesehenen Einsatzzweck.

Devan legt großen Wert auf wissenschaftliche Nachweise und unabhängige Test. Das Unternehmen hat seine patentierte Technologie daher in Zusammenarbeit mit der Bakala-Akademie und der Universität Leuven strengen Prüfungen unterzogen. „Nach umfassenderen Tests mit Leistungssportlern können die Trends, die wir anfänglich sahen, inzwischen bestätigt werden“, sagt Dr. Daelman. „Moov&Cool bewirkt eine signifikante Absenkung der Körperkerntemperatur und hat einen positiven Effekt auf Herzfrequenz und Wärmeempfinden. Die vollständigen Testergebnisse werden wir auf der Performance Days am 28. und 29. November präsentieren.“

Von der Natur inspiriert
Devan zufolge gab ein Mechanismus in Pflanzen den Anstoß zur Entwicklung von Moov&Cool. „Pflanzen haben kleine, porenähnliche Öffnungen (Stomata) auf der Unterseite ihrer Blätter, die sie abhängig von den Umgebungsbedingungen öffnen und schließen“, erklärt Dr. Daelman. „So können sie ihren Wasser- und Wärmehaushalt regulieren.“
Devan präsentiert Moov&Cool im Detail während der Performance Days in München vom 28. bis 29. November auf Stand P11 in Halle C1.


More information:
Devan Chemicals NV Devan

Devan Chemicals NV // Marketing Solutions NV


KLiNGEL Gruppe erreicht neue Kunden durch digitale Kooperationen

„Wir entwickeln uns zu einem innovativen Technologiehub für vertikale Nischenmarken im Segment der Bestager“ – mit diesen Worten beschreibt Oliver Lenz, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung bei der Pforzheimer KLiNGEL Gruppe, die digitale Transformation des Unternehmens. Bezogen auf den Vertrieb bedeutet das auch, immer mehr Kooperationen mit digitalen Marktplätzen und Shopping-Plattformen einzugehen. Auf diese Weise will sich der Multichannel Distanzhändler vor allem für seine Fashion Brands neue Zielgruppen erschließen und sich im E-Commerce noch breiter aufstellen.

„Wir entwickeln uns zu einem innovativen Technologiehub für vertikale Nischenmarken im Segment der Bestager“ – mit diesen Worten beschreibt Oliver Lenz, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung bei der Pforzheimer KLiNGEL Gruppe, die digitale Transformation des Unternehmens. Bezogen auf den Vertrieb bedeutet das auch, immer mehr Kooperationen mit digitalen Marktplätzen und Shopping-Plattformen einzugehen. Auf diese Weise will sich der Multichannel Distanzhändler vor allem für seine Fashion Brands neue Zielgruppen erschließen und sich im E-Commerce noch breiter aufstellen.

Vertriebspartnerschaften im hart umkämpften Modemarkt hat die KLiNGEL Gruppe schon vor Jahren geschlossen. So finden sich beispielsweise Produkte der Marken Babista und MONA bereits seit 2014 im Portfolio von Dort gehört KLiNGEL im Segment Fashion inzwischen zu den zehn größten Lieferanten. 2015 kam Amazon als Partner dazu, Ebay folgte im Jahr darauf. Zuletzt schlossen die Pforzheimer im Jahr 2017 digitale Kooperationen mit Baur und Schwab sowie mit der myToys Gruppe, welche die Plattformen mirapodo (Schuhe), Ambellis (Damenmode) und Yomonda (Wohnaccessoires) betreibt. „Weitere Kooperationen mit namhaften Playern, auch im europäischen Ausland, sind bereits in Verhandlung“, so Holger Kolbinger, Leiter Kooperationen KLiNGEL.

Dass die KLiNGEL Gruppe Kooperationen im E-Commerce anstrebt, zeugt von einer progressiven, digital orientierten Vertriebsstrategie. Neben dem Betrieb eigener Webshops ist dies für KLiNGEL eine weitere Möglichkeit für den Vertrieb von Ware und für die Lead-Generierung. Oliver Lenz: „Die Erschließung neuer passfähiger Zielgruppen durch die Bekanntmachung und Vermarktung unserer Eigenmarken auf fremden Plattformen ist für KLiNGEL im Rahmen unserer digitalen Strategie von großer Bedeutung.“

Nach rund vier Jahren Erfahrung mit digitalen Kooperationen ergeben sich deutliche Zuwächse für die KLiNGEL Gruppe: Von 2016 bis 2017 konnte im Kooperationsgeschäft ein Wachstum von über 150 Prozent erreicht werden. 2018 wird der Umsatz mit Partnern weiterhin steigen. Wegen des großen Erfolgs soll das Produktangebot bei den etablierten Partnern stetig ausgebaut werden. Zudem plant die KLiNGEL Gruppe in den nächsten 12 bis 18 Monaten mindestens weitere fünf bis sieben Plattformen anzubinden, unter anderem auch im europäischen Ausland.

More information:
KLiNGEL Gruppe

Goerke Public Relations GmbH

(c) 2018 GB Network Marketing & Communication

ReLAST: the Super-Smart GOTS and GRS certified Stretch Denim from Candiani with ROICA™

Candiani launches at Kingpins its new eco-smart denim range in partnership with ROICA™ from Asahi Kasei
Both companies can claim their separate leading roles in textile innovation. Candiani, ‘the Greenest Mill in The Blue World’, is always at the cutting edge of new developments, and ROICA™  with  its  various premium stretch functions. Now they join forces through a unique synergy and an exclusive, custom made premium stretch sustainable ROICA™ yarn developed by Asahi Kasei especially for Candiani.
ReLAST is a range of market fresh responsible denim products, designed by Candiani that tick every smart box: from new ways in colouration, to better, more sustainable raw materials, new finishing and fade-tech that minimises water waste, and now with a key responsible stretch ingredient in a specially produced GRS certified ROICA™ yarn that perfectly completes this range making better, more sustainable, sharp fashions for customers looking to live and wear better with better values.

Candiani launches at Kingpins its new eco-smart denim range in partnership with ROICA™ from Asahi Kasei
Both companies can claim their separate leading roles in textile innovation. Candiani, ‘the Greenest Mill in The Blue World’, is always at the cutting edge of new developments, and ROICA™  with  its  various premium stretch functions. Now they join forces through a unique synergy and an exclusive, custom made premium stretch sustainable ROICA™ yarn developed by Asahi Kasei especially for Candiani.
ReLAST is a range of market fresh responsible denim products, designed by Candiani that tick every smart box: from new ways in colouration, to better, more sustainable raw materials, new finishing and fade-tech that minimises water waste, and now with a key responsible stretch ingredient in a specially produced GRS certified ROICA™ yarn that perfectly completes this range making better, more sustainable, sharp fashions for customers looking to live and wear better with better values.

New Colouration values in the K-Seal range come from indigo applied with a water saving Indigo Juice® system. Or in the KN-Cotton range from cotton scraps recycled and dyed with Archroma earth colours. Both are sized with the Kitotex® Vegetal size derived from plants and natural renewables.


2018 GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) Menabò Group s.r.l

Metalbottoni strengthens its partnerships with northern Europe thanks to its green range.

For the appointment with the exhibition dedicated to denim Metalbottoni focuses on its new range of increasingly green accessories which have captured the attention of the northern European brands most attentive to sustainability in the world of jeans and elsewhere. A range of proposals which, in recent months, has progressed remarkably, following the rules established by the corporate responsibility protocol called NO IMPACT.

This is a responsible approach underlined by the promise “Committed Accessories”, but also a strategic choice with a view to approaching those markets which so far have appeared to be most keen on the subject, for example northern Europe, Benelux and the United States, California in particular. This means that Metalbottoni is acting with increasing assertiveness on those scenarios where it has been present for a long time, in order to increase the segments depth, intercepting new ones, thanks to its wide-ranging eco-compatible proposal.

For the appointment with the exhibition dedicated to denim Metalbottoni focuses on its new range of increasingly green accessories which have captured the attention of the northern European brands most attentive to sustainability in the world of jeans and elsewhere. A range of proposals which, in recent months, has progressed remarkably, following the rules established by the corporate responsibility protocol called NO IMPACT.

This is a responsible approach underlined by the promise “Committed Accessories”, but also a strategic choice with a view to approaching those markets which so far have appeared to be most keen on the subject, for example northern Europe, Benelux and the United States, California in particular. This means that Metalbottoni is acting with increasing assertiveness on those scenarios where it has been present for a long time, in order to increase the segments depth, intercepting new ones, thanks to its wide-ranging eco-compatible proposal.

NO IMPACT: “Committed Accessories” expanded
It is the constant search for sustainable innovation that reveals the extent of the progress made over the past few months by Metalbottoni. For the Kingpins Show exhibition, there are many novelties in store from the company, extending its range in terms of sustainability. Firstly, there is the new MONSTER line eco-processing, special for pure denim, which – apart from metal – includes new material solutions developed through high-profile collaborations.

Metalbottoni strengthens its partnerships with northern Europe thanks to its green range. (c) Metalbottoni SPA

Metalbottoni strengthens its partnerships with northern Europe thanks to its green range.

  • At Kingpins Show Amsterdam (24-25 October) the new “Committed Accessories” dedicated to denim take centre stage.

For the appointment with the exhibition dedicated to denim Metalbottoni focuses on its new range of increasingly green accessories which have captured the attention of the northern European brands most attentive to sustainability in the world of jeans and elsewhere. A range of proposals which, in recent months, has progressed remarkably, following the rules established by the corporate responsibility protocol called NO IMPACT.

This is a responsible approach underlined by the promise “Committed Accessories”, but also a strategic choice with a view to approaching those markets which so far have appeared to be most keen on the subject, for example northern Europe, Benelux and the United States, California in particular. This means that Metalbottoni is acting with increasing assertiveness on those scenarios where it has been present for a long time, in order to increase the segments depth, intercepting new ones, thanks to its wide-ranging eco-compatible proposal.

  • At Kingpins Show Amsterdam (24-25 October) the new “Committed Accessories” dedicated to denim take centre stage.

For the appointment with the exhibition dedicated to denim Metalbottoni focuses on its new range of increasingly green accessories which have captured the attention of the northern European brands most attentive to sustainability in the world of jeans and elsewhere. A range of proposals which, in recent months, has progressed remarkably, following the rules established by the corporate responsibility protocol called NO IMPACT.

This is a responsible approach underlined by the promise “Committed Accessories”, but also a strategic choice with a view to approaching those markets which so far have appeared to be most keen on the subject, for example northern Europe, Benelux and the United States, California in particular. This means that Metalbottoni is acting with increasing assertiveness on those scenarios where it has been present for a long time, in order to increase the segments depth, intercepting new ones, thanks to its wide-ranging eco-compatible proposal.

NO IMPACT: “Committed Accessories” expanded

It is the constant search for sustainable innovation that reveals the extent of the progress made over the past few months by Metalbottoni. For the Kingpins Show exhibition, there are many novelties in store from the company, extending its range in terms of sustainability. Firstly, there is the new MONSTER line eco-processing, special for pure denim, which – apart from metal – includes new material solutions developed through high-profile collaborations.

Also the LEATHER ACCESSORIES line is extending its range of sustainable materials. The line of tags and rear waistband labels is enhanced through interpretations based on two new eco-friendly materials: recycled jacron and cork. For denim designed to be 100% green, also in accessories. Sustainable proposals are increasingly integrated throughout the Metalbottoni range, for example the new glossy and satin finishing developed for the line LABORA on exclusive metal accessories.

Partnerships with brands from northern Europe: Bik Bok and Kings of Indigo

One of the most important collaboration in sustainable fashion is the one with the Norwegian brand Bik Bok. The brand that was founded in 1973 dedicated to young women, today offer accessible trend driven fashion through a network of over 200 single-brand stores in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Austria. The brand has since 2017 chosen to use only BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) certified cotton for their in house premium denim brand Never Denim. For Never Denim Metalbottoni has realized a series of jeans buttons and personalized rivets, all entirely produced according to the NO IMPACT protocol; which means recycled raw materials, no use of chemical agents, through processing and machinery that minimize the use of water and electricity, resulting 100% from photovoltaic panels. All these features are part of a capsule developed for the new AW 2018 collection for Never Denim entirely made with Fair Trade certified cotton. Thanks to this project, the No Impact becomes an integral part of a collection that is aimed at a very large, young and aware public.

Another important brand which has chosen the new NO IMPACT metal accessories is Kings Of Indigo, the Dutch denim mill which is presenting top-quality jeans, inspired by traditional American style, combined with Japanese attention to detail, which today has as many 250 authorised dealers in 12 countries, with a very strong focus on northern Europe.

More and more sportswear for the new Monster SS 2020 collection

The great Metalbottoni classic dedicated to denim confirms the trend of strongly merging with the world of sportswear. The MONSTER line introduces the style developments of the SS 2020 season, with the range being more and more influenced by technical and sports interpretations, alongside sustainable production processes based on the NO IMPACT protocol. The new MONSTER proposals include items made of non-metal material, using sustainable processes, of natural origin and 100% biodegradable; these accessories are similar in appearance to traditional polyester, interpreted in a responsible way, developed through a series of special and unique effects. Also the button, rivet and small plate range has been restyled, having always been the core of the MONSTER line. Today the number of solutions available increases  hanks to new vintage finishing, developed on metal accessories, which are also totally green. “The denim world is moving in a clear direction: that of sustainability.” says Maria Teresa Ricciardo, Creative Director at Metalbottoni, “This is true in particular for some markets, which are strategic for us, and where we are proving increasingly successful, thanks to constant product and process research from a green  perspective, which Metalbottoni today is able to offer within the framework of the NO IMPACT pathway which we have been pursuing for a long time”.

(c) Trevira GmbH
Room acoustics section of the booth at Heimtextil 2018

Trevira expands its joint fair booth for Heimtextil 2019

Following the success of Trevira GmbH’s joint booth concept at Heimtextil 2018, the company will be expanding its plans next year. At the 2019 Heimtextil, due to take place from 8-11 January in Frankfurt, Trevira be presenting a new joint booth. At over 2000 msq, the new booth in Hall 4.2 will be significantly larger, up from 1300 msq in 2018, and next year will also see an increase in the number of major customers joining Trevira at Heimtextil, from 16 this year to 22 in 2019.

Following the success of Trevira GmbH’s joint booth concept at Heimtextil 2018, the company will be expanding its plans next year. At the 2019 Heimtextil, due to take place from 8-11 January in Frankfurt, Trevira be presenting a new joint booth. At over 2000 msq, the new booth in Hall 4.2 will be significantly larger, up from 1300 msq in 2018, and next year will also see an increase in the number of major customers joining Trevira at Heimtextil, from 16 this year to 22 in 2019.

Trevira has expanded its fair booth concept for 2019. Together with 22 of its biggest customers, the manufacturer of high-quality, flame retardant polyester fibres will tell the story of the entire textile value chain. Starting with the basics - fibre production and yarn manufacture – the exhibition will then move on to show the colouring, weaving and warp and weft knitting stages, eventually taking the visitor right up to the textile editing. Meanwhile, Trevira’s customers will reveal their Trevira CS collections for home and contract textiles at individual stands, demonstrating their contribution to the value chain. Visitors will catch a glimpse of the complex and complicated world of textiles manufacturing, while also gaining an insight into how polyester fibres are transformed into attractive, functional fabrics conveying true visual and sensory appeal along with authentic value.

Trevira GmbH’s CEO, Klaus Holz said: “The overwhelmingly positive market response to our joint booth at Heimtextil 2018 showed us that we are moving in the right direction, and we will continue to build on this concept in 2019, working together with an even larger group of Trevira CS customers to create a shared exhibition space displaying the entire textile value chain.”

(c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon to cooperate with Shaoyang Textile Machinery on Spunmelt line solutions in future

Oerlikons business unit Nonwoven will cooperate with the Chinese machine and plant manufacturer Shaoyang Textile Machinery for nonwoven solutions in the hygiene market. This was announced by the Manmade Fibers segment at ITMA ASIA + CITME 2018.

Oerlikons business unit Nonwoven will cooperate with the Chinese machine and plant manufacturer Shaoyang Textile Machinery for nonwoven solutions in the hygiene market. This was announced by the Manmade Fibers segment at ITMA ASIA + CITME 2018.

The aim of both cooperation partners is to jointly advance the international sales of Spunmelt lines for hygiene applications in the field of disposable nonwovens outside China.
Oerlikons business unit Nonwoven will be responsible for the entire project in the future. To this end, the Neumünster-based company will contribute its know-how in plant engineering to the partnership. Additionally, Oerlikon acquires the CE certifications of all exported Shaoyang Spunmelt lines. Oerlikon will also be responsible for product and process guarantees and will provide worldwide customer services outside China. Shaoyang Textile Machinery, on the other hand, supplies the Spunmelt plant technologies.
"With Shaoyang Textile Machinery, we have found a renowned Chinese plant manufacturer with extensive know-how in the construction of Spunmelt plants for hygiene applications, which achieves international standards with its nonwoven qualities," explains Oerlikon Manmade Fiber Segment CEO Georg Stausberg.
Rainer Straub, Head of Oerlikons Nonwoven Business Unit, adds: "The partnership with Shaoyang Textile Machinery enables us to gain a foothold in the highly competitive hygiene market. Our many years of engineering experience guarantee our customers production lines according to international
standards for high-quality nonwovens".



(c) Itema Group

Denim goes greener through the whole chain. Prosperity Textile acting as a pioneer and choosing the first sustainable innovation in the weaving industry: the brand-new iSAVER™ by Itema

A new important partnership marks the path of Itema towards a greener future for the whole denim production chain. Prosperity Textile, one of the main denim producers worldwide, has chosen for its new facility one of the most interesting and sustainable-oriented Itema technologies, iSAVER™ equipped on the Itema R95002denim. Prosperity Textiles is, in fact, one of the early adopters of this new technology chosen for the new plant that the world-famous indigo fabrics producer will open in Vietnam, and that will be exclusively equipped with the latest Itema weaving machine model, demonstrating once again its green, future-oriented approach.

A new important partnership marks the path of Itema towards a greener future for the whole denim production chain. Prosperity Textile, one of the main denim producers worldwide, has chosen for its new facility one of the most interesting and sustainable-oriented Itema technologies, iSAVER™ equipped on the Itema R95002denim. Prosperity Textiles is, in fact, one of the early adopters of this new technology chosen for the new plant that the world-famous indigo fabrics producer will open in Vietnam, and that will be exclusively equipped with the latest Itema weaving machine model, demonstrating once again its green, future-oriented approach.

Thanks to its partnership with Itema, Prosperity Textiles makes again a step forward in terms of sustainable innovation, as one of the first denim producers able to successfully turn - even the weaving production - green. A partnership that is planned to be showcased in some of the most important textiles exhibitions worldwide focusing on Asian and denim markets. A path that starts with KingpinsShow, Amsterdam (October 24-25) where the Chinese denim producer will put into the spotlight this brand-new solution aimed at further increasing the eco-driven approach of the company; an important appointment is also in the Itema calendar: the ITMA Asia + CITME 2018 exhibition, Shanghai (October 15-19) where the Italian company showcased the important green step-forward in denim weaving processes and the full range of its innovations.

iSAVER™: the ideal green tool for denim weaving
This new technology, developed by ItemaLab™, the Itema Advanced Innovation Department, isable to completely eliminate the left-hand weft waste, allowing to insert the weft yarns in the fabric without the need of additional yarns. iSAVER™ significantly reduces raw material waste, leading to tangible benefits in terms of machine’s efficiency, cost reduction and energy saving.

Just consider that the weaver will gain a minimum saving of € 2.000 per year per machine, and our planet will gain even more. In fact, for the first time in the weaving industry, a sustainable approach when choosing the weaving equipment is now possible. Thanks to iSAVER™, 1.000 Kg of cotton per machine per year – the 3% of the total raw materials - will be saved, thus avoiding the waste of 20 million liters of water, equivalent to 400.000 showers.

Numbers are clear: the introduction of iSAVER™ clearly sets a new benchmark in terms of sustainability within denim fabric production. Furthermore, the iSAVER™ is one of the key features of the Itema R95002denim, the rapier weaving machine born and designed to weave denim guaranteeing to weavers superior textile quality, outstanding user-friendliness and tangible energy and raw materials saving.

A joint eco-driven path
Itema, understanding very well the importance of saving resources and energy to drive the textile production in the direction of a more conscious manufacturing, focused its attention to develop breakthrough weaving solutions and in 2018 introduced to the market the iSAVER™, a revolutionary device dedicated specifically to denim fabrics able to eliminate the waste selvedge on the left-hand side of the fabric.

This is one of the reasons-why Prosperity Textiles has chosen to adopt this extraordinary technology for its new facility. Today Prosperity Textiles is one of the main denim producers worldwide, counting 1,300 employees and 20 offices worldwide. Moreover, a second state-of-theart denim mill will be inaugurated in Vietnam by the end of 2018.
What makes Prosperity able to stand out on a global scale, is not simply its products high quality but the ability to conciliate flawless denim fabric production with a sustainability-oriented mindset that permeates every stage of their textile supply chain.

Prosperity, indeed, adopted innovative green manufacturing concepts through all stages of the company’s operations, from product development, raw materials procurement and processing, to natural resources and energy utilization including waste management. Prosperity’s denim production is based on the employment of best quality yarns available on the market, while still targeting the most sustainable sources, from BCI to organic, recycled cotton, and from Tencel™ Lyocell to Sustans™, in 2017, more than 20 million yards fabric sales from Prosperity are with sustainable fibers inside.
The introduction of eco-friendly dyeing and finishing practices allows the company to create beautiful indigo shades and performance denims, with less water and energy consumption compared to the traditional systems. Last year, Prosperity produced 20% more fabrics than 2016, yet the water and electricity use and greenhouse gas emission was down by 11.5%, 7.9% and 5.4% respectively.

In this continuous process of improvement and contribution to a greener industry and planet, plays a central role the recent renewal of the historic partnership and strategic alliance with Itema – the leading manufacturer of cutting-edge weaving solutions – which represents the natural evolution of a constant process of research for partners able to support Prosperity Textiles’ growth as a sustainable company.
Up to now, all innovations and efforts done in this regard addressed the traditionally more polluting steps of the denim production. In fact, if the development of green technologies is nowadays spread in many fabric processing stages, such as finishing and dyeing, weaving was not yet capable to provide sustainable solutions to weavers.

More information:

Itema Group

CHOMARAT Reinforcements, 3 Examples Offered in Live Demos at CAMX 2018 EXPO
Travis IRVIN, in live demos at CAMX 2017

CHOMARAT Reinforcements, 3 Examples Offered in Live Demos at CAMX 2018 EXPO

  • 16-18 October 2018, Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, Dallas, TX

A skateboard, architectural panels and a rigid roof for boats – all three products rely on CHOMARAT composite reinforcements. The three designs will be on display at CAMX Expo in the demonstration area of COMPOSITES ONE, partner of CHOMARAT and leader in composites distribution in North America. CHOMARAT’s reinforcements enable to give unique properties to these three applications.

Proof positive: reinforcements offer design flexibility & improved mechanical performance

These three applications give CHOMARAT the opportunity to demonstrate the performance of its uniquely designed reinforcements in real time. “The skateboard combines Rovicore™, the multi-function closed-mold reinforcement developed by CHOMARAT, with C-Weave™, its woven carbon fabric that offers both structural performance and aesthetics to the design. Rovicore™ provides the permeability, while C-Weave™ provides the carbon aspect,” explains Brian Laufenberg, president, CHOMARAT North America.

  • 16-18 October 2018, Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, Dallas, TX

A skateboard, architectural panels and a rigid roof for boats – all three products rely on CHOMARAT composite reinforcements. The three designs will be on display at CAMX Expo in the demonstration area of COMPOSITES ONE, partner of CHOMARAT and leader in composites distribution in North America. CHOMARAT’s reinforcements enable to give unique properties to these three applications.

Proof positive: reinforcements offer design flexibility & improved mechanical performance

These three applications give CHOMARAT the opportunity to demonstrate the performance of its uniquely designed reinforcements in real time. “The skateboard combines Rovicore™, the multi-function closed-mold reinforcement developed by CHOMARAT, with C-Weave™, its woven carbon fabric that offers both structural performance and aesthetics to the design. Rovicore™ provides the permeability, while C-Weave™ provides the carbon aspect,” explains Brian Laufenberg, president, CHOMARAT North America.

During the live demos, architectural panels using Rovicore™ and a rigid boat roof in RTM will also be made. “With 60 years of expertise in designing composite reinforcements, CHOMARAT demonstrates that its reinforcements offer excellent mechanical performance and design for a large number of projects in sectors as diverse as sport and leisure, marine and building,” adds Travis IRVIN, Sales Manager and Closed Mould Process Expert at CHOMARAT.

Meet CHOMARAT teams at BOOTH V39 and see Live demos in the COMPOSITES ONE demonstration area at CAMX 2018 EXPO

More information:
CHOMARAT Composites CAMX 2018 EXPO


C.L.A.S.S. Proudly Supports Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference in Milan (c) GB Network Marketing & Communication

C.L.A.S.S. Proudly Supports Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference

  • Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference - Milan, October 22-24, 2018
  • The theme of the 2018 conference is United by Action: Accelerating Sustainability in Textiles and Fashion.

The conference offers an opportunity to connect with industry pioneers and learn about cutting edge solutions and innovations in textile and apparel sustainability. As a result, C.L.A.S.S., headquartered in Milan, the global resource for smart material innovation, education, marketing and communication, will be on hand to support this year’s theme.

Many of the materials the C.L.A.S.S. team will showcase speak to circular economy such as Re.VerSo™, Bemberg™ and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, Iluna Group and TINTEX Textiles and many others that use technological breakthroughs to offer fashion materials that provide significant reductions in water during the manufacturing process, an important step toward responsible future fashion systems.

  • Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference - Milan, October 22-24, 2018
  • The theme of the 2018 conference is United by Action: Accelerating Sustainability in Textiles and Fashion.

The conference offers an opportunity to connect with industry pioneers and learn about cutting edge solutions and innovations in textile and apparel sustainability. As a result, C.L.A.S.S., headquartered in Milan, the global resource for smart material innovation, education, marketing and communication, will be on hand to support this year’s theme.

Many of the materials the C.L.A.S.S. team will showcase speak to circular economy such as Re.VerSo™, Bemberg™ and ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei, Iluna Group and TINTEX Textiles and many others that use technological breakthroughs to offer fashion materials that provide significant reductions in water during the manufacturing process, an important step toward responsible future fashion systems.

During Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference, Giusy Bettoni, C.L.A.S.S. CEO and Founder and her team will have a dedicated space to engage attendees in an open discussion regarding the importance of fashion business strategies. The experience in the space, that will reflect an New York event created for C.L.A.S.S. by Ginger Design, will start with the vision of a film by Cristina Picchi that represents harmony between the various phases of the textile process and the cycles of natural elements. Visitors will walk through a three-dimensional installation designed by Cécile Feilchenfeldt to inspire creativity and explore the limitless possibilities using innovative smart materials.

“We are always proud to have a presence at international events including this year’s Textile Exchange’s Sustainability Conference. It is a great way for us to share our expertise regarding responsible innovation and new business model strategies. As C.L.A.S.S. is headquartered in Milan, we are proud that they selected our city for this year’s conference. Being held in Milan provides a chance for us to support Textile Exchange regarding smart material innovation, many of them produced in Italy.” said Bettoni.

Just off their return from Première Vision in Paris, Bettoni who is also the Sustainability Consultant for Smart Creation, recognizes the importance for her company to have a strong international presence to spread C.L.A.S.S.’ message to a global audience regarding responsible creation. 

As C.L.A.S.S. enters their second decade of business, they have expanded their business activities to include e-commerce that provides an opportunity for fashion start-up to purchase up to a maximum of 50, an initiative launched to support fashion start-ups. And a new division, C.L.A.S.S. Education, an initiative Bettoni co-founded with James Mendolia, also a Professor, Fashion Institute of Technology. Mendolia has been visiting universities to speak to fashion design, business, textiles and production students in Europe, Asia and North America to encourage attendees to infuse a new way of design thinking and move from a linear to a circular business model.   


GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) VDMA Textilmaschinen

VDMA: Original technology makes the difference

ITMA ASIA + CITME 2018, Asia’s foremost trade fair dedicated to textile machinery, is once again marked by a significant presence of German companies both in their number and in the quality of their technology. Visitors to the fair will have an opportunity to appreciate the high level of technology being proposed by more than 100 exhibitors from Germany, including more than 80 VDMA member companies. They cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning, nonwoven, weaving, knitting, warp knitting and finishing. The overall exhibition space occupied by German machinery manufacturers is more than 7,000 square meters, confirming Germany’s leading position among exhibiting foreign countries. The German exhibitors increased their booth space by approximately 15 % compared to 2016.

ITMA ASIA + CITME 2018, Asia’s foremost trade fair dedicated to textile machinery, is once again marked by a significant presence of German companies both in their number and in the quality of their technology. Visitors to the fair will have an opportunity to appreciate the high level of technology being proposed by more than 100 exhibitors from Germany, including more than 80 VDMA member companies. They cover nearly all different machinery chapters with a focus on spinning, nonwoven, weaving, knitting, warp knitting and finishing. The overall exhibition space occupied by German machinery manufacturers is more than 7,000 square meters, confirming Germany’s leading position among exhibiting foreign countries. The German exhibitors increased their booth space by approximately 15 % compared to 2016.

“Choose the original - Choose success" is the message of the VDMA Textile Machinery at this trade fair. On the occasion of the VDMA press conference on the opening day of ITMA ASIA, Ms Karin Christine Schmidt, Technical Director VDMA Textile Machinery, emphasised: “Copycat machines may look similar to the systems they are designed to emulate. But only originals do not simply follow but are pacesetters of technological progress.” Original technology is a keystone of innovation. It has the potential to successfully turn visions of entirely new possibilities in the textile production into reality.

This approach is visualised at the VDMA booth. The stand achieves attention and emotion through the picture motif: Neuschwanstein Castle. This world-famous tourist magnet is more than that: it is also a successful original. A vision, which could be successfully implemented in the long term through innovation and technology!

During the press conference, 18 spokespersons of renowned VDMA member companies showed how original technology can indeed play a major role in China’s and other Asian nation’s efforts to increase the resource efficiency of the textile industry and to interconnect information technology and manufacturing processes.  

Topics of the companies included automation, performance improvement, quality, sustainable solutions (raw material, energy, water saving), Industry 4.0 (in China called intelligent manufacturing), digital AR/VR services, platforms and software.

You are welcome to explore the speakers' statements in the atached PDF.

More information:

VDMA Textilmaschinen


CRAFT wird Ausstatter des UCI-Pro-Teams Sunweb

Neuer Partner an der Radsport-Spitze

Ab der Saison 2019 gehen die Profis des UCI-Radrennstalls Sunweb in CRAFT an den Start. Der schwedische Funktionsbekleidungs-Spezialist arbeitet schon über Jahre hinweg erfolgreich mit unterschiedlichen Radrenn-Mannschaften zusammen. Nun werden die Schweden offizieller und langfristiger Ausrüstungspartner des deutschen UCI-World-Tour-Teams mit Sitz in den Niederlanden.

Funktionsunterwäsche, Rennbekleidung und Freizeitbekleidung: Ab dem 01. Januar 2019 kleidet CRAFT sowohl Herren-, als auch Damen- und Nachwuchsteam von Sunweb von Kopf bis Fuß ein und stimmt dabei alles individuell auf die Athleten ab.

Neuer Partner an der Radsport-Spitze

Ab der Saison 2019 gehen die Profis des UCI-Radrennstalls Sunweb in CRAFT an den Start. Der schwedische Funktionsbekleidungs-Spezialist arbeitet schon über Jahre hinweg erfolgreich mit unterschiedlichen Radrenn-Mannschaften zusammen. Nun werden die Schweden offizieller und langfristiger Ausrüstungspartner des deutschen UCI-World-Tour-Teams mit Sitz in den Niederlanden.

Funktionsunterwäsche, Rennbekleidung und Freizeitbekleidung: Ab dem 01. Januar 2019 kleidet CRAFT sowohl Herren-, als auch Damen- und Nachwuchsteam von Sunweb von Kopf bis Fuß ein und stimmt dabei alles individuell auf die Athleten ab.

CRAFT-Geschäftsführer Andre Bachmann freut sich auf die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit: „Der Radrennsport ist tief in den Genen von CRAFT verankert. Daher freuen wir uns ganz besonders, ein so spannendes und dynamisches UCI-Team wie Sunweb mit unserer Bekleidung zu unterstützen. Mit Fahrern wie Tom Dumoulin, der in diesem Jahr Zweiter bei der Tour de France wurde, dem Sprinter und zweimaligen Etappensieger der letztjährigen Frankreichrundfahrt, Michael Matthews, oder den deutschen Fahrern  Nikias Arndt und Nachwuchstalent Lennard Kämna zeigt das Team großes Potenzial, um auch in Zukunft ganz oben angreifen zu können. Wir sind gespannt auf die Zusammenarbeit und fiebern der neuen Saison schon jetzt entgegen!"

Bei der Entwicklung neuer, technischer Produkte vertraut CRAFT zudem auf die langjährige Erfahrung der Sunweb-Profis und bindet sie daher eng in den Prozess mit ein. Das Zusammenspiel Ihrer praktischen Expertise mit dem technischen Knowhow der Marke spiegelt sich in den neuen Bike-Kollektionen der Schweden wider

More information:

Kern Gottbrath Kommunikation GbR

HUNTSMAN and the CHEMOURS Company Expand Longstanding Alliance CHEMOURS & HUNTSMANN

HUNTSMAN and the CHEMOURS Company Expand Longstanding Alliance

  • Huntsman Textile Effects and The Chemours Company FC, LLC (‘Chemours’) have agreed to expand their long-term alliance in the area of durable water repellence (DWR).

Singapore – By combining the strengths of both companies in innovation, technical support and marketing, the expanded co-operation unlocks the full potential of the alliance to develop and deliver new, sustainable DWR solutions and chemistry.  This historical alliance that was established in the early 1990s has been at the forefront of delivering state-of-the-art solutions to the textile industry for durable water repellent effects. In addition to
fluorinated solutions, the expanded alliance will now be able to offer non-fluorinated alternatives as well. The alliance will cover different aspects of the value chain including research, marketing, technical support and manufacturing.

  • Huntsman Textile Effects and The Chemours Company FC, LLC (‘Chemours’) have agreed to expand their long-term alliance in the area of durable water repellence (DWR).

Singapore – By combining the strengths of both companies in innovation, technical support and marketing, the expanded co-operation unlocks the full potential of the alliance to develop and deliver new, sustainable DWR solutions and chemistry.  This historical alliance that was established in the early 1990s has been at the forefront of delivering state-of-the-art solutions to the textile industry for durable water repellent effects. In addition to
fluorinated solutions, the expanded alliance will now be able to offer non-fluorinated alternatives as well. The alliance will cover different aspects of the value chain including research, marketing, technical support and manufacturing.

“Strengthening the partnership between Huntsman Textile Effects and Chemours unlocks the full potential of both companies to shape technology and product offerings in sustainable durable water repellency. Our cooperation, which has stood the test of time, has clearly demonstrated that strong environmental credentials and performance can co-exist in equal measure. We are excited to move forward with a broader alliance as we strengthen our position as the industry leader in DWR textile solutions,” said Jay Naidu, Vice President, Strategic Marketing and Planning, Huntsman Textile Effects.

“Chemours is excited to expand our partnership with Huntsman Textile Effects. This partnership reinforces our commitment to take a leadership role in the innovation and development of more sustainable and high performing products that address the rapidly evolving needs of the textile industry and the consumers that use these products,” said Jesal Chopra, Vice President, Chemours Fluoropolymers.

Together, Huntsman Textile Effects and Chemours have worked to lead the textile industry’s transition  from long-chain water repellent products to more environmentally friendly short-chain chemistry and, more recently, non-fluorinated chemistry. The collaboration has resulted in new, market-leading DWR solutions that deliver on performance and sustainability. Chemours introduced Teflon EcoElite™ with Zelan™ R3 technology in 2015, a renewably sourced, non-fluorinated water repellent finish. Containing 60% plant-based materials* and complying with all key industry standards, Zelan™ R3 repellent offers excellent water repellency and durability while preserving fabric breathability. It meets or exceeds performance levels possible with fluorinated technologies. Teflon™ Eco Dry with Zelan™ R2 PLUS technology, which compliments Teflon EcoElite™, was recently introduced. Zelan™ R2 PLUS contains 30% renewably sourced plant-based raw materials* and is focused on delivering a high level of durable water repellency for all substrates.

In 2017, Huntsman Textile Effects introduced PHOBOTEX® RSY non-fluorinated durable water repellent, which was developed to specifically meet extreme protection, comfort and durability requirements for both synthetic and cellulosic fibers, delivering an enhanced environmental profile for brands. PHOBOTEX® RSY durable water repellent raises the bar in performance on synthetics, allowing brands to offer high-performance weather protection with an assurance of eco-friendly sustainability. Providing effective protection in extreme environments together with breathable comfort, PHOBOTEX® RSY durable water repellent repulses rain, sleet, and snow, ideal for highperformance outerwear fabrics.

Both companies bring a rich and established heritage firmly centered on research and innovation. Through their expanded alliance, joint research and development efforts in DWR enable Huntsman and Chemours to stay at the forefront of industry trends and regulatory changes for a more sustainable textile industry.

More information:
Huntsman Chemours

Huntsman Textile Effects

Erstes thermoplastisches Polyurethan auf Basis der CO2-Technologie (c) Covestro

Erstes thermoplastisches Polyurethan auf Basis der CO2-Technologie

  • Neue Polyole verringern Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck
  • Weitere TPU-Entwicklungen für die Textilanwendung und Oberflächengestaltung

Unter dem Namen cardyon™ entwickelt und vermarktet Covestro neue Polyethercarbonatpolyole, die mit Hilfe des Treibhausgases Kohlendioxid (CO2) hergestellt werden. Mit Desmopan® 37385A bietet das Unternehmen nun den ersten Vertreter einer neuen Reihe von thermoplastischen Polyurethanen (TPU) an, die Polyethercarbonatpolyole auf Basis der CO2-Technologie enthalten.

Verglichen mit konventionellen TPU-Materialien hinterlassen die neuen TPU-Werkstoffe einen geringeren ökologischen Fußabdruck und helfen, den Kohlenstoffkreislauf zu schließen. Außerdem schonen sie die fossilen Rohstoffquellen und treten im Gegensatz zu vielen biobasierten Materialien nicht in Konkurrenz zur Produktion von Nahrungsmitteln.

  • Neue Polyole verringern Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck
  • Weitere TPU-Entwicklungen für die Textilanwendung und Oberflächengestaltung

Unter dem Namen cardyon™ entwickelt und vermarktet Covestro neue Polyethercarbonatpolyole, die mit Hilfe des Treibhausgases Kohlendioxid (CO2) hergestellt werden. Mit Desmopan® 37385A bietet das Unternehmen nun den ersten Vertreter einer neuen Reihe von thermoplastischen Polyurethanen (TPU) an, die Polyethercarbonatpolyole auf Basis der CO2-Technologie enthalten.

Verglichen mit konventionellen TPU-Materialien hinterlassen die neuen TPU-Werkstoffe einen geringeren ökologischen Fußabdruck und helfen, den Kohlenstoffkreislauf zu schließen. Außerdem schonen sie die fossilen Rohstoffquellen und treten im Gegensatz zu vielen biobasierten Materialien nicht in Konkurrenz zur Produktion von Nahrungsmitteln.

„Unsere Kunden können mit dem neuen TPU den ökologischen Fußabdruck ihrer Erzeugnisse verringern und dadurch gegenüber ihren Wettbewerbern eine Vorreiterrolle in puncto Nachhaltigkeit einnehmen“, erklärt Georg Fuchte, TPU-Experte bei Covestro. „Das gilt besonders für Unternehmen der Konsumgüterindustrie, die häufig Produkte mit nur kurzer Lebensdauer herstellen.“

Exzellente mechanische Eigenschaften

Desmopan® 37385A hat eine Härte von 85 Shore A. Seine mechanischen Eigenschaften liegen mindestens auf dem Niveau von konventionellen TPU-Typen ähnlicher Härte, übertreffen diese sogar zum Teil. Beispielsweise hat es eine Zugfestigkeit von 36 Megapascal. Die Reißdehnung erreicht 660 Prozent (DIN 53504). Der Kunststoff ist für die Extrusion ausgelegt, eignet sich aber auch für das Spritzgießen. „Das Einsatzspektrum deckt typische Anwendungen von konventionellen TPU-Typen mit vergleichbarer Härte ab und reicht von Sohlen und Komponenten des Oberschuhs über Sportbekleidung, Griffe und Knäufe bis hin zu Verpackungen für empfindliche Elektronik“, so Fuchte.

Verschiedene Produktvarianten

Covestro plant, die neue TPU-Reihe um Varianten unterschiedlicher Härte zu erweitern. In der Entwicklung weit vorangeschritten ist zum Beispiel ein Produkt mit einer Härte von 95 Shore A, dessen Schmelze bei der Verarbeitung schnell aushärtet. „Wir zielen damit auf spritzgegossene Anwendungen, in denen es besonders auf eine wirtschaftliche Fertigung in kurzen Zykluszeiten ankommt“, erläutert Fuchte.

Covestro kooperiert eng mit Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen, um die CO2-Technologie auch als Syntheseplattform für andere großchemisch eingesetzte Rohstoffe zu nutzen. Zum Beispiel wird an neuen CO2-basierten Polyolen für Polyurethan-Hartschäume gearbeitet, die etwa in der Wärmedämmung von Gebäuden, im Automobil und in Sportartikeln Verwendung finden könnten. Im Werk Dormagen betreibt Covestro bereits eine Produktionsanlage, auf der CO2-basierte Polyole für Polyurethan-Weichschäume produziert werden. Letztere kommen in der kommerziellen Fertigung von Polstermöbeln und Matratzen zum Einsatz.

Weitere TPU-Highlights auf der Fakuma

Garn: Covestro zeigt auch innovative TPU-Entwicklungen auf petrochemischer Basis. Dazu gehören gleichförmige und glänzende Fasern aus TPU und Polyamid für gestrickte Gewebe. Die Fasern haben eine einzigartige Haptik und kommen vor allem in Sportschuhen zum Einsatz, wo die Verwendung gestrickten Obermaterials groß in Mode ist. Dabei sind viele dekorative Varianten möglich. Die Gewebe lassen sich wirtschaftlich in einem einzigen Strickprozess herstellen, auch mittels automatisierter Produktion.

Oberflächenstruktur: Seit Jahrzehnten ist die herausragende Abbildegenauigkeit von TPU-Produkten der Desmopan® Serie bekannt. Durch Einsatz verschiedener Technologien können einzigartige Oberflächenstrukturen erzeugt werden. Zurzeit arbeitet Covestro mit dem Partner J. & F. Krüth in Solingen zusammen, um mit Hilfe der innovativen und volldigitalen 3D-Laser-Gravur nahezu unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten für die Oberflächengestaltung zu erschließen.

More information:
Covestro polyurethane

Covestro AG Communications

(c) Bally

Bally x Swizz Beatz x SHOK-1

This autumn, following the success of the first collaboration with Swizz Beatz, Bally joins forces on another unique collection with the Grammy Award-winning music producer and global entrepreneur, inviting meticulously talented pioneer of aerosol X-ray art SHOK-1 to conceptualise and direct a new capsule collection which presents a diagnostic look at contemporary culture through cutting edge expression.

This autumn, following the success of the first collaboration with Swizz Beatz, Bally joins forces on another unique collection with the Grammy Award-winning music producer and global entrepreneur, inviting meticulously talented pioneer of aerosol X-ray art SHOK-1 to conceptualise and direct a new capsule collection which presents a diagnostic look at contemporary culture through cutting edge expression.

A founding member of the street art movement and a scientist with a degree in Applied Chemistry, SHOK-1 selected three key icons from his back catalogue - X-ray paintings of a hand gesture, a fly and ’The Consumer’ - that symbolise subcultures from his youth that also connect to Bally’s past. The artworks are represented across shoes, accessories and ready to wear. Talking about his vision for the project, SHOK-1 explained that he wanted ‘the collection to speak to the longstanding tradition of subcultures co-opting brands that weren’t meant for them.’ ‘I strongly believe that quality and excellence are universal concepts that can transcend class and cultural boundaries. The Bally that I remember as a kid has this fantastic relationship with subculture. It’s also a brand that has the same kind of attention to detail and production values that I aspire to in my own work, so there was a synergy there.’ Familiar with SHOK-1’s work, Swizz Beatz saw the potential and contacted him to discuss the opportunity: ‘SHOK-1 is a master artist and I chose him because our focus for this capsule was on exploring the art of X-ray and he’s a legend at his craft.’

As with all Bally collaborations, the metamorphosis that naturally evolves from creative cooperation is integral to the process.  Part of the ‘Bally Collective, curated by Swizz Beatz’, this collaboration continues the brand’s commitment to creating a platform to playfully empower artistic license across emerging and established talent.

The exclusive collection will launch in Bally stores worldwide and in October 2018.

Multicolour allover, gallon and delicates leaves guiipure & lace by Iluna Group with ROICA Eco - Smart ™ Family (c) ILUNA Group
Multicolour allover, gallon and delicates leaves guiipure & lace by Iluna Group with ROICA Eco - Smart ™ Family

Iluna Group for the first time @ Interfilière New York edition

  • For the first time @Interfilière New York edition, the award winning Interfeel’Award Sustainability ILUNA Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei
  • Interfilière New York, 17th–18th October 2018, booth 113

In line with the powerful global trend towards smarter fashion solutions, Iluna Group launches its Embroidery Division. Specialists in lace since 1985, the new Embroidery Division offers a complete and innovative product match in line with the modern expectations of brands and retailers. Staying true to Iluna’s DNA, the introduction of emb roidery and guipure are all produced with only recycled materials.

In addition to the launch of the Embroidery Division, this season novelties include:

1. Since  September  2018,  Iluna  Group’s  products with the right percentage of transformed content are GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified.

2. Of  major  interest  today,  the  launch  of eco - velvet lace  entirely made  of  sustainable  materials  including ROICA Eco - Smart™  Family, Tencel™ Lyocell and  Q - Nova® .

  • For the first time @Interfilière New York edition, the award winning Interfeel’Award Sustainability ILUNA Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei
  • Interfilière New York, 17th–18th October 2018, booth 113

In line with the powerful global trend towards smarter fashion solutions, Iluna Group launches its Embroidery Division. Specialists in lace since 1985, the new Embroidery Division offers a complete and innovative product match in line with the modern expectations of brands and retailers. Staying true to Iluna’s DNA, the introduction of emb roidery and guipure are all produced with only recycled materials.

In addition to the launch of the Embroidery Division, this season novelties include:

1. Since  September  2018,  Iluna  Group’s  products with the right percentage of transformed content are GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified.

2. Of  major  interest  today,  the  launch  of eco - velvet lace  entirely made  of  sustainable  materials  including ROICA Eco - Smart™  Family, Tencel™ Lyocell and  Q - Nova® .

3. Within  the Black  Label  collection,  the  Ultralight series  is  enriched  with  new  multicolor geometric  and floral galloons and allovers: here Iluna changes the color of  the  thread  not  only  in  the background,  but  also  in  the design,  the  same  article  reinvents  itself  in a  variety  of great visual impact.

4. Green   Label   collection, the   Iluna   dedicated range featuring a new responsible approach in respect of the  planet  and  people, able  to deliver  innovation,  beauty and quality, at 360°. In addition to the all over, jacquard, double jacquard and mesh offer, the line is also featuring new stretch Galloon laces fully made with GRS certified recycled materials,  including  the  stretch  thanks  to the introduction of the  unique ROICA™ sustainable yarn part of the ROICA Eco - Smart™ Family.

5. ILUNA has  strategically  included  in  all  their  stretch  laces  only ROICA Eco- Smart™  Family of sustainable yarns since some time.

6. ILUNA can also boast its new STeP (Sustainable Textile Production) certification by Oeko-Tex, a certification  that  clarifies  and  communicates  the  company’s  sustainable  production  commitment. In
addition to this, all products are Oeko - Tex 100 certified.

7. ILUNA has  created  the  new e- shop offering  its  exclusive  materials  to  smaller companies   looking   for   added   values   as: creativity,   innovation,   made   in   Italy   and responsibility.

8. The  whole  collection  is  also  visible online at  its  web  site,  previous  registration, and   orders   can   be   done   directly   online always aiming to customers care.

Nevertheless, for ILUNA smart innovation is not   just   a   project even,   its   space at Interfilière will  be  the stage  where visitors will have  the  opportunity  to  discover the new  collection and to also  to experience and  touch latest boundaries  of  lace smart innovations.

Today ILUNA represents the largest European lace producer, and thanks to its journey toward the most contemporary  way  to  innovate  that  includes  responsibility,  has  also  become  a  reference  point  in  the
international market for a lace offer that is beautiful, innovative and responsible at the same time.  An  alchemy  of  design  and  sustainable  innovation, the  only  eco-fashion  line  that  includes  lace  and stockings,  capable  of  combining  ethics  and  high  quality  standards  with  a  fashion  image  of  bright  and deep colors.


JEC Group announces appointment of CEO and JEC World event Director


Mr. Eric PIERREJEAN, who joined the company in January, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, succeeding to Mrs. Frédérique MUTEL. He will be in charge of the further development of the company after two decades of growth under Mrs. MUTEL leadership, dedicated to the development and the promotion of the composite materials industry. Before joining JEC Group, Eric PIERREJEAN was Division General Manager at Comexposium from 2011 to 2017. Prior to this, he spent much of his career in sales and marketing positions, spending more than 15 years in the automotive sector (BMW Group, Land Rover) as well as in the sports goods industry (Nike).



Mr. Eric PIERREJEAN, who joined the company in January, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, succeeding to Mrs. Frédérique MUTEL. He will be in charge of the further development of the company after two decades of growth under Mrs. MUTEL leadership, dedicated to the development and the promotion of the composite materials industry. Before joining JEC Group, Eric PIERREJEAN was Division General Manager at Comexposium from 2011 to 2017. Prior to this, he spent much of his career in sales and marketing positions, spending more than 15 years in the automotive sector (BMW Group, Land Rover) as well as in the sports goods industry (Nike).


Mrs. Adeline LARROQUE joins JEC Group as Show Director JEC World and EMEA Events with more than 15 years of Global work experience as she has worked in several countries such as USA, UK, China, India, Qatar and UAE where she has developed a strong skill set in exhibitions and events management. After a successful experience at Reed Exhibitions France and China managing numerous exhibitions in the Aerospace, Material, Security, Maritime, Logistics, Construction and Medical industries, she then worked for Qatar Tourism Authority as Head of Exhibitions driving growth for the Doha Jewellery Show, Qatar Motor Show and Women Fashion exhibitions. Lately, she worked for the Events division of the Daily Mail Group supervising the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference as Event Director.

More information:
JEC Group



Ted Baker signs global licensing agreement with Timex Group

Ted Baker, the global lifestyle brand, announces that on October 4th 2018 it entered into a Global product licensing agreement with Timex Group (“Timex”). The new agreement will allow Ted Baker to underpin its own global plans with a unique product offering in watches that fully compliments its apparel and accessory collections.

Commenting, Ray Kelvin CBE, Founder and Chief Executive of Ted Baker, said:
“This is an exciting opportunity for Ted Baker to drive accelerated growth in our watch business by leveraging the Timex Group global footprint and infrastructure, in line with our strategy to further develop Ted Baker as a global lifestyle brand.”

Commenting, Tobias Reiss Schmidt, President and Chief Executive Officer of Timex Group, said:
“We are delighted to bring Timex Groups expertise and long history as an authentic watchmaker to Ted Baker and look forward to producing exciting and innovative timepieces for their consumers”. Timex Group will launch the collections Internationally through premium retail partners and its global distributor network in summer 2019.

Ted Baker, the global lifestyle brand, announces that on October 4th 2018 it entered into a Global product licensing agreement with Timex Group (“Timex”). The new agreement will allow Ted Baker to underpin its own global plans with a unique product offering in watches that fully compliments its apparel and accessory collections.

Commenting, Ray Kelvin CBE, Founder and Chief Executive of Ted Baker, said:
“This is an exciting opportunity for Ted Baker to drive accelerated growth in our watch business by leveraging the Timex Group global footprint and infrastructure, in line with our strategy to further develop Ted Baker as a global lifestyle brand.”

Commenting, Tobias Reiss Schmidt, President and Chief Executive Officer of Timex Group, said:
“We are delighted to bring Timex Groups expertise and long history as an authentic watchmaker to Ted Baker and look forward to producing exciting and innovative timepieces for their consumers”. Timex Group will launch the collections Internationally through premium retail partners and its global distributor network in summer 2019.

More information:


Clean Green certification (c) TRSA
Clean Green certification

Handcraft Linen Services Achieves Clean Green Certification

Virginia-based Launderer Recognized for Commitment to Sustainability and Conservation Practices
Handcraft Linen Services, the Richmond, VA-based independent medical launderer, has been certified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to operational efficiency and sustainability. Linen, uniform and facility services companies receive this distinction by adhering to TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds and deploying best management practices (BMPs) consistent with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
Handcraft Linen Services’ customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:
•             Recovering heat from drained hot water and heat dispersed from the process of warming water
•             Recapturing drained water from rinses for reuse
•             Using environmentally friendly detergents

Virginia-based Launderer Recognized for Commitment to Sustainability and Conservation Practices
Handcraft Linen Services, the Richmond, VA-based independent medical launderer, has been certified Clean Green, reflecting the company’s dedication to operational efficiency and sustainability. Linen, uniform and facility services companies receive this distinction by adhering to TRSA-designated water and energy use thresholds and deploying best management practices (BMPs) consistent with the ASTM International environmental laundering standard.
Handcraft Linen Services’ customers can be assured their reusable healthcare textiles are washed, dried and finished with processes that maximize sustainability and reduce greenhouse emissions. Clean Green certified operations demonstrate significant commitment to conservation and green operations through these BMPs:
•             Recovering heat from drained hot water and heat dispersed from the process of warming water
•             Recapturing drained water from rinses for reuse
•             Using environmentally friendly detergents
•             Removing solids and liquids from wastewater
•             Solar energy and energy-efficient lighting
•             Recycling programs
•             Re-routing trucks to save vehicle fuel
•             Spill prevention plans
The Clean Green certification is valid for three years at a time. TRSA inspects laundry facilities seeking certification and approves documentation of their water and energy use and BMP deployment through production reports they submit to auditors during the inspections. TRSA’s certification management protocol includes auditor training by the association’s inspection program administrator.
Clean Green aligns with the ASTM International standard, Guide for Sustainable Laundry Practices, which recognizes key criteria for the certification as universal indicators of maximum sustainability in commercial laundry work. ASTM’s review of TRSA BMPs verified these as the most effective and practical techniques for a laundry to achieve green objectives.
TRSA members prompted development of the standard, which was vetted in the sustainability subcommittee of the ASTM Committee on Textiles. Top technical experts, scientists and environmental professionals from outside the linen, uniform and facility services industry reviewed the BMPs. ASTM is the global leader in developing and delivering voluntary consensus standards unparalleled in building consumer confidence in product and service quality.
“I applaud Handcraft Linen Services for their sustainability efforts and maintaining the highest standards in their production and delivery operations,” said Joseph Ricci, TRSA president and CEO. “Meeting all the criteria for certification is not easy, but the company is committed to industry-leading processes and technologies.”




Finalists Hessen, (3.f.l.) Florian Kisling, CEO Perlon Gruppe (c) Perlon GmbH
Finalists Hessen, (3.f.l.) Florian Kisling, CEO Perlon Gruppe

2018 Award ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes 2018’ - Pedex GmbH named as finalist

Pedex GmbH, the Wald Michelbach based Perlon Group company was named as a finalist of the ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes 2018’ (award for small and medium sized companies) at the gala dinner on 15th September 2018. Together with 21 other finalists from the four competing regions Baden Wurtemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and Thuringia came out on top against 2436 nominated businesses.

Pedex GmbH, the Wald Michelbach based Perlon Group company was named as a finalist of the ‘Großer Preis des Mittelstandes 2018’ (award for small and medium sized companies) at the gala dinner on 15th September 2018. Together with 21 other finalists from the four competing regions Baden Wurtemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and Thuringia came out on top against 2436 nominated businesses.

The motto for this year’s competition -‘Building for the future’ – is the foundation of the unity within our society.
On 24th May, the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung, the founder of this award for small and medium sized companies asked for nominations of excellent medium sized companies for the competition, (nominations cannot come from the company itself.) Only 1 in every 1000 German companies make it onto the list of nominations – this year Pedex GmbH made it! The prize winners meet 12 regional juries and a final jury. The focus of the jury (made up of representatives from business and education) is on the company as a whole and its multifaceted role within society. To aid evaluation, the jury asked about the establishment and safeguarding of jobs and apprenticeships, innovation and modernisation, involvement in the local area as well as service and proximity to customers.

Germany’s most sought after business accolade.
In 2018, more than 7400 institutions from the 16 counties (12 competing regions) throughout Germany nominated a total of 4,917 small and medium sized companies as well as banks and local authorities for the competition, from which a short list of 742 was selected. No other business award in Germany carries such weight (and has now for more than two decades) as the one that the Leipzig based Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung has been awarding since 1994. The prize doesn’t offer any monetary reward. For the businesses involved, it’s simply about honour, public recognition and approval of their performance, without financial incentive.

More information:
Award Perlon Group

Perlon GmbH