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Die Frankfurt Fashion Week wird vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 digital stattfinden (c) Frankfurt Fashion Week

Frankfurt Fashion Week findet vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 digital statt

  • Frankfurt Fashion Week lanciert digitales FFW Studio
  • Keine physische Veranstaltung im Sommer 2021

Dafür haben die initiierenden, die Messe Frankfurt und die Premium Group, das FFW STUDIO entwickelt. Die Tradeshows Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden aufgrund der andauernden pandemischen Situation auf 19. bis 21. Januar 2022 verschoben.

Ausschließlich digital – die andauernd volatile Covid-19 Situation in Deutschland und die bundesweite Beschlusslage seitens der Bundesregierung gebieten den Initiierenden der Frankfurt Fashion Week, sich für die erste Frankfurt Fashion Week vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 auf größtenteils digitale Formate zu konzentrieren. Als zentraler, digitaler Raum dafür wird das FFW STUDIO lanciert. Die Messen Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden für den Sommer 2021 abgesagt und dann erstmals im Januar 2022 in der Mainmetropole ausgerichtet.

  • Frankfurt Fashion Week lanciert digitales FFW Studio
  • Keine physische Veranstaltung im Sommer 2021

Dafür haben die initiierenden, die Messe Frankfurt und die Premium Group, das FFW STUDIO entwickelt. Die Tradeshows Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden aufgrund der andauernden pandemischen Situation auf 19. bis 21. Januar 2022 verschoben.

Ausschließlich digital – die andauernd volatile Covid-19 Situation in Deutschland und die bundesweite Beschlusslage seitens der Bundesregierung gebieten den Initiierenden der Frankfurt Fashion Week, sich für die erste Frankfurt Fashion Week vom 5. bis 9. Juli 2021 auf größtenteils digitale Formate zu konzentrieren. Als zentraler, digitaler Raum dafür wird das FFW STUDIO lanciert. Die Messen Premium, Seek, Neonyt und The Ground sowie die Runwaypräsentationen werden für den Sommer 2021 abgesagt und dann erstmals im Januar 2022 in der Mainmetropole ausgerichtet.

Neben den pandemischen Rahmenbedingungen ist vor allem die partnerschaftliche Verantwortung gegenüber allen Stakeholder*innen ausschlaggebender Punkt für diese Entscheidung – schließlich würde ein unverändertes Festhalten an den bisherigen Planungen das finanzielle Risiko für eine physische Durchführung der Frankfurt Fashion Week auf die Schultern der Austeller*innen, Besucher*innen und Partner*innen verlagern. Die Prognosen hinsichtlich des Impffortschritts stimmen aktuell grundsätzlich positiv. Dennoch müssen Tradeshows und Präsentationen, die auf der physischen Präsenz eines internationalen Besucher*innen- und Aussteller*innenportfolios aufbauen, den zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt maßgeblichen Entscheidungsfaktoren Rechnung tragen. Zu diesen zählen insbesondere sowohl externe Kriterien, wie andauernde Einschränkungen im Reiseverkehr sowie umfangreiche Quarantänebestimmungen als auch unternehmensinterne Aspekte wie Reiserestriktionen oder auch Kurzarbeitsregelungen, die Stakeholder*innen eine Zusage der physischen Teilnahme an der Frankfurt Fashion Week Anfang Juli 2021 momentan unmöglich machen.

Digital Impulse für die Transformation der Fashionbranche setzen
„Jetzt heißt es, nach vorne blicken. Wir sind angetreten, um die Frankfurt Fashion Week mit ihrem Ecosystem zum Taktgeber der Mode- und Textilbranche zu machen und relevante Zukunftsthemen auf der Agenda der Industrie zu setzen. An diesem Anspruch halten wir fest. Beispielsweise der neue Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit presented by der Conscious Fashion Campaign in Zusammenarbeit mit dem United Nations Office for Partnerships und die durch die "New European Bauhaus"-Initiative der Europäischen Union inspirierte Konferenz „The New European Bauhaus – Werkstatt der Zukunft“, organisiert vom Fashion Council Germany in Kooperation mit der Frankfurt Fashion Week, versprechen einen hochkarätigen digitalen Aufschlag. Unserer Intention, in Frankfurt eine Fashion Week gänzlich neu zu interpretieren und einen international Impact entwickelnden Impuls zu setzen, wie die Zukunft der Modeindustrie transformativ zu gestalten ist, werden wir somit auch unter diesen herausfordernden Umständen gerecht!“, sagt Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt.

„Es bricht mir das Herz, zum dritten Mal in Folge unsere Tradeshows, Konferenzen und Events, ebenso die geplanten Kollektionspräsentationen und Showen abzusagen. Machen wir uns nichts vor, für die Fashionbranche ist das dramatisch. Uns bleibt nichts anderes übrig, als den Tatsachen ins Auge zu sehen, die Konsequenzen zu ziehen und die physischen Elemente einer Frankfurt Fashion Week – auf die wir uns alle so sehr freuen – für den Januar 2022 zu planen. Für den Juli werden wir nun alle Kräfte bündeln, um auch ohne persönliches Get-together unserer Verantwortung der Branche gegenüber digital gerecht zu werden: Im FFW STUDIO werden wir Inspiration bieten, vor allem aber die Themen zu Sustainability und Digitisation vorstellen und auf höchstem Niveau in entsprechenden Formaten diskutieren. Es geht darum, eine Art Pre-Season unserer Vision einer neuen Frankfurt Fashion Week, trotz Corona, Realität werden lassen“, sagt Anita Tillmann, Managing Director der Premium Group. "Jetzt erst recht!"

Das FFW STUDIO entsteht auf der Website und wird der zentrale Anlaufpunkt für alle Textil- und Modeprofis, Fashion People und Interessierte. In einem professionell kuratierten Live-Stream wird während der Frankfurt Fashion Week eine ganzheitliche User Experience entstehen, die mit den vier Kanälen Trade Show, Conference, Experience sowie Arts & Entertainment die vier Säulen des Frankfurt Fashion Week Ökosystems abbildet und dabei stets die Leitmotive Sustainability und Digitisation in Szene setzt. Die Inhalte werden im Anschluss an die Liveübertragung in Form einer Video-on-Demand-Serie allen Stakeholdern für die Interimssaison zur Verfügung stehen. So entsteht eine konzentrierte und hochqualitative Essenz der zukunftsorientierten Themenfelder der Frankfurt Fashion Week.
Das Programm ist State-of-the-Art und wird gemeinsam mit Partner*innen aus Politik, Handel, Industrie und Medien entwickelt: In exklusiven Future Talks internationaler Leitmedien werden zukunftsrelevante Fragestellungen mit führenden Entscheidungsträger*innen der Branche diskutiert. Weitere Programmhighlights sind Deep Dives und Einblicke in die beiden Leit-Konferenzen der neuen Frankfurt Fashion Week, der Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit sowie die Konferenz „The New European Bauhaus – Werkstatt der Zukunft“, die beide erstmals im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week ausgerichtet werden. Die Programmdetails werden zeitnah bekanntgegeben.

Deaktiviert das COVID-19-Virus innerhalb von fünf Minuten: HeiQ bringt High-tech-Maske mit bahnbrechender Kupfertechnologie auf den Markt (c) HeiQ
HeiQ MetalliQ-Operationsmaske vom Typ IIR mit einer antiviralen kupferbeschichteten Oberfläche, die 97,79 % der SARS-CoV-2-Viren innerhalb von 5 Minuten inaktiviert

High-tech-Maske mit Kupferbeschichtung von HeiQ

  • Deaktiviert das COVID-19-Virus innerhalb von fünf Minuten: HeiQ bringt High-tech-Maske mit innovativer Kupfertechnologie auf den Markt

Der führende Anbieter von Textil- und Materialinnovationen HeiQ bringt HeiQ MetalliQ auf den Markt, eine futuristisch anmutende High-tech-OP-Maske, die alle getesteten Viren und Bakterien mit einer Wirksamkeit von bis zu 100 % zerstört.

  • Deaktiviert das COVID-19-Virus innerhalb von fünf Minuten: HeiQ bringt High-tech-Maske mit innovativer Kupfertechnologie auf den Markt

Der führende Anbieter von Textil- und Materialinnovationen HeiQ bringt HeiQ MetalliQ auf den Markt, eine futuristisch anmutende High-tech-OP-Maske, die alle getesteten Viren und Bakterien mit einer Wirksamkeit von bis zu 100 % zerstört.

Die Maske mit patentiertem Design enthält eine ultradünne reine Kupferbeschichtung, die über ein High-tech-Dampfabscheidungsverfahren namens HeiQ MetalliX aufgebracht wird. Dabei wird eine winzige Menge Kupfer in Dampf umgewandelt, sodass es gleichmäßig abgegeben werden kann und jede Faser einschließt. HeiQ MetalliX ist eine zum Patent angemeldete Technologie, die von HeiQs Innovationspartner, dem australischen Technologieunternehmen Xefco, entwickelt wurde. Studien des Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne, Australien (Doherty Institute) haben ergeben, dass mit der HeiQ MetalliX-Technologie behandelte Gewebe das ansteckende SARS-CoV-2-Virus (das Virus, das COVID-19 verursacht) in weniger als 5 Minuten in deutlichem Umfang inaktivieren konnten.

Das Testprotokoll simulierte die reale Wechselwirkung von Aerosoltröpfchen, die Textilprodukte wie Gesichtsmasken kontaminieren. Jede Probe wurde einer hohen Belastung an SARS-CoV-2 ausgesetzt, gefolgt von 5, 15 und 30 Minuten Inkubation bei Raumtemperatur. Dann wurde die Menge der verbleibenden ansteckenden SARS-CoV-2-Viren gemessen. Die mit HeiQ MetalliX behandelten Gewebeproben zeigten eine Reduktion des Virus von über 97,79 % nach fünf Minuten, 99,95 % nach 15 Minuten und über 99,99 % nach 30 Minuten, bezogen auf die Inokulum-Kontrolle.

Kupfer ist ein natürlich vorkommendes Element, das in der Erdkruste, im Boden,  Ozeanen, Seen und Flüssen zu finden ist. Es ist auch ein Spurenelement, das natürlich in allen Menschen, Pflanzen und Tieren vorkommt. Die antiviralen, antibakteriellen und antimykotischen Eigenschaften von Kupfer sind seit Jahrhunderten bekannt und in vielen Laborstudien nachgewiesen worden. Mit HeiQ MetalliX behandelte Materialien setzen Kupferionen frei, die Viren und Bakterien inaktivieren. Die so behandelten Materialien konnten in Tests zudem 100 % von Staphylococcus aureus und Klebsiella pneumoniae abtöten und 99,95 % des H1N1-Virus und 99,9 % des humanen Coronavirus 229E inaktivieren.

HeiQ MetalliQ wird in der EU bei HeiQ Medica (Spanien) hergestellt, wo HeiQ auch Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit für Medizinprodukte betreibt. Für die Entwicklung der HeiQ MetalliX-Technologie hat Xefco als Mitglied des erstklassigen ARC Research Hub for Future Fibres eng mit dem langjährigen Forschungspartner Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) an der Deakin University zusammengearbeitet.



HeiQ Materials AG

Checkpoint Systems erhält als erster RFID-Etikettenhersteller die ARC-Zertifizierung mit dem UCODE 9 IC von NXP (c) Checkpoint Systems
Checkpoint Systems_Hoodie Vortex U9

Checkpoint Systems achieves the ARC Certification

  • Checkpoint becomes the first RFID label manufacturer to achieve ARC certification with NXP’s UCODE 9 IC

Checkpoint  Systems,  a  vertically  integrated  supplier  of RFID  solutions  for  retail,  has again  demonstrated  its  commitment  to  innovation  by becoming the first manufacturer to have an RFID inlay featuring the new NXP UCODE 9 IC certified by Auburn University’s ARC Laboratory.

The  announcement  follows  news  that  Checkpoint  recently  became  the  first  company  to achieve ARC-certification for its Impinj M700-based inlays. By setting another new standard for the  industry,  Checkpoint  are  enabling  retailers  around the  world to  further  improve  their inventory visibility, reduce costs, improve performance and increase their overall profitability.

Delivering enhanced performance
Delivering the same ARC certifications as the Vortex U8 (Spec G, K and Q), the new Vortex U9 goes one step further by meeting the requirements of Spec N.

  • Checkpoint becomes the first RFID label manufacturer to achieve ARC certification with NXP’s UCODE 9 IC

Checkpoint  Systems,  a  vertically  integrated  supplier  of RFID  solutions  for  retail,  has again  demonstrated  its  commitment  to  innovation  by becoming the first manufacturer to have an RFID inlay featuring the new NXP UCODE 9 IC certified by Auburn University’s ARC Laboratory.

The  announcement  follows  news  that  Checkpoint  recently  became  the  first  company  to achieve ARC-certification for its Impinj M700-based inlays. By setting another new standard for the  industry,  Checkpoint  are  enabling  retailers  around the  world to  further  improve  their inventory visibility, reduce costs, improve performance and increase their overall profitability.

Delivering enhanced performance
Delivering the same ARC certifications as the Vortex U8 (Spec G, K and Q), the new Vortex U9 goes one step further by meeting the requirements of Spec N.

All aspects of the retail supply chain benefit from the increased read and write sensitivity of the  Vortex  U9.    The  11%  increase  in  read  distance,  decreases the time  for  inventory  cycle counts in both sparse or densely populated environments.  It also increases the compatibility of  smaller  RFID  labels with  RFID  Point  of  Exit  (PoE)  or  loss  prevention systems.  The  write sensitivity is significantly improved which is beneficial when encoding labels in densely packed cartons during source tagging and bulk encoding operations.

Finally,  the  new  Vortex  U9  will  provide  retailers  with  added  value  when  it  comes  to sustainability. NXP’s UCODE 9 RFID IC is 18% smaller than its predecessor, reducing the carbon footprint on an individual IC basis.

Scott Mitchell-Harris, Group Vice President Checkpoint Systems, commented:  “The investment Checkpoint has made over the past few years in our manufacturing facilities is evident. We have one of the most talented development teams who are continually seeking out the latest technology with new ideas to deliver market leading label designs.”

Checkpoint’s Vortex range delivers high read rate performance in semi-automated  physical inventory control and RFID as EAS. Vortex is ISO18000-6C compliant and can be encoded and printed tocarry EPC data in several formats -RFID EPC global protocol, printed bar code and human readable text.


Carta GmbH


Lenzing Group with an excellent start into 2021

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group had a clearly positive revenue and earnings development in the first quarter of 2021. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry as a result of the vaccination progress and the continuing recovery in retail led to a significant increase in demand and higher prices in the global fiber market.

•    Significant increase in operating result: EBITDA at EUR 94.5 mn, cash flow from operating activities more than tripled
•    Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand expected in the fourth quarter 2021
•    Upper Austria’s largest photovoltaic plant at the Lenzing site
•    Lenzing exits Hygiene Austria joint venture
•    Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects operating result at least at pre-crisis level

Please read the attached document for more information.

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group had a clearly positive revenue and earnings development in the first quarter of 2021. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry as a result of the vaccination progress and the continuing recovery in retail led to a significant increase in demand and higher prices in the global fiber market.

•    Significant increase in operating result: EBITDA at EUR 94.5 mn, cash flow from operating activities more than tripled
•    Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand expected in the fourth quarter 2021
•    Upper Austria’s largest photovoltaic plant at the Lenzing site
•    Lenzing exits Hygiene Austria joint venture
•    Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects operating result at least at pre-crisis level

Please read the attached document for more information.


Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

(c) Kornit Digital

Sustainable On-Demand Textile Production: new Partners for Kornit Digital

  • Global online fashion retailer and UK supplier - Asos and Fashion-Enter Ltd. - teaming with Kornit for adoption of efficient, low-impact direct-to-fabric digital textile printing with zero water waste and accelerated production speeds

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced that global online fashion retailer ASOS and its supplier Fashion-Enter Ltd. are implementing Kornit Presto to explore the future opportunities presented by on-demand manufacturing.

Kornit Presto is the most advanced single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, enabling Fashion-Enter Ltd. to rapidly deliver test-and-repeat small product runs on behalf of ASOS. These production capabilities will enable ASOS and Fashion-Enter Ltd. to imprint designs on multiple fabrics at the push of a button, through a lower-impact production process that has zero water waste and accelerates production speeds by cutting out typical dyeing processes.

  • Global online fashion retailer and UK supplier - Asos and Fashion-Enter Ltd. - teaming with Kornit for adoption of efficient, low-impact direct-to-fabric digital textile printing with zero water waste and accelerated production speeds

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced that global online fashion retailer ASOS and its supplier Fashion-Enter Ltd. are implementing Kornit Presto to explore the future opportunities presented by on-demand manufacturing.

Kornit Presto is the most advanced single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, enabling Fashion-Enter Ltd. to rapidly deliver test-and-repeat small product runs on behalf of ASOS. These production capabilities will enable ASOS and Fashion-Enter Ltd. to imprint designs on multiple fabrics at the push of a button, through a lower-impact production process that has zero water waste and accelerates production speeds by cutting out typical dyeing processes.

In Kornit’s pigment-based digital textile production capabilities and efficient workflow solutions, Fashion-Enter Ltd. sees an answer for brands serving the needs of today’s consumers, while reducing inventory waste and improving supply chain management and garment quality.


Target climate neutrality: Lenzing invests EUR 200 mn in Asia

  • CO2 emissions will be reduced by 320,000 tons per year
  • First supplier of wood-based cellulosic fibers in China to completely eliminate coal
  • Share in eco-responsible specialty fibers will be significantly increased
  • Lenzing is strategically well on track with these investments

The Lenzing Group, the leading global supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, will invest more than EUR 200 mn in its production sites in Purwakarta (Indonesia) and Nanjing (China) to convert existing standard viscose capacity into environmentally responsible specialty fibers.

In Nanjing (China) Lenzing will establish the first wood-based fiber complex in China that is independent from coal as an energy source. By using natural gas based cogeneration, Lenzing will reduce CO2 emissions at the site by more than 200,000 tons. At the same time a line of standard viscose will be converted to a 35.000 tons TENCEL™ branded modal fibers line making Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co., Ltd a 100 percent wood-based specialty fiber site by the end of 2022.

  • CO2 emissions will be reduced by 320,000 tons per year
  • First supplier of wood-based cellulosic fibers in China to completely eliminate coal
  • Share in eco-responsible specialty fibers will be significantly increased
  • Lenzing is strategically well on track with these investments

The Lenzing Group, the leading global supplier of wood-based specialty fibers, will invest more than EUR 200 mn in its production sites in Purwakarta (Indonesia) and Nanjing (China) to convert existing standard viscose capacity into environmentally responsible specialty fibers.

In Nanjing (China) Lenzing will establish the first wood-based fiber complex in China that is independent from coal as an energy source. By using natural gas based cogeneration, Lenzing will reduce CO2 emissions at the site by more than 200,000 tons. At the same time a line of standard viscose will be converted to a 35.000 tons TENCEL™ branded modal fibers line making Lenzing (Nanjing) Fibers Co., Ltd a 100 percent wood-based specialty fiber site by the end of 2022.

In Purwakarta (Indonesia), Lenzing will reduce its CO2 emissions by increasingly using biogenic fuels. Additional investments to reduce emissions to air and water will make this facility fully compliant with the EU Ecolabel by the end of 2022. That will allow converting standard viscose capacity into LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers for textile applications as well as LENZING™ Viscose Eco fibers for personal care and hygiene applications. As a result, the site in Indonesia will also become a pure specialty viscose supplier as of 2023.

Both investments are fully in line with Lenzing’s target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions per ton of product by 50 percent by 2030. By avoiding or reducing the use of fossil fuels at the two sites, the Lenzing Group will be able to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 320,000 tons in total, or 18 percent, compared to 2017. In addition, this investment allows Lenzing also to reduce its total sulfur emissions by more than 50 percent, compared to 2019.

Together with its major lyocell fiber project in Thailand, Lenzing will also boost its share in specialty fibers as a percentage of fiber revenues to well above the targeted 75 percent already by 2023, which in turn is an important step towards achieving the company’s EBITDA target of EUR 800 mn by 2024.


More information:
climate-neutral viscose fibers

Lenzing AG


More than 1,000 companies to exhibit at JEC Composites Connect

On June 1-2, 2021, JEC Composites Connect, the first round-the-clock digital event of the composites industry, will host significant industry players, enabling participants to discover their latest innovations. Three competitions the JEC Composites Challenge, the JEC Composites Startup Booster, and the famous JEC Composites Innovation Award, will also put the spotlights on the most innovative solutions and products this year

Key Figures

More than 1,000 companies from all the composites value chain spanning 46 countries will participate, network, and present their latest products on their digital booths.

Exhibitor’s breakdown by industrial sector :

  • Raw materials
  • Intermediate products
  • Equipment, tools, and ancillary products
  • Distribution, agents, and representation
  • Third parties, services, engineering, and R&D
  • Composite’s part producers and processors
  • Composite’s end-users and integrators

Highlighting excellence and innovation

On June 1-2, 2021, JEC Composites Connect, the first round-the-clock digital event of the composites industry, will host significant industry players, enabling participants to discover their latest innovations. Three competitions the JEC Composites Challenge, the JEC Composites Startup Booster, and the famous JEC Composites Innovation Award, will also put the spotlights on the most innovative solutions and products this year

Key Figures

More than 1,000 companies from all the composites value chain spanning 46 countries will participate, network, and present their latest products on their digital booths.

Exhibitor’s breakdown by industrial sector :

  • Raw materials
  • Intermediate products
  • Equipment, tools, and ancillary products
  • Distribution, agents, and representation
  • Third parties, services, engineering, and R&D
  • Composite’s part producers and processors
  • Composite’s end-users and integrators

Highlighting excellence and innovation

JEC Composites connect will also be the place to promote the composites sector’s biggest innovative projects. Many product launches are expected to be announced over the two days of the show, evidences a solidly dynamic sector led by high-performance and environmentally friendly innovations.

Among which 65 product launches are listed in the 2021 Innovation Report: from Raw materials, Intermediates and Ancillary, R&D to Production and Equipment, including Simulation and Measurement and Services.

Competitions and awards ceremonies

The JEC Composites Challenge will give the floor to ten young researchers from around the world on June 2nd at 12pm CEST. They will have five minutes to convince a panel of judges composed of leading industrial players in the composites sector. The competition builds bridges between research and industry and is a highlight of the event.

The 2021 JEC Composites Startup Booster has a line-up of 20 finalists who will pitch during two live sessions on June 1st from 10:30 am to 11:30 am and from 5 pm to 6 pm CEST. The 2021 JEC Composites Innovation Awards will celebrate the most innovative composites projects and fruitful collaborations between different value chain players in 2021.


JEC Group

Céline Abecassis-Moedas (c) Lectra
Céline Abecassis-Moedas

Céline Abecassis-Moedas joins Lectra’s Board of Directors

At Lectra’s Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 30, members voted to appoint Céline Abecassis-Moedas as a new independent director. Nominated for a period of four years, she becomes a member of the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Strategic Committee.

The appointment of Céline Abecassis-Moedas to Lectra's Board of Directors will notably strengthen the Strategic Committee, which will be called upon to examine an increasing number of investment projects in innovative companies and the continued development of our offers for Industry 4.0.

Céline Abecassis-Moedas will also draw upon her international experience as an independent director, through positions held for nearly ten years at four companies in Spain and Portugal: Europac (Papeles y Cartones de Europa) from 2012 to 2019, CTT (CTT Correios de Portugal) from 2016 to 2020, CUF since 2016, and Vista Alegre Atlantis since 2020.

At Lectra’s Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 30, members voted to appoint Céline Abecassis-Moedas as a new independent director. Nominated for a period of four years, she becomes a member of the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Strategic Committee.

The appointment of Céline Abecassis-Moedas to Lectra's Board of Directors will notably strengthen the Strategic Committee, which will be called upon to examine an increasing number of investment projects in innovative companies and the continued development of our offers for Industry 4.0.

Céline Abecassis-Moedas will also draw upon her international experience as an independent director, through positions held for nearly ten years at four companies in Spain and Portugal: Europac (Papeles y Cartones de Europa) from 2012 to 2019, CTT (CTT Correios de Portugal) from 2016 to 2020, CUF since 2016, and Vista Alegre Atlantis since 2020.

Céline Abecassis-Moedas, 49, is now Dean for Executive Education and Associate Professor at Católica-Lisbon. She began her career in research at France Telecom R&D, before joining Lectra in New York as an e-business product manager in 1999, then AT Kearney in London as a consultant in 2000. From 2002 to 2005, she was Lecturer in Strategy at Queen Mary University of London, then joined Católica-Lisbon University as Assistant Professor in Strategic and Innovation Management.

From 2014 to 2020, Céline Abecassis-Moedas was also Affiliate Professor at ESCP and co-scientific director of the Lectra-ESCP Chair's "Fashion and Technology".

Céline Abecassis-Moedas is a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, of the Université Paris Dauphine (DEA in Scientific management methods), holder of a Ph.D. in Management from the École Polytechnique and holder of the INSEAD Certificate in Corporate Governance obtained in 2017.



PCMC: Installation of Fusion C printing press at packaging supplier Yellowstone Plastics (c) PCMC, Barry-Wehmiller

PCMC: Installation of Fusion C printing press at packaging supplier Yellowstone Plastics

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has announced the installation of a new Fusion C printing press at flexible packaging supplier Yellowstone Plastics (affiliated with Volm Companies), located in South Idaho Falls, Idaho. The 42-inch, 10-color Fusion C began production in February.

Since the installation, Yellowstone Plastics has increased the quality and quantity of its product offerings, thanks to innovative Fusion C features including Flextreme drying, 100 percent web inspection, the Intelliprint auto-impression setting and SteadyPrint.

“We are very excited about the results we are getting out of this press,” said Lou Figueria, Director of Printing and Graphics Operations, Yellowstone Plastics. “We are running a mixture of short runs and long runs, at 1,000 to 1,200 feet per minute, and the press adjusts very nicely between the two. It is very easy to operate, and its features—such as SteadyPrint and the touchscreen HMI—have been beneficial to our printing and our operators.”

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, has announced the installation of a new Fusion C printing press at flexible packaging supplier Yellowstone Plastics (affiliated with Volm Companies), located in South Idaho Falls, Idaho. The 42-inch, 10-color Fusion C began production in February.

Since the installation, Yellowstone Plastics has increased the quality and quantity of its product offerings, thanks to innovative Fusion C features including Flextreme drying, 100 percent web inspection, the Intelliprint auto-impression setting and SteadyPrint.

“We are very excited about the results we are getting out of this press,” said Lou Figueria, Director of Printing and Graphics Operations, Yellowstone Plastics. “We are running a mixture of short runs and long runs, at 1,000 to 1,200 feet per minute, and the press adjusts very nicely between the two. It is very easy to operate, and its features—such as SteadyPrint and the touchscreen HMI—have been beneficial to our printing and our operators.”



HYOH: Funktionelle und stylische Outdoor-Produkte (c) HYOH

HYOH: Funktionelle und stylische Outdoor-Produkte

Mit dem Motto „Hike your own hike“ – abgekürzt HYOH – will das junge Team rund um Gründer Leonard Diepenbrock wieder Lust auf Zeit in der Natur machen. Statt Pauschal-Hotelurlaub lieber mal einen Tagestrip in den nahe gelegen Forst planen.
„Wir wollen mit unseren Produkten motivieren, mehr Zeit draußen zu verbringen. Dabei soll der Fokus auf der Auszeit oder dem Abenteuer in der Natur liegen – ohne sich Gedanken über das Equipment machen zu müssen“, sagt Leonard Diepenbrock, Gründer von HYOH und Geschäftsführer des veganen Labels Jean&Len.

Das Team von HYOH bietet für Ausflüge an den Badesee oder Wochenendtrips einen Kühlrucksack im minimalistischen Design an. Der Inhalt bleibt bis zu 48 Stunden gekühlt – dank Isolierung aus PE-Schaum und absolut dichtem Reißverschluss (der HYOH „no drip zip“ ist isolierend und wasserabweisend) bleibt die Kälte im Rucksack, ohne zu entweichen. Zahlreiche Aufbewahrungsmöglichkeiten verstauen alle Kleinigkeiten, die unterwegs Platz suchen. Mit dem Snap Hook System, das gerne in der Trail Running Szene verwendet wird, lässt sich Zubehör wie Flaschen mittels Karabinerhaken ganz einfach an der Vorderseite befestigen.

Mit dem Motto „Hike your own hike“ – abgekürzt HYOH – will das junge Team rund um Gründer Leonard Diepenbrock wieder Lust auf Zeit in der Natur machen. Statt Pauschal-Hotelurlaub lieber mal einen Tagestrip in den nahe gelegen Forst planen.
„Wir wollen mit unseren Produkten motivieren, mehr Zeit draußen zu verbringen. Dabei soll der Fokus auf der Auszeit oder dem Abenteuer in der Natur liegen – ohne sich Gedanken über das Equipment machen zu müssen“, sagt Leonard Diepenbrock, Gründer von HYOH und Geschäftsführer des veganen Labels Jean&Len.

Das Team von HYOH bietet für Ausflüge an den Badesee oder Wochenendtrips einen Kühlrucksack im minimalistischen Design an. Der Inhalt bleibt bis zu 48 Stunden gekühlt – dank Isolierung aus PE-Schaum und absolut dichtem Reißverschluss (der HYOH „no drip zip“ ist isolierend und wasserabweisend) bleibt die Kälte im Rucksack, ohne zu entweichen. Zahlreiche Aufbewahrungsmöglichkeiten verstauen alle Kleinigkeiten, die unterwegs Platz suchen. Mit dem Snap Hook System, das gerne in der Trail Running Szene verwendet wird, lässt sich Zubehör wie Flaschen mittels Karabinerhaken ganz einfach an der Vorderseite befestigen.

Die wasserabweisende Base Bag im schlichten Design bietet genug Platz und ist leicht zu reinigen. An der Vorderseite der Tasche lässt sich mithilfe von Karabinerhaken weiteres Zubehör befestigen. Da die Base Bag keinen Verschluss hat, können auch sperrige Gegenstände darin verstaut werden.

Das Label HYOH wurde 2020 in Köln gegründet. Produziert werden die Kühlrucksäcke und -taschen bei einem erfahrenen Outdoor-Hersteller in der chinesischen Küstenstadt Xiamen, der alle Kühltaschen von Hand näht. HYOH verwendet für seine Produkte ausschließlich hochwertige Materialen wie thermoplastisches Polyurethan, das die Langlebigkeit der Produkte garantiert. In Zukunft will HYOH der Umwelt zuliebe den Einsatz von recycelten und recyclebaren Materialien weiter ausbauen.


PR + Presseagentur textschwester


STF: Kollaborations-Projekt mit Modissa, BIG und Essentiel Antwerp

Modissa, BIG und Essentiel Antwerp zeigen in Zürich mit «Memories of the Future» eine Kollaboration mit jungen Fashion-Kreatoren der STF Schweizerischen Textilfachschule. Das Kollaborations-Projekt «Memories of the Future» setzt sich mit essenziellen Fragen und nachhaltigen Lösungen rund um das zukünftige Miteinander sowie mit Werten des Zusammenlebens auseinander. Was eint die Menschheit? Wie können wir unseren Planeten gesund für nachfolgende Generationen erhalten? Welche Handwerkstechniken prägen die Zukunft? Entstanden sind zukunftsorientierte Fashion-Looks, die sich in sieben «Statements» kondensiert haben. Diese «Statements» sind vom 4. bis 18. Mai 2021 an sieben Stationen bei Modissa, BIG und Essentiell Antwerp an der Bahnhofstrasse Zürich in Form von Kunstinstallationen ausgestellt. Sie bilden die Basis für einen gemeinsamen Diskurs zu «Erinnerungen an die Zukunft».*


*Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Ahang.

Modissa, BIG und Essentiel Antwerp zeigen in Zürich mit «Memories of the Future» eine Kollaboration mit jungen Fashion-Kreatoren der STF Schweizerischen Textilfachschule. Das Kollaborations-Projekt «Memories of the Future» setzt sich mit essenziellen Fragen und nachhaltigen Lösungen rund um das zukünftige Miteinander sowie mit Werten des Zusammenlebens auseinander. Was eint die Menschheit? Wie können wir unseren Planeten gesund für nachfolgende Generationen erhalten? Welche Handwerkstechniken prägen die Zukunft? Entstanden sind zukunftsorientierte Fashion-Looks, die sich in sieben «Statements» kondensiert haben. Diese «Statements» sind vom 4. bis 18. Mai 2021 an sieben Stationen bei Modissa, BIG und Essentiell Antwerp an der Bahnhofstrasse Zürich in Form von Kunstinstallationen ausgestellt. Sie bilden die Basis für einen gemeinsamen Diskurs zu «Erinnerungen an die Zukunft».*


*Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Ahang.


STF Schweizerische Textilfachschule


ISKO launches bluesign® APPROVED fabrics

ISKO announced the launch of bluesign® APPROVED fabrics. The only denim mill in Europe with bluesign® APPROVED fabrics, and one of the highest achievement’s in sustainability. This won honour is only awarded to those that meet the strict safety and environmental requirements of the bluesign® CRITERIA. These certified articles are made from bluesign® APPROVED chemicals and raw materials, and are manufactured with a minimum impact on people and the environment. This enables brands to provide safe products to their consumers, verified as bluesign® PRODUCT, which are sustainably produced without hazardous chemicals.

“When the goal is big, the effort is big. Choosing the right partner means taking safe steps. In this sense, I can gladly say that we will continue on our way with the bluesign® chemical followup process.” – Ebru ÖZKÜÇÜK, Head of Sustainability ISKO.

Through this partnership and certification, ISKO and bluesign® continue their vision of a textile and fashion industry with a future that focuses more attention on people and the environment, because only when both are considered can the industry truly make a positive, long-lasting impact.

ISKO announced the launch of bluesign® APPROVED fabrics. The only denim mill in Europe with bluesign® APPROVED fabrics, and one of the highest achievement’s in sustainability. This won honour is only awarded to those that meet the strict safety and environmental requirements of the bluesign® CRITERIA. These certified articles are made from bluesign® APPROVED chemicals and raw materials, and are manufactured with a minimum impact on people and the environment. This enables brands to provide safe products to their consumers, verified as bluesign® PRODUCT, which are sustainably produced without hazardous chemicals.

“When the goal is big, the effort is big. Choosing the right partner means taking safe steps. In this sense, I can gladly say that we will continue on our way with the bluesign® chemical followup process.” – Ebru ÖZKÜÇÜK, Head of Sustainability ISKO.

Through this partnership and certification, ISKO and bluesign® continue their vision of a textile and fashion industry with a future that focuses more attention on people and the environment, because only when both are considered can the industry truly make a positive, long-lasting impact.

BB Engineering: Visco+ innovative vacuum filter for IV setting (c) BB Engineering
Graphical animation of Visco+

BB Engineering: Visco+ innovative vacuum filter for IV setting

Under vacuum, the new BB Engineering large-area filter produces a homogeneous, pure melt with a targeted IV setting for instance, for returning polyester production waste to the melt flow, but also for achieving a homogeneous viscosity in the case of virgin material.

BB Engineering has expanded its melt filter portfolio to include a patented large-area vacuum filter designed especially for processing polyester waste. The so-called Visco+ filter is already known as the key component of the BB Engineering VacuFil recycling system. Now, it is also available as a separate and easily-integratable upgrade component for existing systems. Within this context, the uses of the Visco+ are by no means limited to just decontamination. Here, the Visco+ offers the following solutions:

Under vacuum, the new BB Engineering large-area filter produces a homogeneous, pure melt with a targeted IV setting for instance, for returning polyester production waste to the melt flow, but also for achieving a homogeneous viscosity in the case of virgin material.

BB Engineering has expanded its melt filter portfolio to include a patented large-area vacuum filter designed especially for processing polyester waste. The so-called Visco+ filter is already known as the key component of the BB Engineering VacuFil recycling system. Now, it is also available as a separate and easily-integratable upgrade component for existing systems. Within this context, the uses of the Visco+ are by no means limited to just decontamination. Here, the Visco+ offers the following solutions:

  • IV homogenization: if an existing production system is struggling with IV fluctuations, the Visco+ is able to actively intervene and balance out any irregularities;
  • IV increase: if the final viscosity is insufficient when processing recycled materials, the Visco+ can increase the IV without the negative impact of long residence times.

In this way, the Visco+ enables fast and flexibly-controllable viscosity build-up and reliable viscosity monitoring of the polyester melt using a to-date unique, patented process. Depending on the intended end use, the melt can be ad-justed to the further processing procedure in a targeted manner. The requi-site melt properties above all the intrinsic viscosity, but also the purity and homogeneity are achieved in a reliable and reproducible manner and can also be adjusted during ongoing operation.

As a melt filter, the Visco+ operates like a liquid-state polycondensation unit. A maintenance-intensive reactor or a deposit-prone stirring unit are not required. Moisture is removed from the PET in the filter, which – in conjunction with an adjustable residence time – results in the desired IV increase in the vacuum. This enables a controlled IV build-up of up to 30%. The intrinsic vis-cosity is the central quality figure in PET recycling and rPET processing. It determines the melt performance in the downstream production process and the properties of the end products. The intrinsic viscosity is continually moni-tored by means of an integrated viscosity measurement unit and reliably adjusted in the event of deviations (caused by disparate input qualities, for ex-ample). At the same time, the filter provides an enormous material surface compared to the volume and continuously renews this. To this end, contamination can be removed particularly effectively from the starting material by means of automatically-regulated high-performance vacuum (1-30 mbar).

The Visco+ is particularly suitable for recycling PET waste that is to be reused for high-end products.


BB Engineering

Riri’s SS 2022 collection explores the mind of the future. (c) Riri

Riri: Post-pandemic emotions

  • Riri’s SS 2022 collection explores the mind of the future.
  • Bright colors, vintage themes as well as timeless designs and attention to detail, combined with concepts that highlight history and processes.

Riri Group’s gaze looks to the future once more, offering a line of accessories where creativity meets cutting-edge technology. This is the scenario spawning the new SS 2022 collection; a range of innovative proposals each representing a different emotional response to the pandemic, an attempt to interpret the emotions, needs and desires of consumers in the coming years.

The Italian-Swiss group, that for almost a century has committed to creating zips and buttons for the world’s most important fashion brands, doubles down on its forward-looking vision. The result is SS 2022 collection, featuring three different aspirational paths to read into the emerging feelings of the “new normal” that is our time and that may characterize the near future.

  • Riri’s SS 2022 collection explores the mind of the future.
  • Bright colors, vintage themes as well as timeless designs and attention to detail, combined with concepts that highlight history and processes.

Riri Group’s gaze looks to the future once more, offering a line of accessories where creativity meets cutting-edge technology. This is the scenario spawning the new SS 2022 collection; a range of innovative proposals each representing a different emotional response to the pandemic, an attempt to interpret the emotions, needs and desires of consumers in the coming years.

The Italian-Swiss group, that for almost a century has committed to creating zips and buttons for the world’s most important fashion brands, doubles down on its forward-looking vision. The result is SS 2022 collection, featuring three different aspirational paths to read into the emerging feelings of the “new normal” that is our time and that may characterize the near future.

Inspired by sensations of euphoria and breaking free from melancholy through evasion and exuberance, Rejoice is the line that sees in positivity and joy of re-living the answer to the months of pandemic and negativity. The optimism that is to come takes the form of a creative and extrovert style, even when it comes to accessories. The inspiration, a triumph of bright colors and timeless styles, comes straight from the streets of Boca, one of Buenos Aires’ most popular neighborhoods thanks to its combination of colors and creative scene. Thus, the Eloxal rio zip is presented once again: with its aluminum chain and colored teeth, matched with a multi-color effect puller. In the range, we can also find the Nylon zip, featuring changing colors matched with buttons that echo their color variations, or the Filmetal 14 zip, big and with eye-catching writings, embossed on the tape.

Going back to the future, in a more respectful and responsible way, through a rebirth that comes to be thanks to a closer relationship with nature. In this line history and processes through which the product is made are pivotal to tell a new way to approach the world. The range comprises zips and buttons developed with natural material and processed manually. A return to the basics as well as the constant research to reduce resources use respecting the planet are foundation of this line. Part of the Rebirth line are the copper jeans buttons, with a special water-based paint finishing, transparent and protective, or the hemp-derived bio-plastic eyelets, as well as the galalite buttons, a particular bio-degradable plastic, derived from processed milk proteins. A major innovation are our tapes entirely made of recycled polyester, evidence of the commitment by Riri Group to reuse resources.

Timeless elegance, essential luxury mixed with the highest quality standards for top-of-therange products. Design, materials and colors featuring in this line break away from seasonal trends to become timeless must-haves, essential yet elegant. Every piece is cared for in every detail, created specifically to leave a lasting mark. Buttons, chains and pullers are either made of gold and silver, or they feature the clean and elegant tone of stainless steel. Among the zips, stand out Metal and Simmetrical with luxury finishings, whilst tapes are made with refined materials, such as leather and satin. Essential yet researched, this range comes with square and oval cuts, with geometry being functional and complementary to a timeless elegance.

ANDRITZ Nonwoven bietet innovative Lösungen zur Optimierung des Ressourcenverbrauchs (c)ANDRITZ
Spunlace pilot line

ANDRITZ Nonwoven offers innovative solutions for optimization of raw material consumption

International technology Group ANDRITZ has always been at the forefront in providing innovative and sustainable solutions for the global nonwovens industry. Optimization of resource management, especially reducing the consumption of raw materials and other substances used and also keeping resources in use for as long as possible, are decisive factors in enabling nonwovens producers to offer competitive and sustainable products.

As a world market leader for nonwovens production equipment and services, ANDRITZ offers a full range of products to meet these challenging demands.

International technology Group ANDRITZ has always been at the forefront in providing innovative and sustainable solutions for the global nonwovens industry. Optimization of resource management, especially reducing the consumption of raw materials and other substances used and also keeping resources in use for as long as possible, are decisive factors in enabling nonwovens producers to offer competitive and sustainable products.

As a world market leader for nonwovens production equipment and services, ANDRITZ offers a full range of products to meet these challenging demands.

Maximizing the evenness of the product across the entire production line is one of the key success factors. The weight profiling product range of ANDRITZ – consisting of ProDynTM and ProWidTM – has been extended by ProWinTM. This new development is the combination of the two existing systems ProDynTM and ProWidTM. It allows nonwovens producers to achieve optimum weight profiling at the crosslapper delivery and increase their process speed by up to 15% at the same time. ProWin combines the long-term process experience and in-depth knowledge ANDRITZ has on needlepunch lines with innovative software to synchronize action across the line. Guillaume Julien, Head of Needlepunch Sales at ANDRITZ Nonwoven, explains,

“We have developed a self-regulating, advanced technology to reduce fiber deposits at the edges of the web and eliminate the “smile” effect across its width. ProWin enables producers to optimize the CV ratio autonomously and precisely while also generating significant fiber savings of up to 10% and increasing production speed. Thus, it also provides a faster ROI.“

When it comes to the spunlace process, a better product quality can be obtained by ensuring that the different equipment units in the production line are consistent with one another. The TT card, the Jetlace hydroentanglement unit, and the neXdry through-air dryer are the perfect combination to obtain premium visual quality and characteristics in the web. For an equivalent amount of fibers, this set-up is designed to produce an even web with significant bulkiness and an excellent MD:CD ratio without impacting the production capacity.

Maximizing performance by minimizing the raw material input and the amount of waste produced is a real driver of cost optimization. This is why ANDRITZ has created and integrated a solution that allows nonwovens producers to retrieve the wasted edges of their spunlace fabric and re-use it as recycled fibers. As a result, roll-good producers can even obtain the same web characteristics as when using virgin fibers, and most importantly, the exact same quality.

ANDRITZ also offers – under the brand Metris – ANDRITZ digital solutions – a variety of several service apps for optimum customer benefit. The Metris Cost Management app is used to track raw material consumption. It is an advanced system aimed at monitoring fiber consumption and allowing in-depth diagnoses to investigate raw material losses and savings grouped by different process areas. Thanks to this Metris application, ANDRITZ customers are able to optimize their system’s consumption of raw materials.

All these innovations are available in ANDRITZ’s technical centers, where ANDRITZ process experts will be glad to welcome customers in order to discuss and define their product expectations.

Kornit Digital Announces MAX Technology (c) Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Announces MAX Technology

Kornit Digital announced the release of its new MAX technology, establishing a new standard for on-demand fashion and apparel production.

A key feature of Kornit’s MAX technology is XDi, which delivers revolutionary 3D capabilities for new, high-density graphic decoration that can simulate embroidery, vinyl, and heat transfer in a single, waste-free digital process. The new XDi, which is based on Kornit’s patents, allows fulfillers and brands to expand their offerings to include new-to-market, innovative decorations without the inefficiencies and cost of operating analog technologies.

Kornit Digital announced the release of its new MAX technology, establishing a new standard for on-demand fashion and apparel production.

A key feature of Kornit’s MAX technology is XDi, which delivers revolutionary 3D capabilities for new, high-density graphic decoration that can simulate embroidery, vinyl, and heat transfer in a single, waste-free digital process. The new XDi, which is based on Kornit’s patents, allows fulfillers and brands to expand their offerings to include new-to-market, innovative decorations without the inefficiencies and cost of operating analog technologies.

Introducing Kornit Atlas MAX and ActiveLoad Automation
Kornit also debuted the ActiveLoad Automation technology, a new robotic system to significantly ease the burden of manual and labor-intensive media handling in the textile decoration industry. This increases total output per shift while ensuring minimal downtime and exceptional reliability. The new patent pending ActiveLoad Automation technology ensures continuous production and consistency, while decreasing human error and fatigue, regardless of employee experience and training, for ultimate results and best operational efficiency.

The first product with MAX technology is now commercially available in the Kornit Atlas MAX, a carbon-neutral, industrial-scale DTG production system, providing unsurpassed retail quality, exceptional color-matching capabilities, and a wide, vivid color gamut, with exceptional durability. The Atlas MAX is delivered with the new XDi technology built in, for 3D printing capabilities.


Rieter at ITMA Asia + CITME 2021 in June 2021

Ensuring Competitiveness Through Technology

Rieter has doubled down on its R&D efforts since the onset of the pandemic to accelerate the development of its suite of intelligent and automated machines and systems so customers can manufacture yarns more profitably, efficiently and sustainably. This also empowers mill owners to respond flexibly to fast-changing markets.

  • Ring spinning with G 38 and ROBOspin sets new standards in automation
  • COMPACTapron takes yarn strength to new heights
  • ESSENTIAL offers new features with smarter insights for better decisions
  • ROBOdoff automates doffing to save time and money
  • SSM’s new winder NEO-YW delivers more efficiency and sustainability
  • Graf’s new cylinder wire and flats enhance lifetime and quality

Ensuring Competitiveness Through Technology

Rieter has doubled down on its R&D efforts since the onset of the pandemic to accelerate the development of its suite of intelligent and automated machines and systems so customers can manufacture yarns more profitably, efficiently and sustainably. This also empowers mill owners to respond flexibly to fast-changing markets.

  • Ring spinning with G 38 and ROBOspin sets new standards in automation
  • COMPACTapron takes yarn strength to new heights
  • ESSENTIAL offers new features with smarter insights for better decisions
  • ROBOdoff automates doffing to save time and money
  • SSM’s new winder NEO-YW delivers more efficiency and sustainability
  • Graf’s new cylinder wire and flats enhance lifetime and quality

Rieter Management AG

DSM/MKU Ltd: High-performance, lightweight ballistic protection in Brazil (c) DSM Protective Materials: DSMPMPR007

DSM/MKU Ltd: High-performance, lightweight ballistic protection in Brazil

Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, announced that, together with armor manufacturing partner, MKU Ltd, has provided next generation armor technology with Dyneema® unidirectional (UD) material to support the Sao Paulo police.

The Sao Paulo police, which is comprised of more than 100,000 officers, is the first law enforcement agency in Brazil to initiate a tender for personal protective equipment based on the latest National Institute of Justice (NIJ) .06 standards for body armor, which provide comprehensive and rigorous compliance for the performance and testing of ballistic materials. In addition to NIJ .06 certification, the tender set extremely lightweight requirements for level IIIA soft armor vests.

Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, announced that, together with armor manufacturing partner, MKU Ltd, has provided next generation armor technology with Dyneema® unidirectional (UD) material to support the Sao Paulo police.

The Sao Paulo police, which is comprised of more than 100,000 officers, is the first law enforcement agency in Brazil to initiate a tender for personal protective equipment based on the latest National Institute of Justice (NIJ) .06 standards for body armor, which provide comprehensive and rigorous compliance for the performance and testing of ballistic materials. In addition to NIJ .06 certification, the tender set extremely lightweight requirements for level IIIA soft armor vests.

The hybrid vest solution developed MKU, a global leader in defense and homeland security solutions, for the Sao Paulo police utilizes predominantly Dyneema® UD material to reach new levels of performance and protection while simultaneously enhancing user comfort and mobility. Dyneema®, a strong and light fiber, is the one of leading global brands for ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMwPE) fiber, UD and fabrics, offering ballistic solutions for personal and vehicle armor that combine maximum strength with minimum weight.

In soft armor applications, Dyneema® offers up to 35 percent weight reduction when compared to competitive materials, while still protecting against both legacy and emerging threats.

In addition to the lightweight armor requirement, the vests were also thoroughly tested to ensure performance with NIJ ballistic reports, NIJ certification and in-house ballistic testing both during the tender process and after the vests were received.

In line with DSM’s commitment to protect people and the environment they live in, one of the world’s first ever bio-based HMPE fibers was introduced in 2020.

DELTA plant landesweit erstes C2C®-Warenhaus für Levi Strauss & Co. (c) Delta/ Quadrant4

DELTA plant landesweit erstes C2C®-Warenhaus für Levi Strauss & Co.

Auf dem Grundstück des Industrieparks „Große Heide Wulfen“ lässt die DELTA Development Group derzeit das grünste Warenhaus Deutschlands entstehen: Mit der innovativen Logistik-Immobilie „Positive Footprint Wearhouse“ holt der niederländische Projektentwickler dabei nicht nur den Denim Leader Levi Strauss & Co. in die Region, sondern realisiert gleichzeitig die deutschlandweit erste Logistikfläche, die dem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch Cradle-to-Cradle® entspricht. Mit Drees & Sommer im General Construction Management mit der Nachhaltigkeitskonzeption, Bremer BAU als Generalunternehmer, dem Architektenteam von Quadrant4 und mit spezialisierten Investment- und Vermögensverwalter ELREP setzt DELTA so ein Zeichen für zukunftsorientiertes Bauen.

Auf dem Grundstück des Industrieparks „Große Heide Wulfen“ lässt die DELTA Development Group derzeit das grünste Warenhaus Deutschlands entstehen: Mit der innovativen Logistik-Immobilie „Positive Footprint Wearhouse“ holt der niederländische Projektentwickler dabei nicht nur den Denim Leader Levi Strauss & Co. in die Region, sondern realisiert gleichzeitig die deutschlandweit erste Logistikfläche, die dem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch Cradle-to-Cradle® entspricht. Mit Drees & Sommer im General Construction Management mit der Nachhaltigkeitskonzeption, Bremer BAU als Generalunternehmer, dem Architektenteam von Quadrant4 und mit spezialisierten Investment- und Vermögensverwalter ELREP setzt DELTA so ein Zeichen für zukunftsorientiertes Bauen.

Cradle-to-Cradle® goes Logistik
Innovation trifft Praxis: Circa 70.000 m² umfasst die neue Logistik-Immobilie auf dem revitalisierten Bergbaustandort, die der Modemarke Levi Strauss ab 2023 für eine Mietdauer von 20 Jahren als Distributionszentrum dienen wird. Dabei zeichnet sich das Fullfillment Center vor allem durch den innovativen Cradle-to-Cradle® (kurz: C2C) Ansatz aus. Dieser beschreibt eine zirkuläre Bauweise, die auf den Prinzipien der Wiederverwertung, Ressourcenschonung und Abfallreduktion basiert und das Ziel verfolgt, den ökologischen Fußabdruck so klein wie möglich zu halten. Bei der Übertragung ihres Nachhaltigkeitsanspruchs in die Logistik-Praxis des „Positive Footprint Wearhouse“ konnte DELTA auf die Expertise des Architektenbüros Quadrant4 zurückgreifen, das diesen auf allen Lager-, Büro- und Gemeinschaftsflächen kompromisslos umsetzte.

Eine Architektur mit grünem Faden
Ganz im Sinne des C2C®-Ansatzes sind jegliche Baumaterialien des neuen Zentrums auf Wiederverwertung ausgelegt und werden in einer Material-Datenbank erfasst. Am Ende der Nutzungsperiode ermöglicht eine spezielle architektonische Verwendung die problemlose Trennung nach Materialtyp. Um die Luftqualität der Innenräume konstant hoch zu halten, wurden zudem ausschließlich schadstoffarme Materialien verwendet. Nicht nur beim Thema Gesundheit rückt die Immobilie den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt: Auf Grundlage des „Human Centered Designs“ ist das Zentrum auf sozialen Austausch und Inspiration ausgelegt und mit zahlreichen Gemeinschafts- und Grünflächen ausgestattet. Grün ist der Firmenstandort dabei sowohl im wörtlichen als auch im übertragenen Sinne: Neben den Grünflächen im Außenbereich verfügt die Immobilie über einen Dachgarten, der sowohl zur Aufrechterhaltung der Biodiversität als auch als Sammelstelle und Kläranlage des gebäudeinternen Wasserkreislaufs eingesetzt wird. Durch den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energiequellen kann Zentrum einen Großteil seines Energiebedarfs selbst decken. LEED1- und WELL2-Zertifizierungen untermauern den Nachhaltigkeitscharakter des Gebäudes zusätzlich.

Der nächste wichtige Schritt: Delta und Levi’s treiben Nachhaltigkeit voran
„Bereits seit 2003 folgen wir bei DELTA fast ausschließlich dem C2C®-Leitbild und rücken so konsequent die Zukunft des Planeten in den Fokus unserer Projekte. Nachhaltigkeit, Gesundheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit stellen dabei stets eine untrennbare Einheit dar“, erklärt Edwin Meijerink von DELTA Development den innovativen Ansatz. Mit dem Einzug der Modemarke Levi Strauss wird der Nachhaltigkeitsgedanke der C2C®-Immobilie in die unternehmerische Praxis übertragen. Eine geteilte Wertehaltung war hierfür unerlässlich.

In den Niederlanden hat DELTA mit Immobilien wie dem ABC Square oder dem Fokker Logistics Park in Schiphol bereits zahlreiche nachhaltige Logistik-Großprojekte realisiert – in Deutschland steht der Projektentwickler noch am Anfang.


Oerlikon: Creating a new growth platform

Oerlikon signs agreement to acquire INglass, a global leader in high precision polymer flow control equipment, to accelerate expansion strategy in polymer processing market

  • INglass and its HRSflow Division is a market leader spezialized in hot runner sytems
  • Technology is highly complementary to Oerlikon’s existing capabilities in polymer flow control and will expand Oerlikon’s market access
  • Acquisition accelerates Oerlikon’s strategy in diversifying its manmade fibers business to expand into the high-growth polymer processing solution market
  • Oerlikon renames ‘Manmade Fibers’ Division to ‘Polymer Processing Solutions’
  • Acquisition is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2021

Oerlikon, a leading provider of surface engineering, polymer processing and additive manufacturing, announced today that it has signed an agreement to acquire Italy-headquartered INglass S.p.A. and its innovative hot runner systems technology operating under its market-leading HRSflow business.

Oerlikon signs agreement to acquire INglass, a global leader in high precision polymer flow control equipment, to accelerate expansion strategy in polymer processing market

  • INglass and its HRSflow Division is a market leader spezialized in hot runner sytems
  • Technology is highly complementary to Oerlikon’s existing capabilities in polymer flow control and will expand Oerlikon’s market access
  • Acquisition accelerates Oerlikon’s strategy in diversifying its manmade fibers business to expand into the high-growth polymer processing solution market
  • Oerlikon renames ‘Manmade Fibers’ Division to ‘Polymer Processing Solutions’
  • Acquisition is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2021

Oerlikon, a leading provider of surface engineering, polymer processing and additive manufacturing, announced today that it has signed an agreement to acquire Italy-headquartered INglass S.p.A. and its innovative hot runner systems technology operating under its market-leading HRSflow business.

The strategic acquisition is a significant step in expanding Oerlikon’s current manmade fibers business into the larger polymer processing market. The acquisition accelerates and enhances existing organic initiatives to diversify and strengthen the company’s core high-precision polymer flow control capabilities, products and services. The completion of the transaction is subject to customary regulatory approvals and is expected by the second quarter of 2021.

To reflect Oerlikon’s expansion into a larger high-growth market, the Manmade Fibers Division will be renamed as Polymer Processing Solutions Division. This division will have two business units: Flow Control Solutions and Manmade Fibers Solutions. The busines unit Flow Control Solutions will combine the expertise of Oerlikon Barmag’s existing gear metering pumps business line and INglass’ HRSflow operations. The business unit Manmade Fibers Solutions will continue to focus on growing the existing chemical fiber machinery and plant engineering business, offering plant solutions for the production of polyester, polypropylene and polyamide.

“Our new Polymer Processing Solutions Division and the acquisition of INglass S.p.A. and its HRSflow business are critical components of Oerlikon Group’s growth strategy. We are accelerating our efforts to drive sustainable organic and inorganic growth in all of our businesses. The acquisition enables new synergy opportunities between both Oerlikon divisions in specific end markets such as automotive. With INglass and its HRSflow operations, we acquire leading suppliers in their markets with proven success of their technologies and services,” said Dr. Roland Fischer, CEO Oerlikon Group.

“We firmly believe that within the Oerlikon Group we can further exploit the potential of our hot runner systems technology and, when combined with the capabilities of Oerlikon Barmag gear metering pumps and their melt distribution engineering competence, will position our business as one of the leading precision flow control specialists for multiple applications in a global growth market”, said Antonio Bortuzzo, CEO of INglass S.p.A.

New business unit offers great growth potential

The Oerlikon Barmag competence brand already offers high precision flow control related components, including a large selection of gear metering pumps for textile and non-textile markets. These highly efficient pumps are used in silicone casting, dynamic mixing and oil spraying for the chemical, paint, polymer processing and automotive industries. This double-digit million CHF business, which has grown in recent years, will be merged with INglass’ HRSflow hot runner technologies under the new business unit Flow Control Solutions. HRSflow’s excellent market access to many OEMs in and outside the automotive industry brings significant growth opportunities.

INglass is a leader in automotive and expanding in other sectors

INglass S.p.A. is an internationally operating successful company established in 1987. Its product portfolio includes hot runners as well as engineering and consultancy services for the advanced development of polymer processing products. INglass’ HRSflow hot runner systems are applied in multiple industries from automotive, consumer goods and household appliances to packaging, waste management, construction and transportation.

INglass is headquartered in San Polo di Piave, Italy, near Venice. 2020 revenues of INglass were approximately CHF 135 million and the acquisition is expected to be immediately accretive to Oerlikon’s margins and cash flows. INglass has more than 1 000 employees and 55 sites worldwide, including production plants in Italy, China and the US. Among these sites are INglass’ newly renovated headquarters and production at its primary location in San Polo di Piave near Venice, Italy. The investment modernized the facilities with automated production, underlining the company’s commitment to sustainability and the environment. The other two modern production sites are in Zhejiang (Hangzhou Province) in China and Michigan (Grand Rapids) in the USA.

Following the integration with Oerlikon Barmag’s gear metering pumps business of about 200 employees in Remscheid, Germany, the new Flow Control Solutions business unit will have round about 1 200 employees.

"We see great potential for growth in our new Flow Control Solutions business unit,” said Georg Stausberg, Polymer Processing Solutions Division CEO and Member of the Executive Committee of the Oerlikon Group. “The businesses form the two core growth pillars and benefit from each other in global market development, in modern and digitized production, and in customer services. We also see potential synergies in R&D by combining existing know-how in the field of polymer processing. New technological solutions between hot runner systems and gear metering pumps are conceivable. We also anticipate collaborating more closely with the Oerlikon Surface Solutions Division, particularly in future mobility applications and functional polymer component solutions for the automotive industry. All in all, we will offer our customers innovative and attractive solutions in the field of polymer processing and high precision flow control components.”

Next steps for further diversification of the division product portfolio are already ongoing

Combining the divisions plant engineering and process know how with expertise on high precision flow control components technologies has a significant impact on product quality in nearly all applications, which opens up a platform for further organic and inorganic growth. "We are closely observing the megatrends in the markets and developing new business models to match. In the area of sustainability, covering topics such as circular economy, the recycling of materials using mechanical and chemical recycling solutions, as well as the handling of new, more environmentally friendly and biodegradable materials, we are on the verge of a breakthrough. We are ready to actively participate in these growth areas,” added Georg Stausberg.

“In realigning the Polymer Processing Solutions Division, Oerlikon will continue to apply our successful recipe of a lean organizational structure to efficiently manage the business. This means clear processes, short decision-making paths and competent teams in a diverse and multicultural organization in which everyone can contribute innovatively to create customer value,” said Georg Stausberg.