From the Sector

1026 results
(c) Best Wool Carpets

„ATMYSPHERE“ – das neue Leitthema der DOMOTEX 2020

  • Abgeleitet vom Megatrend „Gesundheit“, setzt die DOMOTEX mit dem Leitthema auf die Themen Wohlbefinden, Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit
  • Das Objektgeschäft rückt stärker in den Fokus
  • Hersteller sind eingeladen, ihre Produkte in Bezug auf das Leitthema kreativ in Szene zu setzen

Nach einer erfolgreichen DOMOTEX 2019 in Hannover laufen bereits die Vorbereitungen zur nächsten Ausgabe der weltweit führenden Messe für Teppiche und Bodenbeläge an. Bei der kommenden Veranstaltung, die vom 10. bis 13. Januar 2020 stattfindet, stehen mit dem neuen Leitthema „ATMYSPHERE“ all jene Eigenschaften des Bodens im Zentrum, die auf das Wohlbefinden sowie Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit einzahlen. Produkte aus der Bodenbelagsbranche sind in dem Zusammenhang beispielsweise Böden mit akustischen Eigenschaften oder lärmdämmenden Elementen sowie Teppiche, die Feinstaubpartikel binden oder eine wärmedämmende Wirkung aufweisen, elastische Böden, die besonders allergikerfreundlich sind sowie Echtholzdielen, die das Raumklima verbessern, indem sie Luftfeuchtigkeit speichern und bei trockener Raumluft wieder abgeben.

  • Abgeleitet vom Megatrend „Gesundheit“, setzt die DOMOTEX mit dem Leitthema auf die Themen Wohlbefinden, Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit
  • Das Objektgeschäft rückt stärker in den Fokus
  • Hersteller sind eingeladen, ihre Produkte in Bezug auf das Leitthema kreativ in Szene zu setzen

Nach einer erfolgreichen DOMOTEX 2019 in Hannover laufen bereits die Vorbereitungen zur nächsten Ausgabe der weltweit führenden Messe für Teppiche und Bodenbeläge an. Bei der kommenden Veranstaltung, die vom 10. bis 13. Januar 2020 stattfindet, stehen mit dem neuen Leitthema „ATMYSPHERE“ all jene Eigenschaften des Bodens im Zentrum, die auf das Wohlbefinden sowie Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit einzahlen. Produkte aus der Bodenbelagsbranche sind in dem Zusammenhang beispielsweise Böden mit akustischen Eigenschaften oder lärmdämmenden Elementen sowie Teppiche, die Feinstaubpartikel binden oder eine wärmedämmende Wirkung aufweisen, elastische Böden, die besonders allergikerfreundlich sind sowie Echtholzdielen, die das Raumklima verbessern, indem sie Luftfeuchtigkeit speichern und bei trockener Raumluft wieder abgeben. Auch Weichheit und angenehme Haptik, Nachhaltigkeit sowie ästhetische Ausstattungsdetails, die wohltuende persönliche Räume schaffen, können zur Verbesserung der Raumatmosphäre beitragen.

„Wieder ist unser Leitthema von einem aktuellen Megatrend angeregt. Im Fokus steht das gesellschaftliche Trendthema ,Gesundheit‘. Gesundheit ist das Synonym für gutes Leben – das wiederum mit hohen Ansprüchen an unsere Umgebung verbunden ist. Zudem spielen die Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Recycling und damit natürliche Materialien in unserer Gesellschaft noch immer eine große Rolle. Übertragen auf Bodenbeläge, sind das Themen, mit denen sich unsere Aussteller derzeit verstärkt auseinandersetzen. Zumal innerhalb eines kreativen Interior-Design-Konzepts der Boden von großer Bedeutung ist. Durch die Qualität von Material sowie die Gestaltung werden Teppiche und Bodenbeläge zum wichtigen Wohlfühlfaktor für das persönliche Lebensgefühl und die Entwicklung entsprechender Wohn- und Arbeitswelten. ATMYSPHERE hat somit für all unsere Aussteller und Besucherzielgruppen große Bedeutung.“ sagt Sonia Wedell-Castellano, Global Director der DOMOTEX.


Neonyt: Handel im Fokus

Die Neonyt wird vom 2. bis 4. Juli 2019 erneut zum globalen Hub für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation. Führende Marken und spannende Newcomer kommen im Kraftwerk Berlin zusammen. Ein tiefgreifendes Event- und Knowledge-Programm liefert wertvolle Informationen und Networking-Möglichkeiten – von und mit internationalen Vorreitern der Modebranche. Im Besonderen Fokus der Juli-Ausgabe steht das Thema Retail.

Die Neonyt wird vom 2. bis 4. Juli 2019 erneut zum globalen Hub für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation. Führende Marken und spannende Newcomer kommen im Kraftwerk Berlin zusammen. Ein tiefgreifendes Event- und Knowledge-Programm liefert wertvolle Informationen und Networking-Möglichkeiten – von und mit internationalen Vorreitern der Modebranche. Im Besonderen Fokus der Juli-Ausgabe steht das Thema Retail.

Nach der erfolgreichen Premierenveranstaltung unter dem neuen Namen Neonyt lädt die Messe Frankfurt im Juli zur zweiten Ausgabe ihres Mode-Events im Rahmen der Berlin Fashion Week ein. Zugleich jährt sich im Sommer bereits zum zehnten Mal die Gründung der Vorgängerveranstaltung der Neonyt: Im Juli 2009 initiierten Magdalena Schaffrin und Jana Keller den Greenshowroom als Plattform für nachhaltige Mode während der Berlin Fashion Week. Aus ihm ist die heutige Neonyt hervorgegangen. „Wir feiern ein Jahrzehnt nachhaltige Mode am Puls der Zeit. Gemeinsam mit langjährigen Partnern, progressiven Labels und Vordenkern der Modeindustrie ist es uns gelungen, einen weltweit einzigartigen Hub zu etablieren. Saison für Saison sorgt er auf Industrie- und Handelsseite für wertvolle Impulse in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation“, sagt Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies der Messe Frankfurt.

Programm für konventionelle Händler
Im besonderen Fokus der Sommer-Edition steht das Thema Retail, neben Concept Stores, Boutiquen und Online-Handel insbesondere der konventionelle Modehandel. In Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten Partnern bietet die Neonyt ein umfassendes Programm an – mit Vorträgen, Diskussionen, Networking-Events und einem Showcase. Dabei geht es um Themen, die für den Handel ganz unmittelbar relevant sind, wie etwa die Kommunikation von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten, Margen, Sortimente, Kollektionen und POS-Lösungen. Darüber hinaus bleibt weiterhin ein hochbrisantes Zukunftsthema im Blickfeld der Neonyt: Wasser. Wie kann die Modeindustrie ihren Impact hinsichtlich Wasserverbrauch minimieren? Oder anders gefragt: Wie lassen sich Produktionsverfahren verändern, um lebenswichtige Ressourcen zu erhalten? Diesen Fragen widmet sich der globale Hub und zeigt progressive Lösungsansätze auf.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) Archroma


Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, will be at Techtextil to launch its latest innovations and system solutions aimed to help textile manufacturers with optimized productivity and/or value creation in their markets.
Archroma offers a wide portfolio of dyes and chemicals aiming to increase sustainability and innovation along the entire value chain, from fiber to finish.
Archroma is reputed for its continuous flow of ground-breaking innovations, such as the EarthColors®, a range of dyes made from non-edible natural waste from the agricultural and herbal industry, or more recently, the purest indigo, Denisol® Pure Indigo, an aniline-free* synthetic pre-reduced liquid indigo launched in 2018.
At Techtextil, Archroma will present 10 solution systems and 4 innovations, and will hold an “Innovation Session” to present the most prominent of those for the first time ever: Appretan® NTR, a new nature-based binder. (See “Agenda” below).

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, will be at Techtextil to launch its latest innovations and system solutions aimed to help textile manufacturers with optimized productivity and/or value creation in their markets.
Archroma offers a wide portfolio of dyes and chemicals aiming to increase sustainability and innovation along the entire value chain, from fiber to finish.
Archroma is reputed for its continuous flow of ground-breaking innovations, such as the EarthColors®, a range of dyes made from non-edible natural waste from the agricultural and herbal industry, or more recently, the purest indigo, Denisol® Pure Indigo, an aniline-free* synthetic pre-reduced liquid indigo launched in 2018.
At Techtextil, Archroma will present 10 solution systems and 4 innovations, and will hold an “Innovation Session” to present the most prominent of those for the first time ever: Appretan® NTR, a new nature-based binder. (See “Agenda” below).

The Archroma Way
The systems and innovations presented by Archroma have all been selected for their compliance with “The Archroma Way: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The approach finds its origin in Archroma’s deep belief that it is possible to make the textile industry sustainable.
The Archroma Way is based on 3 pillars:

  1. Safe - with the deeply rooted goal to protect people and our planet. Safe to use, safe to release and also safe to wear.
  2. Efficient - with innovating application processes that minimize resources and maximize productivity, both in Archroma’s and its customers' manufacturing.
  3. Enhanced – with the added value created from additional effects, functionalities and aesthetics.

At Techtextil, visitors will be able to discover how The Archroma Way can help them create value in their textile applications and markets.

More information:
Archroma Techtextil


(c) Business Plus Fairs

STITCH & TEX EXPO 2020 in Egypt

STITCH & TEX EXPO - AFRICA EDITION 2020; will feature the new concept of organizing two consecutive trade fairs; The first trade fair is dedicated to garment processing technologies including Sewing, Embroidery, Fabrics and their Accessories; While the second is dedicated to textile processing technologies including Weaving, Spinning, Knitting, and Dyeing Machinery, Technologies and Spare Parts; The two events are held under the giant brand STITCH & TEX EXPO - AFRICA EDITION.

Set to establish a tangible uprising in motivating employment, inspiring skill development, stirring entrepreneurship in the textiles business segment, achieving economic development and thus conveying new ambitions for younger generations of the African continent, the 2 editions of STITCH & TEX EXPO – AFRICA EDITION 2020 is to be held in the prestigious venue Cairo International Conventions and Exhibitions Center-Egypt during the period February 27th till March 1st 2020 and from 5 till 8 March 2020 consecutively.

STITCH & TEX EXPO - AFRICA EDITION 2020; will feature the new concept of organizing two consecutive trade fairs; The first trade fair is dedicated to garment processing technologies including Sewing, Embroidery, Fabrics and their Accessories; While the second is dedicated to textile processing technologies including Weaving, Spinning, Knitting, and Dyeing Machinery, Technologies and Spare Parts; The two events are held under the giant brand STITCH & TEX EXPO - AFRICA EDITION.

Set to establish a tangible uprising in motivating employment, inspiring skill development, stirring entrepreneurship in the textiles business segment, achieving economic development and thus conveying new ambitions for younger generations of the African continent, the 2 editions of STITCH & TEX EXPO – AFRICA EDITION 2020 is to be held in the prestigious venue Cairo International Conventions and Exhibitions Center-Egypt during the period February 27th till March 1st 2020 and from 5 till 8 March 2020 consecutively.

More information:
Africa STITCH & TEX EXPO 2020

Business Plus Fairs 

(c) Archroma. Pexels

Archroma at China Interdye, Shanghai

  • China Interdye, booth A100, from 10 to 12 April 2019, Shanghai World Expo & Convection Center, Shanghai, China

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, will be at China Interdye to present its system solutions for optimized productivity and/or value creation in textile coloring and manufacturing.

Archroma offers a wide portfolio of dyes and chemicals aiming to increase sustainability and innovation along the entire value chain, from fiber to finish.
At China Interdye, visitors will be able to experience how Archroma can help them create value in their textile applications and markets.

The systems and innovations presented have been developed and selected for their compliance with “The Archroma Way: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The approach finds its origin in Archroma’s deep belief that it is possible to make the textile industry sustainable.

  • China Interdye, booth A100, from 10 to 12 April 2019, Shanghai World Expo & Convection Center, Shanghai, China

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, will be at China Interdye to present its system solutions for optimized productivity and/or value creation in textile coloring and manufacturing.

Archroma offers a wide portfolio of dyes and chemicals aiming to increase sustainability and innovation along the entire value chain, from fiber to finish.
At China Interdye, visitors will be able to experience how Archroma can help them create value in their textile applications and markets.

The systems and innovations presented have been developed and selected for their compliance with “The Archroma Way: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The approach finds its origin in Archroma’s deep belief that it is possible to make the textile industry sustainable.


China’s booming automotive market presents opportunities for nonwovens producers at China International Nonwovens Expo

China is the world’s undisputed front-runner in the global car market, leading the way in both production and sales. 2018 saw 27.8 million vehicles produced and domestic sales of 28.1 million, and while these numbers were down slightly year-on-year, the opportunities for global textile producers are still unrivalled given the overall size of the market. These opportunities can best be explored at this year’s biennial China International Nonwovens Expo & Forum (CINE – supported by Techtextil), which runs from 3 – 5 June in Shanghai.
While CINE features nonwovens & nonwoven products, machinery for nonwovens and raw materials & chemicals for nonwovens for a wide range of applications, it is the potential in the automotive sector that is generating a lot of talk before this June’s event. And considering only around 50% of demand for automotive textiles is met by domestic output, the opportunities for imports from overseas suppliers is high.

China is the world’s undisputed front-runner in the global car market, leading the way in both production and sales. 2018 saw 27.8 million vehicles produced and domestic sales of 28.1 million, and while these numbers were down slightly year-on-year, the opportunities for global textile producers are still unrivalled given the overall size of the market. These opportunities can best be explored at this year’s biennial China International Nonwovens Expo & Forum (CINE – supported by Techtextil), which runs from 3 – 5 June in Shanghai.
While CINE features nonwovens & nonwoven products, machinery for nonwovens and raw materials & chemicals for nonwovens for a wide range of applications, it is the potential in the automotive sector that is generating a lot of talk before this June’s event. And considering only around 50% of demand for automotive textiles is met by domestic output, the opportunities for imports from overseas suppliers is high.

While new car sales in China dropped for the first time last year since 1992, production still reached 27.8 million vehicles, including 23.5 million passenger cars and 4.3 million commercial vehicles. Furthermore, strong growth is still evident in new energy vehicle (NEV) sales, as well as exports of all vehicle types. NEV production totalled 1.27 million units last year, a staggering 60% increase, while sales grew by nearly 62%. More e-vehicles are sold in China than rest of the world combined, while the government recently set a target of selling 7 million e-vehicles by 2025, ensuring growth in this sector will remain robust for some time. Exports of all vehicle types in 2018 did not grow as fast as NEVs, but the 1.04 million vehicles produced for overseas markets last year still represented growth of 16.8%.

Premium automotive industry buyers attend CINE
Given CINE’s strong reputation in the Chinese nonwovens sector, a number of leading automobile brands, and textile suppliers to these companies, source at the fair. Previous buyers have included Autoliv, Honeywell, Johnson Controls, Lear Corporation, Lydall, Toyota Boshoku, Volkswagen, Wangbo Co Ltd and more.

This edition, buyers such as these can source from a range of automotive nonwovens suppliers. This includes Shanghai Shenda, one of the country’s largest producer of automotive textiles, who will group together a number of automotive interior suppliers.

This year the fair will take place in a new venue, the Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing, located conveniently between Hongqiao airport and downtown Shanghai. Visitor registration for the fair is now open and can be accessed here:




Messe Frankfurt

(c) Schoeller Textil AG

Schoeller: NanoSphere® Plus protects against fingerprints and dirt

Techtextil 2019: Schoeller launches its new finishing technology called NanoSphere® Plus. The special effect of this new development is its protection against fingerprints and greasy stains. Furthermore, even after being absorbed by the fabric stains are quickly and easily wiped away without washing.

Every human being leaves its marks. In particular, on daily-use items that are picked up or touched often. Especially on textile surfaces, hand and fingerprints in combination with dirt and dust particles leave an unpleasant, greasy dirt film, which is very difficult to clean.

NanoSphere® Plus, developed by Schoeller Technologies AG, the business unit for technologies at Schoeller Textil AG, works on the basis of a functional chain. Textiles are equipped with a matrix finish to reduce the capillary effect in the textile’s fibers. Especially unpleasant sebum residues and dirt that are often released by finger and handprints are less absorbed by the fabric and can be easily wiped away.

Techtextil 2019: Schoeller launches its new finishing technology called NanoSphere® Plus. The special effect of this new development is its protection against fingerprints and greasy stains. Furthermore, even after being absorbed by the fabric stains are quickly and easily wiped away without washing.

Every human being leaves its marks. In particular, on daily-use items that are picked up or touched often. Especially on textile surfaces, hand and fingerprints in combination with dirt and dust particles leave an unpleasant, greasy dirt film, which is very difficult to clean.

NanoSphere® Plus, developed by Schoeller Technologies AG, the business unit for technologies at Schoeller Textil AG, works on the basis of a functional chain. Textiles are equipped with a matrix finish to reduce the capillary effect in the textile’s fibers. Especially unpleasant sebum residues and dirt that are often released by finger and handprints are less absorbed by the fabric and can be easily wiped away.

Beside the excellent protection against finger and handprints, textiles with NanoSphere® Plus are additionally water and oil repellent, abrasion resistant and extremely durable. The finishing technology rarely affects the look or feel of the fabric.

Non-washable textiles that are often touched by hands or fingers, or fabrics that are in direct contact with the skin benefit most from this new technology. Therefore, NanoSphere® Plus is ideal for woven fabrics and synthetic leather or synthetic suede for bags, covers of electronical devices, head phones, loud speakers or other items in the field of interior equipment.

More information:
Schoeller Textil AG

Schoeller Technologies AG

(c) AZL Aachen GmbH

AZL, Winner of the JEC Innovation Award 2019, Category: “Industry & Equipment”

This year, AZL won the JEC AWARD 2019 for the development of the new machine system “Ultra-Fast Consolidator Machine”. This innovative machine system is a result of an 18-months AZL Joint Partner Project, conducted in 2017-2018 by the research partners AZL Aachen and Fraunhofer IPT Aachen, in cooperation with industrial partner companies including Conbility, Covestro, Engel, Evonik, Fagor Arrasate, Faurecia SE, Laserline, Mitsui Chemicals, Mubea Carbo Tech, Philips Photonics, SSDT and Toyota (in alphabetical order).

This year, AZL won the JEC AWARD 2019 for the development of the new machine system “Ultra-Fast Consolidator Machine”. This innovative machine system is a result of an 18-months AZL Joint Partner Project, conducted in 2017-2018 by the research partners AZL Aachen and Fraunhofer IPT Aachen, in cooperation with industrial partner companies including Conbility, Covestro, Engel, Evonik, Fagor Arrasate, Faurecia SE, Laserline, Mitsui Chemicals, Mubea Carbo Tech, Philips Photonics, SSDT and Toyota (in alphabetical order).

The new UItra-Fast Consolidator Machine offers both high flexibility and mass production of tailored thermoplastic laminates with reduced scrap. Fully consolidated multi-layer laminates with different fiber directions and minimized scrap (tailored blanks) can be produced in cycle times below 5 seconds with this new scalable machine setup. This individualized mass production is accomplished by a combination of laser-assisted tape placement with in-situ consolidation and a piece-flow principle, which is state of the art in the printing industry but has not been used in such a way within composite production. The achievable productivity is enhanced to more than 500 kg/hour by this piece-flow principle with carriers moved through multiple application stations which are equipped with multiple tape placement applicators. The new machine is scalable: multiple application stations can be added, e.g. for each layer one station for mass production or for each fiber direction one station with a carrier-conveyor carousel: here the carriers are moved multiple times through the application stations.

The system will be commercialized by some of the industrial partners in 2019. The real machine setup has been presented at the AZL booth during the JEC Exhibition in Paris 2019.

The follow-up project has just started and is still open to join for industrial partners. This follow-up project comprises a further upscale of the machine system as well as a preparation of the commercialization by long-term durability tests and further process optimizations using different tape materials.

More information:

AZL Aachen GmbH


Renowned meltblown specialist invests in Oerlikon nonwoven line

For Oerlikon Nonwoven, the IDEA, taking place between March 25 and 28 in Miami Beach, Florida USA, kicked off with the signing of a contract. The customer, a renowned European meltblown specialist, invested in a two-beam, stand-alone meltblown system from the Neumünster-based plant manufacturer in order to meet its strongly increasing demand. In the future, the system will be deployed to manufacture meltblown nonwovens for various application, especially from the filtration and wipes sector. The commercial production launch is scheduled for the first half of 2020. The market for meltblown nonwovens is expanding by an average of 6% per annum.

For Oerlikon Nonwoven, the IDEA, taking place between March 25 and 28 in Miami Beach, Florida USA, kicked off with the signing of a contract. The customer, a renowned European meltblown specialist, invested in a two-beam, stand-alone meltblown system from the Neumünster-based plant manufacturer in order to meet its strongly increasing demand. In the future, the system will be deployed to manufacture meltblown nonwovens for various application, especially from the filtration and wipes sector. The commercial production launch is scheduled for the first half of 2020. The market for meltblown nonwovens is expanding by an average of 6% per annum.

More information:

Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Der neue Cabrioverdeckstoff mobiltex 388 © Schmitz Textiles. Der neue Cabrioverdeckstoff mobiltex 388

Schmitz Textiles mit drei Marken auf Techtextil/Texprocess 2019

  • Textile Intelligenz made in Germany – Messehighlight: zukunftsweisender Cabrioverdeckstoff

Von intelligenten Geweben für Automotive, Aircraft und Rail, über Absorber bis hin zu Outdoor-Textilien: Schmitz Textiles, Tochtergesellschaft der Schmitz-Werke GmbH + Co. KG, präsentiert auf der Techtextil und Texprocess 2019 umfassende textile Kompetenz. Diese zeigt sich in den Produkten der drei Marken mobiltex, drapilux und swela.

Der Spezialist für die textile Ausstattung in den Bereichen Automobil, Nutzfahrzeuge, Eisenbahn, Luftfahrt, Industrie und Verkehr mobiltex stellt erstmals auf der Messe einen völlig neuen Cabrioverdeckstoff vor. Ebenfalls in dieser Form neu auf dem Markt sind die textilen akustischen Lösungen von drapilux. swela, eine der führenden Marken für Sonnenschutz-Textilien, Outdoor-Bezugsstoffe und maritime Stoffe, zeigt fünf Innovationen in großer Farbauswahl. Besonderheit der qualitativ hochwertigen Textilien aller drei Marken sind ihre mechanischen und intelligenten Funktionen sowie ihre Schutzeigenschaften.

  • Textile Intelligenz made in Germany – Messehighlight: zukunftsweisender Cabrioverdeckstoff

Von intelligenten Geweben für Automotive, Aircraft und Rail, über Absorber bis hin zu Outdoor-Textilien: Schmitz Textiles, Tochtergesellschaft der Schmitz-Werke GmbH + Co. KG, präsentiert auf der Techtextil und Texprocess 2019 umfassende textile Kompetenz. Diese zeigt sich in den Produkten der drei Marken mobiltex, drapilux und swela.

Der Spezialist für die textile Ausstattung in den Bereichen Automobil, Nutzfahrzeuge, Eisenbahn, Luftfahrt, Industrie und Verkehr mobiltex stellt erstmals auf der Messe einen völlig neuen Cabrioverdeckstoff vor. Ebenfalls in dieser Form neu auf dem Markt sind die textilen akustischen Lösungen von drapilux. swela, eine der führenden Marken für Sonnenschutz-Textilien, Outdoor-Bezugsstoffe und maritime Stoffe, zeigt fünf Innovationen in großer Farbauswahl. Besonderheit der qualitativ hochwertigen Textilien aller drei Marken sind ihre mechanischen und intelligenten Funktionen sowie ihre Schutzeigenschaften.

Highlight ist ein völlig neuer Cabrioverdeckstoff: mobiltex 388. Das Produkt hat signifikant weniger „White Marks“, Knickfalten, Krähenfüße, Fadenverschiebungen und Einfallstellen als vergleichbare Stoffe. Die Entwicklung individueller Varianten und Produktion erfolgen – wie auch bei den anderen Marken des Unternehmens – am Standort Emsdetten. Hier können auch kleinere Mengen für Sondereditionen hergestellt werden. Das schafft Designvielfalt.

Die Techtextil und die Texprocess finden vom 14. bis 17. Mai 2019 in Frankfurt am Main statt. Schmitz Textiles ist in Halle 3.0/G67 zu finden.

More information:
Schmitz Textiles

schönknecht : kommunikation


JEC Group unveils the winners of the JEC Innovation Awards at JEC World 2019

On the international stage of JEC World, composite innovation is everywhere! On the planets, on the live demo zones, on the stands, and also on stage... During this second day of the world's largest composites exhibition, the winners of the JEC Innovation Awards were announced.

JEC Innovation Awards celebrate the fruitful cooperation between players of the composite community. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Awards have brought in 1,800 companies worldwide. 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations.

The ceremony was opened by Bertrand Piccard, the founder and visionary behind Solar Impulse, the first zero-fuel aircraft with perpetual autonomy.

On the international stage of JEC World, composite innovation is everywhere! On the planets, on the live demo zones, on the stands, and also on stage... During this second day of the world's largest composites exhibition, the winners of the JEC Innovation Awards were announced.

JEC Innovation Awards celebrate the fruitful cooperation between players of the composite community. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Awards have brought in 1,800 companies worldwide. 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations.

The ceremony was opened by Bertrand Piccard, the founder and visionary behind Solar Impulse, the first zero-fuel aircraft with perpetual autonomy.

The jury then announced the ten composite innovation champions selected among 30 finalists, from more than a hundred entries, and the public awarded its prize.
"JEC Group supports innovation and has created the Composites Reference Prize to reward industry champions and promote their innovations. Every year, we receive more than a hundred applications from all over the world," explains Franck Glowacz, Composites Expert at JEC Group.

Download the PDF to see all winning companies.




(c) Eton Systems

Materials handling for Industry 4.0 concepts from Eton Systems

With over 5,000 tailored installations for a range of industries installed in over 60 countries, Eton Systems, headquartered in Gånghester, Sweden, has established a reputation as a clear leader in the field of complete material handling systems.

At ITMA 2019 in Barcelona from June 20-26th, the company will be demonstrating a complete installation based on a future production concept, with advanced software providing real-time information covering every aspect of the process.

With over 5,000 tailored installations for a range of industries installed in over 60 countries, Eton Systems, headquartered in Gånghester, Sweden, has established a reputation as a clear leader in the field of complete material handling systems.

At ITMA 2019 in Barcelona from June 20-26th, the company will be demonstrating a complete installation based on a future production concept, with advanced software providing real-time information covering every aspect of the process.

“Our systems are a natural fit with the major Industry 4.0 networked manufacturing plants that are now being constructed worldwide for sectors such as the garment and home textiles manufacturing and automotive industries,” says Eton’s Sales and Commercial Director Roger Ryrlén. “We have had a very busy last 12 months, with more major projects in the pipeline. We understand, however, that one solution does not fit all situations, which is why we think in terms of custom-made solutions matched to specific customer needs. Buying a system from us, is buying a solution and a partnership. Each system includes support, service, training and knowledge built on more than 70 years of experience. When a customer invests in an Eton System the increased efficiency normally results in savings of between 40-60%.”

A typical system consists of overhead conveyors with individually-addressable product carriers which automatically steer their way through programmed operation sequences. They are monitored by a computer providing all the necessary data for optimally measuring and managing processes. The systems are also highly flexible and can be rapidly modified to changes in the production line or the need for expansion.

Options for smart factories
Eton’s Flexible Productivity Concept (FPC) is based on two system platforms with a wide range of options, including:

  • Multiple rails for sorting at workstations.
  • Buffering
  • Automatic loading devices, pick-ups and work delivery robots.
  • Bridges and elevators that link systems and floors.
  • Historical links to products after completion.
  • Module-based software.

Via an addressable product carrier, an Eton system transports all the components of a complete product through the manufacturing process.

Eton Systems will be at stand A214, in Hall 2 at the Barcelona exhibition.

More information:
Eton Systems

AWOL Media

(c) Fong’s Europe GmbH

FONG’S EUROPE celebrates the 100th anniversary of its flagship THEN brand at ITMA

FONG’S EUROPE, based in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany, will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its flagship THEN brand for advanced dyeing technology with a special reception for customers and agents at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona.

The company, which has been a member of the CHTC FONG’S group since 2004, has its origins in the German city of Chemnitz, where back in 1919 Rudolf Then founded a barrel-making business which soon branched out into piece dyeing machines.

The company’s reputation for innovation began early, with the introduction of ceramic linings for dye baths, which were then made of wood, in order to avoid staining and allow easy cleaning. At the end of the 1920s, Rudolf Then was also quick to recognise the acid-resistant advantages of stainless steel for dyeing vessels.

Relocating to West Germany after World War 2, Rudolf Then ran a number of businesses in Schwäbisch Hall, eventually founding THEN in 1955 with partner Karl Kurz, who later took over the business specialising in dye vats and other textile equipment.

FONG’S EUROPE, based in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany, will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its flagship THEN brand for advanced dyeing technology with a special reception for customers and agents at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona.

The company, which has been a member of the CHTC FONG’S group since 2004, has its origins in the German city of Chemnitz, where back in 1919 Rudolf Then founded a barrel-making business which soon branched out into piece dyeing machines.

The company’s reputation for innovation began early, with the introduction of ceramic linings for dye baths, which were then made of wood, in order to avoid staining and allow easy cleaning. At the end of the 1920s, Rudolf Then was also quick to recognise the acid-resistant advantages of stainless steel for dyeing vessels.

Relocating to West Germany after World War 2, Rudolf Then ran a number of businesses in Schwäbisch Hall, eventually founding THEN in 1955 with partner Karl Kurz, who later took over the business specialising in dye vats and other textile equipment.

Throughout the 1960s and 70s, the company continued to further improve its technologies, but it was the introduction of the first THEN AIRFLOW system at ITMA 1983 in Milan which significantly boosted the company’s fortunes, representing a milestone in the development of dyeing machines.

Prior to this, the dyeing of just one kilo of fabric required around 150 litres of water and THEN’s AIRFLOW system, invented by engineer Wilhelm Christ and colleagues, drastically reduced the requirement to between just 35-40 litres. Instead of the traditional dye liquor used for hydraulic fabric transport it efficiently distributed much smaller amounts of dye liquor via aerosol. This technology has subsequently been further developed in successive machine models and has made an enormous impact on sustainable dyeing operations.

Now, as FONG’S EUROPE, the company continues to innovate, and at ITMA 2019 is showcasing the THEN SMARTFLOW TSF hydraulic high temperature dyeing machine, designed to achieve the lowest possible energy and water consumption rates available on the market for jet dyeing.

The company has a number of patents pending on the innovative new features of this machine, including the SMARTFLOW’s fabric transport design. This is based on a smart, winchless fabric transport system which eliminates the need for a loading rope, and a circular plaiter with programmable rotation speeds which provides full filling of the drop zone.

Its newly-developed nozzles and reel-less transport, in combination with smart controlled circular plaiting and variable chamber adjustment, provide even fabric treatment without entanglements and the highest loading capacity with the lowest kier volume

“Further developments, including the new THEN AIRFLOW PLUS system with a round design are in the development pipeline and will once again result in further reductions in power consumption without sacrificing performance,” says FONG’s Europe Sales Director Richard Fander. “Similar innovations are being made to our hydraulic long shape machine, the THEN SUPRATEC LTM. The ability to transport fabrics with reduced tension and without the need for a transport winch which is being introduced on all of our recent machines will allow new fabrics to be created and further increase the efficiency of textile finishing.

Fong’s Europe will be at stand D101 in Hall 2 at ITMA 2019.

More information:
Fong’s Europe GmbH

AWOL Media

The Mayer & Cie. management trio: Benjamin Mayer, Sebastian Mayer and Marcus Mayer (from l. to r.) (c) Mayer & Cie. The Mayer & Cie. management trio: Benjamin Mayer, Sebastian Mayer and Marcus Mayer (from l. to r.)

Mayer & Cie. at ITMA: Focus on sport and new customer experiences

Albstadt-based circular knitting machine manufacturer Mayer & Cie. (MCT) is exhibiting at this year’s leading textile and garment technology trade fair ITMA with the slogan “Stay a winner. With Mayer & Cie.” The focus of the company’s presentation will be on sport. Sportswear, active leisurewear and sports shoes are increasingly made of circular knitted fabrics and the long-established German firm has the right machines to cater for this trend. Mayer & Cie. is also going for the improved customer experiences that consistent digitization makes possible.

For years global demand for circular knitted goods has increased continuously. An important growth driver is the sportswear and sports fashion sector, including sports shoes. According to Euromonitor the market segment grew by about seven per cent per year between 2013 and 2017. By 2017 Euromonitor estimated its total market value to be around USD 78 billion. Lightweight synthetic fibres, new patterns and attractive functionalities are the key requirements in this area.

Albstadt-based circular knitting machine manufacturer Mayer & Cie. (MCT) is exhibiting at this year’s leading textile and garment technology trade fair ITMA with the slogan “Stay a winner. With Mayer & Cie.” The focus of the company’s presentation will be on sport. Sportswear, active leisurewear and sports shoes are increasingly made of circular knitted fabrics and the long-established German firm has the right machines to cater for this trend. Mayer & Cie. is also going for the improved customer experiences that consistent digitization makes possible.

For years global demand for circular knitted goods has increased continuously. An important growth driver is the sportswear and sports fashion sector, including sports shoes. According to Euromonitor the market segment grew by about seven per cent per year between 2013 and 2017. By 2017 Euromonitor estimated its total market value to be around USD 78 billion. Lightweight synthetic fibres, new patterns and attractive functionalities are the key requirements in this area.

Mayer & Cie. can already fulfil many requirements with a portfolio of machines considered to be the largest in the industry. Lightweight mesh structures, often requested for running shirts, are a speciality of the IG 3.2 QCe interlock machine, for example. Jacquard machines from the OVJA family, in contrast, are suitable for the manufacture of shoe uppers. Compared with the conventional methods flat knitting and warp knitting, circular knitting scores points for productivity and significantly shorter set-up times.

Series production of the Spinit 3.0 E spinning and knitting machine has been under way since the end of 2018. It combines two previously separate processes – spinning and knitting – in one machine. That saves time, space and energy compared with conventional manufacturing processes. Mayer & Cie. has already won several awards for this approach, the latest being the Innovation Prize for the Climate and the Environment (IKU) that the Federal Environment Ministry and the Confederation of German Industry (BDI) award every other year. The company is presenting at ITMA its further developments of this machine.

Along with machine development Mayer & Cie. has set itself another target for ITMA and thereafter: to improve the customer experience, a task of which Sebastian Mayer is in charge. His responsibilities at Mayer & Cie. are for corporate development and digitization. Digitization of the company’s extensive customer and machinery know-how is currently under way. Customers will be able to see and test the initial results at ITMA. Available for testing will be the new Web shop, linked with an analogue model of the high-bay warehouse in Albstadt-Tailfingen, and machine maintenance by means of HoloLens.

More information:
Mayer & Cie

Mayer & Cie. GmbH & Co. KG



IPC, the Industrial Technical Centre with expertise dedicated to plastic and composite innovation, is presenting two prototypes on its stand: an intelligent motorcycle helmet and a multifunctional windturbine blade. "With these two prototypes, IPC demonstrates its ability to functionalize composites, particularly with printed electronic components. Live demos will be organized during the three days of the show on our booth," explains Bertrand Fillon, General Manager of Research at IPC. The helmet was manufactured in partnership with the technical and creative paper manufacturer Arjowiggins, and the wind turbine blade, with the CEA. These two demonstrators will also be exhibited in Germany at the LOPEC exhibition 2019 in Munich on 20-21 March.

IPC, the Industrial Technical Centre with expertise dedicated to plastic and composite innovation, is presenting two prototypes on its stand: an intelligent motorcycle helmet and a multifunctional windturbine blade. "With these two prototypes, IPC demonstrates its ability to functionalize composites, particularly with printed electronic components. Live demos will be organized during the three days of the show on our booth," explains Bertrand Fillon, General Manager of Research at IPC. The helmet was manufactured in partnership with the technical and creative paper manufacturer Arjowiggins, and the wind turbine blade, with the CEA. These two demonstrators will also be exhibited in Germany at the LOPEC exhibition 2019 in Munich on 20-21 March.

The objective is to add new features to improve the user experience, without impacting security. The motorcycle helmet is equipped with sensors and NFC communication functions. "Here, printed organic electronics are used in the helmet to allow remote temperature changes," adds Lionel Tenchine, Program Line Manager for "Technologies for Intelligent Products" at IPC. The helmet manufacturing process is based on the use of composites and the infusion process.

Developing predictive maintenance is an important issue when it comes to avoiding sudden, serious accidents. A recent McKinsey study estimates that by 2025 it will save $630 billion for companies, for example. The wind turbine blade presented at JEC World detects potential damage that could occur on the blade structure beforehand, making it possible to carry out preventive repairs on the one-meter-long blade. Printed organic electronics are used in the demonstrator to integrate strain gauges and the temperature detection function.

More information:
IPC JEC World 2019




JEC WORLD 2019 closed successfully on Thursday, March 14, after three intense days of innovation, networking and knowledge sharing. "With more than 112 participating countries and 27 national pavilions, JEC World – the place where the world of Composites meets – gathered the key players of the industry and their representatives, as illustrated by the premiere meeting of the global and European industry associations. On top of that, the show highlighted the dynamic ecosystems of composite materials in France, Turkey as well as in the Netherlands, thanks to the special visit in Paris and an active participation of their companies, officials and government bodies,” Adeline Larroque, Show director JEC World explains.
JEC World organizers created special tracks, displays and conference programs dedicated to the specific audience of Aerospace, Automotive and Construction sectors, for everyone to better understand the benefits offered by Composites in these applications.

JEC WORLD 2019 closed successfully on Thursday, March 14, after three intense days of innovation, networking and knowledge sharing. "With more than 112 participating countries and 27 national pavilions, JEC World – the place where the world of Composites meets – gathered the key players of the industry and their representatives, as illustrated by the premiere meeting of the global and European industry associations. On top of that, the show highlighted the dynamic ecosystems of composite materials in France, Turkey as well as in the Netherlands, thanks to the special visit in Paris and an active participation of their companies, officials and government bodies,” Adeline Larroque, Show director JEC World explains.
JEC World organizers created special tracks, displays and conference programs dedicated to the specific audience of Aerospace, Automotive and Construction sectors, for everyone to better understand the benefits offered by Composites in these applications.

More information:
JEC World JEC World 2019


Restaurant „Blüchers“ in der ehemaligen Kapelle von Schloss Fleesensee (c) Kitzig Interior Design
Restaurant „Blüchers“ in der ehemaligen Kapelle von Schloss Fleesensee

Preisverleihung auf der internorga an Kitzig Interior Design

Deutschlands schönstes Restaurant 2019 ist das „Blüchers“ im Schloss Fleesensee in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Eine Jury namhafter Vertreter aus der Gastronomie- und Interiorszene kürte das von Kitzig Interior Design gestaltete Ambiente zum Sieger. Das Kreativbüro setzte sich unter 63 Bewerbungen um den Titel „Die schönsten Restaurants & Bars“ durch.

Initiator des Wettbewerbs ist der Callwey-Verlag, der diese Auszeichnung im Rahmen der Internorga zum ersten Mal verlieh. Die Relevanz der Auszeichnung zeigte sich an der hochkarätigen Jury: Ingrid Hartges, Geschäftsführerin DEHOGA Bundesverband, Innenarchitektin Verena Kaup, Claudia Schütz, Vizepräsidentin bdia, Jan Spielhagen, Chefredakteur „B-EAT“ und Michael Teodorescu, Chefredakteur „24 Stunden Gastlichkeit“.

Deutschlands schönstes Restaurant 2019 ist das „Blüchers“ im Schloss Fleesensee in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Eine Jury namhafter Vertreter aus der Gastronomie- und Interiorszene kürte das von Kitzig Interior Design gestaltete Ambiente zum Sieger. Das Kreativbüro setzte sich unter 63 Bewerbungen um den Titel „Die schönsten Restaurants & Bars“ durch.

Initiator des Wettbewerbs ist der Callwey-Verlag, der diese Auszeichnung im Rahmen der Internorga zum ersten Mal verlieh. Die Relevanz der Auszeichnung zeigte sich an der hochkarätigen Jury: Ingrid Hartges, Geschäftsführerin DEHOGA Bundesverband, Innenarchitektin Verena Kaup, Claudia Schütz, Vizepräsidentin bdia, Jan Spielhagen, Chefredakteur „B-EAT“ und Michael Teodorescu, Chefredakteur „24 Stunden Gastlichkeit“.

Auf der Speisekarte des Gourmetrestaurants im Herzen der Mecklenburger Seenlandschaft stehen regionale Rezepte mit der Finesse der modernen Haute Cuisine. Diesen Anspruch hat das von Olaf Kitzig und seinem Team geschaffene Interior Design überzeugend aufgegriffen:  Materialien wie Leder und Naturstein, überproportionale, skulpturartig in die Raummitte platzierte Stehleuchten schaffen ein exklusives, dabei gemütliches Ambiente von einzigartiger Strahlkraft. Vor allem die massiven Leuchten, als optisches Gegengewicht zur extremen Deckenhöhe installiert, balancieren den Raum aus und sorgen so für eine behagliche Atmosphäre.


URSULA REIMERS consulting & communications


Neues Techtextil Forum: Programm steht

Im Rahmen der Techtextil (14. bis 17. Mai 2019) versammelt das neue Techtextil Forum hochkarätige Referenten zu einer Vielzahl von Themen. Das Programm steht fest.

Nachhaltigkeit, Filtration, Smart Textiles, Composites, Textilien im städtischen Raum, Digitale Transformation und Arbeitswelten, Textilien für den medizinischen Einsatz: Das Programm des neuen Techtextil Forums bietet Fachbesuchern der internationalen Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe umfangreiche Einblicke in die neuesten Entwicklungen der Branche. Das Techtextil Forum ist kostenfrei und allen Fachbesuchern der Messe in Halle 4.1 offen zugänglich. Das Programm ist ab sofort online verfügbar.

Im Rahmen der Techtextil (14. bis 17. Mai 2019) versammelt das neue Techtextil Forum hochkarätige Referenten zu einer Vielzahl von Themen. Das Programm steht fest.

Nachhaltigkeit, Filtration, Smart Textiles, Composites, Textilien im städtischen Raum, Digitale Transformation und Arbeitswelten, Textilien für den medizinischen Einsatz: Das Programm des neuen Techtextil Forums bietet Fachbesuchern der internationalen Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe umfangreiche Einblicke in die neuesten Entwicklungen der Branche. Das Techtextil Forum ist kostenfrei und allen Fachbesuchern der Messe in Halle 4.1 offen zugänglich. Das Programm ist ab sofort online verfügbar.

Themenschwerpunkt Nachhaltigkeit und neue Filtrationsmaterialien
Der Messe-Dienstag (14. Mai) startet mit dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Das erste Panel des Techtextil Forums bietet unter anderem Beiträge von TWD Fibres zum Textilrecycling, von den Hohenstein Instituten zur Rückverfolgbarkeit von Biobaumwolle, von Centexbel zu biobasierten beschichteten Textilien sowie vom Forschungsinstitut IRT Jules Verne zu Karbonfasern. Im Anschluss folgen Beiträge zum Thema Filtration. Hier dürfen sich Fachbesucher unter anderem auf Beiträge des Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstituts, von Smartpolymer, Wespun India, SWM International sowie von Argaman Technologies freuen.

Nachhaltigkeit steht auch im Mittelpunkt des Vormittagspanels am letzten Messetag, dem 17. Mai, unterstützt und gestaltet vom Dornbirn-GFC (Global Fibre Congress) und moderiert von Friedrich Weninger, Geschäftsführer des Österreichischen Faser-Instituts. Lenzing spricht hier unter anderem über ökologische Materialien und Färbetechnologien für Autositze. Die Universität Maastricht stellt biobasierte Fasern vor, Märkische Faser nachhaltige Polyesterfasern, das Leilat Tech Center Eco-Composites und die Universität Ljubljana nachhaltige, halogenfreie flammresistente Filamente.

Textilien im urbanen Raum, Composites und Smart Textiles
An Tag zwei der Techtextil (15. Mai) stehen zunächst Textilien im urbanen Raum im Fokus, passen zum Special Event der Techtextil und Texprocess „Urban Living – City of the Future“. Unter anderem stehen folgende Beiträge auf dem Programm: Penn Textile Solutions zum Thema Textilbeton, Centexbel zu grünen und lebenden Fassaden sowie Low and Bonar zu Membranstrukturen für Hochleistungsfassaden. Techtera, Owens Corning und die Universität Münster fokussieren in ihren Beiträgen auf Geotextilien. Anschließend stehen in Vorträgen von Karl Mayer Technische Textilien, der FiberCheck GmbH und dem Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik der TU Dresden Composites im Fokus.

Der Nachmittag des Messe-Mittwoch widmet sich dem Thema Smart Textiles und gibt Fachbesuchern Einblicke in Themen wie Textilien in Verbindung mit dem Internet of Things, hier mit dem ersten kommunizierenden Reißverschluss des französischen Startups Genius Objects. Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut STFI präsentiert unter anderem Verbundschaumstoffe mit integrierter Sensorik für Wearables und leitfähige Garne und Bänder. Smarte Gestricke stehen im Mittelpunkt bei TexMind und der Universität Westböhmen. Centexbel beschäftigen sich mit der Waschbarkeit smarter Textilien und Eschler Textil sprechen über die virtuelle Entwicklung gewebter und gestrickter textiler Wearables.

Digitale Transformation, Arbeit 4.0 und künstliche Intelligenz sowie technische Textilien in der Medizin
Digitalisierung ist das Schlagwort für den Vormittag des 16. Mai. Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut Chemnitz  (STFI) und die ITA Academy GmbH geben Einblicke in die Fabrik der Zukunft und das Thema Industrie 4.0. Virtuelles Design, Produktentwicklung und Farbmanagement sowie digitales und somit effizientes Materialhandling geben Audaces, die Hochschule Niederrhein, die mode information GmbH sowie die Vizoo GmbH. Coloreel, Preisträger des Texprocess Innovation Award 2017, spricht über ihr neues Sofortfärbegerät für die Stickerei und Multiplot über Digitalen Textildruck. Unterstützt vom Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt bietet der nachfolgende Block unter dem Thema „Textil macht´s vor: Arbeit 4.0 und künstliche Intelligenz“ Einblick in die Digitalisierung der textilen Arbeitswelt (Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen) und die Einbindung künstlicher Intelligenz in die textile Produktion (DITF und Hanh-Schickard-Gsellschaft). Ein Diskussionspanel thematisiert smarte und flexible Arbeitswelten.  

Hightech-Textilien für den Einsatz in der Medizin stehen am Nachmittag des 16. Mai im Fokus. Angeboten werden unter anderem Vorträge zu Schutzkleidung für die  Arbeit mit Hochdruckwasserstrahlern vom TITV, Textilien für das Schweiß- und Geruchsmanagement von der Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH und Sanitized sowie für das optimierte Wärmemanagement mithilfe Graphen-basierten Textilien.


More information:
Techtextil Techtextil Forum

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


JEC WORLD 2019: 3 winners of the Startup Booster competition

JEC WORLD 2019 is turning Paris into the composites capital of the world.

As well as dozens of conferences, composites circles and live demos, plus hundreds of other events, the first day of the show was marked by the announcement of the three winners of the largest international startup competition in the composites field!

In the last three years, 270 projects have been picked out from over 30 countries, with 30 finalists and a total of nine winners.

Ten finalists selected from 120 entries pitched to an international jury. The pitch session opened with an inspiring speech by Enrico Palermo, President of The Spaceship Company. He introduced the next generation of reusable space vehicles and their impact on costs, safety and the environment during the launch into space.
The programme incited enthusiasm from Peter Hopwood, founder of Hopwood Communications, who encouraged the finalists to develop their stage presence and galvanise their pitches.

At the afternoon’s award ceremony, three competitors were selected for the following prizes:

JEC WORLD 2019 is turning Paris into the composites capital of the world.

As well as dozens of conferences, composites circles and live demos, plus hundreds of other events, the first day of the show was marked by the announcement of the three winners of the largest international startup competition in the composites field!

In the last three years, 270 projects have been picked out from over 30 countries, with 30 finalists and a total of nine winners.

Ten finalists selected from 120 entries pitched to an international jury. The pitch session opened with an inspiring speech by Enrico Palermo, President of The Spaceship Company. He introduced the next generation of reusable space vehicles and their impact on costs, safety and the environment during the launch into space.
The programme incited enthusiasm from Peter Hopwood, founder of Hopwood Communications, who encouraged the finalists to develop their stage presence and galvanise their pitches.

At the afternoon’s award ceremony, three competitors were selected for the following prizes:

AIRGO DESIGN (Singapore)
World's first full composite economy class passenger seat developer.

Delivering the future of composite manufacturing today through breakthrough advancements in software, materials, and robotics. Through enabling the 3D printing of large, mass-produced parts and structures, AREVO is revolutionizing mainstream manufacturing and the global supply chain.

WOODOO (France)
Augmented wood.

The public vote: LAVOISIER COMPOSITES (France)
New generation of material entirely sourced from the French aerospace transformation sector.

More information:
JEC World

Apocope Agency


DOMO Chemicals at the Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in the field of material engineering will discuss economic and environmental challenges at the 2019 Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany from March 5 to 7.

Ron Bult, Director of Global Sales of DOMO Engineering Plas-tics will highlight solutions based on ECONAMID®, a family of PA6 & PA66 compounds based on sustainable post-industrial feedstock derived either from film manufactur-ing or from fiber and yarn manufacturing. Depending on the applications and the desired level of physical and mechanical properties, DOMO can provide grades that are unfilled, mineral filled, glass-fiber filled, or carbon-fiber filled.

“DOMO is making major efforts to accelerate the development of sustainable solu-tions that bring value to our customers’ businesses, while acting responsibly towards the environment, employees and communities,” says Bult.

DOMO Chemicals, a global leader in the field of material engineering will discuss economic and environmental challenges at the 2019 Wood Mackenzie European Nylon Conference in Frankfurt am Main, Germany from March 5 to 7.

Ron Bult, Director of Global Sales of DOMO Engineering Plas-tics will highlight solutions based on ECONAMID®, a family of PA6 & PA66 compounds based on sustainable post-industrial feedstock derived either from film manufactur-ing or from fiber and yarn manufacturing. Depending on the applications and the desired level of physical and mechanical properties, DOMO can provide grades that are unfilled, mineral filled, glass-fiber filled, or carbon-fiber filled.

“DOMO is making major efforts to accelerate the development of sustainable solu-tions that bring value to our customers’ businesses, while acting responsibly towards the environment, employees and communities,” says Bult.

Also at the conference, Philippe Guerineau, VP Sales & Marketing in the company’s Nylon & Intermediates business unit, will join a panel discussion at the conference to discuss on the economic outlook and the future of the polyamide industry. DOMO will be holding consultations and exclusive events for its customers as well.

More information:

DOMO Chemicals