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(c) INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

INDA Announces the 2021 RISE® Innovation Award Finalists

  • Innovations in Protection, Efficiency and Engineered Fabrics

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the three finalists for the prestigious RISE® Innovation Award during the 11th edition of the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference, (RISE®) to be held virtually September 28-30, 2021.  The award recognizes novel innovations in the nonwovens industry that creatively use next-level science and engineering principles to solve material challenges and expand the usage of nonwovens and engineered fabrics. These three finalists will present their innovative material science solutions as they compete for the RISE® Innovation Award.

  • Innovations in Protection, Efficiency and Engineered Fabrics

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the three finalists for the prestigious RISE® Innovation Award during the 11th edition of the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference, (RISE®) to be held virtually September 28-30, 2021.  The award recognizes novel innovations in the nonwovens industry that creatively use next-level science and engineering principles to solve material challenges and expand the usage of nonwovens and engineered fabrics. These three finalists will present their innovative material science solutions as they compete for the RISE® Innovation Award.

Canopy Respirator
Canopy is an innovative respirator that is fully mechanical, non-electrostatic, with a filter designed for superior breathability while offering the wearer facial transparency. The breakthrough respirator features 5.5mm water column resistance at 85 liters (3 cubic feet) per minute, 2-way filtration, and a pleated filter that contains over 500 square centimeters of surface area. The patented Canopy respirator resists fluids, and eliminates fogging of eyeglasses.  

Evalith® 1000 Series
Johns Manville’s innovative Alpha Binder is a formaldehyde-free, high bio-carbon content, toxic-free binder formulation ideal for carpet mat applications. Alpha Binder eliminates monomer and polymer synthesis, uses a bio-degradable catalyst, and requires 70% less water in manufacturing. The resulting glass mats made of Alpha Binder are named “Evalith 1000” and reduces energy consumption during manufacturing by over 70% compared to alternative petroleum-based binders. Evalith 1000 was commercialized in North America in 2020.

Fiber Coated, Heat Sealable, Breathable, Hybrid Membrane, Fabric Protection
TiGUARD protective fabric is a construction of monolithic or hybrid imperious/moisture eliminating membranes with a surface covered with micro-fiber. This nonwoven product is a multi-layer all polyester fabric specifically for chemical and microbial protective fabrics, products, and garments. It is constructed of compatible heat seal-able materials which lend themselves to high-speed heat seal-able production and ultimately automated manufacture of garments without sewing. It is a combination of a densely flocked polyester fiber surface on polyester membrane supported by polyester scrim.
Virtual RISE™ conference attendees include technology scouts and product developers in the nonwoven/engineered fabrics industry seeking new developments to advance their businesses. These attendees will electronically vote for the recipient of the 2021 RISE® Innovation Award, on Wed. Sept. 29th. The winner will be announced Thurs., Sept. 30th.

The conference program will cover timely and relevant industry topics including: Material Science Developments for Sustainable Nonwovens; Increasing Circularity in Nonwovens; Market Intelligence & Economic Insights; Promising Innovations in Nonwovens; Process Innovations in Nonwovens; Material Innovations in Nonwovens;  the full program can be viewed on the link:

More information:
INDA nonwovens

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry


Lectra announces the acquisition of Gemini CAD Systems

Lectra announces the signature of an agreement to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of the Romanian company Gemini CAD Systems. A major global player in the fashion, automotive, and furniture markets, Lectra designs and produces industrial intelligence solutions – software, hardware, data and services – for brands, manufacturers and retailers.
The acquisition is in line with Lectra’s strategy of developing its presence in the fashion market, enriching its value proposition and fashion software portfolio.

Founded in 2004, Gemini CAD Systems (Gemini) has developed several innovative software solutions, essentially Computer Aided Design (CAD), for small and medium-sized fashion companies. Thanks to its network of partners, Gemini is present in over 60 countries.

The transaction concerns the acquisition of 60% of Gemini right now for 7.6 million euros. The acquisition of the remaining capital and voting rights will take place in two steps, in September 2024 and September 2026. The total consideration for the acquisition of 100% of Gemini’s capital will depend on Gemini’s revenue growth, and should be comprised of between 13 and 20 million euros.

Lectra announces the signature of an agreement to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of the Romanian company Gemini CAD Systems. A major global player in the fashion, automotive, and furniture markets, Lectra designs and produces industrial intelligence solutions – software, hardware, data and services – for brands, manufacturers and retailers.
The acquisition is in line with Lectra’s strategy of developing its presence in the fashion market, enriching its value proposition and fashion software portfolio.

Founded in 2004, Gemini CAD Systems (Gemini) has developed several innovative software solutions, essentially Computer Aided Design (CAD), for small and medium-sized fashion companies. Thanks to its network of partners, Gemini is present in over 60 countries.

The transaction concerns the acquisition of 60% of Gemini right now for 7.6 million euros. The acquisition of the remaining capital and voting rights will take place in two steps, in September 2024 and September 2026. The total consideration for the acquisition of 100% of Gemini’s capital will depend on Gemini’s revenue growth, and should be comprised of between 13 and 20 million euros.



(c) Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT

Machbarkeitsstudie zu Vertical Farming in Düsseldorf

  • Ressourcenschonende Alternative für Gemüseanbau

Der Trend geht in Richtung nachhaltige Ernährung, immer mehr stehen Qualität und Regionalität im Fokus. Eine große Herausforderung gerade für dicht besiedelte Räume. Die Stadt Düsseldorf ist in diesem Bereich sehr aktiv und entwickelt neue Konzepte für die Innenstadt. So wird die Realisierung einer vertikalen Indoor Farm direkt am Carlsplatz untersucht, die nach dem Vorbild des Oberhausener ALTMARKTgartens ressourcenschonend pflanzliche Lebensmittel produziert. Im Auftrag der Stadt Düsseldorf erstellt das Fraunhofer UMSICHT aktuell eine Machbarkeitsstudie.

Anders als in der konventionellen Landwirtschaft werden beim sogenannten Vertical Farming Gemüse, Salat oder Kräuter nicht auf Feldern, sondern z. B. an Fassaden oder auf Gebäudedächern angebaut. »Gerade die großen Dachflächen innerstädtischer Gebäude bieten gute Voraussetzungen, um platzsparend zu produzieren«, erklärt Volkmar Keuter vom Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Leiter der Machbarkeitsstudie.

  • Ressourcenschonende Alternative für Gemüseanbau

Der Trend geht in Richtung nachhaltige Ernährung, immer mehr stehen Qualität und Regionalität im Fokus. Eine große Herausforderung gerade für dicht besiedelte Räume. Die Stadt Düsseldorf ist in diesem Bereich sehr aktiv und entwickelt neue Konzepte für die Innenstadt. So wird die Realisierung einer vertikalen Indoor Farm direkt am Carlsplatz untersucht, die nach dem Vorbild des Oberhausener ALTMARKTgartens ressourcenschonend pflanzliche Lebensmittel produziert. Im Auftrag der Stadt Düsseldorf erstellt das Fraunhofer UMSICHT aktuell eine Machbarkeitsstudie.

Anders als in der konventionellen Landwirtschaft werden beim sogenannten Vertical Farming Gemüse, Salat oder Kräuter nicht auf Feldern, sondern z. B. an Fassaden oder auf Gebäudedächern angebaut. »Gerade die großen Dachflächen innerstädtischer Gebäude bieten gute Voraussetzungen, um platzsparend zu produzieren«, erklärt Volkmar Keuter vom Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Leiter der Machbarkeitsstudie.

Südlich der Düsseldorfer Altstadt liegt mit dem Carlsplatz der älteste noch betriebene Marktplatz der Stadt. Das Angebot ist groß: Es gibt Exotisches, aber auch mehr und mehr regionale Produkte zu kaufen. Dieser Trend deckt sich mit dem Wunsch vieler Marktbesucherinnen und Marktbesucher nach einer größeren Auswahl nachhaltig produzierter Lebensmittel. Dazu beitragen könnte in Zukunft eine Indoor Farm direkt am Carlsplatz.

Innerhalb der Machbarkeitsstudie werden auch mögliche Verknüpfungen und Synergieeffekte zu anderen Standorten betrachtet. Das Auftaktgespräch mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Stadt Düsseldorf fand am 28. Juli 2021 statt.

Oberhausen als Vorbild für klimaschonenden urbanen Anbau
Gut 30 km nördlich zeigt der ALTMARKTgarten in Oberhausen eine Variante, wie die geplante Indoor Farm in Düsseldorf aussehen könnte. Nach dem am Fraunhofer UMSICHT entwickelten inFARMING®-Konzept werden hier seit 2019 landwirtschaftliche Produkte auf dem Dach des Jobcenters angebaut. Der Anbau erfolgt hydroponisch, d. h. die Pflanzen werden erdfrei durch eine wässrige Lösung ernährt. »So wird sichergestellt, dass die Pflanzen genau die Wasser- und Nährstoffmenge zugeführt bekommen, die sie zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt benötigen«, erklärt Volkmar Keuter. Zudem befinde sich der Standort sehr zentral, wodurch lange Lieferketten entfallen, Transportkosten minimiert werden und der Verkehr entlastet wird. Die hergestellten Produkte sind dadurch nicht nur qualitativ hochwertig, sondern auch nachhaltig.

Im ALTMARKTgarten wird nicht nur produziert, er ist gleichzeitig auch Forschungsobjekt des Fraunhofer UMSICHT. Ein interdisziplinäres Team entwickelt die gebäudeintegrierte Landwirtschaft weiter und arbeitet an neuen Technologien. Denn die Nutzung bestehender Strukturen – in diesem Fall das Dach – ist das eine. Das andere sind die technischen Komponenten, zu denen neben einer optimalen Beleuchtung vor allem die Nutzung der vorhandenen Ressourcen zählt. Das Gebäude liefert nämlich Abwärme und Abwasser, die für das Pflanzenwachstum eingesetzt werden können.
Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung

In den kommenden sechs Monaten prüfen Forschende des Fraunhofer UMSICHT gemeinsam mit einem interdisziplinären Team, bestehend aus der Wolfgang Block Industrie- und Gartenbau GmbH & Co. KG (technische und pflanzenbautechnische Konzeption) und PASD Feldmeier • Wrede Architekten BDA Stadtplaner SRL PartG mbB (städtebauliche Analyse, Integration des Vertical Farming in ein bauliches Konzept und in die städtebauliche Umgebung) die Umsetzung des inFARMING®-Konzepts auf den Carlsplatz.

Neben einer detaillierten Standortanalyse und der Formulierung konkreter Ziele wird es auch eine Beteiligung der Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner sowie der ansässigen Händler geben.
Die Studie soll im Dezember 2021 abgeschlossen werden.


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT


Textile and apparel industry alliance closer to an international microfibre shedding standard

A sector alliance that was formed to tackle issues relating to microplastics has completed the next phase of its project to develop a harmonised industry standard for the supply chain. The Cross Industry Agreement (CIA) has revealed the results of a fibre fragmentation trial that has been carried out in advance of establishing a CEN Standard (from the European Committee for Standardization). Once confirmed, the standard will also become an ISO standard under the Vienna Agreement, providing apparel manufacturers and policy makers with a vital tool as part of wider work to reduce microfibre shedding into the environment.

A sector alliance that was formed to tackle issues relating to microplastics has completed the next phase of its project to develop a harmonised industry standard for the supply chain. The Cross Industry Agreement (CIA) has revealed the results of a fibre fragmentation trial that has been carried out in advance of establishing a CEN Standard (from the European Committee for Standardization). Once confirmed, the standard will also become an ISO standard under the Vienna Agreement, providing apparel manufacturers and policy makers with a vital tool as part of wider work to reduce microfibre shedding into the environment.

In 2018, five industry organisations agreed to join forces to proactively tackle the issue of microplastics, and signed the Cross Industry Agreement. The initial signatories were European industry associations that represent the European and global value chains of garments and their associated maintenance – the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products (A.I.S.E.), European Man-Made Fibres Association (CIRFS), European Outdoor Group (EOG), EURATEX the European apparel and textile industry confederation, and the Federation of the European Sporting goods Industry (FESI). Together, the five organisations understood that the very first step to enable global action around the topic, was to agree a harmonised test method which would allow the collection and comparison of globally generated data, to aid the identification of solutions.

The microfibre shedding test method was developed thanks to the joint efforts and cooperation of experts from 28 European, American and Asian organisations; the result was handed over to CEN in 2020. Since then, representatives from the CIA have been working with CEN to fine tune details in order to meet the requirements for a CEN Standard. To verify the reproducibility of the method, the partners have carried out a round robin trial (RRT) to determine if the method could be replicated in different laboratories and produce similar results. 10 organisations participated in the RRT, which was co-ordinated by the CIA, sending fabric samples to all of the laboratories involved and then collecting and analysing the data.

The results from the RRT show statistically significant consistency, both within and between participating laboratories, which demonstrates that the method is both repeatable in the same setting and reproducible in other laboratories.

The CIA has submitted the results of the RRT to CEN, with the intention that the CEN Standard is confirmed in the near future. Once that has happened, it will be promoted throughout the apparel industry and will become a key tool for researchers, businesses and governments as they accelerate efforts to reduce microfibre shedding associated with garment production.



Zuse-Gemeinschaft fordert mehr Innovationen im Mittelstand (c) Zuse-Gemeinschaft

Zuse-Gemeinschaft fordert mehr Innovationen im Mittelstand

Um aktuelle und künftige Herausforderungen zu meistern, benötigt Deutschland vermehrt Innovationen in der Industrie. Das gilt insbesondere für den Mittelstand. Die maßgeblichen Parteien haben einen zentralen Hebel dafür erkannt: Die verstärkte Förderung des Forschungstransfers. Diese muss effizient dort ausgebaut werden, wo die Wirkung für zukunftsweisende Innovationen am stärksten ist, fordert die Zuse-Gemeinschaft.

Während sich deutsche Großunternehmen, u.a. im Automobilbereich, mit zum Teil hohen Gewinnen im ersten Halbjahr 2021, in sehr gutem Zustand befinden, hat die Corona-Krise bei anderen Firmen, gerade bei zahlreichen Mittelständlern, zu finanziellen Einschnitten geführt, begleitet von einer Minderung der Eigenkapitalbasis. Laut einem aktuellen Bericht von KfW Research gilt es sicherzustellen, dass Umsatzeinbußen aus der Corona-Krise die Innovationsaktivitäten nicht nachhaltig ausbremsen.

Um aktuelle und künftige Herausforderungen zu meistern, benötigt Deutschland vermehrt Innovationen in der Industrie. Das gilt insbesondere für den Mittelstand. Die maßgeblichen Parteien haben einen zentralen Hebel dafür erkannt: Die verstärkte Förderung des Forschungstransfers. Diese muss effizient dort ausgebaut werden, wo die Wirkung für zukunftsweisende Innovationen am stärksten ist, fordert die Zuse-Gemeinschaft.

Während sich deutsche Großunternehmen, u.a. im Automobilbereich, mit zum Teil hohen Gewinnen im ersten Halbjahr 2021, in sehr gutem Zustand befinden, hat die Corona-Krise bei anderen Firmen, gerade bei zahlreichen Mittelständlern, zu finanziellen Einschnitten geführt, begleitet von einer Minderung der Eigenkapitalbasis. Laut einem aktuellen Bericht von KfW Research gilt es sicherzustellen, dass Umsatzeinbußen aus der Corona-Krise die Innovationsaktivitäten nicht nachhaltig ausbremsen.

Für die gemeinnützigen Institute der Zuse-Gemeinschaft ist die Projektförderung, neben der Auftragsforschung, anderen Kooperationen und Dienstleistungen, die zentrale Finanzierungsquelle. Daraus gehen Jahr für Jahr erfolgreiche Transferprojekte hervor, ohne dass die Institute institutionelle Bund-Länder-Förderung erhalten. „Die erfolgreiche, unabhängige Forschungsarbeit unserer Mitglieder auf Zukunftsfeldern wie Digitalisierung, Materialwissenschaften, Bioökonomie und Energiewende zeigt, wie durch gemeinnützige Industrieforschung der Transfer wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse in die unternehmerische Praxis effizient gelingt“, unterstreicht der Präsident der Zuse-Gemeinschaft, Prof. Martin Bastian.

Projektförderung ausweiten
Unter dem Eindruck der Corona-Krise drohen solche Erfolge künftig in Gefahr zu geraten, wenn es mittelständischen Unternehmen an Mitteln für Forschung und Innovation fehlt. „Dazu darf es nicht kommen. Die Projektförderung muss deshalb ausgeweitet und verbessert werden“, fordert Bastian. Bestätigt sieht sich die Zuse-Gemeinschaft durch die Ankündigung mehrerer Parteien im Bundestagswahlkampf, quer durch das politische Spektrum, erfolgreiche Programme wie das Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) und das Förderprogramm Innovationskompetenz INNO-KOM auszuweiten.

„Nach der Wahl gilt es, diese Ankündigungen in die konkrete Umsetzung zu bringen“, mahnt Bastian. Die Zuse-Gemeinschaft schlägt dafür u.a. einen eigenen Haushaltstitel für die gemeinnützige Industrieforschung vor.  „Als ersten Schritt dazu fordern wir die Richtlinie des Bundeswirtschaftsmini-steriums für das Programm INNO-KOM künftig in allen Bundesländern unabhängig von Kriterien der Strukturförderung für sämtliche Gebieten zu öffnen. Gemeinnützige Forschung für den Mittelstand gehört bundesweit gefördert“, betont Bastian.

Eine weitere zentrale Forderung der Zuse-Gemeinschaft: Fairness in der Forschungsförderung. Bei zahlreichen Vor-Ort Terminen machen Institute der Zuse-Gemeinschaft in diesen Tagen gegenüber Bundestagsabgeordneten auf ihre Anliegen ebenso wie auf ihre Forschungserfolge aufmerksam.

Iluna Group with sustainable Collection at Interfilière Paris (c) Iluna Group

Iluna Group with sustainable Collection at Interfilière Paris

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish. Iluna Group comes back to Interfilière Paris with an important goal: to relaunch the qualities and dimensions of sustainability.

Iluna’s new path begins with the investment in the renewal of machines, which allow it to fly higher in terms of high-tech developments, quality, definition, effects of yarns and patterns. The journey into the new dimension of responsible quality continues with ad hoc developments in the field of GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified recycled yarns, aimed at unprecedented effects both in look, in performance and in the hands of fabrics. The cord yarn is a precious yarn with a ROICA™ EF premium stretch yarn core, GRS certified and developed with 50% of pre-consumer waste materials content - double, covered with an equally recycled shiny thread; the bright and translucent is instead to add brilliant effects so far not possible with a GRS yarn.

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish. Iluna Group comes back to Interfilière Paris with an important goal: to relaunch the qualities and dimensions of sustainability.

Iluna’s new path begins with the investment in the renewal of machines, which allow it to fly higher in terms of high-tech developments, quality, definition, effects of yarns and patterns. The journey into the new dimension of responsible quality continues with ad hoc developments in the field of GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified recycled yarns, aimed at unprecedented effects both in look, in performance and in the hands of fabrics. The cord yarn is a precious yarn with a ROICA™ EF premium stretch yarn core, GRS certified and developed with 50% of pre-consumer waste materials content - double, covered with an equally recycled shiny thread; the bright and translucent is instead to add brilliant effects so far not possible with a GRS yarn.

The printing processes are also born from this constant search for innovation towards new materials and new techniques, becoming more and more sustainable: Global Recycle Standard (GRS)-certified sublimation printing and register printing carrying Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification.


Iluna Group / GB Network

Zünd: Automatic production monitoring for cutting with Zünd Connect (c) Zünd Systemtechnik AG

Zünd: Automatic production monitoring for cutting with Zünd Connect

Zünd Connect compiles production data from integrated Zünd cutting systems into meaningful key performance indicators, such as cutter capacity, availability, and overall equipment effectiveness. Zünd Connect creates transparency and identifies areas in the digital cutting workflow with potential for optimization.

There are many ways to optimize digital cutting and ensure maximum productivity, which is the reason why Zünd now offers Zünd Connect, a monitoring tool that helps the user recognize this potential and increase productivity. Using Zünd Connect, the user can see at a glance when and, more importantly, why machine interruptions occur, how much time is spent in setup, and what the availability of each machine is.

Zünd Connect compiles production data from integrated Zünd cutting systems into meaningful key performance indicators, such as cutter capacity, availability, and overall equipment effectiveness. Zünd Connect creates transparency and identifies areas in the digital cutting workflow with potential for optimization.

There are many ways to optimize digital cutting and ensure maximum productivity, which is the reason why Zünd now offers Zünd Connect, a monitoring tool that helps the user recognize this potential and increase productivity. Using Zünd Connect, the user can see at a glance when and, more importantly, why machine interruptions occur, how much time is spent in setup, and what the availability of each machine is.

The web-based monitoring tool gives the user access to cutter- performance data at a glance, any time of day. Reliable key performance indicators are available at all times to help users maximize productivity. The system records productivity levels over a freely definable period using Zünd Cut Center – ZCC (Version 3.4 or later) as data source. Data monitoring provides information users need in order to make informed decisions. This comprehensive overview of production data reveals connections that are often overlooked. Zünd Connect supplies valuable key performance indicators for assessing how efficiently cutting systems are working. To be able to improve cutter efficiency, potential areas of improvement must be uncovered and recognized. This potential lies primarily in the technology but also in the way it is being used.

Zünd Connect is available in a "Monitor" or an "Analyzer" version.


Zünd Systemtechnik AG 

Sappi with new print products at the FESPA Global Print Expo 2021 (c) Sappi Europe

Sappi with new print products at the FESPA Global Print Expo 2021

Sappi will be presenting its inkjet papers for large-format applications alongside its new Fusion Nature Plus containerboard and a variety of silicone-based papers at the FESPA Global Print Expo from 12-15 October 2021 in Amsterdam.

The new Transjet Tacky Industrial is a coated sublimation paper for digital transfer printing – specially developed for high-speed inkjet printing on highly elastic textiles. Also new in the portfolio is the Basejet uncoated sublimation paper, designed for the digital printing of fashion and home textiles, especially light-coloured designs.
Papers consist of 100% recyclable pulp and are FSC-certified.

In Amsterdam, Sappi will also be demonstrating its inkjet papers for large-format applications. Scrolljet is suitable for outdoor applications including City Light and Mega Light systems. It stands out thanks its enhanced whiteness, high colour density and good line sharpness, alongside tear resistance and UV print protection. For indoor graphics and posters, Swiss Matt reveals its unique advantages of accuracy and pin-sharp lines.

Sappi will be presenting its inkjet papers for large-format applications alongside its new Fusion Nature Plus containerboard and a variety of silicone-based papers at the FESPA Global Print Expo from 12-15 October 2021 in Amsterdam.

The new Transjet Tacky Industrial is a coated sublimation paper for digital transfer printing – specially developed for high-speed inkjet printing on highly elastic textiles. Also new in the portfolio is the Basejet uncoated sublimation paper, designed for the digital printing of fashion and home textiles, especially light-coloured designs.
Papers consist of 100% recyclable pulp and are FSC-certified.

In Amsterdam, Sappi will also be demonstrating its inkjet papers for large-format applications. Scrolljet is suitable for outdoor applications including City Light and Mega Light systems. It stands out thanks its enhanced whiteness, high colour density and good line sharpness, alongside tear resistance and UV print protection. For indoor graphics and posters, Swiss Matt reveals its unique advantages of accuracy and pin-sharp lines.

Sappi's new Fusion Nature Plus is all about corrugated packaging, POS displays, shelf-ready packaging and carrier bags.

The products from the Silicone Base Papers range – for self-adhesive applications such as car wrapping, outdoor advertising and office materials – complete this year’s Sappi FESPA Global Print Expo portfolio.


DSM and SABIC: Creating recycled-based Dyneema®

Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, and SABIC, a global leader in the chemical industry, announced a collaboration to create recycled-based Dyneema®. Through a joint pilot with multiple CirculariTeam® members, the manufacturing and usage of Dyneema® using mixed plastic waste as feedstock (via mass balance approach) will be successfully demonstrated. It is an important step toward the future goal of fully closing the loop by delivering Dyneema® made from ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMwPE) waste. This collaboration underlines DSM’s and SABIC’s efforts to accelerate a circular economy for materials.

Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, and SABIC, a global leader in the chemical industry, announced a collaboration to create recycled-based Dyneema®. Through a joint pilot with multiple CirculariTeam® members, the manufacturing and usage of Dyneema® using mixed plastic waste as feedstock (via mass balance approach) will be successfully demonstrated. It is an important step toward the future goal of fully closing the loop by delivering Dyneema® made from ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMwPE) waste. This collaboration underlines DSM’s and SABIC’s efforts to accelerate a circular economy for materials.

By working together with members of CirculariTeam®, DSM will produce recycled-based Dyneema® made using SABIC’s certified circular ethylene as a pilot project in both a sailing rope and a pelagic trawl net application. The circular ethylene, from SABIC’s TRUCIRCLE™ portfolio, uses mixed plastic waste as feedstock (mass balance approach), which not only contributes to preventing valuable plastic from becoming waste and the avoidance of carbon emissions compared to incineration, but it will also help preserve fossil resources. These pilots are an important early-stage milestone in the journey toward making fully circular Dyneema® from HMPE post-production and post-consumer waste.

Jon Mitchell, Managing Director at Marlow Ropes: “We’re proud to be one of the first manufacturers to integrate recycled-based Dyneema® within our products and demonstrate the material’s feasibility. By collaborating with materials science pioneers such as DSM and SABIC, we are able to create products that not only deliver superlative functional performance but also have a lower environmental impact. Our products are trialed and tested by professional offshore sailing teams including 11th Hour Racing Team, a proud partner of ours at Marlow, with whom we share a progressive approach to seeking sustainable solutions: no more business as usual."

Klaus Walther, Managing Director at Gleistein: “Warm congratulations to DSM and SABIC for pushing the boundaries of science to deliver a truly unique product. We’re proud that our ropes can be produced from what once was typical household plastic waste. This is an important stepping stone towards becoming circular. It will enable our customer Maritiem BV to further develop high-tech fishing gear whilst contributing to the circular economy. Not to forget Cornelis Vrolijk Fishing Company, who again illustrate their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility by introducing this concept in fishery.”

More information:
DSM Dyneema SABIC plastic waste


(c) Officina+39

Officina+39 presents Better Seasons collection at Munich Fabric Start

The Italian company Officina+39 will be at Bluezone’s KEYHOUSE area to present its latest sustainable achievements in the field of research and chemical application for the textile sector as well as The Circle Book 2, a special project with circularity as main focus.  
For the first time since Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, Munich Fabric Start returns to host some of the most renowned international players in the textile and fashion industry, showcasing their latest innovations. From August 31 to September 1, Officina+39 will step into the Bluezone’s KEYHOUSE area, the interactive hub featuring futuristic solutions with a high level of innovation for the textile supply chain, to present its Better Seasons collection as well as its most recent developments.

The Italian company Officina+39 will be at Bluezone’s KEYHOUSE area to present its latest sustainable achievements in the field of research and chemical application for the textile sector as well as The Circle Book 2, a special project with circularity as main focus.  
For the first time since Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, Munich Fabric Start returns to host some of the most renowned international players in the textile and fashion industry, showcasing their latest innovations. From August 31 to September 1, Officina+39 will step into the Bluezone’s KEYHOUSE area, the interactive hub featuring futuristic solutions with a high level of innovation for the textile supply chain, to present its Better Seasons collection as well as its most recent developments.
The new collection embodies the company’s pillars of Trustainable approach – innovation, sustainable practices, clean information, transparency and social responsibility –, delivering a selection of bold, colorful and conscious solutions for the textile industry. These explore better ways to produce and use less through cuttingedge technologies, specifically developed to reduce the use of energy and hazardous chemicals while increasing waste recycling and water conservation.

More information:
Officina+39 munich fabric start

Menabò Group srl for Officina+39


The Renewable Carbon Initiative RCI is joining forces

  • From fossil to renewable materials: Members advocate policy analysis and focused implementation of the renewable carbon strategy

The members of the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) (, founded in September 2020, have joined forces to shape the transition from the fossil to the renewable age for the chemical and materials industry. This means spreading the concept of renewable carbon and developing new value chains based on renewable carbon as a feedstock.

In the meantime, several activities have started from which future members can benefit as well. First and foremost is the kick-off to comprehensive policy analysis. What influence will forthcoming regulation have on chemicals, plastics, and other materials? When and where should the renewable carbon idea be emphasized and referred to?

The policy analysis will examine pending policies in the European Union – and a later expansion to America and Asia is planned as well.

  • From fossil to renewable materials: Members advocate policy analysis and focused implementation of the renewable carbon strategy

The members of the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) (, founded in September 2020, have joined forces to shape the transition from the fossil to the renewable age for the chemical and materials industry. This means spreading the concept of renewable carbon and developing new value chains based on renewable carbon as a feedstock.

In the meantime, several activities have started from which future members can benefit as well. First and foremost is the kick-off to comprehensive policy analysis. What influence will forthcoming regulation have on chemicals, plastics, and other materials? When and where should the renewable carbon idea be emphasized and referred to?

The policy analysis will examine pending policies in the European Union – and a later expansion to America and Asia is planned as well.

A particular focus will be placed on upcoming policies and regulations and how they impact renewable carbon. The members are currently deciding on where to start specifically, but questions that may be considered are: What does the new climate law and the “Fit for 55-Package” mean for chemicals and materials? What can be expected from REACH and microplastics restrictions? How relevant is the “Sustainable Products Initiative” and the coming restrictions for Green Claims? Circular Economy, Zero Pollution and Sustainable Financing are keywords of the future European landscapes, which might become very concrete for chemistry and materials in the next few years. To what extent the concept of renewable carbon for materials is considered in policy already and how it could be further introduced in future legislation are two of the main questions investigated in the working group “Policy”.

This working group is open to all members of RCI. Policy experts provide the respective analysis as a foundation, organising discussions between members of the policy group and plan meetings with policymakers to introduce the Renewable Carbon concept.

Additional working groups have been created, one with a focus on communication, the other looking at the development of a renewable carbon label. In early September, a renewable carbon community will be launched as a starting point for even more interaction between the members, to discuss strategies, create new value chains and start project consortia.

The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) is a dynamic and ambitious group of interested parties. Membership numbers have now more than doubled since the launch almost a year ago, with RCI now boasting 25 members, 6 partners and over 200 supporters. It welcomes all companies that are on the way to transform their resource base from fossil to renewable.

More information:
Renewable Carbon Initiative

nova-Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH für RCI


Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2022

  • Call for Papers and Posters

More than 200 leading international experts in Carbon Capture and Carbon Utilisation (Power-to-X) together with 20 exhibitors are expected to attend the hybrid event on 23–24 March 2022, in Cologne, Germany

Main topics of the conference are strategy & policy in CCU, renewable energy and green hydrogen production, carbon capture technologies, CO2-based fuels for transport and aviation, CO2-based building blocks, bulk and fine chemicals as well as advanced CCU technologies.

Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) is one essential pillar for the supply of renewable carbon besides biomass utilisation and recycling. The transition to the direct use of CO2 as one alternative carbon source is needed as a key element to substitute fossil sources, to fight climate change and to shift towards sustainable and climate-friendly production and consumption. For providing the full benefits of CCU technologies the use of renewable energy is indispensable.

  • Call for Papers and Posters

More than 200 leading international experts in Carbon Capture and Carbon Utilisation (Power-to-X) together with 20 exhibitors are expected to attend the hybrid event on 23–24 March 2022, in Cologne, Germany

Main topics of the conference are strategy & policy in CCU, renewable energy and green hydrogen production, carbon capture technologies, CO2-based fuels for transport and aviation, CO2-based building blocks, bulk and fine chemicals as well as advanced CCU technologies.

Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) is one essential pillar for the supply of renewable carbon besides biomass utilisation and recycling. The transition to the direct use of CO2 as one alternative carbon source is needed as a key element to substitute fossil sources, to fight climate change and to shift towards sustainable and climate-friendly production and consumption. For providing the full benefits of CCU technologies the use of renewable energy is indispensable.

Especially the supply of green hydrogen is crucial for the production of CO2-based fuels for transportation and aviation as well as for bulk and fine chemicals.

The “Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2022”, 23–24 March 2022, Cologne, Germany. As a hybrid conference it combines a “live” in-person event with a “virtual” online component,

More information:

nova-Institut GmbH

BVMed: Homecare-Management-Kongress zur Hilfsmittel-Versorgung (c) BVMed

BVMed: Homecare-Management-Kongress zur Hilfsmittel-Versorgung

Der 8. Homecare-Management-Kongress der BVMed-Akademie bringt am 1. Dezember 2021 unter dem Titel "Versorgungsstrukturen zukunftsfähig machen: Wohin soll die Reise gehen?" Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer und -hersteller sowie Vertreter der Politik, Krankenkassen, Krankenhäuser, Ärzteschaft und Pflege zusammen, um über die Zukunft der Hilfsmittelversorgung zu diskutieren. Am Vorabend des Kongresses wird es eine politische Podiumsdiskussion zu den Perspektiven der Gesundheitspolitik in der neuen Legislaturperiode geben

Wie können die Versorgungstrukturen zukunftssicher ausgestaltet werden? Welche Bedeutung kommt dabei den Hilfsmittel- und Homecare-Versorgern zu? Welche Anforderungen stellen sich an eine zukunftssichere, wirtschaftliche und digitalere Hilfsmittelversorgung? Diese Fragen stehen im Mittelpunkt des Kongresses mit Impulsvorträgen, Podiumsdiskussionen und Workshops zur Weiterentwicklung der Hilfsmittelversorgung.


Der 8. Homecare-Management-Kongress der BVMed-Akademie bringt am 1. Dezember 2021 unter dem Titel "Versorgungsstrukturen zukunftsfähig machen: Wohin soll die Reise gehen?" Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer und -hersteller sowie Vertreter der Politik, Krankenkassen, Krankenhäuser, Ärzteschaft und Pflege zusammen, um über die Zukunft der Hilfsmittelversorgung zu diskutieren. Am Vorabend des Kongresses wird es eine politische Podiumsdiskussion zu den Perspektiven der Gesundheitspolitik in der neuen Legislaturperiode geben

Wie können die Versorgungstrukturen zukunftssicher ausgestaltet werden? Welche Bedeutung kommt dabei den Hilfsmittel- und Homecare-Versorgern zu? Welche Anforderungen stellen sich an eine zukunftssichere, wirtschaftliche und digitalere Hilfsmittelversorgung? Diese Fragen stehen im Mittelpunkt des Kongresses mit Impulsvorträgen, Podiumsdiskussionen und Workshops zur Weiterentwicklung der Hilfsmittelversorgung.



BVMed - Bundesverband Medizintechnologie

GRAFE: Plagiarism Protection with Marking Substances in the Plastic Matrix (c) GRAFE Advanced Polymers GmbH

GRAFE: Plagiarism Protection with Marking Substances in the Plastic Matrix

To ensure product protection and prevent brand piracy, GRAFE has developed a simple and elegant solution that also offers a high level of security. The basis is special markers. "The highly complex pigments with special physical properties designed for this purpose are used in minute quantities within the plastic matrix. With an appropriately calibrated detector, products equipped with them can thus be read and authenticated," explains Business Development Manager Florian Ludwig. At the same time no changes in properties can usually be observed. The detectors can use an LED display to check within seconds whether the unique marker is contained in the product and whether this item is the original product.

To ensure product protection and prevent brand piracy, GRAFE has developed a simple and elegant solution that also offers a high level of security. The basis is special markers. "The highly complex pigments with special physical properties designed for this purpose are used in minute quantities within the plastic matrix. With an appropriately calibrated detector, products equipped with them can thus be read and authenticated," explains Business Development Manager Florian Ludwig. At the same time no changes in properties can usually be observed. The detectors can use an LED display to check within seconds whether the unique marker is contained in the product and whether this item is the original product.

In general, there are two options: x ray and light fluorescence, i.e. fluorescent X-rays or light. With the first option, the base color has no influence (not even black) and the customer benefits from low addition dosage and batch price, but this method requires higher investment. "With light fluorescence, on the other hand, detection is done by a measuring device, which is preconfigured by our partner or by us directly. Different types are available, from handy hand-held measuring devices to stationary office solutions to inline spectrometers, in order to have a control take place directly during production," Ludwig explains. With this method, the masterbatch dosage is based on the base color, among otherv things. The method of operation is fast and simple, and the necessary investment is also manageable.

From injection molding and extrusion to transparent and fiber applications, almost all areas of plastics processing come into question.


GRAFE Advanced Polymers GmbH

Montalvo Attending Upcoming ICE Trade Show on October 19-21 (c) Montalvo

Montalvo Attending Upcoming ICE Trade Show on October 19-21

Montalvo, an international specialists in web tension control, will be attending the upcoming ICE Trade Show in Orlando, Florida, on October 19-21, where Montalvo presents its latest products and web control solutions.

Visitors can get hands-on experience with a fully equipped and running machine featuring Montalvo’s industry-leading Load Cells, Controllers, Brakes, and more. At the show, visitors will also have the opportunity to see a full live demo line featuring Montalvo U4 Controller, M4 Tension Indicators, US4 Ultrasonic Sensor, and a V-Brake.

Montalvo, an international specialists in web tension control, will be attending the upcoming ICE Trade Show in Orlando, Florida, on October 19-21, where Montalvo presents its latest products and web control solutions.

Visitors can get hands-on experience with a fully equipped and running machine featuring Montalvo’s industry-leading Load Cells, Controllers, Brakes, and more. At the show, visitors will also have the opportunity to see a full live demo line featuring Montalvo U4 Controller, M4 Tension Indicators, US4 Ultrasonic Sensor, and a V-Brake.


Montalvo Corporation

Oerlikon Webinar with a Focus on Customer Service (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon Webinar with a Focus on Customer Service

The new series of webinars of the Swiss Oerlikon Group’s Manmade Fibers Solutions business unit will be focusing on services for manmade fiber systems.

Short Overview of the webinars:

  • How ceramics within the yarn path improve the quality of your yarn on September 01
  • myOerlikon – tailored digital services provide a comprehensive overview on September 13
  • Always by your side – with Oerlikon Remote Services on September 22
  • Better safe than sorry – maximize productivity and minimize downtimes with regular machine check-ups on September 29

For more information click here, where we keep you informed about upcoming events.

The new series of webinars of the Swiss Oerlikon Group’s Manmade Fibers Solutions business unit will be focusing on services for manmade fiber systems.

Short Overview of the webinars:

  • How ceramics within the yarn path improve the quality of your yarn on September 01
  • myOerlikon – tailored digital services provide a comprehensive overview on September 13
  • Always by your side – with Oerlikon Remote Services on September 22
  • Better safe than sorry – maximize productivity and minimize downtimes with regular machine check-ups on September 29

For more information click here, where we keep you informed about upcoming events.




News von der STF

Die STF ist zurück aus der Sommerpause und auf die Studierenden wartet ein spannendes halbes Jahr mit einem neuen Jahresthema, darunter zahlreiche Events, wie die Modenschau der Swiss Textile Collection, die am 26. August stattfindet.

Neben den Bachelor-Studienfächern Fashion Design & Technology, Textile Design & Technology und Textile Business Management begrüßt die STF in diesem Jahr die erste Klasse, die mit der Ausbildung zum Bachelor in Interior Design startet. Als schweizweit bisher einzige Bildungsstätte, bietet die STF diesen international anerkannten Abschluss zusammen mit ihrer Partneruniversität der University of West London (UWL) zentral in Zürich an.


Die STF ist zurück aus der Sommerpause und auf die Studierenden wartet ein spannendes halbes Jahr mit einem neuen Jahresthema, darunter zahlreiche Events, wie die Modenschau der Swiss Textile Collection, die am 26. August stattfindet.

Neben den Bachelor-Studienfächern Fashion Design & Technology, Textile Design & Technology und Textile Business Management begrüßt die STF in diesem Jahr die erste Klasse, die mit der Ausbildung zum Bachelor in Interior Design startet. Als schweizweit bisher einzige Bildungsstätte, bietet die STF diesen international anerkannten Abschluss zusammen mit ihrer Partneruniversität der University of West London (UWL) zentral in Zürich an.



STF Schweizerische Textilfachschule

(c) Textile Exchange

Textile Exchange: Preferred Fiber and Materials Market Report 2021 released

  • Textile Exchange report shows growth of preferred fiber and materials market needs to be accelerated
  • With post-pandemic fiber production increasing, the transition to preferred fibers and materials must be a non-negotiable decision, notes Textile Exchange.

According to a new Textile Exchange report, the market share for preferred fiber and materials grew significantly in 2020. The Preferred Fiber and Materials Market Report 2021 outlines the market for plant fibers such as cotton, hemp, and linen; animal fibers and materials such as wool, mohair, cashmere, alpaca, down, silk, and leather; manmade cellulosics (MMCFs) such as viscose, lyocell, modal, acetate, and cupro; as well as synthetics such as polyester, polyamide, and more.

  • Textile Exchange report shows growth of preferred fiber and materials market needs to be accelerated
  • With post-pandemic fiber production increasing, the transition to preferred fibers and materials must be a non-negotiable decision, notes Textile Exchange.

According to a new Textile Exchange report, the market share for preferred fiber and materials grew significantly in 2020. The Preferred Fiber and Materials Market Report 2021 outlines the market for plant fibers such as cotton, hemp, and linen; animal fibers and materials such as wool, mohair, cashmere, alpaca, down, silk, and leather; manmade cellulosics (MMCFs) such as viscose, lyocell, modal, acetate, and cupro; as well as synthetics such as polyester, polyamide, and more.

The report is a unique annual publication about global fiber and materials production, availability, and trends, including those associated with improved social and environmental impacts, referred to as ”preferred.” The comprehensive report includes quantitative data, industry updates, trend analysis and inspiring insights into the work of leading companies and organizations as they create material change.

The results show that between 2019 and 2020 the market share of preferred cotton increased from 24 to 30 percent and recycled polyester from 13.7 to 14.7 percent. Preferred cashmere increased from 0.8 to 7 percent of all cashmere produced while Responsible Mohair Standard certified fiber expanded from 0 to 27 percent of all mohair produced worldwide in its first year of existence in 2020. The market share of FSC and/or PEFC certified MMCFs increased to approximately 55-60 percent. While the market share of recycled MMCFs is only 0.4 percent, it is expected to increase significantly in the following years.

Brands’ increased interest in the use of preferred fibers and materials was also demonstrated by 75 percent increase in the total number of facilities (to 30,000) around the world becoming certified to the organization’s portfolio of standards in 2020. However, the report also notes that despite the increase, preferred fibers only represent less than one-fifth of the global fiber market. Less than 0.5 percent of the global fiber market was from pre- and post-consumer recycled textiles.

Indeed, global fiber production has almost doubled in the last 20 years from 58 million tonnes in 2000 to 109 million tonnes in 2020. While it is not yet clear how the pandemic and other factors will impact future development, global fiber production is expected to increase by another 34 percent to 146 million tonnes in 2030 if the industry builds back business as usual. If this growth continues, it will be increasingly difficult for the industry to meet science-based targets for climate and nature.

Textile Exchange aims to be the driving force for urgent climate action, and its Climate+ strategy calling for the textile industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45 percent by 2030 compared to a 2019 baseline in the pre-spinning phase of textile fiber and materials production, while also addressing other impact areas interconnected with climate such as water, biodiversity, and soil health.


Textile Exchange

Cinte Techtextil China 2022 confirmed for September (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Cinte Techtextil China 2022 confirmed for September

The 2022 edition of Cinte Techtextil China has been confirmed to take place from 6 – 8 September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. 2021 saw 366 exhibitors and 14,868 visits recorded at the June hybrid event, which offered in-person and digital options for suppliers and buyers.

This year’s edition of Cinte Techtextil China marked the first time the fair was held annually, and the second year physical and online participation options were available, with both aspects well received by exhibitors and visitors.

The 2022 edition of Cinte Techtextil China has been confirmed to take place from 6 – 8 September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. 2021 saw 366 exhibitors and 14,868 visits recorded at the June hybrid event, which offered in-person and digital options for suppliers and buyers.

This year’s edition of Cinte Techtextil China marked the first time the fair was held annually, and the second year physical and online participation options were available, with both aspects well received by exhibitors and visitors.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd elaborated: “The response from our exhibitors this year was the Chinese market is still growing strongly, and having an annual edition allows them to benefit from these opportunities on a more regular basis. The domestic economy has shown strong resilience over 2020 and so far in 2021, and this has allowed the technical textiles and nonwovens sector to maintain the growth momentum it has experienced over the past years. As more economies return to normal in 2022, we expect export orders for the sector to receive a further boost which will benefit those overseas companies with business in the Chinese market.”

Cinte Techtextil China’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span the full range of potential uses of modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also span the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions.

Röhm with innovative materials at Fakuma 2021 (c) Röhm GmbH

Röhm with innovative materials at Fakuma 2021

  • Röhm will be presenting the new PLEXIGLAS® Optical HT special molding compound for increased continuous service temperatures, as well as other products for various application areas
  • Highlight: PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds for innovative design of vehicles, luminaires and household appliances

The transition in the automotive industry towards electric vehicles is heralding a change in the design language, just like LEDs did for luminaires. Material manufacturers are adapting to these new conditions and are developing custom materials for the respective applications. Between October 12 and 16, the Molding Compounds business unit will be demonstrating how design elements can be combined with a range of functions at the Fakuma 2021 trade fair in Friedrichshafen.

PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds have proven their worth in many fields of application – from the automotive and lighting industries to the electronics and household appliance sectors.

  • Röhm will be presenting the new PLEXIGLAS® Optical HT special molding compound for increased continuous service temperatures, as well as other products for various application areas
  • Highlight: PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds for innovative design of vehicles, luminaires and household appliances

The transition in the automotive industry towards electric vehicles is heralding a change in the design language, just like LEDs did for luminaires. Material manufacturers are adapting to these new conditions and are developing custom materials for the respective applications. Between October 12 and 16, the Molding Compounds business unit will be demonstrating how design elements can be combined with a range of functions at the Fakuma 2021 trade fair in Friedrichshafen.

PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds have proven their worth in many fields of application – from the automotive and lighting industries to the electronics and household appliance sectors.

The brand polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) from Röhm is an extremely diverse plastic that offers great design freedom and boasts great light-guiding properties. At the same time, it impresses with its low weight and easy to mold and process. The material also stands out thanks to its UV and weather resistance and its resulting durability. At Fakuma 2021, Röhm will be showcasing the material’s versatile properties and present its extensive portfolio based on various application examples of PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds.


Röhm GmbH