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NCTO welcomes appointment of new Chief Textiles and Apparel Negotiator

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement welcoming the appointment of Katherine White as Chief Textiles and Apparel Negotiator for the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office (USTR).

“Katherine White is an excellent choice for the critical position of Chief Textiles and Apparel Negotiator. We are also grateful to U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai for elevating this position back to a political appointee role, which is historically how it has been designated.

Katherine comes to this position with an outstanding resume, including a strong knowledge base and expertise in manufacturing policy and on textile-related trade issues, having worked most recently as an International Trade Policy Advisor on the House Ways and Means Committee, and prior to that, at the U.S. Department of Commerce and the White House.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas issued a statement welcoming the appointment of Katherine White as Chief Textiles and Apparel Negotiator for the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office (USTR).

“Katherine White is an excellent choice for the critical position of Chief Textiles and Apparel Negotiator. We are also grateful to U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai for elevating this position back to a political appointee role, which is historically how it has been designated.

Katherine comes to this position with an outstanding resume, including a strong knowledge base and expertise in manufacturing policy and on textile-related trade issues, having worked most recently as an International Trade Policy Advisor on the House Ways and Means Committee, and prior to that, at the U.S. Department of Commerce and the White House.

Given the prominence of both the agency and her political appointment, we know she will play a highly instrumental role in shaping policy impacting our industry. She is a fantastic choice.  We thank Ambassador Tai for the redesignation of this critical office and her support for our textile industry and its workforce. We also sincerely thank Dr. Laurie-Ann Agama for her service in the role through this transition.

We could not be more delighted to work with Katherine in her new capacity and look forward to coordinating with her on manufacturing and worker-centered trade policy that will help bolster the vital domestic textile sector.”


National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO)

Spatenstich Hochschule Niederrhein Copyright: Carlos Albuquerque/HSNR
von links: Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe (Leiterin Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung der HSNR), Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein (Dekan Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik), Prof. Dr. Fabienne Köller-Marek (Hochschulkanzlerin), Simon Hendrix (Abteilungsleitung Baumanagement der BLB-Niederlassung Duisburg), Gonça Türkeli-Dehnert (Staatssekretärin NRW-Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft), Gabriele Willems (BLB NRW-Geschäftsführerin) und Mönchengladbachs Oberbürgermeister Felix Heinrichs

Startschuss für die Erneuerung des Textilcampus der Hochschule Niederrhein

Die Staatssekretärin des nordrhein-westfälischen Wissenschaftsministeriums Gonça Türkeli-Dehnert setzte für den Ersatzneubau der Textilhalle auf dem Mönchengladbacher Campus den symbolischen ersten Spatenstich. Mit dem Bau der neuen Textilhalle startet der Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (BLB NRW) die Modernisierung für den renommierten Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik an der Hochschule Niederrhein.

Die Staatssekretärin des nordrhein-westfälischen Wissenschaftsministeriums Gonça Türkeli-Dehnert setzte für den Ersatzneubau der Textilhalle auf dem Mönchengladbacher Campus den symbolischen ersten Spatenstich. Mit dem Bau der neuen Textilhalle startet der Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (BLB NRW) die Modernisierung für den renommierten Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik an der Hochschule Niederrhein.

Der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein steht am Campus Mönchengladbach im Kontext einer langen historischen Tradition regionaler Textilindustrie. Architektonisch wird der Campus Webschulstraße durch seine industriellen Backsteingebäude aus dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert geprägt. Mit dem Ersatz-Neubau der Textilhalle startet die Erneuerung des Gesamtkomplexes. Ziel ist es, eine funktionale Vernetzung der Forschungs- und Lehrgebäude auf dem gesamten Campus zu schaffen. Innnovation und Nachhaltigkeit werden die Nutzung durch die Hochschule Niederrhein prägen: In das moderne Technikum für Textilveredlung des Fachbereichs für Textilund Bekleidungstechnik wird bereits 2025 mit Maschinen für eine emissionsarme, digitale Produktion im Industriemaßstab einziehen. Studierende, aber auch Partner aus der Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft erfahren in diesem Neubau einerseits die Grundlagen der Farbgebung, Ausrüstung oder Beschichtung von Textilien und erhalten andererseits unmittelbar Zugang zu Innovation und Forschung, wie z.B. der wasserfreien Plasmabehandlung oder der Textiltrocknung mit Wasserstoff. Der größte Fachbereich für diese Disziplin in ganz Europa kann mit diesem Bau an die textile Tradition anknüpfen und zugleich einen Beitrag zu einer soliden Ausbildung und Forschung für eine starke Textilwirtschaft in der Zukunft beitragen.

„In den kommenden Jahren realisieren wir hier auf einer limitierten Fläche viele Bauprojekte, um für den Fachbereich optimale Bedingungen zu schaffen. Das Besondere an der neuen Textilhalle sind die recycelten Klinkersteine, die optisch auf das Gesamt-Ensemble abgestimmt werden. Als BLB NRW sorgen wir für nachhaltigen Raum für Forschung und Lehre“, betont BLB NRW Geschäftsführerin Gabriele Willems. Der Ersatz-Neubau wird nachhaltig gebaut. Bis auf den Keller und das Treppenhaus wird das Gebäude in Massivholzbauweise errichtet. Vorteile sind, dass diese Bauweise gegenüber einer Stahlbetonkonstruktion leichter ist und bessere Wärmedämmeigenschaften besitzt. Für die Fassade der neuen Textilhalle werden recycelte Klinkersteine verwendet. Durch die Wiederverwendung rückgebauter Klinker können CO2-Emissionen gegenüber neu produzierten Steinen eingespart werden. Auch durch geänderte Herstellungsprozesse und Betonrezepturen sollen gemäß Herstellerangaben ungefähr 30 bis 50 Prozent weniger CO2-Emissionen beim Rohbau erreicht werden. Das Dach wird begrünt und mit einer leistungsstarken Photovoltaik- Anlage ausgestattet.

Die Besonderheit des Ersatz-Neubaus wird die transparente Gebäudegestaltung sein. Als Fenster zur Forschung macht er die Hochschulaktivitäten entlang der Rheydter Straße sichtbar und stärkt hiermit die urbane Wahrnehmung und Identität des Campus. Die vier großen Fenster ermöglichen Passanten einen Blick in die Textilhalle. Neben der großen Fensterfront im Erdgeschoss sorgt ein Lichtband im oberen Teil der Fassade für ausreichend Helligkeit in den Lehrräumen. „Die Hochschule Niederrhein ist einer unserer wichtigsten Partner, wenn es darum geht, Mönchengladbach als textilen Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Produktionsstandort von morgen aufzustellen. Das wird deutlich durch gemeinsame Projekte wie die Textilfabrik 7.0, aber auch durch die vielen klugen Köpfe, die die Hochschule Tag für Tag zu den Fachkräften von morgen ausbildet. Mit dem Bau der neuen Textilhalle schreiben das Land und der Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW an dieser Erfolgsgeschichte mit. Ich freue mich sehr über das architektonisch ansprechende und topmoderne Hochschulgebäude, dessen Bau wir heute einleiten“, stellt der Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Mönchengladbach, Felix Heinrichs, heraus.

Der Ersatz-Neubau ergänzt den Campus sinnvoll und setzt den Startschuss für den Ausbau des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik. Nach Fertigstellung zieht die Spinnerei in den Neubau, damit weitere Teilprojekte am Campus Mönchengladbach starten können. Die leergezogene denkmalgeschützte Spinnerei wird daraufhin kernsaniert. Teile der Spinnerei sowie der ehemaligen Textilveredelung werden perspektivisch abgebrochen, die grundlegende Bausubstanz bleibt jedoch erhalten. Die Spinnerei als Forschungs- und Lehrgebäude wird zudem modernisiert und energetisch ertüchtigt. Auch durch neu gestaltete Grünflächen entsteht eine hohe Aufenthaltsqualität für Studierende und Lehrende. Nach der Fertigstellung werden dem Fachbereich durch die modernisierte Spinnerei und den Neubau rund 2.500 Quadratmeter Nutzungsfläche mit modernsten Bedingungen für Forschung und Lehre zur Verfügung stehen.


Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW
Niederlassung Duisburg

CHT Textile Dyes App im neuen Design (c) CHT Gruppe

CHT Textile Dyes App im neuen Design

Die CHT Textile Dyes App präsentiert sich in einem neuen Design. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren ist die CHT Textile Dyes App ein Begleiter in der Textilindustrie. Das überarbeitete Design macht eine Vielzahl von nützlichen Funktionen und Informationen noch leichter zugänglich.

Mit der CHT Textile Dyes App haben Anwender Zugriff auf das gesamte Farbstoff- und Pigmentportfolio der CHT sowie allen dazugehörigen Informationen, um das Färben einfacher und sicherer zu machen. Ebenfalls in der CHT Textile Dyes App integriert sind kostenlose In-App-Berechnungsprogramme mit nachhaltigen Lösungen, die den Anwender dabei unterstützen, seine Produkte nachhaltiger und kostengünstiger herzustellen, indem wichtige Ressourcen wie Wasser, Energie und Zeit in den Veredlungsprozessen effizient eingespart werden können.

Die CHT Textile Dyes App präsentiert sich in einem neuen Design. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren ist die CHT Textile Dyes App ein Begleiter in der Textilindustrie. Das überarbeitete Design macht eine Vielzahl von nützlichen Funktionen und Informationen noch leichter zugänglich.

Mit der CHT Textile Dyes App haben Anwender Zugriff auf das gesamte Farbstoff- und Pigmentportfolio der CHT sowie allen dazugehörigen Informationen, um das Färben einfacher und sicherer zu machen. Ebenfalls in der CHT Textile Dyes App integriert sind kostenlose In-App-Berechnungsprogramme mit nachhaltigen Lösungen, die den Anwender dabei unterstützen, seine Produkte nachhaltiger und kostengünstiger herzustellen, indem wichtige Ressourcen wie Wasser, Energie und Zeit in den Veredlungsprozessen effizient eingespart werden können.


CHT Gruppe

Archroma and Cotton Incorporated renewed collaboration Photo: Archroma

Archroma and Cotton Incorporated renewed collaboration

Archroma and Cotton Incorporated, a research and promotion company for cotton, have renewed their eight-year collaboration to help accelerate the shift to more sustainable circular economy.

The two organizations began working together in 2016 when Cotton Incorporated approached Archroma with the goal of developing a dyestuff from the byproducts of cotton production.

The U.S., the world’s third-largest cotton producer and largest exporter, produces sustainable cotton fiber for the textile and apparel industry as well as cottonseed for food and animal feed. Cotton farming and processing also generate byproducts, such as burs, stems and leaves, that are used to create insulation, packaging, erosion control products, and more. Cotton Incorporated recognized the potential to use these natural byproducts to produce dyes.

Archroma and Cotton Incorporated, a research and promotion company for cotton, have renewed their eight-year collaboration to help accelerate the shift to more sustainable circular economy.

The two organizations began working together in 2016 when Cotton Incorporated approached Archroma with the goal of developing a dyestuff from the byproducts of cotton production.

The U.S., the world’s third-largest cotton producer and largest exporter, produces sustainable cotton fiber for the textile and apparel industry as well as cottonseed for food and animal feed. Cotton farming and processing also generate byproducts, such as burs, stems and leaves, that are used to create insulation, packaging, erosion control products, and more. Cotton Incorporated recognized the potential to use these natural byproducts to produce dyes.

Drawing on a century-long heritage of sulfur dye innovation, the Archroma research team was able to apply its patented EarthColors® technology to create DIRESUL® Earth-Cotton using cotton by products from the U.S. supply chain. An alternative to the usual oil-based dyes, Earth-Cotton allows brands to offer textile products in warm natural shades, using cotton to create both fabric and dye.





Rieter Annual General Meeting 2024

On April 17, 2024, 312 shareholders, who represent 68.7% of the share capital, attended the 133rd Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd.

Shareholders Adopt All Motions Proposed by the Board of Directors:

  • Distribution of a dividend of CHF 3.00 per share approved
  • Remuneration Report 2023 and future remuneration of Board of Directors and Group Executive Committee formally accepted
  • All members of the Board of Directors who stood for re-election were elected
  • Thomas Oetterli newly appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Jennifer Maag newly appointed to the Board of Directors
  • Amendments to the Articles of Association approved

On April 17, 2024, 312 shareholders, who represent 68.7% of the share capital, attended the 133rd Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd.

Shareholders Adopt All Motions Proposed by the Board of Directors:

  • Distribution of a dividend of CHF 3.00 per share approved
  • Remuneration Report 2023 and future remuneration of Board of Directors and Group Executive Committee formally accepted
  • All members of the Board of Directors who stood for re-election were elected
  • Thomas Oetterli newly appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Jennifer Maag newly appointed to the Board of Directors
  • Amendments to the Articles of Association approved

Rieter Management AG

Devan Stain Release: PFC-free release technology for water and oil based stains Photo: Devan Chemicals

Devan Stain Release: PFC-free release technology for water and oil based stains

Devan Chemicals launched its latest textile finishing technology “Devan Stain Release”, that ensures that both water and oil based stains can easily be washed off.

Devan ‘s new release finish prevents water and oil based stains such as ketchup, mud, grass, tea, vegetable and corn oils from adhering deeply to the fibres and allows stains to be washed off easily from the surface. The technology combines both stain release and wicking properties, fitting for applications where this dual benefit is required. This technology is PFC-free and has 40% of bio-based content. Unlike many PFC-based solutions that require mixing of multiple products, Devan Stain Release is an easy to apply and ready-to-use product that doesn’t necessitate mixing of different products. The finish doesn’t require reactivation after washing at home with high temperature. Soft handle is maintained.

Devan Chemicals launched its latest textile finishing technology “Devan Stain Release”, that ensures that both water and oil based stains can easily be washed off.

Devan ‘s new release finish prevents water and oil based stains such as ketchup, mud, grass, tea, vegetable and corn oils from adhering deeply to the fibres and allows stains to be washed off easily from the surface. The technology combines both stain release and wicking properties, fitting for applications where this dual benefit is required. This technology is PFC-free and has 40% of bio-based content. Unlike many PFC-based solutions that require mixing of multiple products, Devan Stain Release is an easy to apply and ready-to-use product that doesn’t necessitate mixing of different products. The finish doesn’t require reactivation after washing at home with high temperature. Soft handle is maintained.

Devan Stain Release is applicable across a wide range of textile applications, including school uniforms, garments, workwear, apparel, home textiles, bedding accessories and mattress ticking. The technology enhances the longevity of fabrics by reducing the need for frequent washing, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable consumption cycle.


Devan Chemicals


EEA/ECHA: Europe-wide assessment of chemical pollution

The transition towards safer and more sustainable chemicals is progressing in some areas, while in others, it is just beginning. This is the finding of a first, joint Europe-wide assessment of the drivers and impact of chemical pollution by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The benchmarking found that more work is still needed to reduce the impact of harmful substances on human health and the environment.

The number of industrial chemicals scrutinised under the EU’s chemicals legislation to determine their safety has increased substantially. Authorities now have much better knowledge about the hazardous properties of chemicals that are used across the EU, resulting in many actions to minimise and control the risks of several groups of substances.

The transition towards safer and more sustainable chemicals is progressing in some areas, while in others, it is just beginning. This is the finding of a first, joint Europe-wide assessment of the drivers and impact of chemical pollution by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The benchmarking found that more work is still needed to reduce the impact of harmful substances on human health and the environment.

The number of industrial chemicals scrutinised under the EU’s chemicals legislation to determine their safety has increased substantially. Authorities now have much better knowledge about the hazardous properties of chemicals that are used across the EU, resulting in many actions to minimise and control the risks of several groups of substances.

According to the joint EEA-ECHA synthesis report on the EU indicator framework for chemicals, the overall use of the most harmful chemicals (in particular those that are carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic) is still growing but more slowly than the overall chemicals market growth. Pressure is increasing to avoid the use of so-called substances of concern and to implement the principles of the safe and sustainable by design framework.

There is a need to more effectively ensure that consumer products do not contain the most harmful substances, for example chemicals that are endocrine disrupting, that negatively affect the hormone system, or substances that are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic, which present a risk for years to come even after their use has ceased.

More data and information are needed to better understand human and environmental exposure to those most harmful chemicals and their impacts. Still, the indicators show clearly that the shift to safe and sustainable chemicals must continue and should even be accelerated.

The report is based on a set of 25 key indicators, which monitor the drivers and impacts of chemical pollution in Europe.

Key findings

  • Transition towards safer and more sustainable chemicals is progressing in some areas while in others it is just getting started.
  • Action by authorities and industry has supported minimising and controlling the risks from several groups of hazardous chemicals. Efforts are ongoing to increase knowledge on chemical hazards and support risk management action where needed.
  • Available data suggest that there is little evidence of progress towards eliminating substances of concern from waste and secondary materials. This is a barrier to the transition towards a more circular economy.
  • Emissions of certain chemicals to water and air have fallen following specific EU regulations (e.g., on industrial emissions) and international actions, but further measures are needed to reach concentration levels that are not harmful for human health and the environment.
  • Emissions from industry still lead to major costs in terms of damages to human and ecosystem health.
  • Human biomonitoring offers the opportunity to understand human exposure to chemicals from multiple sources and thus health risks associated with chemical pollution. As such, biomonitoring forms a key tool to measure the effectiveness of chemicals legislation in protecting human health and the environment.

European Chemicals Agency


adidas: Preliminary results for Q1 2024

adidas announced preliminary results for the first quarter of 2024. In Q1, currency-neutral revenues increased 8% versus the prior year level. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 4% to € 5.458 billion (2023: € 5.274 billion). The company’s gross margin improved 6.4 percentage points to 51.2% during the quarter (2023: 44.8%). Operating profit reached € 336 million in Q1 (2023: € 60 million).

As a result of the better-than-expected performance during the quarter, the company has increased its full-year guidance. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to increase at a mid- to high-single-digit rate in 2024 (previously: increase at a mid-single-digit rate). The company’s operating profit is now expected to reach a level of around € 700 million (previously: to reach a level of around € 500 million).  

adidas announced preliminary results for the first quarter of 2024. In Q1, currency-neutral revenues increased 8% versus the prior year level. In euro terms, the company’s revenues grew 4% to € 5.458 billion (2023: € 5.274 billion). The company’s gross margin improved 6.4 percentage points to 51.2% during the quarter (2023: 44.8%). Operating profit reached € 336 million in Q1 (2023: € 60 million).

As a result of the better-than-expected performance during the quarter, the company has increased its full-year guidance. adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to increase at a mid- to high-single-digit rate in 2024 (previously: increase at a mid-single-digit rate). The company’s operating profit is now expected to reach a level of around € 700 million (previously: to reach a level of around € 500 million).  

The latest Yeezy drop generated revenues of around € 150 million and an operating profit of around € 50 million in the first quarter. In its guidance, the company assumes the sale of the remaining Yeezy inventory during the remainder of the year to occur on average at cost. This would result in additional sales of around € 200 million and no further profit contribution during the remainder of the year.

The company continues to expect unfavorable currency effects to weigh significantly on the company’s profitability this year. These effects are projected to continue to negatively impact both reported revenues and the gross margin development in 2024.


adidas AG

CARBIOS wins "So French So Innovative" award Photo: CARBIOS
Dr. Bruno LANGLOIS, Technologies & Institutional Partnerships Director for CARBIOS (center), receiving the « So French So Innovative » Award on behalf of CARBIOS at InnoEX 2024, Hong Kong.

CARBIOS wins "So French So Innovative" award

CARBIOS was awarded 1st prize in the "So French So Innovative" Award organized by Business France, the Hong Kong Committee of French Foreign Trade Advisors (CCEF), La French Tech and its partners at InnoEX 2024 (taking place in Hong Kong from 13 to 16 April). The award recognizes French innovation to promote and support French Tech in the Asia-Pacific region. The final awards ceremony was held on the French pavilion in the presence of members of the Hong Kong Government and Christile Drulhe, Consul General of France in Hong Kong.

Emmanuel Ladent, CEO of CARBIOS: "Asia-Pacific is a key market for our PET biorecycling solution, and the 'So French So Innovative' Award is a recognition that supports CARBIOS’ prospection and commercial deployment in the region. CARBIOS' technology is generating a lot of interest, leading to promising discussions and the exploration of commercial agreements to support the sustainability commitments and international operations of current and future partners."

CARBIOS was awarded 1st prize in the "So French So Innovative" Award organized by Business France, the Hong Kong Committee of French Foreign Trade Advisors (CCEF), La French Tech and its partners at InnoEX 2024 (taking place in Hong Kong from 13 to 16 April). The award recognizes French innovation to promote and support French Tech in the Asia-Pacific region. The final awards ceremony was held on the French pavilion in the presence of members of the Hong Kong Government and Christile Drulhe, Consul General of France in Hong Kong.

Emmanuel Ladent, CEO of CARBIOS: "Asia-Pacific is a key market for our PET biorecycling solution, and the 'So French So Innovative' Award is a recognition that supports CARBIOS’ prospection and commercial deployment in the region. CARBIOS' technology is generating a lot of interest, leading to promising discussions and the exploration of commercial agreements to support the sustainability commitments and international operations of current and future partners."

CARBIOS' global presence
In a dynamic global PET market, where the share of recycled PET will increase, CARBIOS' ambition is to become a leading r-PET player by 2035. CARBIOS has extended its international reach to boost its commercial deployment worldwide. Teams in place in key markets are dedicated to identifying business opportunities and establishing commercial partnerships for PET biorecycling technology, with first agreements expected in 2024. To date, CARBIOS is represented in three regions: Europe, North America (including Canada) and Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and soon India).

More information:
Carbios Awards PET recycling


Wacker Chemical Corporation under New Management Foto: WACKER
Christoph Kowitz

Wacker Chemical Corporation under New Management

Christoph Kowitz, currently head of WACKER’s Corporate Research Department, takes charge of the Group’s U.S. subsidiary Wacker Chemical Corporation (WCC) at the beginning of May. He succeeds David Wilhoit who has been responsible for WACKER’s North and Central American business since 2015 and is now retiring.

Christoph Kowitz has already held various management positions. After obtaining his doctorate in organic chemistry and polymer chemistry, he began his professional career as a product developer at BASF AG in Ludwigshafen in 1996. From 1997 onwards, he worked for several years as a management consultant for McKinsey in Asia and Europe. After several management positions in the chemical industry, including Germany-based specialty chemicals manufacturer Cognis, Kowitz moved to WACKER in 2013, where he headed the Performance Silicones unit within the WACKER SILICONES division. Since 2018, he has been Head of Corporate R&D and thus also responsible for innovation management within the Group.

Christoph Kowitz, currently head of WACKER’s Corporate Research Department, takes charge of the Group’s U.S. subsidiary Wacker Chemical Corporation (WCC) at the beginning of May. He succeeds David Wilhoit who has been responsible for WACKER’s North and Central American business since 2015 and is now retiring.

Christoph Kowitz has already held various management positions. After obtaining his doctorate in organic chemistry and polymer chemistry, he began his professional career as a product developer at BASF AG in Ludwigshafen in 1996. From 1997 onwards, he worked for several years as a management consultant for McKinsey in Asia and Europe. After several management positions in the chemical industry, including Germany-based specialty chemicals manufacturer Cognis, Kowitz moved to WACKER in 2013, where he headed the Performance Silicones unit within the WACKER SILICONES division. Since 2018, he has been Head of Corporate R&D and thus also responsible for innovation management within the Group.

More information:
Wacker chemicals polymers

Wacker Chemie AG


CARBIOS: Fiscal-year 2023 financial results

  • CARBIOS Group’s solid financial structure: cash position of €192 million on December 31, 2023
  • Construction progress of world’s first PET biorecycling plant in France: in line with delivery targets for customers in 2026
  • Licensing: international sales teams deployed in more than ten countries, with several partnerships feasible for 2024

CARBIOS reported its operating and financial results for the financial year 2023. The financial statements as of December 31, 2023, were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at their meeting on April 10, 2024.

2023 Financial highlights
The consolidated financial statements of the Company as of December 31, 2023, are presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and adopted by the European Union.

  • CARBIOS Group’s solid financial structure: cash position of €192 million on December 31, 2023
  • Construction progress of world’s first PET biorecycling plant in France: in line with delivery targets for customers in 2026
  • Licensing: international sales teams deployed in more than ten countries, with several partnerships feasible for 2024

CARBIOS reported its operating and financial results for the financial year 2023. The financial statements as of December 31, 2023, were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at their meeting on April 10, 2024.

2023 Financial highlights
The consolidated financial statements of the Company as of December 31, 2023, are presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and adopted by the European Union.

For 2022 and 2023, these IFRS consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of CARBIOS, the parent company, and the financial statements of its fully integrated subsidiaries Carbiolice and CARBIOS 54. The group formed by CARBIOS, Carbiolice and CARBIOS 54 is hereinafter referred to as the “Group”.

These IFRS financial statements for the Group have been prepared to provide high quality information in line with that of similar companies and based on international standards.

Given the progress made by the Group during 2023 and the success of the financing operation closed in July 2023 as well as the received grants, CARBIOS confirms its operating targets and the provisional calendar of the industrial and commercial deployment of its PET biorecycling technology.
2024  • Construction of the Longlaville plant further to permits obtained in October 2023
2024  • Recruitment of plant operations team and training at demonstration facility
2026  • First significant deliveries to clients

Alongside this project, CARBIOS aims to sign its first licensing contracts for its PET biorecycling technology in 2024.

More information:
Carbios financial year 2023



Stratasys published Second ESG and Sustainability Report

Stratasys Ltd. published its second Mindful Manufacturing™ ESG and Sustainability Report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, fulfilling its commitment to transparency. The report includes an extensive overview of activities and advancements in Stratasys’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) programs.

Some highlights of the Mindful Manufacturing ESG and Sustainability report, by category, include:


  • Stratasys reduced water intensity by 32.5 percent across global operations, leading to an overall reduction in water usage by the company.
  • Solar panels installed at Israeli facilities generated 441,339 kWh of renewable energy, which contributed to 207 metric tons of reduced CO2 emissions, or the equivalent of planting 3,423 trees
  • Double digit (11.3 percent) increases in the number of spools, cartridges and canisters recycled through a new recycling program.


Stratasys Ltd. published its second Mindful Manufacturing™ ESG and Sustainability Report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, fulfilling its commitment to transparency. The report includes an extensive overview of activities and advancements in Stratasys’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) programs.

Some highlights of the Mindful Manufacturing ESG and Sustainability report, by category, include:


  • Stratasys reduced water intensity by 32.5 percent across global operations, leading to an overall reduction in water usage by the company.
  • Solar panels installed at Israeli facilities generated 441,339 kWh of renewable energy, which contributed to 207 metric tons of reduced CO2 emissions, or the equivalent of planting 3,423 trees
  • Double digit (11.3 percent) increases in the number of spools, cartridges and canisters recycled through a new recycling program.


  • More than 38,000 hours of employee training were provided, equaling 18 hours of training per employee.
  • Approaching world-class status with employee engagement, with a 78 percent participation rate in the last all-employee survey, with an all-time high engagement score of 73.
  • 81 percent of managers participated in management training.
  • 4 diversity KPIs were set in 2022, focusing on hiring practices. Targets were:
  • 100 percent of candidate slates for manager and above will have a diverse slate
  • 35 percent of management hires will be women
  • 25 percent of tech hires will be women
  • 40 percent of intern/student hires to reflect a range of ethnicity and gender diversity.


  • 100 percent of new suppliers in 2021 and 2022 signed the Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes environmental, social and ethical standards.
  • More than 97% of all employees completed compliance training.
  • No product-related health and safety incidents of non-compliance occurred in 2021 or 2022.

Stratasys Ltd.


NCTO: State of the U.S. Textile Industry Address

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) Chairman Norman Chapman delivered the trade association’s State of the U.S. Textile Industry overview at NCTO’s 20th Annual Meeting on April 11.

Mr. Chapman’s speech highlighted the severe economic challenges confronting the U.S. textile industry that have been exacerbated by predatory trade behavior and customs fraud that is harming this vital and strategic domestic supply chain. He also highlighted NCTO’s effective advocacy efforts that resulted in a long list of accomplishments to counter some of the damaging illegal trade practices and bolster the industry.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) Chairman Norman Chapman delivered the trade association’s State of the U.S. Textile Industry overview at NCTO’s 20th Annual Meeting on April 11.

Mr. Chapman’s speech highlighted the severe economic challenges confronting the U.S. textile industry that have been exacerbated by predatory trade behavior and customs fraud that is harming this vital and strategic domestic supply chain. He also highlighted NCTO’s effective advocacy efforts that resulted in a long list of accomplishments to counter some of the damaging illegal trade practices and bolster the industry.

“While the domestic textile industry is a key contributor to the U.S. economy and a critical part of the military and public health industrial base, our sector is facing a crisis of historic proportions as the result of rapidly deteriorating market conditions coupled with unchecked foreign predatory trade practices and diminished customs enforcement activities, Chapman stated in the speech. “At the end of the day, some key fundamentals for the U.S. textile industry remained sound, while others weakened. While we expect to see ongoing challenges this year, which will test our resolve, we know collectively as an industry this will not weaken our resilience or our innovative spirit.”


National Council of Textile Organizations

AkzoNobel: New research labs in the Netherlands (c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel: New research labs in the Netherlands

Two new research labs are being built by AkzoNobel at its Sassenheim site in the Netherlands to further propel the company’s product development.

Work is about to start on building a technology center for Powder Coatings, while a new polymer lab has just opened which will develop innovative resin technologies for all the company’s businesses.

The total investment in the Sassenheim site – AkzoNobel’s largest global R&D center – amounts to around €8 million. The facility already houses the biggest R&D teams in Europe for the company’s Decorative Paint and Automotive and Specialty Coatings businesses. The addition of the two new labs will help the company further build on its global reputation for product development focused on providing creative solutions for customers.

The recently opened polymer lab – part of the company’s Research organization – will accommodate 15 scientists. It will mainly focus on the development of more sustainable polymer technologies and new coatings to support AkzoNobel’s ambition to halve carbon emissions across the value chain by 2030.

Two new research labs are being built by AkzoNobel at its Sassenheim site in the Netherlands to further propel the company’s product development.

Work is about to start on building a technology center for Powder Coatings, while a new polymer lab has just opened which will develop innovative resin technologies for all the company’s businesses.

The total investment in the Sassenheim site – AkzoNobel’s largest global R&D center – amounts to around €8 million. The facility already houses the biggest R&D teams in Europe for the company’s Decorative Paint and Automotive and Specialty Coatings businesses. The addition of the two new labs will help the company further build on its global reputation for product development focused on providing creative solutions for customers.

The recently opened polymer lab – part of the company’s Research organization – will accommodate 15 scientists. It will mainly focus on the development of more sustainable polymer technologies and new coatings to support AkzoNobel’s ambition to halve carbon emissions across the value chain by 2030.

AkzoNobel employs around 3,000 R&D professionals worldwide in 70 laboratories, with more than €1.25 billion having been spent on research and development over the last five years.

More information:
AkzoNobel Coatings research



Südwesttextil begrüßt zentrale Ausländerbehörde für Fachkräfte in Baden-Württemberg

Der Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverband Südwesttextil begrüßt die Ankündigung der Landesregierung, eine zentrale Ausländerbehörde für Fachkräfte einzurichten.
Die grün-schwarze Landesregierung hat sich auf Eckpunkte für die Einrichtung einer Landesagentur für Zuwanderung von Fachkräften geeinigt.
Zuständig sollen zwei Ministerien, das Ministerium der Justiz und für Migration und – für Berufe aus dem Bereich Gesundheit und Pflege – das Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Integration, sein. Durch die zentrale Organisation sollen in Zukunft die Vorgänge deutlich beschleunigt werden und Baden-Württemberg attraktiver für Fachkräfte aus dem Ausland werden.

Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner: „Die Zentralisierung der Zuständigkeiten und die Bündelung der Kompetenzen bei einer Behörde sorgen für eine erhöhte Transparenz für unsere mittelständisch geprägte Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie. Sich an eine Stelle wenden zu können, die den komplexen Prozess der Fachkräfteeinwanderung mit allen erforderlichen Voraussetzungen steuert und auch im Einzelfall entscheiden kann, wird hoffentlich große Entlastung und eine Beschleunigung der Verfahren bringen.“

Der Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverband Südwesttextil begrüßt die Ankündigung der Landesregierung, eine zentrale Ausländerbehörde für Fachkräfte einzurichten.
Die grün-schwarze Landesregierung hat sich auf Eckpunkte für die Einrichtung einer Landesagentur für Zuwanderung von Fachkräften geeinigt.
Zuständig sollen zwei Ministerien, das Ministerium der Justiz und für Migration und – für Berufe aus dem Bereich Gesundheit und Pflege – das Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Integration, sein. Durch die zentrale Organisation sollen in Zukunft die Vorgänge deutlich beschleunigt werden und Baden-Württemberg attraktiver für Fachkräfte aus dem Ausland werden.

Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner: „Die Zentralisierung der Zuständigkeiten und die Bündelung der Kompetenzen bei einer Behörde sorgen für eine erhöhte Transparenz für unsere mittelständisch geprägte Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie. Sich an eine Stelle wenden zu können, die den komplexen Prozess der Fachkräfteeinwanderung mit allen erforderlichen Voraussetzungen steuert und auch im Einzelfall entscheiden kann, wird hoffentlich große Entlastung und eine Beschleunigung der Verfahren bringen.“

Voraussetzung dafür, ist aus Perspektive des Arbeitgeber- und Wirtschaftsverbands, die entsprechende Ausstattung mit personellen Ressourcen, die Digitalisierung und Verringerung von Bürokratie: „Wir haben das weiterentwickelte Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz des Bundes als innovative, politische Trendwende begrüßt – gleichzeitig sind die Neuregelungen sehr komplex. Wir brauchen eine deutliche Verkürzung der Dauer der bisherigen und jetzt neuen Verfahren. Die Landesagentur für Zuwanderung von Fachkräften muss von Anfang an dafür ausgestattet sein. Dienstleistungsorientierte, proaktive Prozessabläufen von Behörden sind essenzieller Bestandteil einer Willkommenskultur für eine erfolgreiche Fachkräfteeinwanderung.“


Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie Südwesttextil e.V.

Michael Steidle leitet die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, ehemals Textildruckerei Heinrich Mayer. Foto Mayer GmbH TechConcepts
Michael Steidle leitet die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, ehemals Textildruckerei Heinrich Mayer.

Aus Textildruckerei Mayer wird Mayer GmbH TechConcepts

Die Textildruckerei Mayer heißt von nun an “Mayer GmbH TechConcepts”. Das Unternehmen hat im Jahr seines 50-jährigen Bestehens die Umfirmierung vollzogen, die dem Wandel des Portfolios Rechnung trägt. Im Jahr 1974 war Unternehmensgründer Heinrich Mayer mit klassischem Textildruck in den Markt eingetreten. Heute bietet Mayer TechConcepts unter der Leitung von Michael Steidle, Schwiegersohn des Gründers, Lösungen im Bereich der Sensorik, Aktorik sowie 3D-Hartbeschichtungen an.

Zusammen mit seiner Frau Claudia führt er die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, wie das Unternehmen offiziell seit Ende Februar 2024 heißt, in zweiter Generation. Textilien sind zwar weiterhin Teil des Portfolios, die Bandbreite wurde jedoch deutlich vergrößert. Beschichtet werden auch andere Materialien von Plastik und Metallen bis Kunstleder.

Das Unternehmen lebt von seinen technischen Lösungen. Neben Keramikbeschichtung sind das vor allem Flächenlösungen mit Sensorik, beispielsweise ein leicht formbares Material ausgestattet mit einem flächigen Drucksensor, welches bei medizinischen Geräten zum Einsatz kommt. Ein anderes Beispiel ist eine Flächenheizung, die durch Druck aktiviert wird.

Die Textildruckerei Mayer heißt von nun an “Mayer GmbH TechConcepts”. Das Unternehmen hat im Jahr seines 50-jährigen Bestehens die Umfirmierung vollzogen, die dem Wandel des Portfolios Rechnung trägt. Im Jahr 1974 war Unternehmensgründer Heinrich Mayer mit klassischem Textildruck in den Markt eingetreten. Heute bietet Mayer TechConcepts unter der Leitung von Michael Steidle, Schwiegersohn des Gründers, Lösungen im Bereich der Sensorik, Aktorik sowie 3D-Hartbeschichtungen an.

Zusammen mit seiner Frau Claudia führt er die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, wie das Unternehmen offiziell seit Ende Februar 2024 heißt, in zweiter Generation. Textilien sind zwar weiterhin Teil des Portfolios, die Bandbreite wurde jedoch deutlich vergrößert. Beschichtet werden auch andere Materialien von Plastik und Metallen bis Kunstleder.

Das Unternehmen lebt von seinen technischen Lösungen. Neben Keramikbeschichtung sind das vor allem Flächenlösungen mit Sensorik, beispielsweise ein leicht formbares Material ausgestattet mit einem flächigen Drucksensor, welches bei medizinischen Geräten zum Einsatz kommt. Ein anderes Beispiel ist eine Flächenheizung, die durch Druck aktiviert wird.

Ende April zeigt Mayer TechConcepts auf der Techtextil in Frankfurt seine neusten Entwicklungen. Dazu gehören ultradünne, flexible Sensorflächen, die das Unternehmen im Endlosdruck herstellt. Sie eignen sich beispielsweise für eine automatische Abschaltlösung bei medizinischen Geräten. Mit Sensorik und Aktorik ausgestattete Flächenlösungen bis 1,6 m² finden außerdem als hochwertige und smarte Auto-Interieurs ihre Anwendung. Des Weiteren präsentiert das Unternehmen seine neuen Bio-Polyurethane, die Mayer TechConcepts für seine patentierte CERAPUR Keramikbeschichtung einsetzt.


Mayer GmbH TechConcepts

rain forest Formidable Media

“Designing for Circularity” Panel Discussion in Portland

Quickly becoming the benchmark for sustainability, circularity presents a simple solution for many of the world’s complex waste issues. However, in a quickly changing textile marketplace with increasing regulatory pressures, designing circular products can be anything but simple.

To help demystify this accelerating paradigm shift, the Designing for Circularity panel is coming to Portland’s Functional Fabric Fair, where expert panelists will inform and inspire the next generation of product designers and developers.

Scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th at 2:00pm and hosted by textile industry communications agency Formidable Media, the Designing for Circularity panel will bring together experts in materials sourcing, textile finishes, trims, sustainability, recycling, natural materials, and more, to help designers, product developers, and brand representatives make the choices needed to become leaders in the future of sustainable products.

Quickly becoming the benchmark for sustainability, circularity presents a simple solution for many of the world’s complex waste issues. However, in a quickly changing textile marketplace with increasing regulatory pressures, designing circular products can be anything but simple.

To help demystify this accelerating paradigm shift, the Designing for Circularity panel is coming to Portland’s Functional Fabric Fair, where expert panelists will inform and inspire the next generation of product designers and developers.

Scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th at 2:00pm and hosted by textile industry communications agency Formidable Media, the Designing for Circularity panel will bring together experts in materials sourcing, textile finishes, trims, sustainability, recycling, natural materials, and more, to help designers, product developers, and brand representatives make the choices needed to become leaders in the future of sustainable products.

“Fashion is regularly listed among the top five largest polluting industries in the world and our panel of experts hope to  help shape future design and sustainability decisions to mitigate fashion’s outsized impact on the environment,” said Scott Kaier, Founder and President of Formidable Media. “Informed and innovative design is the first step in creating circular products, so today’s designers will be instrumental in creating a cleaner, more sustainable future.”

Hand-picked from across the outdoor, fashion, lifestyle, and footwear industries, the Designing for Circularity panelists include:

  • Daniel Uretsky, President, ALLIED Feather + Down
  • Martin Flora, VP of Business Development, Green Theme Technologies
  • Sarah Schlinger, R&D Commercialization Manager, Woolmark
  • Sharon Perez, Senior Business Development Manager, Lenzing Group
  • Brian La Plante, Senior Manager of Sustainability, YKK
  • Theresa McKenney Director of Sustainability, NEMO Equipment

Formidable Media

John Lewis Partnership appoints new Chairman (c) John Lewis Partnership
Jason Tarry

John Lewis Partnership appoints new Chairman

The John Lewis Partnership announces the appointment of Jason Tarry as its seventh Chairman following Sharon White’s decision to step down at the end of her term.

Jason brings over 33 years of experience at Tesco where he was most recently the UK & Ireland CEO, a role he held for six years. His experience spans grocery, general merchandise and fashion in senior commercial, operational and general management positions, having joined the Tesco graduate programme in 1990.

In addition to delivering market leading grocery performance in the UK, he led the expansion of F&F Clothing across Europe as Group CEO. Jason is expected to take up the role in September, at which point Sharon will step down and support the transition as required.

The John Lewis Partnership announces the appointment of Jason Tarry as its seventh Chairman following Sharon White’s decision to step down at the end of her term.

Jason brings over 33 years of experience at Tesco where he was most recently the UK & Ireland CEO, a role he held for six years. His experience spans grocery, general merchandise and fashion in senior commercial, operational and general management positions, having joined the Tesco graduate programme in 1990.

In addition to delivering market leading grocery performance in the UK, he led the expansion of F&F Clothing across Europe as Group CEO. Jason is expected to take up the role in September, at which point Sharon will step down and support the transition as required.

Rita Clifton, Deputy Chairman and Chair of the Nomination Committee, said: “The Board extends its huge thanks to Sharon for successfully leading the Partnership through one of the most testing periods in its history - first Covid and then the cost of living crisis. She has faced into the toughest decisions and overseen the Partnership's financial recovery; we are in good financial health with a return to profit, and have a strong balance sheet with record investment planned this year. Sharon has also helped ensure that employee ownership of the Partnership is secure, is demonstrably focused on its purpose as a force for good and with an open and inclusive culture.

“As the Partnership moves into the next phase of its modernisation focused on our core retail business as well future growth, we are confident that Jason will provide the kind of inspirational leadership, a proven track record in multi-channel, multi-category retail success and a strong identification with Partnership values that we are seeking in this role. Jason has impressed everyone throughout the interview process with his warmth, his belief in the Partnership’s ideals and democratic principles and his appreciation for our unique and special brands.”

More information:
John Lewis Partnership Chairman

John Lewis Partnership

Freudenberg: Sant’Omero site implements ZDHC (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials

Freudenberg: Sant’Omero site implements ZDHC

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel Europe (Freudenberg) has reached a further sustainability milestone: The new Freudenberg Apparel Competence Center in Sant’Omero, Italy, successfully completed the 4sustainability® Chemical Management protocol (4s CHEM) recently and reached the Advanced Level. The aim of the protocol is to progressively eliminate toxic and hazardous chemicals and related risks throughout the production process.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel Europe (Freudenberg) has reached a further sustainability milestone: The new Freudenberg Apparel Competence Center in Sant’Omero, Italy, successfully completed the 4sustainability® Chemical Management protocol (4s CHEM) recently and reached the Advanced Level. The aim of the protocol is to progressively eliminate toxic and hazardous chemicals and related risks throughout the production process.

Competence center for interlinings
Freudenberg opened its Apparel Competence Center in Sant’Omero in May 2023. The factory in Italy is an innovative competence center that coats and finishes nonwoven, woven and weft interlinings for apparel customers in Europe.
Freudenberg has now taken the next logical step: as part of a comprehensive audit, the Apparel Competence Center has implemented ZDHC guidelines in its production process. To achieve this, Freudenberg called in the experts from Process Factory, a consultancy that specializes in sustainability topics. With their support, Freudenberg’s Sant’Omero site has reached the Advanced level of the 4sustainability® Chemical Management protocol (4s CHEM), in line with the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Program.
Implementation is controlled annually based on this protocol and offers companies in the fashion industry a degree of reliability. It guarantees structured, fully transparent procedures, regular monitoring, and continuous control of Freudenberg’s production processes.  

By demonstrating its rejection of environmentally harmful chemicals and substances, the Apparel Competence Center shows that Freudenberg gives top priority to taking responsibility for people and the environment.
The aim of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Foundation and its globally recognized Roadmap to Zero Program is to eliminate the release of toxic chemicals in the textile and fashion industry’s supply chain based on the ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL).
By applying the 4s CHEM protocol, the production site in Sant’Omero is sending a clear signal to the fashion industry that Freudenberg products meet the highest quality standards and are also safe and environmentally friendly.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH


Modeunternehmen Sara Linke GmbH erfolgreich saniert

Das Modeunternehmen „Sara Linke GmbH“ hat wieder eine Zukunft außerhalb der Insolvenz: Die Gläubiger haben einstimmig den Insolvenzplan angenommen und damit den Weg freigemacht für die Aufhebung des Verfahrens. Das Unternehmen wird sich künftig auf die Vermarktung der eigenen Designer-Kollektion „Sara Linke“ konzentrieren sowie Dienstleistungen für Kunden aus der Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche anbieten.

Grundlage für den Sanierungsplan ist eine neue strategische Ausrichtung des Unternehmens: So wird die Sara Linke GmbH künftig keine eigene Produktion mehr unterhalten und sich auf zwei Geschäftsbereiche konzentrieren: Zum einen den Vertrieb des erfolgreichen eigenen Designerlabels „Sara Linke“, das über den Onlineshop sowie weitere Online-Plattformen, Boutiquen und Shop-in-Shop-Geschäfte angeboten wird. Die neue Sommerkollektion wird Mitte April an den Start gehen.

Das Modeunternehmen „Sara Linke GmbH“ hat wieder eine Zukunft außerhalb der Insolvenz: Die Gläubiger haben einstimmig den Insolvenzplan angenommen und damit den Weg freigemacht für die Aufhebung des Verfahrens. Das Unternehmen wird sich künftig auf die Vermarktung der eigenen Designer-Kollektion „Sara Linke“ konzentrieren sowie Dienstleistungen für Kunden aus der Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche anbieten.

Grundlage für den Sanierungsplan ist eine neue strategische Ausrichtung des Unternehmens: So wird die Sara Linke GmbH künftig keine eigene Produktion mehr unterhalten und sich auf zwei Geschäftsbereiche konzentrieren: Zum einen den Vertrieb des erfolgreichen eigenen Designerlabels „Sara Linke“, das über den Onlineshop sowie weitere Online-Plattformen, Boutiquen und Shop-in-Shop-Geschäfte angeboten wird. Die neue Sommerkollektion wird Mitte April an den Start gehen.

Das zweite Standbein bilden Dienstleistungen rund um Design, Entwicklung und Produktion für Textil- und Bekleidungsunternehmen. Dieser Geschäftsbereich wird künftig unter „Studio 1912“ firmieren. Die neue Homepage ist bereits online, der neue Standort in Zwickau wird am 12. April eröffnet. „Mit der neuen strategischen Ausrichtung können wir unser Design- und Produktions-Know-how Dritten als Dienstleistung zugänglich machen und gleichzeitig unser eigenes erfolgreiches Label für extrovertierte Designermode weiter voranbringen“, so Geschäftsführerin Sara Linke.

Die Sara Linke GmbH hatte im März 2023 ein Insolvenzverfahren in Eigenverwaltung beantragt. Hintergrund waren die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf den Textil-Einzelhandel sowie gestiegene Kosten für Material und Personal, die vor allem die Produktion belasteten. Im Zuge des Eigenverwaltungsverfahrens wurde das Unternehmen strategisch neu und mit einer schlankeren Kostenstruktur ausgerichtet.

More information:
Sara Linke GmbH Insolvenz

Sara Linke GmbH