From the Sector

180 results

Archroma awarded EcoVadis Platinum rating

Archroma announced the renewal of its EcoVadis “Platinum” status and further improvement of its overall rating.

Following an assessment by EcoVadis, covering 21 criteria grouped into 4 themes - Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement - Archroma further improved its score by 4 points (from 78/100 to 82/100), thanks in particular to its ongoing efforts in sustainable procurement, focusing on supply chain transparency and best practice sharing with suppliers and industry peers.

More details on Archroma’s sustainable sourcing activities can be found in the company’s Sustainability Report for its fiscal year 2022, released on 8 December 2022. The report includes an assurance report by KPMG, who conducted a limited assurance on several core ESG metrics, including CO2 emissions, water intake, occupational safety and gender diversity. Archroma passed the audit successfully, providing another validation of the company’s commitment to its ESG objectives and roadmap.

Archroma announced the renewal of its EcoVadis “Platinum” status and further improvement of its overall rating.

Following an assessment by EcoVadis, covering 21 criteria grouped into 4 themes - Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement - Archroma further improved its score by 4 points (from 78/100 to 82/100), thanks in particular to its ongoing efforts in sustainable procurement, focusing on supply chain transparency and best practice sharing with suppliers and industry peers.

More details on Archroma’s sustainable sourcing activities can be found in the company’s Sustainability Report for its fiscal year 2022, released on 8 December 2022. The report includes an assurance report by KPMG, who conducted a limited assurance on several core ESG metrics, including CO2 emissions, water intake, occupational safety and gender diversity. Archroma passed the audit successfully, providing another validation of the company’s commitment to its ESG objectives and roadmap.




Third edition of Istanbul Fashion Connection in 2023

From February 8th to 11th, 2023, the third edition of IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection will take place in the Istanbul Exhibition Center.

The fair with over 600 exhibitors in 9 halls gives an overview of the new collections in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, leather & furs. Separate platforms at IFCO are LinExpo for lingerie and hosiery and FashionIST with a wide range of wedding dresses, evening wear and suits. IFCO Sourcing, a new area at IFCO, offers the opportunity to find numerous companies for sourcing capacities.

Also new is the partnership with Igedo Exhibitions, Düsseldorf, which is responsible for the EUROPEAN SELECTION area at IFCO. International fashion labels present themselves at the fair as part of this participation.

More than 25,000 visitors from over 100 nations from all sales channels, from department stores and boutiques to online platforms from Eastern Europe, the Central Asian markets and the Arabian Gulf region, alongside buyers from Türkiye are expected at the show.

From February 8th to 11th, 2023, the third edition of IFCO, Istanbul Fashion Connection will take place in the Istanbul Exhibition Center.

The fair with over 600 exhibitors in 9 halls gives an overview of the new collections in the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, shoes, leather & furs. Separate platforms at IFCO are LinExpo for lingerie and hosiery and FashionIST with a wide range of wedding dresses, evening wear and suits. IFCO Sourcing, a new area at IFCO, offers the opportunity to find numerous companies for sourcing capacities.

Also new is the partnership with Igedo Exhibitions, Düsseldorf, which is responsible for the EUROPEAN SELECTION area at IFCO. International fashion labels present themselves at the fair as part of this participation.

More than 25,000 visitors from over 100 nations from all sales channels, from department stores and boutiques to online platforms from Eastern Europe, the Central Asian markets and the Arabian Gulf region, alongside buyers from Türkiye are expected at the show.

The declared goal of the organizers is to offer a "one-stop shopping solution" with IFCO that shows the creativity of the Turkish fashion scene, enables access to new sales markets and at the same time establishes the connection to potential production partners for supply chain optimization. The competitive advantages of production in Türkiye are evident:
short delivery times, high production quality, young and well-trained employees, the possibility of small minimum order quantities, a vertical textile and clothing industry that allows "one-stop shopping".

The manufacturing sector is an important sector for the industry, with over 80% of companies in Türkiye engaged in this sector. Türkiye has the fastest economic growth among the G20 after Saudi Arabia at 7.6% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2022, according to the Turkish Statistics Authority. Export is one of the most important pillars of growth.

The trade fair concept is being supported by the government with several programs. These include the cooperation with IMA, Istanbul ModaAkademisi, which regularly produces design talents becoming an integral part of the international fashion scene. IMA was founded in 2007 by ITKIB / IHKIB with the help of the IPA I program ((IPA: Instrument for Pre Accession Funds, provided by the EU for the EU candidate countries). Young design talents are brought to the stage at IFCO in cooperation with the ‘’Koza Young Fashion Designers Contest’’.



(c) artventure/artventure app, Avenir Garment/Christopher Blank, BEAWEAR/Claudia Wild, Gratitude Verlag/Christoph Mannhardt, cre[ai]tion/Livia Eichenberger, DIVE/DIVE, Eye-Able/privat, faircado/Mario Heller, Jünglinge Film/Frangipani Beatt, What a View Studios/What a View Studios, klaep/Andreas Schweizer Photography, GURLZ WITH CURLZ/GURLZ WITH CURLZ, FettFressHair/Anne Junka, FindUs/FindUs, FEAT Boddies helpwear/privat, Fashion Africa Now/privat, Re-Shirt/Alexander Fthenakis, Ladies&Ladys Label/Felix Schmale 2021, LOKK/LOKK, mujō/mujō, Off the Beaten Track/privat, macht.sprache/Patricia Escriche/Marcus Wend, &töchter/Studio Seidel, Made by Black Excellence/maxsonmedia, connactz/Johann Angermann & Andi Dobner, The Changency/Nadine Kunath, Vorkoster/privat, Storydive/Larissa Mantel, Kopftuchmädchen/Barbara Dietl, Revoltech/Jan Schölzel, Netzwerk für Schwarze Kinderbuchautorinnen: Fafalag/Nathalie Lieckfeld, rrreefs/Leila Tazi

Projekte mit Fokus Mode und Textilien als Kultur- und Kreativpilot*innen 2022 ausgezeichnet

Es sind Projekte mit Wirkung in Zeiten des Wandels – das verbindet die Titelträger*innen der Kultur- und Kreativpilot*innen miteinander. Jedes der 32 ausgezeichneten Projekte fokussiert sich darauf, Lösungen zu finden, die eine gesellschaftliche Transformation mit kreativer Kraft gestalten – und dabei unternehmerisch erfolgreich sind. Mit der Auszeichnung würdigt die Bundesregierung bereits zum dreizehnten Mal die innovativsten Unternehmer*innenpersönlichkeiten der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Deutschland.

Claudia Roth, Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien, betont, dass für die vollständige Entfaltung des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Potenzials die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in ihrer Arbeit unterstützt und ermutigt werden muss: „Die diesjährigen Titelträger*innen zeigen, dass die Branche gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in all ihren Facetten übernimmt und Lösungen für soziale Missstände bietet. Damit diesen zukunftsweisenden Ideen alle Türen offenstehen, müssen wir den kreativen Köpfen in Deutschland Rückenwind geben und sie auf ihrem unternehmerischen Weg begleiten.“

Es sind Projekte mit Wirkung in Zeiten des Wandels – das verbindet die Titelträger*innen der Kultur- und Kreativpilot*innen miteinander. Jedes der 32 ausgezeichneten Projekte fokussiert sich darauf, Lösungen zu finden, die eine gesellschaftliche Transformation mit kreativer Kraft gestalten – und dabei unternehmerisch erfolgreich sind. Mit der Auszeichnung würdigt die Bundesregierung bereits zum dreizehnten Mal die innovativsten Unternehmer*innenpersönlichkeiten der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Deutschland.

Claudia Roth, Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien, betont, dass für die vollständige Entfaltung des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Potenzials die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in ihrer Arbeit unterstützt und ermutigt werden muss: „Die diesjährigen Titelträger*innen zeigen, dass die Branche gesellschaftliche Verantwortung in all ihren Facetten übernimmt und Lösungen für soziale Missstände bietet. Damit diesen zukunftsweisenden Ideen alle Türen offenstehen, müssen wir den kreativen Köpfen in Deutschland Rückenwind geben und sie auf ihrem unternehmerischen Weg begleiten.“

Trendanalyse 2022: Missionsorientierung der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft nimmt zu
Die Wirkungsorientierung der 32 Titelträger*innen ist Ausdruck eines Trends in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft. Das zeigt die Auswertung der 700 Bewerbungen in diesem Jahr, die das inotiv-Netzwerk gemeinsam mit den Zukunftsforscher*innen von Third Wave durchgeführt hat. „Jede siebte Projekt-Einreichung formuliert eine präzise Mission, die immer auch eine klare Weltverbesserungsabsicht beinhaltet. Das jeweilig vorgestellte Projekt belegt die Mission faktisch und konkret. Ein solch ansteigender Verbreitungsgrad aktiver Zukunftsgestaltung kann doch nur Hoffnung stiften!“, sagt Zukunftsforscher Jonas Drechsel.

Die diesjährigen Titelträger*innen mit Fokus Mode und Textilien (alphabetische Auflistung)
Avenir Garment

Mit Avenir Garment will der gebürtige Tunesier Aladin Amiri die Zukunft der Mode mit kreativer Streetwear mitgestalten, sie mit sozialer und ökologischer Nachhaltigkeit paaren und Vorreiter einer Modeindustrie sein, die divers, kreativ und verantwortungsbewusst ist. Sein Ziel ist es, Ressourcen, Beratung und Unterstützung zu bieten, um die Visionen junger Kreativer umzusetzen. Ebenso im Fokus stehen die soziale Verantwortung für Produzent*innen in Tunesien, denen faire Löhne und hohe Arbeitsstandards geboten werden sowie die Möglichkeit für tunesische Kreative, ihre Botschaft nach Deutschland zu bringen. Zudem startet Avenir Garment ein Upcycling-Programm, in dem Künstler*innen aus nicht verkauften Textilien neue Produkte schaffen, die kreativ und einzigartig sind.

Fashion Africa Now
Fashion Africa Now ist ein digitaler Informationsraum und ein zukunftsorientiertes interdisziplinäres Netzwerk für Kreative aus Deutschland und Europa, der afrikanischen Diaspora und Afrika, das mit Stereotypen bricht, BIPoC-Perspektiven Raum gibt und neue Narrative erzählt. Das Team von Fashion Africa Now bringt Kreative, Experten*innen und Unternehmen zusammen und kreiert Ausstellungen, Workshops, Podcasts, Mode-Kooperationen, Veranstaltungen und ein Magazin, das sich auch gesellschaftspolitischen Themen widmet – mit der Vision einer aufklärenden, nachhaltigeren und inklusiven Zukunft in der Kreativ- und Modebranche. Fashion Africa Now schafft Sichtbarkeit für marginalisierte Kreativschaffende und repräsentiert die komplexe und vielfältige Welt des afrikanischen Modedesigns.

FEAT Boddies helpwear
„Ich fühl mich wohl in meiner Haut“: FEAT Boddies helpwear möchte funktionale und dabei optisch ansprechenden Textilien für alle Körper entwickeln, die ihre Träger*innen versteht und dabei sanft zu Haut und Körper ist. Das erste Produkt sind LUGGERS, hautfreundliche Oberschenkelbänder, die lästiges Aneinanderreiben vermeiden. Wichtig ist den Gründerinnen dabei, auf Materialien zu setzen, die die Umwelt schonen. Entsprechend verwenden sie nach Möglichkeit recycelte Materialien und lassen Luggers unter fairen Bedingungen in Europa herstellen.

In deutschen Friseursalons fallen jährlich ca. 40.000 Kubikmeter Haarschnitt an – oder anders ausgedrückt: 222.222 Badewannen voller Haare. Ein Rohstoff, der weltweit ständig nachwächst und bisher im Restmüll landet, obwohl er eigentlich Gutes für die Umwelt tun könnte. Denn: Haare sind lipophil, lieben also Fett und fressen es förmlich auf. Somit eignen sie sich bestens, um Verunreinigungen im Wasser aufzunehmen. Das macht sich FettFressHair zunutze und baut aus dem anfallenden Haarschnitt innovative Schadstoffsammler in Form von Schlängeln, Matten und Vliesen. Auf diese Weise können sie Öle und andere Verunreinigungen aus allen Gewässern filtern. Die Erkenntnisse des Kieler Teams halfen beispielsweise schon den Einsatzkräften in Lima dabei, bei der Beseitigung der Ölkatastrophe im Januar 2022 effektiv zu reagieren. Über die Nutzung im Wasser hinaus prüft das Team stetig neue Einsatzgebiete. So wird aus Abfall Umweltschutz.

Was wäre, wenn man Textilien nur kurzfristig bedrucken könnte? Dann würde bei großen Veranstaltungen viel weniger Textilmüll entstehen und sehr viel Wasser gespart werden – 300 Liter für jedes nicht neu produziertem T-Shirt. Deswegen haben Emmy Schumacher und Anna Hadzelek Re-Shirt entwickelt, die erste temporäre Textildrucktechnik. Damit schlagen die beiden Gründerinnen die Brücke zwischen schnelllebigem Gestaltungsbedürfnis und Ressourcen schonendem Mindset.

LOVR – unter diesem Akronym („lederähnlich, ohne Plastik, vegan, reststoffbasiert“) hat Revoltech ein nachhaltiges Textil entwickelt, das aussieht wie Leder und sich auch so anfühlt. Es ist zudem verformbar und abriebfest sowie biologisch abbaubar und recyclingfähig. Das Beste: LOVR hat einen minimalen ökologischen Fußabdruck, da nur 0,3 Prozent der CO2-Emissionen im Vergleich zur Lederherstellung anfallen und auf Chemikalien und Kunststoffe verzichtet wird. Hergestellt wird die Alternative zum tierischen Produkt aus den Nebenprodukten des deutschen Hanfanbaus und pflanzlichen Zusatzstoffen.


u-institut für unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln e.V. │Kultur- und Kreativpiloten Deutschland


Environmental NGO Canopy awarded Kelheim Fibres once again

In this year's "Hot Button Report" released by environmental NGO Canopy, Kelheim Fibres has once again achieved a top position with a dark green/green shirt and was able to improve its overall ranking by another 1.5 points compared to the previous year.

The Hot Button Report thus confirms the viscose speciality fibre manufacturer's leadership role when it comes to conserving Ancient and Endangered Forests. Kelheim Fibres has once again increased the proportion of FSC®-certified pulp in its production and confirmed in an audit that its supply chain is low-risk of sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests.

The company achieves top points in the areas of chemical management and transparency. As a member of the non-profit organisation ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals), Kelheim Fibres supports the goal of completely eliminating harmful substances from the textile value chain.

In this year's "Hot Button Report" released by environmental NGO Canopy, Kelheim Fibres has once again achieved a top position with a dark green/green shirt and was able to improve its overall ranking by another 1.5 points compared to the previous year.

The Hot Button Report thus confirms the viscose speciality fibre manufacturer's leadership role when it comes to conserving Ancient and Endangered Forests. Kelheim Fibres has once again increased the proportion of FSC®-certified pulp in its production and confirmed in an audit that its supply chain is low-risk of sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests.

The company achieves top points in the areas of chemical management and transparency. As a member of the non-profit organisation ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals), Kelheim Fibres supports the goal of completely eliminating harmful substances from the textile value chain.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

(c) Global Fashion Agenda

Highlights of the Global Fashion Summit Singapore Edition

Hosted outside of Copenhagen for the first time in its 13-year history, on 3 November, Global Fashion Summit assembled over 250 stakeholders representing manufacturers, garment workers, retailers, brands, suppliers, NGOs, policy, and innovators in Singapore and online to spur industry action. The Summit was presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), the non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry.
The latest edition of the Summit was centred around the theme ‘Alliances for a New Era’, building on dialogues from the June edition in Copenhagen and gathering leaders from across the entire value chain to elevate diverse voices and foster alliances within the fashion industry and beyond, to drive sustainable impact.

Hosted outside of Copenhagen for the first time in its 13-year history, on 3 November, Global Fashion Summit assembled over 250 stakeholders representing manufacturers, garment workers, retailers, brands, suppliers, NGOs, policy, and innovators in Singapore and online to spur industry action. The Summit was presented by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA), the non-profit organisation that is accelerating the transition to a net positive fashion industry.
The latest edition of the Summit was centred around the theme ‘Alliances for a New Era’, building on dialogues from the June edition in Copenhagen and gathering leaders from across the entire value chain to elevate diverse voices and foster alliances within the fashion industry and beyond, to drive sustainable impact.
The Summit’s first international edition facilitated more conversations with manufacturer and supply chain voices to discuss crucial challenges and opportunities around working collaboratively with brands on equal terms. The programme featured bold panels, case studies, masterclasses and leadership roundtables reflecting on topics including ‘Data Scarcity: A Crisis of Measurement?’, ‘Disruption for Better Wage Systems’, ’Community and Circularity’, ‘Connecting the EU Textiles Strategy with the Value Chain’ and ‘Our Energy Transformation Moment’.
Attendees heard from over 50 speakers including H.E. Sandra Jensen Landi, Ambassador of Denmark to Singapore & Ambassador-Designate of Denmark to Brunei; H.E. Iwona Piórko, Ambassador of the European Union to Singapore; Anne-Laure Descours, Chief Sourcing Officer, PUMA; Baptiste Le Gal, Chief Revenue Officer APAC, Vestiaire Collective; Christian James Smith, Head of Sustainability Stakeholder Engagement, Zalando; Ninh Trinh, Director of Responsible Sourcing & Sustainability, Target; Roger Lee, CEO, TAL Apparel; Wilson Teo, President, Singapore Fashion Council; Edwin Keh, Chief Executive Officer, The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel, Ashila Dandeniya, Founder, StandUp Lanka; and more.

Key takeaways and highlights from the event include:

  • Global Fashion Agenda announced a new alliance with BBC Storyworks Commercial Productions to launch a film series on, which is currently in the early stages of development. The new series will present human-centric stories focusing on both social and environmental sustainability in the fashion industry. It will be released to a wide audience in 2023.
  • Federica Marchionni outlined the crucial need for accurate and robust data to substantiate sustainability claims and credentials but acknowledged that the focus on finding ‘perfect’ data cannot be allowed to stifle progress. Global Fashion Agenda will build upon Summit discussions to reflect on how the industry can accurately measure and communicate sustainability performance and illuminate the data credibility challenges.
  • The session ‘Establishing circular fashion systems in Cambodia & Vietnam’ outlined the first steps taken by the Global Circular Fashion Forum to establish circular fashion systems in Vietnam and Cambodia with regional stakeholders, government, brand and manufacturer representation.
  • Throughout the Summit, the Innovation Forum connected fashion companies with sustainable solution providers. Exhibitors included Better Work , Circular Fashion Partnership, Compreli, Kno Global, Planatones by Noyon Lanka, Redress Design Award and The ID Factory.
  • Through conversations such as ‘Disruption for Better Wage Systems’ and ‘Empowering the Worker Majority’, there was a resounding message for people to consider the real people in the value chain. Ensuring dignified livelihoods for these workers should have the same sense of urgency as emissions reductions. 

Global Fashion Agenda


Lectra published financial report for the first nine months of 2022

  • Revenues: 392.1 million euros (+50%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 74.9 million euros (+73%)
  • Net income: 35.4 million euros (multiplied by 2.1)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 31.6 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the third quarter and first nine months of 2022, which have not been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.
To facilitate the analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See attached document for full report.

  • Revenues: 392.1 million euros (+50%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 74.9 million euros (+73%)
  • Net income: 35.4 million euros (multiplied by 2.1)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 31.6 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the third quarter and first nine months of 2022, which have not been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.
To facilitate the analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See attached document for full report.




GOTS raises requirements for certified gins

To further advance the system, the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is significantly raising the requirements for GOTS-certified gins, to ensure transparent and traceable processing for organic textiles from field to finished product:

To further advance the system, the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is significantly raising the requirements for GOTS-certified gins, to ensure transparent and traceable processing for organic textiles from field to finished product:

  1. GOTS is introducing a compulsory farm-gin registry for all farms and farm groups whose certified raw material enters the GOTS system, including information on farm yields. The registry will be implemented progressively, starting in India.
  2. Raw cotton is not allowed to travel more than 500 km from the farm to the certified gin. The shorter trade chain protects vulnerable points and optimises the process for buyers.  
  3. Increase of unannounced audits of gins where there is a high perception of risk.

These new requirements are added to the numerous checks and balances which are already performed throughout every processing stage. Seed cotton entering the GOTS supply chain is tested for the presence of genetically modified organisms according to the applicable ISO protocol. GOTS-approved Certification Bodies (CBs) include further testing (such as pesticide residue) and are fully authorised to reject material that does not meet GOTS requirements. Additionally, before certification bodies issue a Transaction Certificate (TC), GOTS requires that a thorough assessment takes place, including a plausibility check in the form of volume reconciliation.

To strengthen integrity and traceability, GOTS also stipulates that the Farm TC number appears on the first GOTS TC at the ginning plant, which is the first step for cotton in the GOTS supply chain. The TC must state the origin for raw material, including region, state, and province. This effectively traces material back to the field and adds another layer of accountability to GOTS-certified fibre. It also supports all buyers in their purchasing decisions.

GOTS is not only improving its own system but also coordinating efforts with other key players to support the integrity of organic textiles. As GOTS provides certification of first processing stages to Textile Exchange's Organic Content Standard (OCS), GOTS and TE discussed new requirements for OCS while they were being developed. GOTS supports these requirements as they provide a dual protection shield for materials entering the GOTS or OCS supply chains, at the same time maintaining necessary data privacy. The new requirements will help increase traceability and transparency throughout the organic textile sector which are among the main objectives of GOTS. There are no changes necessary to the requirements of GOTS regarding any of the new OCS rules.


The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)


Current revision of the DOWNPASS standard: Mandatory audit as well for pure parent farms

After the DOWNPASS Standard entered into force as a zero-tolerance standard on 1 January 2017, its first major revision is due in 2022/23. The stakeholder-based approach has again sought feedback from professional and relevant public communities for its first major revision, as it did originally when it was first developed: In addition to animal welfare organisations, veterinarians and agricultural scientists, many trade partners and consumers have also contributed to the discussion with their wishes and requirements.

A central aspect of the DOWNPASS standard is the exclusion of all goods from live animals. Down and feathers may neither come from moulting nor from live plucking. Accredited independent auditing organisations are responsible for monitoring and inspecting the manufacturers' supply chains on site worldwide. Intensified monitoring of high-risk areas is mandatory, but its frequency is left to the discretion of the auditors, who inspect farms both announced and unannounced.

After the DOWNPASS Standard entered into force as a zero-tolerance standard on 1 January 2017, its first major revision is due in 2022/23. The stakeholder-based approach has again sought feedback from professional and relevant public communities for its first major revision, as it did originally when it was first developed: In addition to animal welfare organisations, veterinarians and agricultural scientists, many trade partners and consumers have also contributed to the discussion with their wishes and requirements.

A central aspect of the DOWNPASS standard is the exclusion of all goods from live animals. Down and feathers may neither come from moulting nor from live plucking. Accredited independent auditing organisations are responsible for monitoring and inspecting the manufacturers' supply chains on site worldwide. Intensified monitoring of high-risk areas is mandatory, but its frequency is left to the discretion of the auditors, who inspect farms both announced and unannounced.

Down and feathers, which are used as filling material for DOWNPASS labelled finished products, may only be obtained after slaughter. This must be clearly verifiable. In this respect, all poultry farms that have animals slaughtered for the purpose of food production are covered - regardless of whether these come from parent or rearing farms or from farms that both rear ducklings and goslings besides keeping parent animals.

Parent vs. rearing farms - new mandatory requirement
The vast majority of all poultry farms raise chicks themselves for food or to keep them later as adults for egg laying. So, when the current DOWNPASS speaks of rearing farms or rearing, the term always covers both variants.
Pure parent farms that do not raise chicks themselves but buy in the adult ducks and geese to lay eggs are rare. For this, the standard had an optional additional module that referred to waterfowl, i.e. jointly to ducks and geese.

Since live plucking of ducks is not known and this has been confirmed by veterinarians and agronomists, the DOWNPASS 2019 had enabled the optional auditing of pure goose parent stock farms, being no rearing farms, via an annex. This hitherto voluntary option has been tested in practice over the past three years and met with consistently positive feedback from both producers and trade partners. Therefore, the auditing of goose farms will be a mandatory part of the new version of the DOWNPASS standard in the future. The option for the voluntary goose parent audit will be dropped as well as the one for the simultaneous auditing of duck and goose parent farms.


Downpass e.V.

(c) kozystudioberlin und 26homes

Designer Fabian Freytag konzipiert Farb- und Interior Konzept mit CAPAROL ICONS

Der Architekt und Designer Fabian Freytag zeigt mit seinem ganzheitlich konzipierten Farb- und Interior Konzept im Büro des Immobilien-Start-ups 26 HOMES in Berlin-Mitte, was moderne Farbgestaltung mit CAPAROL ICONS leisten kann.

Auf 43 Quadratmetern ist ein Büro entstanden, das das Prinzip Wandfarbe aus einem progressiven Blickwinkel betrachtet: Der Farbmix aus soften Candy Colors schafft einen Arbeitsplatz, der gute Laune macht und zum kreativen Denken einlädt. Dabei stand nicht nur die Wahl der passenden Farbe im Mittelpunkt der Überlegungen, sondern auch die Art und Weise, wie man diese einsetzt.

Die ganzheitliche Gestaltung der Räume stand stets im Fokus der Office-Konzeption. So zieht sich der stilsichere Mix der sanften Candy Colors von CAPAROL ICONS durch sämtliche Räume des Berliner Start-ups und gibt neben Decken und Wänden auch Türen, Türrahmen, Heizungsrohren und Küchenfronten ein farbenfrohes Updat.

Der Architekt und Designer Fabian Freytag zeigt mit seinem ganzheitlich konzipierten Farb- und Interior Konzept im Büro des Immobilien-Start-ups 26 HOMES in Berlin-Mitte, was moderne Farbgestaltung mit CAPAROL ICONS leisten kann.

Auf 43 Quadratmetern ist ein Büro entstanden, das das Prinzip Wandfarbe aus einem progressiven Blickwinkel betrachtet: Der Farbmix aus soften Candy Colors schafft einen Arbeitsplatz, der gute Laune macht und zum kreativen Denken einlädt. Dabei stand nicht nur die Wahl der passenden Farbe im Mittelpunkt der Überlegungen, sondern auch die Art und Weise, wie man diese einsetzt.

Die ganzheitliche Gestaltung der Räume stand stets im Fokus der Office-Konzeption. So zieht sich der stilsichere Mix der sanften Candy Colors von CAPAROL ICONS durch sämtliche Räume des Berliner Start-ups und gibt neben Decken und Wänden auch Türen, Türrahmen, Heizungsrohren und Küchenfronten ein farbenfrohes Updat.


CAPAROL ICONS / Claudia Neumann Communication GmbH

Photo: Swissmem

Swiss Textile Machinery Association: Symposium in Indonesia

  • Free trade deal boosts export potential

The time is right for Swiss textile machinery companies to grow their export business with Indonesia – one of the world’s top 10 textile producers. A free trade agreement between the two countries came into force in 2021, and market analyses show that there is scope for a significant increase in business in textile and textile machinery sectors.

This was the background to a successful symposium in the Indonesian capital Jakarta last month when Swiss Textile Machinery Association members presented their products and innovations to an invited audience of 200 delegates from Indonesian textile companies.

The symposium audience was welcomed by Philippe Strub, of the Swiss Embassy in Indonesia; Ignatius Warsito, from the Indonesia Ministry of Industry’s Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Textile Industry branch; Anne Patricia Sutanto, of the Indonesian Textile Association (API); and Ernesto Maurer, President of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association.

Swiss companies taking part were: Stäubli, Zeta Datatec, Loepfe, Saurer, Benninger, Rieter, Bräcker, Jakob Müller, Maag, Uster and SERV.

  • Free trade deal boosts export potential

The time is right for Swiss textile machinery companies to grow their export business with Indonesia – one of the world’s top 10 textile producers. A free trade agreement between the two countries came into force in 2021, and market analyses show that there is scope for a significant increase in business in textile and textile machinery sectors.

This was the background to a successful symposium in the Indonesian capital Jakarta last month when Swiss Textile Machinery Association members presented their products and innovations to an invited audience of 200 delegates from Indonesian textile companies.

The symposium audience was welcomed by Philippe Strub, of the Swiss Embassy in Indonesia; Ignatius Warsito, from the Indonesia Ministry of Industry’s Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Textile Industry branch; Anne Patricia Sutanto, of the Indonesian Textile Association (API); and Ernesto Maurer, President of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association.

Swiss companies taking part were: Stäubli, Zeta Datatec, Loepfe, Saurer, Benninger, Rieter, Bräcker, Jakob Müller, Maag, Uster and SERV.

The presentations were followed by panel discussions with speakers, and there were also networking opportunities at the companies’ exhibition tables.

Also taking part in a panel at the event was Testex, the independent Swiss organisation which provides testing, certification, OEKO-TEX® and other labels for the textile industry. Discussion focused on the relevance of innovation in textile technology to sustainability and ‘saving the planet.’  

Recent years have seen an acceleration in trade relations between Switzerland and Indonesia, which in 2008 was classed as one of eight priority countries for economic development cooperation by SECO, the Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs, with a joint economic and trade commission established the following year.
Collaboration was heightened further in 2018 with a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) for Indonesia with Switzerland and the other EFTA countries. This more extensive form of free trade agreement was accepted after a popular referendum, and ultimately came into force in November 2021.

Trading between the two countries is supported by SERV, the Swiss export risk insurance organisation. This insures export goods against political and commercial risks and facilitates credit.

Cornelia Buchwalder, Secretary General of the Swiss Textile Machinery Association, said the Indonesia Symposium was ideally-timed, right after the CEPA came into effect: “With the free trade agreement in place, there is even greater potential for the development of trade between our countries,” she said.

“Business in textile and textile machinery is actually below the relative market shares for the sectors, so this stronger cooperation is probably overdue. It was a successful symposium, with enthusiastic participation from Indonesian textile companies, so we are optimistic about future export prospects for Swiss textile machinery.”



(c) AZL. Comparison of battery casing in modular design and “cell-to-pack” design
Comparison of battery casing in modular design and “cell-to-pack” design

AZL: Plastic-based multi-material solutions for cell-to-pack battery enclosures

The future of e-mobility will be determined in particular by safe battery enclosures. As batteries for electric vehicles become more performant, higher volumetric energy density plays a crucial role. If more energy is to be stored in less installation space, new material and design solutions are required. The development of suitable enclosures made of safe and highly robust lightweight materials is also required. This is a case for the Aachen Centre for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL). A project on cell-to-pack battery enclosures for battery-electric vehicles, which has been eagerly awaited in the industry, will start in October this year there.

The future of e-mobility will be determined in particular by safe battery enclosures. As batteries for electric vehicles become more performant, higher volumetric energy density plays a crucial role. If more energy is to be stored in less installation space, new material and design solutions are required. The development of suitable enclosures made of safe and highly robust lightweight materials is also required. This is a case for the Aachen Centre for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL). A project on cell-to-pack battery enclosures for battery-electric vehicles, which has been eagerly awaited in the industry, will start in October this year there.

The design of battery housings is crucial for safety, capacity, performance, and economics. The Cell-to-Pack project, which is starting now, will focus on developing concepts for structural components and for producing them based on a variety of materials and design approaches. The concepts will be compared in terms of performance, weight and production costs, creating new know-how for OEMs, producers and their suppliers throughout the battery vehicle value chain. Companies are now invited to participate in this new cross-industry project to develop battery enclosure concepts for the promising and trend-setting cell-to-pack technology.

The basis for the project is the lightweight engineering expertise of the AZL experts, which they have already demonstrated in previous projects for multi-material solutions for module-based battery housings. Together with 46 industry partners, including Audi, Asahi Kasei, Covestro, DSM, EconCore, Faurecia, Hutchinson, Johns Manville, Magna, Marelli and Teijin, 20 different multi-material concepts were optimized in terms of weight and cost and compared with a reference component made from aluminum. All production steps were modelled in detail to obtain reliable cost estimates for each variant. Result: depending on the concept, 20% weight or 36% cost savings potential could be identified by using multi-material composites compared to the established aluminum reference.

It is expected that the design concept of battery enclosures will develop in the direction of a more efficient layout. In this case, the cells are no longer combined in modules in additional production steps, but are integrated directly into the battery housing. The elimination of battery modules and the improved, weight-saving use of space will allow for higher packing density, reduced overall height and cost saving. In addition, various levels of structural integration of the battery housing into the body structure are expected. These new designs bring specific challenges, including ensuring protection of the battery cells from external damage and fire protection. In addition, different recyclability and repair requirements may significantly impact future designs. How the different material and structural options for future generations of battery enclosures for the cell-to-pack technology might look like and how they compare in terms of cost and environmental impact will be investigated in the new AZL project. In addition to the material and production concepts from the concept study for module-based battery enclosures, results from a currently ongoing benchmarking of different materials for the impact protection plate and a new method for determining mechanical properties during a fire test will also be incorporated.

The project will start on October 27, 2022 with a kick-off meeting of the consortium, interested companies can still apply for participation until then.


imm cologne’s new story: Spring Edition in June 2023, no trade fair in January

For 2023, imm cologne is adapting its concept. The trade fair has been given a new schedule, which will see the international Interior Business Event host a new, one-off spring edition in 2023. The dates have been chosen in close consultation with its market partners.

“Today the imm cologne advisory board gave the concept proposed by Koelnmesse for the imm spring edition in June 2023 the green light unanimously. Our thanks go to the advisory board and in particular to the German industry, the retail sector and the purchasing associations for their support. This concept will ensure that imm cologne can take place again after a two-year break. The industry has given its backing to a strong interior design trade fair in Germany, the biggest market in Europe,” says Gerald Böse, Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse. “I firmly believe in face-to-face exchanges. In my view, they are immensely important for the industry’s development, especially in challenging times. The sector needs an in-person platform in Germany, an event with international appeal and a strong communication reach like imm cologne,” he adds.

For 2023, imm cologne is adapting its concept. The trade fair has been given a new schedule, which will see the international Interior Business Event host a new, one-off spring edition in 2023. The dates have been chosen in close consultation with its market partners.

“Today the imm cologne advisory board gave the concept proposed by Koelnmesse for the imm spring edition in June 2023 the green light unanimously. Our thanks go to the advisory board and in particular to the German industry, the retail sector and the purchasing associations for their support. This concept will ensure that imm cologne can take place again after a two-year break. The industry has given its backing to a strong interior design trade fair in Germany, the biggest market in Europe,” says Gerald Böse, Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse. “I firmly believe in face-to-face exchanges. In my view, they are immensely important for the industry’s development, especially in challenging times. The sector needs an in-person platform in Germany, an event with international appeal and a strong communication reach like imm cologne,” he adds.

imm cologne’s new story will take shape in two steps
The imm cologne team presented its vision for a new concept at the start of June 2022. The new story for imm cologne will unfold in two steps. The first step will be the imm spring edition from 4 to 7 June 2023. “The spring edition is synonymous with a new beginning. imm cologne wants to use it to motivate and to show how it is experimenting with new ideas and leaving well-trodden paths behind,” explains Oliver Frese, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse. “What’s more, the event in June gives our partners planning certainty.”

Four-day with a trade audience focus
The cornerstones of the new concept are clear: The imm spring edition will take place over four days, running from Sunday to Wednesday, and will be geared towards trade visitors. End consumers will be able to visit the trade fair by invitation, giving the spring event a clear business focus. “It’s also our goal to create new participation formats in the market,” says Matthias Pollmann, Vice President Trade Fair Management at Koelnmesse. The kitchen segment will also be included in the imm 2023 spring edition. At the same time, the plan is to incorporate the city more closely into the spring edition as an event location.

Vision 2024+: imm cologne as the forum for future issues facing the industry
The second step will then follow in the summer of 2023. In close consultation with the industry and the associations involved in the event, the future dates for imm cologne and LivingKitchen will be set. The future vision for imm cologne conceives the interior event as more than just a key business platform. As a catalyst for the sector’s development, it addresses both industry and external issues of relevance to the imm cologne community.

More information:
imm cologne

Koelnmesse GmbH

Ryan Ragan, new Director of Membership and Industry Relations at INDA Photo: INDA. Ryan Ragan, new Director of Membership and Industry Relations

INDA: Ryan Ragan New Director of Membership and Industry Relations

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named experienced operations and development officer Ryan Ragan as its new Director of Membership and Industry Relations to retain and grow memberships and enhance member values. He brings 20 years of experience from various bio-medical and healthcare organizations.

For the past four years he worked in domestic and international business development at the Accreditation Commission for Health Care, (ACHC).
He began his career the U. S. Marines before transitioning to business after being discharged. Ragan also helped the Central Jersey Blood Center achieve record-setting growth in his first two years as its Chief Operating Officer. In another role, he trained management candidates at Grifols to take over and run both existing and start up biomedical facilities.

As Business Development Manager for ACHC, he helped develop and launch pharmaceutical and home health programs in Italy and Saudi Arabia.  Ragan’s team also oversaw relationships with state and national associations.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named experienced operations and development officer Ryan Ragan as its new Director of Membership and Industry Relations to retain and grow memberships and enhance member values. He brings 20 years of experience from various bio-medical and healthcare organizations.

For the past four years he worked in domestic and international business development at the Accreditation Commission for Health Care, (ACHC).
He began his career the U. S. Marines before transitioning to business after being discharged. Ragan also helped the Central Jersey Blood Center achieve record-setting growth in his first two years as its Chief Operating Officer. In another role, he trained management candidates at Grifols to take over and run both existing and start up biomedical facilities.

As Business Development Manager for ACHC, he helped develop and launch pharmaceutical and home health programs in Italy and Saudi Arabia.  Ragan’s team also oversaw relationships with state and national associations.

At INDA, he will work with members to help identify opportunities and work internally to determine how INDA can be a resource for solutions.  He will strive to add additional value to INDA members through education and new service lines.

Ragan holds a bachelor’s degree in Business, from the University of Phoenix.


More information:



Lectra: Financial statements for the first half of 2022

  • Revenues: 250.8 million euros (+71%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 45.2 million euros (+95%)
  • Net income: 20.2 million euros (multiplied by 2.3)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 14.7 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2022, which have been subject to a limited review by the Statutory Auditors.

To facilitate analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See attached document for full report.

  • Revenues: 250.8 million euros (+71%)
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 45.2 million euros (+95%)
  • Net income: 20.2 million euros (multiplied by 2.3)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 14.7 million euros

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2022, which have been subject to a limited review by the Statutory Auditors.

To facilitate analysis of the Group’s results, the financial statements are compared to those published in 2021 and to the 2021 pro forma financial statement ("2021 Pro forma"), prepared by integrating the three acquisitions made in 2021 – Gerber Technology (“Gerber”), Neteven, and Gemini CAD Systems (“Gemini”) – as if they had been consolidated from January 1, 2021, whereas they have been consolidated since June 1, July 28 and September 27, 2021 respectively.

See attached document for full report.

(c) Lindauer DORNIER GmbH
Maja Dornier (lhs) and Prof. Dr. Wolf Mutschler (rhs) hand over the Peter Dornier Foundation Award, endowed with 5,000 euros, to the award winner Dipl.-Ing. Mathis Bruns

Peter Dornier Foundation Prize 2022 honours textile research on woven heart valve

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular disease is one of the most common natural causes of death. Every year, it is the cause of death of around 17 million people worldwide. The Peter Dornier Foundation Prize 2022 has now awarded a research work that is to improve the medical care of people with insufficient heart valve function in the future and prolong the patients' lives.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular disease is one of the most common natural causes of death. Every year, it is the cause of death of around 17 million people worldwide. The Peter Dornier Foundation Prize 2022 has now awarded a research work that is to improve the medical care of people with insufficient heart valve function in the future and prolong the patients' lives.

The human heart is a high-performance machine: over the course of a person's life, it beats almost three billion times, pumping around 200 million litres of blood through the body. Enormous stresses that can sometimes lead to life-threatening signs of wear and tear. If a heart valve gets out of step, patients usually get artificial-mechanical or biological valves as a replacement. However, mechanical solutions imply patients to take blood-thinning medication for the rest of their lives. In addition, there may be audible closing noises. For example, almost a quarter of patients with mechanical heart valves complain of sleep disturbances. Biological heart valves, on the other hand, such as those made from animal tissue, require a great deal of manual work and have a shorter lifetime.

Potential of weaving for medical products demonstrated
For this reason, Graduate Engineer Mathis Bruns at the Institute for Textile Machinery and High-Performance Textile Materials Technology (ITM) at the TU Dresden is researching an implant alternative made of fabric. As part of a research project that also involved heart surgeons from the Dresden Heart Centre and the University Hospital in Würzburg, Mr. Bruns provided important findings for weaving an artificial heart valve in his diploma thesis. For his work entitled "Development of tubular structures with integrated valve function", Mathis Bruns has now received the Peter Dornier Foundation Prize 2022, endowed with 5,000 euros. In his laudation, Dr. Adnan Wahhoud, former head of the development department of air-jet weaving machines at DORNIER in Lindau, said: "With his work, the winner of the award demonstrates very clearly the potential of weaving technology to produce fabrics of complex form, geometry and structure with the aim of prolonging and improving people's lives." The award-winning thesis enriches research into three-dimensional tissues for use in medicine.

Weaving replacement heart valves without seams
"A particular advantage of our approach is the integral production method", says foundation prize winner Mathis Bruns. “The geometry and function of a heart valve is that complex that woven heart valves could not be produced in this form previously. Through the combined use of a rigid rapier weaving machine with bobbin shield and a Jacquard machine, it is possible to weave the replacement heart valve in such a way that it no longer has be sewn together. Even the tubular structures for the blood vessels and the integrated valve function are ‘all of one piece’. Seams are always a weak point in textile medical products," Mr. Bruns adds. “Another advantage of the woven heart valve is the possibility to insert it by the help of minimally invasive surgery. Hence, the folded valve which is about the size of a tea light is to be pushed with a catheter via the bloodstream to the target position in the heart and unfolded there. The patient's chest and heart would then no longer have to be cut open”, explains prize winner Mr. Bruns.

Textile structure is similar to human tissue
A wide variety of medical products have always been produced on DORNIER weaving machines. Customers use them to produce fabrics for bandages, prostheses, blood filters and orthoses among other things. For Mathis Bruns, it is only evident that implants such as heart valves will more and more be woven on the machines from Lindau in the future. "Textile tissue is very similar to human tissue," he says. The human body consists largely of thread-like materials, just as a textile fabric is made up of thousands of individual threads. "Muscle fibres convey force impulses, nerve tracts send stimuli such as pain and brain cells convey information via thread-like dendrites and axons." Because of their ‘thread-like properties’, woven implants are therefore particularly suitable for medical applications.

(c) FROY

FROY wins C.L.A.S.S. ICON 2022

C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub has selected the winner of C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2022, the annual contest with the aim of sponsoring a visionary creative who is able to combine design, responsibility, innovation and communication. Receiving the third edition of the eye-turning award is FROY Club, an experimental and responsible fashion project born in 2018 by designer Arman Avetikyan.

Froy is rooted in Armenian culture and by mixes high quality materials and yarns. Working with a sustainable ethic, Froy reconciles traditional know how and innovative techniques to create hybrid, versatile and speaking surfaces. The brand uses Italian certified fabrics and yarns that meet European standards, selecting natural materials to create high-quality products with a circular life. Froy also chooses GOTS, FSC and OEKO-TEX certified fabrics and yarns in order to support a clear production chain.

C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub has selected the winner of C.L.A.S.S. ICON Award 2022, the annual contest with the aim of sponsoring a visionary creative who is able to combine design, responsibility, innovation and communication. Receiving the third edition of the eye-turning award is FROY Club, an experimental and responsible fashion project born in 2018 by designer Arman Avetikyan.

Froy is rooted in Armenian culture and by mixes high quality materials and yarns. Working with a sustainable ethic, Froy reconciles traditional know how and innovative techniques to create hybrid, versatile and speaking surfaces. The brand uses Italian certified fabrics and yarns that meet European standards, selecting natural materials to create high-quality products with a circular life. Froy also chooses GOTS, FSC and OEKO-TEX certified fabrics and yarns in order to support a clear production chain.

By receiving two thousand euros for sourcing purposes, smart consultancy support and communication aid from the C.L.A.S.S. team, plus assistance to the brand in commercial activities, a physical stand in the WHITE Show and a dedicated brand page on Renoon powered by C.L.A.S.S. partners; Froy will have the opportunity to upgrade its efforts in terms of responsibility and innovation, while sharing its conscious vision and values with a wider audience. Moreover, the Italian brand with Armenian roots will become part of the C.L.A.S.S. ICON community, joining past winners such as the high fashion Italian designer Gilberto Calzolari and the Portuguese streetwear brand Duarte




INNATEX: Countdown to 50th international trade fair for sustainable textiles

The 50th INNATEX fair opens its gates to a Green Fashion trade audience from 29 to 31 July 2022 in Hofheim-Wallau, near Frankfurt. At this anniversary fair, over 200 labels will be exhibiting, a wide range of experts and organisations will be gathering, and elaborate features and facilities are planned for the Rhein-Main exhibition centre.

According to INNATEX project manager Alexander Hitzel, one highlight is the Community Area, which brings together a range of experts. In short lounge talks, they reveal insights into what they are currently working on and a dialogue format encourages personal discussion. Mirjam Smend, whom we know well from Greenstyle Munich, introduces her recently launched sustainability magazine, Pureviu, and facilitates the morning talks.

The 50th INNATEX fair opens its gates to a Green Fashion trade audience from 29 to 31 July 2022 in Hofheim-Wallau, near Frankfurt. At this anniversary fair, over 200 labels will be exhibiting, a wide range of experts and organisations will be gathering, and elaborate features and facilities are planned for the Rhein-Main exhibition centre.

According to INNATEX project manager Alexander Hitzel, one highlight is the Community Area, which brings together a range of experts. In short lounge talks, they reveal insights into what they are currently working on and a dialogue format encourages personal discussion. Mirjam Smend, whom we know well from Greenstyle Munich, introduces her recently launched sustainability magazine, Pureviu, and facilitates the morning talks.

Alongside standard bodies such as IVN and GOTS, which have taken part in INNATEX for many years, younger projects such as Fairmodel and the digital platform Retraced will be part of this special area. Fairtrade Germany, Femnet and the VDMD are to be found there too. Almost all of them are joining in with the Ask Me Anything dialouge format. Interested attendees can pre-book a slot of up to ten minutes for a personal discussion with the expert of their choice.

The supportive activities that had to be suspended during the pandemic are enjoying a comeback at this year’s summer fair: five newcomers to INNATEX designated DesignDiscoveries will be presenting their projects in another special area. Vegtus, from Barcelona, produces sneakers and other products from cactus leather. Natural textiles such as organic cotton are used by Lounge Cherie, a yoga fashion label.

Products for kids through to seniors, classics and streetwear, footwear and accessories
Nordlicht similarly relies on recyclable, renewable natural fibres for its outerwear, bags and accessories. The field of circular fashion is also served by the remaining two Design Discoveries. Both Nature is Future, with its handmade sneakers, and Freibeutler, with its functional rucksacks, make extensive use of recycled materials, while also paying due attention to broader sustainability aspects.

Regular INNATEX exhibitors include Lana, Chapati and Didymos, all of whom are also celebrating anniversaries. Labels such as Anokho with their colourful accessories in jacquard fabrics and Danish label Angel Circle with its plus-size fashion are exhibiting for the first time.




Premium Group: Sucessful restart in Berlin

The premiere of the large Premium Group event cosmos in Berlin was with a number of visitors of 70% compared to before Corona a great success. The new combination of B2B and D2C, entertainment and edutainment, fashion and culture provided a lot of exchange, new input, ideas, contacts and 360 degree inspiration.

In focus: content & communication
With the conferences FASHIONTECH, CONSCIOUS CLUB Conference and The Ground Talks, the Premium Group Team put an additional focus on communication and edutainment. Important topics such as diversity, wellbeing, metaverse and sustainability were discussed and relevant lessons learned for the market, brands and consumers.

The premiere of the large Premium Group event cosmos in Berlin was with a number of visitors of 70% compared to before Corona a great success. The new combination of B2B and D2C, entertainment and edutainment, fashion and culture provided a lot of exchange, new input, ideas, contacts and 360 degree inspiration.

In focus: content & communication
With the conferences FASHIONTECH, CONSCIOUS CLUB Conference and The Ground Talks, the Premium Group Team put an additional focus on communication and edutainment. Important topics such as diversity, wellbeing, metaverse and sustainability were discussed and relevant lessons learned for the market, brands and consumers.

“Restart was a statement!”
“It's been quite a rodeo ride putting together two B2B trade shows, one D2C festival, three conferences, parties, dinners and receptions for so many different audiences and all while the pandemic continues in full swing – barring the rain and flight chaos. I would have wished that even more visitors would have come, but overall the restart was much better than expected. It was definitely an announcement." Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner Premium Group

New togetherness, new exchange, new ideas
With the premiere of the festival for style & culture, The Ground, young consumers and Berlin communities from GenZ and GenY were part of the Premium Group event cosmos for the first time. Almost 6000 fashion enthusiasts and trade visitors came together at The Ground. Exciting conversations, interactive fire moments and cool shows created a special vibe in and around the Palais am Funkturm. The focus was on young target groups wearing, feeling and thinking. How brands can reach young customers, communicate with them and build trust and much more.

New community through 'Larger than Life Ball'
On Saturday, the day with the most visitors at The Ground, the spectacular ballroom event, the Larger than Life Ball, curated by The House of Gorgeous Gucci in the summer garden of the Palais, caused enthusiasm. Numerous stars and friends of the international LGBTQ+ scene from New York, Rio de Janeiro and Berlin celebrated a colourful open-air party for over 5 hours with cool music and live MC, sensational outfits, plateau heels and wild vogueing and dance competitions on a water catwalk.

Must have PEACE charity initiative
The must-have PEACE merch collection initiated because of the Ukraine war in favour of Be An Angel e.v. was very well received. The sale of limited-edition clothing and accessories from Carry, Closed, Drykorn, Eastpak, Lala Berlin, Lee, Le Specs, MCM, Merz b. Swans and Wranglers as well as generous donations from Boss, among others, brought in a total of almost 15,000 euros. The remaining stocks are promoted and sold via influencer accounts.

January 2023: Happy Birthday, PREMIUM!
The next Premium Group event cosmos will take place from Tuesday, January 17th to Thursday, January 19th, 2023 with a B2B focus again at the Berlin exhibition centre. The focus is on a big anniversary: the PREMIUM will be 20 years old! After the successful kick-off, the CONSCIOUS CLUB Conference will also be further developed for the next round.

The Berlin Fashion Week and Premium Group events will take place at the same time again from 2023.


  • Premium Group event cosmos
  • 2 trade shows: PREMIUM and SEEK
  • 1 festival: The Ground
  • 3 conferences: FASHIONTECH, CONSCIOUS CLUB Conference, The Ground Talks
  • More than 800 participating brands
  • 45,000 sqm total area
  • 50 talks & panels with 85 speakers
  • Newcomer brands: 230 at PREMIUM, 134 at SEEK

PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH     


Printing Expo Online doubles the size of Zone 2 with new exhibitors

  • Printing Expo Online is expanding again by doubling the size of Zone 2 with new exhibitors and feature zones making it one of the largest virtual trade shows in the world.

Visitors will be able to visit the new Zaikio underground catacombs that are accessible from several portals around the show. Click on a New York taxi, a London Phone Box or a funky Hot Dog Van and you will be transported into the Zaikio cavern environment where visitors will be able to watch application videos, arrange demos and sign up to this amazing new cloud-based platform.

Another addition to Zone 2 is the new Software Technology Centre (STC). This feature area will grow over time to show a wide range of software solutions that are available on the market.

Joining Printing Expo Online in the STC for the launch is EFI Fiery, who are showing their full portfolio of software solutions.

Design’N’Buy are also a new exhibitor in the STC with their all-In-One Web2Print software solution that helps users leverage technology, people and processes for the multi-fold growth of your printing business.

  • Printing Expo Online is expanding again by doubling the size of Zone 2 with new exhibitors and feature zones making it one of the largest virtual trade shows in the world.

Visitors will be able to visit the new Zaikio underground catacombs that are accessible from several portals around the show. Click on a New York taxi, a London Phone Box or a funky Hot Dog Van and you will be transported into the Zaikio cavern environment where visitors will be able to watch application videos, arrange demos and sign up to this amazing new cloud-based platform.

Another addition to Zone 2 is the new Software Technology Centre (STC). This feature area will grow over time to show a wide range of software solutions that are available on the market.

Joining Printing Expo Online in the STC for the launch is EFI Fiery, who are showing their full portfolio of software solutions.

Design’N’Buy are also a new exhibitor in the STC with their all-In-One Web2Print software solution that helps users leverage technology, people and processes for the multi-fold growth of your printing business.

Also moving into the STC will be PrintIQ who offer the modern print shop a solution for businesses that need to be able to grow and scale as needed without slowing down or sacrificing quality.

Another new addition to the show is the introduction of the Global Print Trade Club. This initiate is free to all Print Service providers around the world and offers the opportunity to network on a global scale.

New to the exhibition is Kornit Digital with their multi storey showroom which will shortly be opening its doors where visitors will be able to view Direct to Garment and Direct to Fabric printing equipment, technical data, case studies, clothing designs and applications as well as visit the Kornit dedicated auditorium where live streaming content will be shown of Kornit Digital’s Fashion weeks as they happen throughout the year.

Another addition is the new application journey added to the Xeikon Innovation Centre at Printing Expo Online. Visitors will now be able to experience a virtual tour of a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and garage where Xeikon will show applications for commercial, label and Wall Deco products that can be produced on their digital print engines.

Printing Expo Online is open 24/7 365 days a year and has now welcomed over 60,000 visitors from all over the world and continues to grow not only its footprint and total visitor numbers, but also its relevance as an important resource tool for Print Service Providers from around the world that, for whatever reason, are unable to attend live events.


Printing Expo Online / Bespoke


C.L.A.S.S. is back with Smart Shop materials at Future Fabrics Expo

The international eco hub C.L.A.S.S. brings its next generation Smart Shop’s offer to the 10th edition of the Future Fabrics Expo from the28th to the 29th of June 2022 in London.

Since 2018, C.L.A.S.S. has been offering the access of the top of its Material hub innovations to small and new generation of designers and brands through its Smart Shop, the online store of smart materials. C.L.A.S.S. intent at FFE is to share the unique values of its design driven, conscious, high-tech materials, in order to start synergies with an audience characterized by the interest in responsible innovations, the main expertise of CEO and founder Giusy Bettoni and her team.

C.L.A.S.S. offers smart solutions – from 1 meter to max 50 meters - for the contemporary wardrobe which include all the different expressions of textile ingredients: natural, transformed, innovative and back in the loop materials, giving everyone the possibility to create design, innovative and yet responsible products in line with their new generation of contemporary values.

The international eco hub C.L.A.S.S. brings its next generation Smart Shop’s offer to the 10th edition of the Future Fabrics Expo from the28th to the 29th of June 2022 in London.

Since 2018, C.L.A.S.S. has been offering the access of the top of its Material hub innovations to small and new generation of designers and brands through its Smart Shop, the online store of smart materials. C.L.A.S.S. intent at FFE is to share the unique values of its design driven, conscious, high-tech materials, in order to start synergies with an audience characterized by the interest in responsible innovations, the main expertise of CEO and founder Giusy Bettoni and her team.

C.L.A.S.S. offers smart solutions – from 1 meter to max 50 meters - for the contemporary wardrobe which include all the different expressions of textile ingredients: natural, transformed, innovative and back in the loop materials, giving everyone the possibility to create design, innovative and yet responsible products in line with their new generation of contemporary values.

Among the conscious, yet technological materials which will be presented at Fabrics for Future there are Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei, Albini’s organic and scientifically traceable cotton, Re.VerSo™ recycled wools, NewLife™ recycled polyester and Maeba International’s Back in The Loop fabrics.

