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Feuerwear bringt neue Kollektion auf den Markt

Feuerwear präsentiert die Lightline Sonderedition 2020

Die limitierte Gelb-Phase des Kultlabels Feuerwear startet auch in diesem Jahr: Rucksäcke, Taschen, Accessoires sowie die neuesten Feuerwear-Mannschaftsmitglieder sind in der Produktion und werden in der Lightline Kollektion aus gebrauchtem neongelben Warnschlauch erhältlich sein.

Die Damen-Kollektion bestehend aus Clutch "Charlie", Schlüsselanhänger "Sascha" und Handtasche "Phil" ist erstmals mit am Start. Auch der kürzlich erschienene Rucksack "Elliot" erstrahlt für kurze Zeit im exklusiven gelb. Wie immer sind natürlich auch bewährte Klassiker wie Hip-Bag "Otis", Kulturbeutel "Henry" und viele weitere Begleiter aus dem besonderen Material dabei. Die Produkte schützen durch das robuste Material auch zukünftig zuverlässig und setzen gleichzeitig ein Statement für Nachhaltigkeit.

Die Sonderedition wird am Mittwoch, der 6. Mai erscheinen.

Die limitierte Gelb-Phase des Kultlabels Feuerwear startet auch in diesem Jahr: Rucksäcke, Taschen, Accessoires sowie die neuesten Feuerwear-Mannschaftsmitglieder sind in der Produktion und werden in der Lightline Kollektion aus gebrauchtem neongelben Warnschlauch erhältlich sein.

Die Damen-Kollektion bestehend aus Clutch "Charlie", Schlüsselanhänger "Sascha" und Handtasche "Phil" ist erstmals mit am Start. Auch der kürzlich erschienene Rucksack "Elliot" erstrahlt für kurze Zeit im exklusiven gelb. Wie immer sind natürlich auch bewährte Klassiker wie Hip-Bag "Otis", Kulturbeutel "Henry" und viele weitere Begleiter aus dem besonderen Material dabei. Die Produkte schützen durch das robuste Material auch zukünftig zuverlässig und setzen gleichzeitig ein Statement für Nachhaltigkeit.

Die Sonderedition wird am Mittwoch, der 6. Mai erscheinen.


Vivien Gollnick Profil Marketing OHG

Individuelle Oster-Geschenke von Feuerwear (c) Feuerwear
Individuelle Oster-Geschenke von Feuerwear

Individuelle Oster-Geschenke von Feuerwear

Das Kultlabel bringt nachhaltige Taschen und Accessoires aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch in die Osternester nach Hause

Die Tage werden länger, Ostern steht vor der Tür. Damit die Feiertage Zuhause entspannt und zu etwas Besonderem werden, hat das Kultlabel Feuerwear ein paar besondere Überraschungen parat. Denn was gibt es schöneres als nachhaltige, individuelle Lieblingsstücke zu verschenken? Ob Rucksack, Schreibmappe oder Portemonnaie: Alle Produkte der Feuerwear Mannschaft sind aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch gefertigt. Spuren und Aufdrucke vergangener Einsätze machen jedes Exemplar zu einem Geschenk mit Geschichte und Charakter. Ob für Freunde, Partner oder Familienmitglieder – per PDF-Gutschein kann sich jeder Beschenkte sein Unikat individuell und von jedem Ort aus im Online-Shop aussuchen.

Das Kultlabel bringt nachhaltige Taschen und Accessoires aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch in die Osternester nach Hause

Die Tage werden länger, Ostern steht vor der Tür. Damit die Feiertage Zuhause entspannt und zu etwas Besonderem werden, hat das Kultlabel Feuerwear ein paar besondere Überraschungen parat. Denn was gibt es schöneres als nachhaltige, individuelle Lieblingsstücke zu verschenken? Ob Rucksack, Schreibmappe oder Portemonnaie: Alle Produkte der Feuerwear Mannschaft sind aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch gefertigt. Spuren und Aufdrucke vergangener Einsätze machen jedes Exemplar zu einem Geschenk mit Geschichte und Charakter. Ob für Freunde, Partner oder Familienmitglieder – per PDF-Gutschein kann sich jeder Beschenkte sein Unikat individuell und von jedem Ort aus im Online-Shop aussuchen.

Portemonnaie Fred
Fred von Feuerwear überzeugt als Präsent mit Design, Funktion und Nachhaltigkeit: Die clever durchdachte Innenaufteilung bietet genügend sicheren Platz für Ausweise, Karten und Geld. Neben dem Kleingeld- und Scheinfach verfügt Fred über 11 Kartenfächer, von denen 8 kompakt an einem Stück herausgenommen werden können.

Schreibmappe Pete
Noch ein praktischer Helfer, der seinen Besitzer langlebig unterstützt ist Pete. Ob Design-Entwürfe oder wichtige Unterlagen: Er hält alle gelochten Dokumente sicher fest. In einer Lasche auf der linken Seite befinden sich zwei Fächer für Visitenkarten sowie ein Reißverschlussfach für Kleingeld oder einen USB-Stick. Zur Mappe, die es in A4 und A5 gibt, wird ein nachhaltig hergestellter Stift geliefert,  der in dem integrierten Halter Platz findet.

Rucksäcke aus der Feuerwear-Mannschaft
Die feuerfesten Alltagsbegleiter machen mit ihrem einzigartigen und charakterstarken Auftreten stets eine gute Figur und bieten genügend Platz für alles, das immer dabei sein soll. Mit ihrem robusten Material aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch sind sie besonders strapazierfähig: Feuerwehrschlauch ist unempfindlich gegen Hitze, Kälte, Nässe oder Stöße. Mit seiner hochwertigen, handgefertigten Verarbeitung schützen sie ihren Inhalt wie echte Helden. In Kürze wird ein neues Mannschaftsmitglied vorgestellt: Rucksack Elliot mit gradlinigem Design.

Immer brandheiss: Gutscheine
Die Entscheidung ist noch nicht gefallen oder soll dem Beschenkten selbst überlassen werden? Für jeden Anlass bietet Feuerwear den perfekten Gutschein, der im Webshop eingelöst werden kann. Es kann zwischen Gutscheinen von 10 € bis 210 € gewählt werden. Sie sind zu finden unter:

Aktuelle Aktion
Für alle, die selbst eine Oster-Überraschung entdecken wollen: Ab sofort gibt es im Webshop bis zum 9. April jeden Tag drei Gutscheine zu finden. Feuerwear drückt die Daumen für die Suche!

Mit einer großen Premiere für die zahlreichen Einzelhandelspartner von Feuerwear sollte diese Aktion auch kanalübergreifend auf die Geschäfte ausgeweitet werden. Die starke Online-Reichweite ließe sich so auch mit dem taktilen Einkaufserlebnis vor Ort verknüpfen.

In der gegenwärtigen Situation kann die Aktion leider noch nicht stattfinden. Zum Glück ist das Label nicht an die Osterzeit gebunden und wird die Feuerwear Schatzsuche bei den Partnern einfach etwas später starten. Dazu wird es bald entsprechende Informationen über die Website und den Newsletter geben.

More information:
Feuerwear Recycling


Mit Rucksack Elliot in den Sommer durchstarten (c) Feuerwear
Mit Rucksack Elliot in den Sommer durchstarten

Mit Rucksack Elliot in den Sommer durchstarten

Der neue treue Alltagsbegleiter von Feuerwear für jede Wetter- und Lebenslage

Endlich werden die Tage wieder länger, draußen wird es heller und milder. Die Sonne kündigt sich an. Für jeden, der jetzt voller Energie in den Frühling startet und bereit für den Sommer ist, wird Rucksack Elliot zum verlässlichen Begleiter. Egal, ob in der Ausbildung, im Job oder in der Freizeit: Elliot macht mit seinem einzigartigen und charakterstarken Auftreten immer eine gute Figur und bietet genügend Platz für alles, das immer dabei sein soll. Er begleitet den Alltag bei Sonne oder Regen nicht nur robust und verlässlich, sondern steht mit seinem individuellen, schlanken Look Frauen genauso gut wie Männern.

Der neue treue Alltagsbegleiter von Feuerwear für jede Wetter- und Lebenslage

Endlich werden die Tage wieder länger, draußen wird es heller und milder. Die Sonne kündigt sich an. Für jeden, der jetzt voller Energie in den Frühling startet und bereit für den Sommer ist, wird Rucksack Elliot zum verlässlichen Begleiter. Egal, ob in der Ausbildung, im Job oder in der Freizeit: Elliot macht mit seinem einzigartigen und charakterstarken Auftreten immer eine gute Figur und bietet genügend Platz für alles, das immer dabei sein soll. Er begleitet den Alltag bei Sonne oder Regen nicht nur robust und verlässlich, sondern steht mit seinem individuellen, schlanken Look Frauen genauso gut wie Männern. Das Design ist gradlinig, schnörkellos und auf das Wesentliche konzentriert. Auch in Punkto Umwelt kann sich Elliot sehen lassen: Wie alle Mitglieder der Feuerwear-Mannschaft ist er aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch, der seinen letzten Dienst geleistet hat und dank des Labels dem Abfall entkommt. Auch mit der fairen Produktionsweise wird ein Zeichen für ökologisches Bewusstsein gesetzt. So wird jeder Elliot zum Statement für Lifestyle und Nachhaltigkeit. In einigen Wochen erscheint er neu im Produktsortiment bei Feuerwear und ist damit der Vierte in der Kategorie der Rucksäcke.

Einer für alles
Nach dem langen Unitag noch ins Schwimmbad? Oder in der Mittagspause schnell Einkäufe erledigen? Mit Elliot sind im Handumdrehen alle wichtigen Dinge für lange und fordernde Tage verstaut. 13 Liter Fassungsvermögen, zwei große Fächer im Innenbereich und ein Reißverschlussfach sowohl im Innen- als auch am Vorderteil bieten genügend Platz für alle Eventualitäten. Am Morgen steckt Elliot problemlos Laptop, Kopfhörer und Lunchbox weg, genauso wie Unterlagen, Bücher oder die Trainingsklamotten. Auch die kleinen Dinge wie Smartphone oder Portemonnaie sind im äußeren Fach stets sicher, aber in Griffweite.

Verlässlicher Schutz in jeder Situation
Mit seinem robusten Material aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch ist Elliot besonders strapazierfähig: Feuerwehrschlauch ist unempfindlich gegen Hitze, Kälte, Nässe oder Stöße. Mit seiner hochwertigen, handgefertigten Verarbeitung schützt Elliot seinen Inhalt wie ein echter Held. Elliot zeichnet sich durch Spuren vergangener Einsätze aus – sorgt aber dafür, dass keine Spuren auf Hab und Gut im Inhalt hinterlassen werden. Durchdachte Details wie der Splash-Reißverschluss oder die gepolsterten Träger aus Sicherheitsgurten sorgen dafür, dass kein Tag zu lang oder zu schwer wird. Und falls es im Hörsaal, in der Umkleide oder der U-Bahn mal eng wird, kann Elliot mit seinem stabilen Tragegriff einfach in der Hand getragen werden.

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Profil Marketing oHG

Einzigartig auf jedem Kanal – Unikate von Feuerwear (c) Feuerwear
Einzigartig auf jedem Kanal – Unikate von Feuerwear

Einzigartig auf jedem Kanal – Unikate von Feuerwear

Jedes Lieblingsteil aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch jetzt nicht nur online, sondern auch bei Händlern bestellbar

Das Kölner Kult-Label Feuerwear steht für außergewöhnliche, clever designte Taschen, Rucksäcke und Accessoires aus gebrauchten Feuerwehrschläuchen. Der seit der Gründung in 2005 anhaltende Erfolg zeigt, wie genau Feuerwear damit den Zeitgeist trifft: Umweltbewusstsein, Nachhaltigkeit und Stil müssen keine Gegensätze sein. Im Gegenteil, wie die stylischen Unikate für alle Einsätze des Alltags jedes Jahr aufs Neue beweisen. Und schon gar nicht, wenn sie so flexibel erhältlich sind, - egal ob im Online-Shop oder beim Händler des Vertrauens, - bei Feuerwear kann sich jeder überall sein persönliches Lieblingsteil aussuchen.

Die einzigartigen Produkte aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch mit Original-Aufdrucken und Einsatzspuren überzeugen nicht nur mit stilvollem Look und setzen mit dem Bewusstsein für Nachhaltigkeit Zeichen – sie erzählen dabei auch echte Heldengeschichten. Da ist die Zielgruppe natürlich besonders anspruchsvoll, wenn es darum geht, sein persönliches Lieblingsteil zu finden.

Jedes Lieblingsteil aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch jetzt nicht nur online, sondern auch bei Händlern bestellbar

Das Kölner Kult-Label Feuerwear steht für außergewöhnliche, clever designte Taschen, Rucksäcke und Accessoires aus gebrauchten Feuerwehrschläuchen. Der seit der Gründung in 2005 anhaltende Erfolg zeigt, wie genau Feuerwear damit den Zeitgeist trifft: Umweltbewusstsein, Nachhaltigkeit und Stil müssen keine Gegensätze sein. Im Gegenteil, wie die stylischen Unikate für alle Einsätze des Alltags jedes Jahr aufs Neue beweisen. Und schon gar nicht, wenn sie so flexibel erhältlich sind, - egal ob im Online-Shop oder beim Händler des Vertrauens, - bei Feuerwear kann sich jeder überall sein persönliches Lieblingsteil aussuchen.

Die einzigartigen Produkte aus gebrauchtem Feuerwehrschlauch mit Original-Aufdrucken und Einsatzspuren überzeugen nicht nur mit stilvollem Look und setzen mit dem Bewusstsein für Nachhaltigkeit Zeichen – sie erzählen dabei auch echte Heldengeschichten. Da ist die Zielgruppe natürlich besonders anspruchsvoll, wenn es darum geht, sein persönliches Lieblingsteil zu finden.

Einzigartig und detailverliebt
Feuerwear übertrifft die Standards im eCommerce und betreibt dafür einen enormen Aufwand. Jedes Produkt der Mannschaft wird detailverliebt fotografiert. Im stetig aktualisierten Onlineshop kann sich jeder sein ganz persönliches Unikat aus der Palette von mittlerweile fast 40 verschiedenen Produkttypen aussuchen. Pro Typ bietet Feuerwear sogar eine 360 Grad Ansicht eines Beispielproduktes mit großzügiger Zoom-Möglichkeit.

Wie heiß die Fans auf News aus Feuerwehrschlauch warten, zeigt dabei auch eindrucksvoll der Facebookauftritt mit über 115.00 treuen Followern. Und für die ganz Ungeduldigen gibt es neben dem Newsletter auch einen „Unikatsalarm“. Wer ständig zur Verfügbarkeit neuer Modelle auf dem Laufenden gehalten werden möchte, bekommt damit seinen eigenen Alert.

Stichwort Omnichannel
Nach wie vor bestehen auch viele Kunden auf die ortsnahe Beratung im Laden ihres Vertrauens. Nur hier kann man schließlich auch alles selber anfassen und unter die Lupe nehmen. Dazu kooperiert Feuerwear mit ausgesuchten Fachhändlern in mittlerweile 18 Ländern. Da aber auch der beste Fachhändler naturgemäß nicht immer alles aus dem Sortiment vorrätig haben kann, bietet Feuerwear einen besonderen Service: über einen eigenen Zugang können sich die Händler auch im Onlineshop einloggen und so Ihren Kunden vor Ort die komplette Auswahl an allen verfügbaren Unikaten bieten.

Egal, ob schon schonmal zuhause ausgesucht oder erst gemeinsam im Laden gefunden – der Kunde entscheidet, ob er die Produkte zugeschickt bekommt oder wenige Tage später im Laden abholt. Feuerwear schätzt die Zusammenarbeit mit den Händlern und verbindet gerne Online- mit Einzelhandel. Das macht sich auch demnächst bei einer geplanten Aktion bemerkbar. Das Label hat schon häufiger spannende Gewinnspiele, z.B. mit Suchaufgaben auf der Website gestartet. Bald werden die Online-Schatzsucher auch in den Handel auf die Suche geschickt. Weitere Informationen in Kürze auf

Stetig aktuell
Die Produktpalette der Feuerwear-Mannschaft wächst dabei beständig weiter: neben Jetzt-schon-Klassikern wie Kulturbeutel Henry, Hip-Bag Otis oder Sporttasche Harris entwickelt sich auch die neue Kollektion um Handtasche Phil, Clutch Charlie und Schlüsselanhänger Sasha zum “Dauerbrenner”. Da muss natürlich auch die eigene Webpräsenz mitwachsen. Dazu plant Feuerwear für Anfang 2021 einen umfangreichen Website-Relaunch mit vielen neuen Features.

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Profil Marketing


ISKO: Reloved hits Milan Fashion Week

Featuring the innovative ISKO’s R-TWO™ program, the collection has a new take on sustainability: it relies on fabrics made of reused and recycled materials as well as an advanced design research for the development of a new, conscious style.

Sustainability through the use of highly responsible materials and the experimentation of fits: this is Reloved, the new collection developed by haikure in partnership with leading denim ingredient brand ISKO. Presented with an exclusive preview during Milan Fashion Week, it is an act of love for the planet, the environment and the people.

The project perfectly embodies all the values that made the longstanding partnership between the two brands possible – a responsible approach to innovation and the development of cutting-edge concepts.

Taking into account both materials and design, Reloved features the pioneering ISKO’s R-TWO™ program, which relies on a blend of reused cotton and recycled polyester.

Featuring the innovative ISKO’s R-TWO™ program, the collection has a new take on sustainability: it relies on fabrics made of reused and recycled materials as well as an advanced design research for the development of a new, conscious style.

Sustainability through the use of highly responsible materials and the experimentation of fits: this is Reloved, the new collection developed by haikure in partnership with leading denim ingredient brand ISKO. Presented with an exclusive preview during Milan Fashion Week, it is an act of love for the planet, the environment and the people.

The project perfectly embodies all the values that made the longstanding partnership between the two brands possible – a responsible approach to innovation and the development of cutting-edge concepts.

Taking into account both materials and design, Reloved features the pioneering ISKO’s R-TWO™ program, which relies on a blend of reused cotton and recycled polyester.

During the processing of raw cotton into yarn, for every 100 kilos of cotton approximately 10% is lost. ISKO collects it and prevents it from becoming waste, adding it back into the spinning process obtaining cotton that is fully traced, documented and audited. This verification process has been invented by ISKO in partnership with its yarn supplier Sanko, offering full clarity into the traceability of reused cotton from field to fabric. It is also certified with the Content Claim Standard – or CCS – of the Textile Exchange.

Recycled polyester comes from clear plastic bottles or, alternatively, it can come from other certified waste: in either case the source material is collected, sorted, stripped of labels and caps, and cleaned to be ground into plastic pellets. These can then be re-spun into new fiber filaments.

Depending on the content percentages, for the recycled polyester ISKO can provide either the Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) or Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certifications, both of which track the recycled raw material through the supply chain from input to final product to verify its integrity.

Designed to tackle over-sourcing, the platform improves the environmental performance impact of yarn-to-fabric production. As ISKO’s latest responsible evolution, ISKO’s latest responsible evolution has resulted also in the perfect solution to enhance the responsible character of the Reloved collection.

The collection’s fresh and innovative take on style combines unisex concepts and oversized fits, is available in one shade of color featuring a variety of prints and is crafted with the planet and its inhabitants in mind. To provide full clarity and traceability from field to shelf, materials and processes are kept under the control of Made By, an independent agency that controls the social and environmental conditions of all elements of the production process.

“haikure and ISKO have always shared the same values and approach to innovation,” explained Elena Faleschini, ISKO Global Field Marketing Manager. “When we have the opportunity to work together, we know that the result is going to be astounding. Reloved is a testament to how fashion can be both innovative and responsible, without compromising on style.” A preview of Reloved was presented on Febuary 22nd, during a special happening that took place at Clan Upstairs (Vicolo Fiori 2, Milan), gathering friends, partners and denim lovers.

More information:
Isko haikure Milan Fashion Week


  100% NATURE” collection by CALIDA ‘stretches’towards a sustainable future with ROICA ™ (c) ROICA™
100% NATURE by Calida round neck t-shirt & boxer shorts with ROICA™ V550

100% NATURE” collection by CALIDA ‘stretches’towards a sustainable future with ROICA ™

“100 % NATURE” collection by Calida reflects a shared vision for sustainable fashion. A mission and a strong commitment combining comfort with technology, style and a responsible attitude.

Manufactured in a closed, particularly energy-efficient cycle and sourced from sustainably managed forests, the man/woman underwear and loungewear collection by leading fashion brand Calida reaches the 100% of sustainability thanks to the premium stretch fiber  ROICA™ delivers ultimate hyper-performance in both stretch and sustainability.

Cellulose-based premium materials are blended with ROICA™ V550; the non-toxic-release* innovation in sustainable elastic fibers, matching the need for elasticity , quality , comfort with the request for sustainability and respect for the environment.

ROICA™ V550 is part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, the latest and cutting edge range of ROICA™, the premium stretch fiber for the modern wardrobe by leading innovator Asahi Kasei.

“100 % NATURE” collection by Calida reflects a shared vision for sustainable fashion. A mission and a strong commitment combining comfort with technology, style and a responsible attitude.

Manufactured in a closed, particularly energy-efficient cycle and sourced from sustainably managed forests, the man/woman underwear and loungewear collection by leading fashion brand Calida reaches the 100% of sustainability thanks to the premium stretch fiber  ROICA™ delivers ultimate hyper-performance in both stretch and sustainability.

Cellulose-based premium materials are blended with ROICA™ V550; the non-toxic-release* innovation in sustainable elastic fibers, matching the need for elasticity , quality , comfort with the request for sustainability and respect for the environment.

ROICA™ V550 is part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ family, the latest and cutting edge range of ROICA™, the premium stretch fiber for the modern wardrobe by leading innovator Asahi Kasei.

“100% NATURE” is certified CRADLE TO CRADLE™, which means that raw materials can be used time and again in an ongoing biological cycle. CALIDA is also the first clothing brand worldwide to be awarded the ‘MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX®’ label, which is based on compliance with strict social responsibility and ecological criteria and certifies that the textiles carrying the label have been tested for harmful substances.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) closed
Gilberto Calzolari

Premium Brands choosing Responsible Innovation for the Wardrobe of Tomorrow

C.L.A.S.S. discloses five key and influencing brands with unique outfits already available in the market, that demonstrate how smart materials are able to deliver eco hi-tech valuable innovations. 

Five, completely different, contemporary lifestyles!

C.L.A.S.S. discloses five key and influencing brands with unique outfits already available in the market, that demonstrate how smart materials are able to deliver eco hi-tech valuable innovations. 

Five, completely different, contemporary lifestyles!

Among the first adopters of E.C.O. Kosmos shines Gilberto Calzolari, a luxury prêt-à-porter brand Made in Italy with a responsible soul, whose style is represented by the demi-couture dress: fresh, glamorous and romantic. Precious fabrics, complemented by the highest quality in production techniques and tailoring craftsmanship, bear the hallmarks of a brand with a strong identity that is in tune with the needs of contemporary living and reclaims the values of environmental sustainability as well as elegance and excellence typical of luxury Made in Italy. Supported by the CNMI Fashion Trust due to its environmental committment and unique design, the brand chose two materials of the E.C.O. KOSMOS cross-collection for the SS 2020 presented during MFW: the E.C.O. AURORA 50% AMNI SOUL ECO® -50% Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified Cotton canvas and the E.C.O. SONICA Newlife™ stretch satin.

Closed: the German brand, founded in1978, focuses on great designs, small details and pure quality to create understated and advanced denim looks totally handmade in Italy. Closed selected the new amazing Candiani ReLast line, the range of market fresh responsible denim products whose objective is to introduce a 100% transformed innovative solution. The partnership between ROICA™ and Candiani generated a very special ROICA™ yarn realized only for Candiani. A premium stretch yarn that is boasting a GRS (Global Recycled Standard) version 4 certification, thanks to its high percentage of recycled content and appropriated process of transformation.

Within the premium brand adoptions of Bemberg™ shines Martin Greenfield, one of the world's most renowned tailor company. The company, founded in 1977 by Martin Greenfield, realizes hand tailored men’s clothing to meet the requirements of innovative designers, specialty retailers, costume designers, stylists and individuals. For finest made-to-order as well as made-to-measure suits,100% built by hand in their Brooklyn Factory, they choose Bemberg™ Yarn Dyed Lining produced in Italy and Japan for its soft versatility, unique precious touch and exquisite comfort.

My.Suit: Since My.Suit was founded in 2008 in NYC, their philosophy has been simple: provide their clients with a better way to buy a suit.  Their made-to-measure suits and tuxedos offer a better fit than traditional off-the-rack alternatives by accommodating as many different body types as possible, and can be made in a variety of fabric and style options to suit individual needs.  My.Suit utilizes a vertical business model: fabric mill, suit manufacturing, and retail locations, to provide a quick delivery time at an attractive price point. My.Suit has been using Bemberg™ lining to add style and comfort to their suit jackets for over a decade.  With a wide range of colors and designs, Bemberg lining complements their extensive fabric selection and helps us to create visually stunning suits that feel great and provides a personalized option to their clients.

un-sanctioned™ is an innovation-driven performance running apparel brand newly launched in September, 2019; founded on the belief that it’s time for running to give back to the environment all runners take so much joy from.  In partnership with Miti-Spa, un-sanctioned™ has developed and launched with two initial sustainable performance running fabrics called [ BottleKnit™ ] — a 100% recycled polyester made from plastic bottles. And [ WasteKnit™] — a 100% upcycled polyamide made from industrial waste blended with ROICA™ EF yarn for uncompromising smart stretch performance.

More information:
Fashion Mode CLASS

© 2019 GB Network Marketing & Communication


ROICA™ partners infuse eco-smart technology into high performance functional stretch fabrics

ROICA™ smart innovations are The Sustainable fil rouge at Performance Days, the influential fair for innovations, trends, safety & durability and sourcing of fabrics and accessories in functional sportswear & athleisure. Leading fabrics manufacturers and nearly all the well-known sportswear and active clothing brands have chosen the company’s premium stretch fibers of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family to create their ultimate collections combining comfort, movement and responsibility.

“We are excited to see such a brilliant response from both manufacturers and brands which have decided to use our premium stretch sustainable fibers. We are excited because it really shows that sustainability is not only a marketing hype, but more and more literally interwoven into garments.” Says Shinohe Hiroaki, ROICA™ Chief Marketing Officer based in Germany.

The company’s partners empowering their ultimate collections with ROICA™ are CIFRA S.p.A. (IT), Maglificio Ripa S.p.A. (IT), M.I.T.I. S.p.A. (IT), Payen group ESF (FR), Piave Maitex S.r.l. (IT), SITIP S.p.A. (IT), Sofileta S.A.S (FR), Sportswear Argentona S.A. (ES), TINTEX Textiles S.A. (PT) and TVB GmbH (DE).

ROICA™ smart innovations are The Sustainable fil rouge at Performance Days, the influential fair for innovations, trends, safety & durability and sourcing of fabrics and accessories in functional sportswear & athleisure. Leading fabrics manufacturers and nearly all the well-known sportswear and active clothing brands have chosen the company’s premium stretch fibers of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family to create their ultimate collections combining comfort, movement and responsibility.

“We are excited to see such a brilliant response from both manufacturers and brands which have decided to use our premium stretch sustainable fibers. We are excited because it really shows that sustainability is not only a marketing hype, but more and more literally interwoven into garments.” Says Shinohe Hiroaki, ROICA™ Chief Marketing Officer based in Germany.

The company’s partners empowering their ultimate collections with ROICA™ are CIFRA S.p.A. (IT), Maglificio Ripa S.p.A. (IT), M.I.T.I. S.p.A. (IT), Payen group ESF (FR), Piave Maitex S.r.l. (IT), SITIP S.p.A. (IT), Sofileta S.A.S (FR), Sportswear Argentona S.A. (ES), TINTEX Textiles S.A. (PT) and TVB GmbH (DE).

More information:
ROICA™ Performance Days

GB Network Marketing & Communication

TINTEX @ Performance Days: 3 cutting-edge eco-performing innovations on show (c) TINTEX
Co.Lab collections: C.L.A.S.S., TINTEX, Becri, Confetil, Pedrosa & Rodrigues

TINTEX @ Performance Days: 3 cutting-edge eco-performing innovations on show

  • A naturally advanced collection, a cutting-edge coloration technology, and a brand-new collaborative business model.
  • TINTEX stands out at PERFORMANCE DAYS, the functional fabric fair for the sourcing in sports, work and corporate wear.
  • Performance Days, Munich, November 13th -14th, 2019 –booth C08 / hall C1

The leading jersey manufacturer brings a new holistic and sustainable approach spun from the company’s DNA and woven in the mission to create Naturally Advanced fabrics.

The WEME collection - A/W 20/21
The new statement collection goes beyond intellectual and spiritual individual needs to embrace a communal vision blurring ‘we’ and ‘me’, ‘conscious’ and unconscious’, responsible innovation and creativity. Developed around the concept sub-collections ID, Superego and EGO, the range comes in electric and active tones and combines smart ingredients and processes to drive innovation by harnessing the company’s unique dyeing and finishing expertise.

  • A naturally advanced collection, a cutting-edge coloration technology, and a brand-new collaborative business model.
  • TINTEX stands out at PERFORMANCE DAYS, the functional fabric fair for the sourcing in sports, work and corporate wear.
  • Performance Days, Munich, November 13th -14th, 2019 –booth C08 / hall C1

The leading jersey manufacturer brings a new holistic and sustainable approach spun from the company’s DNA and woven in the mission to create Naturally Advanced fabrics.

The WEME collection - A/W 20/21
The new statement collection goes beyond intellectual and spiritual individual needs to embrace a communal vision blurring ‘we’ and ‘me’, ‘conscious’ and unconscious’, responsible innovation and creativity. Developed around the concept sub-collections ID, Superego and EGO, the range comes in electric and active tones and combines smart ingredients and processes to drive innovation by harnessing the company’s unique dyeing and finishing expertise.

The new fabrics are made from a mix of new generation fibers that enhance free movement such as REFIBRA™ by Lenzing, Q-NOVA® by Fulgar and the unique GRS certified premium stretch ROICA™ EF.  The smartcel™ powered ID sub-collection is defined by striped structures that simulate flaws on initially smooth and perfected surfaces and provides soothing, anti-inflammatory effects thanks to the inclusion of zinc oxide, provides soothing, anti-inflammatory effects. The “EGO” selection comes in rich purples, calm lilacs and feminine yellows and features natural fibers such as organic wool. The “Superego” is available in unique styles and colours, achieved thanks to Colorzen® and the Naturally Clean® finishing. Together these enhance the natural beauty of cotton and cellulosics eliminating harsh treatments and optimizing clean surfaces with vivid colors, and an exquisitely smooth hand feel. Transformed materials take such as ECOTEC® by Marchi&Fildi take the lead saving up to 77.9% in water compared with regular cottons.

TINTEX’ cutting edge color technology which received the Sustainable Solution award in the May 2019 edition of Techtextil debuts in Munich. COLORAU®  was created with a Portuguese consortium constituted by premium realities and gives life to responsibly colored fabrics with antimicrobial properties, using natural dyes extracted from different types of natural plants resources that do not use salt in the production.

COLORAU® uses only compounds of natural origin such as thyme, boldo, peppermint, chestnut and gambier in the production of functional and sustainable textiles in a variety of fibers such as cotton, lyocell and wool. An eco-efficient and low temperature surface treatment improves the affinity between the textile substrate and these natural compounds. The technology features a selection of “performing” extracts for appropriate color fastness to light and washing as well as color durability and antimicrobial functionality.


TINTEX is proud to announce CO.LAB, a smart and collaborative business model and a totally new supply chain developed in coordination and with the support of C.L.A.S.S.. The first sustainable and PETA-Approved collections are 100% traceable without compromising on quality and style. As co-leader and founding actor, TINTEX has invited Becri, Confetil and Pedrosa & Rodrigues, 3 leading companies, each producing specialized garment styles. The new collections are:

  1. The ECOPERFORMER by TINTEX with Confetil collection meets the values of millennials and generation Z consumers. Sustainable, multitasking, gender neutral and designed to fit contemporary urban lifestyle. The collection comprises modern soft sports garment with fully transparent innovation values. The range flexes its muscles with the best sustainable and high-performative materials for comfort, ease and style. All selected fabrics are PeTA APPROVED VEGAN. Designed to win.
  2. ‘LEGACY H20’ by TINTEX with Becri is 100% traceable and focuses on responsible water-management.
  3. ‘SENSING SMARTS’ by TINTEX with Pedrosa & Rodrigues, a next-to-skin soft and sensual range of materials enhancing wellbeing and comfort while harnessing an innovative and responsible way of using chemical products for a greener and safest future.

GB Network Marketing & Communication


Performance Days: ROICA™ partners infuse eco-smart technology into high performance functional stretch fabrics

  • Performance Days: November 13th-14th 2019, Munich, Germany

Munich – ROICA™ smart innovations are The Sustainable fil rouge at Performance Days, the influential fair for innovations, trends, safety & durability and sourcing of fabrics and accessories in functional sportswear & athleisure. Leading fabrics manufacturers and nearly all the well-known sportswear and active clothing brands have chosen the company’s premium stretch fibers of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family to create their ultimate collections combining comfort, movement and responsibility.

“We are excited to see such a brilliant response from both manufacturers and brands which have decided to use our premium stretch sustainable fibers. We are excited because it really shows that sustainability is not only a marketing hype, but more and more literally interwoven into garments.” Says Shinohe Hiroaki, ROICA™ Chief Marketing Officer based in Germany.  

  • Performance Days: November 13th-14th 2019, Munich, Germany

Munich – ROICA™ smart innovations are The Sustainable fil rouge at Performance Days, the influential fair for innovations, trends, safety & durability and sourcing of fabrics and accessories in functional sportswear & athleisure. Leading fabrics manufacturers and nearly all the well-known sportswear and active clothing brands have chosen the company’s premium stretch fibers of the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family to create their ultimate collections combining comfort, movement and responsibility.

“We are excited to see such a brilliant response from both manufacturers and brands which have decided to use our premium stretch sustainable fibers. We are excited because it really shows that sustainability is not only a marketing hype, but more and more literally interwoven into garments.” Says Shinohe Hiroaki, ROICA™ Chief Marketing Officer based in Germany.  

The company’s partners empowering their ultimate collections with ROICA™ are CIFRA S.p.A. (IT), Maglificio Ripa S.p.A. (IT), M.I.T.I. S.p.A. (IT), Payen group ESF (FR), Piave Maitex S.r.l. (IT), SITIP S.p.A. (IT), Sofileta S.A.S (FR), Sportswear Argentona S.A. (ES), TINTEX Textiles S.A. (PT) and TVB GmbH (DE).

ROICA Eco-SmartTM Family

  • “The certified and hyper-performing family features two responsibly made yarns with outstanding stretch performances that give free rein to designers’ creativity and provides the highest stretch ability while complying to the most-cutting edge sustainable standards.” adds Shinohe.
  • The GRS - Global Recycled Standard - certified ROICA™ EF is made with 58% of pre-consumer recycled content. GRS guarantees its sustainable mission with a certification by the influential Textile Exchange*, one of the most known and recognized global standards in the market.
  • The ROICA™ V550 proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substance under the testing environment according to Hohenstein Environmental Compatibility certification. Made and engineered by Asahi Kasei R&D team, and produced in ROICA™ German plant only, the yarn offers additional and relevant circular economy advantages linked to material health as proved by a Gold Level Material Health Certificate by the Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Institute for a safe and biological end of life cycle

GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) HUUB

HUUB's MOOV&COOL makes the first move in Kona

HUUB have collaborated with textile innovator Devan Chemicals to bring even more performance-enhancing technology to their triathlon and cycling racewear. The two companies have been working on a long-term project around 'Moov&Cool' which has resulted in improvements to athlete performance. The cool comfort coating has a positive impact on core body temperature as well as on heart rate, which could lead to a significant improvement in race-day performance and faster finish times.

Moov&Cool is HUUB's exclusive formulation for triathlon that will be applied to the brand's top-end racewear, starting with Anemoi+ to be launched following the iconic Ironman World Champs in Kona. David McNamee, the most successful British male Kona athlete, has been involved in the testing process of the original Anemoi Tri Suit from its conception. He will be racing the Ironman World Champs wearing the new Anemoi+ which not only offers improved aero benefits - it will also benefit his performance and comfort on race day thanks to the Moov&Cool coating.

HUUB have collaborated with textile innovator Devan Chemicals to bring even more performance-enhancing technology to their triathlon and cycling racewear. The two companies have been working on a long-term project around 'Moov&Cool' which has resulted in improvements to athlete performance. The cool comfort coating has a positive impact on core body temperature as well as on heart rate, which could lead to a significant improvement in race-day performance and faster finish times.

Moov&Cool is HUUB's exclusive formulation for triathlon that will be applied to the brand's top-end racewear, starting with Anemoi+ to be launched following the iconic Ironman World Champs in Kona. David McNamee, the most successful British male Kona athlete, has been involved in the testing process of the original Anemoi Tri Suit from its conception. He will be racing the Ironman World Champs wearing the new Anemoi+ which not only offers improved aero benefits - it will also benefit his performance and comfort on race day thanks to the Moov&Cool coating.

More information:
HUUB Devan Chemicals NV Sportwear

Marketing Solutions

ILUNA Group’s precious sustainable innovation (c) ILUNA Group

ILUNA Group’s precious sustainable innovation

  • Interfilière Paris, 6th-8th July 2019, booth D60

Able to offer an alchemy of design and sustainable innovation, Iluna Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei join the latest edition of the Parisian tradeshow for lingerie with a range of innovations capable of combining innovation, aesthetics and quality. "Ethical" lace and stockings, where quality standards go hand in hand with fashion content, respecting both the environment and humans, an offer already selected among the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking Exhibition of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, for its value in the field of responsible innovation.

  • Interfilière Paris, 6th-8th July 2019, booth D60

Able to offer an alchemy of design and sustainable innovation, Iluna Group with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei join the latest edition of the Parisian tradeshow for lingerie with a range of innovations capable of combining innovation, aesthetics and quality. "Ethical" lace and stockings, where quality standards go hand in hand with fashion content, respecting both the environment and humans, an offer already selected among the protagonists of the Sustainable Thinking Exhibition of the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum, for its value in the field of responsible innovation.

Experts in the production of stretch lace since 1985, ILUNA today represents the largest European laces’producer. Thanks to the effectiveness of their responsible innovation strategy, Iluna Group has been the very first lace producer to have gained the GRS (Global Recycled Standard) for their transformed products, together with the company certification STeP (Sustainable Textile Production by Oeko –Tex®).
A relevant achievement for the firm that, thanks to the Green Label collection, now even richer, make responsible innovation an asset for production that focuses on smart ingredients as ROICA Eco-Smart™ family and Q-Nova® by Fulgar.

A range that culminates today in the launch of an athleisure and sporty-chic capsule collection that perfectly fit the contemporary modern wardrobe, result of a qualified and totally traceable supply chain, from yarn up to garment, based on design, sustainability and performance.

Of major interest is the fact that the Iluna fashion R&D based its strategic choice for the AI2020/2021 on the extension of the offer with new Black label’s developments between lace and embroidery, the premium R&D line.

The range of new Ultralight multicolor laces offers jacquardtronic and textronic 4 or 5 colours galloons with a 3D effect. The change of the color of thread in the background as well as in the design gives life to unique coordinated solutions for creatives. The match between expectations of brands and retailers are met always keeping as a priority the contemporary design, that is integrated to unique strategy committed to responsibility both at corporate and product level.

To ILUNA smart innovation is not just a project, its space at Interfilière where visitors will have the chance to discover the new collection and above all to experience and touch latest boundaries of lace smart innovations pursued staying true to the values the brand. Iluna team is pleased to welcome you with a special cadeaux created in collaboration with ROICA™ by Asahi Kasei.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) C.L.A.S.S.

C.L.A.S.S: CO.LAB unveils its 1st smart collection

“CO.LAB was created as a prompt answer responding to the very end-users increasing demand for responsible and sustainable products.” Explains C.L.A.S.S. founder GiusyBettoni. “From here, we realised it was fundamental to create an innovation wardrobe and smart platform open to companies willing to make a difference in the textile and fashion business. We teamed up with TINTEX, the leading manufacturer of ‘naturally advanced’ jersey fabrics, and other leading  garment manufacturers such as Becri, Confetil and Pedrosa & Rodriguesto create a multileveled set of skills ranging from fabrics making to style development, production as well as marketing and communication. All in name of design driven by sustainability.”

“CO.LAB was created as a prompt answer responding to the very end-users increasing demand for responsible and sustainable products.” Explains C.L.A.S.S. founder GiusyBettoni. “From here, we realised it was fundamental to create an innovation wardrobe and smart platform open to companies willing to make a difference in the textile and fashion business. We teamed up with TINTEX, the leading manufacturer of ‘naturally advanced’ jersey fabrics, and other leading  garment manufacturers such as Becri, Confetil and Pedrosa & Rodriguesto create a multileveled set of skills ranging from fabrics making to style development, production as well as marketing and communication. All in name of design driven by sustainability.”


GB Network

Run like the wind (c) Huntsman


  • Performance assurance program for textiles with advanced moisture management technology

Huntsman Textile Effects has extended its HIGH IQ® performance assurance program to help mills, brands and retailers meet consumer demand for garments with durable moisture management. HIGH IQ® Cool Comfort performance program is built on the industry’s broadest and most advanced moisture management agents to deliver durable, long-lasting performance.
As consumers around the world adopt more active lifestyles and outdoor activities, the need for cool, dry and comfortable sports and athleisure wear is on an upward trend.
HIGH IQ® Cool Comfort performance program allows garments to breathe, while at the same time, transports moisture away from the body. This ensures consumers can stay cool, dry and fresh throughout. The unique technology supports accelerated evaporation, ensuring garments dry quickly for long-lasting comfort.

  • Performance assurance program for textiles with advanced moisture management technology

Huntsman Textile Effects has extended its HIGH IQ® performance assurance program to help mills, brands and retailers meet consumer demand for garments with durable moisture management. HIGH IQ® Cool Comfort performance program is built on the industry’s broadest and most advanced moisture management agents to deliver durable, long-lasting performance.
As consumers around the world adopt more active lifestyles and outdoor activities, the need for cool, dry and comfortable sports and athleisure wear is on an upward trend.
HIGH IQ® Cool Comfort performance program allows garments to breathe, while at the same time, transports moisture away from the body. This ensures consumers can stay cool, dry and fresh throughout. The unique technology supports accelerated evaporation, ensuring garments dry quickly for long-lasting comfort.

“Today’s consumer seeks comfort and performance in their active lifestyle. With Huntsman’s HIGH IQ® Cool Comfort performance assurance program, we offer durable moisture management so your garment remains breathable, stays cool and attains the comfort of cotton. Unique quick-dry properties created by the natural microclimate of the garment help to reduce post-exercise chill, making the effects highly suitable for sports and active wear,” said Lee Howarth, Global Marketing Manager, Huntsman Textile Effects.
Only mills that meet Huntsman’s stringent requirements earn the right to use the HIGH IQ® performance assurance hang tags as point-of-sale product branding. Updated hangtags and promotional materials are available to support mills and brands in communicating the benefits of the HIGH IQ® Cool Comfort performance assurance program.

The technology that drives the HIGH IQ® Cool Comfort program complies with the requirements of bluesign® for safe and sustainable textile production. Furthermore, fabrics produced with HIGH IQ® Cool Comfort moisture management are suitable for STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified textile products. The global leader in intelligent effects, Huntsman Textile Effects developed the HIGH IQ® global performance assurance program to help mills, brands and retailers produce high-performance textiles with built-in sun protection, freshness, friction protection and water repellence, in bright whites and color that lasts. The program is based on innovative dyes and effects and unparalleled technical support and application know-how from Huntsman Textile Effects to help mills improve their productivity and competitiveness.

ROICA™ Infuses Eco-Smart Technology into High Performance Stretch at EUROBIKE © GB Network Marketing & Communication

ROICA™ Infuses Eco-Smart Technology into High Performance Stretch at EUROBIKE

  • Committed To Making a Better World

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, will include ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers will discover ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

Spearheading the premium stretch market, ROICA™ partners’ materials elevate new standards for high-tech performance that can enhance cycling products to compete responsibly. ROICA™ partners excite you as they show a fantastic range of stretch essentials for cycling clothing, gear, and apparel that offer solid performance perks.

Most importantly, visit ROICA™ partners at EUROBIKE to learn about their ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity by experiencing their advanced responsible developments made with the ROICA Eco-SmartTM Family.

The ROICA Eco-Smart™ family offers two responsible made yarns with outstanding stretch performances that give free rein to designers’ creativity and guarantees the highest quality while complying to the most-cutting edge sustainable standards.

  • Committed To Making a Better World

EUROBIKE, the world’s leading trade fair for the cycling industry, will include ROICA™ smart innovations into the race. Cycle retailers, brands and manufacturers will discover ROICA™ premium stretch that provides comfort and movement as it energizes.

Spearheading the premium stretch market, ROICA™ partners’ materials elevate new standards for high-tech performance that can enhance cycling products to compete responsibly. ROICA™ partners excite you as they show a fantastic range of stretch essentials for cycling clothing, gear, and apparel that offer solid performance perks.

Most importantly, visit ROICA™ partners at EUROBIKE to learn about their ongoing commitment to responsible innovation and creativity by experiencing their advanced responsible developments made with the ROICA Eco-SmartTM Family.

The ROICA Eco-Smart™ family offers two responsible made yarns with outstanding stretch performances that give free rein to designers’ creativity and guarantees the highest quality while complying to the most-cutting edge sustainable standards.

  • The ROICA™ EF– GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified - is made with 58% of pre-consumer recycled content. GRS guarantees its sustainable mission with a certification by the influential Textile Exchange*, one of the most known and recognized global players in the market.
  • The ROICA™ V550   Indeed, it proudly breaks down without releasing harmful substance under the testing environment according to Hohenstein Environmental Compatibility certification. Made and engineered by Asahi Kasei R&D team, and produced in ROICA™ German plant only, the yarn offers additional and relevant circular economy advantages linked to material health as proved by a Gold Level Material Health Certificate by the Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Institute for a safe and biological end of life cycle.

Witness ROICA™ partners as leaders in high-tech performance fabrics for the world of sports for riders that want to stand out. See, feel, imagine and learn why choosing ROICA™ is a winning decision. View the unbeatable collection of well-constructed fabric

  • M.I.T.I. SpA (IT), Hall/Stand No. A7-215 partner with ROICA™ since the very beginning, develops and creates from more than 85 years, innovative stretch warp knitted fabrics for high performance sports.
  • Payen – ESF (FR), Hall/Stand No. A7 / A7-219, committed to develop durable performant solutions chooses ROICA Resistance™ range of high-tech protection stretch functions.
  • Piave Maitex (IT), Hall/Stand No. A7-123 presents AGAIN, the new smart and technically advanced line able to balance performances and sustainable features, formed of highly performing jerseys. Two premium sustainable ingredients have been involved for the creation of AGAIN: Global Recycled Standard (GRS) owned by Textile Exchange - premium stretch fiber ROICA™ EF and perPETual high quality sustainable polyester born from a cost-effective process that reverses engineer consumer waste PET bottles.
  • SITIP SpA (IT), Hall/Stand No. A7-213 creates high-tech innovative sports fabrics that are made in Italy including BeHot fabric constructed with ROICA™, providing a new dimension to active performance.
  • Sportwear Argentona S.A. (ES) Hall/Stand No. A7-322 based in Spain, these leaders in high-tech tech, optimal performance sports fabrics create specialized structures for all facets of sports including high comfort, elastic and performance.

GB Network Marketing & Communication


C.L.A.S.S: CO.LAB - The wardrobe of tomorrow is set to change

Important evolutions are already in place according to some key directions that are already clearly visible today. What does a new fashion business need to be?

IT NEEDS TO BE SMART - It will have to be smart, sustainable and as low impactful as possible. The fashion industry has started taking new steps in order to inform and educate the consumer on the one side, while at the same time, is changing its material use, R&D and productive processes.

TO BE COLLABORATIVE - It will have to be always more collaborative. Each single player, from the accessory manufacturer to the final consumer, has to act very consciously because every action has an impact on our local and global environment. Everyone has to start acting and buying more responsibly.

Important evolutions are already in place according to some key directions that are already clearly visible today. What does a new fashion business need to be?

IT NEEDS TO BE SMART - It will have to be smart, sustainable and as low impactful as possible. The fashion industry has started taking new steps in order to inform and educate the consumer on the one side, while at the same time, is changing its material use, R&D and productive processes.

TO BE COLLABORATIVE - It will have to be always more collaborative. Each single player, from the accessory manufacturer to the final consumer, has to act very consciously because every action has an impact on our local and global environment. Everyone has to start acting and buying more responsibly.

AND COLLECTIVE - The future will be guided by common aims, shared responsibilities and collective involvement. Designers will have to collaborate with fabric and garment manufacturers. Entrepreneurs will have to check carefully productive quantities and decrease distances when choosing their suppliers. Manufacturers can start deciding when it’s time to get involved with specific auditing or certifications, though, always in constant dialogue with all partners in the value chain.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers © Collezioni SRL
COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL’s set with Tessitura Colombo Antonio lace with ROICA™ V550

ROICA™ presents new developments for contemporary consumers

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.  

ROICA™ - the pioneer of innovative stretch fibres, took this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.

Below some unique developments born from the collaboration among ROICA™ and key premium brands:

COSABELLA produced by Collezioni SRL: The brand sells in over 100 countries, with a premium collection of 2000 styles for every sector of lingerie and leisurewear. Latest styles use a delicate floral lace by Tessitura Colombo Antonio made with ROICA™ V550 belonging to the ROICA Eco-Smart™ family for their more luxurious upscaled lines.

Livy selects Iluna Group’s contemporary graphic stretch lace with ROICA™ EF for the precious “BELLAGIO” line that includes a soft triangle bralette, a padded bra, a brief and a body for optimal comfort. The must-have range has a stunning aesthetic which represents the unique appeal of this lifestyle brand.

Sarah Borghi: the worldwide known brand of luxury Italian fashion hosiery, tights, and socks. They've dedicated more than 40 years scrutinizing the finest yarns and evolving technologies and breathing flawless life into their unique range of luxurious fashion. Today, Gizeta Calze S.r.l., owner of this brand, has developed the first line made out of sustainable ingredients that will be launched at the ROICA™ booth during Interfilière. The collection, developed in Italy by Almatex, blends together key smart fibers such as ROICA™ EF and Q-Nova®, and ROICA™ V550 with  AMNI SOUL ECO®. 

Vitamin A: the Californian brand offers a unique swimwear line rooted in female empowerment. Vitamin A’s beachwear is made with the finest materials and finishes, ensuring a product that will fit and wear beautifully for years to come. Among the  incorporated more sustainable high-performance fabrics shines a unique jacquard development by Maglificio Ripa with a 3D texture made with the GRS certified premium responsible stretch ROICA™ EF and Q-NOVA® by Fulgar. Vitamin A is a member of 1% For The Planet and  donate to environmental organizations who work to protect our oceans.

Wolford was one of the first brands to explore the real value of ROICA™. Known for its exceptional European Skinwear including legwear, lingerie and bodywear, the company has been striving to develop fully degradable items at the end of the product lifecycle. On top of last year’s award for being Cradle to Cradle Certified™ at GOLD Level certification for the biological cycle, Wolford was also recognised for its technical cycle using Econyl® yarn made by Aquafil (always blended with ROICA™ V550).

Each brand Partner brings a different yarn story firmly into the limelight, and all feature ingredients from the ROICA™ portfolio of yarns respecting the company’s commitment to ‘responsible innovation’, and which all boast important sustainable certifications.


PIAVE MAITEX presents smart performance with “AGAIN” line

During the Functional Fabric Fair, the trade-exclusive event where the latest trends in fabric development for the functional textile industry are showcased, PIAVE MAITEX presents AGAIN a smart and technically advanced line, that balances performances, functionality and sustainable features, formed of highly performing jerseys. Two premium Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified sustainable ingredients have been involved in the production of AGAIN: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ EF – part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family – constructed out with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content and perPETual high quality sustainable polyester born from a cost-effective process that reverses engineer consumer waste PET bottles.

During the Functional Fabric Fair, the trade-exclusive event where the latest trends in fabric development for the functional textile industry are showcased, PIAVE MAITEX presents AGAIN a smart and technically advanced line, that balances performances, functionality and sustainable features, formed of highly performing jerseys. Two premium Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified sustainable ingredients have been involved in the production of AGAIN: the premium stretch fiber ROICA™ EF – part of ROICA Eco-Smart™ Family – constructed out with more than 50% pre-consumer recycled content and perPETual high quality sustainable polyester born from a cost-effective process that reverses engineer consumer waste PET bottles.

More information:

GB Network marketing communication

With Modaris® V8R2, Lectra redefines the realism of 3D virtual prototyping (c) Lectra
Lectra Modaris V8R2

With Modaris® V8R2, Lectra redefines the realism of 3D virtual prototyping

  • This new version of Modaris speeds up the time to market for collections

Paris – Lectra launches Modaris® V8R2, the latest version of its patternmaking, grading and prototyping 2D/3D solution. This new version of Modaris, the most widely used modeling solution by leading brands in fashion and apparel, offers greater speed, efficiency and precision in product development. With its powerful 3D simulation and collaboration tools, patternmakers are developing patterns faster and speeding up their decision-making procedures. By reducing or eliminating physical prototyping, product development is less expensive and the time to market is as close as possible to trend detection.

To preserve and strengthen its position as a market leader of product development software, Lectra, with this upgrade of Modaris, is giving particular focus to 3D virtual prototyping. Patternmakers can now share with their partners, 360-degree videos, accessible on any device. Designers in response are able to visualize, comment, and approve the style and fit using the new 3D Style module.

  • This new version of Modaris speeds up the time to market for collections

Paris – Lectra launches Modaris® V8R2, the latest version of its patternmaking, grading and prototyping 2D/3D solution. This new version of Modaris, the most widely used modeling solution by leading brands in fashion and apparel, offers greater speed, efficiency and precision in product development. With its powerful 3D simulation and collaboration tools, patternmakers are developing patterns faster and speeding up their decision-making procedures. By reducing or eliminating physical prototyping, product development is less expensive and the time to market is as close as possible to trend detection.

To preserve and strengthen its position as a market leader of product development software, Lectra, with this upgrade of Modaris, is giving particular focus to 3D virtual prototyping. Patternmakers can now share with their partners, 360-degree videos, accessible on any device. Designers in response are able to visualize, comment, and approve the style and fit using the new 3D Style module.

New advances have made it possible to reduce the number of physical prototypes by up to 50%. Modaris V8R2 improves the quality of the solution’s 3D simulations and expands its library with new assets (fabrics, 3D top-stitching effects, realistic scenes, lighting studios, Pantone® and Natural Color System®©,…). The solution is now compatible with Vizoo, a high-quality scanner that brings forth a heightened realism to the appearance of fabric swatches, and with other 3D solutions such as Maya, 3DS Max, Iray to make the digital renderings of the prototypes more true-to-life and accurate.

One of the innovative developments of Modaris V8R2 is a special dart feature to help patternmakers add dimension to their garments with ease. Thanks to this new feature, modifying a dart requires half the usual time, resulting in a 50-90% increase in overall patternmaking speed.

Another highlight of this solution, and important nod to the globalized workforce of the fashion industry, is its ability to manage different units of measurement. With Modaris V8R2, Lectra has made it possible for patternmakers and external suppliers the guarantee of size compliance, regardless of the measurement systems used in the countries where production occurs.

Modaris V8R2 is already gaining traction among its pilot customers. Italian womenswear company GGZ was the first to endorse Modaris V8R2. “GGZ is a fast-fashion company and time and quality are of the essence for us. Modaris’s new dart feature helps us save up to 50% of pattern modification time. Additionally, 3D prototyping helps us ensure that pattern volumes and proportions correspond to our designers’ expectations early on, dramatically reducing our lead times,” attests Majla Gottardo, Patternmaker, GGZ.

“We are entering the information age, and we are catering to patternmakers who are dealing with consumers with different tastes, of all body shapes and sizes. Our patternmakers have hundreds of collections to deliver and no time to spare for errors. What we are aiming to do is making their everyday work environment easier for them, by providing the tools to streamline the development process and reduce the number of reworks to achieve the right fit the first-time,” states Céline Choussy, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Lectra. “All this is possible with Modaris V8R2.”


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department

Felix Engelmann (Haptiques) & Andreas Murkudis (c) Premium Group

SEEK: building on the TRADE UNION concept for July

Following its successful beginnings in summer 2018 and its expansion in January 2019, TRADE UNION will be developed yet further as a dedicated space for selected brands and agencies.
“TRADE UNION is very close to our hearts,” explains SEEK Director Maren Wiebus. “Being able to work together to fill a space with life, interact with customers and products, and tell authentic stories in a laid-back, relaxing atmosphere – this open-minded, collaborative approach is ultra-modern and of the minute in its simplicity. We are all in the same big boat and can consider ourselves lucky that colleagues and customers are and have become friends. Together, we can achieve a lot this way.”

Following its successful beginnings in summer 2018 and its expansion in January 2019, TRADE UNION will be developed yet further as a dedicated space for selected brands and agencies.
“TRADE UNION is very close to our hearts,” explains SEEK Director Maren Wiebus. “Being able to work together to fill a space with life, interact with customers and products, and tell authentic stories in a laid-back, relaxing atmosphere – this open-minded, collaborative approach is ultra-modern and of the minute in its simplicity. We are all in the same big boat and can consider ourselves lucky that colleagues and customers are and have become friends. Together, we can achieve a lot this way.”

It has always been integral to SEEK’s DNA to continually work with partners and friends to develop new concepts that are perfectly suited to the demands of the market. The carefully curated setting of TRADE UNION, featuring brands such as Eat Dust, Porter-Yoshida & Co and Knickerbocker, is especially popular with the top buyers.
Felix Engelmann has supported the concept right from the off through his marketing agency Haptiques, and is full of passion and on board again with the concept this season.
“The TRADE UNION concept really came off for us in January. We worked well with our partners; the vibe was positive and nicely relaxed. I’m expecting the atmosphere in the summer to be just as fantastic and I’m sure it’ll be a good occasion with friends, partners and employees.”
In July, buyers can look forward to an expanded portfolio including Red Wing Shoes, a brand from Minnesota. European Marketing Manager Rik van Dijk comments:
“We can't wait to attend the inspiring setting, because our buyers really feel at home there. We need a location where you can take a step back, find a quiet place to sit and talk to everyone. The extra space at the TRADE UNION guarantees this. We’ve only heard good things from friendly brands and we’re really looking forward to the trade show.”

More information:
SEEK, Fashion Week SEEK

Premium Group