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437 results
(c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin presents range of technologies at Graphics Canada

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will introduce its range of technologies at Graphics Canada, which will take place at the Toronto International Centre, May 11-13.
Solutions to be discussed at Graphics Canada will include corona surface treatment systems, automated cylinder cleaning systems, LED-UV curing, roto-spray systems, and technologies for color management and defect detection.
Baldwin’s AMS Spectral UV-brand LED UV technology offers a high curing intensities available for printing. Benefits of LED UV include a 65% reduction in energy consumption, reduced costs related to parts and service, increased productivity and greater effeciency stemming from the lack of waiting for lamps to warm up or cool down
In addition, Baldwin is a leading provider of corona surface treatment systems that are used to achieve better adhesion of process liquids like inks and coatings to substrates as part of printing and industrial production processes

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will introduce its range of technologies at Graphics Canada, which will take place at the Toronto International Centre, May 11-13.
Solutions to be discussed at Graphics Canada will include corona surface treatment systems, automated cylinder cleaning systems, LED-UV curing, roto-spray systems, and technologies for color management and defect detection.
Baldwin’s AMS Spectral UV-brand LED UV technology offers a high curing intensities available for printing. Benefits of LED UV include a 65% reduction in energy consumption, reduced costs related to parts and service, increased productivity and greater effeciency stemming from the lack of waiting for lamps to warm up or cool down
In addition, Baldwin is a leading provider of corona surface treatment systems that are used to achieve better adhesion of process liquids like inks and coatings to substrates as part of printing and industrial production processes
Rounding out its technology, Baldwin’s cleaning solutions automatically and safely clean cylinders, blankets and plates used in various production processes, and tackle cleaning tasks like hickey-picking, end-of-run plate cleaning, blanket cleaning and film cylinder cleaning.
Common to all the technologies is that they increase productivity, reduce waste, improve working conditions and provide full control of producing flawless products. With easy automation and compatible software, Baldwin’s technologies are seamlessly integrated with one another.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.


ANDRITZ starts up needleloom at Foss Floors

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new velour loom it delivered to Foss Floors, Rome, United States (GA). The loom produces flooring from recycled plastic for a wide range of applications. Start-up took place in early 2023.

ANDRITZ is one of the global market leaders for supply of nonwoven production technologies, with a full range of needling technologies, including velour equipment, which allows customers to address a variety of applications such as automotive, household, flooring, acoustics, geotextiles, filtration, and synthetic leather.

Foss Floors is a leader in needlepunched felt products in North America. Its facilities are located in Rome and Chatsworth, Georgia, and it distributes a vast array of flooring products worldwide. One of the company’s key strengths is its agility for product diversification to satisfy customer needs. Foss Floors also strongly expresses its unwavering commitment to environmentally sustainable manufacturing.´

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new velour loom it delivered to Foss Floors, Rome, United States (GA). The loom produces flooring from recycled plastic for a wide range of applications. Start-up took place in early 2023.

ANDRITZ is one of the global market leaders for supply of nonwoven production technologies, with a full range of needling technologies, including velour equipment, which allows customers to address a variety of applications such as automotive, household, flooring, acoustics, geotextiles, filtration, and synthetic leather.

Foss Floors is a leader in needlepunched felt products in North America. Its facilities are located in Rome and Chatsworth, Georgia, and it distributes a vast array of flooring products worldwide. One of the company’s key strengths is its agility for product diversification to satisfy customer needs. Foss Floors also strongly expresses its unwavering commitment to environmentally sustainable manufacturing.´



(c) MKW
Gruppenfoto der Netzwerkpartner:innen und Ministerin Brandes

Hochschule Niederrhein: Kooperationsplattform für nachhaltige Textilwirtschaft startet

Kleidung, Schuhe, Möbel - der Konsum von Textilien steigt in der Europäischen Union kontinuierlich. Mit ihm gehen Auswirkungen auf das Klima, den Wasser- und Energieverbrauch sowie die Umwelt einher. Unter der Leitung der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) starten ab Mai 2023 die Projektpartner HSNR, DWI - Leibniz-Institut für Interaktive Materialien und das Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT eine Kooperationsplattform: Mit dem Projekt „KlarTEXt“ wollen sie die Hindernisse für eine nachhaltige und umweltfreundliche Textilwirtschaft überwinden. Das Projekt wird über vier Jahre mit rund zwei Millionen Euro vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MKW NRW) gefördert.

Kleidung, Schuhe, Möbel - der Konsum von Textilien steigt in der Europäischen Union kontinuierlich. Mit ihm gehen Auswirkungen auf das Klima, den Wasser- und Energieverbrauch sowie die Umwelt einher. Unter der Leitung der Hochschule Niederrhein (HSNR) starten ab Mai 2023 die Projektpartner HSNR, DWI - Leibniz-Institut für Interaktive Materialien und das Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT eine Kooperationsplattform: Mit dem Projekt „KlarTEXt“ wollen sie die Hindernisse für eine nachhaltige und umweltfreundliche Textilwirtschaft überwinden. Das Projekt wird über vier Jahre mit rund zwei Millionen Euro vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MKW NRW) gefördert.

Zwei bis zehn Prozent der EU-Umweltbelastung beruhen auf Kleidungskonsum. Damit stellt der steigende Verbrauch von Textilien über den gesamten Lebenszyklus der Produkte durchschnittlich die viertgrößte Quelle negativer Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und den Klimawandel in der Europäischen Union dar. Mit ihrer Strategie für nachhaltige und kreislauffähige Textilien stößt die EU nun die Transformation der Textilwirtschaft an: Dabei sollen zum einen die Nutzung und Entsorgung textiler Produkte verbessert und zum anderen der Austrag faserigen Mikroplastiks minimiert werden.

Die 1400 deutschen, überwiegend mittelständischen Unternehmen der Branche stellt diese erforderliche Transformation vor große Herausforderungen. Allein für Ökodesignanforderungen (z. B. Ressourceneffizienz oder Recycling) existieren bislang weder Vorgaben noch überzeugende Lösungen. Viele der Unternehmen benötigen dazu starke Partnerschaften.

Austausch von Expertise
Genau hier setzt die Kooperationsplattform „KlarTEXt“ an: Material, Funktion, Zirkularität sowie Ressourceneffizienz sind omnipräsente Themen der Wissenschaft und Industrie mit großem Entwicklungspotenzial für die Gesellschaft. Das MKW finanziert die Entwicklung und Gründung der Plattform, die zugleich den Innovationsbedarf der Gesellschaft und Unternehmen bündeln sowie in wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten und Lehrformate überführen wird.

Mithilfe der Kooperationsplattform möchten die kooperierenden Forschenden Hindernisse für eine nachhaltige Textilindustrie ausmachen, Maßnahmen für ihre Überwindung definieren und an den Stellschrauben für eine sozial und ökologisch nachhaltige Textilwirtschaft arbeiten. „KlarTEXt“ hat zum Ziel, die gemeinsamen Forschungsfelder textile Materialien, Funktionen, Zirkularität sowie Ressourceneffizienz für erhöhte Innovationskraft in Unternehmen zu transferieren. Des Weiteren sollen die Forschungsthemen in verständlicher Sprache mit der Gesellschaft geteilt werden. Durch diese wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe werden so unter anderem Zukunftsinnovationen aus den Bereichen Biopolymere und Biotechnologie für die Textilwirtschaft mit Relevanz versehen.

Bereits Interessierte für die Vernetzung
Unterstützer der ersten Stunde und weitere Kooperationspartner sind das Wuppertal-Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie (WI), das Nova-Institut, die Gemeinschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), das Cluster industrieller Biotechnologie (CLIB) und Die C&A’s FIT GmbH sowie zahlreiche weitere Unternehmen aus dem Textilsektor.  Mithilfe der digitalen Vernetzungsplattform sowie den verschiedenen interaktiven Veranstaltungsangeboten und -formaten möchten die Projektpartner Voraussetzungen schaffen, die Zukunft einer nachhaltigen Textilwirtschaft zu gestalten.

Dies gilt sowohl für Vertreter und Vertreterinnen aus Industrie und Akademia als auch Menschen der allgemeinen Bevölkerung. „Mit ‚KlarTEXt‘ möchten wir die Lücke zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft mit Fokus auf die Textil- und Bekleidungswirtschaft schließen. In partizipativen Formaten wird der Austausch zwischen Bürger:innen und Unternehmen zu den Forschungsfeldern und gesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen zu wichtigen Themen der Textilindustrie wie beispielsweise technische Innovationen, Reparierbarkeit, ökologische Materialien, Fast und Fair Fashion ermöglicht“, erläutert Professorin Maike Rabe. Bürgerinnen und Bürger dürfen sich unter anderem auf Angebote zur textilen Nachhaltigkeit im OecherLab (Aachen), der Junior-Uni (Mönchengladbach), im Supermarkt der Ideen (Oberhausen) und in dem Dezentrale BioLab (Dortmund) freuen.


Hochschule Niederrhein


DyStar announces Restructuring Plan for Ludwigshafen Plant Facility

DyStar announces the plan to restructure its Ludwigshafen facility located in Germany. The strategic decision is made by the company in response to changing business conditions and market shifts.

Mr. Xu Yalin, Managing Director, and President of DyStar Group said, “This is an important strategic move for DyStar. We will focus on developing key emerging markets, which have been shifting over a decade. In the wake of higher energy costs and inflation, DyStar is determined to further improve cost efficiency and drive sustainable productivity as we continue to deliver the highest quality of innovative products that support the global supply chain.”

Mr. Eric Hopmann, Chief Commercial Officer of DyStar Group said, “The restructuring of this facility will be carried out in a phased manner. DyStar will diversify the production activity out of Europe and start with the reduction of manpower as a consequence. DyStar’s customers can be further assured of undisrupted supply, hence their production should not be affected as we will work closely to meet their specific requirements.”

DyStar announces the plan to restructure its Ludwigshafen facility located in Germany. The strategic decision is made by the company in response to changing business conditions and market shifts.

Mr. Xu Yalin, Managing Director, and President of DyStar Group said, “This is an important strategic move for DyStar. We will focus on developing key emerging markets, which have been shifting over a decade. In the wake of higher energy costs and inflation, DyStar is determined to further improve cost efficiency and drive sustainable productivity as we continue to deliver the highest quality of innovative products that support the global supply chain.”

Mr. Eric Hopmann, Chief Commercial Officer of DyStar Group said, “The restructuring of this facility will be carried out in a phased manner. DyStar will diversify the production activity out of Europe and start with the reduction of manpower as a consequence. DyStar’s customers can be further assured of undisrupted supply, hence their production should not be affected as we will work closely to meet their specific requirements.”

The facility has been an integral part of DyStar’s global network. DyStar inherited this facility from their founders who started the Indigo research and manufacturing more than 125 years ago.


Carbios presents its 2022 Annual Results

Carbios, a compnay in the development and industrialization of biological technologies for reinventing the life cycle of plastics and textiles, announces its operating and financial results for the year 2022. The financial statements as of December 31, 2022, were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at their meeting on April 5, 2023.

Carbios, a compnay in the development and industrialization of biological technologies for reinventing the life cycle of plastics and textiles, announces its operating and financial results for the year 2022. The financial statements as of December 31, 2022, were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at their meeting on April 5, 2023.

  • Project to build, in France, the world’s first PET biorecycling plant: Progress in line with 2025 unit commissioning target6
  • Excellent results from the demonstration plant validating the industrial scale-up of Carbios technology
  • Carbios licensing documentation ready for worldwide industrial and commercial deployment
  • Long-term exclusive strategic partnership with Novozymes to ensure supply of enzymes at industrial scale for the Reference Unit and all future licensee plants
  • Creation of fiber-to-fiber consortium with On, Patagonia, Puma, PVH Corp., and Salomon
  • CE-PET research project successfully completed
  • Participation in WhiteCycle project co-funded by Horizon Europe and coordinated by Michelin
  • Publication of scientific articles in the prestigious Biophysical Journal and in Chemical Reviews
  • Carbios hosts world’s first PET Biorecycling Summit
  • Carbios publishes first Sustainability Report and outlines objectives for environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives
  • Carbios joins Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s circular economy network
  • €30 million European Investment Bank loan drawn down in 2022
  • Group’s cash position of €101 million as of December 31, 2022
More information:
Carbios plastics life cycle Recycling



Autoneum: Acquisition of Borgers Automotive successfully completed

The acquisition of the automotive business of Borgers, announced in January 2023, has been completed with effect from April 1, 2023, following receipt of all antitrust approvals. As a result, Autoneum now operates 67 production facilities worldwide and employs around 16 100 people in 24 countries. With the acquisition of the long-established German company, Autoneum is further expanding its global market leadership in sustainable acoustic and thermal management of vehicles. For the planned capital increase of around CHF 100 million for the long-term financing of the acquisition, the shareholders approved the creation of a capital band.

The purchase agreement signed on January 6, 2023, to acquire the assets of the insolvent Borgers companies by Autoneum could be completed. As a result, Autoneum will take over the assets of the Borgers companies in Germany and the shares in the subsidiaries in France, Poland, Sweden, Spain, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and the USA as well as in the company in Shanghai, China, with effect from April 1, 2023. As already communicated, the enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

The acquisition of the automotive business of Borgers, announced in January 2023, has been completed with effect from April 1, 2023, following receipt of all antitrust approvals. As a result, Autoneum now operates 67 production facilities worldwide and employs around 16 100 people in 24 countries. With the acquisition of the long-established German company, Autoneum is further expanding its global market leadership in sustainable acoustic and thermal management of vehicles. For the planned capital increase of around CHF 100 million for the long-term financing of the acquisition, the shareholders approved the creation of a capital band.

The purchase agreement signed on January 6, 2023, to acquire the assets of the insolvent Borgers companies by Autoneum could be completed. As a result, Autoneum will take over the assets of the Borgers companies in Germany and the shares in the subsidiaries in France, Poland, Sweden, Spain, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and the USA as well as in the company in Shanghai, China, with effect from April 1, 2023. As already communicated, the enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

The product and customer range of Borgers Automotive, the specialist for textile acoustics protection, insulation and trim for vehicles, ideally complements Autoneum’s sustainable product portfolio. Particularly with the wheel arch liner and trunk lining product lines as well as the truck business, Autoneum’s global presence offers further potential for profitable growth also outside Europe. In addition, Borgers has more than 150 years of experience in recycling textile materials. In the 2022 financial year, the Borgers Group – excluding the mechanical engineering division which was already sold in the summer of 2022 – generated expected annual revenue of around EUR 700 million and employed around 4 500 employees worldwide. Autoneum has agreed new pricing and delivery terms with Borgers’ customers, which will ensure both sustainable profitability and the further development of technologies and processes.

From April 1, the former Borgers sites in Germany will be part of Autoneum Germany GmbH, which has been in existence for many years. The other subsidiaries worldwide will gradually be renamed Autoneum.

More information:
Autoneum Borgers

Autoneum Management AG

Photo PCMC

PCMC names Windell McGill as Product Launch Manager

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC)—which specializes in the design and manufacture of high-performance converting machinery for the tissue, nonwovens, package-printing and bag-converting industries worldwide—announced that Windell McGill has joined the organization as the Product Launch Manager for its print business segment.

Bringing more than 25 years of print industry experience to PCMC, McGill will oversee product management, product launch and brand expansion for all PCMC print products and services.

Prior to joining PCMC, McGill was Managing Partner of ePac Atlanta, a provider of custom, high-quality flexible packaging solutions and digital printing services. Before that, he served as Business Segment Manager for flexible packaging at HP Indigo. McGill’s extensive experience also includes more than 15 years with Advanced Vision Technology, a provider of camera-based inspection equipment for the packaging market, where he held a variety of sales roles before being named President-Americas.

McGill will operate from his office in Atlanta.

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC)—which specializes in the design and manufacture of high-performance converting machinery for the tissue, nonwovens, package-printing and bag-converting industries worldwide—announced that Windell McGill has joined the organization as the Product Launch Manager for its print business segment.

Bringing more than 25 years of print industry experience to PCMC, McGill will oversee product management, product launch and brand expansion for all PCMC print products and services.

Prior to joining PCMC, McGill was Managing Partner of ePac Atlanta, a provider of custom, high-quality flexible packaging solutions and digital printing services. Before that, he served as Business Segment Manager for flexible packaging at HP Indigo. McGill’s extensive experience also includes more than 15 years with Advanced Vision Technology, a provider of camera-based inspection equipment for the packaging market, where he held a variety of sales roles before being named President-Americas.

McGill will operate from his office in Atlanta.



Dr Ioana Slabu and Benedict Bauer with the nanomodified stent. Photo Peter Winandy

Nanomodified polymerstent: Novel technology for tumour therapy

  • Electromagnetically heatable nanomodified stent for the treatment of hollow organ tumours wins second place at the RWTH Innovation Award

Almost every fourth person who dies of cancer has a hollow organ tumour, for example in the bile duct or in the oesophagus. Such a tumour cannot usually be removed surgically. It is only possible to open the hollow organ for a short time using a stent, i.e. a tubeshaped prosthesis. However, the tumour grows back and penetrates the hollow organ through the stent. Ioana Slabu from the Institute of Applied Medical Technology and Benedict Bauer from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University have now developed a novel technology for the therapy of hollow organ tumours, which was awarded second place in the RWTH Innovation Award. This involves a polymerstent that contains magnetic nanoparticles. When electromagnetic fields are applied, these nanoparticles lead to a controlled heating of the stent material and thus of the tumour. Because the tumour reacts much more sensitively to heat than healthy tissue, it is destroyed and the hollow organ remains open. Thus, the stent develops a self-cleaning effect.  

  • Electromagnetically heatable nanomodified stent for the treatment of hollow organ tumours wins second place at the RWTH Innovation Award

Almost every fourth person who dies of cancer has a hollow organ tumour, for example in the bile duct or in the oesophagus. Such a tumour cannot usually be removed surgically. It is only possible to open the hollow organ for a short time using a stent, i.e. a tubeshaped prosthesis. However, the tumour grows back and penetrates the hollow organ through the stent. Ioana Slabu from the Institute of Applied Medical Technology and Benedict Bauer from the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University have now developed a novel technology for the therapy of hollow organ tumours, which was awarded second place in the RWTH Innovation Award. This involves a polymerstent that contains magnetic nanoparticles. When electromagnetic fields are applied, these nanoparticles lead to a controlled heating of the stent material and thus of the tumour. Because the tumour reacts much more sensitively to heat than healthy tissue, it is destroyed and the hollow organ remains open. Thus, the stent develops a self-cleaning effect.  

Ioana Slabu of the AME explains: "Not only can we drastically reduce treatment costs, but above all we can provide relief for millions of patients worldwide.
A manufacturing process and proof of concept for magnetic hyperthermia are already in place. This novel technology has a very high development potential because it can also be used for tumours in other parts of the body such as the prostate, stomach, intestine or urinary bladder or for cardiovascular diseases.  

The AiF/IGF project started under the project title "ProNano" funded by BMWK. Now the approval for the follow-up project "ProNano2" has also been received. The approved project is called: "Validation of the innovation potential of heatable stents for heat-induced treatment of cavity tumours" and is funded by BMBF in course of the VIP+ program. With the Clinic for General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery of the University Hospital Aachen and the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at RWTH Aachen University, the consortium is enriched by clinical and economic expertise. Every year, RWTH Aachen University honours particularly innovative university projects with the Innovation Award. Professor Malte Brettel, Prorector for Business and Industry, presented the certificates to four outstanding projects as part of RWTHtransparent.


ITA – Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University


Further promotion of padel in Belgium and the Netherlands

  • Beaulieu International Group and Arenal announce partnership

Padel pioneers Arenal and Artificial Grass specialists B.I.G. are pleased to announce the two companies have signed a long-term partnership to drive the growth of padel in the Belgian and Dutch markets. Over the last two years, padel has been growing exponentially, and as two market leaders, B.I.G. and Arenal are looking to further develop the sport. Arenal is a leading operator of padel courts in Belgium, looking to expand under the leadership of Marc Coucke, while B.I.G. is a leading provider for artificial grass surfaces for padel, ready to market its products under its Act Sports brand.

Today 18 million people play padel worldwide, and in Spain, Portugal and Sweden, there are now more active padel players than tennis players. The same growth is manifesting itself in Belgium and the Netherlands, where the number padel courts installed in the last 2 years has almost doubled.

  • Beaulieu International Group and Arenal announce partnership

Padel pioneers Arenal and Artificial Grass specialists B.I.G. are pleased to announce the two companies have signed a long-term partnership to drive the growth of padel in the Belgian and Dutch markets. Over the last two years, padel has been growing exponentially, and as two market leaders, B.I.G. and Arenal are looking to further develop the sport. Arenal is a leading operator of padel courts in Belgium, looking to expand under the leadership of Marc Coucke, while B.I.G. is a leading provider for artificial grass surfaces for padel, ready to market its products under its Act Sports brand.

Today 18 million people play padel worldwide, and in Spain, Portugal and Sweden, there are now more active padel players than tennis players. The same growth is manifesting itself in Belgium and the Netherlands, where the number padel courts installed in the last 2 years has almost doubled.

For the recently opened 8-court Kerkrade facility, Arenal installed Act Sports' new Score Blue padel grass court. With a brand new textured yarn developed exclusively for padel, this product offers the perfect balance in terms of ball bounce, player comfort and game consistency. It can be used both for indoor and outdoor courts, and provides a high-quality, long-life system with low maintenance requirements.


Beaulieu International Group


LOI between Renewcell and Chinese Lyocell Fiber Producer CTA Green Fibre

The Swedish textile-to-textile recycling innovator Renewcell has signed a Letter of Intent with China Textile Academy Green Fibre Co. Ltd., an Chinese lyocell fiber producer, concerning a long-term commercial collaboration around man-made cellulosic fiber production.

The LOI provides the framework for an upcoming offtake agreement between the parties. The future legally binding offtake agreement will set out commercial terms for the delivery of 18,000 tonnes of Circulose® dissolving pulp to CTA Green Fibre over five years. CTA Green Fibre intends to use Circulose® as feedstock in the production of lyocell fibers to be supplied to textile manufacturers and fashion brands worldwide.

The agreement affirms the two companies’ intent to work together to supply lyocell textile fibers made using Circulose®, the 100% recycled textile pulp made by Renewcell, to global fashion brands in the coming years. The agreement has been facilitated by Ekman Group, Renewcell’s exclusive global trading partner.

The Swedish textile-to-textile recycling innovator Renewcell has signed a Letter of Intent with China Textile Academy Green Fibre Co. Ltd., an Chinese lyocell fiber producer, concerning a long-term commercial collaboration around man-made cellulosic fiber production.

The LOI provides the framework for an upcoming offtake agreement between the parties. The future legally binding offtake agreement will set out commercial terms for the delivery of 18,000 tonnes of Circulose® dissolving pulp to CTA Green Fibre over five years. CTA Green Fibre intends to use Circulose® as feedstock in the production of lyocell fibers to be supplied to textile manufacturers and fashion brands worldwide.

The agreement affirms the two companies’ intent to work together to supply lyocell textile fibers made using Circulose®, the 100% recycled textile pulp made by Renewcell, to global fashion brands in the coming years. The agreement has been facilitated by Ekman Group, Renewcell’s exclusive global trading partner.

Patrik Lundström, Renewcell’s CEO, commented: ”With this agreement, we take a new step in demonstrating the applicability of Circulose® in commercial-scale production of lyocell fibers. Lyocell is a high quality, low-impact fiber using closed loop production process which is highly sought after among our fashion brand partners that will now soon be available incorporating Circulose® recycled from textile waste. I am impressed by the innovative capacity and leadership of CTA Green Fibre and look forward to working together with them to make fashion circular together.”


Re:NewCell AB


ChemSec’s PFAs Movement: Brands want the EU to ban PFAS chemicals

  • Harmful PFAS chemicals, used in thousands of consumer products, are shaping up to be the big environmental and health threat of our time. The EU is now the first in the world to propose a broad ban on these chemicals.
  • Consumer brands worth more than €130 billion support the ban on PFAS.  
  • Investors with assets in PFAS-producing companies are calling for an end to production.

Many companies are taking a stand against PFAS chemicals as the EU invites the public to give its opinions on the proposed ban on these harmful chemicals.

  • Harmful PFAS chemicals, used in thousands of consumer products, are shaping up to be the big environmental and health threat of our time. The EU is now the first in the world to propose a broad ban on these chemicals.
  • Consumer brands worth more than €130 billion support the ban on PFAS.  
  • Investors with assets in PFAS-producing companies are calling for an end to production.

Many companies are taking a stand against PFAS chemicals as the EU invites the public to give its opinions on the proposed ban on these harmful chemicals.

108 companies dedicated to phasing out PFAS chemicals from products and processes have joined the PFAS Movement, an advocacy campaign initiated by environmental NGO ChemSec that calls for comprehensive regulation of PFAS in the EU. The members comprise many well-known brands, such as Inditex, Urbanears and the Cookware Company, representing various industries— fashion, home goods, food, and personal care. The members are worth more than €130 billion in total revenue.

“A European ban on PFAS chemicals will have huge repercussions for all manufacturing industries and require much work for companies in the global supply chain. However, some parts of the industry oppose this ban, claiming that the change is too big to be justified. That’s why the support for a ban from such influential consumer brands as those in the PFAS Movement is so important. It’s a strong sign that businesses want to eliminate PFAS chemicals in products and processes”, says Anne-Sofie Bäckar, Executive Director at ChemSec.

A Hollywood Helping Hand
ChemSec’s PFAS Movement is not only supported by the brands but also by Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo who became a PFAS activist after his involvement in the film Dark Waters. The film depicts the real-life events following the massive uncovering of PFAS contamination in the USA. As a result, several PFAS producers in the USA are now involved in multimillion-dollar lawsuits.

The health and environmental threats of PFAS, along with all the lawsuits, have also created attention among another influential group: institutional investors. Last year, 47 institutional investors with US$8 trillion in assets sent a letter to 54 chemical companies named by ChemSec, calling for them to halt the production of persistent “forever chemicals”.

The EU ban on PFAS
The proposed EU ban on PFAS is extensive and the first of its kind worldwide. The idea was initially initiated by Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway, who have spent almost three years mapping the implications of a ban on PFAS chemicals in a dossier that expands over nearly 2000 pages. The proposal shows, among other things, that the emissions of PFAS were 75 000 tonnes in 2020. If this continues, the emissions are expected to sit at 4.4 million tonnes in 30 years. The emissions originate from the production and use of the many products that contain PFAS; furniture, cosmetics, electronics and many more.

More information:
ChemSec PFAS chemicals



World of Wipes® (WOW) Program Announced

INDA announced the program for the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, July 17-20, Atlanta, Georgia. Key topics include: Plastics policy: closing the “intention-action” gap, sustainable manufacturing practices, what consumers think about sustainability and how they are driving cultural change, supply chain transparency, wipes advancements, flushability developments, and a special CEO panel sharing their organizations’ approach to inflation, supply chain challenges, and capacity/demand balance.

Among the leading organizations presenting at this year’s event are: Berry Global, Birla Cellulose, Bringabouts, Bureau Veritas, Diamond Wipes, Freudenberg Performance Materials, Glatfelter, Goodwipes, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, National Cotton Council, Mango Consulting, Plastics Industry Association, Rockline Industries, Sharon Laboratories, and Trützschler Nonwovens. Program and speaker details are available on the WOW website.

INDA announced the program for the World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference, July 17-20, Atlanta, Georgia. Key topics include: Plastics policy: closing the “intention-action” gap, sustainable manufacturing practices, what consumers think about sustainability and how they are driving cultural change, supply chain transparency, wipes advancements, flushability developments, and a special CEO panel sharing their organizations’ approach to inflation, supply chain challenges, and capacity/demand balance.

Among the leading organizations presenting at this year’s event are: Berry Global, Birla Cellulose, Bringabouts, Bureau Veritas, Diamond Wipes, Freudenberg Performance Materials, Glatfelter, Goodwipes, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, National Cotton Council, Mango Consulting, Plastics Industry Association, Rockline Industries, Sharon Laboratories, and Trützschler Nonwovens. Program and speaker details are available on the WOW website.

Two new features at WOW this year are Lightning Talks and Lunch Around. Lightning Talks are an opportunity for tabletop exhibitors to highlight their innovations in “supersized elevator speeches” to WOW participants. Lightning Talks will take place before the tabletop exhibits open Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The Lunch Around opportunity connects participants and thought leaders from the wipes industry at select downtown Atlanta restaurants on Tuesday and Wednesday. Space is limited and is first-come, first-served.

WOW kicks off with the WIPES Academy, a comprehensive course including elements of market research, materials, chemistry, converting, and regulatory filing. This course has been redeveloped to include all aspects of wipes development from concept to commercialization. The WIPES Academy is led by Heidi Beatty, Chief Executive Officer, and Paul Davies, Ph.D., Consultant, Crown Abbey LLC. Ms. Beatty and Mr. Davies bring decades of practical experience to give participants real-world solutions for product development challenges and tools to improve processes.

(c) Hypetex

Michael Dowse joins Hypetex Board

UK advanced materials and technology firm Hypetex, a manufacturer of coloured carbon fibre, has appointed Michael Dowse as a Non-Executive Director and Board Member.

Dowse brings experiences across sport and retail, following leadership roles at some of the biggest sports organisations and companies in the world. He was a Global Director for Nike before becoming President and General Manager Outdoor Americas for Amer Sports, managing brands such as Salomon, Arc’Teryx and Suunto.

As President of Wilson Sporting Goods (2013-2019), Dowse led 1,500+ colleagues in delivering the company’s global strategy, corporate operations, and manufacturing across more than 160 countries. He then took up the position of Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the United States Tennis Association (2020-2022).

Dowse will join a group of advisors at Hypetex, which includes Board Chairman Neil MacDougall and former Diageo Chief Financial Officer Nick Rose. They will support CEO Marc Cohen and Chief Technology Officer Nigel Dunlea as they continue to expand the company’s presence in sport and other sectors worldwide.

UK advanced materials and technology firm Hypetex, a manufacturer of coloured carbon fibre, has appointed Michael Dowse as a Non-Executive Director and Board Member.

Dowse brings experiences across sport and retail, following leadership roles at some of the biggest sports organisations and companies in the world. He was a Global Director for Nike before becoming President and General Manager Outdoor Americas for Amer Sports, managing brands such as Salomon, Arc’Teryx and Suunto.

As President of Wilson Sporting Goods (2013-2019), Dowse led 1,500+ colleagues in delivering the company’s global strategy, corporate operations, and manufacturing across more than 160 countries. He then took up the position of Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the United States Tennis Association (2020-2022).

Dowse will join a group of advisors at Hypetex, which includes Board Chairman Neil MacDougall and former Diageo Chief Financial Officer Nick Rose. They will support CEO Marc Cohen and Chief Technology Officer Nigel Dunlea as they continue to expand the company’s presence in sport and other sectors worldwide.



(c) Schoeller Textil AG

Schoeller Textil with new recycled textile collection at PERFORMANCE DAYS in Munich

Textile performance inspired by nature - Swiss textile manufacturer Schoeller Textil AG launches the sustainable textile collection RE-SOURCE as part of its brand sustainability strategy. All textile innovations in the collection are made from bio-based, post- as well as pre-consumer materials such as recycled polyester and spandex. These are further enhanced with Schoeller textile technologies to provide the wearer with breathability, thermal regulation and wind and water repellency.

Two textile innovations in the collection have been lined on the inside with natural NATIVA Merino wool, produced under the highest sustainability standards. The manufacturing process of NATIVA Merino wool is 100% transparent and traceable for consumers through blockchain technology. NATIVA farms worldwide meet strict social and environmental requirements for animal welfare (ban on mulesing), land management and ethical labour guidelines.

Textile performance inspired by nature - Swiss textile manufacturer Schoeller Textil AG launches the sustainable textile collection RE-SOURCE as part of its brand sustainability strategy. All textile innovations in the collection are made from bio-based, post- as well as pre-consumer materials such as recycled polyester and spandex. These are further enhanced with Schoeller textile technologies to provide the wearer with breathability, thermal regulation and wind and water repellency.

Two textile innovations in the collection have been lined on the inside with natural NATIVA Merino wool, produced under the highest sustainability standards. The manufacturing process of NATIVA Merino wool is 100% transparent and traceable for consumers through blockchain technology. NATIVA farms worldwide meet strict social and environmental requirements for animal welfare (ban on mulesing), land management and ethical labour guidelines.

Schoeller is committed to the CODE OF CONDUCT, which guarantees transparent production chains, environmental protection and fair working conditions. All RE-SOURCE textile innovations are bluesign approved - the international standard for responsible and sustainable textile manufacturing.

"The special Q-cycle process was used for RE-SOURCE. The resistant and durable Q-cycle polyamide is obtained by pyrolysis of used tyres and thus saves Co2 emissions compared to the combustion process. In this way, we are helping to protect the climate with Q-cycle," says Hans Kohn, COO, Schoeller Technologies AG.

The new recycled textile collection will be presented at the PERFORMANCE DAYS textile trade fair in Munich from 15-16 March 2023.


Schoeller Textil AG


Carbios joins Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Carbios announces its membership of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network. Carbios shares the Foundation’s commitment to accelerate the transition to a circular economy, especially in the areas of plastics and fashion. By joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network, Carbios will connect with other leaders within the Foundation’s leading circular economy network of businesses, policymakers, academia, innovators, and thought leaders worldwide.

Carbios fully adheres to Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s vision for a circular economy for plastic. Its biorecycling and biodegradation technologies already match the actions defined by the Foundation:

Carbios announces its membership of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network. Carbios shares the Foundation’s commitment to accelerate the transition to a circular economy, especially in the areas of plastics and fashion. By joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network, Carbios will connect with other leaders within the Foundation’s leading circular economy network of businesses, policymakers, academia, innovators, and thought leaders worldwide.

Carbios fully adheres to Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s vision for a circular economy for plastic. Its biorecycling and biodegradation technologies already match the actions defined by the Foundation:

  • Eliminate all problematic and unnecessary plastic items
  • Innovate to ensure that the plastics we do need are reusable, recyclable, or compostable
  • Circulate all the plastic items we use to keep them in the economy and out of the environment

Through ambitious collaborative projects, plastics and fashion are two topic areas for the Foundation and are also at the heart of Carbios’ activities. Providing actionable solutions to support brands’ ambitious commitments for sustainable packaging and textile industries, Carbios has founded two consortiums: one in the packaging industry established with L’Oréal in 2019, which has since been joined by Nestlé Waters, PepsiCo and Suntory Beverage & Food Europe; another created in 2022 in the textile industry with apparel and fashion brands On, Patagonia, PUMA, PVH Corp. and Salomon. Together, the consortium members develop solutions promoting the recyclability and circularity of their products.

Joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network takes Carbios’ circular economy actions one step further. Carbios recently underscored its commitment to circularity and environmental responsibilities by publishing its first Sustainability Report at the end of 2022[1]. In 2019, Carbios’ biorecycling and biodegradable solutions were among the first innovations to be labelled “Efficient Solution” by the Solar Impulse Foundation[2].

[1] Cf. press release dated 15 December 2022
[2] The Solar Impulse Foundation has identified over a thousand clean and profitable solutions that are economically viable and can be implemented on a large scale.




Recycling Atelier Augsburg and Kelheim Fibres cooperate

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, has joined Recycling Atelier Augsburg. Recycling Atelier Augsburg is a unique centre for research and development in the field of textile recycling. It is located at the Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg an affiliated institute of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. The two institutions founded the Recycling Atelier in June 2022 together with twelve partners from the German textile industry.

In the Recycling Atelier, the focus is on the triad of technical and ecological sense as well as economic benefit. In this way, the partners of the Recycling Atelier are standing up against fast fashion, outsourced corporate responsibility and a general decline in raw material quality, which often fuels downcycling - the low-quality reuse - of materials.

Kelheim Fibres, a leading manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres, has joined Recycling Atelier Augsburg. Recycling Atelier Augsburg is a unique centre for research and development in the field of textile recycling. It is located at the Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg an affiliated institute of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. The two institutions founded the Recycling Atelier in June 2022 together with twelve partners from the German textile industry.

In the Recycling Atelier, the focus is on the triad of technical and ecological sense as well as economic benefit. In this way, the partners of the Recycling Atelier are standing up against fast fashion, outsourced corporate responsibility and a general decline in raw material quality, which often fuels downcycling - the low-quality reuse - of materials.

As a model factory, the Recycling Atelier Augsburg combines the most important processes of textile recycling and offers holistic and comprehensive research along the value chain," explains Georg Stegschuster, head of the Recycling Atelier Augsburg. The scientists research on all process steps of textile recycling: from material analysis to sorting, preparation and textile processing to sustainable product design. Comprehensive data collection and the use of artificial intelligence as well as innovative materials play a central role.

Kelheim Fibres is a producer of high-quality viscose fibres, which consist of cellulose, the main component of the renewable raw material wood, and are used worldwide for products in areas such as hygiene, textiles, and technical applications.

"In New Business Development as well as Fibre and Application Development, we follow the Open Innovation concept - the cooperation with the Recycling Atelier offers us an ideal platform for this. Here we work with partners to advance sustainability and performance," explains Maik Thiel, project manager at Kelheim Fibres.

Recycled cotton fibres are often very short or of uneven length, which makes further processing of 100 % recycled material a challenge. Adding speciality fibres from Kelheim Fibres should enable the production of high-quality new products, such as nonwovens. In the future, the fibres provided by Kelheim Fibres will also be made from recycled pulp.


Kelheim Fibres GmbH

Graphic Carbios

Carbios doubles number of granted patents in two years

  • At end 2022, Carbios has 336 titles worldwide divided into 53 patent families for its innovation in enzymatic recycling of PET plastics and fibers, and its PLA biodegradation technology
  • Carbios’ team of Intellectual Property experts is dedicated to protecting its innovations

Carbios has doubled its number of issued patents since the last review published at the end of 2020. Carbios (and its subsidiary Carbiolice) currently holds 336 titles worldwide divided into 53 patent families.  In 2022, several titles protecting the proprietary PET-degrading enzymes were granted in countries of interest such as the United States and also in Asian countries including Indonesia, South Korea, China, Japan and India.  Carbios has also obtained grants within its patent families protecting the biodegradable plastics production process, notably the masterbatch containing the enzyme or its production process.
Carbios is expanding its intellectual property portfolio in regions and countries where there is strong demand for its disruptive technologies, notably :

  • At end 2022, Carbios has 336 titles worldwide divided into 53 patent families for its innovation in enzymatic recycling of PET plastics and fibers, and its PLA biodegradation technology
  • Carbios’ team of Intellectual Property experts is dedicated to protecting its innovations

Carbios has doubled its number of issued patents since the last review published at the end of 2020. Carbios (and its subsidiary Carbiolice) currently holds 336 titles worldwide divided into 53 patent families.  In 2022, several titles protecting the proprietary PET-degrading enzymes were granted in countries of interest such as the United States and also in Asian countries including Indonesia, South Korea, China, Japan and India.  Carbios has also obtained grants within its patent families protecting the biodegradable plastics production process, notably the masterbatch containing the enzyme or its production process.
Carbios is expanding its intellectual property portfolio in regions and countries where there is strong demand for its disruptive technologies, notably :

  • in Europe: 40 European titles, which could be granted in the 39 member states of the European Patent Organization
  • in North America: 41 titles in the United States and 23 in Canada
  • in Asia: 152 titles, including 37 in China, 27 in Japan and 24 in India

Carbios also has 14 patent applications that may be extended to other countries or regions of the world in the coming years.

“Over the past two years, we have mainly focused on strengthening the protection of our PET biorecycling process and its proprietary enzymes,” commented Lise LUCCHESI, Director of Intellectual Property at Carbios. “For the coming years, we will continue to consolidate the protection of this process, and that of our PLA biodegradation process, by filing new patent applications. We will also actively follow up on our filed patent applications in order to obtain granted patents.”
“Since the beginning of Carbios, the R&D and Intellectual Property departments have worked hand in hand to ensure maximum protection of our enzymes and processes,” commented Alain Marty, Chief Scientific Officer at Carbios.  “These continued efforts to obtain extensive international protection are crucial to safeguard our innovations and ensure the industrial deployment of our technologies.”


(c) AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel publishes 2022 annual report

AkzoNobel has published its digital Report 2022, which gives details of the company’s ongoing transformation during a challenging year of persistent worldwide uncertainty.

The Report 2022 website includes coverage of AkzoNobel’s financial results and key business developments, while the company’s progress on its sustainability ambitions is highlighted throughout.

The online report offers a wide range of interactive content and infographics. Visitors can also make use of various tools to compare key data and download tables.

Meanwhile, the Sustainability statements – traditionally one of the most visited sections – has been revamped and is themed around the key areas of climate change, circularity, and health and well-being. Several case studies also feature prominently.

AkzoNobel has published its digital Report 2022, which gives details of the company’s ongoing transformation during a challenging year of persistent worldwide uncertainty.

The Report 2022 website includes coverage of AkzoNobel’s financial results and key business developments, while the company’s progress on its sustainability ambitions is highlighted throughout.

The online report offers a wide range of interactive content and infographics. Visitors can also make use of various tools to compare key data and download tables.

Meanwhile, the Sustainability statements – traditionally one of the most visited sections – has been revamped and is themed around the key areas of climate change, circularity, and health and well-being. Several case studies also feature prominently.

More information:
AkzoNobel Annual Report digital



Organic Cotton & Textiles Conference in India

The Organic Cotton & Textiles Conference, taking place in Indore, India over three days, from February 27-March 1st is set to bring together a diverse group of key players from every part of the textile supply chain. Farmers, farm groups, industry representatives, non-profits, academics, suppliers, brands, certifiers, government representatives and policymakers will join nearly 200 guests at the multi-day event. The aim is to foster collaboration, explore innovative ideas, listen to those on the ground and focus discussions to develop a shared vision to boost the organic textile supply chain worldwide.

The Organic Cotton & Textiles Conference, taking place in Indore, India over three days, from February 27-March 1st is set to bring together a diverse group of key players from every part of the textile supply chain. Farmers, farm groups, industry representatives, non-profits, academics, suppliers, brands, certifiers, government representatives and policymakers will join nearly 200 guests at the multi-day event. The aim is to foster collaboration, explore innovative ideas, listen to those on the ground and focus discussions to develop a shared vision to boost the organic textile supply chain worldwide.

Co-hosted by  OCA, GOTS, and IFOAM - Organics International, the conference will address a range of subjects including social conditions, transparency through innovation, scaling up organic through investment, as well as sessions tackling certification, decent work and environmental impacts. The event also gives voice to farmers, who join as panellists, in a dedicated Q&A session with seven organic cotton farmers from the region. On the third day, organised by OCA, the organic farmers will welcome attendees to their communities during field trips west to Petlawad to witness organic practices at ground level.

“By addressing these important issues and fostering a dialogue between participants, the conference aims to develop innovative solutions that can drive progress and growth in the sector", says Bart Vollaard, Executive Director of OCA. "We are thrilled to be joining forces with GOTS and IFOAM to create positive change in the organic textile sector."

“Together with IFOAM - Organics International and OCA, GOTS wants to increase visibility of organic and at the same time enhance integrity of organic fibres and textiles. This conference shall serve to strengthen the sector by addressing obstacles and work on effective solutions, in consultation with all relevant and committed stakeholders”, notes Claudia Kersten, Managing Director of GOTS.

Sarah Compson of the IFOAM - Organics International World Board adds “Organic agriculture directly addresses some of the most pressing challenges of our time. IFOAM - Organics International is delighted to collaborate with OCA and GOTS to bring together people from across the whole textile sector and address the barriers and opportunities for scaling organic cotton production worldwide.”

With a strong line-up of notable speakers and guests in a supportive and engaging atmosphere, and a unique approach that connects participants from every step of the supply chain, the Organic Cotton & Textiles Conference is set to be a valuable and transformative event for key stakeholders involved in the organic textile industry.


More information:
GOTS OCA IFOAM Conference cotton



Gold Medal by EcoVadis for Indorama Ventures

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has been awarded the ‘Gold Medal’ by EcoVadis, recognising Indorama Ventures’ commitment to sustainability in supply chain management.

Indorama Ventures participates in the annual EcoVadis assessment to evaluate the company’s sustainable practices and ensure it can meet key customers’ requirements across the different business segments and operations. In 2023, the company achieved the Gold Medal with a score of 77; higher than 2022’s score of 75. Indorama Ventures ranked in the 99th percentile in basic chemical, fertilizers, and nitrogen compound plastics and synthetic rubbers in primary industries of all assessed companies worldwide, with above industry-average performances in all four assessment areas, including environment, labor & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

EcoVadis is a provider of business sustainability ratings. The assessment indices include more than 200 purchasing categories and 175 countries around the world.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited