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AVK-Arbeitskreise für aktuelle Schwerpunktthemen

Nachhaltigkeit, Recycling sowie E-Mobilität spielen auch bei der Herstellung und Verwendung von Composites eine immer größere Rolle und sind deshalb wichtige Themen in neuen oder bewährten Experten-Arbeitskreisen der AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe.

Die Themen Energiewende, Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit sind Kernthemen des derzeitigen gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Wandels. Die Nutzung und Schonung natürlicher Ressourcen und der Umgang mit dem Planeten Erde als Ökosystem generell sind zentrale Elemente des politischen Diskurses und halten Einzug in fast alle gesellschaftlichen und industriellen Themenbereiche. Das ökologische Bewusstsein hat in der Bevölkerung in den letzten Jahren massiv zugenommen und dieser Trend verstärkt sich auch weiterhin.

Nachhaltigkeit, Recycling sowie E-Mobilität spielen auch bei der Herstellung und Verwendung von Composites eine immer größere Rolle und sind deshalb wichtige Themen in neuen oder bewährten Experten-Arbeitskreisen der AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe.

Die Themen Energiewende, Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit sind Kernthemen des derzeitigen gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Wandels. Die Nutzung und Schonung natürlicher Ressourcen und der Umgang mit dem Planeten Erde als Ökosystem generell sind zentrale Elemente des politischen Diskurses und halten Einzug in fast alle gesellschaftlichen und industriellen Themenbereiche. Das ökologische Bewusstsein hat in der Bevölkerung in den letzten Jahren massiv zugenommen und dieser Trend verstärkt sich auch weiterhin.

Auch Composites als Konstruktionsmaterialien und werkstoffliche Alternative zu etablierten Materialsystemen müssen sich diesen Themenbereichen stellen. Kunststoffe in all ihrer Vielfalt können, aufgrund ihrer Langlebigkeit, auch zu einem Problem werden. Hier gilt es Konzepte zu entwickeln und im industriellen Maßstab Lösungen umzusetzen. Nicht zuletzt wegen ihrer hohen Relevanz und der Aktualität nehmen entsprechende Themen in neuen, aber auch bewährten Experten-Arbeitskreisen der AVK einen breiten Raum ein.

Composites können durch ihre große Material- und Eigenschaftsvielfalt perfekt an die aktuellen Herausforderungen bei den Themen im Energie-, Automobil- und Bausektor angepasst werden. Ihre besonderen Eigenschaften haben sie vor allem in den Anwendungen bekannt gemacht, bei denen Leichtbau, Langlebigkeit, Korrosionsbeständigkeit und Wartungsarmut gefordert sind. Windkraftanlagen beispielsweise wären ohne Composites nicht denkbar.

Hervorragende Eigenschaften in der Nutzungsphase reichen heute nicht mehr aus: Konstruktionsmaterialien müssen ihre Eignung über den gesamten Lebenszyklus nachweisen. Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit wird in allen Anwendungsbereichen immer wichtiger. Neue AVK-Arbeitskreise zu Themen wie Werkstoffeigenschaften und -anforderungen für die E-Mobilität, Recycling von Composites oder auch zu Thermoplastischen Composites-Rohren zeigen, welch große Dynamik im Composites-Sektor herrscht und was für die Zukunft möglich ist.

Auch die Themen in bewährten Arbeitskreisen werden aktuell ergänzt, wie z. B. SMC-Anwendungen in der Elektro-Mobilität oder die Vorteile von pultrudierten Composites im Infrastrukturbereich. Dabei bietet auch der Leichtbau von Komponenten in den weiter auf Einsparung von Ressourcen bedachten Industriesektoren eine große Vielfalt an Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Composites. Bereits heute zeigen sich Composites auch im Hinblick auf die Nachhaltigkeit vielfach gut aufgestellt.

Die Teilnahme an den AVK-Expertenarbeitskreisen ist für Mitarbeiter von Mitgliedsunternehmen kostenlos. Mehr zu den Themen rund um die Arbeitskreise auf

GREENBOATS, Sicomin and Bcomp Selected as JEC Innovation Awards 2021 Finalists (c) JEC Group

GREENBOATS, Sicomin and Bcomp Selected as JEC Innovation Awards 2021 Finalists

GREENBOATS, Sicomin and Bcomp are nominated as finalists for the JEC Innovation Awards 2021. The three project partners have been selected as finalists in the awards’ Renewable Energy category for their innovative Green Nacelle – the first offshore nacelle manufactured with natural fibre composites (NFC).

The Green Nacelle was designed by NFC innovators GREENBOATS, who were also responsible for the structural engineering, manufacturing and assembly of the nacelle.  By incorporating Bcomp’s ampliTex™ flax reinforcements, FSC certified balsa wood cores and bio-based resins, the Green Nacelle’s NFC construction saves approximately 60% CO2 equivalent and reduces the energy consumption by over 50% compared to a nacelle made with existing GFRP technology.

In addition to the lower CO2 footprint, the natural fibre composite structure also introduces viable options for the end of the nacelles’ life unlike traditional GFRP structures - an issue of increasing concern for the wind energy sector that presents a great opportunity for natural fibre composites to bring a sustainable change to this market.

GREENBOATS, Sicomin and Bcomp are nominated as finalists for the JEC Innovation Awards 2021. The three project partners have been selected as finalists in the awards’ Renewable Energy category for their innovative Green Nacelle – the first offshore nacelle manufactured with natural fibre composites (NFC).

The Green Nacelle was designed by NFC innovators GREENBOATS, who were also responsible for the structural engineering, manufacturing and assembly of the nacelle.  By incorporating Bcomp’s ampliTex™ flax reinforcements, FSC certified balsa wood cores and bio-based resins, the Green Nacelle’s NFC construction saves approximately 60% CO2 equivalent and reduces the energy consumption by over 50% compared to a nacelle made with existing GFRP technology.

In addition to the lower CO2 footprint, the natural fibre composite structure also introduces viable options for the end of the nacelles’ life unlike traditional GFRP structures - an issue of increasing concern for the wind energy sector that presents a great opportunity for natural fibre composites to bring a sustainable change to this market.

Sicomin, the formulator and supplier of the leading range of GreenPoxy bio-based epoxy resin systems, supplied its DNV GL approved InfuGreen 810 resin system that was used to infuse the Green Nacelle’s main structural sandwich panels, as well as providing intumescent FR gelcoats, bio-based laminating resins and UV resistant clear coatings for the groundbreaking new nacelle.  Materials, as well as on-site technical support, were delivered by Sicomin’s German distributor TIME OUT Composites.

The winners of the awards will be announced during JEC Connect which will be held on the 1st and 2nd June 2021.


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2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium free of charge for all attendees

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University has changed the format of the 2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium to an online only format. The programme was shortened to suit the new format, with presentations taking place on Monday 10th May and Tuesday 11th May.

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University has changed the format of the 2021 Aachen Reinforced! Symposium to an online only format. The programme was shortened to suit the new format, with presentations taking place on Monday 10th May and Tuesday 11th May.

The conference program for Monday, 10th May:
The programme will begin with exciting presentations on glass chemistry and fibres. A talk by Dr Anne Berthereau (Owens Corning Composites) on the race for always higher modulus glass fibres will be followed by a talk from Dr Hong Li (Nippon Electric Glass) on the potential of new high-strength and high-modulus glass fibres.
After two further presentations on high modulus and bioactive glass fibres from Muawia Dafir and Julia Eichhorn (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), we will learn about furnace efficiency as well as process monitoring and digitalisation in glass fibre production from René Meulemann (CelSian), Hans Gedon (Gedonsoft) and Julius Golovatchev (Incotelogy) respectively.
A presentation by Felix Quintero Martínez (Universidade de Vigo) will explore a novel method to produce ultra-flexible glass nanofibers.
The afternoon will continue with two presentations by Dr Christina Scheffler (Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF)) and Professor James Thomason (University of Strathclyde) in the field of glass fibre sizings and fibre-matrix interfaces. Finally, a closing presentation by Steve Bassetti (Michelman) will conclude the first day of the Symposium.

The entire conference programme is available on the website
To register for the Symposium, use the following link:

AVK: Elektro-Mobilität bietet große Chancen für den Einsatz von  Composites (c) Volkswagen AG

AVK: Elektro-Mobilität bietet große Chancen für den Einsatz von Composites

Die anstehende Verkehrswende ist eines der zentralen wirtschaftlichen und industriellen Themen unserer Zeit. Umweltschutz und ein möglichst nachhaltiger Umgang mit unserem Planeten und seinen endlichen Ressourcen sowie der Wunsch nach individueller Mobilität dürfen sich zukünftig nicht mehr gegenseitig ausstechen. Es gilt Lösungen zu finden, die beide Wünsche gleichberechtigt berücksichtigen.

In den letzten Jahren steht bei der Betrachtung möglicher Alternativer Antriebssysteme vor allem der Wechsel von klassischen Verbrennungsmotoren hin zur Elektro-Mobilität im Fokus. Auch wenn es zahlreiche weitere Optionen gibt, so ist diese das derzeit politisch und auch wirtschaftlich oftmals präferierte Modell, auf das die Automobilindustrie mit allen vor- und nachgelagerten Industriezweigen reagieren muss.

Die anstehende Verkehrswende ist eines der zentralen wirtschaftlichen und industriellen Themen unserer Zeit. Umweltschutz und ein möglichst nachhaltiger Umgang mit unserem Planeten und seinen endlichen Ressourcen sowie der Wunsch nach individueller Mobilität dürfen sich zukünftig nicht mehr gegenseitig ausstechen. Es gilt Lösungen zu finden, die beide Wünsche gleichberechtigt berücksichtigen.

In den letzten Jahren steht bei der Betrachtung möglicher Alternativer Antriebssysteme vor allem der Wechsel von klassischen Verbrennungsmotoren hin zur Elektro-Mobilität im Fokus. Auch wenn es zahlreiche weitere Optionen gibt, so ist diese das derzeit politisch und auch wirtschaftlich oftmals präferierte Modell, auf das die Automobilindustrie mit allen vor- und nachgelagerten Industriezweigen reagieren muss.

Auch für die Composites-Industrie ergeben sich neue Herausforderungen. Bislang ist der Transportbereich mit einem Anteil von 32 % das zweitwichtigste Anwendungssegment der Composites Industrie (vgl. Abb. 1). Betrachtet werden hier alle Lang- sowie Endlosfaserverstärkten Materialsysteme. Änderungen und neue Impulse in diesem so wichtigen Bereich haben, sowohl für die deutsche Industrie generell als auch für die Zulieferindustrie im Speziellen, einen fundamentalen Einfluss auf viele Akteure im Composites-Markt.

Bereits vielfach wurde in den letzten Monaten ein Abgesang auf die Composites im Automobilbereich angestimmt, da Leichtbau seinen Einfluss bei der E-Mobilität vermeintlich verloren habe. Dies muss sich, wenn man die reine Physik betrachtet, schon grundlegend als falsch herausstellen und wurde mittlerweile ja auch vielfach entkräftet. Darüber hinaus wird aber übersehen, dass Composites über ein enorm vielfältiges und breites Eigenschaftsniveau, auch über den Leichtbau hinaus aufweisen. Die Leichtbaumöglichkeiten sind nur ein Baustein der für den Einsatz von Composites, vor allem auch in der Elektromobilität spricht.

Wie genau Composites zukünftig eingesetzt werden können und wo sich die meisten Potenziale zeigen, dass war Thema einer Arbeitskreissitzung der AVK zum Thema "Werkstoffeigenschaften und -anforderungen für die E-Mobilität“. Mehr als 150 angemeldete Teilnehmer informierten sich am 24. März über den aktuellen Stand aus Forschung und Entwicklung sowie derzeitige und zukünftige Anwendungsszenarien.

Leitfähige Kunststoffe, Kunststoffe im Hochvoltbereich, aber auch direktgekühlte Motoren aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen waren dabei ebenso Thema, wie neue Materialentwicklungen und konkrete Anwendungsfelder im PKW-Bereich.

Potenziale für den Einsatz von Kunststoffen und ganz speziell auch Composites zeigen sich beispielsweise im Bereich des Batteriegehäuses bzw. des Deckels der Batteriegehäuse.

Das Batteriegehäuse inklusive Deckel ist in einem Fahrzeug ein Teil der gesamten Fahrzeugstruktur. Das Gehäuse beherbergt die Zellen, die Kühlung, die Verkabelung und schützt vor Crash-/Crush- Schäden. Composites verfügen u. a. über eine gute Zug- und Biegefestigkeit und erhöhen die Steifigkeit. Darüber hinaus ist eine hohe Formstabilität und elektrische Isolation garantiert. Spontanversagen des Bauteils gibt es nicht. EV (electric vehicle)-Batterien haben in der Regel große Dimensionen und ein komplexes Design. Große Bauteile und komplexe Formen lassen sich mit Composites in einem Bauteil darstellen, mehrstufige Verarbeitungsprozesse entfallen. Dies sind nur einige der Vorteile, die durch den Einsatz von Composites entstehen können. Die Experten des AVK-Arbeitskreises waren sich einig: die Elektromobilität bietet vielfältige Chancen für Composites. Man muss als Industrie die sich bietenden Möglichkeiten gemeinsam angehen, um von den anstehenden Änderungen profitieren zu können. Darüber hinaus muss die Vorteilhaftigkeit der Materialien zukünftig noch besser nach außen und zu potenziellen Nutzern/Anwendern kommuniziert werden.

Deswegen wurde entschieden, die Arbeit gemeinsam fortzusetzen. Ein nächstes Treffen des Arbeitskreises „Werkstoffeigenschaften und -anforderungen für die E-Mobilität“ wird am 24.06.2021 stattfinden.


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.

Flax for Composites: Woven tapes made of natural fibres by vombaur (c) Elke Wetzig, Wikimedia
Lightweight, firm, sustainable: Flax tape by vombaur

Flax for Composites: Woven tapes made of natural fibres by vombaur

Flax has accompanied people for thousands of years, in linen fabrics, in ropes, as insulation material. And until the present day. With woven tapes made of flax, vombaur makes the functional and ecological advantages of natural fibres available for lightweight design.

Lightweight and firm
Flax fibres are particularly rigid and tear-proof. Textiles made of the natural material therefore give natural fibre reinforced plastic (NFP) special stability. Additionally, flax has a low density. The components thus combine high rigidity and strength with low weight. Another functional plus: natural fibre reinforced plastics are less prone to splintering than glass fibre reinforced plastics.

Sustainable material
The cultivation of flax binds CO2 and the production of NFP generates 33 percent lower CO2 emissions than conventional fibre reinforced plastics. The energy consumption is 40 percent lower. This reduces production costs and improves the material's CO2 footprint. Punch-packing arguments for natural fibre tapes – like flax tape by vombaur – in lightweight design applications.

Flax has accompanied people for thousands of years, in linen fabrics, in ropes, as insulation material. And until the present day. With woven tapes made of flax, vombaur makes the functional and ecological advantages of natural fibres available for lightweight design.

Lightweight and firm
Flax fibres are particularly rigid and tear-proof. Textiles made of the natural material therefore give natural fibre reinforced plastic (NFP) special stability. Additionally, flax has a low density. The components thus combine high rigidity and strength with low weight. Another functional plus: natural fibre reinforced plastics are less prone to splintering than glass fibre reinforced plastics.

Sustainable material
The cultivation of flax binds CO2 and the production of NFP generates 33 percent lower CO2 emissions than conventional fibre reinforced plastics. The energy consumption is 40 percent lower. This reduces production costs and improves the material's CO2 footprint. Punch-packing arguments for natural fibre tapes – like flax tape by vombaur – in lightweight design applications.

Circular Economy
Circular Economy – this also works in lightweight design. The number of recycling cycles without loss of quality is higher for natural fibre reinforced plastics than for glass or carbon fibre reinforced plastics: the thermoplastic matrix of the composite can be melted and recycled after a product life cycle. The natural fibres can "live on" in other products – injection moulded products for example.

Versatile applications
"Composites from our flax tapes are used to reinforce high-tech skis as well as for extruding state-of-the-art window sections – the applications are countless," explains Tomislav Josipovic, Sales Manager with vombaur. "As a development partner, we support applications for the automotive, wind energy, construction, sports and many other industries with our composite textiles."

More information:
vombaur Naturfasern Composites

Moncler launches Grenoble collection with Dyneema® Composite Fabric (c) DSM Protective Materials
DSM Protective Materials DSMPMPR003b

Moncler launches Grenoble collection with Dyneema® Composite Fabric

  • Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, today announced that, for the first time, Dyneema® Composite Fabrics are used by Moncler in the Fall/Winter 2020 Grenoble collection, which fuses form and function into high performance skiwear.

Moncler Grenoble is born of a passion for research and implements cutting-edge technology to push the limits of its potential. The design team identified Dyneema® as an innovative fabric it could use to push the level of its performance to the next peak, incorporating the material into the new collection as a departure from the conventional use of cotton and polyester.

  • Royal DSM, a global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, today announced that, for the first time, Dyneema® Composite Fabrics are used by Moncler in the Fall/Winter 2020 Grenoble collection, which fuses form and function into high performance skiwear.

Moncler Grenoble is born of a passion for research and implements cutting-edge technology to push the limits of its potential. The design team identified Dyneema® as an innovative fabric it could use to push the level of its performance to the next peak, incorporating the material into the new collection as a departure from the conventional use of cotton and polyester.

Sandro Mandrino, the Head of Design for Moncler Grenoble, was the first designer of the luxury fashion brand to incorporate Dyneema® into one of his creations through the Moncler Genius project. The Moncler Genius project advocates radical co-creation where multiple designers create their own signature collections in collaboration with the house. Together, these collections translate into one vision of the future and, as one of the nine designers, Mandrino’s interpretation of the future of fashion features Dyneema® Composite Fabric.

Using variations of the fabric in both white and black allowed Mandrino to bring his vision to life by merging skiwear, space suits and technology all in one. “ 3 Moncler Grenoble is first and foremost about performance,” states Mandrino, who integrated constructive solutions with fabric technology to develop a line that was meant to perform both on and off the ski slopes.

Dyneema®, the world’s strongest and lightest fiber, is 15 times stronger than steel yet light enough to float on water. The unmatched performance and protection of products made with Dyneema® have made it the material of choice in critical applications where failure is not an option for more than 30 years. In fabric form, Dyneema® is available in composites, denim, knits, wovens and hybrids for composite reinforcements. And because Dyneema® fabrics are made using Dyneema® fiber, they intrinsically provide high strength, low weight, waterproof and breathable properties – allowing designers to fuse the technical performance of ultra-light products with aesthetic design that doesn’t sacrifice strength or durability.

The Moncler team used the Grenoble collection as an opportunity to experiment and further understand the nature and behavior of Dyneema® fabrics, while simultaneously incorporating material performance with practical design. “Future collections will focus on expanding to new designs and fabric options in collaboration with DSM,” adds Mandrino.

“We are very excited to be working with the Moncler team to launch a collection of wonderful garments that allow people to explore the outdoors more safely and for longer periods of time,” states Marcio Manique, Global Business Director, Consumer & Professional Protection, DSM Protective Materials. “We look forward to further supporting Moncler as they develop innovative, high-tech garments that are also sustainably sourced through the introduction of bio-based Dyneema® fabrics.”

In line with DSM’s commitment to protect people and the environment they live in, the world’s first-ever bio-based ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber was introduced in May 2020. Bio-based Dyneema® boasts the same exact performance as conventional Dyneema® with a carbon footprint that is 90 percent lower than generic HMPE. DSM and Moncler’s continued partnership will not only provide high performance, light weight garments for outdoor enthusiasts but also environmentally sustainable alternatives that contribute to a more circular economy.

Bio Composites Procedure (c) AZL Aachen GmbH

Starting market and technology study on the Potential for bio-based composite materials

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are important developments for the current design of productions and products. In order to obtain a comprehensive evaluation of the potential of bio-based composites, the AZL, together with an industry consortium, is investigating the market potential, future applications and relevant technologies for bio-based composite materials. The 5-month market and technology study will start on October 22nd, 2020 and is open to interested companies. Companies such as REHAU, an Automotive Tier 1, Asahi Kasei, Johns Manville, Mahr Metering Systems and several material manufacturers are participating in the study.

Bio-plastics are well established in industry, especially in packaging applications. The market for biopolymers is expected to grow from USD 10.5 billion in 2020 to USD 27.9 billion in 2025. At the same time, bio-based raw materials, such as natural fibers, are available on the market in a cost-effective manner. Composites with wood or natural fiber content are also increasingly used in products.

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are important developments for the current design of productions and products. In order to obtain a comprehensive evaluation of the potential of bio-based composites, the AZL, together with an industry consortium, is investigating the market potential, future applications and relevant technologies for bio-based composite materials. The 5-month market and technology study will start on October 22nd, 2020 and is open to interested companies. Companies such as REHAU, an Automotive Tier 1, Asahi Kasei, Johns Manville, Mahr Metering Systems and several material manufacturers are participating in the study.

Bio-plastics are well established in industry, especially in packaging applications. The market for biopolymers is expected to grow from USD 10.5 billion in 2020 to USD 27.9 billion in 2025. At the same time, bio-based raw materials, such as natural fibers, are available on the market in a cost-effective manner. Composites with wood or natural fiber content are also increasingly used in products.

Dr. Michael Emonts, Managing Partner of AZL: "Together with our partner companies we want to identify hidden business potential for composites with bio-based materials. To do so, we will reapply our established approach for market and technology studies: Based on a detailed market analysis, we will dive deep into the technological evaluation of technologies, applications and business cases.”

Based on a detailed market segmentation, AZL's technology experts analyze the various market segments in terms of their size, growth potential, relevant players and existing and future applications. For the identified applications, the participants in the study will receive detailed insight into the respective technical and legal requirements as well as an overview of value chains, processes and materials. In the following, the strengths and challenges of bio-composites compared to conventional materials are elaborated. The consortium will select the components with the highest potential, for which suitable production scenarios will be developed and analyzed in terms of costs in a business case analysis.

"We are participating in the AZL study to identify and evaluate new product areas with bio-materials. The technological analyses of the AZL studies have already helped us in the past to initiate new developments," says Dr. Steven Schmidt, Director Technology Platforms Materials at REHAU, explaining the motivation for working with the AZL and the industry consortium. "As one of the 50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders, we at REHAU are incorporating environmentally friendly materials into more and more products. Wherever the company is active - from the furniture and construction industries to the automotive industry - REHAU is already developing and manufacturing high-quality products from recycled raw materials. By 2025, REHAU plans to increase its recycling rate across the Group to significantly more than 15 percent and at the same time reduce CO2 emissions by at least 30 percent," adds Dr. Steven Schmidt.

Bio-composites will also be the topic of the upcoming Lightweight TechTalk by AZL on September 29, 2020. Experts from industry and academia will give technology and market insights on sustainability and recycling of composites in 6 presentations. Registration is free of charge at:

The kick-off of the project will take place on October 22nd, 2020 in the form of a video conference. Further background information on the project can be found under the following link:

Bio Composites Procedure (c) AZL Aachen GmbH

Startende Markt- und Technologiestudie zum Potential für bio-basierte Composite-Materialien

Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein sind wichtige Entwicklungen für die derzeitige Gestaltung von Produktionen und Produkten. Um eine umfassende Einschätzung des Potentials von bio-basierten Composites zu erhalten, untersucht das AZL zusammen mit einem Industriekonsortium das Marktpotential, zukünftige Anwendungen und relevante Technologien für bio-basierte Composite-Materialien. Die 5-monatige Markt- und Technologiestudie startet am 22. Oktober 2020 und ist offen für interessierte Firmen. Firmen wie REHAU, ein Automotive Tier 1, Asahi Kasei, Johns Manville, Mahr Metering Systems sowie mehrere Materialhersteller beteiligen sich an der Studie.

Bio-Kunststoffe sind in der Industrie, vor allem in Verpackungsanwendungen etabliert. Es wird erwartet, dass der Markt für Biopolymere von 10,5 Milliarden USD im Jahr 2020 auf 27,9 Milliarden USD im Jahr 2025 wachsen wird. Gleichzeitig sind bio-basierte Rohmaterialien, wie Naturfasern, kosteneffektiv auf dem Markt erhältlich. Auch Composites mit Holz- oder Naturfaseranteilen werden zunehmend in Produkten eingesetzt.

Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein sind wichtige Entwicklungen für die derzeitige Gestaltung von Produktionen und Produkten. Um eine umfassende Einschätzung des Potentials von bio-basierten Composites zu erhalten, untersucht das AZL zusammen mit einem Industriekonsortium das Marktpotential, zukünftige Anwendungen und relevante Technologien für bio-basierte Composite-Materialien. Die 5-monatige Markt- und Technologiestudie startet am 22. Oktober 2020 und ist offen für interessierte Firmen. Firmen wie REHAU, ein Automotive Tier 1, Asahi Kasei, Johns Manville, Mahr Metering Systems sowie mehrere Materialhersteller beteiligen sich an der Studie.

Bio-Kunststoffe sind in der Industrie, vor allem in Verpackungsanwendungen etabliert. Es wird erwartet, dass der Markt für Biopolymere von 10,5 Milliarden USD im Jahr 2020 auf 27,9 Milliarden USD im Jahr 2025 wachsen wird. Gleichzeitig sind bio-basierte Rohmaterialien, wie Naturfasern, kosteneffektiv auf dem Markt erhältlich. Auch Composites mit Holz- oder Naturfaseranteilen werden zunehmend in Produkten eingesetzt.

Dr. Michael Emonts, Geschäftsführer des AZL: „Zusammen mit unseren Partnerfirmen wollen wir bisher noch unerkanntes Geschäftspotential für Composites mit aus bio-basierten Materialien identifizieren. Dazu wenden wir unseren etablierten Ansatz für Markt-/Technologiestudien an und tauchen ausgehend von einer detaillierten Marktanalyse tief in die technologische Bewertung von Technologien, Anwendungen und Business Cases.“

Ausgehend von einer detaillierten Marktsegmentierung, analysieren die Technologieexperten des AZL die verschiedenen Marktsegmente hinsichtlich ihrer Größe, ihres Wachstumspotentials, relevanter Akteure und existierender und zukünftiger Anwendungen. Die Teilnehmer der Studie erhalten für die identifizierten Anwendungen detaillierte Einsicht in die jeweiligen technischen und gesetzlichen Anforderungen sowie einen Überblick über Wertschöpfungsketten, Prozesse und Materialien. Im Folgenden werden die Stärken und Herausforderungen von Bio-Composites gegenüber konventionellen Materialien erarbeitet. Das Konsortium wählt die Komponenten mit dem höchsten Potential aus, für die geeignete Produktionsszenarien erarbeitet und im Rahmen einer Business-Case-Analyse hinsichtlich ihrer Kosten analysiert werden.

„Wir sind bei der AZL-Studie dabei, um dadurch neue Produktbereiche mit Bio-Materialien zu identifizieren und zu bewerten. Die technologischen Analysen der AZL-Studien haben uns bereits in der Vergangenheit geholfen, Neuentwicklungen anzustoßen,“ erklärt Dr. Steven Schmidt, Director Technology Platforms Materials bei REHAU die Motivation mit dem AZL und dem Industriekonsortium zusammen zu arbeiten. „Als einer der 50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders bringen wir bei REHAU umweltfreundliche Materialien in immer mehr Produkte. Überall, wo das Unternehmen tätig ist – von der Möbel-, über die Bau- bis hin zur Automobilindustrie – entwickelt und produziert REHAU bereits heute qualitativ hochwertige Produkte aus Recycling-Rohstoffen. Bis 2025 plant REHAU, seine Recyclingquote gruppenweit auf deutlich mehr als 15 Prozent zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig den CO2-Ausstoß um mindestens 30 Prozent zu reduzieren,“ ergänzt Dr. Steven Schmidt.

Bio-Composites werden auch Thema im anstehenden Lightweight TechTalk by AZL am 29. September 2020 sein. Experten aus Industrie und Academia werden in 6 Vorträgen Technologie- und Markteinblicke geben zu Nachhaltigkeit und Recycling von Composites. Die Anmeldung ist kostenfrei möglich unter:

Das Kick-Off des Projekts findet am 22. Oktober 2020 im Rahmen einer Video-Konferenz statt.

Weitere Hintergrundinformationen zum Projekt finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

More information:
AZL Composites Studie

AZL Aachen GmbH

The Nordic countries’ first industrial end-of-life textile refinement plant will open in Paimio in 2021. (c)Paimion
Rester Paimio end-of-life textile refinement

The Nordic countries’ first industrial end-of-life textile refinement plant will open in Paimio in 2021.

Rester Oy, which is developing the plant in Paimio, recycles companies' end-of-life textiles, and Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy (LSJH), which will hire a production area at the same facility, processes households' end-of-life textiles. The plant will process 12,000 tonnes of end-of-life textiles every year, which represents about 10% of Finland’s textile waste.

The textile industry’s end-of-life textile problem is intolerable. Natural resources are increasingly used to manufacture products, but these materials are lost at the end of their life cycle. About 100 million kilograms of textile waste are generated annually in Finland alone. Reusing this material could reduce the textile industry’s carbon footprint and significantly reduce the use of natural resources.

Rester Oy, which is developing the plant in Paimio, recycles companies' end-of-life textiles, and Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy (LSJH), which will hire a production area at the same facility, processes households' end-of-life textiles. The plant will process 12,000 tonnes of end-of-life textiles every year, which represents about 10% of Finland’s textile waste.

The textile industry’s end-of-life textile problem is intolerable. Natural resources are increasingly used to manufacture products, but these materials are lost at the end of their life cycle. About 100 million kilograms of textile waste are generated annually in Finland alone. Reusing this material could reduce the textile industry’s carbon footprint and significantly reduce the use of natural resources.

Rester Oy and LSJH will drive the textile sector towards a circular economy and begin processing textile waste as an industrial raw material. The Nordic countries’ first industrial end-of-textile refinement plant will open in Paimio in 2021. The 3,000-square-metre plant is being developed by Rester Oy, which recycles companies' end-of-life textiles and industrial waste materials. LSJH, which processes households’ end-of-life textiles on its production line, will hire part of the plant.

Outi Luukko, Rester Oy’s board chair, says, “The processing plant will begin a new era of textile circular economy in Finland. As industry pioneers, we are launching a system change in Scandinavia. The transition of the textile industry from a linear model to a circular economy is essential, as virgin materials cannot sustain the current structure of the textile industry. And why should it, when there is so much recyclable material available?”

From the perspective of Rester Oy’s main owner, work clothing supplier Touchpoint, the circular economy plant not only represents resource efficiency, but is also necessary from the perspective of the entire life cycle of a responsible work clothing collection.

Luukko adds, “Finding a local solution to a global problem is a huge leap in the right direction and raises Finland's profile as a pioneer of circular economy."

The future plant will be able to process 12,000 tonnes of end-of-life textiles annually, which represents about 10% of Finland’s textile waste. Both production lines produce recycled fibre, which can be used for various industrial applications, including yarn and fabric, insulating materials for construction and shipping industries, acoustic panels, composites, non-woven and filter materials, and other technical textiles, such as geo-textiles.

LSJH is piloting a full-scale refinement plant

LSJH has launched a pilot production line for processing households' end-of-life textiles. Unfortunately, consumers' end-of-life textiles are heterogeneous, making them a challenging raw material for further processing. Before processing, the textiles are sorted by material into various fibre classes using optical identification technology developed by LSJH and its partners. This ensures the quality of the raw material and the resulting fibre products.

Jukka Heikkilä, managing director for Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto, explains: “On the basis of the experiences gathered from the pilot project, Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto is preparing a full-scale refinement plant in the Turku region. As soon as 2023, the plant will process Finnish households' end-of-life textiles. The project involves all waste treatment plants owned by Finnish municipalities.”

Paimio has ambitious goals for circular economy companies

Rester’s initiative aims to create a circular economy cluster in Paimio that combines the processing and reuse of end-of-life textile fibres. Paimion Kehitys Oy, which is owned by the City of Paimio and the local association of enterprises, supports the development of circular economy companies in Paimio.

Mika Ingi, managing director for Paimion Kehitys Oy, says, “We want to step out of our traditional municipal role and create significant added value for everyone taking part. That is why we are involved in the development of a new modern service model based on ecosystem thinking. We are piloting the textile cluster, followed in the coming years by clusters focusing on plastic, construction, and energy. The aim of our service is to support and help develop new profitable business by bringing circular economy companies and their potential customers to innovate together."

The foundation stone of the processing plant was laid today (18 August 2020). The processing plant will begin operations in February 2021.


Hexcel and Lavoisier Composites: Alliance to Up-Cycle Composite By-Products from the Aerospace Manufacturing Cycle

Hexcel has joined forces with a Lyon-based startup, LAVOISIER COMPOSITES. This company has developed CARBONIUM®, a new generation of material sourced entirely from carbon composite by-products generated by the French aerospace sector.

Hexcel supplies high-performance composite materials for the latest generation of aircraft such as the Airbus A350 XWB (53% composite structure). This has greatly contributed to the reduction of the aircraft's weight, thereby reducing its fuel consumption and carbon footprint. Composites are a significant first step toward tackling environmental and economic challenges, and eco-sourcing of the industry by-products also plays a key role.

Hexcel has joined forces with a Lyon-based startup, LAVOISIER COMPOSITES. This company has developed CARBONIUM®, a new generation of material sourced entirely from carbon composite by-products generated by the French aerospace sector.

Hexcel supplies high-performance composite materials for the latest generation of aircraft such as the Airbus A350 XWB (53% composite structure). This has greatly contributed to the reduction of the aircraft's weight, thereby reducing its fuel consumption and carbon footprint. Composites are a significant first step toward tackling environmental and economic challenges, and eco-sourcing of the industry by-products also plays a key role.

CARBONIUM®, which was developed with a process based on three patents pending, reduces overall environmental impact by 40-50%, compared to equivalent products derived from virgin materials. Based on the "climate change" factor, the life cycle assessment carried out with Hexcel revealed that the up-cycling of by-products from the aerospace composites industry leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 13kg per kg of CARBONIUM® used.
In its first year of operation, LAVOISIER COMPOSITES has already enjoyed commercial success, including the launch of two top-of-the-range watch models by Swiss luxury watchmaker ULYSSE NARDIN using this new material.

From aircraft fuselages to watchmaking, the composites manufacturing cycle presents opportunities for reducing our impact on the environment.

More information:
Hexcel Hexcel, Airbus



12 Composites Innovators to receive a JEC Innovation Award in Seoul next November 15, 2018

Twelve companies from eight different countries will receive a JEC Innovation Award at JEC Asia 2018. Asia-Pacific is an innovative region that sets the tone for all other regions of the globe. Once again, the JEC Innovation Awards highlight how composites bring solutions considering the new challenges in terms of efficiency, sustainability and life-cycle analysis.

This year, JEC Group awards innovations in the following categories: aerospace (structural and tooling), automotive, commercial vehicles, e-mobility, marine, railway, sports & leisure, infrastructure & civil engineering, industrial equipment, sustainability and additive manufacturing.

The ceremony will take place on Thursday November 15, 2018 at the COEX Center of Seoul (South Korea). Ida DAUSSY (Seo Hye-na), will host the ceremony in front of officials, manufacturers, scientists and composites professionals.

Twelve companies from eight different countries will receive a JEC Innovation Award at JEC Asia 2018. Asia-Pacific is an innovative region that sets the tone for all other regions of the globe. Once again, the JEC Innovation Awards highlight how composites bring solutions considering the new challenges in terms of efficiency, sustainability and life-cycle analysis.

This year, JEC Group awards innovations in the following categories: aerospace (structural and tooling), automotive, commercial vehicles, e-mobility, marine, railway, sports & leisure, infrastructure & civil engineering, industrial equipment, sustainability and additive manufacturing.

The ceremony will take place on Thursday November 15, 2018 at the COEX Center of Seoul (South Korea). Ida DAUSSY (Seo Hye-na), will host the ceremony in front of officials, manufacturers, scientists and composites professionals.

Winner: CSIR National Aerospace Laboratories (India)

Most of the composite structures for aircraft are made of carbon-epoxy composites, which can withstand a maximum service temperature of 130°C. As a consequence, carbon-epoxy materials cannot be used in hot zones like engine vicinity areas. The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and CSIR-NAL took up the challenge of developing high temperature resistant composites for use in hot zones of light combat aircraft, which would result in significant weight and cost savings, as well as a considerable reduction in the meantime between failures (MTBF) due to thermal ageing.

The first task was to choose a material system with a service temperature of about ~ 200°C. During the material selection process, it was found that BMI resins are a relatively young class of thermosetting polymers. Hence, a carbon-BMI prepreg was selected due to a number of unique features including excellent physical property retention at elevated temperatures and in wet environments.

It was realized that weight savings and performance can be maximized using co-curing technology. This results in a large reduction of fabrication cycle times, costs and weight. Co-cured structures have fewer fasteners, which results in shorter assembly cycle times and also reduces sealing issues.

A prototype engine bay door assembly was built and tested at 180°C for flight certification. The engine bay door consists of an inner skin and co-cured outer skin assembly with eight transverse stiffeners. The stiffeners were designed with ‘J’ sections. The door size was 1.5 m length, 1 m width and 0.4 m overall depth. The co-cured door was developed using autoclave moulding. Two doors were installed in prototype aircraft and successfully flown.

Internatioal Conference on Natural Fibers 2019 (c) University of Minho
Internatioal Conference on Natural Fibers 2019

International Conference on Natural Fibers 2019

The fourth edition of the ICNF - International Conference on Natural Fibers – Smart Sustainable Solutions will be taking place from 1-3 July 2019 in Porto, Portugal, is accepting extended abstracts of two full pages until 31st January 2019.
The Conference, focused on the latest scientific and technical advances in natural fibers will bring together more than 300 participants from universities, research and technological centers and companies.

The fourth edition of the ICNF - International Conference on Natural Fibers – Smart Sustainable Solutions will be taking place from 1-3 July 2019 in Porto, Portugal, is accepting extended abstracts of two full pages until 31st January 2019.
The Conference, focused on the latest scientific and technical advances in natural fibers will bring together more than 300 participants from universities, research and technological centers and companies.

Program topics
Following up the success of ICNF2017 held in Braga, Portugal, focusing on the topic ‘Advanced Materials for a Greener World’, next year’s ICNF is devoted to the topic ‘Smart Sustainable Solutions’.
The conference topics include:

•    New processes for natural fiber agriculture extraction and processing;
•    Natural fiber reinforced biopolymers;
•    Innovative natural fibers & structures;
•    Functional natural fibers;
•    Natural fiber modification techniques;
•    Advanced fibrous structures based on natural fibers;
•    Nanodimensional natural fibers;
•    Natural fiber based polymeric composites;
•    Green composites;
•    Natural fiber based cementitious composites;
•    Applications of natural fibers in high end sectors;
•    Analytics, modeling and prediction of properties and behavior;
•    Biomimetics;
•    Product development based on natural fibers;
•    Markets for natural fibers;
•    Sustainability of natural fibers: life cycle assessment studies;
•    Textile processing of natural fibers;
•    Properties & characterization of natural fibers & structures.

Natural Fibrenamics Award 2019
After the success of last editions, the Natural Fibrenamics Award is again included in the ICNF2019 program to award the best innovative products in the field of natural fibers. The innovative product applications will be shown during the Conference in a special showroom and evaluated by a selected jury in terms of innovation, design and functionality. The contest intends to be a showcase of the latest innovations in the field of natural fibers, both for the scientific and industrial communities.

The online abstract submission is open until January 31, 2019 at the official ICNF2019 website: