From the Sector

271 results

12 Composites Innovators to receive a JEC Innovation Award in Seoul next November 15, 2018

Twelve companies from eight different countries will receive a JEC Innovation Award at JEC Asia 2018. Asia-Pacific is an innovative region that sets the tone for all other regions of the globe. Once again, the JEC Innovation Awards highlight how composites bring solutions considering the new challenges in terms of efficiency, sustainability and life-cycle analysis.

This year, JEC Group awards innovations in the following categories: aerospace (structural and tooling), automotive, commercial vehicles, e-mobility, marine, railway, sports & leisure, infrastructure & civil engineering, industrial equipment, sustainability and additive manufacturing.

The ceremony will take place on Thursday November 15, 2018 at the COEX Center of Seoul (South Korea). Ida DAUSSY (Seo Hye-na), will host the ceremony in front of officials, manufacturers, scientists and composites professionals.

Twelve companies from eight different countries will receive a JEC Innovation Award at JEC Asia 2018. Asia-Pacific is an innovative region that sets the tone for all other regions of the globe. Once again, the JEC Innovation Awards highlight how composites bring solutions considering the new challenges in terms of efficiency, sustainability and life-cycle analysis.

This year, JEC Group awards innovations in the following categories: aerospace (structural and tooling), automotive, commercial vehicles, e-mobility, marine, railway, sports & leisure, infrastructure & civil engineering, industrial equipment, sustainability and additive manufacturing.

The ceremony will take place on Thursday November 15, 2018 at the COEX Center of Seoul (South Korea). Ida DAUSSY (Seo Hye-na), will host the ceremony in front of officials, manufacturers, scientists and composites professionals.

Winner: CSIR National Aerospace Laboratories (India)

Most of the composite structures for aircraft are made of carbon-epoxy composites, which can withstand a maximum service temperature of 130°C. As a consequence, carbon-epoxy materials cannot be used in hot zones like engine vicinity areas. The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and CSIR-NAL took up the challenge of developing high temperature resistant composites for use in hot zones of light combat aircraft, which would result in significant weight and cost savings, as well as a considerable reduction in the meantime between failures (MTBF) due to thermal ageing.

The first task was to choose a material system with a service temperature of about ~ 200°C. During the material selection process, it was found that BMI resins are a relatively young class of thermosetting polymers. Hence, a carbon-BMI prepreg was selected due to a number of unique features including excellent physical property retention at elevated temperatures and in wet environments.

It was realized that weight savings and performance can be maximized using co-curing technology. This results in a large reduction of fabrication cycle times, costs and weight. Co-cured structures have fewer fasteners, which results in shorter assembly cycle times and also reduces sealing issues.

A prototype engine bay door assembly was built and tested at 180°C for flight certification. The engine bay door consists of an inner skin and co-cured outer skin assembly with eight transverse stiffeners. The stiffeners were designed with ‘J’ sections. The door size was 1.5 m length, 1 m width and 0.4 m overall depth. The co-cured door was developed using autoclave moulding. Two doors were installed in prototype aircraft and successfully flown.

(c) Bally

Bally x Swizz Beatz x SHOK-1

This autumn, following the success of the first collaboration with Swizz Beatz, Bally joins forces on another unique collection with the Grammy Award-winning music producer and global entrepreneur, inviting meticulously talented pioneer of aerosol X-ray art SHOK-1 to conceptualise and direct a new capsule collection which presents a diagnostic look at contemporary culture through cutting edge expression.

This autumn, following the success of the first collaboration with Swizz Beatz, Bally joins forces on another unique collection with the Grammy Award-winning music producer and global entrepreneur, inviting meticulously talented pioneer of aerosol X-ray art SHOK-1 to conceptualise and direct a new capsule collection which presents a diagnostic look at contemporary culture through cutting edge expression.

A founding member of the street art movement and a scientist with a degree in Applied Chemistry, SHOK-1 selected three key icons from his back catalogue - X-ray paintings of a hand gesture, a fly and ’The Consumer’ - that symbolise subcultures from his youth that also connect to Bally’s past. The artworks are represented across shoes, accessories and ready to wear. Talking about his vision for the project, SHOK-1 explained that he wanted ‘the collection to speak to the longstanding tradition of subcultures co-opting brands that weren’t meant for them.’ ‘I strongly believe that quality and excellence are universal concepts that can transcend class and cultural boundaries. The Bally that I remember as a kid has this fantastic relationship with subculture. It’s also a brand that has the same kind of attention to detail and production values that I aspire to in my own work, so there was a synergy there.’ Familiar with SHOK-1’s work, Swizz Beatz saw the potential and contacted him to discuss the opportunity: ‘SHOK-1 is a master artist and I chose him because our focus for this capsule was on exploring the art of X-ray and he’s a legend at his craft.’

As with all Bally collaborations, the metamorphosis that naturally evolves from creative cooperation is integral to the process.  Part of the ‘Bally Collective, curated by Swizz Beatz’, this collaboration continues the brand’s commitment to creating a platform to playfully empower artistic license across emerging and established talent.

The exclusive collection will launch in Bally stores worldwide and in October 2018.

Success Stories: Aussteller der DOMOTEX ermöglichen innovative Raumgestaltung ©Galleria Battilossi und Gebrueder Thonet Vienna

Success Stories: Aussteller der DOMOTEX ermöglichen innovative Raumgestaltung

Die hohe Zahl an Anmeldungen für die DOMOTEX 2019 weist schon jetzt auf eine erfolgreiche Messe vom 11. – 14. Januar in Hannover hin. Viele der Aussteller sind bereits dabei, den Messeauftritt detailliert vorzubereiten, um ihre Produktneuheiten optimal zu präsentieren – die Vorbereitungen laufen auf Hochtouren. Das neue Leitthema „CREATE’N’CONNECT“ der DOMOTEX rückt den Megatrend der Konnektivität in den Fokus. Für den Boden mit seinen vielseitigen gestalterischen Möglichkeiten spielt der Trend der „Vernetzung“ eine besondere Rolle. Er bildet die Basis der Räume, in denen wir leben und arbeiten.

Wichtige Impulse und Inspirationen für den Boden der Zukunft bietet die Sonderfläche „Framing Trends“ in Halle 9. Hier können Aussteller und Unternehmen der Fußbodenbranche ihre kreativen Ideen anhand des aktuellen Leitthemas darstellen. Durch ihre inspirierende Wirkung ziehen die „Framing Trends“ Hersteller und Besucher aus aller Welt an. Als globale kommunikative Plattform ermöglicht es ihnen die DOMOTEX, sich im Sinne von „CREATE’N’CONNEXT“ mit Ausstellern zu vernetzen, woraus vielfältige Kooperationen entstehen.

Die hohe Zahl an Anmeldungen für die DOMOTEX 2019 weist schon jetzt auf eine erfolgreiche Messe vom 11. – 14. Januar in Hannover hin. Viele der Aussteller sind bereits dabei, den Messeauftritt detailliert vorzubereiten, um ihre Produktneuheiten optimal zu präsentieren – die Vorbereitungen laufen auf Hochtouren. Das neue Leitthema „CREATE’N’CONNECT“ der DOMOTEX rückt den Megatrend der Konnektivität in den Fokus. Für den Boden mit seinen vielseitigen gestalterischen Möglichkeiten spielt der Trend der „Vernetzung“ eine besondere Rolle. Er bildet die Basis der Räume, in denen wir leben und arbeiten.

Wichtige Impulse und Inspirationen für den Boden der Zukunft bietet die Sonderfläche „Framing Trends“ in Halle 9. Hier können Aussteller und Unternehmen der Fußbodenbranche ihre kreativen Ideen anhand des aktuellen Leitthemas darstellen. Durch ihre inspirierende Wirkung ziehen die „Framing Trends“ Hersteller und Besucher aus aller Welt an. Als globale kommunikative Plattform ermöglicht es ihnen die DOMOTEX, sich im Sinne von „CREATE’N’CONNEXT“ mit Ausstellern zu vernetzen, woraus vielfältige Kooperationen entstehen.

Mit ihren innovativen Produkten sind Aussteller der DOMOTEX 2019 bei Interior Design-Projekten in aller Welt präsent. Internationale Architekten und Innenarchitekten setzen ihre Teppiche, Fußböden und Verlegetechniken gezielt ein, um kreativ gestaltete Räume zu schaffen, bei denen der Boden zum verbindenden Element des Gesamtkonzepts wird.

Vom historischen Ballroom in Chicago über einen Bookstore mit Café in Oslo bis zum neuen Allianz Stadion in Wien: Architekten, Interior Designer und Planer binden die Bodengestaltung in ihr kreatives Konzept ein, um dem Interieur den letzten Schliff zu verleihen, der ein harmonisches Ganzes bewirkt. Teppichfliesen, handgefertigte Teppiche, Holzfußböden und Verlegewerkstoffe der Aussteller Oriental Weavers, Galleria Battilossi, Chapel Parket sowie Classen, Fletco und Uzin Utz, die auf der DOMOTEX ihre Premiere hatten, sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil dieser trendorientierten Rauminszenierungen.

Der Boden als verbindendes Element des Interior-Konzepts

Das Blackstone Hotel wurde 1910 in der Innenstadt von Chicago erbaut. Zur Renovierung der Räume entwarf The Gettys Group ein neues Interior Design, das sich harmonisch mit den Wänden und Decken im historistischen Stil verbindet. Für den Crystal Ballroom, besonders beliebt als Location für Hochzeiten, wurden Oriental Weavers aus Ägypten mit der Sonderanfertigung eines überdimensionalen Axminster Teppichs beauftragt. Der Teppich besteht aus 80 Prozent Wolle mit einem Polyamidanteil von 20 Prozent, um ihn strapazierfähig zu machen. Das symmetrische Muster erinnert an riesige Wellen, die auf die direkte Nähe des Hotels zum Lake Michigan anspielen und trägt zu einem einzigartigen Raumerlebnis bei. Oriental Weavers werden auch 2019 auf der DOMOTEX hervorragende Kreationen aus dem Bereich  maschinengewebte Teppiche ausstellen.

Gebrüder Thonet Vienna hat seinen Hauptsitz nach Turin in ein ehemaliges Fabrikgebäude verlegt. In der Mitte des neuen Showrooms werden Klassiker des Möbelherstellers in hohen Regalbauten gezeigt, an den Seiten sind zeitgenössische Modelle zu sehen, die in Kooperation mit renommierten Designern entstanden. Für die Gestaltung des repräsentativen Empfangsbereichs wählte CEO Riccardo Pigati handgefertigte Wollteppiche aus dem Programm von Galleria Battilossi, deren innovative „Pattern Mix Collection“ auf der DOMOTEX einen Carpet Design Award gewann. Die Gelb- und Beigetöne des Unikats aus dem „Color Jam Project“ sowie eines Vintage Berberteppichs aus der Region Beni Ourain verbinden sich mit Farbakzenten der Exponate zu einem harmonischen Gesamtbild aus alt und neu. „Qualität und handwerkliche Fertigkeiten, Originalität und Authentizität“ seien Werte, die sein Unternehmen mit Galleria Battilossi teile, sagt Pigati. „Aufgrund dieser Verbundenheit haben wir uns dafür entschieden, unseren
Showroom mit den außergewöhnlichen Teppichen aufzuwerten“.

In Oslo teilen sich eine Boutique-Abteilung für Damenmode und ein angegliederter Buchladen mit Café im zweiten Stock des YME Multistores einen gemeinsamen Bodenbelag. Bei der Gestaltung der 330 qm großen Bodenfläche entschied sich das Designteam der YME Studios gemeinsam mit den Innenarchitekten des Osloer Büros Snøhetta für die „Hermitage Herringbone“ Serie von Chapel Parket. Den lebendigen Holzboden in drei konstrastierenden Farbtönen wählten sie aufgrund seiner leicht rauen Oberfläche und der ausdrucksvollen Farbigkeit aus. Das Schwarz der Parkettelemente verbindet sich mit den Fensterrahmen und den Bücherregalen, die warmen Holztöne harmonieren mit dem Vintage-Sofa und grob belassenen Holzbalken. Wie in den vergangenen Jahren ist Chapel Parket mit seinen charaktervollen Holzböden auch Aussteller auf der DOMOTEX 2019.

Direkt an der Mosel, in einem denkmalgeschützten Gebäude in Cochem, befindet sich das Boutique Hotel Villa Vie. Inhaber Theodor Steidel hat die Gästezimmer selbst geplant und eingerichtet, jedes hat seinen individuellen Charme. Antike Möbelstücke kombiniert er mit aktuellem Design und Kunstgegenständen. Zur Abrundung der Interieurs entschied sich der Hotelier für die robusten und PVC-freien Designböden aus der „SONO Skyline“ Kollektion von Classen aufgrund ihrer Langlebigkeit, dem geräuscharmen Auftritt und der natürlich wirkenden Holzdekore mit leicht glänzender Optik. „Der Boden passt sich dem Mix aus wertvollen Antiquitäten und modernen hochwertigen Möbelstücken ausgezeichnet 4 an,“ erklärt Theodor Steidel. Zudem nähme er sich wohlwollend zurück und besteche doch durch seine Struktur und Haptik. Bei der Ausstattung der Räume habe Steidel nach einem „hochwertigen Produkt mit modernem Design gesucht, das bestens gegen Feuchtigkeit geschützt ist.“ Auch im Badbereich hat er sich deshalb für einen Boden aus der „SONO“ Kollektion entschieden, die auf der DOMOTEX als Messeneuheit vorgestellt wurde.

Der Softwarehersteller Playtech hat in Tallin neue Büroräume auf einer Gesamtfläche von 3200 qm bezogen. Jan Skolimowski vom Architekturbüro KAMP legt in seinem Designkonzept besonderen Wert auf die Bodengestaltung. Als Leitidee für die Innenräume nutzte Skolimowski das Dreieck des „Play“- Buttons, ein grafisches Element des blauen Playtech Logos. „Deshalb habe ich nach einem passenden Teppichboden für den Objektbereich gesucht, dessen Dekore und Farbpalette zum Logo passen. Die Kollektion Sebastian Wrong by Fletco  war meine erste und einzige Wahl.“ Im Zentrum der Räume ließ der Architekt dunklere Töne der Fliesenkollektion verlegen, zu den Außenwänden hin werden die Nuancen heller. Dadurch wirken die Büros noch großzügiger. Vom Boden ausgehend nimmt sein Interior-Konzept Dreiecksformen und Blautöne auf, beispielsweise bei Sitzkissen auf Holzpodesten, dem Empfangstresen oder dekorativen Wandelementen. So vernetzen sich die Böden mit Möbeln und Wänden. Der Londoner Designer Sebastian Wrong präsentierte seine wandlungsfähige Kollektion für den Hersteller Fletco erstmals auf der DOMOTEX.

In einer Bauzeit von nur 17 Monaten wurden im Allianz Stadion des SK Rapid Wien 10.000 qm Boden fertiggestellt und 8.000 qm Vinylbelag verlegt. Maßgeblich für das Gelingen des Bauprojekts war das richtige Timing für die Untergrundvorbereitung mit Verlegewerkstoffen von Uzin Utz. In der Regel messen Estrichfelder bis zu 40 qm, auf dieser Baustelle kamen bis zu 300 qm große Felder zustande. Denn der Boden der Business-Lounge-Bereiche auf zwei Ebenen sollte möglichst fugenfrei sein, um Vinyl- Bahnen großflächig verlegen zu können und die einheitliche ästhetische Wirkung zu erreichen, die sich Architekt Guido Pfaffhausen wünschte. Deshalb wurde über alle Fugen zwischen den Betonbauteilen das Glasvlies RR 203 von Uzin Utz als Rissbrücke verlegt und mit der standfesten Spachtelmasse NC 182 dünn eingespachtelt sowie 5 verschlossen. Durch diese Vorgehensweise musste der Estrich weder eingeschnitten noch verdübelt werden, ein wichtiger Aspekt des Interior-Konzepts. Nach dem Schleifen und Grundieren trugen die Bodenleger die selbstverlaufende Ausgleichsmasse Uzin NC 160 in zwei bis drei mm Stärke im Rakelverfahren auf. Sie ist spannungsarm, sehr fließfähig und bildet völlig ebene  Untergründe. Durch die besonders glatte Oberfläche und die hohe Saugfähigkeit reduziert sich zudem die benötigte Klebstoffmenge: Der Kleber trocknet schneller und weist weniger Resteindruck bei Belastung auf. Nach einem Tag war die Spachtelung begehbar, dann konnte geschliffen, die Vinylbahnen zugeschnitten und verklebt werden.

Auf beiden Ebenen der Business- Lounge, in Fluren, Gängen, Konferenzzimmern und VIP-Logen sind Vinyl-Objektbeläge von Forbo Flooring in Holz- und Beton-Dekor in verschiedenen Farbabstufungen verlegt. Die moderne Betonoptik der Vinyl-Objektbeläge sorgt im großen Loungebereich für ein modernes Erscheinungsbild, authentische Holzdessins setzen harmonische Akzente in den VIP-Logen. Die Beläge wurden mit dem emissionsarmen Universalklebstoff Uzin KE 16 formstabil verlegt, um die Anforderungen an Optik und Funktionalität im Stadion zu erfüllen.

Für die Bodengestaltung ist der Trend der „Vernetzung“ von großer Bedeutung. Der Boden ist Designelement, er inspiriert uns, gibt uns Orientierung – und verbindet uns miteinander. Auf die Bodenbranche trifft dies im besonderen Maße zu, da er die Basis für alles bildet. Die DOMOTEX ist Weltleitmesse sowie die größte Innovations- und Trendplattform der Branche. Als jährliches Highlight der Szene regt die Messe Aussteller und Besucher mit ihrer lebendigen Atmosphäre zu kreativer Zusammenarbeit an.

(c) VDMA. Caption from left to right: Eric Otto, Prof. Thomas Gries, M.Sc. Susanne Fischer, Prof. Klaus Meier, Dr. Benjamin Weise, Prof. Gunnar Seide, Alon Tal, Jan Merlin Abram, Peter D. Dornier

VDMA Textile Machinery c/o Walter Reiners Foundation awards five young engineers with a total of 17,500 EURO

Peter D. Dornier, member of the Executive Board of the VDMA Textile Machinery Federation and Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation for the Promotion of Young Engineers, honours five young talents. Numerous entrepreneurs and managers from the German textile machinery industry took part in the award ceremony at the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, Germany.

The prizewinner in the dissertation category, Dr.- Ing. Benjamin Weise, comes from the Institute of Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University (ITA). He has dealt with a complex production process for the manufacture of modified multifilament yarns, which offers new perspectives for the development and manufacture of textile charge carriers.

Peter D. Dornier, member of the Executive Board of the VDMA Textile Machinery Federation and Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation for the Promotion of Young Engineers, honours five young talents. Numerous entrepreneurs and managers from the German textile machinery industry took part in the award ceremony at the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, Germany.

The prizewinner in the dissertation category, Dr.- Ing. Benjamin Weise, comes from the Institute of Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University (ITA). He has dealt with a complex production process for the manufacture of modified multifilament yarns, which offers new perspectives for the development and manufacture of textile charge carriers.

M.Sc. Susanne Fischer, winner of the Master's thesis category, has systematically and comprehensively solved the challenging task of integrating motion sensors into a finger glove at Reutlingen University.
The 2018 creativity award winners are team Mr. Jan Merlin Abram and Mr. Alon Tal from ITA Aachen as well as Mr. Eric Otto from the Institute for Textile Machinery and High-Performance Textile Materials Technology (ITM) in Dresden. The students Abram and Tal have developed a guideline for the design of hybrid morphing textiles. In addition to the classic functions in conventional and, in particular, composite applications, locally defined, functionally effective joint, torsion, expansion and compression mechanisms can be integrated into the textile.

The prizewinner Otto is awarded for a concept study for the development of a circular knitting machine with a variable diameter needle cylinder, which can lead to further flexibility in the circular knitting process.

More information:
VDMA Walter-Reiners-Stiftung


METALBOTTONI  presents the new collection VÀNITA (c) METALBOTTONI

METALBOTTONI presents the new collection VÀNITA

  • Italian expertise, research and green innovation.
  • METALBOTTONI ups the stakes with one-of-a-kind interpretations, to enhance its market presence.

At Première Vision Accessories (Paris, 19-21 September) the company presents the new collection VÀNITA, a mix of leatherwear and sportswear, based on Made in Italy craft, with an increasingly wide and coordinated range.

Based on product experience, combining new trends in accessories. The METALBOTTONI strategy is enriched with product novelties which aim at exploring new existing market segments. A strategy which increasingly leads great artisan production skills to meet constant research and expansion of the range, with the world of sportswear becoming more and more pivotal; without forgetting the important sustainable innovations of the NO IMPACT protocol.

No Impact becomes “Committed Accessories”

  • Italian expertise, research and green innovation.
  • METALBOTTONI ups the stakes with one-of-a-kind interpretations, to enhance its market presence.

At Première Vision Accessories (Paris, 19-21 September) the company presents the new collection VÀNITA, a mix of leatherwear and sportswear, based on Made in Italy craft, with an increasingly wide and coordinated range.

Based on product experience, combining new trends in accessories. The METALBOTTONI strategy is enriched with product novelties which aim at exploring new existing market segments. A strategy which increasingly leads great artisan production skills to meet constant research and expansion of the range, with the world of sportswear becoming more and more pivotal; without forgetting the important sustainable innovations of the NO IMPACT protocol.

No Impact becomes “Committed Accessories”

The guideline for restyling the METALBOTTONI range over the past two years has been the recent implementation of the NO IMPACT corporate sustainability protocol, which has just acquired a new “dress”, associated with the following pay-off: “Committed Accessories”. It is a way of underscoring the constant green development of the company over the past few years, in terms of process and product: use of recycled raw materials, development of finishing without chemicals, implementation of processes which today have allowed to reduce electricity and water consumption to almost zero.

Moreover the range of NO IMPACT proposals for this season has expanded to include not only new metal finishing but also leather label completely made from processing scrap, thus establishing Metalbottoni as “partner for branding elements” also in terms of sustainability. Pure Made in Italy and constant expansion of collections towards sportswear The great skill in metal processing, which for sixty years now has characterised the top-of-the-range quality of METALBOTTONI products, is now combined with constant research work conducted by our in-house Style Office, resulting in new collections which are more and more in line with the trends emerging from major trade fairs. Maintaining a presence on strong markets (central Europe, Northern Europe and United States), increasing the depth of segments and intercepting new ones. This is the main goal also chosen for the Première Vision Accessories Exhibition where, alongside the autumn-winter 2019/2020 collections, there will be a preview of VÀNITA, the new collection dedicated to leatherwear and more.

METALBOTTONI is proving to be one of the most dynamic companies in the accessory industry.

Over the past two years, in fact, it has introduced numerous product and process innovations, aiming at increasing its range especially as regards sportswear accessories. This trend was driven by a substantial increase in demand by read-to-wear and luxury brands in the past two seasons, and today it means new proposals which account for 35% of the range for METALBOTTONI. New collections have been presented in the past two seasons expressly dedicated to the sportswear world, namely GRAVITA, the first line designed by the company for pressure buttons, and MÀRYA, the new beachwear collection. Also the line called LABORA, the classic collection of accessories for fashion and ready-to-wear has been constantly enhanced with proposals combining style and technical performance. This mix of fashion and sport elements is increasingly evident in the company’s product range, for example in the combination of different materials, using metal with nylon or other resins to create new and unique accessories.

Vànita: beyond leatherwear, a world of accessories

The meeting between fashion, luxury and sportswear has produced VÀNITA, the brand new collection which presents a new approach to accessories dedicated to leatherwear, from an allround perspective from luxury to sportswear. Developed starting from solid product research by the company’s in-house Style Office, VÀNITA is a true meeting of styles and elements, a combination of high product standards with unique elegance. This line introduces one-of-a-kind visions for accessories, exploring highly original pathways dedicated to the world of leather. The VÀNITA proposal ranges from accessories for leatherwear and small leatherwear, to those for shoes, bags and the sportswear worlds. There are two main lines within this collection: one is expressly designed for the world of luxury, the other has a more technical and sporty approach. A true mix between artisan metal processing, based on the great METALBOTTONI expertise in this sector, and “ingredients” such as nylon, rubber finishes or innovative 3D processing, which are often combined together.

“Our goal is to offer an increasingly comprehensive range which allows us to explore new segments on the markets where we are present” - says Gregorio Valli, CEO and President of METALBOTTONI S.P.A – “a ‘recipe’ which should be able to integrate our unmatched product expertise with a constant expansion of our range and continuous implementation of our pathway towards corporate responsibility and sustainability”.

More information:
Metalbottoni Leather Accessoires

Menabò Group s.r.l

(c) Asahi Kasei
The Bemberg™ new campaign

Asahi Kasei launches the Bemberg™ new brand Campaign

  • @ Premiere Vision, Paris, 19-21st September, Booth 6G62 - 6H63

The story of a Bemberg™ heritage that has shaped a new future for smart innovation through research, knowledge and expertise to deliver the new face of Bemberg™, the one true original material for modern living. The presentation of the Bemberg™ new campaign represents a high benchmark in value for smart textile fiber innovations, and one that is built on a long heritage of innovations since 1931. Bemberg™ is the ONE new material definition for responsible luxury. The ONE for cool exquisite comfort, and the ONE whose smart heritage is born in a circular economy.

Made by Asahi Kasei, the company is the sole maker of this one-of-a-kind, matchless, high-tech natural material, with a unique and precious touch and feel. The new campaign will amplify this uniqueness and innate smartness, redefining the brand voice as Bemberg™ at an international level with an openness and positive approach that facilitates a stronger, more focused role in the market while supporting our partner’s strengths too.

  • @ Premiere Vision, Paris, 19-21st September, Booth 6G62 - 6H63

The story of a Bemberg™ heritage that has shaped a new future for smart innovation through research, knowledge and expertise to deliver the new face of Bemberg™, the one true original material for modern living. The presentation of the Bemberg™ new campaign represents a high benchmark in value for smart textile fiber innovations, and one that is built on a long heritage of innovations since 1931. Bemberg™ is the ONE new material definition for responsible luxury. The ONE for cool exquisite comfort, and the ONE whose smart heritage is born in a circular economy.

Made by Asahi Kasei, the company is the sole maker of this one-of-a-kind, matchless, high-tech natural material, with a unique and precious touch and feel. The new campaign will amplify this uniqueness and innate smartness, redefining the brand voice as Bemberg™ at an international level with an openness and positive approach that facilitates a stronger, more focused role in the market while supporting our partner’s strengths too.

It is not just another brand name, but about enhancing core values through a now even better, more refined product and process that supports our partner’s mission to materially benefit the whole supply chain with beautiful products and open, honest communication. This is the key reason to launch the Bemberg™ global brand, taking the next steps on a journey that redefines a new future of contemporary luxury this unique fiber represents.

And for this, European manufacture is playing its key role in the global role out of the latest Bemberg™ innovations. Pioneering partner mills featured at the booth include: Euromaglia, Fiveol Textil, Infinity, Ipeker, Jackytex, Lanificio Europa, O’Jersey, SMI Tessuti, Tessitura Uboldi Luigi, TINTEX Textiles, Brunello, G.I. Tessil Foderami, Gianni Crespi Foderami, Manifattura Pezzetti, Marco Pastorelli and more. The new Bemberg™ booth at Premiere Vision is a contemporary and clean vision of the brand with a glowing, whitened atmosphere of modern architecture and luminous lighting that perfectly frames the new and dynamic identity image to reveal the ‘preciousness’ essence of the brand, its amazing textiles and leading fashion innovations.

Come and review the 3 fabric galleries, each showing the latest and unique fabric designs for Fashion Forward looks, refined Jersey Dressing and Luxury Athleisure Loungewear. Fashions by Maison Margiela confirm the new status of Bemberg™ as the ONE fiber that moves the luxury of Touch to a new contemporary fashion Feel: the ONE for a cool, liquid drape and movement: the ONE for fresh, exquisite comfort, and the ONE smart material born in the circular economy.

The Bemberg™ new campaign

We show a vision from the past in a true classic vintage sheath dress from the 1991 Martin Margiela winter collection using a peach skin finish on a refined, parachute-light fabric in a signature gunmetal grey colour courtesy of Zohra Alami. And also a contemporary representation of fashion from the MM6 MAISON MARGIELA SS2018 collection with a lingerie inspired dressy style in Bemberg™ popeline. This is a multifunctional style to be used as a top or as a dress

A new technical advance in finishing from Asahi Kasei is presented at the booth. Called Velutine Evo, the finish is comparable to premium peach skin finishes today, but now with a better environmental profile by using less water and energy to produce a durable and refined finish that sets a new benchmark for everyday luxury, demonstrating the company’s ongoing commitment to R&D in smarter, market relevant innovations. The results are supported by a preliminary study carried out by ICEA according to the methodology of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) 3rd party testing from ICEA, on datas provided by TIFAS and focusing on environmental benefits that will accrue to partners efforts to offer value with values.

Moreover, you will be able to enjoy the circularity of the Bemberg™ story: its source, manufacture and end-of-life credentials, as well as checking the LCA study, also signed by ICEA and validated by Paolo Masoni, a step that confirms a new quality profile and standard for Bemberg™ with a more responsible and unique position today. Full GRS certification, Oeko-Tex 100, ISO 14001, & Eco-Mark.
Also Bemberg™ can add to its premium position on responsible issues, starting from its raw material choice that clearly demonstrates its circular economy approach. Bemberg™ is made from a cotton linter bio-utility waste, a natural derived and abundant source, and a truly unique one in the smart fiber arena that doesn’t deplete food or forestry resources.

Bemberg™ has new Compostability Certification. Innovhub-SSI report confirms Bemberg™ filaments disintegrate at 100% value within the limits specified by the UNI EN 13432, point A.3.1 for disintegration in the composting process. Also related is a new Ecotoxicity metric to EN 13432:2000 Annex E, the compost obtained from the Bemberg™ filaments according to ISO 16929:2013 revealed the absence of any ecotoxicity effect respect higher plants. The Bemberg™ filaments tested for the presence of heavy metals and other toxic hazardous substances comply with the requirements specified by the UNI EN 13432, for the substances listed in table A.1.

Asahi Kasei is proud to present the Bemberg™ heritage that delivers a true precious uniqueness through responsible smart innovation and transparency. To make contemporary luxury materials that provoke emotive responses through its rarity, sensuality, research and creativity. The ingrained knowledge and know-how behind the brand adds value to the supply chain, working only with the best, amplifying our partner’s knowledge and dynamic commitment too.


GB Network Marketing & Communication

Huntsman Textile Effects  (c)Huntsman Textile

Huntsman Textile Effects introduces UNIVADINE® E3-3D

  • Huntsman Textile effects redefines dyeing of polyester including microfiber and blends with UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant
  • Eco-friendly diffusion accelerant provides reproducible, high-speed polyester dyeing

Singapore – Huntsman Textile Effects introduces UNIVADINE® E3-3D next-generation diffusion accelerant to help mills achieve high-performance dyeing of polyester, microfibers and blends in an environment-friendly way that complies with current and anticipated industry sustainability standards.

The demand for polyester and man-made fibers is booming as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand rapidly around the world. At the same time, big-name brands that set trends in the sector continue to increase focus on sustainability and performance. As such, this is putting pressure on mills since the current industry standard involves chemically active diffusion accelerants that contain unwanted chemicals and require additional leveling agents and anti-foaming products that may be hazardous to people and the environment.

  • Huntsman Textile effects redefines dyeing of polyester including microfiber and blends with UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant
  • Eco-friendly diffusion accelerant provides reproducible, high-speed polyester dyeing

Singapore – Huntsman Textile Effects introduces UNIVADINE® E3-3D next-generation diffusion accelerant to help mills achieve high-performance dyeing of polyester, microfibers and blends in an environment-friendly way that complies with current and anticipated industry sustainability standards.

The demand for polyester and man-made fibers is booming as sports and athleisure apparel markets expand rapidly around the world. At the same time, big-name brands that set trends in the sector continue to increase focus on sustainability and performance. As such, this is putting pressure on mills since the current industry standard involves chemically active diffusion accelerants that contain unwanted chemicals and require additional leveling agents and anti-foaming products that may be hazardous to people and the environment.

Developed by Huntsman Textile Effects specifically to meet these challenges, UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant is low-odor, free of benzyl benzoate and other hazardous substances. Part of Huntsman’s range of innovative dyEvolution™ dyeing auxiliaries, it uses Huntsman’s Active Diffusion Technology to enable high-speed dyeing with best-in-class leveling, retarding and migration properties.

“UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant delivers across three key dimensions – diffusion, leveling and migration – for exceptional performance and environmental and economic sustainability. Its environmental credentials offer mills greater processing flexibility and an optimum price-performance ratio,” said Kerim Oner, Global Marketing Manager for Dyeing Auxiliaries at Huntsman Textile Effects. “We expect this latest offering to change the way that the industry dyes polyester and blends while meeting stringent environmental standards.”

UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant has a high affinity to polyester, causing the fiber to swell and increasing the diffusion of the disperse dye, even at lower temperatures. Multiple leveling mechanisms then slow down the exhaustion rate to ensure safe, defect-free dyeing. Finally, as the dye bath heats up, the product’s strong support for disperse dye migration ensures the dye molecules are evenly absorbed.

As a result of this cutting-edge diffusion technology, UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant can be used to successfully dye polyester fibers in tightly wound or high-density yarn/beam dyeing and is suitable for jet applications without the need for anti-foaming products. Reducing exposure to high heat, its Active Diffusion Technology minimizes the potential to damage the elastane in polyester-elastane blends and provides for on-tone dyeing of microfibers. The superior migration support of UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant also increases reproducibility, allowing mills to dispense with additional leveling agents. Polyester, microfibers and blends treated with UNIVADINE® E3-3D diffusion accelerant comply with the requirements of bluesign®, in addition to being suitable for Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX® and an approved input dyeing auxiliary chemical for GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified textile products*.


Huntsman Textile Effects


Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles: Home textile industry represented by around 1,040 exhibitors and a diverse fringe programme this August

The Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will open today, returning as a major event for big-name players in the domestic and international home textile industry. Covering six halls, it will accommodate around 1,040 suppliers from around 30 countries & regions. With 40,000 visitors expected to attend, including import & export corporations, wholesalers, distributors, chain stores and home product manufacturers, the fair is anticipated to be an ideal platform for suppliers to introduce new products to the market.

The Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will open today, returning as a major event for big-name players in the domestic and international home textile industry. Covering six halls, it will accommodate around 1,040 suppliers from around 30 countries & regions. With 40,000 visitors expected to attend, including import & export corporations, wholesalers, distributors, chain stores and home product manufacturers, the fair is anticipated to be an ideal platform for suppliers to introduce new products to the market.

Suppliers set to seize market shares in China’s revitalised home textile market
China’s home textile market has been growing steadily, with both domestic and overseas suppliers determined to take advantage of Intertextile Shanghai as a platform to gain market share. This year, premium editors from China, including Beijing Xinyada, Beijing Euroart, Jasonite, SATI and Hangzhou Antex, will be showcasing their high-end collections while international contract business suppliers, such as JAB Anstoetz and Morphrow, are also present to cater to the growing demand for their quality products.
In addition to a majority of local brands and four domestic pavilions from Shaoxing, Tongxiang, Haining and Yuhang regions, there will also be international country & region pavilions from Belgium, India, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey, showcasing their specialised products.

Around 1,040 exhibitors covering every home textile sourcing need
Growing middle and upper classes in China have seen consumers’ buying trends expand to buying combinations of items with particular design trends. Matching this trend, a number of whole home exhibitors that provide one-stop services, from selecting home textile products to giving home decoration ideas, have been reaping the benefits in recent editions of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – and 2018 is set to continue reflecting this trend.

Around 1,040 exhibitors at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles will showcase a wide variety of home textile products, including bedding, bath, table & kitchen, curtains & upholstery, textile designs & technology, whole home, sun protection, wall coverings and carpets & rugs. This diverse range of offerings establishes the reason why Intertextile Shanghai attracts genuine, high-quality buyers – across the spectrum, there’s something for every buyer at this fair.  

Fringe programme events to provide insight and inspiration
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles aims to provide inspiration for the next season at the same time as providing a platform for business interactions. At this edition’s fringe programme, key events include the InterDesign – Trend Area, displaying three key trend themes for A/W19 in collaboration with the international trendsetter NellyRodiTM Agency. Trend tours and forums will also take place, giving visitors the opportunity to learn and discuss lifestyle trends with designers and trend experts.

At Contract Business 360o, the fair will feature a showcase area at hall 5.1 displaying quality contract upholstery from leading exhibitors, and seminars on current design and market insights of the contract business sector. Catering to popular demand is the return of the Digital Printing Micro Factory, demonstrating a complete production process onsite, alongside forums on the benefits of digital printing & latest production technics. The Andrew Martin International Interior Design Summit will see a forum of experts share their design insights in the new information era, whilst the 2018 Home Furnishing Crossover Exhibition will demonstrate design talent and creativity of interior designers, and present new home living styles.

The show will be held from 27 – 30 August in the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).


Archroma to present solutions towards innovative and sustainable denim to India industry

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, will be presenting its innovative denim solutions for manufacturers and brands at DenimsandJeans India 2018, on August 1 & 2, in Bangalore, India.

Just two months after the DenimsandJeans Vietnam show, Archroma will again showcase its unique combination of technologies for denim effects and colors, from fiber to finish, from the authentic roots of indigo to the most innovative and eco-advanced solutions.

At the India show, Archroma’s expert team will also present its coatings and washing solutions aiming at bringing denim creativity to a whole new dimension.
Visitors at the booth will be able to see an “illustration collection” of exciting indigo casts.

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, will be presenting its innovative denim solutions for manufacturers and brands at DenimsandJeans India 2018, on August 1 & 2, in Bangalore, India.

Just two months after the DenimsandJeans Vietnam show, Archroma will again showcase its unique combination of technologies for denim effects and colors, from fiber to finish, from the authentic roots of indigo to the most innovative and eco-advanced solutions.

At the India show, Archroma’s expert team will also present its coatings and washing solutions aiming at bringing denim creativity to a whole new dimension.
Visitors at the booth will be able to see an “illustration collection” of exciting indigo casts.

Archroma’s Denisol® range is a newly developed pre-reduced liquid indigo solution that is manufactured in Archroma’s award winning ‘zero liquid discharge’ manufacturing plant in Pakistan. Denisol® Indigo 30 liq is compliant with major official eco-standards and requirements from retailers, brands and fashion leading companies and helps to produce fabrics suitable for current eco-labeling such as bluesign® and GOTS.

Responding to demands for a non-toxic alternative to the dyes that are used for the iconic and traditional indigo blue that consumers associate with denim and jeans, Archroma just announced the upcoming new Denisol® Pure Indigo 30.

Consider this: The water needed to produce one pair of jeans is said to be ~ 11'000 liters(1). With approximately 167 million pairs of jeans produced monthly(2), that is 1,837,000,000,000 liters of water consumed every month in the process!
Based on the Denim-Ox and Pad/Sizing-Ox dyeing processes, Archroma’s multi-awarded ADVANCED DENIM, dyeing technology allows savings of up to 92% in water, 87% in cotton waste and 30% in energy, compared to a conventional denim dyeing process.

The technology has been adopted by brands like Patagonia and received the prestigious 2012 ICIS Innovation Award and Innovation with Best Environmental Benefit Award.

  • Optisul® C, “soft colors” made easy
    With Optisul® C dyes, denim manufacturers can produce soft denim colors in continuous dyeing processes, as well as on coating and printing. Optisul® C affinity-free, sulfide-free dyes can easily be combined with each other to create garments suitable for wash-down treatments in a wide array of easily achievable and reproducible soft colors.
    They are suitable for GOTS and bluesign® approval.
  • Diresul® RDT Ocean Blues, ocean-themed bright sulfur blue dyes
    Archroma’s Diresul® RDT Ocean Blues are a collection of vibrant, ocean-themed bright sulfur blue dyes. These best-in-class dyes and their auxiliaries bring out the best of indigo, improve workability, dyeing consistency and process safety.
    They can be combined with Denisol® Indigo 30 liq in bottoming/topping manufacturing routes for avant-garde blue styles.
  • Diresul® blacks & greys, a cosmos of greys and deep black and navies
    Archroma’s dye portfolio of conventional and black Diresul® specialties allow to create a universe of greys and deep black and navies. From superficial to solid blacks for both extreme wash-down and stay black effects.

The EarthColors patented range of “biosynthetic” dyes for cotton and cellulose-based fabrics, which are made from waste left over by the agricultural and herbal industry after extraction, such as almond shells, saw palmetto, or rosemary leaves. The latest NFC technology used on the end-product hangtags enables transparency and traceability through the supply chain to consumers.
The EarthColors allow to produce the earth tones that are coming strong: red, brown and green colors. They have been adopted by brands such as Patagonia, Kathmandu and G-Star, and won an OutDoor Industry Award 2017.

Archroma’s dye and chemical specialties portfolio allows to create exciting colors and effects using coating applications, from exclusive sulfur dyes and pigment specialties that help highlighting the indigo look, to functional finishes that give performance to denim garments - using water-based, formaldehyde-free or ultra-low formaldehyde polymers.

Archroma recently introduced the ONE WAY Process Simulator, the last update of a calculation tool that supports its ONE WAY Sustainability Service introduced back in 2012. The new, online software can be used to mimic and compare products and processes, and thus calculate the ecological and economical profile of the final end-product.
Archroma’s portfolio of ZDHC MRSL-compliant chemicals and dyes is integrated into the ONE WAY calculation tool since 2013.
“It is time to make denim in a whole different way; denim that brings together innovation, sustainability and creativity,” says Anjani Prasad, Head of Sales India, Archroma. “Brands around the globe are exploring how to make fashion in a cleaner and safer way, and Archroma has the solutions to do just that, to create denim with a soul.”
Visit Archroma at DenimsandJeans India 2018 at t at Hotel Lalit, Bangalore, India, on August 1 & 2, 2018.
* Below limits of detection

(1) Arjen Y. Hoekstra, The Water Footprint of Modern Consumer Society
(2) American Chemical Society,
Denisol®, Optisul®, Diresul® are trademarks of Archroma registered in many countries.
© 2018 Archroma

More information:



Leading nonwovens & weaving machinery brands sign up for Cinte Techtextil China

Asia’s largest biennial event for the entire technical textiles and nonwovens sector will feature some of the industry’s biggest overseas machinery brands. Held on the earlier date of 4 – 6 September this year, the fair will feature an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions.

As the world’s largest producer of technical textiles and nonwovens, China’s demand for production machinery is insatiable. As such, this September’s Cinte Techtextil China has attracted some of the world’s leading machinery brands, particularly in the nonwovens and sewing machinery sectors, ensuring a wide range of sourcing options for both domestic and international buyers.

Asia’s largest biennial event for the entire technical textiles and nonwovens sector will feature some of the industry’s biggest overseas machinery brands. Held on the earlier date of 4 – 6 September this year, the fair will feature an expected 500-plus total exhibitors from around 20 countries & regions.

As the world’s largest producer of technical textiles and nonwovens, China’s demand for production machinery is insatiable. As such, this September’s Cinte Techtextil China has attracted some of the world’s leading machinery brands, particularly in the nonwovens and sewing machinery sectors, ensuring a wide range of sourcing options for both domestic and international buyers.

Overseas producers respond to strong Chinese demand
As the Chinese domestic and export markets’ demand for quality technical textiles and nonwovens products continues to increase, overseas machinery brands continue to enter the country, using Cinte Techtextil China as their starting-out platform. ANDRITZ Nonwoven is just one of those who see the growing potential. “Chinese nonwovens manufacturers are increasingly requiring higher capacities and top-class quality for their nonwovens products for local and export markets,” Mr Laurent Jallat explained. “China is the biggest market in terms of installed capacity, and shows quite promising potential for the future. In the past years, we’ve seen rapid growth in products such as disposable face masks.” ANDRITZ responds to this demand with their neXline spunlace eXcelle line which features state-of-the-art TT card web forming and JetlaceEssentiel hydro entanglement units for high capacity and speed.

The DiloGroup also report an increase in demand for their products in China. “China is one of our biggest markets,” explains Mr Dominik Foshag. “We have procured huge orders from China, as Chinese customers are considering German technology more frequently nowadays. The visitor quality of Cinte Techtextil has been very good in this past, and we think this year’s fair will be also successful as we know many of our customers are going to visit.”

Oerlikon will introduce its spunbond technology to the Chinese market this year, and is expecting to conclude initial contracts at the fair due to increased demand for overseas products. “The Chinese market for nonwovens products is by far the largest and fastest growing national market. Chinese manufacturers are no longer satisfied with lower product quality, but want to exceed Western quality levels, for example. The products must now meet stricter customer requirements and legal standards, some of which are significantly higher than other international standards,” Ms Lena Kachelmaier said.

Truetzschler Nonwovens has also noticed this trend. Ms Jutta Stehr commented: “In the last two or three years, China became one of the pacemakers in the field of nonwovens used in beauty, skin care and hygiene applications. Asian markets have set new standards concerning quality in nonwovens. For instance, making disposable wipes from cotton fibres is a trend originating in Asia. The luxurious feeling of cotton combined with the requirement for eco-friendly products will further drive demand in China and elsewhere. Accordingly, Truetzschler Nonwovens anticipates more inquiries at Cinte Techtextil for its proven carding and spunlacing solutions for cotton nonwovens.”

Weaving machine supplier Itema has also noticed strong demand in China for products made in Italy. “Generally speaking, and especially for technical fabrics, imported machinery is highly evaluated and appreciated by Chinese customers. In recent years, Itema experienced significant growth in the sale of its Made-in-Italy weaving machines in China, and in other APAC countries. Imported machines are synonymous with quality and reliability, and we believe this positive trend will be constant in the future,” Mr Matteo De Micheli outlined.

Weaving machinery exhibitor highlights

  • ANDRITZ Nonwoven: their specialty is technologies for drylaid, wetlaid, spunbond, spunlace, needlepunch and textile calendering. At Cinte Techtextil, they will highlight their aXcess product portfolio, which has been especially designed for medium-capacity production. ANDRITZ has developed this range to fit the demands of producers with medium-capacity requirements, particularly in emerging markets. It includes lines and individual machines for needlepunch, spunlace, wetlaid and calendering processes.
  • Autefa Solutions: visitors to their booth will experience the company’s expertise as a full line supplier for carded- crosslapped needlepunch lines, aerodynamic web forming technology, spunlace and thermobonding lines. Their nonwovens lines meet customers’ requirements for quality web formation, bonding, active weight regulation and minimal maintenance.
  • DILO Systems: a leader in the field of staple fibre nonwoven production lines, DiloGroup will present their latest developments at the fair, including staple fibre production lines, card feeding and cards and crosslappers & needlelooms.
  • Oerlikon: they will showcase spunbond solution lines for the production of polypropylene geotextiles. According to the company, spunbond geotextile applications are on the rise as the market is increasingly demanding more efficient processes and products, which means the product requirements are often the same or greater, but with a lower raw material input. Spunbonds are progressively replacing classical carded nonwovens due to their technical and commercial benefits.
  • Truetzschler Nonwovens: concentrating on solutions for producing a broad range of hygiene nonwovens including wipes at the fair, they will focus on thermobonding & spunlacing processes and the respective machinery, from fibre preparation down to winding.

Sewing machinery exhibitor highlights

  • Itema: making their debut at Cinte Techtextil, they are a leading supplier of weaving machines for technical fabrics production. According to the company, they are the only weaving machine producer to offer technical textile manufacturers the top three technologies for weft insertion: Rapier, Projectile and Airjet.
  • Picanol: they use their leading position as producers of weaving machines for other textile products to expand into machines for woven technical textiles by investing heavily in state-of-the-art technology, as well through the modular design of their machine platforms which allow them to serve different industry sectors effectively.
  • Lindauer Dornier: featuring in the German Pavilion this edition, they offer a number of weaving machine varieties including rapier, air-jet, open reed weave (ORW) and more. Their rapier weaving machines have set the technological standard in the high quality wool textiles market for decades, and this quality will be on display at their booth with the DORNIER P1 rapier weaving machine.

Domestic brands to watch out for

In addition to these leading overseas brands, a strong line-up of Chinese machinery producers will also feature at the fair, including Changshu Weicheng Non-Woven Equipment and Shijiazhuang Textile Machinery.


More information:
Cinte Techtextil China

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd


Texworld - Summer SPOTLIGHT: Findings, Trims & Accessories

  •     Explore a whole new world of trims

This summer, join Texworld USA and Apparel Sourcing USA as we highlight The Art of Customization: Findings, Trims & Accessories in our SPOTLIGHT area located in Apparel Sourcing USA. Featured exhibitors will showcase a wide variety of ornamental fabrics, edgings and more.

In addition, the show will offer multiple make–and–take classes. Meet Jana Platina Phipps, New York City's embellishment expert known as the "Trim Queen", who will host a workshop reviewing the origins of passementerie and a how–to on creating your own tassels, pom–poms and decorative knots. NYC's CraftJam will also make their debut participating in Resource Row, offering attendees hands–on lessons in learning how to make embroidery wall art and patches.




  •     Explore a whole new world of trims

This summer, join Texworld USA and Apparel Sourcing USA as we highlight The Art of Customization: Findings, Trims & Accessories in our SPOTLIGHT area located in Apparel Sourcing USA. Featured exhibitors will showcase a wide variety of ornamental fabrics, edgings and more.

In addition, the show will offer multiple make–and–take classes. Meet Jana Platina Phipps, New York City's embellishment expert known as the "Trim Queen", who will host a workshop reviewing the origins of passementerie and a how–to on creating your own tassels, pom–poms and decorative knots. NYC's CraftJam will also make their debut participating in Resource Row, offering attendees hands–on lessons in learning how to make embroidery wall art and patches.




More information:
Texworld Trims Accessoires

Messe Frankfurt


Archroma to showcase innovative denim solutions at DenimsandJeans Vietnam 2018

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, will be presenting its innovative and sustainable denim solutions for manufacturers and brands at DenimsandJeans Vietnam 2018, on June 27 and 28.
From fiber to finish, Archroma offers a scope of possibilities for effects and colors, from the authentic roots of indigo to the most innovative and eco-advanced solutions. Archroma is a recognized leader in integrated solutions, offering best-in-class auxiliaries for bespoke process packages.
Visitors will be able to discover solutions designed to make denim in a more sustainable and responsible way, in particular:
Archroma’s Denisol® range is a newly developed pre-reduced liquid indigo solution that is manufactured in Archroma’s award winning ‘zero liquid discharge’ manufacturing plant in Pakistan.

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, will be presenting its innovative and sustainable denim solutions for manufacturers and brands at DenimsandJeans Vietnam 2018, on June 27 and 28.
From fiber to finish, Archroma offers a scope of possibilities for effects and colors, from the authentic roots of indigo to the most innovative and eco-advanced solutions. Archroma is a recognized leader in integrated solutions, offering best-in-class auxiliaries for bespoke process packages.
Visitors will be able to discover solutions designed to make denim in a more sustainable and responsible way, in particular:
Archroma’s Denisol® range is a newly developed pre-reduced liquid indigo solution that is manufactured in Archroma’s award winning ‘zero liquid discharge’ manufacturing plant in Pakistan.

  • Denisol® Indigo 30 liq is compliant with major official eco-standards and requirements from retailers, brands and fashion leading companies and helps to produce fabrics suitable for current eco-labeling such as bluesign® and GOTS.
  • Responding to demands for a non-toxic alternative to the dyes that are used for the iconic and traditional indigo blue that consumers associate with denim and jeans, Archroma just announced the upcoming new Denisol® Pure Indigo 30.

Consider this: The water needed to produce one pair of jeans is said to be ~ 11'000 liters(1). With approximately 167 million pairs of jeans produced monthly(2), that is 1,837,000,000,000 liters of water consumed every month in the process! Based on the Denim-Ox and Pad/Sizing-Ox dyeing processes, Archroma’s multi-awarded ADVANCED DENIM, dyeing technology allows savings of up to 92% in water, 87% in cotton waste and 30% in energy, compared to a conventional denim dyeing process.
The technology has been adopted by brands like Patagonia and received the prestigious 2012 ICIS Innovation Award and Innovation with Best Environmental Benefit Award.

  • Optisul® C, “soft colors” made easy
    Colors other than blue have been tricky to achieve in the past. With Optisul® C dyes, denim manufacturers can expand their color horizons with this range of six dyes especially designed to produce soft denim colors in continuous dyeing processes, as well as on coating and printing. Optisul® C affinity-free, sulfide-free dyes can easily be combined with each other to create garments suitable for wash-down treatments in a wide array of easily achievable and reproducible soft colors. They are suitable for GOTS and bluesign® approval.
  • Diresul® RDT Ocean Blues, ocean-themed bright sulfur blue dyes
    Archroma’s Diresul® RDT Ocean Blues are a collection of vibrant, ocean-themed bright sulfur blue dyes. These best-in-class dyes and their auxiliaries bring out the best of indigo, improve workability, dyeing consistency and process safety.
    They can be combined with Denisol® Indigo 30 liq in bottoming/topping manufacturing routes for avant-garde blue styles. At the booth, Archroma will display an “illustration collection” of exciting indigo casts.
  • Diresul® blacks & greys, a universe of greys and deep black and navies.
    Archroma’s dye portfolio of conventional and black Diresul® specialties allow to create a universe of greys and deep black and navies. From superficial to solid blacks for both extreme wash-down and stay black effects.

As consumers increasingly aspire to functional, beautiful and meaningful clothing, brands and manufacturers are increasingly interested in the environmental impact of the denim industry. Archroma has placed sustainability at the heart of its innovation process to create products and processes that improve the industry’s sustainability.
The EarthColors patented range of “biosynthetic” dyes for cotton and cellulose-based fabrics, which are made from waste left over by the agricultural and herbal industry after extraction, such as almond shells, saw palmetto, or rosemary leaves. The latest NFC technology used on the end-product hangtags enables transparency and traceability through the supply chain to consumers.
The EarthColors allow to produce the earth tones that are coming strong: red, brown and green colors. They have been adopted by brands such as Patagonia, Kathmandu and G-Star, and won an OutDoor Industry Award 2017.

Brand owners and retailers around the world are taking action to evaluate the environmental impact of textile treatment, dyeing and finishing processes in response to consumer concerns.

Archroma recently introduced the ONE WAY Process Simulator, the last update of a calculation tool that supports its ONE WAY Sustainability Service introduced back in 2012. The new, online software can be used to mimic and compare products and processes, and thus calculate the ecological and economical profile of the final end-product.
Archroma’s portfolio of ZDHC MRSL-compliant chemicals and dyes is integrated into the ONE WAY calculation tool since 2013.
“Innovation and sustainability go hand in hand,” says Paul O’Prey, Head of Sales, Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, Archroma, Vietnam. “While developing new products and services, we always consider the environmental impact so they are as sustainable as possible. This can be seen in our innovative and eco-advance products, such as the water-saving ADVANCED DENIM and the aniline-free* Denisol® Pure Indigo.” and Google Announce Strategic Partnership and Google Announce Strategic Partnership
18.06.2018 and Google Announce Strategic Partnership, Inc., China’s leading technology-driven e-commerce company, and Google, announced today that Google will invest $550 million in cash in as part of a strategic partnership.

Google and JD plan to collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions in a range of regions around the world, including Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Europe. By applying JD’s supply chain and logistics expertise and Google’s technology strengths, the two companies aim to explore the creation of next generation retail infrastructure solutions, with the goal of offering helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences. JD also plans to make a selection of high-quality products available for sale through Google Shopping in multiple regions.

“This partnership with Google opens up a broad range of possibilities to offer a superior retail experience to consumers throughout the world,” said’s Chief Strategy Officer Jianwen Liao. “This marks an important step in the process of modernizing global retail. As we celebrate our June 18 anniversary sale, this partnership opens a new chapter in our history.”, Inc., China’s leading technology-driven e-commerce company, and Google, announced today that Google will invest $550 million in cash in as part of a strategic partnership.

Google and JD plan to collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions in a range of regions around the world, including Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Europe. By applying JD’s supply chain and logistics expertise and Google’s technology strengths, the two companies aim to explore the creation of next generation retail infrastructure solutions, with the goal of offering helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences. JD also plans to make a selection of high-quality products available for sale through Google Shopping in multiple regions.

“This partnership with Google opens up a broad range of possibilities to offer a superior retail experience to consumers throughout the world,” said’s Chief Strategy Officer Jianwen Liao. “This marks an important step in the process of modernizing global retail. As we celebrate our June 18 anniversary sale, this partnership opens a new chapter in our history.”

"We are excited to partner with and explore new solutions for retail ecosystems around the world to enable helpful, personalized and frictionless shopping experiences that give consumers the power to shop wherever and however they want,” said Google Chief Business Officer Philipp Schindler.

Under the agreements, Google will receive 27,106,948 newly issued Class A ordinary shares at an issue price of $20.29 per share, equivalent to $40.58 per ADS, based on the volume-weighted average trading price over the prior 10 trading days.

More information:
JD Google strategic partnership



Schoeller: sustainability for textiles and technologies

For Schoeller Summer 2020 everything flows smoothly. The fabrics move with a fluid lightness in a closed ecological cycle. Upcycled products with ECONYL® yarn and the PFC-free ecorepel® Bio technology based on renewable raw materials are two ecological highlights of the 2020 Summer Collection, which is being developed and produced in the heart of the Swiss mountains. Color effects turn the functional textiles into exciting multicolors with contrasting reverses and fresh, modern plain colors that can easily be combined.

For Schoeller Summer 2020 everything flows smoothly. The fabrics move with a fluid lightness in a closed ecological cycle. Upcycled products with ECONYL® yarn and the PFC-free ecorepel® Bio technology based on renewable raw materials are two ecological highlights of the 2020 Summer Collection, which is being developed and produced in the heart of the Swiss mountains. Color effects turn the functional textiles into exciting multicolors with contrasting reverses and fresh, modern plain colors that can easily be combined.

The textiles manufactured by Schoeller using ECONYL® yarn made from regenerated material are genuine upcycled products. The ECONYL® Reclaiming Program of Aquafil S.P.A. reduces global waste by collecting recyclable materials from landfill sites and the world’s oceans and returning them into the production cycle. The resulting yarn is no different from conventional textiles in terms of quality and appearance. The Schoeller fabric family with ECONYL® yarn encompasses a complete package with diverse exciting qualities such as ultra-light, bi-elastic schoeller®-dynamic (e.g. for windbreaker blousons), very soft, fine schoeller®-dryskin (e.g. for high-tech shorts) and lightweight schoeller®-WB-400.

New, supersoft soft-shells with ECONYL® yarn are available with different backings and weights depending on the situation. The lightest schoeller®-WB-400 radiates a sense of summer in fresh tones such as melon, oxygen blue or khaki with a smooth jersey reverse in contrasting colors, also made from ECONYL® yarn. A slightly heavier quality surprises in classic black with an elegant, navy blue reverse, while the Bordeaux nuance of the soft-shell with its brushed reverse in stone grey feels warm, soft and cozy. The fluorocarbon-free ecorepel® bio-technology, based on renewable raw materials, offers sustainable water repellence.

The dominant features of summer 2020, alongside sustainable textiles and technologies made from natural materials, are inspired multicolors. The comfortable, multicolored schoeller®-WB-400 qualities produce completely new color effects and create a cheerful look – both for outdoor activities and in urban sportswear. The combination of melon, ocean green and stone grey with white changes the mood of the original colors and lends the textiles an unexpectedly chalky, summery look. Another striking feature is the lightweight, white jersey backing, which is only revealed at second glance.

The presentation of the authentic schoeller®-dynamic qualities is no less lively, ranging from mossy green tones and blue nuances through to the brown variations of tree bark. The multicolors combine perfectly with plain fabrics and are impressively functional thanks to the PFC-free ecorepel® bio-technology, which also provides reliable water repellence. The basic qualities of the lightweight schoeller®-dryskin trousers and jackets are given a touch of elegance in the form of a discreet sheen and fashionable colors. In soft blues and greens, these supple all-rounders are highly wear resistant and offer ideal moisture management through the microfibers on the inside. They also feature ecorepel® bio-technology for water repellence.


Help with Clean Linen from Hygienically Clean Laundries Welcomed at APIC

Attendees of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) expo confirmed Thursday the value of effective guidelines for properly handling clean linen, substantiating Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified operators’ efforts to help them ensure linen remains safe and clean when it reaches patients.

Visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit at APIC’s Annual Conference were supported in this respect by receiving Handling Clean Linen in a Healthcare Environment, a guide produced by these certified linen, uniform and facility services operators. APIC attendees shared anecdotes of mishandling clean linen in their workplaces including:

Attendees of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) expo confirmed Thursday the value of effective guidelines for properly handling clean linen, substantiating Hygienically Clean Healthcare certified operators’ efforts to help them ensure linen remains safe and clean when it reaches patients.

Visitors to the Hygienically Clean exhibit at APIC’s Annual Conference were supported in this respect by receiving Handling Clean Linen in a Healthcare Environment, a guide produced by these certified linen, uniform and facility services operators. APIC attendees shared anecdotes of mishandling clean linen in their workplaces including:

  • Employees holding and carrying stacks of bed linen and towels touching their chests
  • Commingling clean and soiled linen
  • Storing linen in closets in guest rooms instead of a secure linen room

Certified operators’ certification fees provided funding for creating and distributing the guide (and other resources for healthcare facilities), manifesting the Hygienically Clean program’s philosophy of addressing healthcare providers’ operational needs outside the scope of outsourced laundries’ traditional functions.

Angela Freeman, Hygienically Clean program manager, explained the importance of such laundries partnering with healthcare providers to create and implement plans to ensure clean textiles are delivered to patients. “When healthcare textiles (HCTs) reach a facility’s doors, an outsourced laundry’s role in maintaining their hygiene depends greatly on how the service agreement addresses linen distribution. Hygienically Clean’s resources for healthcare providers reflect the willingness of our certified operators to partner with their customers.”

A video version of the clean linen guide is in the works. TRSA, the global association for the linen and uniform services industry and Hygienically Clean administrator, continues to build the industry’s appreciation for partnering with healthcare customers.

In May, TRSA introduced Producing Hygienically Clean Textiles, an e-learning class to help laundry employees understand their roles in the processes, procedures and policies necessary to produce clean linens and uniforms. TRSA’s annual Healthcare Conference has guided industry managers in progressive linen distribution techniques to aid their training of their customers in these.


Koch Membrane Systems Launches New Website

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (KMS), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, launched the newly revamped
The website offers quick and easy access to essential product information and features, and provides a comprehensive overview of the markets served and the solutions provided by KMS. As the market for membranes is growing into new industries, and more users rely on membrane technology in their everyday operations, the new website provides robust information for customers and partners to better understand KMS’s best-in-class technology.  
“The website features a clean design and greater focus on our mission to provide customer-specific membrane solutions and create value through continued technological innovation, consistent high-quality products and unsurpassed customer support,” said Manny Singh, KMS president.
The website will be updated regularly with news, product launches, business activity and new membrane solutions for different industries.

Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. (KMS), a global leader in membrane filtration technologies, launched the newly revamped
The website offers quick and easy access to essential product information and features, and provides a comprehensive overview of the markets served and the solutions provided by KMS. As the market for membranes is growing into new industries, and more users rely on membrane technology in their everyday operations, the new website provides robust information for customers and partners to better understand KMS’s best-in-class technology.  
“The website features a clean design and greater focus on our mission to provide customer-specific membrane solutions and create value through continued technological innovation, consistent high-quality products and unsurpassed customer support,” said Manny Singh, KMS president.
The website will be updated regularly with news, product launches, business activity and new membrane solutions for different industries.


Rob Carlton
Koch Membrane Systems


Clariant showcases support for North America’s plastics industry growth

  • Additives, pigments and masterbatches for transportation, packaging, textiles & fibers
  • Support to “future-proof” medical applications
  • Contributing towards more sustainable engineering plastics

Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, turns the spotlight on its increasing on-the-ground support and innovation focus for North America’s four key plastics application segments at NPE 2018 Booth S18155.

Clariant is pushing forward with plans for growth in the region by advancing R&D competencies, and increasing its manufacturing footprint and technical capabilities across its 50+ sites, 3 R&D and 6 technical innovation centers. Clariant’s innovations for the plastics industry include advanced additives, masterbatches and pigments which support the packaging sector in engaging consumers via differentiated, convenient solutions. At NPE, it will also highlight solutions for enhancing and protecting healthcare products, as well as its contribution to stronger and colorful textiles and fibers for everything from e-mobility to industrial applications.

  • Additives, pigments and masterbatches for transportation, packaging, textiles & fibers
  • Support to “future-proof” medical applications
  • Contributing towards more sustainable engineering plastics

Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, turns the spotlight on its increasing on-the-ground support and innovation focus for North America’s four key plastics application segments at NPE 2018 Booth S18155.

Clariant is pushing forward with plans for growth in the region by advancing R&D competencies, and increasing its manufacturing footprint and technical capabilities across its 50+ sites, 3 R&D and 6 technical innovation centers. Clariant’s innovations for the plastics industry include advanced additives, masterbatches and pigments which support the packaging sector in engaging consumers via differentiated, convenient solutions. At NPE, it will also highlight solutions for enhancing and protecting healthcare products, as well as its contribution to stronger and colorful textiles and fibers for everything from e-mobility to industrial applications.

Deepak Parikh, president of region North America, Clariant comments: “Clariant’s product innovation for the US and wider North American plastics industry embraces the region’s fastest growing end-use areas of automotive and construction. It also addresses the impact of trends driven by changing consumer lifestyle preferences and market regulations on other important segments such as packaging and healthcare.”

Clariant brings color and protection to support the increasing use of engineering plastics and high temperture resins in automotive interiors, exteriors and under-the-hood. Halogen-free Exolit® OP 1400 provides outstanding flame retardancy to polyamide parts, enhances safety with UL 94 V0 performance down to 0.4 mm and enables the molding of complex parts with no mold deposits and blooming. Exolit OP 1400 has been awarded the Clariant EcoTain®label for outstanding sustainability and performance. At the same time, Clariant offers low-halogen controlled high-performance PV Fast® pigmentswith excellent migration and weather fastness properties to meet the high requirements of today’s transportation and automotive industry. Easy processing Renol® compounds and masterbatches for engineering and high temperature resins provide heat and light stability, and flame retardancy, while maintaining critical flow properties in parts like SMT connectors. Importantly, they are available as small lots which enables customers to purchase only what they require and contribute to a reduction in their carbon footprint.

As US packaging manufacturers explore more consumer-friendly, lighterweight and appealing solutions, Clariant is on hand to support their functionality, sustainability-related and color desires. Clariant Pigments has an innovative cooperation with Konica Minolta and matchmycolor to enable fast, precise and efficient color matching of HDPE products, using select organic PV Fast and Graphtol® pigments that comply with FDA regulations. The ColorWorks®center in Chicago is dedicated to US brand managers and designers with teams of color design experts to create color formulations faster than ever before for bottles, caps, closures and films.

According to market reports, plastic pouches are gaining share from traditional pack types in packaged food and are mainstream in home care. To support smoother and more environmentally-compatible processing especially for film applications, Clariant offers an FDA-compliant, vegetable-based powder amide wax, Licolub® FA 1, which acts as a slip and anti-block agent. It is suitable for polyolefins and PVC.

Textiles & Fiber
At NPE 2018, Clariant puts the focus on strong and colorful textiles, carpets and industrial fibers. New AddWorks® TFB 117 offers a number of benefits to help stabilize and smoothen fiber production processes, protect color, and improve heat stability and mechanical properties of fibers. AddWorks TFB 117 ensures smooth spinnability with less filaments breakage, even at low processing temperatures and at high speed spinning up to 5,500 m/min. Clariant also offers a broad range of colorants for polypropylene, polyester, polyamide and acrylic fibers, featuring migration fastness, chemical stability, light- and weather-fastness.

Clariant supports risk control and regulatory compliance for medical polymer and pharmaceutical packaging solutions. Its Mevopur® color and performance masterbatches and compounds include a USP Class 6 line of compliant products and multiple global ISO, 87, 88, and 661.1 certifications ahead of the market deadline. Clariant also offers selected FDA-compliant organic pigments and polymer soluble dyes that meet purity migration fastness as well as toxicological properties for medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging.


Archroma and Montega Italy join hands to help enhance the standards of Pakistan’s garment industry

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, and Montega S.r.l., Italy, (Montega) announce a collaboration aimed at supporting the fast-growing garment and apparel industry in Pakistan, particularly in the denim segment. The joint efforts will focus on fostering excellence in the finishing of textile garments.

Montega has decades of rich experience in developing the latest fashion trends with its high standard chemical treatments. For garments and fabrics, they offer solutions in finishing effects, enzymatic products, bio-polishing, bio-finishing and specialty products for indigo dyes, proteinaceous fibers such as wool and silk, and garment washing and/ laundry. All applications are geared toward environmental sustainability.

Archroma offers a wide range of brand and textile specialty chemicals that caters to the local industry in Pakistan for both its internal and export markets. The company’s expert team provides innovative solutions to its customers, tailored to their individual requirements.

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, and Montega S.r.l., Italy, (Montega) announce a collaboration aimed at supporting the fast-growing garment and apparel industry in Pakistan, particularly in the denim segment. The joint efforts will focus on fostering excellence in the finishing of textile garments.

Montega has decades of rich experience in developing the latest fashion trends with its high standard chemical treatments. For garments and fabrics, they offer solutions in finishing effects, enzymatic products, bio-polishing, bio-finishing and specialty products for indigo dyes, proteinaceous fibers such as wool and silk, and garment washing and/ laundry. All applications are geared toward environmental sustainability.

Archroma offers a wide range of brand and textile specialty chemicals that caters to the local industry in Pakistan for both its internal and export markets. The company’s expert team provides innovative solutions to its customers, tailored to their individual requirements.

Archroma will now represent Montega in marketing their products in Pakistan. The collaboration between the two firms will provide a unique synergy of combined expertise, reliability and commitment to environmental sustainability, especially toward the reduction of water usage and the emission of greenhouse gases during textile finishing processes. The design studio at the Archroma Center of Excellence in Pakistan will work extensively with Montega’s M-Lab Garment University in Riccione, Italy, to deliver solutions based on the latest trends and fashion effects, backed by world-class technical support.

Mujtaba Rahim, CEO of Archroma Pakistan, comments: “We, at Archroma, believe in continuous improvement and challenging the status quo to make our industry sustainable. We have dedicated ourselves to bringing innovation in our product lines and to closely partnering with like-minded organizations to build industrial rapport. Through this initiative of joining hands with Montega, we will be able to share latest R&D developments with the textile industry in Pakistan, and help grow Pakistan’s contribution in the global textile arena.”


Heimtextil India and Ambiente India 2018 launch Bespoke Living in their fifth edition

  • Special display arena will showcase exquisite signature collections from interior décor and home textile sectors

India’s premium fairs for home textiles, homeware and interior décor, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India have launched Bespoke Living, an exclusive product showcase space dedicated to companies dealing with signature collections at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 27th – 29th June 2018.

With four successful editions in a row, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India also slated on the same dates, have become the country’s leading business trade fairs to showcase the finest quality of dining, living, giving and home textiles. The launch of Bespoke Living aims to highlight one of a kind brands who deal with uniquely crafted designs that will range from plush statement pieces to extensive signature collections for home and retail furnishing.

  • Special display arena will showcase exquisite signature collections from interior décor and home textile sectors

India’s premium fairs for home textiles, homeware and interior décor, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India have launched Bespoke Living, an exclusive product showcase space dedicated to companies dealing with signature collections at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 27th – 29th June 2018.

With four successful editions in a row, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India also slated on the same dates, have become the country’s leading business trade fairs to showcase the finest quality of dining, living, giving and home textiles. The launch of Bespoke Living aims to highlight one of a kind brands who deal with uniquely crafted designs that will range from plush statement pieces to extensive signature collections for home and retail furnishing.

The term luxury décor is not restricted to brand names anymore. With trends like fully furnished luxury houses, theme dominated homes and tastefully designed retail showrooms rapidly picking up in the country, consumers are open to different styles and unique designs.
Be it the very popular Scandinavian themed houses to colourful cultural artefacts creating a soothing aura, Indians now want their homes and businesses to reflect their personal style with statement interiors.

Halls dedicated to Bespoke Living will feature selected designer brands from India and around the world showcasing their premium collections. This product showcase arena will be beneficial for interior designers, architects, hotel buyers, buyers of luxury goods and luxury homes developers. Business visitors can gain knowledge about the upcoming trends, source timeless pieces, build new connections with people sharing the same interest and experience the quality of the products in person. Exposure to best in class products and latest trends presented here will help them create a better home design experience for their clients.

Excelling in statement leather pieces the brand Three Sixty will showcase their latest leather collection that comprises of rugged travel accessories and signature furniture pieces. Inspired by the world’s deserts and explorers who traversed them, the brand designs fully customisable handmade products which are available in beautiful shades of tan, sure to up the sophistication quotient of home and retail interiors.     
“Our latest collection at Bespoke Living will showcase our ever evolving tastes and designs. We believe luxury need not be synonymous with breaking open the bank. Traditional Indian craftsmen can craft the most beautiful signature pieces and provide quality beyond compare, shared Mr Vikash Gupta, CEO, Three Sixty. International exhibitors present at the show will showcase exquisite artefacts like decorative ceramics with glaze, handmade clay wreaths with metal leaves, ceramic vases and other decorative items to make every home unique.

Apart from this specially curated design platform, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India 2018 will host the Interior Lifestyle Awards that will bring creative masters from the interior decor and home textile sectors together by recognising their art and giving them an international platform to showcase their designs.
The trade fair will also organise the Hospitality Day, a hospitality and retail procurement programme that will bring top class purchase managers from the industry to build new contacts and source quality products. Together, Heimtextil India and Ambiente India together will host over 100 companies from countries like India, Indonesia, Switzerland and Thailand showcasing trendsetting designs in the interior décor and home textile industry.


Messe Frankfurt


Archroma at China Interdye 2018

  • Visit Archroma at China Interdye 2018, Booth A100, April 11-13, 2018, at the ShanghaiWorld Expo Exhibition & Convention Center, Shanghai, China

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, will present at China Interdye 2018 its latest technologies, under the motto: “Enhanced solutions for color and performance, it's our nature”.
With a heritage of more than 130 years, Archroma provides solutions that combine performance, safety and low impact on resources. The company can draw on its extensive formulation and technical know-how to offer a constant flow of eco-advanced and innovative new in dyestuff and pigments, as well as process and functional chemicals.
Solution packages for innovation

Visitors at Archroma’s Booth A100. will be able to ‘experience’ Archroma's innovative solutions, in particular:

  • Visit Archroma at China Interdye 2018, Booth A100, April 11-13, 2018, at the ShanghaiWorld Expo Exhibition & Convention Center, Shanghai, China

Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, will present at China Interdye 2018 its latest technologies, under the motto: “Enhanced solutions for color and performance, it's our nature”.
With a heritage of more than 130 years, Archroma provides solutions that combine performance, safety and low impact on resources. The company can draw on its extensive formulation and technical know-how to offer a constant flow of eco-advanced and innovative new in dyestuff and pigments, as well as process and functional chemicals.
Solution packages for innovation

Visitors at Archroma’s Booth A100. will be able to ‘experience’ Archroma's innovative solutions, in particular:

  • EarthColors, traceable from nature to fashion
    The EarthColors patented range of “biosynthetic” dyes for cotton and cellulose-based fabrics, which are made from waste left over by the agricultural and herbal industry after extraction, such as almond shells, saw palmetto, or rosemary leaves. The latest NFC technology used on the end-product hangtags enables transparency and traceability through the supply chain to consumers.
    The EarthColors have been adopted by brands such as Patagonia, Kathmandu and G-Star, and won an OutDoor Industry Award 2017.
  • Color Atlas, a game-changing system for fashion design
    The Color Atlas by Archroma® is a groundbreaking platform specially devised to address the needs of designers, brands, retailers, and manufacturers, enhancing creative possibilities for the industry as well as manageability and time to market through key complementary tools: The six-volume ‘Color Atlas Library’ with 4,320 color swatches and cotton poplin samples, the ‘Color Atlas Compact’ in two volumes for increased portability, and the ‘Color Atlas Online’ allowing to capture an inspiring image using a smartphone and immediately identify the closest Color Atlas shade palette, with the possibility to purchase a color sample instantly.
  • ‘Zero add-on’ formaldehyde finishing and coloring solutions
    Since January 1, 2016, formaldehyde is classified by ECHA5 as “may cause cancer” (Carc. 1B). Archroma offers a unique proposition combining: Fixapret® Resin WFF, a “zero add-on” formaldehyde anti-wrinkle finishing system and Helizarin® EcoSafe a “zero add-on”4 formaldehyde printing system. With Fixapret® Resin WFF, and Helizarin® EcoSafe, consumers can enjoy end-products that look good, whilst saving on precious resources and being gentler on the skin.
  • Sanitized® Odoractiv 10, active odor control function for polyester textiles
    Visitors at the booth will be able to experience a new unique dimension of odor control function for functional polyester textiles. The newly developed wash-resistant Sanitized® Odoractiv 10 has a dual-action effect: on the one hand it prevents the bacteria from docking on the textile, and on the other, it adsorbs odors whilst the garment is being worn.

Spotlight on automotive solutions
Having acquired a 75% stake in the M. Dohmen group, a specialist in textile dyes and chemicals for automotive, carpet and apparel, Archroma is now in the position to extend its offer in expert products and services. M. Dohmen will be present at the show at Booth A118.

Solution packages for sustainability
Brand owners and retailers around the world are taking action to evaluate the environmental impact of textile treatment, dyeing and finishing processes in response to consumer concerns.
Archroma recently introduced the ONE WAY Process Simulator, the last update of a calculation tool that supports its ONE WAY Sustainability Service introduced back in 2012. The new, online software can be used to mimic and compare products and processes, and thus calculate the ecological and economical profile of the final end-product.

More information: