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(c) European EPC Competence Center GmbH (EECC)

Digital reality for retail

Neue Initiative für Langenfelder Einzelhändler gegründet

In der Future City Langenfeld startet am 8. Juli 2019 die Initiative „digital reality for retail“. Gründungsmitglieder sind die drei Unternehmen 7th Space, EECC und gmvteam GmbH. Gemeinsam haben sie sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den lokalen Einzelhandel zu stärken. Hier werden Projekte und Konzepte ermöglicht, in denen ortsansässige Händler mittels virtueller Welten Mehrwerte für ihre Kunden schaffen und sie neu begeistern. Zielgruppe sind die inhabergeführten Einzelhändler von Langenfeld, die sich dem Wandel der Zeit stellen wollen. Interessierte Unternehmen können per E-Mail an Kontakt aufnehmen.

Neue Initiative für Langenfelder Einzelhändler gegründet

In der Future City Langenfeld startet am 8. Juli 2019 die Initiative „digital reality for retail“. Gründungsmitglieder sind die drei Unternehmen 7th Space, EECC und gmvteam GmbH. Gemeinsam haben sie sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den lokalen Einzelhandel zu stärken. Hier werden Projekte und Konzepte ermöglicht, in denen ortsansässige Händler mittels virtueller Welten Mehrwerte für ihre Kunden schaffen und sie neu begeistern. Zielgruppe sind die inhabergeführten Einzelhändler von Langenfeld, die sich dem Wandel der Zeit stellen wollen. Interessierte Unternehmen können per E-Mail an Kontakt aufnehmen.

Der Hintergrund: Laut dem Institut für Handelsforschung Köln (IFH Köln) ist der Handelsstandort NRW ein Ort mit bundesweiter Strahlkraft. Es ist daher wichtig, dass sich der Handel in NRW zukunftsfähig aufstellt. Vor allem der wachsende Onlinehandel, der Strukturwandel im Handel und die zunehmende Verstädterung werden die Handelslandschaft nachhaltig verändern. Aktuell befinden sich in Nordrhein-Westfalen noch knapp 110.000 Einzelhandelsgeschäfte. In den am wahrscheinlichsten zu erachtenden Szenarien rechnen die IFH-Experten mit 13.000 bis 20.000 Geschäftsschließungen.



As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.   
ROICA™ takes this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.
For Interfilière 2019, ROICA™ tells the story of its five unique yarn families brought to life through a precious partnership system and exploring three key themes: heritage, innovation and lifestyle.

As the role of lingerie in fashion and athleisure continues to augment, the desire for garments that will meet a new set of values for contemporary consumer lifestyles will flourish.   
ROICA™ takes this year’s Interfilière visitors on an inspirational journey, aimed at encouraging weavers, designers and brands to “engineer” their portfolio of products in new and exciting ways. The company sets a whole new standard in how creativity and responsibility can come together for a new generation of wardrobe solutions dedicated to the contemporary consumer, carving out a new kind of fashion future.
For Interfilière 2019, ROICA™ tells the story of its five unique yarn families brought to life through a precious partnership system and exploring three key themes: heritage, innovation and lifestyle.

More information:

GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) Porcher Industries

Thermoplastic Insoles and Highly Durable Tent Fabric launched by Porcher Sport

Porcher Sport, the Sports and Leisure Division of Porcher Industries has unveiled new innovations for the outdoor equipment and apparel sectors at Outdoor by ISPO 2019 in Munich this week.

Innovations range as wide as new thermoplastic insoles for customised footwear to a new highly durable tent fabric.

Highly durable tent fabric weighing only 41gsm
Porcher Sport plans to disrupt the backpacking tent market with its newly developed 20 denier tent fabric, weighing only 41 gsm. This fabric is slightly lighter, but significantly stronger and more durable than existing high-quality materials on the market. Through continuous R&D, Porcher Sport has improved the performance of its tent fabric by increasing the tear strength. The ripstop material is coated on both sides with two layers of silicone creating a reinforced, waterproof fabric that is lightweight, tear-resistant and highly durable. As a result, Porcher Sport guarantees customers will be able to enjoy their tent for a minimum of 10 years. The novel tent fabric will be available in 2020.

Porcher Sport, the Sports and Leisure Division of Porcher Industries has unveiled new innovations for the outdoor equipment and apparel sectors at Outdoor by ISPO 2019 in Munich this week.

Innovations range as wide as new thermoplastic insoles for customised footwear to a new highly durable tent fabric.

Highly durable tent fabric weighing only 41gsm
Porcher Sport plans to disrupt the backpacking tent market with its newly developed 20 denier tent fabric, weighing only 41 gsm. This fabric is slightly lighter, but significantly stronger and more durable than existing high-quality materials on the market. Through continuous R&D, Porcher Sport has improved the performance of its tent fabric by increasing the tear strength. The ripstop material is coated on both sides with two layers of silicone creating a reinforced, waterproof fabric that is lightweight, tear-resistant and highly durable. As a result, Porcher Sport guarantees customers will be able to enjoy their tent for a minimum of 10 years. The novel tent fabric will be available in 2020.

More information:


DOMOTEX 2020: Neues Leitthema ATMYSPHERE umfasst Sustainable Flooring (c) Betactive

DOMOTEX 2020: Neues Leitthema ATMYSPHERE umfasst Sustainable Flooring

  • Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit stehen verstärkt im Fokus gesundheitsorientierter Interior Design-Konzepte mit Bodenbelägen und Produkten von Ausstellern der DOMOTEX
  • Der Einsatz umweltschonender Lösungen, die auf der DOMOTEX vorgestellt werden, ist Zielsetzung wegweisender Referenzprojekte
  • DOMOTEX 2020 10. bis 13. Januar (Freitag bis Montag) Messegelände Hannover

Die führende Messe für Teppiche und Bodenbeläge DOMOTEX beleuchtet mit ihrem neuen Leitthema „ATMYSPHERE“ unterschiedliche Eigenschaften des Bodens, die zu individuellem Wohlbefinden in einem Interieur beitragen. Bei der kommenden Veranstaltung, die vom 10. bis 13. Januar in Hannover stattfindet, stehen unter anderem umweltfreundliche Materialien und Herstellungsverfahren sowie nachhaltige
Produkte im Mittelpunkt.

  • Natürlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit stehen verstärkt im Fokus gesundheitsorientierter Interior Design-Konzepte mit Bodenbelägen und Produkten von Ausstellern der DOMOTEX
  • Der Einsatz umweltschonender Lösungen, die auf der DOMOTEX vorgestellt werden, ist Zielsetzung wegweisender Referenzprojekte
  • DOMOTEX 2020 10. bis 13. Januar (Freitag bis Montag) Messegelände Hannover

Die führende Messe für Teppiche und Bodenbeläge DOMOTEX beleuchtet mit ihrem neuen Leitthema „ATMYSPHERE“ unterschiedliche Eigenschaften des Bodens, die zu individuellem Wohlbefinden in einem Interieur beitragen. Bei der kommenden Veranstaltung, die vom 10. bis 13. Januar in Hannover stattfindet, stehen unter anderem umweltfreundliche Materialien und Herstellungsverfahren sowie nachhaltige
Produkte im Mittelpunkt.

Angeregt vom wachsenden Gesundheits- und Umweltbewusstsein entstehen derzeit viele relevante Interior Design-Projekte mit umweltfreundlichen Bodenbelägen und Verlegewerkstoffen, die für eine gesunde Raumatmosphäre sorgen. Bei innovativen Interieurs in Hotel, Bar und Restaurant bis hin zum Showroom, Büro und Messestand spielen nachhaltige Böden eine wichtige Rolle für das Gesamtkonzept, wie die
folgenden Beispiele mit Produkten von Ausstellern der DOMOTEX zeigen.

Der Flagshipstore der Deutschen Telekom am Münchner Marienplatz ist nach dem „Collector’s Lab“ Konzept des Unternehmens eingerichtet: Lieblingsstücke werden zu „emotionalen Inseln in einer wertigen Umgebung“ gruppiert, um eine persönliche Atmosphäre für den Kunden zu schaffen. Für die Bodengestaltung des Showrooms kamen zwei unterschiedliche elastische Böden des DOMOTEX-Ausstellers  Windmöller zum Einsatz. Applikationen in Weiß und Magenta auf einem Designboden in grauer Sichtbetonoptik leiten den Blick hin zu den Produktpräsentationen. Den wohnlich gestalteten Rahmen des Lounge- Bereichs und der Beratungszonen betont der Purline Bioboden in Verbindung mit holzverkleideten Wänden und bequemen Polstermöbeln. Purline ist ein Polyurethanboden auf Basis von ecuran. Der Verbundwerkstoff wird überwiegend aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen wie Raps- oder Rizinusöl und Kreide hergestellt.  „Bewusstes Leben und Arbeiten steht mehr denn je im Fokus der Verbraucher“, erklärt Annika Windmöller, Gesellschafterin und Leiterin der Unternehmenskommunikation. „Ein aktuell sehr ausgeprägtes Umweltbewusstsein, die Forderung nach maximaler Nachhaltigkeit im täglichen Konsum sowie der Wunsch nach dem individuellen Wohlfühlen, sind maßgebliche Treiber unserer Gesellschaft.“ Der widerstandsfähige Purline Bioboden, so Windmöller, entspreche diesen Anforderungen in besonderem Maße. Gerda Karal, die für den Flagshipstore verantwortliche Teamleiterin Innenarchitektur des Kölner Architekturbüros Lepel & Lepel betont, dass es Ziel des Projekts war „Ökologie und Stil in ein perfektes Gleichgewicht zu bringen.“

Das Mama Shelter Hotel in Belgrad wurde von dem in São Paulo lebenden Interior Designer Jalil Amor eingerichtet, der zuvor in den Pariser Architekturbüros von Jean Nouvel und Philippe Starck arbeitete. Amor bezieht sich in seiner erzählerischen Gestaltung auf die Geschichte der serbischen Hauptstadt und ihre Jahrhunderte währende Zugehörigkeit zum osmanischen Reich. So stattete er den großzügigen  Restaurant- und Loungebereich in einem Mix aus modern interpretierten orientalischen Mustern und phantasievollen Pop-Art Elementen aus. Farbenfrohe runde Hocker der „Mafrash Home Décor Collection“ von Zollanvari wählte Amor zugleich als bequeme Sitzobjekte und Eyecatcher. Die Unikate der Collection entstehen aus einer Kombination von alten Taschen und Truhen, die von Ghashgha'i und Luri Nomaden gewebt wurden und handgewebten Arbeiten, die die Techniken von Kelim, Soumak und Zigorats kombinieren. Für die Flachgewebe mit der kunstvollen dreidimensionalen Struktur verwendet Zollanvari beste Hochlandwolle aus den iranischen Zagros-Bergen. In den Räumen des Mama Shelter Belgrade Hotels tragen die handgearbeiteten Teppichhocker zu einer entspannten und inspirierenden Atmosphäre bei. Auf diese Weise erfüllen die edlen Gewebe, aus denen die Hocker bestehen, einen neuen Zweck und werden nachhaltig genutzt.

Vinny Smith, Managing Director von Northern Backdrop Interior Design verwendete für die Gestaltung der Bar des „Greens“ Restaurant im irischen Ring of Kerry Golfclub Holzplanken der „Wave Collection“ aus dem Programm von Corà Parquet. Die organisch geformten Holzelemente sind aus europäischer Eiche gefertigt und haben eine grau glänzend lackierte und lebendig strukturierte Oberfläche. „Das Greens Restaurant bietet seinen Gästen einen herrlichen Blick auf die Kenmare Bay, den Atlantik und die atemberaubende Berglandschaft des County Kerry“, sagt Smith. „Ich wollte, dass alle Designdetails an die natürliche Umgebung dieses Ortes erinnern.“ Für die Verkleidung der Bar nutzte er wellenförmigen Eichenmodule, da diese  „Meereswellen und der Reflexion von Licht auf dem Wasser“ ähneln. „Form, Farben  und Struktur der Verkleidung verleihen der eher kleinen Bar eine große Wirkung und machen sie zu einem Schwerpunkt innerhalb des Interior Designs.“ Corà Parquet verwendet hochwertige Hölzer, die sorgfältig verarbeitet und für eine lange Lebensdauer ausgerichtet sind. Sie sind FSC-zertifiziert und werden nach hohen ökologischen und sozialen Standards produziert.

Vielaris Art Parquet aus Litauen restauriert Böden in historischen Gebäuden. Mit dem Knowhow aus diesen Projekten werden auch exklusive Räumlichkeiten mit neuen Parkettböden ausgestattet. Im Büro eines Immobilien-Investors im Zentrum von Paris verlegte das Unternehmen den „Trio“ Holzboden aus Birkensperrholz mit einer Oberschicht aus Eiche. Dieser nachhaltige Bodenbelag wird aus den geometrischen Formen Dreieck, Diamant und Trapez zu einem ausdrucksvollen und eleganten Muster zusammengesetzt. Einzeln über die Fläche verteilte Dreiecksformen aus Messing unterstreichen den einzigartigen Look des Naturholzbodens. Das Unternehmen verwendet bei seinen Projekten den nachwachsenden Rohstoff Holz und verarbeitet ihn in höchster handwerklicher Präzision, je nach Auftrag auch mit Intarsien sowie Einlegearbeiten aus Metall. Das Besondere an den zweischichtigen Parkettplatten von Vielaris ist, dass alle Details über die gesamte Plattenlage hinweg miteinander verbunden sind. Dieser traditionelle Herstellungsprozess sorgt für eine lange Lebensdauer des edlen Bodens.

Der Messestand von Freudenberg auf der DOMOTEX 2019 sorgte für viel Aufsehen. Besucher konnten in eine scheinbar natürliche Umgebung eintauchen. Der Teppichbelag des Standes war mit Freudenberg-Tuft-Trägern ausgestattet und zeigte täuschend echt wirkende Moos- und Waldmotive, die mit Hilfe hochwertiger digitaler Drucktechnologie entstanden. Nachhaltigkeit gehört zum Selbstverständnis von  Freudenberg. Praktisch umgesetzt wird sie in zahlreichen Projekten zur Reduzierung des Energie-, Wasser- und Rohstoffverbrauchs. „Wir verbessern ständig die Umweltbilanz unserer getufteten Teppichrücken, ohne die Leistung zu beeinträchtigen,“ sagt John McNabb, Freudenberg Performance Materials’ Chief Technical Officer. Dies betreffe die Wiederverwendung der eigenen Abfälle, die Erhöhung des zertifizierten Recyclinganteils und die Vermeidung von chemischen Bindemitteln. „Gleichzeitig verbessern wir den ‚Handabdruck‘ unserer Kunden, indem wir 100% recycelbare Einkomponenten-Tuftuntergründe anbieten.“ So diente der Messestand unter dem Motto „Sustainable Backings“ auch dem kommunikativen Ziel, mit Kunden über den gemeinsamen Aufbau einer nachhaltigen Zukunft ins Gespräch zu kommen.

Das frisch renovierte Restaurant „Panorama 2962“ auf der Gipfelstation der Zugspitze bietet seinen Besuchern eine einzigartige Aussicht auf das Voralpenland. Dort hat die Firma Raumausstattung Kraus aus Grainau auf einer Fläche von rund 800 m² Massivholzdielen mit Produkten von Uzin Utz umweltfreundlich verlegt. Ein Teil des Bodens war mit Fliesen versehen, auf der Restfläche befand sich ein Schnellzementestrich. Um den Untergrund vorzubereiten, mussten zunächst gelockerte Fliesen entfernt und ein Diamantschliff durchführt werden. Auf den behandelten Boden trug das Verlegeteam eine geruchsarme Epoxidharzgrundierung auf, die für nachhaltiges Bauen geeignet ist. Damit wurde die Massivdiele gegen Einwirkungen aus der alten Bestandskonstruktion geschützt und zugleich deren teils labile Stellen verfestigt. Um Spannungen der Massivdiele vom Untergrund zu entkoppeln, verwendete Bernhard Kraus ein emissionsarmes Multimoll Vlies. Anschließend konnten die 20 mm starken Eichen- Massivdielen auf dem Renovierflies mit einem Parkettklebstoff verklebt werden, der ohne weichmachende Inhaltstoffe auskommt und das Umweltgütezeichen „Blauer Engel“ trägt. Diese Vorgehensweise sorgt für eine gesunde Raumatmosphäre ohne Ausdünstung von Lösungsmitteln. Nun unterstreicht der neue Bodenbelag die natürliche und einladende Ausstattung des Restaurants.

Neueste Entwicklungen im Bereich nachhaltig und natürlich gestaltete Böden können Besucher der DOMOTEX vom 10. bis 13. Januar 2020 in Hannover sehen und spüren. Entsprechend dem neuen Leitthema ATMYSPHERE stellen innovative Hersteller dort ihr vielfältiges Angebotsportfolio vor.

(c) Schoeller

Schoeller Summer Fabric Collection 2021: Interplay of natural looks and sustainable technologies

The 2021 Schoeller Summer line makes a light-hearted impression that is inspired by PLAY. PLAY represents dynamic enjoyment and being part of a whole. Schoeller experiments with new innovative ideas and sustainable technologies, bringing lightness to the fabric and displaying huge respect for Mother Nature. The long-lasting, super-comfortable high-tech fabrics play around with the natural look but offer the functionality of synthetic materials, delight with fresh colouring and always stand for responsibly-produced textiles from Switzerland.

The 2021 Schoeller Summer line makes a light-hearted impression that is inspired by PLAY. PLAY represents dynamic enjoyment and being part of a whole. Schoeller experiments with new innovative ideas and sustainable technologies, bringing lightness to the fabric and displaying huge respect for Mother Nature. The long-lasting, super-comfortable high-tech fabrics play around with the natural look but offer the functionality of synthetic materials, delight with fresh colouring and always stand for responsibly-produced textiles from Switzerland.

Natural looks, warm sand, cactus or denim shades and bio-based technologies whet the appetite for an active summer. Totally uncomplicated, versatile and functional all describe the elastic, matt, light schoeller®-dynamic polyester quality in a linen look in shades of gold, green or blue. The comfortable, somewhat more compact schoeller®-dryskin double fabric in iceberg blue or sandy beige is reminiscent of linen but, thanks to its functional fibres on the inner side, surprises with outstanding moisture transport. Both are finished with the sustainable ecorepel® Bio technology, making them waterproof and feel equally comfortable worn during outdoor activities or in the city.

More information:
Schoeller Textil AG

Schoeller Textiles

(c) SEEK

SEEK and One Warm Winter initiate a second donation campaign for the homeless

In January, the SEEK-team called on its exhibitors to donate pieces from their previous seasons’ collections and, together with One Warm Winter, used these donations to make up the first Goodie Bags for the homeless. For the summer Fashion Week it’s now all about trainers and the GIVE BAG initiative.

To help the campaign circulate in even bigger circles, the charity crew has been expanded to include four sneaker stores located across Germany. Hand on sneaker-loving heart: how many pairs does almost every sneaker fan have that could be put to better use on the streets rather than sitting gathering dust in a wardrobe? Acribik in Cologne, Allike in Hamburg, Overkill in Berlin and TINT in Munich: from 26 June to 16 July all these four stores are offering sneaker wearers the chance to give this or that pair of trainers their freedom, and therefore ensure that they will be worn by someone who really needs them.

In January, the SEEK-team called on its exhibitors to donate pieces from their previous seasons’ collections and, together with One Warm Winter, used these donations to make up the first Goodie Bags for the homeless. For the summer Fashion Week it’s now all about trainers and the GIVE BAG initiative.

To help the campaign circulate in even bigger circles, the charity crew has been expanded to include four sneaker stores located across Germany. Hand on sneaker-loving heart: how many pairs does almost every sneaker fan have that could be put to better use on the streets rather than sitting gathering dust in a wardrobe? Acribik in Cologne, Allike in Hamburg, Overkill in Berlin and TINT in Munich: from 26 June to 16 July all these four stores are offering sneaker wearers the chance to give this or that pair of trainers their freedom, and therefore ensure that they will be worn by someone who really needs them.



(c) Archroma


Archroma has recently launched at the ITMA exhibition its new Diresul® Smartdenim Blue, a liquid sulfur blue dye designed to mimic indigo.

Diresul® Smartdenim Blue liquid was developed in compliance with “The Archroma Way: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The approach finds its origin in Archroma’s deep belief that it is possible to make the textile industry sustainable, economically and ecologically.

The new product will be the core of Archroma's Indigo Reflection, a coloration system that behaves like indigo, with an even more sustainable and efficient application process compared to indigo.

Archroma has recently launched at the ITMA exhibition its new Diresul® Smartdenim Blue, a liquid sulfur blue dye designed to mimic indigo.

Diresul® Smartdenim Blue liquid was developed in compliance with “The Archroma Way: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The approach finds its origin in Archroma’s deep belief that it is possible to make the textile industry sustainable, economically and ecologically.

The new product will be the core of Archroma's Indigo Reflection, a coloration system that behaves like indigo, with an even more sustainable and efficient application process compared to indigo.

More information:


(c) Epson Deutschland GmbH

Epson auf der Fashion Week in Berlin

Nachhaltige Entstehung eines Damenkleids durch Digitaldruck live miterleben

Im Rahmen der Fashion Week in Berlin zeigt Epson vom 2. bis 4. Juli auf der Neonyt Trade Fair den Herstellungsprozess eines nachhaltig produzierten Kleides – vom Bedrucken des Stoffes über den Schnitt mittels Lasertechnik bis hin zum Nähen.

Nachhaltige Entstehung eines Damenkleids durch Digitaldruck live miterleben

Im Rahmen der Fashion Week in Berlin zeigt Epson vom 2. bis 4. Juli auf der Neonyt Trade Fair den Herstellungsprozess eines nachhaltig produzierten Kleides – vom Bedrucken des Stoffes über den Schnitt mittels Lasertechnik bis hin zum Nähen.


Epson Deutschland GmbH


Innovative and sustainable - the CHT Group breaks the EUR 500 million sales mark in 2018

  • With a turnover of EUR 513 million, the CHT Group achieved a 12% increase in sales
  • The result was impaired by high raw material costs and currency effects
  • Investments remain high - approximately 13 million EUR invested in production sites and new technologies worldwide
  • The acquisition in silicone specialties is bearing fruit despite a shortage of raw materials on the market
  • 2019 - moderately optimistic business expectations in a difficult market environment

The situation on the world market deteriorated further in 2018, not least due to the intensification of the trade conflict between the USA and China. However, the CHT Group was again able to close the financial year with an increase in turnover. With consolidated sales of 513 million EUR, the previous year's success in the Group was exceeded by 12%.

  • With a turnover of EUR 513 million, the CHT Group achieved a 12% increase in sales
  • The result was impaired by high raw material costs and currency effects
  • Investments remain high - approximately 13 million EUR invested in production sites and new technologies worldwide
  • The acquisition in silicone specialties is bearing fruit despite a shortage of raw materials on the market
  • 2019 - moderately optimistic business expectations in a difficult market environment

The situation on the world market deteriorated further in 2018, not least due to the intensification of the trade conflict between the USA and China. However, the CHT Group was again able to close the financial year with an increase in turnover. With consolidated sales of 513 million EUR, the previous year's success in the Group was exceeded by 12%.

More information:
CHT Gruppe

CHT Germany GmbH



Hexcel, Progen and Future Aerospace today celebrated the official opening of their new joint venture laboratory and materials testing facility in Shanghai, China.

Future Aerospace Hexcel Commercial Composite Testing Limited (FAHCCT) will provide China with a world-class aerospace standard materials testing laboratory that provides technical services including support with materials qualification for commercial aircraft programs. Planned activities at the site will include mechanical and chemical testing of composite laminate specimens (including fatigue performance), material qualifications, and provision of support for customer supply chains in China.

Hexcel, Progen and Future Aerospace today celebrated the official opening of their new joint venture laboratory and materials testing facility in Shanghai, China.

Future Aerospace Hexcel Commercial Composite Testing Limited (FAHCCT) will provide China with a world-class aerospace standard materials testing laboratory that provides technical services including support with materials qualification for commercial aircraft programs. Planned activities at the site will include mechanical and chemical testing of composite laminate specimens (including fatigue performance), material qualifications, and provision of support for customer supply chains in China.

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Lenzing Group builds world’s largest lyocell fiber plant in Thailand


  • Lenzing plans to invest more than EUR 1 bn in new lyocell fiber production facilities
  • First expansion phase with 100,000 tons approved in Thailand
  • State-of-the-art production plant enhances global specialty fibers footprint
  • Accelerates business growth with TENCEL™ branded fibers
  • Biogenic energy supply fosters low CO2 emissions and climate protection  

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group is substantial increasing its production of lyocell fibers to meet the strong demand for these products and further strengthening its position as an industry leader in specialty fibers. Over the next years, it plans to invest more than EUR 1 bn in new production facilities for lyocell fibers. The first expansion phase of this ambitious growth plan, the construction of a state-of-the art lyocell fiber production plant in Prachinburi (Thailand), has now been approved. The plant will have a capacity of 100,000 tons and feature investments of approximately EUR 400 mn.


  • Lenzing plans to invest more than EUR 1 bn in new lyocell fiber production facilities
  • First expansion phase with 100,000 tons approved in Thailand
  • State-of-the-art production plant enhances global specialty fibers footprint
  • Accelerates business growth with TENCEL™ branded fibers
  • Biogenic energy supply fosters low CO2 emissions and climate protection  

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group is substantial increasing its production of lyocell fibers to meet the strong demand for these products and further strengthening its position as an industry leader in specialty fibers. Over the next years, it plans to invest more than EUR 1 bn in new production facilities for lyocell fibers. The first expansion phase of this ambitious growth plan, the construction of a state-of-the art lyocell fiber production plant in Prachinburi (Thailand), has now been approved. The plant will have a capacity of 100,000 tons and feature investments of approximately EUR 400 mn.

More information:
Lenzing Tencel-Lyocell

Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Team Lenzing AG

Borealis launches recycling technology Borcycle™ and new rPO compound at K 2019 © mtm plastics

Borealis launches recycling technology Borcycle™ and new rPO compound at K 2019

  • Borealis’ EverMinds™ ambition moves industry one step closer to plastics circularity thanks to new recycling technology and improved recyclate
  • Borealis also announces significant material improvements to existing Purpolen® recyclate materials

Borealis, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, announces the introduction of a new plastics recycling technology, Borcycle™. This evolving technology will be used to produce high-quality compounds made of recycled polyolefins (rPO) such as the newly-launched Borcycle™ MF1981SY, an rPO with over 80% recycled content intended for use in visible appliance parts. Borealis also announces a series of significant material improvements to existing recyclates in the established Purpolen™ brand portfolio. These market launches and product improvements are important technology advancements and thus accelerate the transformation to a circular economy of plastics. Borealis and its wholly-owned subsidiary, mtm plastics, will showcase the new Borcycle technology and recyclate innovations at the K 2019 in October.

  • Borealis’ EverMinds™ ambition moves industry one step closer to plastics circularity thanks to new recycling technology and improved recyclate
  • Borealis also announces significant material improvements to existing Purpolen® recyclate materials

Borealis, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, announces the introduction of a new plastics recycling technology, Borcycle™. This evolving technology will be used to produce high-quality compounds made of recycled polyolefins (rPO) such as the newly-launched Borcycle™ MF1981SY, an rPO with over 80% recycled content intended for use in visible appliance parts. Borealis also announces a series of significant material improvements to existing recyclates in the established Purpolen™ brand portfolio. These market launches and product improvements are important technology advancements and thus accelerate the transformation to a circular economy of plastics. Borealis and its wholly-owned subsidiary, mtm plastics, will showcase the new Borcycle technology and recyclate innovations at the K 2019 in October.

Borealis is leading the industry by applying its Visioneering Philosophy™ to the development and implementation of novel polyolefins-based solutions that enable plastics reuse, recycling, and recovery, and by designing for circularity. These wide-ranging activities are gathered under the symbolic roof of EverMinds™, the Borealis platform dedicated to promoting a more circular mind-set in the industry. By capitalising on its profound expertise in virgin polyolefins and collaborating with value chain partners, Borealis keeps discovering new opportunities for business growth within the circular economy.

Advancing technology to bring about polyolefin circularity

The new technology, Borcycle, transforms polyolefin-based waste streams into recyclate material such as pellets. As a transformative technology, it complements the existing Borealis virgin polyolefins portfolio with a range of pioneering, circular solutions. It unites state-of-the-art technology with the profound Borealis polymer expertise gained over decades.

As a scalable and modular technology, Borcycle has been developed to meet growing market demand for high-quality recyclate. Leading appliance brand owners, for one, have pledged to increase the amount of recycled plastics in their goods. Yet until recently, producers have not been able to rely on a consistent supply of high-quality recyclate. The Borcycle technology will help address this challenge. Compounds made using the Borcycle technology deliver high performance, add value and offer versatility. Producers and brand owners in a range of industries will profit from the availability of high-quality recyclate that helps them meet environmental and regulatory challenges.

“Advancing technology is crucial if our aim is to implement value-creating solutions in the circular sphere,” claims Maurits van Tol, Borealis Senior Vice President, Innovation, Technology & Circular Economy Solutions. “‘Building tomorrow together’ means innovating, collaborating, focussing on the customer, and above all – taking action. The launch of our new recycling technology Borcycle is tangible proof of our commitment to achieving plastics circularity.”

New and improved recyclate for high-end applications

Borcycle™ MF1981SY is the first of several upcoming launches of rPO solutions made under the umbrella of the Borcycle technology. Borcycle™ MF1981SY will be available to Borealis customers in Europe. The compound is an exciting addition to the rPO portfolio because it is a 10% talc-filled compound that contains over 80% recycled material. It offers an ideal balance between stiffness and impact. The compound is especially suited for use in visible black parts, for example in small appliances.

Like its relatives in the mtm plastics family of recyclate materials, Borcycle™ MF1981SY is a truly sustainable offering. Recyclates from mtm save approximately 30% of CO2 emissions compared to virgin materials.

A number of significant improvements have been made to existing recyclate grades in the Purpolen portfolio.

“Mechanical recycling is presently a most eco-efficient method to implement the principles of the circular economy,” explains Guenter Stephan, Head of Mechanical Recycling, Borealis Circular Economy Solutions. “Borealis and mtm plastics are leveraging their respective areas of expertise to make significant progress in achieving polyolefin circularity by upscaling recycling output and ensuring the reliable supply of high-quality plastics recyclate for European producers, in particular.”

More information:
Recycling Borealis Borcycle

  Borealis AG

With Modaris® V8R2, Lectra redefines the realism of 3D virtual prototyping (c) Lectra
Lectra Modaris V8R2

With Modaris® V8R2, Lectra redefines the realism of 3D virtual prototyping

  • This new version of Modaris speeds up the time to market for collections

Paris – Lectra launches Modaris® V8R2, the latest version of its patternmaking, grading and prototyping 2D/3D solution. This new version of Modaris, the most widely used modeling solution by leading brands in fashion and apparel, offers greater speed, efficiency and precision in product development. With its powerful 3D simulation and collaboration tools, patternmakers are developing patterns faster and speeding up their decision-making procedures. By reducing or eliminating physical prototyping, product development is less expensive and the time to market is as close as possible to trend detection.

To preserve and strengthen its position as a market leader of product development software, Lectra, with this upgrade of Modaris, is giving particular focus to 3D virtual prototyping. Patternmakers can now share with their partners, 360-degree videos, accessible on any device. Designers in response are able to visualize, comment, and approve the style and fit using the new 3D Style module.

  • This new version of Modaris speeds up the time to market for collections

Paris – Lectra launches Modaris® V8R2, the latest version of its patternmaking, grading and prototyping 2D/3D solution. This new version of Modaris, the most widely used modeling solution by leading brands in fashion and apparel, offers greater speed, efficiency and precision in product development. With its powerful 3D simulation and collaboration tools, patternmakers are developing patterns faster and speeding up their decision-making procedures. By reducing or eliminating physical prototyping, product development is less expensive and the time to market is as close as possible to trend detection.

To preserve and strengthen its position as a market leader of product development software, Lectra, with this upgrade of Modaris, is giving particular focus to 3D virtual prototyping. Patternmakers can now share with their partners, 360-degree videos, accessible on any device. Designers in response are able to visualize, comment, and approve the style and fit using the new 3D Style module.

New advances have made it possible to reduce the number of physical prototypes by up to 50%. Modaris V8R2 improves the quality of the solution’s 3D simulations and expands its library with new assets (fabrics, 3D top-stitching effects, realistic scenes, lighting studios, Pantone® and Natural Color System®©,…). The solution is now compatible with Vizoo, a high-quality scanner that brings forth a heightened realism to the appearance of fabric swatches, and with other 3D solutions such as Maya, 3DS Max, Iray to make the digital renderings of the prototypes more true-to-life and accurate.

One of the innovative developments of Modaris V8R2 is a special dart feature to help patternmakers add dimension to their garments with ease. Thanks to this new feature, modifying a dart requires half the usual time, resulting in a 50-90% increase in overall patternmaking speed.

Another highlight of this solution, and important nod to the globalized workforce of the fashion industry, is its ability to manage different units of measurement. With Modaris V8R2, Lectra has made it possible for patternmakers and external suppliers the guarantee of size compliance, regardless of the measurement systems used in the countries where production occurs.

Modaris V8R2 is already gaining traction among its pilot customers. Italian womenswear company GGZ was the first to endorse Modaris V8R2. “GGZ is a fast-fashion company and time and quality are of the essence for us. Modaris’s new dart feature helps us save up to 50% of pattern modification time. Additionally, 3D prototyping helps us ensure that pattern volumes and proportions correspond to our designers’ expectations early on, dramatically reducing our lead times,” attests Majla Gottardo, Patternmaker, GGZ.

“We are entering the information age, and we are catering to patternmakers who are dealing with consumers with different tastes, of all body shapes and sizes. Our patternmakers have hundreds of collections to deliver and no time to spare for errors. What we are aiming to do is making their everyday work environment easier for them, by providing the tools to streamline the development process and reduce the number of reworks to achieve the right fit the first-time,” states Céline Choussy, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Lectra. “All this is possible with Modaris V8R2.”


Lectra Headquarters / Press Department

(c) Rieter

Rieter Awarded Large Contract from Egypt


  • Contracts signed for seven projects
  • Contract comprises delivery of compact- and ring-spinning systems
  • Total amounts to roughly CHF 180 million
  • Order intakes are anticipated to be realized in 2019; sales posted in the 2020/2021 financial years

Rieter Group has signed contracts with the Cotton & Textile Industries Holding Company, Cairo (Egypt), at the ITMA 2019. These seven projects entail a total of 180 million Swiss francs. The contract comprises delivery of compact- and ring-spinning systems over the next two years. This order is part of a comprehensive modernization program of the Egyptian textile industry. The order intakes are anticipated to be realized in 2019 with sales posted in the 2020/2021 financial years.

The contracts were signed at the ITMA in Barcelona, Spain, by Dr. Ahmed Moustafa Mohamed, Chairman Cotton & Textile Industries Holding Company, and Dr. Norbert Klapper, CEO Rieter.


  • Contracts signed for seven projects
  • Contract comprises delivery of compact- and ring-spinning systems
  • Total amounts to roughly CHF 180 million
  • Order intakes are anticipated to be realized in 2019; sales posted in the 2020/2021 financial years

Rieter Group has signed contracts with the Cotton & Textile Industries Holding Company, Cairo (Egypt), at the ITMA 2019. These seven projects entail a total of 180 million Swiss francs. The contract comprises delivery of compact- and ring-spinning systems over the next two years. This order is part of a comprehensive modernization program of the Egyptian textile industry. The order intakes are anticipated to be realized in 2019 with sales posted in the 2020/2021 financial years.

The contracts were signed at the ITMA in Barcelona, Spain, by Dr. Ahmed Moustafa Mohamed, Chairman Cotton & Textile Industries Holding Company, and Dr. Norbert Klapper, CEO Rieter.

Dr. Klapper was very pleased at the formal signing of contracts: “We would like to thank our Egyptian business partners for the confidence they are placing in Rieter by awarding us this contract. Rieter has been the partner of choice of the Egyptian spinning industry for decades. We are delighted to be given the opportunity of making such an important contribution to the modernization of the Egyptian textile industry.”


Media Relations, Rieter Management AG

(c) Epson Deutschland GmbH

Epson Drucker gewinnen erstmals Red Dot: Best of the Best Award

Zwei Epson Großformatdrucker haben erstmals den Red Dot: Best of the Best Award in der Kategorie Product Design 2019 gewonnen (Red Dot Award: Product Design 2019). Fünf weitere Epson Druckerreihen, eine Scanner- und eine Projektorserie waren dieses Jahr ebenfalls unter den Gewinnern. Epson Geräte wurden damit im dritten aufeinanderfolgenden Jahr mit Red Dot Awards ausgezeichnet.

Zwei Epson Großformatdrucker haben erstmals den Red Dot: Best of the Best Award in der Kategorie Product Design 2019 gewonnen (Red Dot Award: Product Design 2019). Fünf weitere Epson Druckerreihen, eine Scanner- und eine Projektorserie waren dieses Jahr ebenfalls unter den Gewinnern. Epson Geräte wurden damit im dritten aufeinanderfolgenden Jahr mit Red Dot Awards ausgezeichnet.

More information:

Epson Deutschland GmbH


PIAVE MAITEX presents “Again” line

Recognized as a preferred partner for the global textile industry, PIAVE MAITEX brings on the successful path of responsible innovation and present, at Interfilière Paris, a unique line under the name of “AGAIN”.

PIAVE MAITEX, since the very beginning in 1908 up to the challenge of modern-day innovation, combined the tradition in the field of elastic fabrics which today represents the heritage ofthe italiantextile culture to innovation.

Recognized as a preferred partner for the global textile industry, PIAVE MAITEX brings on the successful path of responsible innovation and present, at Interfilière Paris, a unique line under the name of “AGAIN”.

PIAVE MAITEX, since the very beginning in 1908 up to the challenge of modern-day innovation, combined the tradition in the field of elastic fabrics which today represents the heritage ofthe italiantextile culture to innovation.

More information:

GB Network Marketing & Communication

(c) Lenzing AG

Lenzing Group to become the first carbon neutral fiber producer in the world

  • Lenzing sets net-zero CO2 emissions target by 2050
  • Reduction of specific CO2 emissions by 50 percent until 2030
  • Investment of more than EUR 100 mn to combat 1.3 Mt of CO2 emissions
  • Commitment to follow the Science Based Targets concept

Lenzing, member of the CEO Climate Leaders Group of the World Economic Forum and a signatory to the United Nations Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, will drastically reduce its CO2 footprint. The Lenzing Group will invest EUR 100 mn over the coming years to reduce carbon emissions both inside its operational boundaries (scope 1+2) and in its supply chain (scope 3). Due to its ambitious CO2 emission reduction strategy, the Lenzing Group will further contribute towards helping customers to transition their business to a lower CO2 base.

A first milestone is set for 2030, when Lenzing plans to reduce CO2 emissions per ton of product by almost 50 percent (scope 1+2 and 3) compared to a 2017 baseline. The total CO2 reduction of all the planned initiatives will yield 1.3 Mt.

  • Lenzing sets net-zero CO2 emissions target by 2050
  • Reduction of specific CO2 emissions by 50 percent until 2030
  • Investment of more than EUR 100 mn to combat 1.3 Mt of CO2 emissions
  • Commitment to follow the Science Based Targets concept

Lenzing, member of the CEO Climate Leaders Group of the World Economic Forum and a signatory to the United Nations Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, will drastically reduce its CO2 footprint. The Lenzing Group will invest EUR 100 mn over the coming years to reduce carbon emissions both inside its operational boundaries (scope 1+2) and in its supply chain (scope 3). Due to its ambitious CO2 emission reduction strategy, the Lenzing Group will further contribute towards helping customers to transition their business to a lower CO2 base.

A first milestone is set for 2030, when Lenzing plans to reduce CO2 emissions per ton of product by almost 50 percent (scope 1+2 and 3) compared to a 2017 baseline. The total CO2 reduction of all the planned initiatives will yield 1.3 Mt.

More information:
Lenzing Group

Lenzing AG

(c) Oerlikon

Unifi: Upgrade its texturing capabilities with use of new technology

Oerlikon’s new eAFK Evo texturing machine, which was unveiled to selected clients at the ITMA trade fair in Barcelona, has proven to be a breakthrough in the manufacture of yarns. This is evidenced by leading global yarn producer, Unifi Manufacturing, Inc., who placed a significant order for these revolutionary machines yesterday, the first day of the trade fair.

Unifi collaborated with Oerlikon to develop a specially-designed eAFK Evo pilot machine that has been operating for the last eight months, using it to manufacture various Unifiber virgin and REPREVE®-branded recycled polyester and polyamide yarns. Unifi has obtained exclusive rights in the Americas to their unique design, which enables the new machine to operate at considerably higher texturing speeds, delivers consistently high-quality yarn across a broad range of products, and enables new, innovative performance yarns.

Oerlikon’s new eAFK Evo texturing machine, which was unveiled to selected clients at the ITMA trade fair in Barcelona, has proven to be a breakthrough in the manufacture of yarns. This is evidenced by leading global yarn producer, Unifi Manufacturing, Inc., who placed a significant order for these revolutionary machines yesterday, the first day of the trade fair.

Unifi collaborated with Oerlikon to develop a specially-designed eAFK Evo pilot machine that has been operating for the last eight months, using it to manufacture various Unifiber virgin and REPREVE®-branded recycled polyester and polyamide yarns. Unifi has obtained exclusive rights in the Americas to their unique design, which enables the new machine to operate at considerably higher texturing speeds, delivers consistently high-quality yarn across a broad range of products, and enables new, innovative performance yarns.

More information:
Oerlikon, ITA Unifi Inc.



Kornit Digital launches Kornit Konnect

Kornit Digital market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced Kornit Konnect, its new cloud-based, mobile workflow software platform that enables businesses to maximize productivity of their digital printing solutions. This is the first phase in Kornit’s implementation of its industry vision of textile design, decoration and production being fueled by data-driven insights and performance metrics.

Kornit Digital market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced Kornit Konnect, its new cloud-based, mobile workflow software platform that enables businesses to maximize productivity of their digital printing solutions. This is the first phase in Kornit’s implementation of its industry vision of textile design, decoration and production being fueled by data-driven insights and performance metrics.

More information:
Kornit Digital

Kornit Digital Europe GmbH


NCTO President & CEO Kim Glas Testifies at U.S. Trade Representative’s Hearing

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas is testifying at a public hearing today in support of the administration’s efforts to crack down on China’s abuse of intellectual property rights through the use of the Section 301 mechanism, while also calling on the administration to include finished apparel and home furnishings in any retaliatory tariffs against China.

Glas is joining several other NCTO member companies today to testify at a U.S. Trade Representative hearing as part of the administration’s consideration of the Tranche 4 of retaliatory tariffs on U.S. imports from China.

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas is testifying at a public hearing today in support of the administration’s efforts to crack down on China’s abuse of intellectual property rights through the use of the Section 301 mechanism, while also calling on the administration to include finished apparel and home furnishings in any retaliatory tariffs against China.

Glas is joining several other NCTO member companies today to testify at a U.S. Trade Representative hearing as part of the administration’s consideration of the Tranche 4 of retaliatory tariffs on U.S. imports from China.

More information: