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Marc Michel Foto BVMed

BVMed fordert Medizintechnik-Pakt

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) unterstützt die Initiative der Länder Bayern, Baden-Württemberg, Hessen und Rheinland-Pfalz, vereint gegen Engpässe bei der Versorgung mit Medizinprodukten und Arzneimitteln vorzugehen und den Produktionsstandort Deutschland zu stärken. An dem Treffen der Gesundheits- und Wirtschaftsministerien der vier Südschienen-Länder am 11. September 2023 in München war auch der BVMed beteiligt, vertreten durch sein Vorstandsmitglied Marc D. Michel. „Es ist gut, dass die Politik im Dialog mit der Wirtschaft bleibt. Wir brauchen jetzt eine gemeinsame Kraftanstrengung, einen abgestimmten Medizintechnik-Pakt, um Produktion und Forschung unter schwierigen Rahmenbedingungen in Deutschland zu halten und zu stärken“, so Michel.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) unterstützt die Initiative der Länder Bayern, Baden-Württemberg, Hessen und Rheinland-Pfalz, vereint gegen Engpässe bei der Versorgung mit Medizinprodukten und Arzneimitteln vorzugehen und den Produktionsstandort Deutschland zu stärken. An dem Treffen der Gesundheits- und Wirtschaftsministerien der vier Südschienen-Länder am 11. September 2023 in München war auch der BVMed beteiligt, vertreten durch sein Vorstandsmitglied Marc D. Michel. „Es ist gut, dass die Politik im Dialog mit der Wirtschaft bleibt. Wir brauchen jetzt eine gemeinsame Kraftanstrengung, einen abgestimmten Medizintechnik-Pakt, um Produktion und Forschung unter schwierigen Rahmenbedingungen in Deutschland zu halten und zu stärken“, so Michel.

Die aktuell großen Herausforderungen des Medizintechnik-Standorts seien „hausgemachte Probleme“, so der BVMed. Gründe seien unter anderem eine handwerklich schlecht gemachte EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR), eine überbordende Bürokratisierung und Regulierungswut, die die MedTech-KMU ersticke, eine schleppende Digitalisierung des Gesundheitssystems, eine mangelnde Datennutzung und „die unzureichende Unterstützung des Mittelstandes, dem Herzstück der deutschen Wirtschaft“, so BVMed-Vorstand Marc Michel.

„Inflationsbedingt gestiegene Produktionskosten und die MDR sind eine tödliche Kombination. Wir schwächen den Standort und verlieren Investitionen und Arbeitsplätze“, zog Michel kritisch Bilanz.

Der BVMed fordert „ganzheitliche Ansätze, eine MedTech-Strategie aus einem Guss“:

  • eine wettbewerbsfähige Regulatorik. Zu den Forderungen der Branche gehört allen voran die Abschaffung der Rezertifizierung alle fünf Jahre.
  • eine Entbürokratisierungs-Offensive, die konsequent Überregulierungen abbaut und in Brüssel für standortfreundliche Regulierungen kämpfe, um den Mittelstand als Innovationstreiber zu stützen, nicht zu ersticken
  • ein besserer Datenzugang und ein Antragsrecht beim Forschungsdatenzentrum für forschende Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen.
  • die Stärkung der Resilienz des deutschen Gesundheitssystems und der Lieferketten. Dazu gehöre eine bessere Einbeziehung der MedTech-Branche in die Erarbeitung von Lösungen, denn Resilienz erfordere eine enge Kooperation von Politik und Industrie.

Für den Standort Deutschland stehe dabei viel auf dem Spiel, denn die Medizintechnik sei Innovationstreiber, Jobmotor und Exportweltmeister.

Deutschland sei vor der MDR der Erstmarkt für neue Medizinprodukte gewesen. Das habe sich nun komplett gedreht. Die US-amerikanische Zulassungsbehörde FDA sei deutlich schneller – und dabei genauso sicher. Neue Produkte würden deshalb künftig, wenn überhaupt, bestenfalls verzögert nach Europa gelangen und den Patient:innen zur Verfügung stehen.

„Die MedTech-Industrie ist ein zentraler Baustein für die technologische Souveränität Deutschlands. Nur mit einer besseren und international wettbewerbsfähigen MDR in Kombination mit einer innovations- und produktionsorientierten Standortpolitik können wir die Versorgung mit Medizinprodukten dauerhaft sicherstellen“, so das Fazit von BVMed-Vorstand Marc Michel.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

seat belts Photo Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG

Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions at the Techtextil India 2023

At this year’s Techtextil India, the Polymer Processing Solutions Division of the Swiss Oerlikon group will be presenting the trade audience with new applications, special processes and sustainable solutions focusing on the production of industrial textiles. Between September 9 and 12, the discussions at Jio World Convention Centre (JWCC), Mumbai, will be concentrating on airbags, seat belts, tire cord, geotextiles, filter nonwovens and their diverse applications.

At this year’s Techtextil India, the Polymer Processing Solutions Division of the Swiss Oerlikon group will be presenting the trade audience with new applications, special processes and sustainable solutions focusing on the production of industrial textiles. Between September 9 and 12, the discussions at Jio World Convention Centre (JWCC), Mumbai, will be concentrating on airbags, seat belts, tire cord, geotextiles, filter nonwovens and their diverse applications.

More polyester for airbags
The yarns used in airbags are made predominantly from polyamide. As a result of increasingly diverse airbag applications and also the increasing size of the systems used, polyester is today used as well, depending on the application requirements and cost-benefit considerations. Against this background, the Oerlikon Barmag technol-ogies make an invaluable contribution. In addition to high productivity and low energy consumption, they particularly excel in terms of their stable production processes. Furthermore, they comply with every high quality standard for airbags, which – as in the case of virtually all other textile products used in vehicle construction – must provide the highest level of safety for vehicle occupants - without any loss of function in any climate and for the lifetime of the vehicle

Buckle up!
Seat belts have to withstand tensile forces in excess of three tons and simultaneously stretch in a controlled manner in emergencies in order to reduce the load in the event of impact. A seat belt comprises approximately 300 filament yarns, whose individual, high-tenacity yarn threads are spun from around 100 individual filaments. “With our unique, patented Single Filament Layer Technology, we offer a sophisticated and simultaneously gentle high-tenacity (HT) yarn process for manufacturing these lifesavers and other applications made from industrial yarn”, explains André Wissenberg, Head of Marketing.

Road reinforcement using geotextiles
Low stretch, ultra-high tenacity, high rigidity – industrial yarns offer outstanding properties for the demand-ing tasks carried out by geotextiles; for instance, as geogrids in the base course system under asphalt. Normally, geotextiles have extremely high yarn titers of up to 24,000 denier. Oerlikon Barmag system concepts simultaneously manufacture three filament yarns of 6,000 denier each. Due to the high spinning titers, fewer yarns can be plied together to the required geo-yarn titer in a more cost- and energy-efficient manner.

hycuTEC –  quantum leap for filter media
In the case of its hycuTEC hydro-charging solution, Oerlikon Neumag offers a new technology for charging nonwovens that increases filter efficiency to more than 99.99%. For meltblown producers, this means material savings of 30% with significantly superior filter performance. For end users, the consequence is noticeably improved comfort resulting from significantly reduced breathing resistance. With its considerably lower water and energy consumption, this new development is also a future-proof, sustainable technology.


Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG


Beaulieu International Group at International Conference on Geosynthetics

Beaulieu International Group will turn the spotlight on geotextile products with sustainability benefits to support progress in resilient civil engineering projects at the 12th ICG Rome from 18th -21st September 2023, presenting options to target fossil carbon reduction by choosing PP-based staple fibres or woven geotextiles that are among the lowest in carbon footprint for geosynthetics.

For manufacturers of nonwoven geotextiles, Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) offers PP fibres with > 25% carbon footprint reduction compared to the European standard PP fibres, generating 1.48 kg CO2/kg PP fibres. A step further is to accelerate the replacement of fossil carbon in engineered fibre applications by choosing its ISCC Plus certified bio-attributed MONO-PP with a negative carbon footprint.

For construction projects, nonwoven geotextiles made with high-tenacity HT8 fibres are proven to secure a longer service lifetime and reduce the environmental impact, as they offer high mechanical performance at a reduced weight.

Beaulieu International Group will turn the spotlight on geotextile products with sustainability benefits to support progress in resilient civil engineering projects at the 12th ICG Rome from 18th -21st September 2023, presenting options to target fossil carbon reduction by choosing PP-based staple fibres or woven geotextiles that are among the lowest in carbon footprint for geosynthetics.

For manufacturers of nonwoven geotextiles, Beaulieu Fibres International (BFI) offers PP fibres with > 25% carbon footprint reduction compared to the European standard PP fibres, generating 1.48 kg CO2/kg PP fibres. A step further is to accelerate the replacement of fossil carbon in engineered fibre applications by choosing its ISCC Plus certified bio-attributed MONO-PP with a negative carbon footprint.

For construction projects, nonwoven geotextiles made with high-tenacity HT8 fibres are proven to secure a longer service lifetime and reduce the environmental impact, as they offer high mechanical performance at a reduced weight.

Beaulieu Technical Textiles' (BTT) woven geotextiles provide a wide range of functions, including separation, filtration, reinforcement and erosion control, and are among the most sustainable in the industry. Depending on weight, the carbon footprint of its woven geotextiles (m²) ranges between 0.37 and 1.40 kg CO2 eq./m². They also minimize the use of natural resources for more sustainable infrastructure development. Case studies such as at the Ostend-Bruges airport highlight significant CO2 reduction on the jobsite by replacing the transport of 960 trucks of gravel with 3 trucks of woven geotextiles, and by extending the runway’s life span.

The ICG launch of its new line Terralys MF woven filtration geotextiles with monofilament boosts the performance of a common solution in building layers that require high water flow rates. High-tenacity extruded polypropylene tapes and monofilaments are interwoven to form dimensionally stable and highly permeable geotextiles. These new filtration geotextiles provide greater resistance to dirt and biological clogging. They allow water to travel freely while reducing soil erosion when employed as a separation and stabilizing layer.

As of September 2023, all PP staple fibres and woven geotextiles will have Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) based on LCAs. Each EPD is an essential tool for communicating and reporting on the sustainability performance and helps carbon-conscious customers in their purchasing and decision making. Registered EPDs are globally recognized, publicly available and free to download through EPD Libraries.


Beaulieu International Group

Toray Composite Materials America: Boeing Supplier of the Year Photo Toray

Toray Composite Materials America: Boeing Supplier of the Year

Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. headquartered in Tacoma, Washington, has been awarded the "Boeing Supplier of the Year" award, a leadership-nominated award given to supplier companies that support and propel Boeing's strategic objectives through risk-sharing and enduring partnerships. This year, 12 companies were selected from among 11,000 Boeing suppliers worldwide, and CMA was selected as one of them for the Alliance Award. This is Toray's second award from Boeing, receiving the Supplier of the Year Excellence Award in 2019.

Toray began supplying Boeing in 1975 when it first qualified TORAYCA™ T300 carbon fiber for commercial application on the Boeing 737. Since then, Toray has provided high-performance carbon fiber and highly toughened, primary structure carbon fiber composite prepreg on various programs.

The trophy was presented by William A. Ampofo II, Vice President of Parts & Distribution Services and Supply Chain for Boeing Global Services and Chair of the Supply Chain Operations Council to CMA.

Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. headquartered in Tacoma, Washington, has been awarded the "Boeing Supplier of the Year" award, a leadership-nominated award given to supplier companies that support and propel Boeing's strategic objectives through risk-sharing and enduring partnerships. This year, 12 companies were selected from among 11,000 Boeing suppliers worldwide, and CMA was selected as one of them for the Alliance Award. This is Toray's second award from Boeing, receiving the Supplier of the Year Excellence Award in 2019.

Toray began supplying Boeing in 1975 when it first qualified TORAYCA™ T300 carbon fiber for commercial application on the Boeing 737. Since then, Toray has provided high-performance carbon fiber and highly toughened, primary structure carbon fiber composite prepreg on various programs.

The trophy was presented by William A. Ampofo II, Vice President of Parts & Distribution Services and Supply Chain for Boeing Global Services and Chair of the Supply Chain Operations Council to CMA.




Albany International: Acquisition of Heimbach Group completed

Albany International Corp. has completed its acquisition of Heimbach Group (Heimbach). Headquartered in Düren, Germany, Heimbach is a global supplier of paper machine clothing for the production of all grades of paper and cardboard on all machine types as well as high-tech textile products used in a variety of sectors, such as the food processing, chemicals, construction materials and automotive industries.

Daniel Halftermeyer, President of Machine Clothing, said, “We are excited about the opportunities to create additional value for our shareholders and customers through the increased scale, complementary technologies and broader geographic footprint this transaction provides. Together we will effectively combine the strengths of each company to set a new standard in customer value delivery as the industry’s partner-of-choice.”

Albany acquired Heimbach for €132 million in cash, and assumed net debt of approximately €22 million. The transaction was funded with cash held in Europe.

Albany International Corp. has completed its acquisition of Heimbach Group (Heimbach). Headquartered in Düren, Germany, Heimbach is a global supplier of paper machine clothing for the production of all grades of paper and cardboard on all machine types as well as high-tech textile products used in a variety of sectors, such as the food processing, chemicals, construction materials and automotive industries.

Daniel Halftermeyer, President of Machine Clothing, said, “We are excited about the opportunities to create additional value for our shareholders and customers through the increased scale, complementary technologies and broader geographic footprint this transaction provides. Together we will effectively combine the strengths of each company to set a new standard in customer value delivery as the industry’s partner-of-choice.”

Albany acquired Heimbach for €132 million in cash, and assumed net debt of approximately €22 million. The transaction was funded with cash held in Europe.


Albany International

ropes Photo Cinte Techtextil

Cinte Techtextil China 2023 to launch new Marine Textile Zone

At the crosswinds of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Marine Economy and its 14th Five-Year Guidance for the Development of the Technical Textiles Industry lies the marine textile sub-sector. Following the government’s directive, the Marine Textile Zone will be unfurled at this year’s fair, taking place from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Multiple exhibitors from across China have confirmed their participation within the zone, which will be comprised of three main parts: green marine science and nautical rope netting innovation display area, the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry.
The global rope market is predicted to experience a CAGR of 5.6% and grow by over USD 4 billion between 2022 - 2027[1], and suppliers are eager for the chance to meet buyers face to face. In fact, many will use the new zone at Asia’s leading technical textiles and nonwovens fair to do so.

At the crosswinds of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Marine Economy and its 14th Five-Year Guidance for the Development of the Technical Textiles Industry lies the marine textile sub-sector. Following the government’s directive, the Marine Textile Zone will be unfurled at this year’s fair, taking place from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Multiple exhibitors from across China have confirmed their participation within the zone, which will be comprised of three main parts: green marine science and nautical rope netting innovation display area, the Technology Exchange Forum, and the awards ceremony of the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry.
The global rope market is predicted to experience a CAGR of 5.6% and grow by over USD 4 billion between 2022 - 2027[1], and suppliers are eager for the chance to meet buyers face to face. In fact, many will use the new zone at Asia’s leading technical textiles and nonwovens fair to do so.

In the green marine and rope netting category, exhibitors will showcase the latest innovations along the marine textile industry chain, anchored by application areas such as marine engineering, marine economy, marine fencing, marine rescue, deep-sea fishing, deep-sea aquaculture, and many more.

Featured exhibitors include:

  • Ropenet Group: covering 36 application areas, such as aerospace, marine fisheries, safety protection, and emergency rescue, the Shandong-based company has exported to over 110 countries and regions. Products include ropes, nets, threads, and belts, with new materials and high-performance synthetic fibre spinning ropes forming the core of its business.
  • Hunan Xinhai: with its Hunan factory covering 200,000 sqm, its industry-leading rope net production scale ensures it can service multiple sectors such as fisheries, sports, military industry, marine engineering, life-saving protection, and many more. Its extensive network spans Asia, Africa, Europe, and beyond.
  • Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope: located in Zhejiang Toumen Port Economic Development Zone, the special chemical fibre rope manufacturer integrates R&D, manufacturing, sales, and after-sales service. After nearly 60 years of operation, the company now has a yearly production capacity of over 15,000 tons.

Other notable exhibitors in this zone include Xuzhou Henghui Braiding Machine; Shandong Jinguan Netting; Jiuli Rope; and Zhejiang Hailun Rope Net.

Meanwhile, the Technology Exchange Forum will focus on policies and regulations, strategic development opportunities, market analysis, product and process innovation, and the promotion and application of marine textiles. A range of well-known international and domestic experts have been invited to deliver comprehensive industry analysis, and unveil oceanic green textile initiatives onsite.

Designed to expand the influence of the rope net industry, the Top 10 Suppliers in the China Rope Net Industry awards will highlight enterprises currently making key contributions. Other fringe events related to this textile sub-sector include the Conference on Textile Applications for Marine Engineering and Fisheries, and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA) Rope Net Branch Council Meeting.

Lastly, the Marine Textile Zone will also encompass a business negotiation area to facilitate negotiations between key players onsite, set against the backdrop of the innovation display area’s award-winning and patented rope net products. As a whole, the zone is expected to encourage independent innovation in marine science and technology, coordinate the protection and development of marine resources, and help build a modern maritime industrial system.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

The fair is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Nonwovens & Industrial Textiles Association (CNITA).


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

BVMed, VDGH (c) BVMed

MedTech-Verbände BVMed und VDGH fordern Abschaffung von Re-Zertifizierung und Fast-Track für Innovationen

Die beiden MedTech-Branchenverbände BVMed und VDGH schlagen in einem gemeinsamen Whitepaper zur Weiterentwicklung der europäischen Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) und In-vitro-Diagnostika-Verordnung (IVDR) unter anderem die Abschaffung der fünfjährigen Re-Zertifizierungsfrist sowie Fast-Track-Verfahren für Innovationen und Orphan Devices sowie Diagnostics vor.

„Wir brauchen mehr Transparenz und Effizienz, mehr Berechenbarkeit und Schnelligkeit, mehr internationale Anschluss- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sowie eine gute Verwaltungspraxis“, forderten die beiden Vorstandsvorsitzender Dr. Meinrad Lugan (BVMed) und Ulrich Schmid (VDGH) auf einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz.

Die beiden MedTech-Branchenverbände BVMed und VDGH schlagen in einem gemeinsamen Whitepaper zur Weiterentwicklung der europäischen Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) und In-vitro-Diagnostika-Verordnung (IVDR) unter anderem die Abschaffung der fünfjährigen Re-Zertifizierungsfrist sowie Fast-Track-Verfahren für Innovationen und Orphan Devices sowie Diagnostics vor.

„Wir brauchen mehr Transparenz und Effizienz, mehr Berechenbarkeit und Schnelligkeit, mehr internationale Anschluss- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sowie eine gute Verwaltungspraxis“, forderten die beiden Vorstandsvorsitzender Dr. Meinrad Lugan (BVMed) und Ulrich Schmid (VDGH) auf einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz.

Die EU-Verordnungen MDR und IVDR, die das Inverkehrbringen von Medizinprodukten und Labortests europaweit regeln, seien handwerklich schlecht gemacht, zu kompliziert und bürokratisch – und bremsten damit Innovationen aus, so BVMed und VDGH. Es bestehe breiter Konsens, dass MDR und IVDR eine ungewünschte Verknappung von Produkten in der medizinischen Versorgung verursachen. Ein Drittel der Produkte drohe vom Markt genommen zu werden, bereits jetzt seien viele Produkte nicht mehr auf dem Markt verfügbar. Studien zeigten, dass MedTech-Unternehmen in 65 Prozent der Fälle gezwungen seien, Entwicklungsressourcen in die Regulatorik zu verlagern – auf Kosten der Innovationstätigkeit.

89 Prozent der MedTech-Unternehmen priorisierten mittlerweile die US-amerikanische Zulassung ihrer Produkte, so eine Studie der Boston Consulting Group. „Wir wollen eine zukunftsweisende Reform, die Patientinnen und Patienten sowie dem Innovationsstandort Europa hilft – keine fortwährenden Klein-Klein-Korrekturen“, so Lugan und Schmid: „Die zwei führenden deutschen MedTech-Verbände BVMed und VDGH haben deshalb ein Whitepaper mit Lösungsvorschlägen erarbeitet.“

Neben der Ergänzung des derzeitigen Regulierungssystems setzen sich BVMed und VDGH für mehr Berechenbarkeit und Transparenz der Prozesse, wirksame Rechtsmittel gegen Marktzugangsentscheidungen, eine Verbesserung der internationalen Zusammenarbeit sowie eine Zentralisierung der Verantwortung ein.

„Wir müssen handeln und MDR und IVDR strukturell weiterentwickeln. Unsere Vorschläge sind praxisorientiert und haben sich in anderen Systemen bereits bewährt. Jetzt ist die richtige Zeit, darüber zu reden, damit wir nach der Europawahl mit der neuen Kommission und dem neuen Parlament zügig konkret werden können“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll und VDGH-Geschäftsführer Dr. Martin Walger.

„Wir wollen gemeinsam mit allen Beteiligten Europa wieder zu einem wettbewerbsfähigen MedTech-Standort machen und überzogene Strukturen aufbrechen sowie gute regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen schaffen – mit Mut und Zuversicht. Dafür fordern wir die europäischen Institutionen auf, mit uns und allen relevanten Akteuren in Deutschland und Europa in einen strukturierten Dialog zu treten, um so schnell wie möglich die notwendigen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen“, so der Schlussappell von Möll und Walger.





Exist research transfer project FoxCore successfully launched

The FoxCore founding team and the ITM at TU Dresden aim to usher in a new era for fastening solutions in lightweight construction with the start of the Exist research transfer project FoxCore. The project started on June 1, 2023, and will run until November 30, 2024, with support from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the European Social Fund (ESF).

The innovative company is to develop and offer new and customer-oriented fastening solutions for lightweight construction applications. Safety and performance of lightweight solutions in various industries are to be increased. FoxCore's objective is to take a leading role in fastening technology.

Daniel Weise, Philipp Schegner, Michael Vorhof and Cornelia Sennewald form the FoxCore team; they will work closely with the Institute of Textile Machinery and Textile High Performance Materials (ITM) at TU Dresden. Together, they will develop optimal manufacturing technologies and establish a widespread network of customers and suppliers.

The FoxCore founding team and the ITM at TU Dresden aim to usher in a new era for fastening solutions in lightweight construction with the start of the Exist research transfer project FoxCore. The project started on June 1, 2023, and will run until November 30, 2024, with support from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the European Social Fund (ESF).

The innovative company is to develop and offer new and customer-oriented fastening solutions for lightweight construction applications. Safety and performance of lightweight solutions in various industries are to be increased. FoxCore's objective is to take a leading role in fastening technology.

Daniel Weise, Philipp Schegner, Michael Vorhof and Cornelia Sennewald form the FoxCore team; they will work closely with the Institute of Textile Machinery and Textile High Performance Materials (ITM) at TU Dresden. Together, they will develop optimal manufacturing technologies and establish a widespread network of customers and suppliers.


Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM)
TU Dresden

RISE® Innovation Award INDA Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

RISE® Innovation Award 2023: Four Finalists

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the finalists that will compete for the RISE® Innovation Award. RISE®, the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference, will take place September 26-27 at Talley Student Union, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.

The finalists who will present their product innovations on Tuesday, September 26th, include:

ESC-8 – The JOA® Electronic Size Change Unit by Curt G. Joa, Inc.
The JOA® ESC-8™ unit allows unprecedented Adult Pant design flexibility with the ability to process nearly limitless combinations of insert and chassis sizes at industry best speeds. Additionally, this technology enables the production of a greener, more sustainable product by eliminating up to 250 tons of material, 5 tons of glue, and 500 tons of greenhouse gas emissions every year.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the finalists that will compete for the RISE® Innovation Award. RISE®, the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference, will take place September 26-27 at Talley Student Union, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.

The finalists who will present their product innovations on Tuesday, September 26th, include:

ESC-8 – The JOA® Electronic Size Change Unit by Curt G. Joa, Inc.
The JOA® ESC-8™ unit allows unprecedented Adult Pant design flexibility with the ability to process nearly limitless combinations of insert and chassis sizes at industry best speeds. Additionally, this technology enables the production of a greener, more sustainable product by eliminating up to 250 tons of material, 5 tons of glue, and 500 tons of greenhouse gas emissions every year.

BicoBio Fiber by Fiberpartner ApS
The BicoBio Fiber is a bicomponent fiber core sheath construction, developed from materials with a low carbon footprint. This fiber is designed to biodegrade in the environments where most plastics are found: landfills and the ocean. The fiber’s BioBased PE is produced from sugar cane and has a negative carbon footprint. The fiber’s recycled PET is GRS certified. PrimaLoft® Bio™, a technology that enables polyester fibers to biodegrade, is utilized in the production of BicoBio Fibers. These fibers can be processed with a variety of nonwoven technologies.

Reifenhäuser Reicofil RF5 XHL by Reifenhäuser REICOFIL GmbH & Co. KG
Reicofil XHL (Extra High Loft) is the game changer for a super soft and drapeable nonwoven offering an incomparable feel the nonwoven market has never seen before. The outstanding soft touch is unique and intended for use in the hygiene sector. XHL focuses on low basis weight and high thickness with the best visual appearance. The high performance and efficient use of raw materials and energy ensure cost-effectiveness and environmentally-friendly production.

SAPMonit by TiHiVE
TiHive’s game-changing innovation, SAPMonit – a visionary French technology breakthrough – inspects millions of diapers weekly. SAPMonit delivers lightning-speed inline inspection of Super Absorbents weight and distribution, optimizes resources, detects flaws, and accelerates R&D. SAPMonit utilizes advanced see-through cameras, high-speed vision algorithms, and secure cloud integration, revolutionizing industry norms. SAPMonit has great potential for sustainability, cost reduction, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

The RISE Innovation Award winner will be announced Wednesday afternoon, September 27th.

More information:

INDA Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

ElasTool in a lifting unit, e.g. for logistics, transport or mining Grafik JUMBO-Textil
ElasTool in a lifting unit, e.g. for logistics, transport or mining

JUMBO-Textil: Lubricant-free tensioning and clamping system

From mechanical engineering to the construction industry, from logistics to rescue technology – tensioning and clamping systems fulfil important tasks in a number of industries. The possible uses of technical textiles for industrial applications of this kind are manifold.

Patented and precisely configured
The ElasTool system from the elastics expert consists of a connection tool and a rubber rope connected to this tool via integrated locking elements. The stainless steel, aluminium or plastic connection tool and the rubber rope – with a thickness of between 12 and 38 mm – are each configured to fit precisely. The highlight of the patented connection solution: the more tensile force is exerted, the more the rope is jammed. Thanks to the locking system, ElasTool still provides a secure hold even when the diameter of the rubber rope narrows to up to 60 percent due to the tensile load. A crucial advantage over conventional end connections by pressing.

From mechanical engineering to the construction industry, from logistics to rescue technology – tensioning and clamping systems fulfil important tasks in a number of industries. The possible uses of technical textiles for industrial applications of this kind are manifold.

Patented and precisely configured
The ElasTool system from the elastics expert consists of a connection tool and a rubber rope connected to this tool via integrated locking elements. The stainless steel, aluminium or plastic connection tool and the rubber rope – with a thickness of between 12 and 38 mm – are each configured to fit precisely. The highlight of the patented connection solution: the more tensile force is exerted, the more the rope is jammed. Thanks to the locking system, ElasTool still provides a secure hold even when the diameter of the rubber rope narrows to up to 60 percent due to the tensile load. A crucial advantage over conventional end connections by pressing.

Economical and low maintenance
The system has further advantages: the textile solution runs quietly. Unlike clamping systems with steel cable springs, there is no creaking here. In addition, textiles, plastic and aluminium are particularly lightweight materials. ElasTool therefore saves energy. Another benefit: the connection system works without lubricating oil. While conventional tensioning and clamping solutions in industrial plants and products have to be oiled regularly, the JUMBO textile system works completely maintenance-free.

Versatile and easily interchangeable
Depending on the area of application of the ElasTool, the interchangeable head can be exchanged: Plastic hook instead of aluminium eyelet, stainless steel flange instead of aluminium hook – for example. The interchangeable head can be replaced effortlessly and without special tools.

"A lifting system in a high-bay warehouse, a trolley in a crane, damping for compressors or crash systems – these are just three of the many possible applications. We adapt the dimensions, material, force-stretch behaviour, flame retardancy – like all properties – specifically to the respective project," emphasises Carl Mrusek, Chief Sales Officer of JUMBO-Textil. "Thus, with ElasTool, we offer a safe load connection for a wide variety of applications in industry."

ElasTool from JUMBO-Textil

  • Lightweight and flexible alternative to conventional tensioning and clamping systems
  • Suitable even in small installation spaces
  • With individual specifications and infinitely customisable dimensions
  • Connection tool optionally made of plastic, aluminium or stainless steel
  • Rubber rope in a thickness of 12 to 38 mm
  • Rubber rope made of polyamide, polyester, recycled PES, polypropylene, aramid, Dyneema, monofilament, natural fibres
  • Different interchangeable head shapes possible
  • As an end connection or for coupling with other machine elements
  • Tensile load up to 600 N, in individual cases more than this
  • Individually configurable e.g. with hook, eyelet or flange


Photo Autoneum

Autoneum’s Re-Liner nominated as finalist for 2023 PACE Award

Using recovered resin from discarded car bumpers, Autoneum’s sustainable Re-Liner technology transforms a previously unusable waste product into lightweight and durable wheelhouse outer liners. In addition to their high recycled content, the eco-friendly components require significantly less energy to produce than conventional alternatives. The innovation presents another important step towards a more sustainable circular economy and has now been nominated for the 2023 PACE Award.

Autoneum has been selected as one of the finalists for the 2023 Automotive News PACE Awards. Entering its 29th year, this prestigious award honors superior innovation, technological advancement and business performance among automotive suppliers.

Using recovered resin from discarded car bumpers, Autoneum’s sustainable Re-Liner technology transforms a previously unusable waste product into lightweight and durable wheelhouse outer liners. In addition to their high recycled content, the eco-friendly components require significantly less energy to produce than conventional alternatives. The innovation presents another important step towards a more sustainable circular economy and has now been nominated for the 2023 PACE Award.

Autoneum has been selected as one of the finalists for the 2023 Automotive News PACE Awards. Entering its 29th year, this prestigious award honors superior innovation, technological advancement and business performance among automotive suppliers.

Re-Liner is based on a core of polyolefins recovered from post-consumer bumpers and has a textile top layer made of fibers from recycled materials. “Autoneum has recognized the untapped potential of recovered resin from automotive bumper covers as a resource and is giving this former waste product a second life,” explained Dan Moler. “The core resin of Re-Liner is 100% automotive post-consumer recycled material, not just a filler or additive to a virgin material. Lightweight, durable, and sustainable wheelhouse outer liners based on this technology are expected to reduce waste generated by bumper covers by nearly one million kilograms in 2023.”

For more than a quarter century of a century, the PACE Award has honored innovations driven by automotive suppliers. The award is known in the global automotive industry for identifying and recognizing the latest game-changing innovation: from the plant floor to the product to the showroom. In 2000, Autoneum (then Rieter Automotive) already received a PACE Award for its Ultra-Light technology. In addition, two of the Company’s technologies have also been nominated as finalists in the past: Ultra-Silent in 2010 and Theta-Fiber in 2012.

More information:
Autoneum Re-Liner PACE award


Devan’s R-vital NTL with high durability (c) Devan Chemicals NV

Devan’s R-vital NTL with high durability

Devan, part of Pulcra Chemicals, has announced its R-Vital NTL technology.

R-Vital NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost textiles with a versatile range of micro-encapsulated active ingredients. This functional finish provides added value for textiles and allows manufacturers to create products that differentiate them from competitors. Furthermore, the bio-based and biodegradable well-being technology achieves a durability of 50 washes.

The main concept behind micro-encapsulation is that active ingredients, present on textiles, are gradually released on the skin. When using the textiles or while wearing the clothing, the microcapsules burst by friction and release their assets. Since not all capsules break at the same time, a continuous and gradual release of the actives is obtained.

The natural range comprises five distinct products, each with specific attributes:

Devan, part of Pulcra Chemicals, has announced its R-Vital NTL technology.

R-Vital NTL enables textile manufacturers to boost textiles with a versatile range of micro-encapsulated active ingredients. This functional finish provides added value for textiles and allows manufacturers to create products that differentiate them from competitors. Furthermore, the bio-based and biodegradable well-being technology achieves a durability of 50 washes.

The main concept behind micro-encapsulation is that active ingredients, present on textiles, are gradually released on the skin. When using the textiles or while wearing the clothing, the microcapsules burst by friction and release their assets. Since not all capsules break at the same time, a continuous and gradual release of the actives is obtained.

The natural range comprises five distinct products, each with specific attributes:

  • Aloe vera: Known for its skin-smoothing and softening properties.
  • Avocado seed oil: Known for its skin-moisturizing capabilities.
  • CBD: Known for its relaxation properties.
  • Multivitamin: A blend of provitamin D, vitamins C and E, and ginger.
  • Vitamin E: Known to offer protection against free radicals and premature aging

Devan Chemicals NV


Carrington Textiles and Pincroft Debut at DALO Industry Days

The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) Industry Days event is scheduled to take place from 23rd to 24th August in Denmark. Carrington Textiles and their main manufacturing facility in the UK, Pincroft, will showcase their latest innovations in military textiles.

Carrington Textiles - after recently announcing the launch of the new stretch military ripstop fabric, Spartan HT Flex Lite, and strategically appointing the new Head of Defence and Security Fabrics -  at the event represents the commercial focus on building on an over 90 years of heritage of manufacturing military fabrics.

Likewise, Pincroft’s latest technology in non-skin contact vector protection for defence textiles and the recent involvement in printing the new Dutch Ministry of Defence’s camouflage pattern as part of their army’s uniform programme, are just a few of the textile services that will be presented at the event.

The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) Industry Days event is scheduled to take place from 23rd to 24th August in Denmark. Carrington Textiles and their main manufacturing facility in the UK, Pincroft, will showcase their latest innovations in military textiles.

Carrington Textiles - after recently announcing the launch of the new stretch military ripstop fabric, Spartan HT Flex Lite, and strategically appointing the new Head of Defence and Security Fabrics -  at the event represents the commercial focus on building on an over 90 years of heritage of manufacturing military fabrics.

Likewise, Pincroft’s latest technology in non-skin contact vector protection for defence textiles and the recent involvement in printing the new Dutch Ministry of Defence’s camouflage pattern as part of their army’s uniform programme, are just a few of the textile services that will be presented at the event.


Carrington Textiles

Freudenberg complements Range of Technical Packaging Textiles (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

Freudenberg complements Range of Technical Packaging Textiles

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is launching its latest innovation Evolon® Ultra Smooth to serve the specific packaging needs of technical industries.

Evolon® Ultra Smooth fabrics are low-linting, strong and hard-wearing. The new materials are designed for industrial parts and components which require low-friction, sliding behavior during the part packing and handling procedures. Furthermore, they are durably hydrophobic and available in different weights. The reusable textile containers made of Evolon® Ultra Smooth can be used in various industries to pack and transport even very heavy and sensitive parts without damage.

The Evolon® Ultra Smooth materials have a point-sealed patterned white surface which is very different from the standard Evolon® packaging textiles and which makes them easily identifiable.  

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is launching its latest innovation Evolon® Ultra Smooth to serve the specific packaging needs of technical industries.

Evolon® Ultra Smooth fabrics are low-linting, strong and hard-wearing. The new materials are designed for industrial parts and components which require low-friction, sliding behavior during the part packing and handling procedures. Furthermore, they are durably hydrophobic and available in different weights. The reusable textile containers made of Evolon® Ultra Smooth can be used in various industries to pack and transport even very heavy and sensitive parts without damage.

The Evolon® Ultra Smooth materials have a point-sealed patterned white surface which is very different from the standard Evolon® packaging textiles and which makes them easily identifiable.  

Evolon® Ultra Smooth materials protect the surfaces of industrial and automotive parts by avoiding micro-scratches or lint contamination. By using Evolon® Ultra Smooth reusable packaging to transport parts with highly-sensitive surfaces, customers reduce the number of damaged parts and the reject rate. The innovation is available worldwide. As Evolon® Ultra Smooth is 100% made in Europe, European customers benefit from even greater flexibility in the supply chain and quick go-to-market.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

PrimaLoft expands Active Insulation Range (c) PrimaLoft, Inc.

PrimaLoft expands Active Insulation Range

PrimaLoft, Inc., a leader in advanced material technology, is expanding its  Active Insulation Range by adding four new Active Evolve styles, reaffirming its commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of consumers.

Originally launched in 2018, PrimaLoft Active Evolve is a line of insulating fabrics that is designed to evolve performance, design, and sustainability. Combining the lightweight warmth of insulation with the breathability of fabric, this technology is developed to perform in a wide range of activities, regardless of intensity or season. From pushing yourself during a cross country ski tour, to working up a sweat hiking to the next peak, PrimaLoft Active Evolve keeps you in your comfort zone – even when you’re pushing yourself out of it.

PrimaLoft, Inc., a leader in advanced material technology, is expanding its  Active Insulation Range by adding four new Active Evolve styles, reaffirming its commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of consumers.

Originally launched in 2018, PrimaLoft Active Evolve is a line of insulating fabrics that is designed to evolve performance, design, and sustainability. Combining the lightweight warmth of insulation with the breathability of fabric, this technology is developed to perform in a wide range of activities, regardless of intensity or season. From pushing yourself during a cross country ski tour, to working up a sweat hiking to the next peak, PrimaLoft Active Evolve keeps you in your comfort zone – even when you’re pushing yourself out of it.

Several products in the Active Evolve line can be used as a next-to-skin fabric. This enables brands to forego liner fabrics, which means heat and moisture are more efficiently managed, breathability is supported, and user comfort is maintained. In addition to achieving optimal performance during aerobic activity, this yields a wider utility and year-round use, all while allowing brands to use less overall material when designing a garment, reducing footprint and waste.

PrimaLoft Active Evolve offers several advantages to designers. It enables them to utilize the full spectrum of color, incorporate unique patterns, and provides greater flexibility in fabric selection. Additionally, Active Evolve eliminates the need for quilting in the design process. Products within the Active Evolve line are made from up to 100% post-consumer recycled content, including three of the four new styles.

With more than a dozen brand adoptions thus far, PrimaLoft Active Evolve’s adaptability for the user, range of use across activities, and seasonal timing, is quickly making this one of the most versatile products in the PrimaLoft portfolio. For Fall/Winter 2023-2024, key partner brands beside Sitka and Löffler will include CP Company, Eddie Bauer, Endura, Martini Sportswear, OMM, Quiksilver, Ziener and more.


PrimaLoft, Inc.

Hygienix 2023 (c) INDA

INDA Opens Registration and Tabletop Reservations for Hygienix™ 2023

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced that registration and tabletop exhibit reservations are open for the ninth edition of Hygienix™, November 13-16, New Orleans, Louisiana. More than 450 absorbent hygiene and personal care professionals from around the world will gather for four days of networking, presentations, and business opportunities.
The theme for this year’s Hygienix is “Shaping the Future of Absorbent Hygiene.” The event will focus on the market’s continued growth with presentations on sustainability, technology advancements, disruptive small brands, and market data and trends. Hygienix will also offer a workshop on absorbent hygiene systems led by Jim Robinson, Absorbent Hygiene Insights, LLC, Monday, November 13th. The full Hygienix program will be announced at a later date.
INDA is also introducing a new element for Hygienix – pre-conference webinars. Carlos Richer, Principal, Diaper Testing International, will present insights and trends in diaper design in the U.S. market and Heidi Beatty, CEO, Crown Abbey, LLC, will share her expertise in the absorbent hygiene sector.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced that registration and tabletop exhibit reservations are open for the ninth edition of Hygienix™, November 13-16, New Orleans, Louisiana. More than 450 absorbent hygiene and personal care professionals from around the world will gather for four days of networking, presentations, and business opportunities.
The theme for this year’s Hygienix is “Shaping the Future of Absorbent Hygiene.” The event will focus on the market’s continued growth with presentations on sustainability, technology advancements, disruptive small brands, and market data and trends. Hygienix will also offer a workshop on absorbent hygiene systems led by Jim Robinson, Absorbent Hygiene Insights, LLC, Monday, November 13th. The full Hygienix program will be announced at a later date.
INDA is also introducing a new element for Hygienix – pre-conference webinars. Carlos Richer, Principal, Diaper Testing International, will present insights and trends in diaper design in the U.S. market and Heidi Beatty, CEO, Crown Abbey, LLC, will share her expertise in the absorbent hygiene sector.
More than 50 companies will showcase their innovations and technologies during the evening tabletop exhibits and receptions. Participants will be able to discuss their needs with technical leaders and source better solutions for their products, Nov. 14-15.
Nominations are being accepted through August 7th for the Hygienix Innovation Award™. Three finalists will be selected to present their absorbent hygiene products on Tuesday, November 14th to hundreds of senior-level professionals. The winner of the Award will be announced at the end of the event, Thursday, November 16th.

More information:
INDA Hygienix


Industriebrache Pixabay; Tama66

IVC und ZVI positionieren sich klar gegen Pauschalverbot von PFAS

"Viele Unternehmen sitzen bereits auf gepackten Koffern und haben ihre Investitionsentscheidungen sind getroffen." Deutschland sei gerade erneut dabei, sich in multiple internationale Abhängigkeiten zu begeben und seinen Abschied aus dem Kreis der Industrienationen vorzubereiten. So beurteilen der Geschäftsführer der Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V. (IVC), Dr. Wilhelm Rauch, und der Ressortleiter Umwelt-& Chemikalienpolitik des Zentralverbands Oberflächentechnik e.V. (ZVO), Dr. Malte M. Zimmer gemeinsam mit verschiedenen Unternehmen die Konsequenzen aus dem Plan der European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), rund 10.000 Alkylsubstanzen zu verbieten.

"Viele Unternehmen sitzen bereits auf gepackten Koffern und haben ihre Investitionsentscheidungen sind getroffen." Deutschland sei gerade erneut dabei, sich in multiple internationale Abhängigkeiten zu begeben und seinen Abschied aus dem Kreis der Industrienationen vorzubereiten. So beurteilen der Geschäftsführer der Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V. (IVC), Dr. Wilhelm Rauch, und der Ressortleiter Umwelt-& Chemikalienpolitik des Zentralverbands Oberflächentechnik e.V. (ZVO), Dr. Malte M. Zimmer gemeinsam mit verschiedenen Unternehmen die Konsequenzen aus dem Plan der European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), rund 10.000 Alkylsubstanzen zu verbieten.

Die EU lasse dabei die Folgen auf Schlüsseltechnologien wie beispielsweise die grüne Energiewende komplett außer Acht. Lithiumbatterien, Windräder, Brennstoffzellen, Computerchips - für PFAS existierten aktuell zumindest in Hightech-Anwendungen keine Alternativen. Bis auf wenige längere Ausnahmeregelungen seien aktuell 18 Monate als Übergangsfristen vorgesehen. Das sei ein ausreichendes Zeitfenster, um die Produktion in Europa abzuwickeln und nach neuen Standorten zu suchen, beispielsweise in den USA. Dort werde die Fluorchemie als Schlüsseltechnologie massiv aufgebaut und als kostbares Gut mit Exportverboten belegt.

IVC und ZVO monierten, dass das Innovationsvermögen der europäischen Industrie hergeschenkt werde und man anderen Ländern den Markt mit allen preislichen und wettbewerblichen Konsequenzen überlasse. Als besonders betroffene Branchen führten die Verbände die Medizintechnik, Schutzausrüstung, Flugzeugbau und Automobilelektronik, den Textilmaschinenbau und Industrietextilien an. Abluftfilter mit PTFE-Membranen oder aus PTFE-Fasern stellten in der Müllverbrennung und in Zementwerken den Umweltschutz sicher, so dass keine Schadstoffe in die Atmosphäre gelangten. Membranen für Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen, Wasserstoffelektrolyseure, Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aus Karbonfaservliesen und der fluorchemischen Protonenaustauscher Nafion-Membran würden in Zukunft verboten und damit die die Pläne für eine Wasserstoffenergiewende dauerhaft nicht umsetzbar.


Industrievereinigung Chemiefaser e.V., Zentralverband Oberflächentechnik e.V.

OETI purchases ECS to expand its PPE portfolio photo: OETI

OETI purchases ECS to expand its PPE portfolio

OETI – a member of the internationally active TESTEX Group – has bought the German company ECS to expand its service portfolio in the field of personal protective equipment (PPE).

OETI has been offering testing services for textile work clothing since 1983 – for about 40 years. Since the introduction of CE labelling for personal protective equipment and the enactment of the PPE Directive by the European Union in 1993, OETI has not only been testing textile personal protective equipment, but now on also certifies it in conformity with EU standards. In 1995, OETI was certified in Brussels as a Notified Body (0534) for type-examinations and quality assurance monitoring of personal protective equipment end products. Testing and certification is carried out in accordance with the current PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

Testing and Certification Body for Eye and Face Protection, based in Aalen, was founded 15 years ago and is a globally active institution for testing and certification of eye and face protection equipment. The company is one of the leading independent testing institutions for personal protection products in laser applications and for welding work.

OETI – a member of the internationally active TESTEX Group – has bought the German company ECS to expand its service portfolio in the field of personal protective equipment (PPE).

OETI has been offering testing services for textile work clothing since 1983 – for about 40 years. Since the introduction of CE labelling for personal protective equipment and the enactment of the PPE Directive by the European Union in 1993, OETI has not only been testing textile personal protective equipment, but now on also certifies it in conformity with EU standards. In 1995, OETI was certified in Brussels as a Notified Body (0534) for type-examinations and quality assurance monitoring of personal protective equipment end products. Testing and certification is carried out in accordance with the current PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

Testing and Certification Body for Eye and Face Protection, based in Aalen, was founded 15 years ago and is a globally active institution for testing and certification of eye and face protection equipment. The company is one of the leading independent testing institutions for personal protection products in laser applications and for welding work.

ECS tests and evaluates occupational health and safety goggles with and without a filter action, passive and active switching protection filters and shields for welders, and laser protection filters, goggles, and shields. The company also tests the optical properties of sunglasses, sports glasses, ski goggles, swimming goggles and motorbike goggles.

With OETI’s takeover, the ECS location in Aalen is retained, and all employees will continue working at ECS. The new Managing Director of ECS GmbH as of 1 July 2023 is Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Diebolder.

‘We are present on the European market, on the American market and, via a representative office, on the Chinese market. With the aid of the new distribution channels through OETI and TESTEX, we want to steadily advance ECS’ expansion and be present on all five continents’, says Managing Director Rolf Diebolder, explaining his strategic plans for ECS. ‘I would like OETI and ECS to develop a joint strategy in order to be able to offer existing and new customers of both companies a complete package which, when combined, will give us a unique selling point in the marketplace’, says Diebolder.

Diebolder also sees further potential in the cooperation with regard to protective laser clothing. According to him, this is where the laser laboratory commissioned by ECS could be used to make textiles laser-safe. In the future, there will be more and more ‘hand-held’ devices, i.e. laser welding devices, for which gloves and protective jackets are needed.


OETI - Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH

Untersuchungsmethoden bei der Zertifizierung von Augenschutzprodukten
Untersuchungsmethoden bei der Zertifizierung von Augenschutzprodukten

OETI kauft ECS zur Erweiterung des PSA-Portfolios

OETI – Mitglied der international tätigen TESTEX Gruppe – kauft das deutsche Unternehmen ECS, um sein Services-Portfolio im Bereich persönlicher Schutzausrüstungen (PSA) zu erweitern.

Seit rund 40 Jahren bietet das OETI – mit Hauptsitz in Österreich, Prüfungen für textile Arbeitskleidung an. Ab1993, mit der Einführung der CE-Kennzeichnung für persönliche Schutzausrüstung und dem Erlassen der PSA-Richtlinie durch die Europäische Union, prüft das OETI nicht nur textile persönliche Schutzausrüstungen, sondern zertifiziert sie auch EU-konform. Im Jahr 1995 erfolgt OETI‘s Notifizierung in Brüssel als Notified Body (0534) für Baumusterprüfungen und die Überwachung der Qualitätssicherung für das Endprodukt von persönlicher Schutzausrüstung. Geprüft und zertifiziert wird gemäß der aktuellen PSA-Verordnung (EU) 2016/425.

OETI – Mitglied der international tätigen TESTEX Gruppe – kauft das deutsche Unternehmen ECS, um sein Services-Portfolio im Bereich persönlicher Schutzausrüstungen (PSA) zu erweitern.

Seit rund 40 Jahren bietet das OETI – mit Hauptsitz in Österreich, Prüfungen für textile Arbeitskleidung an. Ab1993, mit der Einführung der CE-Kennzeichnung für persönliche Schutzausrüstung und dem Erlassen der PSA-Richtlinie durch die Europäische Union, prüft das OETI nicht nur textile persönliche Schutzausrüstungen, sondern zertifiziert sie auch EU-konform. Im Jahr 1995 erfolgt OETI‘s Notifizierung in Brüssel als Notified Body (0534) für Baumusterprüfungen und die Überwachung der Qualitätssicherung für das Endprodukt von persönlicher Schutzausrüstung. Geprüft und zertifiziert wird gemäß der aktuellen PSA-Verordnung (EU) 2016/425.

Die ECS GmbH - Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle für Augen- und Gesichtsschutz mit Sitz in Aalen wurde vor 15 Jahren gegründet und ist eine weltweit agierende Institution für die Prüfung und Zertifizierung von Augen- und Gesichtsschutzgeräten. Für persönliche Schutzprodukte bei Laseranwendungen und für Schweißarbeiten ist das Unternehmen eine der führenden unabhängigen Prüfeinrichtungen.

Die ECS prüft und bewertet Arbeitsschutzbrillen mit und ohne Filterwirkung, passive und aktiv-schaltende Schweißerschutzfilter und -abschirmungen, Laserschutzfilter, -brillen und -abschirmungen. Ebenso prüft das Unternehmen die optischen Eigenschaften von Sonnen-, Sport-, Ski-, Schwimm- und Motorradbrillen.

Nach der Übernahme durch OETI bleibt der ECS-Standort in Aalen erhalten, alle Mitarbeiter*innen sind weiterhin bei der ECS tätig. Neuer Geschäftsführer der ECS GmbH ist ab 1. Juli 2023 Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Diebolder.

„Wir sind auf dem europäischen, auf dem amerikanischen und über eine Vertretung auf dem chinesischen Markt präsent. Mit Hilfe der neuen Vertriebswege durch OETI und TESTEX wollen wir den Ausbau der ECS stetig vorantreiben und auf allen fünf Kontinenten präsent sein.“, so Geschäftsführer Rolf Diebolder.

Weiteres Potenzial in der Zusammenarbeit sieht Diebolder auch in Bezug auf Laserschutzkleidung. Hier könne das von der ECS beauftragte Laserlabor dazu genutzt werden, um Textilien Laserschutz-sicher zu machen. Es wird in Zukunft immer mehr „hand-held“ Geräte geben, also Laserschweißgeräte, für die man Handschuhe und Schutzjacken benötigt.

More information:

OETI - Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH

Professor Dr Thomas Gries with the award winner Flávio André Marter Diniz Hanns-Voith-Stiftung, Oliver Voge
Professor Dr Thomas Gries with the award winner Flávio André Marter Diniz

Future cost reduction through ultra-thin PE carbon fibres

  • ITA Master's graduate wins Hanns Voith Foundation Award 2023

In his Master's thesis, Flávio André Marter Diniz, a graduate of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA), developed ultra-thin polyethylene (PE) carbon fibres with a filament diameter 2-3 times smaller than usual. In addition, the use of PE-based precursors will make it possible to reduce the price of carbon fibres by 50 per cent in the future, thus opening up a wide range of other possible applications in key industries such as wind power, aerospace and automotive. For this groundbreaking development, Marter Diniz was awarded the Hanns Voith Prize with the Hanns Voith Foundation Award in the category "New Materials". The prize is endowed with € 5,000 in prize money.

Flávio André Marter Diniz won the prize in the category "New Materials" for his master thesis entitled "Investigation of the stabilisation and carbonisation process for the production of ultra-thin polyethylene-based carbon fibres".

  • ITA Master's graduate wins Hanns Voith Foundation Award 2023

In his Master's thesis, Flávio André Marter Diniz, a graduate of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA), developed ultra-thin polyethylene (PE) carbon fibres with a filament diameter 2-3 times smaller than usual. In addition, the use of PE-based precursors will make it possible to reduce the price of carbon fibres by 50 per cent in the future, thus opening up a wide range of other possible applications in key industries such as wind power, aerospace and automotive. For this groundbreaking development, Marter Diniz was awarded the Hanns Voith Prize with the Hanns Voith Foundation Award in the category "New Materials". The prize is endowed with € 5,000 in prize money.

Flávio André Marter Diniz won the prize in the category "New Materials" for his master thesis entitled "Investigation of the stabilisation and carbonisation process for the production of ultra-thin polyethylene-based carbon fibres".

The use of carbon fibres in highly stressed lightweight construction solutions, such as today's growth applications of wind turbines or pressure tanks, has become indispensable due to their excellent mechanical properties and low density. High manufacturing costs of conventional PAN precursor-based carbon fibres make the material very cost-intensive. In addition, it is not sufficiently available. New manufacturing approaches that develop alternative raw materials and manufacturing processes can be a key and growth engine for further industrial composites applications.

The aim of the work was to develop a new and cost-effective manufacturing process for high-quality ultra-thin carbon fibres using a polyethylene precursor. For this purpose, the sulphonisation process, which is time-consuming today, was to be significantly shortened. As a result, Mr. Marter Diniz produced novel ultra-thin polyethylenebased carbon fibres with a filament diameter < 3 μm with an excellent surface quality of the fibres without detectable structural defects. The fibre diameter is 2-3 times smaller than that of conventional PANbased CF. This provides the basis for mechanically high-quality material properties. At the same time, Mr. Marter Diniz was able to reduce the sulphonisation time by 25 percent. The developed material and technology set important milestones on the way to cheaper carbon fibres. With PE-based precursors, the price of CF can be reduced by 50 percent compared to conventional PAN-based CF.  

A total of five other young scientists were awarded in six categories (Drive Technology, Innovation & Technology/Artificial Intelligence, New Materials, Paper, Hydropower and Economic Sciences. This year, for the 10th time, the Hanns Voith Foundation awarded the Hanns Voith Prize to outstanding young scientists.


ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University