From the Sector

653 results

Screen Print India in Mumbai to re-open doors in March 2021

Messe Frankfurt India has announced new dates for the Mumbai edition of Screen Print India - the leading trade fair for screen, textile, sublimation and digital printing technologies The exhibition will be held in parallel with Gartex Texprocess India, from 19 – 21 March 2021 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai. With the gradual re-opening of commercial activities and businesses, the co-located fairs will enable the industry to channel their efforts back towards business development and cater to the needs of screen printing, textile and garment manufacturing industry players as it gears up to bring the production and manufacturing value chain under one roof.

Messe Frankfurt India has announced new dates for the Mumbai edition of Screen Print India - the leading trade fair for screen, textile, sublimation and digital printing technologies The exhibition will be held in parallel with Gartex Texprocess India, from 19 – 21 March 2021 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai. With the gradual re-opening of commercial activities and businesses, the co-located fairs will enable the industry to channel their efforts back towards business development and cater to the needs of screen printing, textile and garment manufacturing industry players as it gears up to bring the production and manufacturing value chain under one roof.
While the focus segments under Gartex Texprocess India will draw attention to innovations in garmenting & apparel machinery, the product launches and live demos at Screen Print India will enable business visitors and traders to track technological advances in digital textile and screen-printing technologies. The secure, business-focused ambience will enable both printing and textile sector players to showcase, source and strengthen their supply chains and keep pace with the shifting demand for screen printing, textile printing, digital and sublimation technologies across other sectors.
Screen Print India will also host a series of sessions on processes and innovations related to the graphics industry. Another key highlight of this successful trade fair is the Screen Print Excellence Awards that upholds a strong tradition of honouring technology inventors and trailblazers within the screen-printing industry. With this in mind, the Mumbai edition will curate a special “SPI Gallery” to showcase award winning pieces of screen-printing excellence.


Messe Frankfurt, India

Archroma starts production of hand sanitizers to help fight COVID-19. © 2020 Archroma
Archroma starts production of hand sanitizers to help fight COVID-19.

ARCHROMA Starts Production of Hand Sanitizers to Help Fight COVID-19

As part of its active engagement in the fight against COVID-19, Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, started bulk production of a new range of hand sanitizers at its Landhi site in Pakistan in May 2020. The new Kieralon® HS range was developed by the R&D team at the Archroma Center of Excellence in Karachi, in line with the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.

Sanitizers are currently in high demand in Pakistan in hospitals, isolation centers, medical institutes and other health care environments, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The use of sanitizers has also been made mandatory in all factories, offices and public places, driving the demand even higher.

The Kieralon® HS range is being produced in different grades and concentrations to eliminate a broad range of germs, bacteria and viruses, to cater for various healthcare and hygiene requirements. They also include emollients and display non-stick and quick drying effect, for skin comfort.

As part of its active engagement in the fight against COVID-19, Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, started bulk production of a new range of hand sanitizers at its Landhi site in Pakistan in May 2020. The new Kieralon® HS range was developed by the R&D team at the Archroma Center of Excellence in Karachi, in line with the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.

Sanitizers are currently in high demand in Pakistan in hospitals, isolation centers, medical institutes and other health care environments, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The use of sanitizers has also been made mandatory in all factories, offices and public places, driving the demand even higher.

The Kieralon® HS range is being produced in different grades and concentrations to eliminate a broad range of germs, bacteria and viruses, to cater for various healthcare and hygiene requirements. They also include emollients and display non-stick and quick drying effect, for skin comfort.

In April 2020, Archroma announced the introduction in Brazil of Mowiplus® HPC 9600, a new thickener for sanitizing gels, developed to address the global shortage in the thickener traditionally used for sanitizing gels.

Archroma is also actively supporting manufacturers in the production of face masks and medical protective equipment. Its antimicrobial and barrier products in particular are in high demand, and Archroma is making every effort to assist existing and new customers entering this sector by providing technical know-how and support.

The company is supporting producers of packaging & paper who are facing high demand for food packaging as many restaurants have switched to delivery or take-away, as well as for parcels and boxes supporting online shopping.

Mujtaba Rahim, CEO of Archroma Pakistan comments, “Within Archroma we are cognizant of the acute community need for high quality hygiene products that are also comfortable for users, as hand sanitizers tend to be harsh on the skin, so we took on the challenge to develop and start production in record time. The Archroma team in Pakistan won’t rest in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, and hopes this new product will help to stop the spread of the virus and the suffering that it causes.”


EMG for Archroma

DOMOTEX 2021: Welcher Boden für welchen Zweck? Interior-Designer geben Einblicke (c) Gonzalo Botet
La Casa del Desierto OFIS

DOMOTEX 2021: Welcher Boden für welchen Zweck? Interior-Designer geben Einblicke

  • DOMOTEX, die Weltleitmesse für Teppiche und Bodenbeläge, findet vom 15. bis 18. Januar 2021 in Hannover statt.
  • Das neue Leitthema COVER NEW GROUND fokussiert drei Dimensionen aktueller Entwicklungen: Balanced Living. Sustainable Living. More than Floor.

Wie wirkt sich der Wunsch nach Entschleunigung, nach mehr Natürlichkeit und mehr Achtsamkeit konkret auf die Gestaltung unserer Umgebung aus? Wie verändern wir Räume, in denen wir leben und arbeiten? Wo beginnt der Boden, wo hört er auf? Welche Funktion übernimmt er künftig? Und: Wer sagt eigentlich, dass Natur nur im Freien stattfindet? In Zeiten von Corona nutzen immer mehr Menschen ihren Wohnraum zum Arbeiten im Home Office – die Übergänge zwischen Job und Privatleben verlaufen für viele fließend. So gewinnen private Räume und damit auch deren Bodengestaltung und Interior Design weiter an Bedeutung. Frei werdende Büroräume erhalten eine veränderte Nutzung. Dementsprechend müssen sie den neuen Bedürfnissen angepasst werden.

  • DOMOTEX, die Weltleitmesse für Teppiche und Bodenbeläge, findet vom 15. bis 18. Januar 2021 in Hannover statt.
  • Das neue Leitthema COVER NEW GROUND fokussiert drei Dimensionen aktueller Entwicklungen: Balanced Living. Sustainable Living. More than Floor.

Wie wirkt sich der Wunsch nach Entschleunigung, nach mehr Natürlichkeit und mehr Achtsamkeit konkret auf die Gestaltung unserer Umgebung aus? Wie verändern wir Räume, in denen wir leben und arbeiten? Wo beginnt der Boden, wo hört er auf? Welche Funktion übernimmt er künftig? Und: Wer sagt eigentlich, dass Natur nur im Freien stattfindet? In Zeiten von Corona nutzen immer mehr Menschen ihren Wohnraum zum Arbeiten im Home Office – die Übergänge zwischen Job und Privatleben verlaufen für viele fließend. So gewinnen private Räume und damit auch deren Bodengestaltung und Interior Design weiter an Bedeutung. Frei werdende Büroräume erhalten eine veränderte Nutzung. Dementsprechend müssen sie den neuen Bedürfnissen angepasst werden.

Dabei können Achtsamtkeit, Natürlichkeit und Wohlbefinden durch die passende Auswahl von Oberflächen und Materialien sowie durch innovative Konzepte positiv beeinflusst werden. Auch hier gilt es – nicht erst mit Ausbruch der Pandemie – neue Wege zu finden. Das Leitthema der DOMOTEX versteht sich daher als motivierende Aufforderung, gemeinsam den Blick über den Tellerrand zu wagen. Renommierte Innenarchitekten und Interior Designer tun das. Besucher, Speaker und Juroren der vergangenen DOMOTEX-Events gestalteten lifestyle-orientierte Räumlichkeiten, die es ermöglichen, den Boden völlig neu zu entdecken. Welche Teppiche und Böden nutzten sie für welchen Zweck? Die folgenden Projekte und Kommentare verdeutlichen das Leitthema COVER NEW GROUND.

Interior Designer Gunnar Seel besucht die DOMOTEX regelmäßig und lässt sich dort für seine Arbeit inspirieren. Mit dem Team seines  Hamburger Büros Seel Bobsin Design-Konzeptionen hat er ein Multi-Space-Office für den Reiseveranstalter TUI in Hannover realisiert. Er verwendete objekttaugliche, nachhaltig produzierte Teppichfliesen von Carpet Concept mit einer grafischen Grundstruktur, bei denen ein Farbverlauf in Sonderfarben eingesetzt wurde. Das große Format der Fliese macht das sonst häufig störende Nahtraster nahezu unsichtbar, sodass ein ruhigeres Erscheinungsbild entsteht. Individuell wurden die weißen Fliesen mit grafischen Strukturen in den Farbtönen Sand und Blau bedruckt. Diese Farbkombination weckt Assoziationen zu Strandlandschaften und findet sich in der Möblierung wieder.

Das Projektteam nutzte drei Varianten der Fliese, deren Farbgebung Besprechungsräume, Gänge und Arbeitsplätze markieren. Für eine bessere Raumakustik wurden die Fliesen mit einer akustisch wirksamen Rückenbeschichtung versehen. Spela Videcnik hat mit ihrem Büro OFIS Architects in Andalusien einen 20 Quadratmeter großen Pavillon aus speziellem Sonnenschutzglas errichtet. „La casa del desierto“ besteht aus Wohnbereich, Schlafzimmer und einem in den Holzboden integrierten Whirlpool, der einen einzigartigen Blick auf die umgebende Wüstenlandschaft bietet. Das verglaste Volumen ist zwischen Sockel und Dach befestigt, die jeweils aus Holzkassetten aufgebaut und an den Seiten mit verspiegelten Paneelen verkleidet sind, um die Umgebung zu reflektieren. Der Boden ist mit hellgrau gebleichten, schmalen und länglichen Paneelen der slowenischen Firma Permiz aus Lärchenholz belegt, die über den Raum hinaus ins Freie führen und so innen und außen nahtlos miteinander verbinden. Der Glaspavillon wurde als Ferienhaus entwickelt, das über Internetplattformen gebucht werden kann.

Designer Werner Aisslinger entwickelte mit seinem Studio das Interior Design für die Serviced Apartments „Stayery“ in Berlin- Friedrichshain. Zum Konzept gehören Co-Working Spaces sowie ein gemeinschaftlicher Wohnbereich zum Entspannen und Wohlfühlen. Die Beschaffenheit der Böden leitet Bewohner und Besucher zu einzelnen Bereichen, die voneinander getrennt ineinander übergehen. Designvorbild ist der Stadtraum. Ein grauer Teppich, der gekörntem Straßenasphalt ähnelt, führt vom Eingangsbereich zu den Aufzügen. Die Apartments reihen sich wie ein Ensemble kleiner Häuser mit Hausnummern einem Flur entlang. Dieser ist mit einem strapazierfähigen gestreiften Teppich ausgestattet, der an einen Zebrastreifen erinnert. Auch hier einen Teppich zu verwenden, dafür sprachen atmosphärische wie akustische Gründe. Auch für die Wärmedämmung erwies er sich als vorteilhaft. Im Eingangsbereich der Apartments sind leicht zu reinigende Fliesen verlegt. Das gemeinschaftliche  Wohnzimmer hat einen Parkettboden, der für eine wohnliche Wellbeing-Atmosphäre sorgt. Ein Designboden in Holzoptik markiert den Bereich der privaten Räume. Aus Kostengründen und um eine höhere Belastbarkeit zu gewährleisten, wurden hier LVTs verwendet. (Fliesen von Ce.Si, Designboden von Amtico, Flurteppich von ege, Parkett von Haro) Peter Ippolito ist Architekt und Innenarchitekt. Sein Büro Ippolito Fleitz hat mit dem Projekt „Soho 3Q“ ein altes Kaufhaus in Shanghai zum Co-Working-Space und inspirierenden Ort für Start-ups umgewandelt. Herzstück des Gebäudes ist ein zweigeschossiger Campus mit Lobby, Café-Areas und unterschiedlich großen Gesprächszonen. Auf den oberen Ebenen gibt es abgeschlossene Büros mit Privatsphäre sowie kleine Inseln für Besprechungen, die mit strapazierfähigen Teppichen zur Schallreduzierung markiert sind. Als skulpturales und hochwertiges Element verbindet eine Wendeltreppe aus Holz alle Etagen miteinander. Der Werkstoff Holz ermöglichte die nahtlose und hochwertige Gestaltungslösung ohne Schienen an den Kanten der Stufen. Alle Büros und öffentlichen Bereiche haben HPLBöden mit Holzdekor, da sie preisgünstiger als Holz, extrem pflegeleicht und unempfindlich gegen Kratzer sind. Echtes Holz und Terrazzo wurde für die Böden in der repräsentativen Lobby im Erdgeschoss verwendet. Abgepasste Teppiche ergänzen die urbanen Materialien als akustisch wirksames und zugleich wohnliches Detail.

Die Londoner Designerin Vanessa Brady denkt im Blog ihres Unternehmens über die Zukunft nach Corona nach: „Unser Beruf wird gut daran tun, die Stimmung zu heben und die psychische Gesundheit zu verbessern. Das ist unsere Aufgabe.“ Gefragt, welcher Boden sich für Restaurants besonders eignet, differenziert sie: „Gewebtes Vinyl und LVT eigenen sich ebenso wie Fliesen, Holz oder manchmal auch Metallplatten. Sind Interior Designer nicht stets auf der Suche nach einem trendigen, alternativen Look, den erst besondere Ausführungen ermöglichen? Ein Thema bleibt dennoch stets relevant, ist sich Brady sicher: Die Hygiene. Wie sich ein Belag reinigen lässt, spielt eine ebenso große Rolle wie sein Gewicht und wie beständig er gegen Abnutzung ist. Bei einem Pop-up-Store kann man vorübergehend weniger haltbare Materialien verwenden. „Ehrlich gesagt“, betont sie, „braucht man fast immer ein Qualitätsprodukt mit hoher Performance, das für kommerzielle Anwendungen zugelassen ist. Im Allgemeinen ist das ein reines Handelsprodukt.“ Für Vanessa Brady folgt daraus, dass Architekten und Designer auf dem Laufendenden bleiben müssen, was „Entwicklungen wie neue Produkteinführungen, Farbtrends und Ausführungen betrifft, insbesondere, da uns die Technologie so schnell vorantreibt.“ 

Über die neuesten Entwicklungen in Sachen Bodenbeläge können sich Besucher der DOMOTEX 2021 informieren. Unter dem Leitthema COVER NEW GROUND präsentieren vom 15. bis 18. Januar innovative Hersteller in Hannover ihre Angebotsvielfalt. In sogenannten „Flooring Parks“ erhalten die Segmente Teppichböden, Fasern & Garne in Halle 11 sowie Elastische Bodenbeläge & Designbeläge, Parkett und Laminat wie auch Anwendungs- und Verlegetechniken in Halle 12 jeweils eine eigene Bühne: Produkthighlights werden in einer konkreten Raumanwendung inszeniert und fungieren als Trendschau. Mit diesen inspirierenden Räumen soll, passend zum Leitthema der Messe, ein optimistischer, nach vorn gewandter Blickwinkel auf das Thema Bodenbelag eröffnet werden.

Enormes Interesse an virtueller interpack von Markt- und Innovationsführer Sappi (c) Sappi Europe
Sappi successfully ran its virtual interpack 2020 conference from 6 to 31 May.

Huge interest in virtual interpack conference from the market and innovation leader Sappi

Sustainable solutions that pack a punch  

With over 6,500 visitors and more than 2,000 participants at a total of 720 minutes of live presentation sessions and with many potential new customers in the live info chat, the virtual interpack conference organised by Sappi was a resounding success. Sappi presented its latest developments, future prospects and current range of packaging and speciality papers at the event. In addition to further networking opportunities, the visitors took full advantage of the chance to get in contact with the Sales team.

Sustainable solutions that pack a punch  

With over 6,500 visitors and more than 2,000 participants at a total of 720 minutes of live presentation sessions and with many potential new customers in the live info chat, the virtual interpack conference organised by Sappi was a resounding success. Sappi presented its latest developments, future prospects and current range of packaging and speciality papers at the event. In addition to further networking opportunities, the visitors took full advantage of the chance to get in contact with the Sales team.

  • For the packaging of the future: sustainable, high-quality paper
  • Second-generation barrier papers ensure optimal protection of goods as food packaging
  • Providing what the world wants: fully recyclable packaging

Based on the motto ‘Pro Planet: Paper Packaging – welcome to the new pack-age’, the market leader in functional paper packaging presented numerous opportunities at its virtual interpack 2020 conference for its customers to package their food or non-food products in sustainable, premium packaging. In doing so, the company is contributing to the UN’s sustainability objectives. With the Sappi Guard range, Sappi presented barrier papers that render additional special coatings and laminations redundant and can be recycled in the paper stream. Featuring integrated barriers, they ensure that the product quality of foods and other goods is preserved. The second generation of barrier papers, now even more environmentally friendly, was also introduced at the virtual event. Another area of focus of the virtual interpack event was sealable papers, suitable for a wide range of packaging applications in the food and non-food sectors.

Of course, the concept of sustainability was also a key issue at the conference. As a home-compostable paper, Algro Nature meets the current demand for fully recyclable packaging. Sappi thus remains true to its goal of presenting its customers with more and more environmentally friendly solutions for the benefit of people and the environment.

‘We were overwhelmed by the success of our first virtual interpack conference, but we look forward to having direct contact again in spring 2021 in Düsseldorf,’ says Thomas Kratochwill, Vice President Sales & Marketing Packaging and Speciality Papers at Sappi Europe, with regard to the delayed interpack conference.


Marketing Communications Specialist Speciality Papers
Sappi Europe

ITM 2021
The ITM and Hightex Exhibitions are postponed

ITM and HIGHTEX Exhibitions Postponed to 22-26 June 2021

ITM International Textile Machinery Exhibition and HIGHTEX International Technical Textiles and Nonwoven Exhibition, held every two years in partnership with Tüyap Tüm Fuarcılık Inc. and Teknik Fuarcılık Inc., and in cooperation with TEMSAD, were planned to be held between June 2-6 this year. However, as effects of Corona virus (Covid-19) continue to increasingly impact all the world, ITM and HIGHTEX exhibitions had been postponed to 14-18 July 2020, but it has been announced that the events have been rescheduled to 22-26 June 2021. 

ITM International Textile Machinery Exhibition and HIGHTEX International Technical Textiles and Nonwoven Exhibition, held every two years in partnership with Tüyap Tüm Fuarcılık Inc. and Teknik Fuarcılık Inc., and in cooperation with TEMSAD, were planned to be held between June 2-6 this year. However, as effects of Corona virus (Covid-19) continue to increasingly impact all the world, ITM and HIGHTEX exhibitions had been postponed to 14-18 July 2020, but it has been announced that the events have been rescheduled to 22-26 June 2021. 

Exhibitions Preparation Continue
Preparations for ITM and HIGHTEX 2021 Exhibitions continue at full steam to bring together hundreds of manufacturers and global investors who develop leading technologies in their fields. The latest technologies and new products to be displayed at ITM and HIGHTEX Exhibitions, which will open their doors in Istanbul Tuyap Fair Convention and Congress Center next year, will meet with textile investors from all over the world.
ITM 2018, where textile machinery leaders exhibited their latest technological products, turned into a trade show with global launches and hosted one of the largest meetings in the world, with 1150 exhibitors from 64 countries and 58.942 visitors (14.248 of them foreigners) from 94 countries.


Teknik Fuarcılık INC

PREMIUM GROUP cancels summer events

PREMIUM GROUP cancels summer events

 The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July.  Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.

 The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July.  Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.


(c) PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its shows (c) Boris Kralj
Anita Tillmann

PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its shows

  • The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with the leading global digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July. Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.
A statement from Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP: 

  • The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with the leading global digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July. Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.
A statement from Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP: 

“We greatly regret the decision of course, especially after the success of our January events. The ban on large-scale events has been around for some time and has been publicly discussed. It hurts us to do it, but we are also conscious of our responsibility. If cancelling our trade shows, conferences and parties contributes to the safety of our customers and visitors, then we have to take this step.
We are in close contact with all our brands and partners and have spent the last four weeks discussing possible approaches, concepts and new focal topics for the summer. The bottom line is that digitalisation is clearly the focus. It’s all about using the time over the next few months sensibly. The timing for brands and retailers is now right – all market participants are aware of the necessity of this.

We have been working closely with JOOR, the leading B2B marketplace globally, for around a year, after successfully integrating our own digital platform, JOOR has digitalised the entire procurement process and ensures a seamless, functioning wholesale process on an international scale – both for brands and retailers.
We shall shortly be offering webinars on this and can offer our customers an optimal, digital ordering solution so as to use this time of the pandemic efficiently. We are very happy with this option and our year-long investment in the topic of digitalisation. This has come good for us now.
Our trade show formats have been about more than just ordering for a long time now. They are about encounters, emotion, inspiration, communication and, finally, the fashion community getting together. Although lots can take place digitally nowadays, it doesn't replace physically meeting up in person. We have seen this more than ever in the present situation.
We are going to work on new concepts for 2021, and we will liaise with the key stakeholders in Berlin and with all others too to ensure we hit the ground running again. We’re taking on the challenge and will come back to the industry when we have news.”

ISKO logo
ISKOs shared its R-TWO Platform

ISKO shared R-TWO™ at Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum

ISKO presented its 100% responsible platform, R-TWO™.

The denim ingredient brand hosted a special panel to discuss some of the advancements in technology that are making the fashion industry more responsible: from R-TWO™ to automated laser technology.

With the fashion industry being considered one of the world’s most polluting businesses-sectors, collaborating and knowledge sharing are key in finding solutions for a better future. Fully aware of this scenario, ISKO was the headline sponsor at The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum brings together responsible players to discuss what can be done to tackle the industry’s environmental and social issues through innovation and creativity.

ISKO presented its 100% responsible platform, R-TWO™.

The denim ingredient brand hosted a special panel to discuss some of the advancements in technology that are making the fashion industry more responsible: from R-TWO™ to automated laser technology.

With the fashion industry being considered one of the world’s most polluting businesses-sectors, collaborating and knowledge sharing are key in finding solutions for a better future. Fully aware of this scenario, ISKO was the headline sponsor at The Drapers Sustainable Fashion Forum brings together responsible players to discuss what can be done to tackle the industry’s environmental and social issues through innovation and creativity.

Sharing knowledge, collaborating for change.
As evidence of its Responsible Innovation™ approach, ISKO presented the R-TWO™ program, its latest
responsible achievement. Stemming from the mill’s holistic vision, R-TWO™ represents a great example of how reducing, reusing, and recycling strategies can be implemented in a textile business to improve its  environmental performance.
The R-TWO™ reduces the amount of raw material sourced by using a blend of reused cotton and recycled polyester – both certified –, improving sourcing efficiency throughout the entire field-to-fabric production.
Reused cotton is certified with the Content Claim Standard – or CCS – from the Textile Exchange. As for recycled polyester, it can be either Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) or Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certified, depending on the content percentages. Together with this cutting-edge and fully responsible program, ISKO also uses automated laser
technology developed in partnership with Jeanologia.

“How technology can help make the fashion industry more sustainable”:
On March 11th, ISKO hosted a discussion about ways, to make the fashion industry more responsible
The panel was moderated by David Shah, consultant on design and marketing development, Publisher and CEO at Metropolitan Publishing BV and Associate Professor at ARTez (Arnhem, the Netherlands) and Associate Professor at Renmin University, (Beijing, China). The talk involved Keith O’Brien, ISKO Marketing & Business Development Manager, Victoria Soto, Jeanologia Custom Technology Consultant and Filippo Ricci, Fashion Open Studio Program & Partnership Manager.



Menabò Group, Global Press and PR Support

Bremer Baumwollbörse. (c) Bremer Baumwollbörse.
Bremer Baumwollbörse.

Postponement of The 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen

We are now facing this challenge here in Bremen on the occasion of our 35th International Cotton Conference, which was to take place from 25 to 27 March. The coronavirus has been keeping the world on tenterhooks for some weeks now and, as you may have heard in the news, has also arrived in Germany and Bremen. As the organiser of an international conference, we have been forced to make a decision and it was by no means easy for us.
Due to the prevailing global threat from Covid-19, we will postpone the 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen for one year.
The World Health Authority (WHO), as well as the European and German health authorities are advising of significant health risks from transmission of the coronavirus. According to the Federal Foreign Office, data on the new virus is currently still limited, which makes risk assessment even more difficult.

We are now facing this challenge here in Bremen on the occasion of our 35th International Cotton Conference, which was to take place from 25 to 27 March. The coronavirus has been keeping the world on tenterhooks for some weeks now and, as you may have heard in the news, has also arrived in Germany and Bremen. As the organiser of an international conference, we have been forced to make a decision and it was by no means easy for us.
Due to the prevailing global threat from Covid-19, we will postpone the 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen for one year.
The World Health Authority (WHO), as well as the European and German health authorities are advising of significant health risks from transmission of the coronavirus. According to the Federal Foreign Office, data on the new virus is currently still limited, which makes risk assessment even more difficult.

In total, participants from more than 40 nations travel to Bremen for the Cotton Conference. In addition to the main conference, there are numerous side events. Many of our guests and conference participants are currently unsettled by the many negative reports. In the context of their responsibility, the organisers, the Bremen Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute Bremen, take the risks and concerns of all participants extremely seriously and would like to ensure planning reliability given the situation.

The 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen with the motto “Passion for Cotton” will now take place from 17 to 19 March 2021.



Bremer Baumwollbörse.

Industry players from key international markets gather at Intertextile annually (c) Messe Frankfurt
Industry players from key international markets gather at Intertextile annually

Strong exhibitor registration shaping up for Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition

Exhibitor registration for the Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has been strong since applications opened in December last year. Renowned global players such as D Décor Home Fabrics (India), G.M. Syntex Pvt (India), Naturtex (Hungary) and SIC Global Textiles (Poland) are amongst those to have already confirmed their participation. Held from 24 – 26 August 2020, the fair is the largest trade platform in China for international buyers to meet potential supply partners in the second half of the year. The fair’s early bird discount will be extended until 30 March. Interested companies can register online to enjoy a 10% discount.

Discover abundant new products and design trends
As the leading business platform for the home and contract textile industry in the Asia Pacific region, participants of Intertextile can always discover the latest innovations and trends of the textile and interior design industry. This year, the fair continues to cover the entire spectrum of home and contract textile products including:

Exhibitor registration for the Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has been strong since applications opened in December last year. Renowned global players such as D Décor Home Fabrics (India), G.M. Syntex Pvt (India), Naturtex (Hungary) and SIC Global Textiles (Poland) are amongst those to have already confirmed their participation. Held from 24 – 26 August 2020, the fair is the largest trade platform in China for international buyers to meet potential supply partners in the second half of the year. The fair’s early bird discount will be extended until 30 March. Interested companies can register online to enjoy a 10% discount.

Discover abundant new products and design trends
As the leading business platform for the home and contract textile industry in the Asia Pacific region, participants of Intertextile can always discover the latest innovations and trends of the textile and interior design industry. This year, the fair continues to cover the entire spectrum of home and contract textile products including:

  • Decorative Fabrics (Upholstery & Curtains)
  • Bedding, Bath, Kitchen & Table
  • Carpets & Rugs
  • Sun-Protection
  • Wallcoverings
  • Textile Editors
  • Whole Home Products
  • Digital Print & Technics
  • Fibres, Yarns & Chemicals
  • Textile Designs

In addition, Intertextile is pleased to cooperate with the renowned international forecasting agency NellyRodi™ from France again in presenting the hottest international home furnishing trends. A trend committee led by NellyRodi and formed by top forecasters including Carlotta Montaldo, Juliette Lamarca, Shen Lei and Studio NOCC will be responsible for determining the major design trends which will be demonstrated in the three-day fair via a series of events and displays. More details about the trends will be announced soon.


 Messe Frankfurt

Trevira CS sample wall in the special exhibition "Textile Future by Trevira CS“ (c) Trevira
Trevira CS sample wall in the special exhibition "Textile Future by Trevira CS“

Trevira at BCFA Open Berlin

Trevira will be joining the first BCFA Open Berlin pop-up exhibition, which will be held at the British Embassy on 6 May at the same time of Berlin Design Week (4 – 10 May 2020). The one-day fair is being organised by the British Contract Furnishing Association (BCFA), and members of the association will have the opportunity to display their products in the atrium of the post-modern embassy building.  

At the exhibition, specially invited interior designers and furnishers, along with purchasers from the contract market, will be able to find out more about the collections and products of high-end British manufacturers and textile houses, and attend interesting talks by two top specialists of the sector.

Trevira will be joining the first BCFA Open Berlin pop-up exhibition, which will be held at the British Embassy on 6 May at the same time of Berlin Design Week (4 – 10 May 2020). The one-day fair is being organised by the British Contract Furnishing Association (BCFA), and members of the association will have the opportunity to display their products in the atrium of the post-modern embassy building.  

At the exhibition, specially invited interior designers and furnishers, along with purchasers from the contract market, will be able to find out more about the collections and products of high-end British manufacturers and textile houses, and attend interesting talks by two top specialists of the sector.

Trevira will be showing a selection of Trevira CS fabrics which were on display earlier this year at the Heimtextil 2020, where they featured in the special exhibition ‘Textile Future by Trevira CS’. These fabrics are permanently flame retardant and can be deployed in a wide range of applications, as Berlin design company studio aisslinger impressively showed in the exhibition at the Trevira stand. For the Heimtextil fair, the prestigious studio aisslinger design team worked together with Trevira, creating a concept that revealed just how attractive and playful Trevira CS fabrics can be in a variety of settings on the contract market, including hospitality, healthcare, workspaces, public spaces and transport.

Designers and architects who are interested in taking part in the event are welcome to register their details with Trevira.


More information:
Trevira BCFA


 New pilot line prioritizing collaborative product development (c) Beaulieu International Group
New pilot line prioritizing collaborative product development

Beaulieu Fibres International at INDEX™20

Beaulieu Fibres International prioritizes collaborative product development & sustainable long-term partnerships

  • Up & running: pilot line & new fibre line in Italy, BICO capacity for industrial fibres in Belgium
  • Introducing new Meraspring for soft cushioned hygiene nonwovens
  • Extended fibre range for filtration applications
  • Stand 1340, INDEX™20, 31st March – 3rd April, Palexpo, Geneva

Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin and BICO fibre supplier, will announce at INDEX™20 completion of its pilot line in Terni, Italy, the start-up of the state-of-the-art multifunctional production line in Terni, and the new BICO line in Belgium. The company invites the Nonwoven sectors to join efforts in accelerating the development of innovative and sustainable solutions for a rapidly changing global market (Stand 1340).

Beaulieu Fibres International prioritizes collaborative product development & sustainable long-term partnerships

  • Up & running: pilot line & new fibre line in Italy, BICO capacity for industrial fibres in Belgium
  • Introducing new Meraspring for soft cushioned hygiene nonwovens
  • Extended fibre range for filtration applications
  • Stand 1340, INDEX™20, 31st March – 3rd April, Palexpo, Geneva

Beaulieu Fibres International, the leading European polyolefin and BICO fibre supplier, will announce at INDEX™20 completion of its pilot line in Terni, Italy, the start-up of the state-of-the-art multifunctional production line in Terni, and the new BICO line in Belgium. The company invites the Nonwoven sectors to join efforts in accelerating the development of innovative and sustainable solutions for a rapidly changing global market (Stand 1340).

New products are also on their way to show. For nonwoven converters serving the hygiene segment, Beaulieu Fibres International will unveil Meraspring to the European market at INDEX™20. The BICO-fibres are made with polyethylene (PE) in the sheath and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in the core, and are the latest addition to the hygiene portfolio.


EMG for Beaulieu International Group

Hexcel at JEC World 2020
Hexcel at JEC World 2020

Hexcel at JEC World 2020

Hexcel’s Leading Position in Aerospace and Automotive Makes Hexcel a Trusted Partner for Urban Air Mobility

At this year’s JEC World in Paris on March 3-5, Hexcel will highlight the growing need for innovations in composite materials to support the emerging Urban Air Mobility (UAM) market.

Urban air mobility – urban transportation systems that move people by air or enable cargo deliveries – is the next big transportation innovation. Similar to taxis or ride sharing today, UAM will help remove congestion from our streets and provide a convenient, rapid method for travel in urban centers as well as in remote areas.

Advanced composite materials will be at the heart of UAM vehicles by providing lightweight, efficient, reliable, and cost-competitive options for manufacturing. “Materials have been a key driver of efficiency for aircraft today, and they will be even more important for the emerging UAM marketplace,” said Imad Atallah, Director of Strategic Marketing for Aerospace and Urban Air Mobility at Hexcel.

Hexcel’s Leading Position in Aerospace and Automotive Makes Hexcel a Trusted Partner for Urban Air Mobility

At this year’s JEC World in Paris on March 3-5, Hexcel will highlight the growing need for innovations in composite materials to support the emerging Urban Air Mobility (UAM) market.

Urban air mobility – urban transportation systems that move people by air or enable cargo deliveries – is the next big transportation innovation. Similar to taxis or ride sharing today, UAM will help remove congestion from our streets and provide a convenient, rapid method for travel in urban centers as well as in remote areas.

Advanced composite materials will be at the heart of UAM vehicles by providing lightweight, efficient, reliable, and cost-competitive options for manufacturing. “Materials have been a key driver of efficiency for aircraft today, and they will be even more important for the emerging UAM marketplace,” said Imad Atallah, Director of Strategic Marketing for Aerospace and Urban Air Mobility at Hexcel.

Already, Hexcel is a leader in advanced composite materials for the aerospace market and is a key supplier of composite materials to the automotive industry. So, the company is well positioned to offer solutions to meet the critical needs of high-rate and quick-part manufacturing cycles, in addition to low-cost needs for this space. Hexcel’s materials solutions approach for UAM is to make it greener and more sustainable, safer, more comfortable, and more affordable.

Hexcel’s broad range of carbon fiber and HexPly® prepreg solutions, including snap cure thermosets and thermoplastics, coupled with the most qualified positions on aerospace programs in the industry make the company a trusted partner for UAM. In addition to offering composite materials from carbon fibers, prepregs, honeycomb and reinforcements, Hexcel’s best-performing market solution in noise absorption on aircraft jet engines, Acousti-Cap®, provides a strong position of innovation to solve one of the most critical problems in the UAM space – community noise. “We are applying our technologies to the unique needs of urban air mobility vehicles,” Atallah said.

Hexcel’s ability to bring materials technology from the aerospace and automotive industries represents a unique strength in solving the critical challenges of UAM, especially around high-rate manufacturing, low-cost materials, light weighting, and noise. “Both thermoplastics and quick-cure thermoset materials are expected to have applications on UAM vehicles,” Atallah said. Furthermore, Hexcel’s broad product portfolio including unsized carbon fiber has proven to be the most compatible with thermoplastic resins from a consolidation perspective.

More information:
Hexcel JEC World


SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference Photo: Weser-Kurier
SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference

SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference

The conference on sustainability in production, trade and consumption will take a second round: On March 24, 2020, the Weser-Kurier’s conference SUSTAIN will take place in the run-up to the International Cotton Conference once more. The Bremen Cotton Exchange is again cooperating partner of this event. The theme “City and Change – the Future of the Textile Retail Trade” is on focus this year.

Shirt and trpousers or blouse and skirt – clothing is an instrument of expression, a social must and a major factor of consumption. Internet and debates on climate change have changed the indicators. On the one hand, textile online trade is booming, while local stores have come under pressure to an increasing degree and cities are on the search for new ideas. On the other hand, consumers increasingly ask for products considering aspects of fairness and ecology during production. Manufacturers and stores have to react. These subjects are on focus during the Sustain that takes place on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 in Bremen in the Glocke.

The conference on sustainability in production, trade and consumption will take a second round: On March 24, 2020, the Weser-Kurier’s conference SUSTAIN will take place in the run-up to the International Cotton Conference once more. The Bremen Cotton Exchange is again cooperating partner of this event. The theme “City and Change – the Future of the Textile Retail Trade” is on focus this year.

Shirt and trpousers or blouse and skirt – clothing is an instrument of expression, a social must and a major factor of consumption. Internet and debates on climate change have changed the indicators. On the one hand, textile online trade is booming, while local stores have come under pressure to an increasing degree and cities are on the search for new ideas. On the other hand, consumers increasingly ask for products considering aspects of fairness and ecology during production. Manufacturers and stores have to react. These subjects are on focus during the Sustain that takes place on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 in Bremen in the Glocke.

Exciting keynote speakers and panel guest from fashion, science and the textile industry
Sustain will feature outstanding speakers from the economy, politics and society discussing for instance the possibilities of new techniques in stationary retail trade, the compatibility of fair production with business interests of manufacturers as well as the question whether consumers are willing to pay the additional costs of sustainability. These are themes that influence the vitality of the cities just as the purchase decisions of the consumers.

Prof. Dr Niko Paech, Professor of Economics, Wolfgang Krogmann, Advisory Director Primark, Urs-Stefan Kinting, Managing Partner of the Zero Group, Model & TV Presenter Alena Gerber, Rolf Heimann, CEO Hessnatur Stiftung, Kai Falk, Managing Director Communication of the German retail association Handelsverband Deutschland and many others confirmed their participation.


Bremer Baumwollbörse



A New Concept of Two Consecutive Editions with 1,000+ Featured Brands.

STITCH & TEX EXPO- AFRO EDITION, distinguished as “Africa’s Premiere Sourcing Trade Fair for Textile Technologies”; is tremendously featuring the presence of over 1000 brands from 37 countries to serve over 40,000 visitors from Egypt and the entire African continent.

STITCH & TEX EXPO - AFRO EDITION; will be held with the new concept of organizing two consecutive trade fairs; The first trade fair is dedicated to garment processing technologies including Sewing, Embroidery, Fabrics and their Accessories; While the second is dedicated to textile processing technologies including Weaving, Spinning, Knitting,  and Dyeing Machinery, Technologies and Spare Parts;  The two events are held under the giant brand STITCH & TEX EXPO - AFRO EDITION; and will be held in the prestigious venue Cairo International Conventions and Exhibitions Center- Egypt during the period 27 February - 1 March 2020 and 5 -8 March 2020 consecutively.

A New Concept of Two Consecutive Editions with 1,000+ Featured Brands.

STITCH & TEX EXPO- AFRO EDITION, distinguished as “Africa’s Premiere Sourcing Trade Fair for Textile Technologies”; is tremendously featuring the presence of over 1000 brands from 37 countries to serve over 40,000 visitors from Egypt and the entire African continent.

STITCH & TEX EXPO - AFRO EDITION; will be held with the new concept of organizing two consecutive trade fairs; The first trade fair is dedicated to garment processing technologies including Sewing, Embroidery, Fabrics and their Accessories; While the second is dedicated to textile processing technologies including Weaving, Spinning, Knitting,  and Dyeing Machinery, Technologies and Spare Parts;  The two events are held under the giant brand STITCH & TEX EXPO - AFRO EDITION; and will be held in the prestigious venue Cairo International Conventions and Exhibitions Center- Egypt during the period 27 February - 1 March 2020 and 5 -8 March 2020 consecutively.

More information:

STITCH & TEX Expo – Africa Edition

EuroShop 2020: High Degree of Internationality Photo: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann
EuroShop 2020: High Degree of Internationality

EuroShop 2020: High Degree of Internationality confirms Global Leading Function for Retail

Retailers invest in emotionalisation and digitalisation +++ Top theme: linking online with offline shopping +++ Focus on sustainability +++ Accompanying Stages and Specials received very well

The World’s No.1 Retail Trade Fair, EuroShop 2020, drew to a close on Thursday (20 February 2020) after five successful days in Düsseldorf: 2,300 exhibitors from 57 nations reported of very good leads and concluded business deals. Furthermore, lively follow-up business is expected. 94,000 visitors travelled to the Rhine to gather information on the line-up of products, trends and concepts for retailers and their partners featured in 16 exhibition halls.  

“We are delighted that EuroShop once again successfully proved to be the most relevant platform for the global retail community when it comes to trends, inspirations and networking. Our exhibitors deserve the highest praise for their loyalty. With their innovative power they again proved the major attraction for an entire industry,” said Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf, voicing his great satisfaction with EuroShop 2020 results.

Retailers invest in emotionalisation and digitalisation +++ Top theme: linking online with offline shopping +++ Focus on sustainability +++ Accompanying Stages and Specials received very well

The World’s No.1 Retail Trade Fair, EuroShop 2020, drew to a close on Thursday (20 February 2020) after five successful days in Düsseldorf: 2,300 exhibitors from 57 nations reported of very good leads and concluded business deals. Furthermore, lively follow-up business is expected. 94,000 visitors travelled to the Rhine to gather information on the line-up of products, trends and concepts for retailers and their partners featured in 16 exhibition halls.  

“We are delighted that EuroShop once again successfully proved to be the most relevant platform for the global retail community when it comes to trends, inspirations and networking. Our exhibitors deserve the highest praise for their loyalty. With their innovative power they again proved the major attraction for an entire industry,” said Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf, voicing his great satisfaction with EuroShop 2020 results.

Exhibitors especially applauded the high international attendance at EuroShop. 70% of the EuroShop audience travelled to Düsseldorf from abroad. Large delegations came for example from Brazil, Australia and New Zealand. Trade visitors from a total of 142 countries attended EuroShop 2020.

“This high level of international interest clearly documents the dynamism of the global retail world and the exceptional position EuroShop enjoys as its economic engine,” said Michael Gerling, Chairman of the EuroShop Advisory Board and CEO of the EHI Retail Institute Cologne.

“The success of eCommerce is a real encouragement for retailers: they have understood they have to give their shoppers good reasons beyond the ranges to enter their stores. This competition has taken retail as a whole to the next quality level. Investment is being made in shop fitting so as to create customer journeys,” explains Gerling who adds: “Beyond this, retail digitalisation is booming. It enables retailers to offer their shoppers even more services and link online and offline channels, on the one hand, while simplifying process flows, logistics and lots more, on the other.” At EuroShop 2020 digital transformation was therefore a key focus, also in terms of achieving the highest energy efficiency and sustainability possible.

Exhibitors underlined the high level of expertise among visitors at the event, especially their pronounced decision-making powers, because 70% of the trade fair guests were in international top management. Many of them also used their visit to EuroShop to learn about best practice cases and forward-looking trends in retail at the in total eight Stages. The varied programme of lectures held on the individual Stages on such topics as Retail Technology, Architecture and Store Design or Expo & Event was well attended across the board. Meeting with the same high level of approval were the numerous Specials at EuroShop, including the Start-up Hub, the Designer Village and Premium City.

Numbers speak for themselves here: 96% of trade fair visitors were satisfied with their visit to the trade fair. Just as many confirmed the outstanding position of EuroShop as a trend barometer, networking platform and largest event for the retail sectors.

Due to the current situation associated with the Coronavirus 19.000 visitors less attended this time than at the record event 2017.

The next EuroShop will be held in Düsseldorf from 26 February to 2 March 2023.  

Asahi Kasei Adavnce at ISPO 2020 in Munich (c) AKA
Asahi Kasei Adavnce at ISPO 2020 in Munich

Asahi Kasei Advance presents ECOSENSOR™ at ISPO 2020

At ISPO, AKA – Asahi Kasei Advance keeps the planet fit and healthy at the same time. The cutting edge department of global material innovator Asahi Kasei, unveils ECOSENSOR™, the cutting-edge fabric collection boosting responsible innovation with a “New Eco High-tech Force of Nature” new generation of performance.

Harnessing AKA expertise in yarning a smarter future, the new range focuses on sportwear, urban and athleisure fabrics. “At ISPO we launch the energetic protein fitting perfectly in textiles for clothes with an active imprint, comfort touch and smooth style. From-yarn-to-dyeing and along the whole supply chain, the collection is 100% traceable.” Says Nishizawa Akira, President & Representative Director Asahi Kasei Advance corporation.

Such goals were scored thanks to the renown expertise of Research & Development and energized by constantly and strictly controlled processes that aim to save energy, water and Green House gases emissions. The result is a high-performative collection combining maximum comfort with durability and stretch-ability.

At ISPO, AKA – Asahi Kasei Advance keeps the planet fit and healthy at the same time. The cutting edge department of global material innovator Asahi Kasei, unveils ECOSENSOR™, the cutting-edge fabric collection boosting responsible innovation with a “New Eco High-tech Force of Nature” new generation of performance.

Harnessing AKA expertise in yarning a smarter future, the new range focuses on sportwear, urban and athleisure fabrics. “At ISPO we launch the energetic protein fitting perfectly in textiles for clothes with an active imprint, comfort touch and smooth style. From-yarn-to-dyeing and along the whole supply chain, the collection is 100% traceable.” Says Nishizawa Akira, President & Representative Director Asahi Kasei Advance corporation.

Such goals were scored thanks to the renown expertise of Research & Development and energized by constantly and strictly controlled processes that aim to save energy, water and Green House gases emissions. The result is a high-performative collection combining maximum comfort with durability and stretch-ability.

With ECOSENSOR™, Asahi Kasei Advance truly innovates at ISPO as the very first producers choosing the high-performance path with sustainable values. “Like a truly complete athlete, ECOSENSOR™ wins both during the sprint and all along its performance. It’s outstanding light & stretch features match durability.”

Indeed, the flexible and multitasking range is the high-tech solution for sportwear, outerwear and beyond. The collection embraces the casual and sporty mood of active urban surfers as well as that easy-to-wear attitude for a relaxing free-time at home.

Excellent stretch and high-performative features match the adventurous temperament of extreme explorers, while durability and resistance are the key features to weave fabrics for outdoor activities. The target of ECOSENSOR™ by Asahi Kasei is to push at maximum the choice towards bluesign® approved and Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified ingredients and production processes, and GRS (Global Recycled Standard) for recycled ingredients, showing the path to sustainability.

Working with the best like-minded apparel partners, AKA has achieved unsurpassed active climate control materials. The unique high-tech and low-impact functionality has been designed to make a real, sustainable difference a better future.

More information:
Asahi Kasei ISPO Munich 2020

GB Network

Sicomin Launches New Bio Systems at JEC World 2020. (c) Sicomin
Sicomin Launches New Bio Systems at JEC World 2020.

Sicomin Launches New Bio Systems at JEC World 2020.

Sicomin continues to assert itself as the leading formulator and supplier of high-performance, bio-based epoxy resin systems with the launch of new bioresins at JEC World 2020, Hall 6, Booth 43. The group will unveil a variety of products that are each available in industrial quantities for series production within Automotive, Wind Energy and Civil Engineering.

Sicomin continues to assert itself as the leading formulator and supplier of high-performance, bio-based epoxy resin systems with the launch of new bioresins at JEC World 2020, Hall 6, Booth 43. The group will unveil a variety of products that are each available in industrial quantities for series production within Automotive, Wind Energy and Civil Engineering.

Bio Fire Retardant Epoxy Gelcoat for Wind Energy and Infrastructure
Sicomin will showcase SGi 128, an innovative intumescent epoxy gelcoat developed specifically for fire retardant coating applications for critical components found in the Wind Energy and Civil Engineering markets.
SGi 128 Gelcoat is produced with 38% of its carbon content derived from non-oil sources and is a halogen free gelcoat that provides outstanding fire protection for epoxy laminates and extremely low smoke toxicity. Available with both fast and slow hardeners, this easy to apply epoxy system forms a much tougher and waterproof part surface than traditional intumescent coatings. Sicomin’s SGi 128 is available in industrial volumes with short lead times and has been successfully tested to EN 13501 (EUROCLASS B-S1-d0) and ASTM E84 (Class A).

NEW Bio Resin for HP-RTM processing for Automotive
Sicomin’s new bio-resin specifically formulated for HP-RTM processing, SR GreenPoxy® 28, is the sixth product in Sicomin’s renowned GreenPoxy® range. SR GreenPoxy® 28 is a fast cycle, low toxicity, third generation bio-based formulation aimed specifically at the HP-RTM moulding processes used for both high performance Automotive structural parts and aesthetic carbon fibre components. The new formulation has been optimized for fast production cycle times and superior mechanical performance and is a more sustainable alternative to traditional resins providing exceptional performance and quality for high volume programmes.

GreenPoxy® InfuGreen 810 on display with the GREENBOATS Flax 27 Daysailer on the JEC Planets
With very low viscosity at room temperature, InfuGreen 810 has been formulated to support manufacturers seeking bio-based alternatives for producing parts using injection or infusion techniques. Produced with 38% plant-based carbon content, InfuGreen 810 holds the DNV GL certification, providing extra assurance of the product’s quality, efficiency and safety standards. This high-performance epoxy infusion system is demonstrated at JEC World through the display of the GREENBOATS Flax 27 daysailer on the JEC Planets.

More information:
JEC World Sicomin


PFAFF INDUSTRIAL auf der Messe SIMAC Tanning Tech (c) PFAFF Industrial
PFAFF INDUSTRIAL auf der Messe SIMAC Tanning Tech


At this year’s trade fair „SIMAC Tanning Tech“, PFAFF Industrial, together with DÜRKOPP ADLER and the regional agency DAP ITALIA, will present the latest solutions for shoe and leather processing. The fair will take place in Milan from 19th to 21st of February 2020. The joint booth is located in Hall 14, No. C09.

PFAFF News and Highlights:

PFAFF 3806
New integrated workplace for closing rub-down seams, such as heel-, front- and side seams on street shoes, slippers and leg boots. The PFAFF 3806 is equipped with two-thread chainstitch high-speed seamer head PFAFF 5487 with drop feed and variable top feed, high lift and adjustable top feed pressure, which ensures consistently high quality. Reinforcing tapes, which may be applied from top impart greater durability to the seams and prevent fine leathers from being pulled out of shape. Automatic control sequences (via parameter or photocell) reduce the manual handling and increase the process reliability and output.

At this year’s trade fair „SIMAC Tanning Tech“, PFAFF Industrial, together with DÜRKOPP ADLER and the regional agency DAP ITALIA, will present the latest solutions for shoe and leather processing. The fair will take place in Milan from 19th to 21st of February 2020. The joint booth is located in Hall 14, No. C09.

PFAFF News and Highlights:

PFAFF 3806
New integrated workplace for closing rub-down seams, such as heel-, front- and side seams on street shoes, slippers and leg boots. The PFAFF 3806 is equipped with two-thread chainstitch high-speed seamer head PFAFF 5487 with drop feed and variable top feed, high lift and adjustable top feed pressure, which ensures consistently high quality. Reinforcing tapes, which may be applied from top impart greater durability to the seams and prevent fine leathers from being pulled out of shape. Automatic control sequences (via parameter or photocell) reduce the manual handling and increase the process reliability and output.

PFAFF 1591
On the fair PFAFF INDUSTRIAL will show its electronic single-needle shoe post-bed machine with touch-control panel, new thread trimmer for short thread ends (< 5 mm) and new programmable thread tension. The key benefit of “programmable thread tension” is that suitable thread tensions can be applied for different material thicknesses and/or for different seam sequences (as these can be programmed on electronic machines). The tensions can be accessed and/or set via a knee switch or stitch counting. Manual setting of the thread tension, as is common with current shoe machines, is no longer necessary with the programmed thread tension.

PFAFF 8303i
The ot-air taping machine for welding continuous seams on water-resistant, waterproof and breathable materials will be exhibited as “shoe version” with very small/slim post from back. Effortlessly shoe uppers with small radii can be taped. The slim post and the differential feed (via two separate drive motors for the top and bottom feed roller) ensures absolute neat seams and a requested fullness und shaped parts.

Ballet Rosa –Inter Jersey Milano – ROICA Resistance™ (c) GB Network
Ballet Rosa – Inter Jersey Milano – ROICA Resistance™

ISPO 2020: ROICA™ invited to a ‘reversed’ journey into sustainable sportwear and introduces the next level of smart innovation

From smart collections born from the collaboration with style-setting brands to the company’s ultimate yarns, the cutting-edge ingredients empowering sportwear with a responsible attitude.

For the 2020 edition of ISPO Munich, the influential fashion and textile fair dedicated to sportwear and athleisure-wear, ROICA™ has created an interactive booth inviting visitors to explore a backward path from the final sportwear to the yarn. The sustainable premium stretch fiber by leading materials manufacturer Asahi Kasei, has conceived the exhibition as a sort of ‘reversed’ journey in three acts.

THE NEXT LEVEL – For ROICA™, being a world’s leader in smart stretch is not enough. The company shows that responsible innovation is not only about how the premium yarn is made but its functionalities as well. “It’s time to go to the next level of innovation: empowering sustainability with additional performances”. At ISPO, ROICA™ presents the new Global Recycled Standard -GRS- certified ROICA™ EF which innovates with excellent dyability and the Cradle to Cradle Material Health Gold level-certified ROICA™ V550 yarn which allows excellent and durable printability.

From smart collections born from the collaboration with style-setting brands to the company’s ultimate yarns, the cutting-edge ingredients empowering sportwear with a responsible attitude.

For the 2020 edition of ISPO Munich, the influential fashion and textile fair dedicated to sportwear and athleisure-wear, ROICA™ has created an interactive booth inviting visitors to explore a backward path from the final sportwear to the yarn. The sustainable premium stretch fiber by leading materials manufacturer Asahi Kasei, has conceived the exhibition as a sort of ‘reversed’ journey in three acts.

THE NEXT LEVEL – For ROICA™, being a world’s leader in smart stretch is not enough. The company shows that responsible innovation is not only about how the premium yarn is made but its functionalities as well. “It’s time to go to the next level of innovation: empowering sustainability with additional performances”. At ISPO, ROICA™ presents the new Global Recycled Standard -GRS- certified ROICA™ EF which innovates with excellent dyability and the Cradle to Cradle Material Health Gold level-certified ROICA™ V550 yarn which allows excellent and durable printability.

THE ‘REVERSED’ JOURNEY: the first section of the backwards path showcases ROICA™’s ultimate collaborations for the contemporary wardrobe with leading brands. Guests are then guided to explore the cutting-edge innovation interwoven into high- performing textiles and finally led to discover the company’s sustainable yarns and ultimate products.

More information:

GB Network