From the Sector

249 results

JEC WORLD 2019: 3 winners of the Startup Booster competition

JEC WORLD 2019 is turning Paris into the composites capital of the world.

As well as dozens of conferences, composites circles and live demos, plus hundreds of other events, the first day of the show was marked by the announcement of the three winners of the largest international startup competition in the composites field!

In the last three years, 270 projects have been picked out from over 30 countries, with 30 finalists and a total of nine winners.

Ten finalists selected from 120 entries pitched to an international jury. The pitch session opened with an inspiring speech by Enrico Palermo, President of The Spaceship Company. He introduced the next generation of reusable space vehicles and their impact on costs, safety and the environment during the launch into space.
The programme incited enthusiasm from Peter Hopwood, founder of Hopwood Communications, who encouraged the finalists to develop their stage presence and galvanise their pitches.

At the afternoon’s award ceremony, three competitors were selected for the following prizes:

JEC WORLD 2019 is turning Paris into the composites capital of the world.

As well as dozens of conferences, composites circles and live demos, plus hundreds of other events, the first day of the show was marked by the announcement of the three winners of the largest international startup competition in the composites field!

In the last three years, 270 projects have been picked out from over 30 countries, with 30 finalists and a total of nine winners.

Ten finalists selected from 120 entries pitched to an international jury. The pitch session opened with an inspiring speech by Enrico Palermo, President of The Spaceship Company. He introduced the next generation of reusable space vehicles and their impact on costs, safety and the environment during the launch into space.
The programme incited enthusiasm from Peter Hopwood, founder of Hopwood Communications, who encouraged the finalists to develop their stage presence and galvanise their pitches.

At the afternoon’s award ceremony, three competitors were selected for the following prizes:

AIRGO DESIGN (Singapore)
World's first full composite economy class passenger seat developer.

Delivering the future of composite manufacturing today through breakthrough advancements in software, materials, and robotics. Through enabling the 3D printing of large, mass-produced parts and structures, AREVO is revolutionizing mainstream manufacturing and the global supply chain.

WOODOO (France)
Augmented wood.

The public vote: LAVOISIER COMPOSITES (France)
New generation of material entirely sourced from the French aerospace transformation sector.

More information:
JEC World

Apocope Agency


Chomarat Carbon Reinforcements at JEC WORLD 2019

Composite reinforcement specialist Chomarat will exhibit its latest woven and multiaxial carbon fibre reinforcements at JEC World 2019. "Prepregs are used in the most demanding markets, such as aerospace or the automotive industry. Due to their high performance, Chomarat’s carbon fabrics are highly considered by prepreggers. Compared to standard solutions, the multiaxial reinforcements developed by the group offer Chomarat’s converter customers significant productivity gains. With its production sites in France, Asia and the United States, Chomarat is able to supply its customers and guarantee the same high level of quality in all countries," explains Group Managing Director Michel Cognet.

Composite reinforcement specialist Chomarat will exhibit its latest woven and multiaxial carbon fibre reinforcements at JEC World 2019. "Prepregs are used in the most demanding markets, such as aerospace or the automotive industry. Due to their high performance, Chomarat’s carbon fabrics are highly considered by prepreggers. Compared to standard solutions, the multiaxial reinforcements developed by the group offer Chomarat’s converter customers significant productivity gains. With its production sites in France, Asia and the United States, Chomarat is able to supply its customers and guarantee the same high level of quality in all countries," explains Group Managing Director Michel Cognet.

In just a few years, prepreggers have come to consider Chomarat's C-WEAVE™ carbon-fibre fabrics as a benchmark for surface-finish quality and processability.
The reinforcement contributes to productivity and reliability during the prepregging process. Helen Doughty, Director at SHD Composites, testifies: “The consistent high quality of C-WEAVE™ has been a key part of SHD Composite Materials continued success and growth.”
"Prepreg users often manufacture Class A surface parts for demanding applications, and they need excellence and reproducibility," explains Chomarat’s Prepreg Market Manager Ulrike Salmon.

The advantages of multi-axial reinforcements are now well established - oriented axes, absence of resin-rich areas allowing a high fibre content, and improved mechanical tensile and/or bending performance thanks to the non-crimp fibres.
By developing its C-PLY™ range, Chomarat further demonstrates that multiaxials are a real asset in terms of performance and appearance. "Chomarat strives to minimize marking on parts and to optimize surface quality through fibre spreading and the use of suitable stitches. C-PLY™ can also integrate aesthetic functions by using the assembly seam as a graphic design", continues Ulrike Salmon.
These new advantages are important for the automotive, sports-equipment and consumer-electronics markets, which seek to combine premium quality and productivity.




(c) AZL Aachen GmbH

AZL demonstrates new Ultra-Fast Consolidator Machine at JEC World in Paris

After many years of successful cooperation on JEC World since 2015, the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL) renewed the cooperation with the JEC Group for 2019:

At the dedicated exhibition area called “Composites in Action - JEC Group in partnership with AZL” (Hall 5A, D17), AZL and its 9 Partner Institutes of RWTH Aachen University present their latest research and development results. The innovations covering the whole composite value chain including research results of AZL, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT and Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, the Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and the Skilled Crafts as well as RWTH Aachen University institutes including the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), the Welding and Joining Institute (ISF), the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (ITA), the Institute for Automotive Engineering (IKA), the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Design (SLA). Following companies are sponsoring partners of this booth and will present their latest products and services: Hille Engineering, Maru Hachi, TELENE and Textechno.

After many years of successful cooperation on JEC World since 2015, the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL) renewed the cooperation with the JEC Group for 2019:

At the dedicated exhibition area called “Composites in Action - JEC Group in partnership with AZL” (Hall 5A, D17), AZL and its 9 Partner Institutes of RWTH Aachen University present their latest research and development results. The innovations covering the whole composite value chain including research results of AZL, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT and Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, the Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and the Skilled Crafts as well as RWTH Aachen University institutes including the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), the Welding and Joining Institute (ISF), the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (ITA), the Institute for Automotive Engineering (IKA), the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Lightweight Design (SLA). Following companies are sponsoring partners of this booth and will present their latest products and services: Hille Engineering, Maru Hachi, TELENE and Textechno.

This year, AZL is very proud to present a new machine system development at their booth:
The real machine setup of the “Ultra-Fast Consolidator Machine” will be shown at the AZL booth (Hall 5A, D17) which is one of three finalists for the JEC AWARD 2019 in the category “Industry and Equipment”.

More information:

AZL Aachen GmbH

(c) JEC World 2019

JEC World 2019 to organise an inspiring program for professionals

For this 2019 edition, JEC World organizes for building, automotive and aerospace professionals a full program of conferences, round tables, dedicated showcases… to present trends & innovations where composites are at the heart of the challenges to come, the new mobility challenges.


  • 1 technical conference  
  • +30 innovative parts within Building and Energy planet
  • Composites exchange workshop
  • 3 Finalists for Innovation Awards
  • Pre-arranged Business meetings
  • Construction Composites Circle

Please find here more information about JEC World 2019 Construction program.


For this 2019 edition, JEC World organizes for building, automotive and aerospace professionals a full program of conferences, round tables, dedicated showcases… to present trends & innovations where composites are at the heart of the challenges to come, the new mobility challenges.


  • 1 technical conference  
  • +30 innovative parts within Building and Energy planet
  • Composites exchange workshop
  • 3 Finalists for Innovation Awards
  • Pre-arranged Business meetings
  • Construction Composites Circle

Please find here more information about JEC World 2019 Construction program.


  • 1 technical conference  
  • +50 innovative parts within Auto&Transport Planet
  • Composites exchange workshops
  • 6 Finalists for the Innovation Awards
  • Pre-arranged Business meetings
  • Automotive Composites Circle

Please find here more information about JEC World 2019 Automotive program.


  • 1 technical conference  
  • +50 innovative parts within Aero&Space planet
  • Composites exchange workshop
  • 6 Finalists for Innovation Awards
  • Pre-arranged Business meetings
  • Aerospace Composites Circle

Please find here more information about JEC World 2019 Aerospace program.



3. Fachkongress Composite Recycling & LCA zeigte Lösungswege auf (c) AFBW e.V.

3. Fachkongress Composite Recycling & LCA zeigte Lösungswege auf

Zum dritten Mal veranstalteten die DITF Denkendorf, CC Baden-Württemberg (CC BW) – eine Abteilung des Carbon Composites e.V. - und die Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg (AFBW) am 20. und 21. Februar 2019 gemeinsam den Fachkongress Composite Recycling & LCA im Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart.

Der Einsatz von Faserverbundmaterialien- und –Strukturen ist mehr denn je ein Wachstumsmarkt. Insbesondere die CFK-Branche weist eine jährliche Wachstumsrate von ca. 12% auf. Carbonfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe (CFK) werden aufgrund ihres Leichtbaupotenzials in vielen Branchen und immer neuen Anwendungen eingesetzt. Mit ihrem zunehmenden Einsatz gewinnt neben Ressourceneffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit auch die Frage des Recyclings, der Entsorgung und vor allem auch das Live Cycle Assessment von Produkten immer mehr an Bedeutung. Über den weiteren Erfolg und serienmäßigen Einsatz von Faserverbund-Composites wird nicht zuletzt ihre wirtschaftliche Weiter- und Wiederverwendung und die Frage nach dem „end-of-life“ von Materialien und Produkten entscheiden. Dafür müssen gangbare und nachhaltige Wege beschritten werden.

Zum dritten Mal veranstalteten die DITF Denkendorf, CC Baden-Württemberg (CC BW) – eine Abteilung des Carbon Composites e.V. - und die Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg (AFBW) am 20. und 21. Februar 2019 gemeinsam den Fachkongress Composite Recycling & LCA im Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart.

Der Einsatz von Faserverbundmaterialien- und –Strukturen ist mehr denn je ein Wachstumsmarkt. Insbesondere die CFK-Branche weist eine jährliche Wachstumsrate von ca. 12% auf. Carbonfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe (CFK) werden aufgrund ihres Leichtbaupotenzials in vielen Branchen und immer neuen Anwendungen eingesetzt. Mit ihrem zunehmenden Einsatz gewinnt neben Ressourceneffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit auch die Frage des Recyclings, der Entsorgung und vor allem auch das Live Cycle Assessment von Produkten immer mehr an Bedeutung. Über den weiteren Erfolg und serienmäßigen Einsatz von Faserverbund-Composites wird nicht zuletzt ihre wirtschaftliche Weiter- und Wiederverwendung und die Frage nach dem „end-of-life“ von Materialien und Produkten entscheiden. Dafür müssen gangbare und nachhaltige Wege beschritten werden.

Mit dem Fachkongress COMPOSITE RECYCLING & LCA am 20. und 21. Februar 2019 griffen die Branchennetzwerke AFBW und CC BW zusammen mit den DITF Denkendorf dieses Thema auf. Namhafte Referenten boten einen Einblick in neue Technologien, Verfahren, Anwendungen und Life Cycle Assessment Tools und deren Einsatz. Eingeleitet wurde die Veranstaltung mit einem Grußwort der Landesregierung durch Ministerialdirektor Michael Kleiner, einem Beitrag der Landesagentur Umwelttechnik BW durch Dr. Hannes Spieth und einer Keynote zum strategischen Ausblick über die Initiative Leichtbau des BMWi durch Werner Loscheider.

In den drei Themenblöcken - Anforderungen & Verfahren, Anwendungen & rezyklate Produkte, LCA Tools & Einsatz wurden neue, intelligente und nachhaltige Lösungen präsentiert. Betrachtet wurden u.a. neue Verfahren für die Trennung und die ganzheitliche Rückgewinnung von Faserund Matrixmaterialien, die Weiterverarbeitung zu einsetzbaren Halbzeugen in Form von Garnen und Vliesen, Anwendungsbeispiele und Potenziale für rCF und die Entsorgung von carbonfaserhaltigen Reststoffen.

More information:
Composites AFBW

AFBW - Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg e.V.

“mtex+” textile fair & convention raises profile and increases international appeal (c) mtex+ / Kristin Schmidt
These Czech exhibitors presented technical textiles and lightweight textile components at the 2018 “mtex+” at Chemnitz Trade Fair Centre. The 8th “mtex+” is being held as the “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” in the new Carlowitz Congresscenter at the heart of Chemnitz for the first time on 9 – 10 June 2020.

“mtex+” textile fair & convention raises profile and increases international appeal

  • 8th edition to be held as the “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” at the Carlowitz Congresscenter Chemnitz for the first time on 9 – 10 June 2020 – Textile themes from the LiMA exhibition for lightweight design are being integrated in the new format

The “mtex+” is raising its profile and is moving to an attractive setting. The 8th edition of the international exhibition entitled “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” will be held in the new Carlowitz Congresscenter at the heart of Chemnitz for the first time on 9 and 10 June 2020.

  • 8th edition to be held as the “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” at the Carlowitz Congresscenter Chemnitz for the first time on 9 – 10 June 2020 – Textile themes from the LiMA exhibition for lightweight design are being integrated in the new format

The “mtex+” is raising its profile and is moving to an attractive setting. The 8th edition of the international exhibition entitled “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” will be held in the new Carlowitz Congresscenter at the heart of Chemnitz for the first time on 9 and 10 June 2020.
“The “mtex+” is a trade event that experts from various sectors greatly appreciate on account of its emphasis on dialogue and in-depth contacts – and because everything is on the spot. The modern, exciting ambiance at the new venue facilitates our desire to create the best possible atmosphere for cooperation in a trusting environment,” Dr Ralf Schulze, Managing Director of C3 GmbH, the organising company, explains. “In its future form, the “mtex+” will act as a source of ideas and inspiration for developers and manufacturers as well as for users of all kinds of high-tech textiles, specifically including composites, to a greater degree than in the past. Textile composite materials are becoming increasingly important for many processors. That’s the reason why we’re transferring the textile themes of the LiMA lightweight design exhibition, which has been held alongside the “mtex+” in the past, into our new trade fair format. Lightweight textile design in all its facets will be one of the major emphases at the “mtex+”.”    
The major topics covered by the 8th “mtex+” will include process development, textile engineering, digitalised value-added chains, services with potential for use across different sectors as well as recycling. The highlights of the programme will include workshops on effective and sustainable production, smart textiles, acoustic textiles, a special exhibition on health and protective textiles as well as an entertaining network evening entitled “Excellent connections”.

The North-Eastern German Textile and Clothing Industry Association (vti) believes that this concept exactly matches the needs of its target audience. “Chemnitz is located at the heart of the Central German industrial and research region, which is developing with great dynamism,” says vti Managing Director, Dr.-Ing. Jenz Otto. “Any firm that presents its products and services here will find itself in a very interesting market. Located not far from the border with the Czech Republic and Poland, the “mtex+” will also act as a dialogue forum for potential cooperation partners across sector and international boundaries, both for these and other Eastern European countries.”
The “mtex+” will continue to be held in Central Germany’s industrial city of Chemnitz every two years in future too. 159 exhibitors from seven different countries (in conjunction with the LiMA lightweight design exhibition) attended the 7th edition in the spring of 2018. 22 percent of the approx. 1,000 trade visitors came from abroad.

More information:

vti-pressedienst      mtex+ press service

Michael Effing (c) Textechno
Michael Effing

Michelman counts on Textechno´s FIMATEST

Michelman, a global developer and manufacturer of environmentally friendly advanced materials, including sizing for glass and carbon fiber, has invested in the FIMATEST adhesion measurement system to ensure their sizing solutions continue to contribute to enhanced performance of composite parts.

Michelman, a global developer and manufacturer of environmentally friendly advanced materials, including sizing for glass and carbon fiber, has invested in the FIMATEST adhesion measurement system to ensure their sizing solutions continue to contribute to enhanced performance of composite parts.

“As we continue our vision to be the interface expert, it is critical to have analytical equipment that can efficiently fine-tune our sizing to optimize adhesion properties. This is one of the key performance attributes we provide our customers, and the fact that the Textechno FIMATEST system works according to the fiber pull-out principle makes it extremely valuable”, explains Steve Bassetti, Michelman’s Global Marketing Director for Industrial Manufacturing. “We have utilized this equipment in our development lab for almost two years, and it is suited for any fiber-matrix combination we have developed. It has been helpful that Textechno developed these instruments because they are, and will continue to be, a great benefit to the entire Composites industry. We look forward to supporting Textechno in establishing more standardization for the Industry regarding fiber-matrix-adhesion and processing properties.“

Dr. Ulrich Mörschel, CEO of Textechno, added: “We are proud that Michelman, the industry’s leading interface expert, invested in our testing system.” Bassetti further elaborated on the system’s benefits: “For Michelman’s customers, this equipment has allowed for great collaboration, increased screening of sizing concepts, and a more robust and efficient product development process.”



More information:

AMAC Communications


Hexcel Exhibits at Aero India 2019

Hexcel is exhibiting at the Aero India show for the sixth time, continuing to support customers in the Indian subcontinent and throughout Asia. This year’s show takes place in Bangalore from February 20-24 (Stand AB2.5D, Hall AB) to promote a range of carbon fibers and composites that are benefiting Indian aerospace manufacturers for commercial aircraft, helicopters and space programs.

To coincide with the show, Hexcel is announcing the opening of its new sales office, Hexcel Composites India LLP. The office is located in Bangalore and will be fully operational in March 2019. Mr Vijay Sharma, Sales Manager, and Mr Ram Kumar, Technical Representative, will manage the sales activities and support key customers in the region.

Hexcel has supplied carbon and glass fiber fabrics, prepregs, honeycombs and adhesives to Indian aerospace companies for more than 28 years, including Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), National Aerospace Lab (NAL), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) and TATA Advanced Materials.

Hexcel is exhibiting at the Aero India show for the sixth time, continuing to support customers in the Indian subcontinent and throughout Asia. This year’s show takes place in Bangalore from February 20-24 (Stand AB2.5D, Hall AB) to promote a range of carbon fibers and composites that are benefiting Indian aerospace manufacturers for commercial aircraft, helicopters and space programs.

To coincide with the show, Hexcel is announcing the opening of its new sales office, Hexcel Composites India LLP. The office is located in Bangalore and will be fully operational in March 2019. Mr Vijay Sharma, Sales Manager, and Mr Ram Kumar, Technical Representative, will manage the sales activities and support key customers in the region.

Hexcel has supplied carbon and glass fiber fabrics, prepregs, honeycombs and adhesives to Indian aerospace companies for more than 28 years, including Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), National Aerospace Lab (NAL), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) and TATA Advanced Materials.

Hexcel’s high strength and intermediate modulus carbon fiber range has been augmented by the launch of HexTow® HM63, a high modulus carbon fiber that has the highest tensile strength of any existing HM fiber. HexTow® HM63 provides outstanding translation of fiber properties in a composite, including superior inter-laminar shear and compression shear strength. HexTow® HM63 is therefore ideal for any high stiffness and strength-critical applications including space, satellites, UAV, commercial aerospace and helicopters.





JEC Innovation Awards celebrate the fruitful cooperation between players of the composite community. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Awards have brought in 1,800 companies worldwide. 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations.


JEC Innovation Awards celebrate the fruitful cooperation between players of the composite community. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Awards have brought in 1,800 companies worldwide. 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations.

In 2019, 30 finalists have been selected by an international jury of experts from more than a hundred applications. They compete in 10 categories, among which the new 3D printing one. "The JEC Innovation Awards program is emblematic and recognizes pioneers in composite innovation. 3D printing plays a new role in our industry. The combination of lightweight, resistant materials that allow great design freedom, with a technology that allows complex shapes, is of interest to manufacturers. Many manufacturers have started using it to print automotive parts, aircraft parts, or building walls”, analyses Franck GLOWACZ, Innovation Content Leader at JEC Group. “Due to the very high level of the nominees, the JEC Innovation Awards ceremony should be very rich! ”



(c) Sika

JEC World 2019 Sika Advances Resins innovates with its new high-performance resin

At JEC World 2019, Sika Advanced Resins will unveil Ullit’s new composite tank for trucks that run on compressed natural gas (CNG).

Together with its tailor-made epoxy system designed by Sika Advanced Resins, who are a leader in the development and production of high-performance resins, the tank helps to reduce pollution in urban traffic.

An epoxy laminating system that adapts to different designs
The tank, which contains up to 320 liters is the same size as a conventional diesel fuel tank. "We have been innovating together for more than 10 years! Sika Advanced Resins has developed a specific resin for our new range of high-pressure tanks. This high-performance resin can be adapted to all design constraints, particularly for our very high-pressure hydrogen tanks, up to 700 bar," explains Ullit founder and CEO Claude Hembert.

At JEC World 2019, Sika Advanced Resins will unveil Ullit’s new composite tank for trucks that run on compressed natural gas (CNG).

Together with its tailor-made epoxy system designed by Sika Advanced Resins, who are a leader in the development and production of high-performance resins, the tank helps to reduce pollution in urban traffic.

An epoxy laminating system that adapts to different designs
The tank, which contains up to 320 liters is the same size as a conventional diesel fuel tank. "We have been innovating together for more than 10 years! Sika Advanced Resins has developed a specific resin for our new range of high-pressure tanks. This high-performance resin can be adapted to all design constraints, particularly for our very high-pressure hydrogen tanks, up to 700 bar," explains Ullit founder and CEO Claude Hembert.

Sika Advanced Resins has used its expertise to develop a tailor-made resin to withstand the cyclic pressurization loads on the filament-wound tanks. In combination with carbon fiber the resin provides mechanical resistance for different tank shapes including those for vehicles running on natural gas. "The tank is placed in the same place as a diesel fuel tank and avoids the need for transformations in trucks. In addition Ullit-Sika composites reduce the weight of the tank by a factor of four, a huge benefit when we estimate that one tonne saved on a truck saves four liters of fuel per 100 kilometers in urban traffic," explains Patrick Noirclerc, Local Expert Composites at Sika Advanced Resins.

More information:
JEC World 2019 Sika

Agence Apocope


The 10 Startups shaking the Composites Industry at JEC World 2019

After the success of the two first editions, JEC World organizes the third edition of Startup Booster, the leading startup competition in Composites, where ten startups will present their innovation in front of a jury of experts.

EC Group launched Startup Booster programme in 2017 to get closer to the startup world, to attract the new generation of composites entrepreneurs and put them at the forefront of the industry.

The program gives the floor to 10 startups, each of them having five minutes to present their innovation, on March 12, 2019, from 10.30 AM in Agora Stage (Hall 5) in front of a jury of experts from the composites industry.

These 10 startups will be also showcasing within the Startup Booster Village, during the three days, and will benefit from a dedicated program, including workshops with Startup Booster Main Innovation partners’ Airbus & Daimler, and Innovation partner’s Altair.

After the success of the two first editions, JEC World organizes the third edition of Startup Booster, the leading startup competition in Composites, where ten startups will present their innovation in front of a jury of experts.

EC Group launched Startup Booster programme in 2017 to get closer to the startup world, to attract the new generation of composites entrepreneurs and put them at the forefront of the industry.

The program gives the floor to 10 startups, each of them having five minutes to present their innovation, on March 12, 2019, from 10.30 AM in Agora Stage (Hall 5) in front of a jury of experts from the composites industry.

These 10 startups will be also showcasing within the Startup Booster Village, during the three days, and will benefit from a dedicated program, including workshops with Startup Booster Main Innovation partners’ Airbus & Daimler, and Innovation partner’s Altair.

“Daimler being one of the main Innovation Partner of the Startup Booster, we are looking for innovations, in particular sustainable technologies and processes”, said Dr. Karl-Heinz FUELLER, Responsible for material innovations and BIW concept development, Daimler AG.

“As a main Innovation Partner of the Startup Booster competition we get fantastic direct engagement with the innovators who are defining solutions for the future”, said Jelle BLOEMHOF, Head of Manufacturing Technologies of Composite at Airbus.

More information:
JEC World JEC World 2019


(c) JEC Group

Celebration of Composite Materials at the 11th JEC Asia

The annual meeting for the Asia-Pacific professionals of the composites industry, organized for the second time in a row in Seoul, has met its high expectations attracting +12% participants and acting as a major showcase for the composites industry in the region.


  • +230 companies
  • 45 speakers
  • +7,000 professional visits
  • 49 countries represented
  • 12 JEC Innovation Awards
  • +450 Business meetings
  • 3 Composites Tours
  • Top 3 visitors’ countries: Korea - China - Japan


The annual meeting for the Asia-Pacific professionals of the composites industry, organized for the second time in a row in Seoul, has met its high expectations attracting +12% participants and acting as a major showcase for the composites industry in the region.


  • +230 companies
  • 45 speakers
  • +7,000 professional visits
  • 49 countries represented
  • 12 JEC Innovation Awards
  • +450 Business meetings
  • 3 Composites Tours
  • Top 3 visitors’ countries: Korea - China - Japan


Gauging from the attendance of more than 7,000 professional visits from 49 countries, Eric PIERREJEAN, CEO of JEC Group, has already announced during the opening ceremony that JEC Asia 2019 will return next year on November 13, 14, 15, 2019. This ceremony was attended by industrialists, academics and officials, reflecting the huge interest that composite materials generates. Thus, at this ceremony we could notice the participation of Mr. BANG Yun Hyuk, President of KCTECH, Mr. Song, Ha Jin Jeonbuk Provincial Governor, Mr. HAN Byung Do, Senior secretary to the South Korean President for political affairs, Mr. CHOI Jin Hyuk, Director at MOTIE, Mr. KIM Yang Won, Vice Mayor of Jeonju, demonstrating the whole support of the Korean community; and Mr. Fabien PENONE, French Ambassador, was also present to underline the strong links and industrial interactions between Korea and France.

Hosting, this year again, the International Carbon Festival organized by KCTECH and the Jeonju region, JEC Asia also provided a comprehensive program dedicated to the Automotive professionals with a leadership circle attended by top stakeholders of the industry worldwide, top-notch conferences on automotive automated processes and composite applications for structural parts with speakers from Hyundai Motor Group, e-Xstream Engineering, L&L Products, Cobra International, Hanwha Advanced Materials, Daimler, Hankuk Carbon, Arkema, Cetim, Saertex & Co. KG to name a few.

“Aeronautics: 53% and beyond” conferences took place and attracted many attendees to discover new composites solutions and their wider use in this sector with Stratasys,IS Group, Cevotec… JEC Asia also offered its participants a chance to find out new business opportunities, highlighting the most relevant for the region and various application sectors.
All in all, the show floor was filled with innovations as JEC Asia 2018 showcased innovative parts and awarded 12 composites International champions among which 3 were about automotive, at the JEC Innovation Awards ceremony.

Also, to be noted at JEC Asia was the focus on networking with pre-arranged Business meetings that generated +450 qualified one-to-ones over the 3 days. Likewise, 3 composites tours opened exclusive doors to attendees when they visited Hanyang University, the composite architecture of the House of Dior, LG Hausys & Kolon and a day trip in Jeonju region and the Carbon Valley of the KCTECH.
For the first time, JEC Asia teamed up with MAI Carbon to offer a brand-new Student Program that keeps abreast of composite-industry needs to hire young, committed well-trained engineers. The two-part program included workshops with a focus on theoretical foundations and a guided tour through the JEC Asia trade show and the innovation planet.

More information:

JEC Group

(c) Babolat

Chromarat expertise: At the hear of BABOLAT’s new tennis racket, “PURE AERO”

CHOMARAT, the expert in composites reinforcements, is the partner of BABOLAT with its multiaxial carbon, C-PLY™ Hexagonal. Indeed, the specialist racket sports goods manufacturer is launching the new version of the BABOLAT’s Pure Aero. A combination of ultra-modern design and high performance, this tennis racket for champions has made an appearance on the courts of the Rolex Paris Masters. “We are very proud to be chosen by BABOLAT. Our new carbon reinforcement, added to the heart of the racket, enables better control and makes each shot more precise and stable,” says Pascal JOUBERT DES OUCHES, Sports Equipment Market Director at CHOMARAT.


CHOMARAT, the expert in composites reinforcements, is the partner of BABOLAT with its multiaxial carbon, C-PLY™ Hexagonal. Indeed, the specialist racket sports goods manufacturer is launching the new version of the BABOLAT’s Pure Aero. A combination of ultra-modern design and high performance, this tennis racket for champions has made an appearance on the courts of the Rolex Paris Masters. “We are very proud to be chosen by BABOLAT. Our new carbon reinforcement, added to the heart of the racket, enables better control and makes each shot more precise and stable,” says Pascal JOUBERT DES OUCHES, Sports Equipment Market Director at CHOMARAT.

The addition of C-PLY™, CHOMARAT’s multiaxial carbon reinforcement, to the core of the BABOLAT’s Pure Aero has increased the racket’s stability while enhancing its performance. The specificity of the reinforcement lies in its stitching thread. “This unique thread brings out the color of the resin pigments because it has been designed to remain visible after its impregnation. It also contributes to extra reinforcement and an exceptional design!” concludes Pascal JOUBERT DES OUCHES.

More information:

APOCOPE agency


Chomarat invests in a new laid scrim manufacturing technology to develop its next generation reinforcements

Chomarat has specialized in scrim reinforcements for construction materials for more than 50 years. Now, it has invested in a new pilot production line to develop its next generation of reinforcements. Unique in the market and designed entirely by CHOMARAT’s teams, this technological innovation was born by the Group’s body of technological know-how. Conceived for the development of next generation cement board and roof-waterproofing reinforcements, the machine is versatile for developing materials for new markets. The new line will become operational in early 2019 at CHOMARAT’s construction plant in Anderson, South Carolina, USA.

Chomarat has specialized in scrim reinforcements for construction materials for more than 50 years. Now, it has invested in a new pilot production line to develop its next generation of reinforcements. Unique in the market and designed entirely by CHOMARAT’s teams, this technological innovation was born by the Group’s body of technological know-how. Conceived for the development of next generation cement board and roof-waterproofing reinforcements, the machine is versatile for developing materials for new markets. The new line will become operational in early 2019 at CHOMARAT’s construction plant in Anderson, South Carolina, USA.

A technological innovation for higher performance
The new pilot line will enable CHOMARAT to accelerate its development projects focusing on cost, performance and sustainability. The Group’s goal is to launch a new generation of laid scrim reinforcements for construction materials, with incomparable performance. “We are working on all the parameters (technological, chemical formulations, textile fibers) to optimize the performance of CHOMARAT scrims, such as protecting glass against alkali in cement or increasing impact resistance and water repellency. We plan to stay in front of economic and environmental challenges facing the construction market,” explains Raphaël PLEYNET, Director of Composites & Construction Europe at CHOMARAT.

“This pilot scrim line is a key element in the Group’s global innovation and development strategy. The technological developments achieved on this equipment will enable us to lead through innovation, meet the challenges to come for construction materials, and enhance our value to the market” adds John LEATHAM, Director of Sales and Marketing at CHOMARAT North America.

Combining expertise from textile and chemical-formulation technologies
The scrims designed and developed by CHOMARAT are reputed for their advantages: dimensional stability, laminating quality with other materials (film or veils), excellent mechanical performance, and very good protection against the alkalinity of cement. “CHOMARAT’s knowhow in laid-scrim manufacturing is based on the combined expertise in textile and chemical-formulation technologies. With this new pilot technology, CHOMARAT will be able to build on these two advantages and propose even better-performing materials!” concludes Philippe SANIAL, Director of Research & Technologies at CHOMARAT.

More information:


Concrete bar stool with hybrid carbon reinforcement for fast, cost-efficient part production (c) Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

ITA at the Composites Europe 2018 in Stuttgart

At the Composites Europe in Stuttgart /06 - 08 November 2018), the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, will be showing products, components and machines along the fibre composite process chain. The ITA will present itself at the booth of the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Construction (AZL) in hall 9, booth E70. Various demonstrators will be used to present selected innovative processes and products over the individual steps. The exhibits come from different fields of application: From mobility applications to the construction sector. Here is an example from the field of "construction composites":

With the concrete bar stool with hybrid carbon reinforcement, the ITA demonstrates that textiles as reinforcement structures for concrete elements allow a enormous geometrical freedom of Design. So far, manual positioning of the textile reinforcement used to be time-consuming and complex, as permitted tolerances are in the millimetre range. Thus the production mainly contributed to the high costs of textile concrete.

At the Composites Europe in Stuttgart /06 - 08 November 2018), the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, short ITA, will be showing products, components and machines along the fibre composite process chain. The ITA will present itself at the booth of the Aachen Center for Integrative Lightweight Construction (AZL) in hall 9, booth E70. Various demonstrators will be used to present selected innovative processes and products over the individual steps. The exhibits come from different fields of application: From mobility applications to the construction sector. Here is an example from the field of "construction composites":

With the concrete bar stool with hybrid carbon reinforcement, the ITA demonstrates that textiles as reinforcement structures for concrete elements allow a enormous geometrical freedom of Design. So far, manual positioning of the textile reinforcement used to be time-consuming and complex, as permitted tolerances are in the millimetre range. Thus the production mainly contributed to the high costs of textile concrete.

At the ITA, the two industrial partners Albani Group GmbH & Co. KG and DuraPact 2.0 Kompetenzzentrum Faserbeton GmbH developed a new hybrid reinforcement with integrated spacer. This hybrid reinforcement reduces the time required to position the reinforcement by up to 60 percent and thus makes the material significantly more

The new, cost-effective hybrid reinforcement contains an integrated spacer and thus faciliates the positioning of dry and coated reinforcements. The integrated spacer allows several layers of reinforcement to be stacked quickly, allowing the desired degree of reinforcement to be set. The hybrid reinforcement consists of a carbon or glass fibre grid joined with a permeable polyamide mat and will be available in roll form from industrial partners in the near future.

More information:
Composites AZL

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

Barhocker aus Beton mit hybrider Carbon-Bewehrung zur schnellen, kosteneffizienten Positionierung der Textilbewehrung (c) Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

ITA auf der Composites Europe 2018 in Stuttgart

Das Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University, kurz ITA, zeigt auf der Composites Europe in Stuttgart vom 06.-08. November Produkte, Bauteile und Maschinen entlang der Faserverbundprozesskette. Das ITA präsentiert sich auf dem Stand des Aachener Zentrums für integrativen Leichtbau (AZL) in Halle 9, Stand E70. Anhand verschiedener Demonstratoren werden ausgewählte innovative Prozesse und Produkte über die einzelnen Schritte hin dargestellt. Die Exponate stammen aus unterschiedlichen Anwendungsfeldern: Von Mobilitätsanwendungen bis hin zur Baubranche. Anbei ein Beispiel aus dem Baubereich:

Durch den Barhocker aus Beton mit hybrider Carbon-Textilbewehrung beweist das ITA, dass Textilbetonelemente eine enorme geometrische Gestaltungsfreiheit ermöglichen und gleichzeitig einfach herstellbar sind. Bislang war die manuelle Positionierung der Textilbewehrung zeitaufwändig und komplex, da zulässige Toleranzen im Millimeterbereich liegen. So trug die Fertigung hauptsächlich zu den hohen Kosten von Textilbeton bei.

Das Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University, kurz ITA, zeigt auf der Composites Europe in Stuttgart vom 06.-08. November Produkte, Bauteile und Maschinen entlang der Faserverbundprozesskette. Das ITA präsentiert sich auf dem Stand des Aachener Zentrums für integrativen Leichtbau (AZL) in Halle 9, Stand E70. Anhand verschiedener Demonstratoren werden ausgewählte innovative Prozesse und Produkte über die einzelnen Schritte hin dargestellt. Die Exponate stammen aus unterschiedlichen Anwendungsfeldern: Von Mobilitätsanwendungen bis hin zur Baubranche. Anbei ein Beispiel aus dem Baubereich:

Durch den Barhocker aus Beton mit hybrider Carbon-Textilbewehrung beweist das ITA, dass Textilbetonelemente eine enorme geometrische Gestaltungsfreiheit ermöglichen und gleichzeitig einfach herstellbar sind. Bislang war die manuelle Positionierung der Textilbewehrung zeitaufwändig und komplex, da zulässige Toleranzen im Millimeterbereich liegen. So trug die Fertigung hauptsächlich zu den hohen Kosten von Textilbeton bei.

Am ITA wurde gemeinsam mit den beiden Industriepartnern Albani Group GmbH & Co. KG und DuraPact 2.0 Kompetenzzentrum Faserbeton GmbH eine neue Hybridbewehrung mit integriertem Ab-standshalter entwickelt. Diese Hybridbewehrung senkt die erforderliche Zeit zur Positionierung der Bewehrung um bis zu 60 Prozent und macht den Werkstoff damit deutlich wettbewerbsfähiger.

Die kostengünstige, hybride Bewehrung enthält einen integrierten Abstandshalter und ermöglicht damit die einfache Positionierung von trockenen und beschichteten Bewehrungen. Durch den integrierten Abstandhalter lassen sich schnell mehrere Bewehrungslagen stapeln, wodurch der gewünschte Bewehrungsgrad einstellbar ist. Die Hybridbewehrung besteht aus einem Carbon- oder Glasfasergitter, das mit einer durchlässigen Matte aus Polyamid gefügt ist und in naher Zukunft bei den Industriepartnern als Rollenware erhältlich ist.

More information:
Composites AZL

Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

(c) KLULE/Unsplash
Composites offer design freedom and exceptional mechanical properties at low weight for furniture applications

Composites are opening up new horizons for the furniture industry

What does the furniture market look like and what potential composites offer for the furniture of today and tomorrow? The AZL is investigating this question together with companies from the composite and furniture industry. The result will be an overview of the current market and the materials used to date as well as an outlook on future mass applications for fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP). The study is open to interested companies and starts with a kick-off meeting at Composites Europe in Stuttgart on November 7th, 2018.

Furniture, its design and function have undergone major changes in recent decades: From robust lifelong companions to trend-setting models, from handmade one-of-a-kind pieces to mass products, from storage objects to multi-functional and “smart” all-rounders. This goes along with an increased diversity in terms of design and the materials used – and high potential for composites that offer additional design freedom and exceptional mechanical properties at low weight.

Study provides overview of furniture market and unique selling points of composites

What does the furniture market look like and what potential composites offer for the furniture of today and tomorrow? The AZL is investigating this question together with companies from the composite and furniture industry. The result will be an overview of the current market and the materials used to date as well as an outlook on future mass applications for fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP). The study is open to interested companies and starts with a kick-off meeting at Composites Europe in Stuttgart on November 7th, 2018.

Furniture, its design and function have undergone major changes in recent decades: From robust lifelong companions to trend-setting models, from handmade one-of-a-kind pieces to mass products, from storage objects to multi-functional and “smart” all-rounders. This goes along with an increased diversity in terms of design and the materials used – and high potential for composites that offer additional design freedom and exceptional mechanical properties at low weight.

Study provides overview of furniture market and unique selling points of composites
In order to systematically identify the potential of fiber-reinforced composites and to use them in future furniture applications, the AZL is starting a study together with companies from the furniture and composite industry. Within four and a half months the market for furniture will be segmented, design and technology trends will be identified and the technical requirements for furniture and furniture components will be broken down to identify applications with high potential for composites. The overall goal is to understand the selection process and needs of the furniture designer in order to bring composites to the market as a targeted alternative to conventional materials.

Virginia Bozsak, Technical Manager Composites at ARKEMA Innovative Chemistry is participating in the study: “The ever-growing population number requires environmentally friendly material and a solution for the end of life treatment to recollect and reuse materials. For fast changing markets such as the furniture market, these materials also need to offer an enormous freedom of design. Arkema already answers this demand with the only liquid thermoplastic resin Elium® used as a thermoset resin to produce composite structural or aesthetical parts. With the joint study, we aim to identify specific applications in the furniture market to make use of material which is not limiting creativity or design specifications but rather enabling the future to be revolutionized.”



12 Composites Innovators to receive a JEC Innovation Award in Seoul next November 15, 2018

Twelve companies from eight different countries will receive a JEC Innovation Award at JEC Asia 2018. Asia-Pacific is an innovative region that sets the tone for all other regions of the globe. Once again, the JEC Innovation Awards highlight how composites bring solutions considering the new challenges in terms of efficiency, sustainability and life-cycle analysis.

This year, JEC Group awards innovations in the following categories: aerospace (structural and tooling), automotive, commercial vehicles, e-mobility, marine, railway, sports & leisure, infrastructure & civil engineering, industrial equipment, sustainability and additive manufacturing.

The ceremony will take place on Thursday November 15, 2018 at the COEX Center of Seoul (South Korea). Ida DAUSSY (Seo Hye-na), will host the ceremony in front of officials, manufacturers, scientists and composites professionals.

Twelve companies from eight different countries will receive a JEC Innovation Award at JEC Asia 2018. Asia-Pacific is an innovative region that sets the tone for all other regions of the globe. Once again, the JEC Innovation Awards highlight how composites bring solutions considering the new challenges in terms of efficiency, sustainability and life-cycle analysis.

This year, JEC Group awards innovations in the following categories: aerospace (structural and tooling), automotive, commercial vehicles, e-mobility, marine, railway, sports & leisure, infrastructure & civil engineering, industrial equipment, sustainability and additive manufacturing.

The ceremony will take place on Thursday November 15, 2018 at the COEX Center of Seoul (South Korea). Ida DAUSSY (Seo Hye-na), will host the ceremony in front of officials, manufacturers, scientists and composites professionals.

Winner: CSIR National Aerospace Laboratories (India)

Most of the composite structures for aircraft are made of carbon-epoxy composites, which can withstand a maximum service temperature of 130°C. As a consequence, carbon-epoxy materials cannot be used in hot zones like engine vicinity areas. The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) and CSIR-NAL took up the challenge of developing high temperature resistant composites for use in hot zones of light combat aircraft, which would result in significant weight and cost savings, as well as a considerable reduction in the meantime between failures (MTBF) due to thermal ageing.

The first task was to choose a material system with a service temperature of about ~ 200°C. During the material selection process, it was found that BMI resins are a relatively young class of thermosetting polymers. Hence, a carbon-BMI prepreg was selected due to a number of unique features including excellent physical property retention at elevated temperatures and in wet environments.

It was realized that weight savings and performance can be maximized using co-curing technology. This results in a large reduction of fabrication cycle times, costs and weight. Co-cured structures have fewer fasteners, which results in shorter assembly cycle times and also reduces sealing issues.

A prototype engine bay door assembly was built and tested at 180°C for flight certification. The engine bay door consists of an inner skin and co-cured outer skin assembly with eight transverse stiffeners. The stiffeners were designed with ‘J’ sections. The door size was 1.5 m length, 1 m width and 0.4 m overall depth. The co-cured door was developed using autoclave moulding. Two doors were installed in prototype aircraft and successfully flown.

(c) KLULE/Unsplash
Faserverbundkunststoffe bieten Designfreiheit und außergewöhnliche mechanische Eigenschaften für Möbelanwendungen

Composites eröffnen neue Horizonte für die Möbelindustrie

Wie sieht der Möbelmarkt aus und welches Potential bieten Faserverbundkunststoffe für die Möbel von heute und morgen? Dieser Frage geht das AZL zusammen mit Firmen der Composite- und Möbelindustrie nach. Ergebnis wird ein Überblick über den aktuellen Markt und die bisher einsetzten Materialien sein sowie ein Ausblick auf zukünftige Massenanwendungen für Faserverbundkunststoffe (FVK). Die Studie ist offen für interessierte Firmen und startet mit einem Kick-Off-Meeting auf der Composites Europe in Stuttgart am 07. November 2018.

Möbel, ihr Design und Funktion haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark gewandelt: Vom massiven, lebensbegleitenden Möbelstück zum Trendgegenstand, vom handgefertigten Einzelstück zum Massenprodukt, vom Aufbewahrungsgegenstand zum smarten Alleskönner. Damit einher geht eine gesteigerte Vielfalt bezüglich des Designs und der verwendeten Materialen – und ein großes Potential für Composites, die zusätzliche Gestaltungsfreiheit und außergewöhnliche mechanische Eigenschaften bei geringem Gewicht bieten.

Wie sieht der Möbelmarkt aus und welches Potential bieten Faserverbundkunststoffe für die Möbel von heute und morgen? Dieser Frage geht das AZL zusammen mit Firmen der Composite- und Möbelindustrie nach. Ergebnis wird ein Überblick über den aktuellen Markt und die bisher einsetzten Materialien sein sowie ein Ausblick auf zukünftige Massenanwendungen für Faserverbundkunststoffe (FVK). Die Studie ist offen für interessierte Firmen und startet mit einem Kick-Off-Meeting auf der Composites Europe in Stuttgart am 07. November 2018.

Möbel, ihr Design und Funktion haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark gewandelt: Vom massiven, lebensbegleitenden Möbelstück zum Trendgegenstand, vom handgefertigten Einzelstück zum Massenprodukt, vom Aufbewahrungsgegenstand zum smarten Alleskönner. Damit einher geht eine gesteigerte Vielfalt bezüglich des Designs und der verwendeten Materialen – und ein großes Potential für Composites, die zusätzliche Gestaltungsfreiheit und außergewöhnliche mechanische Eigenschaften bei geringem Gewicht bieten.

Studie bietet Überblick über Möbelmarkt und Alleinstellungsmerkmale von Composites
Um das Potential von Faserverbundkunststoffen systematisch zu identifizieren und diese gezielt und vermehrt in zukünftigen Möbelanwendungen einzusetzen, startet das AZL zusammen mit Firmen der Möbel- und Composite-Industrie eine Studie. Innerhalb von viereinhalb Monaten wird der Markt für Möbel segmentiert, Design- und Technologietrends herausgearbeitet und die technischen Anforderungen für Möbel und Möbelbauteile aufgeschlüsselt, um Anwendungen mit hohem Potential für Composites zu identifizieren. Übergeordnetes Ziel ist es, den Auswahlprozess und Bedarf des Möbeldesigners so zu verstehen, dass Composites gezielt als Alternative zu konventionellen Materialen in den Markt gebracht werden.

Virginia Bozsak, Technical Manager Composites bei ARKEMA Innovative Chemistry beteiligt sich an der startenden Studie: „Steigende Bevölkerungszahlen machen den Einsatz umweltfreundlicher Materialien unumgänglich und fordern Lösungen für die Wiederverwertung von Materialien. Zusätzlich müssen diese Materialien besondere Gestaltungsfreiheit ermöglichen, wenn sie in den schnell wandelnden Märkten, wie dem Möbelmarkt eingesetzt werden sollen. Arkema beantwortet diesen Bedarf bereits mit niedrigviskosem thermoplastischem Harz Elium®, das wie Duroplaste verarbeitet werden kann, um strukturelle und ästhetische Composite-Bauteile herzustellen. Mit der gemeinsamen Studie möchten wir für unser Material spezielle Anwendungen im Möbelmarkt identifizieren, um Kreativität und Designmöglichkeiten zu unterstützen und die Zukunft zu revolutionieren.“

CHOMARAT Reinforcements, 3 Examples Offered in Live Demos at CAMX 2018 EXPO
Travis IRVIN, in live demos at CAMX 2017

CHOMARAT Reinforcements, 3 Examples Offered in Live Demos at CAMX 2018 EXPO

  • 16-18 October 2018, Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, Dallas, TX

A skateboard, architectural panels and a rigid roof for boats – all three products rely on CHOMARAT composite reinforcements. The three designs will be on display at CAMX Expo in the demonstration area of COMPOSITES ONE, partner of CHOMARAT and leader in composites distribution in North America. CHOMARAT’s reinforcements enable to give unique properties to these three applications.

Proof positive: reinforcements offer design flexibility & improved mechanical performance

These three applications give CHOMARAT the opportunity to demonstrate the performance of its uniquely designed reinforcements in real time. “The skateboard combines Rovicore™, the multi-function closed-mold reinforcement developed by CHOMARAT, with C-Weave™, its woven carbon fabric that offers both structural performance and aesthetics to the design. Rovicore™ provides the permeability, while C-Weave™ provides the carbon aspect,” explains Brian Laufenberg, president, CHOMARAT North America.

  • 16-18 October 2018, Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, Dallas, TX

A skateboard, architectural panels and a rigid roof for boats – all three products rely on CHOMARAT composite reinforcements. The three designs will be on display at CAMX Expo in the demonstration area of COMPOSITES ONE, partner of CHOMARAT and leader in composites distribution in North America. CHOMARAT’s reinforcements enable to give unique properties to these three applications.

Proof positive: reinforcements offer design flexibility & improved mechanical performance

These three applications give CHOMARAT the opportunity to demonstrate the performance of its uniquely designed reinforcements in real time. “The skateboard combines Rovicore™, the multi-function closed-mold reinforcement developed by CHOMARAT, with C-Weave™, its woven carbon fabric that offers both structural performance and aesthetics to the design. Rovicore™ provides the permeability, while C-Weave™ provides the carbon aspect,” explains Brian Laufenberg, president, CHOMARAT North America.

During the live demos, architectural panels using Rovicore™ and a rigid boat roof in RTM will also be made. “With 60 years of expertise in designing composite reinforcements, CHOMARAT demonstrates that its reinforcements offer excellent mechanical performance and design for a large number of projects in sectors as diverse as sport and leisure, marine and building,” adds Travis IRVIN, Sales Manager and Closed Mould Process Expert at CHOMARAT.

Meet CHOMARAT teams at BOOTH V39 and see Live demos in the COMPOSITES ONE demonstration area at CAMX 2018 EXPO

More information:
CHOMARAT Composites CAMX 2018 EXPO