From the Sector

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TU Dresden präsentiert textile 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Masken © Mirko Krziwon_ITM/TU Dresden
TU Dresden präsentiert textile 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Masken

TU Dresden präsentiert textile 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Masken

  • Anforderungs- und passformgerechte textile 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Masken – Weitere Initiativen am ITM der TU Dresden

Seit dem 20. April 2020 gilt für das Bundesland Sachsen eine Maskenpflicht beim Einkaufen und im öffentlichen Personen- und Nahverkehr. Eine entsprechende Verordnung wurde hierfür am 17. April 2020 vom Freistaat Sachsen bekannt gegeben.

Aufgrund der neuerlassenen Allgemeinverfügung und der damit einhergehenden, notwendi-gen Schutzmaßnahmen zur Verringerung der Ausbreitung von COVID-19 wird das Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden nach der am 20. April 2020 erfolgten Wiederaufnahme des laborbasierten Forschungsbetriebes die bereits in der ITM-Pressemitteilung vom 31. März 2020 vorgestellte textile, 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Maske intensiv weiterentwickeln. Das ITM möchte damit einen wichtigen aktiven Beitrag zum Schutz der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung leisten.

  • Anforderungs- und passformgerechte textile 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Masken – Weitere Initiativen am ITM der TU Dresden

Seit dem 20. April 2020 gilt für das Bundesland Sachsen eine Maskenpflicht beim Einkaufen und im öffentlichen Personen- und Nahverkehr. Eine entsprechende Verordnung wurde hierfür am 17. April 2020 vom Freistaat Sachsen bekannt gegeben.

Aufgrund der neuerlassenen Allgemeinverfügung und der damit einhergehenden, notwendi-gen Schutzmaßnahmen zur Verringerung der Ausbreitung von COVID-19 wird das Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden nach der am 20. April 2020 erfolgten Wiederaufnahme des laborbasierten Forschungsbetriebes die bereits in der ITM-Pressemitteilung vom 31. März 2020 vorgestellte textile, 3D-gestrickte Mund-Nasen-Maske intensiv weiterentwickeln. Das ITM möchte damit einen wichtigen aktiven Beitrag zum Schutz der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung leisten.

Hierfür sind in den letzten Tagen die Kooperationen mit langjährigen Netzwerkpartnern des ITM wei-ter intensiviert worden. Gemeinsam mit der renommierten Textilmaschinenfirma H. Stoll AG & Co. KG aus Reutlingen ist es gelungen, mit dem am ITM erarbeiteten technologischen Know-how auf einer am ITM der TU Dresden installierten Flachstrickmaschine Stoll ADF 530-32 BW weitere Vari-anten neuartiger, textiler 3D-gestrickter Mund-Nasen-Masken erfolgreich umzusetzen.

Am ITM können somit Mund-Nasen-Masken-Varianten mit unterschiedlichsten Materialkombinatio-nen auf Flachstrickmaschinen von zwei Maschinenherstellern, die sich alle als waschbarer und damit wiederverwendbarer Mund-Nasen-Schutz eignen, anforderungs- und passformgerecht gefertigt wer-den. Je nach Materialzusammensetzung sind die Mehrwegmasken für Kochwäsche mit handelsübli-chen Waschmitteln bzw. bei 60° mit Desinfektionswaschmittel geeignet. Bei den Masken kann wahl-weise eine Tasche direkt im Fertigungsprozess integriert werden, in die temporär noch zusätzlich Fil-terstrukturen eingelegt werden können. Die gestrickten Mund-Nasen-Masken sind – intuitiv, schnell, unkompliziert in der Handhabung – auch für Brillenträger geeignet und erfordern beim Anlegen keine Hilfe einer weiteren Person. Mittels weiterer anforderungsgerechter Materialkombinationen können auch spezifische Eigenschaften, wie z. B. Atmungsaktivität, Tragekomfort und Hautverträglichkeit, ge-zielt eingestellt und diesbezüglich im Rahmen erster freiwilliger Versuchsreihen mit Mitarbeitern des ITM intensiv getestet werden.

Als eines der weltweit führenden Textilforschungsinstitute wird das ITM mit der lösungssystemati-schen Entwicklung anforderungsgerechter Mund-Nasen-Masken einen wichtigen gesellschaftlichen und nachhaltigen Beitrag für das Gemeinwohl der Bevölkerung leisten. Das Team des ITM, welches maßgeblich bei der Maskenentwicklung involviert ist, freut sich daher auf weitere Anfragen von Her-stellern und Produzenten, um mit dem erarbeiteten Fachwissen bzw. Erfahrungen und technologi-schem Know-how insbesondere die KMU der deutschen Textilindustrie beratend zu unterstützen und ggf. gemeinsame Allianzen/Kooperationen zu schmieden.

Bereits jetzt schon steht das ITM mit mehreren Industriepartnern in Kontakt, um die Technologie zur Fertigung von textilen 3D-gestrickten Masken schnell in die Serienproduktion zu überführen und dar-über hinaus diese anforderungsgerechten textilen Produkte auch zeitnah als nach den geltenden Standards bzw. Richtlinien zugelassene Schutzmasken anzubieten.

Für die zielführenden Untersuchungen mit variablen Materialkombinationen zur weiteren Op-timierung der unterschiedlichen Maskenvarianten wurden dem ITM bereits verschiedenste Versuchsmaterialien kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt. Das ITM bedankt sich hierfür bei folgenden Firmen: EMS-CHEMIE AG, Gebrüder Otto GmbH & Co. KG, TWD Fibres GmbH und W. Zimmermann GmbH & Co. KG.


Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM)


NCTO Supports Administration’s Proposals on Economic Stimulus in Coronavirus Response

Rejects Importer Attempts to Remove China 301 Tariffs on Finished Products

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum U.S. textiles from fiber through finished sewn products, issued a statement today welcoming the Trump administration’s proposals on an economic stimulus package to gird the economy against the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, but the organization urged officials to reject any attempts by importers to remove China 301 tariffs on finished products as part of any relief package.

As part of a Phase One deal with China, the administration reduced duties on finished apparel and textile products implemented on Sept.1 from 15 percent to 7.5 percent. Finished apparel, home furnishings and other made-up textile goods equate to 93.5 percent of U.S. imports from China in the sector; while fiber, yarn, and fabric imports from China only represent 6.5 percent, according to government data.

NCTO is a Washington, DC-based trade association that represents domestic textile manufacturers, including artificial and synthetic filament and fiber producers.

Rejects Importer Attempts to Remove China 301 Tariffs on Finished Products

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), representing the full spectrum U.S. textiles from fiber through finished sewn products, issued a statement today welcoming the Trump administration’s proposals on an economic stimulus package to gird the economy against the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, but the organization urged officials to reject any attempts by importers to remove China 301 tariffs on finished products as part of any relief package.

As part of a Phase One deal with China, the administration reduced duties on finished apparel and textile products implemented on Sept.1 from 15 percent to 7.5 percent. Finished apparel, home furnishings and other made-up textile goods equate to 93.5 percent of U.S. imports from China in the sector; while fiber, yarn, and fabric imports from China only represent 6.5 percent, according to government data.

NCTO is a Washington, DC-based trade association that represents domestic textile manufacturers, including artificial and synthetic filament and fiber producers.

  • U.S. employment in the textile supply chain was 594,147 in 2018.

  • The value of shipments for U.S. textiles and apparel was $76.8 billion in 2018.

  • U.S. exports of fiber, textiles and apparel were $30.1 billion in 2018.

  • Capital expenditures for textile and apparel production totaled $2.0 billion in 2017, the last year for which data is available.


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Stephan Trubrich neuer Vice President Capital Markets bei Lenzing
Stephan Trubrich neuer Vice President Capital Markets bei Lenzing

Stephan Trubrich new Vice President Capital Markets at Lenzing

Stephan Trubrich assumed the new role as Vice President Capital Markets, effective as at March 01, 2020. In his capacity, Trubrich will oversee the Lenzing Group’s capital markets activities, including Investor Relations and ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) Reporting. He will report directly to Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group.

Stephan Trubrich has more than 9 years of experience in the field of equity research with Kepler Cheuvreux, UniCredit and Deutsche Bank. For many years, he has been Austria’s top ranked equity analyst. Trubrich holds a Master’s Degree in Science in Accounting and Finance from Aston Business School, UK. He is also a CFA Charterholder.

Stephanie Kniep, Head of Investor Relations, will leave Lenzing, effective as of April 30, 2020 to pursue new endeavors.

Stephan Trubrich assumed the new role as Vice President Capital Markets, effective as at March 01, 2020. In his capacity, Trubrich will oversee the Lenzing Group’s capital markets activities, including Investor Relations and ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) Reporting. He will report directly to Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group.

Stephan Trubrich has more than 9 years of experience in the field of equity research with Kepler Cheuvreux, UniCredit and Deutsche Bank. For many years, he has been Austria’s top ranked equity analyst. Trubrich holds a Master’s Degree in Science in Accounting and Finance from Aston Business School, UK. He is also a CFA Charterholder.

Stephanie Kniep, Head of Investor Relations, will leave Lenzing, effective as of April 30, 2020 to pursue new endeavors.

More information:

Lenzing AG

(c) Archroma

Archroma announces CEO transition

Archroma announced its transition plan for the function of Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Directors of Archroma has appointed Heike van de Kerkhof to succeed current CEO Alexander Wessels effective January 6, 2020. Mr. Wessels has held the CEO position at Archroma since the Company was established in October 2013 and will be appointed as Vice Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors. He will also take on a Senior Advisory role within SK Capital working across its portfolio of investments, which includes Archroma.

Alexander Wessels commented, “I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to work with SK Capital and the Archroma team over the past six and a half years, which has really been an incredible journey. We are coming off another record year in terms of profitability and the business is uniquely positioned to capitalize on its significant momentum moving forward. For me personally, this is the ideal moment to take on my next challenge and in Heike we have found the ideal person to pass the baton to. We look forward to a seamless transition and I am excited to continue to support the Company as a member of the Board of Directors.”

Archroma announced its transition plan for the function of Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Directors of Archroma has appointed Heike van de Kerkhof to succeed current CEO Alexander Wessels effective January 6, 2020. Mr. Wessels has held the CEO position at Archroma since the Company was established in October 2013 and will be appointed as Vice Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors. He will also take on a Senior Advisory role within SK Capital working across its portfolio of investments, which includes Archroma.

Alexander Wessels commented, “I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to work with SK Capital and the Archroma team over the past six and a half years, which has really been an incredible journey. We are coming off another record year in terms of profitability and the business is uniquely positioned to capitalize on its significant momentum moving forward. For me personally, this is the ideal moment to take on my next challenge and in Heike we have found the ideal person to pass the baton to. We look forward to a seamless transition and I am excited to continue to support the Company as a member of the Board of Directors.”

“I have a true passion for innovation and sustainability, and I am thrilled to join Archroma as its next CEO,” Heike van de Kerkhof commented. “The Company has established itself as a leader in sustainable chemistry based on its strong technology-driven product portfolio with a solid foundation to further build upon. I believe Archroma is uniquely positioned to support its customers’ manufacturing processes in a cost effective and sustainable manner. The investments made into research and technology during the first stage of SK Capital’s ownership have positioned Archroma to reach new levels of growth and success.”

More information:
Archroma Archroma US Inc


Bernhard Wiehl, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (c) Autoneum Holding Ltd

autoneum: Change to the Group Executive Board

The Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd appoints Bernhard Wiehl, the longstanding Head of Finance & Controlling of Business Group Europe, as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Group Executive Board with immediate effect. The previous CFO Dr Martin Zwyssig has decided to leave Autoneum.

The Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd appoints Bernhard Wiehl, the longstanding Head of Finance & Controlling of Business Group Europe, as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Group Executive Board with immediate effect. The previous CFO Dr Martin Zwyssig has decided to leave Autoneum.

Bernhard Wiehl has been responsible for Finance & Controlling at Business Group Europe since 2013. Also thanks to his financial leadership, this Business Group with its numerous legal units has become highly profitable in recent years. Prior to joining Autoneum, he held senior finance and controlling positions with various automotive suppliers and has therefore extensive experience in the financial management of internationally active suppliers. Additionally, he is very familiar with the challenges of the automotive industry in a global environment. From 2007 to 2013, he was Head of Finance & Controlling and member of the Executive Board of the Lighting and Electronics division at the German automotive supplier Hella and from 2004 to 2007, among other things, in charge of controlling of the Europedivision of the supplier Hydraulik-Ring. Wiehl started his professional career in 1995 at TRW Automotive in Germany. He studied mechanical and industrial engineering at the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany, and holds a degree in industrial engineering (FH).

Bernhard Wiehl’s predecessor Dr Martin Zwyssig decided to leave the Company and to take up a new professional challenge. The Board of Directors and CEO Matthias Holzammer thank him for the commitment to the Company and wish him all the best for his professional and private future.


Autoneum Holding Ltd

Autoneum (c) Autoneum

Autoneum: Matthias Holzammer appointed new CEO

The Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd has appointed Matthias Holzammer, the former, long-term Head of Business Group Europe, as CEO with immediate effect. He is taking over from Martin Hirzel, who will be leaving the Company in agreement with the Board of Directors. Since the existing problems in North America are proving more challenging than expected, the Group's operating result in the second semester of 2019 will not improve, contrary to previous forecasts.

The Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd has appointed Matthias Holzammer, the former, long-term Head of Business Group Europe, as CEO with immediate effect. He is taking over from Martin Hirzel, who will be leaving the Company in agreement with the Board of Directors. Since the existing problems in North America are proving more challenging than expected, the Group's operating result in the second semester of 2019 will not improve, contrary to previous forecasts.

Matthias Holzammer has already demonstrated his operational expertise as the Company’s Head of Business Group Europe, which he successfully restructured from 2012 on and transformed into a highly profitable Business Group. Due to the severe operational and commercial issues in North America, the turnaround and improvement of results will take more time than expected. Matthias Holzammer will devote himself to this task with the highest priority, in order to return the Business Group and the Group back to profitability as quickly as possible. "In view of the current challenges in North America and the volatile global market environment, Matthias Holzammer is the ideal choice to lead the Company as CEO with his industry experience, knowledge of Autoneum and track record in restructuring”, said Hans-Peter Schwald, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd.

More information:
Autoneum Management AG

Autoneum Management AG

When innovation meets passion: Canclini 1925 weaves Italian excellence through quality, style and service. (c) Canclini

When innovation meets passion: Canclini 1925 weaves Italian excellence through quality, style and service.

Artisan craft, experience and high eco-technological specialization: the great tradition of fabrics for shirts which styles the future.

Search for quality, the ability to interpret elegance and a product inspired by tradition, though always trendy: these are the distinctive traits which define the vocation of Canclini 1925, a point of reference worldwide for shirt fabric manufacturing. This expertise is implemented through dynamic creativity and 100% Made in Italy artisan  craft. These are the foundations which make the history and capability of Canclini 1925 unique, as standard bearer for everlasting style.

All this results from an authentic family tradition which, for three generations, has been the driving force of the company, shaping each collection. This passion is at the service of tireless search in terms of style and technology which underlies the whole Canclini 1925 innovative approach. The goal is to offer, through its fabrics, an inimitable experience, “creating wellbeing” and emotion through touch alone, respecting the environment and humans.

Artisan craft, experience and high eco-technological specialization: the great tradition of fabrics for shirts which styles the future.

Search for quality, the ability to interpret elegance and a product inspired by tradition, though always trendy: these are the distinctive traits which define the vocation of Canclini 1925, a point of reference worldwide for shirt fabric manufacturing. This expertise is implemented through dynamic creativity and 100% Made in Italy artisan  craft. These are the foundations which make the history and capability of Canclini 1925 unique, as standard bearer for everlasting style.

All this results from an authentic family tradition which, for three generations, has been the driving force of the company, shaping each collection. This passion is at the service of tireless search in terms of style and technology which underlies the whole Canclini 1925 innovative approach. The goal is to offer, through its fabrics, an inimitable experience, “creating wellbeing” and emotion through touch alone, respecting the environment and humans.

Founded in 1925, Canclini has always been a company able to combine extraordinary creativity and product care, established as a silk factory in the Como region. This tradition was renewed in the 1960s with the shift to the cotton sector, aiming more and more at customer service, developing a partnership and trust relation. Working with Canclini 1925 means reaching into the tradition of a family which has always been passionate about its work, dynamic, creative and focused on continuous innovation.

These are distinctive and qualifying elements in the Canclini 1925 approach. An approach which, in line with the research and development pathway on which the company has always invested substantial resources, also involves considerable attention the topic of environmental and social accountability. This commitment is confirmed by numerous and prestigious certifications in the company portfolio, starting from the careful selection of raw materials to its social commitment. More specifically, Canclini 1925 has been awarded the GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), SUPIMA COTTON (the Pima “Gossypium Barbadense” cotton, classified as Extra-long Staple) certifications, following the Standard 100 by OECO-TEX®, BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) and GRS (Global Recycle Standard). A comprehensive range of tools which, combined with its in-house know-how and expertise capital, enhances the portfolio of Canclini 1925 branded innovations.

This accountability approach also encompasses the social area with the association “Un sorriso in più” (“One extra smile”). Founded and managed by the company, it is a non-profit organisation engaged in projects which include assistance in nursing homes to elderly persons without family ties, as well as in the support to children living difficult and disadvantaged family situations, focusing its activity on “human life quality”. The uniqueness generated by this meeting between tradition and innovation is the driving force behind corporate research, as well as the truly distinctive reason for its style and technology development. The high-performance looms and technologies used make the company strong and flexible enough for contemporary market requirements. The trademark passion of the Canclini family completes the picture within which the company operates, true to an approach which is at the same time artisan and high-tech, a point of reference in Italy and worldwide.

Thanks to its substantial manufacturing capacity, Canclini today is present on all of the most influential shirt markets worldwide, and – with its new Blue 1925 line - also in the denim world. In this way the company has succeeded in positioning itself among major players in textile manufacturing, authentically Italian because of its farsighted  business vision, care for details and production flexibility. It is the approach which – over the years - has allowed the group to take over important enterprises in the sector, for example Hausmann-Moos and Profilo Tessile, Maglificio Mida and Grandi & Rubinelli.
According to Simone Canclini, CEO of Canclini 1925: “What characterises the Canclini 1925 spirit is first and foremost genuine passion driven by our inspiring principles: quality, style and service. These elements have allowed us to become and remain a point of reference worldwide, to rediscover the everyday – basic and exciting – emotion of choosing a special shirt”.

The new PG DENIM developments: overlapping seasonality and the five “Rs” of sustainability. (c) PG DENIM

The new PG DENIM developments: overlapping seasonality and the five “Rs” of sustainability.

  • Circularity at the centre

PG DENIM, the designer project by Paolo Gnutti, is ready for several important events scheduled for the autumn with ground-breaking interpretations and a new – increasingly green – business model. The occasion is its participation in the Blue Zone at Munich Fabric Start (Munich, 3-5 September 2019), a space which is increasingly often reserved for companies and projects with a high innovation rate in the world of denim.

PG DENIM at the German exhibition will be presenting important product innovations, but most notably new concepts developed for the S/S 2021 season. The focus here is on circularity, seen from a dual perspective: the product with the no longer traditional alternation of seasons, and a sustainabilityoriented approach.

Seasons meet

  • Circularity at the centre

PG DENIM, the designer project by Paolo Gnutti, is ready for several important events scheduled for the autumn with ground-breaking interpretations and a new – increasingly green – business model. The occasion is its participation in the Blue Zone at Munich Fabric Start (Munich, 3-5 September 2019), a space which is increasingly often reserved for companies and projects with a high innovation rate in the world of denim.

PG DENIM at the German exhibition will be presenting important product innovations, but most notably new concepts developed for the S/S 2021 season. The focus here is on circularity, seen from a dual perspective: the product with the no longer traditional alternation of seasons, and a sustainabilityoriented approach.

Seasons meet

The new PG DENIM approach is geared towards overlapping seasonality, with less and less marked separations between projects dedicated to the spring-summer and fall-winter lines. The collections by PG DENIM can thus be increasingly defined as a “mix of products without seasonality”. Its focal points are innovation alongside the concept behind the initial idea, as opposed to just the season. This trend, explains Paolo Gnutti, CEO and R&D Head at PG DENIM, is also due to registering the fact that seasonality – in terms of environment and trends – is changing at an increasingly rapid pace. As a response to this situation, the choice has been made to design new collections starting from macro-trends and presenting fabrics for garments which are “easy to wear”, suitable for both warm and cold temperatures, in a true melting pot  of weights and sizes.

The lines for the previous season are thus reintroduced and restyled playing with weights and sizes, within a range where flock meets ultra-light fabric bases, or where vinyl is combined with typically summer weights which shift the fabric towards the world of “paper” with crispy touches, resulting in extraordinarily lightweight and strong items at the same time. Also the GARAGE DENIM has been upgraded with fluid and smoothed touched for garments which are easy to wear and have a strong personality.

Partnership with The Denim Window

The PG DENIM season is also enhanced by its partnership in The Denim Window project, which has resulted in a limited series of Creative Capsule Collections, derived from the idea of bringing together companies which had already worked or were working together, trying to highlight – through small capsule collections – the best of what had already been produced by traditional businesses. This has resulted  in three trailblazing capsules, two of which designed in partnership by PG DENIM and companies the likes of M&J Group, Cadica and Greenwear. Several copies of these collections have been made to travel the world, and – after the official presentation in July – they will have a special corner, The Denim Window, in the Bluezone at Munich Fabric Start.

The “Circular Programme” and the five “Rs” of sustainability

Also the PG DENIM approach to accountability in production processes has been enhanced by implementing the “Circular Programme”. As part of our corporate vision, Italian-style production is combined with compliance with what have become known as “the five Rs”, that is to say key concepts underlying the design and manufacturing model: Reduce (everything you are not using), Repair (everything you can), Reuse (anything available to you), Recycle (all that is left), Respect (everything around you).

This is the philosophy underlying each individual process at PG DENIM, and leading to new specific programmes which have been its business focus over the past few months:

1) Reducing the environmental impact during the fabric dyeing phase in reaction and sulphurbased processes, where the use of chemicals has been reduced by 40%, water consumption by 50% and CO2 emissions by 60%, which has also resulted in better penetration and a better result in the crocking process. This has led to producing 10 new articles which will be launched on the market.

2) Recycling all waste from processing and after use, creating a range of garments where cotton is actually obtained from regenerating these two kinds of waste. In this regard, PG DENIM for now is the only company on the market able to process with a percentage of recycled product exceeding 60% of the total, whereas the average for this kind of manufacturing is generally about 35%.

As regards regular production, on the other hand, PG DENIM follows stringent international standards, including Dtox, Reach and Gots in all its processing phases, also using BCI cottons and the Organic Cotton Standard for raw materials. Last but not least, it was recently awarded the GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certification.


Textile trade fair Apparel Textile Sourcing Germany (ATSG) in Berlin

Keynote by Wilson Zhu (COO at Li & Fung) on digitizing global supply chains and interview with Jason Prescott (CEO JP Communications) on ATSG's concept, goals and program

From 11 to 13 September, the textile trade fair Apparel Textile Sourcing Germany (ATSG) will take place for the first time in Berlin. 200 manufacturers from all over the world will present the latest developments and trends in the global apparel and textile market. Manufacturers for the mass market as well as producers supplying brands or retailers with smaller retail ranges will present themselves. A large number of
international experts from the textile industry will be giving lectures and discussing the future of the market. Admission is free.

Keynote by Wilson Zhu (COO at Li & Fung) on digitizing global supply chains and interview with Jason Prescott (CEO JP Communications) on ATSG's concept, goals and program

From 11 to 13 September, the textile trade fair Apparel Textile Sourcing Germany (ATSG) will take place for the first time in Berlin. 200 manufacturers from all over the world will present the latest developments and trends in the global apparel and textile market. Manufacturers for the mass market as well as producers supplying brands or retailers with smaller retail ranges will present themselves. A large number of
international experts from the textile industry will be giving lectures and discussing the future of the market. Admission is free.

The ATSG is organized by JP Communications Inc. (JPC). With trade fairs under the umbrella brand ATS (Apparel Textile Sourcing), the company is already a well-known player in the North American textile and clothing industry. JP Communications operates the most extensive network of B2B sourcing platforms in the USA. and are used by millions of international members to find suitable wholesalers and manufacturers. The ATSG is supported by a large number of local and European organisations from industry, trade and commerce as well as international consulates.

More information:
Apparel Textile Sourcing

TEMA Technologie Marketing AG

Professor Yordan Kyosev (c) deFOTOGRAF mönchengladbach
Professor Yordan Kyosev

TU Dresden stärkt die Forschung für Montagetechnik für textile Produkte

Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Yordan Kyosev wurde als Universitätsprofessor (W3) an der TU Dresden ernannt und übernimmt die Professur für Konfektionstechnik mit ihrer neuen Denomination „Montagetechnik für textile Produkte“ am Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik.

Herr Univ. Prof. Dr.- Ing. habil. Hartmut Rödel leitete seit 1996 die Professur Konfektionstechnik und wurde Ende März 2018 in seinen wohlverdienten Ruhestand verabschiedet. Bis zur Neubesetzung wurde die Professur kommissarisch durch Frau Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sybille Krzywinski geleitet. Zum 1. August 2019 wurde Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Yordan Kyosev als Universitätsprofessor (W3) an der TU Dresden ernannt und übernimmt die Professur mit ihrer neuen Denomination „Montagetechnik für textile Produkte“.

Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Yordan Kyosev wurde als Universitätsprofessor (W3) an der TU Dresden ernannt und übernimmt die Professur für Konfektionstechnik mit ihrer neuen Denomination „Montagetechnik für textile Produkte“ am Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik.

Herr Univ. Prof. Dr.- Ing. habil. Hartmut Rödel leitete seit 1996 die Professur Konfektionstechnik und wurde Ende März 2018 in seinen wohlverdienten Ruhestand verabschiedet. Bis zur Neubesetzung wurde die Professur kommissarisch durch Frau Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sybille Krzywinski geleitet. Zum 1. August 2019 wurde Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Yordan Kyosev als Universitätsprofessor (W3) an der TU Dresden ernannt und übernimmt die Professur mit ihrer neuen Denomination „Montagetechnik für textile Produkte“.

More information:
TU Dresden

Technische Universität Dresden

Photo: PINKO

PINKO: New management and strategies

Young, all-Italian dream-team will lead Pinko to a next level

Pinko looks ahead. Evolution & revolution are the keywords for the new management’s strategies. For the first time, President Pietro Negra will be supported by an all-Italian young team to build the success of the brand from now on. Research and innovation have always been part of the Pinko DNA: once again, they lead the path to cutting edge management.

The Pinko family grows with figures fully trained in the realms of fashion, luxury and retail, the actual Pinko R-evolution kickstart. “We pondered on Pinko’s future,” says Pietro Negra, President of Cris Conf in Fidenza (Parma), which he founded with his wife Cristina Negra and which controls Pinko. “This is just the beginning of a bigger project to be disclosed step by step in the next few months. The company turnover is a crucial point for any family business willing to preserve its independence. We believe in the power of younger generations. Therefore we created an all-Italian team to boost an already successful business model.”

Young, all-Italian dream-team will lead Pinko to a next level

Pinko looks ahead. Evolution & revolution are the keywords for the new management’s strategies. For the first time, President Pietro Negra will be supported by an all-Italian young team to build the success of the brand from now on. Research and innovation have always been part of the Pinko DNA: once again, they lead the path to cutting edge management.

The Pinko family grows with figures fully trained in the realms of fashion, luxury and retail, the actual Pinko R-evolution kickstart. “We pondered on Pinko’s future,” says Pietro Negra, President of Cris Conf in Fidenza (Parma), which he founded with his wife Cristina Negra and which controls Pinko. “This is just the beginning of a bigger project to be disclosed step by step in the next few months. The company turnover is a crucial point for any family business willing to preserve its independence. We believe in the power of younger generations. Therefore we created an all-Italian team to boost an already successful business model.”

Federico Bonelli, with experiences in Ernst & Young, The Boston Consulting Group and Bain & Company has been appointed General Manager. Emanuele Bianchi, previously in Diesel Coccinelle and Dolce & Gabbana, takes on as Marketing & Communication Director. Cecilia and Caterina Negra, the founders’ daughters and pivotal figures of Pinko’s success, confirm their roles leading respectively the Communication and the Creative department. Caterina Salvador becomes Director of Style and Product after working in Giorgio Armani, Hugo Boss, Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabbana, Coin. More talents will be eventually hired.

More information:


(c) Herzog

ITMA Countdown – Focus Industry 4.0

  • Herzog: Organic start of Industry 4.0 scenarios with an app
  • Mahlo: Better production results with digital help
  • Lindauer DORNIER: An addition to personalized services

On the occasion of a VDMA press conference themed “ITMA countdown” in Frankfurt, speakers from member companies Lindauer DORNIER, Herzog and Mahlo showed how Industry 4.0 solutions are going to impact the textile process chain and what technologies visitors can expect to see at ITMA 2019. The products examples of the respective companies made clear that Industry 4.0 is no end in itself but helps to improve production processes and results and supplements the range of services.


Interview 1

Interview 2


  • Herzog: Organic start of Industry 4.0 scenarios with an app
  • Mahlo: Better production results with digital help
  • Lindauer DORNIER: An addition to personalized services

On the occasion of a VDMA press conference themed “ITMA countdown” in Frankfurt, speakers from member companies Lindauer DORNIER, Herzog and Mahlo showed how Industry 4.0 solutions are going to impact the textile process chain and what technologies visitors can expect to see at ITMA 2019. The products examples of the respective companies made clear that Industry 4.0 is no end in itself but helps to improve production processes and results and supplements the range of services.


Interview 1

Interview 2



Industry veteran, Chris Govier joins Kornit Digital as Managing Director, Europe

Govier plans to scale the organization and take customer focus to the next level to drive growth
Kornit Digital, (NASDAQ: KRNT), a global market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced today that Chris Govier has been named Managing Director at Kornit Digital Europe GmbH.

Govier is a proven leader who brings broad experience of supporting customers with industrial digital transformation, a proven record of driving growth, and solid experience building and managing world class teams. In his new role, Govier will oversee Kornit Digital’s operations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and will be instrumental in scaling up Kornit’s business.

Govier previously served in sales and general management roles at Xerox Corporation, and holds a BA from the University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Govier plans to scale the organization and take customer focus to the next level to drive growth
Kornit Digital, (NASDAQ: KRNT), a global market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced today that Chris Govier has been named Managing Director at Kornit Digital Europe GmbH.

Govier is a proven leader who brings broad experience of supporting customers with industrial digital transformation, a proven record of driving growth, and solid experience building and managing world class teams. In his new role, Govier will oversee Kornit Digital’s operations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and will be instrumental in scaling up Kornit’s business.

Govier previously served in sales and general management roles at Xerox Corporation, and holds a BA from the University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Commenting on the appointment, Gilad Yron, Kornit Digital’s Executive Vice President of Global Business, said, “I welcome Chris on board as the new Managing Director of Kornit Digital Europe. He brings with him solid experience in the analog-digital transition in industrial print and deep regional understanding. Europe has traditionally been a strong performer for Kornit, and Chris’ expertise will help us grow the organization to the next level.”

“This is an incredibly exciting time to join Kornit Digital – their technology, coupled with a passion and drive will significantly disrupt the textile printing industry.” said Chris Govier. “EMEA represents a huge opportunity and I look forward to building on the fantastic success achieved so far.”


Kornit Digital Europe GmbH


Rieter General Meeting 2019

At the 128th Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd. on April 4, 2019, 502 shareholders, who represent 63.8% of the share capital, participated. A dividend of CHF 5.00 per share was agreed. The shareholders approved the proposed maximum total amounts of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Group Executive Committee for the fiscal year 2020.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bernhard Jucker, and the members of the Board of Directors This E. Schneider, Michael Pieper, Hans-Peter Schwald, Peter Spuhler, Roger Baillod, Carl Illi and Luc Tack were confirmed for an additional oneyear term of office.

Furthermore, This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Bernhard Jucker, the members of the Remuneration Committee who were standing for election, were also re-elected for a one-year term of office.

At the 128th Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd. on April 4, 2019, 502 shareholders, who represent 63.8% of the share capital, participated. A dividend of CHF 5.00 per share was agreed. The shareholders approved the proposed maximum total amounts of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Group Executive Committee for the fiscal year 2020.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bernhard Jucker, and the members of the Board of Directors This E. Schneider, Michael Pieper, Hans-Peter Schwald, Peter Spuhler, Roger Baillod, Carl Illi and Luc Tack were confirmed for an additional oneyear term of office.

Furthermore, This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Bernhard Jucker, the members of the Remuneration Committee who were standing for election, were also re-elected for a one-year term of office.

Shareholders also adopted all other motions proposed by the Board of Directors, namely approval of the annual report, the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2018, and formal approval of the actions of the members of the Board of Directors and those of the Group Executive Committee in the year under review.

More information:
Rieter Rieter Holding Ltd.

Rieter Management Ltd.


NCTO Elects North Carolina Manufacturing CEO as 2019 Chairman

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) held its 16th Annual Meeting March 19-21 in Washington, DC.  Elected as NCTO officers for 2019 are:

  • Chairman – Leib Oehmig, CEO of Glen Raven, Inc.
  • Mr. Oehmig is CEO of Glen Raven, Inc., based in Glen Raven, North Carolina.  Glen Raven is an innovative leader in textile research and development, dying, spinning, weaving and finishing, and distribution and logistics.
  • Vice Chairman – David Roberts, CEO of CAP Yarns, Inc.
  • Mr. Roberts is CEO of CAP Yarns, Inc., based in Clover, South Carolina.  CAP Yarns is a specialty yarn manufacturer and a leader in developing unique yarns for the knitting and weaving industry.

NCTO is a Washington, DC-based trade association that represents domestic textile manufacturers.  

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) held its 16th Annual Meeting March 19-21 in Washington, DC.  Elected as NCTO officers for 2019 are:

  • Chairman – Leib Oehmig, CEO of Glen Raven, Inc.
  • Mr. Oehmig is CEO of Glen Raven, Inc., based in Glen Raven, North Carolina.  Glen Raven is an innovative leader in textile research and development, dying, spinning, weaving and finishing, and distribution and logistics.
  • Vice Chairman – David Roberts, CEO of CAP Yarns, Inc.
  • Mr. Roberts is CEO of CAP Yarns, Inc., based in Clover, South Carolina.  CAP Yarns is a specialty yarn manufacturer and a leader in developing unique yarns for the knitting and weaving industry.

NCTO is a Washington, DC-based trade association that represents domestic textile manufacturers.  

  • U.S. employment in the textile supply chain was 594,147 in 2018.  
  • The value of shipments for U.S. textiles and apparel was $76.8 billion in 2018.  
  • U.S. exports of fiber, textiles and apparel were $30.1 billion in 2018.  
  • Capital expenditures for textile and apparel production totaled $2.0 billion in 2017, the last year for which data is available.


More information:


(c) Lectra

Lectra appoints Gianluca Croci Managing Director of Lectra France

Gianluca Croci's priority will be to support Lectra's French customers in their transformation towards Industry 4.0
Lectra announces the appointment of Gianluca Croci as Managing Director, Lectra France. Based in Paris, Gianluca Croci reports to Fabio Canali, President, Southern Europe & North Africa.

Gianluca Croci has more than 20 years of experience in the fashion industry. He began his career in 1998 in the department store chain La Rinascente before joining the Giorgio Armani group in 2002, where he managed, from 2006 to 2015, the Belgian and French subsidiaries. Gianluca Croci later held management positions for major fashion and luxury brands, such as Roberto Cavalli and Marcolin, and was recently the Sales & Marketing Director for Technogym France, a designer of sports equipment.

Gianluca Croci's priority will be to support Lectra's French customers in their transformation towards Industry 4.0
Lectra announces the appointment of Gianluca Croci as Managing Director, Lectra France. Based in Paris, Gianluca Croci reports to Fabio Canali, President, Southern Europe & North Africa.

Gianluca Croci has more than 20 years of experience in the fashion industry. He began his career in 1998 in the department store chain La Rinascente before joining the Giorgio Armani group in 2002, where he managed, from 2006 to 2015, the Belgian and French subsidiaries. Gianluca Croci later held management positions for major fashion and luxury brands, such as Roberto Cavalli and Marcolin, and was recently the Sales & Marketing Director for Technogym France, a designer of sports equipment.

Gianluca Croci will fulfil Lectra's promise to fashion companies in France: to facilitate the digitalization of their know-how in order to empower them to make a successful transition to Industry 4.0. This ambition is being realized by the 2018 launch of the revolutionary solution, Fashion On Demand by Lectra, which enables fashion companies to customize a garment or make it to measure. This end-to-end personalization offer—the first of its kind—complements a portfolio that is known to solve the pressing challenges confronting the fashion industry. The latest, Kubix Link, developed by Kubix Lab, a start-up acquired by Lectra in January 2018, is an innovative platform for managing product information.

"France is known worldwide for being a leader in fashion and technological innovation. It is a country where brands, retailers and manufacturers have already begun their transformation towards Industry 4.0. I am proud to support our customers’ pursuit of greater connectivity and collaboration in their operations, as well as in assisting them to make the shift to personalization," says Gianluca Croci.
Gianluca Croci and his teams are committed to providing their French customers with the high level of expertise and service that characterizes Lectra's value proposition.
Gianluca Croci's efforts are also tied to the dynamic activities of Lectra Southern Europe & North Africa. There are many synergies in the region’s fashion industry, ranging from the sharing of expertise between French and Italian companies to the integration into their ecosystem of the Moroccan and Tunisian subcontractors.

"Our regional organization enables us to be closer to our customers’ challenges and to provide them with the support they need to achieve their ongoing targets. Gianluca Croci will lead the French teams and contribute to the region's growth," says Fabio Canali. "His extensive experience with major Italian and French companies brings new energy to the development of Lectra France.”
Gianluca Croci is a graduate of the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD), Fontainebleau (France), and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy).

PREMIUM and ECOALF are taking steps towards sustainability. (c) Premium Group
Javier Goyeneche, President and Founder of ECOALF.

PREMIUM and ECOALF are taking steps towards sustainability

  • Climate change is real. And so is the responsibility of every human being to help in reducing waste.

We no longer want to talk about sustainability, we want to act. For January, PREMIUM is partnering with Spanish fashion label and sustainable clothing pioneer ECOALF. The brand will present its lifelong mission and latest collection in a dedicated space as well as an art installation together with conceptual artist Juan Garaizabal.

"2019 is all about digital first and an active debate about social and environmental issues. Transparency and sustainability are key words. By reducing plastic waste on all our shows, teaming up with ECOALF and giving this wonderful brand dedicated space and time for spreading their message, we are taking steps into right direction. Every little action counts. We should talk about the things we do more instead of talking about what we are not doing. We all need to wake up. Now.” – Anita Tillmann, CEO PREMIUM Group

  • Climate change is real. And so is the responsibility of every human being to help in reducing waste.

We no longer want to talk about sustainability, we want to act. For January, PREMIUM is partnering with Spanish fashion label and sustainable clothing pioneer ECOALF. The brand will present its lifelong mission and latest collection in a dedicated space as well as an art installation together with conceptual artist Juan Garaizabal.

"2019 is all about digital first and an active debate about social and environmental issues. Transparency and sustainability are key words. By reducing plastic waste on all our shows, teaming up with ECOALF and giving this wonderful brand dedicated space and time for spreading their message, we are taking steps into right direction. Every little action counts. We should talk about the things we do more instead of talking about what we are not doing. We all need to wake up. Now.” – Anita Tillmann, CEO PREMIUM Group

ECOALF creates high-quality garments using recycled materials collected from the bottom of our oceans. Commitment, sustainability and innovation are at the core of everything the company does, resulting in both conscious and stylish urban, adventure, knitwear and activewear pieces.   
“I love collaborating with people that also believe we have the opportunity to change the world for the better. It’s no longer about what you do, but how you do it. It is important to stand up for what you believe in, because fashion cannot just be about looking good.” – Javier Goyeneche, President and Founder of ECOALF. 

On Wednesday, January 16th, at 10am and 2pm, Goyeneche will present his brand’s values, philosophy and way of working on the experience floor of SHOW&ORDER X PREMIUM at Kühlhaus, right next to the STATION area. Show visitors, media and other exhibitors are invited to listen, learn and discuss.   
The art piece in partnership with Garaizabal unveiled at PREMIUM on January 15th is filled with waste to portray our everyday reality, and purposefully interactive so that visitors can throw their own trash inside the installation. The aim is to educate about correct waste disposal and show that every individual’s decision matters: Stop, Think, Act.

(c) TRSA

Hospitality Expert to Headline TRSA’s Inaugural Hospitality Conference

Feb. 2019 Event Targets Laundry Execs, Upper Management Teams Serving Hospitality and Hotel Lodging Markets

Anthony Melchiorri, the renowned hospitality expert, creator and host of The Travel Channel shows Hotel Impossible, Hotel Impossible: Five Star Secrets and Hotel Impossible: Showdown once thought of opening his own hotel laundry when he was fresh out of the Air Force and entering the hospitality industry. Attendees at TRSA’s inaugural Hospitality Conference, Feb. 20-21, 2019, will hear about that and more when Melchiorri delivers the keynote address at the Walt Disney World’s Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL. Melchiorri’s 20 years of hospitality industry experience and resultant successes has provided a wealth of insights and actionable steps that he will share during his presentation, How to Build Your Personal Brand.

Feb. 2019 Event Targets Laundry Execs, Upper Management Teams Serving Hospitality and Hotel Lodging Markets

Anthony Melchiorri, the renowned hospitality expert, creator and host of The Travel Channel shows Hotel Impossible, Hotel Impossible: Five Star Secrets and Hotel Impossible: Showdown once thought of opening his own hotel laundry when he was fresh out of the Air Force and entering the hospitality industry. Attendees at TRSA’s inaugural Hospitality Conference, Feb. 20-21, 2019, will hear about that and more when Melchiorri delivers the keynote address at the Walt Disney World’s Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL. Melchiorri’s 20 years of hospitality industry experience and resultant successes has provided a wealth of insights and actionable steps that he will share during his presentation, How to Build Your Personal Brand.

TRSA has added the Hospitality Conference to its growing professional-development opportunities in response to member requests for enrichment specific to this rapidly-growing market. Attendees for this event, which is targeted to laundry executives and their upper management teams who serve the hospitality and hotel lodging markets, will benefit from opportunities to build skills, learn best practices from industry leaders and spend time collaborating and sharing information. Agenda highlights include these general session topics:

  • Contracting with Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs)
  • Hospitality Market Research
  • Understanding Hospitality Textiles

Panel discussions pay professional growth dividends in the form of networking and information-sharing. The TRSA Hospitality Conference’s agenda includes these interactive opportunities:

  • CEO Panel: Hospitality Market Trends
  • Customer Perspectives: Benefits and Challenges of In-House (OPLs) and Outsourcings
  • Making the Case for Outsourcing Laundry Services and Closing In-House or On-Premise Laundries (OPLs)

Day two of the agenda will consist of tours at these state-of-the art central Florida plants: Walt Disney World Textile Services Resort Linen Plant and Hotelier Linen Service. Following the plant tours, management teams will offer debriefing sessions that allow for comparison of operations, thereby enriching the discussion of alternative approaches to similar tasks among conference attendees.

Early-bird registration pricing for this event is open now through Jan. 11, 2019. An additional 10% off registration for three or more who register from the same company is also available. Visit for additional information. The full TRSA professional development calendar for 2019 can be viewed at


More information:
TRSA TRSA Conference


(c) Technische Universität Dresden
Frau Dr. Fazeli

Wissenschaftlerin vom ITM der TU Dresden mit dem Innovationspreis des Industrieclubs Sachsen geehrt

Frau Dr.-Ing. Monireh Fazeli¬ Zoghalchali vom Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden wird am 23. Oktober 2018 für ihre Dissertation "Technologieentwicklung für gewebte Knotenstrukturen mit komplexer Geometrie in Integralbauweise für Faserverbundanwendungen“ mit dem Innovationspreis des Industrieclubs Sachsen 2017 ausgezeichnet. Der Preis ist mit 5.000 Euro dotiert und wird jährlich an einen Absolventen der TU Dresden verliehen.

Die Entscheidung zur Vergabe des Innovationspreises des Industrieclubs Sachsen 2017 erfolgte im Juni 2018 durch ein Preisgericht. Am 23. Oktober findet nun die feierliche Verleihung durch den Industrieclub Sachsen in Dresden statt. Frau Dr. Fazeli absolviert derzeit bis Ende März 2019 im Rahmen des DAAD-Förderprogramms P.R.I.M.E. (Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience) einen internationalen Forschungsaufenthalt am Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), University of Auckland in Neuseeland. Deshalb wird Herr Professor Chokri Cherif, Institutsdirektor des ITM und Doktorvater von Frau Dr. Fazeli, den Preis stellvertretend entgegennehmen.

Frau Dr.-Ing. Monireh Fazeli¬ Zoghalchali vom Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik (ITM) der TU Dresden wird am 23. Oktober 2018 für ihre Dissertation "Technologieentwicklung für gewebte Knotenstrukturen mit komplexer Geometrie in Integralbauweise für Faserverbundanwendungen“ mit dem Innovationspreis des Industrieclubs Sachsen 2017 ausgezeichnet. Der Preis ist mit 5.000 Euro dotiert und wird jährlich an einen Absolventen der TU Dresden verliehen.

Die Entscheidung zur Vergabe des Innovationspreises des Industrieclubs Sachsen 2017 erfolgte im Juni 2018 durch ein Preisgericht. Am 23. Oktober findet nun die feierliche Verleihung durch den Industrieclub Sachsen in Dresden statt. Frau Dr. Fazeli absolviert derzeit bis Ende März 2019 im Rahmen des DAAD-Förderprogramms P.R.I.M.E. (Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience) einen internationalen Forschungsaufenthalt am Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), University of Auckland in Neuseeland. Deshalb wird Herr Professor Chokri Cherif, Institutsdirektor des ITM und Doktorvater von Frau Dr. Fazeli, den Preis stellvertretend entgegennehmen.

Im Rahmen ihrer Dissertation, die Frau Dr. Fazeli im Dezember 2016 mit der Bestnote „summa cum laude“ abschloss, wurde eine CAE-gestützte Prozesskette zur effizienten automatisierten Fertigung komplexer gewebter Knotenelementhalbzeuge aus Carbonfasern für Rahmentragwerke in Fahrzeugen, Flugzeugen, Maschinen und Anlagen sowie der Architektur realisiert. Für diese Rahmentragwerke in Leichtbauweise steht derzeit bereits ein umfangreiches Sortiment aus faserverstärkten Profilen zur Verfügung. Die erforderlichen Knotenelemente zur Verbindung der Profile sind entweder nach wie vor aus Metall oder müssen extrem aufwändig und somit kostenintensiv gefertigt werden.

Mit der neuen automatisierten Technologie ist es möglich, hochkomplexe, in mehreren Raumrichtungen verzweigte Knotenelemente webtechnisch in einem Stück zu fertigen. Damit entfallen die Prozesse des Zuschnittes und sehr aufwändigen Fügens von Teilflächen. Die Bauteilperformance wird deutlich gesteigert. Am ITM wird in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma MAGEBA International GmbH und durch die finanzielle Förderung von Forschungsprojekten über die AiF im Rahmen des Programms zur Förderung der Industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF) vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) die gesamte Prozesskette vom CAD-Entwurf, über die strukturelle Entwicklung, die Erstellung der Maschinensteuerprogramme, die textiltechnische Umsetzung und die Bauteilkonsolidierung erfolgreich erarbeitet.


Technische Universität Dresden

Dissertation and Creativity Award of the German Textile Machinery Foundation 2018 to go to Aachen (c) VDMA. Eric Otto, Susanne Fischer, Dr. Benjamin Weise, Peter D. Dornier (Chairman Walter Reiners-Stiftung), Alon Tal, Jan Merlin Abram (left to right)

Dissertation and Creativity Award of the German Textile Machinery Foundation 2018 to go to Aachen

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) has awarded two prizes to graduates of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University - the dissertation prize and the creativity prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of German Textile Machinery 2018. ITA alumnus Dr Benjamin Weise was awarded the dissertation prize for the development of novel fibres for textile charge storage devices. For their work on a guide to 4D product design, Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal (both ITA students) were honoured with the creativity prize. The dissertation prize is endowed with €5,000 whilst the creativity prize contains a one-year scholarship of €250 per month. Peter D. Dornier, President of the Walter Reiners Foundation and Chairman of the Management Board of Lindauer DORNIER, presented the awards on the 18 September 2018 at the 18th Textile Machinery Forum in the Digital Capability Center in Aachen, Germany.

Graphene revolutionizes all-in-one - supercaps, reduction of terahertz radiation and antistatics

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) has awarded two prizes to graduates of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University - the dissertation prize and the creativity prize of the Walter Reiners Foundation of German Textile Machinery 2018. ITA alumnus Dr Benjamin Weise was awarded the dissertation prize for the development of novel fibres for textile charge storage devices. For their work on a guide to 4D product design, Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal (both ITA students) were honoured with the creativity prize. The dissertation prize is endowed with €5,000 whilst the creativity prize contains a one-year scholarship of €250 per month. Peter D. Dornier, President of the Walter Reiners Foundation and Chairman of the Management Board of Lindauer DORNIER, presented the awards on the 18 September 2018 at the 18th Textile Machinery Forum in the Digital Capability Center in Aachen, Germany.

Graphene revolutionizes all-in-one - supercaps, reduction of terahertz radiation and antistatics

In his dissertation "Development of graphene-modified multifilament yarns for the production of textile charge storage devices", laureate Dr Benjamin Weise developed novel fibres made of polyamide and graphene and further processed them into textile surfaces. The newly developed polyamide graphene fibres are featuring a multitude of advantages:

  • Due to their high performance in the charge storage area, they are predestined for use in double-layer capacitors, so-called super capacitors, or supercaps in short. Compared to lithium-ion batteries, supercaps offer significantly higher power density and a longer lifetime as no chemical reactions are taking place. towing to the graphene platelets in the filaments, it is now possible for the first time to integrate a charge storage device directly into a textile without having to sew in a rechargeable battery. This new fibre is therefore suitable for prospective use in smart textiles, for instance in a textile defibrillator.
  • The new graphene-modified polyamide fibres can attenuate inident terahertz radiation up to 25 % of their original intensity. Terahertz radiation, for example, offers transmission rates of 100 Mbit/sec and is therefore of high interest for high-performance wireless communication. However, the radiation could damage sensible electronics as in aircrafts if this technology will be used widespread. Consequently, the shielding of the radiation is of high importance, e.g. in the form of fibre composite components in the aircraft, which protect the on-board electronics.
  • As the fibres are showcasing a dissipative electrical conductivity, personal protective equipment is another prospective field of application.  

The development of a pilot process for graphene-modified fibres and the production of textile demonstrators are novel and disruptive attainments of Dr Weise’s PhD thesis and the reason for the award ceremony to him. Due to its outstanding properties, the European Union is funding research on graphene within the frame of the "Graphene Flagship" with an overall budget of one billion Euro (source:

Modular product design of 4D products is now possible in simplified form

How can three-dimensional products change their shape over time and thus become "four-dimensional"? The students Jan Merlin Abram and Aalon Tal provide answers to this question in their project work "Leitfaden zur Auslegung hybrider morphender Textilien am Beispiel eines Scharniers" (Guidelines for the Design of Hybrid Morphing Textiles Using the Example of a Hinge), for which they were awarded the creativity prize. In their work, the students offer a guideline for the development of a four-dimensional textile from the idea to the demonstrator. Four-dimensional textiles, for example, consist of a hybrid material of elastic textile on which three-dimensional structures are printed. The fourth dimension describes the change in shape and/or a property over a defined period of time (= morphing).  This change is caused by external influences such as light and heat.

Every year, the Foundation of the German Textile Machinery awards prizes for the best dissertation, diploma or master's thesis and the creativity prize for the smartest student research project. Further prizes were awarded to Eric Otto, ITM Dresden, and Susanne Fischer, Reutlingen University.


Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University