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Photo: Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann

WearRAcon Europe Conference to be held at A+A 2023

Under the motto “People Matter” A+A 2023, a Trade Fair for Safety, Security and Health at Work, will revolve around the most important trends of our time: sustainability and digitalisation. Here, exoskeletons also play a prominent role as tomorrow’s ergonomic tools. An important conference in this field is WearRAcon Europe which will be held at A+A from 25 – 26 October 2023 for the first time.

The Conference will be organised by the Fraunhofer Institute IPA in cooperation with the Stuttgart University and the Wearable Robotics Association (WearRA). The 38th A+A Congress, which is held by Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit (German Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health - Basi) will be closely dovetailed thematically and in terms of content with it.

Under the motto “People Matter” A+A 2023, a Trade Fair for Safety, Security and Health at Work, will revolve around the most important trends of our time: sustainability and digitalisation. Here, exoskeletons also play a prominent role as tomorrow’s ergonomic tools. An important conference in this field is WearRAcon Europe which will be held at A+A from 25 – 26 October 2023 for the first time.

The Conference will be organised by the Fraunhofer Institute IPA in cooperation with the Stuttgart University and the Wearable Robotics Association (WearRA). The 38th A+A Congress, which is held by Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit (German Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health - Basi) will be closely dovetailed thematically and in terms of content with it.

Being able to walk again despite a serious injury, handle heavy parts without outside help or simply do overhead work comfortably and for extended periods of time - the advantages of exoskeletons have already convinced numerous industries. Exoskeletons and wearables are now already being used successfully in industry and commerce, and major machine builders and automakers as well as the medical sector are continuing to experiment with man-machine connections. Currently, the global market volume for exoskeletons is valued by leading analysts at over US$20 billion by 2030.1

The WearRAcon Europe Conference 2023 will provide new insights into the promising world of exoskeleton systems from different perspectives and, in conjunction with the A+A Congress, set future-oriented impulses. Lectures by renowned exoskeleton pioneers combined with testimonials presented by users from a variety of industries and keynotes by experts will round off the programme. And, like at the previous A+A, a Self-Experience Space will again be set up so that the exoskeleton systems of various manufacturers can be tested in realistic work scenarios.

In parallel with the Self-Experience Space, the large live study Exoworkathlon will also take place again. Trainees from various mechatronic training courses have to complete a concourse and perform holding, lifting and assembling tasks, which have been specially developed with the industry. Data is prospectively collected with different measuring sensors to measure the effects of exoskeletons. In the Exoworkathlon, the IPA focuses especially on prevention for young employees in order to raise awareness of the issue and counteract ailments at an early stage.

1 (Interview Trans.INFO mit Armin G. Schmidt, CEO von German Bionic (01/2021).


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Photo Autoneum Management AG

Autoneum: Optimized thermal management for electric vehicles thanks to cold chamber

A new cold chamber at its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland, enables Autoneum to optimize existing technologies as well as simulation and engineering services in vehicle thermal management and to adapt them to the changing thermal requirements of electric vehicles

The absence of heat from the internal combustion engine in electric vehicles as well as the impact of ambient temperature on the performance and lifetime of lithium-ion batteries are changing the requirements for vehicle thermal management. In addition, the energy from the battery is used not only to power the e-motor but also to thermally manage the battery itself and to warm and cool the car cabin by means of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. To increase the thermal comfort of the occupants and at the same time ensure optimum battery performance, save energy and thus increase the car’s range, manufacturers are placing increasing emphasis on efficient overall thermal management of the vehicle.

A new cold chamber at its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland, enables Autoneum to optimize existing technologies as well as simulation and engineering services in vehicle thermal management and to adapt them to the changing thermal requirements of electric vehicles

The absence of heat from the internal combustion engine in electric vehicles as well as the impact of ambient temperature on the performance and lifetime of lithium-ion batteries are changing the requirements for vehicle thermal management. In addition, the energy from the battery is used not only to power the e-motor but also to thermally manage the battery itself and to warm and cool the car cabin by means of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. To increase the thermal comfort of the occupants and at the same time ensure optimum battery performance, save energy and thus increase the car’s range, manufacturers are placing increasing emphasis on efficient overall thermal management of the vehicle.

The chamber enables to test both occupants’ subjective perception of thermal comfort and the performance of components and entire vehicles under controlled temperature conditions of up to minus 20 degrees Celsius. It is thus a valuable addition to the existing testing and bench-marking facilities at the Company’s global research and development centers. The tests conducted in the chamber show how existing insulating components such as under battery shields, carpets and interior trim need to be optimized to further enhance the thermal management of the vehicle battery and cabin. The tests also provide valuable insights regarding the development and optimization of heated surfaces such as floor mats and door trim panels to improve thermal performance and driver comfort of electric vehicles.


Autoneum Management AG

© ITM/TU Dresden
Woven hemisphere for usage in radome antennaes

AVK Innovation Award 2022 to young engineers from ITM at TU Dresden

  • Award for near-net-shape 3D meshes for use in fibre-reinforced plastics

As part of the JEC FORUM DACH 2022, the AVK Innovation Awards were presented in Augsburg on November 29th. The innovation price in the category "Research/Science" (first place) was awarded to the team of scientists Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Nuss, Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Sennewald and Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Chokri Cherif.

With the development of the pull-off-free Jacquard weaving technology including the technological know-how in the field of highly complex 2D and 3D fabric geometries, which has been established at the ITM of the TU Dresden for many years, Dominik Nuss has succeeded in including different yarn lengths locally into the fabric structure solely through targeted variation of the fabric weave. There-fore, it is now possible to produce completely new types of fabrics without additional draping, especially spherically curved fabrics, but also large-format spiral or even curved fabrics. The fact that the required near-net-shape geometry of the component to be reinforced can be reproduced with significantly reduced preforming steps is to be emphasized.

  • Award for near-net-shape 3D meshes for use in fibre-reinforced plastics

As part of the JEC FORUM DACH 2022, the AVK Innovation Awards were presented in Augsburg on November 29th. The innovation price in the category "Research/Science" (first place) was awarded to the team of scientists Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Nuss, Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Sennewald and Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Chokri Cherif.

With the development of the pull-off-free Jacquard weaving technology including the technological know-how in the field of highly complex 2D and 3D fabric geometries, which has been established at the ITM of the TU Dresden for many years, Dominik Nuss has succeeded in including different yarn lengths locally into the fabric structure solely through targeted variation of the fabric weave. There-fore, it is now possible to produce completely new types of fabrics without additional draping, especially spherically curved fabrics, but also large-format spiral or even curved fabrics. The fact that the required near-net-shape geometry of the component to be reinforced can be reproduced with significantly reduced preforming steps is to be emphasized.

Continuous simulation aided engineering from CAD design to integrally woven 2D and 3D preforms by means of highly complex weave development for spatial constructions is a unique at the ITM, which was indispensable for the development of these promising woven high-tech structures. This technology is completely new and has never been carried out in this way before. The fabric structures are characterised by a high innovation level due to their geometric diversity and purposes. It can be used in numerous applications and further more contributes to the development of completely new fields of application. The technology can be implemented on all Jacquard weaving machines with only an additional device and the preform geometry is only determined by the control of the Jacquard machine. The preform geometry can be used in the full working width of the weaving machine.

Professor Chokri Cherif, Institute Director of the ITM, and his team are very pleased about these continuous research success in the constantly growing research field of 3D weaving technology, which are achieved at the ITM in close cooperation with industry and users. "This award is a special honour for our institute and confirms that the many years of our excellent research in the field of near-net-shape 3D weaving for the fibre-reinforced plastics sector plays a significant role and that we are making a significant contribution to the sustainable and resource-efficient production of lightweight structures with our development".


ITM/TU Dresden

(c) Carhartt

Frauenpower im Handwerk mit Arbeitsbekleidung von Carhartt

Seit vielen Jahren stellt Carhartt robuste, funktionsfähige und stilvolle Kleidung für den Arbeitsalltag des Handwerks her. Mit einer Produktlinie für Damen will das Unternehmen dazu beitragen, dass sich Frauen noch wohler im Handwerk fühlen. In einer Kollaboration mit Dachdeckerin Sina (@dachdeckerin_sina auf Instagram) zeigt die Marke, wie die richtige Kleidung Handwerkerinnen zusätzlich formt und zu ihrem Erfolg beiträgt.

Sina ist Dachdecker-Gesellin und nimmt seit zwei Jahren ihre Follower*innen mit in ihren Berufsalltag. “Ich möchte zeigen, wie schön Handwerk sein kann und setze mich für Frauen im Handwerk ein.” Fast 30.000 Menschen verfolgen ihren Weg und begleiten sie seit dem Sommer auch mit zur Meisterschule. Die 22-Jährige plant irgendwann den Familienbetrieb zu übernehmen und setzt daher schon heute auf Qualität. “Die Zahl der Frauen im Handwerk ist zwar wachsend, dennoch gering. Deshalb ist das Marktangebot an Arbeitskleidung für Frauen sehr klein.” Eine vernünftig sitzende und bequeme Arbeitskleidung sei aber sehr wichtig für ihren Beruf. “Die Carhartt Produktlinie für Damen hat daher einen großen Stellenwert für mich”, so Sina.

Seit vielen Jahren stellt Carhartt robuste, funktionsfähige und stilvolle Kleidung für den Arbeitsalltag des Handwerks her. Mit einer Produktlinie für Damen will das Unternehmen dazu beitragen, dass sich Frauen noch wohler im Handwerk fühlen. In einer Kollaboration mit Dachdeckerin Sina (@dachdeckerin_sina auf Instagram) zeigt die Marke, wie die richtige Kleidung Handwerkerinnen zusätzlich formt und zu ihrem Erfolg beiträgt.

Sina ist Dachdecker-Gesellin und nimmt seit zwei Jahren ihre Follower*innen mit in ihren Berufsalltag. “Ich möchte zeigen, wie schön Handwerk sein kann und setze mich für Frauen im Handwerk ein.” Fast 30.000 Menschen verfolgen ihren Weg und begleiten sie seit dem Sommer auch mit zur Meisterschule. Die 22-Jährige plant irgendwann den Familienbetrieb zu übernehmen und setzt daher schon heute auf Qualität. “Die Zahl der Frauen im Handwerk ist zwar wachsend, dennoch gering. Deshalb ist das Marktangebot an Arbeitskleidung für Frauen sehr klein.” Eine vernünftig sitzende und bequeme Arbeitskleidung sei aber sehr wichtig für ihren Beruf. “Die Carhartt Produktlinie für Damen hat daher einen großen Stellenwert für mich”, so Sina.

Männer dominieren nach wie vor im Handwerk – aber die Frauen holen auf! Immer mehr entscheiden sich für eine Karriere in der Tischlerei, im Garten- oder Landschaftsbau oder im Kunsthandwerk. 2019 wurde beinahe jede 5. erfolgreiche Meisterprüfung laut dem Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks von einer Frau absolviert. Fast jede vierte Gründung im Handwerk erfolgt durch eine Frau und schon heute werden bereits 20 Prozent der Handwerksbetriebe durch eine weibliche Hand geführt.

Seit über 100 Jahren unterstützt Carhartt Frauen im Handwerk mit richtigen Passformen und einer umfassenden Auswahl. Die erste Werbung der Marke für Damenbekleidung erschien 1917 zu einem Overall, der als unkompliziertes Kleidungsstück für die Arbeit im Haus, auf dem Land und in der Fabrik vermarktet wurde. Vor allem während des Zweiten Weltkrieges wurden Overalls populär und fanden dank ihrer Robustheit und Langlebigkeit den Weg in viele Schränke hart arbeitender Frauen.

In den 90er-Jahren führte Carhartt dann die erste “Carhartt für Frauen”-Produktlinie ein und erweitert seitdem sein Sortiment stetig angepasst an die Gegebenheit und Moderne der Zeit.

More information:
Carhartt Handwerk Arbeitsbekleidung

Le Buzz Studio für Carhartt


ANDRITZ recycling line for agricultural plastic waste nets

RecyOuest, France, has successfully started up the world's first recycling line for agricultural plastic waste nets at its mill in Argentan. The innovative recycling line featuring a unique dry-cleaning system was delivered, installed and commissioned by the international technology group ANDRITZ in August 2022.

RecyOuest, based in Argentan, France, is a green economy company that handles the recycling contaminated filamentary thermoplastics such as round bale nets and twines. With its recycling process, RecyOuest is part of a circular economy approach.

The ANDRITZ recycling line can process up to 8,000 tons of waste and produce recycling fibers for nonwoven applications and also for pellets made of waste from agricultural single-use plastic nets and twines. These pellets are then returned to the plastics industry by mixing both recycled and virgin raw materials, thus reducing the amount of virgin plastic used.

RecyOuest, France, has successfully started up the world's first recycling line for agricultural plastic waste nets at its mill in Argentan. The innovative recycling line featuring a unique dry-cleaning system was delivered, installed and commissioned by the international technology group ANDRITZ in August 2022.

RecyOuest, based in Argentan, France, is a green economy company that handles the recycling contaminated filamentary thermoplastics such as round bale nets and twines. With its recycling process, RecyOuest is part of a circular economy approach.

The ANDRITZ recycling line can process up to 8,000 tons of waste and produce recycling fibers for nonwoven applications and also for pellets made of waste from agricultural single-use plastic nets and twines. These pellets are then returned to the plastics industry by mixing both recycled and virgin raw materials, thus reducing the amount of virgin plastic used.

This line, inspired by the techniques from textile wastes recycling, is equipped with a unique mechanical dry-cleaning system that allows resource savings by avoiding the use of water and chemicals. This state-of-the-art ANDRITZ equipment allows RecyOuest to produce recycling fibers for nonwoven applications and also pellets for ever new eco-designed nets and twines for the agricultural sector, with the lowest possible environmental impact.




CELC becomes Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp

  • The European Confederation for Flax and Hemp (CELC) has unveiled its new visual identity and name: Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp.
  • The European Flax-Linen and Hemp industries have announced they are organizing their development around a strengthened team with a clear mission: to expand the entire industry whilst making European Flax-Linen and Hemp the preferred sustainable premium fibers worldwide.
  • The Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp will launch its new identity in the first semester of 2023 for all target groups including Natural Fiber Composite Applications.

CELC has announced its new name and visual identity. The organization, which is the only European agro-industrial organization that serves as a global reference, will now be known as the Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp.

  • The European Confederation for Flax and Hemp (CELC) has unveiled its new visual identity and name: Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp.
  • The European Flax-Linen and Hemp industries have announced they are organizing their development around a strengthened team with a clear mission: to expand the entire industry whilst making European Flax-Linen and Hemp the preferred sustainable premium fibers worldwide.
  • The Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp will launch its new identity in the first semester of 2023 for all target groups including Natural Fiber Composite Applications.

CELC has announced its new name and visual identity. The organization, which is the only European agro-industrial organization that serves as a global reference, will now be known as the Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp.

The new name - Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp – reflects a newly restructured European industry which brings together the entire value chain around a common goal: to make European Flax-Linen and Hemp the preferred sustainable premium fibers worldwide for Fashion, Technical Textiles and Natural Fiber Composite Applications.

The new brand identity is accompanied by a new logo that connects the identity, values and strategic direction of the Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp. In addition to visual changes, the Alliance has announced enhanced values and a clear strategic path to turn European Flax-Linen and Hemp into the preferred sustainable premium fibers worldwide.

The Alliance’s future development pathway will focus on three distinct strategic pillars.

  • Enhancing its work in publishing structured, reliable economic data and information on a regular basis, in order to be able to continuously deploy a set of specific decision-making support tools.
  • Transforming the Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp into an innovative and sustainable international reference which continuously improves its environmental footprint through two essential elements: traceability and Life Cycle Analysis.
  • Guaranteeing quality and better describing the quality of its fibers by using technological innovations to create a reference for describing long fibers. A description of European Flax® fibers through optical imaging will soon complement the organoleptic method.

“Europe is the top global producer of Flax fiber. In an international context of growth and reindustrialization, Flax, which accounts for just 0.4% of global textile fibers, is a globalized fiber with remarkable technical and environmental properties. At the same time, the European textile Hemp industry is organizing itself to boost growth. Today, the European Flax-Linen and Hemp ecosystem thus embodies an innovative and sustainable European textile dynamic that meets the needs of consumers and brands.” Bart Depourcq, President, Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp.


Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp

Grafik BVMed

Bevölkerungsumfrage: Nur 10 Prozent der Deutschen wechseln Masken nach jedem Gebrauch

BVMed: „Masken müssen korrekt angewendet werden“

Nur 10 Prozent der Deutschen wechseln ihre FFP2-Maske nach jedem Gebrauch. 9 Prozent der Bevölkerung wechseln die Maske so selten wie möglich, über 18 Prozent tragen überhaupt keine Maske. Das ergab eine repräsentative Befragung des Meinungsforschungsunternehmens Civey im Auftrag des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed). 2.500 Personen wurden zwischen dem 28. und 29. November 2022 befragt. Die Ergebnisse sind repräsentativ für die Einwohner Deutschlands ab 18 Jahren. Der statistische Fehler der Gesamtergebnisse liegt bei 3,3 Prozent.

„Medizinische Masken schützen bei richtiger Anwendung sehr gut vor Infektionen. Wichtig ist, die Hinweise der Profis zum richtigen Umgang mit Masken und die Hygieneregeln zu beachten“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

BVMed: „Masken müssen korrekt angewendet werden“

Nur 10 Prozent der Deutschen wechseln ihre FFP2-Maske nach jedem Gebrauch. 9 Prozent der Bevölkerung wechseln die Maske so selten wie möglich, über 18 Prozent tragen überhaupt keine Maske. Das ergab eine repräsentative Befragung des Meinungsforschungsunternehmens Civey im Auftrag des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed). 2.500 Personen wurden zwischen dem 28. und 29. November 2022 befragt. Die Ergebnisse sind repräsentativ für die Einwohner Deutschlands ab 18 Jahren. Der statistische Fehler der Gesamtergebnisse liegt bei 3,3 Prozent.

„Medizinische Masken schützen bei richtiger Anwendung sehr gut vor Infektionen. Wichtig ist, die Hinweise der Profis zum richtigen Umgang mit Masken und die Hygieneregeln zu beachten“, kommentiert BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

In Teilen des öffentlichen Raumes gilt weiterhin die Pflicht zum Tragen einer medizinischen bzw. einer FFP2-Maske. Nach der BVMed-Umfrage sind die häufigsten Wechselgründe: Wenn die Maske verschmutzt ist (50,8 Prozent), kaputt gegangen ist (41,3 Prozent), schlecht riecht bzw. unhygienisch ist (37,0 Prozent) oder wenn die Maske durchfeuchtet ist (35,6 Prozent).

Unterschieden werden OP-Masken bzw. medizinische Masken (Mund-Nasen-Schutz) und Atemschutzmasken.

  • OP-Masken dienen vor allem dem Schutz der Umgebung vor Keimen, die Träger:innen beispielsweise durch Atmen oder Niesen verteilen könnte.
  • Atemschutzmasken hingegen dienen dem Schutz der Träger:innen vor Viren. Bei den Atemschutzmasken gibt es wiederum verschiedene Gruppen. Zum Schutz vor Viren und Mikroorganismen sind grundsätzlich Masken mit einem Partikelfilter geeignet. Dazu zählen unter anderem sogenannte Partikelfiltrierende Halbmasken, besser bekannt als FFP-Masken.

Genutzt werden von den Menschen aktuell vor allem FFP2-Masken. Sie sind nur dann wirksam, wenn sie korrekt angelegt werden.

  • Vor dem Aufsetzen der Maske sollten die Hände gründlich mit Wasser und Seife oder einem geeigneten Desinfektionsmittel gereinigt werden.
  • Die Maske muss gemäß der ihr beiliegenden Anleitung aufgesetzt werden. Sie muss Mund und Nase vollständig abdecken.
  • Es muss sichergestellt sein, dass keine Lücken zwischen Gesicht und Maske vorhanden sind.
  • FFP2-Masken sollten grundsätzlich nicht mehrfach verwendet werden, da es sich i.d.R. um Einmalprodukte handelt.
More information:
BVMed FFP-2 Masken Einwegmasken

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


EURATEX: A price cap at 275€/MWh would be meaningless

The plan of the European Commission to propose a price cap on wholesale gas price at 275€/MWh would be a bitter disappointment for the European textiles and clothing manufacturers, said EURATEX.

November 22nd, EURATEX stated in a letter to EC President, Ursula von der Leyen, that any price cap above the level of 80€euro/MWh would not help the EU industry – the textile sector in particular – to survive the current crisis. Indeed as early as July 2021, the wholesale gas price in the EU was below 30€/MWh. Now, the EU industry is facing gas and energy prices that have exceeded any coping capacity: from the record-high 320€/MWh last August, the price has reached to 127€/MWh today. Still, it is more than 300% than the business as usual prices.

The plan of the European Commission to propose a price cap on wholesale gas price at 275€/MWh would be a bitter disappointment for the European textiles and clothing manufacturers, said EURATEX.

November 22nd, EURATEX stated in a letter to EC President, Ursula von der Leyen, that any price cap above the level of 80€euro/MWh would not help the EU industry – the textile sector in particular – to survive the current crisis. Indeed as early as July 2021, the wholesale gas price in the EU was below 30€/MWh. Now, the EU industry is facing gas and energy prices that have exceeded any coping capacity: from the record-high 320€/MWh last August, the price has reached to 127€/MWh today. Still, it is more than 300% than the business as usual prices.

The very existence of the European industry is at stake and with it the European sustainability agenda – and Europe’s capacity to implement it. Furthermore, Europe will lose its strategic autonomy, which guarantees essential goods and services are made available on the European Internal Market. If we continue on this path, the EU will soon become totally dependent on foreign imports with no leverage to implement its sustainability agenda, let alone lead the transition to a circular economy on the international stage.

At present, the EU industry is facing a dire international competition with the industry in China, India and the US working at energy prices of around 10$/MWh. In addition, these competitors are benefitting of sky-high subsidies from their own governments: the rollout of the US $369bln industrial subsidy scheme is just the latest example.

EURATEX Director General, Dirk Vantyghem, believes that “while the EU Industry is under immense, unprecedented pressure, a price cap at 275€/MWh would be meaningless: the European industry will be permanently pushed out on the market. The industry is at the heart of the European way of life and the fundament of our social market economy. The EU must save its industry to save Europe. The moment to act is now.”

More information:
price gap energy crisis Euratex


Photo: OCSiAl

OCSiAl: Graphene nanotubes expand textiles’ functionality

  • ESD protection in harsh environments:
  • Polymer-coated chemical-resistant fabrics and fireproof special textiles with expanded electrostatic discharge (ESD) safety function have been developed.
  • Graphene nanotubes used as an electrostatic dissipative material make it possible to add ESD protection without compromising resistance to aggressive environments.
  • Efficient working loadings starting from 0.06% are sufficient for stable anti-static properties fully compliant with safety standards and position graphene nanotubes far ahead of other conductive materials.

Protective clothing, upholstery, and industrial fabrics that experience harsh conditions require advanced performance. Depending on the final application, specialty textiles can be augmented with flame retardancy, durability, chemical protection, and other properties. Additionally, ESD protection is obligatory in the chemical, rescue, mining, oil & gas, automotive manufacturing, and many other industries that are subject to safety regulations.

  • ESD protection in harsh environments:
  • Polymer-coated chemical-resistant fabrics and fireproof special textiles with expanded electrostatic discharge (ESD) safety function have been developed.
  • Graphene nanotubes used as an electrostatic dissipative material make it possible to add ESD protection without compromising resistance to aggressive environments.
  • Efficient working loadings starting from 0.06% are sufficient for stable anti-static properties fully compliant with safety standards and position graphene nanotubes far ahead of other conductive materials.

Protective clothing, upholstery, and industrial fabrics that experience harsh conditions require advanced performance. Depending on the final application, specialty textiles can be augmented with flame retardancy, durability, chemical protection, and other properties. Additionally, ESD protection is obligatory in the chemical, rescue, mining, oil & gas, automotive manufacturing, and many other industries that are subject to safety regulations.
In applications where multifunctionality of textile is required, graphene nanotubes overcome the limitations of other conductive materials such as unstable anti-static properties; degradation of strength, or chemical or fire resistance; complicated manufacturing processes; dusty production; carbon contamination on the material’s surface; or limited color options. Recent developments show that graphene nanotubes provide ESD protection to textiles in full compliance with safety standards and without degrading the textile’s resistance to harsh environments, greatly enhancing the value of textiles.
One such example is textiles coated with fluoroelastomer (a polymer that is highly resistant to chemicals) augmented with graphene nanotubes from OCSiAl. Nanotubes provide the material with surface resistivity of 10^6–10^8 Ω/sq compliant with EN, ISO, and ATEX standards for personal protective equipment. This new technology opens the door for the fabric to be used in high-level protective suits, combining exceptional protection from chemicals with electrostatic discharge protection.
Another example is how graphene nanotube technology is being acknowledged as a replacement for metal yarns in fireproof and anti-static textiles, protecting against sparks, splashes of molten metal, high temperatures, and the risk of sudden electrostatic discharge. While metal yarns require a specific knitting process and storage conditions, incorporating nanotubes in a fabric does not require any changes in the manufacturing process as the water-based dispersion is introduced into the fabric at the fluoro-organic treatment stage. The fabric with OCSiAl’s graphene nanotubes has been proven to maintain the pre-set level of ESD protection (surface resistance of 10^7 Ω) after numerous washes.
Permanent and stable electrical conductivity, facilitated by graphene nanotubes, is not only a matter of safety but brings additional value in augmenting dust-repellent properties and touchscreen compatibility for comfort and time savings. At the same time, the ultralow nanotube concentrations result in maintained manufacturing processes and mechanical properties, and improve product aesthetics by making it possible to use a wide range of colors. Altogether, these benefits allow textile manufacturers to create next-generation special textiles with expanded functionality.


comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x Bild Freudenberg
comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x

Freudenberg presents sustainable product innovations at ISPO 2022

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) as a leading specialist in woven, knitted and non-woven interlinings and thermal insulation, presents sustainable solutions for sportswear and related product segments of all kinds in Munich.

Trade show visitors will experience a wide range of innovative and sustainable interlinings for active sports outfits, stretch interlinings for yoga wear, Pilates & Co, and thermal insulations that combine perfect outdoor wearing comfort with high warmth retention. With comfortemp® brand thermal insulations and the Active Range, Freudenberg presents a complete package for outdoor and sportswear for winter sports: thermal insulations, interlinings, tapes, lining fabrics and adhesive solutions.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) as a leading specialist in woven, knitted and non-woven interlinings and thermal insulation, presents sustainable solutions for sportswear and related product segments of all kinds in Munich.

Trade show visitors will experience a wide range of innovative and sustainable interlinings for active sports outfits, stretch interlinings for yoga wear, Pilates & Co, and thermal insulations that combine perfect outdoor wearing comfort with high warmth retention. With comfortemp® brand thermal insulations and the Active Range, Freudenberg presents a complete package for outdoor and sportswear for winter sports: thermal insulations, interlinings, tapes, lining fabrics and adhesive solutions.

The independent jury has nominated the 100 percent biodegradable thermal insulation comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x, made from Lyocell regenerated fibers, for the Textrends Award fall/winter 2024/25 season. The award is given exclusively to innovative products that are groundbreaking for the development of the textile industry. comfortemp® nature Lyocell HO 60x has a variety of extraordinary performance characteristics as a high warmth retention, bacteria inhibiting and fast drying, furthermore water repellent. High wearing comfort and the assurance of a perfect moisture balance characterize the volume fleece as ideal for the application in sportswear.

Freudenberg is presenting its entire European and global product portfolio from its "House of Sustainability" at ISPO. The "House of Sustainability" supports Freudenberg in minimizing its ecological footprint and maximizing its ecological handprint. For this purpose, the company's own manufacturing processes are designed to minimize the impact on the environment. In addition, products are developed to help customers produce more sustainably.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG


CHT: From plastic waste to textile finishing: ARRISTAN rAIR

  • made out of recycled PET flakes and recyclable again
  • suited for finishing recycled yarns and fabrics
  • moisture management in sports and active wear

For the sustainable use of resources, the CHT Group has developed the product ARRISTAN rAIR, according to the principles of the circular economy. Here, plastic waste is converted into a valuable textile finishing product to achieve, for example, optimal moisture management in sports and active wear. Other areas of application include socks and tights in the clothing sector, filtration media and nonwovens in the technical textiles sector, and pillows and curtains in home textiles.

Since ARRISTAN rAIR is made out of recycled PET flakes, it is suited for finishing recycled yarns and fabrics which are subsequently recyclable again.

The hydrophilizing agent ARRISTAN rAIR is characterized by its fast-drying properties in combination with excellent soil release and thermoregulation. It therefore offers, especially in the field of functional textiles, optimal functionalities for high-quality and durable sportswear.

  • made out of recycled PET flakes and recyclable again
  • suited for finishing recycled yarns and fabrics
  • moisture management in sports and active wear

For the sustainable use of resources, the CHT Group has developed the product ARRISTAN rAIR, according to the principles of the circular economy. Here, plastic waste is converted into a valuable textile finishing product to achieve, for example, optimal moisture management in sports and active wear. Other areas of application include socks and tights in the clothing sector, filtration media and nonwovens in the technical textiles sector, and pillows and curtains in home textiles.

Since ARRISTAN rAIR is made out of recycled PET flakes, it is suited for finishing recycled yarns and fabrics which are subsequently recyclable again.

The hydrophilizing agent ARRISTAN rAIR is characterized by its fast-drying properties in combination with excellent soil release and thermoregulation. It therefore offers, especially in the field of functional textiles, optimal functionalities for high-quality and durable sportswear.


CHT Germany GmbH


AkzoNobel launches sustainable biocide-free range for boaters

Recreational boaters now have an easy way to be more sustainable following the introduction of a new biocide-free (B-Free) fouling control range from AkzoNobel’s Yacht Coatings business.

The first product to be launched from the new B-Free range is B-Free Explore. It features a specially-developed, unique silicone polymer technology which produces an exceptionally smooth and slick hull – helping to reduce drag.

Fouling is controlled by preventing microorganisms such as barnacles, slime and algae from forming strong bonds with the hull of the boat. Any that do adhere can be simply wiped away by hand or water jet.

“We’ve developed high-performance technology which allows boaters to maintain a clean, smooth hull,” explains Simon Parker, Director of AkzoNobel’s Marine and Protective Coatings business. “It’s based on proven technology and exemplifies the restless spirit of innovation which has been the cornerstone of our International brand for more than 140 years.”

Recreational boaters now have an easy way to be more sustainable following the introduction of a new biocide-free (B-Free) fouling control range from AkzoNobel’s Yacht Coatings business.

The first product to be launched from the new B-Free range is B-Free Explore. It features a specially-developed, unique silicone polymer technology which produces an exceptionally smooth and slick hull – helping to reduce drag.

Fouling is controlled by preventing microorganisms such as barnacles, slime and algae from forming strong bonds with the hull of the boat. Any that do adhere can be simply wiped away by hand or water jet.

“We’ve developed high-performance technology which allows boaters to maintain a clean, smooth hull,” explains Simon Parker, Director of AkzoNobel’s Marine and Protective Coatings business. “It’s based on proven technology and exemplifies the restless spirit of innovation which has been the cornerstone of our International brand for more than 140 years.”

Adds Jemma Lampkin, Global Commercial Director for AkzoNobel’s Yacht Coatings business: “Boaters are becoming more aware of the impact they can have on the environment, but they still require technologies that deliver high-performance fouling control. B-Free Explore provides a stand-out solution for both of these challenges.”

Specially crafted for the leisure boat market, B-Free Explore is the culmination of a five-year development program. It can be applied to new hulls or directly to existing antifouling, without the need for the removal of the previous antifouling coating. This makes it simple for boaters to upgrade from their traditional coatings to the new technology.

The new product is also better for the marine ecosystem. Being biocide-free, it provides a smooth surface for improved hull efficiencies, which can lead to a reduced carbon footprint.

Currently being introduced in Northern Europe, B-Free Explore will be rolled out across Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden in January 2023.

More information:
AkzoNobel Coatings Polymere


(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Cinte Techtextil China postponed to 2023

Owing to evolving pandemic circumstances in Shanghai, the organisers have announced that Cinte Techtextil China will no longer be taking place from 7 – 9 December 2022 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). A new fair date in 2023 will be announced in due course.
Ms Wilmet Shea, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained: “While it is unfortunate that Cinte Techtextil China cannot take place as scheduled, after holding talks with stakeholders we decided that deferring the fair was necessary to comply with the government’s pandemic control measures. I would like to thank all participants for their patience and continued support, and to reiterate our resolve to provide a safe platform for the technical textile and nonwovens industry to congregate next year.”

Owing to evolving pandemic circumstances in Shanghai, the organisers have announced that Cinte Techtextil China will no longer be taking place from 7 – 9 December 2022 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). A new fair date in 2023 will be announced in due course.
Ms Wilmet Shea, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained: “While it is unfortunate that Cinte Techtextil China cannot take place as scheduled, after holding talks with stakeholders we decided that deferring the fair was necessary to comply with the government’s pandemic control measures. I would like to thank all participants for their patience and continued support, and to reiterate our resolve to provide a safe platform for the technical textile and nonwovens industry to congregate next year.”


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

(c) Hologenix, LLC

Medline and Hologenix launch new orthopedic infrared products

Medline, a medical product distributor and manufacturer, together with Hologenix® launched a new line of CURAD® Performance Series® orthopedic products powered by CELLIANT® infrared technology.

CELLIANT, the flagship innovation of Hologenix, is a proprietary blend of natural minerals that allows textiles to convert body heat into infrared energy, returning it to the body and temporarily increasing local blood flow and cellular oxygenation. This has been clinically demonstrated to support recovery from physical activity and fatigue, increase endurance and stamina, and boost overall performance in healthy individuals, among other benefits.  

Trusted by athletes, CURAD is the Official Medical Supplier of the IRONMAN® U.S. Series. The new orthopedic products powered by CELLIANT infrared technology are the latest additions to the CURAD Performance Series collection and including different infrared supports designed for the ankle, knee, back, shoulder, as well as multipurpose use.

Medline, a medical product distributor and manufacturer, together with Hologenix® launched a new line of CURAD® Performance Series® orthopedic products powered by CELLIANT® infrared technology.

CELLIANT, the flagship innovation of Hologenix, is a proprietary blend of natural minerals that allows textiles to convert body heat into infrared energy, returning it to the body and temporarily increasing local blood flow and cellular oxygenation. This has been clinically demonstrated to support recovery from physical activity and fatigue, increase endurance and stamina, and boost overall performance in healthy individuals, among other benefits.  

Trusted by athletes, CURAD is the Official Medical Supplier of the IRONMAN® U.S. Series. The new orthopedic products powered by CELLIANT infrared technology are the latest additions to the CURAD Performance Series collection and including different infrared supports designed for the ankle, knee, back, shoulder, as well as multipurpose use.

“This new CURAD Performance Series offering represents a major expansion of CELLIANT infrared (IR) bio-responsive textiles into the sports medicine field,” said Seth Casden, Hologenix Co-Founder and CEO. “We are honored to partner with Medline and look forward to future introductions.”

In addition to the inclusion of CELLIANT infrared technology, Medline has engineered the elastic supports to provide targeted compression for enhanced local circulation that helps reduce swelling, with a contoured fit that won’t slip or shift during normal activities with silicone grips that keep the product in place.

The removable hot/cold therapy supports provide adjustable compression and a gel compress that can be cooled or heated to further reduce swelling and discomfort.


Hologenix, LLC /  Sarah Fletcher Communication


INDA Call for Abstracts for World of Wipes® International Conference

INDA’s 17th annual World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference is accepting abstracts through December 2, 2022, on innovative, inspiring, and informative wipe products, markets and technologies to be presented in Atlanta, GA, July 17-20, 2023.

Experts in the areas of dry and wet wipes, sustainability, end-use markets, substrate formation, raw materials and fibers, liquid ingredients, packaging, machinery, and market trends and data are encouraged to submit a brief abstract of one or two paragraphs detailing the relationship of their presentation to wipes or wipe manufacturing. Along with a brief abstract summary, professionals should also submit a speaker’s photo, and biography. Information may be submitted online via the WOW website before December 2nd.

Over 450 wipes business leaders are expected to convene at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel July 17-20, 2023 to hear premium content in market research, product innovations, sustainability issues, new materials and substrates for all wiping products and their components.

INDA’s 17th annual World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference is accepting abstracts through December 2, 2022, on innovative, inspiring, and informative wipe products, markets and technologies to be presented in Atlanta, GA, July 17-20, 2023.

Experts in the areas of dry and wet wipes, sustainability, end-use markets, substrate formation, raw materials and fibers, liquid ingredients, packaging, machinery, and market trends and data are encouraged to submit a brief abstract of one or two paragraphs detailing the relationship of their presentation to wipes or wipe manufacturing. Along with a brief abstract summary, professionals should also submit a speaker’s photo, and biography. Information may be submitted online via the WOW website before December 2nd.

Over 450 wipes business leaders are expected to convene at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel July 17-20, 2023 to hear premium content in market research, product innovations, sustainability issues, new materials and substrates for all wiping products and their components.

The last WOW event held in Chicago connected more than 450 participants from 18 countries representing the entire wipes supply chain to explore issues and advancements in the growing multibillion-dollar wipes sector. WOW is targeted exclusively for wipes brand owners, converters, manufacturers, and their entire supply chain.

The WOW Committee is developing content for a timely and relevant program that targets such areas as energy consumption, digitalization, global supply chain challenges, the plastics issue, ingredient transparencies, market intelligence, substrate developments, converting systems, material science, packaging, and circularity advances in personal and industrial wipes.

Training at the WOW 2023 Conference
The WIPES Academy, the industry’s first and only comprehensive wipes training for the entire supply chain, will occur prior to the conference start, July 17-18. Participants will gain a strong foundation of fundamental wipes knowledge, covering the basics of wipes design, manufacturing and applications, market trends, and opportunities in new product areas. At least two years of basic nonwoven fabrics knowledge or completion of the INDA Elementary Nonwovens Course are the recommended prerequisites.

More information:
INDA WOW World of Wipes



Swiss textile manufacturer Schoeller Textil AG with new branding

  • Focus on the guiding principle of "textile intelligence" and sustainability

Long before sustainability became a trend in the textile industry, Schoeller Textil AG, which has been innovating technical fabrics and smart textile finishing technologies for more than 150 years, made it its mission to develop textile innovations in harmony with nature. Now the company is undergoing an extensive rebranding, whilst unveiling its strong brand foundation in the process. The result embodies the newly defined guiding principle of “Textile Intelligence” - the development and successful implementation of innovative textiles and intelligent textile technologies.

Innovations in the textile industry must meet requirements on several levels – offering both new and optimized solutions to sociological, ecological, and economic challenges of our time. Creating this holistic added value is firmly rooted in the Schoeller brand origin and is still the top priority in textile product development today. The brand essence has thus remained the same, but it has been embodied anew.

  • Focus on the guiding principle of "textile intelligence" and sustainability

Long before sustainability became a trend in the textile industry, Schoeller Textil AG, which has been innovating technical fabrics and smart textile finishing technologies for more than 150 years, made it its mission to develop textile innovations in harmony with nature. Now the company is undergoing an extensive rebranding, whilst unveiling its strong brand foundation in the process. The result embodies the newly defined guiding principle of “Textile Intelligence” - the development and successful implementation of innovative textiles and intelligent textile technologies.

Innovations in the textile industry must meet requirements on several levels – offering both new and optimized solutions to sociological, ecological, and economic challenges of our time. Creating this holistic added value is firmly rooted in the Schoeller brand origin and is still the top priority in textile product development today. The brand essence has thus remained the same, but it has been embodied anew.

“At the beginning of the rebranding process, it was clear to us we had to root ourselves in (Swiss) tradition in order to fully realize Schoeller’s entire brand potential and successfully explore new, digital paths,” said Antonio Gatti Balsarri, Schoeller chief commercial officer.

“The goal of the rebranding is to communicate our traditional brand values in a completely new brand presence. The result was a sharpened brand profile, a clear brand strategy and tonality, as well as a clean, modern corporate design. We will specifically address our sustainability commitment through the expansion of digital touchpoints, their cross-media use, and an increased online presence. Simplified, straightforward, sustainable - in accordance with our greatest source of inspiration: nature.”

Transparency and Sustainability
Paramount to Schoeller’s corporate identity is the full disclosure of brand principles and transparency around all business divisions. A simplified logo design was established by reducing logo elements and colors for a modern look and feel that can be produced in a much more resource-efficient manner. Schoeller’s new brand mantra of “Textile Intelligence” speaks to its company mission of more than 150 years.

Schoeller has been a bluesign system partner from the very beginning and uses the Higg Facility Environmental Module (FEM) to assess sustainable performance. In addition to environmentally-friendly manufacturing processes and careful material selection, the highest quality and sustainability standards in production also mean guaranteeing fair working conditions. Schoeller follows a Code of Conduct that guarantees transparent production chains, environmental protection, and fair working conditions.

“Zero Textile Waste” becomes a targeted brand strategy. While the production of textiles and textile technologies is continuously being optimized to preserve resources, the manufacturing processes are often costly and complex. To this end, Schoeller offers new approaches to efforts around Zero Waste in the industry. Its new online shop, “Schoeller re-Fabric” sells textile remnants from production directly to designers and smaller productions to increase its overall production volume efficiency and avoid textile waste.


Schoeller Textil AG


Cinte Techtextil China announces exhibitors for December Edition

From 7 – 9 December 2022, Cinte Techtextil China will welcome visitors sourcing solutions for 12 application areas of technical textiles and nonwovens at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.

A number of countries and regions are represented at the fair’s International Zone, with companies from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the US. Standout international exhibitors include:

From 7 – 9 December 2022, Cinte Techtextil China will welcome visitors sourcing solutions for 12 application areas of technical textiles and nonwovens at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.

A number of countries and regions are represented at the fair’s International Zone, with companies from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the US. Standout international exhibitors include:

  • TESTEX, an international, independent Swiss institute which specialises in the testing and certification of textile and leather products. The organisation is a founding member and official representative of the OEKO-TEX® Association, and will present their certification services at the fairground.
  • Cotton Council International (CCI) is a non-profit trade association that promotes US cotton fibre and manufactured cotton products, with their COTTON USA™ Mark. At this year’s fair they will showcase cotton spunlace fabric, wipes, kitchen tissues, facial masks, cosmetic removers, and more, with their products particularly applicable to Agrotech, Clothtech, Medtech, and Sporttech.
  • Graf + Cie AG is a subsidiary of the Rieter Group, and a leading supplier of clothing for carding and combs for combing machines in the short- and long-staple spinning industry. This year, the Swiss company will showcase stationary flats, and metallic card clothing for roller cards.
  • At the returning German Pavilion, buyers can source sought-after technical textiles and nonwovens that are renowned for their quality. The companies and expertise on display at this pavilion are endorsed by the Federal Republic of Germany, with several exhibitors highlighted below:
  • Brückner Textile Technologies GmbH & Co KG has developed machinery for the textile industry since 1949. Today, the company offers complete line systems for the dry finishing of both woven and knitted fabric, as well as for technical textiles, glass fibres, and floor coverings.
  • Perlon (Zhejiang) Co Ltd is part of a global group of companies that specialises in the manufacture of synthetic filaments, with factories in China, Germany, Poland, and the US. Their products have a diverse range of potential uses, largely categorised in the Agrotech and Indutech application areas.
  • IBENA Textilwerke GmbH produces various functional fabrics for Protech. At the fair, the company will be showcasing insulative, flame retardant (FR) textiles for firefighting and search & rescue services. Developed with DuPont™ aramid material, their FR properties will not diminish after washing or repeated use.

This year’s fair also sees the return of the Taiwan Zone. With support from the Taiwan Nonwoven Fabrics Industry Association, the area will showcase a range of industry leading nonwoven products and services, by brands such as KNH Enterprise, Nan Liu Enterprise, Unique Pretty Ind, and Web-Pro Corporation.

As a world’s largest manufacturer of technical textiles, China is home to a vast array of companies responsible for innovative products. Some domestic exhibitors to look out for are:

  • CTA Hi-Textiles Co Ltd, a high-tech enterprise controlled by China Textile Science Research Institute. In recent years, the company has developed several new textile composite materials, and their products are widely used in sectors such as national defence, policing and public security, medical protection, and engineering and manufacturing.
  • Sateri is one of the world’s largest producers of viscose fibre, with an annual capacity of 1.8 million metric tonnes. At their mills, they make yarn and fibre products applicable to sectors such as beauty, hygiene and personal care, medical, wipes, and protective wear.

To help international buyers stay connected with the Chinese market, Match Plus, the fair’s online business matching platform, will support foreign buyers achieve their sourcing goals despite travel limitations. Further information on Match Plus will be available at a later stage.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions.


The curtain lifts on JEC World 2023

Well-known as the “Festival of composites” each year in Paris, JEC World is the event dedicated to composite materials, their manufacturing technologies and application markets. It will take place in Paris Nord Villepinte from April 25th to 27th, 2023, giving once again the opportunity for professionals to meet with the worldwide composites industry.

Six months prior to the show, the program of the 2023 edition starts to unveil.

For 2023, JEC World is preparing a wide program of conferences and expert panels discussions focusing largely on sustainability and key challenges of our industry and application sectors. In aerospace, construction, ground transportation, health, design, energy (…): sustainable initiatives and greener mindsets are taking over the latest developments in high-performance composite technologies and applications.

Well-known as the “Festival of composites” each year in Paris, JEC World is the event dedicated to composite materials, their manufacturing technologies and application markets. It will take place in Paris Nord Villepinte from April 25th to 27th, 2023, giving once again the opportunity for professionals to meet with the worldwide composites industry.

Six months prior to the show, the program of the 2023 edition starts to unveil.

For 2023, JEC World is preparing a wide program of conferences and expert panels discussions focusing largely on sustainability and key challenges of our industry and application sectors. In aerospace, construction, ground transportation, health, design, energy (…): sustainable initiatives and greener mindsets are taking over the latest developments in high-performance composite technologies and applications.

The JEC Composites Innovation Awards
For 25 years, through the JEC Composites Innovation Awards, JEC Group has rewarded cutting-edge, creative projects which demonstrate the full potential of composite materials. Highly recognised worldwide, they offer the winners and their partners international recognition, a greater exposure during the JEC World show and throughout the following year, new business opportunities as well as an enhanced customer trust.
All companies, R&D centres and their partners can apply before December 16th, and the winners will be revealed during the ceremony, on March 2nd in Paris.

The JEC Composites Startup Booster, the leading startup competition in the world of composites and advanced materials comes back for a sixth edition. All entrepreneurs, SMEs, startups and academic spinoffs building innovative composites projects who want to get international visibility and grow their business with key players of the composites industry & OEMs are already signing up.

Following the call for entries (deadline January 15th, 2023), 20 startups will be selected by JEC Group and its partners Airbus and Mercedes-Benz. Out of the 20 finalists, 3 winners will be selected during the pitching sessions of the show: one in the “Materials & Products” category, one in the “Process, Manufacturing & Equipment” category and a special “Sustainability” award.

More information:
JEC World Composites Startup Award

JEC Group


Dow: Advanced silicone ink for printing especially on highly elastic garments

  • Patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base addresses growing demand for improved performance in textile applications

With the continued global growth of the apparel market, the use of polyester, nylon and blends of these materials with elastane is also on the rise, especially in sportswear and loungewear. To support this higher demand for synthetic textiles, Dow is launching a patented silicone ink – SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base – that can be used for printing on synthetic and cotton fabrics, particularly highly elastic garments.

The increased use of synthetic yarns in recent years has resulted in greater performance requirements on ink chemistries such as durability, elongation and ease of use in highly elastic sportwear. To address these needs, Dow leveraged the exceptional benefits of silicone ink bases with products such as SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 Textile Printing Ink Base and SILASTIC™ 9601 Textile Printing Ink Base.

  • Patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base addresses growing demand for improved performance in textile applications

With the continued global growth of the apparel market, the use of polyester, nylon and blends of these materials with elastane is also on the rise, especially in sportswear and loungewear. To support this higher demand for synthetic textiles, Dow is launching a patented silicone ink – SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M Textile Printing Ink Base – that can be used for printing on synthetic and cotton fabrics, particularly highly elastic garments.

The increased use of synthetic yarns in recent years has resulted in greater performance requirements on ink chemistries such as durability, elongation and ease of use in highly elastic sportwear. To address these needs, Dow leveraged the exceptional benefits of silicone ink bases with products such as SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 Textile Printing Ink Base and SILASTIC™ 9601 Textile Printing Ink Base.

Designed for an increased matte effect and improved hand feel, the patented SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M offers excellent wash durability, high elongation, very soft low tack touch and avoids the “orange peel effect” on cotton substrates. Additionally, SILASTIC™ LCF 9600 M enables safer textile development with its ability to be formulated without the use of PVC, phthalates, solvents, organotins and formaldehyde.

Photo: Monforts
The new seven chamber Montex TwinAir stenter range with Montex®Coat coating at the plant.

Dolinschek: Compression stockings in a variety of colours

The identification of profitable new niche markets has been central to the success and continuous expansion of Germany’s Dolinschek, a leading knitting, dyeing and finishing specialist, located in Burladingen in Baden-Württemberg.

“There is so much more to textiles than just clothing,” says Theo Dolinschek, who runs the company with his brother Erwin. “We handle many different technical materials such as automotive components, geotextiles and wallcoverings, but also those for more unusual applications such as inlays for extractor hoods, cut protection fabrics and even wool felts which are employed as insulation on wind turbines.

“We have also recently started to produce compression stockings in a variety of colours, because not everyone wants them black, beige or skin coloured. The most important product areas for us now are in sportswear, corsetry and lingerie, as well as orthopedic and medical products, workwear and protective clothing, but in addition, many other technical applications.”

The identification of profitable new niche markets has been central to the success and continuous expansion of Germany’s Dolinschek, a leading knitting, dyeing and finishing specialist, located in Burladingen in Baden-Württemberg.

“There is so much more to textiles than just clothing,” says Theo Dolinschek, who runs the company with his brother Erwin. “We handle many different technical materials such as automotive components, geotextiles and wallcoverings, but also those for more unusual applications such as inlays for extractor hoods, cut protection fabrics and even wool felts which are employed as insulation on wind turbines.

“We have also recently started to produce compression stockings in a variety of colours, because not everyone wants them black, beige or skin coloured. The most important product areas for us now are in sportswear, corsetry and lingerie, as well as orthopedic and medical products, workwear and protective clothing, but in addition, many other technical applications.”

The Dolinschek brothers moved their business to the historic site of the former Ambrosius Heim textile company in Burladingen in 2001 in order to expand. At the time, the company – founded by their father in 1980 as a textile wholesaler before moving into dyeing – employed just 13 people. Within a year, the company had bought additional space at the site.

Now, with Theo in charge of technology and sales, and Erwin responsible for production, the company employs almost 100 people and operates on an integrated site of 35,000 square metres.

In 2005, a laminating department was established by the company and since 2012 investment in knitting machines has been ongoing.

“The further we went into vertical integration, the more of our own products we were able to position on the market and so we were also able to make ourselves more independent,” says Theo. “We have continued to develop and today we can produce high-quality fabrics for many fields, with 42 knitting machines, 36 dyeing machines, three stenter frames and many other production and processing machines.”

Dolinschek has also developed its own proprietary TMG dyeing machines which have subsequently been successfully sold to many other companies all over the world. There are currently 11 of these machines  in operation at the Burladingen site and around 45 installed at other companies.

For finishing technology, however, the company relies on Monforts, and has installed a new seven chamber Montex TwinAir stenter range with a Montex®Coat coating unit in knife execution, enabling the coating of dimensionally stable knitted fabrics with polyurethane or acrylate. Another unique feature is the Teflon-coated (non-stick) transportation belt through the system.

The Montex line is also equipped with integrated heat recovery and exhaust gas purification to ensure the most resource-efficient processing available on the market. The exhaust air goes from the Monforts heat recovery system into an existing air/water heat recovery system and then into an electrostatic precipitator.

Highly-intuitive Monforts Qualitex visualisation software allows all machine functions and process parameters to be assessed and controlled easily.


More information:
Dolinschek Monforts

AWOL Media