From the Sector

896 results
(c) HEITKAMP Unternehmensgruppe

HUESKER: Geotextilien für den Wiederaufbau bei Hochwasserereignissen

  • Wiederaufbau nach Hochwasserereignissen auch bei sehr weichen Böden
  • Bau der Swistbachbrücke in Rekordzeit mit Geogitter-Bewehrter-Erde
  • Technische Infrastrukturbauwerke nachhaltig und CO2 sparend errichten

Zunehmende Extremwetterereignisse, wie auch zuletzt in Teilen von Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz und anliegenden europäischen Nachbarländern, erfordern grundsätzlich schnelle und sichere Wiederaufbaumaßnahmen, damit Bewohner und die Wirtschaft vor Ort nicht langfristig durch infrastrukturelle Missstände eingeschränkt sind.

  • Wiederaufbau nach Hochwasserereignissen auch bei sehr weichen Böden
  • Bau der Swistbachbrücke in Rekordzeit mit Geogitter-Bewehrter-Erde
  • Technische Infrastrukturbauwerke nachhaltig und CO2 sparend errichten

Zunehmende Extremwetterereignisse, wie auch zuletzt in Teilen von Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz und anliegenden europäischen Nachbarländern, erfordern grundsätzlich schnelle und sichere Wiederaufbaumaßnahmen, damit Bewohner und die Wirtschaft vor Ort nicht langfristig durch infrastrukturelle Missstände eingeschränkt sind.

Aufräumen und wiederaufbauen mit Geotextilien
Beim Wiederaufbau der Infrastruktur können Geotextilien an vielen Stellen für einen schnellen Baufortschritt eingesetzt werden. So können beispielsweise dringend benötigte temporäre Versorgungsstraßen, Baustraßen und Arbeitsplattformen mit Geogittern oder Bewehrungsgeweben, auch bei sehr weichen Böden, schnell und sicher errichtet werden. Auch die temporäre Lagerung von Abfällen und kontaminierter Schlämme ist mit geosynthetischen Schadstoffbarrieren, Filtern und Schlammentwässerungsschläuchen möglich, um auch die Umwelt bestmöglich vor Schadstoffeinwirkungen zu schützen.

Aufbau der Swistbachbrücke in Heimerzheim in Rekordzeit
Der Neubau der Swistbachbrücke in Heimerzheim, die die überregional wichtige L182 über den Swistbach führt und damit die Großräume Euskirchen, Swisttal und Bornheim verbindet, ist eines dieser erfolgreichen Wiederaufbauprojekte. Durch die Zerstörung der alten Brücke durch das Hochwasser war ein kompletter Neubau erforderlich. Bereits nach drei Monaten konnte die neue Brücke im Dezember 2021 wieder für den Verkehr freigegeben werden.

Möglich wurde die Realisation nach kurzer Zeit durch das innovative Schnellbausystem der HEITKAMP Unternehmensgruppe – welches gemeinsam mit HUESKER entwickelt wurde: das System HEITKAMP Schnellbaubrücke®. Die tragenden Säulen des Systems bzw. die Widerlager werden aus verbundflexiblen Geogittern und lokal verfügbaren Böden hergestellt. Sie bilden die langfristig sicher tragenden Schwerlastelemente.

Konstruktionen aus Geokunststoff-Bewehrter-Erde ermöglichen grundsätzlich einen sehr schnellen Aufbau von Brückenwiderlagern. Anders als in Deutschland, zählen Bewehrte-Erde-Konstruktionen in den Niederlanden schon sehr lange zu den Standardbauweisen, mit denen ein Großteil von Infrastrukturmaßnahmen realisiert werden.

Durch die Konstruktion aus Geogittern und Erde konnte die Bauzeit der Widerlager der Swistbachbrücke von drei Monaten auf zehn Tage reduziert werden. Durch weniger Ressourceneinsatz und weniger Materialtransporte wurde zusätzlich auch CO2 eingespart.


HUESKER Synthetic GmbH



  • A springboard for entrepreneurs in the composites industry

In a few years, JEC Composites Startup Booster has became a reference for entrepreneurship in the composites industry worldwide. Each year before JEC World, among the startups that submitted their application, 20 of them are selected. 20 finalists from all over the world who will join the leading composites trade show to pitch their project on stage before a panel of expert judges.

This competition is a unique opportunity to network and shine a light on what will be the future of the composites industry so save the date: the two pitches sessions will happen on May 3rd, and the winners will be named on May, 4th at 2.45 pm at JEC World 2022 in Paris as well as online on JEC World Connect platform. This year’s competition is sponsored by Airbus & Mercedes-Benz (Main Innovation Partners) as well as Magna Exteriors (Innovation Partner).

  • A springboard for entrepreneurs in the composites industry

In a few years, JEC Composites Startup Booster has became a reference for entrepreneurship in the composites industry worldwide. Each year before JEC World, among the startups that submitted their application, 20 of them are selected. 20 finalists from all over the world who will join the leading composites trade show to pitch their project on stage before a panel of expert judges.

This competition is a unique opportunity to network and shine a light on what will be the future of the composites industry so save the date: the two pitches sessions will happen on May 3rd, and the winners will be named on May, 4th at 2.45 pm at JEC World 2022 in Paris as well as online on JEC World Connect platform. This year’s competition is sponsored by Airbus & Mercedes-Benz (Main Innovation Partners) as well as Magna Exteriors (Innovation Partner).

Launched in 2017, Startup Booster has been organized in three different regions (Europe, USA and Asia) and has already fostered the emergence of 500+ innovative projects from 50+ countries, 80 finalists and 30 winners, including Arevo, Continuous Composites, ComPair, Fortify and Vartega…
This challenge not only represents an opportunity to the winners of the trophy but to all the parts involved: participants, jury, official partners and the worldwide audience of JEC World. It brings the entire composites value chain together, creating future business opportunities.

The 20 finalists are divided into two categories:
• Process, Manufacturing & Equipment
• Materials & Products

The jury includes representatives from major manufacturers and investors:
Jelle BLOEMHOF, Head of Manufacturing Technologies of Composite, Airbus
Karl-Heinz FULLER, Head of Future Outside & Materials Mercedes-Benz AG
Florent ILLAT, Head of Safran Corporate Ventures, Safran
Brian KRULL, Global Director of Innovation, Magna Exteriors
Tim VORAGE, Founder and Manager Growth Garage Accelerator , Mitsubishi Chemicals Advanced Materials

Two pitch sessions of 10 presentations each will be held in the Agora stage (Hall 5), on Tuesday, May 3, from 10am to 11.25am (Category: Products & Materials) and from 4.30pm to 5.55pm (Category: Process, Manufacturing & Equipment). Three winners will be chosen by the jury and one winner for the sustainable aspects of the project. The awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May, 4th at 2.45 pm.

Category “Products & Materials”
o Blackleaf (France)
o Dongnam Realize (South Korea)
o FibreCoat (Germany)
o FVMat (Israel)
o Ora Graphene Audio (Canada)
o Pangolin Defense (France)
o Phononic Vibes (Italy)
o Revolve (Germany)
o Smart Resilin (Israel)
o Space Walker (Japan)

Category “Process, Manufacturing & Equipment”
o Antefil Composite Tech (Switzerland)
o ANYBRID (Germany)
o Atomic-6 (USA)
o Carbon-Drive (Germany)
o Continuum (Denmark)
o Fibraworks (Germany)
o Herone (Germany)
o RVmagnetics (Slovakia)
o Touch Sensity (France)
o XARION Laser Acoustics (Austria)

More information:
JEC Group Startup

JEC Group

(c) JUMBO-Textil GmbH & Co. KG

JUMBO­-Textil: High-tech textiles for exoskeletons

Production and care, logistics and agriculture – people in these and many other industries work hard day after day. Exoskeletons offer them enormous relief in this regard. And in rehabilitation, these innovative "power suits" help patients expand their motor capabilities and extend their mobility. The central component of the exoskeleton is elastic narrow textiles.

Every gram counts
Exoskeletons also require lightweight components. And every gram counts here. Textiles are particularly light materials in themselves and JUMBO-Textil's elastics are also suitable for replacing heavier parts made of or containing plastic or metal. For example, they replace springs, buckles or other fasteners.

Production and care, logistics and agriculture – people in these and many other industries work hard day after day. Exoskeletons offer them enormous relief in this regard. And in rehabilitation, these innovative "power suits" help patients expand their motor capabilities and extend their mobility. The central component of the exoskeleton is elastic narrow textiles.

Every gram counts
Exoskeletons also require lightweight components. And every gram counts here. Textiles are particularly light materials in themselves and JUMBO-Textil's elastics are also suitable for replacing heavier parts made of or containing plastic or metal. For example, they replace springs, buckles or other fasteners.

Good for your back – and your skin
Exoskeletons need skin-friendly components. Depending on the model and ambient temperature, exoskeletons are also worn directly on the skin. This is why JUMBO-Textil does not compromise when it comes to wearing comfort: whether elasticated hook-and-loop belts or slip-proof woven tapes, the surface of the textiles is pleasantly soft. And to prevent moisture accumulating, the textiles are always permeable to air. They are free from harmful substances and meet OEKO-TEX Standard 100 PK1.

Innovative production technology – complex textile architecture
Exoskeletons need safe and stable components. JUMBO-Textil's production technology is always state-of-the-art. This allows for very different, and complex stable textile structures – from elastic buttonhole braids to multi-branched elastic hole cords.


JUMBO-Textil GmbH & Co. KG / 


RINCO ULTRASONICS continues to grow - new foundation RINCO Morocco

Morocco has created an optimal basis for companies with the introduction of the duty-free zone. RINCO ULTRASONICS will take advantage of this opportunity and strengthen its own position in the Moroccan market by establishing RINCO Morocco. RINCO Morocco will act as a center for the African continent. The automotive industry as well as the textile industry are particularly well represented locally.

RINCO ULTRASONICS AG, headquartered in Romanshorn, Switzerland, has specialized in the development and manufacture of ultrasonic welding machines and ultrasonic cutting systems since its founding in 1976. RINCO products are used for reliable welding of plastic parts as well as for cutting food and synthetic textiles.

Morocco has created an optimal basis for companies with the introduction of the duty-free zone. RINCO ULTRASONICS will take advantage of this opportunity and strengthen its own position in the Moroccan market by establishing RINCO Morocco. RINCO Morocco will act as a center for the African continent. The automotive industry as well as the textile industry are particularly well represented locally.

RINCO ULTRASONICS AG, headquartered in Romanshorn, Switzerland, has specialized in the development and manufacture of ultrasonic welding machines and ultrasonic cutting systems since its founding in 1976. RINCO products are used for reliable welding of plastic parts as well as for cutting food and synthetic textiles.


Rinco Ultrasonics AG

© solidian GmbH

BMBF-Innovationsforum „FiberBuild“ fokussiert Bauweisen der Zukunft

Über 200 Vertreter*innen aus der Faserverbundbranche, dem Bauwesen und der Wissenschaft nahmen im Januar 2022 am Abschlussforum des BMBF-Innovationsforums „FiberBuild – Faserverbundindustrie erschließt Bauwesen“ teil, um das Potenzial von faserverstärkten Werkstoffen für Bauanwendungen zu diskutieren, neue Geschäftsfelder zu analysieren und sich branchenübergreifend zu vernetzen. Zu dem zweitägigen Online-Event hatte der Projektinitiator, das Fachnetzwerk CU Bau des Composites United e V., eingeladen.
Über 200 Interessenten waren der Einladung gefolgt und erhielten Einblicke in die Welt der Faserverbundwerkstoffe. Neben einer Studie zum Marktpotenzial dieser Materialien im Bauwesen sowie dem Konzept einer Ideen-TransferPlattform stellten Referenten aus dem gesamten DACH-Raum ihre bisherigen Erfahrungen mit Produkten aus faserverstärkten Werkstoffen für bspw. Brückenbauten und -sanierungen, Türme und Masten, Leichtbaudächer oder -fassaden vor.

Über 200 Vertreter*innen aus der Faserverbundbranche, dem Bauwesen und der Wissenschaft nahmen im Januar 2022 am Abschlussforum des BMBF-Innovationsforums „FiberBuild – Faserverbundindustrie erschließt Bauwesen“ teil, um das Potenzial von faserverstärkten Werkstoffen für Bauanwendungen zu diskutieren, neue Geschäftsfelder zu analysieren und sich branchenübergreifend zu vernetzen. Zu dem zweitägigen Online-Event hatte der Projektinitiator, das Fachnetzwerk CU Bau des Composites United e V., eingeladen.
Über 200 Interessenten waren der Einladung gefolgt und erhielten Einblicke in die Welt der Faserverbundwerkstoffe. Neben einer Studie zum Marktpotenzial dieser Materialien im Bauwesen sowie dem Konzept einer Ideen-TransferPlattform stellten Referenten aus dem gesamten DACH-Raum ihre bisherigen Erfahrungen mit Produkten aus faserverstärkten Werkstoffen für bspw. Brückenbauten und -sanierungen, Türme und Masten, Leichtbaudächer oder -fassaden vor.

Diese Werkstoffe zeichnen sich insbesondere durch überzeugende strukturelle Eigenschaften bei vergleichsweise niedrigem Materialeinsatz aus und bieten somit ökologische Vorteile. Durch die höhere Lebensdauer, reduzierte Wartungsaufwände, einfache Handhabung und geringere Transportlasten bieten sie gleichzeitig auch ökonomische Vorzüge. Sie erlauben ebenfalls eine besondere Designfreiheit und die Integration von erweiterten Funktionalitäten, wie etwa die Schadensüberwachung durch integrierte Sensoren.

Am zweiten Veranstaltungstag lag der Fokus auf der Bauindustrie, die sich aktuell mit der Forderung nach klimaschonenden und nachhaltigen Werkstoffen und Technologien konfrontiert sieht. Benötigt werden material- und energieeffiziente Lösungen zur Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen. Faserverbundverstärkte Baustoffe können hier Lösungen aufzeigen.

Außerdem setzen die stagnierende Produktivität sowie der andauernde Fachkräftemangel bei steigenden Personalkosten die Baubranche zusätzlich unter Druck. Hier bieten sich Ansatzpunkte über digitales, vollautomatisiertes Bauen sowie Produktionssysteme mit mehr Standardisierung bzw. einer Vorfertigung in der Fabrik. Leichtbauweisen mit Faserverbunden verfügen über einen hohen Vorfertigungsgrad, durch additive Fertigungsverfahren (z. B. 3D-Druck) können Planungsdaten zeit- und kosteneffizient direkt vor Ort in die Ausführung übertragen werden.

Die größte Hürde für den flächendeckenden Einsatz von faserverstärkten Bauprodukten ist aber das Baurecht. Im Gegensatz zu bekannten, herkömmlichen Baumaterialien fehlen für faserverstärkte Werkstoffe grundlegende Normenwerke und bauaufsichtliche Regelungen. Daraus entsteht für jedes Projekt die Notwendigkeit einer Zustimmung im Einzelfall, einer gutachterlichen Stellungnahme sowie von experimentellen Untersuchungen. Dies ist mit zusätzlichen Kosten und Zeitaufwand verbunden, was einen Einsatz von neuen Werkstoffen natürlich erschwert. Die Schwierigkeiten bei der Zusammenfassung in einer Norm entstehen auch durch die Werkstoffvielfalt und die unterschiedlichen Herstellungsprozesse. So sind verschiedene, kombinierbare Harz- und Fasersysteme am Markt, unterschiedliche Fertigungstechnologien sind ausschlaggebend für Toleranzen im Material. Die ersten normativen Grundlagen entstehen aktuell auf Bemühungen des Deutschen Ausschusses für Stahlbeton (DAfStb).  

„Wir haben an beiden Eventtagen gesehen, wie die Zukunft der Baubranche aussehen kann“, resümierte Roy Thyroff, Geschäftsführer des CU Bau. „Für den Einsatz von nichtmetallischen Bewehrungen sind umfassende Kenntnisse zu Material- und Tragverhalten notwendige Voraussetzung. In anderen Industrien, wie der Luftfahrt oder dem Automobilbau, werden Faserverbund-Bauteile schon in Serie gefertigt, da Forschung und Testing dort schon viel weiter vorangeschritten sind. Das Fachnetzwerk CU Bau ist die richtige Plattform um diese Lücke auch für den Bausektor zu schließen. Wir werden branchenübergreifend und werkstoffneutral Wissenschaft und Praxis miteinander verbinden.“  
Weitere Informationen zum Projekt online:


The 2022 JEC Composites Innovation Awards: Official Finalists line up

Première Vision - Each year, since its creation more than 20 years ago, the JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate successful projects and cooperation between players of the composite industry.
The competition has especially shined a light on some 203 companies and 499 partners, awarding them for the excellence of their composite innovations.

After pre-selection of the finalists, one winner is selected in each category:

  • Aerospace – Application
  • Aerospace – Process
  • Automotive & road transportation – surface
  • Automotive & road transportation – structural
  • Building & Civil Engineering
  • Design, Furniture & Home
  • Equipment & Machinery
  • Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding
  • Sports, Leisure & Recreation
  • Renewable Energy

The international jury representing the entire composites value chain includes:

Première Vision - Each year, since its creation more than 20 years ago, the JEC Composites Innovation Awards celebrate successful projects and cooperation between players of the composite industry.
The competition has especially shined a light on some 203 companies and 499 partners, awarding them for the excellence of their composite innovations.

After pre-selection of the finalists, one winner is selected in each category:

  • Aerospace – Application
  • Aerospace – Process
  • Automotive & road transportation – surface
  • Automotive & road transportation – structural
  • Building & Civil Engineering
  • Design, Furniture & Home
  • Equipment & Machinery
  • Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding
  • Sports, Leisure & Recreation
  • Renewable Energy

The international jury representing the entire composites value chain includes:

  • Michel COGNET, Chairman of the Board, JEC Group
  • Christophe BINETRUY, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, EC Nantes
  • Kiyoshi UZAWA, Professor/Director, Innovative Composite Center, Kanazawa Institute of Technology
  • Jiming Sung HA, Professor, Hanyang University
  • Brian KRULL, Global Director of Innovation, Magna Exteriors Inc
  • Karl-Heinz FULLER, Manager Future Outside Materials, Mercedes Benz AG
  • Deniz KORKMAZ, CTO, Kordsa Teknik Tekstil AS
  • Henry SHIN, Head of Center, K-CARBON
  • Véronique MICHAUD, Associate Professor/ Director, EPFL – Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites
  • Alan BANKS, Lightweight Innovations Manager, Ford Motor Company
  • Enzo CRESCENTI, Technical Authority and Composite Expert, Airbus

Discover the finalists in each category here.


JEC Group


Huntsman Textile Effects Launches Water Conservation Project in India

  • 76 KL/Day water saving by optimizing pH analysis process in dye vessels
  • A step closer to achieving the ‘Huntsman Horizon 2025’ goal
  • Potential savings of over Rs 10 crore or USD146,000 annually from the project

Huntsman Textile Effects, the global leader in innovative and environmentally sustainable dyes, chemicals, and digital inks, has successfully implemented a water conservation process to improve water efficiency and reduce net water usage at its Baroda facility, which is located in the western region of India. The initiative undertaken at the plant aims to save around 76 kilo liters of Reverse Osmosis water per day by modifying the phase sequence in the pH measurement program.

Water is used extensively throughout textile processing operations. The amount of water used varies widely in the industry, depending on specific processes operated at the plant, equipment used, and policies concerning water use. This conservation project at the Baroda Plant will have a potential savings of Rs 10 crore or USD146,000 a year for the organization.

  • 76 KL/Day water saving by optimizing pH analysis process in dye vessels
  • A step closer to achieving the ‘Huntsman Horizon 2025’ goal
  • Potential savings of over Rs 10 crore or USD146,000 annually from the project

Huntsman Textile Effects, the global leader in innovative and environmentally sustainable dyes, chemicals, and digital inks, has successfully implemented a water conservation process to improve water efficiency and reduce net water usage at its Baroda facility, which is located in the western region of India. The initiative undertaken at the plant aims to save around 76 kilo liters of Reverse Osmosis water per day by modifying the phase sequence in the pH measurement program.

Water is used extensively throughout textile processing operations. The amount of water used varies widely in the industry, depending on specific processes operated at the plant, equipment used, and policies concerning water use. This conservation project at the Baroda Plant will have a potential savings of Rs 10 crore or USD146,000 a year for the organization.

Speaking on the development, Mark Devaney, Vice President Manufacturing and Operations Excellence, Huntsman Textile Effects said, “At Huntsman, we recognize the important role we play in creating a more sustainable future and are committed to the well-being of the communities where we operate, and the protection of the environment. We are continually looking for ways to improve the environmental footprint of our manufacturing sites and have been implementing numerous projects in recent years to reduce our water usage.”

“The team has done a detailed assessment of the pH analysis process in dye vessels, mapping the existing water usage and potential conservation method. After a brief study and several brainstorming sessions, we were able to adjust the phase sequence, resulting in conservation of Reverse Osmosis water by almost 76 kilo liters of water per day.” said Kavishwar Kalambe, Site Director, Huntsman Textile Effects. “This project directly contributes to Huntsman’s Horizon 2025 goals to reduce net water usage at facilities in water-stressed regions,” he added.


Huntsman Textile Effects


Cordenka setzt Neuaufstellung im Schutzschirmverfahren fort

  • Amtsgericht genehmigt Antrag der Geschäftsführung der Cordenka GmbH & Co. KG
  • andere Gesellschaften der Cordenka-Gruppe umfasst das Schutzschirmverfahren nicht
  • Geschäftsbetrieb und Produktion laufen ohne Einschränkungen weiter – Löhne und Gehälter der rund 600 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind gesichert+

Cordenka, einer der führenden Hersteller von technischem Rayon, nutzt die Möglichkeiten eines Schutzschirmverfahrens, um sich neu aufzustellen. Die Geschäftsführung der Cordenka GmbH & Co. KG hat am 19. Januar 2022 einen entsprechenden Antrag beim zuständigen Amtsgericht in Aschaffenburg gestellt. Diesen Antrag hat das Gericht am 20. Januar 2022 genehmigt. Andere Gesellschaften als die Cordenka GmbH & Co. KG umfasst das Schutzschirmverfahren nicht.

  • Amtsgericht genehmigt Antrag der Geschäftsführung der Cordenka GmbH & Co. KG
  • andere Gesellschaften der Cordenka-Gruppe umfasst das Schutzschirmverfahren nicht
  • Geschäftsbetrieb und Produktion laufen ohne Einschränkungen weiter – Löhne und Gehälter der rund 600 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind gesichert+

Cordenka, einer der führenden Hersteller von technischem Rayon, nutzt die Möglichkeiten eines Schutzschirmverfahrens, um sich neu aufzustellen. Die Geschäftsführung der Cordenka GmbH & Co. KG hat am 19. Januar 2022 einen entsprechenden Antrag beim zuständigen Amtsgericht in Aschaffenburg gestellt. Diesen Antrag hat das Gericht am 20. Januar 2022 genehmigt. Andere Gesellschaften als die Cordenka GmbH & Co. KG umfasst das Schutzschirmverfahren nicht.

Der Geschäftsbetrieb und die Produktion des Unternehmens mit Sitz im Industrie Center Obernburg am Main, dem größten Chemiefaserstandort Westeuropas, läuft ohne Einschränkungen weiter. „Alle Aufträge werden wie geplant bearbeitet, produziert und geliefert. Unsere Kunden erhalten weiterhin die qualitativ hochwertigen Produkte, die sie von uns kennen“, sagt Karl Hammer, der CEO von Cordenka. „Unser Gesellschafter, der chinesische Private Equity-Fonds Beautiful Mind Capital, hat uns versichert, dass er die Neuaufstellung mittragen wird und langfristig zu Cordenka steht.“
Das Hauptprodukt von Cordenka ist Cordenka® Rayon, eine hochfeste Faser auf Cellulosebasis, die hauptsächlich als Verstärkungsmaterial in Hochleistungsreifen und daneben in mechanischen Gummiwaren, Verbundwerkstoffen und Agraranwendungen eingesetzt wird.

„Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie ebenso wie die explodierenden Energiekosten – insbesondere die Gaspreise, aber auch Abgaben für das EEG und CO2-Zertifikate – und gleichzeitig die weltweiten Lieferkettenprobleme sind auch an uns nicht spurlos vorübergegangen. Sie sorgen zudem dafür, dass die großen Automobilhersteller aktuell deutlich weniger Fahrzeuge herstellen als normal. Und weniger Autos bedeuten natürlich auch weniger Reifen“, sagt Karl Hammer. „Als führender Zulieferer für die weltweit größten Hersteller von Reifen sind wir daher von der generellen Krise in der Automobilbranche stark betroffen, auch wenn wir zunehmend auch in anderen Branchen Kunden gewinnen. Wir haben schon früh damit begonnen, unsere Produktionskapazitäten und -prozesse an die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen anzupassen und machen nun bei unserer Neuaufstellung den nächsten Schritt.“

Ziel ist es, das Schutzschirmverfahren zügig mit einem Sanierungsplan abzuschließen. Diesen wird die Geschäftsführung mit Sanierungsexperten von Schultze & Braun innerhalb der nächsten drei Monate erarbeiten und dem Gericht vorlegen. Die Löhne und Gehälter der rund 600 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind gesichert.


Schultze & Braun GmbH & Co. KG


World Pultrusion Conference - Postponed

  • The 16th World Pultrusion Conference will be postponed to 5-6 May 2022

The EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association in cooperation with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) will postpone the 16th World Pultrusion Conference to 5-6 May 2022 due to the corona situation and the postponement of the JEC World, with which there is a close partnership.

This conference takes place every two years and is the meeting point of the European and worldwide Pultrusion Industry. More than 25 international speakers from Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Turkey, UK and the USA will present practical presentations about innovative applications, technologies and processes. Equally current market trends and developments are on the agenda.
This World Pultrusion Conference takes now place on 5-6 May 2022 in Paris, France. The presentation language will be English. The program, further details and registration information is available at

  • The 16th World Pultrusion Conference will be postponed to 5-6 May 2022

The EPTA – European Pultrusion Technology Association in cooperation with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) will postpone the 16th World Pultrusion Conference to 5-6 May 2022 due to the corona situation and the postponement of the JEC World, with which there is a close partnership.

This conference takes place every two years and is the meeting point of the European and worldwide Pultrusion Industry. More than 25 international speakers from Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Turkey, UK and the USA will present practical presentations about innovative applications, technologies and processes. Equally current market trends and developments are on the agenda.
This World Pultrusion Conference takes now place on 5-6 May 2022 in Paris, France. The presentation language will be English. The program, further details and registration information is available at


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.

 Hexcel’s innovative surface technology yields parts with paint-ready surfaces for builder of luxury yachts (c) Hexcel
Sunseeker 90 Ocean Luxury Yacht

Hexcel Selected for Sunseeker 90 Ocean Luxury Yacht

  • Hexcel HexPly® XF Selected for High-Quality, Paint-Ready Parts for Sunseeker 90 Ocean Luxury Yacht
  • Hexcel’s innovative surface technology yields parts with paint-ready surfaces for builder of luxury yachts

Yacht builder Sunseeker has chosen Hexcel’s HexPly® XF surface technology to produce prepreg parts with high-quality, paint-ready surfaces quickly and efficiently for its 90 Ocean luxury yacht, one of its newest models.

The lightweight composite hardtop for the Sunseeker 90 Ocean yacht is manufactured from a combination of HexPly® XF and Hexcel's HexPly® SuperFIT® semi-preg. The hardtop is lighter in weight than versions made using resin-infusion processes, and it de-molds with a pinhole-free surface that needs minimal preparation to be ready for paint. Sunseeker has recorded an overall reduction in process time of around 30%, saving three days of manufacturing time per hardtop.

  • Hexcel HexPly® XF Selected for High-Quality, Paint-Ready Parts for Sunseeker 90 Ocean Luxury Yacht
  • Hexcel’s innovative surface technology yields parts with paint-ready surfaces for builder of luxury yachts

Yacht builder Sunseeker has chosen Hexcel’s HexPly® XF surface technology to produce prepreg parts with high-quality, paint-ready surfaces quickly and efficiently for its 90 Ocean luxury yacht, one of its newest models.

The lightweight composite hardtop for the Sunseeker 90 Ocean yacht is manufactured from a combination of HexPly® XF and Hexcel's HexPly® SuperFIT® semi-preg. The hardtop is lighter in weight than versions made using resin-infusion processes, and it de-molds with a pinhole-free surface that needs minimal preparation to be ready for paint. Sunseeker has recorded an overall reduction in process time of around 30%, saving three days of manufacturing time per hardtop.

The hardtop provides shade and protection for the yacht’s uppermost deck space. Its reduced weight helps to ensure the stability of the vessel, and the paint-ready finish with HexPly XF provides Sunseeker with more options for customizing its color to the individual needs of its clients.
HexPly XF is a lightweight, non-woven semi-preg that eliminates the need to use a traditional in-mold gel coat. The innovative surface technology significantly reduces the costly and time-consuming refinishing work typically required to impart a paint-ready finish to prepreg or semi-preg parts, and yields lightweight, consistent components in short cycle times.

Working with Sunseeker, Hexcel developed a material format, a laminate ply sequence, and a production process that satisfied the structural requirements for the hardtop and enabled the yacht builder’s production team to lay up and cure the part in a single shot – slashing cycle times.

Hexcel supplies Sunseeker with a HexPly XF product that comprises both the surface layer and the first structural reinforcement ply, eliminating the need for a cosmetic barrier coat. Neither the HexPly XF surface layer nor the following layers of HexPly SuperFIT require time-consuming debulking steps – significantly reducing lay-up time – and both are based on Hexcel's rapid-curing M79 epoxy resin system. Adhesive resin films are not needed to bond the hardtop’s foam core, as the resin content of the SuperFIT plies has been adjusted to further reduce overall process time.

Once de-molded, the cured hardtops are inspected before they are passed to Sunseeker’s finishing and painting technicians for final preparation and painting. The HexPly XF resin surface allows the yacht builder’s quality technicians to inspect the laminate below quickly and easily, ensuring the quality and consistency of the structural reinforcement plies.

“Composite materials that improve our production processes, as well as great technical support, are what makes working with Hexcel such a success story," said Stuart Vaughan-Jones, Composite Development Manager, Sunseeker. "With the switch from gel coat and resin infusion to HexPly XF and SuperFIT in the new hardtops, we are now building lighter, more consistent parts, more quickly than before, with a higher quality surface finish. XF really has ticked all the boxes.”  

Garth Thomas, Account Manager – Marine, Hexcel, said: "With the HexPly XF surface technology now well established, XF will soon be used in other large moldings where minimizing weight is critical, as well as additional hardtops across the Sunseeker model range."

(c) Sitip

Sitip presents COSMOPOLITAN Fashion-tech fabrics at Milano Unica

Sistema Moda Italia confirms its Innovation Area for the 34th edition of Milano Unica, an area which responds to the growing demand for innovation in products, processes and services able to give specific performances or made with innovative and sustainable systems. And right here we find Sitip’s technical fabrics for clothing, with the COSMOPOLITAN Fashion-tech fabrics collection, modern and comfortable, dedicated to contemporary urbanwear/sportswear style and which perfectly meets the new needs required by the market and by the final consumer: performance and design.

COSMOPOLITAN Fashion-tech is declined into urbanwear through the sartorial technical fabrics that the company has defined Techno Sartorial: a tailoring that combines flawless cuts with exceptional fabric performance.

Sistema Moda Italia confirms its Innovation Area for the 34th edition of Milano Unica, an area which responds to the growing demand for innovation in products, processes and services able to give specific performances or made with innovative and sustainable systems. And right here we find Sitip’s technical fabrics for clothing, with the COSMOPOLITAN Fashion-tech fabrics collection, modern and comfortable, dedicated to contemporary urbanwear/sportswear style and which perfectly meets the new needs required by the market and by the final consumer: performance and design.

COSMOPOLITAN Fashion-tech is declined into urbanwear through the sartorial technical fabrics that the company has defined Techno Sartorial: a tailoring that combines flawless cuts with exceptional fabric performance.

For the production of contemporary urbanwear, thought for the city, Sitip showcases the man’s suit made of jacket+trousers in warp-knit Cosmopolitan Citylife fabric: bi-stretch nylon with UV protection (UPF 50+), quick drying, easy care and skin comfort. Highly performing, breathable, comfortable, insulating and with an exceptional fit: incredible elegance and comfort that enhance the contemporary urbanwear style.

For women, Sitip presents COSMOPOLITAN Fashiontech fabrics dedicated to athleisure, with leggings made - for the summer version - in Cosmopolitan London, a bi-stretch circular knitted fabric, no seethrough, breathable, comfortable on the skin with UV protection (UPF 50+), with easy care and perfect shape retention, and - for the winter version - in Cosmopolitan Paris GZ, a circular knitted fabric raised on the reverse side, with the same properties as the previous one and thermoregulation characteristics.

The Instinct fabric is available in the recycled and raised version NATIVE INSTINCT GZ: a GRS certified thermal fabric made with pre-consumer recycled yarns, bi-stretch, breathable, resistant to pilling, easy care and high comfort, ideal for sporty knitwear and urbanwear part of the NATIVE SUSTAINABLE TEXTILES family, the Sitip fabric collection produced with GRS certified recycled yarns and low environmental impact chemicals with a lower consumption of natural resources , able to respect the environmental and social criteria extended to all the stages of the production chain, including the traceability of raw materials. Sitip also operates in line with international certifications such as OEKO-TEX®, BLUESIGN®, GRS and adheres to the ZDHC gateway, adding to these an ISO 14001 environmental management system, which certifies the company’s commitment to reducing pollution risks.


Sitip / Valeria Rastrelli

(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Promising conditions for Cinte Techtextil China in September

Promising conditions in the technical textiles and nonwovens market are expected to provide ample opportunities for suppliers at this year’s Cinte Techtextil China. The fair, which last year saw 366 exhibitors and 14,868 visits, will take place from 6 – 8 September 2022 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Flexible exhibiting options will once again be available for overseas companies.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained the positive conditions that exhibitors should expect at the fair thusly: “The pandemic has led to a surge in Chinese exports of both technical textiles and nonwovens, the latter in particular. The country remains the largest supplier of nonwovens, comprising one-third of the global total, yet still requires the advanced offerings of overseas machinery suppliers, as well as supplies of raw materials, to support its export production.”

Promising conditions in the technical textiles and nonwovens market are expected to provide ample opportunities for suppliers at this year’s Cinte Techtextil China. The fair, which last year saw 366 exhibitors and 14,868 visits, will take place from 6 – 8 September 2022 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Flexible exhibiting options will once again be available for overseas companies.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained the positive conditions that exhibitors should expect at the fair thusly: “The pandemic has led to a surge in Chinese exports of both technical textiles and nonwovens, the latter in particular. The country remains the largest supplier of nonwovens, comprising one-third of the global total, yet still requires the advanced offerings of overseas machinery suppliers, as well as supplies of raw materials, to support its export production.”

Ms Wen continued: “Domestically, China is seeing increasing consumption of functional apparel, sportswear and personal protection items. Heightened health and sanitary regulations and new hygiene habits will also continue to drive demand, especially for nonwovens, well into the future. There has also been a post-pandemic boost in demand for filter, greenhouse covering and high-density fabrics amongst others. All of this adds up to a wealth of opportunities for overseas companies to take advantage of, as was experienced in the 2021 edition of the fair.”

Exhibitor and visitor experiences in 2021
“Our organisation promotes US cotton and we hope to use this platform to meet more companies and brands in the nonwovens industry who are interested in US cotton, and to meet up with old friends to discuss the current situation and industry trends. We also found some new potential clients this time.” Mr Eric Ni, Senior Manager, China Supply Chain Marketing, Fabrics, Garments and Nonwovens, Cotton Council International, USA

“Cinte Techtextil China is a professional exhibition that brings together cutting-edge technologies and products, allowing us to quickly learn about innovative technology trends in the industry. I’ve been particularly impressed by the biodegradable products in the Innovation Showcase. In addition, I am sourcing mask-related products and mops, and I have found some companies that I’m interested in.” Ms Claire Zhang, Senior Scientist, Personal Health, Philips Research China, Philips (China) Investment Co Ltd, China


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

(c) Composites Evolution

Composites Evolution launches new Evopreg® thermoplastic tapes

  • Evopreg® range expanded with unidirectional fibre-reinforced thermoplastic tapes

Composites Evolution, a developer, manufacturer and supplier of prepregs for the production of lightweight structures from composite materials, has announced the launch of a new range of unidirectional thermoplastic tapes, to sit alongside its existing line-up of Evopreg® prepregs. The first product families being launched are Evopreg® PA polyamide tapes, and Evopreg® PP polypropylene tapes, with further product lines expected as new customer requirements emerge.

Thermoplastic tapes, also known as thermoplastic prepregs, can be used in a wide variety of markets and applications, including flexible pipes for oil & gas and water transportation, pressure vessels (for example; hydrogen storage tanks and compressed natural gas tanks), and for providing local reinforcement to pre-formed components.

  • Evopreg® range expanded with unidirectional fibre-reinforced thermoplastic tapes

Composites Evolution, a developer, manufacturer and supplier of prepregs for the production of lightweight structures from composite materials, has announced the launch of a new range of unidirectional thermoplastic tapes, to sit alongside its existing line-up of Evopreg® prepregs. The first product families being launched are Evopreg® PA polyamide tapes, and Evopreg® PP polypropylene tapes, with further product lines expected as new customer requirements emerge.

Thermoplastic tapes, also known as thermoplastic prepregs, can be used in a wide variety of markets and applications, including flexible pipes for oil & gas and water transportation, pressure vessels (for example; hydrogen storage tanks and compressed natural gas tanks), and for providing local reinforcement to pre-formed components.

Marketing Director, Ben Hargreaves, explains further: “Our state-of-the-art manufacturing line gives us the capability to produce tapes on an industrial scale, using a variety of combinations of fibre and polymer. This is complemented by a pilot-scale line that allows us to carry out development trials, or manufacture small quantities of tape if required.”

“Because they can be repeatedly re-formed (via the application of heat and pressure), Evopreg® thermoplastic tapes are also very well-suited to multi-stage processing, meaning they are an excellent choice for producing hybrid structures, inserts or over-moulded components. In addition, this ability to be repeatedly re-formed opens the door to much easier recycling than is currently possible with thermoset composites.”



Composites Evolution


Heimtextil Summer Special 2022

  • Sommerausgabe einmalig vom 21. – 24. Juni 2022

Die Heimtextil findet 2022 einmalig als Summer Special parallel zum Messeduo Techtextil und Texprocess statt. Die Entscheidung für die Sommerausgabe sei die Antwort auf das eindeutige Votum der Wohn- und Objekttextilbranche, die sich noch in diesem Jahr einen Re-Start für persönliche Geschäftsbegegnungen wünsche, so die Messeveranstalter. Aussteller und Einkäufer*innen profitierten von wertvollen Synergieeffekten zwischen den drei internationalen Messeformaten.

  • Sommerausgabe einmalig vom 21. – 24. Juni 2022

Die Heimtextil findet 2022 einmalig als Summer Special parallel zum Messeduo Techtextil und Texprocess statt. Die Entscheidung für die Sommerausgabe sei die Antwort auf das eindeutige Votum der Wohn- und Objekttextilbranche, die sich noch in diesem Jahr einen Re-Start für persönliche Geschäftsbegegnungen wünsche, so die Messeveranstalter. Aussteller und Einkäufer*innen profitierten von wertvollen Synergieeffekten zwischen den drei internationalen Messeformaten.

More information:
Heimtextil Techtextil Texprocess

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

STFI lädt ein zum Bautextilien-Symposium mit den Schwerpunkten Ressourcenscho-nung und Nachhaltigkeit (online) (c) STFI

STFI lädt zum Bautextilien-Symposium ein

  • Textiler Dauerlauf oder wie Geokunststoffe durch eine hohe Nutzungsdauer nachhaltig werden
  • STFI lädt ein zum Bautextilien-Symposium mit den Schwerpunkten Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit (online)

Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit – Verzicht oder Wachstumschance? Diese Frage begegnet uns immer häufiger, auch beim Thema Bauen mit Textil. Auswirkungen und Konsequenzen einer Entscheidung für mehr Nachhaltigkeit müssen wir dabei jedoch immer hinterfragen. Denken wir beispielsweise an die zweifelsfrei notwendige Infrastruktur, auf die eine moderne, industriell geprägte Gesellschaft angewiesen ist, müssen hier andere Lösungen als bloßer Verzicht gefunden werden.

Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit durch Geokunststoffe - Unter diesem Leitthema lädt das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. zusammen mit seinen Mitveranstaltern ein zum 15. Symposium „BAUTEX – Bauen mit Textilien“ am 26. und 27. Januar 2022.

  • Textiler Dauerlauf oder wie Geokunststoffe durch eine hohe Nutzungsdauer nachhaltig werden
  • STFI lädt ein zum Bautextilien-Symposium mit den Schwerpunkten Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit (online)

Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit – Verzicht oder Wachstumschance? Diese Frage begegnet uns immer häufiger, auch beim Thema Bauen mit Textil. Auswirkungen und Konsequenzen einer Entscheidung für mehr Nachhaltigkeit müssen wir dabei jedoch immer hinterfragen. Denken wir beispielsweise an die zweifelsfrei notwendige Infrastruktur, auf die eine moderne, industriell geprägte Gesellschaft angewiesen ist, müssen hier andere Lösungen als bloßer Verzicht gefunden werden.

Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit durch Geokunststoffe - Unter diesem Leitthema lädt das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. zusammen mit seinen Mitveranstaltern ein zum 15. Symposium „BAUTEX – Bauen mit Textilien“ am 26. und 27. Januar 2022.

Marian Hierhammer, Leiter der Prüfstelle am STFI, sagt dazu: „Geokunststoffe, die unsichtbaren Arbeiter im Untergrund, haben sich über die letzten Jahrzehnte zu einem bedeutenden Element bei innovativen Bauweisen im Erd- und Grundbau entwickelt. Dies ist nicht nur in den vielen Funktionen wie z. B. Filtern, Bewehren, Trennen, Dichten begründet, die sie bei den unterschiedlichsten Anwendungen übernehmen. Positive Praxiserfahrungen beim Einsatz von Geokunststoffen, ihre stetige Weiterentwicklung und ‚Ausstattung‘ mit neuen Funktionen tragen ebenso dazu bei. Mit dem Nachweis einer hohen Dauerhaftigkeit und damit verbundenen längeren Nutzungsdauer bieten die Geokunststoffe im Grunde ein perfektes Beispiel für Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit.“

Das Symposium richtet sich an Akteure aus Industrie, Forschung und Bildung, aber auch an Vertreter aus Verwaltung und regelsetzenden Bereichen. Die BAUTEX wird – anders als zunächst geplant – als Onlineveranstaltung durchgeführt.

Sappi product portfolio of face stock papers ist being expanded with Parade Label SG from its Gratkorn site (c) Sappi Europe
Sappi Label Papers Parade Label SG

Sappi expands its product portfolio

  • High performing face stock paper delivers convincing results for multiple applications
  • Sappi product portfolio of face stock papers ist being expanded with Parade Label SG from its Gratkorn site

Sappi, manufacturer of numerous packaging and speciality papers for a wide range of markets, is launching the Parade Label SG, a one-side coated face stock label paper that excels in terms of properties such as printability, opacity and stiffness, as well as with its many options for further processing.

  • High performing face stock paper delivers convincing results for multiple applications
  • Sappi product portfolio of face stock papers ist being expanded with Parade Label SG from its Gratkorn site

Sappi, manufacturer of numerous packaging and speciality papers for a wide range of markets, is launching the Parade Label SG, a one-side coated face stock label paper that excels in terms of properties such as printability, opacity and stiffness, as well as with its many options for further processing.

  • Semi-gloss face stock paper with high-quality performance characteristics
  • Suitable for a wide range of applications, e.g. labels for food, non-food, HABA and VIP
  • Available in 77, 78 and 80 gsm
  • Manufactured in Gratkorn, one of the largest and ultra-modern paper mills in Europe

Sappi offers an extensive range of base papers for wet-glue and self-adhesive labels. With its new Parade Label SG, the company is now introducing a one-side coated, semi-gloss face stock label paper that is approved for direct contact with food and that complies with DIN EN 71 for toy safety. The range of applications includes labels for food, non-food, beverages and health and beauty aids (HABA), as well as for logistics and variable information printing (VIP) due to its excellent thermal transfer printability.

The fibre-based face stock solution guarantees high-quality results in printing and finishing, through the entire production and converting chain. It features high stiffness and resilience, so the label will not be damaged and will fit accurately even after labelling.

Sappi invests in customer proximity
To ensure 100 percent availability and fast delivery of its label papers, Sappi has proactively positioned itself for the future and set the course for reliable production and seamless supply chains – with its plants in Alfeld, Carmignano and Condino. The plant in Gratkorn, where Sappi has invested in new technical equipment, has now been added to the list. With modern production facilities, from paper machines to finishing technology, as well as extensive expertise in the production of coated papers, the site has everything in place to ensure top-class products. Available capacity is being expanded gradually to include the production of Parade Label papers alongside existing graphical grades.

Because of the central location of Sappi’s production site in Gratkorn, Parade Label SG can be supplied quickly throughout Europe and beyond. The short transportation distances save greenhouse emissions and protect the environment; shorter production cycles then enable good availability and fast supply. Parade Label SG is certified for direct food contact and available in grammages of 77, 78 and 80 g/m². Sappi can provide Parade Label SG with FSC or PEFC certificates on request.

Sappi will be presenting its new developments in the field of label papers, among others, at the upcoming LabelExpo Europe in Brussels in April 2022.


AMSilk & Mercedes-Benz: Sustainable car door pulls

  • AMSilk Partners with Mercedes-Benz to Present a Sustainable Bio-Based Product
  • The use of a biotechnology-based and certified-vegan silk-like fabric marks a first in the automotive sector

AMSilk GmbH (“AMSilk”), a leader in supplying innovative high-performance bio-based silk materials, announced a partnership with Mercedes-Benz, for the development of novel, sustainable car door pulls, as part of the car manufacturer’s latest technology programme, the VISION EQXX.

The new concept car, VISION EQXX, features innovative interior materials, revealing a way forward for luxury design that conserves resources and is in balance with nature. Among the organic interior design features are new door pulls made from AMSilk’s Biosteel® fiber. This high-strength, certified-vegan, silk-like fabric is made using AMSilk’s proprietary biotechnology expertise. AMSilk is the world’s first industrial supplier of vegan silk biopolymers which are 100% biodegradable, recyclable, renewable and zero-waste.

  • AMSilk Partners with Mercedes-Benz to Present a Sustainable Bio-Based Product
  • The use of a biotechnology-based and certified-vegan silk-like fabric marks a first in the automotive sector

AMSilk GmbH (“AMSilk”), a leader in supplying innovative high-performance bio-based silk materials, announced a partnership with Mercedes-Benz, for the development of novel, sustainable car door pulls, as part of the car manufacturer’s latest technology programme, the VISION EQXX.

The new concept car, VISION EQXX, features innovative interior materials, revealing a way forward for luxury design that conserves resources and is in balance with nature. Among the organic interior design features are new door pulls made from AMSilk’s Biosteel® fiber. This high-strength, certified-vegan, silk-like fabric is made using AMSilk’s proprietary biotechnology expertise. AMSilk is the world’s first industrial supplier of vegan silk biopolymers which are 100% biodegradable, recyclable, renewable and zero-waste.

Marking a first in the automotive sector, AMSilk’s Biosteel® provides a solution to the car industry whose need to replace petroleum-based content by natural, bio-based materials is increasingly growing.
This new project is the most efficient electric vehicle Mercedes-Benz has ever built and marks a new expression of efficiency and sustainability in interior design. The all-electric VISION EQXX was unveiled in a digital world premiere on the “Mercedes me” media online platform.

Ulrich Scherbel, Chief Executive Officer of AMSilk said: “We are extremely proud to partner with Mercedes-Benz on the technology programme VISION EQXX, providing sustainable interior design solutions from our best-in-class bio-based fibers. Amid a fresh wave of ambitious climate pledges, we are proud to be playing a leading role in providing solutions for a zero-waste future.”


Optimum Strategic Communications for AMSilk GmbH


Physical ClusterXchange - Discovering smart materials in Czech Republic

Under the ClusterXchange pilot scheme, the EXTRATEX partnership organised a 5-day exchange in Czech Republic, hosted by CLUTEX (cluster for technical textile).

15 participants visited strategic and innovative companies in the field of smart materials and advances technologies, as well as research centres and the Liberec University.

During the exchange, 92 B2B meetings were organized between local companies and the exchange participants, with 75% of the contacts established leading to follow-ups after the conclusion of the exchange. This collaboration laid the foundation for potential cross-border and cross-sector business collaboration, and participants of the physical exchange improved their competences in the field of smart materials and advanced technologies.

Under the ClusterXchange pilot scheme, the EXTRATEX partnership organised a 5-day exchange in Czech Republic, hosted by CLUTEX (cluster for technical textile).

15 participants visited strategic and innovative companies in the field of smart materials and advances technologies, as well as research centres and the Liberec University.

During the exchange, 92 B2B meetings were organized between local companies and the exchange participants, with 75% of the contacts established leading to follow-ups after the conclusion of the exchange. This collaboration laid the foundation for potential cross-border and cross-sector business collaboration, and participants of the physical exchange improved their competences in the field of smart materials and advanced technologies.

According to a testimony from the company Bipier Srl, their participation in the exchange allowed the establishment of two important working relationships with Bcb Informatica Y Control and Vyskummy Ustav Chemickych (Research Institute for Man-Made Fibers). This cooperation wil allow Bipier Srl to equip their machines with quality temperature control, and to expand the distribution of their products.

More information:
EXTRATEX Smart textiles



Freudenberg Performance Materials increases prices for nonwoven performance materials

Freudenberg Performance Materials announces a general upward adjustment of their prices for nonwoven performance materials for flooring and filtration applications in EMEA. This revision, effective January 1, 2022, has become necessary because of sustained and unprecedented surge in cost for raw materials, packaging, freight, consumables and energy combined with disruptions in their inbound supply chain.

Prices across all categories have by far outpaced their expectations and are forecasted to remain on high levels throughout 2022. This historic price trend has placed significant pressure on Freudenberg Performance Materials, and they understand in a similar way on their customers.

At this stage their business can no longer absorb the effects of such high price levels. Freudenberg Performance Materials will therefore adjust our prices for all their Colback® and Lutradur branded nonwoven products for flooring and filtration application by double-digit increases depending on product types.

Freudenberg Performance Materials announces a general upward adjustment of their prices for nonwoven performance materials for flooring and filtration applications in EMEA. This revision, effective January 1, 2022, has become necessary because of sustained and unprecedented surge in cost for raw materials, packaging, freight, consumables and energy combined with disruptions in their inbound supply chain.

Prices across all categories have by far outpaced their expectations and are forecasted to remain on high levels throughout 2022. This historic price trend has placed significant pressure on Freudenberg Performance Materials, and they understand in a similar way on their customers.

At this stage their business can no longer absorb the effects of such high price levels. Freudenberg Performance Materials will therefore adjust our prices for all their Colback® and Lutradur branded nonwoven products for flooring and filtration application by double-digit increases depending on product types.

Freudenberg Performance Materials will continue to work on improving productivity to offset inflationary pressure to keep attractive price levels and to avoid further price adjustments. They will continue to monitor the market development and in case of sustained and unexpected downward trends they will adjust our prices accordingly.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG


Update International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022

Cologne (Germany), and Online  ++ more than 70 participants registered - 250 expected ++

Cellulose fibres are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibres through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibres and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens,  packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

Cologne (Germany), and Online  ++ more than 70 participants registered - 250 expected ++

Cellulose fibres are a true material miracle as they offer a steadily expanding, broad range of applications. Meanwhile markets are driven by technological developments and policy frameworks, especially bans and restrictions on plastics, as well as an increasing number of sustainability requirements. The  presentations will provide valuable information on the various use-opportunities for cellulosic fibres through a policy overview, a special session on sustainability, recycling and alternative feedstocks, as well as the latest developments in pulp, cellulosic fibres and yarns. In addition, examples of non-wovens,  packaging and composites will offer a look beyond the horizon of conventional application fields.

The third session of the conference, "Sustainability and Circular Economy", highlights crucial issues with regard to the overall goal of keeping the environmental impact of cellulose fibres low. A core theme of the session is the responsible use of wood and forests. With this objective, the five speakers of the session discuss the importance of circular concepts for cellulose feedstocks. Exciting insights into the important "Hot Button Report" are offered by Canopy. The "Hot Button Report” enables the producers of cellulose fibres to better understand the impact their raw materials have on forests and the climate development worldwide.

Final program:

