From the Sector

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Foto: pixabay

Seven Senders: Einfache Retourenprozesse für zufriedene Kunden

Während vor Weihnachten die Bestellungen explodieren, beginnt nach den Feiertagen die Hochsaison der Retouren. Egal ob die Geschenke nicht gefallen, nicht passen oder doppelt sind: Für Onlinehändler lohnt es sich, den Rückgabeprozess möglichst kundenfreundlich zu gestalten. Denn eine von der Delivery-Plattform Seven Senders in Auftrag gegebene YouGov-Umfrage ergab: Die Erfahrung bei der Retoure hat für 73 Prozent der Verbraucher Einfluss darauf, ob sie weiterhin bei diesem Händler einkaufen würden. Dr. Johannes Plehn, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Seven Senders, fasst zusammen, worauf es beim Retourenmangement ankommt.

Für klare Bedingungen sorgen

Während vor Weihnachten die Bestellungen explodieren, beginnt nach den Feiertagen die Hochsaison der Retouren. Egal ob die Geschenke nicht gefallen, nicht passen oder doppelt sind: Für Onlinehändler lohnt es sich, den Rückgabeprozess möglichst kundenfreundlich zu gestalten. Denn eine von der Delivery-Plattform Seven Senders in Auftrag gegebene YouGov-Umfrage ergab: Die Erfahrung bei der Retoure hat für 73 Prozent der Verbraucher Einfluss darauf, ob sie weiterhin bei diesem Händler einkaufen würden. Dr. Johannes Plehn, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Seven Senders, fasst zusammen, worauf es beim Retourenmangement ankommt.

Für klare Bedingungen sorgen
Für Onlineshopper gehört die Möglichkeit, Bestellungen einfach und flexibel abzuwickeln, zum festen Bestandteil einer positiven Customer Journey – auch über Grenzen hinweg. Weltweit sagen sogar über 73 Prozent der Konsumenten, dass sie die Retourenbedingungen lesen, bevor sie einen Kauf tätigen. „E-Tailer sollten daher darauf achten, die Informationen zur Retoure klar und deutlich zu formulieren“, so Dr. Johannes Plehn. Für Cross-Border-Versände gilt daher, dass die Retourenbedingungen idealerweise in der jeweiligen Landessprache verfügbar sind. So minimieren E-Tailer das Risiko eines Kaufabbruchs, weil Kunden wichtige Informationen nicht finden oder verstehen können.
Retourenprozess so einfach wie möglich gestalten
Onlinehändler, die einen unkomplizierten Retourenprozess anbieten, erhöhen ihre Chancen, dass der Kunde erneut bei ihnen einkauft. Wichtig ist deshalb vor allem ein einfacher Zugang zu den Retourenlabels. Die Delivery-Plattform Seven Senders unterstützt E-Tailer hierbei mit einer komfortablen und kostengünstigen Lösung: „Über ein im Shop integriertes Retouren-Portal können Kunden das Label bei Bedarf selbst erstellen und ausdrucken“, erläutert der Seven Senders Geschäftsführer. Ungenutzte Labels müssen so nicht weggeworfen werden, das vermeidet Müll und schützt die Umwelt.
Kundenbedürfnisse mit lokalen Carriern erfüllen
Wer mit einem lokalen Carrier im Zielland zusammenarbeitet, kann am besten auf die Wünsche der Kunden eingehen. Mit seinem Netzwerk aus über 100 europäischen Carriern gibt Seven Senders Onlinehändlern die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Rückgabeoptionen anzubieten. Außerdem werden bei der Delivery-Plattform alle Retouren in einem Land in den nationalen Hubs des jeweiligen Last-Mile-Carriers gebündelt und direkt ins Lager des Onlineshops versendet.
Kommunikation auch bei der Retoure entscheidend
Was bei der Lieferung der Bestellung gang und gäbe ist, wird beim Retourenprozess oft vernachlässigt: die Kommunikation mit dem Kunden. Vor allem bei Rücksendungen aus dem Ausland haben Onlinehändler die Möglichkeit, mit einer proaktiven Kundenkommunikation zu punkten. Die technische Umsetzung kann beispielsweise mit dem Delivery-Services-Tracking von Seven Senders erfolgen. „Mittels Statusmeldungen und einer Trackingpage können Kunden ihr Paket bis zurück ins Lager virtuell begleiten“, so der Seven Senders Gründer. Erhalten sie dann auch noch die Benachrichtigung, dass ihr Warenwert umgehend zurückerstattet wird, erhöht das zusätzlich die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer erneuten Bestellung bei diesem Anbieter.
Prozessoptimierung durch Datenanalyse
Entscheidend für die erfolgreiche Abwicklung des gesamten Rückgabeprozesses ist ein datengetriebener Retourenablauf. Über ein Analyse-Tool wie beispielsweise das der Delivery-Plattform Seven Senders können Onlinehändler vor allem die Carrier-Performance im Blick behalten. Dashboards und Reportings, die exakt auf Lieferungen und Retouren abgestimmt sind, helfen dabei, Daten zu sammeln, zu analysieren und dadurch die Retourenprozesse zu verbessern. Das schafft Transparenz gegenüber den Kunden und trägt langfristig zum Erfolg im grenzübergreifenden Onlinehandel bei.


Seven Senders GmbH / HARTZKOM GmbH


TMAS: Digitalisation demands streamlined solutions

Fully integrated production lines from single source suppliers have increasingly become the norm in the textile industry and make complete sense in meeting today’s complex supply chain needs, according to TMAS – the Swedish Textile Machinery Association.

“Over the past few decades, textile mills have transitioned from consisting of collections of individual machines serviced and maintained largely by in-house mechanics as well as separate supplier companies for each part of the production line,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “Those in-house engineering service teams have diminished over the years, while the introduction of electronic drive systems in the 1980s and 90s also put an increased emphasis on the need for third party electrical engineers, operating separately to the machine builders.

“Subsequently, mechanical machines and electronic drive systems became much more integrated, and more recently, with the advent of digitalisation, entire production lines are becoming centrally controlled with remote, instantaneous connections to their suppliers for service and maintenance.

Fully integrated production lines from single source suppliers have increasingly become the norm in the textile industry and make complete sense in meeting today’s complex supply chain needs, according to TMAS – the Swedish Textile Machinery Association.

“Over the past few decades, textile mills have transitioned from consisting of collections of individual machines serviced and maintained largely by in-house mechanics as well as separate supplier companies for each part of the production line,” says TMAS Secretary General Therese Premler-Andersson. “Those in-house engineering service teams have diminished over the years, while the introduction of electronic drive systems in the 1980s and 90s also put an increased emphasis on the need for third party electrical engineers, operating separately to the machine builders.

“Subsequently, mechanical machines and electronic drive systems became much more integrated, and more recently, with the advent of digitalisation, entire production lines are becoming centrally controlled with remote, instantaneous connections to their suppliers for service and maintenance.

“In this context, the integration of machinery and automation specialists as single-source suppliers makes perfect sense, while partnerships between machine builders and their customers have never been more important.”

The recent acquisition of Nowo textile machinery from its previous owner, Brandstones Ab Oy, by TMAS member ACG Kinna, she adds, is a good example of this general trend.

Nowo, headquartered in Turku, Finland, designs, manufactures and exports high-end textile production machinery mainly for the fibre processing industry. At the end of the 1980s it introduced the highly successful Nowo Vac pillow filling system, which has been its best-selling system, alongside the Noworoll ball fibre machine, introduced in the 1990s.

Nowo’s machine range covers the entire production process from bale opening to weighing and filling, and complete production lines are tailored to the specific needs of customers. The company can also deliver individual machines such as bale openers, cards, cross-lappers, pickers, mixing devices, material silos, sucking devices, anti-static units etc. Seven patents cover the company’s technologies.

Founded in 1977, ACG Kinna Automatic, based in Skene in Sweden, specialises in customised and cost-efficient solutions for the production of pillows and quilts. All of its design, manufacturing and final line testing is carried out in Sweden and the reliability and longevity of its machines has earned it the trust of the world’s largest furniture and home decoration retailers and Europe’s largest manufacturer of pillows and duvets, among many customers.




NCTO: US Vice President announces new Investments in Northern Central America

US Vice President Kamala Harris announced significant multimillion-dollar investments by Parkdale Mills and six other companies today, as part of the Administration’s Call to Action to the private sector to promote economic opportunity in the region, as her office works to address the root causes of migration.

Vice President Harris, who is overseeing diplomatic efforts with El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, announced several private sector commitments to strengthen economic opportunities in the Northern Triangle and made remarks at a White House roundtable, which included Anderson Warlick, Chairman and CEO of Parkdale Mills. The textile and apparel co-production chain is one of the most essential supply chains for employment and economic development in both the United States and the Northern Triangle region, currently supporting over 1 million jobs in the United States and the Central American region. The Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) and its strong rules of origin are the primary reasons this co-production chain exists, which is seeing significant growth this year.

US Vice President Kamala Harris announced significant multimillion-dollar investments by Parkdale Mills and six other companies today, as part of the Administration’s Call to Action to the private sector to promote economic opportunity in the region, as her office works to address the root causes of migration.

Vice President Harris, who is overseeing diplomatic efforts with El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, announced several private sector commitments to strengthen economic opportunities in the Northern Triangle and made remarks at a White House roundtable, which included Anderson Warlick, Chairman and CEO of Parkdale Mills. The textile and apparel co-production chain is one of the most essential supply chains for employment and economic development in both the United States and the Northern Triangle region, currently supporting over 1 million jobs in the United States and the Central American region. The Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) and its strong rules of origin are the primary reasons this co-production chain exists, which is seeing significant growth this year.

North Carolina-headquartered Parkdale Mills, one of the largest manufacturers of spun yarn and cotton consumer products in the world, will make a multimillion-dollar investment in a new yarn spinning facility in Honduras and make an additional substantial investment to support existing operations in Hillsville, Virginia. This investment will help customers shift 1 million pounds of yarn per week away from supply chains in Asia and China and enhance U.S. and CAFTA-DR co-production resilience and increase regional product offerings. Parkdale’s announced investment will create hundreds of jobs in Honduras and further support hundreds of employees in Parkdale’s Hillsville operations.  

Recently, administration officials from the U.S. Trade Representative’s office and the Vice President’s office met with the U.S. textile industry to reaffirm the importance of rules of origin in nearshoring production chains, helping address labor and environmental challenges and mitigating supply chain risk.

“I would like to sincerely thank Vice President Harris for making this announcement and leading the effort with private industry to create more economic opportunities in northern Central America and the United States,” said Anderson Warlick, Chairman and CEO of Parkdale Mills. “Parkdale’s investments will support good paying jobs in the United States and in the Central American region and significantly increase our extensive product offering and capacity, including the production of sustainable specialty yarns.

Parkdale sees an enormous opportunity for brands and retailers to re-shore and nearshore production supply chains and double the size of U.S.-CAFTA-DR trade, because of the rules of origin in our trade agreement and a shift in sourcing by brands and retailers mitigating their supply chain sourcing risks.  We are excited about what this opportunity means for jobs in the U.S. and the region for this critical production chain and couldn’t be more thrilled to be part of this effort.  We look forward to working with the Vice President and her team on strengthening the textile and apparel production chains in the U.S. and region.”

National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) President and CEO Kim Glas, said, “This is an exciting and important announcement by Parkdale and Vice President Harris. Our industry has invested billions of dollars in the U.S. and in the region as a result of the investment-based rules of origin in the CAFTA-DR agreement, which ensures the job benefits of the agreement are reserved for the parties to the agreement.  Additional substantial announcements on further investment in textile and apparel production are expected soon.

As brands and retailers are seeking more environmentally sustainable, vertically integrated, transparent, and quick turnaround supply chains, our collective industries stand ready to work with companies that are seeking to mitigate sourcing strategies as Asian supply chains have faced enormous production constraints.  Further verticalization in the industry, like Parkdale’s announcement today, allows broader product diversification and grows jobs across the textile and apparel production chain.

We are thrilled with today’s announcement because it is a win-win for American and Central American workers and our environment and a huge opportunity to further recalibrate supply chains out of China and Asia. This valuable co-production chain between the U.S. and the CAFTA-DR region accounts for $12 billion in two-way trade and billions of dollars of investment. Significant growth is occurring in our sector and is expected to continue as supply chains continue to recalibrate.  We are delighted about this today’s announcement and appreciate the Administration’s strong support.”

(c) Avgol

Avgol at Hygienix™ 2021 with biotransformation technology in nonwovens

Avgol, an Indorama Ventures company and manufacturer of high-performance nonwoven fabric solutions, will be showcasing its latest work in biotransformation technology for polyolefin fibers and nonwoven fabrics at this year’s Hygienix™ event.

Nick Carter, Vice President, Nonwovens Marketing at Avgol, will be a guest speaker at the event, giving a presentation alongside Dr. DeeAnn Nelson, R&D and Innovation Manager with Avgol in North America, on ‘Biotransformation Technology in Polyolefin Fibers and Nonwoven Fabrics, Focus on Fugitive Used Articles’. “Today, the word “sustainability” does not have a unified meaning in the industries we serve,” said Nick. “Perform a regional analysis on any given customer or consumer, delve into a legislative body or advocacy group’s positioning and you will find each are likely to use the word ‘sustainable’ with varying interpretations, implementations, and implications.

The Avgol presentation, part of the Product & Process Innovation in AHPs series, will take place at 2pm on Tuesday, November 16.

Avgol, an Indorama Ventures company and manufacturer of high-performance nonwoven fabric solutions, will be showcasing its latest work in biotransformation technology for polyolefin fibers and nonwoven fabrics at this year’s Hygienix™ event.

Nick Carter, Vice President, Nonwovens Marketing at Avgol, will be a guest speaker at the event, giving a presentation alongside Dr. DeeAnn Nelson, R&D and Innovation Manager with Avgol in North America, on ‘Biotransformation Technology in Polyolefin Fibers and Nonwoven Fabrics, Focus on Fugitive Used Articles’. “Today, the word “sustainability” does not have a unified meaning in the industries we serve,” said Nick. “Perform a regional analysis on any given customer or consumer, delve into a legislative body or advocacy group’s positioning and you will find each are likely to use the word ‘sustainable’ with varying interpretations, implementations, and implications.

The Avgol presentation, part of the Product & Process Innovation in AHPs series, will take place at 2pm on Tuesday, November 16.

From their base at the tabletop event, Nick and the Avgol team will be discussing the global challenge of eliminating incineration, chemical treatment, landfill, dumping and, in particular, fugitive material pollution from non-woven products.

“Following our recent success at Index 20, we will be sharing insight to our research and development strategy with Hygienix attendees, addressing the degradation performance of our products and the path forward for the industry in terms of the use of new bio-colorants, biosurfactants and new technologies. Of course, we will also be demonstrating our latest Forward Innovative Thinking (FITTM) range of hygiene materials too, including natureFITTM”, says Nick Carter.

natureFIT™ is the newest innovation in the Avgol™ technology platform, designed to imbue nonwoven fabrics with additional qualities and benefits that anticipate the shifting demands of the consumer-led retail space. The suite of fabric solutions is focused on replacing elements of spun melt fabric design, where possible, with natural alternatives. The advanced technology affords product designers a significant reduction in polymer consumption to reduce environmental impact while simultaneously enhancing softness and conformability.

Hygienix™ runs from 15 – 18 November 2021 at the Westin Kierland Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.

More information:
Avgol Hygienix™ 2021 nonwovens

Avgol / PHD Marketing Ltd


DyStar to exhibit at China Interdye 2021

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation is exhibiting at the 21st China Interdye 2021 from 17 to 19 November at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

China Interdye is the largest global exhibition for the dye-chem industry. The trade event will consist of technical seminars, conferences and events organised by exhibitors and relevant industry associations respectively.

DyStar’s managers will discuss various sustainable solutions which they offer to the textile supply chain. They will also be showcasing our latest product innovations for visitors from Brands and Retailers, manufacturers, and production houses to enhance their manufacturing process and improve end-product quality.

Customers can expect to find the following highlighted products and concepts at the event:

  • Full collection of 11 Cadira® modules
  • Evo® Soft Range
  • Dianix® XF2 Range
  • Jettex® Ink Ranges
  • Remazol® SAM Series
  • WOPAPAN Items
  • Color Library from Color Solutions International (CSI)

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation is exhibiting at the 21st China Interdye 2021 from 17 to 19 November at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).

China Interdye is the largest global exhibition for the dye-chem industry. The trade event will consist of technical seminars, conferences and events organised by exhibitors and relevant industry associations respectively.

DyStar’s managers will discuss various sustainable solutions which they offer to the textile supply chain. They will also be showcasing our latest product innovations for visitors from Brands and Retailers, manufacturers, and production houses to enhance their manufacturing process and improve end-product quality.

Customers can expect to find the following highlighted products and concepts at the event:

  • Full collection of 11 Cadira® modules
  • Evo® Soft Range
  • Dianix® XF2 Range
  • Jettex® Ink Ranges
  • Remazol® SAM Series
  • WOPAPAN Items
  • Color Library from Color Solutions International (CSI)

DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd


Avgol talks to Biotransformation Technology in Nonwovens at Index 2020

Avgol®, an Indorama Ventures company and manufacturer of high performance nonwoven fabric solutions, will be showcasing its latest work in biotransformation technology for polyolefin fibers and nonwoven fabrics at this year’s IndexTM 20 exhibition.
Avgol will be discussing the global challenge of eliminating incineration, landfill, dumping and, in particular, fugitive material pollution from non-woven products.

natureFIT™ is the newest innovation in the Avgol technology platform designed to imbue nonwoven fabrics with additional qualities and benefits that anticipate the shifting demands of the consumer-led retail space. The suite of fabric solutions is focused on replacing elements of spun melt fabric design, where possible, with natural alternatives. The advanced technology affords product designers a significant reduction in polymer consumption to reduce environmental impact while simultaneously enhancing softness and conformability.

The Index 20 expo will be held on 19 – 22nd October 2021 at Palexpo Geneva.

Avgol®, an Indorama Ventures company and manufacturer of high performance nonwoven fabric solutions, will be showcasing its latest work in biotransformation technology for polyolefin fibers and nonwoven fabrics at this year’s IndexTM 20 exhibition.
Avgol will be discussing the global challenge of eliminating incineration, landfill, dumping and, in particular, fugitive material pollution from non-woven products.

natureFIT™ is the newest innovation in the Avgol technology platform designed to imbue nonwoven fabrics with additional qualities and benefits that anticipate the shifting demands of the consumer-led retail space. The suite of fabric solutions is focused on replacing elements of spun melt fabric design, where possible, with natural alternatives. The advanced technology affords product designers a significant reduction in polymer consumption to reduce environmental impact while simultaneously enhancing softness and conformability.

The Index 20 expo will be held on 19 – 22nd October 2021 at Palexpo Geneva.


Avgol / PHD Marketing Ltd

Design, e-commerce and sustainable development highlights of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles fringe programme (c) ITSH20

Design, e-commerce and sustainable development highlights of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles fringe programme

The rescheduled Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, now taking place from 9 – 11 October, will once again provide the industry with insight into the future through its fringe programme’s four categories: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies and Industry Empowerment. And with the Online Business Matching sourcing platform returning this edition, buyers worldwide can still participate in the fair.

Each of the fringe programme’s four categories – Design Inspiration, Business O2O (online to offline), Textiles & Technologies and Industry Empowerment – features a mix of conferences, seminars and presentations that reflect the future of the home textile industry. Highlights of each category are included below, while further details can be found on the fair’s website:

The rescheduled Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, now taking place from 9 – 11 October, will once again provide the industry with insight into the future through its fringe programme’s four categories: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies and Industry Empowerment. And with the Online Business Matching sourcing platform returning this edition, buyers worldwide can still participate in the fair.

Each of the fringe programme’s four categories – Design Inspiration, Business O2O (online to offline), Textiles & Technologies and Industry Empowerment – features a mix of conferences, seminars and presentations that reflect the future of the home textile industry. Highlights of each category are included below, while further details can be found on the fair’s website:

Since 2019, Messe Frankfurt has been working with the Conscious Fashion Campaign and United Nations Office for Partnerships as part of the Texpertise Network and supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The goals will be presented gradually at global textile events in order to highlight the most pressing challenges facing the textile and fashion industry worldwide.

Industry Empowerment: antimicrobial technologies and licensing in the home textile sector

Growing awareness of health and hygiene has increased the demand for antimicrobial and other functional textiles. Seminars hosted by the Chinese Industry Association for Antimicrobial Materials & Products will further discuss the increasing prominence of these textiles, as well as how the adoption of new antimicrobial textile technologies is expected to evolve in the future. In addition, experts will share the new trends of licensing and IP with case studies for the furniture companies and fabric brands.

2022 China Home Textile Trends

The China Home Textiles Trend Area will feature the research of the China Home Textile Association, The Department of Home Textile Trend Research and Promotion and Concept & Style Fashion Project Group Italy who shared their knowledge, inspirations and exchanged their visions of trend evolutions considering consumer demand, retail expertise, the contract market and new technologies.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition 2021 will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, Yarn Expo Autumn, PH Value and CHIC at the National Exhibition and Convention Center. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).


50 companies have joined ChemSec’s PFAS Movement

More and more brands are actively speaking up against the use of PFAS chemicals in products and supply chains. ChemSec’s corporate initiative the PFAS Movement was started in 2020, with the aim of creating a network of companies that would like to see PFAS chemicals regulated more efficiently. As of September 2021, 50 companies have joined the movement.

PFAS, short for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, is a chemical family consisting of almost 5,000 industrially produced chemicals. In manufacturing, PFAS are favored for their durability and well-functioning properties. They provide features such as non-stick, water repellency and anti-grease to many types of everyday products, including cosmetics, food packaging, frying pans and clothes, just to name a few.

Lately, more and more reports have been suggesting that PFAS are a serious problem. Human epidemiological studies have found associations between PFAS exposure and a number of health disorders.

More and more brands are actively speaking up against the use of PFAS chemicals in products and supply chains. ChemSec’s corporate initiative the PFAS Movement was started in 2020, with the aim of creating a network of companies that would like to see PFAS chemicals regulated more efficiently. As of September 2021, 50 companies have joined the movement.

PFAS, short for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, is a chemical family consisting of almost 5,000 industrially produced chemicals. In manufacturing, PFAS are favored for their durability and well-functioning properties. They provide features such as non-stick, water repellency and anti-grease to many types of everyday products, including cosmetics, food packaging, frying pans and clothes, just to name a few.

Lately, more and more reports have been suggesting that PFAS are a serious problem. Human epidemiological studies have found associations between PFAS exposure and a number of health disorders.

One of the biggest challenges connected to PFAS is that, with very few exceptions, they are perfectly legal to use. This means that the brands and retailers who want to stop them from being used as ingredients in their products have very limited ways of communicating this in the global supply chain. As long as there is not a restriction in place, suppliers will continue to use these very effective chemicals in manufacturing. That’s why companies act together with a unified voice, like in the case of ChemSec’s PFAS Movement.



(c) Archroma

Archroma: Online regulatory & compliance platform

  • Instant access to ecotoxicological and regulatory information and certificates for Archroma specialty chemical products
  • Faster decision-making and time-to-market for manufacturers, brands and retailers in the textile, paper, packaging, paint, and construction industries

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, announced the launch of The Safe Edge, an online platform for instant access to product related regulatory & compliance certificates and information.

With continuously growing public awareness around the social, health and ecological impacts of human and business activities, the need for transparency and traceability in supply chains has become essential.

Time to market is equally critical, and manufacturers, brands and retailers need access to reliable information in real time.

  • Instant access to ecotoxicological and regulatory information and certificates for Archroma specialty chemical products
  • Faster decision-making and time-to-market for manufacturers, brands and retailers in the textile, paper, packaging, paint, and construction industries

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, announced the launch of The Safe Edge, an online platform for instant access to product related regulatory & compliance certificates and information.

With continuously growing public awareness around the social, health and ecological impacts of human and business activities, the need for transparency and traceability in supply chains has become essential.

Time to market is equally critical, and manufacturers, brands and retailers need access to reliable information in real time.

The Safe Edge platform has been designed with that in mind: It allows brands, retailers and manufacturers of textile, fashion, packaging, paper, paints, to verify with just a few clicks the regulatory & compliance status of Archroma products, including regulations, ecotoxicological information & certifications, and brand requirements.

The Safe Edge covers standards, regulations and information such as air emission factors, animal origin, halal, kosher, plant origin, food contact, Blue Angel, bluesign®, Cradle-to-Cradle, chemical inventories, Composability EN 13432, conflict minerals, EU Flower/Ecolabel, GOTS, CONEG, ISEGA, Nordic Swan, Oekotex® Standard 100, California Prop 65, REACH, RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substance), Screened Chemistry, SDS, SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern), VOC (US), ZDHC (Zero Discharge Hazardous Chemicals), and brand standards (like Coats A&F MRSL, Decathlon RSL 2020, Jack Wolfskin RSL and The List IV by Inditex.

With the launch of The Safe Edge, Archroma continues to assert its leading role in driving sustainability in its industries, in line with its commitment to the principles of “The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The “Safe” principle in particular is at the core of the Archroma approach to sustainability, with the deeply rooted goal to protect people and the planet with products that are safe to use, and safe to wear.

The Safe Edge is already accessible for manufacturers, brands and retailers in Europe and Asia, and will be launched in North America in September 2021, and in Latin America by the end of the year.

More information:
Archroma online platform



Lectra announces the acquisition of Gemini CAD Systems

Lectra announces the signature of an agreement to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of the Romanian company Gemini CAD Systems. A major global player in the fashion, automotive, and furniture markets, Lectra designs and produces industrial intelligence solutions – software, hardware, data and services – for brands, manufacturers and retailers.
The acquisition is in line with Lectra’s strategy of developing its presence in the fashion market, enriching its value proposition and fashion software portfolio.

Founded in 2004, Gemini CAD Systems (Gemini) has developed several innovative software solutions, essentially Computer Aided Design (CAD), for small and medium-sized fashion companies. Thanks to its network of partners, Gemini is present in over 60 countries.

The transaction concerns the acquisition of 60% of Gemini right now for 7.6 million euros. The acquisition of the remaining capital and voting rights will take place in two steps, in September 2024 and September 2026. The total consideration for the acquisition of 100% of Gemini’s capital will depend on Gemini’s revenue growth, and should be comprised of between 13 and 20 million euros.

Lectra announces the signature of an agreement to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of the Romanian company Gemini CAD Systems. A major global player in the fashion, automotive, and furniture markets, Lectra designs and produces industrial intelligence solutions – software, hardware, data and services – for brands, manufacturers and retailers.
The acquisition is in line with Lectra’s strategy of developing its presence in the fashion market, enriching its value proposition and fashion software portfolio.

Founded in 2004, Gemini CAD Systems (Gemini) has developed several innovative software solutions, essentially Computer Aided Design (CAD), for small and medium-sized fashion companies. Thanks to its network of partners, Gemini is present in over 60 countries.

The transaction concerns the acquisition of 60% of Gemini right now for 7.6 million euros. The acquisition of the remaining capital and voting rights will take place in two steps, in September 2024 and September 2026. The total consideration for the acquisition of 100% of Gemini’s capital will depend on Gemini’s revenue growth, and should be comprised of between 13 and 20 million euros.



INDA: World of Wipes® Conference attracts Professionals Live and In-Person (c) INDA

INDA: World of Wipes® Conference attracts Professionals Live and In-Person

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, wrapped up its 15th annual World of Wipes® International Conference, July 12-15, with a presentation of the World of Wipes Innovation Award® to Kimberly-Clark Corporation and the highest attendance record in six years.

This year’s WOW conference welcomed 475 enthusiastic professionals from 14 countries to its in-person World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference to advance their wipes business. Held in Atlanta, GA, the conference was notable as the first in-person conference in the nonwovens and engineered fabrics industry in 500 days due to the pandemic.

Industry professionals from 33 global companies delivered presentations and answered questions in sessions that included Wipes and the Growing Plastics Debate, Regulatory Requirements for Disinfecting and Sanitizing Wipes, Trends in the Wipes Markets and Among Consumers, Wet Wipe Preservative Innovations, Covid-19 Impacts on Wipes Consumption and Cleaning Habits, Sustainable Wipes Packaging and Dispensing, Nonwoven Substrates for More Sustainable Wipes, and Flushable Wipes: Loved by Consumers, Wrongly Accused by Utilities.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, wrapped up its 15th annual World of Wipes® International Conference, July 12-15, with a presentation of the World of Wipes Innovation Award® to Kimberly-Clark Corporation and the highest attendance record in six years.

This year’s WOW conference welcomed 475 enthusiastic professionals from 14 countries to its in-person World of Wipes® (WOW) International Conference to advance their wipes business. Held in Atlanta, GA, the conference was notable as the first in-person conference in the nonwovens and engineered fabrics industry in 500 days due to the pandemic.

Industry professionals from 33 global companies delivered presentations and answered questions in sessions that included Wipes and the Growing Plastics Debate, Regulatory Requirements for Disinfecting and Sanitizing Wipes, Trends in the Wipes Markets and Among Consumers, Wet Wipe Preservative Innovations, Covid-19 Impacts on Wipes Consumption and Cleaning Habits, Sustainable Wipes Packaging and Dispensing, Nonwoven Substrates for More Sustainable Wipes, and Flushable Wipes: Loved by Consumers, Wrongly Accused by Utilities.

Highlights included the announcement of Kimberly-Clark Scott® 24-Hour Sanitizing Wipes as the winner of this year’s World of Wipes Innovation Award®. The annual award recognizes the product that most expands the use of nonwovens and demonstrates creativity, novelty, uniqueness, and technical sophistication within the entire nonwovens wipes value chain.

Other highlights included the presentation of the 2021 INDA Lifetime Technical Achievement Award to John Poccia. The annual award is nominated by INDA’s Technical Advisory Board and presented to an individual whose technical achievements over a long-standing career have significantly contributed to the technical advancement, success, and growth of the nonwovens industry.

Other presentation highlights included:

  • Recent Developments Under the EU Green Deal and Plastics Strategy – Pandemic Update – Gyongyi David, Attorney at Law, V V G B Advocaten-Avocats, Director- EHS Regulatory, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
  • FDA & EPA Framework of Regulations: Dry Wipes Claims – Tony Herber, Principal Regulatory Consultant/Assistant Federal Team Manager, Scientific & Regulatory Consultants, Inc. (SRC. Inc.)
  • Consumer Wipes Usage During Covid-19 and Future Use – Chris Dresselhuys, Business Director-North American Retail Wipes, Rockline Industries
  • Sustainable Solutions for Wipes – Vishal Bansai, Vice President, Innovation, and Silke Brand-Kirsch, VP, Marketing and Business Development, Glatfelter Gernsbach GmbH
  • Sustainability Impacts Across the Value Chain of Wipes Packaging – Vicky Chang, Marketing Manager, Consumer & Industrial Products, Amcor Flexibles
  • Unveiling Wet Wipes Preservation: New Findings on Microbial Risks and Preservative Solution – Paul Salama, Ph.D., CTO& Head of Innovation, Sharon Laboratories

ISKO to work with the MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab

ISKO announces its participation in CSAIL’s Alliances programme, a collaboration with CSAIL researchers, students and industry partners. Through participation in the programme, ISKO will contribute its expertise in textile innovation and collaborate on the research and development of smart textiles and wearable technologies.

The company joins a network of 26 industries – from startups to big organizations – including AI and machine learning, aerospace, healthcare, life sciences and telecommunications, as well as retail, media and entertainment.

With the goal of overall advancement of the textile and denim industry through the development of smart and wearable solutions, ISKO is stepping up to lead the change through these technologies and their many possible end-uses. The work is done in compliance with ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ approach.

ISKO brings its innovative and agile structure, impressive production capacity and textile knowledge to the CSAIL programme which has over 1200 people, 60 research groups, 120+ researchers, 600+ students and over 900+ active projects.

ISKO announces its participation in CSAIL’s Alliances programme, a collaboration with CSAIL researchers, students and industry partners. Through participation in the programme, ISKO will contribute its expertise in textile innovation and collaborate on the research and development of smart textiles and wearable technologies.

The company joins a network of 26 industries – from startups to big organizations – including AI and machine learning, aerospace, healthcare, life sciences and telecommunications, as well as retail, media and entertainment.

With the goal of overall advancement of the textile and denim industry through the development of smart and wearable solutions, ISKO is stepping up to lead the change through these technologies and their many possible end-uses. The work is done in compliance with ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ approach.

ISKO brings its innovative and agile structure, impressive production capacity and textile knowledge to the CSAIL programme which has over 1200 people, 60 research groups, 120+ researchers, 600+ students and over 900+ active projects.


ISKO / Menabò Group srl


Infinited Fiber Company raises EUR 30 million from new Investors

Circular fashion and textile technology group Infinited Fiber Company has secured investments totaling 30 million euros in its latest financing round completed on June 30. The round also brought Infinited Fiber Company new investors, including sportswear company adidas, Invest FWD A/S, which is BESTSELLER’s investment arm for sustainable fashion, and investment company Security Trading Oy. Among the existing investors contributing to this round of financing were fashion retailer H&M Group, who was the lead investor, investment company Nidoco AB, and Sateri, the world’s largest viscose producer and a member of the RGE group of companies.

Circular fashion and textile technology group Infinited Fiber Company has secured investments totaling 30 million euros in its latest financing round completed on June 30. The round also brought Infinited Fiber Company new investors, including sportswear company adidas, Invest FWD A/S, which is BESTSELLER’s investment arm for sustainable fashion, and investment company Security Trading Oy. Among the existing investors contributing to this round of financing were fashion retailer H&M Group, who was the lead investor, investment company Nidoco AB, and Sateri, the world’s largest viscose producer and a member of the RGE group of companies.

This securement of new funding follows Infinited Fiber Company’s April announcement of plans to build a flagship factory in Finland in response to the strong growth in demand from global fashion and textile brands for its regenerated textile fiber Infinna™. The factory, which will use household textile waste as raw material, is expected to be operational in 2024 and to have an annual production capacity of 30,000 metric tons. The new funding enables Infinited Fiber Company to carry out the work needed to prepare for the flagship factory investment and to increase production at its pilot facilities in the years leading to 2024.

“We are really happy to welcome our new investors and grateful for the continued support from our older investors,” said Infinited Fiber Company co-founder and CEO Petri Alava. “These new investments enable us to proceed at full speed with the pre-engineering, environmental permits, and the recruitment of the skilled professionals needed to take our flagship project forward. We can now also boost production at our pilot facilities so that we can better serve our existing customers and grow our customer-base in preparation for both our flagship factory and for the future licensees of our technology.”

H&M Group is one of Infinited Fiber Company’s earliest investors. They first invested in Infinited Fiber Company in 2019.

H&M Group has also signed a multiyear sales deal with Infinited Fiber Company to secure its access to agreed amounts of Infinna from the planned flagship factory.

New investor BESTSELLER has struck a similar sales deal with Infinited Fiber Company.

In addition to strong interest by global fashion leaders, the technology has significant promise for major textile fiber producers. Allen Zhang, President of Sateri, said: “Sateri is excited to continue to invest in and collaborate with Infinited Fiber Company as part of our long-term commitment towards closed-loop, circular and climate-positive cellulosic fibers. This financing round marks a major milestone for our collaboration in scaling up next-generation fiber solutions.”

Infinited Fiber Company’s flagship plant preparations are also proceeding on other fronts. Several Nordic and international investment banks have given Infinited Fiber Company proposals on the financing options for the investment.

Infinited Fiber Company’s technology turns cellulose-based raw materials, like cotton-rich textile waste, into Infinna, a unique, premium-quality regenerated textile fiber with the natural, soft look and feel of cotton. Infinna is biodegradable and contains no microplastics, and at the end of their life, garments made with it can be recycled in the same process together with other textile waste.


Infinited Fiber Company

(c) PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

PREMIUM Group goes digital on FFW STUDIO

Live panels, future talks, brand experiences, stories, entertainment: from July 5th to 9th, the protagonists of the fashion industry will meet digitally for the first time on a common platform, the FFW STUDIO. Launched by the makers of Frankfurt Fashion Week and Europe's largest fashion fairs, PREMIUM, SEEK & Neonyt, the new content hub at offers an individually designed program as an alternative to the physical event.

And the classic trade fair business will also find a digital representation this summer: Together with long-term partner JOOR, Anita Tillmann and team are presenting the PREMIUM + SEEK Passport platform this season. Here retailers can discover and order the collections of over 12,500 brands online and be inspired by various content formats.

Live panels, future talks, brand experiences, stories, entertainment: from July 5th to 9th, the protagonists of the fashion industry will meet digitally for the first time on a common platform, the FFW STUDIO. Launched by the makers of Frankfurt Fashion Week and Europe's largest fashion fairs, PREMIUM, SEEK & Neonyt, the new content hub at offers an individually designed program as an alternative to the physical event.

And the classic trade fair business will also find a digital representation this summer: Together with long-term partner JOOR, Anita Tillmann and team are presenting the PREMIUM + SEEK Passport platform this season. Here retailers can discover and order the collections of over 12,500 brands online and be inspired by various content formats.

FFW STUDIO broadcasts live from the conferences of Frankfurt Fashion Week, the Frankfurt Fashion SDG Summit presented by Conscious Fashion Campaign in cooperation with the United Nations Office for Partnerships and the conference "The New European Bauhaus - Workshop of the Future", organized by the Fashion Council Germany in cooperation with the Frankfurt Fashion Week. Both will take place for the first time as part of the Frankfurt Fashion Week. With over 130 speakers, the Fashionsustain conference is also a central component of the FFW STUDIOS.


PREMIUM Exhibitions GmbH

Archroma partners with Datacolor for Color Atlas Library (c) Archroma
The Archroma ‘Color Atlas’ library system will be available for color searching within ‘Datacolor TOOLS’ color quality control application.

Archroma partners with Datacolor for Color Atlas Library

Archroma announced that the soon-to-be 5’760 color references of its Color Atlas library are made available within its ‘Datacolor TOOLS’ platform, an easy-to-use color quality control application for industries where color accuracy is a critical component of overall product quality.

Datacolor® provides color management solutions that empower customers to make objective, cost-effective and smart color decisions, in applications such as textile & apparel, paint & coatings, plastics, photography, design and many others. The perfect integration of its instruments and software help formulate, measure, control and communicate color, and its state-of-the-art algorithms reproduce color on materials and displays.

The Color Atlas was launched in 2016 to provide fashion designers and stylists with off-the-shelf color inspiration that can be implemented in production with just a few clicks.

Archroma announced that the soon-to-be 5’760 color references of its Color Atlas library are made available within its ‘Datacolor TOOLS’ platform, an easy-to-use color quality control application for industries where color accuracy is a critical component of overall product quality.

Datacolor® provides color management solutions that empower customers to make objective, cost-effective and smart color decisions, in applications such as textile & apparel, paint & coatings, plastics, photography, design and many others. The perfect integration of its instruments and software help formulate, measure, control and communicate color, and its state-of-the-art algorithms reproduce color on materials and displays.

The Color Atlas was launched in 2016 to provide fashion designers and stylists with off-the-shelf color inspiration that can be implemented in production with just a few clicks.

Today, the Color Atlas contains 4’320 colors applicable on cotton poplin, almost the double compared to similar tools available to textile and fashion specialists. Technical support is available to designer, manufacturers, as well as brands and retailers, through Archroma’s global offices - for every single color from its selection to its implementation in production. Engineered color standards empowered by NFC technology are also available for all colors and reproducible in production.
Archroma also just launched a similar tool with 1,440 colors on polyester. Both libraries will be available in the ‘Datacolor TOOLS’ platform for color searching.

Each color from the Color Atlas by Archroma® is available for purchase from Archroma as an ‘Engineered Color Standard’, precise digital data and access to global dyeing technical support.

With that, the brands, designers and mills using the ‘Datacolor TOOLS’ platform will have at their disposal the ability to search the 5’760 colors of the Color Atlas by Archroma®, to quickly find colors for their seasonal color palettes.

Checkpoint Systems: Research Report „Utilising RFID in Retailing: Insights on Innovation“ (c) Checkpoint Systems GmbH

Checkpoint Systems: Research Report „Utilising RFID in Retailing: Insights on Innovation“

A research report released today has revealed the innovative new ways retailers are using RFID technology in-store to improve profitability. Authored by Emeritus Professor Adrian Beck from the University of Leicester and the ECR Retail Loss Group and supported by Checkpoint Systems, Utilising RFID in Retailing: Insights on Innovationhighlights how companies are employing the technology for a broader range of purposes. It demonstrates the value the technology is bringing to their businesses and ultimately, the impact it is delivering to their bottom line. Crucially, it also shows thatmore retailers than ever are recognizing the benefits of RFID and driving uptake within their organisations. The report claims that as businesses are becoming more established in their use of RFID-generated data, they are gradually incorporating more usecases into their business-as-usual practices.

The report claims that as businesses are becoming more established in their use of RFID-generated data, they are gradually incorporating more usecases into their business-as-usual practices.

A research report released today has revealed the innovative new ways retailers are using RFID technology in-store to improve profitability. Authored by Emeritus Professor Adrian Beck from the University of Leicester and the ECR Retail Loss Group and supported by Checkpoint Systems, Utilising RFID in Retailing: Insights on Innovationhighlights how companies are employing the technology for a broader range of purposes. It demonstrates the value the technology is bringing to their businesses and ultimately, the impact it is delivering to their bottom line. Crucially, it also shows thatmore retailers than ever are recognizing the benefits of RFID and driving uptake within their organisations. The report claims that as businesses are becoming more established in their use of RFID-generated data, they are gradually incorporating more usecases into their business-as-usual practices.

The report claims that as businesses are becoming more established in their use of RFID-generated data, they are gradually incorporating more usecases into their business-as-usual practices.

In particular, more and more retailers reported using RFID to streamline the audit process (as an alternative to infrequent organisational stock takes), which not only delivers considerable cost savings, but also provides more regular insights into the status of inventories. It also found that using RFID was having a significant impact on store processes. While RFID has always been key to inventory accuracy, some companies are now using this data to further improve business activities such as reducing phantom out of stocks, improving rapid stock search and find tasks and developing an efficient ship from store (SFS) capability.

Beyond the more traditional retail model, RFID was seen as a key facilitator in delivering omnichannel retailing by all those questioned. Without the inventory accuracy offered by RFID, few retailers believed they could reliably use their stores as fulfilment centres to output online orders. Indeed, one retailer admitted to only making RFID-enabled store stock available for this purpose. The use of RFID to improve online order accuracy is also becoming more commonplace, to reduce errors in the picking and packing process, therefore improving customer satisfaction. One retailer reported a 90% reduction in incorrect orders and customer complaints since introducing RFID into the process.

Looking to the future, one area where the benefits of RFID are starting to be tested is self-checkouts (SCO). While currently limited due to the need to have a 100% SKU tagging strategy in place, retailers are starting to recognize the benefits the technology could offer including increased speed of checkout, reduced likelihood of double scanning and thereby improved customer service. Another area where retailers also reported reaping the benefits of RFID was loss prevention. While none of those interviewed argued that reducing loss was the primary reason for investing in RFID, many acknowledged they were benefiting from it by using the technology to tackle refund frauds, enable dynamic loss product profiling, manage e-frauds and identify stolen products.


Checkpoint Systems GmbH / Carta GmbH

Archroma: Launch of its new Color Atlas by Archroma® Polyester Library (c) Archroma

Archroma: Launch of its new Color Atlas by Archroma® Polyester Library

  • A library of 1’440 off-the-shelf color standards, adding to the already available 4’320 colors of the ‘Color Atlas’ for cotton
  • Online and physical library of colors allowing increased speed-to market for sportswear and fashion designers, brands, retailers and manufacturers.

Archroma announced the launch of its new Color Atlas by Archroma® Polyester Library, with 1’440 colors for sportswear, athleisure, swimwear, children's clothing, shoes, fashion and home textiles.

This original Color Atlas Cotton Library contains 4’320 colors, almost double compared to similar tools available to textile and fashion specialists, with options for purer ingredients and lighter resource usage for brands exploring more sustainable collections.

The new Color Atlas by Archroma® Polyester Library brings together colors in line with current trends, from the most neutral tones to the most vivid hues to fluorescent colors.

  • A library of 1’440 off-the-shelf color standards, adding to the already available 4’320 colors of the ‘Color Atlas’ for cotton
  • Online and physical library of colors allowing increased speed-to market for sportswear and fashion designers, brands, retailers and manufacturers.

Archroma announced the launch of its new Color Atlas by Archroma® Polyester Library, with 1’440 colors for sportswear, athleisure, swimwear, children's clothing, shoes, fashion and home textiles.

This original Color Atlas Cotton Library contains 4’320 colors, almost double compared to similar tools available to textile and fashion specialists, with options for purer ingredients and lighter resource usage for brands exploring more sustainable collections.

The new Color Atlas by Archroma® Polyester Library brings together colors in line with current trends, from the most neutral tones to the most vivid hues to fluorescent colors.


Archroma / EMG

Foto: Andritz

ANDRITZ: New batt forming line for stitchbonding in South Africa

International technology Group ANDRITZ has successfully started up a new batt forming line at Romatex Home Textiles (Pty) Ltd., based in Cape Town, one of the largest household textile manufacturers in South Africa. The line is dedicated to the production of Maliwatt products used in a wide range of applications, including home textiles, construction, geotextiles, medical, footwear, and as a replacement for plastic in the retail sector.

ANDRITZ has supplied Romatex with dedicated batt forming equipment, mixing an aXcess card and an eXcelle crosslapper to provide Romatex’s technical characteristics in terms of product quality and line performance. This new stitchbonding line will enable Romatex to better serve its customers and meet their requirements perfectly.

International technology Group ANDRITZ has successfully started up a new batt forming line at Romatex Home Textiles (Pty) Ltd., based in Cape Town, one of the largest household textile manufacturers in South Africa. The line is dedicated to the production of Maliwatt products used in a wide range of applications, including home textiles, construction, geotextiles, medical, footwear, and as a replacement for plastic in the retail sector.

ANDRITZ has supplied Romatex with dedicated batt forming equipment, mixing an aXcess card and an eXcelle crosslapper to provide Romatex’s technical characteristics in terms of product quality and line performance. This new stitchbonding line will enable Romatex to better serve its customers and meet their requirements perfectly.

More information:

Andritz AG


Lenzing Group with an excellent start into 2021

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group had a clearly positive revenue and earnings development in the first quarter of 2021. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry as a result of the vaccination progress and the continuing recovery in retail led to a significant increase in demand and higher prices in the global fiber market.

•    Significant increase in operating result: EBITDA at EUR 94.5 mn, cash flow from operating activities more than tripled
•    Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand expected in the fourth quarter 2021
•    Upper Austria’s largest photovoltaic plant at the Lenzing site
•    Lenzing exits Hygiene Austria joint venture
•    Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects operating result at least at pre-crisis level

Please read the attached document for more information.

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group had a clearly positive revenue and earnings development in the first quarter of 2021. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry as a result of the vaccination progress and the continuing recovery in retail led to a significant increase in demand and higher prices in the global fiber market.

•    Significant increase in operating result: EBITDA at EUR 94.5 mn, cash flow from operating activities more than tripled
•    Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand expected in the fourth quarter 2021
•    Upper Austria’s largest photovoltaic plant at the Lenzing site
•    Lenzing exits Hygiene Austria joint venture
•    Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects operating result at least at pre-crisis level

Please read the attached document for more information.


Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft

(c) Kornit Digital

Sustainable On-Demand Textile Production: new Partners for Kornit Digital

  • Global online fashion retailer and UK supplier - Asos and Fashion-Enter Ltd. - teaming with Kornit for adoption of efficient, low-impact direct-to-fabric digital textile printing with zero water waste and accelerated production speeds

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced that global online fashion retailer ASOS and its supplier Fashion-Enter Ltd. are implementing Kornit Presto to explore the future opportunities presented by on-demand manufacturing.

Kornit Presto is the most advanced single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, enabling Fashion-Enter Ltd. to rapidly deliver test-and-repeat small product runs on behalf of ASOS. These production capabilities will enable ASOS and Fashion-Enter Ltd. to imprint designs on multiple fabrics at the push of a button, through a lower-impact production process that has zero water waste and accelerates production speeds by cutting out typical dyeing processes.

  • Global online fashion retailer and UK supplier - Asos and Fashion-Enter Ltd. - teaming with Kornit for adoption of efficient, low-impact direct-to-fabric digital textile printing with zero water waste and accelerated production speeds

Kornit Digital (Nasdaq: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile printing technology, announced that global online fashion retailer ASOS and its supplier Fashion-Enter Ltd. are implementing Kornit Presto to explore the future opportunities presented by on-demand manufacturing.

Kornit Presto is the most advanced single-step solution for direct-to-fabric printing, enabling Fashion-Enter Ltd. to rapidly deliver test-and-repeat small product runs on behalf of ASOS. These production capabilities will enable ASOS and Fashion-Enter Ltd. to imprint designs on multiple fabrics at the push of a button, through a lower-impact production process that has zero water waste and accelerates production speeds by cutting out typical dyeing processes.

In Kornit’s pigment-based digital textile production capabilities and efficient workflow solutions, Fashion-Enter Ltd. sees an answer for brands serving the needs of today’s consumers, while reducing inventory waste and improving supply chain management and garment quality.