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© Covestro

Covestro: Teilweise biobasierte Rohstoffe für Notizbücher von Moleskine®

Notizbücher von Moleskine® sind Nachbildungen des legendären Notizbuchs, das von Persönlichkeiten wie Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway und Bruce Chatwin benutzt wurde. Moleskine legt besonderen Wert auf nachhaltigere Produkte und Herstellverfahren und wurde bereits vom Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) zertifiziert. Für die Einbände seiner klassischen Notizbücher setzt das Unternehmen auf die wässrige INSQIN® Polyurethan(PU)-Technologie von Covestro für die Textilbeschichtung mit teilweise biobasierten Rohstoffen. Dadurch wird der Einsatz alternativer Rohstoffe bei der Herstellung der synthetischen Einbände erhöht.

Notizbücher von Moleskine® sind Nachbildungen des legendären Notizbuchs, das von Persönlichkeiten wie Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway und Bruce Chatwin benutzt wurde. Moleskine legt besonderen Wert auf nachhaltigere Produkte und Herstellverfahren und wurde bereits vom Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) zertifiziert. Für die Einbände seiner klassischen Notizbücher setzt das Unternehmen auf die wässrige INSQIN® Polyurethan(PU)-Technologie von Covestro für die Textilbeschichtung mit teilweise biobasierten Rohstoffen. Dadurch wird der Einsatz alternativer Rohstoffe bei der Herstellung der synthetischen Einbände erhöht.

Im Mittelpunkt der Anwendung stehen wässrige PU-Dispersionen, deren Kohlenstoffgehalt bis zu 50 Prozent auf Biomasse basiert und die den CO2-Fußabdruck entsprechend reduzieren, aber die gleiche gute Qualität wie fossil-basierte Rohstoffe bieten. Die Beschichtung zeichnet sich auch durch einen Premium-Look und eine angenehme Haptik aus – wie es der charakteristischen Qualität dieser Notizbücher entspricht. Durch den Einsatz der INSQIN® Technologie sind Moleskine® und Hexin, ein chinesischer Spezialist für synthetische PU-Werkstoffe, nun in der Lage, teilweise biobasierte Beschichtungen für Hardcover- und Softcover-Notizbücher herzustellen.

Das Projekt ist Teil eines globalen strategischen Programms, mit dem sich Covestro auf die Kreislaufwirtschaft ausrichtet. Dazu setzt das Unternehmen auf den Einsatz alternativer Rohstoffe und erneuerbarer Energie, die Entwicklung innovativer Recyclingtechnologien und die Kooperation mit Partnern entlang der Wertschöpfungsketten.

More information:
Covestro Beschichtung



Archroma releases 2020 sustainability report

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, announced the release of its Sustainability Report for its fiscal year 2020.

Prepared again in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, and building on a strong track record, the report outlines the company’s progress on its priority sustainability topics, such as human health and environmental safety, resource efficiency, sustainable sourcing and product stewardship, as well as diversity & inclusion, and talent management.

For the first time Archroma conducted a survey with its stakeholders to confirm the relevance of the sustainability topics covered in the report. These include biodiversity, occupational and product safety, and fair labor practices, as well as maybe less expected topics such as compliance, economic performance, and culture.

The report can be downloaded at:

Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, announced the release of its Sustainability Report for its fiscal year 2020.

Prepared again in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, and building on a strong track record, the report outlines the company’s progress on its priority sustainability topics, such as human health and environmental safety, resource efficiency, sustainable sourcing and product stewardship, as well as diversity & inclusion, and talent management.

For the first time Archroma conducted a survey with its stakeholders to confirm the relevance of the sustainability topics covered in the report. These include biodiversity, occupational and product safety, and fair labor practices, as well as maybe less expected topics such as compliance, economic performance, and culture.

The report can be downloaded at:

More information:
Archroma chemicals



PERFORMANCE DAYS Fair with Topic: Still Physical – Your Success Story of 2020

Contact restrictions, home office and altered daily lives – our lives in 2020 were radically changed. This was also the case for various sectors of the economy, including the textile and clothing industry. However, with crisis come opportunities and stimuli for change. Under the motto “Still Physical”, manufacturers recount their personal success stories in 2020 – the industry can look forward to a selection of sustainable materials curated exclusively by the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury. Areas of focus: natural fibers that highlight wellbeing aspects, plant-based materials that make us strong and excite on an emotional level, bio-nylons and bio-based finishings that rethink function. “Still Physical – Your Success Story of 2020” will be on display online as the first of its kind within a trade fair week from 17 to 21 May 2020.

Contact restrictions, home office and altered daily lives – our lives in 2020 were radically changed. This was also the case for various sectors of the economy, including the textile and clothing industry. However, with crisis come opportunities and stimuli for change. Under the motto “Still Physical”, manufacturers recount their personal success stories in 2020 – the industry can look forward to a selection of sustainable materials curated exclusively by the PERFORMANCE FORUM Jury. Areas of focus: natural fibers that highlight wellbeing aspects, plant-based materials that make us strong and excite on an emotional level, bio-nylons and bio-based finishings that rethink function. “Still Physical – Your Success Story of 2020” will be on display online as the first of its kind within a trade fair week from 17 to 21 May 2020.

Transformation: Technology first?
The pandemic has forced us into new, primarily digital forms of living and working. Our daily lives are characterised by home offices, home schooling and online meetings. The desire for real, physically perceptible experiences has grown incessantly within the last year. In the same context, people nowadays are strongly driven by technological progress – yet how far can we allow technological change to go and how do we wish to live in the future? Long before the pandemic, the trend towards self-monitoring and control of important bodily functions developed. The sports industry developed tools to measure levels of performance and monitor bodily functions with the goal of enhancing performance. Self-optimisation, body shaping and health promotion have become standard nowadays. Staying healthy and keeping fit are now social imperatives in our performance-oriented society. The pandemic has made us rethink, made us pause – with sustainable function still in focus, yet function needs to be rethought for the future, distancing ourselves from mere performance enhancement, and embracing clothing that facilitates people in feeling good.

Touch & Feel
In a visual, digital world, one sense has been forgotten: the sense of touch. Materials trigger completely different reactions, consciously or unconsciously. Moreover, the surface texture is also decisive in the functionality of a fabric, lending it its unique characteristics. In times of contact restrictions and lockdown, there is a need for a space for emotions, for regeneration and physical wellbeing. This is also reflected in the desire for appropriate apparel that leaves a pleasant sensation on the skin. Lightweight, warm and of a softer nature, plant-based fibers fulfil the desire for comfort and promote wellbeing.

We are physical – we are nature
How will we shape and adapt the post-pandemic textile and apparel industry? The Corona crisis once again reminds us of our existential bond with the natural world. While humanity fights against the spread of a deadly virus with social isolation, one thing is doing well: our planet. It is recovering from all the exhaust gases that are released into the air daily by cars and factories. There is a shift in focus towards taking time out in nature, whether in the form of a morning run, a mountain hike or a yoga session on the grass.

Your success story of 2020
What has touched them? Which experiences have shaped their latest innovations? Does the crisis also present opportunities? The chance for something new, for a rethink, on an even more sustainable, more ecological path? Which highlights, which stories are worth communicating and where did the focus lie in 2020? Various material manufacturers already started to focus on sustainability and the cautious use of resources some time ago. Innovations in the areas of materials and in processing methods are the driving forces of the development towards more sustainability. However, we need to realign all processes and structures in our supply and production chains and adapt them to the needs of a resource-conserving, responsible industry. A pioneering example of such alignment was the decision of PERFORMANCE DAYS to only present sustainable materials at the PERFORMANCE FORUM from the November 2019 trade fair event onwards. Additionally, the setting-up of the new digital sourcing platform “THE LOOP” shows how technology can be implemented aside from material and processing innovations in such a way that our procedures and structures can be adapted to difficult conditions.

Informative & up-to-date: the digital trade fair week from 17 to 21 May 2021
As usual, the highlighted fabrics from the Focus Topic “Still Physical”, which the exhibitors have defined as their personal success stories, will be available shortly on the PERFORMANCE DAYS website highlighting all details and facets.


Lenzing Group with an excellent start into 2021

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group had a clearly positive revenue and earnings development in the first quarter of 2021. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry as a result of the vaccination progress and the continuing recovery in retail led to a significant increase in demand and higher prices in the global fiber market.

•    Significant increase in operating result: EBITDA at EUR 94.5 mn, cash flow from operating activities more than tripled
•    Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand expected in the fourth quarter 2021
•    Upper Austria’s largest photovoltaic plant at the Lenzing site
•    Lenzing exits Hygiene Austria joint venture
•    Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects operating result at least at pre-crisis level

Please read the attached document for more information.

Lenzing – The Lenzing Group had a clearly positive revenue and earnings development in the first quarter of 2021. Growing optimism in the textile and apparel industry as a result of the vaccination progress and the continuing recovery in retail led to a significant increase in demand and higher prices in the global fiber market.

•    Significant increase in operating result: EBITDA at EUR 94.5 mn, cash flow from operating activities more than tripled
•    Major strategic projects continue fully on track – production start of the lyocell plant in Thailand expected in the fourth quarter 2021
•    Upper Austria’s largest photovoltaic plant at the Lenzing site
•    Lenzing exits Hygiene Austria joint venture
•    Guidance 2021: Lenzing expects operating result at least at pre-crisis level

Please read the attached document for more information.


Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft


Covestro: CO2-Technologie für den Europäischen Erfinderpreis nominiert

  • Dr. Christoph Gürtler und Prof. Walter Leitner in der Kategorie Industrie nominiert
  • CO2 als Rohstoff wirtschaftlich nutzbar gemacht
  • Technologie ist Basis für eine Vielzahl marktfähiger Produkte

Das Europäische Patentamt (EPA) hat die Nominierung der deutschen Chemiker Dr. Christoph Gürtler (Covestro AG) und Prof. Walter Leitner (Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Energiekonversion und RWTH Aachen) als Finalisten in der Kategorie „Industrie“ des Europäischen Erfinderpreises 2021 für ihre Rolle bei der Entwicklung einer neuen Technik zur Verwendung von Kohlendioxid (CO2) bekanntgegeben. Die Technologie ermöglicht es, das schädliche Klimagas CO2 als wertvollen Rohstoff für nachhaltige Kunststoffe zu nutzen. Das Verfahren verwendet chemische Katalysatoren, um Reaktionen zwischen CO2 und einem herkömmlichen Rohstoff anzutreiben. Dabei entstehen sogenannte Polymere  auf nachhaltigere und wirtschaftlich tragfähige Weise. Das CO2 ist dabei fest eingebunden.

  • Dr. Christoph Gürtler und Prof. Walter Leitner in der Kategorie Industrie nominiert
  • CO2 als Rohstoff wirtschaftlich nutzbar gemacht
  • Technologie ist Basis für eine Vielzahl marktfähiger Produkte

Das Europäische Patentamt (EPA) hat die Nominierung der deutschen Chemiker Dr. Christoph Gürtler (Covestro AG) und Prof. Walter Leitner (Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Energiekonversion und RWTH Aachen) als Finalisten in der Kategorie „Industrie“ des Europäischen Erfinderpreises 2021 für ihre Rolle bei der Entwicklung einer neuen Technik zur Verwendung von Kohlendioxid (CO2) bekanntgegeben. Die Technologie ermöglicht es, das schädliche Klimagas CO2 als wertvollen Rohstoff für nachhaltige Kunststoffe zu nutzen. Das Verfahren verwendet chemische Katalysatoren, um Reaktionen zwischen CO2 und einem herkömmlichen Rohstoff anzutreiben. Dabei entstehen sogenannte Polymere  auf nachhaltigere und wirtschaftlich tragfähige Weise. Das CO2 ist dabei fest eingebunden.

CO2 geht nur sehr mühsam chemische Verbindungen ein. Dieses Problem musste das Team um Christoph Gürtler und Walter Leitner lösen. Der Durchbruch gelang durch die exakte Kontrolle der Reaktion zwischen CO2 und dem Erdöl-basierten Propylenoxid in Gegenwart eines maßgeschneiderten Katalysatorsystems.

Das dabei entstehende so genannte Polyol wurde von Covestro unter dem Produktnamen cardyon® zur Marktreife  gebracht. Es wird bereits zur Herstellung von weichem Schaumstoff  für Matratzen, für Kleber in Sportböden, Polsterungen in Schuhen und in Autoinnenräumen eingesetzt. An der Schwelle zur Marktreife stehen elastische Textilfasern. Forschungsprojekte haben erfolgreich gezeigt, dass sich CO2 auch für Dämmstoffe aus Hartschaum und für Tenside, zum Beispiel in Waschmitteln, nutzen lässt.


More information:
polyol CO2

Covestro AG