Textination Newsline

197 results


  • Clothing exports are declining 

New Delhi (GTAI) - Structural weaknesses and fiscal reforms are affecting the Indian textile industry. Modernization and diversification are necessary. For this where support measures will come into force.

  • Clothing exports are declining 

New Delhi (GTAI) - Structural weaknesses and fiscal reforms are affecting the Indian textile industry. Modernization and diversification are necessary. For this where support measures will come into force.

In the 2016/17 fiscal year (April 1st to March 31st), India's government initiated a number of fundamental reforms such as the introduction of the nationwide Goods and Services Tax (GST) and a partial currency devaluation. These measures are intended to advance the economy as a whole in the medium to long term, but have led to uncertainty and difficulties in individual sectors, including the textile industry. Added to this are high cotton prices. The government is now trying to help the industry with individual measures. It remains to be seen whether these will be sufficient and lead to a sustained improvement. Finally, there are structural weaknesses which are also slowing down the growth of the Industry.

"The by the introduction of GST caused dent and monetary depreciation has now been overcome. However, the structural problems remain, so that no fundamental changes in the textile industry are to be expected", according to the assessment of a German supplier with many years of experience in India in talks with Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI).

Government launches aid measures
However, some government measures should provide relief. At the beginning of August 2018, import duties on 328 textile products, especially fabrics and nonwovens, were increased from around 5 to 10 percent to up to 20 percent. Also, at the beginning of the month, the Executive Board introduced four bills to amend the general VAT Act introduced on July 1st 2017. This should make refunds, for example of taxes on intermediate products, easier and faster. The introduction of GST and the delays in reimbursement have put particular pressure on the liquidity of small and medium-sized companies, which make up the bulk of textile companies. For example, the denim industry temporarily had to take 25 to 30 percent of its capacity out of production after the tax introduction.

 Also, the Ministry of Textiles wants to strengthen the to it entrusted weakening industry. At the beginning of August 2018, for example, it added changes to the Technology Upgradation Funds Scheme (TUFS), which has been in existence since 1999. This now expanded technology promotion program allows cooperative banks to provide financing to textile companies for technological improvements. They also become accessible for liability partnerships. Of the approximately USD 1.1 billion, that the central government budget is holding for the textile industry in the fiscal year 2018/19, one third, 14 percent more than in the previous year, are intended for the TUFS. Manufacturers of synthetic fibers and the clothing industry in particular are likely to benefit from this, according to industry sources.

The existence of an own Ministry of Textiles shows how important this industry is for India, not only as a source of foreign exchange, but also as an employer. The entire sector, from spinning mills, weaving mills to clothing and other finished goods, contributed around 14 percent to value creation in the manufacturing industry and 13 percent to foreign exchange revenues in 2017, and employs directly 40 million and indirectly 60 million workers.

As one of the world's leading producers of cotton, jute and silk, India has comparative advantages in the textile sector and can look back on a long tradition in processing. Accordingly, cotton is the main raw material in yarn and fabric production. After all, 5.7 billion tons of yarn were spun in 2016/17, achieving an annual average increase of 3.1 percent between 2011 and 2017. The weaving mills processed 63.5 billion square meters of fabric in 2016/17, after 61.7 billion in 2011. The proportion of cotton fabrics rose from 51 to 61 percent in 2011 to 2017. The remaining part is accounted for approximately equally by synthetic and blended fabrics.

Production and export growth come to a halt Based on the previously strong growth the government is optimistic. According to forecasts by the Ministry of Textile, India's textile and clothing industry is expected to more than double its sales between 2015 and 2021. Exports are expected to increase from USD 35 billion to USD 82 billion, after doubling in the period from 2006 to 2014 from USD 17.6 billion to USD 37.6 billion. After that, however, they stagnated and, at USD 35 billion in 2017/18 and missed the by the government set target by USD 10 billion. The production of textiles and clothing declined from 2015 to 2017. It is unlikely to improve in 2018.

Textile and clothing industry in India 1)
2016/17 2)  2017/18 2)
Export of textiles and textiles products USD in USD billion 18.1 18.2 18.7
Export of clothing 17.0 17.4 16.7
Import of yarn, fabrics, made-ups in USD billion 1.7 1.5 n.a.
Change of production of textiles in % -0.2 -3.2 n.a.
Change of production of non-knitted clothing in % -3.6 -3.3 n.a.

1) Financial years from 1 April to 31 March; 2) Provisional data for 2016/17 and 2017/18
Source: Statistical Office India

Clothing industry needs to modernize 
India's textile industry has cost advantages over industrialized countries and advanced emerging countries such as China. Smaller developing countries, however, have become well-known competitors in the meantime and have partly surpassed India in terms of clothing. So Bangladesh and Vietnam exported more clothing than India. In addition there is growing competition from other low-wage countries such as Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Some of these countries have free trade agreements with the EU, while India has difficulties in negotiating them. The smaller competitors have also geared their clothing industry to exports and modernized it accordingly. After all, they do not have significant local markets. The Indian textile manufacturers are different: If there is not enough quality for export, the domestic market, which has a population of 1.3 billion inhabitants and is growing strongly, is still there, industry representatives explain to GTAI.

India's apparel industry therefore still has a considerable potential for modernization and requires new production technologies, particularly to improve operating efficiency. Other structural weaknesses include strong wage increases with insufficient productivity growth and a shortage of well-trained skilled workers. Other disadvantages are the fragmentation of the clothing industry - many companies lack size - and the lack of adaptation to global fashion trends. While the fashion world is more prone to fiber mixed fabrics, the Indian clothing is not yet following this trend. There is a lack of product diversification.

The spinning and weaving sector looks more modern. Industry experts attest to it a leading international position in terms of size, technology, productivity, quality and price. This is also evident when importing machines. India was the most important export market for German spinning machines to China in 2017 and the fifth largest market for weaving machines, according to the Textile Machinery Association of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA). In textile finishing machinery, India does not rank among the top six export markets, but its competitor Bangladesh does.

Double-digit growth in foreign direct Investment 
Foreign investments in the Indian textile industry are welcome and 100 percent foundations by foreign companies are welcome. On promotional trips to countries such as Japan, Germany, Italy and France, India is actively attracting investors and has not been unsuccessful. The inflow of foreign direct investment into the textile sector, including dyed and printed textiles, amounted to USD 2.7 billion between April 2000 and September 2017. Cumulative investments increased by an annual average of 17.3 percent between 2010 and 2017. However, the bulk of the investment is being stemmed by national Indians. Total investments in India's textile sector from June 2017 to May 2018 amounted to USD 4.2 Billion.

Contact Details
Name Internet Remark
Germany Trade & Invest http://www.gtai.de/indien Foreign information for the German Export Business
AHK Indien http://www.indien.ahk.de Contact for German companies
Ministry of Textiles http://www.texmin.nic.in Ministry
Office of Textile Commissioner http://www.txcindia.gov.in Government 
Confederation of Indian Textile Industry http://www.citiindia.com Textile Association
Textile Association India http://www.textileassociationindia.org Textile Association India
The Clothing Manufacturers Association of India http://www.cmai.in Clothing Association


More information:
India Bangladesh(7621)

Rainer Jaensch, Germany Trade & Invest www.gtai.de

Photo: Pixabay


  • Capacities are relocated to Southeast Asia

Hong Kong (GTAI) - Thanks to President Trump, the emigration trend from the PRC is getting an additional boost. As far as logistics companies are concerned, Beijing is getting increasingly worried.

Already a decade or so ago, China began to relocate production facilities. As wages increased in the rich coastal cities, more and more companies were forced to move their factories inland or to so-called low-wage countries. There salaries, but also land, were more affordable. The environmental requirements were meanwhile laxer too.

The southern Chinese Pearl River Delta - probably the largest industrial settlement in the world - also felt this trend. In the 1980s and 1990s, investors from neighboring Hong Kong had outsourced virtually all of the industrial production of the Special Administrative Region (SVR) there. But around 2008/09, there came a change of opinion. 

  • Capacities are relocated to Southeast Asia

Hong Kong (GTAI) - Thanks to President Trump, the emigration trend from the PRC is getting an additional boost. As far as logistics companies are concerned, Beijing is getting increasingly worried.

Already a decade or so ago, China began to relocate production facilities. As wages increased in the rich coastal cities, more and more companies were forced to move their factories inland or to so-called low-wage countries. There salaries, but also land, were more affordable. The environmental requirements were meanwhile laxer too.

The southern Chinese Pearl River Delta - probably the largest industrial settlement in the world - also felt this trend. In the 1980s and 1990s, investors from neighboring Hong Kong had outsourced virtually all of the industrial production of the Special Administrative Region (SVR) there. But around 2008/09, there came a change of opinion. 

In addition to cost pressures, they got headwind from local governments. In booming cities like Shenzhen, where land was becoming increasingly scarce, light industry companies were no longer welcome. Also polluting and power-consuming industries, such as the production of ceramics, were moved out with more or less gentle pressure.

Companies pursue hybrid strategy
Many companies followed a hybrid strategy. The production of higher quality items  remained in the Pearl River delta, which has recently became named as the Greater Bay Area. The production of mass products, on the other hand, was shifted to cheaper locations. Some manufacturers went to Southeast Asia. Especially in Vietnam many companies found a new home.

This relocation process has been steadily progressing ever since. With the ever-widening trade conflict between the People's Republic of China and the US, it now receives additional impetus. Many investors have been shifting parts of their production from their Chinese production cities to their Southeastern Asian factories since the announcement, at the latest since the introduction of the first tariffs.

This is possible in the short term and to a limited extent, initially without major investments, as long there is still enough free manufacturing capacity in the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). That should be true in most cases. In addition, in the second half of 2018, investors will also withdraw production equipment such as machines from China and send them to Southeast Asia.

Relocation preferably to Vietnam, Malaysia and Laos
At the end of July 2018, the Hong Kong-listed carrier Kerry Logistics reported in the South China Morning Post that its business had noticeably picked up as a result of the trade dispute. The customers would relocate production steps especially to Malaysia, Vietnam and Laos. In the aforementioned countries, an increase in export activity is expected in the second half of 2018.

According to the president of the Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council, the member companies are relocating their production mainly to Malaysia and Vietnam in order to avoid rising costs and the tariff conflict. The CEO of the Hong Kong fashion producer Lever Style told reporters that already now only 50 percent of its production comes from the People's Republic of China. Eight years ago, the quota was still at 100 percent.

This so-called "China Plus One" strategy is therefore a natural development. The companies pursue it for years not only for cost reasons, but also to spread their risk, which now turns out to be the right good one. For China this development is not threatening at this time. The country is aiming for a permanent higher positioning of its industry anyway. As part of the "Made in China 2025" strategy, the People's Republic wants to become the technological world leader even in ten sectors.

But if the accelerated relocation process increases unemployment and stutters the economy, Beijing may be come under pressure. The negative effects of the trade conflict are already being felt. Stock prices plummeted and the Chinese yuan lost significant in value against the US dollar, what could trigger a capital flight.


Roland Rhode, Germany Trade & Invest www.gtai.de 

Photo: Pixabay


  • Hundreds of new projects planned, especially until 2020

Tokyo (GTAI) - More and more tourists are visiting Japan. The demand for accommodation is increasing accordingly, as is investment in hotel capacities. A number of industries is benefitting from this.
Japan has become a tourist magnet. Arrivals of foreign visitors have been increasing for several years. Tokyo will also attract many curious visitors as the venue for the Summer Olympics 2020. The Land of the Rising Sun is preparing for this. Investments in new accommodations have exploded and existing hotels are being modernized.

  • Hundreds of new projects planned, especially until 2020

Tokyo (GTAI) - More and more tourists are visiting Japan. The demand for accommodation is increasing accordingly, as is investment in hotel capacities. A number of industries is benefitting from this.
Japan has become a tourist magnet. Arrivals of foreign visitors have been increasing for several years. Tokyo will also attract many curious visitors as the venue for the Summer Olympics 2020. The Land of the Rising Sun is preparing for this. Investments in new accommodations have exploded and existing hotels are being modernized.
According to the trade magazine "HOTERES", which regularly reports on the development of the hotel and catering industry, up to 750 new hotels of various categories will be built between 2018 and 2022 according to currently known plans. This should increase the number of rooms by 109,000 units. This includes 600 hotels and more than 90,000 rooms until the Olympic Games 2020.

The Capital needs many new hotel rooms
Tokyo is certainly a focal point, but a number of hotels are also being built in Osaka and Kyoto. The three largest cities of the country form the so-called "golden route" of the tourist flow. They are also important economic centers where business people need accommodation. Not to forget the domestic tourism as a source of income too.
This results in a multitude kind of business opportunities. Apart from the construction industry, hotel operators are looking for new furnishings for hotel rooms and restaurants as well as for entertainment and activity areas. According to Japan Tourism Agency, about three-quarters of the travelers' accommodation used in Japan is western style, followed by about 19 percent in Japanese style.
According to a sector report by the real estate service provider CBRE, a total of around 80,000 new rooms will be built in the country's eight largest cities by the end of 2020. This is 30 percent more than at the end of 2016. Despite the boom in new construction, a shortage of hotel rooms is still expected for Tokyo in 2020.

Extensive investments to be expected
According to statistics from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), investment costs in hotel buildings have already increased eightfold in 2017 compared to 2012, and the newly built area has increased fivefold. The new building area for hotels reached around 3 million sqm in 2017. With investment costs of around USD 940 billion in 2017, this was more than 50 percent higher than in 2016.

Investments will continue to rise with the many hotel construction projects in the pipeline. Japanese hotel groups, such as Route Inn Hotels and APA Hotels & Resorts, are at the forefront as investors. In addition, Japanese property developers are diversifying into the hotel sector, as the office property portfolio is already showing signs of oversupply.
Another real estate developer, Sumitomo Fudosan, is planning two major hotel construction projects, both scheduled for completion in 2020. These include a hotel at Haneda Airport with approximately 1,700 rooms and a hotel in Tokyo's Ariake area with 800 rooms. The company has not disclosed the investment costs for this.

Selected hotel projects between 2018 and 2021
Hotel Group Number of Projects Homepage
Route Inn Hotels 47 http://www.route-inn.co.jp
APA Hotels & Resorts 35


Tokyu Group 28 -
.Tokyu Hotels 5 http://www.tokyuhotelsjapan.com
.Toyoko INN 23


Hotel LiVEMAX 24 http://www.hotel-livemax.com
Mitsui Fudosan Group 17 -
.Mitsui Fudosan Hotel Management 9 https://corp.gardenhotels.co.jp
.Mitsui Fudosan 8 http://www.mitsuifudosan.co.jp
Daiwa Group 19 -
.Daiwa Roynet Hotels 14 http://www.daiwaroynet.jp/english/
.Daiwa House 5 http://www.daiwahouse.co.jp
Kyoritsu Hotels & Dormitories 13 http://www.kyoritsugroup.co.jp/en/

Source: HOTERES (as of June, 1 2018)

International chains want to establish themselves more strongly
In addition, some international operators are also interested in hotel openings in Japan. These include, for example, the Best Western Hotel Group. According to an interview in the Nikkei business newspaper of April 30, 2018, it plans to increase its inventory in Japan from 13 hotels at present to around 30 by 2020. The American hotel chain Hyatt is planning to expand its portfolio to ten locations in Japan by 2020.

Marriott International is also already on the market and plans to open its first W-brand hotel in Japan in 2021. This luxury hotel with 337 rooms is to be built by the Japanese construction company Sekisui House. With a luxury hotel of 98 rooms Bulgari wants to expand its presence in Tokyo in 2022. This will be located on the upper floors of a new mixed-use building planned by Mitsui Fudosan in the Yaesu district.

While the international hotel operators focus more on luxury, Japanese hotel investments are more focused on facilities with limited services, such as business hotels. However, in the view of the large flow of visitors this is likely to change somewhat. The experience value and the length of stay are to be increased in order to increase the occupancy and the yield per overnight stay.

Foreign tourists are important guests
After all, the fastest-growing category of guests are foreign tourists, rather than business travelers or domestic tourists. The government expects about 40 million foreign tourists to visit the country in 2020. According to an estimation of the governor the capital Tokyo will be visited by 25 million tourists alone.

At the end of 2017, the Japan National Tourist Organization registered 28.7 million foreign visitors. Over 7 million tourists each from China and South Korea as well as almost 4.6 million tourists from Taiwan came to Japan. With 13.1 million foreign visitors, less than half of the international tourists visited Tokyo exclusively.




  • E-commerce to grow by 17 percent in 2018

Berlin (GTAI) - E-commerce in the Netherlands is expected to grow in 2018. The most popular products are media and entertainment. Strong growth was recorded in the food trade.
The Dutch online food trade is gaining momentum, and high growth rates are expected for 2018. Customers also look beyond the borders and shop abroad. However, the online shops with the highest turnover are in Dutch hands.

  • E-commerce to grow by 17 percent in 2018

Berlin (GTAI) - E-commerce in the Netherlands is expected to grow in 2018. The most popular products are media and entertainment. Strong growth was recorded in the food trade.
The Dutch online food trade is gaining momentum, and high growth rates are expected for 2018. Customers also look beyond the borders and shop abroad. However, the online shops with the highest turnover are in Dutch hands.

Dutch people are very open to new technologies. In 2018, around 97 percent of the population (16.8 million people) will have an Internet connection. On average, the 13.9 million online shoppers spend EUR 1,242 a year. In 2018, e-commerce revenue will grow by around 17 percent to EUR 26.3 billion. This is predicted by an investigation of the organization Thuiswinkel. Already in the first quarter of 2018, EUR 6.3 billion were spent online, an increase of 13 percent compared to the same quarter of the previous year. The last quarter of a year with the holidays (Christmas, Santa Claus and Black Friday), in which 30 percent of the annual sales are taken place, is always very promising.

According to the Portal Commercenews online trading amounted to EUR 22.5 billion in 2017, up 13 percent from 2016, accounting for 9.7 percent of the total retail sales, which grew by only 4.2 percent. The e-commerce boom was followed by new company foundations: around 9,200 new webshops were established, but 5,400 were closed too. Most of these webshops also have foreign markets in their view.

Laptops are most commonly used for online purchases, but mobile devices are becoming increasingly popular. 2017 was marked by growing mobile commerce (m-commerce), a further increase is expected in 2018. After all, the country has more mobile devices than inhabitants (110 percent).

Not only the web shops benefit from the booming e-commerce. The Dutch Post is also pleased about the growth. Their e-commerce revenue is estimated at 42 percent of total revenue in 2018 (2017: 34 percent).

Food is bought more frequently online
Demand is focused on the media and entertainment sectors, where some 8.5 million purchases were made in the first three months of 2018. Food and near-food products (goods that are not food but are also available in supermarkets) were in demand in the first quarter of 2018, 42 percent more than in the same period of last year. Although their share of total purchases is still low, experts are already forecasting 3.7 percent in 2018 after 2.9 percent in 2017, when the sales exceeded EUR 1 billion for the first time. The purchases were mainly made at the large Albert Heijn and Jumbo supermarkets. The third important market Picnic, which only operates online, wants to expand into Germany and has already started a pilot project in the Düsseldorf area.

The Albert Heijn supermarket is about to make it even easier for its customers, to receive goods even when they are not at home. It is testing a so-called intelligent key (smart door lock) from Nuki. Customers can use their mobile phones to control who enters the apartment in their absence. By this this way he can let the delivery service in after his call..

Buyers are usually satisfied with their online purchases. Nevertheless, they fear that the goods are not clearly enough illustrated and described, as well as difficulties in returning them and their costs. Web shops can score points if they offer free shipping and fair return options.

The thrifty Dutch also compare when buying on the Internet. According to Ecommerce Foundation, 60 percent look around at multiple merchants before deciding, 53 percent use websites that compare prices or products, half consider other users' reviews on the web and only 8 percent buy spontaneously based on advertising or social media ads (multiple answers possible).

Dutch spend more and more abroad
Around 3.8 million Dutch people bought from foreign webshops in 2017, spending rose by 28 percent compared to the previous year. In 2017, they spent around EUR 1.5 billion on webshops in the European Union. Also Chinese sites with favorable offers are popular. Around EUR 248 million were invested in shops such as Aliexpress, Banggood, Dealextreme, Geekbuying, Gearbest, MiniIn TheBox. The most popular countries were China, the United Kingdom, Germany and the USA.

The most popular payment provider on the Internet is iDEAL. Around 95 percent of customers use the Dutch online payment system, in which several local banks are involved. Its market share is an impressive 57 percent. In 2017, the number of transactions via iDEAL grew by almost 34 percent. Foreign webshops have also joined the system: About one third of the payments went to them.

Most popular online payment methods
(in %, multiple selections possible)
iDEAL      95
Kreditkarte    50
Tikkie 22

Source: Ecommerce Foundation

Many Dutch retailers among top online shops
Many of the most successful online retailers are Dutch companies. Bol, the local online seller with the highest turnover, was able to grow because large e-traders such as eBay or Amazon were not yet present in the Netherlands. Bol developed from a project of the German Bertelsmann Group with a focus on books and DVDs, but is now in Dutch hands and has considerably expanded its offering to other product groups. In 2012 Bol was acquired by the Ahold Group.

The Rotterdam-based company Coolblue launched an online store in 2000. Subsequently, several web shops were opened, each focusing on one product category. A stationary business was added in 2005. Coolblue today sells mainly consumer electronics, white goods and fitness equipment and is the second largest online retailer. The company is known for its excellent customer service.

Wehkamp began as a mail order company in 1952 and sold all articles via its Internet platform before 2000. The Internet pioneer has developed slowly, but has recently invested heavily in order to survive in the Dutch top league.

Like eBay in Germany, Marktplaats.nl in the Netherlands is the marketplace for second-hand goods. Google Shopping achieved strong growth in 2017. The portal is also expected to become the most important comparison portal in the Netherlands in a short time.

Important e-commerce events in the Netherlands
Event Date
Digital Marketing World Forum, DMWF Expo Europe, Amsterdam 19 - 20 September 2018
Savant Supply Chain Congress, Amsterdam 2 - 3 October 2018
Shopper Insights & Retail Activation International, Amsterdam 29 - 31 October 2018


More information:
ecommerce Onlineshopping

Inge Kozel, Germany Trade & Invest www.gtai.de

Texcare Asia and China Laundry Expo (c) Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd


As disclosed in an agreement signed on 18 July 2018 by the organisers of Texcare Asia and the China Laundry Expo, the two trade fairs will merge into a single show in a win-win arrangement to integrate industry resources.
The new joint-venture fair will be the largest annual industry event covering the textile care and laundry chain in Asia. The first edition will take place in September 2019 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre and will be jointly organised by Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd, Unifair Exhibition Service Co Ltd, the China Laundry Association, and the China Light Machinery Association.  

As disclosed in an agreement signed on 18 July 2018 by the organisers of Texcare Asia and the China Laundry Expo, the two trade fairs will merge into a single show in a win-win arrangement to integrate industry resources.
The new joint-venture fair will be the largest annual industry event covering the textile care and laundry chain in Asia. The first edition will take place in September 2019 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre and will be jointly organised by Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd, Unifair Exhibition Service Co Ltd, the China Laundry Association, and the China Light Machinery Association.  
Mr Wolfgang Marzin, President and CEO of Messe Frankfurt Group, said: “The merger is fantastic news for the textile care industry in Asia as a whole and also for the Messe Frankfurt Group. By integrating Texcare Asia’s extensive resources with those of the China Laundry Expo, we will provide a larger and more complete platform for the industry to converge upon. The new show will provide coverage across the entire supply chain, including dry cleaning, dyeing, detergent and disinfecting chemicals, leather care, textile rental, digital solutions and much more.”
Ms Xiuping Han, General Manager of China Unifair Exhibition Services Co Ltd added: “The laundry industry in China faces numerous challenges, such as the tightening of sewage treatment and disposal regulations, while opportunities are also arising in the form of increased demand for energy saving technologies. By merging the China Laundry Expo and Texcare Asia under a single banner, we will provide an ideal platform to facilitate industry development and address these challenges and opportunities.”   
The annual China Laundry Expo was founded in 2000 and is held on a rotating basis between Beijing and Shanghai. Organised by the China Laundry Association and Unifair Exhibition Services Co Ltd, the show receives significant government and commercial sector backing. The 19th edition is held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre over the next three days and will play host to more than 220 exhibitors representing around 500 brands from over 10 countries and regions. The fair is also expecting to welcome over 20,000 trade and industry visitors to an impressive 23,000 sqm of exhibition space.   

Key product categories of the China Laundry Expo include laundry equipment, accessories, chemicals, consumables, leather care products, energy-saving and environmental protection equipment, informationbased intelligent products and solutions, and much more. Not only do these product categories cater to the purchasing demands of visitors around the globe, but the strong variety also serves to attract more suppliers and industry players.
With a similar focus to the China Laundry Expo, Texcare Asia made its debut in Singapore in 1998 and was introduced to Hong Kong in 2002. The fair then move to China in 2005 in Beijing and has been located in Shanghai since 2013. With the strong international network and industry support from the mother fair, Texcare International, the China event is now recognised as Asia’s biggest laundry and dry-cleaning show. It has served as a biennial meeting point for textile care manufacturers, suppliers and professionals to network, trade, conduct business, and catch up with industry developments.   
The fair also holds a unique position as a platform for providers of textile rental services, training services for institutions, and machinery for the cleaning of carpets, floor coverings, upholstery and buildings. By combining product groups from the China Laundry Expo with those of Texcare Asia, the merged platform promises to deliver a comprehensive value added experience for its customers and visitors.  
The expanded product portfolio and merging of resources mean that the newly merged show is predicted to attract an impressive 300 exhibitors and 25,000 industry visitors across 30,000 sqm of floor space when it opens its doors in September 2019.   
For further details, please visit www.texcare-asia.com, or contact texcareasia@china.messefrankfurt.com.

„CREATE’N’CONNECT“ (c) Deutsche Messe AG


  • Opportunity for manufacturers to star as trendsetters in the flooring industry

The redesigned DOMOTEX – with its more transparent clustering of allied products and the visually stunning  “Framing Trends” showcase – has been warmly embraced by the market and is now gearing up for its second season. DOMOTEX 2019 will run under the banner of “CREATE’N’CONNECT”, a keynote theme that puts the spotlight on innovative flooring industry developments and ideas inspired by today’s connectivity megatrend. Powered by advanced technology and digital change, being connected is a tremendously important aspect of our daily lives and interaction at home and on the job.   Connectedness is an important aspect of flooring in the sense that floors are unifying, connecting elements of room design. Floors and flooring provide the very foundation for the rooms in which we live and work.

  • Opportunity for manufacturers to star as trendsetters in the flooring industry

The redesigned DOMOTEX – with its more transparent clustering of allied products and the visually stunning  “Framing Trends” showcase – has been warmly embraced by the market and is now gearing up for its second season. DOMOTEX 2019 will run under the banner of “CREATE’N’CONNECT”, a keynote theme that puts the spotlight on innovative flooring industry developments and ideas inspired by today’s connectivity megatrend. Powered by advanced technology and digital change, being connected is a tremendously important aspect of our daily lives and interaction at home and on the job.   Connectedness is an important aspect of flooring in the sense that floors are unifying, connecting elements of room design. Floors and flooring provide the very foundation for the rooms in which we live and work. Floors inspire us, give us orientation and set the stage for human interaction.
“CREATE’N’CONNECT” keynote theme to be creatively staged by trend leaders
The “Framing Trends”special area in Hall 9 at DOMOTEX 2019 is a unique opportunity for manufacturers to breathe life into the “CREATE’N’CONNECT” theme and thereby demonstrate their creative genius and position themselves as trendsetters of the flooring industry. Complete with a quality supporting program of talks, lectures and discussions inspired by the keynote theme, “Framing Trends” is a vibrant networking platform and the beating heart of DOMOTEX. It is a place where creatives from all parts of the design spectrum can gather, make connections and contacts and spark new business opportunities. For manufacturers, retailers and designers, it is also a rich source of inspiration for new collections. With its out-of-the-ordinary artistic staging and groundbreaking product presentations, “Framing Trends” is an absolute magnet for fashion and lifestyle-savvy visitors, architects, interior decorators, designers and influencers.

“Framing Trends” - Apply to exhibit and start making connections  
As a major highlight of DOMOTEX, the “Framing Trends” special area is one of the main stops on the show’s special Guided Tours for architects and journalists. This premium exposure is further enhanced by the area’s strong presence in the organizer’s social media channels and on the DOMOTEX website. Furthermore, companies that give exclusive interviews at DOMOTEX are permitted to use the interviews for their own promotional purposes. As in 2018, the “Framing Trends” showcase at DOMOTEX 2019 will have a Blogger Lounge where bloggers and visitors can meet up, talk and collaborate.

The “Framing Trends” area includes the “Flooring Spaces” zone – a series of spaces where selected exhibitors and companies from the flooring industry can stage their unique, creative visions of the “CREATE’N’CONNECT” theme in the form of physical installations, interactive display circuits or workshops. Applications for participation at the “Flooring Spaces” zone are now open. Each applying organization is invited to submit a design proposal for a “Flooring Space” of any size from 20 sqm to 60 sqm. On request, the DOMOTEX organizers will arrange for designers to help applicants with their proposals. An expert jury made up of big-name designers and architects will select the participating exhibitors from among the applicants. The jury will make its decision by the fall of 2018.

Examples of creative flooring-related connections
The connectivity theme can be creatively expressed in many wonderful ways, as the following examples from the flooring and various allied industries show.
In teamwork with the studio Lotta Agaton Interiors, Austrian carpet maker Tisca Textil staged a home environment collage at DOMOTEX 2018 combining handmade woolen rugs with furniture by Vitra, Artek and Team7.

The lively graphic motifs used in the Infused Collection by Mannington Mills conjure up various aspects of five different U.S. metropolises. This LVT tile collection’s mix-and-match approach lends itself to the creation of imaginative mosaics using any combination of tiles desired.

Swedish design firm Kinnasand presents its rugs on a limited series of steel tubing “structures” created in cooperation with Berlin design studio Greiling. Draped over stylized bench, ottoman and daybed structures, the carpets take on a three-dimensional aspect.

Furniture manufacturer Walter Knoll uses the floor pillows and daybeds in its “Badawi Pillows” collection to create connections with its own sofa and carpet range. Details like the finishing on the leather headrest rolls attest to the firm’s high level of craftsmanship.

Gan, the rug and textile brand of Spanish outdoor furnishing company Gandia Blasco, includes a whole range of new products that explore the connection between rooms and their floors. For example, the “Parquet” kilim collection by Swedish designer duo Front (Sofia Lagerkvist and Anna Lindgren) reinvents the timeless aesthetic of wood parquet in soft floor coverings. Meanwhile, the “Mirage” collection by Spanish designer Patricia Urquiola comprises hand-knotted rugs made from New Zealand wool that look like they are woven from three dimensional planks whose ends protrude into the surrounding space. Her “Garden Layers” collection features layers of rugs, mats, roll pillows, cushions and even textile-covered Indian beds. The individual elements can be arranged in many different ways to create infinite inviting possibilities for outdoor living.
“Framing Trends” showcase well received by the market
Business decision-makers who participated in the inaugural “Framing Trends” showcase were full of praise for the enhanced DOMOTEX format. Their stories are glowing reports of successful business contacts made at DOMOTEX 2018. For instance, Jutta Werner, CEO of Nomad, an interdisciplinary design firm in Hamburg, described the “Flooring Spaces” area as a “well signposted proving ground for innovation and contemporary thinking.” She said the response to her presentation there was “overwhelming.” Benny Jensen, CEO of Denmark’s Fletco Carpets, was impressed with the Guided Tours and their ability to communicate targeted information to visitors. He said the tours enabled his company to present its new, award-winning “LockTiles” product directly to a quality, pre-qualified audience. Jensen noted that “architects, designers and planners made a special point of visiting the ‘Framing Trends’ display.” Floor coverings manufacturer Classen used the “Flooring Spaces” zone at “Framing Trends” to present a vision of a living space from the future. The flooring creation at the heart of Classen’s “Flooring Space” was developed specially for DOMOTEX at the company’s own design center, while the creative design and production of the space as a whole was undertaken on Classen’s behalf by a designer. The presentation raised Classen’s profile as an innovator. Marketing Director Heinz-Dieter Gras says the visitors showed a “great deal of interest” and described the presentation as “spectacular” and “masterfully done”.

Thomas Trenkamp, CEO of Carpet Concept, was very pleased with the “massive response” to his company’s “Framing Trends” presentation generated in the press and among industry peers and trade visitors. The kaleidoscope project which Carpet Concept realized in partnership with Schmidhuber, Munich, was a major attraction on site, in the press and across social media channels. Creative Matters, a Canadian design firm that specializes in carpets, rugs and wall coverings, staged a series of creative workshops that proved enormously popular with attendees. President and co-founder Carol Sebert described “Framing Trends” as a “vibrant, high-energy” showcase that enabled exhibitors and visitors to “experience the latest innovations and creations in the flooring world first-hand.” Jürgen Dahlmanns, the founder and creative mind behind cutting-edge German carpet label Rug Star, believes that DOMOTEX’s managers have moved the show in an “exciting new direction” with Framing Trends. “It’s a fun thing to be involved in as an exhibitor”. Textile floor coverings specialist Balta Group, of Belgium, has been exhibiting at DOMOTEX right from the early days. Marketing Director Geert Vanden Bossche said the new format has “further cemented the strong connection” his organization felt with DOMOTEX. Balta exhibits both at DOMOTEX in Hannover and at DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR in Shanghai.

DOMOTEX 2019 will be held in Hannover, Germany, from 11 to 14 January (Friday through Monday). The show is expected to feature around 1,400 exhibitors from more than 60 nations.

Shopping malls Photo: Pixabay


  • Franchising takes off, more and more German retail chains discover Italy

Milan (GTAI) - The Italian retail sector is modernizing and the franchise economy is growing. Italian franchise systems are gaining ground. New modern shopping centers, including the largest in Europe, create space for new shops. German retail chains are expanding in many segments, from discount food and other consumer goods to services. Northern Italy is considered a popular test site. High quality and a price advantage are the keys to success.

  • Franchising takes off, more and more German retail chains discover Italy

Milan (GTAI) - The Italian retail sector is modernizing and the franchise economy is growing. Italian franchise systems are gaining ground. New modern shopping centers, including the largest in Europe, create space for new shops. German retail chains are expanding in many segments, from discount food and other consumer goods to services. Northern Italy is considered a popular test site. High quality and a price advantage are the keys to success.

The Italian retail sector is changing. The number of classic corner shops is declining, the modern organized retail trade is growing. The franchise economy in particular is developing positively. Beyond the classical areas such as food and fashion, various Italian franchise systems are spreading more and more visibly in the big cities.
According to the industry association Assofranchising, the franchise industry had a turnover of approximately EUR 24.6 billion in 2017. This represents an increase of 2.6 percent compared to the previous year and an increase of 5.7 percent since 2014. With a similar number of systems (929 in Italy, 972 in Germany), the German franchise industry generated almost five times as much turnover. One reason for this is that German franchise systems have on average more than three times as many businesses per franchise.

Development of the franchise economy in Italy
  2016 2017 Change (in %)
Sales (Euro Mio.)  23,930 24,545 2.6
Franchise systems 950 929 -2.2
Businesses 50,720 51,671 1.9
Italian businesses abroad 7,871 10,079 28.1
Italian businesses abroad (min. 3 companies) 169 179 5.9
Foreign systems in Italy 61 71 16.4
Employees 195,303 199,260 2.0
Average size of systems in Italy (number of companies) 53.4 55.6 4.2
Average size of Italian systems abroad (number of companies) 46.6 56.3 20.9

   Source: Rapporto Assofranchising 2018

But the segment is catching up in Italy. Italian franchise systems are expanding, also abroad. Outside Italy, their number increased by around 6 percent in 2017, while their average size (measured by the number of businesses) increased by around 21 percent. The domestic average dimension is also growing. The country is also becoming more attractive for foreign franchisors. In 2017, the number of foreign franchise systems increased by 16 percent. The relevant trade fair is the Salone Franchising, which will take place from October 25th to 27th 2018 in Milan.   

New shopping centers are driving the developments forward
Developments in the retail sector are accompanied by new construction projects. A number of new shopping centers are currently under construction in Italy, creating space for the new generation of franchises and retail chains. The major CityLife project on the former Milan exhibition grounds is a current example. In addition to two of the three planned skyscrapers (including Allianz's new headquarter in Italy), a new shopping center was inaugurated in autumn 2017. Particularly in the catering sector new Italian chains, which are expanding nationwide, can be seen. A new gastronomy floor with restaurants and cafés in the middle price segment was recently inaugurated at the Termini railway station in Rome.

A number of modern shopping centers are still under construction, including the new Westfield Milan. Project operators describe it as the largest shopping center in Europe. With an investment EUR 1.4 billion Westfield Milan is to be inaugurated in 2020. The majority of the new construction projects are located in the larger cities in the north, but Rome and Naples will soon receive new shopping centers also.

Shopping centers under construction in Italy
Designation Investment (Mio. Euro) Area (1,000 sqm) Completion Remarks
Westfield, Milan 1,400 60 2020


Maximo, Rome 300 61 2019 Cushman & Wakefield
Emilia Shopping District, Parma 200 74 2019


Maximall Pompeii, Napoli 150 200 2019


Falcon Malls Cascina Merlata, Milan n.a. 65 2021 http://falconmalls.it
Falcon Malls Concordia, Milan n.a. 131 2021 http://falconmalls.it
Waltherpark Shopping - Bozen 23 k.A. 2021


    Source: Research of Germany Trade & Invest

Opportunities for German retail chains
Another trend in Italy is the expansion of German retail chains. One growth area is the market for discount foods. According to Nielsen, discounters had a market share of 17 percent of the sold food at the end of 2017. The market leader is Eurospin from Italy, followed by Lidl. In 2018 Aldi opened its first store in northern Italy and by the end of 2018 it is planned to open 45 stores. Lidl is defending itself against its new competitor with planned investments in Italy amounting to EUR 350 mio for a new inner-city store concept. A total of 40 new points of sale are planned, and a further 50 stores are to be modernized.

Both German supermarket chains confirm that a local strategy for Italian gourmets is indispensable. Lidl sources 80 percent of its food products from Italy, while Aldi's share is almost as high at 75 percent.

In terms of price, the recipe for success of the German retail chains is somewhat different from Germany. Although German retailers continue to score with a good price-performance ratio, the focus in Italy is on the mid-price segment.

The latest example is the drugstore chain dm. The first branch was inaugurated at the end of 2017. There are plans to open 100 stores in northern Italy by 2020. dm offers not only a price advantage over its Italian competitors, but also high-quality products. In addition, there are hardly any "one-stop shops" in Italy, which are also drugstores, but also sell beauty products, organic and natural products as well as baby products.   

The Douglas perfumery chain is expanding also in Italy. At the end of 2017, Douglas' parent company completed the acquisition of two of the leading perfumeries in Italy, Limoni and La Gardenia.    

Fielmann is another example of a German chain that has conquered the Italian market in recent years with high-quality products and a price advantage. With entry into the South Tyrol market and ongoing expansion in northern Italy, Fielmann is popular with Italian consumers despite the large competing manufacturers of glasses in Italy due to its price advantages.

Germany's successful model is not limited to food and other consumer goods. The Berlin-based company Flixbus is an example that the concept of quality and price competition can also be successfully applied to the service sector. Flixbus has been in Italy since 2015 and the number of passengers is increasing constantly. In 2017, 40 million Italians were on the road with Flixbus, twice as many as the year before. Italy is the fastest growing market among 26 countries for the company.

More information:
Italy Franchisesysteme Retail

Robert Scheid, Germany Trade & Invest www.gtai.de

Hong Kong Photo: Pixabay


  • Investment costs of USD 1.5 billion
  • State-of-the-art technology to be used

Hong Kong (GTAI) - Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba wants to build up a global sales network. The Hong Kong Special Administra-tive Region (SAR) plays an important role in its strategy. A 380,000 square meter logistics center is to be built there, in which state-of-the-art warehouse and robot technology will be used. According to the plan, it will be operational by 2023. Foreign specialist suppliers can hope for orders.

The Chinese Alibaba Group is the largest e-commerce provider in the country. Now it wants to ex-pand into other markets. According to the company announcement, more than USD 1.5 billion are to be invested in the development of a worldwide distribution and logistics network.

  • Investment costs of USD 1.5 billion
  • State-of-the-art technology to be used

Hong Kong (GTAI) - Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba wants to build up a global sales network. The Hong Kong Special Administra-tive Region (SAR) plays an important role in its strategy. A 380,000 square meter logistics center is to be built there, in which state-of-the-art warehouse and robot technology will be used. According to the plan, it will be operational by 2023. Foreign specialist suppliers can hope for orders.

The Chinese Alibaba Group is the largest e-commerce provider in the country. Now it wants to ex-pand into other markets. According to the company announcement, more than USD 1.5 billion are to be invested in the development of a worldwide distribution and logistics network.

The Small Special Administrative Region (SVR) plays a deciding role in its expansion strategy. It is home of the largest cargo airport in the world. According to the Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department, the volume there amounted to almost 5 million tons in 2017. According to the prognosis of the Airport Authority, the state operator, it should reach almost 9 million tons by 2030.

Hong Kong offers decisive locational advantages for international logistics groups and e-commerce providers. According to calculations by the Air-port Authority, around half of the world's population can be reached within five flight hours. As there are no customs duties or VAT and the SVR has an efficient bureaucracy, a fast dispatch is practically guaranteed. This fits into Alibaba's strategy, as the group wants to limit the delivery time for or-ders from abroad to a maximum of 72 hours.

Handling capacity of up to 1.7 million tons of freight
The e-commerce giant therefore wants to set up one of its worldwide distribution centers in Hong Kong via its logistics arm called Cainiao - others are planned in Hangzhou, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Liège and Moscow. It should get a size of around 380,000 square meters in size and will be able to handle a maximum of 1.7 million tons of freight. The corresponding investment costs will summarize to around USD 1.5 billion. It is scheduled to go into operation by 2023.

The group informed through the South China Morning Post (which it owns) that the new logistics center will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology. An automatic warehouse and highly efficient air conditioning are planned. According to industry experts, artificial intelligence-based systems and numerous robots will be used.

The project should thus also generate business opportunities for foreign suppliers of building and storage technology. There are hardly any sector manufacturers in Hong Kong itself. There are corresponding producers in China. However, they cannot always offer the most modern and best products and services available on the market. Particularly there is a pent-up demand for software.

Contact addresses
Designation Internet address Note
Alibaba https://www.alibabagroup.com/en/news/article?news=p180606 (homepage); https://www.alibabagroup.com/en/news/article?news=p180606 (project press release) Biggest e-commerce pro-vider in China
South China Morning Post http://www.scmp.com/frontpage/international (homepage); http://www.scmp.com/tech/enterprises/article/2149561/alibaba-affiliate-cainiao-forms-jv-build-us15-billion-logistics
(project review)
Renowned English-language newspaper. Be-longs to Alibaba
Civil Aviation Department https://www.cad.gov.hk/english/home.html (homepage)
(Hong Kong Air Traffic Statistics)
Supreme Aviation Authority Hong Kong


Further information
For more information on Hong Kong's economy, industries, business practices, law, customs, tenders, and development projects, visit http://www.gtai.com/hongkong.
The page http://www.gtai.de/asien-pazifik offers an overview of various topics in the region.


Roland Rohde, Germany Trade & Invest www.gtai.de

Blockchain Fashion Transparency ©Martine Jarlgaard Provenance

How blockchain paves its way through the fashion industry

For most people, blockchain technology is still quite an abstract concept. We can think of it as some kind of virtual database that saves all transactions in so-called blocks. This creates transaction or block chains, which are perpetuated with every subsequent transaction. Through the high degree of transparency, the system can do without a central controlling entity, as it is permanently controlled by many. The blockchain can be changed afterwards. So far, this technology has been used mainly to materialize cryptocurrencies, but it increasingly paves its way also through the fashion industry. The following section outlines a few blockchain concepts from the fashion industry:
Blockchain makes fashion forgery-proof

For most people, blockchain technology is still quite an abstract concept. We can think of it as some kind of virtual database that saves all transactions in so-called blocks. This creates transaction or block chains, which are perpetuated with every subsequent transaction. Through the high degree of transparency, the system can do without a central controlling entity, as it is permanently controlled by many. The blockchain can be changed afterwards. So far, this technology has been used mainly to materialize cryptocurrencies, but it increasingly paves its way also through the fashion industry. The following section outlines a few blockchain concepts from the fashion industry:
Blockchain makes fashion forgery-proof
The Berlin-based startup business Lukso has created an opportunity to take action against trademark counterfeiting and forgeries by using blockchain. A chip replaces traditional QR codes, which can be copied easily. The data stored on the chip are locked in and thus cannot be edited. Thus, the authenticity of the garment can be verified. The founder of Lukso, Fabian Vogelsteller, used his experience he had gained as a developer for the Ethereum cryptocurrency in order to develop this chip.
„The Fashion industry is the perfect industry for a blockchain-network, since it is forward thinking and eager to try out new things. Especially the interaction between users is an important factor here. Also forgery-proof is still an unsolved problem,“ explains the founder of LUKSO, Fabian Vogelsteller.    

The data stored on the chip can be analysed, but not read. Thus, the information about the products is disclosed in the blockchain in a transparent way for the customers and retailers. However, by not disclosing the system, the information can neither be changed nor copied, making the history of the garment traceable at any time. This technology provides protection against counterfei¬ting in particular with regard to brand and luxury goods. The system is also suitable for second-hand shops selling high-quality products, as the buyers are given a guarantee that they have bought a genuine product.

…and its origin transparent
SourceMap is another development using blockchain for the fashion sector. SourceMap is a kind of social network based on blockchain technology developed by the software company Provenance.
It allows everyone from the farmer to the textile mill to the cut-and-sew factory to communicate directly with the brand that buys from them, and it is using Provenance’s blockchain technology to verify those communications. They envision a world in which every fashion product has traceable, transparent origins. The developers promise that for example organic and Fair Trade certifications cannot be faked. The designer Martine Jarlgaard from London produced smart labels from Provenance using blockchain technology already in 2017, allowing the customers to scan these labels to track every step in the production.
Also, the fashion label Babyghost has launched a kind of social network. With specific chips woven into the garments, the customers are able to track the entire history of the clothes using their smartphone. The blockchain technology behind that even allows the consumers to add their own photos, videos and messages. This way, each garment gets its own story that is accessible at any time.

Berlin-based business wants to revolutionize online shopping experiences with blockchain
Wysker is an app developed by Tobias Haag and his team from Berlin to revolutionize online fashion shopping. With the blockchain system, users can decide on whether and what data they want to disclose to the retailers. Those who provide data will be rewarded with discounts. The Wysker app itself shows only photos, prices and the providers of the products. Those who find what they are looking for will be forwarded to the respective business partner. The developers expect that the bonus model will become a small revolution. Every app user is given bonus points, so-called Wys tokens. The more intensive the app is used, the more tokens are given. The tokens can be redeemed with the participating retailers. They are based on blockchain technology and connected to the Ethereum cryptocurrency. The value of the bonus points increases with the popularity of the app, as the number of tokens is limited. Thus, increased demand leads automatically to a higher value. The app is still in the initial stage. However, many users have already been generated during the first few months.
The fashion industry shows once again its innovative strength and uses blockchain to embark on new paths, with blockchain technology being a means to the end. It creates transparency that can reward the users and bring new shopping experiences.

Further information:


The Highlights of the Shows and Presentations in July 2018

More than 3,500 exhibitors presenting their latest collections for spring/summer 2019 at the Berlin Fashion Week from the 3rd - 7th January 2018. The Berlin Fashion Week is the meeting point for buyers, press and media members from all over the world. Berlin has national and international appeal and is an exciting mix of art, film, music and fashion. This is where the trends of tomorrow are born. After a few seasons, Berlin has established itself as one of the top five capitals of fashion with more than 100,000 trade visitors and numerous events during Berlin Fashion Week, including fashion shows, trade show platforms, receptions and showrooms.

More than 3,500 exhibitors presenting their latest collections for spring/summer 2019 at the Berlin Fashion Week from the 3rd - 7th January 2018. The Berlin Fashion Week is the meeting point for buyers, press and media members from all over the world. Berlin has national and international appeal and is an exciting mix of art, film, music and fashion. This is where the trends of tomorrow are born. After a few seasons, Berlin has established itself as one of the top five capitals of fashion with more than 100,000 trade visitors and numerous events during Berlin Fashion Week, including fashion shows, trade show platforms, receptions and showrooms.

The order business has a constant growth with the fashion fairs Premium Exhibition, Panorama, Show & Order, Bright, Seek und Selvedge Run, the Greenshowroom, the Ethical Fashion Show Berlin, #FASHIONTECH Berlin, FashionSustain and Playtime Berlin. Also, this season young and established designer will show their collection at "Der Berliner Mode Salon" at Kronprinzenpalais.
Last season 100.000 Professionals, national and international Journalists came to Berlin to see the collections. The result: 5.000 reports in national and international newspapers, more than 5.000 online reports.

Only a few more hours until the Berlin Fashion Week starts – the tension is rising. When thinking about Berlin Fashion Week, images of the runway shows or well-known and talented designers come to mind, plus the showrooms exhibiting their creations and works of the designer. The Berlin Fashion is especially known for the big presentation platforms MBFW and Der Berliner Salon, which attract the professional audience each season. Read some minor spoilers about the biggest highlights of the upcoming fashion week:

MBFW (former Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week), July 03 to 07 2018
The new concept, which MBFW successfully introduced in July 2018 will be continued this edition. At ewerk Berlin, Wilhelmstraße in Mitte, emerging designers and established fashion brands will present their creations and collections from 3rd until 5th of July. Together with the Berlin-based creative agency NOWADAYS, MBFW has staged the platform very artistically for the designers. The theme of this MBFW is “Follow MBFW – Liberate Fashion”.

The schedule is nicely filled with outstanding talents. The programme kicks off on Monday, 2nd of July with the show by Guido Maria Kretschmer, a well-known designer, who will present his spring/summer-2019 collection.

High-End Labels and established, excellent fashion brands will show to be experienced, on the following days. On Tuesday, Botter, Maisonnoée Berlin, Lena Hoschek and Irene Luft will present their Spring/Summer-2019 collection. Additionally, the fashion how “Greenshowroom Selected” will take place for the first time as part of MBFW. A selection of the collections and styles by the designers exhibiting at Greenshowroom and Ethical Fashion Show Berlin will be presented. As another highlight, the show will be live streamed at Kraftwerk Berlin.
On Wednesday, shows by Sportalm Kützbühel, Rebekka Ruétz, Maison Common, Riani and the upcoming-talent Danny Reinke, who won one of the MBFW show slots, funded by Projekt Zukunft.
The Thursday is the third main day of the Berlin Fashion Week and presents Marina Hoermanseder, Ivanman, who is seen as another emerging talent in the menswear field, Lana Müller and Isabel Vollrath, who will present her new styles. The big final, the Rebelpin Fashion Awards by ACTE is taking place on Thursday night.

DER BERLINER SALON, July 05 to 07 2018
For the eights time already, another highlight will take place as part of the Berlin Fashion Week. Designer from the German-speaking area will present their latest collections during Defilees, events and a group exhibition.

This edition of the Berliner Salon starts with an event in cooperation with the Walt Disney Company. On 5th of July, from 9.30 am - 11.30 am, the 90th anniversary of Mickey Mouse will be celebrated – four German labels (Odeeh, Rianna + Nina, Strenesse und William Fan) created exclusive collections to honor the mouse.
Not only the pieces of names designers, but also well-known runway pieces by international fashion houses, e. g. Jimmy Choo, from the archives of Disney will be presented.

Zeitmagazin & Vogue Conference
The Disney morning will be followed by the known “Zeitmagazin & Vogue” conference with the theme “Change Fashion”. Already in the past years, important topics, such as the essence of fashion, were discussed by the podium speakers. This year, the audience can expect another important discussion and interesting keynotes for the 7th time as part of Berliner Salon. Model Toni Garrn, Benjamin Alexander Huseby, and the designer Wales Bonner will be on stage.

The last two days of Der Berliner Salon will be defined by presentations and defilees. Various fashion labels, such as Dawid Tomaszewski, Odeeh, and William Fan will present their spring/summer-2019 collections.
Group Exhibition
Last but not least, the biggest event as part of Berliner Salon will be the group exhibition. For the opening of such, major and Senator for Economy Ramona Pop will be present. That and the expansion of the exhibition by artistic-designed creations by product designers show, how the format stands up for a new, public awareness of demanding, German design.
Altogether, 42 designers, photographers and artists from German-speaking countries will present their latest works to the audience, from 12pm - 5pm, on 6th of July.




  • The important trade fair platform for entry into the Chinese consumer market with China's most influential consumer group for the fashion and beauty sector with the strongest growth in consumption - the millennials - as target group
  • The international fashion showcase for decision makers with an overview of na-tional and international fashion brands
  • Strategic market development through comprehensive visitor marketing for inter-national brands at CHIC

CHIC, China International Fashion Fair presents around 800 exhibitors in an exhibition space of approx. 50,000 sqm (CHIC in March 100,000 sqm) in two halls from 27 to 29 September 2018 at the National Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai.

  • The important trade fair platform for entry into the Chinese consumer market with China's most influential consumer group for the fashion and beauty sector with the strongest growth in consumption - the millennials - as target group
  • The international fashion showcase for decision makers with an overview of na-tional and international fashion brands
  • Strategic market development through comprehensive visitor marketing for inter-national brands at CHIC

CHIC, China International Fashion Fair presents around 800 exhibitors in an exhibition space of approx. 50,000 sqm (CHIC in March 100,000 sqm) in two halls from 27 to 29 September 2018 at the National Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai.
The current conditions for international fashion companies in the Chinese market offer significant improvements for international brands. Import tariffs will be lowered from 15.9% to 7.1% to further promote the import and upgrade of the industry.  

The McKinsey study "THE `Chinese consumer´ no longer exists” defines Chinese consumers no longer as interested only in low prices, but as selective, healthconscious with diverse shopping hab-its and preferences. The fashion awareness changes to an individual sense of style, influenced by international and national trends. China's millennials are the WORLD'S most influential consumer group, with a 16% share of the population, driving consumption growth in the Chinese market and contributing more than 20% from today until 2030.  
According to the edition's motto "New Makers", Asia's leading fashion fair is picking up on the latest changes in the Chinese fashion market and providing the essential tools for the Chinese market. The new, young design of the fair, which was launched in March this year at CHIC, is being ex-panded. The individual sections of CHIC present the latest trends in the Chinese and international fashion market. CHIC connects and brokers partnerships and launches the new generation gar-ment industry, which builds on high-tech strategies and interlinks industrial production with modern information and communication technologies, relying on intelligent, digitally networked systems in self-organized production.

The individual fashion areas of CHIC  
FASHION JOURNEY puts the focus on interna-tional exhibitors. In addition to the large Italian pavilion, the French pavilion "Paris Forever" and the Korean show-inshow "Preview in China", in-dividual participants from Poland, the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Japan and the USA use CHIC as a bridge in the Chinese market. The next German group participation is planned for March 2019, whereby Germany will also be rep-resented with individual brands such as ESISTO in the area NEW LOOK.

IMPULSES, CHIC's designer section, features emerging designer brands such as Junne, Hua Mu Shen, King Ping, Anjaylia, Mao Mart homme, Tuffcan, etc.

The SUSTAINABILITY ZONE, first showcased at CHIC in the fall of 2017, is receiving even greater emphasis due to the increasing environmental and health awareness of Chinese consum-ers, featuring sustainable supply chain solutions, sustainable innovation and sustainable fashion collections. Programs such as Chemical Stewardship 2020, Carbon Stewardship 2020, Water Stewardship 2020 and Circular Stewardship 2020 are presented. The womenswear section NEW LOOK of CHIC presents next to the leading Chinese brands like AVRALA, and CMH also international brands like Saint James from France, ESISTO from Ger-many, Trenz Eight from Canada or PN JONE, USA.

Beside the suppliers of classic menswear, URBAN VIEW, the menswear section, also includes casualwear brands like NRDMA and SUPIN as well as bespoke companies like H. Pin& Tack, Jin Yuan Yang, Fa Lan Qian Mu, Long Sheng and DANDINGHE.
CHIC YOUNG BLOOD shows young lifestyle brands, KID'S PARADISE offers e.g the largest fashion group in China for children's fashion XTEP KIDS.

SECRET STARS (fashion accessories), SHANGHAI BAG (bags), HERITAGE (leather & fur), SUPERIOR FACTORY (ODM) and FUTURE LINK (services) complete the fashion offer at CHIC. FUTURE LINK gathers fashion service providers for among others supply chain solutions, smart retail and smart production, RFID, laser technology and data utilization.

Visitor management
On the rise in China's retail scene, multi brand and custom stores are the fastest growing offline sector. The number has increased significantly in the last five years from less than 100 to more than 5,000 stores. Exclusive shopping experiences and an individual offer are important. Custom-ers value a wide range of products: a mix of international and national exclusive brands is the most common concept.

The high investments of the CHIC organizers in the visi-tor management for the fair pay off: CHIC has a per-sonalized trade visitor database of over 200,000 con-tacts, which are used intensively for the visitor marketing in the run-up to the fair for a commercial matching for the exhibitors. At the fair, VIP match making activities will take place especially for selected international brands, that will have the opportunity to present them-selves there and make the relevant contacts in the Chi-nese trade. Meetings are organized among others with multi brand stores and buyers such as The Fashion Door, Dong Liang, Jing Dong, VIP Shop and department stores, and retailers such as Carrefour, Amazon, De-cathlon, Wang Fujing, etc. An important tool for the CHIC visitor marketing is social media; for this special programs are run, in which individual brands are pre-sented to prospective visitors.    

CHIC is visited by representatives of all distribution channels for distribution in the Chinese market, at the last event in autumn 2017 more than 65,722 visitors from all over China and other nations were registered at the CHIC, with a significant increase in multi brand stores.
Seminars and shows

The future of fashion business in China will be discussed in a panel of experts as part of CHIC TALKS. Furthermore, a trend seminar from WGSN for FW 2019 and a workshop on bag and shoe production from the Moda Pelle Academy are planned.

CHIC shows provide an overview of selected international brands.

CHIC is organized by Beijing Fashion Expo. Co. ltd. and China World Exhibitions, supported by China National Garment Association, The Sub-Council of Textile Industry (CCPIT) and China World Trade Center.

Industry Check in Asia Photo: Pixabay


Every day, GTAI experts observe and analyze the development of the most important German export industries on the world markets. Here you will find summarized information on the textile and clothing industry in Asian markets.
GTAI Industry Check - Vietnam
Textile and clothing industry: Vietnam needs more than sewing

Every day, GTAI experts observe and analyze the development of the most important German export industries on the world markets. Here you will find summarized information on the textile and clothing industry in Asian markets.
GTAI Industry Check - Vietnam
Textile and clothing industry: Vietnam needs more than sewing
The textile and clothing industry is one of the most important pillars of the Vietnamese industry and accounted for around 6 percent of total exports in 2017 with exports amounting to USD 26 billion. For 2018, the industry is aiming for growth of 7 to 8 percent and exports are expected to rise to over USD 33 billion. In order to comply with the rules of origin of the free trade agreements concluded by Vietnam, the country must achieve a higher added value. Domestic companies such as the Vinatex Group or Garco10, but also foreign companies are increasingly investing in technical innovations and expanding processes such as spinning, weaving and dyeing upstream of pure sewing. In addition, the first companies are beginning to automate their production processes.

GTAI Industry Check - Uzbekistan
Textile and clothing industry: Investments of more than USD 2 billion planned
The industry program for 2017 to 2020 lists around 130 projects with a total value of USD 2 billion. About half of the planned investments are to be
accounted for foreign commitments. The aim is to double the annual output of finished textile products during this period. With an annual production of more than 3 million tons of raw cotton, Uzbekistan is one of the world's largest producers of the white gold. A second industry programme foresees the implementation of five projects for the production of raw silk, silk wadding and silk fabrics and finished silk products between 2018 and 2021. The minimum investments required are estimated at USD 26 million.
GTAI Industry Check – Myanmar
Textile and clothing industry: Export strength through low wages
The lifting of sanctions by the EU and the US has noticeably revived the investment climate in the sector, especially as this was linked to the reactivation of the EU's GSP import status (Generalized System of Preferences). Most investors came from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan or South Korea, and Western brands such as GAP, H & M, Primark or Marks & Spencer were also included. Currently, about 400,000 workers are employed in almost 400 factories, mostly geared to CMP (cut-make-pack), including 171 foreign investors and 22 joint ventures. According to the Myanmar Garment Entrepreneurs Association, exports are expected to have increased by 40 percent to over USD 3 billion by 2017. For the first time the largest customer was the European Union, primarily Germany, ahead of Japan and South Korea.

GTAI Industry Check – Georgian Republic
Textile and clothing industry: Several expansion projects planned
The apparel industry produces garments for up to USD 70 million annually. The main products manufactured are international brands for export. Several new projects in the industry are in preparation. For example, the Turkish jeans manufacturer Baykanlar Textil plans to build a factory for the production of brand jeans in Ozurgeti by the end of 2018. A total of USD 15 million will be invested in the project. The Romanian company MGMtex, a subsidiary of the Swiss company Ottorose, is planning to start production of branded clothing in Kutaisi in cooperation with a local partner. The investments for the first and second project phases amount to more than USD 1.5 million. For the procurement of equipment, the company benefits from subsidies from the state program Produce in Georgia.

GTAI Industry Check - Turkmenistan
Textile and Clothing Industry: Investments of around 300 million US dollars planned
The textile and clothing industry represents 20 percent of Turkmenistan's industrial production and 30 percent of its manufacturing industry. A good USD 300 million will be invested in 2018 to 2020/21. The project list includes the construction of a large textile complex for the annual processing of up to 5,000 tons of fine-fibred cotton into semi-finished and finished products. Start March 2021; contractor: Cotam Enterprises Ltd, British Virgin Islands/Turkey) and a factory for the annual production of 6,000 tons of cotton yarn (2019/20, Hilli yol), the modernization of a textile factory (Daschogus), a cotton spinning mill (Tachtabasar) and a factory for medical wadding and cosmetic cotton (Ashgabat; 2018/2019 each). The potential of medical textiles, cotton fabrics, man-made fibers and the processing of wool and cocoons is still little used.
GTAI Industry Check – Azerbaijan
Textile and clothing industry: Light industry business park attracts investors
Azerbaijan launched several projects to revive the industry (output in 2017: USD 100 million). An industrial park for light industry has been under construction in Mingachevir since autumn 2016. Nine new factories are planned for cotton, acrylic and woolen yarn, clothing, hosiery and leather shoes. The project is worth up to USD 150 million. The first factory for the annual production of 20,000 tons of yarn is under construction. Under the umbrella organization for the Azerkhalcha carpet weaving mill founded in 2016, ten further smaller factories will be put into operation in 2018. Gilan Textil Park, Sumqayit, wants to expand its exports of home textiles. In the medium term, the construction of a silk spinning mill with an annual capacity of 3,000 tons of yarn is also planned.
GTAI Industry Check - Armenia
Textile and clothing industry: interest from abroad increases
Rising exports of clothing to Russia and western markets lead to expect further investments in the textile and clothing industry in 2018. Italian investors are planning to build a large jersey factory in Kapan (Sjunik region). The company SASSTEX in Artik (Schirak region) invests in two factories for the production of fashion (ZARA brand) and workwear. The Egyptian Wassef Group is considering the production of cotton fabrics and products therefrom. Yerevan-based hosiery and children's apparel manufacturer Alex Textile will continue its USD 28 million investment program in 2018 to expand apparel and hosiery production at several sites in Armenia.

More information:
Asia Export

Germany Trade & Invest www.gtai.de

Photo: Pixabay



Mailand (GTAI) - The Italian fashion industry is changing. The digitalization of production and the growth in online trading are forcing a rethinking in the traditional sector. The topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly important. Against this background, Italian fashion houses are increasingly investing in their future strategies. German companies see good business opportunities as technology partners.

The Italian fashion industry is one of the core sectors of the Italian economy. In 2017, the sector increased its sales by 2.4 percent to EUR 54.1 billion, as reported the industry association Confindustria Moda. For 2018, the association expects a further increase of 2.6 percent to EUR 55.4 billion. The goal is to exceed the EUR 60 billion by 2020.


Mailand (GTAI) - The Italian fashion industry is changing. The digitalization of production and the growth in online trading are forcing a rethinking in the traditional sector. The topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly important. Against this background, Italian fashion houses are increasingly investing in their future strategies. German companies see good business opportunities as technology partners.

The Italian fashion industry is one of the core sectors of the Italian economy. In 2017, the sector increased its sales by 2.4 percent to EUR 54.1 billion, as reported the industry association Confindustria Moda. For 2018, the association expects a further increase of 2.6 percent to EUR 55.4 billion. The goal is to exceed the EUR 60 billion by 2020.

But the sector is developing inconsistently. Sales of intermediate products such as fabrics have been stagnating for years, while sales of end products such as clothing, shoes and bags are increasing. Both areas grew in 2017. End products (+2.9 percent) continue to be more successful than primary products (+2.2 percent). The main reason for the positive development of the fashion industry in recent years is the strong export demand for Italian products. In 2017 exports rose by a total of 3.5 percent and exceeded the EUR 30 billion mark for the first time.

The main export hits are clothing (one third of fashion exports), leather goods (around 20 percent) and shoes (around 18 percent), followed by fabrics (9 percent) and home textiles (9 percent). Sector representatives are concerned about developments in some important sales markets. Exports to the USA and Japan declined in 2017, the rising demand from China and Russia could not compensate these losses.

Significant rise in fashion imports
Domestic demand for fashion stagnated in 2017, while significantly more preproducts from the Far East and end products from industrialized countries were imported. Overall, imports increased by 2.2 percent to EUR 21.1 billion in 2017, Confindustria is expecting a further increase of 2.4 percent in 2018.

Germany is one of the most important markets for Italian fashion manufacturers; Italian shoes and bags are particularly popular with German customers. In return, Germany, with imports worth EUR 1.3 billion (plus 4.1 percent), ranked fourth as a supplier country in 2017, behind China, France and Spain. Clothing accounts for about half of German fashion imports and textiles for the other half. Germany is an important supplier of technical textiles, including sports goods and for the automotive industry.

Many companies strengthen their online presence  
The digitalization of the Italian industry does not stop at the fashion industry either. Thanks to the new technologies, traditional manufacturers can increasingly reach their customers directly without intermediaries.

How well this works was demonstrated by the Italian start-up company Yoox, an online luxury fashion retailer. Founded in 2000, the company merged with the French online fashion company and strong competitor Net-a-Porter in 2015. The Group is now active in 180 countries and generated sales of EUR 2.1 billion in 2017.
Many companies are strengthening their online presence and using their stores primarily as showcases to promote brands or new collections. The company Beste with the still new brand for men Monobi is an actual example. The traditional fashion houses Loro Piana and Zegna have been active in this direction already for several years.

Industry 4.0 sets impulses
Digitalization also makes new production processes possible for fashion houses. The networking of machines reduces production times, increases efficiency and reduces electricity and water consumption. In addition, manufacturers get the opportunity to offer tailormade solutions. Digitalization also ensures through just-in-time concepts that inventories and sales areas can be reduced, which leads to falling costs.

Well-known Italian fashion houses are investing heavily into the future. The luxury company Gucci has invested around EUR 100 million in a new innovation center, the so called ArtLab, in the greater Florence area. The company Beste has started two research projects in the field of Industry 4.0. The intensive research focuses on the development of new, environmentally friendly materials and the development of a digital platform for the planning, production and distribution of garments.

Sustainability is increasingly becoming a sales argument
The topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly important. The National Chamber of Italian Fashion (CNMI), for example, organizes discussion rounds on the subject. The fashion house Ferragamo has presented a sustainability plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. A new development by Ferragamo is also a sustainable fabric made from orange peels.

Gucci, Armani, Bulgari, the list of the world-famous Italian fashion companies is long. At the same time, Italy also has a large number of small and very small companies in the fashion sector. In 2017, the average number of employees in the companies was 9. Small and medium-sized com-panies also rely on sustainability.

The major Italian bank Unicredit, together with the European Investment Bank, is providing low interest loans for small and medium-sized fashion companies (up to 250 employees) for relevant investments. Similar programs are provided by the major bank Intesa Sanpaolo.


Robert Scheid, Germany Trade & Invest www.gtai.de

mtex+ and LiMA 2018 (c) Messe Chemnitz


At May 29/30, 2018, 147 exhibitors from six countries present application-oriented textil and lightweight-solutions for all sectors from A to Z and introduce numerous innovations in Chemnitz - Special exhibitions and specialiced events deepen the trade fair topics and give inspiration for innovation development and business contacts

At May 29/30, 2018, 147 exhibitors from six countries present application-oriented textil and lightweight-solutions for all sectors from A to Z and introduce numerous innovations in Chemnitz - Special exhibitions and specialiced events deepen the trade fair topics and give inspiration for innovation development and business contacts

With a 10 % plus of exhibitors and an exhibition area which rose 20 % the trade fair duo mtex+ and LiMA starts at May 29/30, 2018. At hall 1 of the Messe Chemnitz 147 companies and research institutes present on 4.200 square metres application-oriented textil and lightweight-solutions for sectors from architecture to railway technology. On 3.500 square metres 134 exhibitors were represented at the previous trade fair in 2016 in Chemnitz. „We are pleased that the merging of the fields of technology technical textiles and lightweight becomes even more visible at our trade fair duo. Not only exhibitors from the Central German industry and research region demonstrate their know-how. We can as well welcome companies and research institutes from all over Germany adding Belgium, France, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic in Chemnitz. To us this is the proof that the further merge of mtex+ and LiMA under the new slogan ‚Excellent connections: Technical textiles meet lightweight construction‘ works out“, emphasises Dr. Ralf Schulze, director C³ Chemnitzer Veranstaltungszentren GmbH, to which the Messe Chemnitz belongs.

Innovations from textil circuit boards to railway-components made of basalt and bamboo
The international trade fair for technical textiles mtex+ and the lightweight trade fair LiMA focus on functionalised and intelligent textiles as well as lightweight materials and –products, digitised production, process development-, process- and technology development, refinement and recycling. The exhibitors in 2018 put various innovations forward. The nonwoven-manufacturer Glatzeder arrives with a protective suit made of an entirely new material, which is suitable for work under extreme conditions. A especially for security forces made protective clothing will be shown by Wattana. Flexible textil circuit boards made of conductive nonwovens are the new development from Norafin. Vowalon presents a surface sealing for imitation leather padding which extends its service life. Light interactive components as well as tables and seating areas made of textile concrete will be shown by the TU Chemnitz. HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering demonstrates trim - and interior components  for railway vehicles with basalt- and bamboo fibre.
New and proven special exhibitions offer insights into innovative developments besides the exhibition stands. A new addition at the program is „light.building“ belonging to lightweight in architecture and building trade and „flexible.protect“ belonging to  protection- and safety textiles for humans, nature, mobile and immobile goods. The successful exhibition „health.textil” with medicine-, health- and wellness textiles from 2016 will be continued.

Compact, intensive and international
The exhibition stand- and special exhibition-presentations demonstrate the growing application range of technical textiles and lightweight. „Hightech-textiles and lightweight solutions conquer more and more new fields of application. Compact seen should be the various possibilities in the Central German industrial metropolis Chemnitz, that is and was a centre of innovative textile industry. The atmosphere of the small but fine trade fair duo of short distances and intensive contacts is not only appreciated by the actors of the strong Saxon-Thuringian textile region but also by foreign companies and research institutes. So are the textile federation ATOK and the Techtex-Cluster CLUTEX from the Czech Republic with a multicompany stand and the Smart-Textiles-Network from Austria our guests again“, informs Dr. Jenz Otto, general manager of the Noth-Eastgerman textile- and clothing industry association (vti) and amends: „The exhibiton is not only an obligatory date for the specialised insiders but also the federal policy shows a great interest in the textil- and lightweight- competences of the region. Because of this the Commissioner for middle class and for the new Länder, Christian Hirte, follows our trade fair duo invitation.“ The vti is from the very beginning major partner and a generator of inputs for the continuous further development of the event.

You can find further information about the program as well as the trade fairs under: www.mtex-lima.de


Foto: Pixabay


  • Clothing exports stagnate
  • Shoe production becomes more important
  • Investment in modern technology necessary

Bonn (GTAI) - The Indonesian textile industry faces strong regional competition. Since their demand for machinery and clothing exports peaked about five years ago, the industry's exports have stagnated. Nevertheless, the archipelago is important for international market participants at least as a second location alongside the major producing countries. In the meantime, the country has developed into an important shoe manufacturer and is further expanding its production capacities.

  • Clothing exports stagnate
  • Shoe production becomes more important
  • Investment in modern technology necessary

Bonn (GTAI) - The Indonesian textile industry faces strong regional competition. Since their demand for machinery and clothing exports peaked about five years ago, the industry's exports have stagnated. Nevertheless, the archipelago is important for international market participants at least as a second location alongside the major producing countries. In the meantime, the country has developed into an important shoe manufacturer and is further expanding its production capacities.

Indonesia is one of the top 15 clothing exporters. Over the past decades, the archipelago has continuously increased its production and thus created a growing demand for textile machinery. But the market has been stagnating for five years: exports are at around USD 7.5 billion per year, and imports of textile machinery have fallen from USD 1 billion per year to only around 800 million US dollars.

The most important supplier of textile machinery is the PR China, which has expanded its import share to around 30 percent in recent years and displaced Japan from first place. According to Indonesian import statistics, the German delivery ratio fluctuates by 10 percent.

The Indonesian textile association API cites the lower demand for clothing, especially from the USA and Europe, as the reason for the weak export development. About half of industry exports goes to North America. The largest customers are Japan, Germany, South Korea and the United Kingdom. What the association does not say: Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Cambodia and Myanmar have all significantly increased their clothing exports in the past five years.

Indonesia's import of textile machinery *) (in USD million)
2007 360.5
2008 580.9
2009 339.9
2010 641.1
2011 952.1
2012 1.021.7
2013 973.8
2014 940.2
2015 804.3
2016 822.9

*) SITC 724
Source: UN Comtrade

Shorter production cycles
Indonesia's textile companies must therefore invest in order to remain competitive. Even though, according to API, more than half of the member companies are already technologically advanced, many market participants still have an outdated machinery. And especially against the background of fiercer competitive conditions, this is a decisive disadvantage. According to the association, larger fashion chains insist on ever shorter delivery times. Where the producers used to have three months, today it is only three weeks.

Regional competition is also a problem for manufacturers. The archipelago has good conditions for a labor-intensive industry such as the textile industry. Wages are low - outside the conurbations - and the labor supply is inexhaustible (also because many men work as sewers in the factories). Nevertheless, the country has not yet managed to become serious competition for the main export countries of cheap mass-produced goods.

Indonesia's import of textile machinery by supplier countries *) (in USD million; Change in % compared to previous year)
  2014 2015 2016 Change
PR China 279.4 269.2 524.7 -5.4
Taiwan 79.7 86.8 98.3 13.2
Germany 104.5 68.4 93.6 36.8
Japan 163.7 91.3 85.1 -6.8
Korean Rep. 60.5 65.8 57.0 -13.4
India 48.3 43.1 42.6 -1.2
Singapur 37.1 33.4 41.3 23.7
Italy 47.1 39.1 36.3 -7.2

*) SITC 724
Source: UN Comtrade

The archipelago also has locational disadvantages: it is further away from the European sales markets than other manufacturing countries and has a greater distance to China also, which, due to the high wage increases, is increasingly relocating its clothing production to its immediate neighbors. Moreover, in Indonesia, which is comparatively wealthy due to its large raw material exports, the minimum wages of India, Cambodia, Bangladesh or Myanmar cannot be undercut.

Asia's top clothing exporters 1) (USD billion;
change 2016 compared to 2011 in %)
  2011 2016 Change
PR China 153.7 158.2 2.9
Bangladesh 19.2 29.5** 53.6
Vietnam 13.1 22.9** 74.8
India 14.7 17.9 21.8
Indonesia 8.0 7.5 -7.1
Cambodia 4.0 6.6** 65.0

1) SITC 84; 2) Mirror statistics of partner countries
Source: UN Comtrade

Investments at previous year's level
After all, Indonesia has managed to become an important second location for international apparel companies, mitigating risks in major manufacturing countries. Most of the manufacturers are located in populous Java. For the government, further expansion of the industry is important in order to bring the large number of unskilled workers to work.

According to the latest available data from the Federal Statistical Office (BPS), the number of employees in the roughly 2,600 medium and large companies in the sector has increased from 470,000 (2008) to 550,000 (2014). In addition, there are just under 210,000 workers in small and micro companies (2015), most of whom are one- or two-person businesses.

The BKPM investment agency reports FDI of USD 184 million for the first half of 2017 for 494 projects. This corresponds almost exactly to the sum of the same period of the previous year. For the full year of 2016, USD 321 million of FDI had flowed into the sector.

Shoe manufacturers expand capacities
The domestic footwear industry is developing far more dynamically than the textile industry. Indonesia has become the third most important exporter in terms of cheap mass production in a few years, but it is far behind China and Vietnam. After all, the corresponding exports between 2011 and 2016 have steadily increased from USD 3.3 billion to USD 4.6 billion.

Asia's most important footwear exporters 1 (in USD bn, change 2016 compared to 2015 in %)
  2011 2016 Change
PR China 41.7 47.2 13.1
Vietnam 6.7 13.0** 93.5
Indonesia 3.3 4.6 40.5
India 2.1 2.7 31.4

1) SITC 82; 2) General Statistics Office of Vietnam
Source: UN Comtrade

And the signs are still on expansion: In the first six months of 2017, the leather and footwear sector had FDI of USD 187 million, a third more than in the total year 2016. Domestic market participants are also expanding. The Indonesian manufacturer SCI is currently building a new production facility in the central Javanese Salatiga, near the port city of Semarang. It should be completed in October. In the first phase 300,000 to 500,000 pairs of shoes per year could be produced, the maximum capacity is 1 million pairs.


Frank Malerius, Germany Trade & Invest www.gtai.de



  • Exports increase
  • Domestic demand rises

Poland strengthens its position as a major furniture producer. Many companies are expanding their capacities. The industry structure is very fragmented. Among the small to large companies, a certain consolidation trend is noticeable. There are also numerous micro-companies on the market. Furniture exports are expected to increase again in 2018, and the demand for housing, office and shop fittings is also growing in the country itself.

  • Exports increase
  • Domestic demand rises

Poland strengthens its position as a major furniture producer. Many companies are expanding their capacities. The industry structure is very fragmented. Among the small to large companies, a certain consolidation trend is noticeable. There are also numerous micro-companies on the market. Furniture exports are expected to increase again in 2018, and the demand for housing, office and shop fittings is also growing in the country itself.

Poland is an important producer of furniture that is heavily exported, especially to Germany. The producers are expanding their capacities: For example, at the end of October 2017 the Austrian company Egger started construction of a large chipboard factory in the south of Biskupiec (Bischofsburg), which is scheduled to start operations in the fourth quarter of 2018. It is being built on 85 hectares of land within the Warmia-Masuria Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and is expected to produce around 650,000 cubic meters of slabs annually.

The value of this investment amounts to almost EUR 240 million. The products are intended for both domestic and foreign customers. They should meet strict environmental standards and be up to 30 percent of recycled wood. 400 new jobs will be created in the new factory itself and another 600 will be created in cooperating companies.

An important buyer of chipboard will be the furniture industry, which also invests by itself. According to the daily Rzeczpospolita, the company Meble Wojcik plans to build a production facility as well as a warehouse and logistics warehouse for a total of EUR 12 million. These are to be equipped with automated production lines and logistic equipment. In addition, the further development of the IT system is planned so that the production can be adapted very fast to individual customer requirements. The investment project will create at least 120 jobs. The sales of Meble Wojcik in 2017 amounted to more than EUR 100 million.

New sawmill planned
A project of comparable value is being undertaken by the manufacturer of upholstery furniture DFM, which wants to produce wood frame elements in Dobre Miasto (Guttstadt). A modern sawmill is being built there, the construction elements of which are not only intended for DFM itself, but for other customers also.

The furniture manufacturer Szynaka Meble wants to raise more than EUR 5.3 million to build a new warehouse in Ilawa (German Eylau). There 30 employees will be employed. Among other things, the procurement of a modern software for material management is planned.

The six plants of Szynaka Meble produced furniture worth around EUR 235 million in 2017 (on a zloty basis) +5 percent compared to 2016. For 2018 the company expects a growth of 15 percent, mainly due to increased exports to North America, where it intends to sell one-fifth of its production.

Location of the Meble Wojcik, DFM and Szynaka Meble projects is also the Warmia-Masuria SEZ, located in a wood rich area. According to press reports, the manufacturer of shop fittings Modern-Expo plans to build a factory in Lublin. In the first three quarters of 2017, the Polish furniture industry invested a total of around EUR 200 million, according to the main office of CIS. On a zloty basis, the amount stagnated compared to the same period of the previous year.

The sector structure is fragmented
The furniture industry plays an important role in the Polish industry. Around 25,800 companies in Poland are involved in the manufacture of furniture and interiors. Nevertheless, elements and components are also imported, including from Germany. More than 90 percent of the companies are micro-companies, which, according to the market research firm B + R Studio, together however account for 10 percent of the domestic sales only. Only about 90 companies are classified as being large. Together with the approximately 320 medium-sized companies, they sell about three quarters (76 percent) of the relevant products. Small businesses account for a part of 14%. According to CIS at the end of 2017 there were around 161,000 employees in the furniture industry, around 6,000 more than the year before - (+4 percent).

Turnover of Polish furniture manufacturers (in EUR billion)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1)  2018 2)
7.5 8.4 9.3 10.0 10.5 11.1

1) Estimation; 2) Forecast

Source: B+R Studio

For 2018 B + R Studio expect total domestic sales of more than EUR 11 billion, which represents a 3.1% increase on Zloty basis compared to 2017. For years the market leader has been the Polish subsidiary of the Swedish Ikea Group, with revenues of around EUR 1 billion in 2016. Far off is the domestic group Black Red White, which raised a total of EUR 335 million in 2016. It estimates its turnover in 2017 at around EUR 400 million (on Zloty basis +16 percent); the export share is 35 percent.

The company Nowy Styl, which specializes in office furniture and chairs, comes third, with revenues estimated at EUR 340 million in 2017 (+8 percent compared to 2016). The mattress manufacturer Correct follows with a turnover of EUR 291 million in 2016, ahead of the stock exchange listed company Fabryka Mebli Forte with EUR 252 million, which aims to reach EUR 400 million revenues for 2020. Forte will take its 5th factory in operation in late 2019 / early 2020, increasing its production capacity to 6.5 million pieces of furniture annually.

Of importance is also the manufacturer of upholstery furniture Com.40 Limited. Seating is by far the most important category of furniture produced in Poland, accounting for almost half of the total sales.

Exports revive
According to the B + Studios the furniture exports are expected to rise to EUR 10.6 billion in 2018. On a zloty basis this means an increase of about 2 percent compared to 2017 with an estimated EUR 10.1 billion, when the exports fell by 1 percent. Domestic demand for furniture is also increasing thanks to residential and commercial property construction. The increasing purchasing power of the population also makes it possible to replace old facilities with new ones. Imports complement the offer of domestic industry.

Furniture sales in Poland (in EUR billion)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1) 2018 2)
1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5

1) Estimation; 2) Forecast

Source: B+R Studio

The industry is suffering from an increasing labor shortage, which leads to higher wages. According to CIS, the average gross wages in 2017 were EUR 833 per month compared to EUR 738 in 2016. On Zloty basis, this corresponds to a nominal growth of 7.3 per cent.

Contact addresses:

Ogolnopolska Izba Gospodarcza Producentow Mebli (OIGPM)
(Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Producers)
Contact: Michal Strzelecki
Al. Stanow Zjednoczonych 51, pok. 614
04-028 Warszawa, Polen
T +48 (0)22 517 78 39

B+R Studio Analizy Rynku Meblarskiego
Market research institute for the furniture market:
Head of the Analysis Department: Martin Czyrnia
MD Connect Sp.z o.o.
ul. Oleska 35
46-380 Dobrodzien, Polen
T +48/507 96 66 23

Furniture producers     Internet addresses
Egger      http://www.egger.com
Meble Wojcik http://www.meblewojcik.com.pl
DFM http://www.dfm.com.pl
Szynaka Meble http://www.szynaka.pl


More information:
Poland Furniture market

Beatrice Repetzki, Germany Trade & Invest www.gtai.de

Furniture market in France Photo: Pixabay


  • Sales of Kitchens and Beds is outperforming
  • E-commerce puts pressure on the Sector

Paris (GTAI) - Furniture sales in France rose sharply in 2017 for the third year in a row, although the record level of 2011 has not yet been reached. This is reported by the association FNAEM in its annual balance sheet and refers to the close connection with the booming housing market. This also should push the furniture sector in 2018.

  • Sales of Kitchens and Beds is outperforming
  • E-commerce puts pressure on the Sector

Paris (GTAI) - Furniture sales in France rose sharply in 2017 for the third year in a row, although the record level of 2011 has not yet been reached. This is reported by the association FNAEM in its annual balance sheet and refers to the close connection with the booming housing market. This also should push the furniture sector in 2018.

After growth rates of 2.4 and 2.3 percent in 2015 and 2016 the French furniture market has again achieved a stable growth of 2 percent in 2017. According to the FNAEM Federation (Federation française du negoce de la ameublement et de equipement de la maison), the market developments are closely linked to the housing and real estate markets. According to the association, every third furniture purchase was made by a household that has moved within the last 24 months.
In 2017 16 percent more homes were built in France compared to the previous year. By the end of October 2017, the real estate market also had also registered 16 percent more transactions. The FFB (Federation française du batiment) expects a strong total construction activity again but with a slight decline of 2.5 per cent in the construction of new housing in 2018.

The development of the overall economy and the political environment also have a strong influence on the furniture market. For example, the presidential elections and the change of government in France led to an initial uncertainty among consumers and delays in the awarding of public contracts. Sales of furniture initially developed weakly in the first half of 2017, but then all the more dynamically.

Furniture market in France 2017
  Sales 2017 (in Euro billion) Change  2017/16 (in %) Share (in %)
Kitchen furniture 2.57 4.0 26.3
Upholstered furniture (sofas, armchairs and benches) 2.42 2.3 24.8
Beds 1.34 3.0 13.8
Bathroom furniture 0.24 -1.6 2.5
Garden furniture 0.13 2.0 1.4
Other home furniture (tables, chairs, chests, drawers) 3.06 0.1 31.2
Total 9.76 2.0 100.0

Source: IPEA (Institut de prospective et d'etudes de l'ameublement)

Most strongly grew the kitchens segment in 2017, whereas in recent years in particular bedroom furniture led the sales. Kitchens are particularly benefiting from the improving housing market and a continuing trend in French households to pay more attention to kitchen equipment.

Fitted kitchens gain market share
According to an analysis by the market research company IPEA (Institut de prospective et d'étes de l'ameublement), only 60 percent of households in France have fitted kitchens, much less than in other Western European countries (Germany: around 80 percent). This difference promises good growth rates for this segment for years to come.
According to the market researchers, the gap between the well-running segment of sofas and armchairs over benches is increasing in favor of upholstered furniture. Above all, folding sofas, which are always offered cheaper, continue to make competition to banks.

Other home furniture such as tables, chairs or chests, which continue to make the majority of the market, were, according to the FNAEM association, unable to make up much ground in retailing compared to kitchens and beds in 2017. Also, in 2018, according to the association's expectations, there will be no signs of recovery. According to FNAEM at most the online trade should continue to grow in the home furniture segment.
The sales of garden furniture benefited from warm weather periods in spring 207, which extended the sales season. According to IPEA bathroom furniture could not fully benefit from the upturn in the housing market in 2017. The business often depends on the hardware stores, which often promote low-cost products. Installers would have sold less bathroom furniture in favor of heating systems.
Good sales forecasts for beds
The bedroom segment, the leader in growth in recent years, has developed less strongly in 2017. IPEA attributes this to a tougher competition with more price promotions. Lower prices had slowed the sales despite good volumes. The buyers continue to ask for larger beds sizes with a width of 160 cm.

According to a study by the market research firm Xerfi, the bedding segment is expected to grow steadily by 3.3 percent per year until 2019, supported by the housing market and higher disposable income. French consumers would also exchange their mattresses now more often. According to the trade Frenchmen buy a new mattress every 14 year, whereas this happens in the US every eight years. The association of the mattress industry calls 13,5 for Germany.

Retailers operate multichannel strategy
However, the competition in the bed and mattress market is growing, above all due to the success of e-commerce. Online mattress suppliers such as Casper from the USA (with production in Germany), Tediber and Ilobed from France or Simba and Eve Sleep from the UK have launched massive advertising campaigns in France. According to estimations of the providers, they now have reached a market share of about 5 to 6 percent in the mattress segment.

The stationary trade with furniture stores like Ikea, Conforama or But and the bed specialists Maison de la literie, Compagnie du lit or Litrimarche defend themselves against the pure on-line offerors. All major retailers now operate a multichannel strategy, meaning that they try not only to sell in their furniture stores but also via their own online channels. At the same time the shops are upgraded by events, more advice or more frequently changing exhibitions.

Leading in France are the large furniture stores Ikea, Conforama and But. Market leader Ikea claims a market share of 19.4 percent in 2017. Conforama and But did not publish any shares for 2017 but came to 16.1 and 13.4 percent respectively in 2016. According to estimates by IPEA, online commerce accounts for a total market share of around 12 percent. Half of this is accounted for by pure online providers and internet sales by conventional, previously purely stationary, providers.

Ikea aims for a 10 percent online share in France. Conforama claims to already generate 10 percent of its sales via the Internet. However, the company also offers entertainment and household electronics. Of the online furniture purchases, 82 percent are still being picked up at the stores. Conforma wants to do justice to this with additional furniture markets in the low-price segment. At the same time, other sales rooms should be created in which new furnishing ideas will be presented.

Furniture retail in France by sales channel 2017
  Sales 2017 (in EUR billion) Change 2017/16 (in %)
Furniture stores 4.91 +0.9
Kitchenhouses 1.30 +6.0
Furniture stores, medium segment 1.02 +1.4
Luxury furniture stores 0.37 +2.0
Craft 0.33 -0.4
E-Commerce, catalog-trading and others 1.83 +3.3
Total 9.76 +2.0

Source: IPEA

Conforama joined the French online pioneer Showroomprive.com in 2017 as an investor, hoping to gain expertise in online marketing. Due to the impending bankruptcy of the South African parent company Steinhoff Conforama sold its shares in early 2018 to the supermarket chain Carrefour.

However, the company intends to take advantage of the increased customer interest in the bedding segment with a new high-end store chain under the brand "Il etait une nuit" and is buying additionally more smaller bed houses. The chain But was for a long time for sale until it was taken over in mid-2016 by the third largest furniture retailer Lutz from Austria together with financial investors.

Name Internet address Comments
AHK Frankreich http://frankreich.ahk.de Advises on entering the market in France
Federation française du negoce de l'ameublement et de l'equipement de la maison (FNAEM) http://www.fnaem.fr Association of the furniture trade
Union nationale des industries de l'ameublement français http://www.ameublement.com Association of the French furniture manufacturers


More information:
France Furniture market

Peter Buerstedde, Germany Trade & Invest www.gtai.de. Translation Textination.

Heimtextil Trend Council © Messe Frankfurt GmbH / Pietro Sutera


Heimtextil is pushing ahead with the new concept for 2019: now that those responsible have worked out a completely new hall plan, they are turning their attention to redesigning the trend programme. With a meeting of international trend researchers on 20 and 21 February in Frankfurt am Main, the design experts have begun preparations for the trends of the upcoming Heimtextil (8-11 January 2019) at an unprecedented early stage.

Heimtextil is pushing ahead with the new concept for 2019: now that those responsible have worked out a completely new hall plan, they are turning their attention to redesigning the trend programme. With a meeting of international trend researchers on 20 and 21 February in Frankfurt am Main, the design experts have begun preparations for the trends of the upcoming Heimtextil (8-11 January 2019) at an unprecedented early stage.

‘The Heimtextil trends have enjoyed a worldwide reputation for decades. Showcased in the extensive and progressive way that they are, they are an essential component of our trade fair’, says Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies at Messe Frankfurt. ‘That's why it is very important to us that we continue to live up to our pioneering role with our new trend concept and offer our exhibitors and visitors a future-oriented programme. In the future, we will strengthen this showcasing above all at the digital level’.
Starting with the meeting in Frankfurt, trend researchers from three European offices are working on the Heimtextil trends 2019/20. The British design studio FranklinTill will once again play a leading role and is responsible for the implementation of the Trendbook. The Stijlinstituut Amsterdam (Netherlands) and SPOTT Trends & Business (Denmark) have joined forces with them to form the new Heimtextil Trend Council.

During the two-day workshop, the three agencies compiled insights into current trends in interior design, architecture, fashion and art. They focused on developments in materials and textures, colours and patterns. Finally, they defined stylistically formative design themes from which a globally applicable trend forecast will be worked out in the coming months.

New: “Trend Space” in hall 3.0
When it comes to showcasing trends at the trade fair, Heimtextil will receive support from the Frankfurt agency Atelier Markgraph. As a specialist for communication within spaces, Atelier Markgraph is planning an interactive, future-oriented exhibition that will immerse trade fair visitors in the world of trends 2019/2020 using analogue/digital experience formats. In future, the trend showcase will be called “Trend Space”, replacing the previous “Theme Park”. Those responsible for this change have chosen hall 3.0 as the new location. As part of the new Heimtextil concept, the “Trend Space” can be found in close proximity to international textile designers, CAD/CAM suppliers and digital printer manufacturers. Heimtextil is thus bringing the progressive themes of trends, textile design and digital printing together on one hall level, creating an area full of inspiration and future technologies. Hall 3.0 – exclusively for exhibitors – will be opened on the eve of Heimtextil on 7 January 2019.

Preview: Trend presentation in late summer
The results of the trend researchers will be recorded in the new Heimtextil Trendbook. Exhibitors at Heimtextil will be sent the Trendbook in advance to assist in their product design and collections. Together with the Trend Council, those responsible for the trade fair will provide an initial insight into the new trends on 4 September. For this purpose, Heimtextil will invite representatives of the press to a preview, the framework of which will also be redesigned.   
The following design studios are working on Heimtextil 2019:

The design studio FranklinTill (United Kingdom) will be taking on the main responsibility for the development of the Heimtextil Trends 2019/2020. With its headquarters in London, the studio comprises trend researchers, designers and stylists as well as a broad-ranging, international network of creatives and visionaries. The multidisciplinary agency's varied projects include  trend reports, colour forecasts, design realisations, brand developments and curating trade fairs and exhibitions. In addition to agency founders Kate Franklin and Caroline Till, Titia Dane will also be working on Heimtextil. www.franklintill.com

Anne Marie Commandeur from the Stijlinstituut Amsterdam (Netherlands) manages a team of designers who focus on textile innovations, predictions, colour trends and strategic design concepts. The agency acts as a versatile and dynamic force in the industry and keeps fashion companies and fashion-related companies up to date on the most important developments. This year, researcher Emma Wessel is supporting Anne Marie Commandeur at Heimtextil. www.stijlinstituut.nl

SPOTT Trends & Business (Denmark) advises Scandinavian lifestyle brands with issues relating to consumer insights, trend and colour forecasts. SPOTT aims at the individual development of brands and combines trend research with neuroscience and commercial expertise. Anja Bisgaard Gaede is the founder of SPOTT. In addition to her work as a consultant, she has given many presentations over the past ten years, and has also published a reference book. www.spottrends.dk

Atelier Markgraph (Germany) designs rooms that communicate and stimulate communication. For more than 30 years, the design studio has supported its clients in creating immersive experiences in the areas of conflict where culture, business and science intersect. At the interface of digital and analogue communication, a 60-strong interdisciplinary team translates central themes and brand messages into directly tangible scenarios: from exhibitions and showrooms to exhibition stands, media installations and AR applications. www.markgraph.de


German Shopping Miles attract Turkish Merchants Photo: Pixabay


  • Companies expand branch network

Bonn (GTAI) - Thanks to the constantly good economic situation, the Germans are in best consumer mood. Turkish retailers also want to benefit from this and are expanding their store network in Germany. However, in order to be successful in the country, they have to respect a lot. Turkish investments in production facilities are seldom in Germany. However -the location offers a decisive advantage to the companies.

  • Companies expand branch network

Bonn (GTAI) - Thanks to the constantly good economic situation, the Germans are in best consumer mood. Turkish retailers also want to benefit from this and are expanding their store network in Germany. However, in order to be successful in the country, they have to respect a lot. Turkish investments in production facilities are seldom in Germany. However -the location offers a decisive advantage to the companies.

Modern furnished industrial lofts characterize the picture of the Düsseldorf Schwanenhöfe. Scenery restaurants, studios and companies have recently established themselves on the former chemical site in the district of Flingern. Since September 2017, the Turkish glass manufacturer Pasabahce became represented here with a showroom. On nearly 300 square meters expensive wine glasses, carafes and numerous other glass products are exhibited. After New York, Madrid, Milan, Shanghai and Moscow, it is the sixth outlet outside Turkey for the Istanbul company. Pasabahce is part of the Sisecam Group and one of the largest glass producers in the world.
Most Turkish investors come from the clothing industry
Turkish companies are currently focusing on the consumer goods market in Germany and are opening up business like Pasabahce. The investment focus is on the apparel market. Of the 211 projects by Turkish companies listed the Financial Times fDi-intelligence database between 2003 and 2017, every fifth is assigned to the textile and clothing industry. Another 11 percent comes from areas such as the furniture or cosmetics industry. For most traders, the local Turkish community does not play a major role as a target group. The Turkish companies are competing with other international brands in the German market for a broad western consumer group.

Turkish fashion houses are expanding
This includes the newcomer Yargici, which opened  four stores in top location throughout Germany in 2017. It was the first foreign engagement of the Istanbul clothing company. "In this and the coming years, more branches will be added, after all, we did not come to Germany to open just a few stores only", Germany boss Erik Schaap explains confidently.

The Turkish fashion company Sarar has been present here for over 17 years. In the year 2000 it opened its first branch on the Düsseldorf Königsallee. Since then, the company has invested about EUR 15 million in the country and opened eight boutiques. Sarar also wants to continue growing and is planning to reach 20 stores by 2020. However, Turkish retailers in Germany do not find it easy, as Sarar Europe GmbH marketing manager Salim Ünyeli admits: "The competition is very strong due to the ubiquity of Zara, H & M and Co. Most consumers do not know Turkish labels and prefer for the same price known Western brands."
"The tensions between Germany and Turkey have damaged our business, and potential customers are deterred from buying from a Turkish company." (Marketing Manager Salim Üniyeli of Sarar Europe GmbH.

Who thinks Turkish, fails
Turkey expert Suat Bakir knows the typical pitfalls for Turkish companies looking to start a business in Germany. Bakir is the capital representative of the German-Turkish Trade Association (DTW) and was previously managing director of the Turkish-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry for seven years. "Many fail because they do not spend money on professional advice and ask a Turkish acquaintance for advice instead," Bakir said. Gastronomy and clothing chain in particular have a high fluctuation rate, because it is particularly important in these segments to find and use the right location and a suitable marketing. "Anyone who thinks in Germany like a Turk and does not adapt its products to German consumer taste will not succeed on the long term," Bakir says. Because of the strained relations between the two countries, he advises against introducing a Turkish brand on the German market right now: "The German tourist, who is currently avoiding Turkey, will probably not buy from a Turkish company."
Deutsche Bogenn opens factory
Although only very few Turkish companies have invested in production facilities in Germany so far, Suat Bakir recognizes potential in this area. Turkish companies could adopt the positively occupied brand made in Germany, if they would manufacture in the country. The most recent example is the company Deutsche Bogenn, which opened a new plant for plastic pipes last year on Rügen. Behind the extra German sounding name the Turkish Dizayn Group is hided. From its new location, the company wants to produce pipes for various infrastructure projects with 100 employees and sell them worldwide.

Low investment volume
Turkey so far has played a minor role as an investor in Germany - despite the many bilateral relations. Turkish companies have invested just EUR 1.8 billion in the Federal Republic. According to Suat Bakir a key reason is the low level of internationalization of Turkish companies. Another obstacle are the visa restrictions for Turkish business people. The DTW estimates that so far 1,300 companies of Turkish origin have settled in Germany, one in three in North Rhine-Westphalia alone. That is a merit of a committed location marketing. Suat Bakir recommends that all federal states should exploit the interest of Turkish companies and promote their state more in Turkey. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has already recorded a recent success with the establishment of Deutsche Bogenn on Rügen.

More information:
Retail Turkey

Sofia Hempel, Germany Trade & Invest www.gtai.de



  • Quality suppliers satisfied buyers with a wide range of sourcing needs
  • Fringe programme brought insights to fairgoers

The 2018 Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles concluded last week with positive business outcomes generated. Being held during the peak sourcing season for home textiles finished products in China, the three-day show attracted 12% more buyers than last year. A total of 20,870 visitors (2017: 18,596) from 68 countries and regions came to source a wide range of finished products including bedding, towelling and table & kitchen linen.

  • Quality suppliers satisfied buyers with a wide range of sourcing needs
  • Fringe programme brought insights to fairgoers

The 2018 Spring Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles concluded last week with positive business outcomes generated. Being held during the peak sourcing season for home textiles finished products in China, the three-day show attracted 12% more buyers than last year. A total of 20,870 visitors (2017: 18,596) from 68 countries and regions came to source a wide range of finished products including bedding, towelling and table & kitchen linen. 232 exhibitors from 11 countries and regions (2017: 204, eight countries and regions) including well-known international brands such as Cotton Council International and Asahi Kasei as well as domestic big names like Ruyi, Sunvim and Yueda participated and praised the show as one of the most effective trade platforms at this time of the year for home textiles industry.

“Thanks to the revitalised market conditions in China and the increased number of buyers, our exhibitors have had a successful show. Not only did they receive onsite orders and make contact with new clients, but they also valued Intertextile Shanghai as a channel to build up their brand so as to expand their business network in China. Apart from the stronger Chinese market, another reason for the buyer increase this year was the large growth of the four concurrent fairs. This resulted in a more diverse buyer profile with increased demand from different textile industry sectors,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd said.

Exhibitor opinions:

Mr Wang Si Qi, Representative of Fibers Sales Dept, Asahi Kasei Advance (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, Japan
“We came to the fair to gain exposure and to promote our brand. Since our products are rare in the market and are a perfect substitution for traditional materials, most of the buyers that visited our booth were interested. We succeeded in promoting our brand and letting more industry players know about it. We are really satisfied with the visitor number. People from different sectors with different products in different price ranges are all here. It does help increase our reputation in the industry.”

Ms Allisa Lau, Senior Manager, Chain Supply, Chain & Consumer Marketing, Cotton Council International, USA
“We are happy with the visitor number this year as we made contacts with a lot of manufacturers. Most of them are our target users. The fair has always been helpful for our Council as we can connect with existing clients and explore potential new customers at the same time.”

Mr Trevor Beuth, Managing Director, The Australian Alpaca Bedding Company Pty Ltd, Australia
“We exhibit in Intertextile Shanghai because I believe that it is the premier show in Asia at this time of the year, and it has a wide global reach too. We hope to establish our brand and reputation here at the fair and in China. Our products received very strong interest from Chinese buyers. Overall, we had a very busy show and we are satisfied. We have worked with some major Chinese companies and they came to see us again this edition, but nearly all of the visitors that have come to our booth this time are new to us.”
Mr Tetsuo Tosaki, Manager, Tamurakoma & Co., Ltd, Japan
“The reason we come here is that it’s the largest show in Asia at this time of the year, and the Intertextile brand is very famous in Japan. We met almost 100 customers every show day, including manufacturers, brand traders and wholesalers. This show helps us to know our customers better and expand our business in China. The Chinese market is developing rapidly in recent years, so attending this show is a good start for us and the result is beyond my expectation.”
Mr Sunwei, Marketing Manager, Shanghai Yueda Xiangyun Home Textile Co., Ltd, China
“Among our visitors, 80% are our existing clients who placed orders directly and the remaining ones are new clients who are interested to be our franchisees. It is surprising that we have received such a huge amount of orders in just two show days. Nearly 90% of our existing clients we met at the show placed orders, and we’ve met more than 10 potential franchisees. This is really a fruitful show as it helps us to connect with old customers and establish new business.”

Mr Gao Qi, District Manager, Sunvim Co., Ltd, China
“This edition we showcased towelling and bedding products especially designed for the 2018 spring season. Intertextile Shanghai is one of the most important platforms for us to launch new products for the year. On the one hand, many suppliers and brand buyers are looking for new items during this peak sourcing season. On the other hand, many quality buyers and decision makers are invited to the show. The visitor flow is high so we can both enhance our brand popularity and receive orders after the show.”

Quality suppliers satisfied buyers with a wide range of sourcing needs. While exhibitors were delighted about meeting new customers and receiving orders on the spot, international and domestic buyers also appreciated the wide range of products they discovered at the fair.
Buyer opinions:

Mr Anil Miglani, President, SawHill Intl Ltd (Toronto), Canada
“The show has always been a satisfying one as we can meet some interesting and potential suppliers every time. So far, we’ve found two to three exhibitors that we look forward to working with. As a Chinese fair, Intertextile Shanghai is highly recommended as the exhibitors, domestic ones in particular, are of good quality and friendly to foreign visitors. The product range on offer is getting wider and wider, so I come to this show every year to look for potential Chinese suppliers.”

Mr Abdelkrim Boussehra, Yiwu Mingyu Import & Export Co., Ltd, Morocco
“This is my first time attending this fair. I didn’t know any of the Chinese brands here beforehand, but I think the quality of their products is really good. I met two machine suppliers, TPET & Richpeace, and will place orders with one of them. I’ve been to several shows in China, and I think this one is an effective sourcing platform because I can find everything I want.”

Mr Paul Chen, Business Supervisor, Jiangsu Yueda Hometex R and D Co., Ltd, China
“Compared to the previous editions, there are more and more high level and innovative products. Big domestic brands like Mercury, Goldsun and Bermo are all here and we are interested to work with them. This is an excellent platform that facilitates our sourcing with these exhibitors all under one roof.”

Fringe programme brought insight to fairgoers
Apart from concrete business outcomes, the fair’s fringe programme, including the Intangible Cultural Heritage Zone and a series of forums, further enriched the three-day show. Fairgoers were fascinated by the presentation of unique and traditional textile production and processing techniques from Chinese ethnic minorities in the Heritage Zone. While the forums that discussed topics from consumption upgrade to the newest technology applications were another success as they provided extra opportunities for industry players to share their insights and learn the latest developments.

The next Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles fair, the 2018 Autumn Edition, will be held from 27 – 30 August at the same venue. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).