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PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its shows (c) Boris Kralj
Anita Tillmann

PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its shows

  • The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with the leading global digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July. Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.
A statement from Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP: 

  • The PREMIUM GROUP in Berlin is cancelling its PREMIUM and SEEK trade shows for this summer season, as well as the FASHIONTECH conference – in collaboration with the leading global digital B2B marketplace, JOOR, there is still a guaranteed trading option.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, in April the dates of the PREMIUM GROUP’s events were provisionally moved from the original schedule of 31 June-2 July 2020 to 28 -30 July. Now, the Federal and State governments have decided to cancel large-scale events with over 1,000 visitors until 31 August 2020.
A statement from Anita Tillmann, Managing Partner of the PREMIUM GROUP: 

“We greatly regret the decision of course, especially after the success of our January events. The ban on large-scale events has been around for some time and has been publicly discussed. It hurts us to do it, but we are also conscious of our responsibility. If cancelling our trade shows, conferences and parties contributes to the safety of our customers and visitors, then we have to take this step.
We are in close contact with all our brands and partners and have spent the last four weeks discussing possible approaches, concepts and new focal topics for the summer. The bottom line is that digitalisation is clearly the focus. It’s all about using the time over the next few months sensibly. The timing for brands and retailers is now right – all market participants are aware of the necessity of this.

We have been working closely with JOOR, the leading B2B marketplace globally, for around a year, after successfully integrating our own digital platform, JOOR has digitalised the entire procurement process and ensures a seamless, functioning wholesale process on an international scale – both for brands and retailers.
We shall shortly be offering webinars on this and can offer our customers an optimal, digital ordering solution so as to use this time of the pandemic efficiently. We are very happy with this option and our year-long investment in the topic of digitalisation. This has come good for us now.
Our trade show formats have been about more than just ordering for a long time now. They are about encounters, emotion, inspiration, communication and, finally, the fashion community getting together. Although lots can take place digitally nowadays, it doesn't replace physically meeting up in person. We have seen this more than ever in the present situation.
We are going to work on new concepts for 2021, and we will liaise with the key stakeholders in Berlin and with all others too to ensure we hit the ground running again. We’re taking on the challenge and will come back to the industry when we have news.”

CPD findet im August statt (c) Andreas Endermann
CPD findet im August statt

CPD Sommer-Ausgabe findet vom 8. bis zum 10. August statt

Die Corona-Krise stellt nicht nur den Mode-Einzelhandel vor große Herausforderungen, sondern sorgt für zahlreiche Terminverschiebungen im Kalender der Fashionbranche. Aus diesem Grund ging Fashion Net in den intensiven Austausch mit Akteuren am Standort, um einen geeigneten Termin für die kommende CPD zu finden und dem Einzelhandel eine Orderplattform zu bieten. Das Ergebnis ist eine Ausnahme: vom 5. bis zum 12. August wird Düsseldorf wieder zum Orderhotspot – mit der Wochenend-Kernzeit vom 8. bis zum 10. August.

Die Corona-Krise stellt nicht nur den Mode-Einzelhandel vor große Herausforderungen, sondern sorgt für zahlreiche Terminverschiebungen im Kalender der Fashionbranche. Aus diesem Grund ging Fashion Net in den intensiven Austausch mit Akteuren am Standort, um einen geeigneten Termin für die kommende CPD zu finden und dem Einzelhandel eine Orderplattform zu bieten. Das Ergebnis ist eine Ausnahme: vom 5. bis zum 12. August wird Düsseldorf wieder zum Orderhotspot – mit der Wochenend-Kernzeit vom 8. bis zum 10. August.

Die Messen in Berlin sind aktuell komplett abgesagt, weshalb sich das Ordergeschäft verstärkt auf den Modestandort Düsseldorf konzentriert. Seit Jahrzehnten war die Synchronisation von Messelaufzeiten und Showroom-Order möglich – bei der kommenden CPD-Ausgabe wird das erstmals nicht der Fall sein. Insbesondere in dieser Saison sieht sich der Verein Fashion Net deshalb als Koordinator, unter anderem in Bezug auf die Terminierung der Ordertage. Der Termin wurde in  Gesprächen von Fashion Net gemeinsam mit Produzenten, Marken und Showroom-Betreibern eruiert. In der Orderwoche von Mittwoch bis Mittwoch wird somit die größtmögliche Anzahl an Showrooms für Einkäufer geöffnet haben.

Tenor einer Vielzahl dieser Gespräche: Die CPD braucht einen neuen Namen. In weiteren Abstimmungsprozessen soll nun geprüft werden, ob und wenn ja, welche Namensänderung sinnvoll, realisierbar und konsensual ist.

Umfassende Abstands- und Hygienevorschriften werden den Charakter des Ordergeschäfts deutlich verändern, daher sind auch feste Terminvereinbarungen mit den Kunden in den Showrooms absolut notwendig.


PR + Presseagentur textschwester

Die CHIC Messe wird aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie verschoben (c) CHIC
CHIC Messe

Nachholtermin CHIC Shanghai, März 2020

Die Märzveranstaltung der CHIC Shanghai wird im Juli in Shenzhen stattfinden. Aufgrund der globalen Corona Epidemie konnte die Mode- und Lifestyle Messe CHIC Shanghai nicht wie geplant vom 11. bis 13. März 2020 in Shanghai veranstaltet werden.

Die weiter anhaltende weltweite epidemische Situation lässt nicht zu, dass Chinas Kontroll- und Präventionsmaßnahmen gelockert werden. Es ist aus logistischen Gründen nicht möglich, den Nachholtermin der Frühjahrsveranstaltung der CHIC März noch vor der Herbstveranstaltung der CHIC Shanghai im September in Shanghai stattfinden zu lassen.

Die ursprünglich geplante Veranstaltungsfläche für die Premiere der CHIC Shenzhen vom 15. bis 17. Juli 2020 wird um 10.000 Quadratmeter auf 40.000 Quadratmeter erweitert.Das Konzept, ein Ort - ein Datum - vier Shows, das sich in Shanghai seit Jahren bewährt hat, wird hier fortgesetzt.

Die Märzveranstaltung der CHIC Shanghai wird im Juli in Shenzhen stattfinden. Aufgrund der globalen Corona Epidemie konnte die Mode- und Lifestyle Messe CHIC Shanghai nicht wie geplant vom 11. bis 13. März 2020 in Shanghai veranstaltet werden.

Die weiter anhaltende weltweite epidemische Situation lässt nicht zu, dass Chinas Kontroll- und Präventionsmaßnahmen gelockert werden. Es ist aus logistischen Gründen nicht möglich, den Nachholtermin der Frühjahrsveranstaltung der CHIC März noch vor der Herbstveranstaltung der CHIC Shanghai im September in Shanghai stattfinden zu lassen.

Die ursprünglich geplante Veranstaltungsfläche für die Premiere der CHIC Shenzhen vom 15. bis 17. Juli 2020 wird um 10.000 Quadratmeter auf 40.000 Quadratmeter erweitert.Das Konzept, ein Ort - ein Datum - vier Shows, das sich in Shanghai seit Jahren bewährt hat, wird hier fortgesetzt.

Die "Greater Bay Textile & Apparel Expo" des China National Textile and Apparel Council wird insgesamt vier Trade Shows kombinieren:
China International Fashion Fair 2020 in Shenzhen (CHIC SHENZHEN), Intertextile SHENZHEN Apparel Fabrics, PH Value (Shenzhen) und Greater Bay Area International Trade Fair for Fibres and Yarns.

CHIC ist eng mit den Mode- und Textilindustrieclustern der Pearl River Delta-Region verbunden und bietet insbesondere Marktmöglichkeiten für die Regionen Guangdong - Hongkong - Macao - Greater Bay.

In den Hallen 9 und 11 des Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Centers sind alle Produktbereiche der CHIC geplant: CHIC Tailoring, Urban View (Menswear), New Look (Womenswear), Impulses (Designerbereich), CHIC Kidz, CHIC-Young Blood, CHIC Worldwide (internationale Beteiligungen) in Halle 9 und Denim World, Secret Stars (Accessoires), Bags & Shoes, Heritage (Leder, Pelz und Daunen), ODM in Halle 11.
CHIC SHOWS und CHIC TALK werden ebenfalls in Shenzhen präsentiert. Parallel bietet CHIC die Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme an der CHIC Online vom 22. bis 24. April 2020 an. Hierfür werden alle Ressourcen und Netzwerke der CHIC für ein Business-Matching der Teilnehmer genutzt.

Der Termin der Herbstveranstaltung der CHIC in Shanghai ist für den 23. bis 25. September 2020 geplant. Veranstalter sind die China National Garment Association, Sub-Council of Textile Industry CCPIT und China World Trade Center Co. Ltd.



Bremer Baumwollbörse. (c) Bremer Baumwollbörse.
Bremer Baumwollbörse.

Postponement of The 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen

We are now facing this challenge here in Bremen on the occasion of our 35th International Cotton Conference, which was to take place from 25 to 27 March. The coronavirus has been keeping the world on tenterhooks for some weeks now and, as you may have heard in the news, has also arrived in Germany and Bremen. As the organiser of an international conference, we have been forced to make a decision and it was by no means easy for us.
Due to the prevailing global threat from Covid-19, we will postpone the 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen for one year.
The World Health Authority (WHO), as well as the European and German health authorities are advising of significant health risks from transmission of the coronavirus. According to the Federal Foreign Office, data on the new virus is currently still limited, which makes risk assessment even more difficult.

We are now facing this challenge here in Bremen on the occasion of our 35th International Cotton Conference, which was to take place from 25 to 27 March. The coronavirus has been keeping the world on tenterhooks for some weeks now and, as you may have heard in the news, has also arrived in Germany and Bremen. As the organiser of an international conference, we have been forced to make a decision and it was by no means easy for us.
Due to the prevailing global threat from Covid-19, we will postpone the 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen for one year.
The World Health Authority (WHO), as well as the European and German health authorities are advising of significant health risks from transmission of the coronavirus. According to the Federal Foreign Office, data on the new virus is currently still limited, which makes risk assessment even more difficult.

In total, participants from more than 40 nations travel to Bremen for the Cotton Conference. In addition to the main conference, there are numerous side events. Many of our guests and conference participants are currently unsettled by the many negative reports. In the context of their responsibility, the organisers, the Bremen Cotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute Bremen, take the risks and concerns of all participants extremely seriously and would like to ensure planning reliability given the situation.

The 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen with the motto “Passion for Cotton” will now take place from 17 to 19 March 2021.



Bremer Baumwollbörse.

EuroShop 2020: High Degree of Internationality Photo: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann
EuroShop 2020: High Degree of Internationality

EuroShop 2020: High Degree of Internationality confirms Global Leading Function for Retail

Retailers invest in emotionalisation and digitalisation +++ Top theme: linking online with offline shopping +++ Focus on sustainability +++ Accompanying Stages and Specials received very well

The World’s No.1 Retail Trade Fair, EuroShop 2020, drew to a close on Thursday (20 February 2020) after five successful days in Düsseldorf: 2,300 exhibitors from 57 nations reported of very good leads and concluded business deals. Furthermore, lively follow-up business is expected. 94,000 visitors travelled to the Rhine to gather information on the line-up of products, trends and concepts for retailers and their partners featured in 16 exhibition halls.  

“We are delighted that EuroShop once again successfully proved to be the most relevant platform for the global retail community when it comes to trends, inspirations and networking. Our exhibitors deserve the highest praise for their loyalty. With their innovative power they again proved the major attraction for an entire industry,” said Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf, voicing his great satisfaction with EuroShop 2020 results.

Retailers invest in emotionalisation and digitalisation +++ Top theme: linking online with offline shopping +++ Focus on sustainability +++ Accompanying Stages and Specials received very well

The World’s No.1 Retail Trade Fair, EuroShop 2020, drew to a close on Thursday (20 February 2020) after five successful days in Düsseldorf: 2,300 exhibitors from 57 nations reported of very good leads and concluded business deals. Furthermore, lively follow-up business is expected. 94,000 visitors travelled to the Rhine to gather information on the line-up of products, trends and concepts for retailers and their partners featured in 16 exhibition halls.  

“We are delighted that EuroShop once again successfully proved to be the most relevant platform for the global retail community when it comes to trends, inspirations and networking. Our exhibitors deserve the highest praise for their loyalty. With their innovative power they again proved the major attraction for an entire industry,” said Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf, voicing his great satisfaction with EuroShop 2020 results.

Exhibitors especially applauded the high international attendance at EuroShop. 70% of the EuroShop audience travelled to Düsseldorf from abroad. Large delegations came for example from Brazil, Australia and New Zealand. Trade visitors from a total of 142 countries attended EuroShop 2020.

“This high level of international interest clearly documents the dynamism of the global retail world and the exceptional position EuroShop enjoys as its economic engine,” said Michael Gerling, Chairman of the EuroShop Advisory Board and CEO of the EHI Retail Institute Cologne.

“The success of eCommerce is a real encouragement for retailers: they have understood they have to give their shoppers good reasons beyond the ranges to enter their stores. This competition has taken retail as a whole to the next quality level. Investment is being made in shop fitting so as to create customer journeys,” explains Gerling who adds: “Beyond this, retail digitalisation is booming. It enables retailers to offer their shoppers even more services and link online and offline channels, on the one hand, while simplifying process flows, logistics and lots more, on the other.” At EuroShop 2020 digital transformation was therefore a key focus, also in terms of achieving the highest energy efficiency and sustainability possible.

Exhibitors underlined the high level of expertise among visitors at the event, especially their pronounced decision-making powers, because 70% of the trade fair guests were in international top management. Many of them also used their visit to EuroShop to learn about best practice cases and forward-looking trends in retail at the in total eight Stages. The varied programme of lectures held on the individual Stages on such topics as Retail Technology, Architecture and Store Design or Expo & Event was well attended across the board. Meeting with the same high level of approval were the numerous Specials at EuroShop, including the Start-up Hub, the Designer Village and Premium City.

Numbers speak for themselves here: 96% of trade fair visitors were satisfied with their visit to the trade fair. Just as many confirmed the outstanding position of EuroShop as a trend barometer, networking platform and largest event for the retail sectors.

Due to the current situation associated with the Coronavirus 19.000 visitors less attended this time than at the record event 2017.

The next EuroShop will be held in Düsseldorf from 26 February to 2 March 2023.  


Messe Frankfurt’s upcoming Shanghai textile fairs to be postponed

The company announced that its three textile fairs in Shanghai will be postponed from March to a later date due to the Novel Coronavirus outbreak. This includes Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring and Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition which were due to be held in Shanghai from 11 – 13 March at the National Exhibition and Convention Center.

This follows the recent announcement that the company’s other fairs to be held in China in the coming two months – Prolight + Sound Guangzhou, SPS – Industrial Automation Fair Guangzhou (SIAF) and Asiamold in Guangzhou, and Toy & Edu, Baby & Stroller and Licensing China in Shenzhen – have also been postponed until later in the year.

The company announced that its three textile fairs in Shanghai will be postponed from March to a later date due to the Novel Coronavirus outbreak. This includes Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition, Yarn Expo Spring and Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition which were due to be held in Shanghai from 11 – 13 March at the National Exhibition and Convention Center.

This follows the recent announcement that the company’s other fairs to be held in China in the coming two months – Prolight + Sound Guangzhou, SPS – Industrial Automation Fair Guangzhou (SIAF) and Asiamold in Guangzhou, and Toy & Edu, Baby & Stroller and Licensing China in Shenzhen – have also been postponed until later in the year.

“Messe Frankfurt has been an active player in the China market for over 30 years now, so we stand fully behind the government’s efforts to control the outbreak,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd outlined. “This includes the recent suspension of large-scale trade and economic events in a number of cities, so with this and the wellbeing of all our stakeholders in mind, we have made the decision to reschedule our upcoming textile fairs in Shanghai to a later date. Our teams are making every effort to find suitable alternatives, but we will only make the decision to go ahead with these fairs when it is deemed safe to do so.”


CHIC Shanghai March 2020 verschoben

Die Organisatoren der CHIC Shanghai Fashion Fair teilten mit, dass die diesjährige Messe verschoben werden muss. Die ursprünglich vom 11. bis 13. März geplante Messe wurde angesichts der Notwendigkeit zur Prävention und Bekämpfung der neuen Coronavirus-Infektion bis auf Weiteres abgesagt. Ein neuer Termin wurde noch nicht bekannt gegeben.

Die Organisatoren der CHIC Shanghai Fashion Fair teilten mit, dass die diesjährige Messe verschoben werden muss. Die ursprünglich vom 11. bis 13. März geplante Messe wurde angesichts der Notwendigkeit zur Prävention und Bekämpfung der neuen Coronavirus-Infektion bis auf Weiteres abgesagt. Ein neuer Termin wurde noch nicht bekannt gegeben.

More information:
CHIC, Messe, Asien Coronavirus