From the Sector

1513 results

Lenzing implements performance program in response to lack of market recovery

  • Revenue of EUR 1.87 bn and EBITDA of EUR 219.1 mn in the first three quarters of 2023
  • Positive free cash flow of EUR 27.3 mn in the third quarter
  • Implementation of performance program focusing on positive free cash flow, strengthened sales and margin growth and sustainable cost excellence
  • Modernization and conversion of Indonesian site successfully completed – EU Ecolabel received

The anticipated recovery in markets relevant for the Lenzing Group has to date failed to materialize. The continued sharp increase in raw material and energy costs on the one hand and very subdued demand on the other had a negative impact on Lenzing’s business trends as well as on industry as a whole during the reporting period.

  • Revenue of EUR 1.87 bn and EBITDA of EUR 219.1 mn in the first three quarters of 2023
  • Positive free cash flow of EUR 27.3 mn in the third quarter
  • Implementation of performance program focusing on positive free cash flow, strengthened sales and margin growth and sustainable cost excellence
  • Modernization and conversion of Indonesian site successfully completed – EU Ecolabel received

The anticipated recovery in markets relevant for the Lenzing Group has to date failed to materialize. The continued sharp increase in raw material and energy costs on the one hand and very subdued demand on the other had a negative impact on Lenzing’s business trends as well as on industry as a whole during the reporting period.

Revenue in the first three quarters of 2023 decreased by 5.3 percent year-on-year to EUR 1.87 bn. This reduction was primarily due to lower fiber revenues, while pulp revenues were up. The earnings trend was mainly influenced by the market environment. As a consequence, earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) in the reporting period decreased by 16.7 percent year-on-year to EUR 219.1 mn. The net result after tax amounted to minus EUR 96.7 mn (compared with EUR 74.9 mn in the first three quarters of 2022), while earnings per share amounted to minus EUR 4.90 (compared with EUR 2.16 in the first three quarters of 2022).

According to the IMF, a full return of the global economy to pre-pandemic growth rates appears increasingly out of reach in the coming quarters. In addition to the consequences of the pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine, growth is also being influenced by restrictive monetary policy and extreme weather events. The consequences of the renewed military confrontation in the Middle East are not yet foreseeable. Overall, the IMF warns of greater risks to global financial stability, and expects the growth rate to decrease to 3 percent this year and to 2.9 percent next year.

The currency environment is expected to remain volatile in the regions of relevance to Lenzing.

The general market environment is continuing to weigh on the consumer climate and on sentiment in the industries relevant to Lenzing.

In the trend-setting market for cotton, the current 2023/24 crop season is emerging as a further 1.7 mn tonnes of inventory build-up, following 1.8 mn tonnes of inventory build-up in the previous season.

Earnings visibility remains severely limited overall.

Lenzing is fully on track with the implementation of the reorganization and cost reduction program and on this basis is implementing a comprehensive performance program focused on positive free cash flow, strengthened sales and margin growth as well as sustainable cost excellence. The overarching goal is to position Lenzing even more strongly and to further increase its crisis resilience.

In structural terms, Lenzing continues to anticipate growth in demand for environmentally responsible fibers for the textile and clothing industry as well as the hygiene and medical sectors. As a consequence, Lenzing is very well positioned with its “Better Growth” strategy and plans to continue driving growth with specialty fibers as well as its sustainability goals, including the trans-formation from a linear to a circular economy model.

The successful implementation of the key projects in Thailand and Brazil as well as the investment projects in China and Indonesia will further strengthen Lenzing’s positioning in this respect.

Taking the aforementioned factors into consideration, the Lenzing Group continues to expect that EBITDA for the 2023 financial year will lie in a range between EUR 270 mn and EUR 330 mn.


Lenzing AG

A+A 2023 Photo: Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann

A+A 2023: Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus

Die A+A 2023 setzte unter dem Leitmotiv „Impulse für eine bessere Arbeitswelt" nach vier Messetagen Maßstäbe und knüpfte an den Erfolg ihrer Vorveranstaltungen an. Insgesamt 2.200 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 58 Nationen präsentierten in 12 Hallen auf mehr als 80.000 Quadratmetern ihre Produkte und Innovationen. Rund 62.000 Fachbesucherinnen und -besucher aus 140 Ländern kamen nach Düsseldorf, um auf der Leitmesse Informationen zu den relevanten Themen rund um die Arbeitswelt zu erhalten. 96,4% der Besucherinnen und Besucher bestätigten, dass ihre Erwartungen an den Messebesuch mehr als erfüllt wurden.

Die A+A 2023 setzte unter dem Leitmotiv „Impulse für eine bessere Arbeitswelt" nach vier Messetagen Maßstäbe und knüpfte an den Erfolg ihrer Vorveranstaltungen an. Insgesamt 2.200 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 58 Nationen präsentierten in 12 Hallen auf mehr als 80.000 Quadratmetern ihre Produkte und Innovationen. Rund 62.000 Fachbesucherinnen und -besucher aus 140 Ländern kamen nach Düsseldorf, um auf der Leitmesse Informationen zu den relevanten Themen rund um die Arbeitswelt zu erhalten. 96,4% der Besucherinnen und Besucher bestätigten, dass ihre Erwartungen an den Messebesuch mehr als erfüllt wurden.

Erfolgsfaktor: Hohe Themenrelevanz, Vollständigkeit des Angebots und Innovationsgehalt
Besonders hervorzuheben sind die Innovationen im Bereich der Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt, die auf der Messe erstmalig vorgestellt wurden. Smart Wearables und PSA, Bestell-Apps für Gefahrenstoffmanagement, KI-basierte Gesundheitscoaches sowie Virtual Reality Anwendungen und Exoskelette sind Beispiele für Technologien, die die Arbeitswelt in eine digitale und nachhaltige Richtung führen. Diese Entwicklungen unterstützen nicht nur die Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz, sondern tragen auch zur Effizienzsteigerung und zur Schaffung gesünderer Arbeitsumgebungen bei.

Hochkarätige, internationale Kongresse auf der A+A 2023
Der 38. Internationale Kongress für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin der Basi mit rund 3.000 Kongressbesucherinnen und -besuchern griff Zukunftsthemen wie Künstliche Intelligenz und die Folgen des Klimawandels auf. Als international führende Fachveranstaltung präsentierte er nationale und globale politische Vorstöße und Präventionsstrategien wie die "Vision Zero" sowie arbeitswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse anwendungsorientierter Forschung. Dr. Christian Felten, Geschäftsführer der Basi, zeigt sich zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis des 38. A+A Kongresses: „Wir freuen uns darüber, dass die qualitativ hochwertigen Beiträge unserer mehr als 320 Referierenden in den 46 Sessions so viele interessierte Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer fanden.“

Auf der WearRAcon Europe Konferenz, der europäischen Ausgabe der WearRAcon Konferenz in den USA, die erstmalig auf der A+A 2023 stattfand, präsentierten und diskutierten Experten aus Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Unternehmen über Innovationen und Trends im Bereich der Exoskelett-Technologie.

Vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm
Foren und Events wie die Corporate Fashion Show, die viermal täglich in Halle 15 stattfand, ergänzten das Messeprogramm. Auf dem A+A Catwalk präsentierten sich namhafte Hersteller der PSA Branche mit den aktuellsten, modischen Trends, die für eine jüngere Generation von Mitarbeitenden kreiert worden sind und die neben Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit auch dem Wunsch nach einem persönlichen und ästhetischen Stil Rechnung tragen.

Die Start-up Zone bot jungen und innovativen Unternehmen nicht nur eine Ausstellungsfläche, sondern auch eine außergewöhnliche Networking-Plattform, um mit den Top-Entscheidern für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitssicherheit in Kontakt zu treten.

Die nächste A+A findet vom 04. bis 07. November 2025 statt.


Messe Düsseldorf

Albstadt ID Foto: Robin Friedrich

Erstes Branchen-Event „Albstadt ID“ voller Erfolg

Zum ersten Mal haben die textilen Studiengänge der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen das Branchenevent „Albstadt ID“ veranstaltet. „Mit rund 800 Teilnehmenden, darunter mehrere Hundert Schülerinnen und Schüler aus ganz Deutschland sowie etliche Unternehmen, war das Ganze ein herausragender Erfolg“, so die Einschätzung von Prof. Dr. Christian Kaiser, der die „Albstadt ID“ konzipiert hat.
In Vorträgen und Laborführungen konnten sich Interessierte einen Eindruck über Innovationsthemen in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie verschaffen. Zahlreiche Unternehmen der Branche stellten sich dem Fachpublikum vor.

Viele Gäste und Beteiligte zeigten sich von der Veranstaltung begeistert und bezeichneten die „Albstadt ID“ als einen Tag voller Innovation und Inspiration. Hörsäle und Labore waren häufig bis auf den letzten Platz gefüllt. Bereits jetzt liegen für 2024 Anmeldungen von Schulen, Unternehmen und Sponsoren vor, obwohl der konkrete Termin noch nicht feststeht.

Zum ersten Mal haben die textilen Studiengänge der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen das Branchenevent „Albstadt ID“ veranstaltet. „Mit rund 800 Teilnehmenden, darunter mehrere Hundert Schülerinnen und Schüler aus ganz Deutschland sowie etliche Unternehmen, war das Ganze ein herausragender Erfolg“, so die Einschätzung von Prof. Dr. Christian Kaiser, der die „Albstadt ID“ konzipiert hat.
In Vorträgen und Laborführungen konnten sich Interessierte einen Eindruck über Innovationsthemen in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie verschaffen. Zahlreiche Unternehmen der Branche stellten sich dem Fachpublikum vor.

Viele Gäste und Beteiligte zeigten sich von der Veranstaltung begeistert und bezeichneten die „Albstadt ID“ als einen Tag voller Innovation und Inspiration. Hörsäle und Labore waren häufig bis auf den letzten Platz gefüllt. Bereits jetzt liegen für 2024 Anmeldungen von Schulen, Unternehmen und Sponsoren vor, obwohl der konkrete Termin noch nicht feststeht.


Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen


Edina Brenner Beiratsvorsitzende der TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH

Als Plattform für Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie, wird die TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH auch in Zukunft eng mit der Branche in der Entwicklung ihrer Angebote zusammenarbeiten. Um diese Verbindung engmaschig zu gestalten, hat der fünfköpfige Beirat des Hubs im Oktober erstmalig getagt. Dabei wurde Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner zur Vorsitzenden gewählt, Stewllvertreter ist Holger Bache.

Mitglieder des Beirats sind:

Als Plattform für Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie, wird die TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH auch in Zukunft eng mit der Branche in der Entwicklung ihrer Angebote zusammenarbeiten. Um diese Verbindung engmaschig zu gestalten, hat der fünfköpfige Beirat des Hubs im Oktober erstmalig getagt. Dabei wurde Südwesttextil-Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner zur Vorsitzenden gewählt, Stewllvertreter ist Holger Bache.

Mitglieder des Beirats sind:

  • Holger Bache, Vice President Technical Product Development Tailoring Men & Women, Hugo Boss AG
  • Edina Brenner, Hauptgeschäftsführerin, Südwesttextil e.V.
  • Maximilian d'Huc, Senior Vice President Human Resources, CHRO HARTMANN Group, Paul Hartmann AG
  • Jochen Digel, Vorstand, Digel AG
  • Beatrice Lederer, Geschäftsführerin, Jörg Lederer GmbH

Der Beirat wird die langfristige Vision der TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH aktiv mitgestalten. Insbesondere die Schwerpunkte der Aus- und Weiterbildungsinhalte und dadurch die Akquisition und Festigung von Fachkräften für Unternehmen begleiten. Die TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH strebt eine umfassende ganzheitliche Fachkräftesicherung an, indem sie überregionale Kooperationen fördert und Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Attraktivität von Unternehmen der Textilverarbeitung entwickelt. Gleichzeitig engagiert sie sich für die Integration von Personen, die auf dem regulären Arbeitsmarkt benachteiligt sind oder Schwierigkeiten beim Zugang zu Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten haben.


TEXOVERSUM Experts & Training Hub gGmbH

DITF: Lignin coating for Geotextiles Photo: DITF
Coating process of a cellulose-based nonwoven with the lignin compound using thermoplastic processing methods on a continuous coating line.

DITF: Lignin coating for Geotextiles

Textiles are a given in civil engineering: they stabilize water protection dams, prevent runoff containing pollutants from landfills, facilitate the revegetation of slopes at risk of erosion, and even make asphalt layers of roads thinner. Until now, textiles made of highly resistant synthetic fibers have been used for this purpose, which have a very long lifetime. For some applications, however, it would not only be sufficient but even desirable for the auxiliary textile to degrade in the soil when it has done its job. Environmentally friendly natural fibers, on the other hand, often decompose too quickly. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are developing a bio-based protective coating that extends their service life.

Textiles are a given in civil engineering: they stabilize water protection dams, prevent runoff containing pollutants from landfills, facilitate the revegetation of slopes at risk of erosion, and even make asphalt layers of roads thinner. Until now, textiles made of highly resistant synthetic fibers have been used for this purpose, which have a very long lifetime. For some applications, however, it would not only be sufficient but even desirable for the auxiliary textile to degrade in the soil when it has done its job. Environmentally friendly natural fibers, on the other hand, often decompose too quickly. The German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are developing a bio-based protective coating that extends their service life.

Depending on humidity and temperature, natural fiber materials can degrade in the soil in a matter of months or even a few days. In order to significantly extend the degradation time and make them suitable for geotextiles, the Denkendorf team researches a protective coating. This coating, based on lignin, is itself biodegradable and does not generate microplastics in the soil. Lignin is indeed biodegradable, but this degradation takes a very long time in nature.

Together with cellulose, Lignin forms the building materials for wood and is the "glue" in wood that holds this composite material together. In paper production, usually only the cellulose is used, so lignin is produced in large quantities as a waste material. So-called kraft lignin remains as a fusible material. Textile production can deal well with thermoplastic materials. All in all, this is a good prerequisite for taking a closer look at lignin as a protective coating for geotextiles.

Lignin is brittle by nature. Therefore, it is necessary to blend the kraft lignin with softer biomaterials. These new biopolymer compounds of brittle kraft lignin and softer biopolymers were applied to yarns and textile surfaces in the research project via adapted coating systems. For this purpose, for example, cotton yarns were coated with lignin at different application rates and evaluated. Biodegradation testing was carried out using soil burial tests both in a climatic chamber with temperature and humidity defined precisely according to the standard and outdoors under real environmental conditions. With positive results: the service life of textiles made of natural fibers can be extended by many factors with a lignin coating: The thicker the protective coating, the longer the protection lasts. In the outdoor tests, the lignin coating was still completely intact even after about 160 days of burial.

Textile materials coated with lignin enable sustainable applications. For example, they have an adjustable and sufficiently long service life for certain geotextile applications. In addition, they are still biodegradable and can replace previously used synthetic materials in some applications, such as revegetation of trench and stream banks.

Thus, lignin-coated textiles have the potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint: They reduce dependence on petroleum-based products and avoid the formation of microplastics in the soil.

Further research is needed to establish lignin, which was previously a waste material, as a new valuable material in industrial manufacturing processes in the textile industry.

The research work was supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection as part of the Baden-Württemberg State Strategy for a Sustainable Bioeconomy.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (DITF)

bvse: Sammelstruktur für Alttextilien gilt zu erhalten (c) NABU

bvse: Sammelstruktur für Alttextilien gilt zu erhalten

Auf dem Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft des NABU stellte bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard in einer Diskussionsrunde klar, dass in Deutschland bereits gut funktionierende Strukturen einer bürgernahen und getrennten Sammlung von Alttextilien existieren, die es insbesondere bei einem einzuführenden System der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung zu erhalten gilt.

Als Sprachrohr von rund 100 Mitgliedsunternehmen im Fachverband Textilrecycling nahm bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard am 19.10.2023 an dem von NABU veranstalteten „Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft“ teil.

Das Forum fand unter dem Motto „Von vorne denken: Produktpolitik im Fokus“ in Berlin statt und beleuchtete Aspekte der europäischen Verordnung für nachhaltige Produkte (ESPR) und wie Langlebigkeit, Reparierbarkeit und auch die Recyclingfähigkeit von Textilien schon bei Prozessen der Produktion erreicht werden können.

Vor dem Hintergrund der Überarbeitung der EU-Abfallrahmenrichtlinie stand auch die Einführung eines Systems der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung für Textilien zur Diskussion.

Auf dem Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft des NABU stellte bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard in einer Diskussionsrunde klar, dass in Deutschland bereits gut funktionierende Strukturen einer bürgernahen und getrennten Sammlung von Alttextilien existieren, die es insbesondere bei einem einzuführenden System der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung zu erhalten gilt.

Als Sprachrohr von rund 100 Mitgliedsunternehmen im Fachverband Textilrecycling nahm bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard am 19.10.2023 an dem von NABU veranstalteten „Dialogforum Kreislaufwirtschaft“ teil.

Das Forum fand unter dem Motto „Von vorne denken: Produktpolitik im Fokus“ in Berlin statt und beleuchtete Aspekte der europäischen Verordnung für nachhaltige Produkte (ESPR) und wie Langlebigkeit, Reparierbarkeit und auch die Recyclingfähigkeit von Textilien schon bei Prozessen der Produktion erreicht werden können.

Vor dem Hintergrund der Überarbeitung der EU-Abfallrahmenrichtlinie stand auch die Einführung eines Systems der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung für Textilien zur Diskussion.

Hierin hob bvse-Rechtsreferentin Deliana Bungard die besondere Bedeutung der in Deutschland bereits jetzt bestehenden und gut funktionierenden Strukturen der bürgernahen und getrennten Sammlung von Alttextilien hervor. „Diese gilt es insbesondere bei einem einzuführenden System der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung zu erhalten“, so Bungard.

„Die gewerblichen Unternehmen, die auch im bvse Alttextilien sammeln und sortieren, spielen für dieses System eine wichtige Rolle und sind kompetente Ansprechpartner:innen für Kommunen, Institutionen und Organisationen. Wir appellieren daher an die Politik, diese entsprechend auch als wichtige Akteur:innen der textilen Wertschöpfungskette im Gesetzgebungsprozess anzuerkennen“, forderte die bvse-Rechtsreferentin.


bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung


adidas: Preliminary third quarter results and increases full year guidance

adidas announced preliminary results for the third quarter of 2023. In Q3, currency-neutral revenues increased 1% versus the prior year level. In euro terms, the company’s revenues declined 6% to € 5.999 billion (2022: € 6.408 billion). The company’s gross margin improved 0.2 percentage points to 49.3% in Q3 (2022: 49.1%). Operating profit reached € 409 million during the quarter (2022: € 564 million), reflecting an operating margin of 6.8% (2022: 8.8%). While the company’s performance in the quarter was again positively impacted by the sale of parts of its remaining Yeezy inventory, the underlying adidas business also developed better than expected.

Consequently, the company has updated its full year guidance: adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to decline at a low-single-digit rate in 2023 (previously: decline at a mid-single-digit rate). At the same time, the company’s underlying operating profit – excluding any one-offs related to Yeezy and the ongoing strategic review – is now anticipated to reach a level of around €100 million in 2023 (previously: around break-even level).

adidas announced preliminary results for the third quarter of 2023. In Q3, currency-neutral revenues increased 1% versus the prior year level. In euro terms, the company’s revenues declined 6% to € 5.999 billion (2022: € 6.408 billion). The company’s gross margin improved 0.2 percentage points to 49.3% in Q3 (2022: 49.1%). Operating profit reached € 409 million during the quarter (2022: € 564 million), reflecting an operating margin of 6.8% (2022: 8.8%). While the company’s performance in the quarter was again positively impacted by the sale of parts of its remaining Yeezy inventory, the underlying adidas business also developed better than expected.

Consequently, the company has updated its full year guidance: adidas now expects currency-neutral revenues to decline at a low-single-digit rate in 2023 (previously: decline at a mid-single-digit rate). At the same time, the company’s underlying operating profit – excluding any one-offs related to Yeezy and the ongoing strategic review – is now anticipated to reach a level of around €100 million in 2023 (previously: around break-even level).

Including the positive impact from the two Yeezy drops in Q2 and Q3, the potential write-off of the remaining Yeezy inventory of now around € 300 million (previously: € 400 million) and one-off costs related to the strategic review of up to € 200 million (unchanged), adidas now expects to report an operating loss of around € 100 million in 2023 (previously: loss of € 450 million).


adidas AG


Magnus Håkansson as new CEO of Renewcell

The Board of Renewcell has appointed Magnus Håkansson as the new acting CEO. Magnus has experience from leading roles in the retail and fashion sector and from leadership in a listed environment. On Monday, October 16, he started his position, replacing Patrik Lundström, who has been the company's CEO since 2019.

Magnus Håkansson has a degree in economics from the Stockholm School of Economics and an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management. He started his career as a management consultant at McKinsey and has since held several leading roles in global growth companies in the retail sector, as well as the pulp industry, including many years with experience from a listed environment. He most recently came from a role as CEO of MediaMarkt Sweden.

The Board of Renewcell has appointed Magnus Håkansson as the new acting CEO. Magnus has experience from leading roles in the retail and fashion sector and from leadership in a listed environment. On Monday, October 16, he started his position, replacing Patrik Lundström, who has been the company's CEO since 2019.

Magnus Håkansson has a degree in economics from the Stockholm School of Economics and an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management. He started his career as a management consultant at McKinsey and has since held several leading roles in global growth companies in the retail sector, as well as the pulp industry, including many years with experience from a listed environment. He most recently came from a role as CEO of MediaMarkt Sweden.

Comment from Michael Berg, Chairman of the Board of Renewcell:
"With a slower adoption in the value chain, and thus lower sales growth, than expected, the Board has decided that a new leadership in the company is necessary. I would like to thank Patrik for his contribution to the development of Renewcell, he has been instrumental in taking the company from the development stage to listing, factory construction and production.

We are very pleased that Magnus Håkansson is now stepping in as acting CEO. His experience from consumer focused companies and his solid leadership skills will add value to the company in its current phase – focusing on sales to brand companies in the clothing retail sector, where we see continued strong interest."


Re:NewCell AB

adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce Partnership (c) adidas AG

adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce Partnership

adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce their global partnership, adidas Originals by Edison Chen, as Chen makes his return to the brand to begin a new era of collaboration that will redefine creative innovation and build a cultural legacy for the future.

Chen is the Founder and Creative Director of global lifestyle brand CLOT, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. After moving from Vancouver to Hong Kong in his youth, the clash of East meets West began for him as he adapted to the exposure to different cultures. His experiences and new perspectives opened his eyes to globalism and started to lay the foundation for what would eventually become CLOT.

For his partnership with adidas Originals, Chen will bring an innovative vision and creative prowess to introduce exclusive collaboration styles, leveraging adidas’ extensive archive and history in the process. With a focus on fostering cultural exchange between the East and West, adidas is partnering with Chen to introduce collections that push boundaries and defy the norms with his thought-provoking designs.

adidas Originals and Edison Chen announce their global partnership, adidas Originals by Edison Chen, as Chen makes his return to the brand to begin a new era of collaboration that will redefine creative innovation and build a cultural legacy for the future.

Chen is the Founder and Creative Director of global lifestyle brand CLOT, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. After moving from Vancouver to Hong Kong in his youth, the clash of East meets West began for him as he adapted to the exposure to different cultures. His experiences and new perspectives opened his eyes to globalism and started to lay the foundation for what would eventually become CLOT.

For his partnership with adidas Originals, Chen will bring an innovative vision and creative prowess to introduce exclusive collaboration styles, leveraging adidas’ extensive archive and history in the process. With a focus on fostering cultural exchange between the East and West, adidas is partnering with Chen to introduce collections that push boundaries and defy the norms with his thought-provoking designs.

Celebrating the shared commitment to creative innovation between adidas Original and Edison Chen, the “Change The Generation” collection explores three distinctly different styles ranging from ultra-lifestyle to formal dress and active/streetwear bringing to life a collection that can be explored individually as well as a collision of the three lifestyles together.  

Pieces from the collection will start becoming available in January 2024.

More information:
adidas adidas Originals partnership

adidas AG

Foto Chinesischer Nationaler Textil- und Bekleidungsrat

Textilkonferenzen in Ostchina

Anfang November finden in der ostchinesischen Provinz Zhejiang zwei hochbesetzte Konferenzen der Textilindustrie statt.

Auf der Pressekonferenz in Peking gaben die Organisatoren bekannt, dass die Jahreskonferenz 2023 des Internationalen Verbands der Textilhersteller (ITMF), die sechste Welttextilhandelskonferenz 2023 und eine Reihe von Aktivitäten, beide Konferenzen vom 3. bis 10. November im Keqiao-Distrikt in Shaoxing City in Zhejiang stattfinden werden.
Keqiao ist bekannt als "das größte Textilhandelszentrum der Welt".

Dieses Gebiet auf Kreisebene erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von etwa 1000 Quadratkilometern, sein Wirtschafts- und Handelsnetz verbindet 210 Länder und Regionen miteinander.

Nahezu ein Viertel der weltweiten Textilprodukte werden hier gehandelt, wobei der Jahresumsatz 330 Milliarden Yuan (etwa 45,2 Milliarden US-Dollar) übersteigt.

Nach Angaben des Veranstalters werden während der ITMF-Jahreskonferenz Hunderte von Teilnehmern über die globale Makroökonomie und Chinas Textilindustrie diskutieren und ihre praktischen Erfahrungen in der globalen Textilindustrie austauschen.

Anfang November finden in der ostchinesischen Provinz Zhejiang zwei hochbesetzte Konferenzen der Textilindustrie statt.

Auf der Pressekonferenz in Peking gaben die Organisatoren bekannt, dass die Jahreskonferenz 2023 des Internationalen Verbands der Textilhersteller (ITMF), die sechste Welttextilhandelskonferenz 2023 und eine Reihe von Aktivitäten, beide Konferenzen vom 3. bis 10. November im Keqiao-Distrikt in Shaoxing City in Zhejiang stattfinden werden.
Keqiao ist bekannt als "das größte Textilhandelszentrum der Welt".

Dieses Gebiet auf Kreisebene erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von etwa 1000 Quadratkilometern, sein Wirtschafts- und Handelsnetz verbindet 210 Länder und Regionen miteinander.

Nahezu ein Viertel der weltweiten Textilprodukte werden hier gehandelt, wobei der Jahresumsatz 330 Milliarden Yuan (etwa 45,2 Milliarden US-Dollar) übersteigt.

Nach Angaben des Veranstalters werden während der ITMF-Jahreskonferenz Hunderte von Teilnehmern über die globale Makroökonomie und Chinas Textilindustrie diskutieren und ihre praktischen Erfahrungen in der globalen Textilindustrie austauschen.

Die World Textile Merchandising Conference besteht aus einem Themenforum und 10 Parallelforen.

Zu den Parallelforen gehören eine Konferenz über die "Belt and Road Initiative", ein Rundtischforum berühmter Unternehmen, ein Gipfeltreffen zum digitalen Tintenstrahldruck von Textilien und ein Forum über die grüne Entwicklung der Textilindustrie.


Chinesischer Nationaler Textil- und Bekleidungsrat

Source: 22nd ITMF Global Textile Industry Survey (19.-29.09.2023) ITMF
Source: 22nd ITMF Global Textile Industry Survey (19.-29.09.2023)

22nd ITMF Global Textile Industry Survey

  • Business situation remains poor and unchanged
  • Manufacturers show prudence in forecasting future developments

According to ITMF’s Global Textile Industry Survey (GTIS) conducted in the middle of September 2023, survey participants exhibited a cautious sentiment regarding the current business situation. The indicator for the business situation stood at -27 percentage points (pp, see Graph 1) because companies in the entire textile value chain were struggling with rising costs and weak demand. Business expectations have remained unchanged since July at around +20 pp (see Graph 2). They have jumped into positive territory in January 2023 based on the assumption that the Chinese economy would give an additional boost, but this hope did not materialise. The analysis indicates that a hard landing of the global economy is not in sight.

  • Business situation remains poor and unchanged
  • Manufacturers show prudence in forecasting future developments

According to ITMF’s Global Textile Industry Survey (GTIS) conducted in the middle of September 2023, survey participants exhibited a cautious sentiment regarding the current business situation. The indicator for the business situation stood at -27 percentage points (pp, see Graph 1) because companies in the entire textile value chain were struggling with rising costs and weak demand. Business expectations have remained unchanged since July at around +20 pp (see Graph 2). They have jumped into positive territory in January 2023 based on the assumption that the Chinese economy would give an additional boost, but this hope did not materialise. The analysis indicates that a hard landing of the global economy is not in sight.

Order intake recovered in May 2023, but flattened in July and remained very weak in September (-28 pp). The entire textile value chain is running on minimum levels of orders. As long as brands and retailers do not increase orders, the entire value chain will continue struggling. Order backlog slightly increased globally, from 1.9 months in July to 2.2 months in September 2023. This indicator had been on a falling trend since the end of 2021. The average capacity utilisation rate dropped again globally (69%). Textile manufacturers expect this rate to remain low in six months’ time as well.

Weakening demand has been the major concern in the global textile value chain for a year. In September 2023, this concern grew even stronger due to high inflation rates measured in the last few months, a phenomenon fueled by high energy and high raw material prices. Nevertheless, participants seem not to be concerned by order cancelations and inventory levels remain average along the textile value chain. 

More information:
ITMF market survey



OETI offers ZDHC training for India's textile and leather industry

OETI, a Member of TESTEX Group, is an official ZDHC Approved Solution Provider under the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme. Expanding beyond its existing role as a ZDHC Approved MRSL Certification Body for OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT around the globe, OETI now offers comprehensive ZDHC training services in India.

The ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) Roadmap to Zero Programme drives sustainable chemical management in the global textile, apparel, leather, and footwear sectors. OETI's ZDHC training services empower brands, manufacturers, and other ZDHC stakeholders to master sustainable chemical management, adopting ZDHC guidelines, platforms, and solutions.

This programme delivers a comprehensive understanding of chemical management systems (CMS) and their practical implementation within the textile and leather industries. Targeting various organisational departments, including management, chemical teams, procurement, compliance, and sustainability, this training fosters collaboration within the departments regarding sustainable chemical management.

OETI, a Member of TESTEX Group, is an official ZDHC Approved Solution Provider under the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme. Expanding beyond its existing role as a ZDHC Approved MRSL Certification Body for OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT around the globe, OETI now offers comprehensive ZDHC training services in India.

The ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) Roadmap to Zero Programme drives sustainable chemical management in the global textile, apparel, leather, and footwear sectors. OETI's ZDHC training services empower brands, manufacturers, and other ZDHC stakeholders to master sustainable chemical management, adopting ZDHC guidelines, platforms, and solutions.

This programme delivers a comprehensive understanding of chemical management systems (CMS) and their practical implementation within the textile and leather industries. Targeting various organisational departments, including management, chemical teams, procurement, compliance, and sustainability, this training fosters collaboration within the departments regarding sustainable chemical management.

More information:
ZDHC chemicals OETI Training


Responsible Care Federal Competition 2023 Photo Rudolf GmbH

RUDOLF wins Responsible Care Federal Competition 2023

The innovative company RUDOLF has been honoured for its outstanding achievements in the field of sustainability and environmental protection and has won the coveted Responsible Care Federal Competition 2023 in the category SME.

The innovative company RUDOLF has been honoured for its outstanding achievements in the field of sustainability and environmental protection and has won the coveted Responsible Care Federal Competition 2023 in the category SME.

The award was presented as part of a competition organised by the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI). Responsible Care is a voluntary initiative of the chemical industry. Its aim is continuous improvement in the areas of environmental protection, health and safety. Chemical companies and associations in more than 50 countries support the initiative. The award-winning project of the innovative company RUDOLF impressed the jury with its pioneering technology, which reduces CO2 emissions by up to 99.9 % compared to conventional cooling systems. „The project uses near-surface geothermal energy for industrial cooling - according to the motto „Efficiency First“ the most efficient way has been chosen!“ - Jury statement
TerraCool‘s winning system uses near-surface geothermal energy as the most natural form of cooling. It utilises the constant temperature of around 10°C at a depth of around 10 metres below ground. A specially developed heat exchanger system takes advantage of this natural cooling effect. In the future, it will be used to cool chemical production processes at RUDOLF. The main advantage of this technology is that it is CO2 neutral. The technology is highly efficient and consumes only 0.1 % of the electricity used by conventional cooling systems.  By using natural resources, the system reduces CO2 emissions by up to 99.9 % compared to conventional cooling systems, resulting in a very presentable carbon footprint. Another impressive aspect is its high energy efficiency. With just 1 kW of electrical energy, the system generates up to 600 kW of cooling capacity, thanks to the use of a highly energyefficient circulating pump system. Energy is, and will continue to be, a valuable „raw material“ for our industry and one that we need to manage carefully. The system is self-contained and has no contact with groundwater. No environmentally harmful refrigerants or antifreeze are required. With this technology, RUDOLF has made a pioneering contribution to the climate-neutral transformation of the economy, proving that innovative solutions can go hand in hand with environmental protection and sustainability. The Responsible Care award recognises the company‘s commitment to a greener future.


Rudolf GmbH

Adient presented seating innovations at IAA (c) Adient

Adient presented seating innovations at IAA

Adient, a leader in automotive seating, has presented its latest innovations at the IAA 2023.
The current automotive business landscape is marked by shifting industry dynamics, showcasing a strong desire for mobility, with an emphasis on digitalization, cost, and sustainable products. In line with this, Adient’s overall approach is characterized by responding to the need for more sustainable material use, while taking advantage of the potential that sustainable practices hold for streamlining processes.

Adient, a leader in automotive seating, has presented its latest innovations at the IAA 2023.
The current automotive business landscape is marked by shifting industry dynamics, showcasing a strong desire for mobility, with an emphasis on digitalization, cost, and sustainable products. In line with this, Adient’s overall approach is characterized by responding to the need for more sustainable material use, while taking advantage of the potential that sustainable practices hold for streamlining processes.

Responding to the need for overall cost and complexity reduction in manufacturing, the Pure Essential seat is especially lightweight. Environmentally-conscious practices such as material separation and recycling, and design for disassembly are embedded into the manufacturing process from the development stage. The visionary seat consists of two materials only – green steel and recyclable polyester (PET).
New customer needs in terms of premium comfort are met with the Autonomous Elegance seat, specifically developed to fit Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). State-of-the-art findings on ergonomics and human body kinematics have been incorporated following extensive occupant research. They are complemented by advanced comfort assets such as noise cancellation and advanced climate functions. “Our seat demonstrators provide solutions to our customers’ main concerns, and we are looking forward to continuing the strategic product dialogue with them, based on our new demonstrators” highlights David Herberg, Vice President Engineering Adient EMEA. Most features of the seat can already be offered for sourcing, such as the metal structure and seat kinematics (adjustment functions and mechanisms).

Considering optimized use of space as well as sustainability aspects, the automotive supplier has also given its Smart Efficiency seat an update: the seat features a slimmer appearance than its predecessor without compromising on comfort. This design does not only help save space, but also paves the way for new mobility concepts based on battery packaging in electric vehicles.
The showcased products will be available for demonstration in customer roadshows as of December 2023.



(c) PantherMedia/Peryn

VDI ZRE: Studie zu rezyklatbasierten Verpackungen veröffentlicht

Bis 2030 sollen in der EU 55 % der Kunststoffverpackungen werterhaltend recycelt werden. Inwieweit sich Rezyklate dabei für die Herstellung hochwertiger Verpackungsprodukte eignen und wann die Umstellung auf Recyclingkunststoffe für KMU wirtschaftlich sinnvoll ist, darüber informiert das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz im Rahmen einer neuen Studie.

Die Verwendung von Kunststoffen geht mit hohen Aufwänden an Primärressourcen bei der Werkstoffherstellung einher. Kunststoffrecycling stellt daher einen Schwerpunkt der politischen und regulatorischen Bestrebungen dar, um eine weitgehende stoffliche Verwertung von Kunststoffabfällen bis 2030 zu etablieren.
Um die Wiedereinsatzquote recycelter Kunststoffabfälle im Verpackungssektor zu erhöhen und Kunststoffkreisläufe nachhaltig zu schließen, braucht es Rezyklate, die u. a. mit Blick auf die gebotene Qualität eine möglichst geringe Schwankungsbreite aufweisen. Zugleich müssen die Preise für Rezyklate konkurrenzfähig gegenüber sogenannten virgin plastics (Kunststoffneuware) sein.

Bis 2030 sollen in der EU 55 % der Kunststoffverpackungen werterhaltend recycelt werden. Inwieweit sich Rezyklate dabei für die Herstellung hochwertiger Verpackungsprodukte eignen und wann die Umstellung auf Recyclingkunststoffe für KMU wirtschaftlich sinnvoll ist, darüber informiert das VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz im Rahmen einer neuen Studie.

Die Verwendung von Kunststoffen geht mit hohen Aufwänden an Primärressourcen bei der Werkstoffherstellung einher. Kunststoffrecycling stellt daher einen Schwerpunkt der politischen und regulatorischen Bestrebungen dar, um eine weitgehende stoffliche Verwertung von Kunststoffabfällen bis 2030 zu etablieren.
Um die Wiedereinsatzquote recycelter Kunststoffabfälle im Verpackungssektor zu erhöhen und Kunststoffkreisläufe nachhaltig zu schließen, braucht es Rezyklate, die u. a. mit Blick auf die gebotene Qualität eine möglichst geringe Schwankungsbreite aufweisen. Zugleich müssen die Preise für Rezyklate konkurrenzfähig gegenüber sogenannten virgin plastics (Kunststoffneuware) sein.

Hier setzt die neue Studie „Ökologische und ökonomische Bewertung des Ressourcenaufwands – Einsatz von rezyklierten Kunststoffen in Verpackungsmaterialien“ des VDI ZRE an. Sie bietet einen praxisrelevanten Überblick zu Aspekten der Nutzung von Kunststoffrezyklaten für die Herstellung hochwertiger Verpackungsprodukte – auch für Anwendungsbereiche mit hohen Anforderungen an Maßhaltigkeit und mechanische Eigenschaften.
Ein Beitrag zur Ressourcenschonung und zum Klimaschutz
Die ökologisch-ökonomische Bewertungsstudie, die in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschenden des Öko-Institut e. V. und der Institut cyclos-HTP GmbH ausgearbeitet wurde, richtet sich insbesondere an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) der kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie, die den Einstieg in die Verwendung von Rezyklaten erwägen. Die Studie beinhaltet zum einen eine ökobilanzielle Vergleichsrechnung nach den VDI-Richtlinien 4800 Blatt 1 und 2 sowie eine Sensitivitätsanalyse. Zum anderen liefert sie einen Kostenvergleich für die zwei gegenübergestellten kunststoffbasierten Verpackungsvarianten und gibt Empfehlungen zur Evaluierung.

Aus ökologischer Sicht zeigt sich, dass das Treibhausgaspotenzial des Produkts aus rezykliertem Polypropylen (PP) um 25 % geringer ausfällt als das der Produktvariante aus PP-Neuware. Aus ökonomischer Sicht hat der Einkaufspreis den größten Einfluss an den gesamten spezifischen Betriebskosten. Zum Zeitpunkt der Erhebung beliefen sie sich auf 54 % für die Produktvariante aus recyceltem PP und auf 62 % für das Produkt aus primärem PP.

Die Studie „Ökologische und ökonomische Bewertung des Ressourcenaufwands – Einsatz von rezyklierten Kunststoffen in Verpackungsmaterialien“ des VDI ZRE wurde im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) erarbeitet und kann kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden.



VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz

Frankfurt Skyline Foto Tobias Rehbein, Pixabay

6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie

Am 8. November 2023 findet das 6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie in Frankfurt für Interessierte aus Textilindustrie, Kunststoffverarbeitung, Forschung und Praxis statt. Neue Materialien, innovative Fertigungstechnologien und zukunftsweisende Anwendungen sind Themen der Vorträge aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft.

Das Programm umfasst die neuesten Entwicklungen beim thermoplastischen Fused Layer Modeling, dem Druck mittels Dispenser oder Siebdruck sowie Materialien und Technologien für Schutzanwendungen und Architektur. Ergänzt werden die Vorträge durch eine begleitende Fachausstellung, auf der Unternehmen, die bereits mit additiven Fertigungs-verfahren arbeiten, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen präsentieren.

Veranstalter des Symposiums sind KARL MAYER STOLL R&D GmbH, das Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen Vogtland e. V. (TITV Greiz) und das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI).

Am 8. November 2023 findet das 6. Symposium ADDITIVE FERTIGUNG in der Textilindustrie in Frankfurt für Interessierte aus Textilindustrie, Kunststoffverarbeitung, Forschung und Praxis statt. Neue Materialien, innovative Fertigungstechnologien und zukunftsweisende Anwendungen sind Themen der Vorträge aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft.

Das Programm umfasst die neuesten Entwicklungen beim thermoplastischen Fused Layer Modeling, dem Druck mittels Dispenser oder Siebdruck sowie Materialien und Technologien für Schutzanwendungen und Architektur. Ergänzt werden die Vorträge durch eine begleitende Fachausstellung, auf der Unternehmen, die bereits mit additiven Fertigungs-verfahren arbeiten, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen präsentieren.

Veranstalter des Symposiums sind KARL MAYER STOLL R&D GmbH, das Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen Vogtland e. V. (TITV Greiz) und das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI).

Das Symposium ist eingebettet in die internationale Fachmesse für additive Fertigungstechnologien Formnext, der Branchenplattform für Additive Fertigung und industriellen 3D-Druck. Dank einer Vereinbarung der Veranstalter erhalten Teilnehmende des Symposiums den 4-Tage Expo Pass zur Formnext vom 7. - 10. November 2023.

Veranstaltungsort: Messe Frankfurt GmbH, Portalhaus, Ebene VIA, Raum Frequenz 2, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main


Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)


Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023, organized by Finnish Textile & Fashion and EURATEX, highlights the discourse on sustainable practices within the textile and fashion industry. This two-day event, scheduled for 26-27 October at the Little Finlandia event center in Helsinki, will include a day of curated company visits.

Finland’s leading textile and fashion forum will showcase the industry's pioneering companies and their pursuit of a sustainable and resilient future. With insightful discussions, inspiring speakers, and thrilling business cases, the event drives transformation and sets new benchmarks for the textile and fashion sector.

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023, organized by Finnish Textile & Fashion and EURATEX, highlights the discourse on sustainable practices within the textile and fashion industry. This two-day event, scheduled for 26-27 October at the Little Finlandia event center in Helsinki, will include a day of curated company visits.

Finland’s leading textile and fashion forum will showcase the industry's pioneering companies and their pursuit of a sustainable and resilient future. With insightful discussions, inspiring speakers, and thrilling business cases, the event drives transformation and sets new benchmarks for the textile and fashion sector.

The Textile & Fashion Forum Helsinki 2023 will focus on critical industry themes. The transformation of the textile and fashion industry relies on three key pillars: the creation of different circular business models matching growth with sustainability, a green and digital transition where information technology is necessary to deliver sustainability, and scaling the business, as how start-ups can make a leap and big companies can evolve their growth strategies. These three themes will be discussed in depth during the event.

The speaker lineup, drawn from Finland, Europe and beyond, demonstrates the expertise connecting on this platform. Noteworthy figures include Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko, President & CEO of Marimekko; Kai Mykkänen, Minister of Climate and the Environment of Finland; Marcus Hartmann, Head of Public Affairs & Sustainability at H&M; Liljana K. Forssten, Range Strategist at IKEA; and Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner (on video).


Euratex & Finnish Textile & Fashion

A Carbios employee loads textile onto the preparation line Photo Carbios

Carbios: New textile preparation line for polyester recycling

Carbios, a pioneer in the development and industrialization of biological technologies to reinvent the life cycle of plastic and textiles, inaugurated its textile preparation line at its demonstration plant in Clermont-Ferrand.

To streamline the textile preparation phase, which is currently carried out by hand or on several lines, Carbios has developed a fully integrated and automated line that transforms textile waste from used garments or cutting scraps into raw material suitable for depolymerization with its enzymatic biorecycling process.  

The patented line integrates all preparation stages (shredding and extraction of hard points such as buttons or fasteners), and provides Carbios with a high-performance, scalable development tool. The platform will help validate the biorecycling technology for textiles at demonstration plant scale (by 2024), and provides Carbios with expertise in working with collection and sorting operators to specify the quality of textiles and the preparation steps needed to make them suitable for enzymatic recycling.

Carbios, a pioneer in the development and industrialization of biological technologies to reinvent the life cycle of plastic and textiles, inaugurated its textile preparation line at its demonstration plant in Clermont-Ferrand.

To streamline the textile preparation phase, which is currently carried out by hand or on several lines, Carbios has developed a fully integrated and automated line that transforms textile waste from used garments or cutting scraps into raw material suitable for depolymerization with its enzymatic biorecycling process.  

The patented line integrates all preparation stages (shredding and extraction of hard points such as buttons or fasteners), and provides Carbios with a high-performance, scalable development tool. The platform will help validate the biorecycling technology for textiles at demonstration plant scale (by 2024), and provides Carbios with expertise in working with collection and sorting operators to specify the quality of textiles and the preparation steps needed to make them suitable for enzymatic recycling.

More information:
Carbios enzymatic textile recycling



Lectra joined the CAC Mid 60 and SBF 120 indices

Lectra, a leader in technology solutions for the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, will be listed in the CAC Mid 60 and SBF 120 indices of Euronext as of market close on September 15, 2023. This listing will enhance the visibility of the group with potential shareholders and customers in France and internationally.

Founded 50 years ago, the Lectra Group offers software, connected cutting equipment, data analysis solutions and associated services to players in the fashion, automotive and furniture industries to accelerate their digital transformation and transition to Industry 4.0. In 2017, the company initiated its Lectra 4.0 strategy, with the ambition of becoming an indispensable player in Industry 4.0 worldwide by 2030.

Lectra, a leader in technology solutions for the fashion, automotive and furniture industries, will be listed in the CAC Mid 60 and SBF 120 indices of Euronext as of market close on September 15, 2023. This listing will enhance the visibility of the group with potential shareholders and customers in France and internationally.

Founded 50 years ago, the Lectra Group offers software, connected cutting equipment, data analysis solutions and associated services to players in the fashion, automotive and furniture industries to accelerate their digital transformation and transition to Industry 4.0. In 2017, the company initiated its Lectra 4.0 strategy, with the ambition of becoming an indispensable player in Industry 4.0 worldwide by 2030.

For Daniel Harari, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lectra: “Lectra's entry into the CAC Mid 60 and SBF 120 indices is an outstanding recognition of the successful actions we have taken over the past few years to ensure the profitable growth of our company and the success of our customers. We have changed dimension, notably with the acquisition of our historical competitor, Gerber Technology in June 2021. We have expanded our customer base, launched new cloud-based offerings which have enabled us to significantly increase the volume of SaaS software in our revenues, and offered new Customer Success Management services to support our customers. We have also made Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) one of the pillars of our strategy.”

More information:
Lectra, PLM stocks



Accelerating Circularity launches Alliance of Chemical Textile Recycling (ACTR) with key members

The mission of Accelerating Circularity is to create new supply chains and business models to turn textile waste into mainstream raw materials. Accelerating Circularity has created a working group, the Alliance of Textile Chemical Recyclers (ACTR), to meet and address the textile industry with a common voice to facilitate accurate information on textile chemical recycling.

“We formed this collective to move chemical recycling technology forward, share common definitions, and address policies in a collaborative way to maximize the elimination of textile waste to landfills and incineration” explained Karla Magruder, Founder and President of Accelerating Circularity. “Chemical recycling technology has many benefits, including quality more similar to virgin fiber and the ability to recycle multiple times.”

ACTR plans to provide the industry with information on how textile chemical recycling can:

The mission of Accelerating Circularity is to create new supply chains and business models to turn textile waste into mainstream raw materials. Accelerating Circularity has created a working group, the Alliance of Textile Chemical Recyclers (ACTR), to meet and address the textile industry with a common voice to facilitate accurate information on textile chemical recycling.

“We formed this collective to move chemical recycling technology forward, share common definitions, and address policies in a collaborative way to maximize the elimination of textile waste to landfills and incineration” explained Karla Magruder, Founder and President of Accelerating Circularity. “Chemical recycling technology has many benefits, including quality more similar to virgin fiber and the ability to recycle multiple times.”

ACTR plans to provide the industry with information on how textile chemical recycling can:

  • offer solutions for diverting textile waste to landfill
  • enable textile to textile recycling versus incineration/landfill
  • provide sustainably sourced/circular materials
  • support brand/retailers/producers in achieving their CO2 reduction targets
  • provide long term price stability and consistent supply of raw materials versus virgin

Members of the Alliance include founding members Eastman, Lenzing, and The LYCRA Company, as well as key innovators Circ®, Sappi, Renewcell, Infinited fiber, Worn Again Technologies, Gr3n, CuRe Technology, and OnceMore® from Sodra.

As a first step, the ACTR (Alliance of Chemical Textile Recycling) is introducing a dictionary of common terms developed to educate the industry on the chemical recycling of textiles.