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Freudenberg at Fachpack 2024 (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials
Evolon® The Food Bag

Freudenberg at Fachpack 2024

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will present packaging solutions with various sustainability benefits at Fachpack 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany, from September 24-26. The range of exhibited products includes Evolon® microfilament textiles for reusable technical packaging of sensitive industrial parts, bio-based nonwoven materials for desiccant bags, and Evolon® The Food Bag – a solution for food preservation.

Freudenberg’s innovative Evolon® technical packaging product line will emphasize the company’s commitment to sustainability. Evolon® offers enhanced surface protection for various kinds of sensitive industrial parts, including molded plastics and painted components. It is notable for its durability and high recycled PET content. The microfilament fabric serves as an eco-friendly alternative to single-use packaging, particularly in the transportation of sensitive industrial goods such as automotive parts. Evolon®'s protective qualities reduce damage during transport and lower the rejection rate.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) will present packaging solutions with various sustainability benefits at Fachpack 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany, from September 24-26. The range of exhibited products includes Evolon® microfilament textiles for reusable technical packaging of sensitive industrial parts, bio-based nonwoven materials for desiccant bags, and Evolon® The Food Bag – a solution for food preservation.

Freudenberg’s innovative Evolon® technical packaging product line will emphasize the company’s commitment to sustainability. Evolon® offers enhanced surface protection for various kinds of sensitive industrial parts, including molded plastics and painted components. It is notable for its durability and high recycled PET content. The microfilament fabric serves as an eco-friendly alternative to single-use packaging, particularly in the transportation of sensitive industrial goods such as automotive parts. Evolon®'s protective qualities reduce damage during transport and lower the rejection rate.

Additionally, Evolon® ESD (electro-static discharge) materials address the need for specialized packaging of sensitive electronic components by providing customizable permanent electro-static discharge protection in additional to surface protection.

Evolon® The Food Bag
Freudenberg will also be exhibiting a packaging product for food preservation in the home. Evolon® The Food Bag extends the shelf life of vegetables, fruits and bread by providing great moisture and climate management. The innovative bag was a finalist in the 2020 Zu gut für die Tonne!  prize (“Too Good For The Bin”), part of the National Strategy for Food Waste Reduction launched by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

Sustainable nonwoven materials for desiccant bags
A further highlight at Fachpack 2024 will be nonwoven materials for manufacturing desiccant bags. In addition to conventional fully synthetic materials, Freudenberg’s product range includes sustainable bio-based wetlaid nonwovens which are binder-free and industrially compostable.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding GmbH

(c) Freudenberg

Freudenberg at Fachpack 2022

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is presenting its sustainable Evolon® product range for reusable technical packaging for highly-sensitive parts at Fachpack 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany from September 27-29. The microfilament textiles offer improved surface protection for molded plastic parts, painted parts and so-called class A parts, thus providing customers with significant savings potential.

Evolon® RE is the most sustainable product in the portfolio. It contains the highest percentage of recycled PET and has a smaller carbon footprint. The new Ultra Force range from Evolon® offers extremely high mechanical strength and eliminates the need for PVC in the transportation and protection of large, heavy parts. Freudenberg has developed the ESD range (electro-static discharge range) for the packaging of sensitive electronic components: it offers permanent electro-static discharging and its surface resistivity can be customized.

Freudenberg Performance Materials (Freudenberg) is presenting its sustainable Evolon® product range for reusable technical packaging for highly-sensitive parts at Fachpack 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany from September 27-29. The microfilament textiles offer improved surface protection for molded plastic parts, painted parts and so-called class A parts, thus providing customers with significant savings potential.

Evolon® RE is the most sustainable product in the portfolio. It contains the highest percentage of recycled PET and has a smaller carbon footprint. The new Ultra Force range from Evolon® offers extremely high mechanical strength and eliminates the need for PVC in the transportation and protection of large, heavy parts. Freudenberg has developed the ESD range (electro-static discharge range) for the packaging of sensitive electronic components: it offers permanent electro-static discharging and its surface resistivity can be customized.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG

(c) Sappi Europe

Sappi showcases its solutions at FACHPACK 2022

The FACHPACK in Nuremberg ranks among the most important packaging industry gatherings. From 27 to 29 September 2022, Sappi will be presenting its latest products and solutions for functional paper packaging, flexible packaging papers, label papers, containerboard and paperboard. The company is focusing its efforts on sustainable, recyclable and innovative solutions.

The FACHPACK in Nuremberg ranks among the most important packaging industry gatherings. From 27 to 29 September 2022, Sappi will be presenting its latest products and solutions for functional paper packaging, flexible packaging papers, label papers, containerboard and paperboard. The company is focusing its efforts on sustainable, recyclable and innovative solutions.

  • Wide range of barrier papers in the market for sustainable and recyclable packaging solutions
  • High-impact brand presence in corrugated board packaging thanks to Fusion Nature Plus in combination with Fusion Topliner
  • Parade Label Pro wet-glue label paper for an efficient operation and an excellent visual impression

Wide range of barrier papers
Sappi’s ultimate goal as a specialist in barrier papers is to replace non-recyclable aluminium and plastic multi-layer laminates through the introduction of truly sustainable alternatives that meet all market requirements in terms of performance and recycling. Sappi is continuously expanding its portfolio of barrier papers. At the show, Sappi will be showcasing several examples of food and non-food applications using these barrier papers.

A smooth surface and a high degree of whiteness: Parade Label Pro
Sappi will also be presenting its new, non-wet-strength wet-glue label paper Parade Label Pro – featuring samples from all over the world. This glossy, double-coated quality paper offers a smooth surface plus a high degree of whiteness. It’s suitable for numerous label and flexible packaging applications, such as labels for disposable bottles, food and non-food containers as well as wrappers for a variety of products. It can be printed in offset, flexo and gravure, and finished with hot foil and blind embossing, for example.

Brand presentation that appeals to the senses
“For manufacturers of branded goods, it is becoming increasingly important to convey brand values and product characteristics in a way that is emotionally appealing and that really sets the stage,” explains Luis Mata, Sales Director Packaging of Sappi Europe. At the FACHPACK, Sappi will also be presenting its containerboard products for corrugated board applications, which, with their brilliant colour reproduction, enhance on-shelf product impact and ensure real brand differentiation.

Sappi’s popular Algro Design paperboard portfolio also allows the design scope and leeway to communicate brand values in an emotionally appealing way.


Sappi Europe

(c) Rattpack,

FachPack 2019: Rattpack präsentiert 100 Prozent recycelbare Verpackungen

Auch dieses Jahr war Rattpack wieder auf der Fachpack vertreten. Besonders großes Interesse hatte das Publikum auf der Fachmesse Ende September an nachhaltigen Verpackungen.
Nachhaltige Verpackungen sind gefragter denn je. Vor allem die europäischen Nahrungsmittelhersteller, die an die großen Handelsketten in Deutschland liefern, wollen auf umweltfreundliche Lösungen zurückgreifen – ein klarer Trend auf der diesjährigen Fachpack 2019 in Nürnberg. Rattpack, Spezialist für flexible Verpackungen aus Wolfurt in Österreich, stellte auf der Messe zu 100 Prozent recyclingfähige Lösungen vor, was für einiges Aufsehen sorgte. Zwei Produktneuheiten waren dabei besonders interessant.

Auch dieses Jahr war Rattpack wieder auf der Fachpack vertreten. Besonders großes Interesse hatte das Publikum auf der Fachmesse Ende September an nachhaltigen Verpackungen.
Nachhaltige Verpackungen sind gefragter denn je. Vor allem die europäischen Nahrungsmittelhersteller, die an die großen Handelsketten in Deutschland liefern, wollen auf umweltfreundliche Lösungen zurückgreifen – ein klarer Trend auf der diesjährigen Fachpack 2019 in Nürnberg. Rattpack, Spezialist für flexible Verpackungen aus Wolfurt in Österreich, stellte auf der Messe zu 100 Prozent recyclingfähige Lösungen vor, was für einiges Aufsehen sorgte. Zwei Produktneuheiten waren dabei besonders interessant.

100 Prozent recyclingfähige Verpackungen
Die erste Neuerung ist ein hochwertiger und vollständig recycelbarer PP-Verbund, der für Nahrungsmittel, speziell auch für Babynahrung und Fruchtmus, für Genussmittel, Tiernahrung und die Pharmazie zum Einsatz kommt. Die Recyclingfähigkeit wurde vom Umweltdienstleister Interseroh zertifiziert und mit 20 von 20 möglichen Punkten bewertet – damit ist das Produkt als zu 100 Prozent recyclingfähig eingestuft. Mit dieser Innovation ist Rattpack einer der ersten europäischen Hersteller von flexiblen Verpackungen aus komplett wiederverwertbarem PP-Verbund.

More information:
Rattpack FachPack


Breites Portfolio an Proof- und Etikettierlösungen der Epson SureColor, ColorWorks und LabelWorks Serien (c) Epson Deutschland GmbH
Breites Portfolio an Proof- und Etikettierlösungen der Epson SureColor, ColorWorks und LabelWorks Serien

FachPack 2019: Proofen und etikettieren mit Epson

Breites Portfolio an Proof- und Etikettierlösungen der Epson SureColor, ColorWorks und LabelWorks Serien

Epson zeigt auf der diesjährigen FachPack auf seinem Stand (Messe Nürnberg, 24. – 26. 9. 2019, Stand 4-358) auf über 70 m² eine Vielzahl Lösungen für den Druck- und Verpackungsmarkt. Im Fokus steht dabei neben den Prooflösungen Epson SureColor SC-S80600 und SureColor P7000V die praxisrelevante Nutzung von Epson ColorWorks Etikettendrucker der C3500 und C7500 Serie. Auf allen Exponaten laufen während der Messe realistische, anspruchsvolle Anwendungen. Abgerundet wird der diesjährige Auftritt von Epson auf der FachPack durch eine Ausstellung der vielseitigen LabelWorks-Systeme, die sich mit ihren kleinen, kostengünstigen Labeln für Kennzeichnungen aller Arten eignen.

Breites Portfolio an Proof- und Etikettierlösungen der Epson SureColor, ColorWorks und LabelWorks Serien

Epson zeigt auf der diesjährigen FachPack auf seinem Stand (Messe Nürnberg, 24. – 26. 9. 2019, Stand 4-358) auf über 70 m² eine Vielzahl Lösungen für den Druck- und Verpackungsmarkt. Im Fokus steht dabei neben den Prooflösungen Epson SureColor SC-S80600 und SureColor P7000V die praxisrelevante Nutzung von Epson ColorWorks Etikettendrucker der C3500 und C7500 Serie. Auf allen Exponaten laufen während der Messe realistische, anspruchsvolle Anwendungen. Abgerundet wird der diesjährige Auftritt von Epson auf der FachPack durch eine Ausstellung der vielseitigen LabelWorks-Systeme, die sich mit ihren kleinen, kostengünstigen Labeln für Kennzeichnungen aller Arten eignen.

More information:
Epson FachPack

LEWIS Public Relations

Sappi (c) Sappi

Sappi: Innovation meets sustainability

Sappi to present its innovative papers and packaging solutions at FachPack 2019

Environmentally friendly packaging is a hot topic worldwide. Sappi has been a pioneer in the field of innovative and sustainable packaging solutions for years. The company will present its latest innovations at Stand 9-260 at FachPack in Nuremberg. Alongside barrier papers, these include the heat-sealable Sappi Seal paper. This is notable for being completely recyclable and can replace existing PE-coated packaging. The recently launched Atelier paperboard will be another focus of the trade fair presentation. This offers brilliant colour reproduction and a silky touch and feel.

Sappi to present its innovative papers and packaging solutions at FachPack 2019

Environmentally friendly packaging is a hot topic worldwide. Sappi has been a pioneer in the field of innovative and sustainable packaging solutions for years. The company will present its latest innovations at Stand 9-260 at FachPack in Nuremberg. Alongside barrier papers, these include the heat-sealable Sappi Seal paper. This is notable for being completely recyclable and can replace existing PE-coated packaging. The recently launched Atelier paperboard will be another focus of the trade fair presentation. This offers brilliant colour reproduction and a silky touch and feel.

More information:
Sappi FachPack