From the Sector

243 results
(c) Messe Frankfurt France

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris returns to the Paris-Le-Bourget Exhibition Center

The return of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris to the Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre from 10 to 12 February will see a number of innovations both in terms of the products on offer and the visitor itineraries.

More than 1,200 weavers and garment makers are expected in Halls 2, 3 and 4 of the exhibition centre for this first edition in 2025. This return to a redesigned space marks a new chapter in the visitor experience. This session will also offer a true reflection of the diversity of global sourcing, with creative ranges at competitive prices for the fashion industries.

The return of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris to the Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre from 10 to 12 February will see a number of innovations both in terms of the products on offer and the visitor itineraries.

More than 1,200 weavers and garment makers are expected in Halls 2, 3 and 4 of the exhibition centre for this first edition in 2025. This return to a redesigned space marks a new chapter in the visitor experience. This session will also offer a true reflection of the diversity of global sourcing, with creative ranges at competitive prices for the fashion industries.

New sourcing destinations for Texworld
Alongside the Top 5 weaving nations loyal to Texworld - China, Türkiye with its 70 manufacturers grouped together under the pavilion of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, India, Korea and Taiwan - alternative sourcing zones such as Malaysia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Vietnam, the Netherlands and Egypt are enriching the show's offering. Dutch exhibitors Quality Textile, Nooteboom and Verhees Textiles are also back in the cotton sector, with cutting-edge and particularly creative catalogues. In the knitwear sector, we can also note the participation of the Koreans O.N.K, specialists in circular knitting, W-Tex, whose polyester blends produce remarkable fancy fabrics, or specialists in silky aspects such as JK Tex or TL Corporation. The Denim sector is growing this year, with around thirty exhibitors, including some of the world's leading names such as Winwin Textile from China and Bangladeshi supplier NZ Denim.

Innovations, initiatives and sustainability
The new “Initiatives” zone at the entrance of Hall 4 will be showcasing inspiring and sustainable solutions, such as that of Vietnamese company Bao Lan Textile with its range of silk and fabrics made from pineapple leaf fibre. These products, developed with Ecofa Vietnam, have natural antibacterial properties and offer natural UV protection up to 50+ UPF. This area will also host the China Textile Information Centre's trends forum, as well as the Econogy Hub, which brings together Messe Frankfurt's expertise on sustainability-related initiatives in the textile sector. Also to be discovered in the activewear sector is the range from Japan's Toyoshima, known for its streetwear collections, its ‘non-denim’ fabrics that consume very little water, and its astonishing wagami fabrics, produced from blends of very fine yarns made to order from cotton, linen and wool.

Apparel Sourcing: focus on Africa and near sourcing
Apparel Sourcing also has a great session in store. With more than 500 exhibitors expected - up on February 2024 - the show's rich offering of finished products, clothing and fashion accessories will be on full display over the three days. Especially when it comes to local sourcing. Alongside the major manufacturing nations - led by China and India, and Pakistan and Bangladesh, both of which have grouped their exhibitors under their national pavilions - visitors will have access to products from the Africa zone, with a hub of companies from Ethiopia, Rwanda (Pink Mango) and the Arise Integrated Industrial Platform, which brings together the expertise of garment manufacturers based in Togo, Benin and Gabon. Ukraine, back with 5 companies supported by its national textile association, will be adding to the Euromed offering from Foursource, Messe Frankfurt's near sourcing partner, which will be presenting catalogues from companies in Eastern Europe, Portugal and Morocco.

An optimised sourcing experience
The return to Paris-Le Bourget Exhibition Centre has been accompanied by an overhaul of the organisation of visitor areas. The layout of sectors and services has been reviewed to create new synergies between raw materials and finished products. Women's wear areas (All about her, Embrodery & Lace, Silky aspect...) have been set up in Hall 4 - dedicated to knitwear, silk and lace - and a large area will be devoted to the outdoor - sportswear - casualwear offer in Hall 3. Hall 2 will be a focal point for relaxation, catering and networking, as well as a place for inspiration and exchange, with trend forums, product presentations, services and the Agora for conferences and round tables.

Econogy, Small Quantity & Hand Made: themed itineraries
Three exhibitor itineraries have been designed by the Messe Frankfurt France team to meet visitors' needs. The Econogy Finder trail, for example, enables visitors to find more than 80 suppliers of sustainable textiles, listed in the show app and indicated by the Econogy logos visible on the corresponding booths. The Small Quantity itinerary then highlights the more than 200 suppliers able to offer small quantity production (less than 300 pieces for garments or less than 100 metres for fabrics). A plus for buyers looking for limited editions or small orders for capsule collections. Finally, the Hand Made itinerary identifies the more than 130 exhibitors whose catalogues feature authentic, handmade products or unique skills. These manufacturers can also be found directly on the fair's online directory.


Messe Frankfurt France

Theme 1: QUANTUM Photo credit _ Courtesy Kim Farkas et Tara Downs Gallery, photo par Aurélien Mole., @Kim_Farkas.jpg

Texworld Apparel Sourcing: Trend book for the Spring-Summer 2026 season

Unveiled at the forthcoming Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris trade fair, from 10 to 12 February at the Paris-Le-Bourget Exhibition Centre, the trend book for the Spring-Summer 2026 season opens up new creative worlds where emotion attempts to regain the upper hand over pure materials.

Entitled Néocène, the new forward-looking journey proposed by Louis Gérin and Grégory Lamaud, the artistic directors of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, explores a world undergoing profound change. Conceived against a backdrop of severe economic, social and environmental tensions, this document is the result of cross-referencing and analysing emerging signals detected and interpreted by a panel of stylists, designers, graphic artists, authors and scenographers. In four major themes, it sets out an aesthetic framework to help fashion designers and buyers develop their spring-summer 2026 collections.

Unveiled at the forthcoming Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris trade fair, from 10 to 12 February at the Paris-Le-Bourget Exhibition Centre, the trend book for the Spring-Summer 2026 season opens up new creative worlds where emotion attempts to regain the upper hand over pure materials.

Entitled Néocène, the new forward-looking journey proposed by Louis Gérin and Grégory Lamaud, the artistic directors of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, explores a world undergoing profound change. Conceived against a backdrop of severe economic, social and environmental tensions, this document is the result of cross-referencing and analysing emerging signals detected and interpreted by a panel of stylists, designers, graphic artists, authors and scenographers. In four major themes, it sets out an aesthetic framework to help fashion designers and buyers develop their spring-summer 2026 collections.

1 wardrobe, 4 universes
A new era without humans, the Néocène is a clean slate, an indefinable horizon that obeys only the laws of physics. New shapes, new colours: each theme in this trend book reflects a creative universe organised around specific materials and 3 “star colours” in 6 intermediate shades. Presented in the introduction, these colours provide a glimpse of the palette for the collections to come.

#1 Quantum.
In this universe of atoms, everything is just energy, chance and freedom. This first proposal plunges back into the heart of substance with fluid, heated and incandescent materials, on the edge of solid and liquid. The soft textures and expanded forms are particularly at home here, and express themselves in a radiant, sunny colour system: spicy flavours, tones of tan and caramel are very present.

#2 Gravity.
“The structure of the universe [...] An invisible interdependence.” This theme plays on the multiple meanings of gravity: a heaviness that is both physical and emotional. Mineral and sandy materials, repetitive or sequential geometrical patterns, all find their place here, as do aqueous aspects and biomimetic and animal-inspired forms. The colour palette here is clearly diaphanous and serious, natural and diffuse.

#3 Relativity.
This proposition should be seen as a deepening of the previous theme, until the propositions are reversed: “Ugly has become beautiful [...] Stillness accelerates”. A world of oxymorons in which graphic motifs express a mummified vegetal world, supported by lines shaped like imprints, draped textures, embroideries intended as traces of an anterior world. The colours are those of ash, tattoo ink, animal... The blues and mauves are dark and intense.

#4 Magnetism.
In stark contrast to the other universes, this axis exalts order and renewal, and brings lightness, even fragility, to the creative approach. Transparency is assertive, as are floral motifs and curved, ample and comfortable lines. The colour palette is in tune with the emotion of the theme: marshmallows, sweet flavours, peach and blush pink are at the heart of the theme.

A new layout to maximize synergies
The return of the Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris shows to Halls 2, 3 and 4 of the Paris-Le-Bourget Exhibition Centre is accompanied by an exciting new space organisation to make the buying experience even more efficient and inspiring. At the heart of hall 2, the Trends Forum will captivate visitor with its four dynamic themes, and will also house all key services, including the Agora for engaging conferences and lively round-table discussions, as well as inviting restaurants. In terms of products and services, some Texworld and Apparel Sourcing sectors have been brought together to promote synergies, with coherent areas devoted to women's clothing (Hall 4) and outdoor-sportswear-casualwear (Hall 3). This layout not only makes the Apparel Sourcing offering easier to navigate but also optimises the entire sourcing process, providing a more streamlined and productive experience.



Eröffnung der Filiale in POtsdam Foto Decathlon

Decathlon eröffnet erste Filiale in Potsdam

Multisportspezialist Decathlon erweitert sein Filialportfolio in Deutschland und eröffnet erstmals eine Connect Filiale im Rahmen der neuen Expansionsstrategie. Mit einer zentralen Lage in den Potsdamer Bahnhofspassagen schafft Decathlon auf rund 530 Quadratmetern eine neue Anlaufstelle im modernen Designkonzept für Sportbegeisterte.

Die Eröffnung der Potsdamer Filiale ist Teil der neuen Expansionsstrategie von Decathlon Deutschland, die bis 2027 bis zu 60 weitere Standorte vorsieht. Die Filiale in Potsdam ist Standort Nummer 87 und gleichzeitig die zweite in Brandenburg, neben der bestehenden Filiale in Ahrensfelde. Decathlon verfolgt mit seiner Expansion das Ziel, noch näher an die Kund:innen zu rücken und durch neue Konzepte die Verbindung zwischen digitalem und stationärem Handel zu stärken.

Multisportspezialist Decathlon erweitert sein Filialportfolio in Deutschland und eröffnet erstmals eine Connect Filiale im Rahmen der neuen Expansionsstrategie. Mit einer zentralen Lage in den Potsdamer Bahnhofspassagen schafft Decathlon auf rund 530 Quadratmetern eine neue Anlaufstelle im modernen Designkonzept für Sportbegeisterte.

Die Eröffnung der Potsdamer Filiale ist Teil der neuen Expansionsstrategie von Decathlon Deutschland, die bis 2027 bis zu 60 weitere Standorte vorsieht. Die Filiale in Potsdam ist Standort Nummer 87 und gleichzeitig die zweite in Brandenburg, neben der bestehenden Filiale in Ahrensfelde. Decathlon verfolgt mit seiner Expansion das Ziel, noch näher an die Kund:innen zu rücken und durch neue Konzepte die Verbindung zwischen digitalem und stationärem Handel zu stärken.

Zentrale Lage und sportliches Angebot für Potsdam
Das Sortiment der Potsdamer Filiale wurde speziell auf die sportlichen Vorlieben der Kundschaft vor Ort abgestimmt. Läufer:innen, Outdoor-Fans, Schwimmer:innen und Fans urbaner Mobilität finden ein ausgewähltes Angebot, das ihre Bedürfnisse bedient. Mit rund 20 Mitarbeitenden vor Ort setzt Decathlon in Potsdam auf kompetente Beratung und die Förderung einer sportlichen Community.

Fokus auf Omni-Ansatz
Die neue Filiale setzt auf ein modernes Designkonzept, das die optimale Präsentation von Produkten ermöglicht. Besonderer Wert wird auf kompetente  ausführliche Beratung - auch über das im Store verfügbare Sortiment hinaus - sowie auf die Verbindung von stationärem und digitalem Einkauf gelegt. So können Kund:innen beispielsweise das Click & Collect-Angebot nutzen: Onlinebestellungen können direkt in der Filiale oder außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten in speziellen Abholstationen abgeholt werden. Die Potsdamer Filiale ist der erste Decathlon Standort in Deutschland mit einer Abholstation, die auch außerhalb der Filialöffnungszeiten zugänglich ist. Rund 60 Schließfächer stehen bereit, um Kund:innen maximale Flexibilität zu bieten.

Der Potsdamer Store arbeitet eng mit dem großen Multisport Store am Alexanderplatz zusammen, um eine schnelle und flexible Produktverfügbarkeit zu gewährleisten. Zwei große Screens ermöglichen einen virtuellen Rundgang durch weitere Sportwelten: der Radsportabteilung in der Filiale am Berliner Alexanderplatz und dem Fitness-Showroom in Köln-Marsdorf. Dies bietet Kund:innen die Möglichkeit, Produkte zu entdecken, die aufgrund saisonaler Gegebenheiten oder der begrenzten Verkaufsfläche nicht direkt vor Ort verfügbar sind.


DECATHLON Deutschland SE & Co. KG


Decathlon Deutschland expandiert weiter

Der Multisportspezialist Decathlon will bis 2027 bis zu 100 Mio. Euro investieren, sowohl in Neueröffnungen, als auch in die Modernisierung der bestehenden Standorte. Insgesamt plant der Sportriese sein Filialnetz in den nächsten drei Jahren auf 150 Filialen aufzustocken, darin enthalten sind 60 Neueröffnungen. Zusätzlich konzipiert das Unternehmen neue Formate konzipiert, um nah an der sportbegeisterten Kundschaft zu sein.

Neue Filialkonzepte
Bislang ist Decathlon in Deutschland vor allem für die sogenannten Multisport Stores bekannt und erfolgreich. Mit einer großen Verkaufsfläche zwischen 1.800 und 8.000 m² bieten diese eine möglichst breite Produktpalette direkt vor Ort und genügend Raum für Testflächen. Decathlon hält weiterhin an diesem Erfolgskonzept fest, erweitert es jedoch auf kleinere Verkaufsflächen von 500 bis 1.500 m² in beliebten Einkaufszentren und Fußgängerzonen in den Innenstädten.

Der Multisportspezialist Decathlon will bis 2027 bis zu 100 Mio. Euro investieren, sowohl in Neueröffnungen, als auch in die Modernisierung der bestehenden Standorte. Insgesamt plant der Sportriese sein Filialnetz in den nächsten drei Jahren auf 150 Filialen aufzustocken, darin enthalten sind 60 Neueröffnungen. Zusätzlich konzipiert das Unternehmen neue Formate konzipiert, um nah an der sportbegeisterten Kundschaft zu sein.

Neue Filialkonzepte
Bislang ist Decathlon in Deutschland vor allem für die sogenannten Multisport Stores bekannt und erfolgreich. Mit einer großen Verkaufsfläche zwischen 1.800 und 8.000 m² bieten diese eine möglichst breite Produktpalette direkt vor Ort und genügend Raum für Testflächen. Decathlon hält weiterhin an diesem Erfolgskonzept fest, erweitert es jedoch auf kleinere Verkaufsflächen von 500 bis 1.500 m² in beliebten Einkaufszentren und Fußgängerzonen in den Innenstädten.

Hinzu kommen spezialisierte Stores. Unter dem Namen Decathlon Connect werden künftig kleinere Filialen betrieben, die sich auf ausgewählte Sportwelten fokussieren und an strategisch passenden Standorten liegen. Auf 400 bis 800 m² wird es dann beispielsweise alles zum Thema Bergsport oder aus dem Mobility-Bereich geben. Das Angebot orientiert sich an den lokalen Bedürfnissen der Kund:innen.

Connect Stores mit Fokus auf wichtige Alltagsgegenstände wie beispielsweise Handschuhe oder Sportbekleidung an zentralen Umschlagplätzen sowie eigene Filialen der Expert Brands, wie zum Beispiel der Rennradmarke Van Rysel, sind zwei weitere neue Formate innerhalb der Connect-Familie. Perspektivisch stehen auch Partnerschaften mit anderen Firmen für die Umsetzung von Shop-in-Shop-Konzepten auf der Agenda.
Filialen im Netzwerkverbund
In den zehn größten deutschen Städten soll ein Netzwerk aus Filialen entstehen, das optimal auf die lokalen Bedürfnisse und landschaftlichen Gegebenheiten abgestimmt ist. Nicht überall wird das gesamte Sortiment direkt verfügbar sein, da sich die Connect Stores auf bestimmte Sportarten oder Bedürfnisse spezialisieren. Die Filialen stehen deshalb miteinander im engen Austausch, sodass Produkte und Dienstleistungen durch kürzere Wege schnell verfügbar sind. Ziel dieser Struktur ist es, noch näher an den Bedürfnissen der Kund:innen zu sein und sie im Alltag umfassend zu begleiten.
Hier werden neue Filialen eröffnet
In 2024 sind noch zwei Neueröffnungen geplant: Ende November eröffnet Decathlon die erste neue Connect Filiale im neuen Look in den Potsdamer Bahnhofspassagen. Mitte Dezember öffnet eine Multisport-Filiale in der zentralen Hamburger Mönckebergstraße mit integrierter regionaler Werkstatt ihre Türen für die sportbegeisterte Kundschaft.
Anfang Januar 2025 findet die Eröffnung des Connect-Formats am Münchner Karlsplatz in den Stachus Passagen statt. Zudem ist für 2025 bereits ein neuer Standort in Gießen validiert.
Neue InStore-Konzepte für ein optimiertes Einkaufserlebnis
Die bestehenden Konzepte innerhalb der Filiale wurden neu gestaltet, um ein einheitliches und moderneres Erscheinungsbild zu schaffen. Anstelle der klassischen Regalstrukturen, bei denen die Regale parallel zueinander angeordnet und von einem Mittelgang aus zugänglich sind, wurde das Layout nun aufgelockert: Zwei größere Rundgänge ziehen sich durch den Raum und führen zu einzelnen Nischen, den sogenannten Boutiquen. Diese Boutiquen trennen die verschiedenen Sportwelten voneinander und schaffen eine offene, einladende Einkaufsatmosphäre. Dieses neue, zirkuläre Wegeleitsystem ermöglicht ein hochwertiges Einkaufserlebnis in allen neuen Filialen und dort, wo es der Raum in bestehenden Filialen zulässt. Zusätzlich optimieren digitale Preisschilder den Service und die Aktualität der Preisinformationen für die Kund:innen.
Werkstätten und Reparatur-Offensive
Im Zusammenspiel mit der Expansionsstrategie und den geplanten Netzwerken in den großen Städten will Decathlon deutschlandweit insgesamt bis zu zehn Werkstätten eröffnen. Aktuell gibt es drei Werkstattstandorte in Schwetzingen, Dortmund und München, mit der Eröffnung im Herzen Hamburgs Ende 2024 folgt der vierte Standort. Das Angebot vor Ort soll umfassende Reparaturservices für Sportartikel umfassen, um sich als führende Anlaufstelle für Pflege- und Reparaturdienstleistungen zu etablieren. Ziel ist es, die Anzahl der Reparaturen innerhalb von drei Jahren von 120.000 auf 500.000 zu vervierfachen. Der Service soll perspektivisch auch für Fremdmarken angeboten werden. Kund:innen profitieren dabei von einem breiteren Angebot und kürzeren Wartezeiten.



DECATHLON Deutschland SE & Co. KG

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris Photo Messe Frankfurt

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris returns to the Paris-Le Bourget exhibition center

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris will take place at Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre from February 10 to 12, 2025. For three days, buyers will have access to the best in global sourcing to design and build fashion brands' Spring-Summer 2026 collections in Halls 3 and 4. Hall 3 has been completely rebuilt for the recent Olympic Games. Encouraging booking levels already suggest a particularly active session, in line with Messe Frankfurt France's forecasts.

Offering synergies between materials and finished products
The return of Texworld and Apparel Sourcing to the Paris-Le Bourget exhibition center will provide an opportunity to develop the layout of sectors and services. Some of the sectors from the two shows will be brought together to create new synergies and to offer a women's wardrobe in Hall 4, and a large area devoted to outdoor-sportswear-casualwear in Hall 3. All the services, the trends forum, the restaurants and the Agora, where conferences and round tables are held, will all be regrouped in Hall 2. This new organisation will enhance the coherence of the offer and provide new solutions for buyers' sourcing work.

Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris will take place at Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre from February 10 to 12, 2025. For three days, buyers will have access to the best in global sourcing to design and build fashion brands' Spring-Summer 2026 collections in Halls 3 and 4. Hall 3 has been completely rebuilt for the recent Olympic Games. Encouraging booking levels already suggest a particularly active session, in line with Messe Frankfurt France's forecasts.

Offering synergies between materials and finished products
The return of Texworld and Apparel Sourcing to the Paris-Le Bourget exhibition center will provide an opportunity to develop the layout of sectors and services. Some of the sectors from the two shows will be brought together to create new synergies and to offer a women's wardrobe in Hall 4, and a large area devoted to outdoor-sportswear-casualwear in Hall 3. All the services, the trends forum, the restaurants and the Agora, where conferences and round tables are held, will all be regrouped in Hall 2. This new organisation will enhance the coherence of the offer and provide new solutions for buyers' sourcing work.

Presence of major suppliers and national pavilions
This dynamism of this edition is a reminder of the central role played by European markets for the fashion sector, from ready-to-wear to luxury. Like every edition, the major sourcing nations for fabrics, materials, accessories and finished garments products will be represented: first and foremost, China, with the largest number of exhibitors, Türkiye - the national pavilion supported by the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) will be present - India, Korea, but also Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand and Bangladesh, which should be at Le Bourget despite the difficult political context the country is going through. Texworld is also renewing the experiment launched in July on yarn sourcing with the Yarn Expo pavilion, valorising the upstream sector and the know-how of leading spinning companies.

Texpertise Econogy: spotlight on sustainable fashion
Driven by the Econogy principle, promoted worldwide by the Texpertise Network, Messe Frankfurt's expertise in sustainability-related initiatives in the textile sector will be showcased through the Econogy Finder, which will enable buyers to identify online or on the mobile app all suppliers of sustainably produced textiles. In addition, the Econogy Talks will make it easier to find conferences dealing with these issues among the many round tables scheduled in the Agora in Hall 2. Finally, the Econogy Tours, launched last July, will be renewed on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 February, with a specialist on the subject covering a significant part of this specific offer.


Messe Frankfurt

Dress for Venice
Dress for Venice

Bemberg™ by Asahi Kasei lands at Smart Closet initiative with “A Dress For Venice”

Smart Closet is an innovative event dedicated to new generation fashion where C.L.A.S.S and Equipe International, through the InsideOut approach by C.L.A.S.S., come together to represent a smart wardrobe - beautiful, innovative, responsible - together with a new language of values with the aim to share the fully transparent journey behind each product and company, to show their outer and inner values. All values and concepts that are part of Bemberg™ identity.

Bemberg™ is the brand name of the regenerated cellulose fiber cupro, produced only by Asahi Kasei in Japan. It is a special fiber with a circular economy footprint thanks to the fact that it is made from a regenerated cellulose obtained from the manufacturing process of cottonseed oil with a closed-loop process. It guarantees certified sustainability credentials through its transparent and traceable approach. It delivers high quality and versatile applications, comfortable whatever the season: its blissful sensation glides on linings, outerwear, underwear, sportswear and even couture pieces. All perfect characteristics that fit in Smart Closet initiative.

Smart Closet is an innovative event dedicated to new generation fashion where C.L.A.S.S and Equipe International, through the InsideOut approach by C.L.A.S.S., come together to represent a smart wardrobe - beautiful, innovative, responsible - together with a new language of values with the aim to share the fully transparent journey behind each product and company, to show their outer and inner values. All values and concepts that are part of Bemberg™ identity.

Bemberg™ is the brand name of the regenerated cellulose fiber cupro, produced only by Asahi Kasei in Japan. It is a special fiber with a circular economy footprint thanks to the fact that it is made from a regenerated cellulose obtained from the manufacturing process of cottonseed oil with a closed-loop process. It guarantees certified sustainability credentials through its transparent and traceable approach. It delivers high quality and versatile applications, comfortable whatever the season: its blissful sensation glides on linings, outerwear, underwear, sportswear and even couture pieces. All perfect characteristics that fit in Smart Closet initiative.

The project chosen to participate with is the incredible capsule collection A Dress For Venice designed by eco-designer Tiziano Guardini, illustrated by artist Jacopo Ascari, and produced by Martina Vidal Venezia, a Venetian brand that has enriched the garments with some elements in Burano lace, an ancient art candidate to enter the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity!
Inspired by the city of water, it’s made with Bemberg™ fabrics created by Infinity Srl with the textile printing done by Creazioni Digitali, which with the CreŌ | project  printed on Bemberg™ fabrics with low-water pigment inks technology . This collection truly represents and includes all the values of beauty, innovation and supply chain partnerships, all elements.

More information:
Bemberg™ Dress for Venice

C.L.A.S.S. Eco Hub

Gigasport Filiale in Brunn © Klemens König
Gigasport Filiale in Brunn

Fabletics erstmals im österreichischen Einzelhandel

Ab Oktober 2024 werden die modischen Sportoutfits der kalifornischen Activewear-Marke Fabletics im österreichischen Einzelhandel erlebbar sein. Dazu kooperiert Fabletics mit Gigasport, einem der führenden Sporthandelsunternehmen in Österreich und mehrfachem Gewinner der Auszeichnung als „Sporthändler des Jahres“.

Zu Beginn der Partnerschaft wird die Sportmode von Fabletics in zwei Filialen auf separaten, herausgehobenen Flächen präsentiert: Bei Gigasport Graz und Gigasport Brunn am Gebirge. Die hochwertige Innenausstattung der Filialen und die Beratungsqualität der Mitarbeitenden bieten das passende Umfeld für Fabletics.

Gemeinsame Marketingaktivitäten in den Bereichen Events, Social Media und Influencer Marketing begleiten die neue Partnerschaft zwischen Fabletics und Gigasport.

Ab Oktober 2024 werden die modischen Sportoutfits der kalifornischen Activewear-Marke Fabletics im österreichischen Einzelhandel erlebbar sein. Dazu kooperiert Fabletics mit Gigasport, einem der führenden Sporthandelsunternehmen in Österreich und mehrfachem Gewinner der Auszeichnung als „Sporthändler des Jahres“.

Zu Beginn der Partnerschaft wird die Sportmode von Fabletics in zwei Filialen auf separaten, herausgehobenen Flächen präsentiert: Bei Gigasport Graz und Gigasport Brunn am Gebirge. Die hochwertige Innenausstattung der Filialen und die Beratungsqualität der Mitarbeitenden bieten das passende Umfeld für Fabletics.

Gemeinsame Marketingaktivitäten in den Bereichen Events, Social Media und Influencer Marketing begleiten die neue Partnerschaft zwischen Fabletics und Gigasport.


Fabletics GmbH

Tennispieler wird Brand Ambassador von AlphaTauri (c) Manfred Binder

Tennispieler wird Brand Ambassador von AlphaTauri

AlphaTauri gibt den österreichischen Tennisspieler Joël Schwärzler als globalen Brand Ambassador bekannt. Als einer der führenden Tennis-Junioren der Weltrangliste spielt der 18-jährige Österreicher im Herrentennis ganz weit vorne mit. Ab sofort wird AlphaTauri Joël On- und Off-Court einkleiden.

„Ich freue mich sehr jetzt auch offiziell Teil der AlphaTauri Familie zu sein. Mode ist für mich persönlich sehr wichtig. Es bedeutet mir sehr viel, mich gut zu kleiden und mich auch außerhalb des Platzes wohlzufühlen. Wenn ich gut angezogen bin, fühle ich mich auch besser,“ sagt Joël.

„Wir freuen uns sehr Joël als eines der vielversprechendsten Tennistalente Österreichs, als Brand Ambassador willkommen zu heißen. Als Premium Fashion Brand aus dem Hause Red Bull liegt es in der AlphaTauri DNA, eng verbunden zu sein mit der Welt des Sports und mit den besten aufstrebenden Athleten der Welt zusammenzuarbeiten,“ sagt Karl-Heinz Lauterbach, CEO Global Consumer Products Red Bull.

AlphaTauri gibt den österreichischen Tennisspieler Joël Schwärzler als globalen Brand Ambassador bekannt. Als einer der führenden Tennis-Junioren der Weltrangliste spielt der 18-jährige Österreicher im Herrentennis ganz weit vorne mit. Ab sofort wird AlphaTauri Joël On- und Off-Court einkleiden.

„Ich freue mich sehr jetzt auch offiziell Teil der AlphaTauri Familie zu sein. Mode ist für mich persönlich sehr wichtig. Es bedeutet mir sehr viel, mich gut zu kleiden und mich auch außerhalb des Platzes wohlzufühlen. Wenn ich gut angezogen bin, fühle ich mich auch besser,“ sagt Joël.

„Wir freuen uns sehr Joël als eines der vielversprechendsten Tennistalente Österreichs, als Brand Ambassador willkommen zu heißen. Als Premium Fashion Brand aus dem Hause Red Bull liegt es in der AlphaTauri DNA, eng verbunden zu sein mit der Welt des Sports und mit den besten aufstrebenden Athleten der Welt zusammenzuarbeiten,“ sagt Karl-Heinz Lauterbach, CEO Global Consumer Products Red Bull.

More information:
AlphaTauri Sportswear


Illustration glove waistband (c) JUMBO-Textil GmbH & Co. KG

JUMBO-Textil: Comfortable narrow textiles for work, health and sport

On gardening gloves, uniform sleeves or work or sports trousers – elasticated woven waistbands are often used in places where people are active for many hours. The skin is often exposed to heat, UV light and other irritants. In addition to workwear and sportswear, orthoses, prostheses and exoskeletons are often worn next to the skin. Jumbo-Textil's elasticated woven tape not only offers a high level of comfort, it also protects the skin from these stressors.

„At work, in rehabilitation applications or during sport – activities where textiles are worn directly on the skin require particularly skin-friendly products,“ emphasises Jean Poburski, Sales Manager Technical Branches. “Our narrow textiles – such as our Velcro® elasticated belt – are therefore tested and certified in accordance with the particularly strict Oeko-Tex® 100 PK I standards.“

specifications for narrow textiles:

On gardening gloves, uniform sleeves or work or sports trousers – elasticated woven waistbands are often used in places where people are active for many hours. The skin is often exposed to heat, UV light and other irritants. In addition to workwear and sportswear, orthoses, prostheses and exoskeletons are often worn next to the skin. Jumbo-Textil's elasticated woven tape not only offers a high level of comfort, it also protects the skin from these stressors.

„At work, in rehabilitation applications or during sport – activities where textiles are worn directly on the skin require particularly skin-friendly products,“ emphasises Jean Poburski, Sales Manager Technical Branches. “Our narrow textiles – such as our Velcro® elasticated belt – are therefore tested and certified in accordance with the particularly strict Oeko-Tex® 100 PK I standards.“

specifications for narrow textiles:

  • STANDARD 100 OEKO-TEX®, product class I
  • Skin protection layer on both sides- Anti-slip insert on the upper side
  • Soft surface
  • Permeable to air
  • Flexible at low temperatures
  • Resistant to salt and chlorinated water
  • Low nitrosamine
  • Formaldehyde-free finish

JUMBO-Textil GmbH & Co. KG

adidas: Collection with Next-Gen Icons (c) adidas AG

adidas: Collection with Next-Gen Icons

adidas Sportswear launches its latest sport meets style drop, the ADIDAS Z.N.E. collection, in a campaign which brings together next-gen faces, including Tate McRae, Jude Bellingham and Noah Lyles, to showcase how all can stay connected through a shared love of football, athletics, dance, music and more, across the globe. The all-new set of hoodies, sweatshirts, pants, tees and shorts take on color blocking details, whilst the black parallel stripes symbolize the lines that connect communities and fandoms to inspire all to unite through sport and culture.

Fronting the new capsule of fresh looks is a collective of adidas’ next-gen trailblazers: Canadian singer-songwriter and dancer Tate McRae, actress and martial artist Xochitl Gomez, leading KPOP group BABYMONSTER, US track star Noah Lyles, Chinese snowboarder Su Yiming and football icons Jude Bellingham, Alessia Russo and Paulo Dybala. With each representing a community from the world of sport or culture, the ADIDAS Z.N.E. collection was inspired by the lines in their field of play – from the track, to the stage and pitch.

adidas Sportswear launches its latest sport meets style drop, the ADIDAS Z.N.E. collection, in a campaign which brings together next-gen faces, including Tate McRae, Jude Bellingham and Noah Lyles, to showcase how all can stay connected through a shared love of football, athletics, dance, music and more, across the globe. The all-new set of hoodies, sweatshirts, pants, tees and shorts take on color blocking details, whilst the black parallel stripes symbolize the lines that connect communities and fandoms to inspire all to unite through sport and culture.

Fronting the new capsule of fresh looks is a collective of adidas’ next-gen trailblazers: Canadian singer-songwriter and dancer Tate McRae, actress and martial artist Xochitl Gomez, leading KPOP group BABYMONSTER, US track star Noah Lyles, Chinese snowboarder Su Yiming and football icons Jude Bellingham, Alessia Russo and Paulo Dybala. With each representing a community from the world of sport or culture, the ADIDAS Z.N.E. collection was inspired by the lines in their field of play – from the track, to the stage and pitch.

More information:
adidas Clothing industry

adidas AG

CLOT Gazelle in linen khaki and blue (c) adidas

adidas: CLOT August Collection

adidas Originals and Edison Chen present the next chapter of their collaboration with the debut of an updated CLOT Gazelle in linen khaki and blue. The ongoing collaboration debuts its first global apparel range with the CLOT August Collection by Edison Chen.

As Edison Chen continues to build bridges between East and West, Chen brings together renowned Spanish football players, Vicky Lopez and Mapi Leon, and Tino El Pingüino, an influential rapper in the Latin music scene, to celebrate this new collection through a campaign that opens the door to their own imaginations. Coming together as one, each collaborator invites to experience a taste of their daily reality and the adventurous paths they tread along the way, igniting creativity and inviting consumers to step into new realms through the creative lens of Edison. With this campaign, Edison Chen was inspired to bring together fashion and cultural impact through the sport of football and music, all inspired by Chen’s extensive travels throughout Europe. The campaign embarks on a journey to create something new out of a classic with an untraditional execution for sportswear.

adidas Originals and Edison Chen present the next chapter of their collaboration with the debut of an updated CLOT Gazelle in linen khaki and blue. The ongoing collaboration debuts its first global apparel range with the CLOT August Collection by Edison Chen.

As Edison Chen continues to build bridges between East and West, Chen brings together renowned Spanish football players, Vicky Lopez and Mapi Leon, and Tino El Pingüino, an influential rapper in the Latin music scene, to celebrate this new collection through a campaign that opens the door to their own imaginations. Coming together as one, each collaborator invites to experience a taste of their daily reality and the adventurous paths they tread along the way, igniting creativity and inviting consumers to step into new realms through the creative lens of Edison. With this campaign, Edison Chen was inspired to bring together fashion and cultural impact through the sport of football and music, all inspired by Chen’s extensive travels throughout Europe. The campaign embarks on a journey to create something new out of a classic with an untraditional execution for sportswear.

The CLOT Gazelle by Edison Chen arrives with premium nubuck details on a jute upper and an espadrille sole now adorned with blue stripes. The espadrille gives the shoe a luxurious touch while the khaki coloring achieves a playful, relaxing tone. Derived from the study of traditional Espadrille-making and inspired by classic Espadrille artisans, the stitching was applied to the final construction of the CLOT Gazelle, with special attention given to how the upper is assembled to the bottom. The cotton tape is all custom engineered for the shoe and beaded using an intricate process inspired by Eastern influence. Finally, the midsole is custom engineered for maximum support, highlighting the new construction process.

More information:
Edison Chen adidas linen

adidas AG


18,000 visitors at 6th edition of IFCO

From 7 to 9 August 2024, the sixth edition of IFCO Istanbul Fashion Connection took place with 300 exhibitors in a total of 4 halls at the Istanbul Expo Centre.

With this event, Istanbul Fashion Connection underlines its importance as a hub for the international fashion industry. Compared to the previous year's event, the proportion of international visitors increased by 13.9%. Almost 18,000 visitors came to IFCO in Istanbul, 35% of whom came from abroad. The most represented region was Asia with 31.3%, followed by the Middle East (31.3%), Europe (16.4%), North Africa (13.4%), North America, South America and Africa together with 3.1%. High-ranking buyer groups from a total of 121 countries came to IFCO to find out about the latest fashion trends, network and place orders.

Divided into clear product areas on a total of 30,000 square metres of exhibition space in four halls, brands and manufacturers presented the latest collections from the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, sportswear, evening and wedding wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and furs.

The next IFCO is planned for 5-8 February 2025.

From 7 to 9 August 2024, the sixth edition of IFCO Istanbul Fashion Connection took place with 300 exhibitors in a total of 4 halls at the Istanbul Expo Centre.

With this event, Istanbul Fashion Connection underlines its importance as a hub for the international fashion industry. Compared to the previous year's event, the proportion of international visitors increased by 13.9%. Almost 18,000 visitors came to IFCO in Istanbul, 35% of whom came from abroad. The most represented region was Asia with 31.3%, followed by the Middle East (31.3%), Europe (16.4%), North Africa (13.4%), North America, South America and Africa together with 3.1%. High-ranking buyer groups from a total of 121 countries came to IFCO to find out about the latest fashion trends, network and place orders.

Divided into clear product areas on a total of 30,000 square metres of exhibition space in four halls, brands and manufacturers presented the latest collections from the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, sportswear, evening and wedding wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and furs.

The next IFCO is planned for 5-8 February 2025.



adidas launches Tennis Collection with Motion Capture Technology (c) adidas AG

adidas launches Tennis Collection with Motion Capture Technology

adidas launches its 19-piece FW24 New York Tennis apparel collection – a range of high-performance pieces built to optimize movement and reduce distraction.

The collection, which features blue and white colorways inspired by the hard courts of New York, has been crafted utilizing insights from motion capture technology. The technology, which uses digital image recording to test a moving target, measures the strain on an athlete’s body over time, revealing areas that generate the most heat during play.

These insights informed key design features, such as the strategic material placements of fabric and cut-outs. Following the natural curves of the body, they were purposefully placed in high-movement areas – such as the shoulders and under the arm – to help maximize players’ range of motion. Pieces featuring this technology include the women’s AEROREADY Dress Pro and the women’s HEAT.RDY Match Skirt Pro, which features pleats over the upper leg, allowing for maximum flexibility and adaptability, to help players change direction with ease.

adidas launches its 19-piece FW24 New York Tennis apparel collection – a range of high-performance pieces built to optimize movement and reduce distraction.

The collection, which features blue and white colorways inspired by the hard courts of New York, has been crafted utilizing insights from motion capture technology. The technology, which uses digital image recording to test a moving target, measures the strain on an athlete’s body over time, revealing areas that generate the most heat during play.

These insights informed key design features, such as the strategic material placements of fabric and cut-outs. Following the natural curves of the body, they were purposefully placed in high-movement areas – such as the shoulders and under the arm – to help maximize players’ range of motion. Pieces featuring this technology include the women’s AEROREADY Dress Pro and the women’s HEAT.RDY Match Skirt Pro, which features pleats over the upper leg, allowing for maximum flexibility and adaptability, to help players change direction with ease.

White color blocking is placed in the shoulder and torso areas, which is where the most heat is generated, of the men’s HEAT.RDY FreeLift Polo Shirt Pro and men’s HEAT.RDY Tank Top Pro, to help keep players feeling cool. adidas’ AIRCHILL technology is leveraged to create ventilation zones in high-sweat areas of the body in the men’s AIRCHILL FreeLift T-Shirt Pro and women’s AIRCHILL Match Tank Pro, which uses thermally zoned, raised pattern motifs and mesh layers to maximize airflow.

The head-to-toe collection premiers at the final major tournament of the season and will be worn by athletes including Jessica Pegula, Caroline Wozniacki, Elina Svitolina, Maria Sakkari, Daria Kasatkina, Stefanos Tsitsipas and Felix Auger-Aliassime.

More information:
adidas adidas AG Sportswear

adidas AG

RadiciGroup and Atalanta: Renewal of partnership for 2024/25 season (c) RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup and Atalanta: Renewal of partnership for 2024/25 season

RadiciGroup and Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio announce the renewal of their partnership for the 2024/25 season. RadiciGroup will be the "Sponsor del Cuore" (Heart Sponsor) for the Italian Serie A league and the Supercoppa Italia, which will take place in January 2025 in Riyadh, while it will be the "Sleeve Partner" in the UEFA Champions League and Coppa Italia matches.

RadiciGroup therefore remains the "Sponsor del Cuore" of the Atalanta team, renewing the partnership started in 2017. Over these years, during which the Nerazzurri have achieved success, RadiciGroup has always supported the management, coach, players, and staff of Atalanta. This relationship is based on shared values such as attention to the territory, passion for the black and blue colours, and the ability to showcase an incredible game that highlights each player's talent within a winning team. Atalanta concluded the 2023/24 season triumphantly, winning the Europa League and giving Bergamo fans a trophy.

RadiciGroup and Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio announce the renewal of their partnership for the 2024/25 season. RadiciGroup will be the "Sponsor del Cuore" (Heart Sponsor) for the Italian Serie A league and the Supercoppa Italia, which will take place in January 2025 in Riyadh, while it will be the "Sleeve Partner" in the UEFA Champions League and Coppa Italia matches.

RadiciGroup therefore remains the "Sponsor del Cuore" of the Atalanta team, renewing the partnership started in 2017. Over these years, during which the Nerazzurri have achieved success, RadiciGroup has always supported the management, coach, players, and staff of Atalanta. This relationship is based on shared values such as attention to the territory, passion for the black and blue colours, and the ability to showcase an incredible game that highlights each player's talent within a winning team. Atalanta concluded the 2023/24 season triumphantly, winning the Europa League and giving Bergamo fans a trophy.

More information:
RadiciGroup Sportswear


Some of Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel´s Vietnam team members with top management during the inauguration. (c) Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel inaugurates factory in Vietnam

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg Apparel) announced the production opening of its state thermal insulation factory located in Long Thanh District, Vietnam. This facility specializes in the production of comfortemp®, Freudenberg’s renowned high-performance thermal insulation material, designed to elevate fashion and sportswear apparel.

This additional new factory extends Freudenberg Apparel's thermal insulation production across key Asian markets, including the Chinese mainland and South Korea. It also significantly strengthens Freudenberg Apparel’s global production capabilities and supply network. This expansion will bolster the company's competitive edge in Asia and reaffirms its ongoing dedication to innovation and evolution within the apparel industry.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg Apparel) announced the production opening of its state thermal insulation factory located in Long Thanh District, Vietnam. This facility specializes in the production of comfortemp®, Freudenberg’s renowned high-performance thermal insulation material, designed to elevate fashion and sportswear apparel.

This additional new factory extends Freudenberg Apparel's thermal insulation production across key Asian markets, including the Chinese mainland and South Korea. It also significantly strengthens Freudenberg Apparel’s global production capabilities and supply network. This expansion will bolster the company's competitive edge in Asia and reaffirms its ongoing dedication to innovation and evolution within the apparel industry.

"By localizing the production of our thermal insulation materials in Vietnam, we are not only reducing lead times for our customers but also streamlining the supply chain, ensuring we continue to deliver exceptional value for customers," stated John McNabb, Chief Technology Officer at Freudenberg Performance Materials. The Vietnamese facility is equipped to produce sustainable thermal insulations, providing customers with options that align with their sustainable garment production initiatives and goals.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel

Foto Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong Polytechnic University develops intelligent activewear

The Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games are just around the corner and a global sports frenzy is underway. However, intense summer workouts often lead to sportswear absorbing excessive sweat, becoming clingy and cumbersome, causing discomfort and potentially impacting performance. A research team from the School of Fashion and Textiles at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has developed the iActive™ sportswear range which features a root-like liquid transport system and a skin-like active perspiration dissipater and utilises nature-inspired, anti-heat textile fabrics to expedite sweat removal, effectively reducing the weight and stickiness of activewear caused by sweat accumulation during exercise.

The Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games are just around the corner and a global sports frenzy is underway. However, intense summer workouts often lead to sportswear absorbing excessive sweat, becoming clingy and cumbersome, causing discomfort and potentially impacting performance. A research team from the School of Fashion and Textiles at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has developed the iActive™ sportswear range which features a root-like liquid transport system and a skin-like active perspiration dissipater and utilises nature-inspired, anti-heat textile fabrics to expedite sweat removal, effectively reducing the weight and stickiness of activewear caused by sweat accumulation during exercise.

The human body has millions of sweat glands that are vital for regulating body temperature by dissipating sweat for evaporation to cool the skin’s surface. With unabating greenhouse gas emissions, the number of very hot days annually is expected to increase significantly. This will lead to elevated energy consumption and increased sweating during physical activity and outdoor labour. Even when wearing highly breathable clothes with good sweat-wicking properties, individuals may still experience discomfort due to excessive sweat accumulation.

A research team led by Dr SHOU Dahua, Limin Endowed Young Scholar in Advanced Textiles Technologies and Associate Professor of the School of Fashion and Textiles at PolyU, has invented the iActive™, intelligent, electrically activated sportswear with a nature-inspired active perspiration function.

Its nature-inspired technologies, including low-voltage-driven artificial “sweat glands” created by skin-like anti-heat textile fabrics and a root-like branching liquid transport system that aligns with the body’s sweat map, can actively and programmably remove sweat to a perspiration dissipater at the lower region of the sportswear. The all-textile sweat dissipater is compact and operates at a safe output voltage of approximately 5-9V, and its battery is easy to detach from the clothing, making it convenient for users to repeatedly wash the clothing by hand or in a washing machine to maintain hygiene. When the human body’s sweat rate is low, iActive™ can still be used independently without the battery.

Based on the optimised wettability pattern and gradient, the research team utilises a skin-like textile fabric to transport sweat one-way quickly and dissipate it from the inside to the outside. This feature reduces the stickiness and weight of clothing, improves breathability and ensures the garments remain dry and comfortable to wear. Experimental findings indicate that iActive™ creates a breathable and dry skin microclimate by dissipating sweat at a rate that is three times faster than the maximum human sweating rate. This innovation can also prevent discomfort from coldness and moisture after a workout. In comparison to traditional fabrics, the textile materials in iActive™ are 60% lighter and 50% less clingy when soaked, providing the wearer with all-round comfort and enabling sports enthusiasts and athletes to perform at their best.

Furthermore, a mobile app further aids personalised sweat management by wirelessly adjusting the sweat level of iActive™. This innovation is versatile and can be seamlessly integrated into a variety of textile materials to facilitate sustainable mass production. Beyond sportswear, iActive™ is also well-suited to protective clothing and workwear for individuals engaged in prolonged, high-intensity physical labour and outdoor occupations, including healthcare professionals, construction workers, firefighters, law enforcement officers and others, thereby significantly enhancing their work performance.

Dr Shou Dahua stated, “The extreme weather and high temperatures resulting from global warming have elevated the importance of heatstroke prevention and cooling measures on a global scale. Drawing on the vivid phenomena of thermal insulation and directed liquid flow in nature, we aim to foster innovation and sustainable advancement in garment manufacturing by inventing intelligent clothing and materials to address global challenges. We seek to harness the power of technology to infuse fresh perspectives into the traditional clothing industry, thereby enhancing its competitiveness.”

His research team has also developed a premium fabric named Omni-Cool-Dry™, drawing inspiration from volcano dwelling beetles. This fabric not only provides ultra-fast sweat dissipation and ensures all-day comfort with its dry and breathable features under dynamic thermal conditions, but also reflects solar radiation and emits body heat into the cold universe, enabling passive cooling. The team is working hard to leverage the benefits of both inventions to further enhance the sweat-dissipating and cooling capability of iActive™ sportswear.

Dr Shou Dahua, a core member of the PolyU Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems and the Research Centre of Textiles for Future Fashion, has recently been bestowed with the 2023 Distinguished Achievement Award by The Fiber Society for his outstanding contributions to the fields of personal thermal and moisture management, intelligent wearables and soft robotics. The accolade is presented annually to an individual researcher worldwide. He has also received international innovation awards, including consecutive TechConnect Global Innovation Awards in 2021 and 2022. Moreover, his research papers have been published in various internationally renowned academic journals including Science Advances, PNAS, Advanced Functional Materials, and Advanced Energy Materials. Dr Shou will be chairing The Fiber Society Spring 2025 Conference at PolyU.



Hong Kong Polytechnic University

adidas and Juventus: Lunar Inspired 2024/25 Home Kit (c) adidas AG

adidas and Juventus: Lunar inspired 2024/25 Home Kit

adidas reveals the new Juventus home kit for the 2024/25 season, with a bold, cosmic interpretation of the colours deeply associated with the club. A dynamic interplay of the traditional black and white vertical stripes is given a modern lunar twist, with a subtle all-over crater graphic reflecting the landscape of the moon’s surface.

The kit boasts a unique structured fabric created using a 3D engineering method to construct the jersey in three levels. This layered fabric creates both visual and haptic intrigue when experienced up close, by incorporating textured details that replicate the undulating surface of the moon.

The on-field version of the jersey is constructed with HEAT.RDY technology, using advanced materials to maximize air flow to keep players feeling cool, while the fan version features AEROREADY technology, which uses sweat-wicking or absorbent materials to keep the body feeling dry.

adidas reveals the new Juventus home kit for the 2024/25 season, with a bold, cosmic interpretation of the colours deeply associated with the club. A dynamic interplay of the traditional black and white vertical stripes is given a modern lunar twist, with a subtle all-over crater graphic reflecting the landscape of the moon’s surface.

The kit boasts a unique structured fabric created using a 3D engineering method to construct the jersey in three levels. This layered fabric creates both visual and haptic intrigue when experienced up close, by incorporating textured details that replicate the undulating surface of the moon.

The on-field version of the jersey is constructed with HEAT.RDY technology, using advanced materials to maximize air flow to keep players feeling cool, while the fan version features AEROREADY technology, which uses sweat-wicking or absorbent materials to keep the body feeling dry.

More information:
adidas AG adidas Sportswear

adidas AG

(c) Messe Frankfurt France

Final Report of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris

The summer edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris welcomed nearly 1,200 exhibitors from 26 countries. This season event was characterised by a number of new features and the dynamics remained satisfactory. Next event: February 10, 2025, in a partially renovated Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre for a session rich in initiatives.

The latest edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, offered in its full version with the Avantex and Leatherworld sectors, ended on July 3 with attendance levels down on the July 2023 session. Over and above a possible "Olympic Games effect" and its consequences on transport and accommodation costs in the capital, the current economic situation is prompting the show's organizers to explore all alternatives to adapt the offer to market demand. However, these results do not seem to have had any impact on the flow of business between visitors and exhibitors, who reported a fairly positive overall climate.

The summer edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris welcomed nearly 1,200 exhibitors from 26 countries. This season event was characterised by a number of new features and the dynamics remained satisfactory. Next event: February 10, 2025, in a partially renovated Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre for a session rich in initiatives.

The latest edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, offered in its full version with the Avantex and Leatherworld sectors, ended on July 3 with attendance levels down on the July 2023 session. Over and above a possible "Olympic Games effect" and its consequences on transport and accommodation costs in the capital, the current economic situation is prompting the show's organizers to explore all alternatives to adapt the offer to market demand. However, these results do not seem to have had any impact on the flow of business between visitors and exhibitors, who reported a fairly positive overall climate.

The dynamic on the booths remained steady and the exchanges satisfactory, as shown by several manufacturers particularly well established on the European market. Indian shirt manufacturer Sheraton Apparel, for example, made around thirty solid contacts over 3 days, and reported several serious approaches to African distributors. The same goes for SMIT, a Turkish company specialising in Made in Turkey sourcing, which was able to see its main European customers and open up new contacts with Canadian and Brazilian buyers.

An expanded offering
At the Near Sourcing Hub, the phygital sourcing space connected by QR Code to the B2B digital platform of Messe Frankfurt France partner FourSource, inquiries to exhibiting companies remained much the same as in 2023. The visitor profile, on the other hand, focused on buyers from networks of small multi-specialist boutiques looking for an original mid-to-top-range offering. It was in response to this market demand for differentiation that the show organizers decided to extend Apparel Sourcing's range to include new categories in the fashion accessories sector, such as jewelry and bags.

High-profile initiatives
Other innovations were also on show this summer. The yarn pavilion - a first conceived in collaboration with Yarn Expo, originally a Shanghai show run by Messe Frankfurt - showcased the expertise of Chinese, Indian, Pakistani and Taiwanese companies, while at the same time highlighting upstream products and services. At Avantex, where some twenty suppliers of solutions for more sustainable fashion were grouped together, the new Designer Hub enabled designers and buyers to discover some original initiatives, such as that of stylist Jean-Luc François' association, supported by Messe Frankfurt's Texpertise network, which trains people who are far from employment, or the 3D design studio Scotomalab.

Materra wins 2024 Avantex Fashion Pitch award
The Avantex Fashion Pitch jury has awarded the 2024 prize to Materra. This British start-up, founded in 2019, designs solutions to support the cotton cultivation adapted to climate change. At the other end of the chain, it offers brands a service designed on a Cotton-As-A-Service model that encourages them to source from the producers it supports. Materra will benefit from a €2,800 stand at Avantex Paris 2025 donated by Messe Frankfurt France, plus €2,000 from Texpertise Network, the textile sector network of the Messe Frankfurt Group, and 1 year's incubation at Foundry donated by IFA Paris, official partner of the competition.

A trendy area at Leatherworld
New for 2024, the Leatherworld sector inaugurated its Leather Trend area, developed in collaboration with publisher Edizioni AF and the Arsutoria School design centre. Designed around the expertise of Italian companies specialising in the manufacture of leather shoes and bags, this inspirational space presented the autumn-winter 25-26 trends through 4 creative axis built around the expression of simplicity, nature, dynamism (sportswear collections) and finally romanticism. Leather Trend was also an opportunity to discover the new leather tanning technology developed by Ecotan, which avoids the use of metals (Chrome) and chemicals in the leather preparation stages thanks to the use of vegetable tannins.


Messe Frankfurt France


Polartec: New Website with Enhanced B2C Focus

Polartec, a Milliken & Company brand and premium creator of innovative and more sustainable textile solutions announced the launch of its newly revamped website. Designed to deliver a seamless and engaging browsing experience for all, the site now caters more effectively to the company’s brand partners and its growing base of direct consumers. It also makes it easier for users to discover the Polartec performance guarantee.

The new website features a fresh new look and feel, along with significant enhancements to improve the user experience. With a strong emphasis on accessibility and user engagement, the revised site ensures that visitors can quickly find the information they need, whenever and wherever they want it. Key features include:

Polartec, a Milliken & Company brand and premium creator of innovative and more sustainable textile solutions announced the launch of its newly revamped website. Designed to deliver a seamless and engaging browsing experience for all, the site now caters more effectively to the company’s brand partners and its growing base of direct consumers. It also makes it easier for users to discover the Polartec performance guarantee.

The new website features a fresh new look and feel, along with significant enhancements to improve the user experience. With a strong emphasis on accessibility and user engagement, the revised site ensures that visitors can quickly find the information they need, whenever and wherever they want it. Key features include:

  • Modern Design and Structure: The site’s intuitive navigation and streamlined design allow our users to access vital information quickly and easily from any entry point.
  • Dynamic Animation: Integrated modern animation enhances engagement and facilitates the interactive and highly enjoyable browsing experience.
  • Optimized Content: Overhauled and strategically optimized for SEO, the new content reflects our refreshed positioning while ensuring high visibility in search engine results.

Just as Polartec is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of textile innovation while prioritizing the planet, the new navigation menu reflects this commitment by ensuring fast, easy access to primary sections and important information. And, by highlighting sustainable practices, groundbreaking fabrics and exclusive textile technologies, the new website meets the needs of renowned sportswear apparel companies, top-tier athletes and everyday users alike.

  • Fabrics: Explore Polartec’s extensive range of high-performance fabrics.
  • Sustainability: Learn about Polartec’s commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
  • Brands: The newly named Products section features our partner brands and their products
  • News: Stay up to date with the latest information and company news.
  • About Us: Gain insights into Polartec’s company values and mission.
More information:
Polartec Milliken Website

Milliken & Company


VIATT 2025: Multifaceted fair poised to aid rejuvenation of Vietnam's textile industry

After navigating the challenges of 2023, Vietnam's textile and garment exports have been gradually recovering. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam during the first five months of this year reached USD 11 billion, a 2% year-on-year increase, according to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). To cater to Vietnam’s renewed business opportunities, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC).

After navigating the challenges of 2023, Vietnam's textile and garment exports have been gradually recovering. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Vietnam during the first five months of this year reached USD 11 billion, a 2% year-on-year increase, according to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). To cater to Vietnam’s renewed business opportunities, the Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) will return from 26 – 28 February 2025 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC).

The fair’s inaugural edition attracted 409 exhibitors and 17,262 visits from 17 and 55 countries and regions respectively. Building on this solid foundation, VIATT 2025 will continue to showcase the latest industry trends, and expand its focus on various pertinent areas. This will include the fair’s new Econogy Hub, a dedicated zone to advance the topic of sustainability in the textile industry, and to relate it closely to the demands of economic and social change. Together with the evolving environmental landscape, the fair will also help industry players adapt to the rapid adoption of new technology in the business world with the debut of the Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone. This zone will allow exhibitors to unveil the latest technology and solutions such as AI design, digital manufacturing, big data analytics, and more.

Concurrently, VIATT 2025 will continue to present a diverse range of exhibitors across the apparel, home textile and technical textile sectors, with positive feedback received from many quarters at the fair’s inaugural edition.

Apparel Fabrics & Fashion
In the first four months of 2024, textile and garment exports grew 6.3% year-on-year to over USD 10 billion. The US remains Vietnam’s top export market, followed by the EU, South Korea, China, and Japan. To meet this demand, Vietnam's textile industry continues to import a significant amount of raw materials. At VIATT 2024, yarns, fibres and fabrics for casualwear, sportswear and uniforms, as well as garment accessories, were in high demand.

Home & Contract Textiles
Vietnam’s home textile market is projected to undergo a steady CAGR of 2.4% from 2024 – 2032, driven by the rising need for modern and stylish home textiles, e-commerce expansion, and favourable government initiatives. At the fair’s previous edition, product groups included bedding, loungewear and bathroom textiles, curtains and curtain fabrics, upholstery and sofa fabrics, and home textile accessories.

At VIATT 2025, exhibitors can additionally present their latest offerings in the Home Textiles Display Zone or at dedicated product presentations, to maximise their visibility to potential buyers.

Technical Textiles & Technologies
Across the textile industry, investors are now focusing on optimising production capacity, streamlining supply chains, and enhancing product quality to maintain competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. With the new Innovation & Digital Solutions Zone to supplement the textile technology category, VIATT 2025 is set to play host to providers of textile and nonwoven machinery, CAD/CAM, CMT, and technology for embroidery, knitting, sewing, printing, and more. Exhibitors can draw more attention to their latest solutions by participating in the fair's new innovation showcase area.

The Vietnam International Trade Fair for Apparel, Textiles and Textile Technologies (VIATT) is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), covering the entire textile industry value chain. The second edition will be held from 26 – 28 February 2025.

More information:
VIATT Vietnam

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd