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Vileda: Daniel Dächert übernimmt Marketing-Leitung (c) Freudenberg
Daniel Dächert, Director Marketing Germany Consumer Vileda GmbH

Vileda: Daniel Dächert übernimmt Marketing-Leitung

Daniel Dächert übernimmt die Position Director Marketing Germany Consumer Vileda GmbH. In seiner Rolle verantwortet er das Marketing für Vileda in Deutschland. Er folgt auf Katrin Paare, die ab Oktober zur Freudenberg Household Products (FHP) Export GmbH wechselt. Als Marketing Director Global Market Development ist sie zukünftig für das Marketing und die Geschäftsentwicklung von Vileda in Exportmärkten weltweit zuständig.

Dächert blickt auf 17 Jahre Erfahrung in nationalen und internationalen Marketing- und Key Account-Positionen in Konsumgüterunternehmen zurück. Unter anderem war er bei McCain, Reckitt Benckiser und der Intersnack Group tätig. Dächert ist bereits seit 2014 bei der Vileda GmbH tätig. Zuletzt verantwortete er als International Group Account Manager namhafte internationale Kunden.

Daniel Dächert übernimmt die Position Director Marketing Germany Consumer Vileda GmbH. In seiner Rolle verantwortet er das Marketing für Vileda in Deutschland. Er folgt auf Katrin Paare, die ab Oktober zur Freudenberg Household Products (FHP) Export GmbH wechselt. Als Marketing Director Global Market Development ist sie zukünftig für das Marketing und die Geschäftsentwicklung von Vileda in Exportmärkten weltweit zuständig.

Dächert blickt auf 17 Jahre Erfahrung in nationalen und internationalen Marketing- und Key Account-Positionen in Konsumgüterunternehmen zurück. Unter anderem war er bei McCain, Reckitt Benckiser und der Intersnack Group tätig. Dächert ist bereits seit 2014 bei der Vileda GmbH tätig. Zuletzt verantwortete er als International Group Account Manager namhafte internationale Kunden.

EDUARD DRESSLER: In 3 Schritten zum individualisierten Anzug (c) Dressler Bekleidungswerke Brinkmann GmbH & Co. KG

EDUARD DRESSLER: In 3 Schritten zum individualisierten Anzug

Modeaffine Männer sind heute mehr denn je bestrebt, ihre Outfits zu individualisieren und eine persönliche Note in ihren alltäglichen Look zu bringen. Diesem Anspruch wird EDUARD DRESSLER mit dem neuen Konzept „Colour your Suit“ gerecht. „Colour your Suit“ offeriert Kunden direkt am Point-of-Sale neue Gestaltungsspielräume: In drei einfachen Schritten kann vor Ort die Wahl aus Passform („Comfort Fit" oder „Shaped Fit"), Oberstoff und individueller Futtervariante getroffen werden.

Es stehen rund 40 Oberstoffe in verschiedenen Qualitäten und Farbnuancen zur Verfügung. Hinzu kommt eine breite Farbpalette von 17 Futterstoffen, die stets mit den ikonischen EDUARD DRESSLER Signet-Stichen versehen sind. Von dezentem Grau bis hin zu knalligem Pink ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei.

Bestellungen im Rahmen des „Colour your Suit“-Programms werden innerhalb von 3 Wochen nach Kundenwunsch gefertigt und über den Fachhändler ausgeliefert.

Modeaffine Männer sind heute mehr denn je bestrebt, ihre Outfits zu individualisieren und eine persönliche Note in ihren alltäglichen Look zu bringen. Diesem Anspruch wird EDUARD DRESSLER mit dem neuen Konzept „Colour your Suit“ gerecht. „Colour your Suit“ offeriert Kunden direkt am Point-of-Sale neue Gestaltungsspielräume: In drei einfachen Schritten kann vor Ort die Wahl aus Passform („Comfort Fit" oder „Shaped Fit"), Oberstoff und individueller Futtervariante getroffen werden.

Es stehen rund 40 Oberstoffe in verschiedenen Qualitäten und Farbnuancen zur Verfügung. Hinzu kommt eine breite Farbpalette von 17 Futterstoffen, die stets mit den ikonischen EDUARD DRESSLER Signet-Stichen versehen sind. Von dezentem Grau bis hin zu knalligem Pink ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei.

Bestellungen im Rahmen des „Colour your Suit“-Programms werden innerhalb von 3 Wochen nach Kundenwunsch gefertigt und über den Fachhändler ausgeliefert.

Für alle Kunden, denen die Gestaltungsspielräume von „Colour your Suit“ möglicherweise noch nicht ausreichen, bleibt natürlich weiterhin die Königsdisziplin im Rahmen des Made-to-Measure Progamms mit seiner großen Vielfalt an Stoffen, Formen, Maßanpassungen und Ausstattungsoptionen.


Dressler Bekleidungswerke Brinkmann GmbH & Co. KG / MSD PRESS & PR OFFICE


ProCom Automation ist jetzt eigenständig

Der Automationsbereich von ProCom ist jetzt eigenständig: Mit dem am 24. September 2021 erfolgten Eintrag in das Aachener Handelsregister firmiert das Unternehmen nun als ProCom Automation GmbH und dokumentiert seine Kernkompetenz sowohl im Namen als auch in dem neuen, leicht modifizierten Logo: Wo früher ein Slogan stand, findet sich nun der Schriftzug „Automation“ im Firmenzeichen.

Der bisherige, langjährige Bereichsleiter Automation, Bernd Göttgens, wurde zum neuen Geschäftsführer bestellt. Auch die erfahrenen Ansprechpartner für Kunden bleiben bestehen und unterstützen mit bekanntem Expertenwissen in Sales und Consulting.

Geschäftsführer Göttgens: „Wir bauen auf die alten Werte auf und bleiben unserem Business treu, das heißt, wir werden weiterhin Hard- und Softwarelösungen für die schneidende Industrie anbieten. Dennoch dürfen sich unsere Kunden auch in Zukunft auf kontinuierliche Innovationen freuen, denn wir haben in den vergangenen Jahren in Personal investiert und Know-how aufgebaut. Das zahlt sich nun aus. Die Eigenständigkeit kommt daher wie gerufen: Wir starten mit großem Elan in eine vielversprechende Zukunft.“

Der Automationsbereich von ProCom ist jetzt eigenständig: Mit dem am 24. September 2021 erfolgten Eintrag in das Aachener Handelsregister firmiert das Unternehmen nun als ProCom Automation GmbH und dokumentiert seine Kernkompetenz sowohl im Namen als auch in dem neuen, leicht modifizierten Logo: Wo früher ein Slogan stand, findet sich nun der Schriftzug „Automation“ im Firmenzeichen.

Der bisherige, langjährige Bereichsleiter Automation, Bernd Göttgens, wurde zum neuen Geschäftsführer bestellt. Auch die erfahrenen Ansprechpartner für Kunden bleiben bestehen und unterstützen mit bekanntem Expertenwissen in Sales und Consulting.

Geschäftsführer Göttgens: „Wir bauen auf die alten Werte auf und bleiben unserem Business treu, das heißt, wir werden weiterhin Hard- und Softwarelösungen für die schneidende Industrie anbieten. Dennoch dürfen sich unsere Kunden auch in Zukunft auf kontinuierliche Innovationen freuen, denn wir haben in den vergangenen Jahren in Personal investiert und Know-how aufgebaut. Das zahlt sich nun aus. Die Eigenständigkeit kommt daher wie gerufen: Wir starten mit großem Elan in eine vielversprechende Zukunft.“


Archroma celebrates 8 Years of creating positive impact

Archroma celebrates 8 years of leading the way to a sustainable world, with innovations and solutions aimed at creating added value sustainable for its partners, consumers and the planet.

Archroma came to life on 1st October 2013 from textile, paper and emulsions businesses acquired from Clariant by SK Capital Partners.
Building on decades of commitment to developing safer eco-friendlier chemistry, Archroma has become in the past 8 years a prominent name for more sustainable colors and performance, collaborating with leading brands such as Primark, G-Star, Patagonia, Esprit and more.

Archroma has introduced innovations, such as the EarthColors® made from non-edible plant waste from the food and herbal industry, Denisol® Pure, an indigo for aniline-free* denim, aniline being a category 2 carcinogen substance, and Smartrepel®, a PFC-free* water repellent solution. The company is also about to launch a new plant-based softener.

Archroma celebrates 8 years of leading the way to a sustainable world, with innovations and solutions aimed at creating added value sustainable for its partners, consumers and the planet.

Archroma came to life on 1st October 2013 from textile, paper and emulsions businesses acquired from Clariant by SK Capital Partners.
Building on decades of commitment to developing safer eco-friendlier chemistry, Archroma has become in the past 8 years a prominent name for more sustainable colors and performance, collaborating with leading brands such as Primark, G-Star, Patagonia, Esprit and more.

Archroma has introduced innovations, such as the EarthColors® made from non-edible plant waste from the food and herbal industry, Denisol® Pure, an indigo for aniline-free* denim, aniline being a category 2 carcinogen substance, and Smartrepel®, a PFC-free* water repellent solution. The company is also about to launch a new plant-based softener.

The company started to develop holistic solutions designed to bring innovation and performance, whilst reducing the impacts on water, energy and other natural resources. The savings generated by these 70+ system solutions are demonstrated by Archroma's proprietary ONE WAY Impact Calculator, a tool launched in 2012 and continuously upgraded to simulate and optimize the footprint of application processes.

Archroma also recently launched CASUAL X SMART, a sulfur dyeing system for trendy wash-down effects to make clothes that look smart at home and at work. The colors won't fade in the washing cycle, and the application process allows resource savings of up to 33% water, 21% energy and 35% chemical usage compared to a benchmark reactive & pigment garment dyeing.

With ONE WAY, a brand can calculate how much impact their current production and the Archroma Way collection will have on water, energy, chemical, raw material or CO2 footprint.

RadiciGroup: Producing apparel from waste oil (c) RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup: Producing apparel from waste oil

RadiciGroup demonstrates the feasibility of industrial-scale production of polyamides (nylon) starting from bio adipic acid obtained from renewable raw materials, including waste oil and by-products of the oil industry. Potential application sectors for the process and products are textile/fashion, automotive, design, electrical and electronics.

The research was conducted through the Ulysses project and experimentation was performed in collaboration with research centres and universities. Partial funding was received from the Region of Piedmont, within the scope of the “Call for Proposals IR2 (Industrialization of research results)”. The ambitious, innovative multiyear project was launched in March 2018 and stemmed from RadiciGroup's desire to increase the sustainability of its products, whilst delivering the same quality and performance as required by product standards. What is more, the Group wanted to meet the demand coming from its various strategic sectors, in line with the European targets for the development of low-emission businesses and a circular economy.

RadiciGroup demonstrates the feasibility of industrial-scale production of polyamides (nylon) starting from bio adipic acid obtained from renewable raw materials, including waste oil and by-products of the oil industry. Potential application sectors for the process and products are textile/fashion, automotive, design, electrical and electronics.

The research was conducted through the Ulysses project and experimentation was performed in collaboration with research centres and universities. Partial funding was received from the Region of Piedmont, within the scope of the “Call for Proposals IR2 (Industrialization of research results)”. The ambitious, innovative multiyear project was launched in March 2018 and stemmed from RadiciGroup's desire to increase the sustainability of its products, whilst delivering the same quality and performance as required by product standards. What is more, the Group wanted to meet the demand coming from its various strategic sectors, in line with the European targets for the development of low-emission businesses and a circular economy.



vti: Wahl des Vorstands und Diskussionen in der 30. Mitgliederversammlung (c) P3N MARKETING GMBH

vti: Wahl des Vorstands und Diskussionen in der 30. Mitgliederversammlung

Zur 30. Mitgliederversammlung des Verbands der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti) wurden von den 67 anwesenden Mitgliedern der bisherige Vorstand mit allen Mitgliedern wiedergewählt. So wurden Thomas Lindner, Geschäftsführer der Strumpfwerk Lindner GmbH, als Vorstandsvorsitzender und André Lang, Geschäftsführer der Norafin Industries (Germany) GmbH, als Vorsitzender des Tarif- und Sozialausschusses für drei weitere Jahre in ihren Ehrenämtern bestätigt. Als neues Mitglied im Vorstand wurde Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Michael, Geschäftsführer texulting GmbH, aufgenommen.

Weit mehr als die Hälfte des Umsatzes der ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche entfällt auf die Technischen Textilien, gefolgt von den Heimtextilien mit rund 30 Prozent und dem Bekleidungssektor mit zirka 10 Prozent.

Zur 30. Mitgliederversammlung des Verbands der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti) wurden von den 67 anwesenden Mitgliedern der bisherige Vorstand mit allen Mitgliedern wiedergewählt. So wurden Thomas Lindner, Geschäftsführer der Strumpfwerk Lindner GmbH, als Vorstandsvorsitzender und André Lang, Geschäftsführer der Norafin Industries (Germany) GmbH, als Vorsitzender des Tarif- und Sozialausschusses für drei weitere Jahre in ihren Ehrenämtern bestätigt. Als neues Mitglied im Vorstand wurde Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Michael, Geschäftsführer texulting GmbH, aufgenommen.

Weit mehr als die Hälfte des Umsatzes der ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche entfällt auf die Technischen Textilien, gefolgt von den Heimtextilien mit rund 30 Prozent und dem Bekleidungssektor mit zirka 10 Prozent.

Ingeborg Neumann, die Präsidentin des Gesamtverbands t+m und Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin der Peppermint Holding GmbH, gab in ihrem Vortrag „Wir können Wandel – Transformation der deutschen Textil- und Modeindustrie“ einen Einblick in die zukünftigen Herausforderungen. Dabei betonte sie insbesondere die Nachhaltigkeit in allen Bereichen der Branche als Top-Thema. Laut einer t+m-Umfrage beträgt bei einem guten Fünftel der befragten Unternehmen der Umsatzanteil mit nachhaltigen Produkten bereits über 50 Prozent und über 90 Prozent aller befragten Unternehmen planen demnach, ihre nachhaltigen Produktanteile noch auszuweiten.
Insbesondere der Umstieg von fossilen Brennstoffen zu klimaneutralen, erneuerbaren Energien ist diesbezüglich ein wesentlicher Meilenstein.

Johannes Diebel, Leiter Forschung beim Forschungskuratorium Textil e.V., thematisierte in seinem Beitrag die branchenspezifischen Perspektiven bis 2035 zum Green Deal. Mit dem europäischen Grünen Deal will die EU u. a. den Übergang zu einer modernen, ressourceneffizienten und wettbewerbsfähigen Wirtschaft schaffen. Die dazu durchgeführte Branchenstudie führte zu einer Roadmap 2025–30 mit vielfältigen Handlungsfeldern, die von neuen Geschäftsmodellen und der Entwicklung neuer Märkte über attraktive Arbeitsmodelle für Nachwuchskräfte bis zu Innovations- und Netzwerkplattformen für neue Anwendungen in anderen Branchen reichten.

Thomas Lindner reflektierte u. a. diese Herausforderungen in seinem Vorstandsbericht bezüglich der Situation der mittelständischen Unternehmen im Verbandsgebiet. Diese haben durch die Corona-Pandemie starke Umsatzeinbußen hinnehmen müssen. Er machte deutlich, dass die Unternehmen pro Klimaschutz sind, dieser aber nur mit Augenmaß im und mit dem Mittelstand umgesetzt werden kann.

nova-Institute and YNCORIS are presenting the innovation award 2022: "Best CO2 Utilisation" (c) nova-Institut GmbH

nova-Institute and YNCORIS are presenting the innovation award 2022: "Best CO2 Utilisation"

nova-Institute and YNCORIS together with CO2 Value Europe are looking forward to applications for the innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2022”. The award will be granted at the well-established “Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals”, 23–24 March 2022 in Cologne.

With the innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2022” together with YNCORIS and CO2 Value Europe, the nova-Institute offers innovators in the CCU field the unique opportunity to present and market their carbon capture or carbon utilisation (Power-to-X) technology, CO2-based fuel or chemical at one of the leading conferences on CO2 as a raw material. The only requirement for participation in the competition is that the product is already on the market or about to be launched in near future.

nova-Institute and YNCORIS together with CO2 Value Europe are looking forward to applications for the innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2022”. The award will be granted at the well-established “Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals”, 23–24 March 2022 in Cologne.

With the innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2022” together with YNCORIS and CO2 Value Europe, the nova-Institute offers innovators in the CCU field the unique opportunity to present and market their carbon capture or carbon utilisation (Power-to-X) technology, CO2-based fuel or chemical at one of the leading conferences on CO2 as a raw material. The only requirement for participation in the competition is that the product is already on the market or about to be launched in near future.

BVMed-Herbstumfrage zu Umsätzen (c) BVMed

BVMed-Herbstumfrage zu Umsätzen

| Die Medizintechnik-Branche zeigt sich von den starken Umsatzeinbrüchen im Corona-Krisenjahr 2020 leicht erholt. Nach einem Umsatzrückgang von 2,1 Prozent im Vorjahr erwartet die Branche in diesem Jahr in Deutschland ein Umsatzwachstum von 3,0 Prozent, weltweit von 3,1 Prozent. Das Vor-Corona-Niveau mit einem Wachstum von 4,2 Prozent im Inland und 5,8 Prozent weltweit ist aber noch lange nicht erreicht. Das ist das Ergebnis der BVMed-Herbstumfrage, die BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auf der digitalen Jahrespressekonferenz des MedTech-Verbandes vorstellte. An der Herbstumfrage nahmen 110 Mitgliedsunternehmen des BVMed teil. Die Gewinnsituation der Unternehmen ist durch gestiegene Rohstoff- und Logistikkosten stark angespannt. „Dennoch bleibt die Branche ein Jobmotor, die Zahl der Arbeitsplätze steigt weiter“, so Möll.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

| Die Medizintechnik-Branche zeigt sich von den starken Umsatzeinbrüchen im Corona-Krisenjahr 2020 leicht erholt. Nach einem Umsatzrückgang von 2,1 Prozent im Vorjahr erwartet die Branche in diesem Jahr in Deutschland ein Umsatzwachstum von 3,0 Prozent, weltweit von 3,1 Prozent. Das Vor-Corona-Niveau mit einem Wachstum von 4,2 Prozent im Inland und 5,8 Prozent weltweit ist aber noch lange nicht erreicht. Das ist das Ergebnis der BVMed-Herbstumfrage, die BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auf der digitalen Jahrespressekonferenz des MedTech-Verbandes vorstellte. An der Herbstumfrage nahmen 110 Mitgliedsunternehmen des BVMed teil. Die Gewinnsituation der Unternehmen ist durch gestiegene Rohstoff- und Logistikkosten stark angespannt. „Dennoch bleibt die Branche ein Jobmotor, die Zahl der Arbeitsplätze steigt weiter“, so Möll.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Lenzing presented its sustainable processes at FILO

Lenzing presented at FILO its sustainable approach and on a selection of key innovations such as TENCEL™-branded specialty fibers.

As part of the space dedicated to Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto and Fashion B.E.S.T., the first Italian collective of responsible fashion designers, a selection of TENCEL™’s key technologies were under the spotlight:

Lenzing presented at FILO its sustainable approach and on a selection of key innovations such as TENCEL™-branded specialty fibers.

As part of the space dedicated to Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto and Fashion B.E.S.T., the first Italian collective of responsible fashion designers, a selection of TENCEL™’s key technologies were under the spotlight:

  • TENCEL™ x REFIBRA™, using cotton textile waste and wood pulp as the feedstock for cellulosic fibers, creating a circular solution;
  • TENCEL™ x Indigo Color, infusing pigment into fibers directly during the spinning process;
  • TENCEL™ Luxe, providing superior aesthetics, performance and comfort to be the perfect partner of other noble fibers such as silk, cashmere or wool;
  • TENCEL™ Carbon Zero, offering carbon-zero CarbonNeutral®-certified products by Natural Capital Partners;
  • TENCEL™ x Eco Clean, bringing totally chlorine-free-bleached TENCEL™ Modal fibers to the textile industry.

Lenzing's priority has been to produce fibers for many sectors (fashion, beauty care, cleaning, hygiene and home textiles) in a sustainable way. Each Lenzing product is made of cellulose from wood, a renewable natural resource, coming only from certified sustainable sources.
The Lenzing Group operates two commercial-scale biorefineries with 100% wood utilization, which ensure that the totality of wood constituents are used to produce fibers, biobased chemicals, and bioenergy, thus maximizing value creation from an economic and environmental perspective. This concept was illustrated by Carlo Covini, Lenzing Business Development Manager Italy & Switzerland, in his presentation “Lenzing’s biorefinery concept”.


Menabò Group


The Renewable Materials Conference 2022

  • 10–12 May 2022, Cologne, Germany (hybrid)
  • The unique concept of presenting all renewable material solutions at one event hits the mark: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled are the only alternatives to fossil-based chemicals and materials

Ready-to-use fossil-free sustainable material solutions with a low carbon footprint are in fast-growing demand. Innovative brand owners are keeping an eye out for such solutions, in particular those that will soon reach the mainstream.

  • 10–12 May 2022, Cologne, Germany (hybrid)
  • The unique concept of presenting all renewable material solutions at one event hits the mark: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled are the only alternatives to fossil-based chemicals and materials

Ready-to-use fossil-free sustainable material solutions with a low carbon footprint are in fast-growing demand. Innovative brand owners are keeping an eye out for such solutions, in particular those that will soon reach the mainstream.

For the second time, nova-Institute presents numerous market highlights from bio- and CO2-based chemicals and materials as well as from chemical recycling: All material solutions based on renewable carbon. Together, there is sufficient potential to completely replace petrochemicals by 2050. To tackle climate change at its roots, all additional fossil carbon from the ground must be substituted with renewable alternatives. Over the course of three days, participants will get a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in the renewable material sector, with a focus on industry-ready solutions from a wide spectrum of sustainable raw materials and technologies.

In 2021, the new concept of the Renewable Materials Conference generated an outstanding response, which exceeded all expectations: 420 online participants witnessed a firework of innovations of non-fossil material. 60 speakers, 11 panel discussions, 500 public posts and 1,500 networking activities were proof of the lively exchange during the three conference days.

In 2022, nova-Institute plans to host the conference physically in the heart of Germany's fourth largest city, Cologne, just a few hours away from France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Expected are 400 participants on-site and many more online. On-site, the conference will be accompanied by a large exhibition where companies and institutes can showcase their recent developments. The supporting program, networking activities and many secluded spots at the location offers excellent opportunities to make new business contacts and refresh old ones.

The focus of the conference: All material solutions based on renewable carbon – avoiding the use of additional fossil carbon. The entire spectrum of renewable materials is covered: bio-based, CO2- based and recycled.

The program includes a diverse range of bio-based materials such as bio-based polymers, plastics and biocomposites (first and second generation, biowaste), CO2-based materials (from fossil and biogenic point sources, atmosphere) as well as mechanically and chemically recycled materials.


nova-Institut GmbH

Sustainability concept with more than 500 sustainable and innovative solutions (c) Freudenberg
The Freudenberg House of Sustainability

The Freudenberg House of Sustainability

  • Sustainability concept with more than 500 sustainable and innovative solutions

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) is proud to announce its new House of Sustainability. The initiative is designed to assist customers worldwide in enhancing the sustainability of their products, thereby laying the groundwork for a more sustainable future together with Freudenberg. Customers will find more than 500 sustainable and innovative solutions of premium quality for a comprehensive range of applications in the apparel industry. With this initiative, Freudenberg is making its entire portfolio of sustainable solutions visible and transparent. At the same time, the leading global manufacturer of technical textiles is also driving its roadmap of forward-looking innovations.

  • Sustainability concept with more than 500 sustainable and innovative solutions

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel (Freudenberg) is proud to announce its new House of Sustainability. The initiative is designed to assist customers worldwide in enhancing the sustainability of their products, thereby laying the groundwork for a more sustainable future together with Freudenberg. Customers will find more than 500 sustainable and innovative solutions of premium quality for a comprehensive range of applications in the apparel industry. With this initiative, Freudenberg is making its entire portfolio of sustainable solutions visible and transparent. At the same time, the leading global manufacturer of technical textiles is also driving its roadmap of forward-looking innovations.

Sustainability has been an integral part of business activities ever since Freudenberg was established and the first values and principles were drawn up in 1887. Freudenberg aspires to reduce its own footprint and increase the handprint for customers and end users. This means the company strives to minimize the impact of its production processes on the environment (footprint) while helping customers achieve their sustainability goals by offering appropriate products and services (handprint).

The Freudenberg House of Sustainability

The foundation for the Freudenberg House of Sustainability is made up of four elements: Certifications & Regulations, Raw Materials, Technology and Carbon Footprint. This foundation supports seven pillars providing customers with more than 500 sustainable solutions. The House of Sustainability enables customers to choose the right solutions for their sustainable applications and to meet their sustainability goals efficiently. In addition, all Freudenberg services are visible and transparent.

Launch of the Freudenberg House of Sustainability

The House of Sustainability will be launched worldwide over a 12-week period. Each week, Freudenberg will post in-depth information about the elements and pillars on several channels. The complete House of Sustainability will be presented at ISPO Munich 2022.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG

Design, e-commerce and sustainable development highlights of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles fringe programme (c) ITSH20

Design, e-commerce and sustainable development highlights of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles fringe programme

The rescheduled Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, now taking place from 9 – 11 October, will once again provide the industry with insight into the future through its fringe programme’s four categories: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies and Industry Empowerment. And with the Online Business Matching sourcing platform returning this edition, buyers worldwide can still participate in the fair.

Each of the fringe programme’s four categories – Design Inspiration, Business O2O (online to offline), Textiles & Technologies and Industry Empowerment – features a mix of conferences, seminars and presentations that reflect the future of the home textile industry. Highlights of each category are included below, while further details can be found on the fair’s website:

The rescheduled Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, now taking place from 9 – 11 October, will once again provide the industry with insight into the future through its fringe programme’s four categories: Design Inspiration, Business O2O, Textiles & Technologies and Industry Empowerment. And with the Online Business Matching sourcing platform returning this edition, buyers worldwide can still participate in the fair.

Each of the fringe programme’s four categories – Design Inspiration, Business O2O (online to offline), Textiles & Technologies and Industry Empowerment – features a mix of conferences, seminars and presentations that reflect the future of the home textile industry. Highlights of each category are included below, while further details can be found on the fair’s website:

Since 2019, Messe Frankfurt has been working with the Conscious Fashion Campaign and United Nations Office for Partnerships as part of the Texpertise Network and supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The goals will be presented gradually at global textile events in order to highlight the most pressing challenges facing the textile and fashion industry worldwide.

Industry Empowerment: antimicrobial technologies and licensing in the home textile sector

Growing awareness of health and hygiene has increased the demand for antimicrobial and other functional textiles. Seminars hosted by the Chinese Industry Association for Antimicrobial Materials & Products will further discuss the increasing prominence of these textiles, as well as how the adoption of new antimicrobial textile technologies is expected to evolve in the future. In addition, experts will share the new trends of licensing and IP with case studies for the furniture companies and fabric brands.

2022 China Home Textile Trends

The China Home Textiles Trend Area will feature the research of the China Home Textile Association, The Department of Home Textile Trend Research and Promotion and Concept & Style Fashion Project Group Italy who shared their knowledge, inspirations and exchanged their visions of trend evolutions considering consumer demand, retail expertise, the contract market and new technologies.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition 2021 will be held concurrently with Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Autumn Edition, Yarn Expo Autumn, PH Value and CHIC at the National Exhibition and Convention Center. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).

JUMBO-Textil: Innovative braiding technology. Innovative products (c) JUMBO-Textil

JUMBO-Textil: Innovative braiding technology. Innovative products

  • JUMBO-Textil offers elastic high-tech braids – produced on high-tech systems

Developing narrow textile solutions for our customers – quickly, flexibly and precisely – that is our claim. For us and for our technology. Because first-class industrial solutions require first-class technology. Highly automated and digitally controlled. Technology like that found in our variation braider from Herzog – the high-performer among modern braiding machines. JUMBO-Textil is the first narrow textile manufacturer ever to produce elastic hole cords on the special system.

  • JUMBO-Textil offers elastic high-tech braids – produced on high-tech systems

Developing narrow textile solutions for our customers – quickly, flexibly and precisely – that is our claim. For us and for our technology. Because first-class industrial solutions require first-class technology. Highly automated and digitally controlled. Technology like that found in our variation braider from Herzog – the high-performer among modern braiding machines. JUMBO-Textil is the first narrow textile manufacturer ever to produce elastic hole cords on the special system.

High-performance system for extremely stable textile components
The special system combines sophisticated bobbin lace technology with digital control and thus enables the production of highly complex, individually specifiable braided structures. The variation braider's technology ensures an uninterrupted fibre course across all branches. This not only allows individual, idiosyncratic geometries, it also and above all helps with the stability of the components. This is because where other methods create branching points that are susceptible to breakage due to laser cutting, seams or knots, the variation braider simply braids through the branched strands. As the fibre course is not interrupted in braided branches, the resilience of the textiles is significantly increased. And individual braids are created for very different applications.

Bobbin lace technology for highly complex structures
Unlike in classical braiding systems, the impellers of the variation braider are arranged in a square. Up to eight different strands can be braided and interlaced with the textile all-rounder. All bobbins can be programmed separately and thus the bobbin lanes can be combined variably and individually. JUMBO-Textil also produces tubular braids with precisely defined braided openings, triaxial braids and highly complex preforms with the variation braider. The geometries of the narrow textiles range all the way to net structures. For braided cables, we create stable connections in the core-sheath braiding by weaving the core and the protective sheathing, which provides protection especially at the turns: there is no longer any undesired core and sheath slippage.

Individual braid architectures – for automotive, outdoor and more
Complex non-elastic cords from the variation braider have been in operation at JUMBO-Textil for a long time. For hole cords – or bifurcation cords (from the Latin: furca, the fork) – the bobbin points are individually programmed so that the arrangement and length of the branching precisely meet the requirements. It is used, among others, in the automotive sector, in the construction industry and in the outdoor sector to hang or unhang elements without using metal.

Elastic hole cord from the elastics specialist
The elastic hole braids by JUMBO-Textil are new on the market. "The variation braider offers us fantastic possibilities: we can pre-configure what we want to braid and are completely free to do so. The repeat is computer-controlled," explains Holger Vehring, Project Engineer at JUMBO-Textil. "A seamless braided cable harness tubular that organises the cable mess (for automotive), braided hoses with defined openings for conductive elements in smart textiles or rehab applications, as tensioning elements in backpacks or functional clothing – the possible applications are vast. Thanks to this technology, textile – i.e. lighter, quieter and more flexible – components can be used for numerous applications in which metallic materials were previously used due to the fragile branching points."


Hexcel and HP Composites Collaborate to Develop Class A Body Panels (c) Hexcel

Hexcel and HP Composites Collaborate to Develop Class A Body Panels

Hexcel has collaborated with HP Composites S.p.A (HP Composites), a world leader in the production of carbon fiber components for automotive and motorsports, to develop carbon fiber Class A body panels. Hexcel HexPly® XF surfacing technology is being extensively used by the Italian component producer to manufacture external body panels and other components for supercars such as Alfa Romeo’s stunning new supersport sedans, the Giulia GTA, and GTAm.

With five production plants in Italy, HP Composites has built an impressive track record of high-performance composite successes on both road and racetrack. HP has combined this processing expertise with Hexcel HexPly® XF3 surfacing material, HexPly® M47, and HexPly® M49 prepregs, working to the highest standards set by the most prestigious supercar OEMs and leading motorsport teams.

Hexcel has collaborated with HP Composites S.p.A (HP Composites), a world leader in the production of carbon fiber components for automotive and motorsports, to develop carbon fiber Class A body panels. Hexcel HexPly® XF surfacing technology is being extensively used by the Italian component producer to manufacture external body panels and other components for supercars such as Alfa Romeo’s stunning new supersport sedans, the Giulia GTA, and GTAm.

With five production plants in Italy, HP Composites has built an impressive track record of high-performance composite successes on both road and racetrack. HP has combined this processing expertise with Hexcel HexPly® XF3 surfacing material, HexPly® M47, and HexPly® M49 prepregs, working to the highest standards set by the most prestigious supercar OEMs and leading motorsport teams.

Hexcel’s automotive composites portfolio is the result of decades of industry experience and the creation of strategic partnerships to develop and optimize leading-edge technologies. HexPly XF3 is an epoxy prepreg surface material, developed with processing input from the HP Composites team to address the challenges of producing high-quality Class A automotive body panel surfaces with excellent resistance to aging tests.

Applied as the first ply in the mold and after curing at 120-180˚C in an autoclave, HexPly XF3 produces a smooth part surface with no porosity, that requires minimal preparation for painting.

HexPly XF3 is supplied in an easy-to-handle roll format with good tack and drapability. After curing, it can be easily prepared for painting with a rapid sanding process. HP Composites has incorporated automated robotic sanding techniques for this finishing stage with the paint-ready HexPly XF3 surface providing excellent paint adhesion according to EN ISO 2409.

HP Composites typically uses autoclave processing for HexPly XF3 parts, maximizing weight savings and structural performance of the final components. In addition, HP has also developed its own proprietary press and compression molding processes, including Air Press Moulding® technology, compatible with HexPly XF3 and other HexPly prepregs for higher volume production series that require increased production rates.

“Our long-term experience has given us a detailed understanding of the critical features that influence how prepregs and surfacing technologies interact with different production processes,” said Abramo Levato, General Manager, HP Composites S.p.A. “The relationship we have with Hexcel is both highly technical and highly supportive. As a result we have a complete material package for high-quality Class A body panels that are formulated specifically with our requirements in mind.”

“Combining the expertise of HP with a strong technical interaction and collaborative dialogue, Hexcel and HP were together able to develop the optimum HexPly XF surfacing technology,” said Claude Despierres, VP Sales and Marketing, Hexcel. “With HexPly XF3 we satisfy the toughest industry standards.”


Suominen launches HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo

Suominen has successfully developed HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo, a moist toilet tissue with even better dispersibility. HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo offers near parity dispersion with dry toilet tissue but with premium thickness for a better consumer experience in use.

Suominen’s new flushable nonwovens substrate, HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo passed the stringent standards for dispersibility set by both the International Water Services Flushability Group (IWSFG) and INDA/EDANA (GD4) in independent testing.

“We are extremely proud to launch HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo. Its 100% cellulosic fiber composition is evidence of sustainable origins and its capability to fully and rapidly break down in wastewater provides biodegradability in disposal, giving consumers an end-to-end eco-friendly solution for personal care. Dry toilet tissue is recognized as the material most capable of breaking down in sewer systems and HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo was developed with this result in mind, “says Andrew Charleston, Manager, Category Management, Americas.

Suominen has successfully developed HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo, a moist toilet tissue with even better dispersibility. HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo offers near parity dispersion with dry toilet tissue but with premium thickness for a better consumer experience in use.

Suominen’s new flushable nonwovens substrate, HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo passed the stringent standards for dispersibility set by both the International Water Services Flushability Group (IWSFG) and INDA/EDANA (GD4) in independent testing.

“We are extremely proud to launch HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo. Its 100% cellulosic fiber composition is evidence of sustainable origins and its capability to fully and rapidly break down in wastewater provides biodegradability in disposal, giving consumers an end-to-end eco-friendly solution for personal care. Dry toilet tissue is recognized as the material most capable of breaking down in sewer systems and HYDRASPUN® Aquaflo was developed with this result in mind, “says Andrew Charleston, Manager, Category Management, Americas.




Archroma announces a general price increase across its portfolio

Effective 01 October 2021, Archroma will increase the prices of its products by up to 0.25 USD per kg. These adjustments will apply to all Archroma products globally. The increase is necessary to offset the ongoing exceptionally high freight and logistics costs.

“Archroma made every effort to absorb these increases,” says Marcos Furrer, Chief Operating Officer at Archroma. “We have however reached a point where these adjustments are needed for us to be able to maintain our service levels.”

Effective 01 October 2021, Archroma will increase the prices of its products by up to 0.25 USD per kg. These adjustments will apply to all Archroma products globally. The increase is necessary to offset the ongoing exceptionally high freight and logistics costs.

“Archroma made every effort to absorb these increases,” says Marcos Furrer, Chief Operating Officer at Archroma. “We have however reached a point where these adjustments are needed for us to be able to maintain our service levels.”

More information:

EMG for Archroma


Suominen’s HYDRASPUN® Regal receives Fine to Flush certification

Suominen has launched a second nonwoven product, HYDRASPUN® Regal, that has received the Fine to Flush Manufacturer’s Generic Certificate from Water UK. HYDRASPUN® Regal was developed to meet the increasing need for flushable wipes that are dispersible according to the Water UK’s flushability standard.

HYDRASPUN® Regal is made of plastic free and biodegradable raw materials, containing only cellulosic fibers. It also has a low-level carbon footprint due to its high pulp content.

Suominen was one of the first nonwoven substrate manufacturers to receive the Fine to Flush Manufacturer’s Generic Certificate from Water UK. The first certification was granted for HYDRASPUN® Royal in Spring 2020.


Suominen has launched a second nonwoven product, HYDRASPUN® Regal, that has received the Fine to Flush Manufacturer’s Generic Certificate from Water UK. HYDRASPUN® Regal was developed to meet the increasing need for flushable wipes that are dispersible according to the Water UK’s flushability standard.

HYDRASPUN® Regal is made of plastic free and biodegradable raw materials, containing only cellulosic fibers. It also has a low-level carbon footprint due to its high pulp content.

Suominen was one of the first nonwoven substrate manufacturers to receive the Fine to Flush Manufacturer’s Generic Certificate from Water UK. The first certification was granted for HYDRASPUN® Royal in Spring 2020.




Fraunhofer UMSICHT: Wie sieht die Vision einer Stadtteilfabrik aus? (c) Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Fraunhofer UMSICHT: Wie sieht die Vision einer Stadtteilfabrik aus?

Im Rahmen des NRW-Projekts »Labor für urbane Zukunftsfragen und Innovationen (LUZI)« stellt die DEZENTRALE des Fraunhofer UMSICHT im September und Oktober mit vier kostenfreien Online-Veranstaltungen ihr Konzept der Stadtteilfabrik vor. Am 30. September können sich Kreativschaffende, Handwerker*innen und Interessierte aus dem Einzelhandel genauso wie alle Bürger*innen ein erstes Bild von der alternativen und nachhaltigen Lösung im urbanen Raum schaffen und darüber ins Gespräch kommen.

Thematischer Start mit einem Rundumschlag
Das Thema »Vision der Stadtteilfabrik« soll dabei insbesondere auch in all seinen Facetten zur Diskussion anregen und den interdisziplinären Austausch fördern. Von Geschäftsmodellen über Möglichkeiten der Nutzerintegration und Fertigungstechnologien bis hin zu entstehenden Mehrwerten bilden sich viele Fragen, auf die beim Auftakt der Veranstaltungsreihe eine Antwort erarbeitet wird. Angefangen mit dem Grobkonzept, stehen dabei aber auch insbesondere die Schlüsselaktivitäten im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion.

Im Rahmen des NRW-Projekts »Labor für urbane Zukunftsfragen und Innovationen (LUZI)« stellt die DEZENTRALE des Fraunhofer UMSICHT im September und Oktober mit vier kostenfreien Online-Veranstaltungen ihr Konzept der Stadtteilfabrik vor. Am 30. September können sich Kreativschaffende, Handwerker*innen und Interessierte aus dem Einzelhandel genauso wie alle Bürger*innen ein erstes Bild von der alternativen und nachhaltigen Lösung im urbanen Raum schaffen und darüber ins Gespräch kommen.

Thematischer Start mit einem Rundumschlag
Das Thema »Vision der Stadtteilfabrik« soll dabei insbesondere auch in all seinen Facetten zur Diskussion anregen und den interdisziplinären Austausch fördern. Von Geschäftsmodellen über Möglichkeiten der Nutzerintegration und Fertigungstechnologien bis hin zu entstehenden Mehrwerten bilden sich viele Fragen, auf die beim Auftakt der Veranstaltungsreihe eine Antwort erarbeitet wird. Angefangen mit dem Grobkonzept, stehen dabei aber auch insbesondere die Schlüsselaktivitäten im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion.

Zum Projekt
Das Labor für urbane Zukunftsfragen und Innovationen« untersucht transdisziplinär, wie und durch welche Zielgruppen ein Maker Space – eine offene Werkstatt – nachhaltig funktionieren kann. Dazu möchte das Forschungsteam herausfinden, welche Bedingungen es braucht, um soziale, ökologische und kreative Ideen in unternehmerisches Handeln zu überführen sowie Güter herzustellen und Bildungsangebote zu offerieren.


Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT

CHIC Shanghai starts on October 9, 2021 with around 500 brands (c) Chic Shanghai / JANDALI MODE.MEDIEN.MESSEN

CHIC Shanghai starts on October 9, 2021 with around 500 brands

From the 09-11th of October, CHIC will take place with around 500 fashion and lifestyle brands on 53,000 sqm in the National Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai and offers a perfect overview of the fashion innovations in all fashion areas of the next season.

Chinese consumers place increasing value on sustainable products, the topic of "sustainability" is present in all areas of CHIC, in cooperation with WGSN the latest trends in sustainable fashion S / S 22 are shown. Together with China Fashion and WWD, companies that produce particularly sustainably are honored as part of the "Pursuer of excellence in sustainability" event.

The organizers put a special focus on the expansion of digital tools for the trade fair participants, which were used in the run-up to the trade fair for intensive visitor marketing and at the trade fair to optimally network supply and demand, WeChat plays a central role here. The CHIC WeChat mini program has been expanded and integrates the CHIC e-catalog, tailored to the needs of exhibitors and visitors.

From the 09-11th of October, CHIC will take place with around 500 fashion and lifestyle brands on 53,000 sqm in the National Exhibition & Convention Center in Shanghai and offers a perfect overview of the fashion innovations in all fashion areas of the next season.

Chinese consumers place increasing value on sustainable products, the topic of "sustainability" is present in all areas of CHIC, in cooperation with WGSN the latest trends in sustainable fashion S / S 22 are shown. Together with China Fashion and WWD, companies that produce particularly sustainably are honored as part of the "Pursuer of excellence in sustainability" event.

The organizers put a special focus on the expansion of digital tools for the trade fair participants, which were used in the run-up to the trade fair for intensive visitor marketing and at the trade fair to optimally network supply and demand, WeChat plays a central role here. The CHIC WeChat mini program has been expanded and integrates the CHIC e-catalog, tailored to the needs of exhibitors and visitors.

The next editions of CHIC will take place from 3-5th of November 2021 in Shenzhen and from 9-11th of March 2022 in Shanghai.



(c) Trützschler
Ralf Helbig, R & D Engineer for Air Technology (left) and Christian Freitag, Head of Air Technology at Trützschler (right).

Trützschler: TC 19i sets the benchmark for energy-efficient carding

Global energy consumption reached a record high in 2019, following a 40-year trend for rapidly increasing energy demand that was only halted by the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s estimated that more than 80 % of this energy is still generated from fossil fuels that produce CO2 emissions and contribute to climate change. Renewable energy offers a solution to this problem, but saving energy whenever possible is an even more effective approach. That are the motives for Trützschler to develop the intelligent card TC 19i, which sets a new benchmark for energy-efficient carding.

The intelligent Trützschler card TC 19i features the unique T-GO gap optimizer, which continuously and automatically monitors and adjusts the carding gap to an ideal position during production. Innovative drive- and air technology further reduce energy consumption of the TC 19i.

Global energy consumption reached a record high in 2019, following a 40-year trend for rapidly increasing energy demand that was only halted by the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s estimated that more than 80 % of this energy is still generated from fossil fuels that produce CO2 emissions and contribute to climate change. Renewable energy offers a solution to this problem, but saving energy whenever possible is an even more effective approach. That are the motives for Trützschler to develop the intelligent card TC 19i, which sets a new benchmark for energy-efficient carding.

The intelligent Trützschler card TC 19i features the unique T-GO gap optimizer, which continuously and automatically monitors and adjusts the carding gap to an ideal position during production. Innovative drive- and air technology further reduce energy consumption of the TC 19i.

The most energy-intensive elements in a carding machine are the drive, the dust suction process and the compressed air system. Permanent suction is needed to remove dust and cotton waste in key places. Smart optimization of these areas has made the intelligent card TC 19i a benchmark for energy efficiency in carding because it uses less electricity, lower suction pressure and less compressed air than other machines, while providing the highest production rates currently available on the market.

In a head-to-head comparison between the TC 19i and a high-performance card from a competitor, the TC 19i consumed at least 10 % less energy per kilogram of material produced when manufacturing rotor yarn from a cotton and cotton waste mix. The compared energy values included electric power consumption and energy required for suction and compressed air and were measured in both cards at the same production of 180 kg/h. A 10 % reduction in energy per kilogram of sliver produced, as proven here by TC 19i, can have a significant impact on a spinning mill’s profitability; annual savings worth a five-digit sum are frequently possible, depending on factors such as the output of the mill. The customer trial also showed TC 19i’s excellent reliability at the customer’s usual production rate of 180 kg/h, and even demonstrated stable performance at 300 kg/h in the same application. Because the TC 19i with T-GO gap optimizer realizes maximum production rates at no compromise in quality, manufacturers can reduce their energy demand and investment costs drastically: Less machines are needed to achieve the desired output, and energy consumption per production is reduced.

This improvement was made possible by a long and sometimes challenging innovation process involving mathematical models of air flows, as well as flow simulations and prototypes. By combining the final flowoptimized parts in the TC 19i, Trützschler’s experts have developed a card that operates with suction pressure of just -740 Pa and with an air requirement of only 4200 m³/h. This translates into 40 % less energy demand for air technology compared to the latest high-performance competitor model.

More information:
Trützschler carding technology
