From the Sector

503 results

Tata Communications führt 3C-Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie ein

Tata Communications, ein globaler Anbieter von digitalen Ökosystemen, verkündet heute seine Verpflichtung, bis zum Jahr 2035 in allen seinen globalen Betrieben das Netto-Null-Ziel zu erreichen. Anlässlich des "Earth Day 2023/Invest in our Planet" hat sich Tata Communications das Ziel gesetzt, noch mehr in die Nachhaltigkeit zu investieren.

Im Rahmen dieses Ziels skizziert Tata Communications seine 3Cs für den Umweltschutz und wie sie Unternehmen unterstützen können:

Tata Communications, ein globaler Anbieter von digitalen Ökosystemen, verkündet heute seine Verpflichtung, bis zum Jahr 2035 in allen seinen globalen Betrieben das Netto-Null-Ziel zu erreichen. Anlässlich des "Earth Day 2023/Invest in our Planet" hat sich Tata Communications das Ziel gesetzt, noch mehr in die Nachhaltigkeit zu investieren.

Im Rahmen dieses Ziels skizziert Tata Communications seine 3Cs für den Umweltschutz und wie sie Unternehmen unterstützen können:

  • Climate Action - Umweltengagement durch Steigerung der Energieeffizienz und den weltweiten Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien. Dadurch will das Unternehmen bis zum Geschäftsjahr 2030 kohlenstoffneutral* und bis 2035 Netto-Null** werden.
  • Customer GHG (Green House Gas Emission) Savings - Durch die Entwicklung und Bereitstellung grüner oder kohlenstoffarmer Lösungen in den Bereichen IoT-Lösungen, Media & Entertainment Services, Cloud, Business Collaboration-Plattformen, mit denen die Lieferketten der Kunden umweltfreundlicher werden und zugleich ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit gesteigert wird. Dafür beträgt das Potenzial zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen der Kunden des Unternehmens um 20X bis zum Geschäftsjahr 2027 (X steht für die Scope 1- und Scope 2-Emissionen* von Tata Communications).
  • Circular Economies in India - Durch die Implementierung eigener IoT-Lösungen, einschließlich intelligenter Messgeräte zur Echtzeitverfolgung des Wasserverbrauchs sowie von Wasserlecks an den wichtigsten Standorten des Unternehmens in Indien, die Einführung von Regenwasserauffangsystemen und die Steigerung des Wasser- und Abfallrecyclings in den Hauptstandorten des Unternehmens in Indien. So will das Unternehmen den Frischwasserverbrauch bis zum Geschäftsjahr 2030 um 20 % senken (im Vergleich zum Geschäftsjahr 2020). Zudem hat sich das Unternehmen verpflichtet, bis 2027 in Indien keine Abfälle mehr zu deponieren, wobei die Abfälle entweder wiederverwendet, recycelt oder kompostiert werden.

Mit Vertrauen und digitaler Kompetenz hat sich Tata Communications das Ziel gesetzt, nachhaltige Lösungen, skalierbare Ergebnisse und sichere Ökosysteme zu schaffen. Die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie von Tata Communications orientiert sich an den Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen und der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie der Tata Group, um einen gemeinsamen Wert für alle zu schaffen.

* Klimaneutral ist in Bezug auf Scope-1- und Scope-2-Emissionen. Scope 1-Emissionen beziehen sich auf direkte Emissionen aus eigenen oder kontrollierten Quellen. Ein Beispiel sind die Emissionen von Dieselaggregaten. Scope 2-Emissionen beziehen sich auf indirekte Emissionen aus der Erzeugung von gekauftem Strom, d.h. Netzstrom.
** Netto-Null ist in Bezug auf Scope 1, Scope 2 und Scope 3. Scope 1 und Scope 2 sind oben beschrieben. Scope 3 umfasst alle anderen indirekten Emissionen, die in der Wertschöpfungskette eines Unternehmens entstehen. Dazu gehören beispielsweise THG-Emissionen, die in der Lieferkette, durch Geschäftsreisen usw. entstehen.



(c) adidas AG

adidas: 96% of all Polyester used in Products is Recycled Polyester

adidas has announced a new milestone in its journey towards replacing virgin polyester with recycled polyester . 96% of all polyester used in adidas products is now recycled polyester. The achievement of the ambition that adidas first set in 2017 – to replace all virgin polyester with recycled wherever possible by the end of 2024 – is on track to be achieved earlier than expected.

Since the first adidas high-performance shoe was made with recycled materials in 2015, the brand has been working towards reducing its dependency on virgin polyester. Last year it announced that in 2021, more than 90% of the polyester used in adidas products was recycled, which – if it had been virgin polyester - would have accounted for 390 thousand metric tons of CO2e – the equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions generated to provide power to 50 thousand homes in the US[1].

According to Textile Exchange[2], global recycled polyester fiber production volume increased in 2021, but still accounts for just 14.8% of all global polyester production.

adidas has announced a new milestone in its journey towards replacing virgin polyester with recycled polyester . 96% of all polyester used in adidas products is now recycled polyester. The achievement of the ambition that adidas first set in 2017 – to replace all virgin polyester with recycled wherever possible by the end of 2024 – is on track to be achieved earlier than expected.

Since the first adidas high-performance shoe was made with recycled materials in 2015, the brand has been working towards reducing its dependency on virgin polyester. Last year it announced that in 2021, more than 90% of the polyester used in adidas products was recycled, which – if it had been virgin polyester - would have accounted for 390 thousand metric tons of CO2e – the equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions generated to provide power to 50 thousand homes in the US[1].

According to Textile Exchange[2], global recycled polyester fiber production volume increased in 2021, but still accounts for just 14.8% of all global polyester production.

Sport is about meeting challenges head-on and finding ways to overcome those – material innovation is no different. For the team at adidas, the road to 96% has been long and full of challenges. The confirmation of its polyester commitment in 2017 was a crucial step in helping to initiate a transformation across adidas and its entire supply chain. This transformation has been made possible through creating technical solutions and imagining new possibilities that previously didn’t exist.

To accompany the announcement, adidas has created a short film about its new ‘PB’, featuring star athlete Jazmin Sawyers. The film highlights the sports brand’s pride in making progress, and its determination to push further.

As the brand looks ahead to 2024 and beyond, it will continue to expand its focus beyond recycled polyester. It will be doing this through three main areas of focus: changing materials by testing and scaling new raw materials, rethinking entire processes to design products that have a circular end-of-life solution, and reducing its carbon footprint.

[1] adidas Footprint Analytics team
[2] Textile Exchange Preferred Fiber & Materials Market Report, October 2021,


adidas AG

(c) PrimaLoft

PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic aus gesammeltem Plastik

PrimaLoft, Inc., ein Unternehmen für Materialtechnologie, macht mit der Einführung von PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic einen weiteren wichtigen Schritt in seiner Relentlessly Responsible™ Mission. Die Innovation verwendet Plastik, das in Küstennähe gesammelt wird, um Hochleistungsisolationsfasern herzustellen. So wird verhindert, dass weiterer Plastikmüll ins Meer gelangt. Helly Hansen und Isbjörn of Sweden sind die ersten Marken, welche die neue Isolation in ihren Herbst/Winter 2023 Kollektionen verwenden.

PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic ist eine leistungsstarke Isolation, die zu 100 Prozent aus recyceltem Material besteht, wovon 60 Prozent aus Plastikflaschen stammen, die in einem Umkreis von 50 Kilometern um Küstengebiete gesammelt wurden. Da das Plastik noch vor dem Erreichen des Meers abgefangen wird, kann es zur Verarbeitung der hochwertigen PrimaLoft-Isolation genutzt werden. Gleichzeitig wird verhindert, dass die Weltmeere weiter verschmutzt werden.

PrimaLoft, Inc., ein Unternehmen für Materialtechnologie, macht mit der Einführung von PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic einen weiteren wichtigen Schritt in seiner Relentlessly Responsible™ Mission. Die Innovation verwendet Plastik, das in Küstennähe gesammelt wird, um Hochleistungsisolationsfasern herzustellen. So wird verhindert, dass weiterer Plastikmüll ins Meer gelangt. Helly Hansen und Isbjörn of Sweden sind die ersten Marken, welche die neue Isolation in ihren Herbst/Winter 2023 Kollektionen verwenden.

PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic ist eine leistungsstarke Isolation, die zu 100 Prozent aus recyceltem Material besteht, wovon 60 Prozent aus Plastikflaschen stammen, die in einem Umkreis von 50 Kilometern um Küstengebiete gesammelt wurden. Da das Plastik noch vor dem Erreichen des Meers abgefangen wird, kann es zur Verarbeitung der hochwertigen PrimaLoft-Isolation genutzt werden. Gleichzeitig wird verhindert, dass die Weltmeere weiter verschmutzt werden.

Das Verfahren ist von OceanCycle zertifiziert, einem sozialen Unternehmen, das sich darauf fokussiert, die Verschmutzung der Ozeane durch Plastik zu verhindern und die Lebensbedingungen in Küstengemeinden durch Zertifizierung und direkte soziale Maßnahmen zu verbessern. Die unabhängige OceanCycle-Zertifizierung stellt sicher, dass das Material auch wirklich aus Küstennähe stammt, die Beschaffung ethisch-korrekt und die Rückverfolgbarkeit lückenlose ist. Zudem gewährleistet sie eine lückenlose Dokumentation von der Sammlung bis zur Herstellung.

Umwandlung von Ocean Bound Plastik in PrimaLoft-Material
Die Relentlessly Responsible™ Mission von PrimaLoft hat zum Ziel, durch Innovation sowohl Leistung als auch Nachhaltigkeit seiner Produkte immer weiter zu steigern. „Unsere neueste Entwicklung ist eine wichtige Lösung sowohl für die Umwelt, als auch für die Recycling-Lieferkette“, sagt Tara Maurer-Mackay, Senior Vice President, Product Strategy. „Die Qualität von Kunststoffen verschlechtert sich schnell, sobald sie den Elementen im Meerwasser länger ausgesetzt sind, was sie für die meisten Recyclingmaßnahmen unbrauchbar macht. Indem wir Kunststoffabfälle auffangen, bevor sie ins Meer gelangen können, sind wir in der Lage, das Material zur Herstellung unserer hochwertigen Produkten zu verwenden, und damit unseren Markenpartnern und Verbrauchern eine perfekte Mischung aus Leistung und Vielseitigkeit bei geringerer Umweltbelastung zu bieten." PrimaLoft® Insulation with Ocean Bound Plastic besitzt alle Leistungsvorteile, für die PrimaLoft bekannt ist, darunter leichtgewichtige Wärmeleistung sowohl bei trockenen als auch bei nassen Bedingungen, praktische Packbarkeit und lange Haltbarkeit.


Carbios presents its 2022 Annual Results

Carbios, a compnay in the development and industrialization of biological technologies for reinventing the life cycle of plastics and textiles, announces its operating and financial results for the year 2022. The financial statements as of December 31, 2022, were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at their meeting on April 5, 2023.

Carbios, a compnay in the development and industrialization of biological technologies for reinventing the life cycle of plastics and textiles, announces its operating and financial results for the year 2022. The financial statements as of December 31, 2022, were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors at their meeting on April 5, 2023.

  • Project to build, in France, the world’s first PET biorecycling plant: Progress in line with 2025 unit commissioning target6
  • Excellent results from the demonstration plant validating the industrial scale-up of Carbios technology
  • Carbios licensing documentation ready for worldwide industrial and commercial deployment
  • Long-term exclusive strategic partnership with Novozymes to ensure supply of enzymes at industrial scale for the Reference Unit and all future licensee plants
  • Creation of fiber-to-fiber consortium with On, Patagonia, Puma, PVH Corp., and Salomon
  • CE-PET research project successfully completed
  • Participation in WhiteCycle project co-funded by Horizon Europe and coordinated by Michelin
  • Publication of scientific articles in the prestigious Biophysical Journal and in Chemical Reviews
  • Carbios hosts world’s first PET Biorecycling Summit
  • Carbios publishes first Sustainability Report and outlines objectives for environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives
  • Carbios joins Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s circular economy network
  • €30 million European Investment Bank loan drawn down in 2022
  • Group’s cash position of €101 million as of December 31, 2022
More information:
Carbios plastics life cycle Recycling



ExxonMobil showcases hygiene solutions at INDEX™23

ExxonMobil will present its portfolio of products that enable innovative solutions with sustainability benefits for hygiene and personal care applications at INDEX™23. This portfolio includes ExxonMobil™ PP, Achieve™ Advanced PP (polypropylene) and Vistamaxx™ performance polymers that can be used to create differentiated hygiene and personal care products.

ExxonMobil will present its portfolio of products that enable innovative solutions with sustainability benefits for hygiene and personal care applications at INDEX™23. This portfolio includes ExxonMobil™ PP, Achieve™ Advanced PP (polypropylene) and Vistamaxx™ performance polymers that can be used to create differentiated hygiene and personal care products.

An innovation being presented will be the model baby diaper of which the chassis is made exclusively with ExxonMobil’s extensive portfolio of products. Also on display will be a new version of the high-loft, ultra-soft, silky-smooth nonwoven solution for premium hygiene products using a blend of Vistamaxx™ performance polymers, Achieve™ Advanced PP and ExxonMobil™ PP. Developed collaboratively with Reifenhäuser Reicofil, this nonwoven solution delivers sustainability benefits by including ExxonMobil™ PP ISCC PLUS mass balance certified circular polymers using Exxtend™ technology for advanced recycling of plastic waste. Produced efficiently in one step from pellet to nonwoven via high-speed spunbond process, this soft nonwoven is ideal for use in premium diapers, pant-type diapers, feminine care and adult incontinence products.




Autoneum: Acquisition of Borgers Automotive successfully completed

The acquisition of the automotive business of Borgers, announced in January 2023, has been completed with effect from April 1, 2023, following receipt of all antitrust approvals. As a result, Autoneum now operates 67 production facilities worldwide and employs around 16 100 people in 24 countries. With the acquisition of the long-established German company, Autoneum is further expanding its global market leadership in sustainable acoustic and thermal management of vehicles. For the planned capital increase of around CHF 100 million for the long-term financing of the acquisition, the shareholders approved the creation of a capital band.

The purchase agreement signed on January 6, 2023, to acquire the assets of the insolvent Borgers companies by Autoneum could be completed. As a result, Autoneum will take over the assets of the Borgers companies in Germany and the shares in the subsidiaries in France, Poland, Sweden, Spain, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and the USA as well as in the company in Shanghai, China, with effect from April 1, 2023. As already communicated, the enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

The acquisition of the automotive business of Borgers, announced in January 2023, has been completed with effect from April 1, 2023, following receipt of all antitrust approvals. As a result, Autoneum now operates 67 production facilities worldwide and employs around 16 100 people in 24 countries. With the acquisition of the long-established German company, Autoneum is further expanding its global market leadership in sustainable acoustic and thermal management of vehicles. For the planned capital increase of around CHF 100 million for the long-term financing of the acquisition, the shareholders approved the creation of a capital band.

The purchase agreement signed on January 6, 2023, to acquire the assets of the insolvent Borgers companies by Autoneum could be completed. As a result, Autoneum will take over the assets of the Borgers companies in Germany and the shares in the subsidiaries in France, Poland, Sweden, Spain, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and the USA as well as in the company in Shanghai, China, with effect from April 1, 2023. As already communicated, the enterprise value paid amounts to EUR 117 million.

The product and customer range of Borgers Automotive, the specialist for textile acoustics protection, insulation and trim for vehicles, ideally complements Autoneum’s sustainable product portfolio. Particularly with the wheel arch liner and trunk lining product lines as well as the truck business, Autoneum’s global presence offers further potential for profitable growth also outside Europe. In addition, Borgers has more than 150 years of experience in recycling textile materials. In the 2022 financial year, the Borgers Group – excluding the mechanical engineering division which was already sold in the summer of 2022 – generated expected annual revenue of around EUR 700 million and employed around 4 500 employees worldwide. Autoneum has agreed new pricing and delivery terms with Borgers’ customers, which will ensure both sustainable profitability and the further development of technologies and processes.

From April 1, the former Borgers sites in Germany will be part of Autoneum Germany GmbH, which has been in existence for many years. The other subsidiaries worldwide will gradually be renamed Autoneum.

More information:
Autoneum Borgers

Autoneum Management AG


SABIC presents portfolio for healthcare and hygiene market at INDEX™23

SABIC will present its portfolio of PURECARES™ and TRUCIRCLE™ materials for the healthcare and hygiene market at INDEX™23 from April 18 to 21 in Geneva, Switzerland, under the theme of ‘Collaborating for sustainability and innovative solutions’.

At INDEX, SABIC will highlight a joint project with two market leaders, using certified circular polymers from the TRUCIRCLE portfolio in recyclable films for feminine hygiene, baby care and disposable medical applications. In all of these cases from diapers to surgical drapes and medical gowns, the sustainable materials can serve as direct drop-in alternatives with no compromise in production efficiency and product performance.

Further examples on display at the company’s booth will feature TRUCIRCLE solutions for facemasks, including an N95 design that localizes the value chain with SABIC® PURECARES PP spunbond and meltblown polymers in Saudi Arabia. SABIC provides complete solutions for facemask production as part of its localization strategy and has been a key enabler of the Saudi Made initiative. Also shown will be a closed-loop facemask developed in collaboration with industrial and research partners in Europe.

SABIC will present its portfolio of PURECARES™ and TRUCIRCLE™ materials for the healthcare and hygiene market at INDEX™23 from April 18 to 21 in Geneva, Switzerland, under the theme of ‘Collaborating for sustainability and innovative solutions’.

At INDEX, SABIC will highlight a joint project with two market leaders, using certified circular polymers from the TRUCIRCLE portfolio in recyclable films for feminine hygiene, baby care and disposable medical applications. In all of these cases from diapers to surgical drapes and medical gowns, the sustainable materials can serve as direct drop-in alternatives with no compromise in production efficiency and product performance.

Further examples on display at the company’s booth will feature TRUCIRCLE solutions for facemasks, including an N95 design that localizes the value chain with SABIC® PURECARES PP spunbond and meltblown polymers in Saudi Arabia. SABIC provides complete solutions for facemask production as part of its localization strategy and has been a key enabler of the Saudi Made initiative. Also shown will be a closed-loop facemask developed in collaboration with industrial and research partners in Europe.

The company’s PURECARES polyolefin products are based on technologies free of both tris (nonylphenyl) phosphite (TNPP) and phthalates. Consumer comfort is achieved by using SABIC polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) polymers for bi-component fibers to answer multiple needs for soft and loft handfeel nonwovens, enabling easy lamination to other building blocks on medical nonwovens or absorbent hygiene applications.

In addition, SABIC produces TRUCIRCLE certified circular polymers for its PURECARES PP and PE portfolio with feedstock based on advanced recycling of mixed and used plastic that would otherwise typically not be suitable for mechanical recycling processes. These more sustainable solutions can be adopted in downstream processes as direct drop-in alternatives to incumbent materials with no compromise in production efficiency, purity and product performance.



Novafiber CEO and Head of Production together with ANDRITZ technicians and project manager in front of the newly installed 6-cylinder EXEL line

Novafiber starts up textile recycling and airlay lines from ANDRITZ

International technology group ANDRITZ has delivered, installed, and commissioned a mechanical textile recycling line and an airlay line at Novafiber’s nonwovens production mill in Palín, Guatemala. Both lines have been successfully operating since December 2022.

The recycling line – the second tearing line ANDRITZ supplied to Novafiber – processes post-industrial textile waste from Central America. The recycled fibers feed the latest ANDRITZ Flexiloft airlay line, which produces nonwoven end-products for the bedding and furniture industries – a true example of a circular textile-to-nonwoven approach. The production process ensures complete material use as a state-of-the-art edge trim recycling system returns any waste directly to the tearing and/or airlay line.

This combination of ANDRITZ tearing and airlay lines allows Novafiber to process large amounts of post-industrial garments, controlling the supply chain from raw material to final product. In addition, it enables energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint due to the reduction of shipments.

International technology group ANDRITZ has delivered, installed, and commissioned a mechanical textile recycling line and an airlay line at Novafiber’s nonwovens production mill in Palín, Guatemala. Both lines have been successfully operating since December 2022.

The recycling line – the second tearing line ANDRITZ supplied to Novafiber – processes post-industrial textile waste from Central America. The recycled fibers feed the latest ANDRITZ Flexiloft airlay line, which produces nonwoven end-products for the bedding and furniture industries – a true example of a circular textile-to-nonwoven approach. The production process ensures complete material use as a state-of-the-art edge trim recycling system returns any waste directly to the tearing and/or airlay line.

This combination of ANDRITZ tearing and airlay lines allows Novafiber to process large amounts of post-industrial garments, controlling the supply chain from raw material to final product. In addition, it enables energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint due to the reduction of shipments.

Based in Palín, Novafiber is a leading company in Guatemala for producing nonwovens from post-industrial textile waste for both the local market and export.




Sanyou and Renewcell: Viscose fibers made from 100% recycled textiles

On the sidelines of the Intertextile Shanghai fair, the Swedish textile-to-textile recycling innovator Renewcell and the leading Chinese viscose manufacturer Tangshan Sanyou announced the next step in their partnership to make fashion circular that stretches back to 2018.

The two companies’ new shared ambition is to offer manufacturers and brands Circulose® viscose fibers made from 100% recycled textiles in commercial quantities starting in 2024. The collaboration has been facilitated by Ekman Group, Renewcell’s exclusive global trading partner.

“I am very happy to announce this acceleration of our long-standing partnership with Tangshan Sanyou. They were the first commercial producer of Circulose®-based fibers in the world, and the first to commit to sourcing significant volumes from us. Now, they aim to also be the first to commercialize 100% Circulose® content fibers” said Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell, adding "I applaud Tangshan Sanyou’s vision and support to scaling next gen raw materials like Circulose®.”

On the sidelines of the Intertextile Shanghai fair, the Swedish textile-to-textile recycling innovator Renewcell and the leading Chinese viscose manufacturer Tangshan Sanyou announced the next step in their partnership to make fashion circular that stretches back to 2018.

The two companies’ new shared ambition is to offer manufacturers and brands Circulose® viscose fibers made from 100% recycled textiles in commercial quantities starting in 2024. The collaboration has been facilitated by Ekman Group, Renewcell’s exclusive global trading partner.

“I am very happy to announce this acceleration of our long-standing partnership with Tangshan Sanyou. They were the first commercial producer of Circulose®-based fibers in the world, and the first to commit to sourcing significant volumes from us. Now, they aim to also be the first to commercialize 100% Circulose® content fibers” said Patrik Lundström, CEO of Renewcell, adding "I applaud Tangshan Sanyou’s vision and support to scaling next gen raw materials like Circulose®.”

The announcement, which follows the recent start of deliveries of 100% recycled textile Circulose® pulp from Renewcell’s newly opened Renewcell 1 recycling plant, is the result of successful validation of Circulose®’s quality in production at Tangshan Sanyou’s commercial-scale manufacturing lines. Tangshan Sanyou would strive to finish the mission of producing commercial volumes of 50% Circulose® content fibers during 2023 and work towards achieving the delivery of 100% Circulose® content branded viscose fibers to selected fashion brands and manufacturers starting in 2024. The two companies will cooperate to market the fibers globally using Renewcell’s Circulose® ingredient brand name.

Mr. Zhang Dongbin, Executive Vice General Manager of Tangshan Sanyou Chemical Fiber, says, "Through the collaboration with Renewcell, we have achieved to use Circulose® made from recycled cotton in the production of our viscose fibers, which is great beneficial to improving resource utilization efficiency and lowering carbon footprint of the industry. It has brought a huge impact in the sustainable fashion industry. We will continue putting efforts in forming good interaction between consumers, brands and enterprises, convey the concept of circular sustainable fashion, promote the greening of textile industry, and ensure a more sustainable way to ensure the sustainable development of the textile industry. Protecting the global ecological environment by applying sustainable solutions is our common goal."



Freudenberg´s 100% rTPE Base Content Interlining Medium Weight Foto: Freudenberg

Freudenberg: First 100% rTPE base content interlining series for apparel

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel is expanding its Super Elastic Interlinings Range with the introduction of the apparel industry’s first 100% recycled thermoplastic elastomers (rTPE) base content interlining series. In recognition of the growing use of elastic interlinings in apparel and building on the principles of Freudenberg Performance Materials´ Apparel’s House of Sustainability, these new products speak for high-quality and sustainable solutions.

The new, 100% rTPE base content interlinings are offered in 40-90 g/m2 weights, with wide applicability – from lightweight knit fabrics with applications in leggings and sports bras to elastic woven fabrics that require medium-to-heavy weights, such as denim, maternity clothes, or casual wear. Sustainable without compromising on quality, the new interlinings offer exceptional elasticity and retain excellent recovery capabilities.

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel is expanding its Super Elastic Interlinings Range with the introduction of the apparel industry’s first 100% recycled thermoplastic elastomers (rTPE) base content interlining series. In recognition of the growing use of elastic interlinings in apparel and building on the principles of Freudenberg Performance Materials´ Apparel’s House of Sustainability, these new products speak for high-quality and sustainable solutions.

The new, 100% rTPE base content interlinings are offered in 40-90 g/m2 weights, with wide applicability – from lightweight knit fabrics with applications in leggings and sports bras to elastic woven fabrics that require medium-to-heavy weights, such as denim, maternity clothes, or casual wear. Sustainable without compromising on quality, the new interlinings offer exceptional elasticity and retain excellent recovery capabilities.

The 100% rTPE base content interlinings reduce the need for virgin materials in apparel while also reducing the demand for the extractive practices necessary to produce such materials. Furthermore, the use of recycled components reduces materials in landfills and oceans, in consideration of full-garment lifecycle management.


Freudenberg Performance Materials Holding SE & Co. KG


LOI between Renewcell and Chinese Lyocell Fiber Producer CTA Green Fibre

The Swedish textile-to-textile recycling innovator Renewcell has signed a Letter of Intent with China Textile Academy Green Fibre Co. Ltd., an Chinese lyocell fiber producer, concerning a long-term commercial collaboration around man-made cellulosic fiber production.

The LOI provides the framework for an upcoming offtake agreement between the parties. The future legally binding offtake agreement will set out commercial terms for the delivery of 18,000 tonnes of Circulose® dissolving pulp to CTA Green Fibre over five years. CTA Green Fibre intends to use Circulose® as feedstock in the production of lyocell fibers to be supplied to textile manufacturers and fashion brands worldwide.

The agreement affirms the two companies’ intent to work together to supply lyocell textile fibers made using Circulose®, the 100% recycled textile pulp made by Renewcell, to global fashion brands in the coming years. The agreement has been facilitated by Ekman Group, Renewcell’s exclusive global trading partner.

The Swedish textile-to-textile recycling innovator Renewcell has signed a Letter of Intent with China Textile Academy Green Fibre Co. Ltd., an Chinese lyocell fiber producer, concerning a long-term commercial collaboration around man-made cellulosic fiber production.

The LOI provides the framework for an upcoming offtake agreement between the parties. The future legally binding offtake agreement will set out commercial terms for the delivery of 18,000 tonnes of Circulose® dissolving pulp to CTA Green Fibre over five years. CTA Green Fibre intends to use Circulose® as feedstock in the production of lyocell fibers to be supplied to textile manufacturers and fashion brands worldwide.

The agreement affirms the two companies’ intent to work together to supply lyocell textile fibers made using Circulose®, the 100% recycled textile pulp made by Renewcell, to global fashion brands in the coming years. The agreement has been facilitated by Ekman Group, Renewcell’s exclusive global trading partner.

Patrik Lundström, Renewcell’s CEO, commented: ”With this agreement, we take a new step in demonstrating the applicability of Circulose® in commercial-scale production of lyocell fibers. Lyocell is a high quality, low-impact fiber using closed loop production process which is highly sought after among our fashion brand partners that will now soon be available incorporating Circulose® recycled from textile waste. I am impressed by the innovative capacity and leadership of CTA Green Fibre and look forward to working together with them to make fashion circular together.”


Re:NewCell AB


Carbios: Scientific publication on enzymatic degradation of plastics

Carbios announces the publication of an article entitled “Enzymes’ power for plastics degradation” in Chemical Reviews. The article is a comprehensive and critical review of research published to date on the enzymatic degradation of all types of plastics (PET, PLA, polyolefins, polyurethanes, polyamides) and includes almost 700 references. Co-authored by biotechnology researchers from Carbios and its academic partner Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI), as well as two eminent professors in polymer science from the University of Bordeaux, the work brings together expertise in the fields of enzymology, polymer science and industry in order to accelerate the transition to a circular economy for plastic.

Beyond the comprehensive bibliographical study, the authors analyzed the data to discuss the scope, limitations, challenges and opportunities of enzymatic plastic recycling with a view to developing innovations and industrial processes. The article’s standpoint and added value with regard to issues surrounding plastic pollution is its critical view on technology transfer and industrial scalability.

Carbios announces the publication of an article entitled “Enzymes’ power for plastics degradation” in Chemical Reviews. The article is a comprehensive and critical review of research published to date on the enzymatic degradation of all types of plastics (PET, PLA, polyolefins, polyurethanes, polyamides) and includes almost 700 references. Co-authored by biotechnology researchers from Carbios and its academic partner Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI), as well as two eminent professors in polymer science from the University of Bordeaux, the work brings together expertise in the fields of enzymology, polymer science and industry in order to accelerate the transition to a circular economy for plastic.

Beyond the comprehensive bibliographical study, the authors analyzed the data to discuss the scope, limitations, challenges and opportunities of enzymatic plastic recycling with a view to developing innovations and industrial processes. The article’s standpoint and added value with regard to issues surrounding plastic pollution is its critical view on technology transfer and industrial scalability.

To read the article in Chemical Reviews, click here.




RadiciGroup: Zeta Polimeri becomes Radici EcoMaterials Srl

A little over three years have passed since RadiciGroup announced the acquisition of Zeta Polimeri, an Italian company headquartered in Buronzo (VC) with over 30 years' experience in the recovery of pre- and post-consumer synthetic fibres and thermoplastic materials. Today, the company has become a full member of the Group with its new name Radici EcoMaterials Srl.

The new company’s long-standing know-how, combined with RadiciGroup’s as a whole, will create a virtuous production system that recovers worn-out materials (fabric, yarn and granules), or otherwise unusable materials, and processes them into raw materials available for other production cycles by taking advantage of industrial synergy.

A little over three years have passed since RadiciGroup announced the acquisition of Zeta Polimeri, an Italian company headquartered in Buronzo (VC) with over 30 years' experience in the recovery of pre- and post-consumer synthetic fibres and thermoplastic materials. Today, the company has become a full member of the Group with its new name Radici EcoMaterials Srl.

The new company’s long-standing know-how, combined with RadiciGroup’s as a whole, will create a virtuous production system that recovers worn-out materials (fabric, yarn and granules), or otherwise unusable materials, and processes them into raw materials available for other production cycles by taking advantage of industrial synergy.

Radici EcoMaterials is a strategic production site because it handles all the preliminary recovery stages: the sorting, processing and pre-treatment of materials, including those used for the production of post-consumer yarns and engineering polymers. In this sense, Radici EcoMaterials is in line with the most recent European policies on sustainable textiles, which address minimizing the share of materials destined for disposal sites, favouring instead more structured recycling solutions.

Radici EcoMaterials is also GRS certified. GRS certification ensures the complete traceability of its materials, which are made in a safe plant that meets the highest environmental and social certification standards.

The company is also equipped with a photovoltaic system and, for the portion of its energy needs not covered by the photovoltaic source, it partially relies on renewable energy. The goal is to use 100% green energy in the next few years, in accord with RadiciGroup's goals.




Haelixa added to the Denim Deal

The steering committee for the Denim Deal has announced that Haelixa, the Swiss standard in physical traceability, is approved as a new signature. The Denim Deal is an international collaboration of more than 50 private and public sector companies united in the commitment to produce denim more circularly.

The Denim Deal aims to close the loop and achieve change in the value chain. Based in Amsterdam, the group is working towards a circular economy where textile waste no longer exists. The brand and manufacturing members pledge to work towards using 5% recycled post-consumer cotton in all future denim collections and produce 3 million denim jeans made with 20% recycled post-consumer cotton.

The steering committee for the Denim Deal has announced that Haelixa, the Swiss standard in physical traceability, is approved as a new signature. The Denim Deal is an international collaboration of more than 50 private and public sector companies united in the commitment to produce denim more circularly.

The Denim Deal aims to close the loop and achieve change in the value chain. Based in Amsterdam, the group is working towards a circular economy where textile waste no longer exists. The brand and manufacturing members pledge to work towards using 5% recycled post-consumer cotton in all future denim collections and produce 3 million denim jeans made with 20% recycled post-consumer cotton.

Coordination of the Denim Deal is led by Roosmarie Ruigrok, where the objective is to unite potential allies who have made the journey to circularity a priority. She has been working to improve sustainability in textiles for more than two decades and is an expert on enrolling the correct stakeholders to instigate change. Ruigrok states, "a circular supply chain in the textile industry is like a well-prepared machine - it ensures that every part of the production process runs smoothly, from sourcing post-consumer materials to delivering well-made finished products to customers. It not only drives efficiency and profitability but also builds trust among stakeholders and fosters sustainable practices - we welcome Haelixa who offers a trustful traceability solution."

Over the last few years, the demand for the technology in recycled denim has grown as brands are asked to validate their recycling claims. Haelixa’s unique DNA solution marks and traces fibers from the source to retail. Using DNA to mark the recycled post-consumer cotton, Haelixa substantiates claims by testing the final garment to validate that the marked waste is present.

The Denim Deal is pushing to lead the change in how denim is made. Changing the standards of operation is always challenging, and traceability is a key to authenticating recycled claims. “We are committed to promoting the use of recycled fibers through traceability and thrilled to align with this group,” said Holly Berger, Haelixa’s Marketing Director. “The goals of the Denim Deal support our vision for a circular economy.”


Haelixa AG


Alttextilmarkt: Preiskampf um Sammelmengen und wirtschaftliche Sortierung zunehmend schwierig

Auch im Jahr 2022 stand die Alttextilbranche vor neuen Marktsituationen und Herausforderungen. In Zukunft werden insbesondere neue EU-Vorgaben auf die Dynamik des Alttextilmarktes Einfluss nehmen, so der Vorstand des bvse-Fachverbands Textilrecycling.

Im Jahr 2022 zeigte sich die Alttextilbranche sowohl von den Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie als auch von den Auswirkungen des andauernden Ukraine-Russland Krieges betroffen. Die Sammelmengen von Alttextilien fielen erneut leicht ein. Gleichzeitig setzte sich der Rückgang an qualitativ hochwertigen Alttextilien in der Sammlung fort.

Ein weiterer neuer Trend zeichnete sich ab: Infolge anderer Materialzusammensetzungen wurden die einzelnen Teile in der Sammelware im Durchschnitt leichter. „Damit stehen den Sortierern zwar mehr Stücke im Original zur Verfügung, dies führt aber aufgrund von mangelnden Qualitäten nicht zwangsweise zu einer besseren Wiederverwendungsquote“, stellt der Vorsitzende des bvse-Fachverband Textilrecycling, Stefan Voigt, klar.

Auch im Jahr 2022 stand die Alttextilbranche vor neuen Marktsituationen und Herausforderungen. In Zukunft werden insbesondere neue EU-Vorgaben auf die Dynamik des Alttextilmarktes Einfluss nehmen, so der Vorstand des bvse-Fachverbands Textilrecycling.

Im Jahr 2022 zeigte sich die Alttextilbranche sowohl von den Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie als auch von den Auswirkungen des andauernden Ukraine-Russland Krieges betroffen. Die Sammelmengen von Alttextilien fielen erneut leicht ein. Gleichzeitig setzte sich der Rückgang an qualitativ hochwertigen Alttextilien in der Sammlung fort.

Ein weiterer neuer Trend zeichnete sich ab: Infolge anderer Materialzusammensetzungen wurden die einzelnen Teile in der Sammelware im Durchschnitt leichter. „Damit stehen den Sortierern zwar mehr Stücke im Original zur Verfügung, dies führt aber aufgrund von mangelnden Qualitäten nicht zwangsweise zu einer besseren Wiederverwendungsquote“, stellt der Vorsitzende des bvse-Fachverband Textilrecycling, Stefan Voigt, klar.

Preiskampf um verfügbare Sammelmengen und Kostensteigerungen
„Aufgrund der in 2022 wieder freien Kapazitäten in den Sortierwerken führt die geringer verfügbare Menge an Sammelware zu einem Preiskampf. In der Folge konnten Sammelunternehmen Umsatzeinbußen aus 2020 teilweise wieder ausgleichen“, beschreibt der stellvertretende Fachverbandsvorsitzende Stephan Kowoll die Situation der Alttextilsammler.

Unternehmen, die Sortieranlagen betrieben, sahen sich hingegen trotz der an sich guten Verkaufserlöse durch drastisch erhöhte Kosten im Bereich des Wareneinkaufs und der Sortierkosten belastet. „Die massiv gestiegenen Löhne sorgen zusammen mit großen Steigerungen im Bereich der Energie- und Treibstoffkosten für eine Situation, die eine wirtschaftliche Sortierung in Deutschland immer mehr erschwert“, verdeutlicht der Fachverbandsvorsitzende Voigt die Lage der Sortierbetriebe.

Exportmärkte: Stop and Go mit hohen Frachtraten
In Afrika stieg die Nachfrage nach tragbaren Textilien in 2022 weiter an. Zeitgleich wurden infolge des Kriegs in der Ukraine EU-weit Exportverbote nach Russland – auch für Alttextilien – verhängt. „Der für die Branche existenziell wichtige Export der sortierten Alttextilprodukte in die Auslandsmärkte wurde durch die mittlerweile fast verdoppelten Frachtraten in die Destinationen Afrika und Südamerika stark belastet“, macht Vorsitzender Voigt auf weitere Kostensteigerungen für die Branche aufmerksam.

Erarbeitung und Einführung eines nationalen EPR-Systems im Fokus
Der Alttextilmarkt ist im Umbruch, darin ist sich die Fachverbandsspitze einigt. Politische und legislative Neuerungen auf EU- und Bundesebene werden die Dynamik des Alttextilmarkts sowohl in der EU als auch in Deutschland verändern. Im besonderen Fokus steht für den Fachverband dabei die mögliche Ausgestaltung eines nationalen Systems der Erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung (EPR), die auf den zukünftigen Alttextilmarkt entscheidenden Einfluss nehmen wird.  

„Durch die verpflichtende Getrenntsammlung ab 2025 wird es erwartungsgemäß zu einem weiteren Abfall der Rohwarenqualitäten bei steigenden Mengen kommen. Im Hinblick darauf ist die Einbeziehung der deutschen Sammler und Sortierer bezüglich einer Querfinanzierung der zu erbringenden abfalltechnischen Leistungen unabdingbar. Das in Deutschland bewährte und funktionierende Sammelsystem im Zusammenspiel mit den kommunalen, gewerblichen und gemeinnützigen Sammlern muss weiterhin aufrechterhalten und gestärkt werden“, betonten die Fachverbandschefs Stefan Voigt und Stephan Kowoll übereinstimmend.

More information:

bvse-Fachverband Textilrecycling


Indorama Ventures and Polymateria sign partnership for biodegradable hygiene products

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) and technology specialist Polymateria Limited have signed an exclusive 10-year partnership to help household brands bring biodegradable nonwoven hygiene products to the market through biotransformation technology.

This collaboration provides a new solution for dealing with essential items like facemasks and wipes once they have been used, ensuring they can return safely to nature without leaving behind any microplastics or toxic residue. It is specifically designed to tackle plastic leaking into the environment as unmanaged waste, meaning it is neither collected for landfill nor recycled. Given that most of the plastic in our oceans originates as unmanaged waste on land, addressing the unmanaged waste challenge is key.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) and technology specialist Polymateria Limited have signed an exclusive 10-year partnership to help household brands bring biodegradable nonwoven hygiene products to the market through biotransformation technology.

This collaboration provides a new solution for dealing with essential items like facemasks and wipes once they have been used, ensuring they can return safely to nature without leaving behind any microplastics or toxic residue. It is specifically designed to tackle plastic leaking into the environment as unmanaged waste, meaning it is neither collected for landfill nor recycled. Given that most of the plastic in our oceans originates as unmanaged waste on land, addressing the unmanaged waste challenge is key.

IVL’s right to use Polymateria’s unique biotransformation technology for nonwovens supports application in non-virgin resin recycling while providing a solution for ‘fugitive’ used articles, especially those items that end up in the natural environment. This biotransformation process involves the plastic transforming into a bioavailable wax in the open terrestrial environment, whereupon the wax is fully consumed by bacteria, microbes and fungi, leaving just carbon dioxide, water, and biomass. The pulp component is inherently biodegradable under similar conditions.

Nonwovens made by IVL using Polymateria’s technology have been independently tested against, and meet the criteria in, the BSI PAS 9017 standard for the biodegradation of polyolefins in an open-air terrestrial environment published by the British Standards Institution in October 2020. This standard and/or its criteria – the first in the world to ensure plastic can biotransform in the open terrestrial environment without creating any microplastics – is being adopted around the world including in India, Malaysia, the Philippines and Hungary.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited


ITMF-Webinar series on “Digital Workflow" and the “Circular Textile Economy"

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.

ITMF has invited some of the start-ups that have presented at the ITMF Annual Conference 2023 to share in more depth during a series of interactive webinars their digital platforms/tools and how companies can benefit from digital workflows. The first webinar with the start-up “ColorDigital” took place in the first half of February. The second webinar will take place in March with the start-up “Frontier.Cool”.

In cooperation with the “Institut für Textiltechnik” (Institute for Textile Technology) of RWTH Aachen University, ITMF has developed a series of webinars that will have a closer look at the concept, political and legal environment as well as technology regarding circularity and recycling in the textile industry. In six webinars of 60-75 minutes each, international experts will discuss the backgrounds and potential of circularity in the textile industry. The webinar series start in March and will be completed by the end of May 2023.

The webinars are free of charge for ITMF members and all their affiliated members.  

Please check the Textination schedule for all details.


Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University



ISKO’s Ctrl+Z material science now bluesign® APPROVED

Ctrl+Z is ISKO’s latest innovation employing no virgin cotton, only recycled, and regenerated fibers: more durable, stronger, and now bluesign® APPROVED.

The leading denim ingredient brand and the full-service solutions system with a focus on sustainable chemistry have teamed up in a concerted effort to strengthen their partnership while promoting more sustainable textile production. ISKO has achieved the bluesign® APPROVED label for Ctrl+Z recycled denim fabrics containing no virgin cotton and only recycled and regenerated fibers that are made to be fully recyclable with the newest recycling technologies, enabling a fully circular system.

It is a credential that Bluesign grants only to bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNERs, including manufacturers, that meet the strict safety and environmental requirements of the bluesign® CRITERIA such as ensuring production sites are safe for workers, reducing CO2 emissions and water consumption, as well as avoiding hazardous substances in production among many others.

Ctrl+Z is ISKO’s latest innovation employing no virgin cotton, only recycled, and regenerated fibers: more durable, stronger, and now bluesign® APPROVED.

The leading denim ingredient brand and the full-service solutions system with a focus on sustainable chemistry have teamed up in a concerted effort to strengthen their partnership while promoting more sustainable textile production. ISKO has achieved the bluesign® APPROVED label for Ctrl+Z recycled denim fabrics containing no virgin cotton and only recycled and regenerated fibers that are made to be fully recyclable with the newest recycling technologies, enabling a fully circular system.

It is a credential that Bluesign grants only to bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNERs, including manufacturers, that meet the strict safety and environmental requirements of the bluesign® CRITERIA such as ensuring production sites are safe for workers, reducing CO2 emissions and water consumption, as well as avoiding hazardous substances in production among many others.

Specifically, Ctrl+Z is material science that hits “undo” on post-industrial waste delivering fabrics made from recycled and regenerated content that look and feel identical to their former compositions with increased strength and durability.

More information:
Isko bluesign® Denim



Indorama Ventures: FY22 financial performance

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a record FY22 financial performance from the company’s global manufacturing footprint serving end-consumers’ resilient need for daily necessities. The unusually high level of customer destocking that weighed on the fourth quarter result is expected to have leveled out and business should return to normal operating conditions, with China’s reopening to further spur demand.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) reported a record FY22 financial performance from the company’s global manufacturing footprint serving end-consumers’ resilient need for daily necessities. The unusually high level of customer destocking that weighed on the fourth quarter result is expected to have leveled out and business should return to normal operating conditions, with China’s reopening to further spur demand.

Full-year Core EBITDA climbed 31% YoY to $2.3 billion as revenue rose 28% to a record $18.8 billion. The company recorded strong cash flows of $2.2 billion, up 111% YoY. Indorama Ventures’ geographically diversified, integrated platform, backed by management’s agility, withstood unprecedented global events to generate earnings through the business cycle. During the year, the company continued to focus on its growth plan, successfully integrating its strategic surfactants business in Latin America and Vietnamese packaging acquisition. A dedicated senior team is working tirelessly and is committed to the company’s ‘Vision 2030’ sustainability goals including recycling technologies and introducing biomass feedstock to the company’s product portfolio. The ongoing ‘Project Olympus’ cost transformation program delivered an annual run rate of $449 million in efficiencies.

The annual result was impacted by an unusually challenging final quarter as fears of a recession and reduced transit times led to widespread destocking by customers. 4Q22 Core EBITDA declined 43% YoY to $264 million on a 1% drop in revenue to $3.9 billion. The pandemic lockdown in China also continued into the final quarter, reducing factory demand across Indorama Ventures’ portfolio and resulting in narrower margins from lower prices and higher costs. Higher energy and utility costs impacted European operations as the war in Ukraine continued into the winter.

To improve competitiveness and build resilience, Indorama Ventures rationalized underperforming assets in the Fibers business in Europe and a PTA site in Asia, resulting in a $7 million cash impairment in 4Q22 and a $253 million non-cash impact. As a result, the company looks forward to a $38 million uplift in EBITDA in 2023, reaching up to $65 million by 2025.


Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited

(c) Mountain Equipment / Silvan Metz

Globetrotter startet DOWN CYCLE-Projekt mit Mountain Equipment

Ab sofort nimmt der Outdoor-Ausrüster Globetrotter in seinen bundesweit 22 Filialen alle ausgedienten, mit Daune gefütterten Produkte an - gleichgültig ob Schlafsack oder Winterjacke, Bettdecke oder Kopfkissen. Gesammelt werden diese bis Januar 2024. In Zusammenarbeit mit der englischen Outdoor-Marke Mountain Equipment entsteht anschließend eine Jacke aus 100 Prozent recycelter Daune, die voraussichtlich ab Herbst 2024 exklusiv bei Globetrotter erhältlich sein wird.

Für die Aktion stehen in allen Globetrotter-Filialen Sammelbehälter bereit. Alternativ können die Kund:innen ihre gebrauchten Daunenprodukte auch per Post versenden. „Mit dem DOWN CYCLE-Projekt gehen wir gemeinsam mit Mountain Equipment neue Wege in Richtung Kreislaufwirtschaft und Ressourcenschonung,“ so Projektmanager Andreas Krüger. „Gerade die Weiternutzung alter Daunen macht Sinn, denn durch das Recycling dieses langlebigen Naturproduktes können große Mengen an Wasser eingespart werden.“

Ab sofort nimmt der Outdoor-Ausrüster Globetrotter in seinen bundesweit 22 Filialen alle ausgedienten, mit Daune gefütterten Produkte an - gleichgültig ob Schlafsack oder Winterjacke, Bettdecke oder Kopfkissen. Gesammelt werden diese bis Januar 2024. In Zusammenarbeit mit der englischen Outdoor-Marke Mountain Equipment entsteht anschließend eine Jacke aus 100 Prozent recycelter Daune, die voraussichtlich ab Herbst 2024 exklusiv bei Globetrotter erhältlich sein wird.

Für die Aktion stehen in allen Globetrotter-Filialen Sammelbehälter bereit. Alternativ können die Kund:innen ihre gebrauchten Daunenprodukte auch per Post versenden. „Mit dem DOWN CYCLE-Projekt gehen wir gemeinsam mit Mountain Equipment neue Wege in Richtung Kreislaufwirtschaft und Ressourcenschonung,“ so Projektmanager Andreas Krüger. „Gerade die Weiternutzung alter Daunen macht Sinn, denn durch das Recycling dieses langlebigen Naturproduktes können große Mengen an Wasser eingespart werden.“

Konkret spart die Aufbereitung alter Daunen im Vergleich zur Nutzung neuer Daunen rund 70 Prozent Wasser ein, denn die Aufzucht von Gänsen und Enten sowie die Verarbeitung der Daunen verbraucht viel Trinkwasser. Auch mit Blick auf das Tierwohl macht eine Weiteraufbereitung Sinn. Bis zu 95 % eines Daunenprodukts können wiederverwendet werden. „Daune ist eine wertvolle Ressource, für die wir eine Infrastruktur zur Wiederverwendung etablieren wollen. Das gemeinsame Projekt mit Mountain Equipment stellt einen ersten Schritt in diese Richtung dar,“ so Krüger.

Nach Abschluss der Sammelaktion wird Mountain Equipment das Recycling der Daunen übernehmen. Zunächst werden die Daunen dafür von anderen Stoffen und Materialien getrennt. Anschließend werden sie gewaschen, sterilisiert und getrocknet. Erst nach diesem Schritt entscheidet sich, wie die Jacke aussehen wird. Denn Farbe, Funktion und Schnitt sind davon abhängig, wie viele und welche Art Daunen bei der Sammelaktion zusammengekommen sind. Rund 800 Jacken sollen den gesammelten Daunen entstehen.

Das gemeinsame DOWN CYCLE Projekt zwischen Globetrotter und Mountain Equipment ist nicht das erste seiner Art: Bereits für das Globetrotter-Jubiläum im Jahr 2019 erstellte die Marke eine exklusive Sonderedition aus recycelter Daune. Dafür wurde der Klassiker „Lightline Jacket“ neu aufgelegt.
