From the Sector

6111 results
(c) Carbios

Carbios accelerates enzyme optimization

  • Carbios has developed an ultra-high throughput microfluidic screening of PET-depolymerizing enzymes in partnership with the Paul Pascal Research Center[1], a joint research unit of the CNRS[2] and the University of Bordeaux
  • Microfluidics enables millions of enzymes to be screened in a day, compared with a few thousand a week with conventional technologies
  • Future polymers of interest will benefit from this acceleration of the R&D phase, enabling Carbios to develop its portfolio of innovations on different types of plastic more rapidly

Carbios has accelerated its enzyme screening process with a microfluidic technology developed in partnership with the Paul Pascal Research Centre (a joint research unit of the CNRS and the University of Bordeaux, which specializes in microfluidics). This technology enables the screening of millions of enzymes in just one day, speeding up the process to optimize enzymes breaking down PET.

  • Carbios has developed an ultra-high throughput microfluidic screening of PET-depolymerizing enzymes in partnership with the Paul Pascal Research Center[1], a joint research unit of the CNRS[2] and the University of Bordeaux
  • Microfluidics enables millions of enzymes to be screened in a day, compared with a few thousand a week with conventional technologies
  • Future polymers of interest will benefit from this acceleration of the R&D phase, enabling Carbios to develop its portfolio of innovations on different types of plastic more rapidly

Carbios has accelerated its enzyme screening process with a microfluidic technology developed in partnership with the Paul Pascal Research Centre (a joint research unit of the CNRS and the University of Bordeaux, which specializes in microfluidics). This technology enables the screening of millions of enzymes in just one day, speeding up the process to optimize enzymes breaking down PET. This competitive advantage enables Carbios to reduce the time between the R&D phase and the production of its proprietary enzymes, and therefore to develop concrete solutions to plastic pollution even faster.

Microfluidics allows the production of devices handling very small amounts of liquid. Each droplet generated can be considered as an independent microreactor having a volume in the picoliter range (10-12 liters) and containing a particular enzyme whose PET depolymerization activity will be screened. These droplets move through analysis units the size of a microchip allowing ultra-high throughput screening of 150 enzymes per second.

Previously, conventional robotic systems allowed screening in microplate format with a volume in the milliliter range (10-3 liters) and with rates of around one enzyme per minute.

The use of microfluidics to screen for more efficient or new enzymes will become widely adopted in the coming years, therefore accelerating the development of bioprocessing. Currently used by Carbios for the development of its PET depolymerization process, microfluidics should be used to accelerate the development of new enzymes for other types of plastic such as polyamide.

Carbios researchers specialized in microfluidics
Microfluidic processes require special expertise. At present, two researchers at Carbios are dedicated to microfluidics and based in the cooperative laboratory with TBI[3] hosted by INSA[4] Toulouse.  Alexandra Tauzin, Researcher in Enzyme Engineering and Microfluidics, and Alexandre Gilles, Engineer specialized in robotics, work in partnership with the Paul Pascal Research Center.

[1] Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal (CRPP)
[2] Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) = National Center for Scientific Research
[3] Toulouse Biotechnology Institute
[4] National Institute of Applied Sciences

More information:
Carbios plastics Enzyme polymers



SMCCreate 2023 findet im November statt

Die European Alliance for SMC BMC und der AVK-Expertenarbeitskreis SMC/BMC organisieren erneut die SMCCreate, eine Konferenz über Design mit SMC- und BMC-Verbundwerkstoffen. Diese Konferenz bietet Einblicke in den gesamten Produktdesignprozess von der Idee bis zur Herstellung des Teils und richtet sich sowohl an erfahrene Designer als auch an Designer, die diese vielseitigen Materialien zum ersten Mal einsetzen.

SMC und BMC sind Faserverbundwerkstoffe, sie eignen sich für die Herstellung leichter und komplexer Bauteile, weil sie die strukturellen Eigenschaften mit einer glatten Oberfläche kombinieren. Aus diesem Grund werden SMC und BMC zunehmend in einem breiten Spektrum von Endanwendungen und Märkten eingesetzt.

Die European Alliance for SMC BMC und der AVK-Expertenarbeitskreis SMC/BMC organisieren erneut die SMCCreate, eine Konferenz über Design mit SMC- und BMC-Verbundwerkstoffen. Diese Konferenz bietet Einblicke in den gesamten Produktdesignprozess von der Idee bis zur Herstellung des Teils und richtet sich sowohl an erfahrene Designer als auch an Designer, die diese vielseitigen Materialien zum ersten Mal einsetzen.

SMC und BMC sind Faserverbundwerkstoffe, sie eignen sich für die Herstellung leichter und komplexer Bauteile, weil sie die strukturellen Eigenschaften mit einer glatten Oberfläche kombinieren. Aus diesem Grund werden SMC und BMC zunehmend in einem breiten Spektrum von Endanwendungen und Märkten eingesetzt.

Verwendung von SMC BMC in Ihrem Bauteilentwurf
Innerhalb von anderthalb Tagen wird die SMCCreate-Konferenz ein große Vielfalt an Themen abdecken, die für Konstrukteure bei der Auswahl von Materiallösungen relevant sind, die Leistung, Kosteneffizienz, Fertigungsfähigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit bieten. Präsentationen der folgenden Unternehmen/Institute sind bereits bestätigt worden: AOC, ESI Deutschland, Fraunhofer, IDI, Mitras, Owens Corning und Siemens.

Die SMCCreate 2023 wird vom 7. bis 8. November 2023 in Prag (Tschechische Republik) im Vienna House by Wyndham Diplomat Prague stattfinden.


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.


DyStar to exhibit at ITMA 2023

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, will be exhibiting and presenting at ITMA, from June 8 to 14, 2023.

Mr. Eric Hopmann, Chief Commercial Officer of DyStar Group said it is great that members of the global supply chain can finally meet to exchange ideas at ITMA post-pandemic.
“The energy crisis, inflation, and climate impact have accelerated the pace of the textile supply chain’s transformation. DyStar’s innovations will help global manufacturers and producers, Brands and Retailers continue creating value-added confidence and assurance, while keeping up with transformational needs to deliver quality products without compromising sustainability.” Eric said.

DyStar’s product innovations are backed by their commitment to sustainability, and their expertise in reducing the environmental impact of the products. Their econfidence® program creates fundamental value for their customers. At ITMA, DyStar will be featuring a suite of product and process innovations which include Cadira®, Dianix®, Evo®, Indigo, Jettex®, Levafix®, Procion®, Remazol® and more.

DyStar, a specialty chemical company with a heritage of more than a century in product development and innovation, will be exhibiting and presenting at ITMA, from June 8 to 14, 2023.

Mr. Eric Hopmann, Chief Commercial Officer of DyStar Group said it is great that members of the global supply chain can finally meet to exchange ideas at ITMA post-pandemic.
“The energy crisis, inflation, and climate impact have accelerated the pace of the textile supply chain’s transformation. DyStar’s innovations will help global manufacturers and producers, Brands and Retailers continue creating value-added confidence and assurance, while keeping up with transformational needs to deliver quality products without compromising sustainability.” Eric said.

DyStar’s product innovations are backed by their commitment to sustainability, and their expertise in reducing the environmental impact of the products. Their econfidence® program creates fundamental value for their customers. At ITMA, DyStar will be featuring a suite of product and process innovations which include Cadira®, Dianix®, Evo®, Indigo, Jettex®, Levafix®, Procion®, Remazol® and more.




BVMed drängt auf Gesundheitsdaten-Nutzungsgesetz

er Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) drängt das Bundesgesundheitsministerium und die beteiligten Ressorts, die guten Ansätze zu einer besseren Nutzung von Gesundheitsdaten aus der Digitalstrategie zügig in ein Gesetz zu gießen. „Bevor Monate für die Diskussion um den künftigen Umgang mit ChatGPT ins Land gehen, sollten die Regelungen aus der Digitalstrategie des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums (BMG) rasch umgesetzt werden, die unumstritten sind“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der BVMed hatte die im März 2023 vorgelegte Digitalisierungsstrategie für das Gesundheitswesen und die Pflege insgesamt positiv bewertet. „Darin lassen sich gute Ansätze für Forschung und Entwicklung von Medizintechnologien erkennen, die den Versorgungs- und Forschungsstandort Deutschland nachhaltig stärken und fördern könnten“, so BVMed-Digitalexpertin Natalie Gladkov.

er Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) drängt das Bundesgesundheitsministerium und die beteiligten Ressorts, die guten Ansätze zu einer besseren Nutzung von Gesundheitsdaten aus der Digitalstrategie zügig in ein Gesetz zu gießen. „Bevor Monate für die Diskussion um den künftigen Umgang mit ChatGPT ins Land gehen, sollten die Regelungen aus der Digitalstrategie des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums (BMG) rasch umgesetzt werden, die unumstritten sind“, so BVMed-Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll.

Der BVMed hatte die im März 2023 vorgelegte Digitalisierungsstrategie für das Gesundheitswesen und die Pflege insgesamt positiv bewertet. „Darin lassen sich gute Ansätze für Forschung und Entwicklung von Medizintechnologien erkennen, die den Versorgungs- und Forschungsstandort Deutschland nachhaltig stärken und fördern könnten“, so BVMed-Digitalexpertin Natalie Gladkov.

Besonders wichtig sind nach Ansicht des Medizintechnik-Branchenverbandes der verbesserte Zugang zu Versorgungsdaten für forschende Unternehmen, die einheitliche Auslegung des nationalen und europäischen Datenschutzrechts sowie die Ausweitung der digitalen Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA) auf Medizinprodukte der Klasse IIb.

„Gleichzeitig vermissen wir einen strukturierten Prozess zur adäquaten Einbindung der Hilfsmittel-Leistungserbringer und Homecare-Versorger in die digitale Infrastruktur“, so Gladkov. Bei der Ausweitung des „Fast Track“- Verfahrens für DiGA sollte zudem ein schnellerer Zugang von digitalen Medizinprodukten aller Risikoklassen – also auch Klasse III-Medizinprodukte – in die Gesundheitsversorgung ermöglicht werden.

Insgesamt berührt die Digitalisierungsstrategie sehr viele verschiedene Punkte, „kratzt jedoch häufig nur an der Oberfläche“, so der BVMed. In den meisten Fällen fehle es an ausführlichen Erläuterungen, wie die Vorhaben konkret umgesetzt werden sollen. Dazu zählt der BVMed beispielsweise den Einsatz von Telemonitoring bei Herzinsuffizienz, der im Strategiepapier nur kurz erwähnt wird. Außerdem sollten telemedizinische Anwendungen generell gestärkt und gefördert werden, da nur damit eine flächendeckende Versorgung sichergestellt werden kann.

„Wichtig ist es deshalb, dass die Maßnahmen nun rasch in Gesetzgebungsverfahren münden und umgesetzt werden“, so die BVMed Digitalexpertin. Zudem sollte die Expertise der MedTech-Unternehmen bei spezifischen Themen stärker hinzugezogen werden, beispielsweise bei den Projektvorhaben der Digitalen Gesundheitsagentur.

Das Fazit von BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll: „Wir dürfen nicht länger Zeit bei der Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens und der Pflege sowie bei der Eröffnung der Möglichkeiten bei der Datennutzung verlieren.“


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.



At ITMA 2023, XORELLA, a specialist in steam setting and conditioning equipment for yarns and fabrics, will launch XO AUTOMATION for the double door XO SELECT conditioning machine series, and XO SOLID, a new machine series to complement XO SMART, XO TREND and XO SELECT machines.

The new XO AUTOMATION system consists of roller conveyor systems for loading and unloading two-door XO Select conditioning machines. Additional pallet wrapping machine with a turntable, weighting station, label printer, safety fence and security system can complete the system. The XO Select controller and automation system can handle and store individual customer-specific material and packing programmes.  

XO SELECT and XO AUTOMATION are designed for yarn steaming on multiple pallet dimensions and heights up to 2,650mm. The linear material flow passing conveyor and steaming machine avoids any mix between steamed and un-steamed materials. XO AUTOMATION fills the gap between the XO automated moving platform and the fully automated transport system – from spinning hall to warehouse.

At ITMA 2023, XORELLA, a specialist in steam setting and conditioning equipment for yarns and fabrics, will launch XO AUTOMATION for the double door XO SELECT conditioning machine series, and XO SOLID, a new machine series to complement XO SMART, XO TREND and XO SELECT machines.

The new XO AUTOMATION system consists of roller conveyor systems for loading and unloading two-door XO Select conditioning machines. Additional pallet wrapping machine with a turntable, weighting station, label printer, safety fence and security system can complete the system. The XO Select controller and automation system can handle and store individual customer-specific material and packing programmes.  

XO SELECT and XO AUTOMATION are designed for yarn steaming on multiple pallet dimensions and heights up to 2,650mm. The linear material flow passing conveyor and steaming machine avoids any mix between steamed and un-steamed materials. XO AUTOMATION fills the gap between the XO automated moving platform and the fully automated transport system – from spinning hall to warehouse.

The new cubical XO SOLID combines a high loading space of 1,800mm x 1,700mm x 4, 000mm (H x W x L) through double row pin trolleys or pallets for easy manual loading of six units on floor level without a pit or platform. XO SOLID is therefore designed for installations on upper floor levels. The new frame design combines all necessary components factory preinstalled on a single frame, for easy ‘plug and play’ installation at the customer site. Additional smaller steamer dimensions for two and four loading units are also at the planning stage.

The new XO SOLID incorporates all the renowned features of XORELLA machines based on the long term experience in high temperature dyeing vessel production of FONG’s, including:

  • A Siemens controller with OPC UA interface and XO data tool for batch storage.
  • A XO EcoPac waterless claw pump or two-stage water ring vacuum pump.
  • A high energy efficient accumulator for steam, electric and combined heating.
  • Vessel and piping in world-class stainless steel.
  • European key components such as pumps, heating elements, valves and sensors

Established in Switzerland in 1967, XORELLA became known in the global textile industry for its innovative indirect steaming system. Since 2002 the company has been a member of the CHTC Fong’s International Group, and a member of SINOMACH Group (China National Machinery Industry Corporation) since 2019.

More information:


Recycled yarn (c) ITA Aachen

ITA at the ITMA: Smart Circular Economy

"ITA Aachen and ITA Augsburg are part of the ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles. Experience our textile innovations at two exhibition booths," explains ITA Institute Director Professor Dr. Thomas Gries. "See our ring spinning tester at booth H3-B304, which spins recycled fibres sustainably and individually in a previously impossible fineness. In addition, there is digital yarn monitoring, which enables new market potentials. Get an idea of the Recycling Atelier of ITA Augsburg at booth H3-A207 and see the textile cycle from used textile to solution steps for industrial implementation together with industry partners. Join us on the Walk4Recycling and follow the path from used textile to a new knitted pullover on a tour of the trade fair. This is how we live up to our claim as the ITA Group: sustainable - digital - individual."

"ITA Aachen and ITA Augsburg are part of the ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles. Experience our textile innovations at two exhibition booths," explains ITA Institute Director Professor Dr. Thomas Gries. "See our ring spinning tester at booth H3-B304, which spins recycled fibres sustainably and individually in a previously impossible fineness. In addition, there is digital yarn monitoring, which enables new market potentials. Get an idea of the Recycling Atelier of ITA Augsburg at booth H3-A207 and see the textile cycle from used textile to solution steps for industrial implementation together with industry partners. Join us on the Walk4Recycling and follow the path from used textile to a new knitted pullover on a tour of the trade fair. This is how we live up to our claim as the ITA Group: sustainable - digital - individual."

ITA Aachen - Digital ring spinning tester for recycled fibres enables spinning of fine yarns with high recycled fibres content
The Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University (ITA) will be exhibiting a digital ring spinning tester, which spins recycled fibres directly and conventionally with a particularly high content of 60-70 percent. Up to now, recycled yarns have mainly been rotor-spun in this blend ratio. This results in rather coarse yarns and is not suitable for finer textiles such as outerwear. Ring spinning of recycled yarns now enables the spinning of finer yarns and thus a higher application level for recycled materials.

A unique selling point of the ITA ring spinning tester is the simultaneous spinning in the direct spinning process from the sliver and in the classic ring spinning process. For this purpose, the strength and elongation of the spun yarn are determined online and digitally for the first time. The real-time measurement allows process parameters and yarn properties to be adjusted iteratively and quickly. The ring spinning tester was upgraded from an existing tester to Industry 4.0 standard and is operated via a tablet. Operation via tablet enables the adjustment of process parameters including online quality monitoring remotely from anywhere in the world.
For this purpose, the ring spinning tester is also able to produce fine ring spun yarns. These yarns made from recycled material opens up a multitude of further fields of application for woven and knitted goods. Now, for example, clothing and technical textiles can be made from recycled material, the production of which was not possible before - such as outerwear made from recycled material. The development of new industries and fields of application opens up new market potential for recycled yarns - also and especially for processing in Europe. This creates the opportunity to preserve key technologies and jobs in cost-intensive locations.

ITA Augsburg - Recycling Atelier: Walk4Recycling
The Recycling Atelier of the Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg gGmbH on stand H3-A207 presents the textile recycling from used textiles into new products via the various process steps and, together with the industrial partners, opens up solution paths for industrial implementation.

Under the headline "Walk4Recycling", a tour of the fair shows the cycle of used textiles from used knitwear into a new knitted pullover via a ring yarn made from a blend of 65 percent recycled cotton and 35 percent virgin polyester. The key innovation here is the high proportion of recycled fibres from post-consumer textiles for a ring yarn of this fineness. Today, mainly coarse rotor yarns for low-quality textiles are spun from these materials. The industrial partners participating in the Walk4Recycling are partners of the Recycling Atelier and contribute with their technologies to the fact that fibre material from old clothes can be processed in various process stages into a yarn of new value and high-quality ready-made garments.

The Walk4Recycling offers visitors the opportunity to experience a complete recycling cycle with the numerous process stages from tearing the old textiles, preparing and spinning the fibres and knitting a new jumper live during the fair. Get detailed information on the mechanical recycling of clothing via QR code, website and flyer about the participating exhibitors and their machines and technologies. A short movie will give you additional insights into the various processes involved in the production of the jumper.


Indorama Ventures in Obernburg focuses on automotive sector and specialties

Indorama Ventures at the Obernburg site (Germany) will focus on the core markets of tires and automotive safety/airbags and specialties, as well as drive selected product innovations for application in new market segments. Accordingly, the company plans to adjust its capacity at the Obernburg site and cut around 80 of the current 620 total jobs by the end of the year in production and supporting functions.

Stefan Braun, Managing Director of Indorama Ventures at Industrie Center Obernburg, said, “Global competitive pressure in the man-made fibers industry continues. While our customers value us as one of their leading technology partners, particularly in the development and production of nylon yarns, the cost pressure in the production of individual polyester-based yarns has increased continuously in recent years. We are therefore convinced that we have made the right decision to focus on our core competencies to remain successful in the long term.”

The jobs cuts affect both production and administration and sales positions. Representatives of the company and the Works Council together informed employees about the situation on May 4.

Indorama Ventures at the Obernburg site (Germany) will focus on the core markets of tires and automotive safety/airbags and specialties, as well as drive selected product innovations for application in new market segments. Accordingly, the company plans to adjust its capacity at the Obernburg site and cut around 80 of the current 620 total jobs by the end of the year in production and supporting functions.

Stefan Braun, Managing Director of Indorama Ventures at Industrie Center Obernburg, said, “Global competitive pressure in the man-made fibers industry continues. While our customers value us as one of their leading technology partners, particularly in the development and production of nylon yarns, the cost pressure in the production of individual polyester-based yarns has increased continuously in recent years. We are therefore convinced that we have made the right decision to focus on our core competencies to remain successful in the long term.”

The jobs cuts affect both production and administration and sales positions. Representatives of the company and the Works Council together informed employees about the situation on May 4.

The aim is to make the adjustments as acceptable as possible. Braun added, “We are prepared to talk to employees who will reach retirement age soon and who wish to leave the company early.” The company and employee representatives will agree on suitable measures in the coming weeks.


Indorama Ventures Mobility Obernburg GmbH


Perstorp: Actionable plans in place for reaching 2030 sustainability targets

Sustainable solutions provider Perstorp has turned its ambitious sustainability targets for 2030 into actionable roadmaps on the corporate level as well as for each of its production plants, outlining hands-on activities to lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste, save fresh water and enable sustainable transformation throughout the value chain.

Over the last year, Perstorp has presented ambitious sustainability targets for greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3), as well as for water and waste, to be reached by 2030. The company has now supplemented those targets with roadmaps outlining the steps and actions needed to fulfil them and support customers in reducing their carbon footprint as well as lead Perstorp toward its long-term ambition of becoming Finite Material Neutral.

Sustainable solutions provider Perstorp has turned its ambitious sustainability targets for 2030 into actionable roadmaps on the corporate level as well as for each of its production plants, outlining hands-on activities to lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste, save fresh water and enable sustainable transformation throughout the value chain.

Over the last year, Perstorp has presented ambitious sustainability targets for greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3), as well as for water and waste, to be reached by 2030. The company has now supplemented those targets with roadmaps outlining the steps and actions needed to fulfil them and support customers in reducing their carbon footprint as well as lead Perstorp toward its long-term ambition of becoming Finite Material Neutral.

The largest greenhouse gas emissions are found in Scope 3, which includes raw materials and end-of-life treatment of Perstorp’s products. The Scope 3 roadmap includes the steps necessary to drive the transition of the product portfolio from fossil-based to more sustainable, lower carbon footprint alternatives. This, in turn, will help enable Perstorp’s customers to achieve their own sustainable transition. One key project in this roadmap is Project Air, an initiative aiming to replace all the fossil methanol that Perstorp uses in Europe with methanol produced from residue streams such as carbon capture and utilization (CCU) and renewable sources like biogas. This alone is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 500,000 tons per year.

The corporate Scope 1 & 2 targets (direct greenhouse gas emissions from Perstorp´s production plants and purchased energy), as well as the targets for water and waste, have been broken down into local targets and roadmaps, firmly anchored in the specific prerequisites for each production plant.

Initiatives on reducing energy consumption and shifting to energy from non-fossil or recovered sources can, for example, be found in the local roadmaps, while the steps to reach those targets are tailored specifically to each location. Among the planned local activities are also initiatives to replace fresh water used in the production with purified wastewater and to find different ways to reuse and recycle waste from production.




New ANDRITZ partnership for industrial-scale recycling technology

International technology group ANDRITZ entered a partnership with Pellenc ST and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles to set up the very first industrial-scale automatic textile sorting line in France combining automated sorting and recycling technology.

The partners have expert knowledge in sorting technologies (Pellenc ST), textile machinery and processes (ANDRITZ), as well as post-consumer textile value chains from sorting to manufacturing (Nouvelles Fibres Textiles newly founded by Les Tissages de Charlieu and Synergies TLC).

The new textile sorting line being built is the first to combine Pellenc ST's automated sorting technologies with ANDRITZ’s recycling technologies. It will process post-consumer textile wastes to produce recycled fiber engineered for the spinning, nonwoven and composite industries. Starting operations in mid-2023, it will serve as a production line for Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, as an R&D line for the three partners, and as a test and demonstration center for their customers.

International technology group ANDRITZ entered a partnership with Pellenc ST and Nouvelles Fibres Textiles to set up the very first industrial-scale automatic textile sorting line in France combining automated sorting and recycling technology.

The partners have expert knowledge in sorting technologies (Pellenc ST), textile machinery and processes (ANDRITZ), as well as post-consumer textile value chains from sorting to manufacturing (Nouvelles Fibres Textiles newly founded by Les Tissages de Charlieu and Synergies TLC).

The new textile sorting line being built is the first to combine Pellenc ST's automated sorting technologies with ANDRITZ’s recycling technologies. It will process post-consumer textile wastes to produce recycled fiber engineered for the spinning, nonwoven and composite industries. Starting operations in mid-2023, it will serve as a production line for Nouvelles Fibres Textiles, as an R&D line for the three partners, and as a test and demonstration center for their customers.

Nouvelles Fibres Textiles aims to become a reference in both industrial grade material production and industrial scale post-consumer textile sorting, thanks to innovative technologies with hard point removal providing pure fibers, selective colors, and differentiated fiber types.

Nouvelles Fibres Textiles’ partners also work closely together in R&D at the ANDRITZ Laroche and Pellenc ST technical centers to keep pushing technical boundaries.


VDI: Ressourceneffizienz durch Digitalisierung

Jedes Unternehmen hat individuelle Bedürfnisse, wenn es darum geht, Wissen zu den Themen Digitalisierung und Ressourceneffizienz aufzubauen. Mit einem themenspezifischen Zugang zum umfangreichen Informationsangebot des VDI Zentrums Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) unterstützt der neue Online-Baukasten „Ressourceneffizienz 4.0“ bei der zielgerichteten Suche – je nach digitalem Reifegrad des Unternehmens.

Zielgerichteter Zugang zu Informationen
Je nach individueller Fragestellung und digitalem Reifegrad erhalten Unternehmen einen zielgerichteten Zugang zu Online-Tools wie Ressourcenchecks, zu Publikationen oder Weiterbildungsangeboten. Während eine umfangreiche Sammlung zu Technologien im Entwicklungsstadium einen Blick in die Zukunft gibt, zeigen zahlreiche Gute-Praxis-Beispiele, wie Digitalisierungsprojekte bereits zu mehr Ressourceneffizienz in Unternehmen geführt haben.

Jedes Unternehmen hat individuelle Bedürfnisse, wenn es darum geht, Wissen zu den Themen Digitalisierung und Ressourceneffizienz aufzubauen. Mit einem themenspezifischen Zugang zum umfangreichen Informationsangebot des VDI Zentrums Ressourceneffizienz (VDI ZRE) unterstützt der neue Online-Baukasten „Ressourceneffizienz 4.0“ bei der zielgerichteten Suche – je nach digitalem Reifegrad des Unternehmens.

Zielgerichteter Zugang zu Informationen
Je nach individueller Fragestellung und digitalem Reifegrad erhalten Unternehmen einen zielgerichteten Zugang zu Online-Tools wie Ressourcenchecks, zu Publikationen oder Weiterbildungsangeboten. Während eine umfangreiche Sammlung zu Technologien im Entwicklungsstadium einen Blick in die Zukunft gibt, zeigen zahlreiche Gute-Praxis-Beispiele, wie Digitalisierungsprojekte bereits zu mehr Ressourceneffizienz in Unternehmen geführt haben.

Der Online-Baukasten ist in die Bausteine Wissensaufbau, Strategie, Analyse und Entwicklung unterteilt. Entsprechend dem digitalen Reifegrad, d.h. abhängig davon, ob sich ein Unternehmen z.B. noch in der Erkundungsphase befindet oder schon fortgeschritten ist, werden verschiedene Arbeitsmittel vorgeschlagen.

Das vom Bundesumweltministerium beauftragte Online-Tool wird regelmäßig aktualisiert und erweitert. Es richtet sich vorrangig an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen aus dem verarbeitenden Gewerbe.


VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz GmbH (VDI ZRE)

(c) FET
FET Melt Spinning system

FET exhibits at ITMA 2023

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK will be exhibiting at ITMA 2023, taking place between 8-14 June Milan, Italy. FET has commissioned its biggest ever stand to reflect the company’s commitment to this event and the textile industry.

FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications worldwide. Central to FET’s success has always been its ability to provide customers with advanced facilities and equipment, together with unrivalled knowledge and expertise in research and production techniques.

The new FET Fibre Development Centre will further improve this service, allowing clients to trial their own products in an ideal environment. Resident equipment in the Fibre Development Centre reflects the wide range of fibre extrusion systems offered by FET to clients worldwide and will enable continued growth of the company through innovation.  

Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd (FET) of Leeds, UK will be exhibiting at ITMA 2023, taking place between 8-14 June Milan, Italy. FET has commissioned its biggest ever stand to reflect the company’s commitment to this event and the textile industry.

FET designs, develops and manufactures extrusion equipment for a wide range of high value textile material applications worldwide. Central to FET’s success has always been its ability to provide customers with advanced facilities and equipment, together with unrivalled knowledge and expertise in research and production techniques.

The new FET Fibre Development Centre will further improve this service, allowing clients to trial their own products in an ideal environment. Resident equipment in the Fibre Development Centre reflects the wide range of fibre extrusion systems offered by FET to clients worldwide and will enable continued growth of the company through innovation.  

For the first time at ITMA, the new FET Spunbond range will feature. This system provides opportunities for the scaled development of new nonwoven fabrics based on a wide range of fibres and polymers, including bicomponents. Recent customers to benefit from FET spunbond systems include the University of Leeds and an integrated metlblown / spunbond system at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany.

FET’s established expertise remains in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment for a vast range of applications, such as precursor materials used in high value technical textiles, sportswear, medical devices and specialised novel fibres from exotic and difficult to process polymers. FET has successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and non-woven formats, collaborating with specialist companies worldwide to promote greater sustainability through innovative manufacturing processes. Where melt spinning solutions are not suitable, FET provides a viable alternative with pilot and small scale production wet spinning systems.

A major theme at ITMA will again be sustainability. The FET range of laboratory and pilot extrusion lines is ideally suited for both process and end product development of sustainable materials. “This year we are celebrating FET’s 25th anniversary” says FET Managing Director Richard Slack “and we look forward to meeting customers at ITMA, where we can discuss their fibre technology needs.”


Fibre Extrusion Technology Ltd


SGL Carbon: Business Development in Q1 2023

  • Sales increase by 4.7% to €283.7 million in Q1 2023
  • Adjusted EBITDA improves by 9.0% to €40.1 million
  • Growth based in particular on strong demand from the semiconductor industry

SGL Carbon generated Group sales of €283.7 million in Q1 2023 (Q1 2022: €270.9 million). This corresponds to an increase of €12.8 million or 4.7% compared to the same period of the previous year. Increased demand for specialty graphite components for the semiconductor industry from the Graphite Solutions business unit contributed in particular to the pleasing increase in sales. But also the Process Technology and Composite Solutions business units continued their positive business development.

Accordingly, adjusted EBITDA (EBITDApre) improved by 9.0% to €40.1 million in the reporting period (Q1 2022: €36.8 million).

  • Sales increase by 4.7% to €283.7 million in Q1 2023
  • Adjusted EBITDA improves by 9.0% to €40.1 million
  • Growth based in particular on strong demand from the semiconductor industry

SGL Carbon generated Group sales of €283.7 million in Q1 2023 (Q1 2022: €270.9 million). This corresponds to an increase of €12.8 million or 4.7% compared to the same period of the previous year. Increased demand for specialty graphite components for the semiconductor industry from the Graphite Solutions business unit contributed in particular to the pleasing increase in sales. But also the Process Technology and Composite Solutions business units continued their positive business development.

Accordingly, adjusted EBITDA (EBITDApre) improved by 9.0% to €40.1 million in the reporting period (Q1 2022: €36.8 million).

Sales development
In the first three months of fiscal year 2023, the business unit Graphite Solutions was the main driver of SGL Carbon's growth with an increase in sales of €21.3 million or 17.8%. This is due in particular to the reallocation of production capacities from the solar industry market segment to the semiconductor industry. The Process Technology (+€6.6 million) and Composite Solutions (+€4.0 million) business units also contributed to the increase in sales.

The Carbon Fibers (CF) business unit recorded a decline in sales of €24.0 million in the reporting period. The decline is mainly due to the scheduled expiry of the attractive supply contract for the BMW i3 in the middle of last year. Freed-up production capacities were compensated by orders from the wind industry in the 2nd half of 2022. But the necessary construction of wind turbines in Europe is currently stalling. Low building permits and high manufacturing costs are temporarily hampering the construction and expansion of wind parks and therefore the necessary increase in renewable energy.

Earnings development
In line with the sales development combined with higher capacity utilization and positive product mix effects, adjusted EBITDA (EBITDApre) improved from €36.8 million to €40.1 million in Q1 2023, representing a quarter-on-quarter increase of 9.0%.

Taking into account depreciation and amortization of €14.3 million (Q1 2022: €14.1 million) as well as one-off effects and non-recurring items of minus €0.1 million, EBIT in the reporting period amounted to €25.7 million (Q1 2022: €31.2 million). It should be noted that Q1 of the previous year was positively impacted by one-off effects and and non-recurring items amounting to €8.5 million. Accordingly, net profit for the period of €15.3 million was lower than in the same quarter of the previous year (€21.5 million).

Debt, equity and capitel expenditure
Net financial debt increased slightly to €174.2 million as of March 31, 2023 (Dec. 31, 2022: €170.8 million). The leverage ratio remains unchanged at 1.0. Due to the positive consolidated net income, the equity ratio increased again slightly compared to the end of fiscal 2022 to 39.5% (Dec. 31, 2022: 38.5%).

Looking at the capital expenditure in Q1 2023, it amounted to €19.0 million, which is higher than the average values of the previous quarters. "At the beginning of 2023, we had already announced the expansion of our investment activities to expand production capacities in the Graphite Solutions business unit. In previous years, our capital expenditure was in line with depreciation and amortization. In addition to these approximately €60 million, we will invest further €20 to €30 million in 2023, which will be financed by advance payments in the context of long-term supply contracts from our customers in the semiconductor industry. Our semiconductor customers secure future production capacities for graphite components, which are needed for their own growth. In return, SGL Carbon's long-term supply contracts will enable future profitable growth," said Dr. Torsten Derr, CEO of SGL Carbon.

In line with the business performance in the first three months of 2023, the company confirms the sales and earnings guidance issued on March 23, 2023.

For the financial year 2023, Group sales are expected to be at the prior-year level and  EBITDApre between €160 - 180 million. Taking into account depreciation and amortization, EBITpre is forecast to be between €100 - 120 million. Furthermore, free cash flow at the end of fiscal 2023 is expected to be at the prior-year level and return on capital employed (ROCE) between 10% and 12%.




Stahl's emissions reduction targets approved by Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

Stahl announces that its near-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Stahl is one of the few coatings companies to receive this validation. To date, 145 companies in the chemicals sector have submitted an emissions reduction target to the SBTi, of which 61 have had their targets validated.

Stahl’s science-based targets, which reflect the company’s commitment to the 2015 Paris Agreement goals, are:  

  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions 42.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.*
  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 25.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.

The SBTi classifies emissions reduction targets according to two potential temperature pathways: 1) limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and 2) limiting temperature rises to well below 2°C. The SBTi has determined that Stahl’s Scope 1 and 2 target is in line with a 1.5°C trajectory, while Stahl’s Scope 3 target has been validated in line with the well-below 2°C pathway.

Stahl announces that its near-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Stahl is one of the few coatings companies to receive this validation. To date, 145 companies in the chemicals sector have submitted an emissions reduction target to the SBTi, of which 61 have had their targets validated.

Stahl’s science-based targets, which reflect the company’s commitment to the 2015 Paris Agreement goals, are:  

  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions 42.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.*
  • Stahl Holdings B.V. commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 25.0% by CY2030 from a CY2021 base year.

The SBTi classifies emissions reduction targets according to two potential temperature pathways: 1) limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and 2) limiting temperature rises to well below 2°C. The SBTi has determined that Stahl’s Scope 1 and 2 target is in line with a 1.5°C trajectory, while Stahl’s Scope 3 target has been validated in line with the well-below 2°C pathway.

Maarten Heijbroek, CEO of Stahl: “The validation of our Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions reduction targets by the SBTi is an important milestone on our ESG journey as we strive to limit our contribution to global warming, in line with the Paris Agreement. Our targets are ambitious, and rightly so. Realizing our goal to help create a more responsible coatings value chain starts with being accountable for our own environmental impact, and taking concrete steps to reduce our emissions wherever possible.”

A clear strategy to reduce GHG emissions
Stahl’s approach to realizing its near-term emissions reduction targets is outlined in the company’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Roadmap to 2030. This strategy defines the specific metrics against which progress on the company’s ESG commitments will be measured.

Stahl’s Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions reduction targets, as submitted to the SBTi, cover emissions from all manufacturing sites where Stahl products are produced, as well as the company’s largest non-manufacturing locations. Stahl aims to lower these emissions by reducing its overall energy consumption and increasing the use of renewable energy at its sites. To achieve this, the company plans to increase its self-generated electricity capacity (using solar power, for example) and continue investing in more energy-efficient equipment.

Stahl plans to reduce its Scope 3 upstream emissions primarily by replacing fossil-based raw materials in its products with renewable alternatives, such as bio-based and recycled-based feedstocks. In addition, the company plans to introduce more low-impact raw materials into its product design.

* The target boundary includes biogenic land-related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.


Stahl Holdings B.V.

(c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin presents range of technologies at Graphics Canada

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will introduce its range of technologies at Graphics Canada, which will take place at the Toronto International Centre, May 11-13.
Solutions to be discussed at Graphics Canada will include corona surface treatment systems, automated cylinder cleaning systems, LED-UV curing, roto-spray systems, and technologies for color management and defect detection.
Baldwin’s AMS Spectral UV-brand LED UV technology offers a high curing intensities available for printing. Benefits of LED UV include a 65% reduction in energy consumption, reduced costs related to parts and service, increased productivity and greater effeciency stemming from the lack of waiting for lamps to warm up or cool down
In addition, Baldwin is a leading provider of corona surface treatment systems that are used to achieve better adhesion of process liquids like inks and coatings to substrates as part of printing and industrial production processes

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will introduce its range of technologies at Graphics Canada, which will take place at the Toronto International Centre, May 11-13.
Solutions to be discussed at Graphics Canada will include corona surface treatment systems, automated cylinder cleaning systems, LED-UV curing, roto-spray systems, and technologies for color management and defect detection.
Baldwin’s AMS Spectral UV-brand LED UV technology offers a high curing intensities available for printing. Benefits of LED UV include a 65% reduction in energy consumption, reduced costs related to parts and service, increased productivity and greater effeciency stemming from the lack of waiting for lamps to warm up or cool down
In addition, Baldwin is a leading provider of corona surface treatment systems that are used to achieve better adhesion of process liquids like inks and coatings to substrates as part of printing and industrial production processes
Rounding out its technology, Baldwin’s cleaning solutions automatically and safely clean cylinders, blankets and plates used in various production processes, and tackle cleaning tasks like hickey-picking, end-of-run plate cleaning, blanket cleaning and film cylinder cleaning.
Common to all the technologies is that they increase productivity, reduce waste, improve working conditions and provide full control of producing flawless products. With easy automation and compatible software, Baldwin’s technologies are seamlessly integrated with one another.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.


ANDRITZ starts up needleloom at Foss Floors

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new velour loom it delivered to Foss Floors, Rome, United States (GA). The loom produces flooring from recycled plastic for a wide range of applications. Start-up took place in early 2023.

ANDRITZ is one of the global market leaders for supply of nonwoven production technologies, with a full range of needling technologies, including velour equipment, which allows customers to address a variety of applications such as automotive, household, flooring, acoustics, geotextiles, filtration, and synthetic leather.

Foss Floors is a leader in needlepunched felt products in North America. Its facilities are located in Rome and Chatsworth, Georgia, and it distributes a vast array of flooring products worldwide. One of the company’s key strengths is its agility for product diversification to satisfy customer needs. Foss Floors also strongly expresses its unwavering commitment to environmentally sustainable manufacturing.´

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new velour loom it delivered to Foss Floors, Rome, United States (GA). The loom produces flooring from recycled plastic for a wide range of applications. Start-up took place in early 2023.

ANDRITZ is one of the global market leaders for supply of nonwoven production technologies, with a full range of needling technologies, including velour equipment, which allows customers to address a variety of applications such as automotive, household, flooring, acoustics, geotextiles, filtration, and synthetic leather.

Foss Floors is a leader in needlepunched felt products in North America. Its facilities are located in Rome and Chatsworth, Georgia, and it distributes a vast array of flooring products worldwide. One of the company’s key strengths is its agility for product diversification to satisfy customer needs. Foss Floors also strongly expresses its unwavering commitment to environmentally sustainable manufacturing.´



(c) Mayer & Cie.
The Batliboi team at ITME 2022 along with several Mayer & Cie. colleagues

New set-up of Mayer & Cie. representations in Nepal & Bangladesh

Since 1 April 2023 sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in Bangladesh have been under new management. A new dynamic team “Mayer Bangladesh” has been formed. Mayer & Cie.’s longstanding Indian representative Batliboi has joined business activities in Bangladesh since the beginning of the month, supported by the team of Brady Services and by Almani Biz.

In Batliboi, Mayer & Cie. has set up a business partner of many decades standing as its representative in Bangladesh. For around 40 years Mumbai-based Batliboi has overseen sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in India. Abhay Sidham heads Batliboi’s Textile and Machinery Group. He and his team have many years of experience in strategic marketing, and a focus on sustainability and processing recycled raw materials is part of Batliboi’s expertise.

Since 1 April 2023 sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in Bangladesh have been under new management. A new dynamic team “Mayer Bangladesh” has been formed. Mayer & Cie.’s longstanding Indian representative Batliboi has joined business activities in Bangladesh since the beginning of the month, supported by the team of Brady Services and by Almani Biz.

In Batliboi, Mayer & Cie. has set up a business partner of many decades standing as its representative in Bangladesh. For around 40 years Mumbai-based Batliboi has overseen sales and service of Mayer & Cie. circular knitting machines in India. Abhay Sidham heads Batliboi’s Textile and Machinery Group. He and his team have many years of experience in strategic marketing, and a focus on sustainability and processing recycled raw materials is part of Batliboi’s expertise.

These competences are of relevance in the Bangladesh market because “we face strong competition from Asian manufacturers here,” as Wolfgang Müller, Mayer & Cie.’s sales director, explains. The premium market was growing smaller, and the trend was toward specialities – value-added fabrics, spacer fabrics and athleisure with a high proportion of elastic. Mayer & Cie. sees in these requirements significant potential for its machines – and in Batliboi a partner able in view of its experience to put them to optimal use.

One building block in the set-up of Mayer & Cie. representatives is unchanged. Brady Services will continue with Batliboi to contribute its close ties with the local market. A significant number of existing companies will continue to be looked after by Brady Services.

The new member in Mayer Bangladesh team is Dhaka-based Almani Biz. A lubricants specialist for circular knitting machines Almani Biz has a wide network with Bangladesh knitting industry.

Mayer & Cie. feels well positioned by this new set-up. “We,” Wolfgang Müller says, “are of the opinion that the market for textile machinery in Bangladesh will continue to grow and we are confident that by strengthening our sales, service and marketing team we will be able to make good use of this opportunity.”

Customers in Bangladesh have placed large orders in the past. The latest, placed in January, was for several dozen machines to be delivered this autumn. Further orders from Apex and BEXIMCO (Bangladesh Export Import Company) are also scheduled for delivery in the second half of 2023.

While reorganising the set-up of its representatives in Bangladesh Batliboi has also taken over as Mayer & Cie.’s representative in Nepal, where the company had previously had no local representative. There is a demand for machines for interlock, 8-lock and single jersey, but sales are still in single figures.

(c) Fong’s Europe
THEN Airjetwin

Fong’s Europe: THEN Airflow developments at ITMA 2023

At ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14, Fong’s Europe will introduce its latest THEN Synergy Airflow and THEN Airjetwin machines, which exploit the principle to provide high-quality, efficient and eco-friendly dyeing processes for a variety of fabrics.

“THEN introduced its first machines with Airflow technology in 1980 and since then we have had wide experience of pretreating and dyeing with Airflow transport systems on all kind of fabrics,” says Fong’s Europe Director of Sales and Marketing Richard Fander. “Our team of engineers has collected data on dyeing processes, results and consumption figures for years and constantly makes use of this accumulated know-how to optimise the processes of our customers.

“The THEN team understands Airflow dyeing processes and technology based on it guarantees the lowest liquor ratio on round shape machines. The transport of fabric by air reduces the liquor ratio compared to every kind of hydraulically driven transport system.”

At ITMA 2023 in Milan from June 8-14, Fong’s Europe will introduce its latest THEN Synergy Airflow and THEN Airjetwin machines, which exploit the principle to provide high-quality, efficient and eco-friendly dyeing processes for a variety of fabrics.

“THEN introduced its first machines with Airflow technology in 1980 and since then we have had wide experience of pretreating and dyeing with Airflow transport systems on all kind of fabrics,” says Fong’s Europe Director of Sales and Marketing Richard Fander. “Our team of engineers has collected data on dyeing processes, results and consumption figures for years and constantly makes use of this accumulated know-how to optimise the processes of our customers.

“The THEN team understands Airflow dyeing processes and technology based on it guarantees the lowest liquor ratio on round shape machines. The transport of fabric by air reduces the liquor ratio compared to every kind of hydraulically driven transport system.”

He adds that while not every fabric can be dyed and treated on Airflow machines with the same handle and appearance as on hydraulic round shape or long shape machines, where it is applicable, it can lead to significant savings of up to 35% in water, 50% in salt, 20% in dyestuffs and 30% in process time.

The THEN Airflow dyeing machines have several features, including several parallel functions for reducing process time. The VPR system shortens the rinsing time and water usage and the robust and homogeneous spraying device in the nozzle ensures a uniform dyeing in the shortest process time. The very short liquor ratio also reduces the use of salt and chemicals.


Fong’s Europe / AWOL Media


Lectra: Financial statements for Q1 2023

  • Revenues: 123.7 million euros (stable)*
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 19.7 million euros (-12%)*
  • Net income: 7.3 million euros (-21%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 9.2 million euros
  • Revised 2023 outlook due to wait-and-see attitude of customers

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the unaudited consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2023. Comparisons between 2023 and 2022 are based on 2022 exchange rates unless otherwise stated (“like-for-like”). As the impact of the acquisition of TextileGenesis on the financial statements for 2023 is not material, like-for-like changes exclude only the variations in exchange rates.

See the attached document for more details about the financial statements.

  • Revenues: 123.7 million euros (stable)*
  • EBITDA before non-recurring items: 19.7 million euros (-12%)*
  • Net income: 7.3 million euros (-21%)
  • Free cash flow before non-recurring items: 9.2 million euros
  • Revised 2023 outlook due to wait-and-see attitude of customers

Lectra’s Board of Directors, chaired by Daniel Harari, reviewed the unaudited consolidated financial statements for the first quarter of 2023. Comparisons between 2023 and 2022 are based on 2022 exchange rates unless otherwise stated (“like-for-like”). As the impact of the acquisition of TextileGenesis on the financial statements for 2023 is not material, like-for-like changes exclude only the variations in exchange rates.

See the attached document for more details about the financial statements.

Philipp Köhler folgt auf Dr. Frank Meister TITK - Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung e.V.

TITK: Philipp Köhler folgt auf Dr. Frank Meister

Die größte Abteilung des Thüringischen Instituts für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung Rudolstadt (TITK) hat einen neuen Chef. Zum 30. April 2023 folgte auf Dr. Frank Meister sein bisheriger Stellvertreter Philipp Köhler, der den Bereich Native Polymere und Chemische Forschung und damit ein fast 60-köpfiges Team aus Wissenschaftlern, Technikern und Laboranten übernimmt.

„Dr. Frank Meister hat in seiner langen und bemerkenswerten Laufbahn maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, dass die TITK-Gruppe heute so solide aufgestellt ist und gerade durch die Celluloseforschung weltweit eine hohe Anerkennung als kompetenter und vertrauenswürdiger Forschungspartner genießt. Mit Philipp Köhler setzt nun eine überzeugende und noch dazu sehr sympathische Führungspersönlichkeit die erfolgreiche Arbeit dieser wichtigen Abteilung fort,“ so der geschäftsführende Direktor des TITK, Benjamin Redlingshöfer.

Die größte Abteilung des Thüringischen Instituts für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung Rudolstadt (TITK) hat einen neuen Chef. Zum 30. April 2023 folgte auf Dr. Frank Meister sein bisheriger Stellvertreter Philipp Köhler, der den Bereich Native Polymere und Chemische Forschung und damit ein fast 60-köpfiges Team aus Wissenschaftlern, Technikern und Laboranten übernimmt.

„Dr. Frank Meister hat in seiner langen und bemerkenswerten Laufbahn maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, dass die TITK-Gruppe heute so solide aufgestellt ist und gerade durch die Celluloseforschung weltweit eine hohe Anerkennung als kompetenter und vertrauenswürdiger Forschungspartner genießt. Mit Philipp Köhler setzt nun eine überzeugende und noch dazu sehr sympathische Führungspersönlichkeit die erfolgreiche Arbeit dieser wichtigen Abteilung fort,“ so der geschäftsführende Direktor des TITK, Benjamin Redlingshöfer.

Als promovierter Polymerchemiker war Dr. Frank Meister zum 1. Juni 1993 von der zentralen Forschung der Leuna-Werke nach Rudolstadt gewechselt. Sein erstes Arbeitsfeld wurde die chemische Modifizierung von Cellulose, um sie direkt, ohne jedes Lösungsmittel verformbar zu machen. Damals hatte das Institut bereits begonnen, die Grundlagen für ein Direktlöseverfahren – das Alleinstellungsmerkmal des TITK – zu legen. In der Folgezeit setzte sich dieser Prozess zur Direktauflösung und Trocken-Nass-Verformung von Cellulose durch. Die daraus erhaltenen Spezialfasern konnten in den kommerziellen Maßstab überführt werden.

Nach drei Jahren wurde Frank Meister stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter, 2001 Chef der Chemischen Forschung am TITK. Meilensteine seiner Laufbahn sind mehr als 50 wissenschaftliche Publikationen, über 30 Patente und mindestens 100 Fachvorträge im In- und Ausland.
Für die Entwicklung des Instituts war die Mitwirkung am Wachstumskern „ALCERU-Hightech“ rund um das patentierte Verfahren zur Herstellung von Cellulose-Funktionsfasern von großer Bedeutung. Die neue Methode zur Direkteinarbeitung unverträglicher flüssiger oder schmelzbarer Substanzen in eine Cellulosefaser brachte dem TITK 2008 auch den Thüringer Forschungspreis.

Das „letzte Highlight“ war für Meister Lyohemp® – die erste Lyocellfaser aus 100 Prozent nicht holzbasiertem Zellstoff. Diese Neuentwicklung auf Grundlage von bisher ungenutzten Hanf-Reststoffen steht beispielhaft für einen Forschungsschwerpunkt am TITK - die Verwendung von alternativen Rohstoffen und Recycling-Materialien.

Bereits seit knapp drei Jahren hat Meister Philipp Köhler auf seine Aufgabe vorbereitet. „Er ist ein exzellenter Wissenschaftler mit sehr genauen Vorstellungen von seiner eigenen Entwicklung. Und er ist mit einer hohen sozialen Kompetenz ausgestattet“, begründet Meister seine Wahl. Philipp Köhler ist mit 33 Jahren einer der jüngsten Abteilungsleiter, die das TITK je hatte.

Dass es darauf ankommt, nicht nur im Hier und Jetzt zu leben, sondern den Blick schon voraus zu richten, ist ein Prinzip, das er unbedingt beibehalten will. „Denn auch nachwachsende Rohstoffe wie Holz sind nur begrenzt verfügbar. Deshalb müssen wir uns schon heute Gedanken machen, was danach als Faserrohstoff dienen könnte.“ Zum Beispiel Proteine oder Bakterien-Zellulose, sagt Köhler. „Da, wo andere suchen, müssen wir schon Lösungen durchdacht und industrietaugliche, anwendbare Prozesse parat haben, die noch dazu nachhaltig und ressourceneffizient sind.“

Der gebürtige Saalfelder kam unmittelbar nach dem Studium der Werkstofftechnik 2014 als „Master of Engineering“ ans TITK. Als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter übernahm er bestehende Projekte und half unter anderem mit, die vorhandenen Produkte mit Funktionsfasern weiter zu verbessern. Aktuell promoviert er bei Professor Chokri Cherif an der TU Dresden zu alternativen Materialien für die Faserherstellung.

More information:
TITK TITK Rudolstadt

TITK - Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung e.V.

(c) Gesamtmasche

Gesamtmasche: Deutsch-äthiopische Verbändekooperation zieht Bilanz

Die Verbändekooperation Partner Africa Ethiopia zwischen GESAMTMASCHE und dem äthiopischen Textilverband ETGAMA arbeitet seit über drei Jahren an der Intensivierung der deutsch-äthiopischen Geschäftsbeziehungen. Im Zentrum des Projekts stehen Qualitätsverbesserungen und der Aufbau nachhaltiger, transparenter Wertschöpfungsketten – vom Baumwollfeld angefangen. Kurz vor Abschluss der vom Bundesentwicklungsministerium geförderten Initiative ziehen die Partner Bilanz: Der Projekterfolg ist da, auch wenn die Rahmenbedingungen vor Ort schwierig bleiben.

Auf seine Textilbranche setzt Äthiopien große Hoffnungen. Bekannt sind vor allem die staatlich geförderten Industrieparks, die ausländische Investoren ins Land holen und für Jobs sorgen sollen. Weniger bekannt und doch vielversprechend ist die große Zahl mittelständischer, oft familiengeführter Textilbetriebe. Hier setzt das Partner Afrika-Projekt von GESAMTMASCHE und ETGAMA an.

Die Verbändekooperation Partner Africa Ethiopia zwischen GESAMTMASCHE und dem äthiopischen Textilverband ETGAMA arbeitet seit über drei Jahren an der Intensivierung der deutsch-äthiopischen Geschäftsbeziehungen. Im Zentrum des Projekts stehen Qualitätsverbesserungen und der Aufbau nachhaltiger, transparenter Wertschöpfungsketten – vom Baumwollfeld angefangen. Kurz vor Abschluss der vom Bundesentwicklungsministerium geförderten Initiative ziehen die Partner Bilanz: Der Projekterfolg ist da, auch wenn die Rahmenbedingungen vor Ort schwierig bleiben.

Auf seine Textilbranche setzt Äthiopien große Hoffnungen. Bekannt sind vor allem die staatlich geförderten Industrieparks, die ausländische Investoren ins Land holen und für Jobs sorgen sollen. Weniger bekannt und doch vielversprechend ist die große Zahl mittelständischer, oft familiengeführter Textilbetriebe. Hier setzt das Partner Afrika-Projekt von GESAMTMASCHE und ETGAMA an.

Gute Baumwolle für gute Produkte
„Partner Africa Ethiopia konnte im Rahmen von Pilotmaßnahmen entscheidende Qualitäts- und Produktivitätssteigerungen zu erreichen. Ein wichtiger Ansatz war dabei die Anhebung der Faserqualität. Das war die Vorbedingung für Qualitätsverbesserungen sämtlicher weiterverarbeitender Stufen“, sagt Silvia Jungbauer, Hauptgeschäftsführerin von GESAMTMASCHE. Dazu hat das Projekt mit über 40 Farmen und Kleinbauern-Kooperativen in Äthiopien zusammengearbeitet und mehrere Erntezyklen mit Schulungen begleitet. Neben der Faserqualität ging es vor allem um nachhaltige Anbaumethoden.

Vollstufige Kette in schwierigem Rahmen
Technische Mitarbeiter aus Firmen sämtlicher Wertschöpfungsstufen erhielten Gelegenheit zu bedarfsorientierter Weiterbildung in der Spinnerei, Strickerei und Weberei. Zur Erreichung besserer Qualitäten setzte Partner Africa Ethiopia auch auf bessere Vernetzung der Betriebe. Das ebnete gleichzeitig den Weg für transparente Wertschöpfungsketten, bei denen sich die Akteure über die Stufen hinweg zurückverfolgen lassen. „Äthiopische Textilhersteller und Modemarken identifizieren sich nicht mit Billigwaren, sondern wollen mit Qualität und einer nachhaltigen Fertigung punkten“, betont Simone Louis, Projektmanager Partner Africa Ethiopia bei GESAMTMASCHE. „Zum Projektende liegen erste Garne und Stoffe und sogar schon fertige Teile wie T-Shirts oder Polos aus rückverfolgbaren Ketten vor.“

Herausforderung Lieferkettengesetzgebung
Steigende gesetzliche Anforderungen in Europa wie das deutsche Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz und demnächst die EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie machen es für äthiopische Firmen unumgänglich, sich mit Compliance-Themen und Zertifizierung zu befassen. Gesamtmasche arbeitet daher bereits an einem Folgekonzept, das den Schwerpunkt auf Zertifizierung und Lieferkettentransparenz legt. „Die Hürden in diesem Bereich sind hoch“, gibt Silvia Jungbauer zu bedenken. „Wir hoffen, dass unser Projekterfolg nicht durch Bürokratie und starre Auflagen konterkariert wird.“


Gesamtverband der deutschen Maschenindustrie – GESAMTMASCHE e. V.