From the Sector

134 results

Italian Textile Machinery at Techtextil North America 2022

The next edition of Techtextil North America will take place in Atlanta from May 17nd to 19th.  At Atlanta ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, and Italian Trade Agency organize an Italian Pavilion, where 17 Italian machinery manufacturers involved in the production of machines for technical textiles will show their innovative solutions.

ACIMIT members exhibiting in the Italian Pavilion are: 4M Plants, Aeris, Arioli, Computer House, Fadis, Flainox, Guarneri Technology, Ima, Kairos Engineering, Mcs, Ramina, Siltex, Stalam, Testa, Willy.

The US textile industry is one of the top in US manufacturing sector, with a sales volume of exceeding US$ 64 billion in 2020, with approximately 300,000 workers and about 15,000 companies. The industry's strength lies in cotton, man-made fibers, and a wide variety of yarns and fabrics, including those for apparel and industrial uses.

The next edition of Techtextil North America will take place in Atlanta from May 17nd to 19th.  At Atlanta ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, and Italian Trade Agency organize an Italian Pavilion, where 17 Italian machinery manufacturers involved in the production of machines for technical textiles will show their innovative solutions.

ACIMIT members exhibiting in the Italian Pavilion are: 4M Plants, Aeris, Arioli, Computer House, Fadis, Flainox, Guarneri Technology, Ima, Kairos Engineering, Mcs, Ramina, Siltex, Stalam, Testa, Willy.

The US textile industry is one of the top in US manufacturing sector, with a sales volume of exceeding US$ 64 billion in 2020, with approximately 300,000 workers and about 15,000 companies. The industry's strength lies in cotton, man-made fibers, and a wide variety of yarns and fabrics, including those for apparel and industrial uses.

In 2021, the USA represented the third market for Italian textile machinery exports, behind China and Turkey. In 2021 January-September period the value of Italian sales to US market was 93 million Euros, an increase of 74% compared to the same period of the previous year.

More information:
Techtextil North America ACIMIT


Foto: Messe Frankfurt

Frankfurt Fashion Week: Neustart im Sommer

  • Stadt Frankfurt und Messe Frankfurt präsentieren Konzept für Frankfurt Fashion Week  
  • Messe Frankfurt bündelt Textil-Leitmessen Techtextil, Texprocess, Heimtextil Summer Special
  • Neonyt öffnet sich bewusst für Endkonsument*innen und wird als Direct-to-Consumer Lab in der Stadt ausgerichtet

Im Juni steht Frankfurt ganz im Zeichen der Frankfurt Fashion Week. Ausstellungen, Shows, Talks und mehr sollen die Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Mode, Lifestyle und Fashionkultur erlebbar machen. Parallel bündelt die Messe Frankfurt global ausgerichtete Veranstaltungen der Textil- und Modeindustrie, die im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week die für die internationale Fashionbranche relevanten Themen herausstellen: die Textil-Leitmessen Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special. Ergänzend finden in der Stadt innovative Business- und Erlebnisformate der Neonyt statt, die den Fokus auf den Megatrend Nachhaltigkeit richtet.

  • Stadt Frankfurt und Messe Frankfurt präsentieren Konzept für Frankfurt Fashion Week  
  • Messe Frankfurt bündelt Textil-Leitmessen Techtextil, Texprocess, Heimtextil Summer Special
  • Neonyt öffnet sich bewusst für Endkonsument*innen und wird als Direct-to-Consumer Lab in der Stadt ausgerichtet

Im Juni steht Frankfurt ganz im Zeichen der Frankfurt Fashion Week. Ausstellungen, Shows, Talks und mehr sollen die Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Mode, Lifestyle und Fashionkultur erlebbar machen. Parallel bündelt die Messe Frankfurt global ausgerichtete Veranstaltungen der Textil- und Modeindustrie, die im Rahmen der Frankfurt Fashion Week die für die internationale Fashionbranche relevanten Themen herausstellen: die Textil-Leitmessen Techtextil, Texprocess und das Heimtextil Summer Special. Ergänzend finden in der Stadt innovative Business- und Erlebnisformate der Neonyt statt, die den Fokus auf den Megatrend Nachhaltigkeit richtet.

Damit setzt die Messe Frankfurt ihre Strategie der Konzentration auf profitable Formate auch im Geschäftsfeld Textiles & Textile Technologies fort. Die etablierten Leitmessen bündeln Kreativität, Hightech, Anwendungsvielfalt und Know-how. Zudem wird die Neonyt, als wichtigster Knotenpunkt der nachhaltigen Textil- und Mode-Branche, die Themen der Zukunft mit progressiven Event-und Shopformaten in den Mittelpunkt rücken. Unter dem Claim „New patterns“ öffnet sich die Neonyt bewusst auch für den Endkonsument*innen-Markt und verstärkt damit ihren Nachhaltigkeitsansatz. Vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2022 entsteht das Neonyt Lab, das sich mit innovativen Erlebnisformaten und einer D2C-Trade Show an die gesamte nachhaltige Cross Sector-Community, Branchen-Newcomer*innen und alle Interessierten richtet.
Frankfurts Oberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann: „Frankfurt kann Mode – daran wird nach der Frankfurt Fashion Week im Sommer kein Zweifel bleiben. Unsere lokale Design- und Modewelt braucht sich nicht zu verstecken. Mit der Frankfurt Fashion Week erhält sie eine Bühne, sich in ihrer Vielfalt zu präsentieren. Zudem unterstreichen wir mit dem Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit, wofür Frankfurt am Main als Green City heute steht. Dieser Fokus steht auch auf der Neonyt im Mittelpunkt, die zusammen mit den Textil-Leitmessen das Publikumsprogramm um ein umfassendes, international ausgerichtetes Angebot für das Fachpublikum der europäischen Textil- und Modebranche erweitern wird. Das geht so nur hier, bei uns in Frankfurt.“
„Zwei Säulen, eine Botschaft“ – so fasst Wirtschaftsdezernentin Stephanie Wüst das Konzept für die Frankfurt Fashion Week Sommer 2022 zusammen. „Nur in Frankfurt kommen Know-how im internationalen Messegeschäft und Kreativität so zusammen, dass wir modeaffine Menschen und kreative Köpfe ebenso ansprechen können wie das anspruchsvolle Fachpublikum. Dieses Alleinstellungsmerkmal wollen wir gemeinsam, als Messe Frankfurt und als Stadt, bei der Frankfurt Fashion Week in den Vordergrund stellen.“ Es gehe darum, Internationales und Lokales zu verbinden und einen Mehrwert zu schaffen, von dem die Stadt insgesamt profitiert. Wüst: „Das Zusammenspiel von Stadt und Messe bringt die Leitthemen aus dem Messegelände in die City. Gemeinsam mit der lokalen Mode- und Designwirtschaft arbeiten wir an Formaten, die den Standort nachhaltig aufbauen sollen.“

(c) FET
FET-100 Series Melt Spinning System

FET gearing up for Techtextil 2022

With just 3 months to go before Techtextil Frankfurt, UK company Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET), is looking forward to exhibiting at this trade show once again. Techtextil attracts international blue-chip companies at the cutting edge of technology, seeking innovative solutions to technical challenges, so this event represents an ideal opportunity to demonstrate how FET can help achieve their goals.

FET is an acknowledged leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment for a vast range of applications, such as precursor materials used in high value technical textiles, sportswear, medical devices and specialised novel fibres from exotic and difficult to process polymers. Where melt spinning solutions are not suitable, FET provides a viable alternative with pilot and small scale production wet spinning systems.

However, FET will also showcase at Techtextil its more recent laboratory scale spunbond system, which enables client development of nonwoven fabrics in a number of formats and polymers. FET already has a number of spunbond systems in the field, including composite systems which utilise both spunbond and meltspun functions.

With just 3 months to go before Techtextil Frankfurt, UK company Fibre Extrusion Technology Limited (FET), is looking forward to exhibiting at this trade show once again. Techtextil attracts international blue-chip companies at the cutting edge of technology, seeking innovative solutions to technical challenges, so this event represents an ideal opportunity to demonstrate how FET can help achieve their goals.

FET is an acknowledged leader in laboratory and pilot meltspinning equipment for a vast range of applications, such as precursor materials used in high value technical textiles, sportswear, medical devices and specialised novel fibres from exotic and difficult to process polymers. Where melt spinning solutions are not suitable, FET provides a viable alternative with pilot and small scale production wet spinning systems.

However, FET will also showcase at Techtextil its more recent laboratory scale spunbond system, which enables client development of nonwoven fabrics in a number of formats and polymers. FET already has a number of spunbond systems in the field, including composite systems which utilise both spunbond and meltspun functions.

A major theme to be highlighted on the FET stand is Sustainability. The FET range of laboratory and pilot extrusion lines is ideally suited for both process and end product development of sustainable materials.

FET has successfully processed almost 30 different polymer types in multifilament, monofilament and non-woven formats, collaborating with specialist companies worldwide to promote greater sustainability through innovative manufacturing processes.




Anmeldestart zum Techtextil Innovation Award 2022

Im Rahmen der Techtextil 2022, vom 21. bis 24 Juni, werden erneut herausragende Entwicklungen im Bereich der technischen Textilien ausgezeichnet. Ab sofort können Unternehmen und Forschungsinstitute ihre Ansätze für den Innovation Award 2022 anmelden, der auf der internationalen Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe präsentiert wird.
Innovative Neuheiten werden in folgenden Kategorien gesucht: Konzept, Technologie, Material, Anwendung, Produkt, Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft, nachhaltige Technologie und Recycling sowie Technologie und Digitalisierung. Insbesondere neue, unkonventionelle Ideen, Konzepte und Visionen sind erwünscht. Der Techtextil Innovation Award unterstützt progressive Ansätze und Dialog zwischen Forschenden, herstellender Industrie und Anwendenden. Erstmals wird die Techtextil mit dem Techtextil Performance Fashion Award herausragende Entwicklungen im Bereich der funktionalen oder leistungsfähigen textilen Materialien für Mode auszeichnen. Die Einreichungen sind ab sofort online möglich. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 25. März 2022.

Im Rahmen der Techtextil 2022, vom 21. bis 24 Juni, werden erneut herausragende Entwicklungen im Bereich der technischen Textilien ausgezeichnet. Ab sofort können Unternehmen und Forschungsinstitute ihre Ansätze für den Innovation Award 2022 anmelden, der auf der internationalen Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe präsentiert wird.
Innovative Neuheiten werden in folgenden Kategorien gesucht: Konzept, Technologie, Material, Anwendung, Produkt, Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft, nachhaltige Technologie und Recycling sowie Technologie und Digitalisierung. Insbesondere neue, unkonventionelle Ideen, Konzepte und Visionen sind erwünscht. Der Techtextil Innovation Award unterstützt progressive Ansätze und Dialog zwischen Forschenden, herstellender Industrie und Anwendenden. Erstmals wird die Techtextil mit dem Techtextil Performance Fashion Award herausragende Entwicklungen im Bereich der funktionalen oder leistungsfähigen textilen Materialien für Mode auszeichnen. Die Einreichungen sind ab sofort online möglich. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 25. März 2022.
„Wir freuen uns, durch den Techtextil Innovation Award 2022 zukunftweisenden Fortschritt im Bereich der technischen Textilien zu fördern“, erklärt Michael Jänecke, Director Brand Management Technical Textiles & Textile Processing. „Auch in diesem Jahr werden Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung in einer eigenen Kategorie gewürdigt.“
Von einer unabhängigen internationalen Jury ausgewählte Einreichungen werden auf der Techtextil 2022 in einem entsprechenden Sonderareal den internationalen Fachbesuchern und Medienvertretern präsentiert. Erstmals werden die Gewinner*innen auch virtuell, im Rahmen der Digital Extension der Techtextil 2022 vorgestellt.
Teilnahmeberechtigt sind sowohl Aussteller der Techtextil 2022 als auch alle nicht ausstellenden Unternehmen, Institute, Universitäten und Fachhochschulen sowie Einzelpersonen. Bedingungen: Die eingereichten Entwicklungen dürfen erst weniger als zwei Jahre auf dem Markt erhältlich sein oder kurz vor der Markteinführung stehen. Zudem dürfen sie noch keine andere Auszeichnung erhalten haben.
Auch die parallel stattfindende Texprocess 2022 präsentiert einen Innovation Award im Bereich neuer Technologien und Prozesse für die Verarbeitung von Textilien und flexibler Materialien.
Weitere Informationen online:


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Promising conditions for Cinte Techtextil China in September

Promising conditions in the technical textiles and nonwovens market are expected to provide ample opportunities for suppliers at this year’s Cinte Techtextil China. The fair, which last year saw 366 exhibitors and 14,868 visits, will take place from 6 – 8 September 2022 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Flexible exhibiting options will once again be available for overseas companies.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained the positive conditions that exhibitors should expect at the fair thusly: “The pandemic has led to a surge in Chinese exports of both technical textiles and nonwovens, the latter in particular. The country remains the largest supplier of nonwovens, comprising one-third of the global total, yet still requires the advanced offerings of overseas machinery suppliers, as well as supplies of raw materials, to support its export production.”

Promising conditions in the technical textiles and nonwovens market are expected to provide ample opportunities for suppliers at this year’s Cinte Techtextil China. The fair, which last year saw 366 exhibitors and 14,868 visits, will take place from 6 – 8 September 2022 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Flexible exhibiting options will once again be available for overseas companies.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, explained the positive conditions that exhibitors should expect at the fair thusly: “The pandemic has led to a surge in Chinese exports of both technical textiles and nonwovens, the latter in particular. The country remains the largest supplier of nonwovens, comprising one-third of the global total, yet still requires the advanced offerings of overseas machinery suppliers, as well as supplies of raw materials, to support its export production.”

Ms Wen continued: “Domestically, China is seeing increasing consumption of functional apparel, sportswear and personal protection items. Heightened health and sanitary regulations and new hygiene habits will also continue to drive demand, especially for nonwovens, well into the future. There has also been a post-pandemic boost in demand for filter, greenhouse covering and high-density fabrics amongst others. All of this adds up to a wealth of opportunities for overseas companies to take advantage of, as was experienced in the 2021 edition of the fair.”

Exhibitor and visitor experiences in 2021
“Our organisation promotes US cotton and we hope to use this platform to meet more companies and brands in the nonwovens industry who are interested in US cotton, and to meet up with old friends to discuss the current situation and industry trends. We also found some new potential clients this time.” Mr Eric Ni, Senior Manager, China Supply Chain Marketing, Fabrics, Garments and Nonwovens, Cotton Council International, USA

“Cinte Techtextil China is a professional exhibition that brings together cutting-edge technologies and products, allowing us to quickly learn about innovative technology trends in the industry. I’ve been particularly impressed by the biodegradable products in the Innovation Showcase. In addition, I am sourcing mask-related products and mops, and I have found some companies that I’m interested in.” Ms Claire Zhang, Senior Scientist, Personal Health, Philips Research China, Philips (China) Investment Co Ltd, China


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.


Heimtextil Summer Special 2022

  • Sommerausgabe einmalig vom 21. – 24. Juni 2022

Die Heimtextil findet 2022 einmalig als Summer Special parallel zum Messeduo Techtextil und Texprocess statt. Die Entscheidung für die Sommerausgabe sei die Antwort auf das eindeutige Votum der Wohn- und Objekttextilbranche, die sich noch in diesem Jahr einen Re-Start für persönliche Geschäftsbegegnungen wünsche, so die Messeveranstalter. Aussteller und Einkäufer*innen profitierten von wertvollen Synergieeffekten zwischen den drei internationalen Messeformaten.

  • Sommerausgabe einmalig vom 21. – 24. Juni 2022

Die Heimtextil findet 2022 einmalig als Summer Special parallel zum Messeduo Techtextil und Texprocess statt. Die Entscheidung für die Sommerausgabe sei die Antwort auf das eindeutige Votum der Wohn- und Objekttextilbranche, die sich noch in diesem Jahr einen Re-Start für persönliche Geschäftsbegegnungen wünsche, so die Messeveranstalter. Aussteller und Einkäufer*innen profitierten von wertvollen Synergieeffekten zwischen den drei internationalen Messeformaten.

More information:
Heimtextil Techtextil Texprocess

Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


Vortrag für das Techtextil Forum 2022 einreichen

Mit dem Techtextil Forum setzt die Techtextil 2022 das offene Expert*innenformat von 2019 fort. Vorschläge für Beiträge können ab jetzt eingereicht werden.

Zur kommenden Techtextil (21. bis 24. Juni 2022), der Internationalen Leitmesse für Technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe, bietet das Techtextil Forum an den vier Messetagen mit Vorträgen, Diskussionen und interaktiven Formaten die Möglichkeit für den Austausch zwischen ausstellenden Unternehmen, Messegästen sowie Forscher*innen, Entwickler*innen und Anwender*innen rund um technische Textilien. Interessierte Vortragende können bis zum 16. Februar 2022 ihre Themenvorschläge einreichen.

Im Mittelpunkt des Techtextil Forums stehen neue Entwicklungen, Trends und mögliche Anwendungsbereiche von technischen Textilien, Vliesstoffen und funktionalen Bekleidungstextilien sowie Technologien, Verarbeitungsprozesse und neue Produkte. Themenvorschläge sind unter anderem in den folgenden Bereichen möglich: Health (Textilien im medizinischen Bereich/Hygiene), Interior, PPE (persönliche Schutzausrüstung und Objektschutz), Building textiles, (neue) Trends, Textilien für Mobilität/Fortbewegung und Sport & Freizeit.

Mit dem Techtextil Forum setzt die Techtextil 2022 das offene Expert*innenformat von 2019 fort. Vorschläge für Beiträge können ab jetzt eingereicht werden.

Zur kommenden Techtextil (21. bis 24. Juni 2022), der Internationalen Leitmesse für Technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe, bietet das Techtextil Forum an den vier Messetagen mit Vorträgen, Diskussionen und interaktiven Formaten die Möglichkeit für den Austausch zwischen ausstellenden Unternehmen, Messegästen sowie Forscher*innen, Entwickler*innen und Anwender*innen rund um technische Textilien. Interessierte Vortragende können bis zum 16. Februar 2022 ihre Themenvorschläge einreichen.

Im Mittelpunkt des Techtextil Forums stehen neue Entwicklungen, Trends und mögliche Anwendungsbereiche von technischen Textilien, Vliesstoffen und funktionalen Bekleidungstextilien sowie Technologien, Verarbeitungsprozesse und neue Produkte. Themenvorschläge sind unter anderem in den folgenden Bereichen möglich: Health (Textilien im medizinischen Bereich/Hygiene), Interior, PPE (persönliche Schutzausrüstung und Objektschutz), Building textiles, (neue) Trends, Textilien für Mobilität/Fortbewegung und Sport & Freizeit.

Interessierte Vortragende können Vorträge, Workshops oder Diskussionsthemen vorschlagen. Die Vorschläge müssen in englischer Sprache unter eingereicht werden. Die Auswahl der Beiträge erfolgt durch ein mit Expert*innen besetztes internationales Programm-Komitee.

„Auch 2022 präsentiert sich das Techtextil Forum wieder direkt in der Messehalle. So hat das Fachpublikum die Möglichkeit, zwischen den Messeterminen Vorträge seiner Wahl zu verfolgen oder sich spontan an Diskussionen zu beteiligen. Die Vorträge werden außerdem gestreamt bzw. on-demand zur Verfügung gestellt. So bereichert der Austausch innerhalb der Branche die Techtextil nicht nur vor Ort, sondern auch im Nachgang digital“, so Michael Jänecke, Director Brand Management Technical Textiles and Textile Processing bei der Messe Frankfurt.

More information:
Techtextil Techtextil Forum

Messe Frankfurt

(c) Messe Frankfurt,

Techtextil India: First post-lockdown edition with overwhelming responsive from industry

After three-days of product sourcing and business networking, Techtextil India 2021 in Mumbai concluded in a strong and positive note. The trade fair emerged as a crucial meeting place for the technical textile players to rebuild their supplier links, promote industry integration and engage in lucrative knowledge exchange.

The eighth edition of Techtextil India stood out to be a ground-breaking business platform for the technical textile sector to build a new and strong foundation in the new normal. The aim of the new edition was to promote industry unification and business recovery across the value chain of technical textiles.

The event held at Bombay Exhibition Centre was inaugurated by major dignitaries, including Shri Ajit Chavan, Secretary – Textiles Committee, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. Over the course of its three buzzing days, the show garnered an attendance of 4,087 visitors drawn by live demonstration of latest products, technologies and innovations exhibited by over 150 technical textile brands on the show floor.

After three-days of product sourcing and business networking, Techtextil India 2021 in Mumbai concluded in a strong and positive note. The trade fair emerged as a crucial meeting place for the technical textile players to rebuild their supplier links, promote industry integration and engage in lucrative knowledge exchange.

The eighth edition of Techtextil India stood out to be a ground-breaking business platform for the technical textile sector to build a new and strong foundation in the new normal. The aim of the new edition was to promote industry unification and business recovery across the value chain of technical textiles.

The event held at Bombay Exhibition Centre was inaugurated by major dignitaries, including Shri Ajit Chavan, Secretary – Textiles Committee, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. Over the course of its three buzzing days, the show garnered an attendance of 4,087 visitors drawn by live demonstration of latest products, technologies and innovations exhibited by over 150 technical textile brands on the show floor.

The event received an overwhelming response, reflecting industry’s keen interest to explore new developments and opportunities in technical textiles. In regards to the same, Mr Abhijit Kulkarni, President – Textile Engineering Group, A.T.E. India, stated: “It was the first and best physical show also on hybrid mode filled with enthusiastic buyers and customers who visited our booth and had very fruitful discussions with us. Several leading textile manufacturers visited our stalls, including: Strata Geosystems India, SKAPS Industries, Reliance Composites, Paramount Textiles, and Welspun, to name a few.”

Alok Masterbatches Pvt Ltd, Khosla Profile Pvt Ltd, ATE Group, Lucky International, Meera Industries Limited, Park Non-Woven Pvt Ltd, Sarex Chemicals, SICAM, Suntech Geotextile Pvt Ltd and Weavetech Engineers, were among the leading Indian companies exhibiting at the show.

The significance of the three-day fair was further elevated by the German pavilion. Technical textile manufacturers from Germany, such as Autefa Solution Germany GmbH, DILO Systems GmbH, Emtec Electronic GmbH, Georg Sahm GmbH & Co, Karl Mayer Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Merz Maschinenfabrik GmbH and Oerlikon Barmag Zweigniederlassung der Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co, displayed their latest technologies on the show floor, which garnered significant attention from the Indian buyers.

The first Digital Symposium was another highlight of Techtextil India 2021. The forum delved into a series of crucial topics in technical textiles discussing PLI schemes, FDI opportunities and policies, investment opportunities in Tamil Nadu, & New Investment Opportunities, Sustainable Technical Textiles and Global sustainable approach for Textiles with Antimicrobial Performance.

Concluding on a successful note, Techtextil India 2021 emerged as a platform of new beginnings for the technical textiles sector and for businesses trying to retain their shape and seeking momentum after the tough pandemic phase.


Messe Frankfurt HK


Heimtextil from 11 - 14 January 2022 is cancelled

Against the background of the worsening pandemic situation in Germany over the past two weeks and the associated restrictions, Heimtextil, scheduled to take place in the second week of January, is cancelled. Messe Frankfurt is working with the industry to determine whether and in what form a new offering in the summer of 2022 can be organised to run parallel to the Techtextil/Texprocess trade fair duo. Later events such as Ambiente, Christmasworld, Creativeworld, Paperworld and Frankfurt Fashion Week are still planning to take place at the present time.

Against the background of the worsening pandemic situation in Germany over the past two weeks and the associated restrictions, Heimtextil, scheduled to take place in the second week of January, is cancelled. Messe Frankfurt is working with the industry to determine whether and in what form a new offering in the summer of 2022 can be organised to run parallel to the Techtextil/Texprocess trade fair duo. Later events such as Ambiente, Christmasworld, Creativeworld, Paperworld and Frankfurt Fashion Week are still planning to take place at the present time.

Due to the unforeseeable dynamics in the development of the pandemic, the reciprocal and cumulative effects of the relevant factors, as well as the extreme escalation and deterioration of the pandemic situation in Germany within a very short period of time, including the decisions taken at the Conference of Minister Presidents on 02.12.2021, the date of Heimtextil right at the beginning of the year, in the second week of January, cannot be kept. Heimtextil, the leading international trade fair for home and contract textiles, will be cancelled. Messe Frankfurt is working closely with all industry partners to find out whether and within what framework Heimtextil can be held parallel to Techtextil and Texprocess from 21 to 24 June 2022.

Heimtextil as an international trade fair has always kicked off the spring trade fair season and is the first major international trade fair in Germany directly after Christmas and New Year with exhibitors and visitors from over 135 countries. The exponential increase in the number of infections in a very short period of time and the accompanying multitude of developments and resolutions that are clearly outside the realm of influence of the organizer have led to a significant deterioration in the general conditions and necessary requirements for holding Heimtextil as a major trade fair of international relevance at this early stage. These developments include in particular the classification of Germany as a high-risk area and the associated travel warnings, international and intercontinental travel restrictions in India, Japan, the United States and Great Britain, as well as the quarantine obligation and “2G” (only with vaccinated and recovered status) requirements without recognition of the WHO vaccine list in Germany. Equally important are the steadily rising infection figures and the accompanying urgent appeal, including by the Robert Koch Institute, to reduce contacts to a minimum and to cancel all major events.

A large number of the exhibiting and visiting companies at Heimtextil are currently reacting to this with travel and trade fair attendance bans out of an obligation of concern towards their employees to protect them from health risks. The global willingness to travel is continuing to fall rapidly.

The planning and staging of the other spring trade fairs Ambiente, Christmasworld, Creativeworld and Paperworld is not affected. Due to their later dates in the year, at the end of January and mid-February respectively, these fairs are still planning to take place at the present time. Compared to Heimtextil, which is the most international trade fair at the Frankfurt location, Frankfurt Fashion Week currently has a much lower international profile and from this perspective can therefore still take place. The extremely volatile situation is continuously reviewed and evaluated in close exchange with the relevant authorities and industry partners.


Messe Frankfurt

ANDRITZ Laroche textile recycling line

ANDRITZ at Techtextil India 2021

International technology group ANDRITZ will present its innovative nonwovens and textile technologies at the booth of its Indian representative PRN Techtex at Techtextil India 2021 in Mumbai, India, from November 25 to 27, 2021. A special focus will lie on its technologies for air-through bonding, needlepunch, textile recycling, and processes for biodegradable wipes, like spunlace and WetlaceTM.

Air-through Bonding
Air-through-bonding lines are the preferred choice for producing nonwovens with the best quality of softness and bulk for acquisition distribution layers, top sheets, and back-sheet products. With ANDRITZ carding machines and the new flat belt oven, customers benefit from high-performance fabrics from 16 to 80 gsm, produced with bicomponent fibers. Several Chinese customers have already invested in ANDRITZ aXcess carding machines, which provide perfect web uniformity. In addition, the CETI (European Center for Innovative Textiles) in Lille, France, has installed an air-through-bonding oven from ANDRITZ.

International technology group ANDRITZ will present its innovative nonwovens and textile technologies at the booth of its Indian representative PRN Techtex at Techtextil India 2021 in Mumbai, India, from November 25 to 27, 2021. A special focus will lie on its technologies for air-through bonding, needlepunch, textile recycling, and processes for biodegradable wipes, like spunlace and WetlaceTM.

Air-through Bonding
Air-through-bonding lines are the preferred choice for producing nonwovens with the best quality of softness and bulk for acquisition distribution layers, top sheets, and back-sheet products. With ANDRITZ carding machines and the new flat belt oven, customers benefit from high-performance fabrics from 16 to 80 gsm, produced with bicomponent fibers. Several Chinese customers have already invested in ANDRITZ aXcess carding machines, which provide perfect web uniformity. In addition, the CETI (European Center for Innovative Textiles) in Lille, France, has installed an air-through-bonding oven from ANDRITZ.

Textil-recycling Technologies
Recently, ANDRITZ acquired Laroche SAS, a leading supplier of fiber processing technologies such as opening, blending, dosing, airlay web forming, textile waste recycling, and decortication of bast fibers. The product portfolio further complements and increases the ANDRITZ Nonwoven product range. One focus of this product range lies on complete recycling lines for post-consumer and industrial textile waste to produce fibers for re-spinning and/or nonwoven end uses.

Needlepunch Technologies
Driven by the dynamic market for durable nonwovens, ANDRITZ has developed an elliptical pre-cylinder tacker – the PA3000. With this modern machine, ANDRITZ is responding to customer demands for higher capacities and lighter products. The PA3000 is an optimized cylinder pre-needleloom, which offers greater speeds and widths and has been specially developed for lighter webs. There is no friction between the web and the rolls, and there are no issues with the visual appearance.

ANDRITZ is also focusing on its latest needling technology for producing veloured felts, mainly for applications in the automotive industry.

In addition, ANDRITZ will be presenting the next generation of its batt-forming technology, the ProWin system. ProWin is a further development of ProDynTM and ProWidTM, which have achieved a high level of acceptance on the market with around 200 systems installed. This technology improves the current weight-profiling options and increases the actual production capacity.

Production of Bio-Wipes
For many years now, ANDRITZ has offered different nonwoven processes, such as spunlace and Wetlace, with one goal in mind: reduction and elimination of plastic raw materials while maintaining the high quality of the desired product properties. The latest development in this field is the ANDRITZ neXline wetlace CP line. This is a fully engineered production line, combining the benefits of wetlaid and drylaid technologies to produce a new generation of biodegradable wipes. This process achieves high performance entirely with plastic-free raw materials. The added benefit of using a blend of fibers, like wood pulp, short-cut cellulosic fibers, viscose, cotton, hemp, bamboo, or linen, without chemical additives, results in a 100% sustainable fabric.


Techtextil und Texprocess 2022: Innovationen wieder live erleben

Neustart nach coronabedingter Pause: Vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 bringen die Techtextil und die Texprocess die Branche der technischen Textilien und der textilen Verarbeitungsindustrie wieder physisch in Frankfurt am Main zusammen.

Rund acht Monate vor der ersten Frankfurter Ausgabe der Techtextil, internationale Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe und der Texprocess, internationale Leitmesse für die Verarbeitung textiler und flexibler Materialien, haben sich für beide Veranstaltungen rund 900 Aussteller*innen, darunter viele Organisator*innen von Gemeinschaftsständen, angemeldet.

Die Zahl der Anmeldungen für die Techtextil liegt aktuell bei etwa 85 Prozent der Vorveranstaltung zum gleichen Zeitpunkt. Die Texprocess verzeichnet bislang rund 70 Prozent des Anmeldestands der Vorveranstaltung.

Beide Messen finden als hybride Veranstaltungen statt und umfassen neben dem physischen Messeangebot mit Rahmenprogramm zahlreiche digitale Zusatz-Angebote für Aussteller*innen und Besucher*innen. Anmeldungen für die Techtextil und Texprocess sind weiterhin möglich.

Neustart nach coronabedingter Pause: Vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 bringen die Techtextil und die Texprocess die Branche der technischen Textilien und der textilen Verarbeitungsindustrie wieder physisch in Frankfurt am Main zusammen.

Rund acht Monate vor der ersten Frankfurter Ausgabe der Techtextil, internationale Leitmesse für technische Textilien und Vliesstoffe und der Texprocess, internationale Leitmesse für die Verarbeitung textiler und flexibler Materialien, haben sich für beide Veranstaltungen rund 900 Aussteller*innen, darunter viele Organisator*innen von Gemeinschaftsständen, angemeldet.

Die Zahl der Anmeldungen für die Techtextil liegt aktuell bei etwa 85 Prozent der Vorveranstaltung zum gleichen Zeitpunkt. Die Texprocess verzeichnet bislang rund 70 Prozent des Anmeldestands der Vorveranstaltung.

Beide Messen finden als hybride Veranstaltungen statt und umfassen neben dem physischen Messeangebot mit Rahmenprogramm zahlreiche digitale Zusatz-Angebote für Aussteller*innen und Besucher*innen. Anmeldungen für die Techtextil und Texprocess sind weiterhin möglich.

Nachhaltigkeit als Schlüsselthema
Ob die UN Decade of Action, die bis 2030 die Umsetzung der nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele weltweit vorsieht, der Green Deal der Europäischen Kommission, der Europa bis 2050 zum ersten klimaneutralen Kontinent machen soll, oder das kürzlich von der deutschen Bundesregierung verabschiedete Sorgfaltspflichtengesetz („Lieferkettengesetz“), das Unternehmen für Menschenrechtsverletzungen in ihren Lieferketten haftbar macht: Nachhaltigkeit ist ein zentrales Thema, das auch die Textil- und Modeindustrie bewegt und zu dem die Branche aufgrund ihrer Größe und ihrer Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Natur viel beitragen kann.

Mit Sustainability@Techtextil und Sustainability@Texprocess stellen beide Leitmessen im Juni 2022 Nachhaltigkeitsansätze der ausstellenden Unternehmen und Institutionen in den Fokus. Fachdiskussionen ergänzen das Thema. Erneut zeichnen die Techtextil und Texprocess Innovation Awards in einer eigenen Kategorie zudem herausragende Leistungen in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit in der Branche aus.

Neu: Areal für internationale textile Startups
Dynamisch und divers: Die Textilbranche ist in Bewegung und textile Startups sind in zahlreichen Zukunftsbereichen wie 3D-Design, Blockchain, E-Commerce oder Nachhaltigkeit aktiv. Die Techtextil und Texprocess stellen erstmals auf einem eigenen Areal internationale Startups für technische Textilien und die textile Verarbeitung vor. Das Areal ergänzt das bewährte und vom Bundeswirtschaftsministerium unterstützte Areal „Junge innovative Unternehmen aus Deutschland“, in dem sich junge Unternehmen mit Sitz in Deutschland vorstellen, die maximal zehn Jahre am Markt sind.

Der textile Nachwuchs steht zudem im Mittelpunkt des Texprocess-Campus, auf dem sich Hochschulen und Universitäten präsentieren.

Denimindustrie im Fokus der Texprocess
Vom Baumwollanbau, über wasserschonende Färbeverfahren bis zum Finishing: So zeitlos Denim-Mode ist, so zahlreich die Mythen und Fakten rund um deren Nachhaltigkeit, aber auch so vielfältig die Innovationen der Branche. Mit der Denim Future Factory (DFF) widmet die Texprocess 2022 der Denimindustrie einen thematischen Schwerpunkt.

Rahmenprogramm mit Foren und Innovation Awards
Mit den Techtextil und Texprocess Foren erhalten Besucher*innen beider Messen an allen Messetagen hochaktuelle und facettenreiche Einblicke in eine Vielzahl an Branchenthemen.

Hervorragende Neu- und Weiterentwicklungen bei technischen Textilien, Vliesstoffen und funktionalen Bekleidungstextilien sowie Technologien und Prozesse für die Verarbeitung von Textilien und flexiblen Materialien werden auch in 2022 mit den Techtextil und Texprocess Innovation Awards ausgezeichnet.

Neues Geländebelegung und Hygieneauflagen
Mit der Ausgabe 2022 nutzen die Techtextil und die Texprocess mit den Hallen 8, 9, 11 und 12 erstmals das Westgelände der Messe Frankfurt.  Hinsichtlich der jeweils geltenden Hygienebestimmungen steht die Messe Frankfurt in engem Austausch mit den zuständigen Behörden, um den Schutz von Aussteller*innen und Besucher*innen zu jedem Zeitpunkt bestmöglich zu gewährleisten.

Techtextil und Texprocess ab sofort immer in den geraden Jahren
Mit der Verschiebung in das Jahr 2022 ändern beide Messen zur kommenden Ausgabe zudem ihren Messerhythmus und wechseln dauerhaft in die geraden Jahre. Auch für 2024 steht mit dem 23. bis 26. April bereits ein neuer Messetermin fest.


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

(c) Fibre Extrusion Technology

FET hails INDEX20 impact

Fibre Extrusion Technology, UK is celebrating a successful INDEX20 nonwovens exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland, which closed on 22 October. Although the company has a long history in supplying meltspinning equipment for the nonwovens sector, this represents its first venture at a dedicated nonwovens show.
FET’s Managing Director, Richard Slack explains. “Techtextil and ITMA have previously been our main exhibitions of choice, but INDEX20 was an ideal vehicle for FET to launch our new laboratory scale spunbond system, which enables client development of nonwoven fabrics in a number of formats and polymers.”
FET already has spunbond systems in the field, including composite systems which utilise both spunbond and meltspun functions. The growth in global nonwovens technology, partly driven by demand for pandemic-related materials, is forecast to continue.

Fibre Extrusion Technology, UK is celebrating a successful INDEX20 nonwovens exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland, which closed on 22 October. Although the company has a long history in supplying meltspinning equipment for the nonwovens sector, this represents its first venture at a dedicated nonwovens show.
FET’s Managing Director, Richard Slack explains. “Techtextil and ITMA have previously been our main exhibitions of choice, but INDEX20 was an ideal vehicle for FET to launch our new laboratory scale spunbond system, which enables client development of nonwoven fabrics in a number of formats and polymers.”
FET already has spunbond systems in the field, including composite systems which utilise both spunbond and meltspun functions. The growth in global nonwovens technology, partly driven by demand for pandemic-related materials, is forecast to continue.
“We were delighted with the response at INDEX”, continued Richard Slack. “There was considerable interest shown in the new spunbond system and its potential for lab scale innovation. It’s clear that the industry is seeking new alternatives to synthetics at the moment, and our technology is able to assist with the testing and assessment of many of the new feedstocks being pioneered in this extremely inventive sector, where everyone is suddenly talking and cooperating with everyone else, regardless of whether they are generally competitors. We recorded in excess of 20 serious enquiries from totally new contacts and sectors, including blue chip companies in the hygiene, medical and packaging industries.”
“There were initial concerns about projected attendance figures, especially from China and USA companies, but we experienced good footfall from key decision makers, especially those from Europe. It was encouraging to at last experience the opportunity for face-to-face contact with old and new customers on a large scale and we are now starting to reap the benefits with enquiries continuing to flow in”.


Fibre Extrusion Technology

Photo: Messe Frankfurt

Techtextil India: Hybrid exhibition in November

India’s leading trade fair in technical textiles, nonwovens and composites, Techtextil India, is ready to make a comeback through its hybrid edition launch from 25 – 27 November 2021. With a series of live product demonstrations, insightful knowledge sessions and B2B networking opportunities, the multimodal trade fair will provide a strong avenue for technical textile professionals to reimagine their business potential.
After a successful grand edition in 2019, Techtexil India is all set to return for the very first time since the pandemic. The three-day exhibition will be hosted in a hybrid format from 25 – 27 November 2021, Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon which will unite technical textile players from across its varied application areas. Top technical textile brands including JB Ecotex, PARK Nonwoven, Loyal Textiles Lenzing, Mehala, Meera Industries, amongst many others will showcase their latest products at the hybrid fair. Moreover, leading German brands exhibiting at Techtextil India 2021 will be hosted under the German pavilion.

India’s leading trade fair in technical textiles, nonwovens and composites, Techtextil India, is ready to make a comeback through its hybrid edition launch from 25 – 27 November 2021. With a series of live product demonstrations, insightful knowledge sessions and B2B networking opportunities, the multimodal trade fair will provide a strong avenue for technical textile professionals to reimagine their business potential.
After a successful grand edition in 2019, Techtexil India is all set to return for the very first time since the pandemic. The three-day exhibition will be hosted in a hybrid format from 25 – 27 November 2021, Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon which will unite technical textile players from across its varied application areas. Top technical textile brands including JB Ecotex, PARK Nonwoven, Loyal Textiles Lenzing, Mehala, Meera Industries, amongst many others will showcase their latest products at the hybrid fair. Moreover, leading German brands exhibiting at Techtextil India 2021 will be hosted under the German pavilion.

The conjunction between the physical exhibition and the online business matchmaking platform will make way to a wider range of networking. Local and international visitors who are unable to attend the venue will be able to witness the exhibition virtually through the ‘MFI virtual app’ which will host live knowledge sessions and product demonstrations for visitors. The two-day multimodal trade fair allows the visitors to search for specific products like fibers, yarns, nonwovens, machinery, coated textiles with easy-to-use filters further to which they can share their query or connect directly with the respective exhibitors.

At the same time, visitors attending the venue will be welcomed under a well-organised physical exhibition following the government-authorised safety protocols of ‘MFI SafeConnect’. These protocols will enable visitors to engage in secure face-to-face interactions with exhibitors and witness the latest technical textile technologies and innovations in-person.

Alliance with the Government of Tamil Nadu
In a bid to strengthen indigenous production through the state and attract investors, the nodal agency for investment promotion and facilitation for the Government of Tamil Nadu – Guidance has signed up for Techtextil India 2021. Furthermore, technical textile players from Tamil Nadu such as Cyber Textiles India Pvt Ltd, Jayashree Spun Bond, Lenzing Ag India, Liester Technologies, Loyal Textile Mills Ltd, Milltex Engineers Pvt Ltd, Superfil Products Pvt Ltd, Uster Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd have also confirmed their participation for the exhibition.
Announcing a close co-operation with Messe Frankfurt India for the 2021 edition, Ms Pooja Kulkarni, IAS MD & CEO, Guidance Tamil Nadu, stated: “While there are several inherent advantages for the growth of technical textiles in Tamil Nadu specifically, many raw materials used in the production of sanitary products, artificial ligaments, seat belt webbings, airbags are still heavily imported. In this context, the alliance with Techtextil India Forum can help us reduce import dependency and bring investments in R&D, manufacturing, innovation by partnering with global technical textiles companies.”

With 50% of India’s textile mills in Tamil Nadu and complementary clusters of knitting, weaving and medical devices manufacturing in Coimbatore, and Tiruppur, the region provides immense opportunities for Meditech investments. Two petrochemical and refinery units – One in Cuddalore and another in Nagapattinam by CPCL is in the process of being established in Tamil Nadu. These units will enable availability of MMF raw material for the textile industry across the state. Hence, manufacturing in Tamil Nadu can be a win-win arrangement for investors as India provides access to the burgeoning market as well.

International expertise with German pavilion
Techtexil India 2021 edition will feature an exclusive German Pavilion showcasing products and technologies from top German manufacturers, including Autefa Solution Germany GmbH, DILO Systems GmbH, Emtec Electronic GmbH, Georg Sahm GmbH & Co, Karl Mayer Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Merz Maschinenfabrik GmbH and Oerlikon Barmag Zweigniederlassung der Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co.


Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

DiloGroup at Techtextil India (c) DiloGroup

DiloGroup at Techtextil India

  • DiloGroup looks forward to participating in the Techtextil India show 2021.

DiloGroup offers tailor-made production systems from one supplier and will inform at this forum in the German pavillon about its portfolio and the latest equipment developments from fibre opening to the finished felt.

A new, simplified elliptical needle beam drive makes Hyperpunch technology also attractive for standard application. Hyperpunch HαV allows a more uniform stitch distribution in the preneedling process especially in combination with the new needle pattern 6000X. In a complete needling line this felt homogenization process can be improved further by using the new needle pattern 8000X which is a milestone in the needle pattern development process and results in endproduct surfaces with low markings over a wide range of advances/stroke.

  • DiloGroup looks forward to participating in the Techtextil India show 2021.

DiloGroup offers tailor-made production systems from one supplier and will inform at this forum in the German pavillon about its portfolio and the latest equipment developments from fibre opening to the finished felt.

A new, simplified elliptical needle beam drive makes Hyperpunch technology also attractive for standard application. Hyperpunch HαV allows a more uniform stitch distribution in the preneedling process especially in combination with the new needle pattern 6000X. In a complete needling line this felt homogenization process can be improved further by using the new needle pattern 8000X which is a milestone in the needle pattern development process and results in endproduct surfaces with low markings over a wide range of advances/stroke.

The “3D-Lofter” which was first presented during ITMA 2019 in Barcelona offers a wider range of nonwovens applications by exploring the third dimension. A series of single web forming units which work according to the aerodynamic web forming principle deliver defined fibre masses in varied patterns on a base needlefelt. A stress oriented production of technical formed parts resulting in fibre savings or patterned DI-LOUR or DI-LOOP felts are two examples for this technology which explores new application areas for needlefelts.

The 3D-Lofter technology may also be used “inverted” for filling up bad spots in web mats and thus achieves a better homogeneity of e. g. spunlace, thermobond or airlay products. The DiloLine 4.0 concept offer I4.0 modules which not only support the user but also facilitate quality control and maintenance by a maximum data transparency in production and control of operation. The Dilo solutions “Smart Start” for a fully automatic start of the production line or “DI-LOWATT” for energy savings are accompanied by Siemens solutions which can be selected via App or Data Cloud “MindSphere”.

With more than 370 installations delivered to the nonwovens industry worldwide, DiloGroup has the necessary know-how and the complete equipment portfolio to engineer the perfect production line for any product specification. The efficiency of Dilo production lines is the result of long-term research work and experience. Apart from machines for needling technology we offer in cooperation with partner companies also production lines including thermobonding and hydroentangling components.


Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik KG

Techtextil India. Messe Frankfurt

TN Government signs up for Techtextil India 2021

  • Pushing technical textile investments into the State

In a bid to strengthen indigenous production through the state and attract investors, the nodal agency for investment promotion and facilitation for the Government of Tamil Nadu – Guidance has signed up for Techtextil India 2021 – the leading International Trade Fair for Technical Textiles and Nonwovens. The TN Government will be promoting technical textile policies through both physical and virtual segments of the hybrid fair, enabling investors to set up integrated facilities. Leading technical textile players from Tamil Nadu and across the nation confirm participation for the three-day business event.
As one of the first major business events in India for the technical textile sector since the pandemic, Techtextil India 2021 will reunite the industry to present a strong showcase of technical textile technologies crucial for the development of India across industries such as healthcare, agriculture, construction, infrastructure, sports, apparel etc. The first hybrid edition will take place from 25 – 27 November 2021 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai.

  • Pushing technical textile investments into the State

In a bid to strengthen indigenous production through the state and attract investors, the nodal agency for investment promotion and facilitation for the Government of Tamil Nadu – Guidance has signed up for Techtextil India 2021 – the leading International Trade Fair for Technical Textiles and Nonwovens. The TN Government will be promoting technical textile policies through both physical and virtual segments of the hybrid fair, enabling investors to set up integrated facilities. Leading technical textile players from Tamil Nadu and across the nation confirm participation for the three-day business event.
As one of the first major business events in India for the technical textile sector since the pandemic, Techtextil India 2021 will reunite the industry to present a strong showcase of technical textile technologies crucial for the development of India across industries such as healthcare, agriculture, construction, infrastructure, sports, apparel etc. The first hybrid edition will take place from 25 – 27 November 2021 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai.
Announcing a close co-operation with Messe Frankfurt India for the 2021 edition, the Government of Tamil Nadu further shared that it will be promoting textile policies and highlighting investment prospects at the trade fair in a bid to attract companies and investors to the state. Ms  Pooja Kulkarni IAS MD & CEO, Guidance Tamil Nadu said: “While there are several inherent advantages for the growth of technical textiles in Tamil Nadu specifically, many raw materials used in the production of sanitary products, artificial ligaments, seat belt webbings, airbags are still heavily imported. In this context, the Techtextil India Forum can help us reduce import dependency and bring investments in R&D, manufacturing, innovation by partnering with global technical textiles companies.

More information:
Techtextil India

Messe Frankfurt Hongkong

Cinte Techtextil China 2022 confirmed for September (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Cinte Techtextil China 2022 confirmed for September

The 2022 edition of Cinte Techtextil China has been confirmed to take place from 6 – 8 September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. 2021 saw 366 exhibitors and 14,868 visits recorded at the June hybrid event, which offered in-person and digital options for suppliers and buyers.

This year’s edition of Cinte Techtextil China marked the first time the fair was held annually, and the second year physical and online participation options were available, with both aspects well received by exhibitors and visitors.

The 2022 edition of Cinte Techtextil China has been confirmed to take place from 6 – 8 September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. 2021 saw 366 exhibitors and 14,868 visits recorded at the June hybrid event, which offered in-person and digital options for suppliers and buyers.

This year’s edition of Cinte Techtextil China marked the first time the fair was held annually, and the second year physical and online participation options were available, with both aspects well received by exhibitors and visitors.

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd elaborated: “The response from our exhibitors this year was the Chinese market is still growing strongly, and having an annual edition allows them to benefit from these opportunities on a more regular basis. The domestic economy has shown strong resilience over 2020 and so far in 2021, and this has allowed the technical textiles and nonwovens sector to maintain the growth momentum it has experienced over the past years. As more economies return to normal in 2022, we expect export orders for the sector to receive a further boost which will benefit those overseas companies with business in the Chinese market.”

Cinte Techtextil China’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span the full range of potential uses of modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also span the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions.


ANDRITZ at Techtextil Russia 2021

International technology Group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at Techtextil Russia 2021 in Moscow, Russia, from September 14–16, 2021. The broad ANDRITZ product portfolio covers state-of-the-art nonwovens and textile production technologies such as air-through bonding, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, airlay, recycling, and natural fiber processing.

International technology Group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textile solutions at Techtextil Russia 2021 in Moscow, Russia, from September 14–16, 2021. The broad ANDRITZ product portfolio covers state-of-the-art nonwovens and textile production technologies such as air-through bonding, needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing, airlay, recycling, and natural fiber processing.



TexCoat G4 non-contact precision spray fabric-finishing system (c) Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Baldwin at Techtextil North America

  • Introducing TexCoat G4 to US textile industry
  • Non-contact precision spray fabric-finishing system enhances sustainability and process control

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will be showcasing its TexCoat G4 non-contact precision spray fabric-finishing system at the Techtextil North America trade show, held Aug. 23 to 25, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

With extensive sustainability benefits, unprecedented tracking and process control, and Industry 4.0 integration, the TexCoat G4 provides consistently high-quality fabric finishing, with no chemistry waste, and significantly reduced water and energy consumption.

Baldwin’s innovative non-contact spray technology eliminates chemistry dilution in wet-on-wet processes. The TexCoat G4 consistently and uniformly sprays chemistry across the fabric surface and applies it only where needed, on one or both sides.

  • Introducing TexCoat G4 to US textile industry
  • Non-contact precision spray fabric-finishing system enhances sustainability and process control

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will be showcasing its TexCoat G4 non-contact precision spray fabric-finishing system at the Techtextil North America trade show, held Aug. 23 to 25, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

With extensive sustainability benefits, unprecedented tracking and process control, and Industry 4.0 integration, the TexCoat G4 provides consistently high-quality fabric finishing, with no chemistry waste, and significantly reduced water and energy consumption.

Baldwin’s innovative non-contact spray technology eliminates chemistry dilution in wet-on-wet processes. The TexCoat G4 consistently and uniformly sprays chemistry across the fabric surface and applies it only where needed, on one or both sides.

Customers can expect no bath contamination during the finishing process, as well as minimal downtime during changeovers, which are made easy with recipe management that includes automated chemistry and coverage selection. The TexCoat G4 also enhances sustainability by wasting no chemistry during color, fabric or chemistry changeovers, and because only the required chemistry volume is applied to the fabric, wet pick-up levels can be reduced by up to 50 percent—leading to 50 percent less water and energy consumption.

Furthermore, in single-side applications, drying steps can be eliminated for various textiles, including those that are back-coated and laminated, thereby streamlining and simplifying the production process.


Baldwin Technology Company Inc.

Techtextil and Texprocess 2022: registration now open (c) Messe Frankfurt

Techtextil and Texprocess 2022: registration now open

  • The Techtextil and Texprocess trade fairs have a positive view of the future and invite the sector to take part at Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre from 21 to 24 June 2022.
  • Exhibitors who register well in advance benefit from an early-booking discount.

The dates for the next editions of Techtextil and Texprocess have been set and the leading international trade fairs for technical textiles and nonwovens and for the processing of textile and flexible materials are set to attract exhibitors and trade visitors from all over the world to Frankfurt am Main from 21 to 24 June 2022. Thus, the fairs are shifting the biennial cycle of events from odd to even years, which fits in perfectly with the sector’s international event calendar. Companies that book exhibition space at one of the two trade fairs no later than 31 August 2021 benefit from an early booking discount. “We see the future in a positive light and are confident that we will finally be able to give the sector the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and information in June 2022.

  • The Techtextil and Texprocess trade fairs have a positive view of the future and invite the sector to take part at Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre from 21 to 24 June 2022.
  • Exhibitors who register well in advance benefit from an early-booking discount.

The dates for the next editions of Techtextil and Texprocess have been set and the leading international trade fairs for technical textiles and nonwovens and for the processing of textile and flexible materials are set to attract exhibitors and trade visitors from all over the world to Frankfurt am Main from 21 to 24 June 2022. Thus, the fairs are shifting the biennial cycle of events from odd to even years, which fits in perfectly with the sector’s international event calendar. Companies that book exhibition space at one of the two trade fairs no later than 31 August 2021 benefit from an early booking discount. “We see the future in a positive light and are confident that we will finally be able to give the sector the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and information in June 2022. The desire for personal encounters, direct communication and new impressions is growing from day to day”, says Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles and Textile Technologies.

Elgar Straub, Managing Director, VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies, emphasises that, “Texprocess and Techtextil are the world’s foremost trade fairs for our innovative sector by a large margin. Both events offer customers an unrivalled overview of state-of-the-art innovations and technological developments – and beyond. Particularly when it comes to the latest trends for sustainability and digitalisation, Texprocess and Techtextil in Frankfurt represent the most important, future-oriented market. This makes it all the more important for both the exhibitor and visitor sides of the sector that we have the opportunity to obtain an overview of the latest market developments, to exchange ideas and information and to initiate new business. We are very relieved about this and hope that, next year, we will once again have the chance to generate new momentum for our sector in the international market.”

For the first time, Techtextil and Texprocess will occupy the western sector of Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre with a total of four exhibition halls and, with a hybrid format, offer the best of both the physical and immaterial worlds: personal communication, virtual networking opportunities and maximum digital coverage. With a comprehensive hygiene and safety concept, Messe Frankfurt will ensure that all visitors and exhibitors can take part safely and with a good feeling.


Messe Frankfurt


Heimtextil, Techtextil und Texprocess auf 2022 verschoben

Bereits im September des vergangenen Jahres hat die Messe Frankfurt gemeinsam mit den beteiligten Branchen entschieden, dass im ersten Quartal 2021 keine Messen auf dem Gelände am Heimatstandort stattfinden. In Absprache mit den Kunden müssen nun auch die für April und Mai geplanten internationalen Präsenzmessen Prolight + Sound, International Consumer Goods Show, Heimtextil, Techtextil und Texprocess aufgrund der aktuell veränderten Vorschriften und Reisebeschränkungen von den vorgesehenen Terminen weichen.

Eine Entspannung der Pandemiesituation sei aktuell nicht in Sicht. Es existiere faktisch ein Veranstaltungsverbot in Deutschland und auch die weiterhin bestehenden internationalen Reisebeschränkungen machten Messeplanungen für April und Mai 2021 derzeit unmöglich. „Die Corona-Pandemie ist momentan außerordentlich präsent und beeinflusst auch unsere Planungen. Die Erwartungen unserer Kunden hinsichtlich international ausgerichteter Messen im April und Mai können wir mit Blick auf die aktuelle Lage nicht erfüllen“, sagt Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt.

Bereits im September des vergangenen Jahres hat die Messe Frankfurt gemeinsam mit den beteiligten Branchen entschieden, dass im ersten Quartal 2021 keine Messen auf dem Gelände am Heimatstandort stattfinden. In Absprache mit den Kunden müssen nun auch die für April und Mai geplanten internationalen Präsenzmessen Prolight + Sound, International Consumer Goods Show, Heimtextil, Techtextil und Texprocess aufgrund der aktuell veränderten Vorschriften und Reisebeschränkungen von den vorgesehenen Terminen weichen.

Eine Entspannung der Pandemiesituation sei aktuell nicht in Sicht. Es existiere faktisch ein Veranstaltungsverbot in Deutschland und auch die weiterhin bestehenden internationalen Reisebeschränkungen machten Messeplanungen für April und Mai 2021 derzeit unmöglich. „Die Corona-Pandemie ist momentan außerordentlich präsent und beeinflusst auch unsere Planungen. Die Erwartungen unserer Kunden hinsichtlich international ausgerichteter Messen im April und Mai können wir mit Blick auf die aktuelle Lage nicht erfüllen“, sagt Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt.

Daher hat die Messe Frankfurt in enger Abstimmung mit Kunden und Partnern entschieden, sowohl die für den April hybrid geplante Prolight + Sound als auch die International Consumer Goods Show sowie die für Mai vorgesehenen drei Textilmessen Heimtextil, Techtextil und Texprocess abzusagen beziehungsweise zu verschieben. Die trendorientierten Orderzyklen der Entertainment Technology-, Konsumgüter- und Textilbranche erforderten eine jährliche Veranstaltung im Frühjahr. Daher würde eine weitere Verschiebung in die zweite Jahreshälfte den Bedürfnissen der ausstellenden Unternehmen nicht gerecht werden. Zudem starte jetzt für die Branchenteilnehmer die Hochphase ihrer Vorbereitungen für die Messe – eine logistische Vorlaufzeit, die vor allem die Aussteller der Techtextil und Texprocess, die teils Präsentationen mit Maschinen nach Frankfurt bringen, benötigen. Vor dem Hintergrund der derzeitigen Rahmenbedingungen und Reisebeschränkungen bestünden seitens der Aussteller massive Unsicherheiten, was die Präsenz, Kundenkontakte und damit Zusage einer Messeteilnahme betrifft. Für Investitionen in Messebeteiligungen im April und Mai könne derzeit keine Planungssicherheit garantiert werden.

Konzentration auf digitale Formate
Da physische Veranstaltungen nicht möglich sind, hat die Messe Frankfurt für ihre Kunden eine Vielzahl an digitalen Angeboten geschaffen. So bietet der Consumer Goods Digital Day am 20. April 2021 die Möglichkeit, sich an einem bestimmten digitalen Ort zu treffen, auszutauschen und zu informieren. Das Angebot des Digital Day wird sich dem Thema Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe für den Handel widmen, insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund, dass seit der Ambiente 2020 keine internationalen Leitmessen mit entsprechenden Vortrags- und Rahmenprogrammen mehr in Frankfurt stattfinden konnten. Ergänzt wird dieses Angebot durch die Möglichkeiten von Nextrade als erste Order- und Datenmanagementplattform der Home- und Living-Branche. Auch den Herstellern konfektionierter Heim- und Haustextilien böte Nextrade eine attraktive Präsentationsmöglichkeit für ihre Produkte und einen stark frequentierten Kanal, um Geschäfte mit Händlern zu forcieren.

Weitere digitale Informations- und Content-Angebote seitens Heimtextil, Techtextil und Texprocess sowie der Prolight + Sound seien ebenfalls in Planung. „Der andauernde Shutdown im Einzelhandel unserer Besucherländer erfordert aktuelle, passgenaue Informationen und Lösungsansätze“, erläutert Braun. „Dem werden wir mit den digitalen Angeboten in dieser volatilen Situation gerecht. Wie Sie wissen, setzen wir uns auch weiterhin mit ganzer Kraft für sichere und erfolgversprechende Messen ein. Denn die Begegnung im echten Leben ist durch nichts zu ersetzen.“

Die Heimtextil wird daher vom 11. bis 14. Januar 2022 stattfinden, gefolgt von der Christmasworld vom 28. Januar bis 1. Februar 2022 und der Paperworld und Creativeworld jeweils vom 29. Januar bis ebenfalls 1. Februar 2022. Die Ambiente öffnet vom 11. bis 15. Februar 2022 wie gewohnt ihre Tore. Es folgt die Prolight + Sound vom 26. bis 29. April 2022. Die Techtextil und Texprocess komplettieren den Messereigen im zweiten Quartal 2022.

More information:
Heimtextil Techtextil Texprocess

Messe Frankfurt GmbH