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RadiciGroup: New yarn, that optimises fabric comfort and freshness

Radilon® Chill-fit is the new solution to maximise the breathability and freshness that a fabric can offer. The highly functional nylon yarn is capable of ensuring an intrinsic and permanent thermoregulation without the need for additional treatments while offering high protection against UV rays. Visitors will be able to touch and feel the yarn for the first time at the autumn edition of Performance Days, the reference trade fair for trends and innovations in yarn, fabric and accessories, to be held in Munich (Germany) on 4 and 5 October.

Radilon® Chill-fit’s high breathability allows air and moisture to pass through quickly, keeping the wearer fresh and comfortable: a result also proven by a specific test on body temperature changes (thermocamera test) comparing a garment made with traditional yarn and one made with Chill-fit.

Radilon® Chill-fit is the new solution to maximise the breathability and freshness that a fabric can offer. The highly functional nylon yarn is capable of ensuring an intrinsic and permanent thermoregulation without the need for additional treatments while offering high protection against UV rays. Visitors will be able to touch and feel the yarn for the first time at the autumn edition of Performance Days, the reference trade fair for trends and innovations in yarn, fabric and accessories, to be held in Munich (Germany) on 4 and 5 October.

Radilon® Chill-fit’s high breathability allows air and moisture to pass through quickly, keeping the wearer fresh and comfortable: a result also proven by a specific test on body temperature changes (thermocamera test) comparing a garment made with traditional yarn and one made with Chill-fit.



NOPINZ now runs the majority of their production out of its microfactory based in Devon, UK. Photo NOPINZ
NOPINZ now runs the majority of their production out of its microfactory based in Devon, UK.

NOPINZ using Mimaki’s textile dye sublimation solutions

Founded in 2013, NOPINZ is a UK-based manufacturer of clothing for cyclists and triathletes. The company's first product was the ‘SpeedPocket’, a product that allows competitors to attach their race numbers more easily (and with ‘no pins’) while improving the all-important aerodynamics. Soon recognising the customer demand for premade attire with incorporated number pockets, the company embarked on a mission to manufacture these new product lines itself. Today, NOPINZ boasts a diverse portfolio, with 60% of its products made in-house, catering to a growing customer base across the UK and international markets. NOPINZ creates speed suits for some of the world’s top cycling teams, as well as competitive amateurs.

Founded in 2013, NOPINZ is a UK-based manufacturer of clothing for cyclists and triathletes. The company's first product was the ‘SpeedPocket’, a product that allows competitors to attach their race numbers more easily (and with ‘no pins’) while improving the all-important aerodynamics. Soon recognising the customer demand for premade attire with incorporated number pockets, the company embarked on a mission to manufacture these new product lines itself. Today, NOPINZ boasts a diverse portfolio, with 60% of its products made in-house, catering to a growing customer base across the UK and international markets. NOPINZ creates speed suits for some of the world’s top cycling teams, as well as competitive amateurs.

NOPINZ places a strong emphasis on sustainability and is committed to minimising its environmental impact. Using a microfactory approach gives better oversight and control of the manufacturing process, including sourcing materials sustainably and locally where possible, reducing transportation, and improving access to recycling. “Our ‘zero to landfill’ policy, means that we reduce our wastage where possible and either recycle or donate excess product to charity,” Blake adds. “We hope to become a B-Corp company in the future.”

“We tested out a few printers, before we ultimately settled on Mimaki,” Blake Pond, the founder of NOPINZ explained. Now the company’s line-up entirely consists of Mimaki’s textile dye sublimation solutions.
“During our search we prioritised the ability to produce fluorescence and accurately replicate colours. Customers often come to us with existing kit made by other manufacturers, which they want to match, so accurately replicating colour is extremely important. And even without existing kit, customers occasionally ask for specific pantone colours. When it comes to cycling kit, colour is often pivotal when considering where to buy from.”

As two flagship dye sublimation printers, both the TS300P-1800 and TS55-1800 are equipped to print on the various technical fabrics that are needed for cycling attire and faithfully reproduce colours to meet customer expectations.


Mimaki EMEA


CHT Fashion News Spring/Summer 2024

Every year, the internationally widespread and renowned Pantone color system releases the trend colors for the coming seasons with the Pantone View Colour Planner to show which color tendencies the fashion world is indicating. Pantone shows whether next season will be gaudy, pastel, nude, dark or earth-tone. The lifestyle-oriented color trend forecast offers seasonal inspiration, lead colors, color harmonies, and application ideas by material and product, providing plenty of ideas in advance for anyone designing women's and men's fashion, sportswear, cosmetics, interiors, industrial products, or multimedia content.

These trends are part of the newly released CHT Fashion News Spring/Summer 2024. Inspired by Pantone, CHT creates three different focus color worlds to realize your ideas color-wise. To ensure that these trend colors can also be precisely implemented and realized in practice, CHT offers the exact recipes in various product ranges at the same time.

Every year, the internationally widespread and renowned Pantone color system releases the trend colors for the coming seasons with the Pantone View Colour Planner to show which color tendencies the fashion world is indicating. Pantone shows whether next season will be gaudy, pastel, nude, dark or earth-tone. The lifestyle-oriented color trend forecast offers seasonal inspiration, lead colors, color harmonies, and application ideas by material and product, providing plenty of ideas in advance for anyone designing women's and men's fashion, sportswear, cosmetics, interiors, industrial products, or multimedia content.

These trends are part of the newly released CHT Fashion News Spring/Summer 2024. Inspired by Pantone, CHT creates three different focus color worlds to realize your ideas color-wise. To ensure that these trend colors can also be precisely implemented and realized in practice, CHT offers the exact recipes in various product ranges at the same time.

With these clear recipe sheets, the desired shade can be easily dyed. There is something for every sector, from recipes for garment and polyamide dyeing to polyester, cellulose and printing, as well dye selections to support the achievement of C2C Certified® textiles.

Fashion News is available digitally as an e-paper on CHT ePaper Portal or in printed version on request.

More information:
Pantone CHT Group

CHT Group

Technische Textilien und Textilien für den Möbelbau benötigen besonderen Schutz durch funktionelle Beschichtungen. In diesem Bereich einen funktionellen Ersatz für PFAS zu schaffen ist Ziel des Projekts ZeroF. © K. Dobberke, Fraunhofer ISC

EU-Projekt ZeroF: Ersatz für PFAS in Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien

PFAS, einige Vertreter der Chemikaliengruppe PFAS werden inzwischen als gesundheitsgefährdend oder sogar krebserregend eingestuft. Die Europäische Union will eine Reihe kritischer PFAS verbieten und fördert in vier großen Verbundprojekten die Entwicklung von Ersatzmaterialien, z. B. im EU-Projekt ZeroF. In diesem Projekt entwickelt das Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC im Verbund mit Industrieunternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen Lösungen für PFAS-freie Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien.

PFAS, einige Vertreter der Chemikaliengruppe PFAS werden inzwischen als gesundheitsgefährdend oder sogar krebserregend eingestuft. Die Europäische Union will eine Reihe kritischer PFAS verbieten und fördert in vier großen Verbundprojekten die Entwicklung von Ersatzmaterialien, z. B. im EU-Projekt ZeroF. In diesem Projekt entwickelt das Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC im Verbund mit Industrieunternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen Lösungen für PFAS-freie Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien.
Per- und Polyfluoralkylsubstanzen – kurz PFAS – sind Universaltalente in der Chemie: verhältnismäßig günstig herzustellen und überall da einsetzbar, wo es um besonders widerstandsfähige, glatte, öl- und wasserabweisende Oberflächen und Vollmaterialien geht. Sie sind temperatur- und chemikalienbeständig, werden als Hilfsmittel in der Produktion eingesetzt und sind selbst Bestandteil vieler Produkte – z. B. in Lebensmittelverpackungen, Kosmetika, Arzneimitteln, Pflanzenschutzmitteln, Textilien, Imprägnierungsmitteln und Löschschäumen. In die Umwelt gelangen sie durch Abwässer, als Abrieb oder Aerosol, sowie über die Ackerböden ins Grundwasser und in die Nahrungskette. Dort bleiben sie bestehen – als „Ewigkeits-Chemikalien“ können sie nicht auf natürlichem Wege abgebaut werden. In der EU ließen sich PFAS in mehr als 70 % der Grundwasser-Messtellen nachweisen. Der „Nordische Ministerrat“, ein Zusammenschluss v. a. skandinavischer Länder, hat 2019 eine Studie zu den sozioökonomischen Auswirkungen von PFAS vorgestellt. Die Studie schätzt die Gesundheitskosten durch PFAS-bedingte Erkrankungen auf mindestens 50 Milliarden Euro in der EU und bringt rund 12 000 Todesfälle in den direkten Zusammenhang mit PFAS.
Das Verbot von besonders kritischen Vertretern aus der PFAS-Familie, das für 2023 von der EU-Kommission geplant ist, kommt nicht unerwartet, doch es stellt die Industrie auch vor erhebliche Schwierigkeiten. So einfach lassen sich PFAS aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaftsprofile und deren Bandbreite nicht ersetzen. Für besonders relevante Bereiche (Arzneimittel, Pflanzenschutz) sind Ausnahmeregelungen vorgesehen, außerdem gelten die üblichen Übergangsfristen. Doch die Umstellung auf eine PFAS-freie Produkte ist für die Industrie nicht zuletzt deshalb notwendig, weil PFAS-Produzenten signalisieren, sich in naher Zukunft komplett vom europäischen Markt zurückziehen zu wollen. Um den umweltfreundlichen Ersatz von PFAS voranzubringen, fördert die EU derzeit in vier großen Verbundforschungsprojekten die Entwicklung von unschädlichen Alternativen in ihren jeweiligen Hauptanwendungsfeldern.
ZeroF – umweltfreundliche Beschichtungen für die Verpackungs- und Textilindustrie
Eines dieser Schlüsselprojekte ist das Projekt ZeroF, das sich mit PFAS-Alternativen für Lebensmittelverpackungen und Textilien beschäftigt. Das Fraunhofer ISC ist in ZeroF maßgeblich an der Entwicklung von omniphoben (öl- und wasserabweisenden) und abriebbeständigen Beschichtungen für Textilien beteiligt. Mit der Stoffklasse der ORMOCER®-Lacke stellt das Fraunhofer ISC ein vielseitiges Basismaterial zur Verfügung, das mit den vom Projektpartner VTT hergestellten cellulosebasierten Materialien kombiniert werden soll. „Die Herausforderung für uns besteht vor allem darin eine wasserabweisende Beschichtung für Textilien herzustellen, die gleichzeitig als wasserbasierte Lösung appliziert werden kann, da dies eine Vorgabe der Textilindustrie ist,“ so Dr. Claudia Stauch, Projektleiterin am Fraunhofer ISC. „Das ORMOCER® als hybrides Material erlaubt es uns, anorganische und organische Materialeigenschaften zu kombinieren und so unendlich viele Stellschrauben für diese komplexe Fragestellung zu generieren.
Der Einsatz der neu entwickelten ZeroF Materialien hängt auch von der Akzeptanz in der Industrie ab. Um wirtschaftlichen Schaden abzuwenden, dürfen die Unternehmen, die jetzt PFAS einsetzen, nicht mit dem Verbot und seinen Folgen allein gelassen werden. „Nicht immer wird der volle Funktionsumfang von PFAS auch wirklich benötigt. Für manche der jetzigen Anwendungsfelder, in denen es nur um ein oder zwei Schlüsseleigenschaften aus dem ganzen PFAS-Spektrum geht, gibt es bereits jetzt gute und kurzfristig einsetzbare Lösungen,“ erklärt die Wissenschaftlerin.

ZeroF – Development of verified safe and sustainable PFAS-free coatings for food packaging and upholstery textile applications
Grant agreement ID: 101092164

Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC, Deutschland
E.CIMA SA, Spanien
IDEAconsult, Bulgarien
KEMIRA OYJ, Finnland
TEMAS Solutions, Schweiz
Università di Bologna, Italien
Yangi, Schweden


Fraunhofer ISC

Akhlaq Hussain Photo OETI
Akhlaq Hussain

OETI opens sales office in Pakistan

Since 1967, ‘OETI - Institute for Ecology, Technology and Innovation’ has made a name for itself worldwide as an accredited and notified centre of excellence. With decades of experience as a service provider, the company specialises in the testing and certification of textiles, leather, personal protective equipment (PPE), floor coverings and interior furnishing materials. It also assesses indoor air quality. As a founding member of the international OEKO-TEX® association (1992) and official OEKO-TEX® testing institute, OETI also comprises the entire OEKO-TEX® product portfolio.

Between its own international branches and the branches of OETI’s Swiss parent company, TESTEX AG, OETI’s network of locations spans several continents. Recently, one more branch has been added in Pakistan (headquartered in Faisalabad).
OETI Pakistan is managed by Akhlaq Hussain, who has decades of experience in the textile and apparel industry for testing, inspection, certification, auditing, product safety, training and sustainability management.

Since 1967, ‘OETI - Institute for Ecology, Technology and Innovation’ has made a name for itself worldwide as an accredited and notified centre of excellence. With decades of experience as a service provider, the company specialises in the testing and certification of textiles, leather, personal protective equipment (PPE), floor coverings and interior furnishing materials. It also assesses indoor air quality. As a founding member of the international OEKO-TEX® association (1992) and official OEKO-TEX® testing institute, OETI also comprises the entire OEKO-TEX® product portfolio.

Between its own international branches and the branches of OETI’s Swiss parent company, TESTEX AG, OETI’s network of locations spans several continents. Recently, one more branch has been added in Pakistan (headquartered in Faisalabad).
OETI Pakistan is managed by Akhlaq Hussain, who has decades of experience in the textile and apparel industry for testing, inspection, certification, auditing, product safety, training and sustainability management.

Akhlaq Hussain’s main goal is to ‘create visibility for the OETI brand in Pakistan. We want to offer sustainable, reliable, and competitive services to Pakistan’s textile industry. My aim is to foster Pakistan’s exports by offering more sustainable certifications and training in environmental and social topics as well as due diligence in supply chains, which are in high demand in European countries.’

Markus Lang’s - OETI’s Global Head of Marketing & Sales – main goal is to ‘increase the awareness of sustainability within Pakistan’s textile and leather industry, which is also the main objective of our future development.’

More information:
Pakistan OETI

OETI - Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH

ITM 2024 presenting motto: 'Discover the Future' Photo: ITM Exhibitions

ITM 2024 presenting motto: 'Discover the Future'

ITM Exhibitions will open its doors to host "ITM 2024 International Textile Machinery Exhibition" from June 4-8, 2024. Preparations are in full swing for the organization, where textile technology leaders will bring the latest products together with their visitors for the first time.

The ITM team focused on advertising and promotional activities in order to host thousands of visitors and sector investors from all over the world at the ITM 2024 Exhibition, which halls were almost full due to intense participation demands. In this context; 'ITM 2024 Video', which tells the story of the increasing success of ITM exhibitions over the years and which is eagerly awaited by the whole sector, has recently been published. The video, which was published in Turkish and English on social media accounts such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, was viewed by more than 30 thousand people in total and received great appreciation from the viewers.

ITM Exhibitions will open its doors to host "ITM 2024 International Textile Machinery Exhibition" from June 4-8, 2024. Preparations are in full swing for the organization, where textile technology leaders will bring the latest products together with their visitors for the first time.

The ITM team focused on advertising and promotional activities in order to host thousands of visitors and sector investors from all over the world at the ITM 2024 Exhibition, which halls were almost full due to intense participation demands. In this context; 'ITM 2024 Video', which tells the story of the increasing success of ITM exhibitions over the years and which is eagerly awaited by the whole sector, has recently been published. The video, which was published in Turkish and English on social media accounts such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, was viewed by more than 30 thousand people in total and received great appreciation from the viewers.

“Discover the Future!” in the video prepared with the main theme “Discover innovations, technologies, the future...” and including clues about the ITM 2024 Exhibition, was revealed as follows:
The textile sector is among the souls of the economy with its production capacity, export volume, and contribution to employment. Many R&D centers around the world and in Turkey are breaking new ground by taking their work and innovations one step further every day. Textile technology leaders are developing technologies that consume less water and energy, are easy to use, are software and automation supported, keep up with trends and respect the environment while doing so. Industry stakeholders, especially textile manufacturers, are now curious about the answer to this question: 'What will be the future of the textile industry, which is digitalizing, complying with sustainability principles, and signing groundbreaking innovations? This question will be answered at ITM 2024, which will host the latest innovations, technologies, artificial intelligence-supported machines, software and design excellence devices in textile machinery.


ITM Exhibitions

ISKO supports designers at London Fashion Week (c) ISKO
Designs from left to right by: Priya Ahluwalia, Chet Lo, Aaron Esh and Masha Popova

ISKO supports designers at London Fashion Week

ISKO provided their latest innovation in material science to British designers, Priya Ahluwalia, Masha Popova, Chet Lo and Aaron Esh, for the London Fashion Week SS24 season.

Alongside supplying their latest denim fabrics, ISKO opened its doors to its London-based product development centre, Creative Room London, for finishing and washing of their final designs as well providing expertise and knowledge in denim design and construction.

Priya Ahluwalia
For Ahluwalia’s Spring Summer 24 collection, entitled Acknowledgements, Creative Director and founder Priya Ahluwalia’s research led her on a journey of creative rediscovery.
ISKO’s Ctrl+Z fabric, which is made entirely from recycled and regenerated fibres, was used to create the flower motif denim showcase within 3 looks across jeans and jackets. This development contains no virgin cotton and uses a minimum of 60% recycled materials and the remainder is regenerated cellulose fibres while still giving a look and feel identical to traditional denim and speaks to Ahluwalia’s ongoing commitment to sustainable design and business practices.

ISKO provided their latest innovation in material science to British designers, Priya Ahluwalia, Masha Popova, Chet Lo and Aaron Esh, for the London Fashion Week SS24 season.

Alongside supplying their latest denim fabrics, ISKO opened its doors to its London-based product development centre, Creative Room London, for finishing and washing of their final designs as well providing expertise and knowledge in denim design and construction.

Priya Ahluwalia
For Ahluwalia’s Spring Summer 24 collection, entitled Acknowledgements, Creative Director and founder Priya Ahluwalia’s research led her on a journey of creative rediscovery.
ISKO’s Ctrl+Z fabric, which is made entirely from recycled and regenerated fibres, was used to create the flower motif denim showcase within 3 looks across jeans and jackets. This development contains no virgin cotton and uses a minimum of 60% recycled materials and the remainder is regenerated cellulose fibres while still giving a look and feel identical to traditional denim and speaks to Ahluwalia’s ongoing commitment to sustainable design and business practices.

Chet Lo
This season, Chet Lo took an active stand in reclaiming the power lost during his youth, healing the childhood wounds inflicted by a society that sidelined differences instead of celebrating them.
ISKO’s Ctrl+Z fabric and specialist lasering techniques from ISKO’s Creative Room was used across three looks featuring signature Chet Lo erotic laser prints across denim bottoms.

Aaron Esh
The SS24 season marked the brand’s debut at London Fashion Week, a homecoming of sorts for Esh, who was born and raised in the heart of the British capital, studied at Central Saint Martins and became a finalist at the LVMH Prize earlier this year. The early impulses of Aaron Esh remain steadfast: clothes that combine establishment rigour with the rebellious spirit of youth culture, devotedly crafted for a generation who feels somewhere in-between.
Aaron created bootleg denim ripped jeans made entirely from ISKO Denim using R-TWO50 fabric, which comprises a minimum of 50% pre and post-consumer recycled content. The designer noted the addition of denim accompanied by leathers add a new level of depth to their latest collection.

Masha Popova
Masha Popova’s sophomore catwalk outing, MONSTER was a “seasonless” offering that combines Autumn Winter 2023 and Spring Summer 2024.
Masha continued her obsession with denim manipulation, using various finishings including over-dyeing, flocking, patchwork, scratching and fraying in a variety of colours from vibrant green to silver across jeans, tops and jackets, all developed with the help of ISKO’s Creative Room, London.




Fashion CEO Agenda 2023: Fashion's tangible pathway to becoming net positive

On the occasion of Global Fashion Summit: Boston Edition 2023, Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) has released the 2023 edition of the Fashion CEO Agenda  — a concise report to support the establishment and implementation of leadership strategies to achieve a net positive fashion sector that puts back more into society, the environment, and the global economy than it takes out. In a first for the Fashion CEO Agenda, this edition has been developed to include subsequent action areas for brands, retailers, and producers.  

With less than seven years to deliver on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, fashion industry leaders, together with the broader sector, must take urgent steps to make sustainability an integral part of their business strategies. Developed for executives of fashion brands, retailers, and producers, the Fashion CEO Agenda is a succinct resource to support executives in accelerating tangible action across five socio-environmental sustainability priorities:  

On the occasion of Global Fashion Summit: Boston Edition 2023, Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) has released the 2023 edition of the Fashion CEO Agenda  — a concise report to support the establishment and implementation of leadership strategies to achieve a net positive fashion sector that puts back more into society, the environment, and the global economy than it takes out. In a first for the Fashion CEO Agenda, this edition has been developed to include subsequent action areas for brands, retailers, and producers.  

With less than seven years to deliver on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, fashion industry leaders, together with the broader sector, must take urgent steps to make sustainability an integral part of their business strategies. Developed for executives of fashion brands, retailers, and producers, the Fashion CEO Agenda is a succinct resource to support executives in accelerating tangible action across five socio-environmental sustainability priorities:  

  • Respectful and Secure Work Environment
  • Better Wage Systems
  • Resource Stewardship
  • Smart Material Choices
  • Circular Systems

The 2023 edition includes action areas that have been established through several years of stakeholder engagement and reinforced through the  global Fashion Industry Target Consultation, led by GFA in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The organisations consulted several hundred industry stakeholders through numerous regional workshops and surveys translated into several languages to help inform a holistic framework that captures global perspectives on social and environmental sustainability.  

Action areas outlined in the report include promoting worker access to effective grievance mechanisms, promoting fair compensation and living wages, establishing water stewardship, and addressing overproduction.

Moreover, the report reiterates the need to adopt existing industry-aligned targets, including UNFCCC’s time-bound targets on decarbonisation and the uptake of preferred and low climate impact materials. The material actions outlined are based on consensus across industry stakeholders and topical experts. Extensive stakeholder engagement demonstrated that substantial action is still urgently needed from all actors in the value chain, while such action must be informed by local contexts.

To complement the Fashion CEO Agenda, GFA has created a 2030 Fashion Sector Vision, which presents where the overall sector should be in relation to each of the five sustainability priority areas within only seven years - a critical milestone on the road to net positive by 2050. The objective is to unite the broader sector, consisting of industry actors such as brands, retailers, and producers and other key stakeholders including consumers, citizens, NGOs, innovators, policymakers, and investors. To realise this Vision, it is imperative that the sector moves from ambition to action – the theme underpinning Global Fashion Summit: Boston Edition 2023. GFA now calls on fashion leaders to align their corporate strategies to the priorities and actions laid out in the Fashion CEO Agenda and for the wider sector to support in fostering a conducive environment for scaling this transformation.



Global Fashion Agenda

ANDRITZ: Extra-wide carding machine for Italian nonwovens producer (c) ANDRITZ
From left to right: Mr. Gianni Boscolo, CEO of Albis, and Mr. Fabien Ravier, Managing Director of ANDRITZ Asselin-Thibeau

ANDRITZ: Extra-wide carding machine for Italian nonwovens producer

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new carding machine and opening/blending line it delivered to Albis in Roasio, Vercelli, Italy.

With its large working width of 5.10 meters, the machine allows for the production of nonwoven fabrics tailored to specific customer requirements while maintaining excellent properties and consistent quality. One example is Albis Curacell ®, a multilayer composite nonwoven fabric in a weight range between 35 and 70 gsm that is produced with a fully water-free patented process and is able to absorb liquid flows of over seven times its own weight. The production line also includes an advanced upstream opening and blending system from ANDRITZ.

Albis, a privately owned group founded in Italy in 1995 by Gianni Boscolo, has been a major player in the nonwoven market for over three decades. Through continuous research and development, the company offers innovative, high-quality nonwoven solutions across various sectors, including hygiene, medical, personal care, textiles, filtration, and agriculture.

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully started up the new carding machine and opening/blending line it delivered to Albis in Roasio, Vercelli, Italy.

With its large working width of 5.10 meters, the machine allows for the production of nonwoven fabrics tailored to specific customer requirements while maintaining excellent properties and consistent quality. One example is Albis Curacell ®, a multilayer composite nonwoven fabric in a weight range between 35 and 70 gsm that is produced with a fully water-free patented process and is able to absorb liquid flows of over seven times its own weight. The production line also includes an advanced upstream opening and blending system from ANDRITZ.

Albis, a privately owned group founded in Italy in 1995 by Gianni Boscolo, has been a major player in the nonwoven market for over three decades. Through continuous research and development, the company offers innovative, high-quality nonwoven solutions across various sectors, including hygiene, medical, personal care, textiles, filtration, and agriculture.




CELLIANT meets updated requirements for Class 1 Medical Devices

The European Union (EU) has upgraded the requirements for the Class 1 Medical Device designation and Hologenix®, creators of CELLIANT®, has met the stricter requirements for this important market. This means that compliant manufacturers can continue to use the CE mark on their EU products containing CELLIANT.

Brand partners simply need to comply with the requirements that Hologenix provides, and do not have to pursue regulations on their own. Regulatory status validates the science and technology behind CELLIANT, a natural blend of bioceramic minerals that absorb body heat and reflect it back as therapeutic infrared energy.

The list of products that are now registered in the EU as Class 1 Medical Devices has grown considerably since 2014 when Hologenix first sought registration and now includes bed blankets, bed sheets, duvets, duvet covers, mattresses, mattress covers, pillows, heat-reflective upper and lower torso garments, therapeutic diabetic socks, compression socks/stockings, support bandages, wraps and limb mobilization/support skin adhesive tape.  

The European Union (EU) has upgraded the requirements for the Class 1 Medical Device designation and Hologenix®, creators of CELLIANT®, has met the stricter requirements for this important market. This means that compliant manufacturers can continue to use the CE mark on their EU products containing CELLIANT.

Brand partners simply need to comply with the requirements that Hologenix provides, and do not have to pursue regulations on their own. Regulatory status validates the science and technology behind CELLIANT, a natural blend of bioceramic minerals that absorb body heat and reflect it back as therapeutic infrared energy.

The list of products that are now registered in the EU as Class 1 Medical Devices has grown considerably since 2014 when Hologenix first sought registration and now includes bed blankets, bed sheets, duvets, duvet covers, mattresses, mattress covers, pillows, heat-reflective upper and lower torso garments, therapeutic diabetic socks, compression socks/stockings, support bandages, wraps and limb mobilization/support skin adhesive tape.  

The transition to the Medical Device Regulations in the EU for CELLIANT Class 1 medical devices includes more stringent requirements to demonstrate medical device safety for users, a refined quality management system and detailed technical documents.

More information:
Hologenix Celliant medical textiles

Hologenix, LLC


ECHA: More than 5 600 comments on PFAS restriction proposal

More than 4 400 organisations, companies and individuals submitted comments and information on the proposal to restrict per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the European Economic Area.

At the end of the consultation on 25 September, ECHA had received more than 5 600 comments from more than 4 400 organisations, companies and individuals.

The comments will be checked by ECHA's scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC), and those providing relevant evidence-based information will be considered in the opinion making process.

The five countries who prepared the initial proposal will also review the consultation input and may update their initial proposal based on it.

Many comments submitted during the consultation are already published on ECHA’s website. Information indicated as confidential by the consultee is not made public. Comments received very close to the deadline are currently being processed and will be published shortly.

More than 4 400 organisations, companies and individuals submitted comments and information on the proposal to restrict per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the European Economic Area.

At the end of the consultation on 25 September, ECHA had received more than 5 600 comments from more than 4 400 organisations, companies and individuals.

The comments will be checked by ECHA's scientific committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC), and those providing relevant evidence-based information will be considered in the opinion making process.

The five countries who prepared the initial proposal will also review the consultation input and may update their initial proposal based on it.

Many comments submitted during the consultation are already published on ECHA’s website. Information indicated as confidential by the consultee is not made public. Comments received very close to the deadline are currently being processed and will be published shortly.

Next steps
RAC and SEAC are evaluating the proposed restriction and considering the relevant information received through the consultation. The committees develop their independent, scientific opinions over a series of meetings, where draft opinions are discussed. Attention is given to all aspects and impacted sectors.

ECHA will deliver the final opinions to the European Commission in the shortest possible timeframe, while ensuring proper scrutiny by the scientific committees. Once the committees adopt their opinions, they will be communicated to the public.

The Commission, together with the EU Member States, will decide on the restriction.

The restriction proposal was prepared by authorities in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. It was submitted to ECHA on 13 January 2023. It aims to reduce PFAS emissions into the environment and make products and processes safer for people. The six-month consultation ran from 22 March to 25 September 2023.

Further information
•    Consultation comments
•    Restriction on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of PFAS
•    Topical page on PFAS
•    REACH restriction process

More information:



Indorama Ventures recycles 100 billion PET bottles

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, a global sustainable chemical company, announced that it has recycled 100 billion post-consumer PET bottles since February 2011. This has diverted 2.1 million tons of waste from the environment and saved 2.9 million tons of carbon footprint from the product lifecycles. Demonstrating its commitment to support the establishment of a circular economy for PET, in the last ten years Indorama Ventures has spent more than $1 billion towards waste collection of used PET bottles.

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, a global sustainable chemical company, announced that it has recycled 100 billion post-consumer PET bottles since February 2011. This has diverted 2.1 million tons of waste from the environment and saved 2.9 million tons of carbon footprint from the product lifecycles. Demonstrating its commitment to support the establishment of a circular economy for PET, in the last ten years Indorama Ventures has spent more than $1 billion towards waste collection of used PET bottles.

The company has also committed a further $1.5 billion to expand its recycling business. To support increased recycling rates globally, Indorama Ventures has expanded its recycling facilities, infrastructure, and public education programs. The unique PET plastic used in soft drinks and water bottles is fully recyclable and is collected in practice and at scale. As a result, PET is the most recycled plastic in the world, and the company’s recycling achievements support that. Building on its position as the world’s largest producer of recycled resin used in plastic beverage bottles, Indorama Ventures is also seeking advanced technologies to deliver more recycling infrastructure globally and reduce lifecycle carbon emissions.

The company now has 20 recycling sites in Asia, the Americas, and Europe. Recent developments include doubling the capacity of a recycling site in Brazil; and the opening of PETValue, the largest bottle-to-bottle recycling facility in the Philippines, in partnership with Coca-Cola. Both part of a $300 million ‘Blue Loan’ Indorama Ventures received in 2020 from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank, and Asian Development Bank. The loan has the objective of increasing recycling capacity and diverting plastic waste from landfills and oceans in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, India, and Brazil - countries seeking support in managing environmental waste. Indorama Ventures has also partnered with the Yunus Foundation, a leading non-profit organization promoting sustainable development with a global network, with the goal of educating one million consumers globally about recycling by 2030 with 200,000 reached so far.




Coloreel: Million-dollar deal with major Asian manufacturer

Coloreel has signed a two million dollar deal with a prominent Asian manufacturer. This agreement is a milestone for Coloreel and its innovative product.

The new partnership underscores Coloreel's capacity to meet the growing demand for innovative and sustainable solutions among manufacturers and brands worldwide. While the initial delivery of the on-demand digital thread-dying units is set for October this year, the majority of the volume will be shipped during 2024.

The Swedish company has rapidly gained recognition for its pioneering innovation in embroidery. The technology enables manufacturers to instantly dye a white thread into an unlimited spectrum of colors, all in real-time. At the same time, the technology makes production more efficient by using digital processes and automation, while saving up to 97% of water compared to traditional thread dyeing.

Coloreel has signed a two million dollar deal with a prominent Asian manufacturer. This agreement is a milestone for Coloreel and its innovative product.

The new partnership underscores Coloreel's capacity to meet the growing demand for innovative and sustainable solutions among manufacturers and brands worldwide. While the initial delivery of the on-demand digital thread-dying units is set for October this year, the majority of the volume will be shipped during 2024.

The Swedish company has rapidly gained recognition for its pioneering innovation in embroidery. The technology enables manufacturers to instantly dye a white thread into an unlimited spectrum of colors, all in real-time. At the same time, the technology makes production more efficient by using digital processes and automation, while saving up to 97% of water compared to traditional thread dyeing.

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Italian Textile Machinery Companies at upcoming Titas Taipei 2023

A delegation of Italian textile machinery companies will attend the 2023 edition of TITAS TAIPEI, which will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, from October 17 to 19, 2023. Taiwan is judged as a very promising market for the Italian textile machinery industry, especially in the innovative sectors of technical textiles and nonwovens.

In 2022, Italian exports to the Asian country exceeded the value of 17 million euros, and in the period January-June 2023, the value has already reached 7 million euros. The attention for the Taiwanese market has led ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, and Italian Trade Agency to set up a pavilion at the upcoming edition of TITAS TAIPEI.

Six Italian textile machinery manufacturers, all ACIMIT member companies, will exhibit in the pavilion: Ferraro, Danitech, Lgl, Ms Italy, Reggiani, Unitech.

At the upcoming TITAS TAIPEI, therefore, visitors will be introduced to Italian technology, once again a key player in the textile production process.

A delegation of Italian textile machinery companies will attend the 2023 edition of TITAS TAIPEI, which will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, from October 17 to 19, 2023. Taiwan is judged as a very promising market for the Italian textile machinery industry, especially in the innovative sectors of technical textiles and nonwovens.

In 2022, Italian exports to the Asian country exceeded the value of 17 million euros, and in the period January-June 2023, the value has already reached 7 million euros. The attention for the Taiwanese market has led ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, and Italian Trade Agency to set up a pavilion at the upcoming edition of TITAS TAIPEI.

Six Italian textile machinery manufacturers, all ACIMIT member companies, will exhibit in the pavilion: Ferraro, Danitech, Lgl, Ms Italy, Reggiani, Unitech.

At the upcoming TITAS TAIPEI, therefore, visitors will be introduced to Italian technology, once again a key player in the textile production process.

More information:

Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers

Oerlikon Luxury at LINEAPELLE Photo: Oerlikon

Oerlikon Luxury at LINEAPELLE

The new business unit Oerlikon Luxury showcased at LINEAPELLE a new selection of accessories for the fashion industry.

Oerlikon Riri and Oerlikon Fineparts are the brands under this newly-created BU –part of the Oerlikon Group’s Surface Solutions Division since the acquisition of Riri Group in March. Oerlikon Riri offers zippers and buttons that will continue to be branded Riri and Cobrax respectively and will continue to deliver the guaranteed quality and reliability recognized by the whole industry. Oerlikon Fineparts offers a comprehensive portfolio of metal components and fashion jewels, including the products from the previously known brands Coeurdor, Amom, DMC and CMH.

Leveraging Oerlikon’s technology expertise in advanced and environmentally-friendly coatings, the latest FW 24/25 collection from the Group’s luxury product brand Oerlikon Riri include pieces coated using PVD1 (Physical Vapour Deposition), as well as further specialisation in several materials, including stainless steel.

The new business unit Oerlikon Luxury showcased at LINEAPELLE a new selection of accessories for the fashion industry.

Oerlikon Riri and Oerlikon Fineparts are the brands under this newly-created BU –part of the Oerlikon Group’s Surface Solutions Division since the acquisition of Riri Group in March. Oerlikon Riri offers zippers and buttons that will continue to be branded Riri and Cobrax respectively and will continue to deliver the guaranteed quality and reliability recognized by the whole industry. Oerlikon Fineparts offers a comprehensive portfolio of metal components and fashion jewels, including the products from the previously known brands Coeurdor, Amom, DMC and CMH.

Leveraging Oerlikon’s technology expertise in advanced and environmentally-friendly coatings, the latest FW 24/25 collection from the Group’s luxury product brand Oerlikon Riri include pieces coated using PVD1 (Physical Vapour Deposition), as well as further specialisation in several materials, including stainless steel.


Oerlikon / Menabò Group srl


Lenzing with new outlook for 2023

The continued weak development of the markets relevant to Lenzing, coupled with very cautious market expectations in 2023, requires a reassessment of Lenzing AG’s macroeconomic environment.

Taking into account the current lack of market recovery, the previous earnings forecast is not expected to be achieved. The Lenzing Group is therefore adjusting its forecast for earnings development and is assuming EBITDA in a range of EUR 270 mn to EUR 330 mn for the 2023 financial year.

CEO Stephan Sielaff: “The recovery expected for the second half of the year in the markets relevant to us has not yet occurred. This makes the early measures we took all the more correct. We launched an ambitious cost reduction program back in November 2022, which delivered the expected results ahead of schedule. Building on this, we are implementing a holistic and consistent value creation program with a focus on measures to strengthen profitability and cash flow generation and to exploit the growth potential in the fiber markets through targeted sales activities.”

The continued weak development of the markets relevant to Lenzing, coupled with very cautious market expectations in 2023, requires a reassessment of Lenzing AG’s macroeconomic environment.

Taking into account the current lack of market recovery, the previous earnings forecast is not expected to be achieved. The Lenzing Group is therefore adjusting its forecast for earnings development and is assuming EBITDA in a range of EUR 270 mn to EUR 330 mn for the 2023 financial year.

CEO Stephan Sielaff: “The recovery expected for the second half of the year in the markets relevant to us has not yet occurred. This makes the early measures we took all the more correct. We launched an ambitious cost reduction program back in November 2022, which delivered the expected results ahead of schedule. Building on this, we are implementing a holistic and consistent value creation program with a focus on measures to strengthen profitability and cash flow generation and to exploit the growth potential in the fiber markets through targeted sales activities.”

The Lenzing Group will announce further details about the value creation program when it publishes its quarterly results on November 3, 2023.


Lenzing Group

Global Fashion Agenda presents new digital film series (c) Fashion Redressed

Global Fashion Agenda presents new digital film series

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) presented a new online film series: Fashion Redressed. Produced by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, the captivating series intends to inspire the industry to take action to transform the way we produce and consume fashion.

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) presented a new online film series: Fashion Redressed. Produced by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, the captivating series intends to inspire the industry to take action to transform the way we produce and consume fashion.

Every day we express ourselves through our clothes. Encompassing cultures, personalities, traditions and beliefs, fashion is core to how we present ourselves to the outside world. But our consumption of fashion and clothing is pushing our planet and societies to its limits. Fashion trendsetters and pioneers are working to meet this challenge head-on with game-changing ideas. At the heart of this is the question: how can we keep expressing all we do through fashion, but without hurting the planet?
Focused on finding the answers, Fashion Redressed, comprises multiple films that showcase organisations from across the fashion and textile industries. Launched on a microsite, the series spotlights the innovations across the world that are influencing the new seasons of fashion, featuring a collection of stories that depict tailor-made solutions to fit us and our planet.
The 11 self-contained branded films showcase a range of participants including: eBay, Elk, The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Vestiaire Collective, Spinnova, Lenzing, Faherty, FarFetch, Waste2Wear, Colorifix and Forest Stewardship Council. Each film focuses on a bespoke solution that can benefit us and the planet. From the scientist taking inspiration from silk-spinning spiders in Helsinki and the duo taking a deep dive into the genetic makeup of colour in Cambridge, to the pre-loved clothes being brought to life on a global platform from Paris and the importance of cultural appreciation in Arizona, fashion gathers the most creative and innovative minds. This series expresses the dynamism and creativity of the fashion world, spotlighting the people weaving change into the fibres of fashion and those who are working to find the stylish side of a more sustainable sector.
The series was unveiled ahead of GFA’s landmark event – Global Fashion Summit: Boston Edition – on 27 September. The forum will bring together fashion stakeholders for agenda-setting discussions and productive meetings on critical environmental and social issues.

Bac Mono Photo Hypetex

Hypetex: Coloured carbon fibre replacing paint coating

•    First production supercar created with Hypetex coloured carbon fibre
•    Paint-replacement technology reduces weight to enhance performance

British car manufacturer Briggs Automotive Company (BAC) has created a unique Hypetex coloured carbon fibre version of its Mono R, reducing the weight by removing the need for paint.  

The original BAC Mono R was created to be lighter and more powerful than the standard model, with 343bhp and 555kg total weight, equating to a power-to-weight ratio of 618bhp-per-tonne. By removing the need for paint coatings in this version, the net weight of the exterior is reduced compared to a painted shell, resulting in a further improved overall performance.

The car’s body was created using Hypetex’s titanium carbon fibre twill, and finished with a crystalized lacquer, offering a unique aesthetic finish. The ultra-lightweight supercar can accelerate from zero to 60mph in less than 2.5 seconds.  

•    First production supercar created with Hypetex coloured carbon fibre
•    Paint-replacement technology reduces weight to enhance performance

British car manufacturer Briggs Automotive Company (BAC) has created a unique Hypetex coloured carbon fibre version of its Mono R, reducing the weight by removing the need for paint.  

The original BAC Mono R was created to be lighter and more powerful than the standard model, with 343bhp and 555kg total weight, equating to a power-to-weight ratio of 618bhp-per-tonne. By removing the need for paint coatings in this version, the net weight of the exterior is reduced compared to a painted shell, resulting in a further improved overall performance.

The car’s body was created using Hypetex’s titanium carbon fibre twill, and finished with a crystalized lacquer, offering a unique aesthetic finish. The ultra-lightweight supercar can accelerate from zero to 60mph in less than 2.5 seconds.  

Hypetex’s paint-replacement technology retains the visible weave, allowing for a bold design and a choice of colours without technical compromises, perfectly aligning with BAC’s initiatives to maximise performance whilst creating bespoke supercars. Paint generally adds 138 grams per metre squared, whereas Hypetex adds just 17 grams for the same area, offering an 8x weight saving.
This bespoke version of BAC’s single-seater Mono R was subject to BAC’s renowned BAC Bespoke programme, which ensures that no two Monos are the same. The client, a US-based collector, worked with BAC’s design team to design the car to their personal taste.   

Born out of Formula 1 technology, Hypetex offers manufacturers sustainable aesthetic materials with technical and efficiency benefits. This collaboration is an all-British success story, with the Hypetex carbon fibre body built by Formaplex, a leading UK-based manufacturing company who manufacture lightweight engineered solutions for top tier customers in Automotive, Aerospace and Defence markets. BAC’s supply chain is 95% UK-based.  

Hypetex continues to expand its growing portfolio of the use of coloured carbon fibre to add personalisation to the automotive field, with its material recently featured on the 2024 Ford Mustang Dark Horse.  


More information:
HYPETEX® carbon fibers



Lenzing receives EU Ecolabel for fiber production in Indonesia

The Lenzing Group has received certification from the internationally recognized EU Ecolabel for its fibers at the Indonesian site. This means that Lenzing fibers produced in Purwakarta (PT. South Pacific Viscose) meet high environmental standards. The product portfolio thus expands and qualifies for the production of LENZING™ ECOVERO™ brand fibers for textiles and VEOCEL™ brand fibers for nonwoven applications.

The substantial investment of EUR 100 mn to modernize the Indonesian site has enabled Lenzing to significantly reduce its specific emissions. In addition, the site recently began sourcing energy from renewable sources and is driving the conversion to biomass in line with Lenzing's goals of reducing group-wide carbon emissions per ton of product sold by 50 percent by 2030 and achieving carbon-neutral production by 2050.

The Lenzing Group has received certification from the internationally recognized EU Ecolabel for its fibers at the Indonesian site. This means that Lenzing fibers produced in Purwakarta (PT. South Pacific Viscose) meet high environmental standards. The product portfolio thus expands and qualifies for the production of LENZING™ ECOVERO™ brand fibers for textiles and VEOCEL™ brand fibers for nonwoven applications.

The substantial investment of EUR 100 mn to modernize the Indonesian site has enabled Lenzing to significantly reduce its specific emissions. In addition, the site recently began sourcing energy from renewable sources and is driving the conversion to biomass in line with Lenzing's goals of reducing group-wide carbon emissions per ton of product sold by 50 percent by 2030 and achieving carbon-neutral production by 2050.

Anthropogenic climate change is one of the most pressing problems of our time, to which both the global textile and nonwovens industries make a major contribution. LENZING™ ECOVERO™ viscose fibers (for textiles) and VEOCEL™ Viscose (for nonwovens) have been proven to cause significantly less greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution than conventional viscose. At the Indonesian site, Lenzing also plans to produce the innovative LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Black fibers in the future, which also require less energy and water in textile chain thanks to the spun-dyeing process and thus also have a lower carbon footprint in their life cycle as a textile product.


Lenzing Group


INDA Partners & Waterloo Filtration Institute: Partnering for the FiltXPO™ 2023 Technical Program

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, is partnering with the Waterloo Filtration Institute to deliver the FiltXPO™ technical program on October 10-11, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois. The Waterloo Filtration Institute was instrumental in recommending program topics and world-class presenters.

Engineers, scientists, and industry professionals will gain the latest insights into the filtration and separation topics affecting the industry today and into the future. The program features presentations include: filter media technologies, advancements and opportunities in filtration machinery and equipment, innovations in clean air for homes and urban areas, standards and testing, industry trends and new developments, and filtration challenges and opportunities.

The keynote for this year’s event is “IAQ Is the New Black” presented by Suzanne Shelton, President & CEO, Shelton Group. Shelton will share the latest data around consumer views on health, safety, people, and the planet. Participants will gain an understanding of the filtration opportunities and the challenges manufacturers face in communicating the value of their products.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, is partnering with the Waterloo Filtration Institute to deliver the FiltXPO™ technical program on October 10-11, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois. The Waterloo Filtration Institute was instrumental in recommending program topics and world-class presenters.

Engineers, scientists, and industry professionals will gain the latest insights into the filtration and separation topics affecting the industry today and into the future. The program features presentations include: filter media technologies, advancements and opportunities in filtration machinery and equipment, innovations in clean air for homes and urban areas, standards and testing, industry trends and new developments, and filtration challenges and opportunities.

The keynote for this year’s event is “IAQ Is the New Black” presented by Suzanne Shelton, President & CEO, Shelton Group. Shelton will share the latest data around consumer views on health, safety, people, and the planet. Participants will gain an understanding of the filtration opportunities and the challenges manufacturers face in communicating the value of their products.

A preview of the subject matter experts includes:

  • AAF Flanders – “Air Filter Standards Activity and What It Means for Innovation”
  • Ahlstrom – “Expanding Wetlaid Filtration Media Performance Through Innovation”
  • Air Techniques International – “Application of Automated Filter Tester in Quality Control Testing: Importance of Consistent Aerosol Particle Size Distribution”
  • American Truetzschler, Inc. – “How Really Good Filter Media Is Made”
  • CEREX Advanced Fabrics – “The Antimicrobial Nylon Advantage”
  • Elsner Engineering Works, Inc. – “When Does Automation Make Sense”
  • Hollingsworth & Vose – “Accelerating Membrane Adoption with ROI”
  • INDA – “Beyond Porter’s Five Forces – When Regulation Reshapes Markets”
  • MANN+HUMMEL GmbH – “Filtration for Cleaner Urban Mobility – Introducing Horizon Europe Innovation Action Aersolfd”
  • NatureWorks – “Optimizing Biopolymers to Improve Filter Performance – A Spectrum of Approaches and Opportunities”
  • Palas GmbH – “Influence of Temperature and Humidity to Filter Efficiency and Dust Holding Capacity”
  • Ptak Consulting – “Residential Filtration – Performance Against Infectious Aerosols”
  • The University of Georgia – “Recent Advances in Melt Blown Nonwovens and Filter Media Research”

New this year to FiltXPO are Lightning Talks. Lightning Talks are an opportunity to connect with new trends, products, innovations, and ideas with speakers rotating every eight minutes. Presenting companies include Ahlstrom, Elsner Engineering Works, Inc., Gottlieb Binder GmbH, TSI, and the Waterloo Filtration Institute.

The FiltXPO exhibition takes place October 10-12 and will run concurrently with the technical program.

More information:
INDA Filtxpo Conference

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry