From the Sector

6092 results

bvse fordert CO2-Bepreisung für Neukunststoffe

Die Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen kämpfen mit existenzbedrohenden Herausforderungen, so bvse-Vizepräsident Dr. Herbert Snell auf der 6. Konferenz Verpackungsrecycling, einer Veranstaltung von AGVU, BDE und bvse, am 5. Dezember in Berlin.

In einer Umfrage unter den im bvse organisierten Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen gaben 30 % an, dass sie ihre wirtschaftliche Situation als mangelhaft oder ungenügend einschätzen. 25 % der Unternehmen erwarten keine Verbesserung ihrer Situation im neuen Jahr.

Die hohen Energiekosten treffen die Recyclingbranche stark. In den letzten beiden Jahren mussten die Unternehmen eine 60%ige Energiekostensteigerung verkraften. Die Rezession und die damit verbundene Konsumzurückhaltung in Deutschland trifft die Branche ebenso.

Die Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen bewegen sich in einem Markt mit fixen bzw. steigenden Kosten auf der Beschaffungsseite: Sammlung, Sortierung und massiv steigenden Prozesskosten.

Die Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen kämpfen mit existenzbedrohenden Herausforderungen, so bvse-Vizepräsident Dr. Herbert Snell auf der 6. Konferenz Verpackungsrecycling, einer Veranstaltung von AGVU, BDE und bvse, am 5. Dezember in Berlin.

In einer Umfrage unter den im bvse organisierten Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen gaben 30 % an, dass sie ihre wirtschaftliche Situation als mangelhaft oder ungenügend einschätzen. 25 % der Unternehmen erwarten keine Verbesserung ihrer Situation im neuen Jahr.

Die hohen Energiekosten treffen die Recyclingbranche stark. In den letzten beiden Jahren mussten die Unternehmen eine 60%ige Energiekostensteigerung verkraften. Die Rezession und die damit verbundene Konsumzurückhaltung in Deutschland trifft die Branche ebenso.

Die Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen bewegen sich in einem Markt mit fixen bzw. steigenden Kosten auf der Beschaffungsseite: Sammlung, Sortierung und massiv steigenden Prozesskosten.

"Auf der Absatzseite kämpfen wir mit dem Problem, dass die Absatzpreise für Recyclate massiv eingebrochen sind. Zum Beispiel PP Copolymer, schwarz, laut Kunststoff Information von Juni/Juli letzten Jahres um 36 % bis letzten Monat oder klare PET Flakes von August 22 um 42 % zum November 23", führte Snell in Berlin aus.

Die Neuwarepreise richten sich nach Angebot und Nachfrage der kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie sowie nach Kosten für Energie und Rohstoffe. Fehlende Nachfrage, wie zurzeit weltweit, führt zu einem Verfall der Neuwarepreise.

Momentan tobe ein brutaler Preiskampf zwischen Neuware und Kunststoffrecyclaten. Der Absatz von Mahlgütern, Regranulaten und Compounds stocke. Die Kunststoffrecycler laufen im Input mit Verarbeitungsware voll und finden für ihre Produkte im Warenausgang keine Abnehmer.

Auf die Frage, wann rechnen die Kunststoffrecycler damit, dass sich der Recyclat-Absatz wieder bessert, haben 37 % geantwortet, dass sie im nächsten Jahr keine Besserung erwarten. "Das zeigt: Die Branche steht mit dem Rücken zur Wand. Der dauerhafte wirtschaftliche Betrieb der Recyclinganlagen ist kaum noch möglich. Wir sehen eine bedrohliche Situation, die das gesamte Recycling gefährdet", warnte der bvse-Vizepräsident.

Entscheidend für die prekäre Situation ist laut Herbert Snell ein strukturelles Problem, das angepackt werden müsse. Die Jahre 2021 und 2022 hätten gezeigt, dass es nicht an der Qualität oder Verfügbarkeit von Recyclaten liegen kann, denn in diesen Jahren konnten die Kunststoffverarbeiter alles gebrauchen und einsetzen. Die jahrelangen Beschwerden über die Qualität verstummten.

Das strukturelle Problem liegt offensichtlich darin, das Recyclate nicht eingesetzt werden, wenn Neuware preisgünstiger ist.

Allein im zweiten Quartal dieses Jahres ist die Menge der in die EU eingeführten PETs gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 20 % gestiegen, weil PET-Neuware aus dem Ausland billiger ist. Weil der klimaschädliche CO2-Rucksack, der bei der Produktion von Kunststoffneuware entsteht, bei der Preisbildung völlig außen vor bleibt – erst recht bei der importierten Neuware.

Der CO2-Rucksack von Recyclaten ist im Verhältnis zur Neuware um 1,5 bis 3,2 t leichter pro Tonne Kunststoff. Vereinfacht gesagt, für die Herstellung von Recyclaten wird nur die Hälfte an Energie genutzt wie für Neuware. Würde diese positive Klimabilanz eingerechnet werden, könnte eine Parität zwischen Recyclaten und aus fossilen Rohstoffen gewonnenen Kunststoffen hergestellt werden. "Wir sind uns deshalb mit vielen Akteuren einig, dass eine angemessene CO2-Bepreisung als wirksames marktwirtschaftliches Instrument das dringend benötigte Level-Playing Field schaffen kann", erklärte der bvse-Vizepräsident.

Wenn mehr Recyclate und weniger Kunststoffneuware eingesetzt würden, reduzierten sich die CO2-Emissionen. Wer darauf aus Kostengründen verzichte, dürfe nicht belohnt, sondern müsse mit einem deutlichen Preisaufschlag sanktioniert werden.

Der Gesetzgeber, ob in Berlin oder in Brüssel, sei aufgefordert, das Ziel einer echten Kreislaufwirtschaft für Kunststoffe beizubehalten, ohne die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Widerstandsfähigkeit der Märkte zu gefährden.

Es müssen, so der Verband, die notwendigen Anreize gesetzt werden, die auf die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette abzielen, um Investitionen in Recyclingkapazitäten und technologische Entwicklungen voranzutreiben. Zu diesem Zweck müssen die Stärkung der Recycling- und Recyclateinsatzziele, die Förderung von Design-for-Recycling und die Bewältigung verbleibender Herausforderungen in der Abfallwirtschaft, z. B. die Qualität der dem Recycling zur Verfügung gestellten Rohstoffe, wie z. B. aus den dualen Systemen, ganz oben auf der politischen Agenda stehen.



bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung

Better sleep environment Photo Heiq Materials AG

Biobased HeiQ technologies for better sleep at Heimtextil 2024

HeiQ’s biobased textile technologies are set to show how they can change the sleep environment for the better while meeting an increasing demand for sustainable solutions that are in tune with nature. HeiQ Skin Care, HeiQ Allergen* Tech, HeiQ Cool, and HeiQ Mint are going to be showcased at the Heimtextil show in Frankfurt beginning of January.

HeiQ presents a complete set of tailored textile technologies that is said to improve the sleeping environment: "Unlocking Better Sleep". Therefore, HeiQ introduces a range of innovative products designed to enhance the quality of a comfortable night’s rest through sustainable and biobased solutions.

HeiQ’s biobased textile technologies are set to show how they can change the sleep environment for the better while meeting an increasing demand for sustainable solutions that are in tune with nature. HeiQ Skin Care, HeiQ Allergen* Tech, HeiQ Cool, and HeiQ Mint are going to be showcased at the Heimtextil show in Frankfurt beginning of January.

HeiQ presents a complete set of tailored textile technologies that is said to improve the sleeping environment: "Unlocking Better Sleep". Therefore, HeiQ introduces a range of innovative products designed to enhance the quality of a comfortable night’s rest through sustainable and biobased solutions.

According to a recent study by the School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), “individuals spend more than 50% of their time at home in the bedroom”. Another research from the Fatigue Countermeasures Laboratory, NASA Ames Research Center (United States), concluded that “sleep is critical to health and daytime functioning. For individuals to achieve optimal sleep, they must have access to a sleep environment that allows them to achieve quality sleep.” These are strong indicators that we should treat sleep with the highest importance that it deserves.

The flagship products leading this positive change are the 100% biobased cosmetic technology HeiQ Skin Care, the plant-based deodorizer HeiQ Mint (botanical freshness), the dual action cooling solution HeiQ Cool, and HeiQ Allergen Tech that reduces exposure to inanimate allergens through active probiotics. These biobased innovations are set to redefine the sleep experience and contribute to overall well-being.

HeiQ Skin Care is the most recent addition to HeiQ’s portfolio - a synbiotic textile finish promoting a balanced microbiome for glowing skin. Unlike conventional products, HeiQ Skin Care utilizes pre- and probiotics integrated into a biobased matrix, offering long-lasting cosmetic benefits. It is particularly suited for products that are in direct and long contact with skin, such as pillowcases, duvet covers or bed sheets, acting as a cosmetic care session during sleep.


Heiq Materials AG

EU Bild: Gordon Johnson auf Pixabay

Geänderte EU-Schwellenwerte für öffentliche Aufträge ab 2024

Die Anpassung der EU-Schwellenwerte für die Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge tritt zum 1. Januar 2024 in Kraft.

Die festgelegten Änderungen, die für alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten gelten, sind wie folgt:

Richtlinie für klassische öffentliche Aufträge (2014/24/EU):

  • Bauleistungen: 5.538.000 Euro (statt bisher 5.382.000 Euro)
  • Liefer-/Dienstleistungen: 221.000 Euro (statt bisher 215.000 Euro)
  • Zentrale Regierungsdienststellen: 143.000 Euro (statt bisher 140.000 Euro)

Sektorenrichtlinie und Richtlinie Verteidigung und Sicherheit (2014/25/EU und 2009/81/EG):

  • Bauleistungen: 5.538.000 Euro (statt bisher 5.382.000 Euro)
  • Liefer-/Dienstleistungen: 443.000 Euro (statt bisher 431.000 Euro)

Konzessionsrichtlinie (2014/23/EU):

Die Anpassung der EU-Schwellenwerte für die Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge tritt zum 1. Januar 2024 in Kraft.

Die festgelegten Änderungen, die für alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten gelten, sind wie folgt:

Richtlinie für klassische öffentliche Aufträge (2014/24/EU):

  • Bauleistungen: 5.538.000 Euro (statt bisher 5.382.000 Euro)
  • Liefer-/Dienstleistungen: 221.000 Euro (statt bisher 215.000 Euro)
  • Zentrale Regierungsdienststellen: 143.000 Euro (statt bisher 140.000 Euro)

Sektorenrichtlinie und Richtlinie Verteidigung und Sicherheit (2014/25/EU und 2009/81/EG):

  • Bauleistungen: 5.538.000 Euro (statt bisher 5.382.000 Euro)
  • Liefer-/Dienstleistungen: 443.000 Euro (statt bisher 431.000 Euro)

Konzessionsrichtlinie (2014/23/EU):

  • 5.538.000 Euro (statt bisher 5.382.000 Euro)

Diese Schwellenwerte müssen in Deutschland nicht mehr durch den Gesetzgeber umgesetzt werden. Sie gelten unmittelbar durch die dynamischen Verweisungen in den Vergabeverordnungen.
Die Gültigkeit der neuen Schwellenwerte ist bis zum 31. Dezember 2025 begrenzt.

More information:
Ausschreibungen Schwellenwert
Source: GmbH

Yanfeng and TactoTek partner to enhance future vehicle interior applications (c) Yanfeng

Yanfeng and TactoTek partner to enhance future vehicle interior applications

Yanfeng, an automotive supplier, and TactoTek, a pioneer in smart surface technologies, will collaborate on the development of highly integrated Human Machine Interface (HMI) solutions for future Smart Cabin applications. The goal of this partnership is to combine advanced lighting, user interfaces, as well as various decorative trim with a deeply integrated product approach.

Yanfeng has made the strategic decision to integrate TactoTek's Injection Molded Structural Electronics (IMSE) portfolio as a technological layer in its worldwide Smart Cabin business. The intention is to enhance the overall user experience by offering advanced lighting features and introducing new functional elements like HMI, haptic feedback, and display integration.

This approach enables Yanfeng to align with emerging automotive industry trends, including autonomous driving, and addresses non-driving related tasks (NDRTs), thereby shaping the future of Smart Cabins and redefining the driving experience.

Yanfeng, an automotive supplier, and TactoTek, a pioneer in smart surface technologies, will collaborate on the development of highly integrated Human Machine Interface (HMI) solutions for future Smart Cabin applications. The goal of this partnership is to combine advanced lighting, user interfaces, as well as various decorative trim with a deeply integrated product approach.

Yanfeng has made the strategic decision to integrate TactoTek's Injection Molded Structural Electronics (IMSE) portfolio as a technological layer in its worldwide Smart Cabin business. The intention is to enhance the overall user experience by offering advanced lighting features and introducing new functional elements like HMI, haptic feedback, and display integration.

This approach enables Yanfeng to align with emerging automotive industry trends, including autonomous driving, and addresses non-driving related tasks (NDRTs), thereby shaping the future of Smart Cabins and redefining the driving experience.

This collaboration strives to create a unique in-vehicle user experience by accelerating seamless lighting integration into all surfaces of future vehicle interiors. The IMSE technology offers a fresh unique design and styling principles for slim, compact configurations and unconventional shapes.


Yanfeng International

SEEK and UNION Showroom present together THE JUNCTION (c) Premium Exhibitions GmbH

SEEK and UNION Showroom present together THE JUNCTION

SEEK is not only presenting the first edition of its new chapter in January 2024 but is also welcoming a new partner on board: UNION Showroom. The new alliance from Berlin combines the strengths of both formats intending to offer buyers from all over the world an even more comprehensive experience in Germany's fashion capital.

With united forces, the two teams led by Marie-Luise Patzelt (SEEK) and Felix Engelmann (UNION Showroom) are showcasing their new project "THE JUNCTION". A selection of brands will be presented in Station Berlin's exclusive loft spaces, including Nudie Jeans, Tenue, Viberg, White Sand, Paltò, Freenote Cloth, Ootoo Boots and A New Sweden. At the same time, the lofts are the transition to the UNION Showroom, taking place at the neighbouring Kühlhaus. The collaboration embodies the idea of a cooperative platform that enables buyers to discover the best collections from both platforms.

THE JUNCTION starts simultaneously with UNION on 14.01.24 and ends with SEEK on 17.01.24.

SEEK is not only presenting the first edition of its new chapter in January 2024 but is also welcoming a new partner on board: UNION Showroom. The new alliance from Berlin combines the strengths of both formats intending to offer buyers from all over the world an even more comprehensive experience in Germany's fashion capital.

With united forces, the two teams led by Marie-Luise Patzelt (SEEK) and Felix Engelmann (UNION Showroom) are showcasing their new project "THE JUNCTION". A selection of brands will be presented in Station Berlin's exclusive loft spaces, including Nudie Jeans, Tenue, Viberg, White Sand, Paltò, Freenote Cloth, Ootoo Boots and A New Sweden. At the same time, the lofts are the transition to the UNION Showroom, taking place at the neighbouring Kühlhaus. The collaboration embodies the idea of a cooperative platform that enables buyers to discover the best collections from both platforms.

THE JUNCTION starts simultaneously with UNION on 14.01.24 and ends with SEEK on 17.01.24.

More information:

Premium Exhibitions GmbH

AZL Aachen GmbH: Kick-off meeting for "Trends and Design Factors for Hydrogen Pressure Vessels" project (c) AZL Aachen GmbH

AZL Aachen GmbH: Kick-off meeting for "Trends and Design Factors for Hydrogen Pressure Vessels" project

The kick-off meeting for the "Trends and Design Factors for Hydrogen Pressure Vessels" project, recently held at AZL Aachen GmbH, was a successful event, bringing together more than 37 experts in the field of composite technologies. This event laid a solid foundation for the Joint Partner Project, which currently comprises a consortium of 20 renowned companies from across the composite pressure vessel value chain: Ascend Performance Materials, C evotec GmbH, Chongqing Polycomp International Corp. (CPIC), Conbility GmbH, Elkamet Kunststofftechnik GmbH, F.A. Kümpers GmbH & Co. KG, f loteks plastik sanayi ticaret a.s., Formosa Plastics Corporation, Heraeus Noblelight GmbH, Huntsman Advanced Materials, Kaneka Belgium NV, Laserline GmbH, Mitsui Chemicals Europe GmbH, Plastik Omnium, Rassini Europe GmbH, Robert Bosch GmbH, Swancor Holding Co. Ltd. Ltd., TECNALIA, Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA, Tünkers do Brasil Ltda.

The project follows AZL´s well proven approach of a Joint Partner Project, aiming to provide technology and market insights as well as benchmarking of different material and production setups in combination with connecting experts along the value chain.

The kick-off meeting for the "Trends and Design Factors for Hydrogen Pressure Vessels" project, recently held at AZL Aachen GmbH, was a successful event, bringing together more than 37 experts in the field of composite technologies. This event laid a solid foundation for the Joint Partner Project, which currently comprises a consortium of 20 renowned companies from across the composite pressure vessel value chain: Ascend Performance Materials, C evotec GmbH, Chongqing Polycomp International Corp. (CPIC), Conbility GmbH, Elkamet Kunststofftechnik GmbH, F.A. Kümpers GmbH & Co. KG, f loteks plastik sanayi ticaret a.s., Formosa Plastics Corporation, Heraeus Noblelight GmbH, Huntsman Advanced Materials, Kaneka Belgium NV, Laserline GmbH, Mitsui Chemicals Europe GmbH, Plastik Omnium, Rassini Europe GmbH, Robert Bosch GmbH, Swancor Holding Co. Ltd. Ltd., TECNALIA, Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA, Tünkers do Brasil Ltda.

The project follows AZL´s well proven approach of a Joint Partner Project, aiming to provide technology and market insights as well as benchmarking of different material and production setups in combination with connecting experts along the value chain.

The kick-off meeting not only served as a platform to foster new contacts and get informed about the expertise and interests of the consortium members in the field of hydrogen pressure vessels, but also laid the groundwork for steering the focus of the upc oming project's ambitious phases. As a basis for the interactive discussion session, AZL outlined the background, motivation and detailed work plan. The central issues of the dialogue were the primary objectives, the most pressing challenges, the contribut ion to competitiveness, and
the priorities that would best meet the expectations of the project partners.

Discussions covered regulatory issues, the evolving value chain and the supply and properties of key materials such as carbon and glass fibres and resins. The consortium defined investigations into different manufacturing technologies, assessing their matu rity and potential benefits. Design layouts, including liners, boss designs and winding patterns, were thoroughly considered, taking into account their implications for mobile and stationary storage. The group is also interested in cost effective testing m ethods and certification processes, as well as the prospects for recycling into continuous fibres and the use of sustainable materials. Insight was requested into future demand for hydrogen tanks, OEM needs and strategies, and technological developments to produce more economical tanks.

The meeting highlighted the importance of CAE designs for fibre patterns, software suitability and the application dependent use of thermoset and thermoplastic designs.

The first report meeting will also set the stage of the next project phase, which will be the creation of reference designs by AZL's engineering team. These designs will cover a range of pressure vessel configurations using a variety of materials and production concepts. The aim is to develop models that not only re flect current technological capabilities, but also provide deep insight into the cost analysis of different production technologies, their CO2 footprint, recycling aspects and scalability.

AZL's project remains open to additional participants. Companies interested in joining this initiative are invited to contact Philipp Fröhlig.

Archroma Pakistan wins PSX Award Photo: Archroma

Archroma Pakistan wins PSX Award

Archroma Pakistan has been named a winner in the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) Top 25 Companies Awards for 2022.

The award was presented by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, to Archroma Pakistan CEO, Mr. Mujtaba Rahim, before an audience of dignitaries, government officials and the business community.

The PSX Top 25 Companies Awards recognizes meticulous financial management and regulatory compliance, as well as excellence in environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, diversity and inclusion, and corporate governance. It is among the highest accolades offered in the Pakistan business community.

Earlier in the year, Archroma Pakistan was recognized in the PSX in the Best Corporate Report Awards 2022, winning a Certificate of Merit for the third time.

Archroma Pakistan has been named a winner in the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) Top 25 Companies Awards for 2022.

The award was presented by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, to Archroma Pakistan CEO, Mr. Mujtaba Rahim, before an audience of dignitaries, government officials and the business community.

The PSX Top 25 Companies Awards recognizes meticulous financial management and regulatory compliance, as well as excellence in environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, diversity and inclusion, and corporate governance. It is among the highest accolades offered in the Pakistan business community.

Earlier in the year, Archroma Pakistan was recognized in the PSX in the Best Corporate Report Awards 2022, winning a Certificate of Merit for the third time.

More information:
Archroma Pakistan Awards



CARBIOS: €1.2M to further optimize its PET depolymerization process

CARBIOS, a pioneer in the development and industrialization of biological technologies to reinvent the life cycle of plastic and textiles, has received an initial payment of €1.2 million from the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) for the OPTI-ZYME research project, carried out in partnership with INRAE2, INSA3 and CNRS4 via the TWB5 joint service and TBI6 research units, a project co-funded by the French State as part of France 2030 operated by ADEME. With CARBIOS' aim to optimize and continuously improve its unique enzymatic PET depolymerization technology, the 4-year7 OPTI-ZYME project aims to investigate the scientific and technical levers for improving the competitiveness of the process, optimizing the necessary investments and reducing its environmental footprint.

CARBIOS, a pioneer in the development and industrialization of biological technologies to reinvent the life cycle of plastic and textiles, has received an initial payment of €1.2 million from the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) for the OPTI-ZYME research project, carried out in partnership with INRAE2, INSA3 and CNRS4 via the TWB5 joint service and TBI6 research units, a project co-funded by the French State as part of France 2030 operated by ADEME. With CARBIOS' aim to optimize and continuously improve its unique enzymatic PET depolymerization technology, the 4-year7 OPTI-ZYME project aims to investigate the scientific and technical levers for improving the competitiveness of the process, optimizing the necessary investments and reducing its environmental footprint.

This collaborative R&D program focuses on the technical and economic optimization of process stages, while preserving the quality of the monomers obtained. These optimizations, new developments and the exploration of innovative solutions should enhance the technology's flexibility with regards to incoming waste. Raw materials could come from different sources that are currently rarely or not recycled, notably food trays and textiles, or a mix of incoming materials. It also aims to limit input and water consumption, as well as regenerate or reduce co-products and ultimate residual waste. Finally, it seeks to support enzyme optimization to maximize the process’ economic profitability and competitiveness.

The project therefore aims to achieve an overall improvement in performance, combining efficiency, quality and environmental sustainability, to benefit the Longlaville plant which is currently under construction, and future licensed plants.

In May 2023, CARBIOS, the project leader and coordinator, announced that it had been awarded a total of €11.4M in funding by the French State as part of France 2030, operated by ADEME, including €8.2M directly for CARBIOS (€3.2M in grants and €5M in repayable advances) and €3.2M for its academic partners INRAE, INSA and CNRS (via the TWB mixed service and TBI research units). This funding, which is made up of grants and repayable advances, will be paid out in several instalments over the course of the project, including an initial instalment of 15%, equivalent to €1.2 million, received by CARBIOS on 5 December 2023. The first Monitoring Committee with ADEME for the first key stage of the project will be held in February 2024 to validate the granting of the second instalment of funding.

This project 2282D0513-A is funded by the French State as part of France 2030 operated by ADEME.



Wissenschaftspreis UMSICHT © Fraunhofer UMSICHT

UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis 2024

Der Förderverein des Fraunhofer UMSICHT verleiht zum 15. Mal den UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis und zeichnet Menschen aus, die mit ihrer Arbeit den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft fördern. Ab sofort und noch bis zum 29. Februar 2024 können sich potenzielle Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger in den Kategorien Wissenschaft und Journalismus bewerben.

Seit 2010 prämiert der UMSICHT-Förderverein Wissenschaftler*innen und Journalist*innen mit dem UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis, die Forschungsergebnisse zu den Themen Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit der Gesellschaft zugänglich machen. Die Wahl trifft eine Jury aus Wissenschaftler*innen, Unternehmer*innen, Selbstständigen, Journalist*innen und PR-Fachleuten. Neben dem Preisgeld von 8000 Euro in der Kategorie Wissenschaft, 2000 Euro in der Kategorie Journalismus und der Skulptur »Innovation« erhalten die Preisträger*innen Zugang zum Netzwerk einer anerkannten Forschungseinrichtung und knüpfen Kontakte in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik.

Der Förderverein des Fraunhofer UMSICHT verleiht zum 15. Mal den UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis und zeichnet Menschen aus, die mit ihrer Arbeit den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft fördern. Ab sofort und noch bis zum 29. Februar 2024 können sich potenzielle Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger in den Kategorien Wissenschaft und Journalismus bewerben.

Seit 2010 prämiert der UMSICHT-Förderverein Wissenschaftler*innen und Journalist*innen mit dem UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis, die Forschungsergebnisse zu den Themen Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit der Gesellschaft zugänglich machen. Die Wahl trifft eine Jury aus Wissenschaftler*innen, Unternehmer*innen, Selbstständigen, Journalist*innen und PR-Fachleuten. Neben dem Preisgeld von 8000 Euro in der Kategorie Wissenschaft, 2000 Euro in der Kategorie Journalismus und der Skulptur »Innovation« erhalten die Preisträger*innen Zugang zum Netzwerk einer anerkannten Forschungseinrichtung und knüpfen Kontakte in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik.

In der Kategorie Wissenschaft sind neben Dissertationen Abschlussberichte, Studien etc. gern gesehen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk bei der Beurteilung liegt auf dem fachwissenschaftlichen Niveau und dem nachhaltigen Nutzen der Arbeit für Umwelt und Gesellschaft. Im Fokus stehen Innovationsgrad, die Markt- und Anwendungsnähe sowie eine gut verständliche und überzeugende Darstellung.

In der Kategorie Journalismus ist die mediale Form der eingereichten Arbeit offen: Print, Online, Audio oder Video. Reine Konzepte, Fotoarbeiten und Bücher können jedoch nicht bewertet werden. Die anschauliche und verständliche Wiedergabe eines gesellschaftlich und wissenschaftlich relevanten Themas sowie die Eigenständigkeit und Ausgewogenheit der Stellungnahmen sind wichtige Bewertungskriterien.

Für beide Preiskategorien gilt: Die Arbeiten müssen veröffentlicht sein und sich mit nachhaltigen Themen aus den Bereichen Umwelt-, Verfahrenstechnik oder Energietechnik beschäftigen. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten dürfen nicht älter als zwei Jahre, journalistische Arbeiten nicht älter als ein Jahr sein. Beide können auf Deutsch oder Englisch eingereicht werden. Bewertet werden publizierte Einzel- und auch Gemeinschaftsarbeiten. Bei Gemeinschaftsarbeiten ist darauf zu achten, dass der Eigenanteil gekennzeichnet ist und die Haupt-Anteilsträgerin bzw. der Haupt-Anteilsträger die Arbeit einreicht.
Die Arbeit einreichen

Bewerbungen sind schnell und unkompliziert über ein Online-Formular möglich. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 29. Februar 2024.


Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Graphic Toray

Recycled carbon fiber: When a Boeing 787 turns into a Lenovo ThinkPad

Toray Industries, Inc. announced the successful development of recycled carbon fiber (rCF) derived from the production process of the Boeing 787 components using Toray’s advanced carbon fiber, TORAYCA™. The rCF, which is based on pyrolysis recycling process, has been integrated into the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 12 as reinforcement filler for thermoplastic pellets. Toray and Lenovo will continue to collaborate to expand the usage of rCF in other Lenovo products.

Toray rCF is the outcome of Boeing and Lenovo’s shared commitment to minimize their environmental impact. Boeing’s objective is to reduce solid waste going to landfill and produce recyclable materials, while Lenovo has been exploring materials to reduce the carbon footprint of their products. Toray rCF connects these visions by repurposing Toray’s high-performance carbon fiber from the Boeing aircraft production process into Lenovo’s ultra-light laptop PC.

Toray Industries, Inc. announced the successful development of recycled carbon fiber (rCF) derived from the production process of the Boeing 787 components using Toray’s advanced carbon fiber, TORAYCA™. The rCF, which is based on pyrolysis recycling process, has been integrated into the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 12 as reinforcement filler for thermoplastic pellets. Toray and Lenovo will continue to collaborate to expand the usage of rCF in other Lenovo products.

Toray rCF is the outcome of Boeing and Lenovo’s shared commitment to minimize their environmental impact. Boeing’s objective is to reduce solid waste going to landfill and produce recyclable materials, while Lenovo has been exploring materials to reduce the carbon footprint of their products. Toray rCF connects these visions by repurposing Toray’s high-performance carbon fiber from the Boeing aircraft production process into Lenovo’s ultra-light laptop PC.

TORAYCA™ is an established aerospace material known for its high strength, stiffness, and lightweighting properties. These qualities have led to its adoption in other applications such as electrical and electronic equipment housings, sports equipment, and other industrial applications.

A key advantage of carbon fiber is the ability to retain its primary mechanical properties even after the recycling process. Toray is actively advancing recycling technologies and establishing a strategic business model for rCF. Given that the carbon footprint of rCF is lower than that of virgin carbon fiber, Toray is proactively recommending the adoption of rCF to reduce the environmental impact of customers’ products. This commitment aligns with Toray’s dedication to fostering a circular economy, thereby reducing landfill waste.


Toray Industries

Sales manager Frank Neumann © Dibella
Frank Neumann

Dibella without sales manager Frank Neumann in future

The long-time sales manager is leaving the company at the end of this year. Frank Neumann joined Dibella in 1999 as a sales representative in the field service and was most recently responsible as sales manager for the areas of northern Germany and Berlin, as well as for exports, particularly for Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. He played a leading role in developing cruise companies as a new customer base for Dibella.

In addition, he was one of the co-founders of MaxTex, an international association that aims to ensure sustainable trade along the entire value chain, together with the then Dibella Managing Director Ralf Hellmann.

As an authorised signatory and member of the management board, Frank Neumann made a significant contribution to the company's success. "With Frank Neumann, we are saying goodbye to a valued colleague and proven expert. We would like to thank Mr Neumann for his extraordinary commitment to Dibella and wish him all the best for the future," says Stefan Tenbusch, Managing Director at Dibella.

The long-time sales manager is leaving the company at the end of this year. Frank Neumann joined Dibella in 1999 as a sales representative in the field service and was most recently responsible as sales manager for the areas of northern Germany and Berlin, as well as for exports, particularly for Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. He played a leading role in developing cruise companies as a new customer base for Dibella.

In addition, he was one of the co-founders of MaxTex, an international association that aims to ensure sustainable trade along the entire value chain, together with the then Dibella Managing Director Ralf Hellmann.

As an authorised signatory and member of the management board, Frank Neumann made a significant contribution to the company's success. "With Frank Neumann, we are saying goodbye to a valued colleague and proven expert. We would like to thank Mr Neumann for his extraordinary commitment to Dibella and wish him all the best for the future," says Stefan Tenbusch, Managing Director at Dibella.

More information:
Dibella MaxTex

Dibella GmbH


Indorama Ventures again a member of the DJSI World and DJSI Emerging Markets

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited has been selected for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the fifth consecutive year and the Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index (DJSI Emerging Markets) for the seventh year in a row.

Indorama Ventures ranked in the 92nd percentile amongst 11 chemical companies eligible for listing out of 89 chemical companies invited, with a Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) Score of 73 out of 100. The score reflects the company’s best-in-class performance in innovation management, covering product innovation, process innovation, and open innovation, which involves collaborative research and development with external organizations such as customers, suppliers, brand owners, and academic institutions. It also recognizes the company’s achievements in decarbonization, climate change resiliency and adaptation, plastic waste management and recycling, corporate social responsibility, and contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited has been selected for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the fifth consecutive year and the Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index (DJSI Emerging Markets) for the seventh year in a row.

Indorama Ventures ranked in the 92nd percentile amongst 11 chemical companies eligible for listing out of 89 chemical companies invited, with a Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) Score of 73 out of 100. The score reflects the company’s best-in-class performance in innovation management, covering product innovation, process innovation, and open innovation, which involves collaborative research and development with external organizations such as customers, suppliers, brand owners, and academic institutions. It also recognizes the company’s achievements in decarbonization, climate change resiliency and adaptation, plastic waste management and recycling, corporate social responsibility, and contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Test kit for textile microfibre shedding Hohenstein
Test kit for textile microfibre shedding

New test kit for textile microfibre shedding

In cooperation with testing provider Hohenstein, Under Armour is launching a new fiber-shed test kit. It will help textile companies along the supply chain to develop lower shed materials during product development. The companies carry out the test themselves in-house using the test kit or can commission Hohenstein as a testing service provider.

The kit is a one-off purchase, after which users can buy additional materials from project partner James Heal. By using the new kit, Under Armour can reliably assess the quality and shed rate of the materials from suppliers.

For Hohenstein customers, the test kit is a useful addition to their microplastics tests. It is a quick and relatively inexpensive preliminary test that ensures better early-stage results for the end product.

During the production, wear and laundering of synthetic and natural fabrics, fibre shedding occurs in varying degrees. Hohenstein and Under Armour expect that their test method will help the industry better understand and reduce its contribution to the microfibre problem.

In cooperation with testing provider Hohenstein, Under Armour is launching a new fiber-shed test kit. It will help textile companies along the supply chain to develop lower shed materials during product development. The companies carry out the test themselves in-house using the test kit or can commission Hohenstein as a testing service provider.

The kit is a one-off purchase, after which users can buy additional materials from project partner James Heal. By using the new kit, Under Armour can reliably assess the quality and shed rate of the materials from suppliers.

For Hohenstein customers, the test kit is a useful addition to their microplastics tests. It is a quick and relatively inexpensive preliminary test that ensures better early-stage results for the end product.

During the production, wear and laundering of synthetic and natural fabrics, fibre shedding occurs in varying degrees. Hohenstein and Under Armour expect that their test method will help the industry better understand and reduce its contribution to the microfibre problem.

“Until now, integrating fiber-shed testing into industry research and development activities has required a significant time and cost investment,” said Kyle Blakely, Senior Vice President of Innovation for Under Armour. “At Under Armour, we believe intervening early to mitigate shedding is critical, which is why our test method is designed to specifically address these time and cost barriers.”


New sustainability label Autoneum Blue

With its new sustainability label Autoneum Blue, Autoneum combines the use of recycled materials with protecting the oceans and social responsibility. Autoneum Blue is a continuation of the LABEL blue by Borgers®, which was originally launched by Borgers Automotive. Following the acquisition of the German automotive supplier in April 2023, Autoneum has now fully integrated the label into its sustainable product portfolio.

With its new sustainability label Autoneum Blue, Autoneum combines the use of recycled materials with protecting the oceans and social responsibility. Autoneum Blue is a continuation of the LABEL blue by Borgers®, which was originally launched by Borgers Automotive. Following the acquisition of the German automotive supplier in April 2023, Autoneum has now fully integrated the label into its sustainable product portfolio.

Marine pollution has reached alarming levels in recent decades, with plastic contamination posing one of the most harmful threats to the health of the world’s largest ecosystem. In light of ever-stricter legal requirements for the environmental performance of vehicles, especially regarding the recycled content of components and their end-of-life recyclability, the reduction and recycling of plastics is also one of the key challenges for the automotive industry. Autoneum Pure, the Company’s sustainability label for technologies with an excellent sustainability performance throughout the product life cycle, is already successfully helping customers to tackle these challenges. With Autoneum Blue, Autoneum is now expanding its sustainable product portfolio with a label for components that combine the use of recycled material with protecting the oceans and social responsibility.

In order to qualify for the Autoneum Blue label, components must be based on materials that consist of at least 30% recycled PET that was collected from coastal areas within a 50-kilometer range of the water. These credentials mean the products make an important contribution to preventing plastic pollution in the oceans. In addition, the process of collecting the PET bottles must be socially respon-sible and comply with human rights, and traceable procurement of the bottle flakes must be guaran-teed. Autoneum Blue thus complements the Company’s strategic target to continuously reduce water consumption in all areas of its operations with an additional focus on preventing plastic pollution of the oceans.

Autoneum currently offers selected wheelhouse outer liners, needlepunch carpets and trunk side trim under the Blue label. In principle, however, the label could be extended to any product based on Autoneum technologies that feature recycled polyester fibers. As an addition to Autoneum’s existing fully recyclable monomaterial polyester constructions, which are characterized by waste-free production and have a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to products made from virgin fibers, Autoneum Blue presents another example of the Company’s ongoing efforts and continuous strides towards a sustainable circular economy.


Autoneum Management AG


Euratex Manifesto: 15 requests for competitiveness and resilience

2024 is a turning point for the European textiles and clothing industry: From 6 to 9 June 2024, European citizens will vote for a new European Parliament and, based on the results, a new European Commission will be formed. In view of this important election, EURATEX publishes a Manifesto, presenting 15 requests which will help to ensure a competitive European textiles and clothing industry.

The textile and apparel industry is making a substantial contribution to European wealth, jobs and growth. Europe counts 192,000 companies employing 1.3 million workers with a turnover of €167 billion and over €67 billion of exports. Entrepreneurship should be recognised as the foundation for a competitive textile industry, offering high quality and sustainable products, based on innovation, creativity and design. European policy makers should recognise such role to textiles and apparel companies and have an open dialogue to create better framework conditions to operate in the internal and global markets.

2024 is a turning point for the European textiles and clothing industry: From 6 to 9 June 2024, European citizens will vote for a new European Parliament and, based on the results, a new European Commission will be formed. In view of this important election, EURATEX publishes a Manifesto, presenting 15 requests which will help to ensure a competitive European textiles and clothing industry.

The textile and apparel industry is making a substantial contribution to European wealth, jobs and growth. Europe counts 192,000 companies employing 1.3 million workers with a turnover of €167 billion and over €67 billion of exports. Entrepreneurship should be recognised as the foundation for a competitive textile industry, offering high quality and sustainable products, based on innovation, creativity and design. European policy makers should recognise such role to textiles and apparel companies and have an open dialogue to create better framework conditions to operate in the internal and global markets.

To realise that vision, the industry and policy makers need to work together on a mix of policy measures and initiatives, which are coherent and offer a transparent and predictable framework for our companies, and make them more resilient and competitive.

These policies should focus around four points:

Develop and implement a “smart” EU industrial policy
Europe should create policies which enhance competitiveness, instead of creating administrative burdens. To EURATEX, each new piece of legislation should undergo a “competitiveness test” to critically look at the impact of the new rules. Europe should also create a favourable environment to promote education and jobs in the industry. The EU textile industry currently employees 1,3 million people, 30% of which is above 50 years old. A critical bottleneck for the textile industry is to attract (young) people and make sure these people have the right set of skills, to operate in a changing textile ecosystem. EURATEX also asks the EU to invest in innovation and digitalisation as they are key to the European competitive advantage. Not only, as the last years have proved, Europe should provide companies with access to sustainable energy at lower prices.

No sustainability without competitiveness
The EU Strategy for Sustainable Textiles is pushing our sector towards new business models with a lower environmental footprint. To realise that ambition, no less than 16 regulatory proposals are on the table, each of them with a different timetable, managed by different departments of the European Commission. EURATEX is committed to sustainability, but asks for economic realism. This set of new regulations needs to be coherent, enforceable, feasible and applicable for SMEs, and not push textile companies out of the market. Moreover, some member states are moving forward faster and some legislations will be decided at national level, creating fragmentation of the market. Such scenarios will hamper Europe and its possibilities to grow.

Ensure free and fair trade
With $224 billion in sold merchandise, Europe is the second major world exporters of textiles and clothes after China ($321 billion). It is therefore important that the global market should be open, free and fair for our industry to continue to thrive. Besides the support to FTAs in general, EURATEX wants to emphasise that all trade agreements should offer effective market access for EU companies and a level playing field in these markets. A free and open market should go hand in hand also with protection against free riders. The EU must always consider enforcement and enforceability when making new laws; it should also take action together with the member states for a better coordination with harmonised criteria for action among Customs Authorities.

Incentivise the Demand for sustainable textiles
Sustainable textile products typically come at a premium price, making it difficult for many consumers and buyers to purchase such products. Many surveys across Europe confirm that around 50% of interviewees do not purchase sustainable fashion products and the main reason is price. EURATEX believes that, to create a demand and help consumers to buy a (genuine) sustainable textile product, there should be standard requirements and fiscal incentives. Public authorities should also implement green public procurements, by increasing the importance of sustainability criteria in their evaluation grids.


bvse gegen Sonderregeln für chemisches Recycling

Der bvse begrüßt, dass die EU-Kommission beim Chemischen Recycling als Massebilanzverfahren „polymers only“ anstatt „fuel exempt“ festschreiben will. Damit werde verhindert, das Chemische Recycling (CR) deutlich besser zu stellen wird als das Mechanische Recycling (MR).

„Wir sind gegen Sonderregeln für das Chemische Recycling beim Einsatz von Recyclingmaterial. Um gleiche Wettbewerbsbedingungen zwischen dem Mechanischen Recycling und dem Chemischen Recycling zu schaffen, ist es unerlässlich, dass alle Vorgaben zur Berechnung des recycelten Anteils eines Abfallstroms technologieneutral sind und ein Höchstmaß an Rückverfolgbarkeit gewährleisten“, erklärte Dr. Herbert Snell, Vizepräsident des bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung.

Vor allem mittelständische Unternehmen hätten seit 30 Jahren ein stabiles, überwiegend mechanisches Recycling aufgebaut, das ökologisch und ökonomisch vorteilhaft Kunststoffe im Kreislauf hält. Nur durch eine faire Berechnungsmethode, die Input und Output bilanziere, könne der Fortbestand des mechanischen Recyclings gesichert werden, so Snell.

Der bvse begrüßt, dass die EU-Kommission beim Chemischen Recycling als Massebilanzverfahren „polymers only“ anstatt „fuel exempt“ festschreiben will. Damit werde verhindert, das Chemische Recycling (CR) deutlich besser zu stellen wird als das Mechanische Recycling (MR).

„Wir sind gegen Sonderregeln für das Chemische Recycling beim Einsatz von Recyclingmaterial. Um gleiche Wettbewerbsbedingungen zwischen dem Mechanischen Recycling und dem Chemischen Recycling zu schaffen, ist es unerlässlich, dass alle Vorgaben zur Berechnung des recycelten Anteils eines Abfallstroms technologieneutral sind und ein Höchstmaß an Rückverfolgbarkeit gewährleisten“, erklärte Dr. Herbert Snell, Vizepräsident des bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung.

Vor allem mittelständische Unternehmen hätten seit 30 Jahren ein stabiles, überwiegend mechanisches Recycling aufgebaut, das ökologisch und ökonomisch vorteilhaft Kunststoffe im Kreislauf hält. Nur durch eine faire Berechnungsmethode, die Input und Output bilanziere, könne der Fortbestand des mechanischen Recyclings gesichert werden, so Snell.

Für die Bilanzierung und den Nachweis des mechanischen Recyclings sind in Deutschland die Vorgaben der ZSVR – Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister mit den PLL – Prüfleitlinien für den Mengenstrom- und Verwertungsnachweis bestimmend. Gemäß der Vorgaben der PLL testieren akkreditierte Sachverständige den Mengenstrom in die Verwertungsanlagen; hierfür sind spezifische Testate der Vorbehandlungs- und Verwertungsanlagen notwendig.

Die jetzt vorgeschlagene Methode des „polymers only“ führe dazu, dass beim Chemischen Recycling tatsächlich nur diejenigen chemischen Bausteine bilanziert werden, die auch für die Herstellung von Polymeren eingesetzt werden.

bvse-Experte Dr. Thomas Probst: „Durch diese Bilanzierung, dem „polymers only“, wird beim Chemischen Recycling ein Green Washing verhindert.

Bei dem Modell „fuel exempt“ wären hingegen alle chemischen Bausteine, allerdings mit Ausnahme der Anteile der Energiegewinnung, für das Recycling anerkannt worden. Das wäre nach Aussage von Dr. Thomas Probst „grob unfair“, da ein Großteil der erzeugten Zwischenprodukte des Chemischen Recyclings gar nicht für eine Polymersynthese geeignet sind. Auch die Umwelt gewinnt durch das Modell „polymers only“, da hier deutlich mehr Kunststoffabfälle prozessiert werden müssen, um gleiche Mengenanteile an zugeordneten Recyclatanteilen wie beim „fuel exempt“ darzustellen.

Beim Massebilanzverfahren „fuel exempt“, das die Kunststoffindustrie gefordert hat, könnte es dazu kommen, dass Kunststoffprodukte, die vollständig aus Neumaterial bestehen, als Recyclingmaterial anerkannt werden. Damit würde die Glaubwürdigkeit zu Aussagen über den Recyclinggehalt von Verpackungen verloren gehen.“

Unabhängig welches Massebilanzverfahren zur Berechnung der Recyclatanteile in den erzeugten Poymeren beim Chemischen Recycling zur Anwendung komme, sei es wichtig, dass vollständige Transparenz über die Massenströme hergestellt werde. Wie heute auch im Verpackungsrecycling üblich, müsse von der Erfassung bis zum vermarktungsfähigen Rohstoff, also dem Polymer, ein lückenloser Nachweis geführt und von Sachverständigen geprüft und testiert werden, so der bvse.


bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung

VEOCEL™ showcased LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber (c) Lenzing Group

VEOCEL™ showcased LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber

With the growing demand among brands and consumers for plastic-free materials and ingredient transparency, VEOCEL™, the flagship specialty nonwovens brand of Lenzing Group, showcased LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber at Hygienix 2023. LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber which is not classified as “plastic” according to EU SUPD, meets the growing interest for plastic-free nonwoven products across the industry and among consumers. Additionally, along with being an environment-friendly solution, the fiber delivers high-performance dryness and comfort which makes it the optimum fiber choice for absorbent hygiene applications.

Comprised of mostly fossil-based materials, absorbent hygiene products are an essential part of many consumers’ daily lives. With heightened concerns towards environmental impact, the product segment has been undergoing a change caused by shifting consumer preferences, increased consciousness and concerns towards plastic waste, and technology advancement. LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber has embraced these changes without compromising on quality or performance.

With the growing demand among brands and consumers for plastic-free materials and ingredient transparency, VEOCEL™, the flagship specialty nonwovens brand of Lenzing Group, showcased LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber at Hygienix 2023. LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber which is not classified as “plastic” according to EU SUPD, meets the growing interest for plastic-free nonwoven products across the industry and among consumers. Additionally, along with being an environment-friendly solution, the fiber delivers high-performance dryness and comfort which makes it the optimum fiber choice for absorbent hygiene applications.

Comprised of mostly fossil-based materials, absorbent hygiene products are an essential part of many consumers’ daily lives. With heightened concerns towards environmental impact, the product segment has been undergoing a change caused by shifting consumer preferences, increased consciousness and concerns towards plastic waste, and technology advancement. LENZING™ Lyocell Dry fiber has embraced these changes without compromising on quality or performance.

LENZING™ Lyocell Dry is a cellulosic environment-friendly wood-based alternative to fossil-based fibers. Besides offering great performance features such as liquid management, dryness, gentle-on-the-skin comfort, softness, and quality, LENZING™ Lyocell Dry helps to meet the needs of customers who are aiming to produce plastic-free applications or end products that do not harm the planet without compromising on performance or comfort.

Featuring Lenzing’s unique Dry technology, LENZING™ Lyocell Dry’s hydrophobic characteristics and liquid-controlling properties make it the ideal fiber for absorbent hygiene products. Its high-performing hydrophobicity makes it the optimal choice for a wide range of applications, including baby diapers, feminine care and personal hygiene products as well as adult incontinence products.

The fiber has consistently been tested by Lenzing as the softest* fiber among cellulosic fibers in both dry and wet stages. LENZING™ Lyocell Dry will enable brands and manufacturers to deliver quality hygiene products that provide a high level of comfort, softness, and dryness.

*Lenzing AG softness panel test


Lenzing Group

Fashion for Good released "Sorting for Circularity India toolkit" (c) Fashion for Good

Fashion for Good released "Sorting for Circularity India toolkit"

Leveraging insights from Wealth in Waste, Fashion for Good released a toolkit designed to revalorise textile waste in India.

"The Sorting for Circularity India toolkit is a milestone in our journey towards a waste-free world. We have mapped the textile waste landscape, unpacking the huge potential, as well as the roadblocks and commercial opportunities in India’s textile waste industry. We are excited to move beyond rhetoric with this powerful coalition of partners and translate our findings into a roadmap for concrete actions", said Katrin Ley, Managing Director, Fashion for Good.

In 2021, Fashion for Good launched the Sorting for Circularity India Project to organise the Indian textile waste market in a three-phase approach so as to streamline, strengthen and foster the Indian textile waste market to drive the transition to a more circular economy that recaptures value to its maximum potential.

Leveraging insights from Wealth in Waste, Fashion for Good released a toolkit designed to revalorise textile waste in India.

"The Sorting for Circularity India toolkit is a milestone in our journey towards a waste-free world. We have mapped the textile waste landscape, unpacking the huge potential, as well as the roadblocks and commercial opportunities in India’s textile waste industry. We are excited to move beyond rhetoric with this powerful coalition of partners and translate our findings into a roadmap for concrete actions", said Katrin Ley, Managing Director, Fashion for Good.

In 2021, Fashion for Good launched the Sorting for Circularity India Project to organise the Indian textile waste market in a three-phase approach so as to streamline, strengthen and foster the Indian textile waste market to drive the transition to a more circular economy that recaptures value to its maximum potential.

The project brought together various industry players including Fashion for Good partners adidas, Levi Strauss & Co., PVH Corp., Target, Arvind Limited, Birla Cellulose, and Welspun India, as well as Fashion for Good innovators Reverse Resources, PICVISA, and Matoha; H&M, Primark, and TESCO also joined as external partners. The project is supported through catalytic funding provided by Laudes Foundation and IDH, and knowledge support from Canopy and Circle Economy Foundation.

Drawing upon the invaluable insights gained throughout the project, Fashion for Good unveils a toolkit designed to harness the untapped potential of textile waste in India. Together, these resources provide valuable insights, assessments, and practical guidance to advance recycling in India's textile industry.


Fashion for Good

The Wild Goose: Interior-KI-Summit im Februar 2024 (c) The Wild Goose GmbH & Co. KG

The Wild Goose: Interior-KI-Summit im Februar 2024

Unsere Welt ist im stetigen Wandel – und für die Möbel- und Einrichtungsbranche gibt es keine Ausnahme. Die Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 haben bereits jetzt bedeutende Veränderungen und Innovationen in unserer Branche ermöglicht, von personalisierten Produktempfehlungen bis hin zu intelligenten Fertigungsprozessen. Das Thema „Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)“ wird aller Voraussicht nach zu noch größeren Veränderungen, Innovationen und Risiken führen. Um die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die KI bietet, zu entdecken und für sich zu verifizieren, veranstaltet The Wild Goose am 21. Februar 2024 einen Interior-KI-Summit.

Unsere Welt ist im stetigen Wandel – und für die Möbel- und Einrichtungsbranche gibt es keine Ausnahme. Die Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 haben bereits jetzt bedeutende Veränderungen und Innovationen in unserer Branche ermöglicht, von personalisierten Produktempfehlungen bis hin zu intelligenten Fertigungsprozessen. Das Thema „Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)“ wird aller Voraussicht nach zu noch größeren Veränderungen, Innovationen und Risiken führen. Um die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die KI bietet, zu entdecken und für sich zu verifizieren, veranstaltet The Wild Goose am 21. Februar 2024 einen Interior-KI-Summit.

Mit Keynote-Speakern, Experten der großen Hightech-Konzerne und praxisorientierten Workshops richtet sich der Interior-KI-Summit 2024 an Unternehmen, die die Chancen der neuen Technologien wahrnehmen wollen. „Uns geht es darum, konkrete Entscheidungshilfen zu vermitteln und Unternehmen dabei zu unterstützen, Künstliche Intelligenz sinnvoll und gewinnbringend in ihre Abläufe zu integrieren“, sagt Florian Goos, Geschäftsführer des Veranstalters The Wild Goose. Praxisorientierung lautet das Stichwort, wie auch der zweite Geschäftsführer von The Wild Goose, Kirk Mangels, bekräftigt: „KI ist keine Science-Fiction, sondern zukunftsweisende Technologie, die bleiben wird. Sinnvolle Anwendungsbeispiele gibt es schon heute. Jeder Teilnehmer wird nach unserem Summit wissen, wie Geschäftsabläufe mit Hilfe von KI optimiert werden können und mit welchen Investments welcher ROI möglich ist.“

Um diese Zielsetzung zu erreichen, werden beim Summit zunächst Tech-Experten wie Microsoft die Möglichkeiten der KI-Anwendungen für das Einrichtungsbusiness von morgen vorstellen. Gleichzeitig gibt es Einschätzungen der Branchenverbände, wo KI für die Branche heute schon relevant ist und wo sie künftig Bedeutung erlangen wird. Am Nachmittag geht es dann in den Masterclasses um konkrete branchenspezifische Anwendungsbereiche: KI-getriebenes Daten- und Prozess-Management ist hier ebenso Thema wie die digitale Unterstützung von Vertrieb, Kundenbetreuung, Kommunikation und Design. „Change before you have to“, so der Titel einer der Masterclasses, der den Inhalt der Veranstaltung auf den Punkt bringt: der Einrichtungsbranche mit Know-how und Vernetzung die Möglichkeit zu geben, an einem Produktivitätsschub teilzuhaben und neue Geschäftsentwicklungen zu entdecken. Der Interior-KI-Summit wird in Kooperation mit den Branchenverbänden VDM, AMK und BVDM veranstaltet.


The Wild Goose GmbH & Co. KG


Global Fashion Agenda: 2023 edition of The GFA Monitor

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) released the 2023 edition of The GFA Monitor — a report to guide fashion leaders towards a net-positive fashion industry. The second GFA Monitor has been updated to include the latest guidance and insights from over 25 industry organisations in one cohesive publication. For the first time, the report includes new data insights from the Fashion Industry Target Consultation - drawn from over 900 industry participants in 90 countries.

The GFA Monitor is an extensive resource that presents expert insights on the status of the industry, clear actions to take, and proven best practices. In a time of poly crisis when the implementation of sustainable practices is challenged, GFA is supporting the industry by consolidating an abundance of available solutions that can be applied today.  

Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) released the 2023 edition of The GFA Monitor — a report to guide fashion leaders towards a net-positive fashion industry. The second GFA Monitor has been updated to include the latest guidance and insights from over 25 industry organisations in one cohesive publication. For the first time, the report includes new data insights from the Fashion Industry Target Consultation - drawn from over 900 industry participants in 90 countries.

The GFA Monitor is an extensive resource that presents expert insights on the status of the industry, clear actions to take, and proven best practices. In a time of poly crisis when the implementation of sustainable practices is challenged, GFA is supporting the industry by consolidating an abundance of available solutions that can be applied today.  

The tool is grounded by the sustainability framework laid out in the Fashion CEO Agenda, featuring in-depth guidance according to the five sustainability priorities: Respectful and Secure Work Environments, Better Wage Systems, Circular Systems, Resource Stewardship, and Smart Materials Choices. Embracing additional expert knowledge from other industry organisations, each priority includes insights from GFA’s Impact Partners: Fair Labor Association, Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP), Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Apparel Impact Institute, and Textile Exchange, respectively.

The 2023 publication presents new findings from the Fashion Industry Target Consultation (FITC), launched by GFA and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in November 2022, which invited stakeholders from across the global value chain to share their thoughts on the performance indicators and milestones that the industry must strive to meet. The FITC indicates a very positive sentiment from participants, but action and positive impact from that action is yet to be measured. Overall, the data reveals that the majority of the 900 participants supported industry alignment on the 27 action areas proposed in the consultation and remarked that they are actively engaging with the industry to drive progress in the respective areas. The report further illuminates the level of industry ambitions per priority and the areas where more aligned action areas are needed.


Global Fashion Agenda