From the Sector

5922 results
Stidierendenprojekt Gurtbänder Bildquelle: Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen/Corinna Korinth
Prof. Manuela Bräuning und Frank Bez (hinten) sind von den kreativen Ideen der Studierenden beeindruckt – sie entwickelten aus Gurten Hochbeete, Taschen und Organisationshelfer.

Gurt- und Sicherheitsbänder in kreativen Händen

Hängende Hochbeete, Organisationshelfer für zu Hause, die Werkstatt oder unterwegs und Bausätze für modische Taschen: Studierende aus dem sechsten und siebten Semester Textil- und Bekleidungstechnologie an der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen haben aus Gurt- und Sicherheitsbändern der Firma Carl Stahl aus Herbrechtingen innovative Produkte entwickelt. Bei der öffentlichen Abschlusspräsentation des Industrieprojekts beeindruckten sie die anwesenden Unternehmensvertreter ebenso wie das interessierte Publikum.

Die Studentin Sarah Sturm erklärte die Aufgabenstellung des von Prof. Manuela Bräuning betreuten Projekts: „Wir sollten neue Anwendungen für Gurtbänder finden.“ Diese fallen normalerweise nicht gerade durch kreative Nutzung auf, doch das Unternehmen möchte sich neue Absatzmärkte für seine Produkte erschließen – so kam die Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschule zustande. Die Studierenden führten zu Beginn des Semesters zunächst eine Marktrecherche durch und sammelten erste Ideen. Anschließend verfolgten drei Gruppen ihre Ansätze.

Hängende Hochbeete, Organisationshelfer für zu Hause, die Werkstatt oder unterwegs und Bausätze für modische Taschen: Studierende aus dem sechsten und siebten Semester Textil- und Bekleidungstechnologie an der Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen haben aus Gurt- und Sicherheitsbändern der Firma Carl Stahl aus Herbrechtingen innovative Produkte entwickelt. Bei der öffentlichen Abschlusspräsentation des Industrieprojekts beeindruckten sie die anwesenden Unternehmensvertreter ebenso wie das interessierte Publikum.

Die Studentin Sarah Sturm erklärte die Aufgabenstellung des von Prof. Manuela Bräuning betreuten Projekts: „Wir sollten neue Anwendungen für Gurtbänder finden.“ Diese fallen normalerweise nicht gerade durch kreative Nutzung auf, doch das Unternehmen möchte sich neue Absatzmärkte für seine Produkte erschließen – so kam die Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschule zustande. Die Studierenden führten zu Beginn des Semesters zunächst eine Marktrecherche durch und sammelten erste Ideen. Anschließend verfolgten drei Gruppen ihre Ansätze.

Das „Team Grün“ beschäftigte sich mit dem Trendthema Urban Gardening. Für Menschen mit wenig Platz und ohne Garten entwickelten sie ein mehrstöckiges hängendes Hochbeet, das in der Wohnung ebenso genutzt und angebracht werden kann wie beispielsweise auf dem Balkon. Rankhilfen sind flexibel einbaubar, und auch an eine künstliche Beleuchtung zur Wachstumsförderung haben die Studierenden gedacht. Die Größe ist veränderbar, und dank der robusten Materialien der Firma Stahl ist das Hochbeet stabil, wetterbeständig und leicht.
Das „Team Tasche“ entwarf verschiedene Bausätze samt Anleitungen für Taschen, die zu Hause selber zusammengesetzt werden. „Uns war die Nachhaltigkeit unserer Produkte sehr wichtig“, erklärte die Studentin Klara Rauscher. „Deshalb werden für die Taschen nur Restposten der Firma Stahl benutzt.“ Die Taschen sind langlebig und sehr robust und können ohne Nähmaschine und Vorkenntnisse in rund einer Stunde gefertigt werden.

Das „Team Orga“ entwickelte schließlich eine Organisationswand, die aus Gurt- und Gummibändern von Hand gewebt wurde. Sie kann zu Hause ebenso aufgehängt werden wie in der Werkstatt oder auch im Transporter und bietet jede Menge Stauraum für Werkzeug, Schreibsachen, Fotos und etliches mehr. „Alle Gurtbänder kommen von Carl Stahl, und unser Produkt kann an Wänden und fast allen anderen Oberflächen angebracht werden“, erklärte die Studentin Tugce Sarikaya.

Frank Bez, Leiter der Entwicklungsabteilung bei Carl Stahl, zeigte sich nach der Abschlusspräsentation der Studierenden komplett begeistert: „Sie hatten wirklich sensationelle Ideen. Ich bin überrascht, was man aus unseren Produkten alles machen kann“, sagte er. „Es ist immer etwas Besonderes aus etwas Kleinem etwas Großes zu machen und einem Gurtband so viel Leben einzuhauchen.“ Er hofft nun, dass der ein oder andere seine Ideen noch weiter vorantreiben möchte, „vielleicht in Form einer Bachelorarbeit“, und bedankte sich im Namen des Unternehmens für das gelungene Projekt.


Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen


BTE wirbt für Messebesuche

Viele Textil- und Schuhhändler wünschen sich eine starke Mode- und Schuhmesse in Deutschland, um sich vor der Orderrunde zumindest halbwegs einen Überblick über die Trends bzw. das Marktangebot zu verschaffen und sich ggf. mit Verantwortlichen auszutauschen. Leider war die Entwicklung fast aller deutschen Mode- und Schuhmessen aber zuletzt eher rückläufig, so dass vermehrt Veranstaltungen im Ausland besucht wurden.

Viele Textil- und Schuhhändler wünschen sich eine starke Mode- und Schuhmesse in Deutschland, um sich vor der Orderrunde zumindest halbwegs einen Überblick über die Trends bzw. das Marktangebot zu verschaffen und sich ggf. mit Verantwortlichen auszutauschen. Leider war die Entwicklung fast aller deutschen Mode- und Schuhmessen aber zuletzt eher rückläufig, so dass vermehrt Veranstaltungen im Ausland besucht wurden.

Zudem erhöhe sich, so der BTE, die Gefahr einer weiteren Abwärtsspirale, an deren Ende die totale Zersplitterung der Messelandschaft und ein weiterer Bedeutungsverlust von Bekleidung, Schuhe und Accessoires stehe. Starke Messen leisteten wichtige Medien- und Pressearbeit zum Wohle der gesamten Fashion- und Schuhbranche. Darüber erhielten die Kunden regelmäßig Kaufimpulse, die letztendlich zu Umsätzen in Handel und Industrie führen. Kleine Veranstaltungen könnten und wollten dies in der Regel nicht leisten. Der BTE befürchtet, dass eine weitere Schwächung deutscher Textil- und Schuhmessen auch zu einer nachlassenden Berichterstattung in den Medien und damit zu geringerem Interesse der Kunden an den Produkten führt!
Der Handelsverband appelliert daher an alle Textil- und Schuhhändler, im eigenen Interesse den Besuch (noch) funktionierender Messeformate unbedingt einzuplanen. Schließlich solle jeder Einkäufer vor jeder Orderrunde nach neuen spannenden Labels Ausschau halten, um sein Sortiment für den Kunden interessant und überraschend zu halten. Messen böten dafür die mit Abstand beste Möglichkeit.
Die nächsten wichtigen Messen für den Outfithandel:
FASHN ROOMS/NEONYT, 27.-29. Januar, Düsseldorf
ILM, 3.-5. Februar, Offenbach
SHOES, 3.-5. März, Düsseldorf

More information:
Messen Modefachhandel Modehandel

BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren

KARL MAYER: Launch of new tricot machine TM 4 EL (c) KARL MAYER GROUP

KARL MAYER: Launch of new tricot machine TM 4 EL

At the end of last year, KARL MAYER launched the TM 4 EL – a new, highly flexible machine for the mid-range segment in the four-bar tricot machine sector. The machine produces fabrics for upholstery, automotive interiors and outerwear, as well as sportswear items and home textiles.

Featuring KARL MAYER’s proven CFRP technology, the TM 4 EL is up to 30% faster than the previous four-bar tricot machine designed for the commodity sector.

The new TM 4 EL is offered in gauges E 28 and E 32. The available working widths are 210” and 280”, with a working width extension also available. Further width varieties are also planned. Equipment highlights include an integrated Laser Stop to detect yarn breakages early, and functional LED lighting, which illuminates the warp knitting area for easy handling and signals unplanned machine stops using the corresponding colour. The machine can be networked with KM.ON’s secure cloud via the k.ey device to utilise the KARL MAYER GROUP’s digital solutions. This includes, for example, the web-based lapping editor CORE LITE.

At the end of last year, KARL MAYER launched the TM 4 EL – a new, highly flexible machine for the mid-range segment in the four-bar tricot machine sector. The machine produces fabrics for upholstery, automotive interiors and outerwear, as well as sportswear items and home textiles.

Featuring KARL MAYER’s proven CFRP technology, the TM 4 EL is up to 30% faster than the previous four-bar tricot machine designed for the commodity sector.

The new TM 4 EL is offered in gauges E 28 and E 32. The available working widths are 210” and 280”, with a working width extension also available. Further width varieties are also planned. Equipment highlights include an integrated Laser Stop to detect yarn breakages early, and functional LED lighting, which illuminates the warp knitting area for easy handling and signals unplanned machine stops using the corresponding colour. The machine can be networked with KM.ON’s secure cloud via the k.ey device to utilise the KARL MAYER GROUP’s digital solutions. This includes, for example, the web-based lapping editor CORE LITE.



Celanese and Under Armour introduce elastane alternative (c) Celanese Corporation

Celanese and Under Armour introduce elastane alternative

Celanese Corporation, a specialty materials and chemical company, and Under Armour, Inc., a company in athletic apparel and footwear, have collaborated to develop a new fiber for performance stretch fabrics called NEOLAST™. The innovative material will offer the apparel industry a high-performing alternative to elastane – an elastic fiber that gives apparel stretch, commonly called spandex. This new alternative could unlock the potential for end users to recycle performance stretch fabrics, a legacy aspect that has yet to be solved in the pursuit of circular manufacturing with respect to stretch fabrics.

NEOLAST™ fibers feature the powerful stretch, durability, comfort, and improved wicking expected from elite performance fabrics yet are also designed to begin addressing sustainability challenges associated with elastane, including recyclability. The fibers are produced using a proprietary solvent-free melt-extrusion process, eliminating potentially hazardous chemicals typically used to create stretch fabrics made with elastane.

Celanese Corporation, a specialty materials and chemical company, and Under Armour, Inc., a company in athletic apparel and footwear, have collaborated to develop a new fiber for performance stretch fabrics called NEOLAST™. The innovative material will offer the apparel industry a high-performing alternative to elastane – an elastic fiber that gives apparel stretch, commonly called spandex. This new alternative could unlock the potential for end users to recycle performance stretch fabrics, a legacy aspect that has yet to be solved in the pursuit of circular manufacturing with respect to stretch fabrics.

NEOLAST™ fibers feature the powerful stretch, durability, comfort, and improved wicking expected from elite performance fabrics yet are also designed to begin addressing sustainability challenges associated with elastane, including recyclability. The fibers are produced using a proprietary solvent-free melt-extrusion process, eliminating potentially hazardous chemicals typically used to create stretch fabrics made with elastane.

NEOLAST™ fibers will be produced using recyclable elastoester polymers. As end users transition to a more circular economy, Celanese and Under Armour are exploring the potential of the fibers to improve the compatibility of stretch fabrics with future recycling systems and infrastructure.

In addition to the sustainability benefits, the new NEOLAST™ fibers deliver increased production precision, allowing spinners to dial power-stretch levels up or down and engineer fibers to meet a broader array of fabric specifications.


Celanese Corporation


ECHA: Hazardous chemicals found in coating products and polymers

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added five new chemicals to the Candidate List. One of them is toxic for reproduction, three are very persistent and very bioaccumulative and one is toxic for reproduction and persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. They are found in products such as inks and toners, adhesives and sealants and washing and cleaning products.

The Agency has also updated the existing Candidate List entry for dibutyl phthalate to include its endocrine disrupting properties for the environment.

ECHA’s Member State Committee has confirmed the addition of these substances to the Candidate List. The list now contains 240 entries – some are groups of chemicals so the overall number of impacted chemicals is higher.


The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added five new chemicals to the Candidate List. One of them is toxic for reproduction, three are very persistent and very bioaccumulative and one is toxic for reproduction and persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. They are found in products such as inks and toners, adhesives and sealants and washing and cleaning products.

The Agency has also updated the existing Candidate List entry for dibutyl phthalate to include its endocrine disrupting properties for the environment.

ECHA’s Member State Committee has confirmed the addition of these substances to the Candidate List. The list now contains 240 entries – some are groups of chemicals so the overall number of impacted chemicals is higher.



European Chemicals Agency


Manchester United partners with SCAYLE for e-commerce platform

Manchester United has announced it has chosen SCAYLE as its official e-commerce platform partner. The club’s new e-commerce experience will launch later this year and continue to be evolved in alignment with the club’s ambition of delivering a best in class direct-to-consumer experience for its global fan base.

SCAYLE provides the technical backbone for more than 140 online stores and was specifically designed for B2C use cases with a focus on the fashion, lifestyle and sports sectors.

Manchester United have appointed SCAYLE to operate a new direct-to-consumer platform that is based on and powered by the SCAYLE commerce engine, dedicated to providing a compelling and customised experience that can quickly adapt to fastchanging requirements.

Manchester United has announced it has chosen SCAYLE as its official e-commerce platform partner. The club’s new e-commerce experience will launch later this year and continue to be evolved in alignment with the club’s ambition of delivering a best in class direct-to-consumer experience for its global fan base.

SCAYLE provides the technical backbone for more than 140 online stores and was specifically designed for B2C use cases with a focus on the fashion, lifestyle and sports sectors.

Manchester United have appointed SCAYLE to operate a new direct-to-consumer platform that is based on and powered by the SCAYLE commerce engine, dedicated to providing a compelling and customised experience that can quickly adapt to fastchanging requirements.


SCAYLE / Vaubel Medienberatung GmbH

Robin Lippold als neuer Center Manager des Halle Leipzig The Style Outlets (c) NEINVER / Philipp Kirschner
Robin Lippold, Center Manager des Halle Leipzig The Style Outlets

Robin Lippold als neuer Center Manager des Halle Leipzig The Style Outlets

Halle Leipzig The Style Outlets gibt bekannt, dass Robin Lippold am 1. Januar 2024 die Position des Center Managers übernommen hat. Als langjähriger Mitarbeiter folgt er in dieser Rolle auf Jens Kahlow, der das Center von 2018 bis Ende des vergangenen Jahres leitete.

Vor seiner Ernennung zum Center Manager war Robin Lippold fünf Jahre als Retail Manager im Center tätig. Seine Expertise umfasst beispielsweise das Management von Mieteraktivitäten für 70 Stores sowie das Customer-Relationship-Management. Seine Fähigkeiten zeigte er unter anderem in der Entwicklung erfolgreicher Strategien zur Frequenz- und Umsatzsteigerung.

Halle Leipzig The Style Outlets gibt bekannt, dass Robin Lippold am 1. Januar 2024 die Position des Center Managers übernommen hat. Als langjähriger Mitarbeiter folgt er in dieser Rolle auf Jens Kahlow, der das Center von 2018 bis Ende des vergangenen Jahres leitete.

Vor seiner Ernennung zum Center Manager war Robin Lippold fünf Jahre als Retail Manager im Center tätig. Seine Expertise umfasst beispielsweise das Management von Mieteraktivitäten für 70 Stores sowie das Customer-Relationship-Management. Seine Fähigkeiten zeigte er unter anderem in der Entwicklung erfolgreicher Strategien zur Frequenz- und Umsatzsteigerung.


Halle Leipzig The Style Outlets (NEINVER Deutschland GmbH)

The research group Water Engineering Innovation Photo: Aarhus University
The research group Water Engineering Innovation, led by Associate Professor Zongsu Wei, works to develop water purification technologies, especially in connection with PFAS. The group collaborates in this project with the research group Robotics from the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering.

Artificial intelligence to help remove PFAS

A new research project links some of Denmark's leading researchers in PFAS remediation with artificial intelligence. The goal is to develop and optimise a new form of wastewater and drinking water treatment technology using artificial intelligence for zero-pollution goals.

In a new research and development project, researchers from Aarhus University aim to develop a new technology that can collect and break down perpetual chemicals (PFAS) in one step in a purification process that can be connected directly to drinking water wells and treatment plants.

The project has received funding from the Villum Foundation of DKK 3 million, and it will combine newly developed treatment technology from some of Denmark's leading PFAS remediation researchers with artificial intelligence that can ensure optimal remediation.

A new research project links some of Denmark's leading researchers in PFAS remediation with artificial intelligence. The goal is to develop and optimise a new form of wastewater and drinking water treatment technology using artificial intelligence for zero-pollution goals.

In a new research and development project, researchers from Aarhus University aim to develop a new technology that can collect and break down perpetual chemicals (PFAS) in one step in a purification process that can be connected directly to drinking water wells and treatment plants.

The project has received funding from the Villum Foundation of DKK 3 million, and it will combine newly developed treatment technology from some of Denmark's leading PFAS remediation researchers with artificial intelligence that can ensure optimal remediation.

"In the project, we will design, construct and test a new, automated degradation technology for continuous PFAS degradation. We’re also going to set up an open database to identify significant and limiting factors for degradation reactions with PFAS molecules in the reactor," says Associate Professor Xuping Zhang from the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering at Aarhus University, who is co-heading the project in collaboration with Associate Professor Zongsu Wei from the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering.

Ever since the 1940s, PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) have been used in a myriad of products, ranging from raincoats and building materials to furniture, fire extinguishers, solar panels, saucepans, packaging and paints.

However, PFAS have proven to have a number of harmful effects on humans and the environment, and unfortunately the substances are very difficult to break down in nature. As a result, the substances continuously accumulate in humans, animals, and elsewhere in nature.

In Denmark, PFAS have been found in drinking water wells, in surface foam on the sea, in the soil at sites for fire-fighting drills, and in many places elsewhere, for example in organic eggs. It is not possible to remove PFAS from everything, but work is underway to remove PFAS from the groundwater in drinking water wells that have been contaminated with the substances.

Currently, the most common method to filter drinking water for PFAS is via an active carbon filter, an ion-exchange filter, or by using a specially designed membrane. All of these possibilities filter PFAS from the water, but they do not destroy the PFAS. The filters are therefore all temporary, as they have to be sent for incineration to destroy the accumulated PFAS, or they end in landfills.

The project is called 'Machine Learning to Enhance PFAS Degradation in Flow Reactor', and it aims to design and develop an optimal and permanent solution for drinking water wells and treatment plants in Denmark that constantly captures and breaks down PFAS, while also monitoring itself.

"We need to be creative and think outside the box. I see many advantages in linking artificial intelligence with several different water treatment technologies, but integrating intelligence-based optimisation is no easy task. It requires strong synergy between machine learning and chemical engineering, but the perspectives are huge," says Associate Professor Zongsu Wei from the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering at Aarhus University.

More information:
PFAS Aarhuis University

Aarhus University
Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering


Rieter: First information on the financial year 2023

  • Sales of CHF 1 418.6 million in the financial year 2023
  • Order intake of CHF 541.8 million in the financial year 2023; order backlog of around CHF 650 million as of December 31, 2023
  • EBIT margin of around 7% expected for the full year 2023 at the upper end of the guidance
  • Market remains challenging

The Rieter Group closed the financial year 2023 with slightly lower sales than in the previous year. According to the first, unaudited figures, total sales of CHF 1 418.6 million were achieved, which is around 6% down on the previous year (2022: CHF 1 510.9 million). In line with expectations, the order intake of CHF 541.8 million was considerably below the previous year (2022: CHF 1 157.3 million). Rieter expects a positive EBIT margin of around 7% for the full year 2023 (2022: 2.1%).

  • Sales of CHF 1 418.6 million in the financial year 2023
  • Order intake of CHF 541.8 million in the financial year 2023; order backlog of around CHF 650 million as of December 31, 2023
  • EBIT margin of around 7% expected for the full year 2023 at the upper end of the guidance
  • Market remains challenging

The Rieter Group closed the financial year 2023 with slightly lower sales than in the previous year. According to the first, unaudited figures, total sales of CHF 1 418.6 million were achieved, which is around 6% down on the previous year (2022: CHF 1 510.9 million). In line with expectations, the order intake of CHF 541.8 million was considerably below the previous year (2022: CHF 1 157.3 million). Rieter expects a positive EBIT margin of around 7% for the full year 2023 (2022: 2.1%).

Rieter is operating in a challenging market environment due to the economic and geopolitical conditions as well as the continuing weak demand. There are initial signs of a market recovery visible for the financial year 2024. Rieter will present an outlook for the financial year 2024 at the annual results press conference on March 13, 2024.


Rieter Holding AG

Advance Denim launches collection with Lenzing's matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers (c) Advance Denim

Advance Denim launches collection with Lenzing's matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers

Lenzing Group announced the collaboration with China’s internationally recognized denim mill, Advance Denim, to use matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers for their latest Denim Collection.

The TENCEL™ brand offers innovative and planet-friendly fiber solutions1 that strive to enhance the adoption of responsible production2 within the textile industry. Leveraging resource-saving, closed-loop production process3, TENCEL™ fibers are naturally soft and smooth to the touch and support a natural dry feeling through moisture control. The rollout of matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers in 2021 provided denim manufacturers with a solution that enabled them to enjoy the ample tactile and environmental benefits of TENCEL™ fibers, while also maintaining a matte finish on the end product.

Lenzing Group announced the collaboration with China’s internationally recognized denim mill, Advance Denim, to use matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers for their latest Denim Collection.

The TENCEL™ brand offers innovative and planet-friendly fiber solutions1 that strive to enhance the adoption of responsible production2 within the textile industry. Leveraging resource-saving, closed-loop production process3, TENCEL™ fibers are naturally soft and smooth to the touch and support a natural dry feeling through moisture control. The rollout of matte TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers in 2021 provided denim manufacturers with a solution that enabled them to enjoy the ample tactile and environmental benefits of TENCEL™ fibers, while also maintaining a matte finish on the end product.

“Matte TENCEL™ fibers are an extremely important innovation for the denim sector as they address the need for responsible denim made with less shine for a more vintage look. Many brands are currently looking for styles that meet this criterion while also providing softness and drapability for wide-leg jeans. Matte TENCEL™ fibers create the perfect mixture of performance and sustainability without sacrificing that true vintage indigo look,” said Amy Wang, General Manager of Advance Denim. “The matte denim in the ‘Denim Collection’, achieved by using matte TENCEL™ fibers, not only has exceptional softness to the touch, but its fiber properties also make the denim more like traditional cotton jeans after washing. This will enable the final garments to retain the intended retro style of the fabric.”


1 TENCEL™ Lyocell and Modal fibers are certified with the EU Ecolabel for textile products (license no. AT/016/001) for environmental excellence.
2 The responsible production of TENCEL™ Lyocell and Modal fibers uses at least 50% less water and emits at least 50% less CO2 compared to generic lyocell and modal fibers, according to Higg MSI, thereby saving precious resources for future generations. Results based on LCA standards (ISO 14040/44) and available via Higg MSI (Version 3.7).
3 Savings consider solvent recovery.


Lenzing Group

Disney unveils virtual ‘HoloTile’ floor technology (c) Disney, The Walt Disney Company
Lanny Smoot, Disney Imagineer and Creator of HoloTile floor

Disney unveils virtual ‘HoloTile’ floor technology

Disney unveiled the HoloTile floor, created by Disney Research Fellow and longtime member of Walt Disney Imagineering Research & Development Lanny Smoot.

The HoloTile floor is a multi-person, omni-directional, modular, expandable, treadmill floor. It allows any number of people to have a shared virtual reality (VR) experience, walk an unlimited distance in any direction, and never collide or walk off its surface.

The HoloTile floor can also be an insert in a theatrical stage, allowing performers to move and dance in new ways, or stage props and structures to move around or appear to set themselves up.

The new technology was revealed (see here), as Lanny Smoot is being inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. He is the first Disney Imagineer to receive this recognition.

Disney unveiled the HoloTile floor, created by Disney Research Fellow and longtime member of Walt Disney Imagineering Research & Development Lanny Smoot.

The HoloTile floor is a multi-person, omni-directional, modular, expandable, treadmill floor. It allows any number of people to have a shared virtual reality (VR) experience, walk an unlimited distance in any direction, and never collide or walk off its surface.

The HoloTile floor can also be an insert in a theatrical stage, allowing performers to move and dance in new ways, or stage props and structures to move around or appear to set themselves up.

The new technology was revealed (see here), as Lanny Smoot is being inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. He is the first Disney Imagineer to receive this recognition.

Smoot is also credited with giving Madame Leota her ability to “float” in the Séance Room at the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland Park; crafting the state-of-the-art extendable lightsaber used by Disney Live Entertainment; inventing the Magic Playfloor interactive game experience on the Disney Cruise Line; producing the immersive Fortress Explorations adventure at Tokyo DisneySea; and designing the virtual and interactive koi ponds at the Crystal Lotus Restaurant at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel.

More information:
Disney floor space Virtual Reality

Disney, The Walt Disney Company


MUNICH FABRIC START gibt Programm bekannt

Unter dem Titel CLARITY bringt die MUNICH FABRIC START vom 23. bis 25. Januar 2024 Designer, Produktverantwortliche und Modemacher aus ganz Europa zusammen. Flankiert von THE SOURCE, BLUEZONE und dem KEYHOUSE werden rund 1.000 internationale Kollektionen der Saison Frühjahr/Sommer 2025 für die globale Mode- und Bekleidungsindustrie präsentiert.

Abgerundet wird das Angebot durch ein vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm, bestehend aus Keynotes, Podiumsdiskussionen, Trendpräsentationen, Q&A Sessions und mehr mit internationalen Expertinnen und Experten aus den verschiedensten Bereichen der Branche. In den TREND LECTURES (Keyhouse – Halle 5) und der SEMINAR ZONE (BLUEZONE – Halle 7) teilen über 50 Speakerinnen und Speaker in mehr als 30 Vorträgen ihre Expertise, bieten Einblicke in die verschiedensten Bereiche der Branche und klären über neuste Trends und Innovationen auf.

Das vollständige Rahmenprogramm finden Sie hier.

Unter dem Titel CLARITY bringt die MUNICH FABRIC START vom 23. bis 25. Januar 2024 Designer, Produktverantwortliche und Modemacher aus ganz Europa zusammen. Flankiert von THE SOURCE, BLUEZONE und dem KEYHOUSE werden rund 1.000 internationale Kollektionen der Saison Frühjahr/Sommer 2025 für die globale Mode- und Bekleidungsindustrie präsentiert.

Abgerundet wird das Angebot durch ein vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm, bestehend aus Keynotes, Podiumsdiskussionen, Trendpräsentationen, Q&A Sessions und mehr mit internationalen Expertinnen und Experten aus den verschiedensten Bereichen der Branche. In den TREND LECTURES (Keyhouse – Halle 5) und der SEMINAR ZONE (BLUEZONE – Halle 7) teilen über 50 Speakerinnen und Speaker in mehr als 30 Vorträgen ihre Expertise, bieten Einblicke in die verschiedensten Bereiche der Branche und klären über neuste Trends und Innovationen auf.

Das vollständige Rahmenprogramm finden Sie hier.




SHIMA SEIKI at Pitti Filati 94

SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., Italian subsidiary of leading Japanese computerized knitting solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD., will exhibit at the 94th edition of the Pitti Immagine Filati exhibition in Florence, Italy (24th-26th January 2024). It will exhibit as part of the CustomEasy section, which involves the concept of Fashion at Work and explores customization in the presence of textile machinery and design software, represented in part by SHIMA SEIKI's lineup of WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machines and APEXFiz® design software.

SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., Italian subsidiary of leading Japanese computerized knitting solutions provider SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD., will exhibit at the 94th edition of the Pitti Immagine Filati exhibition in Florence, Italy (24th-26th January 2024). It will exhibit as part of the CustomEasy section, which involves the concept of Fashion at Work and explores customization in the presence of textile machinery and design software, represented in part by SHIMA SEIKI's lineup of WHOLEGARMENT® knitting machines and APEXFiz® design software.

The new SWG-XR® flagship machine features 4 needle beds for all-needle knitting of high quality WHOLEGARMENT® products using the company's original SlideNeedle™, in addition to a re-designed sinker system and a compact, light-weight carriage featuring 4 systems as well as auto yarn carriers. All contribute to increased productivity of more than 25% over the previous MACH2®XS machine, as well as increased product range using a wider variety of yarn for supporting knits for all seasons, and higher quality for knitting beautiful fabrics and silhouettes; even items that were impossible to knit with the MACH2® series, including punch-lace patterns, variable stitch knitting and intarsia knitting. Setting new standards for the next generation of waste-free, sustainable WHOLEGARMENT® knitting, SWG-XR® at Pitti Filati will be shown in 15L and 18L as well as a prototype machine in 22L.

APEXFiz® subscription-based design software supports the creative side of fashion from planning and design to colorway evaluation, realistic fabric simulation and 3D virtual sampling. Virtual samples are a digitized version of sample making that are accurate enough to be used effectively as prototypes. By replacing physical samples, virtual samples reduce time, cost and material that otherwise go to waste.

The product planning capability of APEXFiz® is enhanced by several web services featured as part of the SHIMA SEIKI Online Services (SHIMA online) web platform. These include SHIMA Datamall™ digital content web service that allows users to search, browse and purchase a variety of useful data for streamlining the planning and production of fashion items, as well as the recently renewed yarnbank® digital yarn sourcing web service that offers digitized yarn data by yarn companies from around the world for download and use in virtual sampling. SHIMANAVI® e-learning system is also part of the online platform.



Checkpoint Systems: DeArm-Technologie schützt vor illegalen Magnetöffnern (c) Checkpoint Systems, CCL Industries Inc

Checkpoint Systems: DeArm-Technologie schützt vor illegalen Magnetöffnern

Checkpoint Systems, ein Anbieter von RFID- und RF-Technologielösungen, bietet Einzelhändlern mit Alpha Edge Schutz vor selbstgebauten oder auf dem Schwarzmarkt erhältlichen Magnetöffnern. Die neue Stufe des Produktschutzes ist kompatibel mit allen bestehenden Alpha-Lösungen.

Checkpoint Systems, ein Anbieter von RFID- und RF-Technologielösungen, bietet Einzelhändlern mit Alpha Edge Schutz vor selbstgebauten oder auf dem Schwarzmarkt erhältlichen Magnetöffnern. Die neue Stufe des Produktschutzes ist kompatibel mit allen bestehenden Alpha-Lösungen.

Die Alpha Edge DeArm-Technologie wurde entwickelt, um das Entfernen oder Ausschalten von Alpha-Produkten durch organisierte Banden zu verhindern und schützt vor illegalen Lösern wie selbstgebauten oder auf dem Schwarzmarkt erhältlichen Magnetöffnern. „Wird ein mit dieser Technologie geschütztes Produkt mit einem selbstgebauten oder auf dem Schwarzmarkt gekauften Öffner im Ladengeschäft entsichert, löst das einen Alarm aus – auch, wenn der Entferner korrekt ist. Die einzige Möglichkeit, das Auslösen des akustischen 98dB-Alarms zu verhindern, ist eine vorherige Deaktivierung des Sensors mit einem Radiofrequenz- (RF) oder akustisch-magnetischen (AM) Deaktivator im Kassenbereich“, erklärt Hans-Jürgen Nausch, Business Unit Director Deutschland von Checkpoint Systems. Alle mit der DeArm-Technologie geschützten Produkte müssen am POS oder bei einer SCO (Selbst-Checkout-Kasse) zum Scannen vorgelegt und über den Deaktivierungsbereich geführt werden, bevor die Sicherung entfernt werden kann. Die Technologie bietet Einzelhändlern eine neue Stufe des Produktschutzes und sorgt dafür, dass alle Produkte zuverlässig gesichert sind.

Für dieses erhöhte Sicherheitslevel ist keine Aufrüstung der vorhandenen Hardware erforderlich. Das zusätzliche Schutzniveau funktioniert mit allen bestehenden Alpha-Lösungen und kann neben den Standard-Alpha-1, -2 oder -3-Alarmprodukten speziell für besonders diebstahlgefährdete oder teure Waren eingesetzt werden. Die Technik ist kompatibel mit bestehenden RF- und AM-Deaktivierungsverfahren, muss nicht für alle zu schützenden Produkte verwendet werden, ist einfach zu bedienen und wiederverwendbar.

Für die patentierte Technologie ist ein breites Spektrum an Anwendungstypen verfügbar – von Kabelschlössern für Handtaschen oder Gürtel über Box-Oberflächen-Tags für verpackte Waren bis hin zu gebogenen Verpackungen beispielsweise für hochwertige Whiskey-Metalldosen, Champagner oder Kerzen und Hardtags für Jeans oder Schuhe.
Ein Teil der Produkte wird entweder mit einem S3- oder einem Superlok-Öffner entfernt, die zweite Variante ist mit einem Einweg-Klebepad am Produkt befestigt, das sich nach der Entschärfung einfach vom Produkt abdrehen lässt. Detacher-basierte Produkte sind Cableloks, Sled Box Tags und Hardtags. Die klebstoffbasierten Sensoren (gebogene Etiketten und Mini Bug Tags) hinterlassen keine Rückstände oder Beschädigung – selbst bei empfindlichen Verpackungen nicht.


Checkpoint Systems, CCL Industries Inc


bvse: Ab 2025 Energiebeihilfen für Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen

Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen können ab dem 1. Januar 2025 wieder Energiebeihilfen beantragen. Das teilte der bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung in einem Mitgliederrundschreiben mit.

Nach den Erläuterungen fallen unter den förderungsfähigen Wirtschaftszweig 20.16 (Herstellung von Kunststoffen in Primärform) nun auch folgende Tätigkeiten der Kunststoffrecyclingbranche:

Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen können ab dem 1. Januar 2025 wieder Energiebeihilfen beantragen. Das teilte der bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung in einem Mitgliederrundschreiben mit.

Nach den Erläuterungen fallen unter den förderungsfähigen Wirtschaftszweig 20.16 (Herstellung von Kunststoffen in Primärform) nun auch folgende Tätigkeiten der Kunststoffrecyclingbranche:

  • Herstellung von Zellulose und ihren chemischen Derivaten,
  • Herstellung von Kunstpulvern, -granulaten oder -flocken durch Compoundieren oder Umwandeln von Kunststoffharzen sowie aus wiedergewonnen Kunststoffabfällen,
  • Herstellung von recyceltem Kunststoff in Flakes oder Kunststoffgranulaten auf Basis von vorbehandelten Kunststoffabfällen durch stoffliche Verwertungsverfahren.

Wie die bvse-Justiziarin Annette Reber erläuterte, hat die Klassifikation der Wirtschaftszweige neben statistischen Zwecken auch eine wichtige Bedeutung für die Bewilligung von Energiebeihilfen. Staatliche Energiebeihilfen dürfen, so Reber, nur den Unternehmen bewilligt werden, die zu den in den europäischen Leitlinien für staatliche Klima-, Umweltschutz- und Energiebeihilfen 2022 (KUEBLL) aufgeführten Wirtschaftszweigen gehören. Der Wirtschaftszweig 20.16. (Herstellung von Kunststoffen in Primärform) wird als förderungsfähig angesehen, der Wirtschaftszweig 38.31 (Rückgewinnung sortierter Werkstoffe) hingegen nicht.


bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V.


Adient again ranked as Top Employer

Adient, a leader in automotive seating, has been certified for the second time by the Top Employers Institute as a European Top Employer for several of its EMEA locations.
23 of the automotive supplier’s locations in the Czech Republic, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, and Serbia underwent an extensive assessment by the institute and were evaluated in categories such as People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Diversity & Inclusion, Wellbeing and more. All six assessed markets obtained the certification, having already done so in last year’s edition.
While the organization’s overall score improved by 4.5% compared to 2023, Adient stands out the most from its competitors in the areas of People Strategy and DE&I practices, at 11% and 7%, respectively.

The Top Employers Certification Program has been created to provide guidance on people practices of employers in a wide range of industries. It evaluates companies worldwide and provides feedback on their working culture based on a best practice survey.

Adient, a leader in automotive seating, has been certified for the second time by the Top Employers Institute as a European Top Employer for several of its EMEA locations.
23 of the automotive supplier’s locations in the Czech Republic, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, and Serbia underwent an extensive assessment by the institute and were evaluated in categories such as People Strategy, Work Environment, Talent Acquisition, Learning, Diversity & Inclusion, Wellbeing and more. All six assessed markets obtained the certification, having already done so in last year’s edition.
While the organization’s overall score improved by 4.5% compared to 2023, Adient stands out the most from its competitors in the areas of People Strategy and DE&I practices, at 11% and 7%, respectively.

The Top Employers Certification Program has been created to provide guidance on people practices of employers in a wide range of industries. It evaluates companies worldwide and provides feedback on their working culture based on a best practice survey.


Fashion for Good addresses challenges of sorting for rewearable textiles

Fashion for Good's Sorting for Circularity framework expands to address the challenge of ensuring rewearable textiles remain in use as opposed to finding their way into global waste streams or landfills. This 18-month project tests automated sorting technologies using artificial intelligence and machine learning to optimise the sorting of rewearable garments and enable greater circularity.

This project will test automated sorting technologies using machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to collect product information — such as colour, style, garment type, and quality. This will enable sorters and brands to make better decisions and sort efficiently based on product data and criteria from local, European, and export resale market requirements, thus optimising the flow of textiles to achieve their highest value potential.

To ensure accuracy and representation in capturing data on the flow of textiles within the EU and export markets, this project will focus on specific geographical regions: Lithuania (Nordic/Baltic), the Netherlands (Western), Poland (Central-Eastern), and Spain (Southern Europe).

Fashion for Good's Sorting for Circularity framework expands to address the challenge of ensuring rewearable textiles remain in use as opposed to finding their way into global waste streams or landfills. This 18-month project tests automated sorting technologies using artificial intelligence and machine learning to optimise the sorting of rewearable garments and enable greater circularity.

This project will test automated sorting technologies using machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to collect product information — such as colour, style, garment type, and quality. This will enable sorters and brands to make better decisions and sort efficiently based on product data and criteria from local, European, and export resale market requirements, thus optimising the flow of textiles to achieve their highest value potential.

To ensure accuracy and representation in capturing data on the flow of textiles within the EU and export markets, this project will focus on specific geographical regions: Lithuania (Nordic/Baltic), the Netherlands (Western), Poland (Central-Eastern), and Spain (Southern Europe).

The findings will be shared in a report with a supporting business case and implementation roadmap to inform investment decisions in infrastructure, Circular Business Models (CBM) and repair centres.

The Rewear Project builds on Fashion for Good’s Sorting for Circularity framework initiated in 2021 and subsequently launched in Europe, India and the United States harmonising the collection, sorting and recycling industries in order to advance textile-to-textile recycling technologies and the resale industry.

It is funded by brand partners adidas, BESTSELLER, Bonprix, C&A, Inditex, Levi Strauss & Co., Otto Group, PVH Corp., and Zalando. Circle Economy Foundation leads the creation and implementation of the methodology, with support from Consumption Research Norway, Oslo Metropolitan University and Revaluate.


Fashion for Good 

Avery Dennison and NRVLD showcase T-shirts with AR experience (c) Avery Dennison Corporation

Avery Dennison and NRVLD showcase T-shirts with AR experience

Avery Dennison, a leader in materials science and digital identifications solutions, has completed a project with NRVLD, a community-based agency comprising artists, technologists and media personalities who are passionate about disruptive innovation.

Avery Dennison created limited edition augmented reality T-shirts worn by the NRVLD Executive Team during ‘NRVLD’, an immersive event held during Art Basel Miami Beach in December 2023.

The 30 T-shirts were digitally connected via heat transfers featuring a QR code and image recognition. Visitors were transported to an immersive artwork metaverse, built by ARkivist. In addition to the AR experience, each garment was personalized with the wearer's contact details embedded in the NFC woven patch on the chest, providing a connection point for guests throughout the event. Both connected garment experiences were powered by Avery Dennison’s connected product cloud.

Avery Dennison, a leader in materials science and digital identifications solutions, has completed a project with NRVLD, a community-based agency comprising artists, technologists and media personalities who are passionate about disruptive innovation.

Avery Dennison created limited edition augmented reality T-shirts worn by the NRVLD Executive Team during ‘NRVLD’, an immersive event held during Art Basel Miami Beach in December 2023.

The 30 T-shirts were digitally connected via heat transfers featuring a QR code and image recognition. Visitors were transported to an immersive artwork metaverse, built by ARkivist. In addition to the AR experience, each garment was personalized with the wearer's contact details embedded in the NFC woven patch on the chest, providing a connection point for guests throughout the event. Both connected garment experiences were powered by Avery Dennison’s connected product cloud.

Avery Dennison will be showcasing this project at NRF 2024: Retail’s Big Show, from January 14-16 at the Javits Convention Center in New York. The connected T-shirts will feature alongside a host of apparel digital solutions for supply chain visibility, product tracking, and consumer engagement.

Michael Colarossi, vice president, innovation, product line management and sustainability, Apparel Solutions, Avery Dennison comments: “The trajectory of consumer experiences unmistakably leans towards digital, and brands are actively seeking innovative methods to engage consumers by merging traditional craftsmanship with digital creativity. In this scenario, AR acted as the conduit, and Avery Dennison's connected garment technology and on-garment Embelex branding turned that vision into tangible reality."

Pavan Bahl, founder of Bellwether Culture and co-founder NRVLD, comments: "In the Web3 sphere, blockchain technology enables ownership of digital goods and identity. Our collaboration with Avery Dennison showcases the potential of bridging this gap, illustrating the exciting possibilities in this space."


Avery Dennison Corporation


TrusTrace completes $24 Million Growth Investment

TrusTrace, a SaaS company with for product traceability and compliance, has announced the completion of a (U.S.) $24 million growth investment led by Circularity Capital, a specialist investor in businesses that enable the circular economy, with participation from existing investors Industrifonden and Fairpoint Capital.

According to Shameek Ghosh, CEO and Co-Founder of TrusTrace, the new investment will enable the company to further accelerate its global expansion ambitions by strengthening its presence in key markets, deepening product innovation and expanding collaborations – helping to create a global network where all value chains are traceable, circular, and fair.

Traceability has accelerated in importance and momentum as a key enabler of sustainable transformation, as evidenced by TrusTrace’s five-fold growth in subscription revenue in the 27 months since the previous growth round by Fairpoint Capital and Industrifonden in 2021, preceded by seed funding from Backing Minds in 2019.

TrusTrace, a SaaS company with for product traceability and compliance, has announced the completion of a (U.S.) $24 million growth investment led by Circularity Capital, a specialist investor in businesses that enable the circular economy, with participation from existing investors Industrifonden and Fairpoint Capital.

According to Shameek Ghosh, CEO and Co-Founder of TrusTrace, the new investment will enable the company to further accelerate its global expansion ambitions by strengthening its presence in key markets, deepening product innovation and expanding collaborations – helping to create a global network where all value chains are traceable, circular, and fair.

Traceability has accelerated in importance and momentum as a key enabler of sustainable transformation, as evidenced by TrusTrace’s five-fold growth in subscription revenue in the 27 months since the previous growth round by Fairpoint Capital and Industrifonden in 2021, preceded by seed funding from Backing Minds in 2019.

With more than a billion products now tracked through the platform, TrusTrace has established itself as a business-critical solution for supply chain traceability. TrusTrace customers include adidas, Brooks Running, Tapestry, Asics and many more. TrusTrace also plans to offer its services to regional and mid-size brands in 2024.

Patrick Strumpf - CEO Photo: Haelixia
Patrick Strumpf - CEO

Haelixa: new CEO and new member to Board of Directors

Haelixa, a provider of physical traceability solutions, announceed the appointment of a new CEO, Patrick Strumpf, and the addition of Stefan Karlen to the Board of Directors. These positions shall mark a significant step in Haelixa’s mission to advance the growth of supply chain transparency solutions and drive positive change in the industry.

Patrick Strumpf joins Haelixa as its new CEO; he has over 20 years of experience building and scaling up businesses. Thanks to his strong entrepreneurial background, he has excelled in various manufacturing, distribution, and retail roles. Strumpf’s proven leadership, commercial acumen and strong customer focus will ensure the company keeps pushing its boundaries and attains even greater heights of success. “I am excited about the Haelixa traceability solution. It sets the highest standards and delivers outstanding advantages to brands and manufacturers who position themselves as innovation leaders, especially regarding compliance and credibility issues.”

Haelixa, a provider of physical traceability solutions, announceed the appointment of a new CEO, Patrick Strumpf, and the addition of Stefan Karlen to the Board of Directors. These positions shall mark a significant step in Haelixa’s mission to advance the growth of supply chain transparency solutions and drive positive change in the industry.

Patrick Strumpf joins Haelixa as its new CEO; he has over 20 years of experience building and scaling up businesses. Thanks to his strong entrepreneurial background, he has excelled in various manufacturing, distribution, and retail roles. Strumpf’s proven leadership, commercial acumen and strong customer focus will ensure the company keeps pushing its boundaries and attains even greater heights of success. “I am excited about the Haelixa traceability solution. It sets the highest standards and delivers outstanding advantages to brands and manufacturers who position themselves as innovation leaders, especially regarding compliance and credibility issues.”

Stefan Karlen joins Haelixa’s Board of Directors; he brings over 30 years of experience in the supply chain industry, having served as the Group CEO of Panalpina, one of the world’s leading freight forwarding and logistics companies. With his deep understanding of global supply chains and expertise in building solid teams, Karlen will provide valuable insights to Haelixa’s Board of Directors. His track record of driving innovation is instrumental in shaping the company’s strategic direction. “I am passionate about environmental responsibility and bringing positive change”, said Karlen. He added, “I identify with Haelixa’s values and am excited to leverage my skills to a company that prioritises sustainability and integrity.”

More information:
Haelixa CEO Board of Directors
