From the Sector

1628 results
(c) Madewell / ISKO

Madewell launches denim with ISKO fabrics that are bluesign® APPROVED

Madewell has created a denim style using bluesign® APPROVED ISKO fabrics, prioritizing sustainability in the production of a pair of women’s denim jeans. The jeans are made with ISKO’s fabrics that are dyed and finished with bluesign® APPROVED chemical products and produced in a resource-conserving way with a minimum impact on people and the environment. ISKO’s Reform™ technology, one of the denim ingredient brand’s most successful patented stretch innovations, has obtained bluesign® APPROVED status, which is a unique challenge for a denim mill.

The bluesign® APPROVED label is awarded only to the bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNER manufacturers that meet the strict safety and environmental requirements of the bluesign® CRITERIA, such as ensuring production sites are safe for workers, reducing CO2e emissions and water consumption, as well as avoiding hazardous substances in production among many others.

Madewell has created a denim style using bluesign® APPROVED ISKO fabrics, prioritizing sustainability in the production of a pair of women’s denim jeans. The jeans are made with ISKO’s fabrics that are dyed and finished with bluesign® APPROVED chemical products and produced in a resource-conserving way with a minimum impact on people and the environment. ISKO’s Reform™ technology, one of the denim ingredient brand’s most successful patented stretch innovations, has obtained bluesign® APPROVED status, which is a unique challenge for a denim mill.

The bluesign® APPROVED label is awarded only to the bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNER manufacturers that meet the strict safety and environmental requirements of the bluesign® CRITERIA, such as ensuring production sites are safe for workers, reducing CO2e emissions and water consumption, as well as avoiding hazardous substances in production among many others.

More information:
Isko bluesign® Madewell Denim



BVMed gründet eigenes wissenschaftliches Institut

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat ein wissenschaftliches Institut gegründet, das sich unter anderem der Versorgungs- und Gesundheitssystemforschung sowie methodischen Fragen der Nutzenbewertung und des Health Technology Assessments (HTA) von Medizinprodukten widmen wird. „Zielsetzung des Institutes ist die Aufbereitung und methodische Diskussion von Evidenz zur Stärkung und Sicherung der Patientenversorgung mit Medizinprodukten“, so die Leiterin des BVMed-Instituts, Anne Spranger, auf der Jahrespressekonferenz des deutschen Medizintechnik-Verbandes.

Das BVMed-Institut wird dazu mit den relevanten Institutionen, beispielsweise den wissenschaftlichen Instituten der Krankenkassen, anderen Forschungseinrichtungen und auch Fachgesellschaften in Dialog treten sowie eine Übersicht zu Datenquellen und -methoden erarbeiten. Dazu sind eigene Auswertungen und Publikationen geplant. Zu den weiteren Aufgaben gehört die Organisation von Informations- und Fortbildungsformaten und die Erstellung von Leitfäden.

Der Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) hat ein wissenschaftliches Institut gegründet, das sich unter anderem der Versorgungs- und Gesundheitssystemforschung sowie methodischen Fragen der Nutzenbewertung und des Health Technology Assessments (HTA) von Medizinprodukten widmen wird. „Zielsetzung des Institutes ist die Aufbereitung und methodische Diskussion von Evidenz zur Stärkung und Sicherung der Patientenversorgung mit Medizinprodukten“, so die Leiterin des BVMed-Instituts, Anne Spranger, auf der Jahrespressekonferenz des deutschen Medizintechnik-Verbandes.

Das BVMed-Institut wird dazu mit den relevanten Institutionen, beispielsweise den wissenschaftlichen Instituten der Krankenkassen, anderen Forschungseinrichtungen und auch Fachgesellschaften in Dialog treten sowie eine Übersicht zu Datenquellen und -methoden erarbeiten. Dazu sind eigene Auswertungen und Publikationen geplant. Zu den weiteren Aufgaben gehört die Organisation von Informations- und Fortbildungsformaten und die Erstellung von Leitfäden.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

Photo: Unsplash, Sheraz Shaikh

C.L.A.S.S. presents its new partner Orange Fiber

Founded in Catania, Italy in 2014, Orange Fiber has developed a process to transform what remains from the industrial pressing process of citrus fruits for juice into a unique textile material. The innovative process has been patented in Italy and extended to major citrus juice producing countries around the world.

Recently, Orange Fiber and the Lenzing Group, a leading manufacturer of textile fibers specialties from wood, started a collaboration to produce the first lyocell fiber branded TENCEL™ composed of cellulose from orange and from wood. Produced using the same closed-loop process as the TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers, the TENCEL™ Limited Edition x Orange Fiber contributes to promote sustainability in the textiles. The name of the fiber is LENZING Lyocell LE orange, abbreviated to OF in the yarn and in the fabric composition.

Founded in Catania, Italy in 2014, Orange Fiber has developed a process to transform what remains from the industrial pressing process of citrus fruits for juice into a unique textile material. The innovative process has been patented in Italy and extended to major citrus juice producing countries around the world.

Recently, Orange Fiber and the Lenzing Group, a leading manufacturer of textile fibers specialties from wood, started a collaboration to produce the first lyocell fiber branded TENCEL™ composed of cellulose from orange and from wood. Produced using the same closed-loop process as the TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers, the TENCEL™ Limited Edition x Orange Fiber contributes to promote sustainability in the textiles. The name of the fiber is LENZING Lyocell LE orange, abbreviated to OF in the yarn and in the fabric composition.



(c) BVMed

BVMed: „Kosten-Tsunami“ bei aufsaugenden Inkontinenzprodukten

Die im Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) organisierten Hersteller von aufsaugenden Inkontinenzprodukten schlagen aufgrund explodierender Rohstoff-, Transport- und Energiepreise Alarm. Der steigende Preisdruck wird durch sinkende Monatspauschalen in den Hilfsmittel-Versorgungsverträgen mit Krankenkassen noch verstärkt. „Die Schere zwischen sinkenden Erstattungspreisen und steigenden Produktionskosten nimmt stetig zu. Dieser Kosten-Tsunami gefährdet die medizinische Versorgungsqualität der Betroffenen“, so BVMed-Expertin Juliane Pohl, Leiterin des Referats Ambulante Versorgung. Der BVMed sieht dringenden Handlungsbedarf, um die qualitätsgefährdenden Mechanismen der bestehenden Pauschalsystematik zu überwinden.

Die Bewältigung der COVID-19-Pandemie und der Ukraine-Krieg haben die Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen und Energie, die globalen Lieferketten sowie das Transportwesen stark beeinträchtigt. Diese Veränderungen führen zu immensen Preissteigerungen, die sich unmittelbar auf die Herstellung von Medizinprodukten auswirken – darunter die Produktion von Hilfsmitteln zur aufsaugenden Inkontinenzversorgung. Ein paar Beispiele zu den Auswirkungen:

Die im Bundesverband Medizintechnologie (BVMed) organisierten Hersteller von aufsaugenden Inkontinenzprodukten schlagen aufgrund explodierender Rohstoff-, Transport- und Energiepreise Alarm. Der steigende Preisdruck wird durch sinkende Monatspauschalen in den Hilfsmittel-Versorgungsverträgen mit Krankenkassen noch verstärkt. „Die Schere zwischen sinkenden Erstattungspreisen und steigenden Produktionskosten nimmt stetig zu. Dieser Kosten-Tsunami gefährdet die medizinische Versorgungsqualität der Betroffenen“, so BVMed-Expertin Juliane Pohl, Leiterin des Referats Ambulante Versorgung. Der BVMed sieht dringenden Handlungsbedarf, um die qualitätsgefährdenden Mechanismen der bestehenden Pauschalsystematik zu überwinden.

Die Bewältigung der COVID-19-Pandemie und der Ukraine-Krieg haben die Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen und Energie, die globalen Lieferketten sowie das Transportwesen stark beeinträchtigt. Diese Veränderungen führen zu immensen Preissteigerungen, die sich unmittelbar auf die Herstellung von Medizinprodukten auswirken – darunter die Produktion von Hilfsmitteln zur aufsaugenden Inkontinenzversorgung. Ein paar Beispiele zu den Auswirkungen:

  • Die Kosten für Superabsorber haben sich mehr als verdreifacht.
  • Die Kosten für Zellstoff, Polypropylen und Polyethylen haben sich mehr als verdoppelt.
  • Zusätzlich treibt die Verfünffachung der Energiepreise die Herstellkosten in ungeahnte Höhen.
  • Die nationalen und weltweiten Logistikkosten sind zudem aufgrund fehlender Transportkapazitäten und höherer Preise für Kraftstoffe, Verpackungen, Container und Paletten massiv gestiegen.

Zum Hintergrund der Versorgungsproblematik erläutert der BVMed, dass die Versorgung von Patient:innen mit Hilfsmitteln zur aufsaugenden Inkontinenzversorgung durch entsprechend qualifizierte Hilfsmittelleistungserbringer wie Sanitätshäuser oder Homecare-Versorger erfolgt. Diese vereinbaren mit Krankenkassen eine Erstattung für die monatliche Versorgung mit den Produkten sowie den dazu gehörigen Dienstleistungen wie die Auswahl des individuell erforderlichen Produkts, die Einweisung sowie die Unterstützung bei Komplikationen.

Das Problem: Die besondere Systematik bei der Vereinbarung dieser Erstattungsbeträge führt zu Vergütungen im sehr niedrigen zweistelligen Bereich. Die durchschnittliche Monatspauschale liegt aktuell bei unter 17 Euro für Versorgungen in der Häuslichkeit. Diese Pauschale umfasst alle individuell erforderlichen Produkte und Dienstleistungen sowie Logistik und sonstige Administration. Alle an der Versorgung Beteiligten seien nun aufgefordert, geeignete Antworten auf diese dramatischen Entwicklungen zu finden und Gegenmaßnahmen einzuleiten.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.


Kornit Digital issues Second-Annual Impact Report

Kornit Digital Ltd. unveiled its Impact Report for 2021 highlighting progress made against goals and further expanding its commitment to a long-term strategy designed to transform the world of fashion and textiles into one that is more sustainable. The comprehensive analysis details Kornit’s performance related to climate action, waste management, green chemistry, and diversity in the workplace, as well as other areas of the Company’s Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) framework.

Key Accomplishments Against Baseline (2021)  
Kornit’s ongoing dedication to improving ESG practices within its own operations has resulted in Company-wide achievements in the areas of:

Climate Action and Waste Management*

  • ~16% reduction in GHG emissions intensity from x 9.11-e to 7.68 MTCO2-e
  • 39% reduction in hazardous waste intensity from 1.7 tons to 1.04 tons
  • 57% reduction in non-hazardous waste intensity from 33 tons to 14 tons

Green Chemistry

Kornit Digital Ltd. unveiled its Impact Report for 2021 highlighting progress made against goals and further expanding its commitment to a long-term strategy designed to transform the world of fashion and textiles into one that is more sustainable. The comprehensive analysis details Kornit’s performance related to climate action, waste management, green chemistry, and diversity in the workplace, as well as other areas of the Company’s Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) framework.

Key Accomplishments Against Baseline (2021)  
Kornit’s ongoing dedication to improving ESG practices within its own operations has resulted in Company-wide achievements in the areas of:

Climate Action and Waste Management*

  • ~16% reduction in GHG emissions intensity from x 9.11-e to 7.68 MTCO2-e
  • 39% reduction in hazardous waste intensity from 1.7 tons to 1.04 tons
  • 57% reduction in non-hazardous waste intensity from 33 tons to 14 tons

Green Chemistry

  • Complete elimination of Acute Toxic Amines (CLP category 1, 2, 3) CMR
  • 20% reduction of VOC level in Robusto Inkset and 30% of VOC in Eco Ink/Green

DEI and Community Engagement

  • An increase in women in management, from 30% to 35%
  • Reporting 88% of employees feeling respected and free to be authentic at work - *Intensity measures are per $1 million of revenue.

Kornit Digital’s Impact Strategy
Propelled by an ambition to make a positive impact across all areas of its business and throughout the fashion and textile industries, Kornit further adjusted its Impact Strategy this year towards more expansive, longer-term goals and objectives. Kornit’s refined strategy reflects the Company's dual role as a change agent in the industry—both as a leader empowering the fashion industry to be more sustainable, and as an accountable participant responsible for embracing social and environmental change to make the world a better place.  
The holistic strategy accounts for both roles, across two fundamental pillars—"Enable the Change” and “Be the Change”—and incorporates both social and environmental KPIs designed to meet the Company’s goals and respond to stakeholders’ input, as well as industry and ecosystem needs

Kornit is officially unveiling the report during a press event at PRINTING United Expo 2022.

*Intensity measures are per $1 million of revenue.


Kornit Digital

(c) INDA

INDA announces new dates for IDEA®

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announces new dates for the 22nd edition of IDEA® – The World’s Preeminent Event for Nonwovens & Engineered Fabrics. Originally scheduled to take place April 23-25, 2024, IDEA® now will be held April 29-May 1, 2025, at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, FL.

In 2022, IDEA® attracted 5,000 participants from across the global supply chain to engage with nonwovens & engineered materials senior-level leaders at the Miami Beach Convention Center. IDEA® 2022 was co-located with the second FiltXPO™, an exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively to filtration and separation.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announces new dates for the 22nd edition of IDEA® – The World’s Preeminent Event for Nonwovens & Engineered Fabrics. Originally scheduled to take place April 23-25, 2024, IDEA® now will be held April 29-May 1, 2025, at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, FL.

In 2022, IDEA® attracted 5,000 participants from across the global supply chain to engage with nonwovens & engineered materials senior-level leaders at the Miami Beach Convention Center. IDEA® 2022 was co-located with the second FiltXPO™, an exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively to filtration and separation.



Photo: Andritz

ANDRITZ to install Metris predictive maintenance system for spunlace line

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Welspun Advanced Materials, India, to supply a Metris predictive maintenance system for its spunlace production line at the Telangana plant. This will be the first Metris solutions system to be installed in a spunlace line in India.

The integrated Metris platform developed by ANDRITZ uses smart sensors as an energy self-sufficient and seamless support solution to monitor machine conditions continuously, even in areas that are difficult to access. As a result, analysis of the data collected allows clients to pinpoint every possible issue upfront and helps to enhance line performance.

The Metris predictive maintenance system will enable Welspun Advanced Materials to increase its operating efficiency by:

  • avoiding unexpected line shutdowns, thus increasing performance
  • enabling easy operation along the entire line
  • optimizing maintenance organization and planning

This order follows the start-up of the newly installed, complete high-speed ANDRITZ spunlace line at the Telangana plant.

International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Welspun Advanced Materials, India, to supply a Metris predictive maintenance system for its spunlace production line at the Telangana plant. This will be the first Metris solutions system to be installed in a spunlace line in India.

The integrated Metris platform developed by ANDRITZ uses smart sensors as an energy self-sufficient and seamless support solution to monitor machine conditions continuously, even in areas that are difficult to access. As a result, analysis of the data collected allows clients to pinpoint every possible issue upfront and helps to enhance line performance.

The Metris predictive maintenance system will enable Welspun Advanced Materials to increase its operating efficiency by:

  • avoiding unexpected line shutdowns, thus increasing performance
  • enabling easy operation along the entire line
  • optimizing maintenance organization and planning

This order follows the start-up of the newly installed, complete high-speed ANDRITZ spunlace line at the Telangana plant.

(c) IDTechex

Innovations in wearable sensor technology through watches and skin patches

IDTechEx report: Wearable Sensors 2023-2033

Overall, this report provides insight into how wearable sensors could be integrated into society long term - the technology underpinning value within the trend towards 'the quantified self'. The main drivers for growth identified are digital health and remote patient monitoring, extended reality, and the metaverse and performance analytics of athletes and sports people.

IDTechEx report: Wearable Sensors 2023-2033

Overall, this report provides insight into how wearable sensors could be integrated into society long term - the technology underpinning value within the trend towards 'the quantified self'. The main drivers for growth identified are digital health and remote patient monitoring, extended reality, and the metaverse and performance analytics of athletes and sports people.

More people than ever before are turning to wearable sensors to monitor their activity levels. Despite its origin in simple step counting, the market for wearable sensors is expanding into the more complex arena of health monitoring. Innovations in wearable sensor technology are expanding the envelope of biometrics accessible through watches and skin patches, addressing the rising demand for remote patient monitoring and decentralized clinical trials but also increasing consumer expectations. This includes easier access to health data, and extends further to sensor integration into headsets and accessories for immersive AR/VR experiences.
Motion sensors finding applications beyond step counting
Motion sensing hardware is well established, with accelerometers integrated into almost every wearable. Therefore, as profit margins for manufacturers diminish with commoditization, expanding the application space is crucial to maintain growth. This report provides an outlook for emerging use cases such as health insurance rewards, clinical trials, and professional athlete monitoring.
Optical sensors seeking to go further than heart-rate detection
Smart-watch wearers are familiar with the red and green lights on the back of their devices, used to obtain heart-rate data or blood oxygen and further analyzed for insights into calorie burn, VO2 max, and sleep quality.
Sensor developers are interested in pushing the boundaries of what can be measured non-invasively with light - whether it be through new software to analyze photoplethysmography (PPG) signals or new hardware for spectroscopy. Multiple companies are competing to lead in the commercialization of wearable blood pressure, with others setting their sights on ambitious 'clinic on the wrist' devices to replace common hospital tests and even glucose monitoring. This report appraises the potential for optical sensors, and overviews challenges for calibration requirements and regulatory approval.
Monitoring of the heart, muscle, and brain
Incorporating conductive materials into wearable technology is a simple concept. However, it has led to a vast variety of wearables sensors including wet electrodes stuck on the skin to measure the heart, dry electrodes in headphones to analyze brain signals, and microneedles within skin patches to quantify muscle movements. As such, this also creates a broad application space for electrodes ranging from vital sign monitoring and sleep analysis for healthcare, to emotional response and stress monitoring for marketing and productivity. This report dedicates a section to the four key categories of electrodes: wet, dry, microneedle, and electronic skin. This includes a summary of key material and manufacturing requirements.
Wearable sensors are fundamental to continuous monitoring of health, fitness, and wellness. As applications for wearable technology grow, there are increasing opportunities for sensors that detect parameters ranging from glucose levels to pressure and from motion to temperature. Based on a decade of market research on wearable technology hardware, this report analyses the technological and commercial landscape of this growing industry, both today and into the future. IDTechEx's research in wearables tracks the progress of over 50 wearable electronic product types. Within each of these products, a key focus of the research has been understanding and characterizing the prevalence of sensor types integrated into each.

More information:
wearable sensors IDTechex


Dr. Isabella Tonaco Photo: SCTI

Isabella Tonaco Executive Director at SCTI

Sustainable Chemistry for the Textile Industry (SCTI™) has appointed Dr. Isabella Tonaco as Executive Director, effective November 1, 2022. With a mandate to inspire and trigger action at a global level, she will lead SCTI to drive transformational change in the textile and leather industries.
Launched two years ago by seven of the world's leading chemical companies, the SCTI Alliance aims to enable brands, retailers and manufacturers to apply cutting-edge sustainable chemistry solutions that enhance the well-being of factory workers, local communities, consumers and the planet.
Dr. Tonaco will oversee SCTI activities to implement this mission. Based in Germany, she will work with SCTI member companies and stakeholders across the textile and leather value chain to help the industry achieve the highest levels of sustainability. Dr. Tonaco will report to the SCTI Executive Committee.

Sustainable Chemistry for the Textile Industry (SCTI™) has appointed Dr. Isabella Tonaco as Executive Director, effective November 1, 2022. With a mandate to inspire and trigger action at a global level, she will lead SCTI to drive transformational change in the textile and leather industries.
Launched two years ago by seven of the world's leading chemical companies, the SCTI Alliance aims to enable brands, retailers and manufacturers to apply cutting-edge sustainable chemistry solutions that enhance the well-being of factory workers, local communities, consumers and the planet.
Dr. Tonaco will oversee SCTI activities to implement this mission. Based in Germany, she will work with SCTI member companies and stakeholders across the textile and leather value chain to help the industry achieve the highest levels of sustainability. Dr. Tonaco will report to the SCTI Executive Committee.
Dr. Tonaco has more than a decade of experience in sustainability and has held various strategic and commercial roles in the chemical industry. Most recently, she was Vice President of Strategy Execution and Marketing for Renewable Polymers & Chemicals at Neste, a global leader in renewable and circular solutions. Previously, Dr. Tonaco worked for BASF, where she established and executed the company's global leadership position in certified sustainable palm-based ingredients for the Personal Care industry.

(c) BVMed

BVMed: Ergebnisse der Herbstumfrage 2022

Die Umsatzentwicklung der Medizintechnik-Branche zeigt sich nach den Ergebnissen der Herbstumfrage des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed) mit einem prognostizierten Plus von 3,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr leicht erholt. Die Gewinne der MedTech-Branche werden 2022 jedoch aufgrund der dramatischen Kostensteigerungen bei den Transport-, Rohstoff- und Energiepreisen sowie den regulatorischen Mehraufwand durch die EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) insgesamt zurückgehen. Dennoch schaffen die Unternehmen neue Arbeitsplätze und investieren in Produktionsstandorte, so das Ergebnis der BVMed-Herbstumfrage, die BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auf der Jahrespressekonferenz des MedTech-Verbandes vorstellte.

Die Kostensteigerungen und bürokratischen Hemmnisse durch die MDR führen zudem zu einem Rückgang der Innovationsdynamik der Branche. Der Innovationsklima-Index der MedTech-Branche ist mit 3,6 auf einer Zehnerskala auf einem Tiefstwert. „Das zeigt die Dramatik der Herausforderungen für die KMU-geprägte MedTech-Branche in Deutschland auf“, so Möll. An der Herbstumfrage nahmen 120 Mitgliedsunternehmen des BVMed teil.

Die Umsatzentwicklung der Medizintechnik-Branche zeigt sich nach den Ergebnissen der Herbstumfrage des Bundesverbandes Medizintechnologie (BVMed) mit einem prognostizierten Plus von 3,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr leicht erholt. Die Gewinne der MedTech-Branche werden 2022 jedoch aufgrund der dramatischen Kostensteigerungen bei den Transport-, Rohstoff- und Energiepreisen sowie den regulatorischen Mehraufwand durch die EU-Medizinprodukte-Verordnung (MDR) insgesamt zurückgehen. Dennoch schaffen die Unternehmen neue Arbeitsplätze und investieren in Produktionsstandorte, so das Ergebnis der BVMed-Herbstumfrage, die BVMed-Geschäftsführer Dr. Marc-Pierre Möll auf der Jahrespressekonferenz des MedTech-Verbandes vorstellte.

Die Kostensteigerungen und bürokratischen Hemmnisse durch die MDR führen zudem zu einem Rückgang der Innovationsdynamik der Branche. Der Innovationsklima-Index der MedTech-Branche ist mit 3,6 auf einer Zehnerskala auf einem Tiefstwert. „Das zeigt die Dramatik der Herausforderungen für die KMU-geprägte MedTech-Branche in Deutschland auf“, so Möll. An der Herbstumfrage nahmen 120 Mitgliedsunternehmen des BVMed teil.

Detaillierte Informationen zur Umfrage finden Sie hier.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) DiloGroup
Needle Module Holder

DiloGroup at India ITME 2022

DiloGroup will be attenting India ITME 2022 (December 8 – 13, 2022), an exhibition for the textile industry, which offers a central forum for dialogue within the textile production sector, including textile machine building, fibre production, ancillaries and accessories. For DiloGroup this event is a good oppportunity to inform customers and interested parties about new developments aimed at improving production technologies with a focus on needlefelts.

Focal points of the development work are:

DiloGroup will be attenting India ITME 2022 (December 8 – 13, 2022), an exhibition for the textile industry, which offers a central forum for dialogue within the textile production sector, including textile machine building, fibre production, ancillaries and accessories. For DiloGroup this event is a good oppportunity to inform customers and interested parties about new developments aimed at improving production technologies with a focus on needlefelts.

Focal points of the development work are:

  1. Intense Needling:
    The development efforts of DiloGroup aim at producing nonwovens by “intense needling” instead of water entangling, even for light nonwovens made of fine fibres for the medical and hygiene sector with an area weight of 30 – 100 g/m². This would result in a reduction of the environmentally relevant production costs; per annum to about 1/3 to 1/5 of current.
  2. “Fibre Pulp Recycling”
    Fibrous material in nonwovens and particularly used clothes can be successfully recycled, if staple length can be conserved in the tearing process. In the classical tearing process, staple lengths are dramatically reduced and therefore these fibres can only be used as base material for inferior uses in thermal or acoustic insulation or in protective textiles, transportation or protective covers etc.
    When recycling textile waste in the context of the collection of used clothes, the so called “filament-saving” tearing using special tearing machines and methods must be used to produce fibres with longer staple lengths which can be fed to a nonwoven installation. Hence product characteristics can be better specified and controlled.
  3. Additive nonwoven production
    The additive production method of the “3D-Lofter” is especially suited for automotive parts with differently distributed masses. It is also suited for uses in the sector of apparel and shoe production.
  4. “IsoFeed”-card feeding
    In the field of card feeding, the “IsoFeed” method offers great potential for a more homogeneous card feeding at the same time reducing the variation in cross-machine fibre mass distribution and thus the fibre consumption while conserving the end product quality.


(c) BVMed

BVMed und WifOR-Institut stellen Nachhaltigkeitsstudie der MedTech-Branche vor

Der Geschäftsführer des WifOR-Instituts, Prof. Dr. Dennis Ostwald, hat auf der BVMed-Jahrespressekonferenz am 13. Oktober 2022 die Nachhaltigkeitsstudie „SEE-Impact-Study der deutschen MedTech-Branche“ vorgestellt, die vom BVMed-Institut in Auftrag gegeben wurde.

Die SEE-Impact-Study untersucht die gesamte Wertschöpfungs- sowie vorgelagerte Lieferkette der Medizintechnik-Branche und zeigt neben dem ökonomischen auch den ökologischen und sozialen Fußabdruck der Produktionsseite auf. Damit wird erstmalig eine Standortbestimmung einer Branche für die sozialen und ökologischen Faktoren geschaffen, die die Herausforderungen identifiziert und quantifiziert. Hiermit schafft der BVMed für die Branche und seinen Mitgliedsunternehmen einen Orientierungsrahmen für die Entwicklung einer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Der Geschäftsführer des WifOR-Instituts, Prof. Dr. Dennis Ostwald, hat auf der BVMed-Jahrespressekonferenz am 13. Oktober 2022 die Nachhaltigkeitsstudie „SEE-Impact-Study der deutschen MedTech-Branche“ vorgestellt, die vom BVMed-Institut in Auftrag gegeben wurde.

Die SEE-Impact-Study untersucht die gesamte Wertschöpfungs- sowie vorgelagerte Lieferkette der Medizintechnik-Branche und zeigt neben dem ökonomischen auch den ökologischen und sozialen Fußabdruck der Produktionsseite auf. Damit wird erstmalig eine Standortbestimmung einer Branche für die sozialen und ökologischen Faktoren geschaffen, die die Herausforderungen identifiziert und quantifiziert. Hiermit schafft der BVMed für die Branche und seinen Mitgliedsunternehmen einen Orientierungsrahmen für die Entwicklung einer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) JEC Group

JEC Forum DACH reveals the Startup Booster Finalists

JEC Forum DACH‘s primary goal is to promote the DACH region’s dynamic composites ecosystem. Besides an extensive program of business meetings and conferences, innovation will have a special place in Augsburg from November 29 to 30, 2022 as attendees will have the opportunity to witness the JEC Composites Startup Booster and the AVK Awards. Winners of both competitions will be announced during a dedicated ceremony on November 29th.

The five finalists are:

BioWerkz: Closing the Loops
At BioWerkz a new bio-based, resource-efficient, and CO2-negative material called “NEWood” is developed,  using only wood waste and agricultural waste bound using fungal mycelium; the root network of mushrooms as a natural binder without the need for any synthetic binders.

Bufo Technology – HARDCORK: High-Performance Biobased Composite – Superior by nature
Bufo Technology has developed the high-performance composite material HARDCORK® made from cork, fibers and a thermosetting matrix. HARDCORK® can be manufactured as a core material, sandwich panel or complex molded part.

JEC Forum DACH‘s primary goal is to promote the DACH region’s dynamic composites ecosystem. Besides an extensive program of business meetings and conferences, innovation will have a special place in Augsburg from November 29 to 30, 2022 as attendees will have the opportunity to witness the JEC Composites Startup Booster and the AVK Awards. Winners of both competitions will be announced during a dedicated ceremony on November 29th.

The five finalists are:

BioWerkz: Closing the Loops
At BioWerkz a new bio-based, resource-efficient, and CO2-negative material called “NEWood” is developed,  using only wood waste and agricultural waste bound using fungal mycelium; the root network of mushrooms as a natural binder without the need for any synthetic binders.

Bufo Technology – HARDCORK: High-Performance Biobased Composite – Superior by nature
Bufo Technology has developed the high-performance composite material HARDCORK® made from cork, fibers and a thermosetting matrix. HARDCORK® can be manufactured as a core material, sandwich panel or complex molded part.

Cavicore: Water soluble salt cores for the production of hollow carbon fiber parts
CAVICORE produces ready-to-use water soluble cores for the realization of hollow composite parts. Their “lost cores” have the advantage of being temperature-resistant, stable as well as eco-friendly and recyclable, as they consist of pure salts without binders.

Composite Recycling: Closing the loop on Composite Materials
Composite Recycling has developed a highly energy efficient and sustainable process to separate the resin from the fibres. With the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, the team has designed a post-treatment to clean the fibres and make them reusable in new composites, closing the loop.

Microwave Solutions GmbH: Imagineering a sustainable future
Agile and modular microwave plasma and selective depolymerization technology for molecular recycling, fiber recovery and nanomaterial creation.

Photo: GOTS

GOTS celebrates 20-year anniversary with anti-greenwashing campaign

As a world’s leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) has been engaged in improving the textile industry for two decades. To commemorate this milestone, GOTS has initiated an awareness campaign to recognise those who have been with them along the way –friends, stakeholders and partners, workers and managers in GOTS certified companies, and the consumers who have supported the standard – from field to fashion.

The centrepiece of the campaign is the "Faces From Field to Fashion" video series. It’s a behind-the-scenes journey to the heart of GOTS, an introduction to the sights, sounds, and faces behind every GOTS product. Representing more than 4 million people working in GOTS certified facilities around the world, eight individuals give a glimpse into their lives and tell how they have been impacted by GOTS in unscripted and candid video portraits.

As a world’s leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) has been engaged in improving the textile industry for two decades. To commemorate this milestone, GOTS has initiated an awareness campaign to recognise those who have been with them along the way –friends, stakeholders and partners, workers and managers in GOTS certified companies, and the consumers who have supported the standard – from field to fashion.

The centrepiece of the campaign is the "Faces From Field to Fashion" video series. It’s a behind-the-scenes journey to the heart of GOTS, an introduction to the sights, sounds, and faces behind every GOTS product. Representing more than 4 million people working in GOTS certified facilities around the world, eight individuals give a glimpse into their lives and tell how they have been impacted by GOTS in unscripted and candid video portraits.

GOTS is inviting the public to celebrate from October through December, as the full video series is unveiled, along with a campaign landing page, creative contests, and fun giveaways. The festivities are expanded with interviews, articles, and other media partnerships.

More information:
GOTS greenwashing



Wirksamkeit von Thromboseprophylaxestrümpfen

  • Welt-Thrombose-Tag am 13. Oktober
  • BVMed: „Evidenz für mechanische Thromboseprophylaxe einbeziehen“

Die Lungenembolie ist eine der häufigsten tödlichen Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, jährlich sterben in Deutschland über 40.000 Menschen an ihren Folgen. Häufigste Ursache ist eine Thrombose. Für diese gibt es gute und moderne Präventionsmaßnahmen sowie Therapieoptionen. Die BVMed-Expert:innen im Fachbereich Mechanische Thrombosepropyhlaxe (FBMT) unterstützen daher die aktuelle Kampagne „Pro & Contra moderner Thrombose-Therapien!“ des Aktionsbündnisses Thrombose zum Welt-Thrombose-Tag am 13. Oktober.

  • Welt-Thrombose-Tag am 13. Oktober
  • BVMed: „Evidenz für mechanische Thromboseprophylaxe einbeziehen“

Die Lungenembolie ist eine der häufigsten tödlichen Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, jährlich sterben in Deutschland über 40.000 Menschen an ihren Folgen. Häufigste Ursache ist eine Thrombose. Für diese gibt es gute und moderne Präventionsmaßnahmen sowie Therapieoptionen. Die BVMed-Expert:innen im Fachbereich Mechanische Thrombosepropyhlaxe (FBMT) unterstützen daher die aktuelle Kampagne „Pro & Contra moderner Thrombose-Therapien!“ des Aktionsbündnisses Thrombose zum Welt-Thrombose-Tag am 13. Oktober.

Eine wichtige Entscheidungshilfe wird in Zukunft die S3-Leitlinie „Prophylaxe der venösen Thromboembolie (VTE)“ der medizinischen Fachgesellschaften sein. Die Veröffentlichung ist für Ende 2024 geplant. Der BVMed-Fachbereich weist auf die Notwendigkeit hin, bei der Aktualisierung Evidenz heranzuziehen. „Die Ergebnisse des Cochrane-Reviews zeigen beispielsweise die Wirksamkeit von medizinischen Thromboseprophylaxestrümpfen (MTPS) bei hospitalisierten Patient:innen zur Verhinderung von tiefen Venenthrombosen (TVT). Das muss in der Leitlinie einbezogen werden“, erklärt Juliane Pohl vom BVMed. Weitere Informationen zum Thema können unter abgerufen werden.

Wie viele wissenschaftliche Studien zeigen, bietet eine Kombination aus mechanischen und pharmakologischen Maßnahmen die beste Prävention vor einer venösen Thromboembolie und sollte immer auf einer individuellen Risikoabschätzung basieren.

Neben der medikamentösen Thromboseprophylaxe sind es vor allem die physikalischen Maßnahmen, die bei richtiger Anwendung einfach und nahezu nebenwirkungsfrei dazu beitragen, thromboembolische Komplikationen zu verhindern. Beispielsweise erhöhen medizinische Thromboseprophylaxestrümpfe bei immobilen Patient:innen die venöse Rückstromgeschwindigkeit und sorgen so in Kombination mit Arzneimitteln für einen optimierten Schutz vor einer Thromboembolie.

„Die physikalische Prophylaxe stellt eine der drei wesentlichen Säulen zur Verhinderung venöser Thrombosen und deren Folgen, wie dem postthrombotischen Syndrom oder der Lungenembolie, dar“, so der BVMed. „Ausschließlich pharmakologische Maßnahmen reichen nach dem heutigen Stand der Wissenschaft nicht aus. Wenn möglich, sollten physikalische und pharmakologische Maßnahmen sinnvoll miteinander kombiniert werden.“

More information:
BVMed Thrombosestrümpfe

BVMed | Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e.V.

(c) BTMA
The James Heal AirPro air permeability tester

BTMA: Testing equipment manufacturer James Heal celebrates 150th anniversary

Long-standing BTMA member James Heal is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, the company’s formation dating back to 1872, when it was listed as an oil and tallow merchant and mill furnisher in Yorkshire, UK.

Today, as a testing equipment manufacturer for textiles and nonwovens, James Heal continues to expand its range, with a focus on making testing simple – most notably with the introduction of its Performance Testing collection of instruments, most recently the AirPro and HydroView systems.

The new James Heal AirPro air permeability tester is used to test the resistance of the flow of air through woven, knitted and nonwoven textiles. Its software offers flexibility with standards and  comprehensive reporting options and different test head sizes are available, making it suitable for a range of applications and standards

Long-standing BTMA member James Heal is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, the company’s formation dating back to 1872, when it was listed as an oil and tallow merchant and mill furnisher in Yorkshire, UK.

Today, as a testing equipment manufacturer for textiles and nonwovens, James Heal continues to expand its range, with a focus on making testing simple – most notably with the introduction of its Performance Testing collection of instruments, most recently the AirPro and HydroView systems.

The new James Heal AirPro air permeability tester is used to test the resistance of the flow of air through woven, knitted and nonwoven textiles. Its software offers flexibility with standards and  comprehensive reporting options and different test head sizes are available, making it suitable for a range of applications and standards

The HydroView hydrostatic head tester is meanwhile designed to measure the penetration of water in materials which have an end use that requires water resistance, such as those in the medical, geotextiles and nonwovens sectors. It is also proving essential in the testing of end-use applications for technical textiles, such as in protective gloves, diving dry suits and winter sports apparel, to fishing waders, roofing, tenting, ground sheets and more.


OETI: 55 years of testing, certifying, accreditation and notification

As an accredited testing and certification body, the “OETI - Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH“ (OETI for short) has been successfully responding to prevailing market requirements for 55 years and, in the process, has made a name for itself worldwide. To mark its anniversary, this international centre of excellence with its origins in Austria is taking a look back at the most important milestones in its history as well as providing interesting insights into future developments.

As renowned flooring manufacturers founded the Austrian Carpet Institute on 25th of September 1967, no one could have imagined how successful the company would become. But even back then, one thing was clear to the experts: the need to establish a carpet research and testing centre in the form of an association. Today, over five decades later, OETI is a testing and certification services provider for OEKO-TEX® certificates and labels, textiles, leather, due diligence along the textile and leather supply chain as well as for personal protective equipment (PPE), flooring technology, furnishings and indoor air quality.

As an accredited testing and certification body, the “OETI - Institut fuer Oekologie, Technik und Innovation GmbH“ (OETI for short) has been successfully responding to prevailing market requirements for 55 years and, in the process, has made a name for itself worldwide. To mark its anniversary, this international centre of excellence with its origins in Austria is taking a look back at the most important milestones in its history as well as providing interesting insights into future developments.

As renowned flooring manufacturers founded the Austrian Carpet Institute on 25th of September 1967, no one could have imagined how successful the company would become. But even back then, one thing was clear to the experts: the need to establish a carpet research and testing centre in the form of an association. Today, over five decades later, OETI is a testing and certification services provider for OEKO-TEX® certificates and labels, textiles, leather, due diligence along the textile and leather supply chain as well as for personal protective equipment (PPE), flooring technology, furnishings and indoor air quality.

In 1992, OETI was a founding member of the ‘International OEKO-TEX® Association for Research and Testing in the Field of Textile and Leather Ecology’ with independent certifications and product labels. Ever since, OEKO-TEX® has enabled companies along the textile and leather supply chain and every consumer to make responsible decisions for safe, environmentally friendly and fairly manufactured products.

In line with its focus on sustainability, OETI and its Swiss parent company, TESTEX AG, wanted to build the new OETI headquarters using low energy construction techniques and ensure its carbon-neutral operation. To achieve these goals, the highest possible thermal insulation and energy optimisation standards were applied, while the carbon-neutral power supply is generated by its in-house photovoltaics system as well as domestic renewable energy.

The new headquarters, which the company moved into in 2021, provides space for 75 employees over 2,500m2 and boasts bright and perfectly equipped office areas. The laboratory areas, the analytical/chemical laboratory and the physical / fire laboratory were also designed based on the latest methods and technologies. This makes OETI, alongside its Swiss parent company TESTEX, the second fully fledged laboratory site in the entire, global TESTEX Group.

More information:
OETI Testex



GOTS revision: Second round of public comments

The second public consultation period for the GOTS Version 7.0 revision draft began October 3, and will last for 30 calendar days, ending October 31. The revised draft has incorporated input from contributors along with members of the Standard Revision Committee (SRC), a group of experts convened by GOTS to oversee the revision.

The first comment period, which ended in April, elicited 335 individual comments. Each comment was recorded and deliberated, and all changes have been logged and made available to the public on the GOTS website. During this second comment period, new topics will not be considered, but comments and input on decisions taken during the first comment period are encouraged.

The responses received in this comment period will be deliberated by the SRC through December 2022, and a final edition of GOTS Version 7.0 will be released in March of 2023. For certified entities, full implementation of Version 7.0 begins in March 2024.    

The second public consultation period for the GOTS Version 7.0 revision draft began October 3, and will last for 30 calendar days, ending October 31. The revised draft has incorporated input from contributors along with members of the Standard Revision Committee (SRC), a group of experts convened by GOTS to oversee the revision.

The first comment period, which ended in April, elicited 335 individual comments. Each comment was recorded and deliberated, and all changes have been logged and made available to the public on the GOTS website. During this second comment period, new topics will not be considered, but comments and input on decisions taken during the first comment period are encouraged.

The responses received in this comment period will be deliberated by the SRC through December 2022, and a final edition of GOTS Version 7.0 will be released in March of 2023. For certified entities, full implementation of Version 7.0 begins in March 2024.    

More information:
GOTS revision

Global Organic Textile Standard

Photo: Sellers Textile Engineers
Hybrid Shearing Cylinder

The Hybrid Shear by Sellers Textile Engineers

BTMA member Sellers Textile Engineers is marking its 110th anniversary this year with the introduction of a new concept in carpet shearing, as the essential final step in ensuring tuft uniformity and ‘just new’ freshness in finished carpet rolls.

The company has for many years offered two options in the construction of its shearing cylinders – the first, namely the ‘strap-on’, incorporates spiral blades bolted to the cylinder body and the second, known as the ‘caulked-in’, includes spirals which are fixed very securely in a machined groove within the machine.

The new Sellers’ Hybrid Shearing Cylinder combines the benefits of both, resulting in an improved cut and finer finish, in addition to longer repeatable finishing and increased rigidity.

BTMA member Sellers Textile Engineers is marking its 110th anniversary this year with the introduction of a new concept in carpet shearing, as the essential final step in ensuring tuft uniformity and ‘just new’ freshness in finished carpet rolls.

The company has for many years offered two options in the construction of its shearing cylinders – the first, namely the ‘strap-on’, incorporates spiral blades bolted to the cylinder body and the second, known as the ‘caulked-in’, includes spirals which are fixed very securely in a machined groove within the machine.

The new Sellers’ Hybrid Shearing Cylinder combines the benefits of both, resulting in an improved cut and finer finish, in addition to longer repeatable finishing and increased rigidity.

“The Hybrid Shearing Cylinder has all the advantages of the ‘strap-on’ spiral blade to provide a sharper and cleaner cut, along with enhanced rigidity which significantly lengthens the intervals between the necessary regrinding of the blade,” explains Sellers Director Neil Miller. “We currently have six Hybrid Shearing Cylinders operating in the field and the earliest, which has been installed in both No1 Head position, where the majority of the shearing operation and heaviest cut is performed, and also in No3 Head, where the sharper cutting angle has resulted in a much improved surface quality.”

Sellers shearing machines have led the field in carpet finishing for many decades, enabling the leading manufacturers to stay competitive by enabling the highest quality of finish to be achieved economically and efficiently.

The latest advanced features of these machines include a load cell tension control drive system, an automated touchscreen for easy operator control and fault diagnosis, an enhanced cleaning system including cylinder and blade separation and fully controllable pivoting beds. Further options include thickness monitoring, seam detection and metal detection systems.

“The Hybrid Shearing Cylinder will become standard on our latest machines and also be made available for retrofitting, to provide significant benefits to our existing users,” says Miller. “All of our equipment is designed, manufactured, assembled and tested at our plant in the UK, and as one of the few remaining European engineering companies to make all of our components in-house – with now over a century of accumulated know-how – flexibility in design allows our finishing solutions to be targeted to specific customers and their product requirements. Aligned to this is a lead in process control systems which ensure the accurate control, reliability and repeatability of the processing parameters on all of our machines.”

Sellers remains committed to providing complete finishing solutions for all carpet, tile and artificial grass products. Its range includes machines for tufted secondary backing, both conventional, powder and extrusion lamination, Wilton and Axminster products, artificial grass and foam lines, coating lines for bitumen, PVC, PU and other polymers, as well as shearing for all carpet products.

Ongoing developments on the company’s coating and drying lines have resulted in improved guiding and product tension control as well as dryer efficiency, reducing heat loss and optimising energy use. These include a re-design of the fan pressure boxes and impingement nozzles to increase airflow efficiency, modulating gas burners and introducing easy clean, accessible filters.

In addition, the proven dual zone system has been enhanced, giving a temperature differential of up to 80°C between top and bottom zones. Dryers can be heated by either gas or steam and operation and access have been simplified with controls via touchscreen and PLC.

An extensive range of ancillary equipment is available to provide maximum flexibility to cover product requirements, for both new processing lines and as upgrades to existing equipment.

“Carpet manufacturing is now based on well-established, tried and trusted processes and it’s rare for new innovations to be introduced into this sector,” says Jason Kent, CEO of the British Textile Machinery Association. “The new Sellers Hybrid Shearing Cylinder can provide a competitive edge for manufacturers which is currently being proven in the field. It’s one of a number of new innovations the company is planning to showcase at next year’s ITMA exhibition in Milan.”

(c) Mimaki Europe B.V.

Mimaki announces Third Virtual Global Innovation Days Event

Mimaki announce their third Global Innovation Days (19th – 21st October 2022). This collaborative virtual experience unites Mimaki’s regional offices to discuss trends across the different markets and the American, Asian, and European regions operated in by Mimaki, through a series of live and pre-recorded demonstrations, webinars, and round-table discussions. The programme of events will be led by experts from Mimaki Europe, Japan, USA and Australia.

With a focus on addressing the queries and requirements across the many facets of the print industry, the event will see collaborations with the likes of FESPA, from whom spokespeople will be attending to discuss the latest trends and innovations identified at FESPA this year, as well as a look ahead to next year’s event and what people can expect to see.

Mimaki announce their third Global Innovation Days (19th – 21st October 2022). This collaborative virtual experience unites Mimaki’s regional offices to discuss trends across the different markets and the American, Asian, and European regions operated in by Mimaki, through a series of live and pre-recorded demonstrations, webinars, and round-table discussions. The programme of events will be led by experts from Mimaki Europe, Japan, USA and Australia.

With a focus on addressing the queries and requirements across the many facets of the print industry, the event will see collaborations with the likes of FESPA, from whom spokespeople will be attending to discuss the latest trends and innovations identified at FESPA this year, as well as a look ahead to next year’s event and what people can expect to see.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to further explore the latest additions to Mimaki’s product portfolio, with demonstrations of the technologies and the applications that they are able to create coming live from the Mimaki showroom in Amsterdam. The 330 series, including the JV330-160, CJV330-160 and TS330-1600, will be showcased, as well as the full-colour capabilities of the 3DUJ-2207 3D printer, and Mimaki’s latest flatbed printer, the JFX600-2513, which boasts speeds thrice superior to that of its predecessor. Another highlight of the event will be a discussion held with leading print media and software vendors, to examine the current market trends from outside of the manufacturing perspective.


Mimaki Europe B.V.