From the Sector

5845 results
Dibella increases purchase of Cotton made in Africa Cotton (c) Martin Kielmann/Cotton made in Africa

Dibella increases purchase of Cotton made in Africa Cotton

  • Dibella increases the use of Cotton made in Africa cotton according to the mass balance system from 300,000kg in 2023 to 750,000kg in 2024.

With Cotton made in Africa (CmiA), Dibella is making its business model even more sustainable. This enables the company to minimise its environmental impact and support the people in the growing regions. Dibella relies on the CmiA mass balance system in the chain to achieve its corporate goal of "increasing the use of sustainable fibres".

  • Dibella increases the use of Cotton made in Africa cotton according to the mass balance system from 300,000kg in 2023 to 750,000kg in 2024.

With Cotton made in Africa (CmiA), Dibella is making its business model even more sustainable. This enables the company to minimise its environmental impact and support the people in the growing regions. Dibella relies on the CmiA mass balance system in the chain to achieve its corporate goal of "increasing the use of sustainable fibres".

Cotton made in Africa initiative is an internationally recognised standard for sustainable cotton grown by African smallholder farmers. With up to 13% less greenhouse gas emissions, CmiA-verified cotton has a significantly lower impact on the environment than the global average and also supports village communities in Africa beyond sustainable cotton cultivation. CmiA supports smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa in the sustainable cultivation of genetically unmodified cotton and is committed to improving working conditions in ginning factories. Through a licence fee, which is paid by customers like Dibella, the farmers receive training and access to operating resources in order to reduce the use of pesticides and increase the quality of their cotton and yields from their fields at the same time.

Cotton made in Africa takes a pragmatic approach to the processing of its cotton with two different models in order to best meet the demands for transparency and feasibility in the chain: The Hard Identity Preserved System and the Mass Balance System; Dibella has opted for the latter. While CmiA-verified cotton is always traded separately from other cotton right up to the spinning mill and can therefore be traced seamlessly from the growing region to the ginning plant to the spinning mill, the mass balance system allows CmiA cotton to be mixed with cotton of other origins at the spinning mill level as long as a balance between cotton purchases and CmiA-labelled yarns is ensured. This principle ensures the purchase of sustainably grown fibres and helps Dibella to bring a larger quantity of sustainable cotton into its textile cycle, which ultimately benefits smallholder farmers.


Dibella GmbH

1000 international exhibitors at DOMOTEX 2024 (c) Deutsche Messe AG

Over 1000 international exhibitors at DOMOTEX 2024

From 11 to 14 January 2024, the global carpet and flooring industry will meet at the Hannover exhibition grounds to discuss new products and current industry trends. With 1,000 international exhibitors, DOMOTEX promises a comprehensive overview of the Flooring und Carpets & Rugs sectors.

In addition to top exhibitors from the Carpets & Rugs sector, numerous global brands from the flooring industry will be exhibiting.
Well-known and long-standing exhibitors such as Area Floors, Amorim, Lamett, Li & Co, Camsan, Design Parquet, CFL Flooring, AGT, Forestry Timber, STP, SWISS KRONO, Decospan, Massive Holding, Floorify and Granorte have confirmed their participation. However, new exhibitors or those who have not participated for several years are also back in 2024 – including Kronospan and Kaindl, mFlor, Onefloor, Republic, Classen, Gerflor and MeisterWerke. From the field of application and installation technology, Neuhofer, SELIT, Välinge, Estillon, Shaper Origin, ADESIV, KLEIBERIT and i4F have also announced their participation.

From 11 to 14 January 2024, the global carpet and flooring industry will meet at the Hannover exhibition grounds to discuss new products and current industry trends. With 1,000 international exhibitors, DOMOTEX promises a comprehensive overview of the Flooring und Carpets & Rugs sectors.

In addition to top exhibitors from the Carpets & Rugs sector, numerous global brands from the flooring industry will be exhibiting.
Well-known and long-standing exhibitors such as Area Floors, Amorim, Lamett, Li & Co, Camsan, Design Parquet, CFL Flooring, AGT, Forestry Timber, STP, SWISS KRONO, Decospan, Massive Holding, Floorify and Granorte have confirmed their participation. However, new exhibitors or those who have not participated for several years are also back in 2024 – including Kronospan and Kaindl, mFlor, Onefloor, Republic, Classen, Gerflor and MeisterWerke. From the field of application and installation technology, Neuhofer, SELIT, Välinge, Estillon, Shaper Origin, ADESIV, KLEIBERIT and i4F have also announced their participation.

In addition to the main exhibition, DOMOTEX will offer a variety of side events designed to provide important impulses for the day-to-day business of all trade visitors

For the second time, THE GREEN COLLECTION in Hall 23 will highlight the latest developments in the fields of sustainability, circular economy and environmental protection in the carpet and flooring industry for visitors to experience first-hand. The special display includes current research projects by TFI Aachen, a haptic material show by raumprobe and product presentations by companies such as Uzin Utz, Classen and Gerflor.

In collaboration with DECOR-UNION and the MEGA Group, DOMOTEX will be expanding its portfolio to include the two product segments "wall" and "ceiling" for the first time. In addition to other flooring suppliers, the RETAILERS' PARK in Hall 19/20 will feature products for holistic interior design, including paints and coatings from Südwest, Meffert and PPG Coatings as well as wallpapers from AS and Erfurt. Participants can also look forward to practical solutions for their day-to-day business, presented in the area's own user forum through hands-on live demonstrations.

DOMOTEX on Stage
The conference program in Hall 23 features experts from the retail sector, associations, architecture, interior design, trade and politics, who will offer a holistic view of the topics of the future for the entire industry. On Friday, 12 January, German politician and member of the European Parliament Reinhard Bütikofer will give a presentation on the European Green Deal. Joachim Stumpp, Managing Director of raumprobe, and Chiara Rodriguez from Materially will report on sustainable materials. In addition to sustainability, topics relating to trends, new work and the shortage of skilled workers will also play a keyrole at DOMOTEX on Stage.


Deutsche Messe AG


Design trifft auf Nachhaltigkeit: Installation Circles auf der imm cologne

Zu den Highlights des Messekonzepts „The Circles“ auf der imm cologne 2024 gehören die Installation Circles. Drei international renommierte Designstudios präsentieren hier ihre in Szene gesetzten Installationen zu den Themen „Welcome to Stay“, „Sense of Surface“ und „Impact of Light“.

Auf kreisrunden, kompakten Flächen werden die skulpturalen Installationen inszeniert und sollen das Fachpublikum zum Erkunden, Innehalten und Genießen einladen. Sinnlich, konzeptionsstark und nachhaltig stellen STUDIO DESSí, Raw-Edges Design Studio und VANTOT ihre Ideen von Hospitality, Material und Licht vor und lassen die Objekte zu Anziehungspunkten der Messe werden.

Zu den Highlights des Messekonzepts „The Circles“ auf der imm cologne 2024 gehören die Installation Circles. Drei international renommierte Designstudios präsentieren hier ihre in Szene gesetzten Installationen zu den Themen „Welcome to Stay“, „Sense of Surface“ und „Impact of Light“.

Auf kreisrunden, kompakten Flächen werden die skulpturalen Installationen inszeniert und sollen das Fachpublikum zum Erkunden, Innehalten und Genießen einladen. Sinnlich, konzeptionsstark und nachhaltig stellen STUDIO DESSí, Raw-Edges Design Studio und VANTOT ihre Ideen von Hospitality, Material und Licht vor und lassen die Objekte zu Anziehungspunkten der Messe werden.

STUDIO DESSí: „Welcome to Stay“
Die dominierende Form bei dem Installation Circle zum Thema Hospitality ist das Dach – denn „das Dach erschien uns als reinste Form von Welcoming“, so Marco Dessí von STUDIO DESSí. Der in Wien lebende Designer gestaltet ein temporäres Setting für die Möbel, eine Bühne, deren Kulisse mehr will als eine schöne Illusion von Gastlichkeit zu schaffen. Die in dieser Installation verwendeten Materialien und Halbfertigprodukte sind ihrem gewöhnlichen Kontext innerhalb des Bausektors entnommen und fungieren, ähnlich wie in einem Bühnenstück, als Leinwand für die Projektion von Ideen und Interpretationen. Die Protagonisten auf dieser Bühne sind jedoch die von STUDIO DESSí entworfenen Möbel und Leuchten. Gastlichkeit wird in dieser Interpretation auch von kulturellen Traditionen und künstlerischen Impulsen geprägt. So erinnert die Installation an einen Pavillon inmitten einer (Messe-)Landschaft, der die Besuchenden wie eine Wegmarke magnetisch anzieht.

Raw-Edges Design Studio: „Sense of Surface“
Oberflächen haben in der Installation des Londoner Designstudios Raw-Edges, hinter dem Yael Mer und Shay Alkalay stehen, mehr als eine Dimension. Schon die aus digital bedruckten Vorhängen bestehende Außenansicht der Installation lässt das Konzept eines mehrschichtigen Aufbaus erahnen. Die Vorhänge, deren durchsichtiger Stoff (Apollo von RÖKONA) mit der digitalen XDI unique-Technik von Korning bedruckt sind, laden zum Eintreten in einen abgeschirmten Raum ein, der dem Besuchenden eine unerwartet tiefe visuelle Ruhe offenbart. Wie Kerne einer Zelle schweben hier Objekte unterschiedlicher organischer Form, deren Oberfläche mal transparent, mal opak schimmert: Leuchtobjekte, exklusiv von Raw-Edges Design Studio für diese Installation entworfen und geformt aus einem 3D-gedruckten Mesh. Das Besondere: Das Mesh wird nicht transparent, wenn es erleuchtet wird, sondern „verschließt“ sich mit dem Licht und wird zu einer opaken Form. Erst mit Erlöschen des Lichts gewinnt es seine Transparenz zurück.

VANTOT: „Impact of Light“
In der Installation des Design-Duos VANTOT aus dem niederländischen Breda ist Licht körperlos. Installiert auf einem filigranen Rastersystem, zeichnet VANTOT mit punktuellen Spots Räume und Skulpturen aus Licht. Dabei interessiert nicht das Volumen der Leuchte, sondern der Effekt des Lichts auf den Raum selbst. VANTOT spielt in dieser Installation die Möglichkeiten durch, die das System für große Lichtskulpturen im öffentlichen Bereich bietet, genauso wie für kleine, intime Räume. Daher besteht die Installation aus einem offenen Außen- und einem dunkleren Innenbereich, die mit demselben System bespielt werden und im Ergebnis doch ganz unterschiedliche Lichteindrücke erzielen. „Die Installation wird den Charakter einer Skulptur haben. Wir freuen uns sehr darauf, einfach nur unsere Idee von Licht und Beleuchtung zeigen zu können“, freut sich Esther Jongsma von VANTOT.

Nachhaltigkeit als entscheidende Prämisse
Weniger Material ist der Ansatz von VANTOT – für ihr Design wie für ihre Nachhaltigkeitsziele. Raw-Edges Design Studio sucht Material- und Energieverbrauch auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren. „Eine Installation, die nach nur wenigen Tagen nichts als Müll zurücklässt, weil die Materialien entsorgt werden müssen, würde uns die Freude daran verderben. Schon deshalb nutzen wir nur Material, das wiederverwertet ist, beziehungsweise weiterverwendet wird“, erklärt Yael Mer von Raw-Edges. STUDIO DESSí wiederum verwendet aufblasbare Elemente und Halbfabrikate, die nach der Messe zurück in den Baubedarf gehen. Der Messebau für die Installation Circles steht damit ganz im Zeichen von Kreislaufsystemen und Ressourcenschonung.

Die Installation Circles können während der Messe vom 14. bis 18. Januar 2024 in den Hallen 1, 3 und 4 besucht werden.

More information:
imm cologne Designstudio

Koelnmesse GmbH

Vesta Corporation presented first Sustainability Report (c) Vesta Corporation

Vesta Corporation: First Sustainability Report

The Tuscan tannery Vesta Corporation has presented to its stakeholders a report outlining its current commitment and future objectives, with a view to innovating, safeguarding and fostering high-end leather material processing.

Ever since it was founded in 1966 in Ponte a Egola, the Tuscan hub for the production of leather for vegetable tanned soles, Vesta has been a supplier and partner of haute couture and sportswear brands, from lightweight calf and half-calf leather, to heavy leathers made with hind and rump hide, for leatherware and shoes.

The Tuscan tannery Vesta Corporation has presented to its stakeholders a report outlining its current commitment and future objectives, with a view to innovating, safeguarding and fostering high-end leather material processing.

Ever since it was founded in 1966 in Ponte a Egola, the Tuscan hub for the production of leather for vegetable tanned soles, Vesta has been a supplier and partner of haute couture and sportswear brands, from lightweight calf and half-calf leather, to heavy leathers made with hind and rump hide, for leatherware and shoes.

To draft this Report, reference was made to the “Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards” established by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The information in the balance sheet refers to the year 2022 (from 1 January to 31December 2022). Wherever possible, data for the previous year are included, to allow for a comparison of data over time and to assess the trend of Vesta activities. Sustainability is an objective-driven process. This means that comparing data allows for concretely measuring the company’s progress, as it pursues this accounting process year after year.

The improvement actions already implemented by Vesta involve corporate responsibility from an environmental, social and governance perspective. An example are the improved heating and processing plants (which entails the construction of a new tumbling department based on 4.0 technology). This guarantees significant energy, water and economic savings. Along with numerous corporate certifications, the company has passed the Raw Material Traceability test with a score of EXCELLENT, as well as the Carbon and Water footprint analysis.

As confirmation of its commitment to improving corporate performance levels, Vesta has been upgraded from BRONZE (2020) to GOLD in 2023, as assessed by the Leather Working Group (which measures leather manufacturers’ environmental performance for ecological production and for a systemic management of quality, environmental, safety and ethical factors).

Becoming energy-independent is a major step in the pipeline, involving the installation of a photovoltaic plant. This is complemented by the implementation of a project aimed at totally compensating its CO2 emissions for the year subject to accounting and certification. This neutrality will be achieved through the acquisition of credits deriving from projects certified by the United Nations. For example, with the construction of an important hydro-electric plant to which Vesta is contributing. With regard to production, corporate research is currently focused on developing solutions to reduce water and energy use. It is also implementing circular trends by adopting an increasing number of bio-based products, to guarantee the most sustainable end-of-life and waste management for its products.


Vesta Corporation

(c) A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Monforts: New Stenter line installed at Curt Bauer

Monforts' new Montex 8500 stenter line was recently installed at Curt Bauer’s plant in Aue in Germany.

Curt Bauer has been in continuous operation for 150 years, beginning as a weaving mill in Aue in the Ore Mountains region of Saxony back in 1882. Today, with 120 employees, the company has an annual production of 2.2 million metres of fabric and specialises in three key fields – home textiles, special damask fabrics for West African garments and technical textiles.

A first Montex stenter was installed by Monforts at the Aue plant in 2003 and an older machine from a third party supplier was also still in operation prior to the latest upgrade.
“The replacement of our older existing stenter, which was installed in 1985, was long overdue,” explains Gert Bauer. “It had a maximum working width of 2.2 metres and we were looking to both increase productivity and reduce energy requirements.”

Monforts' new Montex 8500 stenter line was recently installed at Curt Bauer’s plant in Aue in Germany.

Curt Bauer has been in continuous operation for 150 years, beginning as a weaving mill in Aue in the Ore Mountains region of Saxony back in 1882. Today, with 120 employees, the company has an annual production of 2.2 million metres of fabric and specialises in three key fields – home textiles, special damask fabrics for West African garments and technical textiles.

A first Montex stenter was installed by Monforts at the Aue plant in 2003 and an older machine from a third party supplier was also still in operation prior to the latest upgrade.
“The replacement of our older existing stenter, which was installed in 1985, was long overdue,” explains Gert Bauer. “It had a maximum working width of 2.2 metres and we were looking to both increase productivity and reduce energy requirements.”

As a consequence, the company opted for a new Montex 8500 line with a working width of 3.2 metres equipped with the MonforClean heat recovery and exhaust air purification system. The Montex stenter remains unmatched in terms of its robustness and long service life and with MonforClean technology, the waste heat from the drying process is used to pre-heat the drying air. This results in a radical reduction in the conventional heat supply required, compared to full gas and thermal oil heating. Overall energy savings of up to 40% can now be achieved compared to conventional stenters.

The first challenge at the Aue plant was how to fit the significantly larger machine into the available space without restricting the area required for docking operations.

The special multi-level configuration that Monforts designers and Curt Bauer’s team devised in order to meet these requirements involved raising all of the line’s drying zones – with a combined length of over 28 metres – on scaffolding platforms, to enable the ground floor space below them to continue to be fully utilised.

The next challenge involved configuring the MonforClean system without having to make any costly changes to the roofing structure. This, Gert Bauer observes, demanded “millimetre precision”.

With the new line now fully operational, the savings it is providing have yet to be fully calculated.


A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Photo: akiragiulia, Pixabay

Research to reduce shed of microplastics during laundering

A collaboration between Deakin University researchers and Australia’s largest commercial linen supplier Simba Global is tackling a critical global issue, the spread of harmful microplastics through our laundry.

Clothing and textiles are estimated to generate up to 35 per cent of the microplastics found in the world’s oceans, making them one of the biggest contributors. But there is still a lot to be learnt about the characteristics of these microplastics and exactly how and why they are generated.

Researchers at the ARC Research Hub for Future Fibres in Deakin’s Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) have teamed up with Simba Global, a global textile manufacturing and supply company, to better understand the extent and type of microplastics shed when their products are laundered. Simba Global wants to lead the charge to reduce the environmental impact of textiles.

Lead scientist IFM Associate Professor Maryam Naebe said working with an industry partner on the scale of Simba Global meant the research could have a huge real-world impact.

A collaboration between Deakin University researchers and Australia’s largest commercial linen supplier Simba Global is tackling a critical global issue, the spread of harmful microplastics through our laundry.

Clothing and textiles are estimated to generate up to 35 per cent of the microplastics found in the world’s oceans, making them one of the biggest contributors. But there is still a lot to be learnt about the characteristics of these microplastics and exactly how and why they are generated.

Researchers at the ARC Research Hub for Future Fibres in Deakin’s Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) have teamed up with Simba Global, a global textile manufacturing and supply company, to better understand the extent and type of microplastics shed when their products are laundered. Simba Global wants to lead the charge to reduce the environmental impact of textiles.

Lead scientist IFM Associate Professor Maryam Naebe said working with an industry partner on the scale of Simba Global meant the research could have a huge real-world impact.

Simba Global is the major linen supplier to Australia’s hospitals, hotels and mining camps, resulting in 950,000 tonnes of textile products – including bedsheets, bath towels, scrubs and much more – going through the commercial laundering process each year. It also supplies international markets in New Zealand, Singapore and the US.

“As part of our research, we will investigate potential solutions including the pre-treatment of textiles to reduce the shedding of microplastics, or even increasing the size of the plastics that break down so they can be better captured and removed by filtration during the laundering process,” Associate Professor Naebe said.

“Microplastics are now ubiquitous in the environment, they’re in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the earth we walk on. The magnitude of the problem is bigger than previously thought.

“Of serious concern is the mounting evidence that microplastics are having a negative impact on human and animal health. There are not just physical, but chemical and biological impacts.”

Associate Professor Naebe’s team have taken the first steps in the project, analysing wastewater samples from commercial laundries with high-powered electron microscopes in their Geelong laboratory, part of the largest fibres and textiles research facility in Australia.

The team recently presented a new scientific paper at the Association of Universities for Textiles (AUTEX) Conference 2023, which started the important process of formally categorising these types of microplastics, as well as developing standard terminology and testing methods.

“Because our understanding of microplastics is still in its infancy, we needed to start right at the beginning,” Associate Professor Naebe said.

“We need to have a standard definition of what is a microplastic. Up to this point that has been lacking, which makes it difficult to compare and incorporate other studies in this area.

“We are now developing a systematic method for sampling and identifying microplastics in laundry wastewater. It has been tricky to measure the different sizes, but this is important information to have. For example, there are studies that suggest some sizes of microplastics are causing more issues in certain animals.

“The next step will be establishing an essential method to prevent the release of microplastics from textile laundering. This may involve a coating on the surface of the textile or better ways to collect the waste during the washing process.”

Simba Global Executive Chair Hiten Somaia said the company had a strong focus on sustainability, driven by the business’ purpose statement.

“We are proud to partner with Deakin University in what is the first significant research into textile microplastic pollution in Australia. What we are most excited about is sharing the results of this research with all other textile markets in Australia – including clothing – and putting an end to microplastic pollution from textiles.”


Deakin University


Panda Biotech Marks Final Stage Commissioning

Panda Biotech announced that building construction is complete and the official commissioning process to bring its Panda High Plains Hemp Gin™ (the “Panda Hemp Gin”) project online began in early Q4. The commissioning process marks the final stage before beginning commercial operations in Q1 2024 at the 500,000 square foot Wichita Falls, Texas facility. The Panda Hemp Gin will process 10 metric tons of industrial hemp per hour to produce textile-grade fiber, hurd, short-fiber hurd mix, and a nutrient-rich co-product that will be pelletized. The facility is expected to be the largest hemp decortication center in the Western Hemisphere and among the largest in the world.

Using only renewable energy sources, the engineering and production process at the Panda Hemp Gin has been certified green by Mid-South Engineering Company, in accordance with the International Capital Market Association’s Green Bond Principles. Panda Biotech has also partnered with Oritain, a scientific traceability company, to bring the most traceable hemp grown 100 percent in the United States to market.

Panda Biotech announced that building construction is complete and the official commissioning process to bring its Panda High Plains Hemp Gin™ (the “Panda Hemp Gin”) project online began in early Q4. The commissioning process marks the final stage before beginning commercial operations in Q1 2024 at the 500,000 square foot Wichita Falls, Texas facility. The Panda Hemp Gin will process 10 metric tons of industrial hemp per hour to produce textile-grade fiber, hurd, short-fiber hurd mix, and a nutrient-rich co-product that will be pelletized. The facility is expected to be the largest hemp decortication center in the Western Hemisphere and among the largest in the world.

Using only renewable energy sources, the engineering and production process at the Panda Hemp Gin has been certified green by Mid-South Engineering Company, in accordance with the International Capital Market Association’s Green Bond Principles. Panda Biotech has also partnered with Oritain, a scientific traceability company, to bring the most traceable hemp grown 100 percent in the United States to market.

Additionally, Panda Biotech is actively signing contracts with producers to grow the hemp feedstock for the 2024 growing season, as well as purchasing hemp fiber that has already been harvested or processed. The company recently unveiled an unmatched pay-to-grow program for producers to begin growing Panda hemp. With up-front, guaranteed money and agronomy support, Panda producers also receive tested and proven seed at no cost, successfully mitigating the risk producers may assume and underscoring Panda’s commitment and promise to the farming community. The benefits of growing hemp are substantial, as it is an excellent rotational crop that remediates the soil and provides a competitive margin.

“Each piece of the Panda Hemp Gin production line, including the three miles of overhead pneumatic duct lines, refining, blending, mechanical cottonization, hurd bagging and storage, baling, and more, must be individually started, checked, balanced, and commissioned,” says Panda Biotech Executive Vice President Scott Evans. “Currently, all equipment is individually being brought online to be officially placed in service.”

More information:
Panda Biotech hemp

Panda Biotech, LLC.


The climate-friendly carbon fiber - up to 50% less CO2 emissions

SGL Carbon relies on climate-friendly manufacturing processes in the production of its own carbon fibers. By using renewable energy, the carbon footprint of SGL fiber can be reduced by up to 50% compared to a conventional fiber.  

SGL carbon fiber is produced at the Lavradio (Portugal) and Moses Lake (USA) sites. When the Moses Lake site was selected in the 1990s, the use of hydropower as an energy source played a particularly decisive role. As a result, around 75,000 tonnes of CO2 can be saved in Moses Lake by purchasing electricity from hydropower plants compared to a fossil fuel-based electricity mix.

As part of the consistent implementation of its climate strategy, SGL Carbon will be using a CO2-neutral biomass system to generate energy from the beginning of 2024, which will make the production system, which was previously based on natural gas, more flexible and climate-friendly. At full capacity, the biomass system in Lavradio can save more than 90,000 tons of CO2.

The raw material used is wood pellets, which are sourced from a radius of 250 kilometres via short transport routes.

SGL Carbon relies on climate-friendly manufacturing processes in the production of its own carbon fibers. By using renewable energy, the carbon footprint of SGL fiber can be reduced by up to 50% compared to a conventional fiber.  

SGL carbon fiber is produced at the Lavradio (Portugal) and Moses Lake (USA) sites. When the Moses Lake site was selected in the 1990s, the use of hydropower as an energy source played a particularly decisive role. As a result, around 75,000 tonnes of CO2 can be saved in Moses Lake by purchasing electricity from hydropower plants compared to a fossil fuel-based electricity mix.

As part of the consistent implementation of its climate strategy, SGL Carbon will be using a CO2-neutral biomass system to generate energy from the beginning of 2024, which will make the production system, which was previously based on natural gas, more flexible and climate-friendly. At full capacity, the biomass system in Lavradio can save more than 90,000 tons of CO2.

The raw material used is wood pellets, which are sourced from a radius of 250 kilometres via short transport routes.

The climate-friendly energy supply at the site in Moses Lake (USA) combined with the new biomass plant in Lavradio (Portugal) lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions of up to 50% in the production of SGL's own carbon fibers compared to conventional fibers. With the investment in the biomass system, SGL Carbon is pursuing its climate strategy. The target is to save 50% CO2 emissions by the end of 2025 compared to the base year 2019 and to be climate-neutral by the end of 2038. In the period 2019 to 2022, SGL Carbon has reduced its CO2 emissions by 17%.


SGL Carbon SE

KARL MAYER STOLL: CREATE PLUS for production of Knitted traditional clothing (c) Astrifa

KARL MAYER STOLL: CREATE PLUS for production of Knitted traditional clothing

  • Astrifa GmbH relies on CREATE PLUS for the production of its knitted traditional clothing

Astrifa GmbH was founded in 1948 in Lower Bavaria, moved to its current location in 1953 and began specializing in traditional costume clothing in 1978. The company has around 70 employees and produces around 700 items for men, women and children every week. The finest merino wool from England is processed and the machinery consists exclusively of STOLL machines, in total 17 flat knitting machines, including the latest representatives of the ADF and CMS series. Astrifa also relies on pioneering solutions when it comes to programming the machines: CREATE PLUS is used alongside other patterning systems.

  • Astrifa GmbH relies on CREATE PLUS for the production of its knitted traditional clothing

Astrifa GmbH was founded in 1948 in Lower Bavaria, moved to its current location in 1953 and began specializing in traditional costume clothing in 1978. The company has around 70 employees and produces around 700 items for men, women and children every week. The finest merino wool from England is processed and the machinery consists exclusively of STOLL machines, in total 17 flat knitting machines, including the latest representatives of the ADF and CMS series. Astrifa also relies on pioneering solutions when it comes to programming the machines: CREATE PLUS is used alongside other patterning systems.

The CREATE PLUS software combines a full-featured, advanced programming system with an easy-to-learn user interface, revolutionizing the programming of STOLL flat knitting machines. This has also aroused great interest at ITMA 2023. New versions are released every four months; in addition to many detailed improvements, the current release contains a greatly expanded system for multi-part knitting compared to the previous software and an extensive option for creating reports and statistics.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

Stahl: New visual brand identity (c) Stahl

Stahl: New visual brand identity

Stahl, a leader in speciality coatings and treatments for flexible substrates, announces the launch of its new visual brand identity, marking an important step in Stahl's strategic journey.

This transformative initiative marks the next step in Stahl's strategic journey, aligning the company’s visual brand identity with its purpose and strategic direction. In recent years, Stahl has been evolving its positioning and offering to meet the changing needs of its customers and markets and to drive the next phase of its growth. In particular, the rebranding project follows the recent acquisition of Stahl Packaging Coatings (formerly ICP Industrial Solutions Group) as well as the launch of Stahl’s new purpose: Touching lives, for a better world. The purpose encapsulates the company's commitment to making a positive impact on the world, reflecting not only Stahl’s proud heritage, but also its future influence as a leader in speciality coatings and treatments for flexible substrates.

Stahl has also introduced a new colour palette to help visualise and differentiate its activities and its approach to sustainability and other strategic topics.

Stahl, a leader in speciality coatings and treatments for flexible substrates, announces the launch of its new visual brand identity, marking an important step in Stahl's strategic journey.

This transformative initiative marks the next step in Stahl's strategic journey, aligning the company’s visual brand identity with its purpose and strategic direction. In recent years, Stahl has been evolving its positioning and offering to meet the changing needs of its customers and markets and to drive the next phase of its growth. In particular, the rebranding project follows the recent acquisition of Stahl Packaging Coatings (formerly ICP Industrial Solutions Group) as well as the launch of Stahl’s new purpose: Touching lives, for a better world. The purpose encapsulates the company's commitment to making a positive impact on the world, reflecting not only Stahl’s proud heritage, but also its future influence as a leader in speciality coatings and treatments for flexible substrates.

Stahl has also introduced a new colour palette to help visualise and differentiate its activities and its approach to sustainability and other strategic topics.

More information:
Stahl Coatings packaging


Sunrise Image by Mohamed Hassan, Pixabay

Happy Birthday 2024

Happy New Year 2024! Here's to a year full of innovation and success in the textile and apparel industry.

The Textination team sincerely wishes you a great start: may 2024 be full of health, joy and energy for you.

There are undoubtedly 365 days of exciting encounters, developments, innovations and new trends ahead in our shared world of the textile and apparel industry. We would like to join you on this journey and document the many facets of our industry.

We are convinced that the new year will be just as fascinating and inspiring for our users as the best textile products and designs that our industry has to offer. We look forward to accompanying you through the coming 12 months with the latest news, in-depth analyses and exclusive insights.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Textination.

Together we will tell textile tomorrow!

Ines Chucholowius
- Managing Director -

Happy New Year 2024! Here's to a year full of innovation and success in the textile and apparel industry.

The Textination team sincerely wishes you a great start: may 2024 be full of health, joy and energy for you.

There are undoubtedly 365 days of exciting encounters, developments, innovations and new trends ahead in our shared world of the textile and apparel industry. We would like to join you on this journey and document the many facets of our industry.

We are convinced that the new year will be just as fascinating and inspiring for our users as the best textile products and designs that our industry has to offer. We look forward to accompanying you through the coming 12 months with the latest news, in-depth analyses and exclusive insights.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Textination.

Together we will tell textile tomorrow!

Ines Chucholowius
- Managing Director -

More information:
Textination FUTURE



Circular Clothing: 30 neue Cradle to Cradle Certified® Produkte

Ein Jahr nach der Einführung der ersten Cradle to Cradle Certified® Kollektion werden über 30 neue zertifizierte Produkte der Circular Clothing Genossenschaftsmitglieder lavie, STUNED und the Blue suit auf den Markt gebracht.

Dank intensiver Forschung der letzten drei Jahre präsentiert die Circular Clothing Genossenschaft über 30 Cradle to Cradle Certified® Produkte in den Bereichen Mode, Accessoires und Heimtextilien. Um zertifiziert zu werden, wurden die verwendeten Materialien und Herstellungsprozesse in den folgenden Wirkungskategorien geprüft: Materialgesundheit, Produkt-Kreislauffähigkeit, saubere Luft und Klimaschutz, soziale Fairness sowie Wasser- und Bodenschutz. Je nachdem, wie weit all diese Kriterien bei der Herstellung erfüllt werden, gibt es verschiedene Zertifizierungsstufen von Bronze über Silber, bis zu Gold und Platin.

Zirkuläre Produktlösungen sind dank der engen Kollaboration und der Unterstützung von engagierten Partnern wie dem Migros-Pionierfonds, epeaswitzerland und der STF Schweizerische Textilfachschule möglich.

Ein Jahr nach der Einführung der ersten Cradle to Cradle Certified® Kollektion werden über 30 neue zertifizierte Produkte der Circular Clothing Genossenschaftsmitglieder lavie, STUNED und the Blue suit auf den Markt gebracht.

Dank intensiver Forschung der letzten drei Jahre präsentiert die Circular Clothing Genossenschaft über 30 Cradle to Cradle Certified® Produkte in den Bereichen Mode, Accessoires und Heimtextilien. Um zertifiziert zu werden, wurden die verwendeten Materialien und Herstellungsprozesse in den folgenden Wirkungskategorien geprüft: Materialgesundheit, Produkt-Kreislauffähigkeit, saubere Luft und Klimaschutz, soziale Fairness sowie Wasser- und Bodenschutz. Je nachdem, wie weit all diese Kriterien bei der Herstellung erfüllt werden, gibt es verschiedene Zertifizierungsstufen von Bronze über Silber, bis zu Gold und Platin.

Zirkuläre Produktlösungen sind dank der engen Kollaboration und der Unterstützung von engagierten Partnern wie dem Migros-Pionierfonds, epeaswitzerland und der STF Schweizerische Textilfachschule möglich.

Blue suit
Wie muss ein Kleidungsstück designt sein, damit es kreislauffähig ist? Dies ist die zentrale Frage, die the Blue suit antreibt. Eine Antwort hierzu gibt der Cradle to Cradle®-Designansatz, der mit der Black Denim-Kollektion im Jahr 2022 umgesetzt wurde.

Der Cradle to Cradle® Designansatz beginnt bei der Materialwahl: verwendet werden nur Materialien ohne Giftstoffe, die gesund für Mensch und Umwelt sind. Ebenso wichtig ist, wie die Materialien verarbeitet, welche Farbstoffe eingesetzt werden und wie die Waschungen und Drucke erfolgen. Auch diese Produktionsschritte müssen Cradle to Cradle®-konform sein.

Die Black Denim-Kollektion wurde diesen Herbst um weitere Styles wie die Hosen ANN und SIMONE sowie den Blazern MARLENE und YOSANO ergänzt. Alle Produkte haben Cradle to Cradle Certified® Bronze erreicht. Ein Material-Highlight ist die Einführung der ersten Cradle to Cradle Certified® Bronze Business-Hose MILLER aus Wolle. Aus Qualitätsgründen wird ein nicht-zertifiziertes Nähgarn verwendet. Alle anderen Materialien der Kleidungsstücke sind Cradle to Cradle Certified® Gold.

«Made to last» heisst die neuste Capsule Collection von lavie, die Cradle to Cradle Certified® Gold ausgezeichnet ist. Sie umfasst insgesamt 19 Varianten von Zierkissen und Kochschürzen, die allesamt aus Denim in Italien gewoben, genäht und teilweise mit Laser bearbeitet werden. Der Titel «Made to last» steht zugleich für die Designmaxime, welche dem gesamten Sortiment des Heimtextilherstellers aus Langenthal zugrunde liegt.

«Made to last» zeigt auf, wie Design in einem Spannungsfeld entsteht: Zwischen der Lust an Gestaltung, den technischen Machbarkeiten und dem Anspruch an Funktionalität. Basis der Kollektion war der zertifizierte Denim in den Farben Black, Ecru und Grey. Die Kollektion setzt sich aus unifarbenen Produkten sowie besonderen Highlights zusammen: Die Kissenbezüge «Marilyn» und «Geena» etwa wurden mit Lasertechnologie bearbeitet. Je nach Einstellung des Lasers wird die Oberfläche des Denims entweder graviert oder das Textil wird ganz durchtrennt.

Die Mission des Start-ups STUNED war immer, hochwertige Taschen zu kreieren, die im Einklang mit der Natur stehen. Bisher stand der Designprozess im Vordergrund und die Wahl der Komponenten war eine vergleichsweise einfache Aufgabe. Auf diese Weise kommen für ein Produkt schnell zwischen 10 bis 20 verschiedene Komponenten zusammen. Die Gründerinnen mussten aufgrund der begrenzten Verfügbarkeit von Cradle to Cradle Certified®-Materialien und der geforderten Mindestbestellmengen umdenken.

Was ist alles möglich mit einer minimalen Anzahl an Komponenten? Entstanden ist ein erweitertes Produktsortiment. Zusammen mit dem klaren Bekenntnis zur Nachhaltigkeit wird weiterhin an der Schweizer Fertigung festgehalten und neue Taschen und Kleider, die alle aus den gleichen vier Cradle to Cradle Certified® Gold Komponenten hergestellt sind. Sie liefern den Beweis, dass trotz minimalistischem Design auf nichts verzichtet werden muss.



Circular Clothing

Carbios published Sustainability Report for 2022 (c) Carbios

Carbios published 2022 Sustainability Report

CARBIOS published its second Sustainability Report with 2022 as the reference year. Like the first, this report is not subject to any publication obligation for the company, confirms CARBIOS' commitment and desire for transparency in terms of environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives.

In 2022, several objectives were achieved:

CARBIOS published its second Sustainability Report with 2022 as the reference year. Like the first, this report is not subject to any publication obligation for the company, confirms CARBIOS' commitment and desire for transparency in terms of environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives.

In 2022, several objectives were achieved:

  • Increase of the number of independent directors on the Board of Directors,
  • Completion of the first carbon footprint report to sustainably reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
  • Consolidation of the life cycle analysis (LCA) of the PET enzymatic depolymerization process,
  • Continuation of employee training in safety and environmental issues.

In October 2023, CARBIOS appointed Bénédicte Garbil as Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability: "In 2022, CARBIOS strengthened its governance, building a solid foundation for our continued growth and commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This strategic development demonstrates our commitment to operational excellence and transparency. We have integrated the principles of sustainability, ethics and environmental responsibility at the heart of our governance, putting CSR at the forefront of our actions."




ITMA ASIA + CITME: A success for VDMA member companies

This year’s edition of ITMA ASIA + CITME proved to be a success for the exhibiting VDMA member companies. Measured by booked square metres, Germany had the largest contingent, among the foreign exhibitors. More than 40 VDMA member companies were exhibiting their innovative products in Shanghai.

Dr. Janpeter Horn, chairman of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association noted: “Although facing a difficult market situation, this year’s edition of ITMA ASIA + CITME has exceeded the expectations, both in terms of the number of visitors and the quality of the talks. The significant number of foreign visitors to the fair was particularly pleasing.”

Solutions were demonstrated for more sustainable textile productions by most of the exhibitors, and here the VDMA members presented their technologies for saving water, energy and raw materials under the heading “Smart technologies for green textile production.”  

This year’s edition of ITMA ASIA + CITME proved to be a success for the exhibiting VDMA member companies. Measured by booked square metres, Germany had the largest contingent, among the foreign exhibitors. More than 40 VDMA member companies were exhibiting their innovative products in Shanghai.

Dr. Janpeter Horn, chairman of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association noted: “Although facing a difficult market situation, this year’s edition of ITMA ASIA + CITME has exceeded the expectations, both in terms of the number of visitors and the quality of the talks. The significant number of foreign visitors to the fair was particularly pleasing.”

Solutions were demonstrated for more sustainable textile productions by most of the exhibitors, and here the VDMA members presented their technologies for saving water, energy and raw materials under the heading “Smart technologies for green textile production.”  

Dr. Uwe Rondé, CEO, Saurer Intelligent Technology AG explained: “Saurer is satisfied with both the number of visitors and the quality of the discussions. Our booth was full from morning to evening with customers focused on latest technologies within the three mega trends: recycling, automation and digitalisation. Although machine utilisation in the spinning mills is still well below average, people are already gathering information and thinking about what to invest in once the market recovers.”

Benjamin Reiners, owner of Reiners + Fürst stated: „This year’s ITMA ASIA + CITME has exceeded our expectations by far. Especially the first day - a Sunday - has brought many high-quality customers and exclusively decision makers to our booth. We estimate about 20% international customers mainly from Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. All customers agreed that the market situation at the moment is difficult, capacity usage is between 50-75% in the ring spinning sector and improvement is expected not before the 2nd half of 2024. Nevertheless the general spirit is very positive.“

“This ITMA ASIA was a great success for Trützschler. We welcomed a large number of Chinese visitors to our booth, as well as a significant number of interested international visitors”, said Dr. Bettina Temath, Head of Global Marketing Trützschler Group SE.

Georg Stausberg, CEO of the polymer processing solutions division and chief sustainability officer of the Oerlikon Group stated: „We can look back on a successful show where we were able to meet many of our customers not only from China, but also from Pakistan, India and Indonesia, for example.”

“A very well-attended trade fair, with interesting discussions, great innovative topics, in line with the modern and rapidly developing China" noted Wolfgang Schöffl, head of product line weaving machines and member of the extended management, Lindauer Dornier.

The VDMA Textile Machinery Association and VDMA China were present at the fair, to support the members e.g. with regard to IPR. With the help of a VDMA expert and a contracted law firm, the member company Sahm submitted a complaint application for patent infringement disputes during the exhibition to the onsite IPR office. Both parties, Sahm, and the Chinese company, that used patented design without permission reached an agreement: The Chinese company had to stop displaying functions and designs involving patent infringement on site which meant the removal of some structural parts and the covering of key components protected by patent protection.

Dr. Harald Weber, managing director of VDMA Textile Machinery concluded: “Asia, and China in particular, represent the primary foreign markets for the VDMA member companies in the sector. The Chinese market is the main destination for their exports. Other major export destinations in Asia include India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Uzbekistan. ITMA ASIA + CITME provides a unique platform to showcase technologies for customers directly in Asia. The VDMA member companies are looking forward to the coming edition of the fair from 14 to 18 October 2024 in Shanghai.”

The latest survey of VDMA members' subsidiaries in China gives reason to hope that the economic situation in the Chinese textile industry could also improve significantly in the second half of the year. In addition, European textile machinery manufacturers are urged to be present on the most important market and at the trade fair and to offer Asian customers most advanced technology for their demanding challenges.


VDMA e. V.
Textile Machinery

snowfield-bulky-down-jacket-icicle Photo ALLIED Feather + Down

Down Apparel for the European Market

ALLIED Feather + Down, global leaders in high performance, ethically sourced down, and MN Inter-Fashion, manufacturers of high performance luxury outerwear, announced that the ALLIED Feather + Down outerwear collection will be available to the European market.  

Originally released only in Japan, the exclusive collection will be available to select European boutique retailers for the fall 2024 season. Limited to a few hundred pieces, this line will showcase the breadth of ALLIED’s down offering, from their industry-leading ExpeDRY down insulation to their exceedingly high performance 1000 fill power down. It will also include MN Inter-Fashion’s experience delivering quality design and craftsmanship to some of the best known fashion houses in the world.

Designed, cut, and sewn by MN Inter-Fashion in Japan using materials from ALLIED and Pertex, the jackets shall represent a collision between cutting edge fashion aesthetics and materials normally reserved for highly technical outerwear. The result is a unique garment with a sophisticated urban look blended with performance that rivals the most technical outdoor apparel available. 

ALLIED Feather + Down, global leaders in high performance, ethically sourced down, and MN Inter-Fashion, manufacturers of high performance luxury outerwear, announced that the ALLIED Feather + Down outerwear collection will be available to the European market.  

Originally released only in Japan, the exclusive collection will be available to select European boutique retailers for the fall 2024 season. Limited to a few hundred pieces, this line will showcase the breadth of ALLIED’s down offering, from their industry-leading ExpeDRY down insulation to their exceedingly high performance 1000 fill power down. It will also include MN Inter-Fashion’s experience delivering quality design and craftsmanship to some of the best known fashion houses in the world.

Designed, cut, and sewn by MN Inter-Fashion in Japan using materials from ALLIED and Pertex, the jackets shall represent a collision between cutting edge fashion aesthetics and materials normally reserved for highly technical outerwear. The result is a unique garment with a sophisticated urban look blended with performance that rivals the most technical outdoor apparel available. 


ALLIED Feather + Down


bvse fordert CO2-Bepreisung für Neukunststoffe

Die Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen kämpfen mit existenzbedrohenden Herausforderungen, so bvse-Vizepräsident Dr. Herbert Snell auf der 6. Konferenz Verpackungsrecycling, einer Veranstaltung von AGVU, BDE und bvse, am 5. Dezember in Berlin.

In einer Umfrage unter den im bvse organisierten Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen gaben 30 % an, dass sie ihre wirtschaftliche Situation als mangelhaft oder ungenügend einschätzen. 25 % der Unternehmen erwarten keine Verbesserung ihrer Situation im neuen Jahr.

Die hohen Energiekosten treffen die Recyclingbranche stark. In den letzten beiden Jahren mussten die Unternehmen eine 60%ige Energiekostensteigerung verkraften. Die Rezession und die damit verbundene Konsumzurückhaltung in Deutschland trifft die Branche ebenso.

Die Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen bewegen sich in einem Markt mit fixen bzw. steigenden Kosten auf der Beschaffungsseite: Sammlung, Sortierung und massiv steigenden Prozesskosten.

Die Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen kämpfen mit existenzbedrohenden Herausforderungen, so bvse-Vizepräsident Dr. Herbert Snell auf der 6. Konferenz Verpackungsrecycling, einer Veranstaltung von AGVU, BDE und bvse, am 5. Dezember in Berlin.

In einer Umfrage unter den im bvse organisierten Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen gaben 30 % an, dass sie ihre wirtschaftliche Situation als mangelhaft oder ungenügend einschätzen. 25 % der Unternehmen erwarten keine Verbesserung ihrer Situation im neuen Jahr.

Die hohen Energiekosten treffen die Recyclingbranche stark. In den letzten beiden Jahren mussten die Unternehmen eine 60%ige Energiekostensteigerung verkraften. Die Rezession und die damit verbundene Konsumzurückhaltung in Deutschland trifft die Branche ebenso.

Die Kunststoffrecyclingunternehmen bewegen sich in einem Markt mit fixen bzw. steigenden Kosten auf der Beschaffungsseite: Sammlung, Sortierung und massiv steigenden Prozesskosten.

"Auf der Absatzseite kämpfen wir mit dem Problem, dass die Absatzpreise für Recyclate massiv eingebrochen sind. Zum Beispiel PP Copolymer, schwarz, laut Kunststoff Information von Juni/Juli letzten Jahres um 36 % bis letzten Monat oder klare PET Flakes von August 22 um 42 % zum November 23", führte Snell in Berlin aus.

Die Neuwarepreise richten sich nach Angebot und Nachfrage der kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie sowie nach Kosten für Energie und Rohstoffe. Fehlende Nachfrage, wie zurzeit weltweit, führt zu einem Verfall der Neuwarepreise.

Momentan tobe ein brutaler Preiskampf zwischen Neuware und Kunststoffrecyclaten. Der Absatz von Mahlgütern, Regranulaten und Compounds stocke. Die Kunststoffrecycler laufen im Input mit Verarbeitungsware voll und finden für ihre Produkte im Warenausgang keine Abnehmer.

Auf die Frage, wann rechnen die Kunststoffrecycler damit, dass sich der Recyclat-Absatz wieder bessert, haben 37 % geantwortet, dass sie im nächsten Jahr keine Besserung erwarten. "Das zeigt: Die Branche steht mit dem Rücken zur Wand. Der dauerhafte wirtschaftliche Betrieb der Recyclinganlagen ist kaum noch möglich. Wir sehen eine bedrohliche Situation, die das gesamte Recycling gefährdet", warnte der bvse-Vizepräsident.

Entscheidend für die prekäre Situation ist laut Herbert Snell ein strukturelles Problem, das angepackt werden müsse. Die Jahre 2021 und 2022 hätten gezeigt, dass es nicht an der Qualität oder Verfügbarkeit von Recyclaten liegen kann, denn in diesen Jahren konnten die Kunststoffverarbeiter alles gebrauchen und einsetzen. Die jahrelangen Beschwerden über die Qualität verstummten.

Das strukturelle Problem liegt offensichtlich darin, das Recyclate nicht eingesetzt werden, wenn Neuware preisgünstiger ist.

Allein im zweiten Quartal dieses Jahres ist die Menge der in die EU eingeführten PETs gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 20 % gestiegen, weil PET-Neuware aus dem Ausland billiger ist. Weil der klimaschädliche CO2-Rucksack, der bei der Produktion von Kunststoffneuware entsteht, bei der Preisbildung völlig außen vor bleibt – erst recht bei der importierten Neuware.

Der CO2-Rucksack von Recyclaten ist im Verhältnis zur Neuware um 1,5 bis 3,2 t leichter pro Tonne Kunststoff. Vereinfacht gesagt, für die Herstellung von Recyclaten wird nur die Hälfte an Energie genutzt wie für Neuware. Würde diese positive Klimabilanz eingerechnet werden, könnte eine Parität zwischen Recyclaten und aus fossilen Rohstoffen gewonnenen Kunststoffen hergestellt werden. "Wir sind uns deshalb mit vielen Akteuren einig, dass eine angemessene CO2-Bepreisung als wirksames marktwirtschaftliches Instrument das dringend benötigte Level-Playing Field schaffen kann", erklärte der bvse-Vizepräsident.

Wenn mehr Recyclate und weniger Kunststoffneuware eingesetzt würden, reduzierten sich die CO2-Emissionen. Wer darauf aus Kostengründen verzichte, dürfe nicht belohnt, sondern müsse mit einem deutlichen Preisaufschlag sanktioniert werden.

Der Gesetzgeber, ob in Berlin oder in Brüssel, sei aufgefordert, das Ziel einer echten Kreislaufwirtschaft für Kunststoffe beizubehalten, ohne die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Widerstandsfähigkeit der Märkte zu gefährden.

Es müssen, so der Verband, die notwendigen Anreize gesetzt werden, die auf die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette abzielen, um Investitionen in Recyclingkapazitäten und technologische Entwicklungen voranzutreiben. Zu diesem Zweck müssen die Stärkung der Recycling- und Recyclateinsatzziele, die Förderung von Design-for-Recycling und die Bewältigung verbleibender Herausforderungen in der Abfallwirtschaft, z. B. die Qualität der dem Recycling zur Verfügung gestellten Rohstoffe, wie z. B. aus den dualen Systemen, ganz oben auf der politischen Agenda stehen.



bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung

Better sleep environment Photo Heiq Materials AG

Biobased HeiQ technologies for better sleep at Heimtextil 2024

HeiQ’s biobased textile technologies are set to show how they can change the sleep environment for the better while meeting an increasing demand for sustainable solutions that are in tune with nature. HeiQ Skin Care, HeiQ Allergen* Tech, HeiQ Cool, and HeiQ Mint are going to be showcased at the Heimtextil show in Frankfurt beginning of January.

HeiQ presents a complete set of tailored textile technologies that is said to improve the sleeping environment: "Unlocking Better Sleep". Therefore, HeiQ introduces a range of innovative products designed to enhance the quality of a comfortable night’s rest through sustainable and biobased solutions.

HeiQ’s biobased textile technologies are set to show how they can change the sleep environment for the better while meeting an increasing demand for sustainable solutions that are in tune with nature. HeiQ Skin Care, HeiQ Allergen* Tech, HeiQ Cool, and HeiQ Mint are going to be showcased at the Heimtextil show in Frankfurt beginning of January.

HeiQ presents a complete set of tailored textile technologies that is said to improve the sleeping environment: "Unlocking Better Sleep". Therefore, HeiQ introduces a range of innovative products designed to enhance the quality of a comfortable night’s rest through sustainable and biobased solutions.

According to a recent study by the School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), “individuals spend more than 50% of their time at home in the bedroom”. Another research from the Fatigue Countermeasures Laboratory, NASA Ames Research Center (United States), concluded that “sleep is critical to health and daytime functioning. For individuals to achieve optimal sleep, they must have access to a sleep environment that allows them to achieve quality sleep.” These are strong indicators that we should treat sleep with the highest importance that it deserves.

The flagship products leading this positive change are the 100% biobased cosmetic technology HeiQ Skin Care, the plant-based deodorizer HeiQ Mint (botanical freshness), the dual action cooling solution HeiQ Cool, and HeiQ Allergen Tech that reduces exposure to inanimate allergens through active probiotics. These biobased innovations are set to redefine the sleep experience and contribute to overall well-being.

HeiQ Skin Care is the most recent addition to HeiQ’s portfolio - a synbiotic textile finish promoting a balanced microbiome for glowing skin. Unlike conventional products, HeiQ Skin Care utilizes pre- and probiotics integrated into a biobased matrix, offering long-lasting cosmetic benefits. It is particularly suited for products that are in direct and long contact with skin, such as pillowcases, duvet covers or bed sheets, acting as a cosmetic care session during sleep.


Heiq Materials AG

EU Bild: Gordon Johnson auf Pixabay

Geänderte EU-Schwellenwerte für öffentliche Aufträge ab 2024

Die Anpassung der EU-Schwellenwerte für die Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge tritt zum 1. Januar 2024 in Kraft.

Die festgelegten Änderungen, die für alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten gelten, sind wie folgt:

Richtlinie für klassische öffentliche Aufträge (2014/24/EU):

  • Bauleistungen: 5.538.000 Euro (statt bisher 5.382.000 Euro)
  • Liefer-/Dienstleistungen: 221.000 Euro (statt bisher 215.000 Euro)
  • Zentrale Regierungsdienststellen: 143.000 Euro (statt bisher 140.000 Euro)

Sektorenrichtlinie und Richtlinie Verteidigung und Sicherheit (2014/25/EU und 2009/81/EG):

  • Bauleistungen: 5.538.000 Euro (statt bisher 5.382.000 Euro)
  • Liefer-/Dienstleistungen: 443.000 Euro (statt bisher 431.000 Euro)

Konzessionsrichtlinie (2014/23/EU):

Die Anpassung der EU-Schwellenwerte für die Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge tritt zum 1. Januar 2024 in Kraft.

Die festgelegten Änderungen, die für alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten gelten, sind wie folgt:

Richtlinie für klassische öffentliche Aufträge (2014/24/EU):

  • Bauleistungen: 5.538.000 Euro (statt bisher 5.382.000 Euro)
  • Liefer-/Dienstleistungen: 221.000 Euro (statt bisher 215.000 Euro)
  • Zentrale Regierungsdienststellen: 143.000 Euro (statt bisher 140.000 Euro)

Sektorenrichtlinie und Richtlinie Verteidigung und Sicherheit (2014/25/EU und 2009/81/EG):

  • Bauleistungen: 5.538.000 Euro (statt bisher 5.382.000 Euro)
  • Liefer-/Dienstleistungen: 443.000 Euro (statt bisher 431.000 Euro)

Konzessionsrichtlinie (2014/23/EU):

  • 5.538.000 Euro (statt bisher 5.382.000 Euro)

Diese Schwellenwerte müssen in Deutschland nicht mehr durch den Gesetzgeber umgesetzt werden. Sie gelten unmittelbar durch die dynamischen Verweisungen in den Vergabeverordnungen.
Die Gültigkeit der neuen Schwellenwerte ist bis zum 31. Dezember 2025 begrenzt.

More information:
Ausschreibungen Schwellenwert
Source: GmbH

Yanfeng and TactoTek partner to enhance future vehicle interior applications (c) Yanfeng

Yanfeng and TactoTek partner to enhance future vehicle interior applications

Yanfeng, an automotive supplier, and TactoTek, a pioneer in smart surface technologies, will collaborate on the development of highly integrated Human Machine Interface (HMI) solutions for future Smart Cabin applications. The goal of this partnership is to combine advanced lighting, user interfaces, as well as various decorative trim with a deeply integrated product approach.

Yanfeng has made the strategic decision to integrate TactoTek's Injection Molded Structural Electronics (IMSE) portfolio as a technological layer in its worldwide Smart Cabin business. The intention is to enhance the overall user experience by offering advanced lighting features and introducing new functional elements like HMI, haptic feedback, and display integration.

This approach enables Yanfeng to align with emerging automotive industry trends, including autonomous driving, and addresses non-driving related tasks (NDRTs), thereby shaping the future of Smart Cabins and redefining the driving experience.

Yanfeng, an automotive supplier, and TactoTek, a pioneer in smart surface technologies, will collaborate on the development of highly integrated Human Machine Interface (HMI) solutions for future Smart Cabin applications. The goal of this partnership is to combine advanced lighting, user interfaces, as well as various decorative trim with a deeply integrated product approach.

Yanfeng has made the strategic decision to integrate TactoTek's Injection Molded Structural Electronics (IMSE) portfolio as a technological layer in its worldwide Smart Cabin business. The intention is to enhance the overall user experience by offering advanced lighting features and introducing new functional elements like HMI, haptic feedback, and display integration.

This approach enables Yanfeng to align with emerging automotive industry trends, including autonomous driving, and addresses non-driving related tasks (NDRTs), thereby shaping the future of Smart Cabins and redefining the driving experience.

This collaboration strives to create a unique in-vehicle user experience by accelerating seamless lighting integration into all surfaces of future vehicle interiors. The IMSE technology offers a fresh unique design and styling principles for slim, compact configurations and unconventional shapes.


Yanfeng International

SEEK and UNION Showroom present together THE JUNCTION (c) Premium Exhibitions GmbH

SEEK and UNION Showroom present together THE JUNCTION

SEEK is not only presenting the first edition of its new chapter in January 2024 but is also welcoming a new partner on board: UNION Showroom. The new alliance from Berlin combines the strengths of both formats intending to offer buyers from all over the world an even more comprehensive experience in Germany's fashion capital.

With united forces, the two teams led by Marie-Luise Patzelt (SEEK) and Felix Engelmann (UNION Showroom) are showcasing their new project "THE JUNCTION". A selection of brands will be presented in Station Berlin's exclusive loft spaces, including Nudie Jeans, Tenue, Viberg, White Sand, Paltò, Freenote Cloth, Ootoo Boots and A New Sweden. At the same time, the lofts are the transition to the UNION Showroom, taking place at the neighbouring Kühlhaus. The collaboration embodies the idea of a cooperative platform that enables buyers to discover the best collections from both platforms.

THE JUNCTION starts simultaneously with UNION on 14.01.24 and ends with SEEK on 17.01.24.

SEEK is not only presenting the first edition of its new chapter in January 2024 but is also welcoming a new partner on board: UNION Showroom. The new alliance from Berlin combines the strengths of both formats intending to offer buyers from all over the world an even more comprehensive experience in Germany's fashion capital.

With united forces, the two teams led by Marie-Luise Patzelt (SEEK) and Felix Engelmann (UNION Showroom) are showcasing their new project "THE JUNCTION". A selection of brands will be presented in Station Berlin's exclusive loft spaces, including Nudie Jeans, Tenue, Viberg, White Sand, Paltò, Freenote Cloth, Ootoo Boots and A New Sweden. At the same time, the lofts are the transition to the UNION Showroom, taking place at the neighbouring Kühlhaus. The collaboration embodies the idea of a cooperative platform that enables buyers to discover the best collections from both platforms.

THE JUNCTION starts simultaneously with UNION on 14.01.24 and ends with SEEK on 17.01.24.

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Premium Exhibitions GmbH