From the Sector

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Color Analysis DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd
Color Analysis

CSI launches their Color Analysis Magazine for Spring/Summer 2019

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar Group is launching their Color Analysis for Spring/Summer 2019. Color Analysis is CSI’s trend forecasting magazine that provides high-level global color trend information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. It contains a forecast of key colors, accents and core neutrals that will be most relevant for the upcoming seasons. The forecast is based on consumer reports, detailed market research, current social trends and generational mindsets. Every issue features an artist who influences and inspires forward thinking.

Color Solutions International, a member of the DyStar Group is launching their Color Analysis for Spring/Summer 2019. Color Analysis is CSI’s trend forecasting magazine that provides high-level global color trend information for color managers, directors and designers to support the color palette development process. It contains a forecast of key colors, accents and core neutrals that will be most relevant for the upcoming seasons. The forecast is based on consumer reports, detailed market research, current social trends and generational mindsets. Every issue features an artist who influences and inspires forward thinking.

The magazine includes a seasonal color palette selected from a wide range of approximately 9,000 CSI colors. The color palette is also available as cotton swatches sold on a ring. Part of the CSI service offering is to provide color direction based on a wide scope of palette searches as well as validated color use. Every issue will include an exclusive Relative Color Popularity (RCP) report, which provides color validation based on seasonal color palette usage by comparing similar hues.
CSI and DyStar support brands, retailers and their business partners from development to production. The CSI and DyStar team of experts work together and assist their customers in color development, communication as well as in the dyeing and quality inspection process to achieve best possible results and sustainable fashion. All CSI products are produced with high-quality, eco-friendly DyStar colorants.
“The Color Analysis Magazine is an important feature of our service for designers, offering them competitive color trends for upcoming seasons. At CSI, we are here to assist with color selections and provide all the necessary tools needed for a successful seasonal palette.” -CSI Color and Trend Director.


DyStar Singapore Pte Ltd  

MintModa and Archroma Archroma
MintModa and Archroma

Trend forecaster MintModa and color leader Archroma partner to advance the heighten impact of color in fashion

Fashion forecaster MintModa and Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announce a new strategic partnership leveraging the respective strengths of both companies in color creativity. Combining Archroma’s scientific color expertise with MintModa’s clear, narrative-driven color forecasts provides fashion and design-related industries with an actionable and trend-right color resource.
Launched last year, Color Atlas by Archroma offers 4320 new shades, extending their custom color business with a readily available, time-efficient color management system. MintModa’s ColoRevolution offers highly-curated color analysis and direction on its cloud-based subscription trend service. Because color plays a starring role in the visual language of social media, carefully chosen palettes are essential for capturing a new generation of connected consumers.

Fashion forecaster MintModa and Archroma, a global leader in color and specialty chemicals, announce a new strategic partnership leveraging the respective strengths of both companies in color creativity. Combining Archroma’s scientific color expertise with MintModa’s clear, narrative-driven color forecasts provides fashion and design-related industries with an actionable and trend-right color resource.
Launched last year, Color Atlas by Archroma offers 4320 new shades, extending their custom color business with a readily available, time-efficient color management system. MintModa’s ColoRevolution offers highly-curated color analysis and direction on its cloud-based subscription trend service. Because color plays a starring role in the visual language of social media, carefully chosen palettes are essential for capturing a new generation of connected consumers.

“People today are constantly exposed to a barrage of vibrant media on multiple devices. The customer is now visually sophisticated, a voracious consumer of ever-changing images depicting highly-styled products, places and people,” states MintModa founder and creative director Sharon Graubard. “The emotional draw of color, hardwired into humans, becomes an ever-more powerful marketing tool.”
“The Color Atlas by Archroma represents a true labor of love,” said Chris Hipps, Global Director, Archroma Color Management. “The idea is to offer our customers options they never dreamed of. We resonate with MintModa’s progressive, focused approach. In fact, we met because they were searching for a specific shade of blue and couldn’t find it elsewhere. This level of color curation dovetails with our passionate drive and relentless commitment towards excellence.”



Farbtrends Farbtrends

drapilux: Diese Farben bestimmen den Textilmarkt

Wohin entwickeln sich aktuell die Farbtrends, welche Colorits erobern schon bald die Innenräume? Die Kreativen von drapilux, dem führenden Anbieter flammhemmender Gardinen und Dekorationsstoffe, sind immer „am Puls der Zeit“: Auf Reisen und Messen holen sie sich regelmäßig Impulse für neue Dessins. Aktuell inspirieren diese acht ausgewählten Trendtöne und sind aus dem Textilbereich nicht wegzudenken.

Wohin entwickeln sich aktuell die Farbtrends, welche Colorits erobern schon bald die Innenräume? Die Kreativen von drapilux, dem führenden Anbieter flammhemmender Gardinen und Dekorationsstoffe, sind immer „am Puls der Zeit“: Auf Reisen und Messen holen sie sich regelmäßig Impulse für neue Dessins. Aktuell inspirieren diese acht ausgewählten Trendtöne und sind aus dem Textilbereich nicht wegzudenken.

  • Weiß/Creme
    „Für den Interior-Bereich ist Weiß als Basis ein Muss, im Moment ist es sogar besonders gefragt“, erläutert Kirstin Herrmann, Leiterin des Designateliers bei drapilux. Die Nuance zeigt sich als echter Teamplayer: Sie lässt andere Farben leuchten und strahlt dadurch selber.
  • Blush Pale Pink
    „Rosé ist jetzt gewissermaßen erwachsen geworden und hat sein leicht kitschiges Prinzessinnen-Image verloren“, erklärt die Designerin. Blush Pale Pink wirkt sanft und entspannend – mit gedeckten Tönen wie Grau erscheint es sehr elegant.
  • Coral
    Hip, hipper, coral: Aktuell ist Orangerot einer der wichtigsten Trends – zumindest für Akzente wie Kissen oder Kerzen. Auch das satte Orange ist mit all seiner Intensität und Brillanz zurück, nachdem es in den 70er Jahren erst übermäßig eingesetzt wurde und dann eine ganze Zeit lang aus dem Innenbereich verschwunden war.
  • Buttercup-Gelb
    Gelb ist ebenfalls für Akzente stark im Kommen. „In der Fläche wirkt es – ähnlich wie Coral – zu laut und grell, deshalb sollte es immer dosiert, akzentuiert oder kombiniert eingesetzt werden“, rät Kirstin Herrmann. Nachdem es vor einigen Jahren seinen Siegeszug als Lemongrün startete, wurde es von Saison zu Saison gelber und erfrischt nun als kräftiges, sattes Butterblumen-Gelb.
  • Infused Pastels
    „Infused Pastels“ enthalten viele Grauanteile und kommen den Non-Colours näher als den süßlichen, pastelligen Candy-Tönen. Die Designerin verdeutlicht: „Neben Pale Pink gehören Leinen und Hellgrau sowie helle Minttöne und angegraute Hellblau-Nuancen in dieses Farbspektrum.“
  • Non-Colours
    Schon seit Jahren sind die Non-Colours aus dem Einrichtungsbereich nicht mehr wegzudenken. Kirstin Herrmann weiß: „Das Erfolgsgeheimnis des „Übertrends“ liegt darin, dass die Non-Colours schick, trendy und gleichzeitig gemütlich sind. Dunkel gestrichene Wände wirken nicht mehr trist, sondern verbreiten eine elegante und sehr lifestylige Atmosphäre.“
  • Aquablau
    „Blau ist das neue Schwarz“, so Kirstin Herrmann. „Es ist und bleibt als Basis absolut wichtig.“ Im Home-Bereich breitet es sich immer mehr aus: an Wänden, als Couch oder Kissen. Nicht nur das beliebte Marine spielt eine große Rolle. Immer häufiger werden unterschiedliche Blau-Facetten eingesetzt – von Dunkelblau über satte Nuancen bis hin zu wässrigen Aquatönen.
  • Metallglanz
    „Metallfarben sind kein neuer Trend: Was mit Kupfer anfing, umfasst inzwischen sämtliche metallischen Töne. Neu sind allerdings glänzende Blau- und Türkisnuancen“, erklärt Kirstin Herrmann die ungebrochene Beliebtheit der glänzenden Highlights.
More information:

schönknecht : kommunikation

Filpucci Filpucci

Re.Verso ™ by Filpucci

On June 28th, at Sala Riunioni Area Monumentale (1st floor), Filpucci is celebrating its 50th anniversary with the press conference: “Fifty years of Filpucci - History tells the future”.
An enduring vocation for pioneering values and reliable manufacturing processes, both traceable and transparent, as shown by Re.VersoTM supply chain, a circular economy model, of which it is a member and exclusive reference point in the framework of high-end/low impact yarns for knitwear with the Collection Ninetyfive, now available in stock service, for an innovation available on request, thus marking a further breakthrough. From Stella McCartney to Eileen Fisher, from Filippa K to Patagonia, the fashion system’s big labels have opted for the regenerated yarns Re.VersoTM by Filpucci, thus sharing a new business philosophy: an environment-conscious and responsible approach, with does not relinquish style, but elevates it far forward style & trends. Filpucci, true Italian excellence for 50 years, has widened its range of smart Re.Verso™ products thus encompassing:

On June 28th, at Sala Riunioni Area Monumentale (1st floor), Filpucci is celebrating its 50th anniversary with the press conference: “Fifty years of Filpucci - History tells the future”.
An enduring vocation for pioneering values and reliable manufacturing processes, both traceable and transparent, as shown by Re.VersoTM supply chain, a circular economy model, of which it is a member and exclusive reference point in the framework of high-end/low impact yarns for knitwear with the Collection Ninetyfive, now available in stock service, for an innovation available on request, thus marking a further breakthrough. From Stella McCartney to Eileen Fisher, from Filippa K to Patagonia, the fashion system’s big labels have opted for the regenerated yarns Re.VersoTM by Filpucci, thus sharing a new business philosophy: an environment-conscious and responsible approach, with does not relinquish style, but elevates it far forward style & trends. Filpucci, true Italian excellence for 50 years, has widened its range of smart Re.Verso™ products thus encompassing:
• The yarn Baby Camel Re.VersoTM produced with Re.Verso™ baby camel and mixed with 50% extra-fine Merino Wool comes in two yarn counts (1:13000nm and 2:13000 nm twisted). A delicate, rich and super soft yarn, with indescribable touch, which preserves its natural proprieties and comes in a selection of refined shades.
• The new Divette item, coming in two yarn counts (1:15000nm, 2:26000 nm twisted), yet again sheds light on the pioneering attitude of a manufacturer aiming to offer soft and creative combed and twisted yarns, that are unmistakably innovative and come in different degrees of thinness. Sophisticated, exceptionally soft and warm yarns, made with cashmere Re.Verso™ fibres mixed with extra fine wools.

More information:
CLASS, Filpucci. RE.Verso

GB Network Marketing & Communication

Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 Source:
Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0

The new Lectra Fashion PLM gears fashion companies up for the fourth industrial revolution

With digitalization transforming the way consumers shop, today’s fashion companies are playing a neverending game of catch-up, as they compete for the attention of a generation of connected, fickle-minded millennials who want it all: personalization, sustainability, quality and speed, accessible at all times, across multiple channels, and at the lowest price. Industry 4.0 is not only revolutionizing how manufacturers operate, but also how brands and retailers need to function, if they want to be fast and agile enough to meet the needs of this demanding new consumer. The stakes are high and how effectively companies harness technology to put the consumer at the heart of their process will be the deciding factor in who comes out ahead and who gets left behind.

With digitalization transforming the way consumers shop, today’s fashion companies are playing a neverending game of catch-up, as they compete for the attention of a generation of connected, fickle-minded millennials who want it all: personalization, sustainability, quality and speed, accessible at all times, across multiple channels, and at the lowest price. Industry 4.0 is not only revolutionizing how manufacturers operate, but also how brands and retailers need to function, if they want to be fast and agile enough to meet the needs of this demanding new consumer. The stakes are high and how effectively companies harness technology to put the consumer at the heart of their process will be the deciding factor in who comes out ahead and who gets left behind.

Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0 has undergone a drastic reboot to give fashion and apparel companies the speed and agility they need to tackle the challenges of Industry 4.0 head on. Lectra Fashion PLM 4.0, with the widest functional scope on the market, acts as an intelligent nerve center to the digital supply chain, from planning through design to production. This ensures a consistent flow of error-free data between processes, technologies and people. The system connects CAD, industry-standard software such as Adobe Illustrator, company IT systems (such as ERP) and external suppliers, so that actors across the supply chain can work on, save and share information on the platform, ensuring data integrity.
The solution also draws on best practices, fashion-business intelligence and real-world scenarios to automate administrative and repetitive tasks, with templates, standard libraries and shortcuts that allows more time for value-added activities. The final result is a fast, connected digital supply chain that helps fashion companies jump on trends quickly and deliver products that fulfill their customer’s expectations.



Intertextile Shanghai Home Messe Frankfurt
Intertextile Shanghai Home

August’s Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles provides opportunities in the rejuvenated Chinese home textiles market

With less than four months to go before Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles takes place, the domestic market is showing strong signs of rejuvenation. China’s economy has stabilised recently, with 2016 GDP recording a 6.7% increase and reaching USD 10.7 trillion, while the National Bureau of Statistics also stated that the total sales of consumer goods last year rose 10.4% to nearly USD 4.8 trillion. Not only will the estimated 10 million couples getting married every year contribute to the strong demand for home textiles products, but the ascending living standards resulting from increased urbanisation together with the flourishing hospitality industry are also driving forces for the market. Apart from the domestic market, the Chinese home textiles industry is also actively opening up new markets around the world, particularly in the ASEAN region where exports continue to increase.

With less than four months to go before Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles takes place, the domestic market is showing strong signs of rejuvenation. China’s economy has stabilised recently, with 2016 GDP recording a 6.7% increase and reaching USD 10.7 trillion, while the National Bureau of Statistics also stated that the total sales of consumer goods last year rose 10.4% to nearly USD 4.8 trillion. Not only will the estimated 10 million couples getting married every year contribute to the strong demand for home textiles products, but the ascending living standards resulting from increased urbanisation together with the flourishing hospitality industry are also driving forces for the market. Apart from the domestic market, the Chinese home textiles industry is also actively opening up new markets around the world, particularly in the ASEAN region where exports continue to increase.

Along with the national 13th Five-Year Plan, the home textiles industry has also set its own development plan for the coming five years. Industry leaders, the China National Textile and Apparel Council and the China Home Textile Association, have announced that the home textiles industry is to be modernised by incorporating more innovative, technological and artistic elements. Annual growth of 5.5% and 3.2% for revenue and exports, respectively, are targeted, while automation is to be further promoted to enhance productivity.
Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd added that the prevalent whole-home trend in China will also stimulate the market as a whole. “More and more companies are starting to promote the whole-home concept which emphasises unified styles of decoration throughout the entire home to customers. Compared to demonstrating home textile products separately, showcasing whole-home furnishing is more appealing to Chinese buyers and will encourage sales. The synergy among products, especially those between home textile products and furniture is the emerging trend at present,” said Ms Wen.


Messe Frankfurt

Lectra´s Annual Report Lectra Headquarters / Press Department
Lectra´s Annual Report

Lectra’s 2016 Annual Report

Lectra achieved record financial results in 2016: €260.2 million in revenues, rising 10%, and € 26.7 million in net income, an increase of 14%. The Group consolidated its positions in automotive, and fashion and apparel, as well as acquired strong positions in furniture. Lectra has entirely transformed itself and today benefits from its bolstered technological advance, the enhanced expertise of its teams, an extended global footprint, and a refurbished campus.

Lectra achieved record financial results in 2016: €260.2 million in revenues, rising 10%, and € 26.7 million in net income, an increase of 14%. The Group consolidated its positions in automotive, and fashion and apparel, as well as acquired strong positions in furniture. Lectra has entirely transformed itself and today benefits from its bolstered technological advance, the enhanced expertise of its teams, an extended global footprint, and a refurbished campus.

Looking ahead, Lectra is in a strong position to carry out its new strategy, carefully conceived to empower its customers to step into the Industry 4.0 era. In close collaboration with global customers, Lectra has identified four mega trends that will change the business: the Millennials generation, the digitalization of companies, the emergence of Industry 4.0, and profound changes in China’s economy. Their impact, set to intensify, represents considerable challenges. Lectra’s annual report analyses the implications of these mega trends, and outlines the company’s response.
Helping customers to tackle such challenges, Lectra is gearing up to commercialize Software as a Service (SaaS), leveraged by cloud technology. Its expert knowledge of business combined with ten years’ experience in the industrial Internet of Things and rising investments in R&D, means Lectra is in a formidable position to help its customers seize opportunities in the new industrial age.            

More information:
Lectra Annual Report

Lectra Headquarters / Press Department