From the Sector

66 results

Autoneum Holding AG Annual General Meeting

  • Waiver of dividend
  • Expansion of Board of Directors

The shareholders of Autoneum Holding Ltd approved all proposals of the Board of Directors at today’s Annual General Meeting and agreed to forgo dividend payments. Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli were newly elected to the Board of Directors. Based on Art. 27 of the Covid-19 Ordinance 3, the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd decided to hold the 2021 Annual General Meeting without physical attendance by the shareholders. For this reason, the Company had asked them in advance to exercise their rights exclusively via the Independent Proxy. He represented 63.5% of a total of 4 672 363 shares.

  • Waiver of dividend
  • Expansion of Board of Directors

The shareholders of Autoneum Holding Ltd approved all proposals of the Board of Directors at today’s Annual General Meeting and agreed to forgo dividend payments. Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli were newly elected to the Board of Directors. Based on Art. 27 of the Covid-19 Ordinance 3, the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd decided to hold the 2021 Annual General Meeting without physical attendance by the shareholders. For this reason, the Company had asked them in advance to exercise their rights exclusively via the Independent Proxy. He represented 63.5% of a total of 4 672 363 shares.

The shareholders approved the Annual Report, the Annual Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements 2020. In view of the net loss in the 2020 financial year, the Board of Directors proposed forgoing dividend payments, which was approved by a large majority of the shareholders. Hans-Peter Schwald, Chairman of the Board of Directors, said: “2020 was extremely challenging for the entire automobile industry and also for Autoneum. The pandemic-related drop in revenue has impacted profitability. Despite the net loss, Autoneum reached important financial improvements in 2020. We expect to return to profitability in 2021 and our aim to distribute at least 30% of the net profit attributable to Autoneum shareholders as dividends remains unchanged. The Board of Directors, the Group Executive Board and the Company as a whole are committed fully to ensuring that Autoneum continues to make significant operational and financial improvements.”

Chairman Hans-Peter Schwald and the other members of the Board of Directors, Rainer Schmückle, Norbert Indlekofer, Michael Pieper, This E. Schneider and Ferdinand Stutz were confirmed in office. Newly elected to the Board of Directors were Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli.

With Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli and the resignation of Peter Spuhler, who did not stand for reelection in order to be able to focus on managing Stadler Rail, the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd has expanded from seven to eight members. Hans-Peter Schwald explained: “The expertise of Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli in the areas of finance and corporate management is of great value to Autoneum. As the Board of Directors, we look forward to this enhancement to the Board and to working with both of them.”

Peter Spuhler has been an important driving force since the Company became independent, he played a major role in shaping Autoneum thanks to his entrepreneurial expertise and showed great commitment to the Company. The Board of Directors thanks him sincerely and wishes him continued success.

This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Ferdinand Stutz were re-elected to the Compensation Committee. Oliver Streuli was elected as a new member of this committee. In addition, the shareholders of Autoneum Holding Ltd granted discharge to all members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board with a large majority.

The consultative vote on the 2020 remuneration report was approved by 83.4%. Due to the severe impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Group’s business development, the members of the Board of Directors renounced half of their compensation for the 2020 financial year and, in order to  align their remuneration with shareholder interests, decided to receive it entirely in Autoneum shares. In addition, a waiver of salary amounting to 10% of the basic salary for a period of three months was agreed upon with the senior management as part of a reduction of personnel costs.

The proposals for the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board for the 2022 financial year as well as the other proposals were also approved by a large majority.


Autoneum Management AG


2020 financial year: operating profit thanks to profitable second half-year

2020 financial year: operating profit thanks to profitable second half-year Due to the pandemic-related decline in global vehicle production, Autoneum's revenue in local currencies decreased by –18.7% in 2020. Thanks to a global cost reduction program and improvements from the turnaround program in North America, Autoneum achieved an EBIT margin of 1.6%. Furthermore, the significantly increased free cash flow of CHF 112.5 million enabled a substantial reduction in net debt (excluding lease liabilities) of CHF –63.3 million.

2020 financial year: operating profit thanks to profitable second half-year Due to the pandemic-related decline in global vehicle production, Autoneum's revenue in local currencies decreased by –18.7% in 2020. Thanks to a global cost reduction program and improvements from the turnaround program in North America, Autoneum achieved an EBIT margin of 1.6%. Furthermore, the significantly increased free cash flow of CHF 112.5 million enabled a substantial reduction in net debt (excluding lease liabilities) of CHF –63.3 million.

2020 was marked by the coronavirus pandemic and its massive impact on the global economy. Worldwide lockdowns and production stoppages at vehicle manufacturers had drastic consequences for the entire automobile industry and Autoneum in the first half of the year. Although the market recovered in the second half-year, the number of vehicles produced for the year as a whole remained well below the level of the previous year. Thanks to prompt adjustment of the cost structure to the reduced market volume and improvements achieved during the turnaround in North America, Autoneum nevertheless managed to generate an operating profit in 2020 in an extremely difficult and volatile market environment.

Please find more details in attached PDF file.

More information:
Autoneum Geschäftsjahr 2020

Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum: Revenue development and personnel changes

Reflecting the pandemic-related drop in worldwide vehicle production, Autoneum’s revenue in local currencies fell by –18.7% in 2020, although the second half of the year saw a significant market recovery. Group revenue in Swiss francs fell by –24.2% year-on-year to CHF 1 740.6 million. For the full year 2020, the EBIT margin will be around 1.5% and the free cash flow slightly over CHF 100 million.
At the Annual General Meeting on March 25, 2021, the Board of Directors will propose Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli for election to the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding. Peter Spuhler will not stand for re-election.

Reflecting the pandemic-related drop in worldwide vehicle production, Autoneum’s revenue in local currencies fell by –18.7% in 2020, although the second half of the year saw a significant market recovery. Group revenue in Swiss francs fell by –24.2% year-on-year to CHF 1 740.6 million. For the full year 2020, the EBIT margin will be around 1.5% and the free cash flow slightly over CHF 100 million.
At the Annual General Meeting on March 25, 2021, the Board of Directors will propose Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli for election to the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding. Peter Spuhler will not stand for re-election.

At 74.5 million, the number of light vehicles produced globally in 2020 was down –16.2% compared to the previous year, where around 89 million vehicles were manufactured. Autoneum’s revenue in local currencies decreased by –18.7% in 2020, pretty much in line with the negative market dynamics. The somewhat stronger decline of revenue compared to the market results from a lower share of Asia in Autoneum's total revenue. Impacted by the appreciation of the Swiss franc against the most important currencies for Autoneum, the consolidated revenue dropped in 2020 by –24.2% to CHF 1 740.6 million. The heterogeneous development of the first and second half of the year was characteristic for the pandemic-driven automotive year 2020. Worldwide lockdowns and production stoppages at vehicle manufacturers led to a market slump in the first six months and a corresponding loss in revenue for Autoneum. Thanks to the subsequent market recovery and catch-up effects in the second half of the year, revenue improved considerably compared to the first half of the year.

Revenue development in Asia and SAMEA region significantly better than market
While revenues in local currencies of the highest-volume Business Groups Europe and North America decreased by –25.6% and –19.3% respectively, reflecting the regional, pandemic-driven market development (Europe: –22.9%; North America: –20.1%), Business Group Asia almost held its prior-year level with an organic decline of only –2.1% in 2020 thanks to the strong upturn in automobile production in China in the second half of the year and despite the fact that the number of vehicles produced in Asia fell by –11.4%.*

Personnel changes to the Board of Directors
At the Annual General Meeting on March 25, 2021, the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding will propose Liane Hirner and Oliver Streuli for election as new members of the Board of Directors.
Liane Hirner has been CFO and member of the Management Board of Vienna Insurance Group, based in Vienna, Austria, since 2018.*

Oliver Streuli, a Swiss national, has been CEO of PCS Holding, based in Frauenfeld (Canton Thurgau), Switzerland, since 2019.*

Peter Spuhler has been a member of the Board of Directors of Autoneum since 2011 and will not stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting on March 25, 2021.*


*See attached document for further informationen


Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum: Current assessment of the 2020 financial year

The global automobile production has been recovering faster than expected since summer. If this positive trend continues through the full second half of the year, Group revenue in local currencies in the second semester is likely to be just around –5% below the level of the prior year period. For the full year 2020 it is anticipated that revenue in local currencies will decline by around –20% compared to 2019.

Based on this development of revenue, the extensive cost reduction measures taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis and the on-schedule progress of the turnaround in North America, an EBIT margin of 4-5% is expected for the second half of the year and a slightly positive EBIT margin for 2020 as a whole. Supported by the strict management of working capital and investments, the free cash flow is likely to be in the higher double-digit million range, which should enable a slight reduction in debt.

The outlook for 2021 and especially the first half-year remains uncertain and depends strongly on how the pandemic will develop. According to forecasts, global vehicle production in 2021 will still not reach the level of 2019.

The global automobile production has been recovering faster than expected since summer. If this positive trend continues through the full second half of the year, Group revenue in local currencies in the second semester is likely to be just around –5% below the level of the prior year period. For the full year 2020 it is anticipated that revenue in local currencies will decline by around –20% compared to 2019.

Based on this development of revenue, the extensive cost reduction measures taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis and the on-schedule progress of the turnaround in North America, an EBIT margin of 4-5% is expected for the second half of the year and a slightly positive EBIT margin for 2020 as a whole. Supported by the strict management of working capital and investments, the free cash flow is likely to be in the higher double-digit million range, which should enable a slight reduction in debt.

The outlook for 2021 and especially the first half-year remains uncertain and depends strongly on how the pandemic will develop. According to forecasts, global vehicle production in 2021 will still not reach the level of 2019.


Autoneum Management AG

Autoneum: Tuftingteppich (c) Autoneum

Autoneum: Tuftingteppich aus rezykliertem PET

Mit Relive-1 lanciert Autoneum einen innovativen Tuftingteppich, der höchsten Ansprüchen an nachhaltige Mobilität gerecht wird. Die mit dem «Autoneum Pure.»-Label für besondere Umweltfreundlichkeit ausgezeichnete Tuftingtechnologie für die Kompaktbis Premiumklasse ist gegenüber dem in diesen Fahrzeugsegmenten üblichen Teppichstandard zudem langlebiger und überzeugt mit einer exzellenten Reinigungsfähigkeit.

Mit Relive-1 lanciert Autoneum einen innovativen Tuftingteppich, der höchsten Ansprüchen an nachhaltige Mobilität gerecht wird. Die mit dem «Autoneum Pure.»-Label für besondere Umweltfreundlichkeit ausgezeichnete Tuftingtechnologie für die Kompaktbis Premiumklasse ist gegenüber dem in diesen Fahrzeugsegmenten üblichen Teppichstandard zudem langlebiger und überzeugt mit einer exzellenten Reinigungsfähigkeit.

Die globale Nachfrage nach innovativen Fahrzeugen der Zukunft und nachhaltigen Mobilitätsformen steigt. Automobilhersteller und Zulieferer fokussieren sich in der Fahrzeugentwicklung entsprechend verstärkt auf ressourcenschonende Leichtbaukomponenten und Produktionsprozesse. Darüber hinaus sind Optik und Haptik der Passagierkabine ausschlaggebend für die Kaufentscheidung, da das Auto in Zukunft verstärkt für Arbeit und Erholung genutzt wird. Hier beeinflussen Teppichsysteme durch ihre Grösse die Qualitätswahrnehmung entscheidend. Mit Relive-1 bietet Autoneum neu eine Premiumtechnologie für Fahrzeugteppiche an, die nicht nur mit ihrem ästhetischen Erscheinungsbild punktet, sondern auch eine überdurchschnittliche Umweltbilanz aufweist. Unter anderem überzeugen Teppiche aus Relive-1 durch einen besonders nachhaltigen Einsatz von Rohmaterialien: So werden für die Herstellung der Teppichfasern nur rezyklierte PET-Flaschen verwendet. Autoneum verwertet diesen Rohstoff wieder, schont so natürliche Ressourcen und verringert Plastikmüll – und sorgt gleichzeitig dafür, dass aus ausgedienten PET-Flaschen neue, hochwertige Teppichsysteme für kommende Fahrzeuggenerationen kosteneffizient produziert werden können. Darüber hinaus stellt Relive-1 einen bedeutenden Schritt zu Monomaterial-Konstruktionen und somit zu einer abfallfreien Fertigung von Tuftingteppichen dar.

Gleichzeitig steht Relive-1 einmal mehr für die überdurchschnittliche Produktqualität von Autoneum: Im Vergleich zu Standardteppichen der Kompakt- bis Oberklasse sind Relive-1-Teppiche dank signifikant höherer Abriebfestigkeit robuster und durch die vertikale Ausrichtung der Fasern sowie wasserabweisende Wirkung des Polyesters leicht zu reinigen. So können kleine Partikel wie Holzsplitter, Staub oder Steine, aber auch Flüssigkeiten problemlos und ohne Rückstände entfernt werden, was ein entscheidender Vorteil bei häufig in der Freizeit genutzten Fahrzeugen wie SUVs ist. Die Verbindung von herausragender Leistung und Nachhaltigkeit definiert heute bei Fahrzeugen der Premiumklasse den neuen Luxusstandard.


Autoneum Management AG

 ATLAS: cutting-edge technology for sustainable vehicle acoustics (c) Autoneum Management AG
Messsystem ATLAS

ATLAS: cutting-edge technology for sustainable vehicle acoustics

For more than 50 years, vehicle manufacturers have relied within their model development on Autoneum’s measuring systems for vehicle acoustics. With ATLAS, Autoneum has now added another particularly powerful device to the portfolio: Thanks to the efficient and reliable measurement methodology, noise-reducing vehicle components and materials can be analyzed and developed faster and with a significantly lower need for resources in the future.

For more than 50 years, vehicle manufacturers have relied within their model development on Autoneum’s measuring systems for vehicle acoustics. With ATLAS, Autoneum has now added another particularly powerful device to the portfolio: Thanks to the efficient and reliable measurement methodology, noise-reducing vehicle components and materials can be analyzed and developed faster and with a significantly lower need for resources in the future.

With the ongoing electrification of vehicles and trends like autonomous driving, future car generations will no longer be used solely for transport – remote working and recreation will equally play a key role. This requires a vehicle interior that is as noiseless as possible. In order to identify and insulate potential internal and external sound sources already in the pre-development of new models, car manufacturers around the world rely on Autoneum’s highly specialized measurement tools. The newly launched ATLAS – short for “Airborne Transmission Loss Analysis System” – measures the acoustic insulation and transmission loss of components such as carpets, inner dashes and floor insulators. This allows customers to assess noise-reducing parts within minutes and select acoustic components tailored to their needs.

ATLAS sets new testing standards in this regard. While developers previously had to analyze the NVH behavior (noise, vibration, harshness) of interior parts using material samples of around one square meter in size, ATLAS makes this process faster, cheaper and more environmentally-friendly. It enables measurements of small samples with a diameter of no more than ten centimeters, which substantially decreases the amount of material used. Thanks to its four highly sensitive microphones, only two trials are required to collect precise and valid test data, making the system developed at Autoneum’s research center in the Swiss city of Winterthur especially suitable for quality assurance and repeatability of the results obtained. Users also benefit from time savings of up to 50 percent compared to the previous testing standard.

Autoneum’s measurement systems represent the global industry standard and are used successfully by vehicle manufacturers, automotive suppliers and research institutions alike. The Company is therefore not only making a significant contribution to the mobility of the future with its noise-reducing products, but now with ATLAS as well.


Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum: Corona-related slump in revenue – bottom point overcome

The coronavirus pandemic and its massive impact on the automotive industry led to an un-precedented market slump in the first half of 2020 and a corresponding revenue decline at Autoneum. Revenue in local currencies fell by –32.7% compared to the prior-year period, and in Swiss francs by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million. The turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress in the first six months and is showing the targeted results. However, they were clearly overcompensated by the massive impact of the corona-virus crisis, which led to a negative net result of CHF –54.9 million despite comprehensive cost flexibilization measures.

The coronavirus pandemic and its massive impact on the automotive industry led to an un-precedented market slump in the first half of 2020 and a corresponding revenue decline at Autoneum. Revenue in local currencies fell by –32.7% compared to the prior-year period, and in Swiss francs by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million. The turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress in the first six months and is showing the targeted results. However, they were clearly overcompensated by the massive impact of the corona-virus crisis, which led to a negative net result of CHF –54.9 million despite comprehensive cost flexibilization measures.

Like the entire automobile industry, Autoneum was massively impacted by the effects of the corona-virus pandemic in the first half of the year. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in every region, especially in the second quarter of the year, not only led to an unprecedented market collapse, but also to a production stop at all 55 Autoneum sites. Starting in February in China and one month later in all other regions, vehicle manufacturers temporarily shut down production completely. The corresponding massive drop in global vehicle production led to a slump in revenue at Autoneum of –32.7% in local currencies. This reflects the development of the market in the first half of 2020, which contracted by –33.2% year-on-year. Revenue in Swiss francs at Autoneum fell by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million (prior-year period: CHF 1 156.1 million). Revenue development in all Business Groups outperformed the respective markets, particularly in Asia and the SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) region.

 Like the entire automobile industry, Autoneum was massively impacted by the effects of the corona-virus pandemic in the first half of the year. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in every region, especially in the second quarter of the year, not only led to an unprecedented market collapse, but also to a production stop at all 55 Autoneum sites. Starting in February in China and one month later in all other regions, vehicle manufacturers temporarily shut down production com-pletely. The corresponding massive drop in global vehicle production led to a slump in revenue at Autoneum of –32.7% in local currencies. This reflects the development of the market in the first half of 2020, which contracted by –33.2% year-on-year. Revenue in Swiss francs at Autoneum fell by –36.8% to CHF 730.6 million (prior-year period: CHF 1 156.1 million). Revenue development in all Business Groups outperformed the respective markets, particularly in Asia and the SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) region.

Autoneum promptly responded to the pandemic-related market slump by adopting extensive cost-cutting measures in all regions. These include the reduction of employee costs by, among other things, adjusting time accounts, introducing short-time work at eligible locations and temporary layoffs as well as headcount reduction, mainly among temporary workers. In addition, operating expenditures were limited to the absolutely necessary. The investment volume for 2020, already reduced from previous years, was downsized even further. Autoneum continues to benefit in this regard from the high level of investments undertaken in recent years.

 Although the coronavirus crisis and the measures taken to contain it dominated Autoneum’s course of business in the first half of 2020, the Company achieved necessary operational and financial im-provements during this period. The comprehensive turnaround program for the North American sites made further progress and is on track. Efficiency improvements already achieved there had a posi-tive effect on the figures of the first half-year, but were significantly overcompensated by the substan-tial impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Savings and cost flexibilization measures taken immediately and implemented worldwide in view of the revenue loss could not offset the ongoing, capacity-related fixed costs. This led at the Group level to a negative EBIT of CHF –31.8 million (prior-year period: CHF 16.4 million), which equates to an EBIT margin of –4.4% (prior-year period: 1.4%). The net result decreased because of the severe revenue shortfall to CHF –54.9 million (prior-year period: CHF –6.0 million).

For 2020 Autoneum expects revenue to develop at market level. Although customers’ production volumes should increase again in the second half of 2020 compared with the first semester, latest fore-casts indicate that they will remain clearly below the level of the second half of 2019. Immediately implemented and ongoing cost reduction measures as well as further operational optimizations also within the turnaround program in North America will lead to improvements in the second half of the year. Due to the current uncertainties, a reliable statement on the net result for the full year 2020 thus cannot be made. With regard to the mid-term targets, a recovery of the profitability level is expected, but it will largely depend on the market development.


Autoneum Management AG


Autoneum realigns financing sustainably

Due to the COVID 19 crisis and its significant impact on the automotive industry and Autoneum's course of business, the Company and a bank consortium have amended the existing long-term credit agreement in the amount of CHF 350 million, amongst others with regard to the financial covenants.

At the same time, the two major shareholders Michael Pieper and Peter Spuhler have  agreed to extend the term of the subordinated loans of CHF 20 million each, granted in December 2019, subject to the financial performance of Autoneum Group and aligned with the credit agreement with the bank syndicate. As a result, Autoneum's liquidity and long-term financing continue to be secured on a sustainable basis.

Due to the COVID 19 crisis and its significant impact on the automotive industry and Autoneum's course of business, the Company and a bank consortium have amended the existing long-term credit agreement in the amount of CHF 350 million, amongst others with regard to the financial covenants.

At the same time, the two major shareholders Michael Pieper and Peter Spuhler have  agreed to extend the term of the subordinated loans of CHF 20 million each, granted in December 2019, subject to the financial performance of Autoneum Group and aligned with the credit agreement with the bank syndicate. As a result, Autoneum's liquidity and long-term financing continue to be secured on a sustainable basis.

More information:
Covid-19 Autoneum

Autoneum Management AG


“Autoneum Pure.”: new sustainability label for products

Technologies with an excellent environmental performance throughout the entire product life cycle – that is what “Autoneum Pure.” stands for. In future, components that meet the highest standards in terms of sustainability and eco-friendliness can be identified at a glance under this label. This also includes the innovation “Mono-Liner” for wheelhouse outer liners.

As innovation leader in acoustic and thermal management, Autoneum continuously invests in the development and production of resource-saving components that make cars lighter and thus more climate-friendly. In view of an increasing sustainability awareness and the correspondingly greater information needs on environmentally-friendly vehicle components, the Company has now launched Autoneum Pure. The label determines particularly sustainable technologies, thereby guiding car manufacturers in product selection for future models.

Technologies with an excellent environmental performance throughout the entire product life cycle – that is what “Autoneum Pure.” stands for. In future, components that meet the highest standards in terms of sustainability and eco-friendliness can be identified at a glance under this label. This also includes the innovation “Mono-Liner” for wheelhouse outer liners.

As innovation leader in acoustic and thermal management, Autoneum continuously invests in the development and production of resource-saving components that make cars lighter and thus more climate-friendly. In view of an increasing sustainability awareness and the correspondingly greater information needs on environmentally-friendly vehicle components, the Company has now launched Autoneum Pure. The label determines particularly sustainable technologies, thereby guiding car manufacturers in product selection for future models.

Autoneum Pure is based on a comprehensive set of criteria assessing the sustainability performance of a product in all four phases of its life cycle: material procurement, production, use and end of life. For example, components with a high content of recyclable materials or those that achieve significant weight savings compared to comparable standard components qualify for the “Autoneum Pure.” label. Autoneum already offers various multifunctional technologies that meet the high standards for Autoneum Pure products: Ultra-Silent for underbody systems or battery undercovers, Di-Light for carpet systems, Prime-Light and IFP-R2 for inner dashes and floor insulators as well as Hybrid-Acoustics PET for e-motor encapsulations and engine-mounted parts, which was launched in fall 2019.

With Mono-Liner, the latest innovation for wheelhouse outer liners is also included in the Autoneum Pure portfolio. Among other things, the Mono-Liner-based components convince thanks to their lightweight construction, thereby contributing to lower vehicle weight with correspondingly less fuel consumption and emissions. The excellent life cycle assessment is also based on their particularly resource-saving manufacturing: Production cut offs of the components, which consist to a large extent of recycled PET fibers, can be processed into pellets and completely returned to the manufacturing process as fibers. An SUV and a crossover model from a US vehicle manufacturer already benefit from Mono-Liner wheelhouse outer liners.

Anahid Rickmann, Head of Corporate Communications & Responsibility, explains: “With Autoneum Pure we are the first automotive supplier to establish a sustainability label in the field of acoustic and thermal management. Autoneum Pure is part of the Company's Advance Sustainability  Strategy 2025 and sets industry standards in product communication.”


Autoneum Holding AG


autoneum: Annual General Meeting: waiver of dividend for 2019 financial year

All proposals submitted by the Board of Directors were approved at the Annual General Meeting of Autoneum Holding Ltd. In view of the net loss in the 2019 financial year, a dis-tinct majority of shareholders agreed to the proposal to forgo a dividend payment.

In consideration of COVID-19 Ordinance 2 of the Federal Council, no shareholders were admitted to physically attend the Annual General Meeting on site. The Company therefore requested the shareholders in advance to transfer their votes to the independent voting proxy. He represented 59.8% of the total 4 672 363 shares issued.

All proposals submitted by the Board of Directors were approved at the Annual General Meeting of Autoneum Holding Ltd. In view of the net loss in the 2019 financial year, a dis-tinct majority of shareholders agreed to the proposal to forgo a dividend payment.

In consideration of COVID-19 Ordinance 2 of the Federal Council, no shareholders were admitted to physically attend the Annual General Meeting on site. The Company therefore requested the shareholders in advance to transfer their votes to the independent voting proxy. He represented 59.8% of the total 4 672 363 shares issued.

The shareholders approved the 2019 Annual Report including the consolidated and annual finan-cial statements. Given the significant net loss in the 2019 financial year shareholders approved the proposal submitted by the Board of Directors to forgo a dividend. Hans-Peter Schwald, Chairman of the Board of Directors, stressed: “Autoneum aims to distribute at least 30% of net profit attributable to Autoneum shareholders as dividends. Unfortunately, Autoneum did not generate a profit in 2019, mainly due to impairments. This development is unacceptable for both, the Group Executive Board and the Board of Directors, and together with the employees we are doing every-thing possible to get back on the road to success. Nevertheless, the Board of Directors and the Group Management will continue to adhere to their long-standing dividend policy and thus ensure that shareholders participate appropriately in the Company's success.”

Chairman Hans-Peter Schwald and the other members of the Board of Directors, Rainer Schmückle, Norbert Indlekofer, Michael Pieper, This E. Schneider, Peter Spuhler and Ferdinand Stutz, were confirmed in office. This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Ferdinand Stutz were also re-elected to the Compensation Committee. In addition, a large majority of the shareholders of Autoneum Holding Ltd gave formal discharge to all members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board.

The consultative vote on the 2019 remuneration report was approved by 89.2%. The proposals for the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board for the 2021 financial year as well as the other proposals were also approved by a large majority.


More information:

Autoneum Management AG


autoneum: Coronavirus pandemic massively impacts course of business

The corona pandemic has a significant impact on the global economy and thus also on the global automotive industry. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in all regions will result in a revenue decline at Autoneum in the current year, the extent of which cannot yet be estimated.

In addition to the ongoing cost-saving programs, Autoneum has therefore decided on a comprehensive set of measures to further increase the flexibility of personnel and material expenses. This includes staff adjustments, e.g. by reducing the number of temporary employees in plants. In addition, short-time work at the Swiss sites, the Group’s headquarters in Winterthur and at the Sevelen plant (canton of Sankt Gallen), as well as short-time work in some other European countries and temporary closures of production facilities in various regions in line with those of customers are being implemented. With these measures, Autoneum is at the same time making its contribution to protecting the workforce, breaking chains of infection and containing the spread of this pandemic.

The corona pandemic has a significant impact on the global economy and thus also on the global automotive industry. The temporary plant closures at almost all customers in all regions will result in a revenue decline at Autoneum in the current year, the extent of which cannot yet be estimated.

In addition to the ongoing cost-saving programs, Autoneum has therefore decided on a comprehensive set of measures to further increase the flexibility of personnel and material expenses. This includes staff adjustments, e.g. by reducing the number of temporary employees in plants. In addition, short-time work at the Swiss sites, the Group’s headquarters in Winterthur and at the Sevelen plant (canton of Sankt Gallen), as well as short-time work in some other European countries and temporary closures of production facilities in various regions in line with those of customers are being implemented. With these measures, Autoneum is at the same time making its contribution to protecting the workforce, breaking chains of infection and containing the spread of this pandemic.

Despite the above-mentioned countermeasures and in light of the advancing spread of the coronavirus, Autoneum does not expect to achieve its targets for the business year 2020. Due to the considerable uncertainties regarding the course and duration of the pandemic, no updated outlook is provided for 2020 for the time being.


Autoneum Management AG

autoneum: Konzernergebnis 2019
autoneum: Konzernergebnis 2019

autoneum: Konzernergebnis 2019

Autoneum ist 2019 organisch um 2.5% gewachsen und hat damit den rückläufigen Markt deutlich übertroffen. In Schweizer Franken stieg der Umsatz leicht auf 2 297.4 Mio. CHF. Wie bereits kommuniziert haben jedoch vor allem operative Ineffizienzen in Nordamerika und Wertberichtigungen auf Anlagen in dieser Region die Profitabilität stark belastet und zu einem Konzernverlust von –77.7 Mio. CHF geführt. Der Verwaltungsrat beantragt daher, für das Geschäftsjahr 2019 auf eine Dividende zu verzichten. Für 2020 werden basierend auf dem Anfang des Jahres neu lancierten Turnaroundprogramm in Nordamerika deutliche Profitabilitätssteigerungen erwartet.

Autoneum ist 2019 organisch um 2.5% gewachsen und hat damit den rückläufigen Markt deutlich übertroffen. In Schweizer Franken stieg der Umsatz leicht auf 2 297.4 Mio. CHF. Wie bereits kommuniziert haben jedoch vor allem operative Ineffizienzen in Nordamerika und Wertberichtigungen auf Anlagen in dieser Region die Profitabilität stark belastet und zu einem Konzernverlust von –77.7 Mio. CHF geführt. Der Verwaltungsrat beantragt daher, für das Geschäftsjahr 2019 auf eine Dividende zu verzichten. Für 2020 werden basierend auf dem Anfang des Jahres neu lancierten Turnaroundprogramm in Nordamerika deutliche Profitabilitätssteigerungen erwartet.

2019 war ein für die Automobilindustrie extrem herausforderndes Jahr. Die anhaltend schwache Weltkonjunktur, weiterhin bestehende Handelsstreitigkeiten und die zunehmende Regulierung der Mobilität haben sich negativ auf die Fahrzeugnachfrage ausgewirkt. Doch auch intern war 2019 für Autoneum ein Jahr des Wandels. So hat eine durch die neue Konzernleitung im Herbst durchgeführte Situationsanalyse ergeben, dass die kurz- und mittelfristige Geschäftsentwicklung des Konzerns neu bewertet werden muss. In der Business Group North America haben sich die operativen und kommerziellen Probleme als weiter reichend erwiesen als ursprünglich angenommen. Dementsprechend ist das im Frühjahr 2019 lancierte Turnaroundprogramm Anfang 2020 durch ein dezidiertes, weit umfassenderes Programm für die nordamerikanischen Standorte ersetzt worden.

Umsatzwachstum trotz rückläufigen Weltmarkts
Infolge der Nachfrageschwäche ist die Zahl der weltweit produzierten Fahrzeuge 2019 gegenüber dem Vorjahr erneut und deutlich gesunken, wobei das Produktionsminus mit knapp –6% wesentlich ausgeprägter war als 2018. Dank zahlreicher Neuanlaufe und des vorteilhaften Modellportfolios konnte Autoneum trotz der globalen Marktabkühlung ein organisches Umsatzwachstum von 2.5% erzielen. Der in Schweizer Franken konsolidierte Umsatz stieg von 2 281.5 Mio. CHF um 0.7% auf 2 297.4 Mio. CHF.

Profitabilität leidet unter operativen Ineffizienzen und Wertberichtigungen
Operative Ineffizienzen in Nordamerika und Wertberichtigungen auf Anlagen in dieser Region sind der Hauptgrund für das 2019 erstmalig negative Konzernergebnis. Zusätzlich wirkten sich die stark gesunkene Automobilproduktion in Europa und China sowie die damit verbundene schwächere Auslastung der Fertigungskapazitäten in den betroffenen Business Groups negativ auf die Profitabilität des Konzerns aus. Dementsprechend sank das EBITDA vor IFRS-16-Effekten auf 126.0 Mio. CHF (2018: 197.2 Mio. CHF), was einer EBITDA-Marge von 5.5% entspricht (2018: 8.6%). Der Einmaleffekt aus Wertberichtigungen in Höhe von –68.0 Mio. CHF hat das EBIT belastet, wodurch es sich auf –32.9 Mio. CHF (2018: 114.1 Mio. CHF) reduzierte. Ohne diesen Einmaleffekt summierte sich das EBIT auf 35.0 Mio. CHF. Die EBIT-Marge lag 2019 vor Wertberichtigungen bei 1.5%, unter Berücksichtigung derselben bei –1.4% (2018: 5.0%).

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Autoneum: Report on financial year 2019

Net result impacted by operating losses and high impairments in North America

In 2019, Autoneum grew organically by 2.5% and has thereby significantly outperformed the declining market. In Swiss francs, revenue rose slightly to CHF 2 297.4 million. However, as previously communicated, operational inefficiencies in North America and impairments on fixed assets in that region had a particularly strong impact on profitability and led to a net loss of CHF –77.7 million. The Board of Directors therefore proposes that no dividend bedistributed for the 2019 financial year. Based on the new turnaround program launched in North America at the beginning of this year, significant profitability increases are expected for 2020.

Net result impacted by operating losses and high impairments in North America

In 2019, Autoneum grew organically by 2.5% and has thereby significantly outperformed the declining market. In Swiss francs, revenue rose slightly to CHF 2 297.4 million. However, as previously communicated, operational inefficiencies in North America and impairments on fixed assets in that region had a particularly strong impact on profitability and led to a net loss of CHF –77.7 million. The Board of Directors therefore proposes that no dividend bedistributed for the 2019 financial year. Based on the new turnaround program launched in North America at the beginning of this year, significant profitability increases are expected for 2020.

2019 was an extremely challenging year for the automobile industry. The continuing weakness of the global economy, ongoing trade disputes and the increasing regulation of mobility impacted vehicle demand negatively. But 2019 was also a year of change for Autoneum internally. An in-depth analysis carried out by the new Group Management in the fall showed a need to reevaluate the Group’s performance over the short- to medium-term. In Business Group North America, the operational and commercial problems have proven more extensive than originally assumed. As a result, the turnaround program launched in spring 2019 was replaced at the beginning of 2020 with a dedicated and far more comprehensive program for the North American sites.

Revenue growth despite a shrinking global market
As a result of weak demand, the number of light vehicles produced worldwide fell again sharply in 2019 compared to the previous year; whereby the decline of almost –6% was much steeper than in 2018. Thanks to numerous production ramp-ups and a favorable model portfolio, Autoneum generated organic revenue growth1 of 2.5%, despite the global market cooling. Revenue consolidated in Swiss francs rose by 0.7% from CHF 2 281.5 million to CHF 2 297.4 million.

Profitability2 impacted by operational inefficiencies and impairments
Operational inefficiencies in North America and impairments on fixed assets in this region were the main reason for the – first-ever – negative net result in 2019. In addition, the sharp drop in automobile production in Europe and China as well as associated lower utilization of production capacities in the affected Business Groups also burdened the Group’s profitability. EBITDA excluding IFRS 16 effects decreased to CHF 126.0 million (2018: CHF 197.2 million), which corresponds to an EBITDA margin of 5.5% (2018: 8.6%). One-time charges from impairments in the amount of CHF –68.0 million had a negative impact on EBIT, reducing it to CHF –32.9 million (2018: CHF 114.1 million). Without these one-time charges, EBIT amounted to CHF 35.0 million. The EBIT margin 1 Change in revenue in local currencies, adjusted for hyperinflation. 2 The figures for the 2019 financial year include IFRS 16 effects. Autoneum Management Ltd . Media Release . March 4, 2020 Page 2/5 excluding impairments was at 1.5% in 2019, and taking those into account the margin decreased to –1.4% (2018: 5.0%).


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autoneum: revenue growth in a declining market

Thanks to numerous new ramp-ups and the favorable portfolio of vehicle models supplied, Autoneum grew organically by 2.5% in a declining market. Adjusted for currency effects, Group revenue in Swiss francs amounted to CHF 2 297.4 million, 0.7% higher compared to the previous year.

For the second consecutive year, fewer vehicles were manufactured worldwide in 2019 than in the prior year. In particular, the persistently weak global economy and ongoing trade disputes have had an impact on vehicle demand. With only about 89 million vehicles produced, the market shrank by almost –6% compared to 2018. Despite this negative trend, Autoneum achieved an organic revenue growth of 2.5% through numerous production ramp-ups and a favorable mix of vehicle models supplied. Revenue consolidated in Swiss francs rose by 0.7% from CHF 2 281.5 million to CHF 2 297.4 million.

Thanks to numerous new ramp-ups and the favorable portfolio of vehicle models supplied, Autoneum grew organically by 2.5% in a declining market. Adjusted for currency effects, Group revenue in Swiss francs amounted to CHF 2 297.4 million, 0.7% higher compared to the previous year.

For the second consecutive year, fewer vehicles were manufactured worldwide in 2019 than in the prior year. In particular, the persistently weak global economy and ongoing trade disputes have had an impact on vehicle demand. With only about 89 million vehicles produced, the market shrank by almost –6% compared to 2018. Despite this negative trend, Autoneum achieved an organic revenue growth of 2.5% through numerous production ramp-ups and a favorable mix of vehicle models supplied. Revenue consolidated in Swiss francs rose by 0.7% from CHF 2 281.5 million to CHF 2 297.4 million.

Revenue growth in North America, Asia and SAMEA region significantly above market The Business Groups North America, Asia and SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa) not only outperformed the negative market trend in each case, but also reported higher revenues compared to the previous year. In Europe only, the drop in automobile production caused a decline in revenue of the corresponding Business Group by –5.6% in local currencies. Business Group North America improved its revenue by 7.2% on a currency-adjusted basis, primarily driven by various production ramp-ups of German and Japanese vehicle manufacturers. Despite considerably fewer vehicles being produced in Asia, the Business Group increased its revenue in local currencies by 8.1% thanks to high-volume and new programs of European and Asian automobile manufacturers. Business Group SAMEA continued its growth course. Against the market slump in this region, revenue in local currencies and adjusted for inflation rose by 32.7%. This was mainly due to high-volume export programs in Turkey and South Africa as well as much higher production volumes compared to the previous year in the key SAMEA market of Brazil.

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autoneum: Major shareholders underline their commitment with subordinated loans

The two major shareholders Michael Pieper and Peter Spuhler have granted Autoneum Holding Ltd two subordinated loans of CHF 20 million each. This not only emphasizes their personal and financial engagement, but also their confidence in the Company. The loans have a fixed term until January 15, 2021. Michael Pieper explained: “Strategically and with its product portfolio, the Company is very well positioned for the challenges related to the transformation of the automotive industry.” Peter Spuhler underlined: “The loan is a sign of my confidence in the Company and its potential.”

The two major shareholders Michael Pieper and Peter Spuhler have granted Autoneum Holding Ltd two subordinated loans of CHF 20 million each. This not only emphasizes their personal and financial engagement, but also their confidence in the Company. The loans have a fixed term until January 15, 2021. Michael Pieper explained: “Strategically and with its product portfolio, the Company is very well positioned for the challenges related to the transformation of the automotive industry.” Peter Spuhler underlined: “The loan is a sign of my confidence in the Company and its potential.”

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Updated short- and mid-term outlook

Following an in-depth analysis of the current business situation conducted by the new Group Management, Autoneum expects a net loss in the high double-digit million range for the full year 2019 due to the situation in North America and related one-time charges from impairments. Therefore, achieving the communicated mid-term targets will take more time.

A comprehensive assessment by the new Group Management focusing on Business Group North America and taking into account the course of business from January to November 2019 led to a revaluation of the situation. It has become apparent that the problems in North America are not limited to two US plants and deficient ramp-ups there. Accordingly, a comprehensive turnaround program focusing on operational excellence and the improvement of cost structures is being developed and implemented in Business Group North America.

Following an in-depth analysis of the current business situation conducted by the new Group Management, Autoneum expects a net loss in the high double-digit million range for the full year 2019 due to the situation in North America and related one-time charges from impairments. Therefore, achieving the communicated mid-term targets will take more time.

A comprehensive assessment by the new Group Management focusing on Business Group North America and taking into account the course of business from January to November 2019 led to a revaluation of the situation. It has become apparent that the problems in North America are not limited to two US plants and deficient ramp-ups there. Accordingly, a comprehensive turnaround program focusing on operational excellence and the improvement of cost structures is being developed and implemented in Business Group North America.

As a result of the slowdown in the automotive industry and the continuing low market level forecasted in the medium term, the cost structure at the Group’s headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland, has been adjusted, among other things, by selective staff reduction. To further reinforce new mobility activities, they will be concentrated at the Research and Technology Center in Winterthur. This will include the relocation of the Competence Center New Mobility from Sunnyvale (CA), USA, to Winterthur.

Due to the continuing losses of Business Group North America, Autoneum expects a net loss for the financial year 2019 in the high double-digit million range. In addition to current operating losses, this also includes one-time charges from impairments which are not cash-effective. To achieve the Group’s mid-term targets announced in March (“2019 Year of tidying, 2020 Year of transition, 2021 Return to sound profitability level), an additional year will therefore be needed.

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Autoneum Management AG

(c) Autoneum

Hybrid-Acoustics PET sets new standards for sustainable noise protection

Lighter, quieter and more environmentally-friendly vehicles ‒ this is what Hybrid-Acoustics PET from Autoneum stands for. The product innovation for the engine bay is not only characterized by its lightweight construction and noise protection optimized for electric vehicles, it also convinces through sustainability: Components made of Hybrid-Acoustics PET consist entirely of PET, which is largely obtained from recycled fibers, and thus meet customer demand for environmentally-friendly mobility solutions.

With Hybrid-Acoustics PET, Autoneum has adapted its textile interior technology Hybrid-Acoustics for use in the engine compartment. The patented innovation is based on a unique fiber material that acts as an insulator and absorber at the same time. Among others, Hybrid-Acoustics PET is used to encapsulate electric motors, thereby reducing noise directly at the source and particularly attenuating high-frequency sounds of the electric drive unit. This key technology accordingly ensures optimum noise protection in the passenger cabin and greater driving comfort.

Lighter, quieter and more environmentally-friendly vehicles ‒ this is what Hybrid-Acoustics PET from Autoneum stands for. The product innovation for the engine bay is not only characterized by its lightweight construction and noise protection optimized for electric vehicles, it also convinces through sustainability: Components made of Hybrid-Acoustics PET consist entirely of PET, which is largely obtained from recycled fibers, and thus meet customer demand for environmentally-friendly mobility solutions.

With Hybrid-Acoustics PET, Autoneum has adapted its textile interior technology Hybrid-Acoustics for use in the engine compartment. The patented innovation is based on a unique fiber material that acts as an insulator and absorber at the same time. Among others, Hybrid-Acoustics PET is used to encapsulate electric motors, thereby reducing noise directly at the source and particularly attenuating high-frequency sounds of the electric drive unit. This key technology accordingly ensures optimum noise protection in the passenger cabin and greater driving comfort.

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Hybrid-Acoustics PET Autoneum

Autoneum Management AG

Bernhard Wiehl, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (c) Autoneum Holding Ltd

autoneum: Change to the Group Executive Board

The Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd appoints Bernhard Wiehl, the longstanding Head of Finance & Controlling of Business Group Europe, as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Group Executive Board with immediate effect. The previous CFO Dr Martin Zwyssig has decided to leave Autoneum.

The Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd appoints Bernhard Wiehl, the longstanding Head of Finance & Controlling of Business Group Europe, as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Group Executive Board with immediate effect. The previous CFO Dr Martin Zwyssig has decided to leave Autoneum.

Bernhard Wiehl has been responsible for Finance & Controlling at Business Group Europe since 2013. Also thanks to his financial leadership, this Business Group with its numerous legal units has become highly profitable in recent years. Prior to joining Autoneum, he held senior finance and controlling positions with various automotive suppliers and has therefore extensive experience in the financial management of internationally active suppliers. Additionally, he is very familiar with the challenges of the automotive industry in a global environment. From 2007 to 2013, he was Head of Finance & Controlling and member of the Executive Board of the Lighting and Electronics division at the German automotive supplier Hella and from 2004 to 2007, among other things, in charge of controlling of the Europedivision of the supplier Hydraulik-Ring. Wiehl started his professional career in 1995 at TRW Automotive in Germany. He studied mechanical and industrial engineering at the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany, and holds a degree in industrial engineering (FH).

Bernhard Wiehl’s predecessor Dr Martin Zwyssig decided to leave the Company and to take up a new professional challenge. The Board of Directors and CEO Matthias Holzammer thank him for the commitment to the Company and wish him all the best for his professional and private future.


Autoneum Holding Ltd

Bernhard Wiehl, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (c) Autoneum Holding AG

autoneum: Wechsel in der Konzernleitung

Der Verwaltungsrat der Autoneum Holding AG ernennt Bernhard Wiehl, den langjährigen Leiter Finance & Controlling der Business Group Europe, mit sofortiger Wirkung zum Chief Financial Officer (CFO) und Mitglied der Konzernleitung. Der bisherige CFO Dr. Martin Zwyssig hat sich entschieden, Autoneum zu verlassen.

Der Verwaltungsrat der Autoneum Holding AG ernennt Bernhard Wiehl, den langjährigen Leiter Finance & Controlling der Business Group Europe, mit sofortiger Wirkung zum Chief Financial Officer (CFO) und Mitglied der Konzernleitung. Der bisherige CFO Dr. Martin Zwyssig hat sich entschieden, Autoneum zu verlassen.
Bernhard Wiehl verantwortet seit 2013 den Bereich Finance & Controlling der Business Group Europe. Auch dank seiner finanziellen Führung hat sich diese Business Group mit ihren zahlreichen Landesgesellschaften in den vergangenen Jahren hochprofitabel entwickelt. Vor seinem Eintritt bei Autoneum hatte er leitende Finanz- und Controlling-Funktionen bei verschiedenen Zulieferern der Automobilindustrie inne und verfügt daher über umfassende Erfahrung in der finanziellen Führung von international tätigen Automobilzulieferern. Mit den Herausforderungen der Automobilindustrie im globalen Umfeld ist er bestens vertraut. Von 2007 bis 2013 war er Leiter Finance & Controlling und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung der Divisionen Licht und Elektronik beim deutschen Autozulieferer Hella und von 2004 bis 2007 unter anderem für das Controlling der Europa-Sparte des Zulieferers Hydraulik-Ring zuständig. Seinen beruflichen Werdegang startete er 1995 bei TRW Automotive in Deutschland. Bernhard Wiehl hat Maschinenbau und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der Fachhochschule Esslingen, Deutschland, studiert und ist diplomierter Wirtschaftsingenieur (FH).
Bernhard Wiehls Vorgänger Dr. Martin Zwyssig hat sich entschieden, das Unternehmen zu verlassen und eine neue berufliche Herausforderung anzunehmen. Der Verwaltungsrat und CEO Matthias Holzammer danken Martin Zwyssig für seinen Einsatz für das Unternehmen und wünschen ihm für die berufliche und private Zukunft alles Gute. 


Autoneum Holding AG

Autoneum (c) Autoneum

Autoneum: Matthias Holzammer appointed new CEO

The Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd has appointed Matthias Holzammer, the former, long-term Head of Business Group Europe, as CEO with immediate effect. He is taking over from Martin Hirzel, who will be leaving the Company in agreement with the Board of Directors. Since the existing problems in North America are proving more challenging than expected, the Group's operating result in the second semester of 2019 will not improve, contrary to previous forecasts.

The Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd has appointed Matthias Holzammer, the former, long-term Head of Business Group Europe, as CEO with immediate effect. He is taking over from Martin Hirzel, who will be leaving the Company in agreement with the Board of Directors. Since the existing problems in North America are proving more challenging than expected, the Group's operating result in the second semester of 2019 will not improve, contrary to previous forecasts.

Matthias Holzammer has already demonstrated his operational expertise as the Company’s Head of Business Group Europe, which he successfully restructured from 2012 on and transformed into a highly profitable Business Group. Due to the severe operational and commercial issues in North America, the turnaround and improvement of results will take more time than expected. Matthias Holzammer will devote himself to this task with the highest priority, in order to return the Business Group and the Group back to profitability as quickly as possible. "In view of the current challenges in North America and the volatile global market environment, Matthias Holzammer is the ideal choice to lead the Company as CEO with his industry experience, knowledge of Autoneum and track record in restructuring”, said Hans-Peter Schwald, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd.

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Autoneum Management AG