From the Sector

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(c) INDA

INDA: New Director of Memberships and Business Development

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named experienced sales and business development professional Dan Noonan as its new Director of Memberships and Business Development. Noonan brings 20 years of experience leading sales teams across the U.S. at Localedge/Hearst Media Services.

Noonan will be responsible for enhancing the value of INDA membership and its industry supporting programs. He will work with staff, leadership, and members to identify and expand opportunities to enhance our programs, services and our relevance to the industry.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has named experienced sales and business development professional Dan Noonan as its new Director of Memberships and Business Development. Noonan brings 20 years of experience leading sales teams across the U.S. at Localedge/Hearst Media Services.

Noonan will be responsible for enhancing the value of INDA membership and its industry supporting programs. He will work with staff, leadership, and members to identify and expand opportunities to enhance our programs, services and our relevance to the industry.


INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

Eastman and Patagonia join forces to address textile waste (c) Eastman

Textile waste: Eastman and Patagonia join forces

Eastman announces a partnership with Patagonia to address textile waste.

The outdoor apparel company teamed up with Eastman to recycle 8,000 pounds of pre- and post-consumer clothing waste, which Eastman processed through its molecular recycling technology. The process involves breaking down Patagonia’s unusable apparel into molecular building blocks that Eastman can use to make new fibers.

"We know apparel waste is a major problem, and consumers increasingly want better, more sustainable solutions when their most loved clothing reaches the end of its life," said Natalie Banakis, materials innovation engineer for Patagonia.

"Our collaborations show the world what’s possible when it comes to sustainability,” said Carolina Sister Cohn, global marketing lead for Eastman textiles. “We have the technology to make the textiles industry circular, and we know it requires collaboration with innovative brands to make circular fashion possible. This is only the beginning, and we look forward to more collaborations throughout 2024."

Eastman announces a partnership with Patagonia to address textile waste.

The outdoor apparel company teamed up with Eastman to recycle 8,000 pounds of pre- and post-consumer clothing waste, which Eastman processed through its molecular recycling technology. The process involves breaking down Patagonia’s unusable apparel into molecular building blocks that Eastman can use to make new fibers.

"We know apparel waste is a major problem, and consumers increasingly want better, more sustainable solutions when their most loved clothing reaches the end of its life," said Natalie Banakis, materials innovation engineer for Patagonia.

"Our collaborations show the world what’s possible when it comes to sustainability,” said Carolina Sister Cohn, global marketing lead for Eastman textiles. “We have the technology to make the textiles industry circular, and we know it requires collaboration with innovative brands to make circular fashion possible. This is only the beginning, and we look forward to more collaborations throughout 2024."


AkzoNobel: Nominations for Supervisory Board

AkzoNobel has announced that Mrs. Jaska de Bakker, Mrs. Ute Wolf and Mr. Wouter Kolk will be nominated for appointment to the company’s Supervisory Board, while Mr. Byron Grote – currently Deputy Chair and Chair of the Audit Committee – will be nominated for a fourth term of one year.

Mrs. De Bakker is a financial leader with experience in strategy, governance and ESG. Currently a board member at various companies, she was previously CFO at Royal FrieslandCampina and at Royal HaskoningDHV.
Mrs. Wolf is a seasoned finance professional with more than 25 years of experience in financial management and corporate planning. She served as CFO of Evonik Industries AG for ten years and, prior to that, she held several senior positions within various industries and companies.
Mr. Kolk is the current CEO of Ahold Delhaize Europe and Indonesia. With more than 32 years of experience in commercial, operational, supply chain, strategic and general management roles, he brings a wealth of knowledge in different geographies and businesses.

AkzoNobel has announced that Mrs. Jaska de Bakker, Mrs. Ute Wolf and Mr. Wouter Kolk will be nominated for appointment to the company’s Supervisory Board, while Mr. Byron Grote – currently Deputy Chair and Chair of the Audit Committee – will be nominated for a fourth term of one year.

Mrs. De Bakker is a financial leader with experience in strategy, governance and ESG. Currently a board member at various companies, she was previously CFO at Royal FrieslandCampina and at Royal HaskoningDHV.
Mrs. Wolf is a seasoned finance professional with more than 25 years of experience in financial management and corporate planning. She served as CFO of Evonik Industries AG for ten years and, prior to that, she held several senior positions within various industries and companies.
Mr. Kolk is the current CEO of Ahold Delhaize Europe and Indonesia. With more than 32 years of experience in commercial, operational, supply chain, strategic and general management roles, he brings a wealth of knowledge in different geographies and businesses.

Subject to the approval of his re-appointment, Mr. Grote will lead the supervision of the external auditor selection process, whereby the external audit firm of AkzoNobel will be replaced, starting with the audit of the 2026 financial statements. His re-appointment also ensures continuity during the change of the PWC lead partner in charge of the AkzoNobel account, as of the audit of the 2024 financial statements.  

The appointments and re-appointment will be put to shareholders for approval at the Annual General Meeting being held on April 25. Mrs. Pam Kirby, who is completing her second four-year term, will step down as member of the Supervisory Board as per the same date.




Führungswechsel bei ERWO Holding und Hoftex Group AG

Die ERWO Holding, Obergesellschaft der Südwolle Group, sowie die Hoftex Group AG, eine mittelständisch strukturierte Gruppe von Unternehmen der Textilindustrie, haben die Berufung von Manuela Spörl (51) zur neuen CEO mit Wirkung vom 1. März 2024 bekanntgegeben. Sie folgt in dieser Funktion auf Klaus Steger, der, wie bereits im vergangenen Jahr angekündigt, planmäßig aus dem Vorstand beider Unternehmen ausscheidet. Zeitgleich mit dem Führungswechsel an der Spitze beider Unternehmen übernimmt Daniel Köster (44) das Amt des CFO von Manuela Spörl. Der Vorstand von ERWO Holding und Hoftex Group besteht mit Manuela Spörl und Daniel Köster künftig aus zwei Personen.

Die studierte Diplom-Betriebswirtin Manuela Spörl ist bereits seit dem Jahr 2000 für die Hoftex Group tätig. Ihre berufliche Laufbahn begann sie im Bereich Konzern-Controlling, 2012 wurde sie zur Referentin des Vorstandes ernannt. 2015 wurde ihr Prokura erteilt, es folgten schließlich die Schritte zur CFO der Hoftex Group 2020 und zur CFO der ERWO-Gruppe 2022.

Die ERWO Holding, Obergesellschaft der Südwolle Group, sowie die Hoftex Group AG, eine mittelständisch strukturierte Gruppe von Unternehmen der Textilindustrie, haben die Berufung von Manuela Spörl (51) zur neuen CEO mit Wirkung vom 1. März 2024 bekanntgegeben. Sie folgt in dieser Funktion auf Klaus Steger, der, wie bereits im vergangenen Jahr angekündigt, planmäßig aus dem Vorstand beider Unternehmen ausscheidet. Zeitgleich mit dem Führungswechsel an der Spitze beider Unternehmen übernimmt Daniel Köster (44) das Amt des CFO von Manuela Spörl. Der Vorstand von ERWO Holding und Hoftex Group besteht mit Manuela Spörl und Daniel Köster künftig aus zwei Personen.

Die studierte Diplom-Betriebswirtin Manuela Spörl ist bereits seit dem Jahr 2000 für die Hoftex Group tätig. Ihre berufliche Laufbahn begann sie im Bereich Konzern-Controlling, 2012 wurde sie zur Referentin des Vorstandes ernannt. 2015 wurde ihr Prokura erteilt, es folgten schließlich die Schritte zur CFO der Hoftex Group 2020 und zur CFO der ERWO-Gruppe 2022.

Der Finanzexperte und studierte Diplom-Kaufmann Daniel Köster wurde bereits im vergangenen November in den Vorstand von ERWO Holding und Hoftex Group berufen. Köster verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung in Finance, Accounting, Treasury, Steuern und Controlling und fungierte zuletzt seit Ende 2019 als Group CFO beim niedersächsischen Familienunternehmen Stiebel Eltron, wo er in dieser Funktion auch Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung war.

Künftig wird sich Klaus Steger verstärkt um seine Aufgaben innerhalb der International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO) kümmern, zu deren Präsidenten er im Mai 2023 gewählt wurde. Seine Amtszeit in diesem Verband geht bis 2026.


Charles Barker Corporate Communications GmbH

Graphic CHT Germany GmbH

PERFORMANCE DAYS: CHT presents sustainable textile innovations

At the PERFORMANCE DAYS Functional Fabric Fair in Munich on 20 and 21 March 2024, CHT will present its latest sustainable textile technologies with a focus on dyeing and effect chemicals.

These products are used to finish textiles with special functions such as water repellency, breathability and efficient moisture transport. Significant amounts of water and energy can be saved during the dyeing and finishing process, resulting in a lower CO2 footprint.

In addition to effect chemicals, CHT will be presenting its dyeing products with a focus on the use of bio-based, biodegradable and recycled materials to support the circular economy.

At the PERFORMANCE DAYS Functional Fabric Fair in Munich on 20 and 21 March 2024, CHT will present its latest sustainable textile technologies with a focus on dyeing and effect chemicals.

These products are used to finish textiles with special functions such as water repellency, breathability and efficient moisture transport. Significant amounts of water and energy can be saved during the dyeing and finishing process, resulting in a lower CO2 footprint.

In addition to effect chemicals, CHT will be presenting its dyeing products with a focus on the use of bio-based, biodegradable and recycled materials to support the circular economy.


CHT Germany GmbH


Umsatz mit Bekleidung und Textilien in Deutschland gestiegen

Nach ersten Hochrechnungen des BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren ist der Einzelhandelsumsatz mit Bekleidung sowie Haus- und Heimtextilien im letzten Jahr um rund ein Prozent bzw. 650 Mio. Euro auf 67,4 Milliarden Euro (inkl. MwSt.) gestiegen. „Der Umsatz liegt damit mit einem Plus von 0,3 Prozent allerdings nur leicht über dem Vor-Corona-Niveau von 2019“, berichtet BTE-Geschäftsführer Axel Augustin.
Überdurchschnittlich abgeschnitten hat im letzten Jahr vor allem der stationäre Bekleidungshandel. Die Umsätze von Boutiquen, Modehäusern und Textilfilialisten sind nach BTE-Schätzungen um drei bis vier Prozent gestiegen, liegen aber immer noch etwa fünf Prozent unter 2019. Umgekehrt war die Entwicklung beim Fachhandel mit Haus- und Heimtextilien, der seit seiner Boomphase während der Pandemie einstellig an Umsatz eingebüßt haben. „Wir beobachten zudem im gesamten Handel große Unterschiede je nach Standort oder Geschäftskonzept“, konstatiert Augustin. „Die Bandbreite reicht von Rekordumsätzen bis zu Geschäftsaufgaben bzw. Insolvenzen wegen der stark gestiegenen Kosten und zu großen Substanzverlusten während der erzwungenen Corona-Schließungen.“

Nach ersten Hochrechnungen des BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren ist der Einzelhandelsumsatz mit Bekleidung sowie Haus- und Heimtextilien im letzten Jahr um rund ein Prozent bzw. 650 Mio. Euro auf 67,4 Milliarden Euro (inkl. MwSt.) gestiegen. „Der Umsatz liegt damit mit einem Plus von 0,3 Prozent allerdings nur leicht über dem Vor-Corona-Niveau von 2019“, berichtet BTE-Geschäftsführer Axel Augustin.
Überdurchschnittlich abgeschnitten hat im letzten Jahr vor allem der stationäre Bekleidungshandel. Die Umsätze von Boutiquen, Modehäusern und Textilfilialisten sind nach BTE-Schätzungen um drei bis vier Prozent gestiegen, liegen aber immer noch etwa fünf Prozent unter 2019. Umgekehrt war die Entwicklung beim Fachhandel mit Haus- und Heimtextilien, der seit seiner Boomphase während der Pandemie einstellig an Umsatz eingebüßt haben. „Wir beobachten zudem im gesamten Handel große Unterschiede je nach Standort oder Geschäftskonzept“, konstatiert Augustin. „Die Bandbreite reicht von Rekordumsätzen bis zu Geschäftsaufgaben bzw. Insolvenzen wegen der stark gestiegenen Kosten und zu großen Substanzverlusten während der erzwungenen Corona-Schließungen.“
Umsatz verloren hat im letzten Jahr der Versand- bzw. Onlinehandel.  Er liegt aber wegen des starken Aufschwungs in den Coronajahren 2020 und 2021 nach BTE-Schätzungen rund 30 Prozent über 2019. Augustin: „Wir rechnen aktuell für den gesamten Versandhandel mit Bekleidung sowie Haus- und Heimtextilien mit einem Marktanteil von knapp 28 Prozent.“
Für 2024 sind die Umsatzerwartungen der Textil- und Modehändler sehr verhalten. Laut einer aktuellen BTE-Umfrage rechnen lediglich drei von zehn Teilnehmern für das laufende Jahr mit einem nennenswerten Umsatzplus. Ein Drittel sieht sich in etwa auf dem Niveau von 2023, vier von zehn befürchten dagegen Einbußen von mindesten einem Prozent. „Sollten die Kosten weiter steigen und der Staat ausgezahlte Überbrückungshilfe zurückfordern, dürften bald zahlreiche Fachhändler ihr Geschäft schließen müssen“, warnt Augustin.


BTE Handelsverband Textil Schuhe Lederwaren


AkzoNobel: Full-year 2023 results

Highlights Q4 2023 (compared with Q4 2022)

  • Revenue in constant currencies up 4% on higher volumes and pricing (reported revenue -3%)
  • Operating income improved to €214 million (2022: €103 million)
  • Adjusted operating income at €221 million (2022: €126 million); ROS at 8.7% (2022: 4.8%); €244 million before €23 million negative impact from hyperinflation accounting
  • Net cash from operating activities positive €574 million (2022: €291 million)

Highlights full-year 2023 (compared with full-year 2022)

Highlights Q4 2023 (compared with Q4 2022)

  • Revenue in constant currencies up 4% on higher volumes and pricing (reported revenue -3%)
  • Operating income improved to €214 million (2022: €103 million)
  • Adjusted operating income at €221 million (2022: €126 million); ROS at 8.7% (2022: 4.8%); €244 million before €23 million negative impact from hyperinflation accounting
  • Net cash from operating activities positive €574 million (2022: €291 million)

Highlights full-year 2023 (compared with full-year 2022)

  • Revenue in constant currencies up 5% driven by pricing (reported revenue -2%)
  • Operating income improved to €1,029 million (2022: €708 million)
  • Adjusted operating income at €1,074 million (2022: €789 million), despite €77 million adverse
  • currency effects from translation; ROS at 10.1% (2022: 7.3%)
  • Adjusted EBITDA at €1,429 million (2022: €1,157 million), despite €92 million adverse currency
  • effects from translation
  • Net cash from operating activities positive €1,126 million (2022: €263 million)
  • Net debt to EBITDA leverage ratio improved to 2.7 (2022: 3.8)
  • Final dividend proposed of €1.54 per share (2022: €1.54)

Outlook mid-term
For the mid-term, AkzoNobel aims to expand profitability to deliver an adjusted EBITDA margin of above 16% and a return on investment between 16% and 19%, underpinned by organic growth and industrial excellence. The company aims to lower its leverage to around 2 times in the mid-term, while remaining committed to retaining a strong investment grade credit rating.

More information:
AkzoNobel financial year 2023


KARL MAYER GROUP: Natural fibre composites and knit to shape products at JEC World 2024 (c) FUSE GmbH

KARL MAYER GROUP: Natural fibre composites and knit to shape products at JEC World 2024

At this year's JEC World 2024 from 5 to 7 March, KARL MAYER GROUP will be exhibiting with KARL MAYER Technical Textiles and its STOLL Business

One focus of the exhibition will be non-crimp fabrics and tapes made from bio-based yarn materials for the reinforcement of composites.

"While our business with multiaxial and spreading technology for processing conventional technical fibres such as carbon or glass continues to do well, we are seeing increasing interest in the processing of natural fibres into composites. That's why we have a new product in our trade fair luggage for the upcoming JEC World: an alpine ski in which, among other things, hemp fibre fabrics have been used," reveals Hagen Lotzmann, Vice President Sales KARL MAYER Technische Textilien.

The winter sports equipment is the result of a subsidised project. The hemp tapes for this were supplied by FUSE GmbH and processed into non-crimp fabrics on the COP MAX 5 multiaxial warp knitting machine in the KARL MAYER Technical Textiles technical centre.

At this year's JEC World 2024 from 5 to 7 March, KARL MAYER GROUP will be exhibiting with KARL MAYER Technical Textiles and its STOLL Business

One focus of the exhibition will be non-crimp fabrics and tapes made from bio-based yarn materials for the reinforcement of composites.

"While our business with multiaxial and spreading technology for processing conventional technical fibres such as carbon or glass continues to do well, we are seeing increasing interest in the processing of natural fibres into composites. That's why we have a new product in our trade fair luggage for the upcoming JEC World: an alpine ski in which, among other things, hemp fibre fabrics have been used," reveals Hagen Lotzmann, Vice President Sales KARL MAYER Technische Textilien.

The winter sports equipment is the result of a subsidised project. The hemp tapes for this were supplied by FUSE GmbH and processed into non-crimp fabrics on the COP MAX 5 multiaxial warp knitting machine in the KARL MAYER Technical Textiles technical centre.

The STOLL Business Unit will be focussing on thermoplastic materials. Several knit to shape parts with a textile outer surface and a hardened inner surface will be on display. The double-face products can be made from different types of yarn and do not need to be back-moulded for use as side door panels or housing shells, for example. In addition, the ready-to-use design saves on waste and yarn material.


SHIMA SEIKI at Knit-Tech 2024

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. is exhibiting at the Knit-Tech 2024 Exhibition (1st-4th March 2024) in Tiruppur, India, in cooperation with its partner Universal MEP Projects & Engineering Services Ltd.

SHIMA SEIKI will be introducing the latest computerized flat knitting equipment to this market as proposals for sustainable production through innovative shaping technology and the latest digital solutions.

SHIMA SEIKI's lineup at Knit-Tech is headed by its workhorse N.SSR®112 garment shaping machine in 14 gauge. N.SSR®112 features innovations such as the R2CARRIAGE®, spring-type moveable sinker, DSCS® Digital Stitch Control System, stitch presser, yarn gripper and cutter, and takedown comb. Shown for the first time is SHIMA SEIKI's new N.SSR®072 computerized jacquard collar machine that can produce shaped collars efficiently based on computer-generated designs.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. is exhibiting at the Knit-Tech 2024 Exhibition (1st-4th March 2024) in Tiruppur, India, in cooperation with its partner Universal MEP Projects & Engineering Services Ltd.

SHIMA SEIKI will be introducing the latest computerized flat knitting equipment to this market as proposals for sustainable production through innovative shaping technology and the latest digital solutions.

SHIMA SEIKI's lineup at Knit-Tech is headed by its workhorse N.SSR®112 garment shaping machine in 14 gauge. N.SSR®112 features innovations such as the R2CARRIAGE®, spring-type moveable sinker, DSCS® Digital Stitch Control System, stitch presser, yarn gripper and cutter, and takedown comb. Shown for the first time is SHIMA SEIKI's new N.SSR®072 computerized jacquard collar machine that can produce shaped collars efficiently based on computer-generated designs.

Design is demonstrated on SHIMA SEIKI's SDS®-ONE APEX4 design system. At the core of the company’s "Total Fashion System" concept, it provides support throughout the supply chain, integrating production into one smooth and efficient workflow from yarn development, product planning and design, to machine programming, production and even sales promotion.




SGL Carbon: Review of options for Business Unit Carbon Fibers

SGL Carbon SE is currently evaluating various strategic options for the Business Unit Carbon Fibers (CF). These include a possible partial or complete divestment of the Business Unit. In a first step, potential interested parties shall be approached with the general data of the Business Unit to determine their interest in an acquisition. If there is sufficient interest, a structured transaction process will be carried out in a second step. Overall, a share of sales amounting to around € 179.6 million after nine months in 2023 (9M 2022: € 269.0 million) is therefore under review. The CF sales share corresponded to 21.9% of SGL Carbon's consolidated sales after nine months in 2023 (9M 2022: 31.5%). Adjusted EBITDA of the Business Unit excluding the result from joint ventures amounted to minus € 10,9 million after nine months in 2023 (9M 2022: € 27,9 million). Despite the operating loss of CF after nine months in 2023, SGL Carbon maintains its guidance for fiscal year 2023. This shows the positive development of the three other business units and the resilience of SGL Carbon's business model.

SGL Carbon SE is currently evaluating various strategic options for the Business Unit Carbon Fibers (CF). These include a possible partial or complete divestment of the Business Unit. In a first step, potential interested parties shall be approached with the general data of the Business Unit to determine their interest in an acquisition. If there is sufficient interest, a structured transaction process will be carried out in a second step. Overall, a share of sales amounting to around € 179.6 million after nine months in 2023 (9M 2022: € 269.0 million) is therefore under review. The CF sales share corresponded to 21.9% of SGL Carbon's consolidated sales after nine months in 2023 (9M 2022: 31.5%). Adjusted EBITDA of the Business Unit excluding the result from joint ventures amounted to minus € 10,9 million after nine months in 2023 (9M 2022: € 27,9 million). Despite the operating loss of CF after nine months in 2023, SGL Carbon maintains its guidance for fiscal year 2023. This shows the positive development of the three other business units and the resilience of SGL Carbon's business model.

Carbon Fibers manufactures textile, acrylic and carbon fibers as well as composite materials at seven locations in Europe and North America. Following the temporary drop in demand for carbon fibers from the important wind industry market, the Business Unit's sales and earnings fell significantly in the course of fiscal year 2023. Due to the importance of the wind industry for the European Green Deal, SGL Carbon and many experts assumed that the wind industry recovers quickly. Unfortunately, this is currently not the case. Even if demand picks up, the company assumes that Carbon Fibers will need additional resources to remain competitive in the international market environment and to exploit market opportunities in the best possible way. Against this background, SGL Carbon is reviewing all possibilities to support a positive further development of the Carbon Fibers Business Unit.

More information:
SGL Carbon carbon fibers

SGL Carbon SE 

Generating its own energy with solar panels Photo Karl Mayer Group
Generating its own energy with solar panels

Karl Mayer Group: Generating its own energy with solar panels

The Karl Mayer Group is reducing its ecological footprint when it comes to energy utilisation: The Group's largest photovoltaic system to date has just been installed at its headquarters in Obertshausen.

Following the construction of a stable substructure, the first photovoltaic elements were installed on the roof of the assembly hall in Obertshausen on 16 February 2024. This will be followed by the step-by-step conversion of other roofs. If everything goes according to plan, around 6,000 modules will have been installed on an area of approx. 12,000 m² and over 60,000 metres of cable laid by the middle of the year.

"With a total output of 2.4 MWp, we will be able to generate over 35% of the total electricity consumption at the site ourselves," explains Michael Sustelo, Head of Facility Management at the Karl Mayer Group.

The Karl Mayer Group is reducing its ecological footprint when it comes to energy utilisation: The Group's largest photovoltaic system to date has just been installed at its headquarters in Obertshausen.

Following the construction of a stable substructure, the first photovoltaic elements were installed on the roof of the assembly hall in Obertshausen on 16 February 2024. This will be followed by the step-by-step conversion of other roofs. If everything goes according to plan, around 6,000 modules will have been installed on an area of approx. 12,000 m² and over 60,000 metres of cable laid by the middle of the year.

"With a total output of 2.4 MWp, we will be able to generate over 35% of the total electricity consumption at the site ourselves," explains Michael Sustelo, Head of Facility Management at the Karl Mayer Group.


Karl Mayer Group

DACAPO Kollektion Foto: Moritz Hendel & Söhne GmbH

Dessous-Hersteller Moritz Hendel & Söhne GmbH verkauft

Die Moritz Hendel & Söhne GmbH produziert die überwiegend per Fachhandel in Deutschland und Europa vertriebenen Dessous-Marken Dacapo und Format. Das 70 Mitarbeitende umfassende Traditionsunternehmen am Standort Oelsnitz/Vogtland und mit einer Niederlassung in Plana (CZ) wurde Mitte Februar an die PB Holding GmbH verkauft.

Vorstand der in Chemnitz ansässigen Premium Bodywear AG Frank K. Markert leitet seit 2002 bereits ein mittelständisches Modeunternehmen mit internationalen Herrenwäschemarken. Die beiden eigenständigen Firmen kooperieren in vielen Bereichen und streben an, Synergiepotential zu heben, um den Herausforderungen der internationalen Märkte begegnen zu können.

Die langjährigen Prokuristinnen, Jeannette Kraus, Katrin Neumann und Carolin Nößke, sind gemeinsam mit Frank K. Markert Gesellschafter/innen der PB Holding GmbH und bleiben darüber hinaus in ihren Verantwortungsbereichen in der Moritz Hendel & Söhne GmbH tätig. Die gesamte Belegschaft wird übernommen.

Die Moritz Hendel & Söhne GmbH produziert die überwiegend per Fachhandel in Deutschland und Europa vertriebenen Dessous-Marken Dacapo und Format. Das 70 Mitarbeitende umfassende Traditionsunternehmen am Standort Oelsnitz/Vogtland und mit einer Niederlassung in Plana (CZ) wurde Mitte Februar an die PB Holding GmbH verkauft.

Vorstand der in Chemnitz ansässigen Premium Bodywear AG Frank K. Markert leitet seit 2002 bereits ein mittelständisches Modeunternehmen mit internationalen Herrenwäschemarken. Die beiden eigenständigen Firmen kooperieren in vielen Bereichen und streben an, Synergiepotential zu heben, um den Herausforderungen der internationalen Märkte begegnen zu können.

Die langjährigen Prokuristinnen, Jeannette Kraus, Katrin Neumann und Carolin Nößke, sind gemeinsam mit Frank K. Markert Gesellschafter/innen der PB Holding GmbH und bleiben darüber hinaus in ihren Verantwortungsbereichen in der Moritz Hendel & Söhne GmbH tätig. Die gesamte Belegschaft wird übernommen.

More information:

Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti)


Kelheim Fibres: Price increase for viscose fibres from 1 April 2024

Kelheim Fibres GmbH, a leading manufacturer of specialty viscose fibres, has announced to increase its prices by 12% to 15% for specialty viscose fibres starting April 1, 2024.

With the strong rebound in cotton fibre prices, there has been a sharp increase in the demand for viscose, especially in Asia. In the face of the rapid rise in interest rates, wages, chemicals, and environmental costs, accompanied by depressed fibre prices over the past years, Kelheim Fibres sees no other choice than to start improving margins back to sustainable levels by raising the base price.

Kelheim Fibres GmbH, a leading manufacturer of specialty viscose fibres, has announced to increase its prices by 12% to 15% for specialty viscose fibres starting April 1, 2024.

With the strong rebound in cotton fibre prices, there has been a sharp increase in the demand for viscose, especially in Asia. In the face of the rapid rise in interest rates, wages, chemicals, and environmental costs, accompanied by depressed fibre prices over the past years, Kelheim Fibres sees no other choice than to start improving margins back to sustainable levels by raising the base price.


Kelheim Fibres


Südwesttextil: Beschluss des Vermittlungsausschusses fatales Signal für Wirtschaft

Der Vermittlungsausschuss von Bundestag und Bundesrat hat am 21. Februar zum Wachstumschancengesetz getagt. Nach der Verabschiedung des Bundestags am 17. November 2023 wurde der Vermittlungsausschuss Ende November mit der Begründung einberufen, dass die Änderungsvorschläge nur punktuell übernommen und kurzfristige Ergänzungen vorgenommen wurden.

Der gestern beschlossene Kompromiss beinhaltet zwar verschiedene steuerliche Erleichterungen, Förderungen von Investitionen und Bürokratieabbau, streicht aber die zentrale Klimaschutz-Investitionsprämie. Das Entlastungsvolumen beläuft sich nach ursprünglich angestrebten sieben Milliarden Euro nur noch auf 3,2 Milliarden Euro. Der Kompromiss muss nun noch durch Bundestag und Bundesrat bestätigt werden – dieser Schritt steht nach wie vor auf der Kippe.

Der Vermittlungsausschuss von Bundestag und Bundesrat hat am 21. Februar zum Wachstumschancengesetz getagt. Nach der Verabschiedung des Bundestags am 17. November 2023 wurde der Vermittlungsausschuss Ende November mit der Begründung einberufen, dass die Änderungsvorschläge nur punktuell übernommen und kurzfristige Ergänzungen vorgenommen wurden.

Der gestern beschlossene Kompromiss beinhaltet zwar verschiedene steuerliche Erleichterungen, Förderungen von Investitionen und Bürokratieabbau, streicht aber die zentrale Klimaschutz-Investitionsprämie. Das Entlastungsvolumen beläuft sich nach ursprünglich angestrebten sieben Milliarden Euro nur noch auf 3,2 Milliarden Euro. Der Kompromiss muss nun noch durch Bundestag und Bundesrat bestätigt werden – dieser Schritt steht nach wie vor auf der Kippe.

Als Wirtschafts- und Arbeitgeberverband der baden-württembergischen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie sieht Südwesttextil den Beschluss des Vermittlungsausschusses als fatales Signal für die Wirtschaft. Hauptgeschäftsführerin Edina Brenner erklärt: „Die Verabschiedung des Wachstumschancengesetzes in seiner ursprünglichen Form hätte entscheidende Impulse für Wachstum und Bürokratieabbau gesetzt – für alle Unternehmen. Mit Blick auf die großen Herausforderungen unseres Wirtschaftsstandorts, die nicht zuletzt der Jahreswirtschaftsbericht unterstreicht, ist der Kompromiss ernüchternd.“ Dass auch über diesen Kompromiss noch Uneinigkeit herrscht und sich eine Verabschiedung noch weiter hinauszögern könnte, kritisiert Südwesttextil und fordert: „In der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Situation gilt es für alle demokratische Parteien, Initiativen für die Zukunft der deutschen Wirtschaft überparteilich so schnell wie möglich voranzubringen.“


Südwesttextil – Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V.

5. edition of Istanbul Fashion Connection with record visitor number (c) IFCO, ITKIB Fairs

5. Edition of Istanbul Fashion Connection with record visitor number

The fifth edition of IFCO Istanbul Fashion Connection took place from 7 to 10 February 2024 with a record 38,545 visitors. At IFCO, 545 exhibitors met international trade visitors from 159 countries such as Australia, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, UK, USA, United Arab Emirates in a total of 8 halls at the Istanbul Expo Centre. The largest group of foreign visitors came from the Middle East (33.4%), Europe (24%), Asia (23.3%) and North Africa (13.3%). A total of 6% of visitors came from the USA, South America, Australia and Africa.

Divided into clear exhibition areas on a total of 100,000 square metres of exhibition space, brands and manufacturers presented the latest collections from the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, sportswear, evening and wedding wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and furs.

The next IFCO is planned for 7-9 August 2024.

The fifth edition of IFCO Istanbul Fashion Connection took place from 7 to 10 February 2024 with a record 38,545 visitors. At IFCO, 545 exhibitors met international trade visitors from 159 countries such as Australia, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, UK, USA, United Arab Emirates in a total of 8 halls at the Istanbul Expo Centre. The largest group of foreign visitors came from the Middle East (33.4%), Europe (24%), Asia (23.3%) and North Africa (13.3%). A total of 6% of visitors came from the USA, South America, Australia and Africa.

Divided into clear exhibition areas on a total of 100,000 square metres of exhibition space, brands and manufacturers presented the latest collections from the areas of womenswear, menswear, kidswear, denim, sportswear, evening and wedding wear, lingerie, hosiery, leather and furs.

The next IFCO is planned for 7-9 August 2024.




RISE® 2024: Call for Presentations and Award Nominations

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced a call for presentations and award nominations for the RISE® (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics) Conference. RISE will be held October 1-2, 2024, at the James B. Hunt, Jr. Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. RISE is a two-day conference presenting new research and science that drives innovation and product development. The theme for this year’s event is “The Other Sustainability Story: Extended Use and Reduced Consumption.”

Nonwoven professionals are encouraged to submit their technical abstracts by Friday, April 12, 2024. Topics being considered are raw materials, equipment and processing, product-related technologies, and applications.  Abstracts may be submitted via the RISE website. For questions about abstract submissions, contact Deanna Lovell.

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced a call for presentations and award nominations for the RISE® (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics) Conference. RISE will be held October 1-2, 2024, at the James B. Hunt, Jr. Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. RISE is a two-day conference presenting new research and science that drives innovation and product development. The theme for this year’s event is “The Other Sustainability Story: Extended Use and Reduced Consumption.”

Nonwoven professionals are encouraged to submit their technical abstracts by Friday, April 12, 2024. Topics being considered are raw materials, equipment and processing, product-related technologies, and applications.  Abstracts may be submitted via the RISE website. For questions about abstract submissions, contact Deanna Lovell.

RISE® Innovation Award
In addition, INDA is requesting nominations for innovative nonwoven products and technologies for the RISE® Innovation Award. INDA will consider categories such as raw materials, roll goods, converting, packaging, active ingredients, binders, additives and end products for nominations. This Award recognizes innovation in areas within and on the periphery of the nonwovens industry, utilizing advanced science and engineering principles to develop solutions to problems and advance the usage of nonwovens.

Three finalists will be chosen to present their innovations to technology scouts, scientists, researchers, and industry professionals on Tuesday, October 1st. Nominations may be submitted via the INDA website. The Award submission deadline is July 29, 2024. For questions about the Award, contact Vickie Smead.

Last year, the RISE® Innovation Award was presented to TiHive for their SAPMonit technology.


INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

STFI: Lightweight construction innovations at JEC World in Paris (c) silbaerg GmbH and STFI (see information on image)

STFI: Lightweight construction innovations at JEC World in Paris

At this year's JEC World, STFI will be presenting highlights from carbon fibre recycling as well as a new approach to hemp-based bast fibres, which have promising properties as reinforcement in lightweight construction.

Green Snowboard
At JEC World in Paris from 5 to 7 March 2024, STFI will be showcasing a snowboard from silbaerg GmbH with a patented anisotropic coupling effect made from hemp and recycled carbon fibres with bio-based epoxy resin. In addition to silbaerg and STFI, the partners Circular Saxony - the innovation cluster for the circular economy, FUSE Composite and bto-epoxy GmbH were also involved in the development of the board. The green snowboard was honoured with the JEC Innovation Award 2024 in the “Sport, Leisure and Recreation” category.

At this year's JEC World, STFI will be presenting highlights from carbon fibre recycling as well as a new approach to hemp-based bast fibres, which have promising properties as reinforcement in lightweight construction.

Green Snowboard
At JEC World in Paris from 5 to 7 March 2024, STFI will be showcasing a snowboard from silbaerg GmbH with a patented anisotropic coupling effect made from hemp and recycled carbon fibres with bio-based epoxy resin. In addition to silbaerg and STFI, the partners Circular Saxony - the innovation cluster for the circular economy, FUSE Composite and bto-epoxy GmbH were also involved in the development of the board. The green snowboard was honoured with the JEC Innovation Award 2024 in the “Sport, Leisure and Recreation” category.

The aim of the industrial partners Tenowo GmbH (Hof), Siemens AG (Erlangen), Invent GmbH (Braunschweig) and STFI united in the VliesComp project is to bring recycled materials back onto the market in various lightweight construction solutions. The application fields "Innovative e-machine concepts for the energy transition" and "Innovative e-machine concepts for e-mobility" were considered as examples. On display at JEC World in Paris will be a lightweight end shield for electric motors made from hybrid nonwovens - a mixture of thermoplastic fibre components and recycled reinforcing fibres - as well as nonwovens with 100% recycled reinforcing fibres. The end shield was ultimately manufactured with a 100% recycled fibre content. The tests showed that, compared to the variant made from primary carbon fibres using the RTM process, a 14% reduction in CO2 equivalent is possible with the same performance. The calculation for the use of the prepreg process using a bio-resin system shows a potential for reducing the CO2 equivalent by almost 70 %.

Bast fibre reinforcement
To increase stability in the plant stem, bast fibres form in the bark area, which support the stem but, in contrast to the rigid wood, are very flexible and allow slender, tall plants to move in the wind without breaking.A new process extracts the bast bark from hemp by peeling.The resulting characteristic values, such as tensile modulus of elasticity, breaking strength and elongation, are very promising in comparison with the continuous rovings made of flax available on the market.The material could be used as reinforcement in lightweight construction.At JEC World, STFI will be exhibiting reinforcing bars that have been processed into a knitted fabric using a pultrusion process based on bio-based reinforcing fibres made from hemp bast for mineral matrices.


Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI)

Pointcarre integrates Archroma's portfolio of 5,760 colors Photo: Archroma

Pointcarre integrates Archroma's portfolio of 5,760 colors

Archroma Textile Effects expands the digital textile design and production system (CAD/CAM) Pointcarre with its entire portfolio of 5,760 colors.

Pointcarre Textile Software enables fashion, home furnishing and technical textiles designers to create accurate digital samples, streamline the fabric weaving, knitting and printing processes, and produce realistic presentations of their collections.

Incorporating the Archroma color portfolio into this workflow will allow designers to bring their ideas to life with greater speed and accuracy. They will not only have access to a vast searchable library of Archroma colors, but they will also be better able to produce the exact color they need at the factory.

All of the Archroma color references can be formulated with dyes that meet leading international eco-standards and the brand customer’s desired sustainability profile.

To support customers to optimize the potential of the new color library, Pointcarre is offering new interactive e-learning modules on its Academy training platform, as well as assistance in several languages.

Archroma Textile Effects expands the digital textile design and production system (CAD/CAM) Pointcarre with its entire portfolio of 5,760 colors.

Pointcarre Textile Software enables fashion, home furnishing and technical textiles designers to create accurate digital samples, streamline the fabric weaving, knitting and printing processes, and produce realistic presentations of their collections.

Incorporating the Archroma color portfolio into this workflow will allow designers to bring their ideas to life with greater speed and accuracy. They will not only have access to a vast searchable library of Archroma colors, but they will also be better able to produce the exact color they need at the factory.

All of the Archroma color references can be formulated with dyes that meet leading international eco-standards and the brand customer’s desired sustainability profile.

To support customers to optimize the potential of the new color library, Pointcarre is offering new interactive e-learning modules on its Academy training platform, as well as assistance in several languages.

More information:
Archroma Pointcarre CAD/CAM Software


DITF: Biopolymers from bacteria protect technical textiles Photo: DITF
Charging a doctor blade with molten PHA using a hot-melt gun

DITF: Biopolymers from bacteria protect technical textiles

Textiles for technical applications often derive their special function via the application of coatings. This way, textiles become, for example wind and water proof or more resistant to abrasion. Usually, petroleum-based substances such as polyacrylates or polyurethanes are used. However, these consume exhaustible resources and the materials can end up in the environment if handled improperly. Therefore, the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are researching materials from renewable sources that are recyclable and do not pollute the environment after use. Polymers that can be produced from bacteria are here of particular interest.

Textiles for technical applications often derive their special function via the application of coatings. This way, textiles become, for example wind and water proof or more resistant to abrasion. Usually, petroleum-based substances such as polyacrylates or polyurethanes are used. However, these consume exhaustible resources and the materials can end up in the environment if handled improperly. Therefore, the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF) are researching materials from renewable sources that are recyclable and do not pollute the environment after use. Polymers that can be produced from bacteria are here of particular interest.

These biopolymers have the advantage that they can be produced in anything from small laboratory reactors to large production plants. The most promising biopolymers include polysaccharides, polyamides from amino acids and polyesters such as polylactic acid or polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), all of which are derived from renewable raw materials. PHAs is an umbrella term for a group of biotechnologically produced polyesters. The main difference between these polyesters is the number of carbon atoms in the repeat unit. To date, they have mainly been investigated for medical applications. As PHAs products are increasingly available on the market, coatings made from PHAs may also be increasingly used in technical applications in the future.

The bacteria from which the PHAs are obtained grow with the help of carbohydrates, fats and an increased CO2 concentration and light with suitable wavelength.

The properties of PHA can be adapted by varying the structure of the repeat unit. This makes polyhydroxyalkanoates a particularly interesting class of compounds for technical textile coatings, which has hardly been investigated to date. Due to their water-repellent properties, which stem from their molecular structure, and their stable structure, polyhydroxyalkanoates have great potential for the production of water-repellent, mechanically resilient textiles, such as those in demand in the automotive sector and for outdoor clothing.

The DITF have already carried out successful research work in this area. Coatings on cotton yarns and fabrics made of cotton, polyamide and polyester showed smooth and quite good adhesion. The PHA types for the coating were both procured on the open market and produced by the research partner Fraunhofer IGB. It was shown that the molten polymer can be applied to cotton yarns by extrusion through a coating nozzle. The molten polymer was successfully coated onto fabric using a doctor blade. The length of the molecular side chain of the PHA plays an important role in the properties of the coated textile. Although PHAs with medium-length side chains are better suited to achieving low stiffness and a good textile handle, their wash resistance is low. PHAs with short side chains are suitable for achieving high wash and abrasion resistance, but the textile handle is somewhat stiffer.

The team is currently investigating how the properties of PHAs can be changed in order to achieve the desired resistance and textile properties in equal measure. There are also plans to formulate aqueous formulations for yarn and textile finishing. This will allow much thinner coatings to be applied to textiles than is possible with molten PHAs.

Other DITF research teams are investigating whether PHAs are also suitable for the production of fibers and nonwovens.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF)


Epson auf CDP A-Liste für Umgang mit Klimawandel und Wassersicherheit

Epson erhält von der internationalen Organisation CDP in zwei Kategorien, Klimawandel und Wassersicherheit, ein A-Rating. Das CDP ist eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Organisation, die ein weltweites System zur Offenlegung von Umweltdaten betreibt. Jedes Jahr fordert es Unternehmen auf, ihre Risiken und Chancen in Bezug auf Klimawandel, Wassersicherheit und Entwaldung zu messen und zu managen. Das Ranking dient Investoren, Unternehmen oder politischen Entscheidungsträgern dazu, Umweltmaßnahmen von Unternehmen zu beurteilen und Investitionsentscheidungen zu treffen.

Yoshiro Nagafusa, Präsident von Epson Europe, sagt: Die Auszeichnung mit CDP 'A' in zwei Kategorien - Klimawandel und Wassersicherheit - ist eine wichtige Botschaft an unsere Kunden, Geschäftspartner und Investoren. Es zeigt, wie sehr sich Epson dem langfristigen Ziel verschrieben hat, CO2-negativ zu wirtschaften. Das jüngste CDP-A-Rating ist ein weiterer Beweis dafür, dass wir es ernst meinen mit der Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und der Vorbereitung unseres Unternehmens auf die Zukunft."

Epson erhält von der internationalen Organisation CDP in zwei Kategorien, Klimawandel und Wassersicherheit, ein A-Rating. Das CDP ist eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Organisation, die ein weltweites System zur Offenlegung von Umweltdaten betreibt. Jedes Jahr fordert es Unternehmen auf, ihre Risiken und Chancen in Bezug auf Klimawandel, Wassersicherheit und Entwaldung zu messen und zu managen. Das Ranking dient Investoren, Unternehmen oder politischen Entscheidungsträgern dazu, Umweltmaßnahmen von Unternehmen zu beurteilen und Investitionsentscheidungen zu treffen.

Yoshiro Nagafusa, Präsident von Epson Europe, sagt: Die Auszeichnung mit CDP 'A' in zwei Kategorien - Klimawandel und Wassersicherheit - ist eine wichtige Botschaft an unsere Kunden, Geschäftspartner und Investoren. Es zeigt, wie sehr sich Epson dem langfristigen Ziel verschrieben hat, CO2-negativ zu wirtschaften. Das jüngste CDP-A-Rating ist ein weiterer Beweis dafür, dass wir es ernst meinen mit der Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und der Vorbereitung unseres Unternehmens auf die Zukunft."

Zu den jüngsten Initiativen von Epson gehören die Umsetzung und der Abschluss eines Programms zur Umstellung auf 100 % erneuerbaren Strom an allen Standorten der Epson-Gruppe weltweit.

More information:
Epson CDP Klimawandel Nachhaltigkeit

Epson Deutschland GmbH