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PVC-Kabel Foto Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG

Leibinger: Spezielle Tinte für Kabelkennzeichnung

Litzen, Kabel, Mantelleitungen oder auch Rohre, Schläuche und Profile aus weichem PVC umdruckfest zu kennzeichnen, ist eine Herausforderung in der Kabel- und Extrusionsbranche. Eine von Drucker-Spezialist LEIBINGER entwickelte schwarze Tinte ist resistent gegen Weichmacher und verhindert Abdrucke auf Nachbarkabeln.

Litzen, Kabel, Mantelleitungen oder auch Rohre, Schläuche und Profile aus weichem PVC umdruckfest zu kennzeichnen, ist eine Herausforderung in der Kabel- und Extrusionsbranche. Eine von Drucker-Spezialist LEIBINGER entwickelte schwarze Tinte ist resistent gegen Weichmacher und verhindert Abdrucke auf Nachbarkabeln.

Extrusionsprodukte wie Kabel, Mantelleitungen, Schläuche, Rohre oder Profile bestehen zu einem hohen Anteil aus Polyvinylchlorid (PVC). Dieses wird je nach Anwendung mit Weichmachern versetzt, auch „softener“ genannt. Nach der Produktion werden die bedruckten Kabel in der Regel aufgewickelt. Aufgrund der „Weichmacherwanderung“ zeigt sich beim späteren Abspulen unter Umständen ein Abdruck oder „transfer print“ auf dem Nachbarkabel. Um das zu verhindern, gibt es jetzt eine spezielle PVC-Tinte. Sie ist beständig gegen Weichmacher und verhindert somit den oben beschriebenen Effekt eines unerwünschten Abdrucks. Mit einem BWS-Ranking (Blue Wool Scale) von 8 weist sie außerdem eine ausgezeichnete UV-Stabilität auf, die z.B. beim Einsatz auf Windowspacern besonders wichtig ist. Die Tinte trocknet sehr schnell und eignet sich daher auch perfekt für Highspeed-Anwendungen.

More information:

Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG

Spatenstich Hochschule Niederrhein Copyright: Carlos Albuquerque/HSNR
von links: Prof. Dr. Maike Rabe (Leiterin Forschungsinstitut für Textil und Bekleidung der HSNR), Prof. Dr. Lutz Vossebein (Dekan Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik), Prof. Dr. Fabienne Köller-Marek (Hochschulkanzlerin), Simon Hendrix (Abteilungsleitung Baumanagement der BLB-Niederlassung Duisburg), Gonça Türkeli-Dehnert (Staatssekretärin NRW-Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft), Gabriele Willems (BLB NRW-Geschäftsführerin) und Mönchengladbachs Oberbürgermeister Felix Heinrichs

Startschuss für die Erneuerung des Textilcampus der Hochschule Niederrhein

Die Staatssekretärin des nordrhein-westfälischen Wissenschaftsministeriums Gonça Türkeli-Dehnert setzte für den Ersatzneubau der Textilhalle auf dem Mönchengladbacher Campus den symbolischen ersten Spatenstich. Mit dem Bau der neuen Textilhalle startet der Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (BLB NRW) die Modernisierung für den renommierten Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik an der Hochschule Niederrhein.

Die Staatssekretärin des nordrhein-westfälischen Wissenschaftsministeriums Gonça Türkeli-Dehnert setzte für den Ersatzneubau der Textilhalle auf dem Mönchengladbacher Campus den symbolischen ersten Spatenstich. Mit dem Bau der neuen Textilhalle startet der Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (BLB NRW) die Modernisierung für den renommierten Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik an der Hochschule Niederrhein.

Der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein steht am Campus Mönchengladbach im Kontext einer langen historischen Tradition regionaler Textilindustrie. Architektonisch wird der Campus Webschulstraße durch seine industriellen Backsteingebäude aus dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert geprägt. Mit dem Ersatz-Neubau der Textilhalle startet die Erneuerung des Gesamtkomplexes. Ziel ist es, eine funktionale Vernetzung der Forschungs- und Lehrgebäude auf dem gesamten Campus zu schaffen. Innnovation und Nachhaltigkeit werden die Nutzung durch die Hochschule Niederrhein prägen: In das moderne Technikum für Textilveredlung des Fachbereichs für Textilund Bekleidungstechnik wird bereits 2025 mit Maschinen für eine emissionsarme, digitale Produktion im Industriemaßstab einziehen. Studierende, aber auch Partner aus der Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft erfahren in diesem Neubau einerseits die Grundlagen der Farbgebung, Ausrüstung oder Beschichtung von Textilien und erhalten andererseits unmittelbar Zugang zu Innovation und Forschung, wie z.B. der wasserfreien Plasmabehandlung oder der Textiltrocknung mit Wasserstoff. Der größte Fachbereich für diese Disziplin in ganz Europa kann mit diesem Bau an die textile Tradition anknüpfen und zugleich einen Beitrag zu einer soliden Ausbildung und Forschung für eine starke Textilwirtschaft in der Zukunft beitragen.

„In den kommenden Jahren realisieren wir hier auf einer limitierten Fläche viele Bauprojekte, um für den Fachbereich optimale Bedingungen zu schaffen. Das Besondere an der neuen Textilhalle sind die recycelten Klinkersteine, die optisch auf das Gesamt-Ensemble abgestimmt werden. Als BLB NRW sorgen wir für nachhaltigen Raum für Forschung und Lehre“, betont BLB NRW Geschäftsführerin Gabriele Willems. Der Ersatz-Neubau wird nachhaltig gebaut. Bis auf den Keller und das Treppenhaus wird das Gebäude in Massivholzbauweise errichtet. Vorteile sind, dass diese Bauweise gegenüber einer Stahlbetonkonstruktion leichter ist und bessere Wärmedämmeigenschaften besitzt. Für die Fassade der neuen Textilhalle werden recycelte Klinkersteine verwendet. Durch die Wiederverwendung rückgebauter Klinker können CO2-Emissionen gegenüber neu produzierten Steinen eingespart werden. Auch durch geänderte Herstellungsprozesse und Betonrezepturen sollen gemäß Herstellerangaben ungefähr 30 bis 50 Prozent weniger CO2-Emissionen beim Rohbau erreicht werden. Das Dach wird begrünt und mit einer leistungsstarken Photovoltaik- Anlage ausgestattet.

Die Besonderheit des Ersatz-Neubaus wird die transparente Gebäudegestaltung sein. Als Fenster zur Forschung macht er die Hochschulaktivitäten entlang der Rheydter Straße sichtbar und stärkt hiermit die urbane Wahrnehmung und Identität des Campus. Die vier großen Fenster ermöglichen Passanten einen Blick in die Textilhalle. Neben der großen Fensterfront im Erdgeschoss sorgt ein Lichtband im oberen Teil der Fassade für ausreichend Helligkeit in den Lehrräumen. „Die Hochschule Niederrhein ist einer unserer wichtigsten Partner, wenn es darum geht, Mönchengladbach als textilen Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Produktionsstandort von morgen aufzustellen. Das wird deutlich durch gemeinsame Projekte wie die Textilfabrik 7.0, aber auch durch die vielen klugen Köpfe, die die Hochschule Tag für Tag zu den Fachkräften von morgen ausbildet. Mit dem Bau der neuen Textilhalle schreiben das Land und der Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW an dieser Erfolgsgeschichte mit. Ich freue mich sehr über das architektonisch ansprechende und topmoderne Hochschulgebäude, dessen Bau wir heute einleiten“, stellt der Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Mönchengladbach, Felix Heinrichs, heraus.

Der Ersatz-Neubau ergänzt den Campus sinnvoll und setzt den Startschuss für den Ausbau des Fachbereichs Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik. Nach Fertigstellung zieht die Spinnerei in den Neubau, damit weitere Teilprojekte am Campus Mönchengladbach starten können. Die leergezogene denkmalgeschützte Spinnerei wird daraufhin kernsaniert. Teile der Spinnerei sowie der ehemaligen Textilveredelung werden perspektivisch abgebrochen, die grundlegende Bausubstanz bleibt jedoch erhalten. Die Spinnerei als Forschungs- und Lehrgebäude wird zudem modernisiert und energetisch ertüchtigt. Auch durch neu gestaltete Grünflächen entsteht eine hohe Aufenthaltsqualität für Studierende und Lehrende. Nach der Fertigstellung werden dem Fachbereich durch die modernisierte Spinnerei und den Neubau rund 2.500 Quadratmeter Nutzungsfläche mit modernsten Bedingungen für Forschung und Lehre zur Verfügung stehen.


Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW
Niederlassung Duisburg

Nyon traceability Grafik RadiciGroup

RadiciGroup: a Physical and digital nylon traceability

RadiciGroup announced the launch of the first physical and digital nylon traceability project at Techtextil 2024. A gilet made from the yarn manufactured in one of the Group’s European industrial sites, which, thanks to a QR code on the garment, can reveal its origin and display information about its production process.

Product traceability is a key element in guaranteeing transparency along the entire supply chain, as it means each stage of production – from spinning to weaving and from packaging through to retail – can be monitored and recorded. The project, made possible by a partnership with FibreTrace, allows manufactured nylon yarns to be traced both physically and digitally. In fact, RadiciGroup inserts a tracer (an inorganic additive) that is uniquely associated with the yarn and remains identifiable throughout all stages of processing – on both the fabric and the finished garment. Naturally, the tracer does not alter the esthetical, functional and technical performance of the yarns in any way.

RadiciGroup announced the launch of the first physical and digital nylon traceability project at Techtextil 2024. A gilet made from the yarn manufactured in one of the Group’s European industrial sites, which, thanks to a QR code on the garment, can reveal its origin and display information about its production process.

Product traceability is a key element in guaranteeing transparency along the entire supply chain, as it means each stage of production – from spinning to weaving and from packaging through to retail – can be monitored and recorded. The project, made possible by a partnership with FibreTrace, allows manufactured nylon yarns to be traced both physically and digitally. In fact, RadiciGroup inserts a tracer (an inorganic additive) that is uniquely associated with the yarn and remains identifiable throughout all stages of processing – on both the fabric and the finished garment. Naturally, the tracer does not alter the esthetical, functional and technical performance of the yarns in any way.

In terms of digital traceability, during the production stages a scanner detects the presence of the tracer and can transmit the data relating to provenance onto a dedicated digital platform. Finally, the consumer, via a QR code, can access the digital platform that provides all information concerning the provenance of the product and its journey through the supply chain.
“This project is the result of almost two years’ work by our Research & Development team. We’re very proud to bring to the market the first physical and digital nylon traceability solution and we plan to extend this initiative to other fibres produced by the Group,” emphasised Filippo Bona, R&D Manager of RadiciGroup Advanced Textile Solutions.

More information:
Radici RadiciGroup nylon


fisherman Alastair Newton, Pixabay

Stahl: New waterproof performance coating

Stahl, a provider of speciality coatings and treatments for flexible substrates, has launched the protective coating Stahl Integra® Dry 725, meeting the increasing demand for water-repellant technical fabrics.  
Part of the Stahl Integra® toolbox, Stahl Integra® Dry 725 is a fluorine-free coating for water-repellent technical textiles that harnesses Stahl’s proven polymer technology. Stahl has introduced Stahl Integra® Dry 725 in response to the growing market demand for fluorine-free, water-repellent technical textiles, which is projected to reach USD 605.1 million by 2029.  

Stahl Integra® Dry 725 offers a balanced performance between repellency, durability and adhesion. Stahl's durable water-repellent (DWR) technology, StayDry, repels water from fabric by modifying the surface tension of fibres. The solution can be combined with other top or back coatings and is specifically designed for technical textile applications such as camping equipment or luggage. As a fluorine-free, waterborne coating that is cured at low temperatures, Stahl Integra® Dry 725 can help reduce environmental impact without compromising on quality.

Stahl, a provider of speciality coatings and treatments for flexible substrates, has launched the protective coating Stahl Integra® Dry 725, meeting the increasing demand for water-repellant technical fabrics.  
Part of the Stahl Integra® toolbox, Stahl Integra® Dry 725 is a fluorine-free coating for water-repellent technical textiles that harnesses Stahl’s proven polymer technology. Stahl has introduced Stahl Integra® Dry 725 in response to the growing market demand for fluorine-free, water-repellent technical textiles, which is projected to reach USD 605.1 million by 2029.  

Stahl Integra® Dry 725 offers a balanced performance between repellency, durability and adhesion. Stahl's durable water-repellent (DWR) technology, StayDry, repels water from fabric by modifying the surface tension of fibres. The solution can be combined with other top or back coatings and is specifically designed for technical textile applications such as camping equipment or luggage. As a fluorine-free, waterborne coating that is cured at low temperatures, Stahl Integra® Dry 725 can help reduce environmental impact without compromising on quality.

Stahl Integra® is a modular 'toolbox' of tailor-made, customer-orientated protective coating solutions that simultaneously ensure product quality and superior fabric integrity. This means that specific mechanical functionalities – from flame-retardant and breathable coatings to stay-clean technologies – can be introduced at different stages of the production process to meet specific end-market requirements as needed.

More information:
waterproof high-tech coatings


Archroma: New bio-based durable water repellent finish Photo: Archroma

Archroma: New bio-based durable water repellent finish

Archroma has introduced a new bio-based durable water repellent (DWR) finish that helps mills and brands produce apparel that is soft to the touch and yet offers robust rain and stain protection and an improved sustainability profile.

PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ is designed to provide great water repellence on all kinds of fibers while achieving a soft handle and avoiding undesired effects like yellowing and chalk marking. It performs especially well on synthetic fibers and their blends, making it ideal for apparel, outdoor wear and home textiles.

The new DWR is based on 50% renewable carbon content based on ASTM D6866 and is free of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and formaldehyde. It is also crosslinker-free, which makes it more flexible in use. While offering good wash durability on its own, PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ can be combined with a crosslinker like ARKOPHOB® NTR-40, which has a biocarbon content of 40%, to further boost wash and/or dry-cleaning resistance.

Archroma has introduced a new bio-based durable water repellent (DWR) finish that helps mills and brands produce apparel that is soft to the touch and yet offers robust rain and stain protection and an improved sustainability profile.

PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ is designed to provide great water repellence on all kinds of fibers while achieving a soft handle and avoiding undesired effects like yellowing and chalk marking. It performs especially well on synthetic fibers and their blends, making it ideal for apparel, outdoor wear and home textiles.

The new DWR is based on 50% renewable carbon content based on ASTM D6866 and is free of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and formaldehyde. It is also crosslinker-free, which makes it more flexible in use. While offering good wash durability on its own, PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ can be combined with a crosslinker like ARKOPHOB® NTR-40, which has a biocarbon content of 40%, to further boost wash and/or dry-cleaning resistance.

Sportswear, fashion and home textiles treated with the PHOBOTEX® NTR-50 LIQ durable water repellent qualify for the High IQ® Repel assurance program. The High IQ® program assures consumers that these products deliver performance, protection and comfort and meet strict environmental standards.



Tensile Tester by James  Heal (c) James Heal

James Heal: New Product Launch of the Titan Tensile Tester

UK-based textile testing solutions provider James Heal has launched two new instruments in its tensile and compression testing range, marking 25 years of innovation since their first Titan universal testing machine was developed in 1999.

Having seen sustained growth in the market for personal protective equipment (PPE), particularly safety workwear, equipment and footwear, James Heal designed the Titan 25 to meet demand for quality testing products that require higher capacity tests. In addition, the company has experienced increasing demand in testing solutions for wider sporting, industrial and transportation applications, which also influenced the decision to develop higher capacity test instrumentation.

The new Titan 25 is the highest capacity universal testing machine to join the range capable of tests up to 25kN, while the 10kN Titan 10 has been newly refined. The new instruments offer efficiencies through automation, quick change connections for tooling with compatibility across the range, upgraded software, plus enhanced safety features.

UK-based textile testing solutions provider James Heal has launched two new instruments in its tensile and compression testing range, marking 25 years of innovation since their first Titan universal testing machine was developed in 1999.

Having seen sustained growth in the market for personal protective equipment (PPE), particularly safety workwear, equipment and footwear, James Heal designed the Titan 25 to meet demand for quality testing products that require higher capacity tests. In addition, the company has experienced increasing demand in testing solutions for wider sporting, industrial and transportation applications, which also influenced the decision to develop higher capacity test instrumentation.

The new Titan 25 is the highest capacity universal testing machine to join the range capable of tests up to 25kN, while the 10kN Titan 10 has been newly refined. The new instruments offer efficiencies through automation, quick change connections for tooling with compatibility across the range, upgraded software, plus enhanced safety features.

These dual column instruments enable testing on larger specimens across a wide range of tensile and compression tests. Load cells from 100N to 25kN allow testing to as low as 2N giving laboratories maximum flexibility and return for their investment.

Simple to use, the new Titan testers have over 750 pre-loaded standard procedures in the TestWise software, with the option for users to customise and save their own standards. The software automatically sets parameters for each selected test, reducing set up time and eliminating user error.

More information:
James Heal Tensile Tester

James  Heal


Epson auf der Texprocess 2024

Im Fokus des Messeauftritts Epsons auf der texprocess 2024 (23.4. bis 26.4., Messe Frankfurt) steht die Präsentation eines gemeinsam mit den Partnerunternehmen Summa aus Gistel, Belgien, und der Multi-Plot aus Bad Emstal aufgebauten Herstellungsprozesses von bedruckten Textilien. An den Ständen der Firmen sehen Fachbesucher:innen jeweils einen Abschnitt eines Produktionsprozesses mit reibungslos ineinandergreifenden Schritten. Der zentrale Teil des Workflows ist ein SureColor F9400H Drucker, der die textilen Motive auf Transferpapier druckt. Daneben zeigt Epson auf seinem Stand die Hybriddrucker SC-F2200 und SC-F1000 für Anwendungen aus dem DTG- & DTFilm Bereich. Der Auftritt Epsons auf der texprocess 2024 wird abgerundet durch eine Auswahl von Textilmustern, die von Druckern der industriellen Textildruckerreihe Monna Lisa angefertigt wurden.

Im Fokus des Messeauftritts Epsons auf der texprocess 2024 (23.4. bis 26.4., Messe Frankfurt) steht die Präsentation eines gemeinsam mit den Partnerunternehmen Summa aus Gistel, Belgien, und der Multi-Plot aus Bad Emstal aufgebauten Herstellungsprozesses von bedruckten Textilien. An den Ständen der Firmen sehen Fachbesucher:innen jeweils einen Abschnitt eines Produktionsprozesses mit reibungslos ineinandergreifenden Schritten. Der zentrale Teil des Workflows ist ein SureColor F9400H Drucker, der die textilen Motive auf Transferpapier druckt. Daneben zeigt Epson auf seinem Stand die Hybriddrucker SC-F2200 und SC-F1000 für Anwendungen aus dem DTG- & DTFilm Bereich. Der Auftritt Epsons auf der texprocess 2024 wird abgerundet durch eine Auswahl von Textilmustern, die von Druckern der industriellen Textildruckerreihe Monna Lisa angefertigt wurden.

Die Aufgabe des Epson SC-F9400H in dem textilen Workflow ist der Druck des Designs auf ein Transferpapier, das anschließend mit einem Kalander des Typs HJ 75 von Multi-Plot unter Einwirkung von Hitze und Druck in das gewählte textile Medium eingebracht wird. Nach der Kalandrierung des Designs auf dem Textil schneidet ein L1810 Laserschneider von Summa als letzten Schritt des Workflows das Material für eine Weiterverarbeitung zurecht.

Zum Druck des Designs selbst wird die Software „Epson Edge Print“ eingesetzt, die auch ein Farbmanagement ermöglicht. Dazu wird der neue Epson SD-10 Automated Scanning Table zusammen mit der im Lieferumfang des Scantisches enthaltenen Software „Edge Color Lite“ Software eingesetzt.

Der SD-10 Automated Scanning Table ist eine Lösung, mittels dem das Epson SD-10 Spektralphotometer automatisch Farbcharts einliest und so schnell und einfach präzise Farbprofile erstellt. Als Option für das seit letztem Jahr erhältliche SD-10 Spektralfotometer und der Software „Edge Color Lite“ bildet der neue SD-10 Automated Scanning Table eine benutzerfreundliche Komplettlösung zur Erstellung von ICC-Profilen. Auch ist mit dem SD-10 Automated Scanning Table und Edge Color Lite die Überprüfung und der Abgleich mehrerer Drucker desselben Modells möglich, sodass die Kalibrierung einzelner Geräte untereinander vereinfacht und beschleunigt wird.


Epson Deutschland GmbH

TMAS: Vandewiele Sweden launches e-commerce platform (c) Vandewiele Sweden AB

TMAS: Vandewiele Sweden launches e-commerce platform

Vandewiele Sweden is spearheading a transformation in B2B operations for the industry, with a new e-commerce platform developed in Sweden. The company, a member of TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association, has taken on the task of developing the digital solution that will meet the future demands for Vandewiele Group customers worldwide.

The Vandewiele Sweden team has developed a user-friendly interface that exploits the latest "exploding view" diagrams to ensure customers can easily identify and order the components they need, all within a 1:1 digital representation. The next stage in 3D technology is set up and ready, although it awaits implementation and market readiness to fully integrate and utilize its features.

Adopting a phased approach, the company is initially introducing its IRO-branded accessories, spare parts and gauge parts, targeting textile mills, weavers and distributors. The platform has been carefully crafted to cater to the varying needs of its diverse clientele, offering streamlined direct sales and a transparent commission structure for agents and distributors.

Vandewiele Sweden is spearheading a transformation in B2B operations for the industry, with a new e-commerce platform developed in Sweden. The company, a member of TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association, has taken on the task of developing the digital solution that will meet the future demands for Vandewiele Group customers worldwide.

The Vandewiele Sweden team has developed a user-friendly interface that exploits the latest "exploding view" diagrams to ensure customers can easily identify and order the components they need, all within a 1:1 digital representation. The next stage in 3D technology is set up and ready, although it awaits implementation and market readiness to fully integrate and utilize its features.

Adopting a phased approach, the company is initially introducing its IRO-branded accessories, spare parts and gauge parts, targeting textile mills, weavers and distributors. The platform has been carefully crafted to cater to the varying needs of its diverse clientele, offering streamlined direct sales and a transparent commission structure for agents and distributors.

With an ambitious logistics promise of 48-hour dispatch and leveraging third-party payment service providers like Nets, the company assures speed and reliability in every transaction.

Scheduled for launch in April, Vandewiele stands ready to introduce its new e-commerce solution to key markets, including Scandinavia, the Baltics, parts of Europe, Turkey, and India.


TMAS, the Swedish Textile Machinery Association

KARL MAYER: Wearables partner of DiMo project (c) KARL MAYER

KARL MAYER: Wearables partner of DiMo project

Trends such as fitness lifestyle and vitality, the quantified self movement, active ageing and the outdoor boom will significantly change the sports, health and wellness sector in the coming years. In addition, technical innovations will redefine the way people stay fit and healthy. The DiMo - Digital Motion joint project aims to help shape the transformation process. It ran in its first round in 2023 and will be continued for another four years with DiMo-NEXT.

The project aims to conduct transdisciplinary research into how people's experience of exercise can be improved, performance increased and a sustainable lifestyle made possible. The potential offered by digital technologies, particularly in the field of sensors, plays a key role here. The topic of clothing is also important as an interface between technological solutions and people. This is why KARL MAYER and Grabher are among the 26 project partners from industry and research, representing the textile industry.

Trends such as fitness lifestyle and vitality, the quantified self movement, active ageing and the outdoor boom will significantly change the sports, health and wellness sector in the coming years. In addition, technical innovations will redefine the way people stay fit and healthy. The DiMo - Digital Motion joint project aims to help shape the transformation process. It ran in its first round in 2023 and will be continued for another four years with DiMo-NEXT.

The project aims to conduct transdisciplinary research into how people's experience of exercise can be improved, performance increased and a sustainable lifestyle made possible. The potential offered by digital technologies, particularly in the field of sensors, plays a key role here. The topic of clothing is also important as an interface between technological solutions and people. This is why KARL MAYER and Grabher are among the 26 project partners from industry and research, representing the textile industry.

The textile machinery manufacturer KARL MAYER is contributing its expertise in the field of wearables to the project work. The TEXTILE CIRCUIT team of its TEXTILE MAKERSPACE has already successfully implemented various projects in this area. In addition, an MJ 52/1 S from KARL MAYER is used at V-Trion, Grabher's research company in Lustenau, for the production of electrically conductive textiles.

DiMo-NEXT will be launched on April 1, 2024, shortly before Techtextil 2024 in Frankfurt am Main. KARL MAYER will present its contribution to the project work at the trade fair for the sector.


KARL MAYER Verwaltungsgesellschaft AG

CHT Textile Dyes App im neuen Design (c) CHT Gruppe

CHT Textile Dyes App im neuen Design

Die CHT Textile Dyes App präsentiert sich in einem neuen Design. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren ist die CHT Textile Dyes App ein Begleiter in der Textilindustrie. Das überarbeitete Design macht eine Vielzahl von nützlichen Funktionen und Informationen noch leichter zugänglich.

Mit der CHT Textile Dyes App haben Anwender Zugriff auf das gesamte Farbstoff- und Pigmentportfolio der CHT sowie allen dazugehörigen Informationen, um das Färben einfacher und sicherer zu machen. Ebenfalls in der CHT Textile Dyes App integriert sind kostenlose In-App-Berechnungsprogramme mit nachhaltigen Lösungen, die den Anwender dabei unterstützen, seine Produkte nachhaltiger und kostengünstiger herzustellen, indem wichtige Ressourcen wie Wasser, Energie und Zeit in den Veredlungsprozessen effizient eingespart werden können.

Die CHT Textile Dyes App präsentiert sich in einem neuen Design. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren ist die CHT Textile Dyes App ein Begleiter in der Textilindustrie. Das überarbeitete Design macht eine Vielzahl von nützlichen Funktionen und Informationen noch leichter zugänglich.

Mit der CHT Textile Dyes App haben Anwender Zugriff auf das gesamte Farbstoff- und Pigmentportfolio der CHT sowie allen dazugehörigen Informationen, um das Färben einfacher und sicherer zu machen. Ebenfalls in der CHT Textile Dyes App integriert sind kostenlose In-App-Berechnungsprogramme mit nachhaltigen Lösungen, die den Anwender dabei unterstützen, seine Produkte nachhaltiger und kostengünstiger herzustellen, indem wichtige Ressourcen wie Wasser, Energie und Zeit in den Veredlungsprozessen effizient eingespart werden können.


CHT Gruppe

Archroma and Cotton Incorporated renewed collaboration Photo: Archroma

Archroma and Cotton Incorporated renewed collaboration

Archroma and Cotton Incorporated, a research and promotion company for cotton, have renewed their eight-year collaboration to help accelerate the shift to more sustainable circular economy.

The two organizations began working together in 2016 when Cotton Incorporated approached Archroma with the goal of developing a dyestuff from the byproducts of cotton production.

The U.S., the world’s third-largest cotton producer and largest exporter, produces sustainable cotton fiber for the textile and apparel industry as well as cottonseed for food and animal feed. Cotton farming and processing also generate byproducts, such as burs, stems and leaves, that are used to create insulation, packaging, erosion control products, and more. Cotton Incorporated recognized the potential to use these natural byproducts to produce dyes.

Archroma and Cotton Incorporated, a research and promotion company for cotton, have renewed their eight-year collaboration to help accelerate the shift to more sustainable circular economy.

The two organizations began working together in 2016 when Cotton Incorporated approached Archroma with the goal of developing a dyestuff from the byproducts of cotton production.

The U.S., the world’s third-largest cotton producer and largest exporter, produces sustainable cotton fiber for the textile and apparel industry as well as cottonseed for food and animal feed. Cotton farming and processing also generate byproducts, such as burs, stems and leaves, that are used to create insulation, packaging, erosion control products, and more. Cotton Incorporated recognized the potential to use these natural byproducts to produce dyes.

Drawing on a century-long heritage of sulfur dye innovation, the Archroma research team was able to apply its patented EarthColors® technology to create DIRESUL® Earth-Cotton using cotton by products from the U.S. supply chain. An alternative to the usual oil-based dyes, Earth-Cotton allows brands to offer textile products in warm natural shades, using cotton to create both fabric and dye.




Emanuel Gunnarsson, University of Borås Photo University of Borås

Healthcare: Solution for smart textile production

Smart textiles have the potential to revolutionise healthcare. In his doctoral thesis in textile technology at the University of Borås, Emanuel Gunnarsson presents unique solutions to the bottleneck that has long inhibited the market.

With an ageing population, increasing demands are being placed on healthcare and smart textiles can offer a solution where only imagination sets limits. “The long-term goal of most smart textiles is for them to be so easy to use that the user doesn't think of them as anything more than regular garments. No special procedure should be needed to use them. If we succeed in that, we won't burden healthcare by having healthcare personnel administer vital parameter monitoring such as blood pressure and pulse, as the user can handle it themselves,” said Emanuel Gunnarsson.

In his work, he has investigated how a t-shirt for measuring heart rhythm and movement patterns, and garments for electrostimulation, can be produced in a single step. This involves the connection between the contact surfaces (electrodes), the insulated conductive paths between the electrode and the contact point, and the electrical measuring equipment required.

Smart textiles have the potential to revolutionise healthcare. In his doctoral thesis in textile technology at the University of Borås, Emanuel Gunnarsson presents unique solutions to the bottleneck that has long inhibited the market.

With an ageing population, increasing demands are being placed on healthcare and smart textiles can offer a solution where only imagination sets limits. “The long-term goal of most smart textiles is for them to be so easy to use that the user doesn't think of them as anything more than regular garments. No special procedure should be needed to use them. If we succeed in that, we won't burden healthcare by having healthcare personnel administer vital parameter monitoring such as blood pressure and pulse, as the user can handle it themselves,” said Emanuel Gunnarsson.

In his work, he has investigated how a t-shirt for measuring heart rhythm and movement patterns, and garments for electrostimulation, can be produced in a single step. This involves the connection between the contact surfaces (electrodes), the insulated conductive paths between the electrode and the contact point, and the electrical measuring equipment required.

“This, as far as we know, has never been described before. We are completely convinced that this is the solution to a significant bottleneck when it comes to getting the smart textile market going in earnest,” said Emanuel Gunnarsson.

His work has resulted in two different simple ways to produce smart textiles. He demonstrates that sensors can be integrated using standard textile manufacturing methods. The research also includes criticism of some of the methods used to measure the functionality of smart textiles, and advice on how to do it better instead.

“The next natural step will be to see how these garments cope with one of the toughest challenges a garment faces, namely washing. Especially as these garments must be worn closest to the skin, they will need to be washed relatively often,” said Emanuel Gunnarsson.

Studies from other universities indicate that the yarns used to measure signals from the body do not withstand many washes, but after a small pilot study, Emanuel Gunnarsson is hopeful of the opposite.


University of Borås

EASYNDIGO Photo Officina39

Officina39: With indigo garment dyeing at Kingpins Amsterdam

The Italian chemical company presents its solution for indigo garment dyeing EASYNDIGO in Amsterdam. The promise is to make indigo easy to obtain in just a few simple steps. The technology, based on the Pull&Push Mechanism, uses specific agents to enhance the two-phase dyeing process of raw garments with indigo.

1st step: The pull mechanism
The Pull mechanism works on raw garments to pull indigo onto the fibers, using a special wetting and leveling agent called DETERWET EASYNDIGO, which acts as a solubilizer, ensures reproducibility and low-foaming, reducing dye migration during drying. It also involves the dispersing agent DISPERSOLO EASYNDIGO, effective for its diffusion-accelerating properties, which allows for a reduction in time and temperature of the dyeing process without compromising lightfastness.

The Italian chemical company presents its solution for indigo garment dyeing EASYNDIGO in Amsterdam. The promise is to make indigo easy to obtain in just a few simple steps. The technology, based on the Pull&Push Mechanism, uses specific agents to enhance the two-phase dyeing process of raw garments with indigo.

1st step: The pull mechanism
The Pull mechanism works on raw garments to pull indigo onto the fibers, using a special wetting and leveling agent called DETERWET EASYNDIGO, which acts as a solubilizer, ensures reproducibility and low-foaming, reducing dye migration during drying. It also involves the dispersing agent DISPERSOLO EASYNDIGO, effective for its diffusion-accelerating properties, which allows for a reduction in time and temperature of the dyeing process without compromising lightfastness.

2nd step: The push mechanism
The Push mechanism works on dye bath to push the indigo into the fibers using an innovative compound named BASE EASYNDIGO and pre-reduced indigo DenimBlu30 by BluConnection. This method achieves a bright and deep indigo color, improves wash and rubbing fastness, enhances levelness, and is formaldehyde-free.

3rd step
This extra phase is completely dedicated to creativity: with EASYNDIGO is easy to unleash it and get an authentic indigo garment, while reducing the consumption of water, energy and resources. Around these core concepts Officina39 continues to develop innovative solutions that make denim production increasingly responsible.

This innovative chemical package reaches its deepest effectiveness and gets power in combination with Tonello’s DyeMate technology: two Italian companies have combined their efforts to develop an innovative chemical and technological dyeing process.



Collaboration between Eastman and Debrand: Recycling of apparel waste (c) Debrand

Collaboration between Eastman and Debrand: Recycling of apparel waste

Eastman, a specialty materials company and producer of Naia™ cellulosic fibers, has formed a collaboration with Debrand, a logistics company specializing in finding sustainable solutions to apparel waste.

Teaming up with Debrand for collection of the waste, Eastman is using its molecular recycling technology to recycle 5,000 pounds of pre- and post-consumer apparel waste. The process breaks down apparel waste to its molecular building blocks and uses the certified recycled material to create Naia™ Renew fibers — circular fibers made from 60% sustainably sourced wood pulp and 40% recycled waste material via Global Recycled Standard-certified mass balance.

Eastman and Debrand are showcasing the transformative potential of molecular recycling technology to address the textile waste crisis. By providing more circular solutions for apparel waste, this partnership sets a new standard for sustainable practices in the fashion industry. Prior to its collaboration with Eastman, Debrand secured a strategic investment from Waste Management, a provider of comprehensive waste management in North America, to deliver circular solutions across the U.S. and Canada.

Eastman, a specialty materials company and producer of Naia™ cellulosic fibers, has formed a collaboration with Debrand, a logistics company specializing in finding sustainable solutions to apparel waste.

Teaming up with Debrand for collection of the waste, Eastman is using its molecular recycling technology to recycle 5,000 pounds of pre- and post-consumer apparel waste. The process breaks down apparel waste to its molecular building blocks and uses the certified recycled material to create Naia™ Renew fibers — circular fibers made from 60% sustainably sourced wood pulp and 40% recycled waste material via Global Recycled Standard-certified mass balance.

Eastman and Debrand are showcasing the transformative potential of molecular recycling technology to address the textile waste crisis. By providing more circular solutions for apparel waste, this partnership sets a new standard for sustainable practices in the fashion industry. Prior to its collaboration with Eastman, Debrand secured a strategic investment from Waste Management, a provider of comprehensive waste management in North America, to deliver circular solutions across the U.S. and Canada.

Eastman continues to partner with strategic brands and organizations to drive innovation and enhance the infrastructure for a circular economy in the textiles industry. Recently, Eastman teamed up with Patagonia to recycle 8,000 pounds of its unusable apparel.


Rieter Annual General Meeting 2024

On April 17, 2024, 312 shareholders, who represent 68.7% of the share capital, attended the 133rd Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd.

Shareholders Adopt All Motions Proposed by the Board of Directors:

  • Distribution of a dividend of CHF 3.00 per share approved
  • Remuneration Report 2023 and future remuneration of Board of Directors and Group Executive Committee formally accepted
  • All members of the Board of Directors who stood for re-election were elected
  • Thomas Oetterli newly appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Jennifer Maag newly appointed to the Board of Directors
  • Amendments to the Articles of Association approved

On April 17, 2024, 312 shareholders, who represent 68.7% of the share capital, attended the 133rd Annual General Meeting of Rieter Holding Ltd.

Shareholders Adopt All Motions Proposed by the Board of Directors:

  • Distribution of a dividend of CHF 3.00 per share approved
  • Remuneration Report 2023 and future remuneration of Board of Directors and Group Executive Committee formally accepted
  • All members of the Board of Directors who stood for re-election were elected
  • Thomas Oetterli newly appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Jennifer Maag newly appointed to the Board of Directors
  • Amendments to the Articles of Association approved

Rieter Management AG

Stratasys unveils D2G solution with Urban Tattoo denim collection Photo: Business Wire

Stratasys unveils D2G solution with Urban Tattoo denim collection

Stratasys Ltd. announced the launch of its Direct-to-Garment (D2G) solution for the J850 TechStyle™ printer, the newest offering in the Stratasys 3DFashion™ direct-to-textile printing technology. The first example of its application is an Urban Tattoo denim collection which will be revealed at the Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany on April 23.

The D2G solution is ideal for customization and personalization by enabling the application of full color multi-material 3D print directly on fully assembled garments of various fabric types including denim, cotton, polyester, and linen. It allows fashion brands to facilitate personalized and bespoke designs for customers, including the ability to tailor 3D prints according to individual preferences, sizes, and styles.  

Stratasys Ltd. announced the launch of its Direct-to-Garment (D2G) solution for the J850 TechStyle™ printer, the newest offering in the Stratasys 3DFashion™ direct-to-textile printing technology. The first example of its application is an Urban Tattoo denim collection which will be revealed at the Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany on April 23.

The D2G solution is ideal for customization and personalization by enabling the application of full color multi-material 3D print directly on fully assembled garments of various fabric types including denim, cotton, polyester, and linen. It allows fashion brands to facilitate personalized and bespoke designs for customers, including the ability to tailor 3D prints according to individual preferences, sizes, and styles.  

Available in two sizes, the D2G tray kits facilitate the personalization of garments ranging from jeans to jackets, enabling designers and manufacturers to adopt more sustainable practices by reducing material waste. The seamless workflow delivers ease of calibration and compatibility with various garment sizes, streamlining the production process and fostering the creation of unique, personalized apparel.

Demonstrating this innovation, the Urban Tattoo collection showcases the potential and the ease of direct-to-garment 3D printing. Working with noted designers Karim Rashid, Travis Fitch, Zlatko Yanakiev at Meshroom along with Foraeva Studio, this collection shows the transformation of ordinary garments into pieces of wearable art, imbuing them with personal identity and meaning.

Like body tattoos, Urban Tattoos promote a deeper emotional connection, encouraging the upcycling of existing garments and contributing to a more sustainable fashion ecosystem. This aligns with Stratasys’ strategy for Mindful Manufacturing™. Stratasys has been able to create a new collection that will appeal to multiple brands that reach across diverse socio-economic backgrounds.


Stratasys Ltd


Call for Papers ADD-ITC 2024

The next AACHEN-DRESDEN-DENKENDORF INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE CONFERENCE will take place on November 21/22 2024 in Stuttgart on site.  

You are invited to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations related to the following topics:

  • Textile Mechanical Engineering
  • Biobased Fibers
  • High Performance Fibers
  • Fiber Composites and Lightweight Construction
  • Circular Economy and Recycling
  • Medicine and Health
  • Functionalization and Finishing
  • Transfer Session “From Idea to Practice”

Deadline abstract submission for oral presentations: April 30, 2024
Deadline abstract submission for poster presentations: September 30, 2024

Partner countries for 2024 are Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg.

The next AACHEN-DRESDEN-DENKENDORF INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE CONFERENCE will take place on November 21/22 2024 in Stuttgart on site.  

You are invited to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations related to the following topics:

  • Textile Mechanical Engineering
  • Biobased Fibers
  • High Performance Fibers
  • Fiber Composites and Lightweight Construction
  • Circular Economy and Recycling
  • Medicine and Health
  • Functionalization and Finishing
  • Transfer Session “From Idea to Practice”

Deadline abstract submission for oral presentations: April 30, 2024
Deadline abstract submission for poster presentations: September 30, 2024

Partner countries for 2024 are Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg.


Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf

adidas: Official Team Wear for Paris 2024 (c) adidas AG

adidas: Official Team Wear for Paris 2024

adidas unveils the team kits that will be worn at the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. With one central design story, all adidas teams and athletes are united under a design DNA that celebrates the unique identities of each nation.

All athletes share a passion for their sport, but this internal fire burns brightest around major international tournaments. In Paris, adidas will capture the flame that burns within every athlete through impactful fonts and detailed graphics – that feature across all apparel created for its 15 officially sponsored teams. To express the fire within athletes, the kits’ graphics, typeface, and all over print use a repeated line pattern which is brought to life through pops of color

Beyond team kits, adidas’ offering extends to the 2024 athlete pack – a 49-strong footwear collection which equips athletes across 41 different disciplines – more than 20 of which may be seen during the field of play this summer.

adidas unveils the team kits that will be worn at the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. With one central design story, all adidas teams and athletes are united under a design DNA that celebrates the unique identities of each nation.

All athletes share a passion for their sport, but this internal fire burns brightest around major international tournaments. In Paris, adidas will capture the flame that burns within every athlete through impactful fonts and detailed graphics – that feature across all apparel created for its 15 officially sponsored teams. To express the fire within athletes, the kits’ graphics, typeface, and all over print use a repeated line pattern which is brought to life through pops of color

Beyond team kits, adidas’ offering extends to the 2024 athlete pack – a 49-strong footwear collection which equips athletes across 41 different disciplines – more than 20 of which may be seen during the field of play this summer.

More information:
adidas AG adidas Sportswear

adidas AG

INDA: Clean Advocacy Summit in Washington D.C. (c) INDA

INDA: Clean Advocacy Summit in Washington D.C.

INDA held an Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C. in partnership with ISSA’s, The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association, 2024 Clean Advocacy Summit. Over the course of two days, INDA members took to the nation’s capital to convene, connect, and advocate for issues important to the nonwovens industry, meeting with the staff and elected officials in over a dozen congressional offices.  

A key focus of these congressional meetings was education and support for the passage of the WIPPES Act (H.R.2964 / S.1350), the federal effort to implement consistent national Do Not Flush Labeling standards for non-flushable wipes. They also advocated for the renewal of the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill to provide tariff relief on items without domestic production as well as discussed various trade policy issues.

INDA held an Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C. in partnership with ISSA’s, The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association, 2024 Clean Advocacy Summit. Over the course of two days, INDA members took to the nation’s capital to convene, connect, and advocate for issues important to the nonwovens industry, meeting with the staff and elected officials in over a dozen congressional offices.  

A key focus of these congressional meetings was education and support for the passage of the WIPPES Act (H.R.2964 / S.1350), the federal effort to implement consistent national Do Not Flush Labeling standards for non-flushable wipes. They also advocated for the renewal of the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill to provide tariff relief on items without domestic production as well as discussed various trade policy issues.

The advocacy summit portion of the event included panels on Wipes Policy, consumer education, international trade, plastics, and PFAS. Speakers included Dr. Laurie-Ann Agama, Acting Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Textiles, James Willett, International Economist for the International Trade Administration, Sarah Sapirstein, federal lobbyist for the California Association of Sanitation Agencies, Lara Wyss, President of the Responsible Flushing Alliance, Jason Eberstein of the Plastics Industry Association, and Shawn Swearingen of the American Chemistry Council.

More information:

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

„AAA“ im MSCI ESG Rating Produziert von MSCI ESG Research, 2024.

Epson erhält „AAA“ im MSCI ESG Rating

Epson hat erstmals die höchste Einstufung des MSCI ESG Ratings „AAA“ erhalten. MSCI ESG Ratings ist ein globaler Investmentindex für Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung (ESG), der von der Ratingagentur MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) bereitgestellt wird. MSCI recherchiert und analysiert dafür den Umgang eines Unternehmens mit ESG-bezogenen Risiken und Chancen und ordnet es auf einer siebenstufigen Skala von AAA („Leader“) bis CCC („Laggard“) ein.
Epson führt sein erstes AAA-Rating auf sein Engagement zurück, international anerkannte, CSR-basierte Standards für die Beschaffung zu erfüllen sowie der Verbesserung der Systeme für Governance und die Entwicklung des Humankapitals im Jahr 2023.
Die Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724) wurde zudem als Bestandteil für den MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index, den MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) sowie für alle weiteren ESG-basierten Indizes für japanische Aktien* ausgewählt, die im japanischen Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) aufgenommen sind.

Epson hat erstmals die höchste Einstufung des MSCI ESG Ratings „AAA“ erhalten. MSCI ESG Ratings ist ein globaler Investmentindex für Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung (ESG), der von der Ratingagentur MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) bereitgestellt wird. MSCI recherchiert und analysiert dafür den Umgang eines Unternehmens mit ESG-bezogenen Risiken und Chancen und ordnet es auf einer siebenstufigen Skala von AAA („Leader“) bis CCC („Laggard“) ein.
Epson führt sein erstes AAA-Rating auf sein Engagement zurück, international anerkannte, CSR-basierte Standards für die Beschaffung zu erfüllen sowie der Verbesserung der Systeme für Governance und die Entwicklung des Humankapitals im Jahr 2023.
Die Seiko Epson Corporation (TSE: 6724) wurde zudem als Bestandteil für den MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index, den MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) sowie für alle weiteren ESG-basierten Indizes für japanische Aktien* ausgewählt, die im japanischen Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) aufgenommen sind.
Epson hat vier wesentliche Felder identifiziert, auf die sich das Unternehmen konzentriert: Nachhaltigkeit in einer Kreislaufwirtschaft zu erreichen, die Grenzen der Industrie zu erweitern, die Lebensqualität zu verbessern und sozialer Verantwortung gerecht zu werden – dies geht damit einher mit der Philosophie des Unternehmens, gesellschaftliche Probleme zu lösen und dauerhafte Werte zu schaffen.


Epson Deutschland GmbH