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JEC Forum DACH - Conference schedule

  • JEC Forum DACH: a primising agenda highlighting composites innovatioon in the region

September 7, 2021 - JEC Forum DACH's primary goal is to promote the region DACH area's dynamic composites ecosystem through a promising program that includes conferences, startup competition, and awards. The first edition of the JEC DACH Forum, unique in its format and content, will occur in the Forum of Messe Frankfurt from November 23 to 24, 2021.

For two days, the JEC Forum DACH program will offer the opportunity to exchange and learn about the current and future developments of Composites in the DACH region through a rich program of conferences, the JEC Composites Startup Booster, and the JEC-AVK Awards. JEC Forum DACH will include pre-arranged Business Meetings between sponsors and attendees as well as sponsors' workshops. Advance registration is required to attend this forum that expects to gather 500 participants.

Conferences, keynotes and market overview

  • JEC Forum DACH: a primising agenda highlighting composites innovatioon in the region

September 7, 2021 - JEC Forum DACH's primary goal is to promote the region DACH area's dynamic composites ecosystem through a promising program that includes conferences, startup competition, and awards. The first edition of the JEC DACH Forum, unique in its format and content, will occur in the Forum of Messe Frankfurt from November 23 to 24, 2021.

For two days, the JEC Forum DACH program will offer the opportunity to exchange and learn about the current and future developments of Composites in the DACH region through a rich program of conferences, the JEC Composites Startup Booster, and the JEC-AVK Awards. JEC Forum DACH will include pre-arranged Business Meetings between sponsors and attendees as well as sponsors' workshops. Advance registration is required to attend this forum that expects to gather 500 participants.

Conferences, keynotes and market overview

JEC Forum DACH will feature cutting-edge live conferences with exclusive keynotes organized by the AVK.
The composites industry provides a significant impetus, e.g. in its process technologies for hybrid structures or integrated manufacturing and modern mobility or new materials in the booming construction sector. There's been an increasing number of marketable ideas for recycling and sustainability solutions. Furthermore, an exclusive report on current market developments in the European composites market will be delivered.

JEC Forum DACH will also feature a fulfilling conference program with experts from the industry giving insights on the latest developments in high-performance composite technologies and applications.

Each day of the forum will be broken down as-is:
•    Two keynote speeches led by one or two high profile experts
•    Conferences/technical presentations
•    Workshops and Business Meetings

Please find the program of the conference attached.


AVK - Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V.


Texcare International will not take place in 2021

  • Leading suppliers of textile-care technology cancel their participation

Leading suppliers of laundry and dry-cleaning technology have used the free cancellation deadline offered by Messe Frankfurt against the background of the pandemic and cancelled their participation in Texcare International 2021 shortly before expiry. In view of this the Advisory Council of the world’s leading textile-care fair have voted to cancel Texcare International for this year because its success can no longer be guaranteed.

  • Leading suppliers of textile-care technology cancel their participation

Leading suppliers of laundry and dry-cleaning technology have used the free cancellation deadline offered by Messe Frankfurt against the background of the pandemic and cancelled their participation in Texcare International 2021 shortly before expiry. In view of this the Advisory Council of the world’s leading textile-care fair have voted to cancel Texcare International for this year because its success can no longer be guaranteed.

In view of the corona crisis earlier this year, Messe Frankfurt offered exhibitors of Texcare International the right to cancel their participation free of charge until 3 September 2021. As the months passed, the overall outlook became increasingly positive and, by the beginning of August, around 200 companies – including the important and big manufacturers from all parts of the textile-care sector – had registered to exhibit at Texcare International in Frankfurt am Main from 27 November to 1 December 2021. Factors contributing to this included the growing pace of vaccination around the world, the categorisation of trade fairs as business events and the officially approved protection and hygiene concept of Messe Frankfurt. Nevertheless, the mood changed shortly before the cancellation deadline as leading companies decided to withdraw from the event because of uncertainties regarding the future development of the pandemic.

Kerstin Horaczek, Vice President Technology Shows at Messe Frankfurt, took stock after the deadline: “Together with our partners, we worked untiringly to stage the Texcare International for the textile-care sector in the autumn. However, a leading international trade fair with a significantly reduced spectrum on show would not do justice to participants’ expectations of the fair as the most important meeting place and innovation hub for the sector. Therefore, we have decided to accept the vote of the Advisory Council and cancel Texcare International 2021. We are extremely sorry about this. At the same time, we are grateful for the on-going, high level of commitment demonstrated by the sector for their most important trade fair.”


Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Delegationen der GRÜNEN aus sächsischem Landtag und Europaparlament besuchen Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut (c) STFI
Bereits am 02.09. besuchte der Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Chemnitz, Sven Schulze (Mitte), das STFI, um sich bei einem Rundgang mit dem Geschäftsführenden Direktor, Andreas Berthel (rechts) und der zukünftigen Geschäftsführerin, Dr. Heike Illing-Günther (links), ein Bild von den vielfältigen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten am Institut zu machen.

Politischer Besuch am STFI

  • Delegationen der GRÜNEN aus sächsischem Landtag und Europaparlament besuchen Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut

Die Bundestagswahl 2021 rückt näher und Politiker:innen aus Bund und Ländern sind aktiv in ihrem Wahlkampf unterwegs. Schlagworte wie Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourcen- und Umweltschonung, Kreislaufwirtschaft und Innovation finden sich in den Programmen vieler Parteien wieder und sind wichtiger Bestandteil so mancher Zukunftsvision. Das Thema Forschung spielt dabei oft eine tragende Rolle.

  • Delegationen der GRÜNEN aus sächsischem Landtag und Europaparlament besuchen Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut

Die Bundestagswahl 2021 rückt näher und Politiker:innen aus Bund und Ländern sind aktiv in ihrem Wahlkampf unterwegs. Schlagworte wie Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourcen- und Umweltschonung, Kreislaufwirtschaft und Innovation finden sich in den Programmen vieler Parteien wieder und sind wichtiger Bestandteil so mancher Zukunftsvision. Das Thema Forschung spielt dabei oft eine tragende Rolle.

Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e. V. (STFI) empfing in dieser Woche gleich zwei Mal politischen Besuch. Am 07.09. stattete die Europa-Parlaments-Abgeordnete Anna Cavazzini (DIE GRÜNEN/EFA) dem renommierten Forschungsinstitut einen Besuch ab. Als Vorsitzende des Binnenmarktausschusses des Europäischen Parlaments wirkt Sie an Gesetzesvorschlägen zum Europäischen Green Deal mit. Dafür sucht Sie den Austausch mit Expert:innen und Stakeholdern. Zudem wollte Cavazzini, welche selbst in Chemnitz studierte, mit dem Termin auch Sichtbarkeit für die innovative Arbeit in Sachsen erzeugen. Am STFI konnte Sie sich einen Überblick zu den Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten in der Textilbranche verschaffen. Bei der Präsentation des Institutes wurde der Fokus auf erfolgreiche, zum Teil internationale, nachhaltige und „grüne“ Projekte gelegt. Themen rund um alternative Rohstoffquellen und nachwachsende Rohstoffe für Hochleistungs- und Chemiefasern waren ebenso Gegenstand der Vorstellung. Ob Fassaden-, Dach- und Gleisbettbegrünungen oder Pflanzeninseln: in diesen Bereichen hat das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut seit vielen Jahren immer wieder innovative Projekte initiiert, die durch den Transfer von Forschungsergebnissen zum Teil auch den Weg auf den Markt gefunden haben. Im Anschluss fand in der „Textilfabrik der Zukunft“, einem der Forschungs- und Versuchsfelder am STFI, eine angeregte Diskussion über Urban Farming, CE-Zertifizierung, Energieeffizienz und Verbraucherschutz zwischen der Abgeordneten Anna Cavazzini und der zukünftigen Geschäftsführenden Direktorin, Dr. Heike Illing-Günther sowie weiteren Mitarbeitern des STFI statt.

Einen Tag darauf, am 08.09., empfing das STFI eine Delegation der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN des sächsischen Landtages. Als Abschluss einer Klausurtagung am 7. und 8. September besuchten die Abgeordneten in kleinen Gruppen lokale Einrichtungen, Initiativen und Institutionen aus den Bereichen Zivilgesellschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft. Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut durfte sich dabei auf die Fraktionsvorsitzende Franziska Schubert und den Wirtschaftspolitischen Sprecher Gerhard Liebscher freuen. Wie schon am Vortag konnten hier interessante Gespräche zu den Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourcenschonung, Prüfung, Zertifizierung und Innovation in der Forschung geführt werden. Zu Beginn wurde das Institut vorgestellt, im Anschluss daran fand ein kleiner Rundgang durch ausgewählte Technika des STFI statt.

In der vergangenen Woche konnte auch der Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Chemnitz, Sven Schulze, welcher bereits seit Oktober 2020 im Amt ist, seinen Antrittsbesuch am Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut durchführen. Coronabedingt musste dieser immer wieder verschoben werden. Bei einem Rundgang am 02.09. lernte er die Arbeiten des Institutes im Bereich technischer Textilien, Vliesstoffe, textiler Leichtbau Veredlung und Digitalisierung kennen und zeigte sich beeindruckt von der Vielseitigkeit der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten am STFI. Die gute Kooperation der Forschungseinrichtung mit der Stadt soll auch unter Sven Schulze fortgeführt werden.


Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.

Rieter CAMPUS – Foundation Stone Laid (c) Rieter
Rieter Campus Winterthur

Rieter CAMPUS – Foundation Stone Laid

  • Rieter CAMPUS strengthens innovation strategy and technology leadership position
  • Customer and technology center and administration building ready for occupancy in 2024
  • Commitment to the Winterthur site and to Switzerland as a business location

On September 8, 2021, the foundation stone was laid for the Rieter CAMPUS on the western part of the Rieter site at the Winterthur location, which includes a customer and technology center as well as an administration building. The Rieter CAMPUS will make an important contribution to the implementation of the innovation strategy and to the enhancement of the company’s technology leadership position. At the same time, the investment of around CHF 80 million is a commitment to the Winterthur site and to Switzerland as a business location. 

  • Rieter CAMPUS strengthens innovation strategy and technology leadership position
  • Customer and technology center and administration building ready for occupancy in 2024
  • Commitment to the Winterthur site and to Switzerland as a business location

On September 8, 2021, the foundation stone was laid for the Rieter CAMPUS on the western part of the Rieter site at the Winterthur location, which includes a customer and technology center as well as an administration building. The Rieter CAMPUS will make an important contribution to the implementation of the innovation strategy and to the enhancement of the company’s technology leadership position. At the same time, the investment of around CHF 80 million is a commitment to the Winterthur site and to Switzerland as a business location. 

With a floor area of over 30 000 m2, the Rieter CAMPUS offers space for around   700 ultra-modern workplaces. For this purpose, Rieter and a specialist in office architecture have developed a contemporary space concept for the “Open Space Office” that is tailored to the needs of the company, divided into meeting rooms, focus rooms and some individual offices. The underground car park provides   88 parking spaces, and a further 12 outdoor parking spaces are being created   in front of the technology center.  “In the course of its 225-year company history, Rieter has helped shape the city of Winterthur. The foundation for the future as a leading technology company is now being created with the new CAMPUS. In this way, Rieter is giving a clear indication   of its commitment to the Winterthur site and to Switzerland as a business location”, commented Bernhard Jucker, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rieter Holding AG.

Innovation is an important part of Rieter’s strategy and crucial for the company’s success. For this reason, Rieter invests more than CHF 50 million annually in research and development. Thanks to this commitment, Rieter is making a   decisive contribution to the further development of systems for sustainable yarn production and their digitization. The Rieter CAMPUS will provide an attractive working environment that promotes creativity and innovation.  The new CAMPUS is a showcase project in terms of economic feasibility, energy efficiency and sustainability. Rieter relies on renewable energy for construction. This includes heat generation via geothermal probes and a photovoltaic system on around 1 300 m2 of roof area. “In this way, the entrepreneurial focus on sustainable and energy-efficient solutions for yarn production is reflected in the overall concept of the CAMPUS,” emphasized Rieter CEO Norbert Klapper.  The move into the new building is planned for 2024.


Rieter Management AG


EuroShop 2022 startet mit neun Erlebnisdimensionen

  • Anmeldephase für die EuroShop 2023 (26. Februar bis 02. März 2023 in Düsseldorf) hat begonnen
  • Neue Hallenbelegung
  • Retail Technology so groß wie nie
  • Surfaces & Materials erstmals mit eigenem Bereich
  • EuroShop 365

Die EuroShop 2020 in Düsseldorf war ein großer Erfolg, obwohl sie bereits unter dem Einfluss der Covid-19 Pandemie stand und unmittelbar vor dem ersten Lockdown stattfand. 94.339 Besucher aus 142 Ländern kamen an den Rhein, um sich bei 2.287 Ausstellern aus 56 Nationen über alle Facetten, Innovationen und Trends der globalen Retailwelt zu informieren.

„Die Pandemie hat den Handel weltweit vor ganz neue Herausforderungen gestellt. Je nach Bereich sind diese sehr unterschiedlich, aber Handlungsbedarf besteht nahezu überall“, sagt Elke Moebius, Project Director bei der Messe Düsseldorf. „In unseren Gesprächen mit Branchenvertretern spüren wir, dass der Bedarf, sich auf internationaler Ebene wieder persönlich austauschen zu können, enorm ist. Man sucht Inspiration, Innovation und Kommunikation“, erläutert Moebius.

  • Anmeldephase für die EuroShop 2023 (26. Februar bis 02. März 2023 in Düsseldorf) hat begonnen
  • Neue Hallenbelegung
  • Retail Technology so groß wie nie
  • Surfaces & Materials erstmals mit eigenem Bereich
  • EuroShop 365

Die EuroShop 2020 in Düsseldorf war ein großer Erfolg, obwohl sie bereits unter dem Einfluss der Covid-19 Pandemie stand und unmittelbar vor dem ersten Lockdown stattfand. 94.339 Besucher aus 142 Ländern kamen an den Rhein, um sich bei 2.287 Ausstellern aus 56 Nationen über alle Facetten, Innovationen und Trends der globalen Retailwelt zu informieren.

„Die Pandemie hat den Handel weltweit vor ganz neue Herausforderungen gestellt. Je nach Bereich sind diese sehr unterschiedlich, aber Handlungsbedarf besteht nahezu überall“, sagt Elke Moebius, Project Director bei der Messe Düsseldorf. „In unseren Gesprächen mit Branchenvertretern spüren wir, dass der Bedarf, sich auf internationaler Ebene wieder persönlich austauschen zu können, enorm ist. Man sucht Inspiration, Innovation und Kommunikation“, erläutert Moebius.

Die Vorbereitungen für die kommende EuroShop, vom 26. Februar bis 02. März 2023 in Düsseldorf sind angelaufen; die Akquisitionsphase hat begonnen.

Die Giederung der EuroShop wurde in verschiedene Erlebnisdimensionen für 2023 optimiert und umfasst neun klar definierte Erlebnisdimensionen:

  • Shop Fitting & Store Design/ Visual Merchandising (Hallen 10,11,12)
  • Surfaces & Materials (Halle 13)
  • Lighting (Halle 9)
  • Food Service Equipment (Halle 14)
  • Energy Management (Halle 14)
  • Refrigeration (Halle 15, 16, 17)
  • Retail Technology (Hallen 4,5,6,7a)
  • Retail Marketing (Hallen 3 + 4)
  • Expo (Halle 1)

Die neue Gliederung gewährleistet zum einen eine noch stärker besucherorientierte Angebotsstruktur, zum anderen ermöglicht sie Synergien verschiedener Dimensionen, die stark ineinandergreifen, wie z.B. Display Mannequins und hochwertiges Store Design oder Retail Marketing und Retail Technology. Darüber hinaus steht stark wachsenden Bereichen wie der Retail Technology oder Refrigeration nun mehr Hallenfläche zur Verfügung.

Einen besonderen Boom erfährt momentan der Bereich Materialien und Oberflächen, von Bodenbelegen über Wandverkleidungen und Deckenverkleidungen bis hin zu Akkustiklösungen speziell für den Handel, so dass es 2023 erstmals eine Dimension Surfaces & Materials geben wird. Premiere feiert auch die Dimension Energy Management, die bisher noch mit Refrigeration gemeinsam eine Dimension bildete. Das Energiemanagement betrifft im Handel inzwischen so viele verschiedene Aspekte, dass diese Ausgliederung notwendig wurde.

Expo & Eventmarketing belegt mit der Halle 1 erstmals die neueste Halle des Düsseldorfer Messegeländes. Sie besitzt nicht nur durch ihre direkte Lage am neuen Eingang Süd eine optimale Anbindung, sondern erfüllt sowohl architektonisch als auch funktional höchste Standards, die der hohen Kreativität der Livemarketingbranche entgegenkommen und optimale Präsentationsmöglichkeiten bieten.

Rahmenprogramm und Specials der EuroShop
Zum USP der EuroShop gehört neben dem umfangreichen Angebotsspektrum ihrer Aussteller  die Qualität und Bandbreite ihres Rahmenprogramms. Herzstück sind die insgesamt acht Stages der EuroShop mit hochkarätig besetzten Vortrags- und Diskussionsforen zu neuesten Entwicklungen und Best Practice Beispielen. Darüber hinaus präsentieren zahlreiche Specials in den einzelnen Dimensionen kreative Ideen, spannende Visionen und innovative Trends.

Digital Extensions und EuroShop 365
Die physische Veranstaltung vor Ort wird um zusätzliche digitale Angebote, die „Digital Extensions“, darunter z.B. Livestreams, erweitert.


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


Indorama Mobility Group: General price increase effective October 1st 2021

The Indorama Mobility Group, a manufacturer of industrial fibers, cords and fabrics, - like other companies - is confronted with significant inflation since the beginning of the year. The global economy has gradually recovered in 2021 from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but is still experiencing very volatile market conditions: The global freight remains unreliable and expensive, cost for energy and global commodities is increasing, and the increasing focus on sustainability and environmental impact is driving compliance cost upward in most part of the world.

In detail:

The Indorama Mobility Group, a manufacturer of industrial fibers, cords and fabrics, - like other companies - is confronted with significant inflation since the beginning of the year. The global economy has gradually recovered in 2021 from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but is still experiencing very volatile market conditions: The global freight remains unreliable and expensive, cost for energy and global commodities is increasing, and the increasing focus on sustainability and environmental impact is driving compliance cost upward in most part of the world.

In detail:

  • Utilities: gas price has tripled in the past few months in Europe (from a level of 15 EUR/MWh in Q4’20 to 45 EUR/MWh recently), while increasing by 50% in USA
  • CO2 emissions and compliance cost: prices for CO2 certificates in Europe have almost doubled, approaching 60 EUR/ton from 30 EUR/ton at the end of last year, while regulations continue to expand the need for CO2 compensation
  • Chemicals and additives (spinfinish, dip chemicals, coating & laminating chemicals): cost have increased by 5%
  • Packaging: prices for standard packaging materials have increased by more than 30%
  • Logistic: despite our local manufacturing footprint which is not fully affected by global freight issues, the regional logistic costs are also increasing up to 20% (road transport)

Despite constant efforts to optimise the cost structure through comprehensive initiatives to improve operations, cost increases have now reached a level, the group said, that can no longer be offset and must be passed on to the market. This is a necessary step to be able to continue supplying high-quality products and services of the broad product portfolio, it said.

More information:
Indorama Mobility Group

Indorama Mobility Group


EFI Reggiani Launches the Fastest High-Quality Scanning Digital Textile Printer in the Market

  • New HYPER model produces extraordinary printing quality at unparalleled speed, approaching single-pass throughput

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. is launching its third new digital textile printer of 2021, delivering the world’s highest real production throughput for a scanning digital textile printer. The EFI™ Reggiani HYPER is a scanning printer available in 1.8-metre, 2.4-metre or 3.4-metre widths. With an up to eight-colour configuration, the EFI Reggiani HYPER prints at up to 13 linear metres per minute in two-pass production mode, making it the fastest textile scanning printer on the market. The new printer is suitable for high-quality production on knitted or woven fabrics and is designed with smart technology that enables it to be integrated into Industry 4.0 projects.

  • New HYPER model produces extraordinary printing quality at unparalleled speed, approaching single-pass throughput

Electronics For Imaging, Inc. is launching its third new digital textile printer of 2021, delivering the world’s highest real production throughput for a scanning digital textile printer. The EFI™ Reggiani HYPER is a scanning printer available in 1.8-metre, 2.4-metre or 3.4-metre widths. With an up to eight-colour configuration, the EFI Reggiani HYPER prints at up to 13 linear metres per minute in two-pass production mode, making it the fastest textile scanning printer on the market. The new printer is suitable for high-quality production on knitted or woven fabrics and is designed with smart technology that enables it to be integrated into Industry 4.0 projects.

The new EFI Reggiani HYPER targets the industrial high-speed segment of the multi-pass textile printing sector. Not only is it the fastest multi-pass printer that EFI Reggiani has ever developed, but the fastest of its kind in the market, offering extraordinary printing quality with unmatched productivity.
The HYPER’s superfast carriage with 72 printheads can print two passes with production quality at speeds up to 13 metres per minute for a 1.5-metre-wide roll, or up to 10 metres per minute for a 3-metre-wide roll. On a 3.4-metre Reggiani HYPER printer, users can print a pair of 1.5-metre-wide rolls in parallel, delivering a total throughput of up to 20 metres per minute, which is comparable to some single-pass printers currently in the market.
The printer is powered by EFI Reggiani genuine inks, with high-quality formulas developed to ensure the best performance in terms of runnability and longer printhead life while producing astonishing colour depth and brightness, as well as excellent fastness properties.       


Kornit Digital at the New York Fashion Week (c) Kornit

Kornit Digital at the New York Fashion Week

  • Kornit Digital and threeASFOUR Give Shape to the Future of Fashion and Technology with the KUNDALINI Collection at New York Fashion Week
  • Event will showcase how fashion technology transforms creativity and expression, and eliminates wasteful overproduction prominent in the fashion industry

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile production technologies, announced today a collaboration with fashion designers threeASFOUR. The new collection, KUNDALINI, premiered today during New York Fashion Week, demonstrating exceptional capabilities for designers in the fashion industry to express brilliance, creativity, and extraordinary quality by using Kornit’s sustainable, on-demand fashion production technologies.

  • Kornit Digital and threeASFOUR Give Shape to the Future of Fashion and Technology with the KUNDALINI Collection at New York Fashion Week
  • Event will showcase how fashion technology transforms creativity and expression, and eliminates wasteful overproduction prominent in the fashion industry

Kornit Digital Ltd. (NASDAQ: KRNT), a worldwide market leader in digital textile production technologies, announced today a collaboration with fashion designers threeASFOUR. The new collection, KUNDALINI, premiered today during New York Fashion Week, demonstrating exceptional capabilities for designers in the fashion industry to express brilliance, creativity, and extraordinary quality by using Kornit’s sustainable, on-demand fashion production technologies.

Founded in 2005, threeASFOUR has built a legacy of fusing cutting-edge technology with traditional craftsmanship to create pieces that are both fashion and art. The intricate designs in the KUNDALINI collection unlock the full value of Kornit’s innovative and cutting-edge technology and showcase the power of the digital-first approach for fashion. The entire collection was produced using Kornit’s revolutionary MAX technology, which offers never-before-seen digital decoration and design capabilities.

Working closely with Kornit, threeASFOUR was able to maintain complete design freedom in accordance with their vision, while producing quickly and significantly eliminating waste. Using Kornit technologies enabled their designers to shrink design cycles to mere days—or even hours in some cases—which is inconceivable in the traditional ways of producing fashion.

“Collaborating with top global designers like threeASFOUR demonstrates that fashion production can be cleaner and more sustainable, while also being efficient and more responsive to inspiration and creativity,” said Ronen Samuel, Kornit Digital Chief Executive Officer. “Following the massive success of Tel Aviv Fashion Week, we are now creating exhibits and partnerships in New York, Los Angeles, London—and other global fashion hubs that need to adopt eco-conscious digital means of production. This collaboration with threeASFOUR is another step on our journey to become the operating system for on-demand sustainable, proximity fashion.”

“We’ve built our brand on pushing boundaries, advancing social progress, and uniting fashion with nature and with self, while experimenting with technological innovations,” said Adi Gil, Creative Director at threeASFOUR. “Our vision for more sustainable and meaningful fashion unites us with Kornit Digital, whose technologies seem to have been designed from the ground up to help us achieve our goals. We’re excited about the infinite design freedom that Kornit on-demand production solutions offer the fashion industry, and how it could help grow our brand and raise our profile and accessibility in the marketplace.”
Kornit Digital’s on-demand production ecosystem uses considerably less water and energy and generates far less greenhouse gas emissions relative to traditional analog production processes. As the cornerstone of an efficient micro-factory production model, Kornit’s technology uses safe and sustainable consumables to enable proximity production, eliminating the logistical waste, vulnerability, and time to market associated with multinational supply chains.

Livinguards Pro Maske ausgezeichnet als Nachhaltigkeitsprodukt des Jahres (c) Livinguard
Pro Mask Livinguard

Livinguards Pro Maske ausgezeichnet als Nachhaltigkeitsprodukt des Jahres

  • Dieser Preis unterstreicht Livinguards Bestreben, ein nachhaltigeres Leben zu ermöglichen.

Das Schweizer Hygiene-Unternehmen Livinguard, das Schutzmasken mit COVID-19-deaktivierenden Eigenschaften entwickelt hat, gab heute bekannt, dass seine Pro Mask die Auszeichnung als bestes Nachhaltigkeitsprodukt 2021 von der Business Intelligence Group erhalten hat. Mit den prestigeträchtigen Sustainability Awards werden Menschen, Teams und Organisationen ausgezeichnet, die Nachhaltigkeit zu einem festen Bestandteil ihrer Geschäftspraktiken oder ihrer Firmenmission gemacht haben. Zu den bisherigen Preisträgern gehören Hilton Hotels Supply Management, Dow und Belkin.

Livinguard hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Hygiene neu zu definieren, um Verbraucher und den Planeten zu schützen. Die patentierten und revolutionären Technologien des Unternehmens verleihen Textilien, Papier, Kunststoffen und anderen Materialien die Fähigkeit, Keime kontinuierlich, dauerhaft und sicher zu vernichten. Im Kern geht es bei der permanenten Hygiene darum, mit weniger Aufwand bessere hygienische Bedingungen zu erreichen – heute und für künftige Generationen.

  • Dieser Preis unterstreicht Livinguards Bestreben, ein nachhaltigeres Leben zu ermöglichen.

Das Schweizer Hygiene-Unternehmen Livinguard, das Schutzmasken mit COVID-19-deaktivierenden Eigenschaften entwickelt hat, gab heute bekannt, dass seine Pro Mask die Auszeichnung als bestes Nachhaltigkeitsprodukt 2021 von der Business Intelligence Group erhalten hat. Mit den prestigeträchtigen Sustainability Awards werden Menschen, Teams und Organisationen ausgezeichnet, die Nachhaltigkeit zu einem festen Bestandteil ihrer Geschäftspraktiken oder ihrer Firmenmission gemacht haben. Zu den bisherigen Preisträgern gehören Hilton Hotels Supply Management, Dow und Belkin.

Livinguard hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Hygiene neu zu definieren, um Verbraucher und den Planeten zu schützen. Die patentierten und revolutionären Technologien des Unternehmens verleihen Textilien, Papier, Kunststoffen und anderen Materialien die Fähigkeit, Keime kontinuierlich, dauerhaft und sicher zu vernichten. Im Kern geht es bei der permanenten Hygiene darum, mit weniger Aufwand bessere hygienische Bedingungen zu erreichen – heute und für künftige Generationen.

Die wiederverwendbare Pro Mask von Livinguard ist als medizinische Maske Typ I zertifiziert, zerstört Viren und Bakterien und verhindert deren Ausbreitung – einschließlich SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Die Technologie von Livinguard wurde umfänglich getestet und ist sicher für Haut und Atemwege. Livinguard-Produkte sind mindestens 30-Mal waschbar. Bei täglichem Gebrauch und wöchentlichem Waschen kann die Maske bis zu 210-Mal verwendet werden, was den Bedarf an 210 herkömmlichen Masken ersetzen kann. Bislang hat Livinguard mehr als 20 Millionen Masken verkauft, die umgerechnet mehr als 4,2 Milliarden Einwegmasken und somit enorme Mengen an nicht-recyclebarem Abfall vermeiden können.

In einer Zeit, in der die Umweltkosten von medizinischen Einwegmasken in Frage gestellt werden, ist dies ein Beweis dafür, dass Schweizer Technologie Hygiene und Nachhaltigkeit miteinander verbinden kann.

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Textil- und Modeindustrie: KMU investieren verstärkt in Digitalisierung

Das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt begleitet mittelständische Unternehmen bereits im vierten Jahr bei der Umsetzung von Digitalisierungsstrategien. Seit seinem Start im November 2017 hat Textil vernetzt 62 Praxis-Projekte mit 60 Mittelständlern umgesetzt und davon im letzten Jahr 14 Projekte erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Wie gemeinsam die digitale Transformation gemeistert werden kann, wurde auf der vierten, hybrid durchgeführten Fachtagung des Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrums Textil vorgestellt.

Das Corona-Virus wirkt als Technologie-Turbo. Unternehmen und Beschäftigte sind technisch deutlich besser ausgestattet als vor der Krise. Das ist das Fazit des Resilienz-Checks, einer GfK-Befragung im Auftrag von Microsoft Deutschland und der Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeber (BDA). Demnach sagen 48 Prozent der Befragten, dass die Software-Ausstattung in ihrem Unternehmen ausgebaut wird. Aufgrund der Krise mussten 67 Prozent der Organisationen sich an neue Arbeitsweisen gewöhnen, was auch dazu führte, dass 53 Prozent der Unternehmen insgesamt flexibler arbeiteten.

Das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt begleitet mittelständische Unternehmen bereits im vierten Jahr bei der Umsetzung von Digitalisierungsstrategien. Seit seinem Start im November 2017 hat Textil vernetzt 62 Praxis-Projekte mit 60 Mittelständlern umgesetzt und davon im letzten Jahr 14 Projekte erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Wie gemeinsam die digitale Transformation gemeistert werden kann, wurde auf der vierten, hybrid durchgeführten Fachtagung des Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrums Textil vorgestellt.

Das Corona-Virus wirkt als Technologie-Turbo. Unternehmen und Beschäftigte sind technisch deutlich besser ausgestattet als vor der Krise. Das ist das Fazit des Resilienz-Checks, einer GfK-Befragung im Auftrag von Microsoft Deutschland und der Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeber (BDA). Demnach sagen 48 Prozent der Befragten, dass die Software-Ausstattung in ihrem Unternehmen ausgebaut wird. Aufgrund der Krise mussten 67 Prozent der Organisationen sich an neue Arbeitsweisen gewöhnen, was auch dazu führte, dass 53 Prozent der Unternehmen insgesamt flexibler arbeiteten.

„Die Digitalisierung ist gekommen, um zu bleiben und verändert den Alltag in Unternehmen enorm. Die veränderte Arbeitswelt verlangt Arbeitnehmern wie Arbeitgebern in ihrer Dynamik und Komplexität viel Flexibilität ab. Wie in vielen Lebensbereichen ist auch an dieser Stelle Zusammenhalt gefragt.“, so Anja Merker, Geschäftsführerin des Kompetenzzentrums Textil vernetzt.

Wie Unternehmen von der digitalen Transformation wirtschaftlich profitieren, Chancen erkennen und Herausforderungen meistern, diskutierten die Unternehmer Olaf Thiel von Delta T. und Jan Baden von druckprozess gemeinsam mit Frederik Cloppenburg, Leiter des Textil vernetzt-Schaufensters am Institut für Textiltechnik an der RWTH Aachen und Frank Siegel, Leiter Funktionsdruck und kundenindividuelle Fertigung am Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstitut. Neugierig bleiben, aktiv Unterstützung suchen und damit zusätzliche Innovationskraft ins Haus holen, ist das Fazit der Gesprächsrunde.

„Cloud Computing und Cyber Security sind wesentliche Bestandteile einer guten Digitalisierungsstrategie“, so Roland Hallau, Fachkoordinator IT-Sicherheit im Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Chemnitz. Besonders für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen gehe es darum, zukunfts- und widerstandsfähig zu bleiben. Welche Hilfe hierbei Künstliche Intelligenz bietet, welche Daten Unternehmen für ihre ersten KI-Anwendungen nutzen können und was die Daten wert sind, wurde zum Abschluss der Fachtagung gezeigt.


Gesamtverband der deutschen Textil- und Modeindustrie e. V.

(c) Trevira GmbH

Trevira CS – starting afresh

  • New brand Trevira CS eco

After a challenging 2020 for Trevira CS®, a year in which the coronavirus crisis put pressure on the contract market, in particular on the hotel and event sector, and also on the cruise shipping industry, the market is starting to show some signs of improvement. Numerous new developments are seizing upon the trends that have emerged since the crisis began.

  • New brand Trevira CS eco

After a challenging 2020 for Trevira CS®, a year in which the coronavirus crisis put pressure on the contract market, in particular on the hotel and event sector, and also on the cruise shipping industry, the market is starting to show some signs of improvement. Numerous new developments are seizing upon the trends that have emerged since the crisis began.

Although the coronavirus pandemic had a negative effect on individual business sectors, it also has the potential to open up new market opportunities for flame retardant Trevira CS fabrics in the long run. The increase in people working from home and the longer and more frequent stay within one’s own home have led to a change in perspective in terms of the relevance of interior design. The design of the living space has undergone a revaluation. Sustainability, durability, high quality, and the desire for safe products that contain little to no harmful substances are defining criteria for selecting a new textile interior. The colour range of the new Trevira CS developments is directed specifically towards this trend and often comes across as discreet and close to nature. After Trevira CS products have found their way more and more into private homes, the new Trevira CS collections include numerous attractive textiles not only for the contract sector but also for the residential sector.

In the contract sector, notably in the hotel industry, the trends towards sustainability and quality are likely to continue to grow. Moreover, there is an increase in awareness as far as hygiene requirements are concerned. Textiles that are easy to clean without losing their appearance or their functionality can excel here. Accordingly, products ordinarily used in the healthcare sector might start to be of interest to the hotel and catering industry, public spaces, the transport industry, and to offices. This will apply in particular to areas where there is a regular flow of visitors and where people come into direct contact with fabrics. Antimicrobial textiles provide additional protection in these situations. Besides their flame retardancy, many new Trevira CS products integrate additional functions such as noise or sun protection.

Trevira has launched the Trevira CS eco brand for flame retardant textiles that consist of recycled Trevira products.
The new Trevira CS eco brand unites sustainability and flame retardancy. Trevira offers products for this which have been manufactured through different recycling processes. The flame retardant filament yarns are based on the use of recycled PET bottles (post-consumer recycling). Textiles bearing the Trevira CS eco trademark consist of at least 50% recycled materials.

Trevira uses an agglomeration facility to recycle reusable waste materials from production to manufacture recycled fibres that, after further processing, retain the same quality and performance characteristics as the original products (pre-consumer recycling).


Trevira GmbH


Lenzing AG: Early termination of contract with Stefan Doboczky

  • CEO Stefan Doboczky will not extend contract and will step down at end of third quarter 2021

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG, a world’s leading producer of wood-based cellulosic fibers, has come to a mutual agreement with its longstanding Chief Executive Officer Stefan Doboczky to end his contract. Doboczky has informed the Supervisory Board that he will not be available for another extension of his contract. With great regret the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG accepts his resignation and the parties mutually agreed to end the contract effective September 30, 2021.

  • CEO Stefan Doboczky will not extend contract and will step down at end of third quarter 2021

The Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG, a world’s leading producer of wood-based cellulosic fibers, has come to a mutual agreement with its longstanding Chief Executive Officer Stefan Doboczky to end his contract. Doboczky has informed the Supervisory Board that he will not be available for another extension of his contract. With great regret the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG accepts his resignation and the parties mutually agreed to end the contract effective September 30, 2021.

“My sincere thanks go to Stefan Doboczky for his exceptional achievements at Lenzing. The design and implementation of the transformation of Lenzing AG into a global specialty fiber leader and the positioning of the company as a recognized sustainability champion have been major accomplishments of Stefan Doboczky over the last years”, said Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Peter Edelmann. “Thanks to his leadership, Lenzing AG finds itself today on a stable and profitable growth track with a clear commitment to become climate-neutral by 2050. And all of that in spite of the challenging environment of the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Edelmann.

Stefan Doboczky: “Developing and consistently implementing the Lenzing strategy has been the cornerstone of my work in recent years. After extensive consideration, I have decided that this is the right time for a personal change. The strategy is in place, the company is well on track – now is the ideal moment to pass on the baton. And one thing is certain: Lenzing will always have a very special place in my heart.”

Lenzing AG remains on track with its guidance for the full year 2021 as announced with the half-year results. Cord Prinzhorn has been appointed interim CEO. Prinzhorn is Member of the Supervisory Board of Lenzing AG and will be available until a successor is found. The Supervisory Board will immediately start the search process.

More information:
Lenzing AG Stefan Doboczky

Lenzing AG


Kelheim Fibres to Increase Viscose Fibre Prices from 1. October 2021

Kelheim Fibres GmbH is announcing that with effect from 01. October 2021, or as contracts and agreements allow, prices for its range of viscose fibres will be increased by €0,20/kg. In addition, freight cost adjustments will be applied on an individual customer basis. In cases where energy cost adjustments are not included in contracts and agreements, a temporary energy surcharge will be applied.

“The measures we are taking are absolutely necessary to ensure that Kelheim Fibres remains in a position to supply fibres with the levels of quality and service expected by our customers,” says Matthew North, Commercial Director of Kelheim Fibres.

The year 2021 has brought extraordinary challenges for society and for industry. Alongside the Covid-19 pandemic, recovering demand, disruption in the global freight systems and dramatically increased energy costs are driving significant cost increases for raw materials and negatively influencing supply chains. Prices for energy and freight currently lie well outside their historical ranges.

Kelheim Fibres GmbH is announcing that with effect from 01. October 2021, or as contracts and agreements allow, prices for its range of viscose fibres will be increased by €0,20/kg. In addition, freight cost adjustments will be applied on an individual customer basis. In cases where energy cost adjustments are not included in contracts and agreements, a temporary energy surcharge will be applied.

“The measures we are taking are absolutely necessary to ensure that Kelheim Fibres remains in a position to supply fibres with the levels of quality and service expected by our customers,” says Matthew North, Commercial Director of Kelheim Fibres.

The year 2021 has brought extraordinary challenges for society and for industry. Alongside the Covid-19 pandemic, recovering demand, disruption in the global freight systems and dramatically increased energy costs are driving significant cost increases for raw materials and negatively influencing supply chains. Prices for energy and freight currently lie well outside their historical ranges.

Es sei der Kelheim Fibres GmbH gelungen, die Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die Faserproduktion zu begrenzen. Aber als Unternehmen mit eigener Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlage und einem hohen Exportanteil in Staaten außerhalb Europas hätten sich diese Kostenfaktoren im zweiten und dritten Quartal 2021 stark negativ auf die Margen ausgewirkt. Da die Energiekosten auf einem beispiellos hohen Niveau verharrten und im vierten Quartal möglicherweise weiter ansteigen werden, keine Entlastung bei den hohen Frachtkosten absehbar sei und auch die Rohstoffkosten auf hohem Niveau blieben, müsse das Unternehmen Maßnahmen ergreifen, um eine weitere Margenerosion zu verhindern.

Kelheim Fibres GmbH had succeeded in limiting the impact of the pandemic on fibre production. However, as a company operating its own cogeneration energy plant and with a high level of export business outside Europe, these cost factors have had a severe negative impact on margins during the second and third quarters of 2021. With energy costs set to remain at unprecedentedly high levels and potentially increase further in the fourth quarter, no relief to the high level of freight costs foreseeable, and raw material costs also remaining at a high level, the company needs to take steps to prevent further margin erosion.

Kelheim Fibres’ Business Managers will be in contact with individual customers during September with further information.

More information:
Kelheim Fibres viscose fibers

Kelheim Fibres

(c) Huesker

HUESKER führt ersten Hochleistungsroboter ein

  • Robotik für mehr Produktivität, Flexibilität und beste Arbeitsbedingungen
  • Tonnenschwere Entlastung für die Mitarbeiter in der Garnproduktion

Gemeinsam mit ABB, einem Pionier in der Robotik und Automation, entwickelte die HUESKER-Gruppe - einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von technischen Hochleistungstextilien für Tiefbau, Agrarwirtschaft, Industrie und Leichtbau- einen Prototyp, der gezielt für die Handhabung und Palettierung schwerer Garnrollen eingesetzt wird.

  • Robotik für mehr Produktivität, Flexibilität und beste Arbeitsbedingungen
  • Tonnenschwere Entlastung für die Mitarbeiter in der Garnproduktion

Gemeinsam mit ABB, einem Pionier in der Robotik und Automation, entwickelte die HUESKER-Gruppe - einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von technischen Hochleistungstextilien für Tiefbau, Agrarwirtschaft, Industrie und Leichtbau- einen Prototyp, der gezielt für die Handhabung und Palettierung schwerer Garnrollen eingesetzt wird.

In einer seiner Produktionsanlagen für Basisgarne, die teilweise zu 100 Prozent aus recycelten Materialien stammen, setzt die HUESKER Gruppe jetzt auf die Unterstützung eines Roboters.
„Wir haben uns in jüngster Zeit verstärkt Gedanken darüber gemacht, wie wir Robotik und Automatisierung bestmöglich für uns und unser Personal nutzen können. Bei der Handhabung und Palettierung von Garnrollen, die bis zu 15 Kilogramm auf die Waage bringen, lagen die Vorteile sofort auf der Hand: Roboter entlasten unsere Mitarbeiter von dieser anstrengenden Tätigkeit und geben ihnen die Möglichkeit, höherwertigere Aufgaben zu übernehmen“, betont Dr. F.- Hans Grandin, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der HUESKER Gruppe.

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Unternehmen ABB wurde ein Roboter implementiert, der neben hoher Leistungsfähigkeit auch besonders niedrige Gesamtbetriebskosten aufweist. Aus drei Produktionsmaschinen mit jeweils zwei Entnahmemulden nimmt der Roboter die fertigen Garnrollen zuverlässig auf. Die Mulden befinden sich weit oben und unten –unergonomische Positionen für die Mitarbeiter, die diese Tätigkeit bisher verrichtet hatten. Hinzu kommt: Je nach Produktionsauftrag sind die Garnrollen unterschiedlich in Durchmesser und Gewicht, was für den auf bis zu 150 Kilogramm ausgelegten Roboter kein Problem darstellt. Im Schnitt nimmt er dem Mitarbeiter rund 2,5 Tonnen pro Tag ab.

Auch filigranere Arbeiten kann der Roboter ausführen: Jede fertig produzierte Garnrolle hat ein offenes Fadenende, das gesichert werden muss, um ein Abspulen auf der Palette zu verhindern. Dafür gibt der Roboter die Rolle an eine Bearbeitungsstation, an der ein Klebeetikett angebracht wird, das den Faden fixiert. Zudem hat der automatische Spulenwechsel zur Folge, dass ein so genannter Reservefaden übersteht, welcher in den folgenden Verarbeitungsschritten jedoch nicht benötigt wird. Um ihn zu entfernen, fährt der Roboter die Spule an eine weitere Vorrichtung, wo der Faden mit einem Heizdraht abgebrannt und abgesaugt wird.

Für die Palettierung setzt der Roboter die Spulen hochkant und auf eine Palette. Sobald eine Ebene voll bepackt ist, entnimmt er eine Zwischenlage aus einem Magazin und legt sie passgenau auf. Anschließend folgt das Bestücken der Maschinen mit Leerhülsen, um so den Produktionsbetrieb zu unterstützen.

Die Mitarbeiter überwachen und assistieren sporadisch, etwa wenn eine fertige Palette abtransportiert, Zwischenlagen aufgefüllt oder Leerhülsen nachgefüllt werden müssen. Diese Aufgaben nehmen nur wenig Zeit in Anspruch und fallen pro Schicht höchstens ein- bis zweimal an. Somit läuft die gesamte Anlage, bis auf diese kurzen Unterbrechungen, nahezu autonom.

Nach erfolgreicher Implementierung der ersten Automatisierungsanlage sieht HUESKER viel Potenzial darin, Robotik für weitere Anwendungen zu nutzen – etwa für die der Garnproduktion direkt vorgelagerten Prozesse. Auf diese Weise werden durchgängige Automatisierungslinien geschaffen, die dem Unternehmen helfen, Produktivität und Flexibilität zu steigern sowie die Arbeitsbedingungen für seine Mitarbeiter weiter zu verbessern.




International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022: Call for Abstracts

  • The success story of cellulose fibres continues - plastic bans drive innovation – 300 participants and 30 exhibitors are expected in-person and online
  • 2-3 February, Cologne (Germany), hybrid event

Cellulose fibres are among the winners of the European 'Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD)', which has been in effect since July 2021 and entails plastic bans for a variety of single-use products. Cellulose is the main component of plant cell walls and a natural polymer. As a result, disposable products made of cellulose and cellulose fibres are not labelled as plastic and are explicitly excluded from the regulation. The success story of cellulose fibres will thus continue at a rapid pace with new developments and applications.

  • The success story of cellulose fibres continues - plastic bans drive innovation – 300 participants and 30 exhibitors are expected in-person and online
  • 2-3 February, Cologne (Germany), hybrid event

Cellulose fibres are among the winners of the European 'Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD)', which has been in effect since July 2021 and entails plastic bans for a variety of single-use products. Cellulose is the main component of plant cell walls and a natural polymer. As a result, disposable products made of cellulose and cellulose fibres are not labelled as plastic and are explicitly excluded from the regulation. The success story of cellulose fibres will thus continue at a rapid pace with new developments and applications. Building on the success of this year's conference with 200 participants, the International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022 will again cover the entire value chain, from lignocellulose, chemical pulp, cellulose fibres such as rayon, viscose, modal or lyocell and new developments to a wide range of applications: Textiles of all kinds, nonwovens such as wet wipes and new areas such as composites or nanocellulose in the food industry. All these sectors have gained considerable momentum in recent years.

Cellulose fibres have been a success story within the textile market with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 5 and 10 % over the last ten years and similar growth rates are expected in the coming decade. This makes cellulosic fibres the fastest growing fibre group in the textile industry and also the largest investment sector in the global bioeconomy.  The challenge now is to achieve a balance between the ongoing capacity expansion and the growing demand, to avoid overcapacity while still meeting rising demand from the major brands. These high growth rates are driven by the increased demand for natural fibres (and bottlenecks in cotton production), the microplastic issues, and bans on plastics in disposable applications. All three factors will continue to play an important role in the development of the sector in the future.

Focus of the conference

  • Impact of plastic-bans on single-use products
  • Transformation from fossil to renewable raw materials
  • Challenges in developing new value chains
  • Alternative raw materials for cellulose fibres
  • Latest technology and market trends
  • Market dynamics and stakeholders in the cellulose sector
  • New ecosystems and partnerships
  • Development of political environment
  • Improvement of sustainability in production

Companies are now invited to submit presentations as well as their latest developments for the Innovation Award.

Call for Abstracts and Posters
Abstract submission is open now. Latest products, technologies, developments or market trends are welcome.
Deadline for submission: 15 October 2021



nova Institute

(c) INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

INDA Announces the 2021 RISE® Innovation Award Finalists

  • Innovations in Protection, Efficiency and Engineered Fabrics

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the three finalists for the prestigious RISE® Innovation Award during the 11th edition of the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference, (RISE®) to be held virtually September 28-30, 2021.  The award recognizes novel innovations in the nonwovens industry that creatively use next-level science and engineering principles to solve material challenges and expand the usage of nonwovens and engineered fabrics. These three finalists will present their innovative material science solutions as they compete for the RISE® Innovation Award.

  • Innovations in Protection, Efficiency and Engineered Fabrics

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, announced the three finalists for the prestigious RISE® Innovation Award during the 11th edition of the Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference, (RISE®) to be held virtually September 28-30, 2021.  The award recognizes novel innovations in the nonwovens industry that creatively use next-level science and engineering principles to solve material challenges and expand the usage of nonwovens and engineered fabrics. These three finalists will present their innovative material science solutions as they compete for the RISE® Innovation Award.

Canopy Respirator
Canopy is an innovative respirator that is fully mechanical, non-electrostatic, with a filter designed for superior breathability while offering the wearer facial transparency. The breakthrough respirator features 5.5mm water column resistance at 85 liters (3 cubic feet) per minute, 2-way filtration, and a pleated filter that contains over 500 square centimeters of surface area. The patented Canopy respirator resists fluids, and eliminates fogging of eyeglasses.  

Evalith® 1000 Series
Johns Manville’s innovative Alpha Binder is a formaldehyde-free, high bio-carbon content, toxic-free binder formulation ideal for carpet mat applications. Alpha Binder eliminates monomer and polymer synthesis, uses a bio-degradable catalyst, and requires 70% less water in manufacturing. The resulting glass mats made of Alpha Binder are named “Evalith 1000” and reduces energy consumption during manufacturing by over 70% compared to alternative petroleum-based binders. Evalith 1000 was commercialized in North America in 2020.

Fiber Coated, Heat Sealable, Breathable, Hybrid Membrane, Fabric Protection
TiGUARD protective fabric is a construction of monolithic or hybrid imperious/moisture eliminating membranes with a surface covered with micro-fiber. This nonwoven product is a multi-layer all polyester fabric specifically for chemical and microbial protective fabrics, products, and garments. It is constructed of compatible heat seal-able materials which lend themselves to high-speed heat seal-able production and ultimately automated manufacture of garments without sewing. It is a combination of a densely flocked polyester fiber surface on polyester membrane supported by polyester scrim.
Virtual RISE™ conference attendees include technology scouts and product developers in the nonwoven/engineered fabrics industry seeking new developments to advance their businesses. These attendees will electronically vote for the recipient of the 2021 RISE® Innovation Award, on Wed. Sept. 29th. The winner will be announced Thurs., Sept. 30th.

The conference program will cover timely and relevant industry topics including: Material Science Developments for Sustainable Nonwovens; Increasing Circularity in Nonwovens; Market Intelligence & Economic Insights; Promising Innovations in Nonwovens; Process Innovations in Nonwovens; Material Innovations in Nonwovens;  the full program can be viewed on the link:

More information:
INDA nonwovens

INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry

MUNICH FABRIC START AUTUMN.WINTER 22/23 & BLUEZONE Review (c) Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH


  • Parade Example for physical Trade Shows

A whole year without physical trade fairs, long months without personal exchange: last week the physical International Textile Trade Show MUNICH FABRIC START and the International Denim Trade Show BLUEZONE took place for the textile industry in Munich. The team at Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH is bringing a bit of normality back to the industry, but also to event management. Thanks to detailed, Covid-19 compliant fair formats, the organisers show that trade fairs are possible and can be successfully implemented with the appropriate measures.

More than 600 international suppliers presented their new collections and developments for Autumn.Winter 22/23 in around 1000 collections in the Fabrics, Additionals, Design Studios, Sourcing, ReSource and Sustainable Innovations areas at MUNICH FABRIC START as well as denim, sportswear and KEYHOUSE at BLUEZONE.

A winning fusion of BLUEZONE & KEYHOUSE well-attended events

  • Parade Example for physical Trade Shows

A whole year without physical trade fairs, long months without personal exchange: last week the physical International Textile Trade Show MUNICH FABRIC START and the International Denim Trade Show BLUEZONE took place for the textile industry in Munich. The team at Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH is bringing a bit of normality back to the industry, but also to event management. Thanks to detailed, Covid-19 compliant fair formats, the organisers show that trade fairs are possible and can be successfully implemented with the appropriate measures.

More than 600 international suppliers presented their new collections and developments for Autumn.Winter 22/23 in around 1000 collections in the Fabrics, Additionals, Design Studios, Sourcing, ReSource and Sustainable Innovations areas at MUNICH FABRIC START as well as denim, sportswear and KEYHOUSE at BLUEZONE.

A winning fusion of BLUEZONE & KEYHOUSE well-attended events

Under the motto "BACK TO THE FUTURE", BLUEZONE offered a way back to the tactile experience of textiles and the reunion of the denim community. In addition to international denim weavers and manufacturers, visitors to the Zenith Hall also saw a qualitative selection of KEYHOUSE exhibitors who presented their futuristic innovations for the fashion industry.

Positive visitor & exhibitor echo despite Covid-19 measures

In keeping with the season's title "RISE", the visitors were greeted by inspiring, colourful trend forums with unique highlights for Autumn.Winter 22/23 collection development. In the halls, the industry was able to discover a trade show with the well-known and proven pre-pandemic quality with manufacturers and suppliers presenting in all 8 areas. Non-European suppliers were represented by agencies and offered well-attended show in show concepts.

The newly formed ReSOURCE x SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS Area also drew in the crowds. In a modern atmosphere, information was shared on sourcing sustainable textiles and additionals as well as innovative concepts. Another highlight was the launch of FABRIC.iD, the innovative process for the complete digitisation of fabrics to greater serve the industry's digital future.

B.I.G. YARNS awarded HPR status for second European plant © Beaulieu International Group
B.I.G. YARNS awarded HPR status for second European plant.

B.I.G. YARNS awarded HPR status for second European plant

  • FM Global ‘Highly Protected Risk’ Achievement Award for Komen site, Belgium
  • Completes HPR Award status for B.I.G. YARNS’ European production facilities
  • Fifth plant in Beaulieu International Group to attain HPR Award

B.I.G. YARNS is proud to announce the attainment of a FM Global ‘Highly Protected Risk’ Achievement Award (HPR Award) for its yarn production facility in Komen, Belgium.

The HPR Award is assigned by insurer FM Global, Beaulieu International Group’s insurance partner of the past five years in its on-going dedication to property loss prevention. A worldwide team of engineers focuses on providing assistance and protection of B.I.G.’s assets, helping the Group to achieve a higher level of risk protection. The FM Global assessment considers implementation of measures to protect against fire, natural hazard, mechanical breakdown of machinery and also cyber risks. The local team worked diligently over the last five years to implement all the FM Global recommendations.

  • FM Global ‘Highly Protected Risk’ Achievement Award for Komen site, Belgium
  • Completes HPR Award status for B.I.G. YARNS’ European production facilities
  • Fifth plant in Beaulieu International Group to attain HPR Award

B.I.G. YARNS is proud to announce the attainment of a FM Global ‘Highly Protected Risk’ Achievement Award (HPR Award) for its yarn production facility in Komen, Belgium.

The HPR Award is assigned by insurer FM Global, Beaulieu International Group’s insurance partner of the past five years in its on-going dedication to property loss prevention. A worldwide team of engineers focuses on providing assistance and protection of B.I.G.’s assets, helping the Group to achieve a higher level of risk protection. The FM Global assessment considers implementation of measures to protect against fire, natural hazard, mechanical breakdown of machinery and also cyber risks. The local team worked diligently over the last five years to implement all the FM Global recommendations.

Emmanuel Colchen, General Manager B.I.G. YARNS, comments: “Achieving the prestigious HPR Award recognizes the commitment of the teams at B.I.G. YARNS and the wider Beaulieu International Group to proactive risk management and contingency planning to ensure the safety and protection of our workplaces. Safeguarding property is a key element in enabling us to provide business continuity for our customers in demanding sectors like automotive, commercial contract and residential flooring.”

B.I.G. YARNS’ Komen production facility is the fifth plant at B.I.G. to receive HPR status - the highest level a plant can achieve for fire risk prevention and protection.

The Yarns division of Beaulieu International Group achieved HPR status for its other European site in Comines, France, in 2017.

(c) Isko

ISKO and MoRe Research: New possibilities for cellulose-based materials

As one of the driving forces helping to create a fully circular fashion industry, ISKO has partnered with Swedish research and development company MoRe Research, a part of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, to investigate and develop new, sustainable technologies made from cellulosic-based materials, derived from waste textiles, for the company’s 25,000+ range of products. It is hoped that this research will also help make the production of cellulose-based materials more sustainable.

The work with MoRe Research feeds into ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ strategy and will link with various sustainability projects the company is working on. For example, ISKO recently signed an agreement with HKRITA to license its Green Machine – a unique technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

As one of the driving forces helping to create a fully circular fashion industry, ISKO has partnered with Swedish research and development company MoRe Research, a part of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, to investigate and develop new, sustainable technologies made from cellulosic-based materials, derived from waste textiles, for the company’s 25,000+ range of products. It is hoped that this research will also help make the production of cellulose-based materials more sustainable.

The work with MoRe Research feeds into ISKO’s Responsible Innovation™ strategy and will link with various sustainability projects the company is working on. For example, ISKO recently signed an agreement with HKRITA to license its Green Machine – a unique technology that fully separates and recycles cotton and polyester blends at scale.

ISKO will leverage MoRe Research!s expertise and resources to find ways of repurposing the clean and toxic-free cellulose powders that are created from the decomposed cotton, as well as the recycled polyester and reintegrate this back into fabric production. By using all of the outputs from the recycling of textiles back into textiles, the prospect of a closed-loop system becomes more feasible.

The investment in this new technology is the latest in ISKO’s ongoing drive for advancements in sustainability. As part of the company’s R-TWO™ program ISKO is also working to develop fabrics with a guaranteed minimum +50% GRS (Global Recycle Standard) recycled content blend. This will significantly reduce the carbon and water footprint of a fabric, as well as make it easy to trace a garment’s sustainable journey step-by-step from the beginning of the supply chain through to the end product.


menabo for Osko


Lectra announces the acquisition of Gemini CAD Systems

Lectra announces the signature of an agreement to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of the Romanian company Gemini CAD Systems. A major global player in the fashion, automotive, and furniture markets, Lectra designs and produces industrial intelligence solutions – software, hardware, data and services – for brands, manufacturers and retailers.
The acquisition is in line with Lectra’s strategy of developing its presence in the fashion market, enriching its value proposition and fashion software portfolio.

Founded in 2004, Gemini CAD Systems (Gemini) has developed several innovative software solutions, essentially Computer Aided Design (CAD), for small and medium-sized fashion companies. Thanks to its network of partners, Gemini is present in over 60 countries.

The transaction concerns the acquisition of 60% of Gemini right now for 7.6 million euros. The acquisition of the remaining capital and voting rights will take place in two steps, in September 2024 and September 2026. The total consideration for the acquisition of 100% of Gemini’s capital will depend on Gemini’s revenue growth, and should be comprised of between 13 and 20 million euros.

Lectra announces the signature of an agreement to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of the Romanian company Gemini CAD Systems. A major global player in the fashion, automotive, and furniture markets, Lectra designs and produces industrial intelligence solutions – software, hardware, data and services – for brands, manufacturers and retailers.
The acquisition is in line with Lectra’s strategy of developing its presence in the fashion market, enriching its value proposition and fashion software portfolio.

Founded in 2004, Gemini CAD Systems (Gemini) has developed several innovative software solutions, essentially Computer Aided Design (CAD), for small and medium-sized fashion companies. Thanks to its network of partners, Gemini is present in over 60 countries.

The transaction concerns the acquisition of 60% of Gemini right now for 7.6 million euros. The acquisition of the remaining capital and voting rights will take place in two steps, in September 2024 and September 2026. The total consideration for the acquisition of 100% of Gemini’s capital will depend on Gemini’s revenue growth, and should be comprised of between 13 and 20 million euros.

